#away from the crowd
honorhearted · 5 months
For modern AU Benjamin Tallmadge:
“It really is nice out tonight.”
From ~ Audrey ~ charmantevamp
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Ben jerked, not having expected the intrusion. In truth, he'd gone o.utdoors in need of air -- the f.estivities inside were capable of making him feel quite lonely, given the memories they were starting to unlock -- and offering the woman a wan smile, he inclined his head and replied, "I suppose so."
If she meant nice as in the w.eather, then yes; if she meant nice as in the beautiful scenery, skyline and glittering s.tars up above, then also yes; but Ben couldn't find it in himself to agree that the night was pleasant.
"You should go back inside," he said. "I'd hate for you to miss the c.ountdown just because you chose to stay out here with me."
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charmantevamp · 5 months
♫— Stay where you are, safe in a frame. Try to move closer, you'll only get halfway. Pin down your heart, put out the flame. Don't come any closer but don't move away.
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sirwatson · 2 years
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piratefishmama · 4 months
okay but has anyone written a no upside down au fic where big ol doe eyed Eddie Munson takes his first 'intentionally going for the gay scene' trip to Indy, totally inexperienced and deeply unaware of how attractive he is being hit on from everyone with working eyes until he's saved by--
Steve Harrington?!
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mettywiththenotes · 11 months
Listen the way tiny Ochako is in a crowd cheering and then turns around to see tiny Toga crying reminds me of that part in the S6 ending where Ochako is in a crowd and she turns around to see Toga's handkerchief floating in the air
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tsuchinokoroyale · 5 months
Happy new years… let’s stay hydrated together ✨
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#I didn’t end up going to the rave just stayed in with my buddies and had KFC (( Korean fried chicken )) and laughed til we cried so#it was still a wonderful start to the new year 💞🥰💞#but the fwb wanted pics of my potential rave look so I figured eh I brought the stuff anyways#and now I’m imagining locking eyes with a stranger on the warm and writhing dance floor#the beat thumps and shakes and rattles the air in our breath as the spotlights dance in the reflections of our held gaze#he pushes his way through the crowd with a singular stare and a wicked smile on his face#I smile and turn my back on him arching myself so he knows I am giving what he’s looking for#I take careful steps through the revelry toward the edge where the crowd thins out#I prop myself up on an available stool in a lonely corner of the club as he closes the distance between us#“now I wonder why you dragged me all the way here” he utters in a playful growl “trying to get far away from the crowd?”#I smile and I nod. “obviously. can’t really do what I want with you out there”#his eyes perk up and his smile gives away the desire building inside him. “yeah? why don’t you show me then.”#“I thought you’d never ask” I smirk. I reach down into my pants and pull out my phone#“so this one is blue. he’s the oldest but he’s sooooo sweet. and that’s Eva. my only girl she’s sassy but she loves swea-” he leaves#whaddahell I say demurely whimpering even… whaddahell…#gpoy
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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Tim & Jason
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ackerslut · 11 months
it's insane to me that people can't get past the nuances of rose and mickey's relationship and how they're both good people who don't do right by each other. like this is a show where the main character (allegedly) kills his entire species and you can't get past why two people who started dating in their teens might fuck each other up a bit
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dostoyevsky-official · 4 months
deeply unimpressed by the specific type of american who was moved by putin's ability to rattle off historical events russians learn in middle school and who interprets this as anything substantial. many of this type of person have the same incoherent understanding of disparate historical facts glued together by a marx or lenin quote instead of his Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality. putin doesn't have a deeply historical "longue-durée worldview," you just haven't heard about vladimir monomakh since you were 6
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canisalbus · 2 months
I’m going to Rome next week & ofc some in the group want to throughly Vatican & thanks to you I’m ready yes let’s go on the Machete & Vasco tour instead of internally monologuing about Ugh This Institution. I mean still ugh-this-institution but with mentally projected appetizing dogmen. And beautiful architecture of course etc etc. So, cheers.
Oh that's so cool! It's actually really flattering to hear you're planning to go see the Vatican just so you can visualize my dog men in their natural habitat.
I hope you have a wonderful trip!
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tequiilasunriise · 8 months
bitches really be out here publicly divorcing as if they weren’t in a secret relationship
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! (╹◡╹)★
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babymorte · 2 months
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my shirt is tetris 😀
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
cannot stand it when i see posts saying orym could/can only ever have concrete conversations about himself and his feelings with either dorian or ashton or that they're the only people that would understand what he's going through. asides from the Women Just Don't Get It-ness of it all, like:
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i rest my case
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dicendelirio · 11 months
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AhEm...well, anyway. It won't happen again.
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dare-to-dm · 17 days
I've been seeing some D&D discourse lately about players making things hard for the DM by not learning how to play the game or requesting that the DM does some homebrew specifically to suit their whims.
And I personally can't relate at all. I've been a DM for a long time and a lot of my friends are DMs, and I've never known a DM to do homebrew purely for the sake of the players. Making homebrew rules and settings is fun, you know? Plus, I like asserting my control over the game by changing things up sometimes. Like, I'm not over here slaving away at unsatisfying creative challenges and cursing those dastardly players for making me do more work. I'm not doing more work than I want to do when it comes to my hobbies.
And yeah, there's a learning curve to the game wherein most new players *will* rely on the DM and other more experienced players to help them. But I've never known anyone to stay that way. Who the heck are y'all playing with?
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