#based on book synopses
dduane · 1 month
What are your thoughts on companies like this that offer 'coaching services' for hopeful unpublished novelists?
This smells of scam to me but maybe I'm just a cynic:
Publishing Your Book
Query Letter Coaching/Editing – $550 per book (this includes two passes)
Synopsis Coaching & Editing – $750 per book (this includes two passes)
Proposal Coaching & Editing – $1,500 per book
Traditional Publishing Coaching – $200/hour (finding an agent, crafting your proposal, etc.)
Indie Publishing – $1000 (distribution to all platforms for optimal international exposure, guidance on pricing, blurb-writing, logistics, and keywords)
ISBNs for Indie Publishing – $150 per book format. Free if publishing through [the company selling these coaching services]
Briefly: before I got involved with any such operation, I'd want to talk to (multiple) people they'd worked with previously and find out what kinds of experiences they'd had. And in line with this, I'd be extremely cautious about any operation that wasn't run by professionals with a verifiable track record, and which wouldn't offer verifiable examples of feedback from people whose reality as non-sockpuppets could also be confirmed. And whom you could contact without having to go through the company in question.
On other issues: I'm looking kind of askance at some of those prices. (Here adding the disclaimer: I know people who do this kind of work out of a grounding of significant expertise and in good faith, and I'm not clear on what they're charging because I haven't really looked into it... not particularly needing it myself at this late stage in the game.)
At least part of the problem I'm having with the prices being charged in your example is based on the knowledge of how very much information of this kind is available free online. And yeah, there's the old chestnut about "The advice is worth what you've paid for it"... but that has sort of an unspoken negative corollary: "Except when you've paid for it and it nonetheless turns out not to have been worth much."
The trouble with the non-independent-publishing suggestions is that all of them deal with imponderables. Even if all the advice you purchase from those people at all those varied prices is absolutely right on the money, there's still no way to guarantee that any of it is going to lead to success in getting query letters, synopses or proposals actually looked at. Which puts this whole concept squarely in the nature of a gamble.
Not that luck doesn't have a role to play in a professional writing career. Sometimes you're just standing in the right place at the right time with a manuscript in your hands. But getting the idea that you can depend on that luck for any reason is unwise... as divine Fortuna is anciently famous for wandering all over the room, blowing on other folks' dice. (And if this makes me sound like I fall well down on the "Fortune Favors The Prepared" end of the spectrum: yeah, that.)
My advice would be to spend a good long while online, thoroughly researching all the free sites that have info to offer on all the traditional-publishing-facing topics. Then, after exhausting the available possibilities, if you still think you need to engage paid professional assistance... make inquiries among as many verifiable professionals as you can non-invasively query, before parting with any money at all.
As regards the indie-oriented fees: I'm finding those pretty steep. The prices for ISBNs in particular bother me. (Especially since in many places you can routinely buy packages of ten for about what these folks would charge you for two.) Yes, they're free if you publish with them: that sounds lovely. But publishers would normally buy many of those packages of ten. Or packages of a hundred: the more ISBNs you buy at once, the cheaper they get. And if you're paying the company for other services, who cares about the ISBNs? They're making money off you in different ways. Possibly equally overpriced ones.
So to finish: this is very much caveat emptor territory. There will inevitably be scammers out there, claiming their rates to be less than "bigger companies" are charging, but still too much. Therefore... advance only with utmost care.
...And adding this: @petermorwood glanced at the price list over my shoulder and said, "I wouldn't touch any of those with a barge pole."
At any rate: HTH!
...And now a word regarding our regrettably fickle non-sponsor, via Ol' Blue Eyes. :)
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booksbeyondimagining · 5 months
I'm trying to decide on books to preorder from BN since it's the Preorder sale, and how can I know if I want to read a book based on these kind of synopses??
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That doesn't tell me anything about the plot, only the special edition and a vague mood.
I love Sara Wolf but like...what the hell is that description and why can I not find a real synopsis anywhere????
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Alien Bodies
On an island in the East Indies, in a lost city buried deep in the heart of the rainforest, agents of the most formidable powers in the galaxy are gathering. They have been invited there to bid for what could turn out to be the deadliest weapon ever created.
When the Doctor and Sam arrive in the city, the Time Lord soon realises they've walked into the middle of the strangest auction in history — and what's on sale to the highest bidder is something more horrifying than even the Doctor could have imagined, something that could change his life forever.
And just when it seems things can't get any worse, the Doctor finds out who else is on the guest list.
Doctor ends up at an auction for his own dead body (anonymous)
One of the most notable Eighth Doctor books, the first by Lawrence Miles and the beginning of Faction Paradox. Generally very good. (anonymous)
Banger of a story where 8 goes to an auction in order to purchase 3's dead body. Then the weird shit starts happening. (@eighthdoctor )
Turn Left
On an alien planet, Donna meets a fortune teller, who launches her into a world based on one question: "What would happen if Donna never met the Tenth Doctor?" Without the Doctor, the whole world is in ruin, and a mysterious blonde tries to warn Donna of the oncoming darkness... Now a simple refugee, Donna is the only one who can undo the damage. But how?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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cannonball5 · 22 days
Prediction for how they’re going to handle Francesca moving forward
(Book Spoilers ahead)
Now I have only read the synopses for the books and heard what happens based upon descriptions so book readers I’m sorry. Anyway here’s the layout for Francesca’s timeline:
Season 3, part 2- Francesca and John Stirling’s relationship continues to grow and they eventually get engaged.
Marriage to John either in between seasons or at the beginning of season 4 to introduce Michael Stirling. Potentially building up Francesca and Michael before their actual season might be interesting.
Season 4-will be Benedict’s season but we’ll see Francesca and John intermittently throughout the season, being cute and in love.
Season 5- Eloise will be the lead, but Francesca is going to be there with John and he’s going to die halfway through the season. This will setup Francesca for next season as well as devastate the audience and also act as a catalyst for Eloise to declare how she feels.
Michael Stirling becomes Earl and meets with Francesca in either the Finale or penultimate episode to tell her he isn’t going to kick her out of her home since he’ll need someone to run the estate while he’s traveling anyway.
Season 6- Francesca’s season will explore grief and second love, and if done properly will be one of the best seasons Bridgerton ever has.
That’s just my two cents anyway.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
What do you think of the thought that the next book will be announced in March? I’ve seen a lot of people think this based on when she announced cc3, and also she announced cc2 in May acosf in June and cc1 in April, all of which were accompanied by synopses. Do you think she will stick with spring title and synopsis announcement and do you think the book will be out around February 2025?
Literally, any day is good. Today is good. Tomorrow is good. I’m ready. My body is ready
Truthfully I think March is too soon. Simply cuz announcing a new book less than 2 months after the release of the previous one is highly unlikely.
But hey I’m not gonna complain. But I think the earliest is June.
But I also don’t know anything so don’t listen to me.
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halscafe · 1 year
david, angel, and a book crackdown 📚
@epsi-l0n brought up the v important concept of a david and angel barnes & noble date, and now it's the only thing living inside my brain
i'm just imagining david and angel going on a barnes & noble date, and separating to get their respected books, agreeing to meet back together once they've gotten everything they both needed.
david picks up maybe 1-3 books of miscellaneous topics after 20 minutes (since he had a list prepared beforehand obvi). he texts angel to see if they are done, but they just message like "i'm in the romance aisle." all he sees when he shows up is angel seated on the floor, with like 15 books surrounding them, near tears like, "i got carried away and picked more than I planned (╥﹏╥)."
the next hour is spent with angel trying to narrow down their choices in a tense bracket-style crackdown based on reading the book synopses multiple times, and reading A LOT of online reviews.
cut to one-two weeks later when angel is back at the book store, and the same thing happens again.
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shallowstories · 2 months
Looking for a proofreader for this next long one!
Not active yet, but here's what it looks like so far. The synopses and stuff need work, and I plan on reading two writing books before really gritting down and hyperfocusing, so I'll probably be doing this late spring and early summer!
EDIT: AJ might proof for me hallelujah and oh lord I cannot fuck this up ////
For your crimes against the most high
Multi POV: Drafted 6/13 chapters
"For you have made your worthless knowledge known to human consorts, and through this comes much evil on the earth: for you have taught them war mongering, domination, and murder."
Synopsis: When Sam and Dean offer themselves up to save the world, Chuck plays it cool, vetoing the idea of a Winchester Bowl. But when Dean mentions Castiel, Chuck flies into a rage, insisting that Cas was nothing more than a divine catfishing scheme.
Sam strikes back, charging that Chuck’s full of shit, and that his focus on familial sacrifice is the source of his God-powers. Chuck's answer? A forty-day flood.
Timeline: Supernatural post-15x18, mid 15x19 fic
Focus: Canon-typical misuse of world religions, Fantastical retelling of The Book of Enoch, References to child sacrifice, The root of Castiel's miraculous resurrections, Polytheism, Angels as lesser deities, Wherein praying to angels is a sin, Hunters are conceived as sacred executioners, Accidental angelolatry, Michael moves like the war lord he is, Lucifer and Nephilim back story, The Great Flood and its Consequences, The Princes of Hell and the Shedim, Azazel tries to use Jack to open the portal to the Shedim, Primordial eve, jealous gods, Chuck tries to convince you that angels are all just Him in Disguise and the Winchesters are his puppetted holy honey traps
Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean & Sam, Sam & Dean & Cas & Jack, Michael, Michael/Adam if you squint, Lucifer, Chuck Shurley, Azazel and the Special Children, Historical Nephilim
Content warning: Major character death (Castiel), gratuitous references to Deliverance, and mishmashing of world religions without much care to accuracy. Eventual happy ending.
Updates are somewhat irregular but am persistently writing this one, I promise!
Proofread by (TBD).
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Ch 01: If he even existed (~4000 words, ~16 minutes) - Sam POV Ramping up his existential torture, Chuck insists that Cas was nothing more than sexy self-insert. During the face-off, Sam wonders if Chuck’s focus on familial sacrifice is more than an obsession but where he gets his power.
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Ch 02: At sea (~6000 words, ~24 minutes) - Sam POV Team Free Will 3.0 flees to higher ground, and the weight of grief hangs heavy. Michael is bothered by Chuck's sudden disinterest in the idea of the Winchesters killing one another.
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Ch 03: Wish you were h- (~6000 words, ~24 minutes) - Dean POV Things will never be like they were with Jack, but for a moment, Dean gets to pretend. (Jack shares photos from one of his and Castiel's ghost cases, where they apparently got up-close-and-personal with wingsuit base jumping.)
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Ch 04: Make war to me (~7000 words, ~28 minutes) - Dean POV Processing Chuck's taunts, Dean has a vivid dream of Cas. He emerges with a renewed faith in the future.
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Ch 05: You have fixed nothing (~6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Jack POV Morale tanks. Jack's mood takes a turn for the worse. Michael returns bearing gifts.
The rest are still more heavily in work, and might change, but here's what it's lookin' like so you can see if it's something you might wanna proofread:
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(GRAPHIC STILL IN WORK, the bloody spearing of two fish) Ch 06: Someone special (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Michael tries his best to stabilize Jack's energy issues. On a supply run, Dean and Jack run afoul of the special children, and Azazel reveals he's been waiting for this to happen all along.
Tentative list of updates:
Ch 07: Psychic boy blues - Sam POV - TBD - When the door breaks down, the last person Sam expects to see is Jake Talley.
Ch 08: Careful, bridge may ice - Dean POV - TBD - And the worst part of it all is that Lucifer told Michael this would happen. Long ago.
Ch 09: The wilderness we call home - Sam POV - TBD
Ch 10: Bring on the Nephilim - Jack POV - TBD
Ch 11: Declarations of war - Dean or Cas POV? - TBD
Ch 12: Against my better judgment - Cas or Sam or Jack POV? - TBD
Ch 13: It ain't much (working title) - Dean POV - TBD
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libertyreads · 3 months
March TBR--
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I'm hoping the month of March goes a little better for me reading wise. I felt like I got a decent amount read in February (while still sticking to my goals for the year) but a lot of it was so mid. I'm ready for any of these books to just grab me by the throat and keep me hooked. I have two rereads in preparation for new releases later this year. I also have two NetGalley ARCs and a hockey romance (because I've read one every month of the year so far, why not keep that going?).
The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah-- This is one of those books you hear about a ton on the bookish spaces of the internet and I decided it was finally time to see what all of the hype is about. In this one, we follow Loulie al-Nazari as she and her jinn bodyguard are forced to help the sultan find an ancient lamp that has the power to revive the barren land. There is a ton more in the synopsis, but like a lot of reviewers these days, I feel like synopses are starting to give too much away. I'm hoping for some City of Brass vibes and lots of adventure.
The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten (Reread)-- I read this one a year ago and I'm excited to dive back into it before the next book comes out. In this one we follow Lore who escaped from a cult beneath the city of Dellaire over 10 years ago. Lore's job as a runner sustains her, but when a run goes wrong and her power is revealed she's forced to work for the Sainted King to find the person in his court responsible for the deaths of entire villages on the outskirts of the country. Thrust into the Sainted King's glittering court, Lore becomes tangled in politics, religion, and forbidden romance. This was my favorite book of January last year so I'm excited to reread.
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu-- A first contact with aliens story that's been translated from the original (and set to be released as a Netflix show soon) and follows the outcome of a secret military project that sent signals into space to establish contact with aliens. Will the alien civilization on the brink of destruction be welcomed on Earth or will there be a fight against an invasion?
Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo (Reread)-- Before the next in the graphic novel series comes out, I plan on doing a quick reread of this one. Number one in this series introduces us to Raven who is forced to move to New Orleans following the accident that takes her foster mother's life. But that accident has also taken her memory. Then strange things start happening. This is a fun series and I'm glad I get the chance to reread it.
No Coincidence by Rafat Kosik-- Translated from the original Polish, this is the first novel in the Cyberpunk 2077 series. Apparently, this series includes collected editions of limited series, standalone graphic novels, and also full length novels. There are four authors who have contributed to it. It is all based on the game Cyberpunk 2077. My understanding is that you can start in a few different places. I hope it's true. Let's talk about the actual book now. This one appealed to me because of the cover. But the synopsis really got me. A misfit group is forced to do a heist thanks to some good, old-fashioned blackmail. The gang includes a veteran turned renegade, a Militech sleeper agent, an amateur net runner, a corporate negotiator, a ripperdoc, and a techie. They must come together to pull off the deadly heist. Also...is this the third book in this TBR about people being forced to work for people above them??
Must Love Hockey by Sarina Bowen (Kindle)-- This short hockey romance follows a woman who has an allergic reaction at a hockey game and is rescued by an equipment manager whose name she doesn't manage to catch. I've read and enjoyed Sarina Bowen before so I'm hoping this is a fun and quick read.
The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djeli Clark (NetGalley)-- The Dead Cat Tail Assassins are not cats. Nor do they have tails. But they are most assuredly dead. Those sworn to the Matron of Assassins--resurrected, deadly, wiped of their memories--have only three unbreakable vows. First, the contract must be just. Second, even the most powerful assassin may only kill the contracted. Third, once you accept a job, you must carry it out. And if you stray? A final death would be a mercy. Eveen's newest mission brings her face-to-face with a past she isn't supposed to remember and a vow she can't forget.
Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes (NetGalley)-- When I tell you that I was squealing the day I found out I got access to this book, please, do picture it as a cute and dainty squeal instead of the insanity that actually unfolded. I loved Dead Silence from this author so when I saw they had a new space horror novel I HAD to try to get an ARC. Space exploration can be lonely and isolating. Psychologist Dr. Ophelia Bray is assigned to a small exploration crew and she is determined to make a difference. But as they begin establishing residency on an abandoned planet, it becomes clear that the crew is hiding something. Her crewmates are far more interested in investigating the eerie planet and unraveling the mystery behind the previous colonizer's hasty departure than opening up to her. That is, until their pilot is discovered gruesomely murdered. I cannot wait to read this one.
This TBR is giving me such a good feeling. There's Sci-Fi, there's Fantasy, there's Romance, there's Sci-Fi/Horror (a beloved genre pairing for me), there's a graphic novel. I'm just hoping March is such a good reading month. I kind of need it.
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proxy616 · 1 year
Alright that's it. Marvel really hit rock bottom with Nightcrawler. Not a single member in the X-Office knows what to do with him anymore. Like yes he references Spider-Man a lot, yes they have similar powers and yes he has many values similar to Peter's. But for crying out loud. Having him masquerading as THE Spider-Man is the stupidest next step in this in-universe reference. Why is this even a thing. Where's Spidey?? AND WHY DOES KURT REPLACE HIM OF ALL PEOPLE??? Sure they've met before but they're barely acquaintances and Peter wouldn't put his responsibility on New York on anyone other than himself.
Kurt's costume is the most useless thing about this mess: The whole point of Spidey's is to conceal his identity... What does the one Kurt has conceal exactly? Every specific physical trait that relates to him is visible! How many people in the Marvel universe have a spaded tail, elf ears, two toes, three fingers and make a BAMF sound while goddamn TELEPORTING?? Which idiot wouldn't know who's behind that mask in one meeting?
Also. Do I really need to bring up how unfortunately placed Kurt's tail is on the spider symbol. How unfortunately shaped it is in that placing. Has nobody at Marvel noticed this
It is a bizarre choice among a whole bunch of other bizarre choices for Fall of X. I’m guessing one of two things are going on:
One from a marketing standpoint. Nightcrawler’s not the only mutant mixing with other Marvel characters (although I do believe he’s the only one taking up another’s mantle), so this may be a huge plug by Marvel comics marketing. Attempting to boost comics sales by mixing other Marvel properties together and maybe in preparation for the x-men’s MCU debut. Naively thinking that all MCU fans also read comics.
Or, based on the synopses I’ve read for a number of the Fall of X books, the mutants appear to be once again ‘public enemy number one’ with many of them possibly missing/dead/out of commission. Therefore Nightcrawler may actually be keeping his mutant identity hidden or not advertising at least. On the other hand he could be promoting mutants as heroes by taking on a role that the public support and doing what Kurt does best, be a huge ham. It’s also possible that Peter Parker may be out of commission. So Nightcrawler could also be filling in for him.
Whatever the reason, it will make for some interesting speculation until the book comes out in September.
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topazadine · 5 months
Anyway I need to scream about my book trilogy POESY, PERSEITY, and PLEXITY (of which only one book is written, but I'm writing the synopses for the other two) even though no one cares
A bullet point of what you can expect when I finally sell them and become a multi billion award winning author (it will be so)
Magical poetry powers! Hot gay lady girls!
I cannot stress enough the magical poetry powers
Obscene sexual gay lady tension
Themes of found family, healthy versus toxic family bonds, orphanhood, alloparenting, complicated grief
Evil queen inculcates ridiculous levels of inequality while throwing her subjects a scrap of civil infrastructure, enough to sate their physical needs but not their intellectual desires
Decolonization through destroying mountains
Brothers shooting sisters and then feeling bad about it!
A fibromyalgia-like chronic illness developed through trauma!
Comphet, internalized misogyny, internalized homophobia, the development of societal homophobia
Traitorous lesbian princess!
Reincarnation and history repeating itself for love~~
p a t r i c i d e
Solar-powered pistols!
Real-time development of an entirely new religion??
Internalized ableism due to standards of masculinity :(
Civil wars based entirely on lesbophobia and misogyny (normal behavior)
The destruction of the monarchy and its replacement with democracy!!
So much ... so much I have to write three books to cover it all ....
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A Brief Swim Into Adaptations, Fan Fiction, & the Tolkien Fandom
To cut to the chase: adaptations are separate entities from a book. Different mediums demand adjustments to storytelling. If an adaptation is technically well-executed, then I theorize that viewer approval largely hinges on how much they expect the adaptation to match their reader experience.
Personally, I don't want to sit through 12 hours of predictable film nor 5 seasons of TV. And other Tolkien fans demand it. To each their own.
It's a common saying that adaptation is fan fiction. It can have large overlaps for sure. To me, it boils down to intent. Adaptation seeks a faithful translation of source material. Fan fiction creates a story from source material with discretion to faithfulness. Adaptation = Galadriel as a warrior. Fan fiction = Galadriel as a Nazgul (I’d watch it).
Adaptation decision-making is a combo of creative vision, practical production needs and politics. Many fans don't consider this when faced with changes. Example: in the PJ's LotR, Glorfindel got axed. Arwen rescued Frodo instead. A decision related to time, importance, and politics. Plus, in 2001, a major film without female roles would be accused of sexism and limit audience appeal. Both would've impacted box office numbers & award nomination. With Glorfindel axed, Aragorn’s backstory changes and so does his character arc somewhat. So on and so forth. None of these changes stemmed from PJ's own preferences.
The Tolkien fandom is notorious for a strain of pedantic and vocal desire for purity. I could go much deeper into Tolkien fanboys. But for now, I’ll focus on one big component: Tolkien left readers with the literary version of the Winchester Mystery House. Per his prerogative, massive (un/intentional) blank space open for interpretation. Particularly in deep lore, which isn’t novelistic, but rather, synopses. People fill in blank spaces differently. Also, what other fandom requires readers to study the author for interpretation of said blank spaces?
Another factor is a fan’s goal for consuming the adaptation. Is it for entertainment or communion? All in all, the Tolkien fandom is a tough crowd to please.
Studio-produced adaptation relies on fandom money and/or time. People deserve to get what they “paid” for based on communicated expectations. If film producers/show runners claim it’s Tolkien then the work would, at minimum, reflect aligned themes, motifs, and symbolism in storylines, dialogue, and visuals. Moreover, devout Catholicism aligned. I do think RoP does a good faith attempt with Tolkien’s own intentionalist views through Galadriel. Otherwise, call it Tolkienesque.
However, while compelling, the show’s “touching the darkness” theme reflects show runner JD Payne’s Mormon’s beliefs more than Tolkien. So if Galadriel doesn’t eventually feel pity for the orcs she expressed genocidal rage toward in the next 4 seasons, it’s arrogant fan fiction. I sat through 8 hours of time and I get to call it out. Beyond that, creativity in blank spaces is fair. Case in point, Disa singing.
Technical execution is a separate area. Even fan fiction demands narrative logic and flow is valid. If nothing else, make it make sense within the context given.
More another time.
Thank you for reading! Your likes and reblogs are appreciated. Got feedback?
What did you like? Got theories or insights to share?
Disagree? I love good faith debate and sparring!
Need clarity around points? Got feedback on readability?
Spot an inaccuracy? Hey, Tolkien's work is complex. Drop it in comments or DM.
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More variations on “reading the books”/”watching the show” fic
“Book Club”: the characters read each chapter on their own time, and then come together to discuss what they just read.  One character didn’t get around to it, one character got two pages in and then so overwhelmed by embarrassment for their past/future self that they couldn’t bear to keep reading, one character read ahead and is now Dying
“Reading the Sparknotes/Wikipedia Chapter/Episode Summaries” Fic: mostly informative, but sometimes a character will come out of nowhere or something will get mentioned in passing that just leaves everyone deeply confused and begging for clarification
“Reading a Fandom Discourse Blog Overanalyzing the Episode” fic: stuff the characters find important is glazed over in favor of some truly terrifying in-depth analysis of stuff the characters didn’t really feel the need to share with a large group of their friends/family members/acquaintances
“Reading a Generic Time-Travel Fix-It Fic” fic: characters have to figure out what their future was actually destined to hold based entirely on what a “fictionalized” version of the protagonist is trying to change
“Watching the YouTube Episode Recaps” Fic
“Watching the ‘Previously On’“ Fic: the characters never get to see the actual show, only the clips from every “previously on” teaser in order.  Said clips are often out of order or lacking context
“Reading the Episode Titles and One-Line Synopses” Fic: as if the characters are looking through a tv guide for an upcoming marathon of their show.  Have fun figuring out who any of these people are or what their future selves are even trying to accomplish!
“Watching the Adaptation” Fic: for any media that follows the general plot but makes notable changes in the adaptation.  Limited Run comic book characters watch the streaming TV show.  Movie characters watch a bootleg of the stage musical.  Book characters watch the movie.  Try to persuade the others that anything bad you’re shown doing was changed for the adaptation!  Puzzle at why people look completely different!  Try to figure out if any of this information is even worth looking into, let alone acting on!
“Reading the ‘Reading the Book Fic’” Fic: Characters don’t get to read the original book, but they do get to read about themselves reacting to it!  Unfortunately, the original text of the book has been almost entirely redacted for copyright reasons.  I’m sure they can figure it out!
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Imagine a war. A war that has lasted centuries, a war which has transformed an entire planet into a desolate No Man's Land. A war where time itself is being used as a weapon.
You can create zones of decelerated time and bring the enemy troops to a standstill. You can create storms of accelerated time and reduce the opposition to dust in a matter of seconds.
But now the war has reached a stalemate. Neither the Plutocrats nor the Defaulters have made any gains for over a hundred years.
The Doctor, Fitz and Anji arrive at Isolation Station Forty, a military research establishment on the verge of a breakthrough. A breakthrough which will change the entire course of the war.
They have found a way to send soldiers back in time. But time travel is a primitive, unpredictable and dangerous business. And not without its own sinister side effects...
YOU THINK MIDNIGHT IS SCARY? YOU THINK MIDNIGHT IS HORROR? TRY READING ANACHROPHOBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imagine. there is a war that has been raging for centuries between two groups - the plutocrats and the defaulters (YEAH THIS IS ALSO A COMMENTARY ON THE FUTILITY OF CAPITALISM AND WAR ECONOMICS!) - and both sides have developed time technology that allows them to either Speed Time Up (which can age someone to dust in the span of a few seconds) or Slow Time Down (trapping someone in a single second for millennia). the doctor and his friends are trapped in a military base that is studying time travel. they send a pod into the past, but when it comes back it brings Something With It. something that makes people Lose Their Whole Past and relive moments again and again. and also turns their faces into clocks. read this fuckkng book (@eightdoctor )
Alien Bodies
On an island in the East Indies, in a lost city buried deep in the heart of the rainforest, agents of the most formidable powers in the galaxy are gathering. They have been invited there to bid for what could turn out to be the deadliest weapon ever created.
When the Doctor and Sam arrive in the city, the Time Lord soon realises they've walked into the middle of the strangest auction in history — and what's on sale to the highest bidder is something more horrifying than even the Doctor could have imagined, something that could change his life forever.
And just when it seems things can't get any worse, the Doctor finds out who else is on the guest list.
Doctor ends up at an auction for his own dead body (anonymous)
One of the most notable Eighth Doctor books, the first by Lawrence Miles and the beginning of Faction Paradox. Generally very good. (anonymous)
Banger of a story where 8 goes to an auction in order to purchase 3's dead body. Then the weird shit starts happening. (@eighthdoctor )
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panlight · 2 years
the new show based on the works of anne rice show a character going thrpugh the "newborn" phase,althought he is actually called a "fledlging"
I'm going to have to watch it, I think. For science.
I never really got into Anne Rice's stuff. I read "Interview with the Vampire" as part of my initial marathon read of vampire literature (that also included the Twilight series--hence why I am always looking at it as a vampire story vs a romance which may not be entirely fair but, meh--and Salem's Lot, Dracula, etc). I liked it well enough but after googling synopses of the others book I opted not to read them as the plot points just didn't interest me (something about rock music waking up an ancient vampire and a body swap of some kind?).
But yes, I'm here for stories about new vampires figuring things out and hating themselves and "oh what have you DONE to me?" and all that angst and adjustment. The fact that Bella was just like "wow I'm good at this right away?" was not only anticlimactic and unfair after three books of dire warnings but also just . . . boring. I mean she's literally hanging out with her human dad on like day two (or was it three?) of being a newborn vampire and her thirst is never really an issue after that. Why bother making her a vampire at all if she doesn't have to DEAL with any consequences?
Louis' experience is definitely more my speed.
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oceans-swim · 2 years
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I posted 6,100 times in 2022
That's 4,104 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (1%)
6,034 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,315 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#oceans queue - 1,511 posts
#jrwi - 464 posts
#empires - 332 posts
#amazing art - 325 posts
#dsmp - 128 posts
#dlsmp - 108 posts
#whoa - 103 posts
#whoaa - 82 posts
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Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i was listening to the bitb soundtrack while watching this and the really creepy cocoon one started playing during
My Top Posts in 2022:
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naur an edraith ammen “fire [be] for saving of us” naur dan i ngaurhoth “*fire against the wolf-horde”
haha scott. what are. what are you doin over there. this is from book of spells translated sindarin
48 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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waves guess who just watched pd ep11 last night
55 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
would you like to hear about ambrosia smp
of course you do!! ambrosia is a planned out, lore-based small streamer smp based in episodes and streamed/recorded by multiple people from different points of view. the setting and character designs are inspired by ancient greece and rome, and story-wise it is based on gnomeo and juliet, but different factions, known as ocar and violet.
season one just finished, and the most reacent episode of season two was streamed on friday april 29th, 7:30 pm edt!!
here's all the character profiles, links to socials, and episode synopses
here's a spreadsheet of all past recorded/saved episodes
here's the ambrosia server twitter, where you can find quotes, fanart, and updates on the status of episodes
ambrosia is such an incredibly cool server with a great story to tell, and my inbox is open for any questions. thanks for reading o/
55 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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See the full post
68 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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revenge of the wasps is a perfect movie to fall asleep to
69 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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kyndaris · 2 years
The Reality of Friendship
Over the last two years, as the world slowed to a crawl, many people began to reach out. In my last post, I talked about meeting up with people from high school, either via luck or through a simple Facebook comment on a post.
But just reaching out isn’t enough. You have to maintain it if you want to keep alive your connection to other people. Which can be especially hard now that life has returned to a sense of normalcy and everything is opening up again. Once more, we’re all ‘too busy.’ The things that were placed on the backburner have returned with a vengeance. Trips that were delayed can now be experienced.
In many ways, that’s great!
And yet, as a person that is often overlooked, it’s tiring to be the one that is constantly reaching out to see where people are at and organising real life or virtual catch-ups. 
Perhaps it’s because that as we have grown up, our interests have diverged. Maybe people see me as clinging to the past with my love for video games and obsessive reading habits. Yes, it’s a trait that has dogged me for many years and I don’t doubt they’ll be with me until the day I die, but can you blame me when there’s so many mind-blowing narratives and rich worlds to consume?
Still, there’s also a budding resentment within me that has only festered. Why can’t these people ask me out for dinner? Why is it always me that’s trying so desperately to keep hold of old friendships? 
It is exhausting trying to carry these all on my back. And it’s worse when, during the pandemic, all I was trying to do was lift everyone’s spirits because we were in one of the longest and most terrible of lockdowns. Honestly, it’s hard when you feel like you’re the only one obeying the health mandates of keeping away when other people seem to be out on the streets spreading COVID-19 around like there’s no tomorrow (although on that note, could I possibly give a warm welcome to monkey pox?)
To be fair, though, I’m not trying to be clingy. I only ever reach out every few weeks or so. Perhaps once a month or with just an annual ‘Happy Birthday’ because my mind is a steel trap and I have everything memorised.
Still, maybe there’s a reason why people just gradually fall out of friendships. Possibly because of our busy lifestyles or that we want different things out of life. It’s no-one’s fault and yet the friendship is giving back as much as I put in when it comes to enjoyment. It doesn’t even matter if the two people involved might have supposedly similar personalities (they don’t really - the only common denominator seems to just being introverted but being introverted simply means that one’s social battery drains too fast). If one person becomes reluctant to engage, and wants to withdraw, maybe that’s a sign that a break is needed. Especially if conversations are stilted if the other party wants something more from me than I’m willing to give.
But maybe, too, there’s a power imbalance in the friendship. What does one do when someone has put another on a pedestal in their mind. Or what about those that cling to a specific image of an individual? Nostalgia can go a long way but friendships based on it cannot last without some sort of change to the dynamic.
I suppose some of this strange dissonance with other people might come from the fact that I have a very eclectic and wide-ranging number of things that I enjoy and consume. There are people out there, however, that don’t engage as much. Rather, they’re perfectly fine with not engaging in anything that’s popular or mainstream, instead reading plot synopses on Wikipedia instead of actually experiencing a given TV show, game or book. It makes talking about the latest episode of say, Umbrella Academy or The Good Place, all that harder because they don’t have the quotes or understand the nuanced references.
So, one friend I have, we bonded over our love for the Kingdom Hearts franchise. And yet, when I finished playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and wanted to discuss the ending and how Nomura attempted to redeem Master Xehanort, they hadn’t found a means to play or watch a playthrough. Rather, they were only able to hear my rants or read my spoiler-filled impression of the game.
And though there can be some level of engaging conversation, because they haven’t actually experienced the game fully, it’s harder to get their exact thoughts on Nomura’s twisted form of writing and the hidden hints for the sequel.
It also doesn’t help that with many of my high school friends, our interests are vastly different. I’ve dabbled with so many things. From Dragon Prince to She-Ra to Arcane on the animated side to a vast array of popular TV shows and movies. They have NONE of that context to build from. It’s one thing to just obsess about a TV show that I’ve watched but it’s another to share in that excitement with a fellow appreciator. Thank goodness that I have one friend that I can discuss the craziness of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and appreciate the lyrical genius of Bo Burnham. 
Game-wise, they might know about the video games I play but they’d lack the appreciation I might have for the game - instead, experiencing it only semi-vicariously through my frenetic impressions on my blog. But honestly, most of my ‘friends’ don’t read my blog for the games. They read it for the personal anecdotes because games don’t interest them. Or the games that they play are simple mobile ones or just the same game that they’ve played for years and years.
And don’t even talk about books.
I don’t think most of the people I know have picked up a proper novel in years. They might sing my praises when it comes to the short stories they’ve read on my FictionPress but there’s little context for them with which to compare. How can they when they’ve not heard the likes of Tess Gerritsen, Robin Hobb, Brandon Sanderson or Thomas Harris? That’s not to mention the likes of Sarah J. Maas and her ilk of YA authors (some good and others...intriguing).
How can I properly rant about the connected Maasverse if there’s no context? I can’t decry the wing kinks, the slash of white and the way all the ‘males’ growl about their mates. 
I mean, yes, I could rant about it - after all, I just did - but without that shared experience, it falls flat.
Maybe this is all me catastrophising and I’ll reignite the spark of friendship that had us clasping our hands in solidarity. Or maybe it’s time for me to talk it out and put it out of its misery. Like a romantic relationship, it seems that people can fall in and out of friendships too. And after investing so much time and effort into it, if I’m not receiving anything back, maybe it’s time to just step away.
Or maybe just reduce our status back to acquaintances that might warrant a simple ‘hello’ if we see each other on the street.
It’s hard because there’s a lot of shared memories when it comes to people that I’ve known since high school or before. But when I have to hide parts of who I am simply to keep up the charade that I’m the same person from a decade ago, it is so draining.
But even though change was something I’m scared of, the truth of the matter is that I’m not the same Kyndaris. And I simply don’t derive as much fun or joy from the other person as I might have. The meaningful chats are one-sided and I don’t want them to be tethered to someone who can’t appreciate their insights into their personal psyche. You deserve someone that will actually listen and can respond in kind. That someone, unfortunately, is not me. 
Suffice it to say, that was a long and winding tangent. Still, at its core is the concept that friendship is a strange and fickle thing. Some people might remain friends for the rest of their lives. But other times, friendships too, must come to an end. Or, at the very least, be put on hold before they become a cloying toxic mess.
In summary: I’m sorry to the future people I might be cutting off. I wish I didn’t resent you for things that aren’t your fault. If I’ve hurt you by drawing away, I’m really and truly sorry. Maybe friendship just isn’t for us. Maybe my friends AREN’T my power. Or, my power has moved on to a new set of friends.
Still, perhaps we can be acquaintances? Or perhaps I simply need a break to collect my thoughts and think about what this relationship means to me and if I truly need it in my life.
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