#az challenge
wildswrites · 2 years
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inspired by @bebewrites​ ; tw; disappearance, suspected death; parental neglect.
On August 15th, 2020, Victoria Hastings, 19, sends her brother a cryptic text before vanishing without a trace. With a history of going off on her own and being hard to reach, it takes her parents a couple of days before they even start worrying - even with Alexander’s text, they cannot be convinced. Only after a week do they start to consider that something may have happened to her, and by then it is too late. Deferred searching and all of the detective work that money can buy cannot bring their daughter back to them. Over four months later, she comes back into their lives as if nothing has happened. The only person who seems to know anything about her whereabouts post return is her twin brother, their son Alexander, and... he’s not talking.
taglist; @thearchangelwrites please reply, reblog, message, or go here to be added to the taglist.
transcript below cut
a messaging app, contact name ‘vix’
Sat, Aug 15 2020, 11:57 PM
[left, gray bubble, incoming text] ledx? i thinkI youer helpp. i’m svared
(lex? i think i [need] your help. i’m scared)
Sun, Aug 16 2020, 5:26 AM
[right] blue bubble, outgoing text] sry i was sleeping whats up??
9:33 AM
Fri, Dec 27 2020, 10:20 PM
[left] how goes it, space cadet?
[right] if you’re not dead, i’m going to kill you my fucking self. where are you.
[left] now that you mention it...
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agentc0rn · 3 months
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What if AZ is seen wandering in the city lol. Might not happen, may happen, who knows.
Short story I randomly made up for no reason if anyone wants to read based on this art (it's not the best but I wanted to indulge in my thoughts):
He wandered. It took great effort and time to get around the labyrinth of buildings. It did not help that his aged senses struggled with grasping all the novelties he had never seen before in his lifetime, nor did it help that hundreds of curious gazes and whispers accompanied him all the way through.
He had been well used to eye contact; not because of his height, but rather because of his status and duties he once held. Though now he was no more than a lost empty shell of a man, merely equipped with a heavy heart and a luggage full of harrowing memories and bygone knowledge that seemed of no use here.
He was a nobody, yet his presence was pronounced. Aside from his stature, his ragged, dull-coloured outfit and his long, unkempt white hair contrasted greatly with the finely made dresses and suits worn by the inhabitants of this great megalopolis. He stood out as a sore thumb, a prickly weed amidst a garden of small colorful flowers. Even though this place was formerly his home, he only became a stranger, a foreigner both in time and space.
Shunning the looks, gasps and hurried whispers he had garnered, he marched on, with no destination set in mind. An old habit that had turned into a lifelong custom - an eternal wayfarer he had become and identified himself as, since he had no home to return to. It had been long gone, washed away by the tides of time. 
He could not help but admire just how the place brimmed with life -  the way the afternoon golden sunlight poured down on the wide paved streets and avenues, where people chattered and strolled about, carrying bags full of goods purchased from the market stands. Carriages rocked and passed by, along with carts loaded with supplies of organic products. Pidoves pecked on bread crumbs at every chance they could get.
The longer he observed, his mind stirred up thoughts and ideas and imagination of all sorts. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment  as he saw himself opening up the mass contraption, unleashing a huge brilliant beam of light that pierced through the clouds, the skies, to the heavens above, soon to scorch upon the earth. Destruction was his legacy, forever engraved onto his name, a grave sin of his that took the form of a key that he long bore for centuries. The effects of his crime more or less tagged him everywhere, lurking around within his shadow. 
It haunted him.
He took a deep breath and doddled the other way, searching for a place to sit. His legs needed a break and so did his mind. He continued onwards until a fragrant scent reached his senses, causing him to stop in his tracks. Taking a closer look, he found a cart stocked with motleys of blooming flowers. There, a short, petite woman donned in a white dress looked around the pots, still yet to decide on which one to choose.
He couldn't help but draw near, all while memories seeped into his mind where his younger self plucked a handful of flowers, tying them and placing them onto his beloved one as a crown. As he bumbled towards the cart, the short-haired brunette took notice of his presence and backed away from him, startled. He mumbled an apology with a tilt of his head, stepping away from the cart. Once she regained composure, she smiled and invited him to come forward with a flick of her hand, quickly dismissing the awkwardness of the encounter.
"Lovely, aren't they?" she said, leaning towards one pot filled with daffodils and sniffed one. AZ did not expect the lady to speak, yet alone to him out of all people. But he did not want to rudely decline a conversation. He hardly exchanged a conversation with a human being for so long in the countless years of his wandering.
He yearned to regain a sense of humanity again, for he had long lost his sense of self along the way in his descent to desolation.
"...Yes, they certainly are," words parted from his lips. "Fleetingly beautiful. Small, but valuable. Truly Earth's finest wealth." With his gloved, coarsened hand, he gently lifted a drooping rose and over to the lavender. The lady in white's smile remained as she eyed his solemn expression. Her soft gaze held a tender curiosity, free of disdain and wariness, unlike the gawking reactions from others. She turned away briefly, returning to her search for some moments just before re-opening her mouth.
"With all of that cumbersome load and thick garment, you must have traveled a great distance. From where you might be?" She inquired. On her right, a Floette drifted up towards AZ, smiling brightly the same way her partner did. As soon as he caught sight of the Floette, it broke his stolid, stony expression. He tried to utter a response but failed. From the bottom of his stomach, grief resurfaced, securing his throat at a chokehold. Tears blurred his vision and he fluttered his eyes quickly. The Floette tapped on his shoulder in an attempt to reassure him, but a few tears trickled down his pale, hollow-cheeked face.
"I...I apologize. I am suddenly reminded of something," he stuttered and looked away in shame. He had thought he had dried all his tears up after all these years.
Taking a quick gander at her surroundings, the lady beckoned to him to follow and he did so without a complaint until they reached a small alleyway, where ratattas scrambled out about. The lady fumbled in her bag and pulled out a handkerchief. "This should be a better place. I should be the one giving an apology, you did not do any wrongdoing. I am no fan of the public either." He accepted her generous offer and dabbed at his eyes, then gave his thanks.
"In a way, you remind me of my grandfather," she said. "Gentle, soft-spoken and fond of nature." As she spoke, the Floette twirled around AZ in a small happy dance. He cracked a weak smile, then returned to his usual countenance. .
"Do I?" he questioned.
"Your mannerism and tone precisely resemble him. I would have loved for him to meet you, surely you would have been good friends."
He smiled and said nothing. They stood in silence, gazing outward at the end of the alleyway, with small streaks of people flowing in and out of the street.
"It is better for me to go now. I worry that I am troubling you, having meddled with your errands," he said with concern, looking downwards at the lady. "I thank you for your acts of kindness. I truly appreciate it." For every word he said, he meant it. He glanced sideways at the lady's Floette and it dawned on him that he had something with him that he could give to the lady as a return of  favor.
AZ dug into his pockets.
"This may not be much, but I hope that you may use these to grow in your garden." He said, extending his long slender arm towards her, handing her a bag of red trillium seeds that he had collected not too long ago in his journey, in hopes of planting along barren areas long affected by the war and the destruction of the ultimate weapon.
"Oh, you are too kind, traveler! I have heard of these before, but never have I expected to possess them!" she placed both of her hands on her chest, gushing. "Do you see this, Fleurine? We can grow more!" she beamed to her companion, who spun around once more in great joy. She turned back forward to him and grinned.
"Before we depart, my name is Acacia for your knowledge, should we ever cross paths and meet again. It  was a great pleasure of exchanging some brief pleasantries with you, good sir! May your journey be filled with great tidings!" she waved at him, joined by her Floette, who waved her flower at him.
"Likewise. My name is AZ. If we do not meet again, then let those seeds be a souvenir of me. I wish you a prosperous life ahead," he said."Au revoir, Ehzie!" the young lady called one last time, and made her way back to the market. Waving back and nodding, he trotted off. He managed to make his way to the end of the city, apparently named Lumiose, with hope sprouting within his ancient, grief-ridden heart.
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azure-za-raid · 10 months
Hey all! Wanna fun challenge to do this October with a chance of showing off your OCs?
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Here are the rules!
No, you do not have to do all 60 prompts (Unless you really want to) do what you want or can
Yes, you may use more than one character for the prompts (I know I am)
Prompts can be combined (I. E. Doodle Sheet + Monochrome)
Prompts are up to interpretation
You can alter prompts a bit
Prompts don’t have to be done in order
You may do a prompt multiple times
Don’t forget to have fun
The timeframe for posting is October 1st-31st but no one’s stopping you from starting on prompts now, or even posting past October 31st
OCs from anywhere are allowed, orginals, pre-establish universes, etc
Don’t forget to tag your stuff #Az’s OC-tober
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planetsandmagic · 11 months
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Colorwheel but make it my ocs!
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nocasdatsgay · 9 months
I have seen an uptick in Gwyn is Eris’s granddaughter theories esp on tiktok and I swear if that becomes canon I will cry.
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silver-ace-of-spades · 3 months
lower class: flygon
middle class: garchomp
upper class: zygarde 50%
top 1%: zygarde complete
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9 Slaughters, 9 Houses, 9 Tier Lists [11.A-11.H]
Only 1 tier list, actually. Jack made a strong first impression. Let's see how everyone else does. Around the time of 11.D I realized these interludes were structured in a certain way: One of the 8 remaining S9 members recruiting their pick for who should be the 9th. And, if they get their way, 7/8 of these people will die. Each Interlude's them being recruited-- so in a way, this is just one, huge fuckoff interlude for The Slaughterhouse. Lets begin! A -- BITCH [X - SIBERIAN] Yeah, it didn't take long for the warm feeling in my heart on ending base-arc-11 to dissipate. I didn't really know what to make of 'Slaughterhouse 9 is looking for their next member'. I 'kinda thought it was just going to be another villain, not some fucked-up selection gameshow. Someone like Hookwolf. (Huh!) Or, maybe even a fucked-up hero, akin to Armsmaster. But, actually, it's Bitch. They're going after Bitch. Give her a break, Wildbow? Please? Jack made a strong first impression. Let's see how everyone else does. Around the time of 11.D I realized these interludes were structured in a certain way: One of the 8 remaining S9 members recruiting their pick for who should be the 9th. And, if they get their way, 7/8 of these people will die. Each Interlude's them being recruited-- so in a way, this is just one, huge fuckoff interlude for The Slaughterhouse. Lets begin! A -- BITCH [X - SIBERIAN] Yeah, it didn't take long for the warm feeling in my heart on ending base-arc-11 to dissipate. I didn't really know what to make of 'Slaughterhouse 9 is looking for their next member'. I 'kinda thought it was just going to be another villain, not some fucked-up selection gameshow. Someone like Hookwolf. (Huh!) Or, maybe even a fucked-up hero, akin to Armsmaster. But, actually, it's Bitch. They're going after Bitch. Give her a break, Wildbow? Please?
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Seeing Bitch smile with her family was nice, though. Even if I think she's wrong, in that being alone from anyone else isn't what she needs. Finding out a little more about her than the snippets Lisa gave us, and her inner thoughts on Taylor, was nice too. And then things, inevitably. went to shit. Not Angelica's Injury or Glory Girl. Siberian.
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Oh, no.
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That she didn't call Coil, that (spoilers!) she didn't raise the issue in the coming weeks until it was revealed by other means, is telling that she's at a crossroads. B-But, c'mon. There's no way. She'll pick the right path, and use this as the start of a rekindling of her friendship with Taylor-- this being teaming up and beating the shit out of S9. I believe in her! B -- THEO/ONI-LEE [X - JACK SLASH]
Theo, on the other hand, I'm not so sure if I can believe in. Kaiser's Son. Presumably(?) Jack Slash's nominee-- it's left a little vague, given the whole two-years-thing. At least, I think this whole interlude was set in the present day, or at least post-Leviathan. Yep, just checked-- it definitely is. Oni-Lee was Jack's original target, but he wasn't interesting enough. Lucky for him, someone way more interesting was practically handed to him on a silver platter. Theo doesn't seem like a bad kid, especially given his circumstances, but I worry. Jack being a fucked up son of a bitch was fun to watch, though. C -- LABYRINTH [X - Burnscar] This one was my 2nd-favorite. I really like Labyrinth. I think I mentioned earlier that I was hoping to see some more of her? This was exactly what I wanted!
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Well, Burnscar could've gone without the scorching of Faultline & Co. , but. I like these glimpses into characters that I just have, like, no idea how they think/operate. Now I have a little bit more of a picture. Labyrinth's one of my favorite side-(ish, now that she's in the spotlight?) characters
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I don't even know what this is. Cauldron? Case 53? Faultline and her group of misfits seem intertwined with it all, all but confirmed in the tail-end of Arc 11. I hope Labyrinth is okay. D -- Armsmaster [X - Mannequin]
" I didn't really know what to make of 'Slaughterhouse 9 is looking for their next member' " This one I did see coming, actually. My first prediction! I should write these down so I can properly say 'called it'! What I didn't see coming was me actually giving a shit.
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Oh, Colin. This really hurt to read. Why do you have to be a human being? As much as I hate the things you've done--
I don't know. I've left it a while, and I still think about this interlude. Armsmaster hasn't shown up yet at the point in the story I'm at while writing this (13.Something). I'll write about Armsmaster-- Colin, I should get in the habit of humanizing him, if that's what the story wants-- when he's back. E -- Hookwolf [X - Shatterbird]
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I 'dunno, Shatterbird. He called you a slur internally a little earlier, and even self-monologued about 'The Aryan Dream', or whatever the hell he's smoking. This one's a lost cause.
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While I don't have much to say about this chapter, other than the spectacular action and Shatterbird's cool power-- we'll get there!--- I really like this kind of manipulation S9 are using on their recruits. They aren't like them. But they could be. I'm really scared that one of them will be. It won't be Hookwolf, though. F -- Noelle [Dinah] [X - Crawler]
Hey, look at that! It's my favorite interlude to date! Yeah, even more than Alec's. This one was peak.
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Dinah has my favorite power of any character in Worm. It's just so cool... Probability precognition isn't like, an original idea by any means-- but its just so... agh!! ================================= THE "HE KNOWS" BANNER Hello! Everything written after this point is Az knowing up to 19.3 in plot-knowledge. I'll try and leave things as a 'We'll get to that!', but keep in mind that 'he knows'. ================================== Dinah still has my favorite power of any character in Worm! But 11.f is no longer my favorite interlude... Crawler isn't even present in this chapter, but he's described almost like an endbringer. Near-invulnerable, on a mission to fight the strongest thing in the entire city, and willing to crush anyone that steps in his way.
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Oh, Dinah...
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... G -- Regent [Cherish] [X - Cherish] Regent's French Canadian? Biggest plot twist of worm so far.
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Cherish is great. I love girlboss psychopaths, and she's 'kind of hit the nail on the coffin.
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Nominating Alec for the nine out of spite is a take that I'm all here for, though. But what's this now-- Bitch and Alec? Have it their way, and one of them at the very least's dead.
H -- Amy [X - Bonesaw] Not to cut this short, because it's a great interlude and all, but I'll talk about Amy in my upcoming megapost on 12.1-19.3. A lot of ground to cover, I know. Bonesaw, too. Instead, here's my Tierlist of the 9, taking into account their actions throughout Arcs 12, 13 and 14: S [Slaughter Tier!] -- Jack Slash, Bonesaw, Mannequin A [Ahhhhhh Tier..] -- Siberian, Cherish, B [Didn't do that much Tier] -- Burnscar, Crawler, C [Regent-owned Tier] -- Shatterbird
The reason this all took so long is that Worm is really good, and I keep reading it instead of writing about reading about it. Sorry... See you next time for either 12.1-14.X or 12.1-19.3, depending on my attention span.
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Happy Campers (Gerard Way x fem!reader)
kinktober day 23(ish): outdoor sex 
Summary: On a camping trip with the guys, Gerard and his girlfriend realise that neither of them are capable of being quiet enough for them to get away with having sex in the tent. Luckily, he has an idea that just might work... 
Word count: 2537
Warnings: tiny bit of a Frikey mention?? If you need warning about that?? But I think that’s it. 
AN: Hello friends! I’m not dead, look! I’m slowly working my way through the last of the kinktober stories (although personal love life crises, a very annoying dose of the emo flu, and two exams I forgot I had to revise for have certainly made it difficult to write. Oops.) 
I mean, maybe you could think of this as a treat, you know? This way, kinktober is actually gonna last wayyy longer than it was intended to. Silver linings and all that. 
As night fell, the five of them huddled a little closer around the fire, each warmed more by the beers they’d been drinking than by the poorly crackling embers. Except Mikey - he’d drunk four or five bottles of Sprite instead, and was now feeling a little bit sick. It was pretty obvious that none of them would be awake for much longer: actually finding their way to the campsite (which had been all the more difficult because none of them really knew how to read a map, and the GPS on their phones was painfully slow) had worn them out, and that was before they’d even set the tents up. There were three two-man tents in their little corner of the site: one for (y/n) and Gerard, one for Frank and Mikey, and one for Ray and everyone’s bags.
This was a set up they were all happy with; they’d done it before and it had worked out just fine. Ray liked his own personal space, Frank secretly liked it when he woke up to find Mikey ‘accidentally’ spooning him, and as the only actual couple it was pretty obvious that (y/n) and Gerard needed their own space. Not that it saved the others from overhearing things. As they’d discovered quite early on in the relationship, neither of them were very good at being quiet when they needed to be.
The evening was getting cooler by the minute, and it showed. Ray had draped his sleeping bag around his shoulders and bunched his knees up to his chest, cupping the almost empty beer bottle close. “Think I’m gonna get some sleep when this is finished, guys. My legs are killing me.” 
With his head in Frank’s lap, eyes closed as the shorter man ran his fingers through his hair, Mikey looked like he was already asleep. “Mmm yeah, sounds good. Might read the comic I brought with me.” 
Frank rolled his eyes. “Well you’d better let me share it this time. Otherwise I’ll have to steal it once you’re done and then the light will be on for twice as long.” 
“Well I’m only gonna share it if you’re gonna read quietly and not keep making stupid comments the whole way through.” 
“See, I can’t promise that.” 
Keeping his hands warm under (y/n)’s hoodie, Gerard nuzzled into her neck. “You wanna go to bed too sweetie?” 
“Yeah, I’m pretty worn out.” She was sat between his legs, her back pressed to his chest as she traced little patterns on his thigh. “It’s been a long day.” 
On the opposite side of the fire, Frank smirked at the two of them. “Is that code for sneaking off for some alone time? ‘Cause you don’t need to bother, you guys are noisy enough that we’d know anyway.” 
(y/n) made a half-assed attempt to chuck a marshmallow at his forehead, snorting when it landed on Mikey’s face and made him blink in confusion. “No, you weirdo. I’m tired after spending the whole day listening to you whining about your feet hurting while we tried to find this place. I actually want some sleep.” 
“Yeah, like I believe that.” 
All groaning softly, stretching their tired limbs, the five of them picked themselves off the ground and kicked the dying fire out properly. Wanting to snuggle down in their tents as soon as possible, they said quick goodnights to each other and ducked inside the thin fabrics, each zipping themselves in for the night. 
As the little reading lamp in the boys tent switched on, Gerard peeled his jeans off and tugged on a pair of soft plaid pyjamas, not missing the way his girlfriend’s eyes lingered on his soft thighs. “I didn’t think walking would tire me out so much, you know? It’s crazy how exhausted I am.” 
“Well, you can blame your little brother’s terrible map reading skills for the amount of walking we ended up doing.” Having changed into her pyjamas earlier in the evening, all (y/n) had to do was snuggle up in the sleeping bag. “C’mere. It’s getting cold already and you’re so warm and cosy.” 
He grinned, tucking himself under the thick material and pulling her into his arms. “Aw, is my baby starting to freeze up? Well we can’t have that.” He settled with her head on his chest, littering kisses across her hair as his arms tightened around her back. He was content like that for a little while before shifting a little, lips trailing from her forehead to her cheeks, and finally to her lips. 
She smiled into the kisses as he moved to hover over her, breaking for just a fraction of a second to make sure that he was resting her head against the pillow rather than the uneven ground that could be felt through the tent’s thin floor. His knee instinctively moved to settle between her thighs as he stroked her waist, giggling a little as her hands wandered into his hair. 
They felt like a pair of naughty teenagers trying to make out at a sleepover without being caught by their friends, especially as his hands slipped beneath her t-shirt. His fingers were surprisingly cold in comparison with the rest of him and she couldn’t help but squeak, the noise lapsing into a sigh as they brushed across her nipples. 
From there, things got a little more heated; hands crept beneath waistbands and hips bucked in search of friction, each of them needing just a little bit more from the other person. But they had good reasons to be holding back. There were only a couple of metres between each tent, and the flimsy material would be basically useless at blocking out sounds. They might as well be getting it on out in the open, it made such little difference.
And as a familiarly needy moan escaped (y/n)’s lips as his knee pressed against her core, the idea came to Gerard like it was obvious. “Honey, you have to be quiet.” 
She squirmed a little. “I don’t think I can. Not if you keep doing that.”
“Then we’ll just have to move somewhere they can’t hear us.” 
A frown creased her forehead. “What are you suggesting?” 
“Well, we aren’t too far off the forest... we’d only have to head a little way past the treeline to get some more privacy.” 
And she realised what he was thinking. “No way.”
“Come on, it’s a great idea.”
“It’ll never work!” 
“Of course it will, you trust me don’t you? I’ll make it work. You can be as loud as you like out there.” 
Thinking it through, she nodded. “Fuck it, let’s do this.” 
Grinning, he sat up and passed her shoes over, shoving his own trainers onto his feet before unzipping the tent and tiptoeing out into the night. It was almost completely dark now, with the little electric lampposts casting a gentle glow across the entire campsite just enough for them to be able to avoid tripping over the other tents - that would certainly be a giveaway that they were up to no good. He tugged her to her feet, catching her against his chest as she stumbled before leading her towards the treeline. 
She hesitated a little as they reached the point half way between their little camp and the woods, folding her arms over her chest as the cool air pricked at her skin. “Hey, you’re not taking me out here because you want to murder me, are you? Because I have to warn you, it’s a terrible idea. You’d get caught before sunrise.” 
“Of course not.” He grinned, tilting her chin up so he could press a soft kiss to her lips. “There’s no way I’m ever getting rid of you.” He took a moment to assess her expression in the dim light, wanting to make sure she was still okay with the idea. “Still up for it? It’s fine if you’ve changed your mind, we can just go back to the tent and smother each other with pillows to keep the noise down.” 
Sliding her hand back into his again, she kissed the tip of his nose. “Nah, I’m still cool. Just... had a sudden thought about all the spiders and insects and shit that might be crawling around.” 
Sweet laughter bubbled from him as he led her on again, keeping her a little closer as they passed the treeline and entered the woods. “Well don’t worry, I promise I’ll protect you from any nasties that are hiding in the dark. That’s what I’m here for.” 
They didn’t go too far in: having to text the others to come and rescue them because they’d got lost trying to find somewhere private for a quick shag would be the embarrassment of the century, and the rest of the band would never let them live it down. They’d probably gone less than ten metres in before finding somewhere that looked ideal to stop; there was a particularly large tree that looked like it would be nice and stable to lean against, and a little ring of space around it that wasn’t crowded with much shrubbery. 
Nodding towards it, Gerard raised an eyebrow - not that she could really see him now they were under the shadowy leaf coverage. “What do you think?” 
“Just like you then.” 
He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her gently towards it, making sure to protect the back of her head so she didn’t get hurt accidentally. As her back hit the tree, she tugged him closer, bringing her lips to his ear and whispering seductively. “If I get bitten by anything that isn’t you, I’m not kissing you for a month.”
He giggled, sucking another gorgeous purple bruise into the skin of her neck. “So we’ll make it quick then, yeah? Give those nasty bugs less of a chance to take a shot at what’s mine.” 
The way his arms caged her in against the slightly cold wood mixed with the soft possessiveness in his tone made her melt, and she brushed her nose against his. “Sounds like a plan to me.” The ground was mercifully clear of twigs around their feet, meaning they didn’t have to worry about accidentally snapping any. Although it was definitely cold out, the warmth they were both exuding was more than enough to stop it from being a problem - as was the thrill of the thought of fucking each other so openly. Any late night wanderer could pass by. 
“Good.” Gerard tugged her fleecy pyjama bottoms down, leaving them to bunch around her trainers as he pushed her underwear aside. He trailed a finger through her folds, capturing her gasp with a sweet kiss as he shoved his own pants down. At least out here, they didn’t have to worry quite so much about being overheard. She was deliciously warm against his cool fingers, her thighs twitching in anticipation every time he drifted away from her core. Hooking a leg up around his waist and giving himself a few quick strokes, he slid into her with a gentle whine. 
(y/n) dug her fingers into his shoulders, the soft rustle of the leaves in the breeze above barely hiding her moans. It was her absolute favourite thing, to be filled completely by him. No matter what the situation was: sneaking about in tiny store cupboards and tour bus bathrooms, in a specially booked hotel for their anniversary with rose petals and champagne, at home with their entire toy box to play with - wherever they ended up, the one constant was just how good it felt to be as together as it was possible for two people to be. And this moment, together under the stars and damp foliage, was something incredibly beautiful. 
Considering they’d decided it would be a quickie his thrusts were relatively slow, following a languid rhythm that he knew would still drive her insane. One hand rested against her lower back, pulling her hips even closer to his while the other cradled the back of her head. She alternated between letting loose the breathy moans that had been so hard to hold back in the tent and nipping softly at his neck, leaving little marks that would certainly match the ones on her own throat in the morning. 
Every roll of his hips hit just the right places inside her, and soon she was writhing against him, his name falling from her lips in barely discernable whines, the sounds echoing a little amongst the surrounding trees. All concerns about volume were forgotten now - with nobody there to hear them, they could be as loud as they wanted. And so they were. Her sounds pitched up as her orgasm hit, tightening around him as her head fell back against the tree with a soft thud. 
That sudden increase of friction made his hips stutter, and the little keening cry that fell from his lips as he came was almost enough to make her tip over the edge all over again. 
The mixture of his cum and hers trailed across her thighs as he pulled out, groaning softly against her shoulder. He tucked himself back into his pants before helping her pull hers back into place, both of them pulling slight faces at the sticky sensation on their skin. Still, it was a pretty hot reminder of what they’d just been doing - and the others would be none the wiser. 
The two of them crept carefully back to their group’s little set-up, very glad they could remember the route they had taken, giggling softly every time a twig broke under their shoes or one of them stumbled in the dark. The little electric lights hung up nearby illuminated things just enough for them to get back without causing too much chaos, shushing each other as they tried to get back into the tent. 
As they did the zip back up, tucked themselves back into their sleeping bag and cuddled up, they considered the whole operation a success. But as they settled, there was a slight rustling sound from the tent next to theirs. And then voices: first Frank’s, pitched up and breathy, then Mikey’s, in a scarily good impression of his older brother. 
“Oh Gerard, yeah, right there!” 
“(y/n), baby, yes!” 
The two of them were only able to keep the act up for those two sentences before cracking up, howling as they clung to each other’s shoulders in the dark. They each managed a couple of dramatic moans between bouts of laughter, tears rolling down their cheeks. 
(y/n) buried her face into Gerard’s chest, both of them blushing deeply as their friends continued to mock them as much as they could through the wheezing. Then, they heard Ray’s sleepy voice coming from the third tent. 
“Guys, knock it the fuck off. You two are worse than they are. Save it for the morning, okay? I just wanna sleep.” 
That made the couple laugh too, glad that he was on their side - for now, at least. They fully expected him to join in with the teasing the moment he was conscious enough to. Eventually when the others settled down, they finally managed to get to sleep, drifting off in the cool night air. 
It was something they could tick off the bucket list, to say the least. 
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grandwretch · 1 month
my body stop getting infections so i can not be on the meds that make writing impossible challenge
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catsteinbooks · 4 months
Good Omens 30 Day Challenge! (x)
Day 6: Favorite Whickber Street Shop
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I mean, it has to be the bookshop. I'm not a record person, not a coffee person. The magic shop is neat, but not a place I'd hang out. Same for the music shop and the restaurants.
But books. Weird, cool, old books. Tons of eclectic art. An occult directional layout. The furniture! The spiral staircase! It's bizarre and cozy and exactly the kind of place where I could just hang out for indefinite periods of time.
Really, the only location in the whole show that even comes sort-of-a-little-bit close is Crowley's flat, with the ostentatious office furniture, the awesome art, and the plant room. Honestly, add a plant room and an art room onto the bookshop and it'd be my dream home.
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incrediblysalt · 8 months
October Drawings Day 19
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Prompt 19: supervillain/superhero
Okay this technically isn’t prompt 19, it’s prompt 58, but I just really wanted to draw/think about my superhero au lmao. Ivory, aka Hardlight, is a bit of an anti-hero or vigilante, sometimes helping the traditional heroes while also sometimes getting in their way :)
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azthedragon · 2 years
Randy wasn’t having a good day.
Not only it was raining so heavily that he couldn’t see the other side of the street, but it was also freezing and the current stanked monster was jumping everywhere and waving that umbrella like a sword.
The monster’s current target? Howard.
Honestly, between himself and his best friend, they had the highest count of people who got stanked because of something they did or said. It was a record that he wasn’t proud of and he feared the day the Nomicon finally grew weary of this and demanded he return the mask.
“Just…” Randy, as the ninja, yelled. He slipped on a puddle as he tried to reach for Howard. “Just apologize already!”
Howard looked in his direction, slipped himself and belly-flopped into a large puddle. “Why? I just said the truth!”
One scarf-grab later and the two were back together and running down the street, enraged monster just at their heels.
“Wh..! I don’t care!” Randy yelled, arms thrown up into the air in exasperation. “Just apologize!”
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branchedman · 1 year
if this city starts getting the atx treatment i swear to fucking god..
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foxgloveinspace · 2 months
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Half the fucking state in a tornado watch🤮
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azure-za-raid · 3 months
Alrighty! Since you all would like to help, this post here will act as a prompt box. Drop all your prompt ideas in the comments!
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grandwretch · 2 months
Hi! I saw you mention you were about to start a sims challenge - do you have any favorite challenges you’ve done? I’m hunting for a new one.
Hiiiiii!! My favorites I've ever done are the Not So Berry legacy and then also I really really liked the Foregotten Realms D&D one.
I also very much enjoyed the Career Legacy, the Decades Challenge, and the Black Widow Challenge. Also not technically a challenge but what I literally always do when bored: Download a lot of chemistry/romance mods and have a Love Island moment. Or Bachelor(ette) moment.
The Challenge I was talking about is the massive Joy Of Life Challenge, and another new one that I haven't played but was intrigues by was Whimsy Stories.
Also if you're looking for a way to explore every aspect of the game, there's always the Barbie challenge: make a Barbie sim and then have her max every single skill and career!
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