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nasa · 3 months
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What We Learned from Flying a Helicopter on Mars
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The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter made history – not only as the first aircraft to perform powered, controlled flight on another world – but also for exceeding expectations, pushing the limits, and setting the stage for future NASA aerial exploration of other worlds.
Built as a technology demonstration designed to perform up to five experimental test flights over 30 days, Ingenuity performed flight operations from the Martian surface for almost three years. The helicopter ended its mission on Jan. 25, 2024, after sustaining damage to its rotor blades during its 72nd flight.
So, what did we learn from this small but mighty helicopter?
We can fly rotorcraft in the thin atmosphere of other planets.
Ingenuity proved that powered, controlled flight is possible on other worlds when it took to the Martian skies for the first time on April 19, 2021.
Flying on planets like Mars is no easy feat: The Red Planet has a significantly lower gravity – one-third that of Earth’s – and an extremely thin atmosphere, with only 1% the pressure at the surface compared to our planet. This means there are relatively few air molecules with which Ingenuity’s two 4-foot-wide (1.2-meter-wide) rotor blades can interact to achieve flight.
Ingenuity performed several flights dedicated to understanding key aerodynamic effects and how they interact with the structure and control system of the helicopter, providing us with a treasure-trove of data on how aircraft fly in the Martian atmosphere.
Now, we can use this knowledge to directly improve performance and reduce risk on future planetary aerial vehicles.
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Creative solutions and “ingenuity” kept the helicopter flying longer than expected.
Over an extended mission that lasted for almost 1,000 Martian days (more than 33 times longer than originally planned), Ingenuity was upgraded with the ability to autonomously choose landing sites in treacherous terrain, dealt with a dead sensor, dusted itself off after dust storms, operated from 48 different airfields, performed three emergency landings, and survived a frigid Martian winter.
Fun fact: To keep costs low, the helicopter contained many off-the-shelf-commercial parts from the smartphone industry - parts that had never been tested in deep space. Those parts also surpassed expectations, proving durable throughout Ingenuity’s extended mission, and can inform future budget-conscious hardware solutions.
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There is value in adding an aerial dimension to interplanetary surface missions.
Ingenuity traveled to Mars on the belly of the Perseverance rover, which served as the communications relay for Ingenuity and, therefore, was its constant companion. The helicopter also proved itself a helpful scout to the rover.
After its initial five flights in 2021, Ingenuity transitioned to an “operations demonstration,” serving as Perseverance’s eyes in the sky as it scouted science targets, potential rover routes, and inaccessible features, while also capturing stereo images for digital elevation maps.
Airborne assets like Ingenuity unlock a new dimension of exploration on Mars that we did not yet have – providing more pixels per meter of resolution for imaging than an orbiter and exploring locations a rover cannot reach.
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Tech demos can pay off big time.
Ingenuity was flown as a technology demonstration payload on the Mars 2020 mission, and was a high risk, high reward, low-cost endeavor that paid off big. The data collected by the helicopter will be analyzed for years to come and will benefit future Mars and other planetary missions.
Just as the Sojourner rover led to the MER-class (Spirit and Opportunity) rovers, and the MSL-class (Curiosity and Perseverance) rovers, the team believes Ingenuity’s success will lead to future fleets of aircraft at Mars.
In general, NASA’s Technology Demonstration Missions test and advance new technologies, and then transition those capabilities to NASA missions, industry, and other government agencies. Chosen technologies are thoroughly ground- and flight-tested in relevant operating environments — reducing risks to future flight missions, gaining operational heritage and continuing NASA’s long history as a technological leader.
You can fall in love with robots on another planet.
Following in the tracks of beloved Martian rovers, the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter built up a worldwide fanbase. The Ingenuity team and public awaited every single flight with anticipation, awe, humor, and hope.
Check out #ThanksIngenuity on social media to see what’s been said about the helicopter’s accomplishments.
Learn more about Ingenuity’s accomplishments here. And make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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ralfmaximus · 4 months
Aviation really is one of humanity's best endeavors.
when something bad happens, everyone within radio range drops whatever they're doing to help
entire regions will voluntarily clear themselves of traffic to accommodate a single passenger aircraft in trouble
after an air disaster, the rules are reviewed to see if there was anything that could be done to prevent the disaster, and if so the rules are changed
with a few exceptions, pretty much any aircraft from any country on earth can communicate with and land at any foreign airport
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prokopetz · 9 months
There are alleged incidents from the earliest days of military aviation of enemy recon pilots taking potshots at each other with handguns because aircraft-mounted weapons hadn't been invented yet and they couldn't use rifles because they needed to use the other hand to fly the plane. I'm not aware that anyone ever actually got shot down in this way, but imagine if you did. Imagine tootling around in your shitty little wooden-frame biplane when another guy in a shitty little wooden-frame biplane comes flying up to you and shoots your plane with a revolver. Imagine surviving the resulting crash and having to explain that this is why you went down.
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outsidewolves · 3 months
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"This week, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a new rule requiring airlines to make bathrooms more accessible for disabled people. All new single-aisle aircraft will be fitted with fully-accessible lavatories.
Most flights inside the United States are single-aisle and as technology has improved, they are used more frequently for long flights, including coast-to-coast trips that can last as long as six hours. Double-aisle plans are already subject to the regulation but are primarily used for international flights.
Out Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg announced the new regulations, saying, “Traveling can be stressful enough without worrying about being able to access a restroom; yet today, millions of wheelchair users are forced to choose between dehydrating themselves before boarding a plane or avoiding air travel altogether.” ...
The secretary has made it a priority to improve service on airlines during his tenure. In 2022, six airlines were forced to pay millions of dollars in refunds to hundreds of thousands of customers and were also fined millions for causing the issues. The department’s firm stance on the side of customers has continued through this year after multiple companies have had meltdowns, stranding thousands of travelers.
All planes delivered to airlines starting in 2026 must include several upgrades. Planes already in service will not need to be retrofitted unless the plane is renovated.
“These aircraft must have at least one lavatory of sufficient size to permit a passenger with a disability (with the help of an assistant, if necessary) to approach, enter, and maneuver within the aircraft lavatory, to use all lavatory facilities, and leave by means of the aircraft’s onboard wheelchair if necessary,” the DOT said in a statement.
Accessible faucets and controls, grab bars, accessible call buttons and door locks, minimum obstruction to the passage of an onboard wheelchair, and an available visual barrier for privacy are also required upgrades."
-via LGBTQ Nation, July 28, 2023
Wayyyyyyy fucking overdue but I'll take it!! Also, very nice curb cut effect: We all get to be less miserable on airplanes, and older people don't have to worry as much about airplane bathroom fall risks.
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Ramp Bonuses
I am sure everyone already saw that MSP is offering a 5K bonus for the ramp after 6 months. Naturally everyone and their mother is upset at other stations.
As I always say don't kill the messenger! I can't help what they do, take it up with corporate! While you are there complaining, can you ask them for a raise or bonus for me? Sheesh!!
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Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird"
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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The Lockheed AC-130 in action
Due to the cloud of smoke left behind after flares are released, this aircraft is widely known as “The Angel of Death”
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fruityfinch · 6 months
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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coolthingsguyslike · 28 days
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humanoidhistory · 9 months
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September 21, 2012: It’s just another day in L.A. as the Space Shuttle Endeavour passes overhead on its way to LAX, the last stop before retirement at the California Science Center.
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On July 18th, 2015, I realized that the Republican Party had left me behind. On this day, while seeking the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump had the following to say about an Annapolis graduate who was shot down, captured and tortured as a POW by the communist North Vietnam regime:
“He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
This verbal diarrhea came out of the mouth of a man who used his father’s wealth and privilege to dodge the draft five different times due to his “bone spurs”. Donald Trump is a traitor, a repeated draft dodger and the largest fraud in the history of our country.
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aviationgeek71 · 2 months
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Lockheed P-38 Lightning
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dabblingreturns · 6 months
Not a watsonisn explanation or a doyalist explanation but a secret third thing.
For example: the locked tomb aviator glasses
Doyalist: tamsyn muir is a known homestuck who sprinkles memes and literary allusions into her work the same way that a good chefs use salt.
Watsonisn explanation: Gideon got the aviator glasses from her mother's niche. Wake in turn stole the glasses of off G1deon's face. G1deon kept the glasses as a memento of pyrrha. Pyrrha had the aviator glasses as a last remain item that belonged to P-. P- had the aviator glasses because she was a cop, and aviators are stereotypical cop glasses all over the world. Aviator glasses are stereotypical cop glasses in New Zealand because they are stereotypical American cop glasses and American culture has a wide reaching effect all over the world. And aviator glasses are a stereotypical American cop glasses because of how enmeshed the American cop culture is with military culture. And aviator glasses were created for the US military in 1929 to reduce glare from the blue light of the sky for pilots ( according to Wikipedia) which sort of connects back to the blue light in the sky of Varun, but also is completely appropriate eye protection for a girl who grew up on pluto
Third secret thing: aviator glasses look cool.
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