#bald braids
feloire · 1 month
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livelaughlovepedri · 4 months
is there a secret tradition at Barça of going bald after they get injured?
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blackbackedjackal · 1 month
I don't like shaming people for their takes on werewolves but I clearly remember Dogblud drawing a few POC werewolves who had afro hair only on their heads?? As in all the wolf's fur is straight as hell but they have a big ass afro?? And I was like. Girl no that is SO white and also uncreative. You can make them curly like a poodle!! You can make them have corded fur like a Puli to simulate dreads!! So her being arrogant at actual POC drawing POC werewolves is. Bruh.
I only ever saw one black werewolf OC she had, and yeah, I don't even remember her name because she did not leave an impression (which that alone is impressive because it's difficult to get me not go 👀👀👀👀 at a black OC ) but I guess that's the exact issue. Dog just changed her hair and lips from her base werewolf design, which was eeeehhhh not the best.
She was weird about how her werewolves looked and never bothered to add any other distinguishing features outside of like, hair or some vague face variations. All the fur types and body types were the same, and there was very little variety. Personal gripe, but I HATE THE WAY SHE DRAWS TITS AHHHHHH girlie never seen black titties her entire life and it shows hhhhhh.
She never wanted to experiment because Sandra was peak design for her, and she only really drew weird variations of Sandra's base form + features. I'm not shitting on Sandra's design, but it was THE ONLY design she had. It's easy to tell looking through her art where she's comfortable and where she's not, and variation in the body shapes and coat texture and all of that is just where she's not great at it or too lazy to commit to more than "aha obviously black features on the black werewolf" like girl come on gimmie something more.
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qatyshqina · 2 months
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whewchilly · 4 months
love 2 my carlos girlies but we’re not gonna pretend him signing his audi pre agreement isn’t what started this whole thing …
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roughridingrednecks · 2 months
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wigglybunfish · 2 months
Hallo! Can you tell us more about Sonam Chime please?
hi :)) thank you for the ask, it made my heart do the happy wiggles
Sonam Chime (pronounced sonum chee-may in tibetan) is a half Tibetan half Han Chinese nomad! presently she's on a quest to break her mother out of terrible jail, in the midst of a nuclear winter..... under the noses of the chinese govTM.
Her mother gets arrested pretty early on(for Reasons), when Chime is still a baby teen. Her tribe just doesn't know where she's being kept.
It isn't until some years later, when a war causes the nuclear winter to happen and Chime gets separated from her family, she learns about her mother's location by getting rescued to a nunnery and receiving unexpected info from one of the novices. (how they know that is also [REDACTED] we'll get there when we get there nyehehehhe)
oh and so yeah, that actually makes Chime an ex-nun! she is Multiple and she is Many.
Her story unrolls at the point of several weeks after leaving the nunnery, so if you’ve seen some of my other art, you’re probably gonna see some unfamiliar faces besides Chime. (they are her new friends she makes (reluctantly) along the way (mostly Weird kids), and kind of unrelated considering your question, so I'll keep it debatably short and end it here)
uuh ok, one more small detail I'd like to mention!! while polyandry is more common in ancient times, nowadays there are still some families built on that foundation in rural areas of Tibet. Anyway my point is Chime’s mom has two(2) husbands, one tibetan one chinese, they are all crazily in love with each other and are all queer as fuck :) The End.
Once more, thank you sm for the ask and allowing me to ramble some stuff outta my brain tissue. i am mentally making warm tea with honey for u
and please take this pocket sized chime i never got to post as offering:)
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moe-broey · 19 days
What if you tried making Kiran jn Miitopia. Could you make the hood? Would they just be bald? Would they be Slenderman adjacent?
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jockpoetry · 3 months
in case anyone was wondering how I’m doing 🤙 I shaved my head again earlier
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lukasdoodles · 1 year
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Started as Disco hair doodles slowly turned into my favorites and fun hair doodles lol
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feloire · 20 days
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fiprobably · 2 years
I'll fight anyone that disagrees /j
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blueberryrock · 3 months
unexpected bonus of braiding my hair at night is that it stops me from plucking my hair out when I'm bored and or anxious at night
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bosspigeon · 7 months
can't help it i saw that wyll and gale art and im just thinking of wyll getting bored and giving gale fuckin corn rows just because and its the funniest shit 😭
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stormbcrn · 1 year
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they can live in my new barbie world, or they can die in their old one.
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Having curly hair is like let's discuss the difference between a bald spot and a really badly placed part
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