#babe yassine
budgie2budgie · 1 year
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𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂   (earlier - next)
[lizzo - 2 be loved (am i ready)]
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yourstory-teller · 1 year
clingy bono fluff is a must
Hey bb, thank u for requesting, this was really fun to write. Hope you like it xx
Warnings: None, this is very sweet and cheesy and I love this man so much, I can not.
I wrote this in the first hours of the day and English is not my first language, so pls forgive me if there are any errors ♡
In your arms
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"Babe, please." You made yet another measly attempt to move, only to find out for, at least, the hundredth time, that there was no way you could get out of there. You heard a mumbling rumble coming from behind you, muffled, probably by the pillow case.
The arm around your middle made no move to let you go, instead you felt it pulling you impossibly closer, one long, heavy leg not so gently thrown over your hip.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips and you considered just succumbing to the circumstances and letting yourself go back to sleep for as long as you were allowed to. Unfortunately for you, and presumably for the person currently wrapped around your body as well, you had some sense of responsibility.
So, after a few seconds of arduous internal debate, you tried to tilt your head back as far as you could, eyes only catching a big mess of thick black locks. "Yassine, my love, I really need to get up."
"No." He said, simply, now moving to bury his face in your hair. "You know I'd love to be in bed with you all day long, but I got things to do." You sighed, finally finding space between your boyfriend's strong arms, to turn over until you were lying face to face.
The closeness was such that you could feel his warm breath mingling with your own. It felt like getting up was becoming a progressively more difficult of a challenge.
"I'm sure they can wait a bit" He lifted one of his huge, long-fingered hands to tenderly caress your cheek, eventually moving down a bit to slide his thumb over your lower lip. "Come on, baby, stay here with me a little longer, huh?"
Now, how could you not stay? Just for a little longer. It wouldn't be just a little, of course, but he knew, and you couldn't deny that, not so deep inside, you really couldn't care any less. You loved him, and it was really a gift how absolutely adored he could make you feel, at every moment of every day. 
Yassine had always been rather sly towards you, even when you were just friends, always attached to the hip, and it only intensified when the two of you started your romantic relationship. His love language was definitely physical touch, and you enjoyed every part of it.
"It's been a hell of a day, princess, I really need your cuddles." Or "It's so cold, the covers are just not doing it" or even "It just doesn't feel quite right when I'm not holding you."
Sometimes, when he had a particularly tough season with training and had to be away for a rather long time, you almost felt like an actual part of you had gone missing.
So, no matter how late it got, or how tired you were, you always made an effort to stay awake until he arrived, and when he finally did, the big, bright smile, accompanied by that little dimple on his left cheek, made it all so much more than worth it. You'd open your arms to receive him in your embrace, head on your chest or in the crook of your neck as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. As a response, he would always snuggle up to you and whisper little pledges of love until the two of you were deeply out of it.
He was especially clingy during free days. Most of the time was spent by the two of you with cuddling on the couch while watching some new movie you found on the catalog, or going out with your friends. Eventually, though, you did have some work to do. After all, it was very rare for you two to be able to take a recess at the same time.
You would be sitting at the large table placed in the living room, notebook open in front of you, a few sheets strewn across the surface, along with an abnormally large cup of coffee, completely focused on whatever you were working on at that moment, when he would appear.
First, he would be walking back and forth inside the house, sometimes going into the kitchen to get a glass of water, or sitting on the sofa to go through all the channels for a few minutes, not really watching anything.
Then he would start making little comments, clearly not wanting to disturb you, but still needing to know that you at least had noticed him. Maybe something about the weather, or how the team seems to be doing worse and worse with each practice. Usually you would respond with a few short comments on the topic, just enough to let him know that you heard.
Not long after, the discreet but always very fluttering compliments would come.
It could range from talking about his admiration for your vigor with your work, to how you look even more beautiful when you're focused. You would then look at him and be greeted with, you could swear, the biggest, most cruelly irresistible puppy eyes in the entire universe.
"You haven't kissed me today" He said, a rather childish pout plastered to his lips.
You giggled under your breath, but got up anyway, and walked over to the too big of a baby that your boyfriend was, intending to return to your previous task soon as possible. You then rested your hands on his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles there flex under your touch, and leaned in slightly to bring your mouth to his in a chaste kiss.
By the time your lips met, however, Yassine was grabbing your hips and pressing you so hard against him, you could feel his heart beating fast against your own. Needless to say, you were instantly smitten, melting like butter in his arms, the writings saved to the computer screen, long forgotten.
After that, you would end up spending what was left of the day doing little activities together, just because you couldn't stand the feeling of being so unproductive.
Cooking was usually the solution. Together in the relatively spacious kitchen, looking for some quick and easy dessert recipe, which somehow always resulted in a huge unexplained mess. You put whatever calorie bomb you'd made this time in the oven, or in the fridge, and while you waited, yassine would pull you close, once again, hugging you from behind, his chin resting on top of your head.
And for the next few minutes, the two of you would just stand there, holding each other, slightly rocking from side to side, talking and laughing like two idiots in love. Because that's exactly what you were.
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Wedding Day (Yassine Bounou x reader)
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Request: hello , can you do a bono yassin x reader there morroco wedding please pretty
warnings: none
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“You don’t think she’s having second thoughts, do you?” 
“Yassine, she's like 5 minutes off schedule. It’s tradition for brides to be like 3 hours late, I’m sure everything is on track.”
“But she said she’d get an early start to stop that from happening!”
“5 minutes, man. I promise you, she’ll be through those doors any moment now!”
The man calms down at least a little with the reassurance. He should really have a little more faith. It’s baffling to everyone how he doesn’t realise you’re just as attached to him as he is to you. 
Only in the dressing room not too far away, you’re having your own breakdown.
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“Dear lord, we're running late!”
“Babe, it’s only five minutes and we’ve just got the jewellery to put on!”
“But I promised Yassine!”
“He’s a reasonable guy! He’ll have to know that things like this always run over a bit! I promise you that he’s gonna be just fine. Now let's get this jewellery on before he does get any ideas.” you slap your friend on the arm for that. Just when you were about to calm down the idea of him giving up and feeling betrayed. 
By the time you’re done, you take a second to look over yourself. The dress was everything you could have dreamed of and more. You and Yassine were not the superstitious types so you did have his help while choosing and the one you came to was just perfection. You couldn’t have been happier. You felt beautiful and confident and excited and… oh god. What if HE was having second thoughts. All of this and for it to come crashing down at the hall. How humiliating would that be?! You leave your train of thought when you hear your phone ring. Your heart only starts to pound faster at the name on the screen. With a shaky hand, you accept the call. Thankfully, he’s the first to speak. 
“Is everything okay, love?” you calm down a little bit at the drawl of his voice, but the fear still lingers. Would he break it to you now or later?
“Yeah, just making sure everything is okay. I know it's only been 10 minutes but I was getting a bit worried…” he takes a pause to catch his breath and you furrow your eyebrows as you can hear the slight panting.
“Yeah it's just the jewellery was a bit of a pain. I’ll be down in a few minutes, my love. Everything okay over there? You sound out of breath?”
“Yeah… you know just pacing a bit- OH GOD I JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE YO-”
“YASSINE YOU IDIOT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL HER I SWEAR TO GOD GIVE IT- sorry he’s just stressed, I don’t know what's gotten into him.” You could always count on Yousef to have your back but in all honesty, it was nice to hear his voice. He was still there and he was waiting. For you, no less. 
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You hope and pray that the first gasps you hear are of amazement and not horror as you finally make your entrance.
You’ve practised walking around in the dress and shoes more times than you can count but you suddenly feel so heavy. It’s like your feet are glued to the ground. Suddenly the heels feel too high and the puffy dress feels like a burlap sack as you begin to overthink it all. All while continuing to walk, mind you. Your eyes are glued to Yassine, waiting for him to turn around but you can just feel all the other pairs of eyes on you. You squeeze your father’s hand for some much needed relief as you try to process the moment. So many eyes. The mumbling quietens into silence and Yassine finally turns his head to look at you. The star-struck look is the confidence boost you need as you make your way to sit with him. He takes your hand in his and gives it a comforting squeeze as he seeks to calm your nerves. He can see it in your eyes. He feels bad for asking at a time like this but some of his own concerns still linger. So as the Imam makes his way over, he asks.
“You’re not having any second thoughts, are you?” you see his own fears mirror yours.
“Not even for a second…” you bring the hand you’re holding to your lips for a soft kiss.
“Are you?” he shakes his head vigorously. No, he’d been waiting too long for this.
As the Imam begins the procession, you glance over at where your family are sitting. It was a big step. Your parents' little girl marrying a man that, much to their dismay, had won over the hearts of the whole family, including them. You were absolutely confident that it was the best day of your life. You were ready to tie the knot and spend the rest of your life with one of your favourite people on the planet. You couldn’t ask for more. He made you the happiest girl in the world, this step was a very obvious one.
Now that your hand is in his, he’s feeling a lot less nervous. He loved you with every atom in his body. He was beyond excited for this next step. 
“You look like an angel by the way” he whispers before pressing a kiss to the side of your head. As you turn to make eye contact with him, you can immediately feel your face heating up. God, if you could engrain the softness in his eyes whenever he looked at you in your mind forever, you would. He didn’t even need to say anything because his eyes did it for him. That was all you needed. 
When the procession is finally over and the marriage is made official, he tries to keep things chaste by pressing a small kiss to your lips. In the midst of your hug, Your family joins you, one by one, to congratulate you. Yassine also receives his fair share of hugs because as much as your parents didn’t want to say it, he’d won them over tenfold. If there was anyone they were going to trust their girl with, it was most definitely him. 
He knew that you were dreading the photo-taking the most so he does his very best to make it more bearable for you. He whispers jokes that no one else can hear. The hand on your waist moves oh-so-subtly to tickle you. You try to hold off the laughter for as long as you can but only one joke later, you have to hide your face in the crook of his neck as the giggles bubble over. You hold onto his shoulder for some support and you can feel his laughter as well. It’s a moment that the photographer makes sure to capture, with frantic direction from your parents. It was so clear that the pair of you were a match made in heaven that it felt almost shambolic that you hadn’t wedded sooner. 
As time ticked on and everyone was well settled, he notices you starting to get tired. After a quick glance at your drooping eyes, he kisses your hand before letting go of it to grab a glass of water and some of the buffet food for you. Immediately you’re surrounded by your friends and cousins and the excited chatter does do something to wake you up a little.
“Oh my god, mom said that you were in love but this is something else! Do you SEE the way that man looks at you!” you jolt awake as she shakes you by the shoulders.
“I mean, we are married…” you remind with a smile. She shakes her head vigorously and you tilt yours in confusion.
“No no no this isn’t any old marriage, you two are the definition of soulmates.” you hum in agreement because honestly she’s right. Never in your life had someone made you feel as special as Yassine did. Every touch, every glance your way, every word spoken to and about you was dripping with the sweetest, purest love imaginable. It was enough to make your heart burst. Even with a schedule like his and yours, he still managed to love you in a way you were almost certain no one else could. He was it for you. He made you happy beyond your wildest dreams. Marriage was simply another step to solidify that.
“Where did he go anyway”
“Oh he just went to grab some water, I think…” you trail off, gesturing to where he was with a nod of your head and they all turn around to look. Indeed, there he was with a cup of water in one hand and a plate of all sorts of finger foods ready for you. He’s just talking with a couple of his teammates who are having a very similar conversation.
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“I knew you were a sap but this is pretty impressive, man.” Hakim teases, nudging his shoulder slightly. Yassine simply smiles, looking over to where you’re laughing with your friends. Everything about you was so ethereal to him. Your mere presence just made him happy. He loved seeing you, talking to you, holding you, just everything. The idea of spending the rest of his life with anyone else made him feel sick. It was you. Always you. He had been certain of that for much longer than you would ever know. 
He’s completely zoned out of the conversation Hakim and Romain are having, probably teasing each other again as per usual. The second he sees you glance over at him, he doesn’t even bother to bid the men farewell before making his way over to you. Before the girls disperse, they give their congratulations to Yassine and send sly winks towards you as they return to their seats. You sneer at them and Yassine turns around. Only by then they’ve all quickly turned to talk to each other.
“What was that all about?”
“Oh nothing, we were just discussing how obsessed with me you are.”
He shrugs nonchalantly. As if he didn’t make that abundantly clear every time he so much as took a glance at you.
“I picked out what I thought you would like so you can at least try and get through the rest of the night.” he nudges and you flick his arm before grabbing the cup of water. You’re eager to gulp it down except your nose ring is very much in the way. Of course, your now husband is to it before you and carefully lifts the heavy jewellery up and away from the mouth so that you can drink in peace. The sigh of relief you let out is enough to put a smile on his face, happy that he was able to make you more comfortable. He continues to hold it up as you pick away at the snacks and canapes he brought from the buffet. When you’ve had your fill, you gently pull his hand away and grab one of the snacks, holding it up to his mouth to feed him. He obliges, hugging you to his side as he slowly eats it. Once again, your parents are frantically pushing the photographer to capture the moment because the look in your eyes was unmistakable. Just as he adored you, you were infatuated by him in equal amounts. 
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You grow more lively when you see your friends make their way to the dance floor and other guests following suit. He’s already dragging you by the hand so you can join in on the fun. You’re weary at first but you have to admit, you haven’t had fun like that in a long time. None of you are prima ballerinas by any means but you haven’t ever laughed like that. You can’t stop the giggles as everyone clumsily moves to the beat of the music. You’re gripping onto yassine’s shoulders as he spins you around excitedly, squeezing your eyes shut and savouring the sound of his laughter. 
Eventually, everyone grows tired and very hungry again as everyone once again takes their seats as the main courses make their way to the tables. Only the best as per Yassine’s instructions. You rest your head on his shoulder when you take your seats with your family - which of course included Yassine’s beloved teammates - looking around at everyone. There was a part of you that still couldn’t believe it. You were really married to this funny, kind, smart, overall loveable oaf. He was really yours. You turn your head to look up at him and he looks down at you, running a thumb over your cheek before pressing a kiss to your forehead. He interlinks your hand with his and gives it a squeeze just to ground you again. A smile makes its way onto your face as you soak in the atmosphere. 
“Nearly over.” he whispers and your smile widens.
“It’s gonna be a pretty long night though, isn’t it?” you tease and he smirks.
“Already anticipating? You must be excited.” he remarks and you feel your face heat up. You had been waiting for this night for ages. Dreaming of what he’d be like. He had a gentle personality and a soft gaze but there was an intensity there too. You wondered whether he would be soft and sensual as expected or if there was another side to him. 
“Attention everyone!” None other than Dari calls out, clinking his glass with a spoon to get everyone’s attention. 
“Oh boy…” Yassine whispers and you chuckle.
“I just wanted to congratulate the happy couple and say a few words. Yassine is a huge idiot…” which immediately gets some chuckles out of the guests, as well as immature snickering from the team. What a way to end the dinner.
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The outside area is decorated to perfection. Fairy Lights strung around the foliage and the sky sprinkled with the stars and moon. Yassine held your body close, slipping small, sweet kisses onto your lips at every given opportunity as you swayed softly to the music. It was the perfect way to end a picture-perfect night. In your lover’s strong arms and under a clear night sky.
“This still doesn’t feel real, you know?” he admits and you hum in agreement.
“It feels like only yesterday when you were pestering me about gem cuts.” you joke and he gently pinches your side.
“It was a perfectly valid question, thank you very much!” you both laugh and it settles down into a comforting silence once more.
“God, they’re so adorable! How has this not happened sooner?!” Hakim wonders. The rest of the boys mutter, agreeing with him.
“Marriage looks good on him.” Romain adds with a smile. Yassine had spent many nights on call with the captain, seeking out his advice and reassuring words. To say the least, it was a big relief for everyone that it was finally done. He had been planning this for far too long.
“Has he added the ring to his bio yet?” 
“He’s had it there since the engagement. Although I think that pinned photo says enough." They all laugh. Yassine was weary of sharing his private life but he was beyond excited and couldn’t help but share that one little memory with the world. To just have his moment to show off. You were his. All his! And he was well and truly yours. 
He was so ready to start this next adventure with you. You were the best thing that ever happened to him and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. Now as your proud husband.
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im so sorry its been so long lmao but here it is!!!
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
yassine smut where he can't get enough of the taste of her and he's just come back after a week away so his head is between her legs for a particularly long time and he's just pushing her for "one more"
yeah you guys get me. 
“C’mon baby,” his hand rested on your side. “One more baby. You can do it.” 
You whimpered, back arched and you can feel his lips on your thigh. “Just one more,” he tells you. “You’re my good girl, aren't you?”
He knew exactly what to say, you were putty in his hands. 
The week away had been painful to say the least. Your husband hated the weekends away from you but to spend a whole week away was like torture. Since he’s returned, he’d been buried between your legs, hands wrapped your thighs as he ate you out. 
At this point, you were at least 4 orgasms in and overstimulated, sensitive, on the verge of crying. 
And yet, he wasn’t letting up. 
His big hands holding your hips tightly as his tongue laps over you, your own hand tangled in his hair, tugging on it and trying to wiggle away from him at the same time. 
“Babe, please,” the words come out as a sigh, tugging on his hair. 
He chuckles, his lips back on your thigh as he moves down to better your legs. You can feel his mouth on you, your hips lifting slightly. 
His hand holds you down, back where he wants you.
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grumpygayming · 7 years
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Eventually to be on Q’s Twitter
When Wren can’t sleep Q often stays up with him and makes him laugh until he finally gets drowsy…despite the fact that Q has to be in the lab early every morning & has a teaching job to arrive at after time working on his studies.
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leerps · 4 years
heaps of free time right now so would love to get writing and creating characters again!!!
a plot where two fire lookouts spend a season together communicating through radios, never seeing each other (based on firewatch which has the most beautiful aesthetics thanks)
more m/m and f/f plots honestly (especially this)
history plots in general with so many details and aesthetics, gimme the italian renaissance, russian aristocrats in the 1800s, victorian gothic - literally anything i’m up for it all ok
two small town touring showgirls that fall in love, think gentlemen prefer blondes (preferably also set in the 50s)
pre-existing dynamics! i’d love a couple trying for a baby and it not working, or a relationship that’s falling apart big time
bonus points for nsfw/kinky plots bye
inspired by pretty woman where broken, tired man hires an escort or sex worker to spend a few days with him
p.s. i have some available muses here if you’re interested
some cute babes i’d like to play:
actors: sophie turner, carey mulligan, rosamund pike, léa seydoux, fan bingbing, vicky krieps, golshifteh farahani; cillian murphy, dev patel, taron egerton, henry cavill
models: anais mali, hilary rhoda, susanne knipper, adwoa aboah, paloma elsesser, lauren de graaf, juliet searle, camilla christensen, shalom harlow, grace elizabeth; adrien sahores, andrew westermann, keith powers, yassine rahal, reece king, caleb trent, conor doherty, florian luger, gerhard freidl
and lastly, some verses i’d like to write in: middle-earth, star wars, his dark materials, firewatch, the last of us, game of thrones
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Owners family update
How to get the family all together in one place? get them all to watch people playing video games of course!
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If you remember last update, Hana gave birth to FOUR children. Luckily, with 4 adults and 3 teenagers that is actually a decently easy task.
Angela and Fareeha take the early mornings, getting up early with the babes because they wake up at that time anyway. They are still one child away form having the 10 children they both have a want for, but just now all these grandchildren seem to be satisfying their never ending baby fever needs.
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The teens (when they’re home from school) love getting some time in with the babies, helping Hana look after them while Kari is at work.
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Then at night time, and throughout the night, it’s Hana and Kari’s turn to look after their babies. It took them awhile yo get used to it, but soon the whole household ran well around that schedule.
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Before long the babies grew into toddlers, and Mandi grew into a teen herself! With more than enough people to look after the toddlers, Ammy, Bridgette, and Emily all moved out to go to college.
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Ah yes, the true toddler hell sight. 3 little boys playing mischievously with toys while Yassin cries in the middle of them.
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Kari getting in some quality time with one of her little guys before she has to go off to work in the morning.
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I’m starting to think this tiddler seeing just doesn’t work for anyone, looks weird with kids, adult, and even toddlers. Oh well, it’s still cute as hell getting to see grandma Fareeha pushing little Yassin on it.
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Mandi had prom at school and took one of her friends. They had a lovely time and although i didn’t get a picture of them both, i did get one of Mandi in her nice dress.
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With time getting on for both Fareeha and Angela, they decided to just go with their hearts and adopt one last child so they can fulfill their want of having 10 children. They were supposed to wait until the quads had grown into children, but they just couldn’t! Introducing their newest and last member of their family, Tara!
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Although they have little Tara to look after, Angela and Fareeha are still more than happy to help look after the toddlers still, In fact, Angela spends a lot more time spending her down time playing with her favourite little grandchildren...but that is mostly because Fareeha spends all her time cuddling little Tara.
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Kari is just so happy about getting to spend time with her little ones, its so sweet!
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Angela getting in some well deserved snuggles with Tara in before bed.
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And Hana giving Kari a whole lot more than snuggles :P (with no baby chyme's though thank god, they have enough on their plate!)
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Shoutout to Oscar from the WYDC family for just walking in my house and cuddling Tara, seems he doesn’t have enough babies at home to cuddle.
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The toddlers all grew into children and the next day was a day off for them so they spent some time playing around the activity table.
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While the kids were playing inside, the adults all had fund gardening together outside.
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That was until Fareeha saw Mandi playing her favourite video game and decided she had to prove although she’s old she isn’t boring and can still totally play games.
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That evening it was Tara’s birthday...but also sadly the day Angela passed away :( Tara grew into a happy little toddler but the rest of the family didn’t exactly feel like celebrating.
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With everyone feeling a bit down, it wasn’t a surprise that Mandi found her nephew coming into her room sniffling, asking for a hug. They had a nice long cry together a hugged for a whole lot longer until Mandi knew it was her duty to put him to bed.
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Although they were all sad about Angela passing, they all got together outside and took a nice family picture to at least have some more nice memories to look back on.
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seraphicsimblr · 6 years
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Rachid: Great plumbob, its hot. It gets no better in Oasis Springs, can’t escape it huh?
Nina laughing: I guess not.
Rachid: Do you see yourself forever living here in San Myshuno? What are your goals for the future babe?
Nina: Auuu, my goals? Mr. Yassine... are you trying to get to know me or something?
Rachid Laughing: Come on, I’m serious. I wanna know where you see things going...
Nina: well...
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budgie2budgie · 2 years
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𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂   (earlier - next)
[i don’t like - jylpo]
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I was tagged by @thegreatwhiteferret - thanks lovely!
87 Random Questions
1. Where do you live? Canada.
2. One cool item you own? An old typewriter given to me by my uncle.
3. Moon or stars? The stars.
4. Places you’d like to travel to? The Mediterranean or Vienna.
5. Favorite song? Must be dreaming by Frou Frou.
6. Do you have any fears? I am afraid of fucking dragonflies...ugh.
7. Do you feel different than you did last year? Oh definitely.
8. What is your race? I am
Metis-Cree Nation. So basically, Metis is a combination of Cree and French/Scottish people.
9. Pet peeves? Finding hair in food, I fucking cry every time.
10. Any siblings? I am the oldest of five siblings, so there’s me and my younger sister plus three younger brothers.
11. Are you a gamer? No, video games make me dizzy.
12. Sexual orientation? Bi-sexual.
13. Does a broken mirror mean bad luck? Nah.
14. What do you feel is your mental age? I feel older sometimes, always have.
15. How old were you when you started dating? 14, yeah it was gross.
16. Where do you do most of your online shopping? I don’t really shop online tbh.
17. Favorite animal? Foxes.
18. What’s one film from the 2000s that you like? Moulin Rouge! Is my absolute favourite film.
19. What’s your favorite scary movie? The Conjuring! I loved it, it was impressively thrilling.
20. Fun fact about yourself? I like eating burnt food, sometimes I burn some of my food on purpose because I like the charred taste.
21. Shoe size? 7.
22. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most? Suga from Haikyuu!! We’re literally the same person, it’s so weird.
23. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? Somewhere warm, probably Vancouver.
24. Ever wore clothes that were just wayyy too tight? No, I perfer comfort over everything else.
25. What’s on your mind? I hope my face clears up soon (Had an allergic reaction to shampoo).
26. Are you religious? In a way, kinda more of a traditional sense as far as my Indigenous background goes.
27. How tall are you? 5’6.
28. Favorite band? 65daysofstatic
29. Do you remember 2009? Yeah, I just graduated high school and got really sick that year, some days I was sleeping 15/16 hours because I got really sick and had no energy.
30. Cats or dogs? I’m allergic to both so I don’t care either way.
31. Fruit or vegetables? Fruits.
32. Do you want to get married? Nope!
33. Do you want children? No, but I wouldn’t mind adopting or fostering kids.
34. Flamingos or peacocks? Flamingos! They’re so much nicer.
35. What superpower do you wish you had? I wish I could fly, or have super strength.
36. Are you a germ freak? Yes. I have wipes to wipe down all surfaces all the time, and I organize every day.
37. Did swearing baby, ghost car, or ghost caught on tape scare you as a kid? No.
38. Do you prefer sweet or salty? Sweet.
39. Tea or coffee? Tea, I think of coffee as more of a treat to have every now and then.
40. Are you superstitious? In a way. I knock on wood three times if I say something that might jinx me.
41. Do you like stripes? Such a look.
42. Favorite shows as a kid? Digimon! And Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
43. Favorite shows growing up? Digimon and Fullmetal Alchemist
44. Favorite musical? Moulin Rouge!
45. Favorite movie? Moulin Rouge!
46. Birthday? October 31st. I’m a Halloween babe.
47. Are you a grammar Nazi? No, and that’s an awful term.
48. Ever gotten drunk? I’ve never been drunk in my life, true fact.
49. Do you have a carrier bag? I do! So much easier to carry stuff around.
50. What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? Probably nothing.
51. If you were the opposite gender what would you change your name to? Jude or Julian.
52. What song is stuck in your head? Seventeen for the Heathers Musical.
53. Celebrity crush? Don’t really have one tbh.
54. If you could live in a non-English speaking country, where would it be? Czech Republic, I’d go live in Prague, or Italy.
55. Are you a good dancer? I’m a great dancer! Many styles too!
56. Have any allergies? I have 15 different allergies, most of them food.
57. Any bad habits? I rub my eyes too much when I get nervous.
58. Ever broke a bone? I’ve never had the pleasure.
59. Are you a city or country person? City, I hate being in the country.
60. Do you like your home country? I give Canada a lot of shit, but honesty it’s not a bad place.
61. Sunflowers or daisies? Sunflowers.
62. Tulips or roses? Roses, champagne coloured ones are my favourite.
63. Oak or maple? Oak.
64. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney.
65. WYR be obese or anorexic? This is an awful question what the fuck?
66. WYR be over 6 feet or under 5 feet? Oh! Over 6 feet for sure, and I would wear three inch heels and just dominate every where I go.
67. Rubies or sapphires? Sapphires.
68. Are you stubborn? Nah.
69. Have you been in scouts/Girl Scouts? Nope.
70. What type of music do you listen to? A little bit of everything.
71. Favorite vine? The get silly one with the little cat, I watch it late at night to help me sleep sometimes.
72. Beaches or castles? How bout a Castle on a beach? Because that would be fantastic!
73. Pick the closest book to you, and write the line you opened to:
“No,” he whispered with a sigh as his head rested on my shoulder. “No, I suppose I don’t.” - the heart’s invisible furies by John boyne. This is a fantastic book by the way!
74. Anyone in the same room as you right now? Yassine. My room mate, we cook supper together sometimes, and talk about our days, I can kinda tell he likes the company, he’s one of those social people who suddenly live in a place where he can’t be as social, poor kid.
75. Which is worse; throwing up or diarrhea? I haven’t thrown up since I was five, so that was 22 years ago, so I’m going to say diarrhea.
76. Butterflies or lady bugs? Butterflies! They’re so pretty!
77. Do you say “K” when you’re mad? I say oh-kayyyy, because I’m usually trying not to snap at someone and that’s how I calm myself.
78. How do you react when people purposely scare you? It’s kinda hard to sometimes, but when they do, I just startle and start laughing afterwards.
79. Most overrated celebrity? Cate Blanchett - she named her son after Roman Polanski people, that woman ain’t shit.
80. Do you have a globe in your room? No.
81. Do you have a dream catcher in your room? I don’t surprisingly, but I sometimes like my nightmares, they can give me story inspiration sometimes.
82. What do you see when you look out your window? My courtyard, it has a really nice tree and bench that I can’t wait to read on when it’s warm out again.
83. Have you been on an airplane? Yup!
84. Do you believe in aliens? I do! I used to kinda be terrified of them because of this Movie I saw when I was a kid, called Fire in the Sky. Like that movie made me cry I was so scared, and then my friend Princess told me she wouldn’t be scared of aliens, because in a way they’re like people, just beings from far off places, and why be scared of someone not from Earth, so I got over that fear pretty quickly.
85. Do you believe in ghosts? I do, mostly because I’ve seen plenty in my life. Good and bad ones.
86. Do you believe in God? Yeah man! I believe in all of people’s beliefs, because that’s important to them in a way. Much like I believe in Creator, why shouldn’t I believe in a god?
87. Do you believe in yourself? All the fucking time, it’s one of my many strengths.
I never know who to tag, whoops! I tag whoever wants to do this! :):):)
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
yassine smut where he knows the reader has an obsession with his hands so he uses that to his advantage in bed:
maybe he's fingering her in front of a mirror and his other hand is around her neck to keep her head up and make sure she's watching
He's constantly reminding her that only he could make her feel this way, coaxing her to tell him how good he is and that her hands could never do the same
-yassine anon
yeah this fucks
"Can’t do it like you,” you mumbled, your boyfriend sat on the end of the bed watching you.
"What do you do when I'm not here?" He asks and you shrug. "Be grumpy," you mumbled once again, earning a laugh from the man.
Yassine had got home earlier than expected from their match away; and the one time you decided to take care of yourself was also the one time he managed to get home early.
Just your luck.
He pulls you down the bed by your legs, making you giggle. 
“What ?” You ask him, watching as he moves to sit behind you. The two of you on the floor, siting opposite of the big mirror you had hanging off the closet door.
He ignores your question, pulling your panties down to let it drop onto the floor. His fingers brush across your pussy, your head dropping back on his shoulder. Your boyfriend’s free hand grips your chin, pulling you to look in the mirror. 
“Babe-” “No. You said no one does it like me, so watch.” 
He has two fingers in you, curling up and no matter how much you want to close your eyes or look away, you can’t bring yourself too. He knows your body like the back of his hand and he knows you're close, he can feel it so he stops. 
“What- Babe!” You whine, your eyes meeting his in the mirror. He smiles, kissing where your ear and jaw connect. “Your turn.” He moves your hand to replace his. 
“No please, come on.” You try to move his hand back. 
“Please, I can’t do it like you. Your fingers feel better, I can’t; not like you.” 
He smiles, swatting your hand away to replace it with his. “Stop looking and I'll stop.” He tells you and you nod quickly. Your eyes flutter as you feel him push two fingers into you. 
“Look,” he whispers to you as he lets you ride his fingers, his thumb pressed to your clit. “So pretty like this."
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
hello! its been a while
i was gonna say, my type of guy is the tall, pretty one who's natural instinct is to be affectionate with everyone and couldn't form an enemy if he tried
-yassine anon
hi babe! welcome back!
omg is that who I think it is lmaoooo
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
wait babe i have to know, how many yassine requests have u already got cos im about to spam u with like 10 more lol
-yassine anon
only like 3 requests for him lmao
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whorekneecentral · 4 years
hi babes! this is my side blog, my main is @libraryofloveletters
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This is an 18+, nsfw account. Do Not Follow/Interact if you’re under the age of 18.
feel free to send in thoughts, asks, questions or anything on your mind. You’re all welcomed here!
see here for my masterlists!
people I write for // prompts
all posts are tagged based on characters/person
all posts are tagged with person/character as well as “… smut” to match whoever the post is about.
Any of my personal favourites are tagged under favs <3
other content creators’ works are tagged under reblogs
taken emoji anons include: 🏎️, 👾, 🪁, 🍾, 🐺, 👁🫦👁️, 🦦, 🌙, 🧟‍♀️, 🌱, 🧿, 🫶🏼, 🐀, 🦁, 💗, 🐣, ✍️, 🧋, 💫, 💛
taken name anons include: seb anon, lewis anon, georgie anon, max anon, oscar anon, lance anon, pato anon, ney anon, mick anon, lando anon, daniel anon, kylian anon, nando anon, carlos anon, jg anon, charles anon, jenson anon, schumacher anon, yassine anon, nicky anon, zhou anon, vvd anon, arthur anon, mark anon, kimi anon, pierre anon and esteban anon.
remember consent is sexy!
tags for inspo are found here!
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leerps · 7 years
i’m craving new characters and fcs so here’s an updated list of plots i’d like
a plot where two fire lookouts spend a season together communicating through radios, never seeing each other (essentially based on firewatch which has the most beautiful aesthetics thanks), i already have an aussie muse for this whose name is alan howe (aidan turner fc) that could work for a m/m plot but it’s totally fine if you want something fresh! please please
more m/m and f/f plots honestly (especially this)
i watched fantastic beasts and where to find them and i’d love a plot where it’s a team like a magizoologist/herbologist or curse breaker, dragonologist in the 1920s (f/f flapper girl witches i mean)
something based on free fire (2017) or the nice guys (2016) set in the 1970s, spies or gangsters, it can be a mumu or our characters with npcs
something based in the 60s or 70s, literally anything
history plots in general with so many details and aesthetics, gimme the italian renaissance, russian aristocrats in the 1800s, victorian gothic - literally anything i’m up for it all ok
celebrities dating in the 1950s or 1940s? based on this cute picture of alain delon and romy schneider, but it could entirely be based on a pr stunt
two small town touring showgirls that fall in love, think gentlemen prefer blondes (preferably also set in the 50s)
pre-existing dynamics! i’d love a couple trying for a baby and it not working, or a relationship that’s falling apart big time
bonus points for nsfw/kinky plots bye
p.s. i have some available muses here if you’re interested
some cute babes i’d like to play:
actors: sophie turner, carey mulligan, rosamund pike, léa seydoux, fan bingbing, golshifteh farahani; cillian murphy, dev patel, taron egerton, henry cavill
models: anais mali, hilary rhoda, adwoa aboah, paloma elsesser, lauren de graaf, juliet searle, camilla christensen, grace elizabeth, dree hemingway; adrien sahores, andrew westermann, keith powers, clement chabernaud, yassine rahal, reece king, caleb trent, conor doherty, florian luger, gerhard freidl
and lastly, some verses i’d like to write in: middle-earth, star wars, his dark materials, firewatch, the last of us, game of thrones
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leerps · 7 years
i’m starting uni again next week but i’m kind of itching to write and create new characters so
a plot where two fire lookouts spend a season together communicating through radios, never seeing each other (essentially based on firewatch which has the most beautiful aesthetics thanks), i already have an aussie muse for this whose name is alan howe (aidan turner fc) that could work for a m/m plot but it’s totally fine if you want something fresh! please please
more m/m and f/f plots honestly (have you seen this gif set because you should)
i watched fantastic beasts and where to find them and i’d love a plot where it’s a team like a magizoologist/herbologist or curse breaker, dragonologist in the 1920s (f/f flapper girl witches i mean)
pre-existing dynamics! i’d love a couple trying for a baby and it not working, or a relationship that’s falling apart big time
something based in the 60s or 70s, literally anything
history plots in general with so many details and aesthetics, gimme the italian renaissance, russian aristocrats in the 1800s, victorian gothic - literally anything i’m up for it all ok
celebrities dating in the 1950s or 1940s? based on this cute picture of alain delon and romy schneider, but it could entirely be based on a pr stunt
this mood board of ‘apollo runs a brothel with daphne as his top girl’
two small town touring showgirls that fall in love, think gentlemen prefer blondes (preferably also set in the 50s)
p.s. i have some available muses here if you’re interested
some cute babes i’d like to play:
actors: sophie turner, carey mulligan, rosamund pike, léa seydoux, fan bingbing; cillian murphy, dev patel, taron egerton, henry cavill
models: anais mali, chiara scelsi, catherine mcneil, hilary rhoda, adwoa aboah, paloma elsesser, maartje verhoef, louise follain, camilla christensen, dree hemingway; adrien sahores, andrew westermann, keith powers, clement chabernaud, yassine rahal, reece king, caleb trent, conor doherty, florian luger, gerhard freidl
and lastly, some verses i’d like to write in: middle-earth, star wars, his dark materials, firewatch, the last of us, game of thrones
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