#balle de golf
Les taupes sont solitaires. En fait, 7 à 12 taupes par hectare de terre est considéré comme beaucoup. Une terrain de 1000m2 ne contiendra généralement pas plus d’une taupe.En raison de leurs besoins alimentaires, les taupes doivent couvrir une plus grande superficie que la plupart des animaux qui vivent sous terre. On pense que le domaine vital d’une taupe mâle est presque 20 fois plus grand que celui d’un spermophile des plaines mâle. Les taupes creusent leurs terriers dans des endroits élevés et secs, mais elles préfèrent chasser dans un sol ombragé, frais, humide, meuble et peuplé de vers et de larves. Cette préférence explique l’attrait de la taupe pour les pelouses et les parcs.
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alejandromemesandmore · 3 months
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rusticpotatoes · 2 years
hier soir j'ai fait une crise d'angoisse parce que j'étais PERSUADÉE qu'il y avait quelqu'un dans ma maison et j'avais si peur, j'étais tétanisée.
vers 3h30 j'ai entendu un bruit de vaisselle brisée, j'étais en larmes, j'ai fermé ma porte de chambre à clé, je suis montée sur le toit et j'ai appelé le 17 et y a une patrouille qu'est arrivée.
les mecs ont dû me prendre pour une zinzinos de catégorie premium, j'étais en pyj sur le toit, tremblante, je voulais pas rerentrer et je pouvais pas leur ouvrir. ils ont dû escalader le toit mdr.
bref plus de peur qu'autre chose, après leur checking ils m'ont rappelée pour visiter les pièces une à une pour me rassurer.
coeur sur vous les messieurs que j'ai embêtés tard dans la nuit.
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biarritzzz · 5 hours
J’ai recemment eu un date avec une meuf. Elle travaille dans les institutions européennes ce qui fait que j’étais déjà sur mes gardes. Elle arrive et direct je me dis: non, jamais. Pas du tout mon style.
Mais je ne suis pas une connasse, il fait beau, on est sur une terrasse, on boit un verre.
On discute, ça va, puis il s’avère qu’elle est végane. L’enfer. Elle ne mange rien. Ni viande, ni fromage, ni fruits de mer, ni poisson. Même pas de mayonnaise. Ensuite au détour de la conversation, elle utilise le terme d’islamophobie, au premier degré.
C’est bon, j’ai cerné le personnage. À la fin, c’est elle qui met la politique sur le tapis en parlant des futures élections européennes.
Et là j’ai droit à : les coups de couteau venant d’Afghans, d’Albanais, de Maliens et d’Algériens ainsi que le terrorisme en Europe c’est à cause de la colonisation.
Je ne peux pas laisser passer une connerie ignoble pareille. Donc je demande si la situation en Suède avec les gangs palestiniens et kurdes est aussi le fait de la colonisation. Quid de la situation en Belgique? Des attentats, des Marocains et des Turcs qui plantent des Belges, qui crament les voitures de police et de pompier et les médias qui censurent joyeusement tout ça. La Belgique aurait colonisé la Turquie et le Maroc et je ne serais pas au courant?
La meuf réagit selon le logiciel pour lequel elle a été programmée, tout ce qui en dévie provoque inévitablement un bug. Donc en bonne zombie à qui on a implanté la puce pro-immigration et puisqu’elle n’a rien à opposer à mes arguments, elle saute sur l’argument fallacieux suivant: je ferais des ‘amalgames’ et d’ailleurs les Congolais se comportent très bien en Belgique (lol).
Et toc, les fachos.
Je réponds: d’abord c’est faux et ensuite on doit leur filer une médaille parce qu’ils ne font pas d’attentats? C’est le minimum du minimum de se comporter correctement dans un pays qui vous a accueilli (contre l’avis de la population indigène mais la démocratie, les progressistes s’en foutent évidemment).
Là c’est fini, le logiciel a décidément crashé, sa seule porte de sortie c’est de mettre fin au date.
Ce serait drôle si ce genre de connasse n’avait pas le droit de vote et n’était pas directement responsable de la situation épouvantable dans laquelle se trouve l’Europe de l’ouest.
Bien entendu, elle vient d’acheter dans un des quartiers les plus chers et les plus paisibles de la ville donc cette conne sait très bien quel est le problème. Mais tant que ça ne la touche pas directement elle s’en tape.
À vomir.
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lugimotehu · 2 years
Emploi dans les métiers du golf
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</p><br>https://lugimotehu.tumblr.com/post/693250006074916864/four-vapeur-electrolux-mode-demploi, https://lugimotehu.tumblr.com/post/693250134396534784/%C3%A9chargement-dun-manuel-pour-notice-machine-a-pain, https://lugimotehu.tumblr.com/post/693249409636532224/oregon-scientific-wmr86-mode-demploi, https://petihogar.tumblr.com/post/693250231481073664/sque-bluetooth, https://lugimotehu.tumblr.com/post/693249409636532224/oregon-scientific-wmr86-mode-demploi.
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Comet Donati [Chapter 7: Heart Attack]
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A/N: Hello all! Only 3 chapters left!!! 🥰 Thank you so much for loving this fic and giving all my eccentric AU ideas a chance. I’m currently in Washington DC visiting one of my best friends, so if I’m a little bit tardy replying to your comments/messages then that’s why. Don’t fear!! I will check in as soon as I can, and I am still amazed by and will forever cherish your support. 💜
Series Summary: Sex, drugs, boy bands. You are a kinda-therapist recruited (via nepotism) to help Comet Donati through a recent crisis. Things are casual with Aegon, very not-casual with Aemond. Loosely inspired by One Direction.
Chapter Warnings: Language, references to sexual content (+18), drugs, alcohol, smoking, Shelby being a bigger plague than the locusts of Egypt, mental health struggles, references to violence and abuse, New Jersey, pregnancy, mini golf, lots of content for the Cregan girlies.
Selected Chapter Quote: “We’re meant to be together. We have so much history.”
Word count: 6.2k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: ​​@doingfondue​ @catalina-howard​ @randomdragonfires​ @myspotofcraziness​ @arcielee​ @fan-goddess​ @talesofoldandnew​ @marvelescvpe​ @tinykryptonitewerewolf​ @mariahossain​ @chainsawsangel​ @darkenchantress​ @not-a-glad-gladiator​ @gemini-mama​ @trifoliumviridi​ @herfantasyworldd​ @babyblue711​ @namelesslosers​ @thelittleswanao3​ @daenysx​ @moonlightfoxx​ @libroparaiso​ @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics​ @mizfortuna​ @florent1s​ @heimtathurs​ @bhanclegane​ @poohxlove​ @narwhal-swimmingintheocean​ @heavenly1927​ @mariahossain​ @echos-muses​ @padfooteyes​ @minttea07​ @queenofshinigamis​ @juliavilu1​ @amiraisgoingthruit​ @lauraneedstochill​ @wintrr13​ @r0segard3n​ @seabasscevans​ @tsujifreya​ 
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 💜
You type into Google as you hide in the public bathroom stall, pink tile walls and mint green porcelain, very 1950s, phantom drips of water and humming florescent lights: Can Plan B make your period late?
You scroll through the results, clutching your iPhone with both hands. Faintly, you can hear the rest of the band outside, chattering, laughing, slurping on Slush Puppies, smacking trees and rocks with their golf clubs. Yes, the consensus seems to be; Plan B can delay your period. Incidentally, so can pregnancy.
“Fuck,” you whimper. You peer down at your panties, as if you can force bloodstains to appear: sparce rosy threads of warning, dark red splotches like rust, you aren’t particular. You’ll take anything. “Fuck,” you say again, defeated. You get dressed, wash your hands, and head back out into the cloudless afternoon sunshine.
“Stargirl, it’s your turn!” Aegon shouts as you trot over to them: tenth hole, shaped like an L, featuring an intimidating loop de loop. The course is dinosaur themed; Rhaena picked it. Aegon points to Jace. “This deformed bastard wanted to skip you.”
“I told you,” Jace moans. His speech is garbled and lisping, his face comically swollen, bruised yellow-emerald-indigo and drooling blood, stitches above his left eyebrow. He just had his dental implants placed yesterday; the four teeth that he lost at Club Camelot could not be readily located for reattachment. “I can’t keep track of who’s next. I’m on like four different opiates.”
Baela frets over him. “Shh, shh, baby. Try not to talk.” There’s something about watching someone get almost-murdered that makes you want to forgive them, you suppose.
You grab your club and golf ball, dark blue, from where you left them by a tree. Rhaena gives you a covert little thumbs up and raised eyebrows. Everything good? You smile—too widely, insincere, a liar—and nod. Technically, you have yet to obtain concrete evidence to the contrary.
You take your turn, somewhat awkwardly due to the splint that still encumbers your dominant hand. You are thinking about anything but mini golf. Your ball goes halfway through the loop de loop and then comes rolling back. How many strokes? Four, five, you lose count, it doesn’t matter. Aegon is snickering, though not in a mean way, never in a mean way. Aemond is watching you. He does this constantly; you can feel his eyes—river water, otherworldly atmosphere—on you all the time, you can see him on the periphery of your vision. But when you glance at Aemond, he looks away. You’re wearing flip flops, a black NSYNC t-shirt, and bright pink shorts that Baela insists are of the very short variety. Aemond is staring a little extra hard today. Shelby alternates between glaring at him and at you.
Jace putts next. He misses the ball twice. On the third try, he hits it into a nearby pond. Golden koi fish scatter beneath the rippling sheen of the water.
“Loser,” Aegon declares mildly. “Criston, why the fuck are we in New Jersey?”
“Because you’re playing three shows at the MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford,” Criston says as he putts; his green golf ball sails through the loop de loop, bounces off a wall, and then rolls straight into the cup, a hole in one. “One Direction did it, Taylor Swift did it, and now you’re going to do it too. And if you don’t make it too unbearable for me, I’ll even take you to the beach while we’re here. Okay?”
“Okay,” Aegon agrees. He slurps on his Slush Puppie. “Oh, Aemond, I need the Netflix password.”
“You forgot it again?!” Daeron says. Jace, groaning softly, lies down on the ground in a patch of shade. Baela gets a bottle of Orajel rinse out of her purse and starts pouring it into his mouth.
“Get your own account,” Aemond snaps at Aegon. “I think you can afford it.”
“Bruh, that’s not the point! I don’t know where I left off in Grey’s Anatomy!”
They keep bickering. You stop listening. You can only hear the sounds of rustling leaves, squawking seagulls, the whistling of the warm August wind. You can only feel the weight of Aemond’s half-fascinated, half-resentful gaze on you. He wouldn’t believe me, you think. If I really am pregnant, he would never believe that it was an accident. He would never believe that I was that guilelessly, unambitiously stupid. Hell, I did it and I barely believe it.
You steal a glimpse of Aemond—black shirt and black sunglasses, white shorts, Adidas sneakers—and he turns away, pretending to pick dirt off his golf ball. Interestingly, he will talk to you about things not related to that night in Tokyo; perhaps it would be too suspicious not to, a neon sign for the rest of the band to read. But he never allows himself to be alone with you. And he never touches you, not even a grazing of hands or an absentminded bump as he passes you in aisles or hallways.
Bump, you think miserably. An inauspicious choice of words.
“We should watch Se7en,” Aegon is saying now. “Comet fam movie night.”
You mutter: “We’re not watching Se7en.”
“What’s Se7en about?” Rhaena asks.
“You wouldn’t like it.”
“What’s in the box?!” Aegon shouts dramatically—quoting the beautiful yet doomed David Mills, a name he once borrowed to schedule a Zoom meeting with you—and then cackles. It’s his turn. He clobbers his golf ball and sends it flying through the loop de loop; it pops over the barrier and disappears into a bush. Startled squirrels dart out of the leaves.
“Loser!” Jace slurs as he lies sprawled across the ground, vindicated.
“Stop spitting blood everywhere,” Aemond says. He putts next, and badly: poor depth perception. “You’re getting it on my sneakers.”
“Watch it, cyclops.” Jace points to his own stitches, bruises, surgically replaced teeth. “I let you have this one. Now we’re even. But next time I won’t be so charitable.”
“You’re not even,” Aegon tells Jace, abruptly severe. He whips off his aviator sunglasses, crouches over Jace, glaring and thunderous like a storm. Baela observes this warily. “Not even close.”
Jace is intrigued. “No?”
“No. Your face will heal.” Then Aegon pokes him in the jaw and Jace screams, tears slithering down his puffy, mottled cheeks. Cregan yanks Aegon away before Baela can scratch his eyes out. Criston repossesses Aegon’s blue raspberry Slush Puppie as punishment. Luke wins the game, five under par.
Comet’s first shows in the United States this tour start just like the last few in Asia: Jace is iced, painted with concealer, thoroughly medicated, numbed into semi-consciousness. He does lines of coke in the bathroom under Cregan’s supervision. He can’t perform without it. Criston tried to negotiate a month off for Jace, but the label’s message was clear: get him on stage, we don’t care how you do it, we don’t want to know about it, here’s a blank check, figure it out or we’ll find another manager who can. Now Criston watches Jace with his arms crossed over his chest, his dark eyes wounded and anxious, his shoulders slumped beneath the weight of what he believes is failure.
The story released to the press is that Jace fell down a flight of stairs but is recovering smoothly. He can barely sing; his mic is turned up, and during Jace’s verses Cregan or Luke layer their voice with his. He wobbles and flubs his way through Night 1 in East Rutherford. You spend the show staring up at the stage without seeing it. Baela and Rhaena are with you, but you aren’t really with them; you feel like if they reached out to touch you, their hands would find only translucent emptiness like a mirage. Shelby is flocked by fellow influencers that she’s invited in from New York City. Aemond is somewhere, somewhere: lurking in shadows, brooding, avoiding, musing, suffering, jotting down starlight-colored judgments in his black-paged notebook.
Per tradition, the band and their entourage coalesce in Jace’s suite after the show. Jace himself, the gracious host, promptly collapses on a couch and lies there senseless as the party spins around him like the planets of a solar system. Baela is perched dutifully beside him, holding ice packs to his jaw, wiping away drool the color of one of Aemond’s Brambles. A tattoo artist is inking a goldfinch, New Jersey’s state bird, to the top of Jace’s right foot. Criston is across the room and speaking—rather tensely, it seems—with cigar-smoking label executives. Shelby is snapping photos with her friends; they take turns posing each other out on the balcony, adjusting elbows and wrists and knees, swiping away stray flecks of mascara, rearranging hair, recommending plastic surgeons. Aegon is typing WhatsApp messages—mostly emojis, from what you can see—to Miley Cyrus. At Luke’s prompting, Aemond begins sharing his comments to the presently sentient members of Comet. He puffs on one of his Benson & Hedges cigarettes as he reads aloud. He kindly skips over any criticisms of Jace’s performance.
You can’t stand hearing Aemond’s voice; not because there’s anything wrong with it, but because there isn’t, because you can’t stop remembering what he said to you in that florescent-white bathroom at Club Camelot in Tokyo, because he uses his words on so many people who aren’t you, because sooner or later your time with Comet will be over and you’ll only ever hear him again through Spotify songs and YouTube clips from before the accident, because he will one day be a ghost who haunts you, rattling doorknobs and chilling pockets of air but never speaking. You escape to ask the bartender: “Can I get a Coke?”
“A rum and Coke?”
“Like…white powder coke?”
“No, a Coca-Cola. With nothing else in it.”
“Okay, whatever,” the bartender says, perplexed. He fills a glass with ice and dark liquid that pops and fizzes with carbonation, then slides it across the counter to you. You meander out into the hallway where you can be alone, where you don’t have to pretend to be okay.
The carpet is gold but frayed, the walls adorned with faux marble columns and scuffs from recklessly handled suitcases. Even the hotels are worse in New Jersey. You sip your soda—nonalcoholic, huh? you think, then push it aside—and roam past suite doors and vending machines until you reach the cove of elevators. There’s a full-length mirror hanging on the wall there, gilded, gaudy. You frown at yourself, a reflection that suddenly looks a bit like a stranger. You’re wearing a short seafoam green dress, gold earrings and sandals, and an eerily vacuous expression. You turn and move your hair aside so you can peer over your shoulder at what’s been indelibly penned there since Rome: the tiny comet, the lyrics that encircle it.
I wanted to remember this band forever. To remember Aemond. You can feel your stomach drop as it grows heavy with dread. The pulsing music from Jace’s suite has followed you down the hall, Sugar by Robin Schulz and Francesco Yates. I think I might just have more than a tattoo to remember him by after all.
One of the elevators dings and opens. A man lumbers out, towering, broad, monstrous. You gape up at him: brown threadbare coat, heavy boots, unruly dark beard, grey eyes like a bleak winter sky. There is a miasma that colors the air around him with smoke and alcohol, sweat and earth.
“Hello there,” he says, politely enough. His voice is such a baritone rumble that it’s difficult to understand. He has a British accent, but not like Aegon’s, not like Aemond’s. He reminds you of someone you can’t quite place. “I’m looking for a certain young gentleman. I’m hoping you can point me in his direction.”
“Sure,” you reply, trying to disguise your shock so you don’t offend him. He could be someone important. He could be an eccentric producer or a consultant. Or a drug dealer. “Who…uh…who was it you were hoping to speak with…?”
He smiles: sharp canine teeth yellowed by nicotine, glinting eyes like silver coins. “Cregan Stark.”
“Okay,” you stammer. Drug dealer?? “Okay, okay, I’ll…uh…I’ll go get him.”
You hurry down the hall and into Jace’s crowded, smokey suite, clinking glasses and flirtatious titters in dim lighting like late twilight. You return your empty drink to the bartender, then tap Cregan on the shoulder and inform him that someone out in the hallway is asking for him. He doesn’t seem surprised to hear this. Drug dealer, you think confidently. Cregan gulps his vodka shot and follows you out of the suite. He steps through the doorway. He turns towards the stranger. And then he stops dead. His eyes go wide. The blood drains from his face. And Cregan—immovable, inscrutable, unflappable Cregan—shrinks until he is a child again.
Immediately, you know you’ve made a mistake. You reach for him. “Cregan, wait—”
“My son,” the monstrous man sighs. And of course now you’ve realized exactly who the mirrorlike grey of his eyes reminded you of. “My son.”
You can’t stop him. How could you stop him? Faster than you can think, he has crossed the space between you and entombed Cregan in a stifling embrace. Cregan stands paralyzed, his eyes shifting, searching for escape. Tentatively, appeasingly, his hands slowly rise to hug the man in return.
“Criston?!” you shout. But within the suite, he cannot hear you over the music and the berating of smoke-veiled, bejeweled label executives.
“Did you forget about me, huh?” the man asks Cregan gruffly. And as he steps back he grips one of Cregan’s shoulders: not like Criston would, not like a father, like a vice, like a bear trap. He shakes Cregan once, not too hard. “You can fly your private jet all over the world but you can’t call your own father back? Huh? Huh?!” He shakes Cregan again, harder.
“Criston!” you scream. “Security! Somebody!”
Nobody can hear me. Nobody is coming.
You sprint into Jace’s suite, seize Criston by one hand, drag him out into the hall. On the blurry periphery of your vision, you can see Aemond getting up off the couch to follow you. The second he spots the monstrous man, Criston is roaring. “No no no, get away from him!” He pushes between Cregan and the giant, terrifying, wrathful. The man dwarfs him. Criston doesn’t seem to know it. “You can’t be here. We’ve been over this, you’re not allowed to be here—”
The man tries to reach around him to clutch at Cregan’s shirt. Aemond pulls you away from the scuffle. Criston hits the man in the solar plexus; he is momentarily stunned, wheezing. By the time he straightens up, Criston—louder than you, bellowing and fierce—has summoned security. They are swarming the man and escorting him back down the hallway towards the elevators. Aemond goes to Cregan. Criston looks at you. You’re quivering, penitent.
“I had no idea…he asked for Cregan…I would never have…I thought maybe he was a friend of the band…”
“He’s on our no fly list,” Criston says. His voice is tired yet patient. “But you wouldn’t know that.”
You try to apologize to Cregan, but he isn’t listening to you. He’s listening to Aemond. Aemond is speaking to him, low and calm, too quietly for you to hear. “I’m okay,” Cregan says unsteadily. “I’m fine.”
“It’s alright if you’re not,” Aemond tells him.
And you know that right now you are unnecessary, intrusive. Criston goes downstairs to figure out how Comet’s security guards in the lobby didn’t catch this and—presumably—to ensure that the invader is properly dealt with. Aemond slings an arm across Cregan’s shoulders and leads him back to the party where he is cared for, welcome, valued, safe. You hide in your own suite and try not to think about the dates on the calendar—missing blood, summer days ticking down towards zero—as you steep in a hot bath and attempt to scrub everything you’ve done wrong, today, yesterday, ever, off your skin. Then you change into an oversized Backstreet Boys t-shirt and your favorite Cookie Monster pajama pants.
You try to sleep but of course you can’t, surrounded by a silence that only gets louder. When you hear the swipe of a keycard and the creaking of your door, you don’t know who to expect: Cregan, Criston, Rhaena, Luke, Baela, Jace, Daeron, Shelby, Aemond, ghosts. The clopping of his Crocs gives him away, neon pink to match his tank top. “I’m really not in the mood for anything resembling sex.”
Aegon replies as he kicks off his Crocs: “Did I ask, succubus?” He crawls into the bed, throws an arm casually across your waist, rests his head on your belly as your fingers thread through his chaotic blond hair, fond and tender. He burrows into you, into your softness and your warmth and your truth and your mysteries. Sometimes you feel like you’ll give until he falls into you like a trapdoor, the bones of his hands tangling around your spine, his blood vessels spilling into all of your rage-scarlet cavities, hollows of the flesh, hollows of the soul. “You’re sad.”
You stare up at the ceiling. “I have a lot on my mind.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know what. That’s the strange thing. Usually I can tell.”
“You’ve been gone.”
He looks up at you, confused. “I’ve been right here.”
“You know what I meant.”
Aegon doesn’t argue with you, doesn’t try to defend himself, doesn’t make promises both of you know he could never keep. He only lays his head down on your belly again and pulls himself closer to you, closer, closer, melting into your melancholy, dissolving into dreams.
“I was eleven when he broke my arm. Thirteen when he cracked my skull for the first time. Then I got big enough to hurt him back.” Cregan looks out over the waves: blue currents, white froth, sunbeams like glinting blades. As Criston promised, Comet is spending an afternoon in Seaside Heights. You and Cregan are sitting on the sand together twenty yards from the others. “I grew up in a two-bedroom cabin with no electricity or running water. We had a metal wash tub outside, ate deer and squirrels and rabbits, never had clothes that fit, never saw a doctor except when what was wrong might kill us. We had a woodstove and chopped down trees to burn in the winter. I had eight siblings, six of whom are still alive. Barnett overdosed. Courtland drove his friend’s Nissan into a brick wall. I’m not sure it was accidental.”
Your words are soft like a whisper, like gentle hands. “Cregan, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not…” His voice breaks. He stops for a while, composes himself, begins again. “It’s not something I talk about. Not because I’m trying to forget it. I can’t forget it, I’ll never be able to, I understand that, believe me. There’s just nothing to be gained from talking about it. I never feel better afterwards. I always feel worse.”
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
“I know that. Don’t you think I know that?”
You wait, watching him. There’s something he needs to say. Down the beach a ways, Baela is doing yoga, her bare feet sure and agile in shifting sand. Rhaena, Luke, and Aemond are flying kites in the breeze: black dragons, green dragons. Shelby is, predictably, filming them from where she stands on Aemond’s good side. Aegon and Daeron are swimming so far out that you’re beginning to worry about sharks. Criston is parked under an umbrella with an unconscious Jace, reading Memoirs Of A Geisha and eating a sandwich full of something called pork roll.
“After Comet happened, I got all of them out,” Cregan continues. “My mum, my siblings. Good houses in safe neighborhoods. Security in case Dad makes an appearance. He does, every once in a while. He’s locked up, he’s free, he’s locked up again. He has nothing else to do but haunt us. I’ve been waiting for him to die since I was old enough to understand what a graveyard is.” Cregan looks at you. “Does that make me a bad person?”
“No,” you answer immediately.
“The thing is…” He holds out one large hand, palm down, like he’s resting it on a table. Then he shakes it. “Nothing ever feels stable. Nothing ever feels safe. No matter how much money I see stack up in accounts, I lie awake at night wondering what I’ll do if it disappears. So many people rely on me. I can’t stop worrying I’ll end up back in that cabin somehow. I can still hear drops of rainwater seeping in through the gaps in the roof. I can still smell burning wood.”
“The fact that you feel this way, given your history, is completely logical…even if the fear itself is not. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” Cregan says. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Do you think it would help if we sat down and looked at the numbers and did some math? Because I suspect that even with a hundred dependents, you’d easily be able to float them for the rest of your lifetime just using the money you already have. And there will be royalties from Comet’s songs forever. Maybe if we can show you exactly how improbable your worst case scenario is, that fear will begin to fade a bit. Not go away, not completely, maybe not ever…but I think you’ll be able to quiet it down.”
“I’ll give it a try. If you recommend it.” Cregan lights a cigarette and takes a drag. Criston glances over and then pretends he didn’t notice. “I have a daughter,” Cregan says; and you can’t stop the shock from hitting your face like a fist. He smiles faintly, wistfully. “I know. I’ve worked very hard to make sure she is kept away from…” He gestures broadly. “All of this.” Fame. Debauchery. Tabloids. Reddit threads. “I was way too young. And her mother and I…we were never really together. It was contentious for a while, but we’ve sorted through things. I support them financially, obviously. And when I’m not on tour or in the studio, I disappear up to Lancaster for a few weeks at a time and no one is the wiser.”
You study him as wind tears in off the Atlantic Ocean, as seagulls swoop and screech overhead. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate how you’ve protected her once she can understand.”
“I don’t know how to be a father. Not a good one. But I try. I don’t just show up for movie nights and birthdays. I take her shopping for school supplies. I put her back to bed when she has nightmares. I take her to the dentist, to the park, to the library. She really likes pigs, so I adopted a few from a farm animal rescue and we learned how to raise them together.”
“You caring about being a good parent puts you ahead of a lot of people already,” you say. “Nobody in Comet knows?”
“Just Aemond. Once, years ago, her mother needed something and I was out of the country. I had to let somebody in on the secret, somebody I could trust. I chose Aemond. I chose right.” Now Cregan is amused. “He’s the one who suggested the pigs.”
“Of course he did,” you say; and you can’t help but smile. “How old is she?”
“Six and a half. Do you want to see a picture her?”
“Absolutely. If it’s alright with you.”
Cregan pulls his iPhone from his pocket, swipes around for a while, and then turns the screen so you can see. She looks like him, a lot like him, but with round cheeks and long dark lashes. And Cregan is beaming as he says: “Her name is Iris.”
“So you didn’t have to do the Maury paternity test thing.”
He laughs, shaking his head. “No. I knew from the second I saw her she was mine.”
“She’s lucky to have you.”
Cregan shrugs, pensive, evasive. “I don’t know about that.”
“I do.” And he believes that you mean it; you can see it on his face. Aemond is watching you and Cregan, you notice now. He glances over, pretends he didn’t, glances again. You gesture to the crashing waves and say to Cregan: “If Aegon gets attacked by a shark, will you jump in and punch it or something please?”
Cregan chuckles. “Yeah. That’s my main job here, I think. Stopping people from dying.” And then, seriously: “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. I haven’t done anything that warrants it.”
“No. Really.” Cregan reaches out, takes your uninjured hand, squeezes it briefly before releasing you. “Thank you, Stargirl.” Then he stands and walks to the water’s edge, letting the surf rush up over his ankles, for just a moment feeling nothing on his shoulders but the sunlight.
Aemond gives Shelby his kite and, as she glares bitterly, makes his way over to you. He takes off his sunglasses so he can see you better and hooks them on the waistband of his swim trunks: black, of course, his usual color. You’re actually wearing black today too, a flowing coverup over a pink swimsuit. You feel very much like hiding. When Aemond speaks, there is perhaps a hint of envy, green like leaves of poison, gleaming like snakeskin. “What were you and Cregan talking about?”
“Fatherhood.” And then you realize how it might sound.
There is a split second where Aemond looks startled; then he remembers Iris. “Right. Not so easy for people like us to navigate.”
People like us. Celebrities, boy band members, haunted men. You scramble for a nonchalant way to feel out the subject with him. “How does Louis Tomlinson handle it?”
“He’s a saint,” Aemond says. And you think: Patron saint of baby daddies? “Freddie was very, very unplanned. The mother was a nobody, a rebound. And a lot of people assumed she did it on purpose to try to keep Louis. Or to get eighteen years of a luxury lifestyle out of him. Or to just get fame in general. Personally, I believe it was all of the above.”
“Right,” you say, sweating heavily beneath your coverup.
“But none of that is the kid’s fault, and Louis is a good enough guy to realize it. So he plays nice with Freddie’s mother and they don’t go to war through tabloids anymore.”
“So, uh…” How can I put this? “You’re good with kids too. Cregan told me you had the pig idea.”
And the look that crosses Aemond’s face, the look: caustic, incredulous, night-dark, self-loathing. “Are you insane? Have you met me? I terrify kids. And I should, but not just because of the eye and the scar. What the hell do I know about being a decent father? What do I know about being a decent anything? I’d have no idea where to start. I’d fuck it up even if I tried desperately not to. I’d end up with kids like Aegon: addicts who hate themselves, people who are irrevocably lost.”
You say meekly: “I think Criston is something like a father to you. He could be a role model.”
“I’m not half as good a man as Criston is.”
Change the topic, change the topic, before Aemond gets suspicious. And there’s something else you’ve been meaning to ask him. “Aemond…after you almost murdered Jace…when we didn’t know if or how he was going to be able to perform until he healed…did anyone ask you to come back to Comet and fill in for him?”
“No,” Aemond says. And he’s thunderstruck by the thought, appalled, petrified.
“You don’t think that it might have been a good idea? That it might make sense?”
“No,” he says again instantly.
“But…in Tokyo…when Daeron made that speech at the last show…I think the crowd’s reaction was pretty powerful, don’t you? People still care about you. They love and respect you. And I think…maybe…it might help you with what you’ve experienced. To get back on stage—even just one last time—and prove to yourself that you still have what it takes. To know that if you do leave Comet, it’s your choice, not anyone else’s.”
“They love who I was,” Aemond says. “Not who I am now. And that’s easy to do. They don’t have to look at me.”
“Goddammit, there’s nothing wrong with how you look, Aemond!” you burst out. “You look fantastic. I never get tired of looking at you. I want to look at you all the fucking time. I’d hang life-sized portraits of you on every wall in my apartment in Kansas City. That’s how much I enjoy looking at you.”
He thinks you’re joking, he thinks you’re trying to make him feel better. You can’t stop him from thinking these things. And yet still, as he turns away, he is smiling: just a whisper of a curl at the corner of his lips, secretive, fragile.
As Comet is leaving the beach, you stop at a souvenir shop on the boardwalk to buy your keepsake for this tour destination. You settle on a pink frisbee that has I love the Jersey Shore! embossed on it in large, abrasive letters. You think your parents’ Australian cattle dogs will enjoy fetching it when you get home. Home feels so much closer—both literally and figuratively—than it did just a few weeks ago.
Criston is browsing through the t-shirts. “Hey, what size is your mom, Aegon? Medium?”
“How the hell would I know? Probably.” He holds up a pair of red, white, and blue bikini bottoms that say Firecracker across the ass. “You think my dad would mind if you sent her these?”
Criston is blushing. “Aegon, stop.”
“You could get her a bikini top too. Oh look, that one over there is red, it matches. And it says MILF across the tits. So that’s pertinent.”
“Stop!” Criston cries, distressed, and flees the store.
Halfway through the hour-long drive back to the hotel, Aegon insists that Criston stop the Escalades so he can get a hoagie from a Wawa. Aegon has never had a hoagie before. He says he cannot truly experience America without one.
At the ordering counter, Jace—slightly less bruised and swollen today, and thus in better spirits—taunts Aegon: “Are you sure you need all that bread? You’re going to be wearing a muumuu on stage by the time we get to the Midwest.”
“You know, just because you said that, now I’m going to get two hoagies…”
On the television mounted inside the Wawa, CNN is reporting on a group of tornadoes that just struck Wichita. And it occurs to you that tornadoes don’t have trajectories to calculate like hurricanes or airplanes or comets; they are climatological sharks. They strike quickly, indiscriminately, and then they’re gone again. They aren’t named. They aren’t enshrined. They don’t even have a belly to cut open and retrieve pieces of your loved ones from. If they take someone, they’re just gone.
While the rest of the band is in line to order their food, and Aemond is scrutinizing the dried fruit and nuts selection, you sneak through the other aisles.
It’s time. I have to find out eventually. I have to know.
You pluck a pregnancy test—cute, pink, nausea-inducing—off a rack, purchase it with truly impressive speed at the checkout counter, and race to the bathroom. It’s surprisingly difficult to piss on a tiny stick of doom, especially when your primary hand is in a splint and only partially useable. Eventually, you manage. You put the cap back on the pregnancy test, set it on top of the toilet paper dispenser, and stare at the metal door of the stall. The Wawa speakers are playing The Fray’s Over My Head.
It won’t be positive. It can’t be positive.
You think of pregnancy test commercials you’ve seen: happy couples rejoicing, happy single women getting negatives. How are you supposed to react to bad news? Nobody ever tells you. Do you scream, sob, beg for forgiveness, schedule an appointment at Planned Parenthood? Do you kick the bathroom stall door down in mindless feminine fury? Do you throw yourself off a balcony?
There’s no way it will be positive. It was one time. Just one goddamn time.
And who knows if that will ever happen again with Aemond. This does not improve your mood.
You pick up the pregnancy test. It is unequivocally positive.
You shove it into the small rectangular trashcan for pads and tampons, things you won’t be needing in the immediate future. You get dressed, leave the stall, go to the sink and wash your hands. Then you grip the cool, slick, white porcelain and gaze at yourself in the mirror under nowhere-to-hide florescent lights. What do you feel? Everything, nothing, things you can’t name yet. You’re a raw nerve, you’re completely numb.
The bathroom door swings open. Shelby enters. She squares up with great purpose. Your eyes roll to her, slowly, with no tolerance left, not a drop of it. “Stay away from Aemond,” she demands.
“Make me.”
She is in disbelief. “I’m sorry, what?”
You turn all the way towards her. “Fucking make me, Shelby.”
“I knew you wanted him,” she says, she seethes. “I saw you in those paparazzi photos from Reykjavik and I knew you were already twisting your claws into him.”
You hold up your hands to show her; your thoughts are fuzzy, dazed, without inhibition. “I have no claws whatsoever. If I did, you’d know about it. Believe me. You’d be able to look down and watch your heart beating through the gashes.”
“You don’t belong here. Some Midwestern farm girl running around in flip flops and Cookie Monster pajama pants? You’re trash. You’re a user. You’re a nobody. And if you’re trying to steal a taken man, then you’re a whore too.”
“I’ve been called worse things by better people.”
“I can make them hate you,” Shelby says indignantly. “Comet. The world.”
“Good luck with that, Malibu Barbie. Nobody even knows I exist.”
“Stay away from Aemond,” she says again, trembling with her futile bleach-blond rage. “We’re meant to be together. We have so much history.”
“And yet no future.” You smile sweetly, breeze past her, step on one of her perfectly pedicured feet with a thoroughly unpretentious flip flop. By the time you return to them, the band is almost ready to leave Wawa.
You’re not hungry, but Aegon coaxes you into taking a few bites from his hoagie. You’re not able to focus on what people are saying, but you hear Aemond mention that he wishes Comet had time to visit a planetarium in some nearby town called Toms River. You think about what it would be like to lie side by side with him under the stars, under the sky where comets appear again after vanishing for centuries. You wonder if there’s anyplace where you and Aemond could ever be truthful with each other.
At night you can’t sleep. There is no shortage of reasons why. You wander from your bed to the gold-carpet hallway to the vending machines, where you stare brainlessly at the options. Am I supposed to not be drinking caffein? Did I get any Vitamin D today? How much sugar is too much? You buy a bottle of apple juice—surely a safe bet—and head back to your suite.
As you walk by Aemond and Shelby’s door, your steps slow. Some nights you can hear them in there arguing: Shelby reiterating all the reasons why they’re perfect for each other, clearly a rebuttal to an accusation you weren’t privy to. Some nights you hear muffled casual conversation or episodes of Cosmos. Some nights you hear nothing at all. Some nights your imagination colors in the gaps before you can stop it: his hands on her, his mouth on her, things you know you have no right to dread and yet you do. But tonight, Shelby is momentarily removed from the scene. You can hear the distant pattering of the shower, and then Aemond alone in the living room gathering up plates and glasses. He’s singing something very quietly, so quietly it takes you a while to recognize it. It’s not even a Comet Donati song. It’s Through The Dark.
You sit down in the empty hallway, your back to his door. And you lean your head against it as you listen to Aemond singing softly to himself, doubt sinking into you the same way that trapped blood fills a bruise: Maybe it wasn’t as good for him as it was for me. Maybe he doesn’t talk to me because he doesn’t want to. Maybe I don’t belong here anymore. Maybe I’ve invented a history that we don’t really share. Maybe he didn’t mean it when he said he loves me.
“What am I going to do?” you whisper, scalding tears brimming in your eyes, shivering hands settling on your belly. In a few months, you’ll be showing. “What the hell am I going to do?”
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tnt-tourney · 10 months
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welcome one and all to the 2023 t+t tournament!! despite the long wait for the final bracket, the day has finally arrived. due to the size of the text, the list of contestants will be under the cut. due to how many contestants there are, i wont be able to tag everything, but i will tag as much as i can.
now, since it's been a while, a quick rehashing of the relevant rules!
1. be polite to others participating in the vote
2. do not Rig the vote -- propaganda is more than welcome and the askbox is always open for it! i just dont have the energy to deal with botting
3. dont be rude if the contestants youre rooting for are voted out!! sometimes thats just the way things go. theres always next time!
4. have fun !
the polls will start rolling out sometime next week. thank you!!
Hexsquad (The Owl House) VS. Vault Hunters (Borderlands 1+2)
The Bad Kids (D20: Fantasy High) VS. FloweringPassionFruit (Ride the Cyclone)
Barbie + Ken (Barbie) VS. Dwarves (Deep Rock Galactic)
Mabel Pines + Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. The Fantastic 4 (Marvel)
Klaus Hargreeves + Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) VS. Spiderband (Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spiderverse)
Lup + Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone) VS. Cleo de Nile + Deuce Gorgon (Monster High)
Spideypool (Marvel) VS. Gomez Addams + Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. Rashmi Jamil + Amelie Macon + Loam Arnault (Entropic Float)
Link + Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) VS. Peter Parker + Harry Osborn (Marvel)
Huey Duck + B.O.Y.D. (Ducktales 2017) VS. Golf Ball + Tennis Ball (Battle for Dream Island)
Lewis + Vivi + Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animate) VS. Horokeu Usui + Pirica Usui (Shaman King)
Paulkins (Hatchetfield) VS. Magnus Chase + Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Bill Preston + Ted Logan (Bill and Ted) VS. Leonard Church + Agent Texas (Red vs. Blue)
Ariel + Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) VS. Polypirates (JRWI: Riptide)
Cody Goodwin + May Goodwin (It Takes Two) VS. Frank-N-Furter + Magenta + Columbia + Riff Raff (The Rocky Horror Show)
SpaceDolls (Ride the Cyclone) VS. Kim Possible + Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible)
The Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel) VS. Julian Bashir + Miles O'Brien + Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
The Murder Crew (Clue) VS. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Vash the Stampede + Nicolas D. Wolfwood + Meryl Stryfe + Milly Thompson (Trigun) VS. Team Chaotix (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Steve + Alex (Minecraft) VS. Gyro Gearloose + Lil Bulb (Ducktales 2017)
Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) VS. Wright Anything Agency + Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Westley + Buttercup (The Princess Bride) VS. Shin + Noi (Dorohedoro)
Kermit + Miss Piggy (The Muppets) VS. The Mechanisms
Jeremy Heere + Michael Mell + Christine Canigula (Be More Chill) VS. The Solve It Squad (The Solve It Squad Returns)
Harleyberts + Crockenglishes (Homestuck) VS. Sonic & co. (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mulder + Scully (The X-Files) VS. Steph Lauter + Pete Spankoffski (Hatchetfield)
Main Cast (Omori) VS. Ben Tennyson + Gwen Tennyson + Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
Ashe Ubert + Claude Von Riegan + Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) VS. Birdetta + Yoshi (Mario)
Prime Defenders (JRWI: Prime Defenders) VS. Strilondes (Homestuck)
The Mystery Gang (Scooby Doo) VS. Billie Logan + Thea Preston (Bill and Ted)
Splatoon Idols VS. Lexthan (Hatchetfield)
Sex Bob-omb + Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) VS. Jonathan Sims + Martin K. Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
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waru-chan8 · 8 months
are there any problematic motogp riders i should know about or avoid?
Hi anon 👋👋. oh boy I'm going to get so much hate for this
You all people need to stop putting riders into pedestals and thinking they are perfects because they are not. They are humans, and they all have faults (some more visible than others). Also what someone considers problematic might not be for others. Like for example, Vale and Marc are both experts in manipulate the media to suit their narratives and that can be a red flag for some people. Or maybe Aleix being too direct can be seen as negative because his mouth has put him in so much trouble.
Anyway said this here (under the cut for those who want to avoid it) it is what I remember at the moment. If anyone wants to add something, feel free to do it.
First of all we have a lot of riders and engineers living in Andorra that is tax haven (Aleix, Pol, Rins, Fabio Q., Iker, Joan, Brad, Miller and The Team Suzuki ECSTAR crew used to live there, also Maverick used to live in Andorra (apparently he went back to Roses after having his daughter)). And Rossi also used to live in London and got in troubles for that.
Then we have the misogynistic comments from Miller (he said something of mocking a friend every time he lost in a race against María Herrera, the borderline treatment Vanessa, the Inside Pass host get from him and the mockery) and Pecco Bagnaia who said 'I was like a women in my period complaining ad moaning' after he broke his leg. Oh and don't forget Miller called other riders princesses for complaining about their bike instead of just riding it.
And we have racist comments from Yamaha's test rider Cal Crutchlow who refused to shake hands with an Asian fan during the pandemic and said something about all of it (pandemic) being because someone eat something he shouldn't. Probably there is more, but I don't really remember. And the worst part is that his team manager, Lucio Cecchinello covered it all. Lucio is also not a saint, he treats differently Rins than he does with Nakagami (brought Rins to his museum and told him to get a podium because it will be X (I can't remember probably 50 or 100) podium of the team, but I can't remember him doing it with Nakagami. There's also Gelete Nieto (Moto2 team manager (Correos Prepago Yamaha VR46 Master Camp or something like that)) who literally said that Asian riders do much worse that the European ones.
Then we have Fabio Quartararo, who had endangered himself and other riders by riding with his leathers open and throwing the chest protector in the middle of a race track while there was a race going on. And when celebrating a victory, we throw a golf a ball where there was still bikes on track.
And Pecco Bagnaia during the 2022 summer got drunk in Ibiza, got in the car and had an accident (crashed it into a roundabout) and only got a slap in the wrist. He also dedicated a special helmet to Dennis Rodman (if you don't know him, go and read his wiki page). There something less controversial about him, but still put him as a red flag. When he doesn't get what he wants, he goes to the media and cry and gets it. He also believes no one can race him on a race on the race track and never will admit his mistakes. And because we are on the Pecco topic, Ducati just put all o this under the rug and gives him whatever he wants. Ducai actually banned one jorno for commenting on one of this thing because it annoyed Pecco.
And let's not forget Johann Zarco, the dirtiest rider of all! He is like a kid on the track, when he knows he is going to lose and he doesn't want to and got the wired crossed, he does dumb stuff to endanger other riders. He recently had an incident that ended in red flag, and was the cause that Maverick and Vale where reborn during Race 1 in Austria 2020. And previously he tried to grab the break of another rider at the end of a race (last lap, after the final corner) because he knew he was going to lose de to the slipstream (Zarco was fighting for the championship that year and winning that race would have helped him)! Fortunately nothing happened in there but it could have ended in disaster.
And the ex-riders:
Dani Pedrosa, actually spend a night in jail for cheating on a boat exam and got arrested. He apologised immediately even if it wasn't necessary.
Aspar (MotoGP legend and Moto2, Moto3 and MotoE team owner) and Jorge Lorenzo got in trouble with the Spanish public tresor.
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broooooo · 1 year
Let's see what I can do hear... Hmmm
I'm Daniel a basic guy walking back from collage, skinny, long blond hair, oversized hoodie, sweats and an old pair of sneakers
I took a shortcut back to the apartment, the path is a mostly unused messy road behind the first houses
As I walk past I notice something strange, a suitcase covered in dirt on the side of the road,
Since no one's around, I go to explore it, I open the case, I'm suddenly enveloped in the strong smell of grass, dirt, bo, beer and cum?. I look inside to find a mangled football kit , a jock strap, socks, tights, shorts , jersey, helmet, padding , a pair of cleats and wait... Is that a unopen bottle of beer?
Damn, why would this be hear? These items are expensive, dk why it would be hear, it's well used too . But smells rank, the beer is strange to.
I look around, no one's around, and cars don't normally go this way.
Fuck it, I'm trying this on. My heart's beating with excitement. Iv always been curious to what the kit feels like, since I never did sports
Let's hope it fits
Next to wall on the side of the road I start to strip and try on the kit,
The socks are crusty and hard on the soal, the jock in hard as rock, the strap Is crusty, all smells of a cum and sweat, I continued, the tights sloppily go, then the padding, straps, shoulder armour, gloves , jersey, then then the cleats, the kit doesn't fit very well and now I reak of cum and sweat, I decide to open up the beer bottle and talk a gulp, for the full experience
Suddenly I felt warm, my entire body was burning up, I felt dizzy , I start to shake and go blank
My body is slowly growing and gaining muscle, the leg muscles now tree trunks fell out the tights and socks to the max, my stomach goes hard with washboard cum gutter abs, hard pecks with a huge chest, my arms bloom and harden into mountains, and shoulders expand all filling out the Jersey and armour, tight as hell, the gloves now squeeze my now rugged hand, all scrapped and hardened from the gym and the field ,
My neck thickens and hardens , my chin and jaw change into a more jocklike shape, with a chinstrap beard, my hair changes into a pretty boy qwaf.
The feet now fully fit the cleats, almost to much
Finally, my body. Moves to put chug the beer and put on the healmet
When that happened, I go fully blank
My dick is now hard as a rock now 12 inches and the size of a beer can, my mind starts to change my thoughts are going into my golf ball balls. I start to jerk of hard
I drool, my memories change into me always being a jock, a football jock, majored in sports and on the team, me and the bros play ball and fuck pussy, ehe. We chuck beers and fuck pussy, and fuck eachother, no homo bro... Ehhee
Yeah broo
I am a ...
I ..a .m a .... Foo.t ball..
Bro, I am
I am a dumb football jock, ,
I Burst, globs of cum on the wall, my old self now gone, I cum some more, and I cum some more, incredibly horny. My mind starts to returns, now my fully formed jock self
Woah.. broo, that was a big load, gotta tell de bros bout dis one hehe.
I put my dick back into my jock and secure the pants.
Damn im still so horny . Im gon a..
I cum again inside jock strap, pooling up and dripping down my leg ,
Eheh I need to find a bro or a vag before I waste it all
Glad I have this beer with me .hehe, I chug the rest and throw it away into a pile of clothes on the road.
Damn someone going stripping?, Sounds like a blast
At that, my dick still hard, I go to the locker room for some... Help
I am Dan ,a dumb football jock bro . Heheh
Don't you forget it bro
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tothepointofinsanity · 7 months
Greener Grass Awaits Lore "Masterpost"
[This post contains major spoilers for the game, so please be careful while interacting.]
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[I would call this a fancy piece, but really it's just me incoherently blabbering about something I like not being talked about enough again. Read it with a kilogram of salt and view it as a discussion piece instead of what it tries to be. Be warned that this is a very long post, and it is encouraged to play the game before scrolling this.]
The Fundamentals: Greener Grass Awaits is advertised as a sport and horror game. In the former, your main objective is to finish all 12 holes on the golf course. In the latter, your character is stalked by undead entities under the moonlight that distract you from your said casual golfing spree. Before all else, we should start by considering the environments presented to us within the game itself, as it contains history and lore relevant to the bigger picture.
The Setting: You break into a prestigious golfing course known as the Green Canyon Golf Club, a club that has appeared on a magazine issue before which crowns it as one of 'the most inconvenient' courses in the world, likely due to the fact that it was built on an island, also featuring courses that loop around bodies of water. A bit of history given to us was that the course was initially meant to be left as open space before it underwent renovations accordingly in 1982. Today, you will find a large bridge that looms in the skyline between hole 9 to 11 which serves as one of the alternate entry ways to the island, as well as long walkways that cut between winding grasslands and forests.
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The Golf Course: The lush and verdant environments of Green Canyon's courses boast the transplant of distinctly non-native, European trees to sport its current iconic look, and this impressive landscape is maintained by an outsource lawn-care company known as Greener Grass, a team that specialises in 'large, remote areas' and is known for its apparently weird advertisements. It is also implied from the bizarre ad and posters that plays at the end of the game that Greener Grass Co. has capabilities in helping to 'revive' dead or dried up lawns, and use a special brand of either soil or fertilising materials that assist in this process. The latter is implied from what you find around the caddy shack.
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The further you pick and go with your ball, however, the more oppressive the atmosphere becomes. At some places you will see the illusion shedding its scales - bald, exposed trees on yellowed patches of ground despite being surrounded by other lush trees.
The Caddyshack: At the end of the twelfth hole lies a building you were warned to stay away from because "it's bad", according to an actual Green Canyon club member you met previously. All the doors in the building are locked except for the employee's only room, which will reveal a bloody scene. Presumably, the person you encountered previously who gave you the warning was dead on a chair, while a charred body lies on the office table in the middle of the room. Strewn about are cans of gasoline and Greener Grass Awaits co. bags, possibly containing the fertiliser or soil speculated before. The caddyshack is an important place as it functions as the gateway between the human world and the realm of the residing deity.
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More of this will be explained later on.
The Forest: Entering the darkness of the room in the caddyshack will magically transport you to a different space of existence. Here, temples are separated by deep forests, with sacrificial alters occasionally in between them. The forests are dark, and staying in the light is necessary for survival. There are two objectives in this section of the game: pop The Blister and then Kill the Tree. You will need to repeat this objective twice as you march further into the home of the eldritch deity. The Blisters are pulsing gobs of flesh, like a heart, that are stuck onto the orifice of a tree in the forests. However, the game developer interestingly refers to them not as blisters, but as wounds. More on this later. Popping the blisters with your ball will open up the temples' entrance to access the Trees in question, hence the latter objective. You Kill the Trees by swinging your ball into the hole beneath its trunk. There are two Trees (so two Blisters altogether) to kill. When both trees are killed, your action provokes the deity living in this space of existence so much that a boss fight is instigated.
With that being said, it's important to now discuss the enemies we encounter in question.
The Antagonists: Sneaking in for some midnight golfing has its consequences the longer you overstay your welcome on the field and continuously stare down the face of evil. Interestingly, this game presents a surprisingly thought-out mechanism and line-up of enemies as they do not operate on a singular basis, but rather as a triangular feedback between a cult, a forest of angels, and a God out of this world.
The Cult: Under the guise of a landscape company skillful in maintaining the surrounding flora, it is heavily speculated that the Greener Grass co. are an elusive cult that has been offering human sacrifices to a foreign deity that promises everlasting scenery (satisfaction, contentment) in exchange. It is implied from some sign boards that the Greener Grass cult have been spreading the deity's influence outside of its realm and into the human world through the transplant of the aforementioned 'saplings from Europe'. The flora of this game are symbolic of the presence of this God, and potentially serves as an anchor for it to assist in the maintenance of the landscape. Some clues eluding to us that it is indeed a cult were the bloodied altars in the forest sections, as well as a weird book lying on one of the chairs in the Caddyshack. The inscription on the front cover is hard to make out.
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The three enemies that stalk you through the game are Greener Grass employees, and are the poster children for both the cult and company given they are one and the same. The 'bizarre ad' that plays at the end also features the same trio, and the song played in it has lyrics hinting towards the company's true intentions. Some of these notable lyrics are: "my life is not what I imagined", "what if you could find that green, and all you had to do was come with me?", "it's the answer to your problems if you come with me". Definitely ominous, and the cult's whole ordeal with 'greener grass awaits you' is a play on the proverb of "the grass is greener on the other side".
Essentially, it is a cult that capitalises off people's insecure dissatisfaction with their own lives (which is pretty much in character for most cults in the real world anyways), takes advantage of sentiments of envy stemmed similarly, all with the lure that you will be happy if you join them. However, the cult does not just follow the stereotypical 'what if happiness was evil' trope, but because their motif is directly tied to the deity they serve under.
The 'Angels': The forests between the temples and altars are occupied with a crowd of stone statues that have that trademark grin the employees had. The angels operate in a very unique mechanism. Unlike the trio employees that stalk closer when your back is turned on them, the statues littering the forest grounds follow another modified system of the weeping angel formula - the second you stay with them in the dark without a light source, it will prompt flashing visages of their faces to psychicly overwhelm your vision. They do not directly attack you, instead choosing to paralyse you in with their surrounding numbers if you're left to wander in the darkness. I call them 'angels' as they seem to be closer to the original weeping angel family in terms of how they work, but also due to the fact that they look much more friendly in the light. They are also enthusiastic statues who rotate between striking an unnecessarily cute abundance of poses. All these poses involve them expressing their joy, almost in ecstasy. Praising, worshipping...something. The ironic liveliness of their poses grants them an impression that they are dancing behind your back.
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I also like the detail that when a light source is on them, their expressions are always shut-eyed, but with the visages that flash repeatedly in dark areas, even if you can't see them well, the game shows you that their eyes are open, and thus the impression their expressions give off is that they're mocking you.
On their own, the angels are not a difficult enemy given their psychic esque attacks are ceased with keeping the light close to you. But this game is sadistic, so it eventually throws in the Greener Grass employees into the forests as well. What occurs then is that you're forced to move away constantly - so you either get killed by the employee for trying to keep the light with you, or you're killed by the angels once the employee drives you out of the light's radius. Extremely evil. Once again, it is to enforce the idea that everything that wants to kill you in the game are in cahoots with each other. Another minor detail I noticed was that the trio employees from the Greener Grass commercial also broke into dances over something viewed as trivial as growing lawn grass, which is likely a parallel to the Angels' poses. The expression of 'dancing' and a carved, permanent grin, I think, is done to honour their God.
A God: The overseer of the Greener Grass cult, a deity not from our familiar world who is connected to trees, nature, and most importantly, joy. The final enemy of this game is Exuberance, an eldritch divinity who has nefarious intentions of fully crossing over to 'our' world once the Last Sacrifice is Broke Open. A face with a grin stretched wide by tree branches.
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Exuberance is an interesting name as it is generally defined by 'the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.' It's not simply the emotion of happiness, but rather, referring to a state of high spirits, of ecstatic liveliness being. Furthermore, and perhaps this is merely a clever coincidence, but 'exuberance' can also be used to describe, 'the quality of growing profusely; luxuriance' particularly with plants, which would circle back to how it is related to trees and the Greener Grass cult. The entities associated with Exuberance are then constantly in a state of 'bliss' and carve their own faces to resemble their deity. After all, since when was the last time you felt so happy the only method of expressing it is through a dance? It's a primal trait, undoubtedly.
It is thus speculated that this God is quite ancient given the appearance of its realm, the forest, contains archaic architecture of temples. Yet, the bodies we find on the sacrificial altars are fresh, the blood more red than rust. Exuberance had been collecting human sacrifices through its cult, as evident by the large amount of bodies/souls that are released whenever the deity takes damage. It has that same air of confidence and arrogance towards humans that most eldritch Gods carry themselves with. Likes to speak a lot. Here are all of its lines:
Abandon this endeavor. You can't kill a God! You will join me eventually, everyone does!
Now I realise who I'm talking to! No matter. Your suit of flesh is fragile. I will break it open, and you will pour out. That body will be the last sacrifice I need.
You cannot keep that world! I will take your dinner from you.
Upon your first playthrough, though, Exuberance's dialogue sounds like complete gibberish or madness when the context is not made clear yet. This whole journey thus far has not made much sense on how it transitions from casual golfing to killing a God, how Green Canyon Golf Club has to do with a cult; but it will hopefully become clearer with the next introduction: The Protagonist.
The Protagonist: Our local golfer may not just be as local as we thought.
We've discussed the setting and the enemies. Now we must talk about the main character: yourself. In the game, you have no reflection to view your character's appearance, but if it helps in any way, you seem to be slightly shorter than the majority of the enemies and NPCs you encounter. This isn't important information, I just think it's funny. Your character is generally regarded as a weirdo, even speculated to be mentally unstable or inebriated by some people discussing this game. The signs seem to be there: vaulting fences into a premium golf course after dark to play golf in the dark, having a tendency to stare at other characters straight in the eyes, unsettling even the security guard, and appears to be obsessed with the sport of golf. Your character is played up to be an infatuated madman with the latter, with mental barriers scribbled about how they wouldn't miss golf for the world, and the leading theory as a result was that the entire game was a hallucination birthed from their obsession with golf, or rather, too bloody drunk and passed out with strange dreams near the canyon. This would have been the case until you consider two things: Firstly, despite claiming to be a hardcore golfer, your character carries around a beginner's guide on the sport, and has only a simple putter and driver in their sling bag. When you kill Exuberance and wake up in front of the club's front door, you also do not recall where you were, only recognising your car was parked, and that you should leave. Not recognising Green Canyon Golf Club indicates to us that something is off, given as discussed prior, it is an infamous place for golfing, and had the character really been a die-hard for the sport, they would have realised it without problem. Secondly, the character you play from the start to the end of the boss fight compared to when you wake up seem to have differing personalities. The character you have been stuck with seems to know what they're doing at all times, and gives instructions on their next move. They're stiff, rigid, and are not easily excitable even in the face of the stalking employees or a dead body. They don't seem to care much about anything at all except for an odd aversion to water, as well as wanting to kill Exuberance. What is even stranger is that the font for the character's monologue is completely different after the boss fight ends.
During the game:
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After the game/ending:
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The former is more messy, like it's written by hand. The latter is a plain font. This implies that something about your character has changed — the truth was that you were possessed all along, most likely by another eldritch God whom is not Exuberance, and came to the golf course to slay it. There are some allusions to you being a separate eldritch entity: Exuberance recognises you. Not the character you were playing as, but whatever that was occupying the human vessel temporarily. An eldritch God has no reason to remember or know a mere human, after all, hence explaining the second and third line of dialogue by it in the temples, as well as why when the original owner of the body wakes up, they have no recollection of what occured whatsoever, and, effectively as other players have thought - it's all chalked up to both the ordinary you and the players as 'just a dream'.
Your character also refers to themselves as "this body" whenever you enter the water as the vessel you are possessing has no swimming skills. At the very start of the game, you even get to 'choose body'. You're choosing a vessel suitable to your liking to possess. What is more evident as well is the ominous answers that you can use to respond to whatever the NPCs are saying, as well as frightening them due to the possibility even they knew you felt off. You would often hear screams drone louder and louder in the background whenever you got near to these NPCs, as they are actually dead. We 'hear' the truth from what is not directly told to us by these spirits that were trying to advise against proceeding deeper into the course.
Yet, we proceed. The enemies would have directly charged at you from the get-go instead of waiting for you to look away since the way you look at something (eyes are the windows to the soul, and I wonder what kind of thing they would see in the place of one when others look at you) since you clearly hold a certain influence over them by presence and stare alone. The undead should have nothing to fear, and yet even they practice caution against something that reminds them of their patron God. Another reason I believe you're being possessed is because the font you have always used in the game feels handwritten, the same way Exuberance's font is more cursive and messy. Clearly, you are a deity by some means, just a different kind with different intentions; some intentions that are left unanswered even after finishing the game.
Just what exactly does all of this writing amount to?
The Final Story: An expansive golf course known as the Green Canyon Golf Club opens up in 1982 after being renovated from its previously barren state. It was founded on a large island, featuring a diverse, challenging number of holes for people to enjoy while they traverse the canyon's scenery. In order to maintain the green and natural state of the course, Green Canyon managers hired a company known as Greener Grass to assist them. Greener Grass co. appeared to be a rather new company, having only few reviews, but an eye catching advertisement and specialises in the lawn keeping for large, remote areas, which seemed to fit the canyon's liking and geographic description. The hired company set to work, transplanting in gorgeous trees supposedly from Europe, as well as using their own brand of soil to allow the environment of the course to prosper. The environment was clearly well tended to, with the course even forbidding golf carts due to how sensitive and delicate the fields were, as well as advising golfers to not hit their balls into the trees as native birds nested there. Despite these rules, the course was fairly prestigious, its popularity captured in several sports magazines.
What was unknown to the club, however, was that this lawnscape company they hired was actually a cult, and the permission to freely introduce foreign flora to the land had been with the company's intention to bring in anchors tied to the God they made contact with, Exuberance. Through the golf course and perhaps other places not mentioned, Exuberance had been steadily increasing its influence over the human world as it received more and more sacrifices thanks to its formidable cult. The cult worked in a caddyshack on the golf course, and would lure in members of the golfing club with normal statements of refreshments available, only to offer them up as sacrifices to the altars of the temple. The sacrificed bodies were then burned and made into the materials the Greener Grass front used to maintain the lush landscapes. Countless rinse and repeat sessions of bloodshed later, Exuberance required just one more body still to cross over to the human world and, from there, become unstoppable with the fact that its associating flora were planted everywhere by the cult by then.
But the violent rituals of the Greener Grass cult had resulted in innocent souls trapped on the grounds of the course and realm in-between worlds. The souls screamed in their fate of immortalised anguish, and eventually this unbearable abundance of noise roused the deity of the human world from its previous state of inaction. Exuberance is a source of insolence, believing it could attempt to compete with Us for the world we looked after. Something must come out of this. The problem was that Exuberance's realm was closed off, difficult to penetrate without proper mobility. A plan was thus hatched: possess a suitable vessel to appear human in order to get closer to the home of the enemy. It risked vulnerability as the human body was fragile and had a mind occupying it already, but that doesn't matter when casting a heavy filter of obsession with the sport would properly motivate them to do the bidding. This different deity knows that Green Canyon Golf Club had been discreetly converted to a massive ritual ground at this point, and playing by the rules of the world of golf, even if tedious, was necessary to reaching the gateway and destroy the anchors tied to Exuberance.
You play the role of a victim as the undead start to stalk from behind, but something was off about this sacrifice, and the employees take turns reporting back to their God of this issue. Exuberance believed the disguise of a human, not being aware of what laid hidden under the layers of blood and bones. You finish the 12th hole, enter the caddyshack, and find yourself where you wanted to be: on the turf of the enemy's temples. Staying in the light was vital to survival here, and as fresh blood collects in the basin of the altar from a previous sacrifice, the innocence of a stolen life had purified to form a glowing orb. An orb that lights up like a star in the dreary landscape, taking the filth of flesh as it goes. By the time Exuberance had realised the scheme of a trojan horse, you had already successfully killed the trees, and all that was left was to kill Exuberance itself. With each swing, you take out pieces of the God, releasing the souls into the surroundings.
The fight ends with a clear victor, and you wake up outside of the golf club with no recollection of any of this. The deity possessing your vessel had relinquished control, allowing you to continue your life as normal. What occurs after then is unclear, as the advertisement sings its jingle, and we get to see the spine of a book inscribed with strange symbols on the right as the game ends with the sound of a closing door.
TLDR; Local grass cult goes overboard with human sacrifice rituals, acidentally summons worse eldritch being to kill their patron deity just so it would shut up. Happy golfing!
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grimparks · 9 months
For all context go check the account !
Ps: english is nor my first language so there’s might be some errors
Narrator- so, kyle decided to invite after school the new guy, or if you rather Euphonie to his house. For some reason, this night, his brother and he were alone at their house, such a good time to invite someone other isn’t it ?
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Kyle- Welcome I guess.. sorry to bother you with that..
Euphonie- You’re are not bothering me! Its serious, our friends could be in danger.
Kyle- yeah, you’re right.
Euphonie- i have already find some little things about the case.
Euphonie- where do you want me to put everything ?
Kyle- umm, in bedroom has usual
Euphonie- okay
Kyle- i will take us something to drink, stay in my bedroom for the moment
Euphonie- Oh thanks!
Kyle- Okay, I’ll be kick ..
Euphonie- it’s okay take your time!
Narrator- so Kyle get back downstairs to take something to drink, but .. something abnormal append..
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Kyle- ARRRGG… what appending ?!..
Narrator- Oh yes, remember, Kyle have some headache these day, but.. this time it was hard. After that he decide as usual to not tell anybody about it, to not take meds and to go back to his room forgetting the poor hot chocolate he was making.
Narrator- but.. when he was on his way to get back to his room, he had a bad feeling.. like he shouldn’t go there for some reason..
Narrator- but you now Kyle, he go there whatsoever !
Narrator- when he get to the door of his room he saw something… he wasn’t expecting…
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Kyle- what…
Euphonie- you’re back ? I’ve take all the paper we needed..
Narrator- at this moment, Kyle was petrified.
Kyle- people are not supposed to have wings..
Euphonie- did you said anything ?
Narrator- at this moment, Kyle decided to do the most reasonable things anyone could do in this situation.
Kyle- I’m.. taking something .. in the closet….
Kyle- umm.. paper and.. other stuff like that …
Narrator- if you have played the fractured but whore, you now that in this closet there’s nothing that he just said.
Narrator- the only things we can find in his closet except costumes and his failed romantic life.. is a really heavy golf club.
Narrator- do i really need to say what will append next ?
Euphonie- so… i have the news paper here… and some information i got from tv there…
Kyle- 3… 2… 1…
Euphonie- so what…
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Narrator- the new guy felts on the ground unconscious, Ike didn’t hear anything, he was watching a stream on twitch.
Narrator- Kyle didn’t now what to do, so he decided to tied up his friend on a punching ball
20 minutes later
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Euphonie- uh… where’s my hat…
Euphonie- urgg…. Where am i… What happend ….
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Euphonie- oh putain de mon dieu.. since when can you see that ….
Euphonie- you want me to shut up or you don ‘t want me to shut up ?
Kyle- Just … WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ?! Why do you.. have wings and… everything ?!
Euphonie- Well .. I’ve always had that … and other people at school too.
Kyle- No no no.. don’t put the other into this… you’re the only one with that..
Euphonie- oh yeah ? Then why don’t you ask your brother to join us huh ?
Kyle- don’t you dare put my brother into this…
Narrator- while they were fighting, Ike heard his name in the conversation and decide to go check what’s happening
Ike- huh.. what happening there ?…
Narrator- Kyle turn around…
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Kyle- ….
Kyle- Ike ? …
Ike- you’re.. not supposed to see that…
Ike- what are you doing in here …
Kyle- …
Ike- why the new guy is tied to you’re punching ball…
Kyle- what happening…
Kyle- it’s a dream huh ? Im gonna wake up and everyone will be normal…
Euphonie- well… you’re not dreaming…
Euphonie- and … well, do you want me to give you some.. explanation ?
Ike- i… gonna go… the stream is gonna continue soon…
Ike- so.. good luck ?…
Euphonie- so.. hum.. you’re okay there ?
Kyle- i will ask again…
Kyle- what the FUCK is happening here ?!
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Euphonie- okay so basically, i am and your brother something called ..
Kyle- furry ?
Euphonie- what ? No … hybrid
Euphonie- normally we are hiding in the population and human cant see our hears, tail or other things like that…. But if we want to show it to a human, we can but.. we rarely do that …
Euphonie- two hybrid can see each other in their real form and i can promise, when someone can see us with our hears and everything, we know it.
Euphonie- and then there’s you… i don’t now how or why but apparently you can see… this ?…
Kyle- wait.. so other people at school are like.. this …
Euphonie- yes… A lot…
Kyle- oh gosh… can you tell me who…
Euphonie- for exemple… um.. Craig and tweek are cats… jimmy is a fox… token is human…
Kyle- wait… could that have a link with Stan and Clyde ?
Euphonie- what do you mean ?
Kyle- is Clyde and Stan are hybrid ?
Euphonie- …
Euphonie- yes…. Clyde is a sparrow and Stan a tiger i think…
Kyle- …
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Euphonie- don’t you think that tied your guest to a punching ball is not really polite ?
Kyle- wait … how did you … What happen ?…
Euphonie- you don’t remember the time skip ?
Kyle- umm… yes, but normally it’s when you … uhm … fart.
Euphonie- WHAT ?! This how the human see it ?! That’s disgusting… no that’s a hybrid capacity…
Kyle- the fuck is that again …
Euphonie- i will explain that later…
Euphonie- whatever, if I’m here it’s for our friends… And maybe…
Kyle- what maybe ?
Euphonie- no… no…
Euphonie- so ! For the case, i had a great idea.
Kyle- what is it ?
Euphonie- we’re gonna enter on the police station during night and steal the case of Stan, Clyde and the video of the security camera the day when they disappeared !
Kyle- but… that’s illegal !
Euphonie- do you really care ?
Kyle- no…
Euphonie- then… we will need some help…
Kyle- you mean… kenny and cartman ?
Euphonie- not really… i mean, if you ask me to help you, it’s because your others friends were busy isn’t it ?
Kyle- yeah…
Euphonie- then, we’re gonna call some of my contact
Kyle- but your literally friend with the entire town.
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Euphonie- that’s a good thing !
Kyle- so… who you gonna call ?
Euphonie- don’t worry, I’ll give 3 letter, I’m really busy this week-end, so your job is to give the letters okay ?
Kyle- what ? But… i don’t these person…
Euphonie- oh you know two of them I’m sure…
Euphonie- just some indication, for the first one don’t say my name and don’t call him by his name but by the pseudonym on the letter.
Euphonie- for the second, don’t say that the plan is for helping Stan, if you say that, he will not join.
Euphonie- and for the last one… just try not to give the letter to her roommates.
Kyle- okay… i guess…
Kyle- just… how have you summon that pen ?
Euphonie- don’t worry about that
Euphonie- and there you go, here the letters
Euphonie- well now that it’s done, i think I’m gonna go except if you have anything else to say or do ?
Kyle- no… no, this is it…
Euphonie- well goodbye i guess for now…
Euphonie- just a little reminder, when we will get back to school… every hybrid will notice you’re power.
Kyle- okay, i guess, umm…. Bye ?
Euphonie- see ya !
End of chapter two
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 24 days
Tennis ball analysis
Despite people saying he has no personality, he has one. It’s just very overlooked. He’s very sassy and can be quite mean at times to people he considers “stupid”, but that’s just the people he’s mean to. He’s especially sassy to golf ball, who ignores it. He has a shorter temper than most of the of the other characters, though he can contain himself well; he mostly just resorts to scolding the others or making “passive” aggressive remarks right in front of their faces. He seems to think everyone should know everything already and enjoys correcting people, because he wants everyone to be “correct”. He’s very expressive and doesn’t hesitate to scream about being scared, or cry when he’s sad. He seems to be willfully ignorant about any wrong doings from his friends. He doesn’t believe golf ball is a “bad person”, he gets her. He understands people on a deeper level than most, even down to what materials they’re made of. As much as he sounds like a confident character so far, he’s not. He hates conflict, so he doesn’t stand up for ANYONE, he just mentions how he doesn’t like something and tries to de-escalate. He’s very easily hurt and wants to be seen as the second best at everything. Except. Inventing. he’s ok with golf ball being better at everything except what he’s really passionate about. He feels like he’s always second place do he wants at least one thing that HES good at, not that THEYRE good at. As much as he loves golf ball, he wants there to be a distinct difference between the two, he doesn’t always wanna be seen as the supporting member. But he always puts himself in a position where he would be seen that way. His main priority is golf balls happiness and his own achievements, so he sometimes worsens their chances of winning to make sure they get what they want.
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herorkgk · 9 months
Now I'm curious. What's YOUR favorite OW2 skin??
i'll do you one better, here's my fave skins (that i own) for all the heroes
i opened up my game for this, if anyone reads through this good luck im sorry.
d.va - shin-ryeong
i can't even begin to describe why i love this skin so much but my fave part of it is the candles on her cannons
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doomfist - saitama
fun fact i became the very thing i hate for this skin (doomfist player)
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junkerqueen - zeus
i literally do not care this is her best skin and nothing that could come out for her will EVER be as good as this
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orisa - reindeer
another case of they can never make something for her as good as this
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ramattra - poseidon
honestly again. ik he doesn't have many but its just. how can they top this? i'm very into greek mythology so this event was really awesome for me tbh
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reinhardt - cardboard i've wanted this skin ever since ow1 btdubs bc my fave spray for him was always him as a kid trick or treating with cardboard armour and i wanted him to have a cardboard skin so bad. when they came out with it i caved... it was just everything i ever wanted
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roadhog - pachimari
i do not play roadhog.
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sigma - maestro
i like scuba too bc of his rock hard abs but this one is just so unique
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winston - werewolf
i also do not play winston but i love werewolves and i got this in a lootbox once
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wrecking ball - horizon
i don't play this stupid thing but i like lore skins
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zarya - totally 80's
DONT CAREEEEE best zarya skin
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ashe - little red
this has been the staple ashe skin for me. ashe has a lot. a LOT of really good s tier skins and i think she has the most best skins out of other characters aside from like. tracer and genji.
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bastion - coffin
bird is a freaking skeleton. best skin
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cassidy - riverboat
i've been wearing blackwatch lately and i keep losing so i think its a skin issue. going back to tried n true
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echo - kkachi
she's actually the cutest
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genji - genos
i really like one punch man....
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hanzo - casual
i remember the controversy over this skin back in the day it was so funny how grandpa they made him look. i think i like this one the most on hanzo bc i just like him as a character. i also like how this skin is him finally just being himself and in a subtle way showing how he's grown into himself as a person. means a lot to me
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junkrat - dr. junkenstein
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mei - jiangshi
best mei skin ik melon exists but be serious
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pharah - orbital
pharah has a bunch of good ones too but i can't help loving her being bald
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reaper - lü bu
best reaper skin. do not care
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sojourn - cyber detective
people who pretend sojourn has no good skins are delusional this is peak
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soldier 76 - grillmaster
do i need to say more. i will this was the first skin i ever worked really hard for in ow1. when i started playing again i grinded for days to get enough coins to get the full set golf swing pose, highlight intro and skin. i prayed i would get it in lootboxes but i never did so i worked really hard for this. corny but it means a lot to me, that was probably the most fun i ever had playing this stupid game
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sombra - face changer
i wear bride a lot too but nothing can beat face changer. imo this is one of the top 10 skins in the game if i was rating them. i love the mythology, i love the colour palette, i love the animations as the face changes, i love that you can see which face she is currently wearing on her gun in real time. its a really impressive skin
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symmetra - oasis
best sym skin its so elegant and pretty and cunty
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torbjorn - cybjorn
kraft mac n cheese.....
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tracer - comic book
i loveeeeee this one the panels from london calling.... eats this skin
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widowmaker - ange de la mort
as a widow main this skin makes me hot
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ana - night owl
goth bird. best skin
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baptiste - funky
dude i will never not love this skin the custom music when you select it and the gun colours. groovy
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i've hit my pic limit unfortunately i will need to rb and finish the rest
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mmorpg-escapism · 7 days
It's time to go mass produce de-tempering Porxies! How?
By using Matoya's Relict to make a Mother Porxie imbued with the cure to pop out a bunch of little ones. Yeah, that sounded better in my head. Oh well.
Our party for this dungeon is G'raha (Tank Form) and the Twins. Y'shtola can chat with or otherwise help Matoya while we do the work. It's... a whole mess in here. The music is very march-like yet whimsical, and sounds like something out of a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Fitting, I guess, since we're being guided around by frogs.
The first boss is Mudman and I'm not entirely sure what to think about this one other than "ew gross." Mud is not something I enjoy playing in, but I'll admit the golf-like mechanic where you have to aim the ball you're about to get smacked with at a hole so it doesn't keep smacking you is pretty neat.
Oh, and we got a callback to an earlier Matoya-related dungeon right before boss #1 - Sonny of Ziggy. Ziggy was one of the bosses in the Antitower... which is also my least favorite in the entire game (sorry, Calca/Brina enjoyers).
Boss two is a Nixie and we're going to be enjoying a callback to that in the future, don't worry. The mechanics here are nothing to sneeze at, between the "dodge the firehose" holes in the walls and the burn phase where we have to hop up on a cloud using water fountain jump spots. Everything boils down to "don't stand in the Bad" but this one is "the Bad is a water park" too.
And finally, we have to heat up the kiln (the magma is so pretty here, oh my god) and move on to our final boss: Mother Porxie! This unruly familiar is supposed to be helping us out but of course we have to beat it into submission first. It can't ever be easy. I do love the mechanics here, using pushbacks to avoid getting toasted and such. The big "inhale" section is probably the least fun out of all of them, and even then it's just "hold W and strafe out of AoEs" so it's not *that* bad.
Anywho, huzzah! We have our mass-producable cure for tempering! Celebration in the streets! Everywhere! Come on!
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Solar Opposites in: Solar Monsters (by @avaveevo)
Ch. 1
As the bus drives on, Terry looks at his husband Korvo, who is looking out at the window while sighing. Human Terry brings his husband closer to him as he smiles at him. But, his face then becomes a sad as he began to wonder about something.
Human Korvo: What’s wrong, darling?
Human Terry: Korvo?
Human Korvo: Mm-hmm.
Human Terry: have you ever wonder what our lives would’ve been? If we hadn’t been assigned to each other?
Human Korvo: No.
Human Terry: What? Why?
Human Korvo: Because, I don’t want to imagine a life without you and ours kids.
Human Terry: Aw Korvy! kisses him on the cheek
The two husbands then started to make out as everyone on the bus backs away, except for Nova, who is smiling at them. “My Beloved Monster & Me” from Eels plays in the background as Human Terry and Human Korvo arrived at the golf course while holding each other’s hand:
Human Korvo, however, is blushing after Human Terry got a corn dog and eats it.
Announcer: on speaker Number 42-L! Solar-Opposites!
Human Korvo and Human Terry got their golf-clubs while Korvo puts on a aquamarine lady-like golf-hat as Human Terry plays around with a golf club, until it hit his nose.
Human Terry: Aah! holds his injured bleeding nose Fuck!
Human Korvo: Damn it, Terry!
Later, at the golf course, Terry gets ready to hit his golf ball with a his club while everyone is watching him, including Cherie, Montez, Pezlie and Nova.
Human Terry: Fore!
Suddenly, he accidentally hit the guy setting the perimeter down as his scream is heard and Korvo, Montez, Cherie, who is covering Pezlie’s eyes with her hands, Nova and the other golfers gasp in shock. Human Terry looks down as he laughs nervously.
Human Terry: Ooh.
Later, Human Korvo manage to hit his ball while Human Terry watches his husband m, but then Korvo began to feel a headache, which caused him to accidentally move a golf cart with people on it. He looks at a golf club and tries to get it to stop. But, instead it made the cart hit a barrel of gas lol one and it made an explosion as it accidentally injured some people as Human Korvo and Human Terry exchange nervous-regretful expressions at each other. Montez, Cherie and Nova smiled at their two friends, because they are used to the mayhem the Solars always make as they shook their heads. Pezlie giggles.
Despite the mess, Human Terry and Human Korvo continue to walk along while smiling at each other. Human Terry then shoved Human Korvo playfully.
Human Korvo: Hey! shoves Human Terry back playfully
Human Terry laughs as Human Korvo throws a club at him as the two husbands ran and laugh with each other. The two alien husbands then roll down the hills with each other as they land in each other’s arms and stare at each other lovingly. But, before the two can kiss…
Human Korvo: feels a headache Aah! Ooh.
Human Terry: Honey, what’s wrong?
Cherie: running to them with Montez, Pezlie and Nova Korvo? Terry? What’s wrong?!
Montez: Is everything okay?
Nova: Are you okay, Korvo?
Human Korvo: Oh. It’s just a headache I sometimes take if I don’t take my pills… for my thin skin condition. It gives me head headaches.
Human Terry: Hey! Don’t worry. We’ll just find a restroom where you can take your medicine. Okay? Just breathe for me.
Human Korvo takes a deep breath as Human Terry hold him.
Human Korvo: Okay.
Human Terry: Come on. It’ll be okay. I got you honey.
Human Korvo looks at Human Terry carrying him as his smiles as they head to the men’s restroom. Meanwhile, at school, Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie are in a fancy uncomfortable outfit as they peek through the auditorium’s curtains while Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Sonya look at them and starts giggling silently.
Human Yumyulack: Whoa. snickers
Human Jesse: Yeah. Wow. giggles
Sonya: giggling
Miss Frankie: Um? Is this really necessary?
Fashion Designer: Quite necessary, Frankie.
Principal Cooke: I’m Principal Cooke, you stupid fuck.
Fashion Designer: Whatever.
Human Yumyulack: Okay. Good luck snickers Lady Cooke.
Principal Cooke: What?!
Human Jesse: Break a leg. playfully slaps Miss Frankie on the back
Despite, their annoyance, the two teachers can’t help but smile at the kids.
Principal Cooke: Well, these three may be a bunch of sci-fi motherfuckers. But, they’re our little sci-fi motherfuckers.
Miss Frankie: I can tell. becomes smitten with Cooke’s fancy outfit Cooke?
Principal Cooke: Yeah?
Miss Frankie: You look handsome. fiddles her fingers up and down on Principal Cooke’s stomach
Principal Cooke: Aw come here…
The two teachers try to kiss, but they are struggling because of the right outfits. The two back away to breath.
Principal Cooke: Ugh! Could this day get any more humiliating?
Then, the scene cuts to Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Sonya talking to some kids.
Human Jesse: So when the white Goobler became super big, I just let my soon-to-be step-adult Korvo have it! And it went BOOM!
School Girl: Cool.
Human Yumyulack: You guys should’ve seen it! It was like the giant marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.
Kids: Whoa! Awesome! Was it cute? How big was it?
Human Yumyulack: The size of Godzilla!
Sonya: Hey! Look what my foster dad Mr. Terry taught me! flings a grape with a spoon and catches it in her mouth as she eats it
Kids: cheering
Annie: That is so cool!
Suddenly, the Headphone guys came and shove a lunch tray down.
Aidan: Oops. Oh, I am so sorry. Can you kids leave for bit?
The kids did what they said and leaves as Yumyulack gives a death stare at the headphone guys and growls as the three mean boys sit down.
Human Yumyulack: What do you what Aidan, Braiden and Jayden?
Jayden: We just want to say, slams his tray down on the table If you guys go near our peers you’re dead! If you guys say anything to them, you’re dead! If you guys think about them… sees Human Jesse being boy crazy and sighing Are you thinking them?
Human Jesse: turns her attention towards the Headphone kids Huh? Oh yeah. Just now.
Aiden: drops his fork That’s it… YOU’RE DEAD!
Sonya screams as the Headphone guys starts chasing the three siblings throughout the school.
Braiden: Back here you fucking brats!
Human Yumyulack: slides on pole Hang ‘10, girls!
Human Jesse and Sonya: screaming
Braiden and Aiden corners around Sonya as she squeals and jump. Then, Yumyulack jumps on them.
Human Yumyulack: Guess what motherfuckers?! gives Braiden a wedgie Fucking wedging time! laughs as he gives Aiden a wedgie
Aiden: Ow! Motherfucker!!
The boys continue to chase them. Meanwhile, Sonya sees the unveiling of a new mascot for the school.
School President: Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke, with their new mascot… the kraken!
Sonya gasp as Principal Cooke, who is struggling with his costume, tries to cute the ribbon as it reveals the statue of a kraken.
Sonya: gasp Kraken? screams as she runs out the auditorium Kraken! Kraken! screams once she sees Jayden and Aiden Bully! Bully!
As soon as Sonya left, Jesse tried to hide as she starts breathing and out but manage to calm down as she listens to happy thoughts in her head
Human Jesse: sighs Yeah. Just think about the sunshine. And the rainbows. And the hot boys, and the-
Suddenly, Human Jesse gets grabbed by the headphone guys as Sonya turns around and gasp. Human Yumyulack made it but then sees Human Jesse getting harassed by the Headphones Guys and gasp.
Aidan: So, you’re Yumyudork’s sister, huh? picks Jesse up by the hair
Human Jesse: Hey! Caught it out!
Jayden: What a stupid fucking bow!
Human Jesse: Hey!
Braiden: Want to see us take it out?
Human Jesse: Ow!
Jayden: I’m gonna enjoy this!
Human Jesse: Stop it you fucking monsters!
As Jesse screams, Yumyulack started to feel something as the voices distorted and he starts seeing purple as something in him causes him to revert to his alien self and pummels on Jayden, as the fully enraged Replicant lets a bloodcurdling scream and scratches Jayden’s face, enough to leave a bleeding scar on his left cheek.
Yumyulack: Get off my sister, you bitch!
Human Jesse: shock Yumyulack!
Sonya: You’re hurting him!
Jayden screams as he notice Yumyulack’s eyes turning purple. The teachers then heard the sound as they immediately head out of the auditorium and witness Yumyulack attacking Jayden.
Ms. Perez: Boys! Stop! Yumyulack stops as his eyes turn back to normal but then gasp upon seeing everyone looking at him What the fuck is going on here?!
Jayden: Help! Get this fucking freak off of me!
Mia: What the? Yumyulack?! What are the fuck are you doing?!
Yumyulack gasp as he sees the scratch on Jayden’s face and the other kids back away from him, except for his sisters. Yumyulack then looks down at his hands. Later, the three siblings wait for Principal Cooke.
Human Jesse: Yumyulack? tilts her bow to the other way on her head Does this make my bow look better?
Human Yumyulack: Jesse, your bow looks fine. Those guys are just fucking jerks.
The Headphone Guys head out of the office as they back away from Yumyulack and runs away while Jayden yelps.
Miss Frankie: Opposites?!
The three siblings head inside the Principal’s office, the two minutes later..
Principal Cooke: Wait? You guys don’t do that?
Human Yumyulack: N-n-no? I-I don’t think Shlorpians attack people in violent rage and see different colors.
Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie: What?!
Human Jesse: Yeah. We never do that. This is new to us. We don’t see any other Shlorpians do it.
Sonya: Really? Did Mr. and Mr. Opposites tell you?
Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse: No. not really. Yeah. We never even hear about this.
Human Yumyulack: Yeah. To be honest, Korvo and Terry never talk to us about this. Neither Aisha.
The two teachers get terrified as they look at each other concern about this.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit. They sound serious.
Principal Cooke: Uh, should we call your da-
The door then open with Sherbet entering.
Sherbet: Excuse me, hi Principal Cooke. I’m here to take the kids to their dads. Nova called me to come pick them up and bring them to them at the golf course.
Principal Cooke: Uh, thank you. Now, get the fuck out of my office!
Sherbet and the kids leave as the two teachers began to grow concern about this.
Principal Cooke: Yeesh. They sound serious.
Miss Frankie: Should we maybe, call Korvo and Terry?
Principal Cooke: sighs No, that’ll make things worse. And, you know how violent Korvo can be when angered.
Miss Frankie: Yeesh. Good point.
Later, Sherbet and the kids got on a bus while Human Yumyulack starts texting Korvo and Terry about what happened today. Back with Terry and Korvo, the two human alien husbands head inside the restroom with Human Korvo heading inside the stall and getting out his medicine from his purse.
Human Korvo: groans in pain, breathes in and out as he takes two pills and put it in his mouth while drinking a bottle of water
Human Terry: Honey? Are you okay now?
Human Korvo: Yeah. Definitely. heads out of the stall as he heads to the sink and washes his hands
Human Terry: Yeesh. Korvo starts splashing water on his face You weren’t kidding me when you told about this skin condition. Must be painful. touches Korvo’s face My poor Korvy.
Human Korvo: D’aw it’s okay. I am a tough Shlorpian y’know. So, grabs Terry by the shirt while trying to seduce him you wanna have a little fun?
Human Terry: feeling horny Oh-ho, yeah. As long as it’s in the bathroom.
Human Korvo and Human Terry take off their clothes as they started have sex. The two started making out while having sex. A golfer came by and backs away.
Golfer: What the fuck...?
The person walks away awkwardly. As the two husbands sex away, Human Korvo recieved a text from Yumyulack.
Human Korvo: What the fu….? reads the text and grows horrified Oh my God.
Human Terry: What?! What is it?!
Human Korvo: Terry! Quick! Put your clothes back on! We must head outside!
Human Terry: Oh right the kids! Fucking duh!
An hour later, Human Korvo and Human Terry head out of the bathroom with their clothes back on. They then see Sherbet meets up with Nova, who gives her a motherly nose smother, as Sherbet smiled and laughs. But then, human Yumyulack began to grow nervous as he began to suffer a panic attack as he starts breathing in and out.
Human Korvo: runs to the children Yumyulack! Jesse!
Human Terry: runs to the children Sonya! Pupa!
Human Korvo then hugs Human Yumyulack as he began to breath in and out with a huge amount of anxiety.
Human Korvo: Oh, thank God you're alive.
Human Yumyulack: breathing in and out while wheezing K-Korvo! Terry! Please don’t kill me! B-but I s-swear, I-
Human Korvo: pulls Yumyulack in for a soothing hug Sssh...sssh...you're okay. I'm here.
Human Yumyulack breaks down in tears as he cries into Korvo’s chest while Human Pupa goes up and hugs the two of them as Human Jesse and Sonya runs up to human Terry and hugs him as they weep silently.
Human Terry: joins in on the hug with Human Korvo, Human Yumyulack and Human Pupa Hey. It’s okay kids. Korvo and Terry are here! Your alien dads are here!
The kids began to calm down as they began to break away form the big and Human Korvo touches Human Yumyulack’s shoulder.
Human Korvo: It’s okay kiddo. I know what you’re going through.
Human Yumyulack: sniffles You do?
Human Korvo: Yes. You finally have thin skin. It’s actually inherited in our family for generations. It can cause you to freak out when fully stress. Right now, we just need to get you your own pills? Okay?
Human Yumyulack: tearfully Okay?
Human Korvo then summons AISHA in her human form with his watch.
Human Korvo: AISHA, we need pills for Yumyulack immediately.
Human AISHA: Damn it. Fucking time already? Hope you dummies don’t get all violent with this rage thing you fucking inherited.
Human AISHA then makes a pack of lavender pills with her technology and have been turn into carbonated forms in a little medicine bottle. Human AISHA hands Human Korvo the pills over to him as he gives the pills to a worried human Yumyulack:
Human Korvo: sighs It’s gonna be okay Yumyulack. These pills are gonna help you control that newfound violent temper of yours. Trust me. Right now, it’s best if we get you and your siblings home.
Human Korvo and Human Yumyulack did a father and son soft headbutt of love as the sun begins to set and the kids head over to Human Terry. Human Korvo then looks at his reflection on his phone.
Human Korvo: to himself; quietly They mustn't know. Not yet, at least.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 months
Pobre Hermosa (A Fanboy x Plus Size Latina Reader x Hangman SMUT!)
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Translations: Title- Poor Beauty, Hijo de la...- Son of a..., HIJO DE LA CHINGADA!- SON OF A FUCK!, Perdoname querida- Sorry sweetheart, Lo sentiste?- Did you feel it?, Lo sentí- I felt it, Que hermosa- how beautiful, Te gusta?- Do you like it?, Lo quieres?- Do you want it?, El infierno de amor- The fire of love, Te amo- I love you, Que?- What?, Te amo tambien- I love you too, QUE CHINGADO HACES?- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?, No estoy enohada contigo, pero tengo que hablar con mi pendejo de hijo- I'm not mad at you but I need to have a word with my fucking idiot of a son, Que pasa?- What's up?, Mi vida- My life.
Notes: Never has writing a smut been so damn difficult simply cuz like the whore I am I'm thirsting over more than one man in the same movie. Nevertheless I finally got this shit done, and now that my creative muscle is working again I plan on posting more, including a possible New Years Resolution post but that is still up in the air for now. Anyway, enjoy!
Many people believe that perfection is only a concept of ones mind. That what’s perfect to you may not be perfect to others. I think whoever first came up with that clearly never met Mickey. Or maybe they did and only managed to see him as he saw himself. A man that always needs to work hard to be acceptable to others. The thing that bugged the absolute hell out of me and that I desperately wished he’d stop doing. I just want him see himself as I do… as I always have.
We were sixteen the first time it became a real problem.
“What the fuck happened to you?” he looked at me in horror when I showed up on his doorstep with a cut on the corner of my forehead.
“Dexter threw a rock at my head,” I said. Dexter was our school’s biggest slease bag. He’d pick a girl and obsess over her until she finally caved and gave him what he wanted. This weeks girl just so happened to be me. I wasn’t caving in though, never in hell, and he was fucking hating it. So much so that when I passed him and his goons on the way to Mickey’s and didn’t give him any sort of attention, he called my name and threw a golf ball sized rock at my head as soon as I (stupidly) turned.
“Hijo de la… come on in,” Mickey stepped aside and I brushed passed him. I shrugged off my hoodie and hung it in the small closet. I had just started making my way to the kitchen for some ice when Mickey grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. “On the counter hermosa.” He said as he dug out the first aid kit from under the sink. I hopped onto the counter next to the sink.
“Where’s mama? And Papi?”
“Mama’s visiting a friend, and Papi got called in to work overtime.” Mickey explained as he dug out a bandage and disinfectant from the kit. He dabbed some of the disinfectant onto a cotton ball. “Now hold still, this might sting a bit.”
Sure enough the second the cotton ball touched the cut a fierce burn shot through me. “HIJO DE LA CHINGADA!” Mickey chuckled, and blew on it.
“Perdoname querida but I did warn you,” he whispered placing the bandage on my head. He then leaned in and kissed it. “Better?”
I nodded. “Thanks.” I pecked him on the cheek… or at least I would have had he not turned his head just right to throw the cotton ball and bandage wrapper into the nearby trash. My lips crash into his stunning both of us. We jolted back as if struck by a spark of electricity. “Uh...sorry I-I didn’t mean to―.”
“Lo sentiste?” he asked. I looked at him confused. “Did you feel it?” He asked again kneeling closer to me. I nodded somehow knowing what he meant.
“Lo sentí,” I whispered. “Lo sentí.” His lips found mine again, only this time...we didn’t stop.
Up until then I’d been a virgin, and so had Mickey as far as I knew. He continued to kiss me passionately as our hands began to explore each other. Mickey wasn’t completely ripped from head-to-toe just yet but his body was still pretty solid and smooth as I snaked my hand up his shirt. He groaned and trembled before shrugging off his shirt. I brought my lips to his chest and kissed the skin above his heart. After a while he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me back. I looked up at him completely drunk off both of our energy. He brought his hands down to the hem of my Selena tank top. I lifted my arms and let him take it off. He kissed me hard and snaked his arms around me to unhook my bra. I’d never been so exposed to him before.
“Que hermosa,” Mickey whispered before taking one of my breasts into his mouth. I moaned as he sucked on and played with my nipple. I tangled my fingers into his dark curls and began to grind my body against his. The fire inside us grew hotter with no end in sight. Suddenly very eager I reached down and undid the button on my shorts. Mickey unzipped them and pulled them off of me, tossing them aside. His joined them soon after and dios mio was the sight stunning. “Te gusta?” He asked catching me eyeing his size.
Aesthetic wise he was pleasing to look at. Shaved, smooth, and just a little darker than his skin. His length and width were enough to make my mouth water. I looked up at him and nodded bringing my lips back to his.
I could feel him brush against me and it send a tremble through my body. Mickey felt this and pulled back. “Lo quieres?” I nodded again loving the feeling of him just rubbing against me. Mickey licked his lips and reached down lining himself up with my entrance. I didn’t know how my body would react to him but as soon as he began to stretch me I clung on to him… It was as if my body needed him, and the fire within it only grew more and more uncontrollable. El infierno de amor, I thought to myself and even now still fight back a laugh at how much like a telenovella it sounds.
Mickey wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he started thrusting. The feeling of Mickey slipping in and out of me was something I knew my body and soul would never forget.
Time didn’t exist in that bathroom. At least not while we were together. No, for the longest time it was just us, our moans, our heartbeats, our kisses, and the drumming our skin coming together. The fire continued to burn, tensing up my core until, eventually… I screamed, my toes curled, my back arched, and I could feel myself tighten around him. A moment later my head fell against his shoulder as my body began to relax. Mickey continued to move until he tensed up and cursing at the top of his lungs, erupted inside me. He dropped his head to my shoulder as he struggled to catch his breath.
“Te amo,” he muttered.
“Que?” He lifted his head to look at me.
“Te amo,” he said.
“Te amo tambien,” I said and was about to lean in for another kiss when…
“MICKEY GARCIA QUE CHINGADO HACES?!” His mom was standing in the doorway looking way beyond pissed. We broke apart then and rushed back into our clothes.
“Amá I can explain,” Mickey started.
“I am so so sorry Mama,” I jumped in ready to get down on my knees to beg for forgiveness before she could whip out the chancla. Mama threw her hands up to shut us up.
“Y/N, please go home, no estoy enohada contigo, pero tengo que hablar con mi pendejo de hijo.” When mama starts ranting in spanish that was usually the cue for me (or anyone really) to get the fuck out and dodge.
“Okay,” I turned to Mickey. “Um, see you at school.”
I left and spent the rest of the day in a daze.
The next day I met up with him in the hallway. I was still on cloud nine (and slightly sore) and I thought he might be too, but when I saw his face something felt...off. “Hey.”
“Um, hey,” he said nervously.
“I hope mama didn’t chew out too bad,” I said trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m actually grounded for a week and Papi wound up giving me the talk.” I cringed so hard for him.
“I am so so sorry Mickey,” I said.
“It’s not entirely your fault,” he said. Still I took his hand in mine and started to reach up for a kiss when he pulled away. “Um, we’re about to be late and I really don’t wanna add detention to my list of punishments.”
“Uh, okay,” I said and watched dumbfounded as he bolted away from me. “The fuck just happened?” I asked myself… Years passed and I still didn’t have an answer.
We never kissed after that, much less make love. For some reason Mickey acted as though nothing had ever happened between us. Like we were still just the two best friends we’d been before. It killed me but eventually I was fine with just having him in my life.
After high school Mickey joined the Navy. To calm his mom and dad I went and stayed with him while he got settled in at the academy. I was supposed to go to school in Phoenix but both Mickey and I found it was impossible to say goodbye and (much to the chagrin of my parents) I wound up staying with Mickey for good and watched as he busted his ass in the academy and then graduated from Top Gun training.
Eventually he got grouped with other pilots who quickly became our second family.
“Oh fuck me!” Jake exclaimed the second I removed my towel. Everyone was gathered on the beach for an impromptu football game. They had a hell of a mission ahead of them and their leader, Maverick, felt they needed a moment of fun.
“Is there a problem Hangman?” I asked.
“Oh not at all,” He said smiling his infectious cocky cock smile.
“Then why the drool?” I teased.
“You, my darling, are one hot piece of ass,” he said. “Fanboy your girlfriend’s a hottie! God damn!”
“Easy there Hangman, her bite is way more scary than her bark,” Mickey said.
“Oh you can bite me any time, darling,” Jake said with a wink before tossing Maverick the ball. I rolled my eyes and went to join my team.
The game started off as cheesy as it possibly could with the guys doing what they do best… being guys. At least Mickey did his best to cover my ass when someone would throw me the ball. At one point he managed to do it too well.
“Oh shit!” He lost his balance as he tried (and failed) run backwards to cover me. Before I could react he was crashing into me knocking us both to the ground. “Oof!” The wind was knocked out of both of us but not too severely. “You okay hermosa?”
I nodded. “I’m okay, you?” He continued to look at me concerned.
“I’m fine.”
“Good,” I reached up and pecked him on the lips, ‘cause we just won this bitch!”
I sat up and held the ball up making my team hoot and holler in victory. Each of my team mates gave me a victory hug before I finally turned to Mickey. I wrapped my arms around him but like he did back then he tensed up. He hugged me quickly then walked away towards the cooler full of beer. I actually felt an ache in my chest, and for a while I didn’t think anyone noticed.
“The fuck was that?” Jake asked now standing beside me.
“The fuck was what?”
“Fanboy normally treats you like you’re his world, and then you give him a sweet little peck and he acts as though you just insulted his mother.”
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” I muttered.
“Seriously?” Jake arched his eyebrow at me incredulously. A tear slid down my cheek and I knew it was time to go. I wiped the tear away and went to get my things. “Where you going?”
“Somewhere less crowded,” I said starting towards the beach exit. Mickey had driven us that day so I had no choice but to walk; thankfully walking tended to clear my mind. I had just reached our street when my phone buzzed.
Mickey: Hey where u at?
Feeling my throat close up I ignored the text and shoved my phone back into my shorts pocket. That’s when a familiar car pulled up beside me. “Need a ride?” Jake asked poking his head out of the drivers side window.
“Our place is just a couple houses down,” I said.
“I know but I was thinking of taking you somewhere better,” he said.
“Better than my bedroom with a plate of enchiladas and cookie dough ice cream?” I questioned.
“Oh yeah, way better,” he smiled. The scene at the beach replayed itself in my head and the ache started coming back. I sighed and shrugged before going around and hopping into the passenger seat.
He drove us passed my neighborhood and to Jorge’s Carneceria. I thought we were going to go in but Jake just made a b-line for the drivethru. “I’ll have a carne asada burrito, a plate of roll-tacos, a large coke, and uh,” Jake turned to me. “What would like babe?”
“I’ll have the chicken enchiladas and a large Dr. Pepper,” I told the intercom.
“Will that be all?” The worker asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Jake said. Once we collected our food Jake drove on until we reached a small house at the end of a culdesac. “Home sweet home.”
“Your place? That’s the somewhere better?”
“Have faith sweetheart,” Jake smiled leading the way inside. We ate in silence while marathoning The Haunting of Hill House (Jake let me pick). It was easy being with Jake, almost too easy.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I blurted out during the third episode. “I mean you’ve never acknowledged me before except to annoy or joke around.” Jake paused the show and sighed.
“Honestly? I fucking hate it when a beautiful, obvious kind, woman is treated like shit. Even moreso when it’s for no fucking reason, and it leads to said woman feeling the need to hide away from everybody.”
“I, I wasn’t hiding from...and I am nowhere close to being beautiful—.”
“Bullshit, Y/N,” Jake said. “You are one of the hottest chicks on this base. Look at you.” I felt my face warm up as my arms reflexibly folded to cover my stomach and thighs. “And you’re so kind and sweet it makes you even more gorgeous. Any man would be lucky as hell to be with you and I, honestly, can’t believe Fanboy is being such a fucking idiot and taking all of that for granted.”
I rolled my eyes. “I bet you say that to all the girls on base.”
“No, I don’t. Not even to Phoenix but that’s mostly because either she or Rooster can shoot me out of the air at any given moment and uh, I’d rather live thank you very much.” I chuckled at that and resumed the show.
Finally the sun dipped down completely letting night take over. I still wasn’t sure I was ready to go home though. I think my face might have betrayed me and showed that doubt to Jake. “You know you can stay the night if you want. Give you more time to decompress and cool down before facing the jackass tomorrow morning.”
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna impose…?”
“None of that now, you are more than welcome darling,” Jake said before standing up and stretching his arms out before turning back to me. “Um I’m gonna head to the shower real quick we can set you up when I’m done.”
“Okay,” I said watching him disappear down the hall. Not even a second later a familiar ringtone played gently from my phone.
No te has ido de mi vida, vida mía, pero ya te extraño
Quién diría, nadie lo creía, y ya vamos pa' un año
De solo pensar en perderte
Las milésimas se vuelven horas
Contigo yo me voy a muerte
Y mucho más cuando estamos a solas
Cuando nos falle la memoria y solo queden las fotografías
Que se me olvide todo menos que tú eres mía
I sighed and answered. “Que pasa?”
“Where are you? I’ve been going loco texting you but you never replied.” Mickey said sounding like he’d been about to call the police had I not answered.
“Having a Netflix night with a friend,” I said. “Is that all?”
“No, how come you disappeared earlier? We were all about to go for a drink at the Hard Deck but when I looked around you were gone.”
“And how long did it take you to notice?” Mickey sighed.
“Look I know I was kind of cold earlier,” he said.
“You’re cold every time I try to come near you, Mickey. Every time I wanna hold your hand, give you a hug, hell even when I give you a simple kiss! You, you push me away. I mean… Am I doing something wrong? Do you… do you regret that day we had in the bathroom or..?”
“I’m sorry I made you feel like this is your fault when it was actually mine. I don’t regret that day, or any day I’ve spent with you… Remember when I said my dad gave me the talk?”
“Well it wasn’t just that talk. He also lectured me about my future, and the Navy. How he’d seen many a soldier find someone, plan a future… only for it all to go to hell because the soldier came back in a box. He told me he didn’t want me to be that selfish… that now wasn’t the time to be thinking of relationships like that. And then yesterday when I called home, he reminded me of that. Said that I should only be focusing on the mission.” He explained.
“Your dad is an ass but I kind of understand. Still did it really require you to be such a dick to me?”
“I thought I was protecting you. Keeping you from possibly getting hurt if I… didn’t make it back.” He chuckled. “I was stupid. I figured this way you had more of a chance to find someone else, and live the life you would’ve if you’d gone to college. You know take risks and all that. But I know better now.” Tears slid down my cheeks then. “Te amo, Y/N.”
“I love you too but you can’t keep doing this,” I said. “You can’t keep pushing me away because it doesn’t fucking matter if you’re my best friend, boyfriend, or whatever. If you don’t come home, it will destroy me.”
“Will you please come home, hermosa?”
“I will tomorrow. For now I think we both need time to cool off and think things through.”
“Okay,” he said. “Goodnight, hermosa.”
“Night mi vida,” I whispered before hanging up the phone. I replayed the whole conversation in my head and the more I did the more crazy it made me feel. The more crazy I felt the more I doubted, and the more I doubted the more I stressed, and the more I stressed… the more my inhibitions are tossed to the wind, my right mind going with them.
He wanted me to have a chance… to take risks...I’ll show him fucking risks.
I tossed my phone onto the coffee table and started down the hall to the bathroom. I walked in and started to strip. “Y/N? That you?” I didn’t answer just finished getting undressed. Feeling a wave of a much different fire I drew back the curtain and stepped in. “WHOA WHAT THE FU—?” I crashed my lips onto his shutting him up. Jake froze but I continued to kiss him as I reached down. I’d barely wrapped my hand around his length when he pulled back. “You sure about this?” I nodded and began stroking him up and down. “Fuck…” he groaned. “Wu-What about Fanboy?”
“He wanted me to be free to do what I want with whoever I want, and right now I want you.” Precum started leaking from his tip as he grew more and more solid beneath my touch. “Besides how long has it been for you? How long has it been since someone’s stroke your cock this way?”
He moaned. “Way too fucking long, darling.”
“So what more do you want?” He didn’t answer me. Just leaned in and pressed his lips hungrily against mine as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up against the shower wall. His hand slid up my body and cupped my breast as his lips moved to my neck. I moaned at the feeling, which Jake took to mean he was able to go further. He reached down and lined himself up with my entrance.
“By the way I wasn’t joking when I said you could bite me anytime,” he said before pushing himself inside me.
“FUCK!” I screamed and clung onto him as he continued to stretch me.
“God you feel fucking incredible darling,” he said as he began to thrust. “Can’t believe that dumb fucker said no to this. Fuck!”
“Can’t believe I went this long without dick,” I added as he continued to slam into me. “If he keeps this up you might just have to fuck me more often.”
“Gladly,” Jake smiled reaching to turn the water off. He carried me to his room, his cock still buried inside me. Once he laid me on the bed he continued where he’d left off. I reached around and grabbed his ass making him thrust even harder in me. He leaned down and kissed me once more, his tongue exploring my mouth. After a while he flipped us over and I began to aggressively slide up and down his cock. Jake closed his eyes and let out the most arousing noises escape his mouth. I rode him on my own for a bit before he grabbed my hips and started thrusting up into me. Now it was my turn to make noise.
“OH SHIT!!!” I damn near screamed as the slapping noise of our skin increased as well as the feeling of tension in my core.
With Mickey and me the flame had the heat of a candle and spread like a fire through a house, but with Jake… it was like the inside of a volcano right before it erupts.
“Fuck darling, I don’t know how much longer I can, oh fuck.”
We flipped again and he rammed into me like his life depended on it. “Fuck Jake I’m gonna cum!”
“It’s okay darling. Just let go for me, fuck!” I felt myself tighten around him as a stream of obscenities left my mouth, and my back arched. I was still in a daze when Jake groaned. “Fuck I’m cumming. OH FUCK!” He twitched inside me and I could feeling him shooting everything in there.
Finally he collapsed beside me breathless. “That was fucking amazing.”
“I think I’m actually seeing stars,” I said and winced as I shifted my body to face him. “And I think I’m gonna have a hard time walking tomorrow.”
“Fanboy never did that did he?”
“What? Fuck me to paralysis? Not really, just made me sore for a day.” I placed my head on Jake’s chest. “God I really needed this.”
“Glad I could be of help.”
I was glad too. Glad to know that now Mickey wasn’t the only one with reliable Airman to watch his back. Glad to know that if Mickey pushes me away again I have an angel to catch me and bring me home.
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