tikvin · 1 year
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Creatures from Basaman's garden maze. They're used to be humans before...
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crazybutwhynot · 3 years
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Une réflection sur la notion de soi, sur la place de la raison et celle du réel! « Alice. » de Talya Basaman vaut certainement le détour (lien en bio) Resumé: En suivant le lapin dans la bouche du monstre, c’est sur un Pays des Merveilles aussi étrange que fascinant que tombe une Alice cynique, incertaine de sa propre identité. Perdue et curieuse, elle se retrouve prise dans la folie qui caractérise ces terres, oscillant entre gris et ambre, ange et démons, thé et sang. Retrouvez donc cette Alice imprévisible dans un récit mature défiant les lois de la raison. Cependant n’oubliez pas : « Vous pouvez rester aussi longtemps que vous voulez, mais attention à ne pas perdre la tête… » Déconseillé aux moins de 18 ans pour contenu à caractères sexuels, passages violent, et discussion de traumas. Une version censurée est disponible à l'achat (6,99€ pour le livre numérique et deux cadeaux digitaux avec) #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #romance #romancebooks #réécriture #reecriture #litterature #ebook #pdf #cadeaux #lecture #lecturedumoment #lectureaddict #alireabsolument #bookstagram #livrestagram #aventure #nouveau #original #illustrations #aliceinwonderland #aliceaupaysdesmerveilles #fantasy #chapelier #chapelierfou #lapinblanc #reinedecoeur #bookstagramfrance #shopping https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9LwivtZX4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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papapratap · 3 years
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Basaman mama ☘️ #photography #photooftheday #love #instagood #instagram #photo #picoftheday #nature #beautiful #art #photographer #instadaily #me #smile #myself #travel #photoshoot #followme #style #likes #happy #coi #lifestyle #photographers_of_india #rewa #river #templesofindia #baghel #chachai #mptourism (at Basaman Mama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMWZEmYhw4I/?igshid=1h6ss1wecqcce
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zekiyuncuoglu · 4 years
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Tanrı(lar)ın Ne Bilip, Ne Düşündüğü Olmasa Bile, Şeytan(lar)ın Ne Bilip, Ne Düşündüğünü Bilmek Zorunday(d)ım; Bilmek Zorunda Herkes de❗ Simsiyah gecenin koynundayım yapayalnız; Uzaklarda bir yerlerde, Güneş(ler) doğuyor; biliyorum, duyuyorum, görüyorum❗ #AZ_ÇOK_AZ_KALDI; ANT OLSUN 🤘 ☣️ 🤘 #ZEKİYÜNCÜOĞLU ☣️ #KÖKTÜRÜGMANAS 🌀 #KADİM_KÖKTUĞ_ATANMIŞLARI 🌀 #ŞEYTAN: ANADOLU'DA BİLİNEN ÖZ TÜRKÇESİ: #ALBIZ #ERLİK_KHAN Eski Uygurca'da Şeytan(lar) isimleri: #amanizi, amanuşi, asuri, ayna, basaman, butı, çantani, çitriçiri, daka, erklig kan, erklig ölümlüg şmnu, gopali, haimavadi, içgek, kalaşatari, karmasırıştı, katadakini, katanggatamali, katapudani, kilimbi, kimavati, kumbantı, kutayu, madar, maĥaruk, manir, maruti, ongjın, özüt, pançalakanti, pançalakari, pançali, pançaşiki, pançiki, pantaraki, paranati, patar, pret, pudani, raķşas, şamika, şımnu, tinki, tupalı, upakati, uru, yaksa, yek Dünya dillerinde: #Ramelech, Ahpuch, Ahriman, #Amon,(AMİN-AMEN) Aроllyon, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Azazel, Baalberith, Balaam, Baphomet, Bast, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Beherith, Bile, Chemosh, Cimeries, Coyote, Dagon, Damballa, Demogorgon, Diabolus, Dracula, Emma-O, Euronymous, Fenriz, Gorge, Haborym, Hecate, Ishtar, Kali, Lilith, Loki, Mammon, Mania, Mantus, Marduk, Mastema, Meiek Taus, Mephistopheles, Metztli, Mictian, Midgard, Milcom, Moloch, Mormo, Naamah, Nergal, Nihasa, Nijа, O-Yama, Pan, Pluto, Proserpine, Pwcca, Rimmon, Sabazios, Saitan, Sammael, Samnu, Sedit, Sekhmet, Set, Shaitan, Shiva, Supay, T’an-Mo, Tchort, Tezcatlipoca, Thamuz, Thoth, Tunrida, Typhon, Yaotzin, Yen-LoWang https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4r9gKHf8b/?igshid=1hxohsgawjkc8
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ramkedar1997 · 4 years
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#धोखा 💔 मिला #जब_प्यार में, #ज़िंदगी ✊ में #उदासी_छा गयी , #सोचा_था छोड़ दें #इस_राह को, कम्बख़त #मोहल्ले में दूसरी आ गयी । (at Basaman Mama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vOuu-Akno/?igshid=7c1hpc2rsceo
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tikvin · 3 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 🌹
Another year has passed for Basaman without a warm embrace of a lover
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tikvin · 3 months
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He would never let go 🌹
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tikvin · 1 year
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For you, who's feeling so lonely today ❤🌹
Happy Valentines day❤
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tikvin · 3 months
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He would want you to stay forever
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tikvin · 3 months
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It appears that I haven't posted info from my twt about Basaman here, which is outrageous since I posted it two years ago
So, let's fix that!
All three are correct
Basaman is fallen celestial being, who is obsessed with the idea of true love. Creating him, I added typical things that are usually said about or represent love.
Love is blind - he is blind; "love makes you fly" - he has wings. But those wings are entwined with roses and he can't freely fly now (due to the fact that he never found his love)
Roses have grown through him, from the inside to the outside. They blinded him and they bring him pain. He will be freed from them only when he finds someone who will truly love him
He locked himself in a castle surrounded by a huge magical maze garden filled with various monsters and guards, which he created (By Vulnerable🌹hashtag you can find the rose creatures). Turning treasure thieves and all sorts of passers-by who were not lucky to get lost in his garden. He has resigned himself and staying in his castle, because after many years of unsuccessful searches (when he was still coming out of his shelter), he decided that the one who could get to him, after going through all the dangers that he created in the maze will be the one who could truly love him (although it is worth saying that there were those who got there, but turned out to be the scientist or people in search of treasures. Their fate was still the same - turned either into statues in the garden, or into animals, or into rose guards)
Despite the fact that he's slowly losing his mind from years of loneliness he's still as gentle and loving as he was before. Though he's easy to lose his compossure only when he's lied to. And he always knows if someone lying to him. His heart is very vulnerable, quite literally. He was deprived of love, compassion, kind words and gentle touch for so long. He falls in love carefully, afraid and unsure, almost shy, but he falls hard. Any lie shatters his tender heart into pieces, yet he grieves all those he ever had fallen for, even if they lied to him, even if they enraged him, even if they broke his heart and made him turn them into a part of his garden.
The reason why he became like this is a mystery, and no one yet have lived long enough to figure it out. But Basaman will never be free from his curse unless his true love will found him
And that is why I always draw him on Valentine's day :D
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tikvin · 3 months
Broski aint up for poly? </3
No. Basaman isn't the type of character who would be okay with "sharing". Especially if it's him entering the established relationship.
Gotta understand, he's been enclosed for centuries, and it's not like he's never encountered travelers/thieves/adventurers that happened to be a romantic couple and broke into his maze and tried to pull that on him either as genuine offer or a way to seduce their way out of trouble. Basaman has a soft spot for loving couples, which is why he usually just let's them go, but the whole thing is too bittersweet for him, it's kinda painful for him to see others in love, even if he comprehends that's it's a bit of a selfish mindset. He wants for once have someone for himself and only himself.
And like I said, he falls in love sheepishly, but he falls hard. In the relationship with more than one person he will be overwhelmed, also occasionally doubting if the other two love him as much as he loves them or as much as they love each other. But won't dare to ask, because he will know if they lie to him and he'll be afraid what he will find out if he asks. So it's a constant misery of doubt and fear of being alone again.
Basaman is also very... Vanilla(?) He's not very "adventurous" type, when it comes to relationship. He's very romantic, loving and extremely loyal, but he'd probably be boring for people who prefer more "spicy" relationship
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tikvin · 5 months
What if I asked basaman for a French kiss.. (Yes I just wanna see long tongue basaman)
Fortunately, or unfortunately, Basaman has a regular tongue, sorry
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tikvin · 3 months
Now I just need this random ass couple to go thru the maze cause that’d be so funny
That would actually be quite sad. But Basaman will just let them leave, heart aching from the reminder of his loneliness; erasing their memories of the garden and the way to find it (that is if he notices them before some of his more hostile guardians, which he usually does)
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tikvin · 11 months
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Some more creatures from the Basaman's garden.
One of them wasn't punished, but saved
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