peach-princess-snz · 29 days
Baizhu Snzfic (Part 2)
Pairing: Baizhu x OC
Includes: allergies, stifles, let out, false alarm... and more
Art by SayuuHiro
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The long way up the stairs to Bubu Pharmacy had never felt longer on this hot summer day. Why would they build a pharmacy so high up in the first place? Who in Teyvat thought, "Ah yes, let's make people do an entire cardio routine if they wanna get their meds - that'll surely cure them!" I wonder what Dr Baizhu thinks of it. Ehsan chuckled at the thought of Baizhu throwing his hands in the air dramatically and rolling his eyes at the incompetency of people around him. Step. Step. One more step, and he was at the top. The wide, rounded entrance of Bubu Pharmacy tempted him with its dimly lit interior, and he could almost feel the cool breeze coming from the inside. Gui, the pharmacist at the front, noticed him first and waved.
"Good afternoon, welcome back! Eyy-saan, was it?" Gui looked at the guest, seeking confirmation.
"Uh, yeah, I'm good with that."
Gui noted something in a big book and moved it over to the side of the counter in one swift gesture. "How may I help you? Aah, you must be looking for Dr Baizhu. He is in the back, getting the medicine ready for his 3 o'clock appointment. I will let him know you stopped by."
The pharmacist barely finished his sentence as the door on his left swung open, and a familiar tall figure with long green hair, a flowy blue coat loosely draped over his shoulders, and a white snake coiled around his neck entered the room. The man seemed fixated on a couple of brown pouches in his hands.
"Gui, I will need more sweet flowers and slime condensate, and for Rex Lapis' sake, where is Qiqi?" Dr Baizhu looked up, shifting his weight to one side impatiently.
Gui glanced at the doctor, then at Ehsan who was still standing at the entrance.
"Oh, my!" Baizhu's voice switched to the drawn-out purr he assumed with his patients. "Ehsan, please accept my sincere apologies. If I knew you were visiting, I'd brew some of that tea you enjoyed last time you were here," he said, setting the pouches down on the counter.
Gui sighed with the sigh of an underpaid employee too tired to question his supervisor and began scribbling a note. "Qiqi is still in the mountains," he replied. "I pray to the archons that she didn't get stuck between the rocks... again. I will make sure she gets your message when she returns."
"Thank you! Now that you say that, I am considering taking a stroll into the mountains to ascertain her well-being firsthand. The thought of any harm befalling my little Qiqi troubles me deeply, particularly as our herbal supplies dwindle. Now, where were we? Ehsan! How are you feeling today?"
"Thank you, Dr Baizhu, I'm doing quite well. I haven't made another trip to the Chasm yet, but definitely considering it for my vacation destination next week," Ehsan chuckled, exposing his perfect white teeth. "I was wondering if you were feeling any better?"
It's been two days since the accident, and, judging by his elevated mood and glowing skin, the doctor seemed to be in perfect health. Ehsan wondered for a second how one could recover from an illness so quickly when he saw Baizhu sniffle and quickly dab his nose on the back of his hand. Looks like even the most talented doctor is not immune to the fragility of human nature.
"Truly, I am flattered by your concern about my well-being, but I assure you there is no need to worry. My chronic condition tends to flare up from time to time, but I am feeling perfectly fine today." Baizhu smiled and gave a little pet to Changsheng, comfortably resting on his shoulders. "Did you by chance come back for more herbs to help expedite your recovery?”
"I actually stopped by just to see you," Ehsan almost let the words slip out of his mouth. "I actually stopped by just for a moment. I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time as I see that you already have a lot on your plate." Nailed it.
Baizhu sniffled again and tilted his head quizzically. "Well, if that's the case, allow me to at least walk you out."
As Baizhu was passing Ehsan, Changsheng gave the Sumeru scholar a long look as if she knew something about him that even he did not.
"So, ahem..." Baizhu cleared his throat. "Where are you headed next?"
Ehsan couldn't help but notice that the tip of the doctor's nose had turned pink as they began descending the stairs. Was it just his imagination? Ehsan felt a wave of tingles rush down his back and hurriedly turned away from the doctor's face.
"Ah, my schedule is pretty flexible. In fact, I've decided to take a day off from writing my thesis. Um… I was wondering if I could help with the search for your assistant? I've been meaning to explore Liyue beyond the Chasm, and this looks like a perfect opportunity."
Baizhu's face took on a concerned expression as he squinted his eyes and looked in the distance. Changsheng slithered down his body onto the ground and continued moving beside them. "Was I being disrespectful? Should I not have offered? Does he... not want my company?" Ehsan's usually collected thoughts were scattered all over the place.
"That would be most generous of you," Baizhu finally replied with a soft smile. As he said that, his nostrils suddenly twitched, forcing the doctor to bring a hand to his nose and give it a little rub. Ehsan's cheeks turned red, and he prayed that Baizhu would not notice the difference on his bronze skin. The doctor, however, seemed preoccupied with something else as his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. He sniffled again, wetly.
"Ehsan, I have to admit, I was delighted by your offer to accompany me. If I may be so bold, would you be willing to share your knowledge of herbal remedies in Sumeru? I find myself enraptured by the intricacies of medicinal practices in other nations, and your insights would be most enlightening."
"Of course! It is my pleasure as a scholar of Amurta..." Ehsan began as he heard the doctor's breath hitch, "...to share what little I know of..." Baizhu's breath hitched again, and it took all of Ehsan's willpower not to look over at the doctor, "...the biological, uh, structure of the, umm, world." He could not help but glance at his companion, now frozen in a perfect pre-sneeze expression, his eyebrows folded, eyes shut, lips slightly parted, and his face lifted towards the sun. The next moment Baizhu ducked into his elbow with a strong "Hiih... He-kxXnt!"
Distracted, Ehsan tripped on a perfectly smooth road but caught himself just in time. Baizhu did not seem to notice. He lifted his face away from his elbow and took one brief look at the sun, which seemed to be just enough to make his breath hitch again until he forcefully jerked forward with another stifled "Hiih’NKxshh!!"
Baizhu blinked and shook his head. "Please excuse me! Huh, look at that, as soon as I proclaim my well-being, I promptly make a fool of myself," he chuckled.
"I-uh... I assure you that is not the case... Ahem, as I was saying, I'd be happy to talk about Sumeru. Do you have any particular questions?" Ehsan struggled to compose himself. Normally, he could always push his emotions aside to make way for more important things. Yet today this task seemed almost impossible for a reason Ehsan did not want to admit to himself.
"Alright," Baizhu agreed, smiling. "My first question is, what is that exquisite scent you are wearing? I can discern some familiar notes, yet I cannot place them." Baizhu inhaled deeply, evaluating the fragrance. "Hmm, similar to glaze lilies, but much stronger, and with a hii-... hint of sweet fl…hih-flowers." Baizhu's eyelids fluttered and he brought his elbow up to cover another sneeze, but it seemed to escape him as the doctor lowered his arm with a sigh.
Ehsan felt the ground fall out from underneath his feet. He was indeed wearing a perfume he bought in Port Ormos before his trip to Liyue to remind him of home, and he did indeed hope that it would impress Dr Baizhu... just not like this.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Ehsan uttered softly. "I hope you are not allergic to my perfume? I would never have worn it if I had any idea..."
"Nonsense! I'm just... hih... enjoying the delicate scent, and this sudden outburst is likely completely unrelated," Baizhu declared cheerfully. "So, what are the exotic ingredients in your fragrance?"
"I-uhh..." Ehsan attempted to recall the label on the bottle containing the source of Baizhu’s misery. When that failed, he began listing random plants in hopes that at least one of them was correct. "Yes, the scent comes from traditional Sumeru flowers like nilotpala lotus, padisarah, sumeru rose..." Ehsan stopped as he heard Baizhu draw a sharp breath. He watched as the doctor tilted his head back, shut his eyes, and erupted in another semi-stifled fit, barely caught by his elbow.
"Hiih... Hheh... eKschh! Hih-hih... nGKkt-chew! Heh-kshuu!"
Baizhu paused with his face still buried into the crook of his arm. His chest expanded as he took a deep breath and lurched forward, struggling to contain his sneezes that seemed to be getting stronger the more he tried to stifle them.
"Huh... Hh-eKSCHew!! Haa-aKXTShhew! Ugh... snff.. Excuse me."
Baizhu finally put his arm down, removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
"Bless you! Once again, please forgive me if your, err... current condition is due to my carelessness,” Ehsan began. "I should not have assumed that Sumeru plants were harmless to..."
"Ehsan, you of all people should not be apologizing for an oversight on my part," Baizhu interrupted. "If I didn't forget to bring my handkerchief, you would not have been subjected to my utter lack of manners."
"But I do want to be subjected," Ehsan thought and immediately bit his tongue so as not to say anything stupid.
Changsheng made a noise in between a hiss and a scoff. "I too enjoy taking a short break once in a while, but if we don't get a move on, we might just lose our favorite herb collector, and you will have to run errands all by yourssself, Baizhu."
"Heh-AhTSHoo!" This time Baizhu didn't have time to cover and instead turned to the side with his hand hovering over his face helplessly. "Ah... snff... Yes, we should probably keep... hiih... g..." The doctor's eyes snapped shut and his eyebrows darted upwards. His voice trailed off as his breath wavered.
"Huh!.. Hh!.. Ahhhh," Baizhu opened his eyes and sighed wearily. "I am truly sorry for this display," he said quietly. "I do wish my adverse react... hiih.. was not a hh-hindrance to this otherwise pleasant conversation." Baizhu looked up searching for the sun through half-closed eyelids. His nostrils quivered impatiently and his nose wrinkled, and the doctor stood motionless, taking in air in short, rapid bursts. After a moment he sighed again and rubbed his nose vigorously. He turned to Ehsan.
"Oh, please, don't look at me with this concern in your eyes," Baizhu tried to give his companion a reassuring smile, but deep embarrassment and discomfort were written all over his face. "Truly, I am alright, my body is simply not cooperating with me today, but it's nothing to worry about. I promise you."
Baizhu's voice sounded more leveled and his sentences dropped their embellishments. He sounded almost... somber, for reasons unknown to Ehsan who took the doctor's change of tone as proof of his own guilt.
"I'm... So sorry," he mumbled. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Now, now, we should really get going," Baizhu smiled. "After all, we're here to save Qiqi, not me."
They left Liyue Harbor's gates and continued their way up the road. Ehsan kept hearing Baizhu's sniffling and an occasional soft gasp for air, but he couldn't bring himself to look at the doctor. The most he could do now was help Dr Baizhu as much as possible and not make the situation any more awkward. Ehsan kept walking and almost didn't notice when Baizhu stopped following him. Ehsan turned around to witness the tall figure of his companion standing on the side of the road, his head tilted up and his eyes shut. His shoulders tensed up as his lips parted and he took a shaky breath.
"Hiih... Ah... Huuh..."
Nothing. Baizhu wiped his nose with the side of his hand, exhausted by the persistent tickle that didn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.
He noticed Ehsan staring at him and laughed it off, reassuring the scholar that "it was nothing to worry about" and "seriously, Ehsan will make him blush if he keeps giving him so much sympathy." They continued walking with Baizhu slowing down every couple of minutes to try and relieve the itch buried deep inside his nose to no avail. After some time, Baizhu requested to sit down on a broken bench under an old oak tree on the side of the road. Ehsan joined him. The doctor looked weary and kept pressing the back of his gloved hand to his reddened nostrils glistening with moisture.
"When on the road, one should take ample time to pause and appreciate the wondrous scenery along the way," Baizhu finally said, looking at the blue sky dreamily.
"You're about to collapse, aren't you?" Changsheng responded without hesitation.
Baizhu was about to say something when his gaze went blank and he drew a sharp breath.
"Oh, come on!" Changsheng exclaimed impatiently. "If you weren't so dead set on trying to be polite, you'd feel much better without needing to sit down and catch your breath." She then turned to Ehsan, silently demanding his participation in the discussion.
Baizhu sighed and slumped on the bench. "I'll be alright. I just hh-... need a moh... hhh-... ment."
Ehsan felt bad for the doctor, but this feeling was mixed with a sort of excitement that gave the scholar goosebumps. He didn't realize as his intrusive thoughts got the best of him:
"Dr Baizhu, if I may, sometimes your body just needs a slight push to help it get rid of the allergen and make you feel better."
Ehsan froze with his mouth still slightly agape, unable to believe in the reality of what he had just proposed.
Changsheng gave him a curious look but didn't say anything. Baizhu lifted his head and looked at Ehsan. His soft green hair spilled out from his bun and unruly strands were now framing his elegant face, making him look ethereal in the dappled golden light filtering through the canopy above. "Did you have an idea?"
Ehsan almost jumped at the question. Baizhu did not seem like somebody who easily accepted the help of others. But if what Ehsan heard two days ago, albeit muffled by the walls of the pharmacy, was really what he thought it was... Ehsan's cheeks flushed crimson.
"I um... could help you... sneeze," the last word was so quiet it almost got lost in the breeze. Baizhu's piercing golden eyes seemed to widen, and his vertical pupils turned into thin lines.
"Alright, I have to admit, I'm intrigued. Mostly because I'd never expected to see such an offer coming from you." Baizhu's lips stretched into a smirk, and he sniffled wetly. "Suffice to say, it feels different to be on the receiving side of a treatment, but I... hiih-..." Baizhu's breath hitched, and he lost track of his thoughts. "Ahem, what I'm trying to say is, I guess, as a doctor, I myself should be an example of a perfect patient readily accepting hii-... the…"
Ehsan saw the desperation in Baizhu's eyes, barely masked by his pretend nonchalant attitude.
As the doctor sighed and rubbed his nose again, Ehsan bent down and pulled out a thin blade of grass, soft with a pointed tip. He looked at Dr Baizhu, hesitating. The doctor seemed calm, if a little tense, whether from the persistent itch in his nose or the peculiar situation they found themselves in. Ehsan reached out toward Baizhu's face but stopped himself, afraid that the doctor would burst out laughing at how silly Ehsan must look, exposing the affair as a joke he never took seriously. However, Baizhu's facial expression remained neutral, and he didn't pull away from Ehsan's hand. Ehsan carefully cupped Baizhu's cheek, feeling the warmth of his soft skin under his fingertips. He looked into Baizhu’s eyes, as if asking for permission. The doctor sniffled again and reached out for his nose instinctively, but Ehsan stopped his hand and put it back on the bench. Baizhu's bright eyes lit up with curiosity. Ehsan brought the thin blade of grass to the doctor's right nostril and brushed it gently. Baizhu's nostrils twitched, and the bridge of his nose wrinkled. Fascinated, Ehsan brushed the outside of the left nostril to witness the same reaction. Baizhu blinked a couple of times and exhaled shakily. Ehsan inserted the grass blade inside the doctor's nose and gave it a slight twirl. Baizhu's breath wavered as his eyes rolled back and his eyelids dropped. Ehsan kept rotating the grass blade, slowly climbing deeper into the doctor's quivering nose. Baizhu's breath was now hitching uncontrollably and his eyebrows darted up, forming a triangle. He tilted his head up, leaning away from the grass blade that was now tickling deep inside his irritated nose. Ehsan responded by pushing the grass blade further in as Baizhu audibly gasped for air. "Aaah!.." The swift movements of Ehsan's fingers sped up as Baizhu's nose kept scrunching up and twitching, buzzing with an unbearable itch. "Ah!.. Hh... Hh... HaaH!.." Baizhu lifted a hand motioning for Ehsan to stop, but the scholar was too entranced by the show to pay attention to anything but the doctor's red, twitchy nostrils and his shaky breath. "Aaah!!.." Baizhu froze for a split second before jerking forward towards Ehsan violently. The scholar quickly snatched the grass blade away as Baizhu erupted in an uncovered sneezing fit, misting Ehsan's lap with tiny droplets of spray.
"Huh'dSCHh'sshuh!! Huh'dSCHh'ssh! Hiih... Hiih... Hiih'IISSSHiuu! Haah.. Ah-kTSHHew!..  Hh... Heh-Eh'sSCHew! Eh'sSCH'ew!............................ Huh... Hh..." Baizhu paused with his eyes still shut and took another slow deep breath. Without thinking, Ehsan reached out and slid the wet grass blade back into the doctor's irritated nostril, making the latter gasp and lurch forward with a loud "Hhah!!... Ah'eeKSCHHew! Ah!.. Ae'SCHoo!...................Huh-AaahSCHHew! Ugh..."
The doctor blinked rapidly, collecting himself. He sniffled, trying to stop his dripping nose from making a mess, then grabbed a sleeve of his coat and buried his face into it.
Ehsan flicked the grass blade away, not taking his eyes off the absolutely breathtaking god-like figure sitting next to him dabbing the thick fabric to his sensitive nose and misty eyes.
"Phew... Ahem," Baizhu coughed into the sleeve a little longer than needed to clear his throat. "I have never experienced anything quite like it, that's for sure," he finally said, still wiping his nose in an upward motion. He then turned his attention to Ehsan and his face dropped.
"Oh, archons!! I am so, so sorry! Please do accept my sincerest apologies, I did not mean to... erm... make such a mess, let alone sneeze all over my patient!"
Baizhu lowered his head, bowing to Ehsan, who, in all honesty, did not mind a little mist on his clothes that seemed to make the doctor feel so flustered.
"He liked it," Changsheng stated with zero emotion in her voice. Baizhu lifted his head and looked at the white snake, his face still reflecting deep remorse. "What I’m saying is, our ssscholar friend seems to enjoy," Changsheng began, making Ehsan wish he’d met his fate at the Chasm and avoided going to the pharmacy altogether, "...helping others, and it bringsss him great joy to see people feeling better." Ehsan could have sworn that if snakes could smile, she would be giving him her sassiest grin.
"Oh, is that so?" Baizhu sniffled again, but his nose no longer looked red and irritated.
"Y-yes, I am indeed glad to have been able to repay your kindness as you saved me the other day," Ehsan hurriedly replied. "Besides, I couldn't bear watching you suffer any longer."
"Well, in that case..." Baizhu's face took on a contemplating expression before he turned towards Ehsan and looked straight into his eyes. "It looks like we have a lot in common."
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digitalagepulao · 11 months
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monkey love language
i absolutely adore just how aggressively physical monkeys can be with affection. they just fully press their heads into each other, lots of tugging and pulling, almost throwing themselves at each other when they want attention. i bet it takes Wukong some adjustment so he doesn't use his full force when he gets grabbed by the need to just squeeze someone lmao, but just as much as the others need time to get used to a monkey perched on them every now and then. plus grooming is often a bargaining chip and a way to build relationships and a show of affection and trust. so, a bit of monkey love for each of the group! :D
aaaand Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing face reveal!! working on a fullbody lineup to show off their heights as well, so consider this a teaser ;3
Bajie is half wild boar, half babirusa. I love the four-tusk situation babirusa have going on, but his bristled mane is too iconic to handwave away. plus, pigs that go feral grow tusks and thicker fur, so i wanted to capture some of that with the half-and-half design.
as for Wujing, he's a complicated one to explain, but for his face i really wanted his beard to stand out as well as the six skulls necklace. i'm going for a "intermittent waters" concept with him, since he's originally connected to a desert before being made into a river demon, so i'm drawing on mudskippers for his ear fins and face spots.
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winterpower98 · 10 months
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My friend @lunar-wandering mentioned that Wukong and Ao Lie have the same vibes as Shane and Ryan from Watcher and my brain spiraled from there
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rainboopz · 8 months
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damn, all that way west?
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preciousqiqi · 26 days
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silly babies. who else dares to play with ye zun's hair if not THE zhao yunlan himself? director zhao really is not afraid of the lord of the night.
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shentunans · 19 days
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
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Wanted to practice more background paintings so have the gang enjoying the Chinese mountains ✨
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doodliydoos · 1 year
King of the Clouds [Animatic]
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peach-princess-snz · 29 days
Baizhu Snzfic (Part 1)
This is a repost from the sf forum (I have just discovered this side of Tumblr). Let me tell you, I did not care for Baizhu until I finished his story quest and oh. my. lord. 😳 I CANNOT get enough of this man!! He pushes through his chronic illness to save others, can share his life force with his patients, and even takes on their diseases? Like, come on 💕
Pairing: Baizhu x OC
Includes: cold, buildup, stifles, let out snzs
Art by SongJiKyo
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*knock, knock, knock*
"Master Baizhu! Are you here? Master Baizhu!"
The voice came from the other side of the door, accompanied by a rushed knocking. Baizhu reluctantly opened his eyes, struggling to determine whether the knocking was in reality or his imagination. The warm, fading sunlight let him know that he had slept through the day and woke up around the golden hour right before the sunset. His head didn't hurt anymore, but it felt woozy and heavy like it was stuffed full of cotton. Baizhu cleared his throat and groggily asked the door: "Gui?"
"Yes! Master Baizhu, w-we have a patient who needs your help." Gui's voice sounded shaky.
Baizhu got up, feeling a wave of heat wash over his head, blurring the dark outlines of the back room of the pharmacy; then it was gone as quickly as it came. Baizhu blinked. His vision was clear again, and other than feeling terribly exhausted, he was quite alright. 
The patient was a young man in his late twenties. His bronze skin and long, dark hair exposed his origins to be from Sumeru, and his clothes were reminiscent of a traditional Akademiya gown, white and green with a gold trim, but their silhouette was inspired by the more practical clothes of the Adventurer's Guild. The man was lying on the floor, unconscious.
"He came in here asking for some herbs for his headache and dizziness. He said that he came from the mines in the Chasm..." Gui began to explain as Baizhu sat down next to the patient.
"He was awake and he seemed to be okay when we were talking, then he extended his hand towards me and started falling. I caught him right before he passed out." Gui hurriedly finished, extending his own hand as if reenacting what had happened.
Baizhu found the man's pulse — his heartbeat was within the normal range. Baizhu continued checking the man's vitals when the patient let out a small groan. His eyelids slowly opened and he lifted his head. 
"Where... Uhh..." The man looked around and saw Baizhu. The man's eyes studied the doctor for a moment, gliding over his elegant facial structure before moving on to the reptilian pupils of his bright amber eyes hiding behind thin glasses, then to Baizhu's soft, long green hair gathered in a loose braid cascading down one of his shoulders. Finally, the man's gaze met a pair of big red eyes belonging to a white snake resting around the doctor's neck like a loose scarf. 
"Doctor?" the man finally asked.
Baizhu smiled softly and sniffled. The contrast between the stale air of the back room and the crispy evening air coming through the open entrance of the pharmacy was making his nose itch. Baizhu cleared his throat. "Hello, I am Baizhu, a practitioner of medicine at Bubu Pharmacy. Can you tell me your name?" Baizhu's voice had its usual elegant and professional quality to it albeit sounding a little weary. The air outside was filled with the scents of late summer herbs, glaze lilies, and silk flowers. Mixing with his patient's musky, slightly sweet perfume, the scents were starting to get overwhelming for Baizhu's sensitive nose. The small tickle that started at the tip of his nose was now climbing up, and Baizhu sniffled again in an attempt to get rid of it.
"My name is Ehsan," said the man weakly, getting Baizhu's attention away from his nose. "I am a researcher from the Akademiya studying the effects of the Chasm on the surrounding area, living organisms, and...err its relation to the incident." He gave Baizhu a difficult to interpret look.
"Ahem... snf!.. Ehsan, what symptoms... snf!.. are you experiencing?" The tickle in Baizhu's nostrils was getting difficult to ignore. The doctor pressed the back of his hand firmly against the bridge of his nose. The itch went away for a moment only to come back even stronger.
"Well, you see, I am not a cartographer," Ehsan smiled sheepishly, exposing the dimples on his bronzed cheeks that reflected the soft golden glow of the setting sun. "I had the maps, but they were all made before the Chasm was closed, of course. I assume that the geological features of the caves have changed significantly since then, and so did the environment in the area. I got a little lost in the caves when I finally found something worth examining – a weird black ooze, like mud..."
Baizhu's nostrils twitched, and his mouth opened ever so slightly as his breath hitched. "Hiih..." Not now, concentrate! What do you know about the dark mud? It has to be related to the Abyss Order, probably highly toxic to humans... Baizhu's thoughts were interrupted as his breath wavered again, and he swiftly raised a gloved wrist to his mouth.
"It was pitch black and it had an unnatural purple glow. It felt… ominous..." Ehsan continued.
Baizhu pressed his nose firmly into the back of his hand, hoping to alleviate the persistent tickle that was now settled deep inside his nostrils. His chest rose as he took a long, shaky breath and his eyes glazed over.
"... and dizzy. The air was thin, and I felt short of breath. Then I felt a kind of a heat wave as I was going deeper, but..."
"Huuh...heh... Hh! Huh'KGT! Hh-Hh... Hh'NGxt! snf!.. ugh..." Baizhu suddenly turned away and ducked into his elbow, letting out two muffled yet forceful stifles that jerked his body forward. "Oh archons, I'm... snf!.. very sorry about that. It must be from all the scents outside, the flowers are in bloom this time of year," Baizhu explained.
"Oh, err... Bless you, doctor! As I was saying..." 
Damn it, the itch was back, and now his nose was running like an opened faucet. Baizhu sniffled wetly and tried to concentrate on Ehsan's story.
"... and when I came here, the dizziness and nausea came back and suddenly I felt like I was back in the caves."
Damn it, damn it, damn it! Baizhu's nose was getting more irritated by the second, and the doctor felt another sneeze coming. Baizhu hurriedly fished out a silk handkerchief from his pocket and massaged his nostrils a little before turning away from the Sumeru scholar and blowing his nose as quietly as he could. The handkerchief quickly absorbed the moisture, but the massage seemed to only irritate Baizhu's sensitive nose, making him audibly gasp "Hiih!.."
"Dr. Baizhu?" Ehsan asked with a mix of worry and confusion in his voice.
"Hiih... Hih.. Hh.. Hh..." Baizhu felt paralyzed, embarrassed by being seen in this state by his patient and Gui (who was diligently writing down Ehsan's symptoms on his left), yet unable to regain control over his body. His breath kept hitching, and the itch in his nose was growing stronger and stronger until... "
"Hih... Hh.. Hh'nsSCH! Heh-heh-hh gk'SCHHH!" Baizhu turned away and pitched forward, muffling two more restrained sneezes into his elbow. The stifles seemed to irritate his nose even more, and the doctor could feel another fit coming up. Why, why does his body have to fall apart like that in front of his patient! Baizhu blinked through teary eyes and caught a glimpse of Ehsan's toned arms peeking through the cropped sleeves of his Akademiya gown. His skin looked smooth and tan against the thin white fabric. In the last rays of the setting sun, the man seemed almost ethereal as he gently brushed his thick glossy hair away from his face and tucked the unruly strands loosely behind his ear.
"Your condissshn..." began Changsheng, making Ehsan jerk away as he noticed the snake's glowing eyes staring right into his own, "...seems to be turbulent due to the toxic effectsss of the dark mud. Dr. Baizhu has to consult his books on this ssubsstance before prescribing an appropriate treatment."
Baizhu stopped dabbing the handkerchief at his eyes and took it away from his face, accidentally brushing the tip of his nose, which immediately caused it to twitch. "Ah, yes, of course... Ehsan, Gui, please excuse Changsheng and myself... snf!.. for a muh-moment." He shot both men a reassuring smile and quickly got up, trying not to sway as he did so. He calmly made his way to the back of the pharmacy. Once out of the sight of his patient and Gui, Baizhu darted out the door, greeted by a gust of chill air and gentle scents of glaze lilies that made his nose scrunch up as he drew a sharp breath.
"You're welcome!" Changsheng was tightening and loosening her grip as she moved her head to the other side of Baizhu's face which was growing red with embarrassment.
"Th... Hiih... Thank you," he breathed out and heavily dropped his weight onto the railing of the wooden terrace outside of the pharmacy.
"You know, you don't alwaysss have to be so ssstrong for everybody," Changsheng said calmly. "Gui is quite capable of taking care of the patients, and Qiqi can take over making the medicines."
"Hiihh... Hh-Hh!.. Hh-GGKX'schh! Hh-eKSCHh! Hh.. Heh..." Baizhu took a step back away from the railing, then jerked forward muffling another strong double into the crook of his arm. His elbow was now glistening from tiny droplets of moisture, and Baizhu winced at the sight of it. His long green braid fell over his shoulder and was now slowly rocking in the air as the doctor was trying to regain his composure.
"And you know, I don't sss-think it's just your "condition". I ss-think you had exhausted your life force so much that you caught a cold as your body's defenses dropped... And be more careful for Rex Lapis' sake, you almost got me!" Changsheng lifted her head to get out of the way of Baizhu's trembling arm that was still covering his face.
"I'm... Hiih... Sorry... Hh... Hh... I can't help it..." He looked up at the evening sky feeling defeated, his breath hitching uncontrollably as his eyebrows darted up again.
"Hiih-eeKSCHhh!" He stifled another sneeze into his elbow, stumbling from its force.
"And I doubt your patient can hear you through the walls, so perhaps you could stop threatening my existence with your attempts to save face?!" Changsheng's coils loosened around the doctor's neck as she slithered down and settled around his chest.
"I... Heh..." Baizhu didn't have time to think about her request as he took a deep breath tilting his head up and jolted forward, his arms still raised in the air helplessly.
"Hiih'IISSSHeww! Hih... Hh-IISSHiuu! Heh... Heh... Hh'eeSCH'ah! EeSCHH! EeSCHh! EeSCHuh! Heh... Ugh... snrf!.." Baizhu blinked a couple of times and grabbed his stomach, bursting into a violent coughing fit that sounded painful.
"What did I tell you? You need to take care of your body and let it do its job trying to heal itself. Go on, get it out before we can go back and save your ssweet ssscholar boy." Changsheng's voice changed intonation in the end, teasing Baizhu's fragile ego.
"Huh-Hh!...... Ugh..." Baizhu shook his head, trying to scratch the itch still burning deep inside his nose. Being able to sneeze openly helped alleviate the tension a little, and he felt light-headed from the fit. Baizhu blew his nose, making a wet sound, and grabbed the terrace railing.
"Maybe you are right," he finally said, disregarding her sassy remark. "Maybe... snrrf! snf!.. I could take a day off once in a while..." Baizhu looked at the scarce stars that were starting to appear in the sky, still light blue and feathered with thin airy clouds. He sniffled again, trying to locate the cause of the itch in his nostrils, then rubbed the bridge of his nose forcefully. The vibration seemed to make the itch worse, and Baizhu squinted at the sky, filling his lungs with air as he lunged against the railing, gripping it with both hands as if his life depended on it. 
"Hh... Heh... Eeh'sSCHew! EeSCHHh'iuu! EeSCH! EeSCHh! Uh... Huh... Hh-Hh! Hh'EeeTSCHEW!! *cough* *cough* heh... Hh! Hh-eKSCHH-iuuu!!" Baizhu sniffled and straightened his arms, his shoulders still shaking with tension. He blew his nose into his damp handkerchief, rendering it useless, and slumped over the railing, exhausted.
"All better?" Changsheng asked cautiously, struggling to get a good grip on the doctor's chest. 
"Yeah... snrf!.. Yes, you can come back now." Baizhu let out an audible sigh. "Well, apart from the doctor looking like an absolute mess..." – he opened his arms inviting the snake to assess his sorry state, his green hair spilled out from his braid and caught by an evening gust of wind, his glasses hanging from one of his hands limply, – "...at least we know what is wrong with the patient."
Changsheng gave the doctor a curious look. 
"He just needs some rest," Baizhu coughed and smiled at the snake, readjusting the glasses on his face and giving his nostrils one last rub, making sure the awful itch was gone for good. "And the herbs to help the poison leave his body before it does any lasting damage *cough*"
Bubu Pharmacy was illuminated by the warm light of the lamps lit by Gui when Baizhu stepped back inside. 
"Master Baizhu! Are you alright?" Gui asked, studying the doctor's face quizzically. 
Baizhu cleared his throat. "I apologize for my absence, but I assure you that there is nothing to worry about. It's just some chronic problem I have flaring up again, I simply need a little rest and I'll be good as new." He smiled, trying to make his voice sound calm and nonchalant despite getting raspy. 
"My dear Ehsan, I have good news... *cough* The poison from the dark mud of the Chasm can only affect you while you are in its proximity. However, prolonged exposure to its toxic fumes can slow down your recovery time. You should start feeling better within a couple of days, but I’m afraid you’ll have to postpone any further explorations until you are fully recovered. Meanwhile, I will have Gui bring you some medicine to help with your symptoms."
The Sumeru scholar was now sitting in a chair holding a cup of tea, the rising steam swirling in front of his face, his dusty adventuring backpack propped against the counter. His dark eyes reflected the dancing flames of the lamps, emanating a warm glow. He smiled gently, mimicking Baizhu's soft smile, which made the doctor blush as he cleared his throat again. 
"Thank you, Dr. Baizhu! I appreciate your dedication to your patients and the fact that you are helping me despite your... umm... condition..." Ehsan stumbled trying to find the right word, sending a jolt of electricity through Baizhu's body as the doctor questioned the thickness of the pharmacy walls. Baizhu coughed and smiled, shaking off the embarrassment. 
"I tend to anyone who comes to Bubu Pharmacy seeking medical attention," he said softly. "I treat all of my patients fairly, and I do my best to heal them. You needn’t worry about me; if anything, I would be worried about being more careful next time you venture into the Chasm – it is a very dangerous place, after all." Baizhu met Ehsan's eyes and smiled, his gaze lingering a little longer before sliding down the scholar's strong jawline and long neck. "However, as you have kindly noticed, I have indeed been working overtime lately and might benefit from a short break. You are free to stay in one of the patient rooms here until you feel better or continue your treatment at home." Baizhu's voice sounded confident and professional, dropping ever so slightly as he invited the Sumeru scholar to stay over. 
"Thank you, Dr. Baizhu. I would hate to discomfort you tonight, but I would be delighted to see you again in a couple of days to, err, assess my condition when you are feeling better."
Baizhu cleared his throat and sniffled, nodding as his cheeks flushed again. The yellow light and the warmth of the room were getting to Baizhu as Gui went to get the herbs for Ehsan's medicine. Baizhu's head lowered and he closed his eyes, but was snatched away from his slumber by Changsheng's tail flicking his neck from behind, which made Ehsan chuckle. Baizhu gasped, blinked, and muttered a quick apology before retreating into the back of the pharmacy and collapsing on his bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the soft pillows.
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digitalagepulao · 8 months
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well, someone needs to make sure the foods the come across is safe! might as well be the guy with a few dozens immortalities on his belt! travelling to unknown lands means having to experiment with different foods as they are available to you, especially when you're on a long journey and you need every bit of sustenance as you can get.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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gabrielokun · 6 months
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smittenskitten · 1 year
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preciousqiqi · 28 days
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guardian (2018) // ep. 12
goshhh, moody zhao yunlan is actually scary though. someone who seems nice and would tolerate you (sometimes), turns annoyed when he senses you're hiding something from him.
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shentunans · 14 days
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