#ava oc smoke
Stickronpa Chapter 1 - Joint Trial (Class Trial)
– Joint Trial Starts –
Monostick:"We'll start with the Joint Trial rules! The objective is to find out "who did this". Using your clues you gathered during the investigation! If you take the right one, the culprit will be punished, but otherwise everyone but the culprit will be punished!"
Orange:"Wait a minute!! what the fuck is this???"
-we all looked at where orange was getting and....-
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-it was a photo of Eraser with an X in the eyes, it looked like blood....-
-is this... is this some joke??-
Monostick:"oh! yes yes, well, I can be cruel but I'm not heartless! so I decided to respect the dead by representing those who are not present with this portrait of her! isn't that sad?:')"
Indigo:"you are sick..." Monostick:"Oh, thank you bluebird!!"
-I look at the photo once more... it makes me very uncomfortable to look at it, but we have to stay focused....-
Second: "ok... where do we start..?"
Blue:"I think we have a pretty good idea who's the most suspicious here..."
-Blue was staring at MT... I'm not sure it was MT but... How can I prove that..?-
Freedom:"Easy kid, first let's argue about the murder weapon first!"
Red:"Yea! What killed her?"
Night:"The Monofiles say she died from three stab wounds to the chest. But what was used as a weapon?"
-Second... I have an idea of ​​what it is, but I'd rather hear them first...-
[Non-Stop Debate]
[Truth Bullets: MonoFile- Bloody Knife- Blood Splatter]
Blue:"So how was she killed?"
Red:"Maybe with a pen? I saw several in the living room!"
Night:"I find it impossible for a pen to be used as a pen weapon.
Smoke:"Perhaps the knife we found in the kitchen?"
Second:"NO!! THAT'S WRONG!!"
Second:"I'm sorry Smoke, but this is incorrect!"
Smoke:"Huh!? Pardon??"
Second:"You see... I think I know why that knife has some blood on it... A few days ago Blue and I were cooking together and he accidentally cut himself..."
Blue:"That's true! I think I forgot to wash her with everything that's going on..."
Smoke:"Um... Yes, the blood was dry and I should have understood that....
Sombra:"But did anyone happen to find any weapons with blood...?"
Second:"Yea! In fact, Green and I found a bloody knife behind the couch after following some blood spatter on the couch!"
Dusk:"And where was that knife...?"
Second:"Behind the sofa..."
Orange:"And what was the murder weapon doing behind the couch??"
-I still don't know.... Why was the knife behind the couch...?"
- The knife fell behind the sofa
- The killer threw the knife behind the couch ‹
- The knife was hidden behind the sofa
-i got It!-
Second:"Maybe... Maybe because the killer threw it behind the couch after the murder!"
Yellow:"Oh! That makes sense!"
Dark:"But seriously? Hiding behind the couch was the best place to hide the murder weapon??"
Chosen:"But then it wasn't hidden...?"
Green:"What if... What if the killer was nervous? And he threw the knife in a Panic?"
Second:"That's quite possible... If we've already figured that out maybe–"
Night:"I'm sorry sweetie, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me that the killer would throw away the weapon right at the crime scene!"
Second:"But we still haven't thought about the possibilities of why that was the case!"
Night:"No way! A murderer would be smarter than that!"
— Rebuttal Showdown —
Night:"It just doesn't make any sense! A smart killer wouldn't leave the murder weapon near the victim! Everyone would find the weapon very quickly!"
Second:"But think about it, if the killer was nervous, they would throw the gun away from them!"
Night:"How are you so sure about that?? It would be smarter for the killer to take the murder weapon with them! Besides, there's nothing to say the knife was thrown in a hurry!"
[blood spatter]
Second:"In fact, there is a way to prove that the knife was thrown in a hurry! Pay close attention to the blood spatter on the couch! They go towards the wall behind the furniture!"
Freedom:"It is true!"
Night:"Oh... Well, that sounds right... Sorry Sec!"
Second:"It's OK."
Green:"Well, now that we know about the murder weapon, we can figure out where she was killed!"
Dark:"What?? She was killed in the living room wasn't she??"
Chosen:"I don't think so Dark... There was a trail of blood that was going out of the living room..."
Red:"Okay... So where was she killed...?"
[Non-Stop Debate]
[Truth Bullets:Blood trail – Blood puddle – Blood in the shower]
Blue:"so... where did she really die...?"
Freedom:"maybe in her room?"
Yellow: "there was no blood in the direction of the rooms...
but there was a lot of blood near the cafeteria!"
[Blood puddle]
Second:"I agree with that!"
Second:"yes Yellow, I believe the front of the camtina was the actual location of the murder!"
Indigo:"but why was the body moved? any ideas..?"
-he has a point... why was the body moved...?-
–The killer didn't want them to see the body. «
–Someone move the body.
–Monostick move the body.
-i got It!-
Second: "I think the killer didn't want us to see the body directly."
Indigo: "And why exactly? and how would we not see the blood?"
Dusk: "I think I can help with that..." -Dusk then showed the drawing they had done before.-
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Dusk:"as you can see. the blood vessel was heading towards the star room, maybe the assassin moved there because it was the closest place, and you can see it well...."
Red: "The blood vessel wouldn't be in sight!"
Purple:"ok, we already know how, with what and where she was killed. but why was she killed?"
Night:"isn't it obvious?? that crazy girl wanted to kill us!!"
Shadow:"especially you! who knows? maybe it was you hun?"
Night:"shove your accusation up your ass!! I didn't kill her!!"
Blue:"guys! it's obvious that it was Mongo! he's the most suspicious!!"
Orange:"I'm not the killer just because I hate her!!"
Blue:"ha! even more suspicious behavior!"
Yellow:"I must agree with Blue... you are the most suspicious among us, MT..."
Red:"II don't think! I-I mean, he wouldn't do that at all!!"
Purple:"exactly!! he would never do that!!"
Indigo:"Silence Purple!! he's suspicious!!"
Chosen: "It's a hypothesis, but we can't throw accusations at anyone..."
Dark: "hump, I don't know, agene looks pretty fun about it–"
Monostick:"HOLD ONE SECOND!!!
Monostick:"I happened to hear "Split"!! Puhuhuhu!!! I can finally do this!!! I was so anxious to do this HAHAHA!!! IS TIME FOR THE SCRUM DEBATE !!!!"
-And just like that, Monostick turned a key on his monitor and our platforms began to float...-
-I'm sure that MT is not the killer! and I will prove it!-
[Team "Orange is the killer": Blue, Dark, Freedom, Yellow, Indigo, Night, Smoke]
[Team "Orange is not the killer": Second, Green, Chosen, Dusk, Red, Purple, Sombra, Orange]
Dark:"he and Eraser had a history, I think a little revenge would suit him well!"
Chosen: "His having a history with her is not really a reason for him to kill her."
Yellow:"he attacked her last night, who can't guarantee he would do it again?"
Red:"she attacked Night first! he just defended her!"
Smoke:"he already proved to be quite aggressive, if he was angry he might as well have killed her!"
Dusk:"he was calm when he went to the dorms, so him being Angry Is not valid!"
Freedom: "among all of us, he has the most motive to attack her!"
Green: "we... we would all have motive if our lives were threatened with death by someone!"
Yellow: "It still doesn't change the fact that we know he's the most likely to have killed her!"
Purple:"Anyone would be likely do this!"
Indigo: "he didn't say anything about where he was the night before!"
Orange:"I've been in my room all night!!"
Blue:"Is that right? You have no alibi!!"
Second: "Blue! you don't have an alibi either! you didn't tell us where you were!!"
Monostick:"DING DING DING!!! Looks like we have a winner!! Everyone agrees that Mongo Tango is not the killer!!"
Orange:"MONGO TANGO!!??"
-I stared at Blue, he looked nervous... The others started to stare at him too...-
Sombra:"Looks like someone hasn't been completely honest here..."
Blue:"W-what happened??? Now you think I'm the killer??? Well I'm not!!"
Sombra:"If you're not, would you like to share your alibi..?"
-He looked at Yellow who looked back at him... Embarrassed...?-
Blue:"I was with Yellow.... Together.... Asleep...."
-Oh... Pfff...-
Red:"hahahahah!!! You mean you were too embarrassed to say you slept together???"
Yellow:"Y-yes... With everything that happened yesterday I... I got scared and asked to sleep with him... But we didn't do anything strange, okay?? I just lay beside him listening to the soothing beat of his heart..."
-And she said that with a clear look in love with her face getting redder and redder.... Ok, that's cute...-
Night:"woooon! How cute are you two!!"
Monostick:"No cuteness!!! I hate cute things!!!"
Indigo:"focus on the trail!!"
Blue:"O-ok!! And MT.... I'm sorry I accused you..."
Orange:".... It's... Fine..."
Chosen:"Okay, let's see what we can think of... Who else was awake last night...?"
Red:"Night helped me sleep!"
Night:"Exactly! He asked me for help sleeping and I sang a lullaby I used to sing to my brother!"
Red:"You should be the ultimate big sister! You are so kind and sweet!"
Night:"Woooon Red, how nice of you!"
Second:"Hmm.... Let's talk about the notes we found!"
Green:"We found some notes in our rooms but... Only mine, Second's, Blue's, Yellow's, Red's and Purple's rooms. The others don't seem to have received grades..."
Yellow:"And who sent them...?"
Second:"...... M-MT..."
Purple:"B-but we just had to prove it wasn't him!!"
Dusk:"And that's exactly why I say, the note found next to the victim's body was not written by him!!
Second:"Exactly! I think that too!"
Dusk:"Take a good look at those two notes... Don't they look strange...?"
-They present the two different notes we found, one directed towards purple, and the other being the one we found at the crime scene.-
Blue:".... What the fuck!?"
Purple:"W-why does one ask me to go to the living room???"
Second:"I believe it's because...."
–The notes were both made to attract them.
–Both were made by Orange.
–One was faked.«
-i got It!-
Second:"One of the letters was forged!"
Blue:"B-but which ones?? Because??"
-I believe I know the answer... But I don't know if they will believe...-
Second:"The fake one... It's the one we found next to the victim!"
-As I expected, everyone was in disbelief…. Now who was that–
-Everyone looks at Green...-
Green:"I-I believe it was Eraser who forged the note we found..."
Chosen:"So... The note was a trap for Purple..."
Purple:"B-but why me???"
Indigo:"Do not be stupid! It's because you would be easy to kill!!"
Indigo:"You're small, weak, pathetic... A perfect choice for someone to kill!"
Indigo:"And for those reasons, it would be impossible for you to kill someone!"
Green:"Shut up...."
Indigo:"What did you say kid??"
Green:"I said....SHUT UP!!!!"
-We all stare at Green... I've never seen him like this before...-
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Purple:"GREEN!! ENOUGH!!!....
-We all looked at Purple who had tears in ther eyes...-
Purple:"It's okay... I don't care...."
-Green's expression quickly changed... His eyes scared me for a few seconds... He seemed calmer, but... Strange...-
-It doesn't matter, we have to find out why the letters...-
Night:"Okay, we found out who sent this letter... So Orange sent the others? Why?"
Orange:"Simple.... I didn't want them to be killed..."
Orange:"N-don't take it as if I'm not your friend!! Or that I care!! I just didn't want that bitch to hurt anyone!"
Sombra:"Hmm... Then why did only these six receive these letters...? Because neither one of us receives similar letters!"
-MT was silent...-
Sombra:"Haha... Looks like you do care about them!"
-He kept silent looking to the side. I... I didn't expect this coming from him...-
Purple:"King.... Thank you..."
Orange:"..... You're welcome..."
Freedom:"We're running out of clues!"
-Yeah... We're running low on leads.... Damn it....-
Green:"Remember the piece of fabric..? What did we find at the original murder site...?"
Second:"Oh yes! I remember... What does that mean?"
Yellow:"Do you think this piece of fabric is connected to the case?"
Dusk:"It's a possibility...."
Second:"Perhaps it was a part of Eraser's clothing that fell off when she attacked the culprit..."
Green:"It's not part of her clothes! That piece of fabric... belongs to the culprit..."
Dark:"Why are you smiling, weirdo??"
Sombra:"Oh, nothing, I just find it curious... How can you be so sure this fabric belongs to the culprit, Green...?"
-I looked at Green confused... What did he know that I didn't...?-
Green:".... You still don't understand...?"
Second:"Green... What do you know...?"
Green:"..... Why..?"
Green:"Why are you so dumb...?"
Blue:"Wow wow! Calm down Green, agent just wants to understand –"
Green:"No!! You are all so dumb!!! How, How can no one understand that...."
-We all looked at him confused....-
Green:".... Sec... Who was the last person you saw last night...?"
Second:"Y-you of course!"
Green:"How did I act when I gave you the CD??"
Second:"I... I don't know... You went to your room in a hurry...."
Green:"Why...? Why was I in a hurry...?"
Second:"G-Green you're making me confused..."
Green:"Hehe.... You're really an idiot...."
-He started to tear up... Why do I... Why do I feel uncomfortable... Why do I feel like crying... Why...? Why he....-
Green:".....I am the culprit.."
-That's why I feel this way....?-
Green:"You.... You knew.... Didn't you..?"
-He asked me with a smile.... Why...? Why you???-
Second:"N-no.... It can't be you...."
Green:"the fabric... is my armband...."
Red:"Your armband...?"
-He removed his armband... Revealing a small cut on his arm..... No... Why did he...?-
Blue:"No, no!!!! IT WAS NOT YOU!!!! IT WAS ANOTHER PERSON!!!!!"
Blue:"I've known you for years....YOU WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!"
-He... He's in denial... So am I, but I can't let the agent get killed with it! I need to open his eyes...-
–Armament Argument–
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Blue:"Never would Green do that!!
It has to be someone else!!
It can only be someone else!!
You have no evidence against him!!
The fabric could be from any of us!!
And not just him!!
He got hurt in another way!!"
Blue:"Sec, please, if we vote for the wrong person, we'll all die!
Green cannot be the culprit!!
It's just impossible for him to be the culprit!! no evidence!!
he had no motive for it!!"
-Final Blow-
Blue:"Tell me! Tell me what his motive would be to kill her!!"
-To protect us-
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Second:".... Am I... Am I right Green..?"
Green:".....What do you think..?"
-He just smiled at me... N-no.... Why....-
Blue:"hehe...... I.... I would do the same.... If it was to protect the people I love.... I would do exactly the same......."
-I could feel the pain in his voice.... My heart hurts... I can't stop crying....-
Green:"Sec... Can you please tell everyone everything I've done...?"
-Does he really want me to tell...?-
Blue:".... You can talk Sec.... I really need to hear it...."
Chosen:"You know what to do, kid..."
-Everyone looks at me... Those looks... It's like I've done something.... But I have to do this... I'll point out everything that happened....-
–Closing Argument–
Green:"Guys... Don't be like that... Monostick, can we vote now...?"
Monostick:"Oh! Yes yes!! Finally the time you've all been waiting for, vote on the buttons in front of you with the color of who you think is the culprit! Will they make the right choice or the deadly wrong one?? What will it be, what will it be!?"
-In seconds, a booth of colored buttons appears. I stare at the green button for a few seconds before closing my eyes and pressing....-
-Voting Result...-
-Green!! Correct choice!!-
Monostick:"Congratulations!! Green the Ultimate Musician was the killer!! Wow, for the first trial I can already smell the desperation coming from you guys!! Haha ha!!!"
-I wish it was wrong....-
Chosen:"You killed her to protect your friend... didn't you?"
Green:"yes... i'm sorry... i don't... i didn't mean to hurt anyone! I just... I found the letter and... I-I went to see her and tried to stop her but.... she threatened to hurt my friends.... I couldn't let that happen..."
Purple:"Why didn't you let her kill me then?? I'm useless!! I'm just a burden!! You.... You killed because of me and now.... Now you're going to die because of me!!!"
-They were crying a lot....-
Green:"No.... You're not useless.... I did it because I... I love you... I love you, Blue, Red, Yellow...."
-He looks at me...-
Green:"Sec... I love you all.... You are my life... My everything... If I lost one of you, I'd feel like something was missing... I can't feel this way... I can't lose you!!"
-He... We love... My heart is breaking... I... Why...?-
Green:"You are all I love in the world..."
-He approaches me and holds my hand, intertwining his fingers between mine... I felt my heart speed up, my face heat up and tears fall...-
Green:"Sec.... You are very special... All of you are... Please! Take care of each other! For me..."
-He leans his forehead on mine....-
Monostick:"yuck!! Ok ok, time of the moment I wanted it to start soon!! I prepared a very special position for Green the Ultimate Musician!"
Green:"Promise me one thing, find out how to get out of this hell! Make sure everyone survives!"
Monostick:"Let's give everything we got...."
Green:"You will survive!! You will find out who is behind this!! You will get out of here!! And Sec..."
Monostick:"IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!!"
Green:"Thank you.... for the adventure...."
[continue because I can only post one video per post... Execution and post trial will be the next post! Hope you enjoyed the trial!;w;]
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luizastarry · 1 year
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pre-season 3 i guess
@whirld-of-color's request
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tired-needs-sleep · 8 months
before i forget, sara's contacts:
iseult- mom
garret- YEEHAW
ava- weed lady
scarlett- cavity
connor- asshole
reeve- magic man
these are the only people they bothered to give their number
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smth that ive thought abt n that i dont think ive ever seen touched upon is how similar bea n lilith should be in terms of life experience. like we know canonically that bea never drank. probs never went to a party, or rave or anything like that. didnt have partners most likely, probs never had her first kiss before ava n stuff. theres a lot of first times that beatrice probably experiences cuz of ava in s2, a lot of just. normal regular first times, things teenagers or young adults do, maybe college students, whatever. the most freedom she had was when she was younger, when she "was stepping out of line" as she said, probs doing child things n being dumb, ofc.
lilith is probably the same, except even worse. because i think she was taught to be the warrior nun as soon as possible. bea was actively repressing herself; lilith doesnt even acknowledge theres anything to repress. shes just the future warrior nun, not a mere 12 year old. shes a sister warrior, not just your average 16 year old. as long as her parents were there to watch, she is nothing but a legacy. and i do think lilith had her rebellious phase, ofc. but i dont think it was while she was living with her parents, or even when she was a minor. she knew to make all those obedient, nice years count and as soon as she left for good, she declared she was a new girl, n she would now do things she wanted to do. except... she cant.
she still has to train to be a warrior nun. sure she read books, non religion books. but the guilt of not upholding her end of the bargain of being born in her family as the next in line warrior nun would soon overcome her, n she would drop it. "i'll read it in the future" "i'll try that when im older n independent" its smth all teens, especially teen girls think. when im older, i'll be free. but lilith is not allowed that at all. she knows she likes things... but can she even allow herself the time to enjoy them?? can she watch movies in peace? can she go out, maybe make friends, go on cafe dates, go to the cinema, go shopping? without thinking abt her destiny? can she??? is she allowed peace???
lilith wanted to be free, cuz she thought it was only her parents holding her down. little did she know, while her parents built her cage, she was painting it finished. with how she was raised, lilith was never thought to feel *her* emotions as lilith, but only as warrior nun. n even if her parents ever allowed her peace, she wouldnt have taken it. shes going to be the warrior nun. she has to be. what else is she, but that?
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ut-museum-guide · 3 months
Comfort Fics to Soothe the Soul
_In no particular order
4 fics contain dark themes
5 fics contain smut (3 of 5 eventual)
12 fics are reader fics
5 fics are Sans x Sans
1. Skeleton Games
By poetax (279k words)
Characters: Muffet, Red, Edge, Reader
Tags: Feuding neighbors, vampire reader
Note: None
2. Doom and Gloom All Up in Your Room
by TrashCollector (95k)
Reader (room owner), Dust, Horror
Domestic harem
3. A Sea of Hope
By Aylish91 (26k)
Reader (runaway skeleton), Axe (Horror)
Piratetale, Y/N x Axe
Note: abuse recovery
4. Poor Little Meow Meow
By Mystique, TallDumbass (58k)
Reader (vet), Killer
Fluff and Angst, domestic, ship
Note: eventual occasional smut
5. A Lovely House of Bones
By Green_Heart88 (37k)
Reader (host), Sans, Paps, Blue, Stretch, Edge, Red
Domestic living + recovery
6. Six Skeletons, One Store Clerk
By mccloudydayz (249k)
Reader, Sans, Paps, Red, Edge, Stretch, Blue +
Harem, Domestic, multiverse shennanigans
7. Aggre(g/v)ation
By Llama_Goddess (180k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Skull, later Mobfell Sans
Domestic, lots o’ shippin’
Note: Mobfell’s house onwards is intense
8. On the Top of the Bone Pile
By Lyrjok (422k)
Reader (in band), Red, Edge, Blue, Stretch, Gaster Sans
Note: eventual smut
9. Dirty Laundry
By popatochisp (162k)
Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Papyrus, Reader
Domestic, romance
10. Stowaway Bitty
By Historically Dragon (301k)
Bittybones (Brassberry), Reader (broke and making do)
Slice of life
11. A Trio of Misfits
By Sabinarius (56k)
Bittybones (Baby Blue, Lil Bro), Reader
Slice of life, money troubles
12. Smoke in the Mirror
By Catsitta (76k)
Mobfell Ensemble, Red, Sans
Sans x Sans
13. The Killing Kind (Comic)
By @/thegrinningkitten
Geno-Error x Reaper, Sans x Sans
14. Papyrus Dates a Bird
By WhatteauYouDoing (70k)
Reader (bird), Papyrus, Sans
Slice of life, magi
15. That Danger that Lurks Underwater
By AKA_Indulgence (67k)
Sans (meroctopus), Red (mermaid), Edge (mermaid), Reader (human)
Toxic romance, Sans x Reader
Note: dark themes
16. Saving Three Ex-cell-ent Skeletons
By RecklesslyCaffeinated (90k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Horror
Nurse x prison inmates, harem
17. Who Done It?
By Catsitta (15k) complete
Mafia Sans, Mafia Red, Mafia Edge, Reader (barista)
Mafia!Kustard, mystery, Sans x Sans
18. Cave Bear
By Llama_Goddess (35k)
Reader, Horrorfell Sans, Horrorfell Papyrus
Fall into underground, daily grind
Note: dark themes
Related one shot
19. Just Buisness
Catsitta (37k)
Sans, Red
Single parent struggle, sugar daddy red
Sans x Sans (debatable)
Note: dark themes
20. Burn Me Down
By Gypsum Lilac (22k)
Edge, Reader
Fast food domestic, mental health
21. Storm
By Nilchance
Horror, Sticks (Farmtale Sans)
Hurt/comfort, Sans x Sans
Note: smut
22. The Soldier and the Carnal Skeletons
By Writers_War_Zone (113k)
Sans, Horror, Blue, Reader (ex soldier)
Animal instincts, harem, kink
Note: smut
23. Little Red
By Spectroscope (53k)
Human!SwapPaps, Human!SwapSans, OC bittybones
Bittybones, trauma recovery
24. Firsts and Seconds
by Skerb (103k)
Sticks (Farmtale Sans), Bitey/Buddy (Horrortale Sans)
Injury recovery, strangers to lovers, Sans x Sans
25. Starry Eyed
By nilchance (90k)
Sans, Red, Edge, Stretch, Gaster (AI)
Prison recovery, soulmates, pirates, outer space, Sans x Sans, Stretch x Edge, Red x Edge
Note: dark themes, occasional smut
26. AVA
By Inyahs (356k)
Anomaly OC, bittybones oc, UTMV ensemble
~ Wise crack hermit goes on adventure with grumpy insomniac bitty~
From @undertale-museum
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joyerisjoy · 17 days
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Might as well make Ava’s info sheet/post too.
So, about Ava:
-The name Ava has the meaning of “bird”, which is perfect for someone with wings really.
-Ava is aromantic and lesbian. He’s butch, and goes by she/him pronouns.
-He’s Peruvian, but is terrible at Spanish. He’ll slip in some Spanish in conversation to seem cool, but there’s no way he can actually carry a full-on conversation.
-Definitely a chronic smoker. Always smells like smoke no matter what.
-This may change, but right now my voice claim for her would be Carla Tortelli from Cheers lmao.
-He doesn’t care much about the morality of the Exterminations. He’s just there to get the job done so he can go back for a smoke.
-A fan of coffee-alcoholic drinks, especially Irish coffee.
-Mostly listens to metal/rock, punk and grunge.
-Literally the worst fucking sense of fashion you’ll ever see. Like:
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—the one on the right is her sleepwear, but she’ll sometimes go out in it. (And yes, the shirt’s been washed. It just always looks like that.)
-Is Sarai’s only actual friend. They’ve known each other a long time, and consider each other to be like sisters.
-When she stifles her laugh, it totally sounds like an actual pigeon.
-Milan was her weed dealer and they used to get along pretty well. Note the WAS…
-Broke one of the horns on her helmet during an extermination. Thought it looked badass, so she refused to get it fixed.
Timpani (the cute blue-haired one) is @able-juice ‘s OC btw.
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valos-venus-doom · 23 days
A Blind Date for Ville Valo & OC
Thank you to @sinnysioux for the request.
(I actually love this so I may use this as a jumping off point for a fic in the future. 👀 Maybe we do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure thing? Where I poll readers for plot points? Thoughts?)
Ville stood outside a bar in Helsinki smoking a cigarette, kicking himself for ever agreeing to go on a blind date. At the time, he was going through a rough dry spell and when a friend of his mentioned Ville had a lot in common with a single female friend of theirs, Ville agreed without a second thought. But having had a week to sit and think about it, he was dreading it. He had no clue what to expect, but he was too much of a gentleman to stand someone up. So he was going to follow through and ghost if she turned out to be an obnoxious groupie or hairy bridge troll.
All his friend told him was his friend, Ava, had long brown hair with pink side bangs. So he stood and waited for what he felt was forever, until sure enough, a petite girl matching the description rounded the corner.
Ville felt instant relief when he realized she was actually very beautiful, but the apprehension that she’d be an obnoxious groupie still lingered. He dashed his cigarette and cleared his throat as she approached;
“Hi, excuse me, um, are you Ava?” he asked, cautiously.
The woman stopped walking and looked at him with the warmest brown eyes he’d ever seen. She had delicate features, wearing a deep, dark green dress polka-dotted with little black bats. She smiled and Ville felt his heart flutter, “Yeah, I guess you’re Ville?” she replied.
Ville couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “I am.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Ava opened her arms for a hug, which Ville, surprising himself, happily reciprocated.
“Pleasure meeting you as well. Um, do you want to sit at the bar, or..?” Ville began.
Ava shrugged happily, “Sure, that works. Um, I’m not much of a drinker but I’d love a coffee.”
“Oh, well that’s quite alright. I’m not a drinker either. Erm… would you rather go to a proper coffee shop? It might be quieter, better for conversation.”
“Absolutely. I think I just passed a Starbucks, is that okay?”
“Brilliant.” Ville replied, following her lead.
All of the dread Ville initially felt had long faded away, and his heart was light and fluttery. He reminded himself to thank his friend, he was grateful she was in fact not a hairy bridge troll.
The pair found a quiet booth in a more secluded area of the Starbucks and sat with their coffees. Ville had ordered a black coffee, Ava a caramel macchiato.
“What do you do for work, Ava?” he asked her as he nursed the too-hot coffee in front of him.
“I’m a hairstylist.” she responded, “I already know what you do. But uh, how’s that going for you?”
Ville chuckled, “Yeah, I figured you knew. Um, it’s going well. I guess.” he shrugged.
“Oh?” his pessimism piqued her interest, a mood she hadn’t expected.
“Yeah our drummer’s wrists are fucked so we’re waiting to find out what the prognosis is. It’s holding a lot up, so I’m just writing here and there, hoping there’ll be a new album to put them on someday.”
Ava’s brows furrowed compassionately, “Ah, I see. Well hopefully the prognosis is positive. Aside from music, what do you do for fun?”
“I read, a lot. Mostly in the bath. What about you?”
“The same, oddly enough. I mean, not the bath part, but I read. I have a book buying problem. There’s a stack of new books I’ve never touched on the side of the bed.”
“Ah, I understand your plight. I’ve a habit of buying books everywhere I go. Whether or not they get read–”
“Is a different story.” she finished his sentence. “Haha. Punny.” she joked.
Ville was cheerfully surprised at her quick wit. “Exactly.” he laughed.
The pair kept talking and laughing for another hour or so before Ava realized the Starbucks employees were beginning to place chairs on table tops, indicating they’d be closing up.
“I think we’re running out of time here.” Ava said to Ville, gesturing with her head towards the baristas scurrying about.
Ville was far from ready to say goodnight, he was fascinated by everything she had to say. His friend was right; he and Ava had a *lot* in common. It was refreshing to be able to hold a conversation with a woman and have there be no lulls in the conversation at all. It was like speaking with an old friend.
“So, um, do you need to be getting back home or…” Ville began to question.
Ava shook her head, “Uh, nope. I’m still free tonight.”
“Do you want to grab a bite? I think the bar we were previously has some good options.” he suggested.
“Absolutely.” Ava replied happily.
As the pair exited the coffee shop, Ville took a chance, and he snaked his fingers between hers as they walked. To his elation, she held his hand back. He was reading the vibe correctly, thankfully.
Unfortunately, when they returned to the bar where they had met initially, they found it absolutely packed. Not exactly conducive to pleasant conversation, they’d have to shout to hear over the crowd.
“Well, uh, should we call it a night?” Ava asked, frowning slightly.
Ville bit the inside of his lip, hoping his next suggestion wouldn’t turn her off, “Pardon me if this is inappropriate, but would you maybe want to pick up a pizza and head back to my place? Just to talk?” Ava looked surprised and Ville quickly recovered himself, “Uh, not for anything nefarious. Just conversation, honest.”
Ava blushed and giggled, “I knew you didn’t mean anything by the suggestion. Yes, I’d love to. Again, not really a bar gal.” she shrugged.
A few hours later, Ava and Ville sat enjoying some music on Ville’s couch. They were sipping on tea Ville had made them and sitting particularly close.
“So that’s why that relationship fell apart…” Ville trailed off of the story he’d been telling about an ex.
“I’m afraid I don’t have quite that many stories of exes,” Ava admitted, “I just got out of a five year relationship at the beginning of the year.”
“Oh?” Ville coaxed.
“Yep. Its always fun finding out your best friend is sleeping with your boyfriend. Two relationships down the drain in one fell swoop.” she nodded as she stared into her teacup.
Ville mentally cringed, “Oh damn, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that.” his hand reached out for hers, her thumb gently stroking the back of his hand, causing more butterflies in Ville’s stomach.
Ava smiled, “Well, you know, at least I was able to move onto better.”
“Yeah, same here.” Ville whispered. Their faces ever so slightly moving towards each other, a game of chicken almost. Ville inhaled deeply through his nose as though he was about to dive underwater. “Forgive me.” Ville blurted out as he sat his cup down before suddenly connecting his lips with hers.
Ava kissed back, blindly setting down her own cup, her now free hand reaching for the side of his face delicately. Ville pressed his tongue forward, Ava accepted.
Ville allowed his lips to linger before pulling back, “Sorry, I just–”
“Needed to know if it felt right?” Ava finished his sentence for him. “Well?” she pressed.
Ville nodded, “And you?”
Ava didn’t answer, she gently pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and kissed him again. Ville placed his hand on her waist and felt a shiver go up his spine while thanking his lucky stars – and his friend – for this amazing first date.
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dottiechan · 5 months
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TWC Secret Santa @wayhavensecretsanta ❄ - Happy holidays, @ejunkiet!
It was an absolute pleasure to create for you, I love Lizzie and Ava so much!!! 🩵 I couldn't decide whether to draw or write, so enjoy a bit of both. (BTW I seriously recommend @ejunkiet's fics of their detective OC Lizzie Quail, they're so good.) Happy holidays again! xx P.s. If you saw me accidentally post a draft of my gift to you a few days before... Shhh no you didn't. 🥲
Summary: After Unit Bravo's holiday dinner with Detective Lizzie Quail, Felix realises all the photos he took with his polaroid camera are botched.
Wordcount: 835
Warnings: smoking, Fuzzy Holidays Feels™
Too blurry. Too crowded. Mason is holding up his middle finger. Not focused on the subject. Ava appears to be sneering?
The polaroids scatter on the floor as they’re being dropped, Felix’s frustration seemingly travelling through his fingertips and into the botched pictures as they skitter across the parquet. He had such high hopes for this holiday dinner they’ve panned - he even volunteered, much to Nat’s suspicion, to help decorate the warehouse to prepare the background for his perfect winter photos. There doesn’t seem to be a single wall or piece of furniture without strings of fairy lights or garlands hanging off them - and yet somehow, he managed to mess up all the pictures he took.
“I should have just used my phone, not this stupid polaroid Nat gave me,” he grumbles, as he sinks to the floor dramatically from the sofa. He turns his head to the left, expecting a response from Mason, but aside from the shrug of a shoulder, and a puff of smoke, he’s as disinterested as always. Felix allows his head to loll right now, and peeks through the open doors into the dining room, but his other team members are too far to share in his misery. Lizzie is in the middle of a story, which has Nat’s full attention, and Ava’s full, well, everything? Attention, adoration, respect, senses, everything. They’re cute, the way they hold hands over the table, how Ava squeezes Lizzie's hand encouragingly when she trails off or gets embarrassed by her own rambling. Felix hoped he would capture a moment between them, something candid, something like right now, but he’s missed his windows of opportunity - like for instance when Ava finally allowed herself to be dragged under the mistletoe with Lizzie, but their picture was ruined by the detective spilling her drink all over herself.
“Leave me alone,” he replies, but he also cracks one eye open to make sure Nat, who’s just entered the room, doesn’t lose interest in his pity party on the floor. But she’s already retreating, so he starts flailing his limbs as if he were making a snow angel in the sea of polaroids. “Please don’t leave me alone. Mason won’t talk to me and I’m embarrassed. I messed up all the pictures. I tried taking them like you showed me but I messed up.”
“They’re not so bad,” Nat says kindly as she sits with her friend, plucking the odd semi-decent pictures from the ground. “See? This is lovely.”
“Yeah, but Lizard has hot chocolate spilt on her sweater in that one.”
“Don’t call her that,” Mason grumbles, as he sweeps some polaroids off his lap - the by-product of Felix’s snow angel performance - and flicks his cigarette into the flames of the fireplace. Nat pretends not to see, but the pain flashing across her features has already made Felix feel a little better. They spend the better of the next hour going through the pictures and sorting them out, while Mason sits close-by, smoking, lost in his thoughts. All that breaks their peace is Frank Sinatra’s drawling voice coming from the record player, and the occasional laughter from the lovebirds still camped in the dining room. By the end of it, they’re left with a handful of decent-ish photographs, and Felix wastes no time sticking them into the photo album he got from Lizzie for Christmas.
There was a moment today, a moment worth capturing, one that was befitting of the old silver screen movies Nat made him and Lizzie watch, between Ava and their beloved detective. Naturally, Felix - a rotten romantic at heart - is pissed that he wasn’t able to capture it. It was a moment far better than the forced kiss under the mistletoe, a moment of intimacy, when the pair thought they were away from prying eyes. A hand under Lizzie’s jaw, Ava’s eyes fixed on the prize, wanting to kiss but being unable to take their eyes off of each other… Obviously the shutter of the camera ruined it, causing the pair step away from each other, and Lizzie to hide her blushing cheeks behind the curtain of her frizzy hair, but that’s beside the point. They were happy. Maybe happier than he’s ever seen them. Things are often so fucked up, with the odds always stacked against them, that Felix sometimes lives in the comfort of these moments. He lives in his family’s happiness, in his friends’ laughter, in Lizzie’s tight hugs, in Ava’s pats on the shoulder… If he could, he’d capture all these moments in a jar and keep them very close always. Photographs are the next best thing - which is why he’s bummed out the picture he took of this moment must be so unrecognisable that it was swallowed by his sea of botched photographs.
He’s lost in thought when Mason nudges his shoulder, a polaroid of Lizzie and Ava in his hand stretched towards him.
“Found this under the sofa. Not too bad, if you’re into this lovey-dovey shit.”
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wordsmith30 · 1 year
The more that I think about it, the more I realize that Ava’s character arc as the Warrior Nun actually regressed in season two.
Ultimately, Beatrice hits the nail on the head in their fight at the very beginning: Ava does whatever she wants, jumps headfirst into danger without thinking about the consequences, leads with her heart and emotions instead of her head.
Because of the intense pressure Ava puts on herself to be the Warrior Nun, she becomes dangerously self-sacrificing. In her desperation to not let the team down, she throws herself at every threat that appears (whether she needs to or not) and the team gets smoked with her. Afraid to lose her friends, she takes on the whole weight of the mission alone. In the end, she abandons them for a solo mission that nearly gets her killed.
One of the key lessons Beatrice tried to impart to her in season one was to trust her team. The Warrior Nun is not supposed to go at it alone or exist in isolation. She is a symbol, a representative of a collective unit. If only the Warrior Nun was needed, there would be no OCS. There would be no team.
Though the Warrior Nun is supposed to be their designated leader, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she is. In season one, Ava was a complete newbie with no background knowledge, experience, or training whatsoever. Despite her special status, her role was limited to one specific thing and it was the team’s job to protect her so that she could fulfill it. Everyone had their own part to play.
But Ava chafed against this system. She didn’t like the idea of other people fighting for her and wanted to do something, even though she wasn’t properly equipped. Beatrice and the others consistently had to tell her, “No. That’s not your job. You’re going to get yourself killed. Your responsibility is this and that’s all you need to worry about.”
Somewhere along the way, Ava forgets that. She gets roped in with Michael and Reya’s plan (a horrible, stupid plan that doesn’t even work!). She blames herself for everything that goes wrong and believes it’s her sole responsibility to protect the team – that she needs to take the biggest risks and make the ultimate sacrifice.
But the biggest difference between her and the OCS? They chose this. They signed up for this. They have trained for this. They’re prepared to lay down their lives for this, they know what’s at stake. And you need them!
Two seconds after Ava and Michael defect for their own plan, Michael is killed on the spot. Ava is left outnumbered and alone with no way to call for backup.
Meanwhile, one-woman-army Beatrice is slicing through every last one of Adriel’s men to find her. That’s the girl you left behind?
Enough with all this “I’m doing this to save you”. You need her to save you!
Every time Ava was in trouble this season, my reaction was either: “Yaas! Beatrice has arrived” or: “Shoot. Beatrice! Beatrice, help her!”
Beatrice has saved her a thousand times over and when the two of them are fighting side by side – protecting each other, leaning on each other, trusting each other, working together – they’re unstoppable.
After Ava falls fifty feet from a building, she tells Beatrice that “they can’t beat us [...] Not together.”
So why did you leave her? 😭
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fruitfulcreations · 11 hours
MTL OC Week (Day 4): Flirty OR Friendly Banter
CW: Drug mention/use (Pickles smokes like, once.)
The familiar stench of weed permeated the air of Pickles' van, surrounding himself and the girl he'd met in rehab, Aveena. She'd been teasing him the whole night about his name, asking if he had a brother named Dill; he did have a dillweed of a brother, but he kept that to himself.
"Y'know, Aveena doesn't suit ya either." Pickles leaned his chin against his seat, raising an eyebrow when he heard Aveena giggling. "What? It doesn't!"
She was still giggling as she pushed herself up on her elbows, her olive-colored eyes bright with mirthe. "Aveena means love in Hindi. At least, that's what my mom told me."
Flushing, the drummer frantically wove his hand in the air. "Dat's not what I meant. Ya are loved!" Neither of them said anything for a moment, letting his words mix with the smoke in the air. "I mean, uh… ya know what I meant!" He flung the empty carton at her, missing her entirely. "Shuddup!"
Aveena's laughter joined his, the darker-skinned woman feeling as though she was going to pass out. Once she could remember how to breathe, she sat up to face Pickles. "So, what did you mean, then?" She couldn't keep the smile off her face, admiring how Pickles' cheeks were as red as his wild locks.
"I meant…" Pickles' eyes traveled up to the van ceiling, seemingly lost in thought, his fingers drumming against the car seat. "It's… it doesn't suit ya?" He ran a hand through his red hair, catching the ends. "I dunno how ta explain it… ya ever thought 'bout goin' by a nickname?"
Aveena bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes drifting to the roof as well. Pickles was right, in his own way; she didn't feel like Aveena was her name. "What? Something like Avery?" She wasn't a big fan of that name either, though.
Pickles maneuvered his body to sit up and look at her, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I'unno, I mean, it'd be yer nickname. How 'bout I start listin' some, and ya stop me when ya find one ya like."
"I'm not going to let you choose my name, Pickles." "Aw, cahm on! Why not?!" "Well, for starters, you're named Pickles."
"It's not like I named myself dat!" Despite his irritated tone, Pickles wore a grin. "Cahm on. It'll be fun."
"Fine, but I'm killing you if you say something like… Apple."
As he thought up some possible nicknames, his fingers danced on the center console to a jumbled rhythm. "Okay then, what about Ave? No? Ava? Not dat, either? Fuck, cut me slack, this is hard. Aven… no… Av? God, okay. Dat was terrible… Avi?"
Her breath caught in her throat at Avi; she had a cousin in India named that. She wasn't sure why, but she was always jealous of his name — maybe because it was shorter and sounded cooler than Aveena? "Y'know, that's actually not half bad." Tapping Pickles' arm, the corner of her lip twitching.
"Ya like it?" Pickles' green eyes lit up, and he mumbled the nickname under in his breath in rapid success. "Yea! Then it's settled; next time we're at group, yer goin' by Avi."
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 - Daily Life(Day 1)
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-...My head... hurts...-
-I felt heavy...
-My head feels heavy...-
-I almost didn't feel my body moving..-
-I started to open my eyes...-
-I could see the bright light from my bedroom lamp...-
-I tried to get up only to feel more pain coming from my body, but in the end I managed to sit on the surface of the bed...-
Second:"... What... What happened...? How did I get to my room...?"
-I looked to my side, and there was Blue with a tired look sitting on the chair next to the bed.-
Blue:"Oh Alan, I was so worried about you!"
-He put his hands on my shoulders, I felt a little pain...-
Second:"What are you doing in my Room, Blue.?"
Blue:"You... you don't remember...?"
-He looked at me with a melancholy expression...-
Secondo:"I don't... Oh....."
-Green... He's dead.....-
-He killed Eraser.... And was executed.....-
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-He was smiling.... That smile.... He... He wanted to die??-
-I felt like my heart was going to break into a million pieces.... Why.... WHY!!??-
-Blue looked at me with a look of sadness and concern...-
-I looked at him... I couldn't take it... I threw myself into his arms and started to cry....-
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-and so....-
-....Sec fell asleep...-
—Proteg Switch; Blue—
-I spent a few minutes comforting them before putting them back to bed.-
-I left the room after giving them one last check..-
-I left the room sighing and dripping to the floor sitting in front of the door.-
-I placed my hands on my face trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape...-
-I looked up, seeing Red looking at me with her hands close to his chest.-
Red:"Are you okay..? How is Second..?"
-I rubbed my eyes which stung a lot.-
Blue:"They... They're fine but... They're not handling it very well... I mean, Green... Died... And... They were so close.."
Red:"We were all close to him..."
-I could feel the pain in his voice... I held out my arms to him and without excitement he bent down to my height and hugged me tight...-
-I could hear him sniffling trying not to cry... I patted his back.-
Blue:"There, there..."
-We both stand up, Red wipes his tears holding my hand.-
Red:"Let's go to the cafeteria... You must be very hungry..."
-Red and I went to the cafeteria, this whole time I looked down and felt Red's grip on my hand....-
-It broke my heart to see Red so sad... Same for Second...-
-Green was our friend.... And now he's gone... He tried to protect us.... I....-
-It should have been me...-
-We both arrived at the cafeteria, I looked around, only we were there, Chosen and Sombra too.-
-I wonder what they're doing here...-
-She came to me visibly worried.-
Yellow:"Blue, are you alright...?"
Blue:"Y-yeh... I'm fine Yelly..."
Yellow:"Come on, you must be hungry..."
-She took my hand and led me over to the table and sat me down. I kept looking at her hand not wanting to let go...-
-Now that came to mind.... You... What if she also dies in this hell of a place?? I.... I can't bear to lose her too!!-
Yellow:"Blue... I know it's hard... Neither one of us is okay with everything that happened last night..."
-I gulped... I looked around, they were all depressed, Purple wasn't even making eye contact...-
Yellow:"But... Remember what Green said...?"
-..Remember what Green said..?-
Green:"Promise me one thing, find out how to get out of this hell! Make sure everyone survives!"
-In seconds I felt the tears start to flow down my face.... Yellow made sure to comfort me with a hug...-
-The comfort of her embrace was so warm... I... I just wanted to hold her forever and forget about everything that was happening!!-
Monostick:"Get a room, you two!! This is a coffee maker, not a place to make out!!"
-Soon everyone looks at them when they appear. I call noticed that everyone was in the cafeteria now, when did they arrive??-
Monostick:"Excellent! Now that everyone is here, I'm happy to announce that a new floor is open!!"
Dusk:"A new floor..?"
Monostick:"Yes yes! Now, if you want to see the new floor, better hurry up and...... Wait, where's the weeping orange???"
-He asked in a furious tone...-
Blue:"Hey! They are sleeping! Don't you think they suffered enough yesterday, you.... Psycho!!"
-I moved forward raising my hand to strike them...-
Orange:"Do not be stupid!"
-I felt MT's grip on my wrist, holding me back from doing anything drastic...-
Monostick:"Didn't you read the rules, Romeo?? Any aggression towards me is worthy of punishment!! You're lucky bluebird! Because if you touched an inch of me, you would be punished...~"
-I paused.... I wanted to punch that brat....-
Yellow:"Blue.... Don't do what I think you want to do...."
-She holds my hand.... I sighed and remained obedient...-
Monostick:"Excellent! Please tell Second Coming about your findings!~Bayyyy!!~"
-And so they left....-
-Soon after, everyone faced each other and then sat at tables separated from the others...-
-I went back to my desk trying to calm down from this stressful situation...-
Chosen:"I think the best we can do is split up into groups to investigate the next floor..."
Night:"Okay, I'll go with Red and Smoke."
Purple:"I'll go with....."
Indigo:"The best thing you can do is go with me—"
-Purple passed quickly, and heads down, by their father... I think they still don't want to make eye contact...-
-Indigo looked confused but soon snorted looking to the side in frustration.-
King:"Why me?"
Purple:"I... I feel more comfortable with you..."
-MT landed and sighed crossing his arms and not saying anything else...-
Freedom:"Me, chosen and Dusk can go together."
Dark:"What!? There's no way me and Chosen who—"
Sombra:"Dark! Why are we working together here??"
-Sombra put an arm around Dark who looked very uncomfortable.-
Sombra:"Waaan, don't be a dull one! We'll become good friends in no time!"
-Sombra immediately took Dark from the cafeteria pot with him trying to get away from him.-
-I decided to join Yellow.-
-After everyone ate, we split up and went to the second floor to investigate.-
-Just like Monostick said, one of the stairs was open, the other one was completely closed and went to a lower floor... What's down there??-
-Yellow and I went up the stairs until we reached the second floor. We started exploring the place and entered one of the rooms.-
-It was a double door that when opened reveals a stage with curtains and benches, next to the stage there was a door.-
-Is this some kind of theater?-
Sombra:"Ha, This place, full of familiarity to me..."
Yellow:"What you mean?"
Sombra:"I believe this place was made for me! The stage is reminiscent of the ones I used to tell shadow stories! Look!"
-He points to a type of prop on the stage, it looked like a white screen.-
Sombra:"This canvas is where I project the shadows to tell the stories!"
-I didn't feel like celebrating for his room...-
Dark:"That door leads to a prop closet. That's it."
Sombra:"Maybe when I feel like telling stories, I'll tell them in this room!"
Yellow:"But what is this room doing here?"
Monostick:"Simple answer! It's an Ultimate Lab! Each lab is made for each of you!"
Yellow:"Like... To match our talents?"
Monostick:"DING DING DING! Correct yellowy!!"
-Their voice makes me angry...-
Monostick:"Well, I better go now! See you later, bastards!!"
-And so they left. leaving us alone...-
Blue:"Let's see the other labs..."
-I take Yellow's hand and we go to investigate the other rooms.-
-we enter another room. it was an invention workshop that.....wait...-
Yellow:"M-my...my workshop!? They recreated my workshop??"
-She didn't look nervous or scared... She looked... Excited...?-
Yellow:"it means... I can build my inventions again!!"
-She jumped up and started opening the cupboards and started looking around the workshop.-
-I must admit that even though it's disturbing to know that they know what her workshop looks like, I'm at least glad that she has something that makes her happy...-
-The workshop was spotless, it had every device she ever made and several of her tools.-
-After a good while of her admiring the workshop we left to go to the next room, right in front of hers....-
-It was... A potions room!? Like... My room...?-
Yellow:"I think this room is yours, Blue..."
Blue:".... Yeh.... I'm seeing it..."
-I felt uncomfortable with all this....-
-We started investigating the rest of the "Lab" and...-
-....No... No no no!! W-what the....-
Blue:"Oh!!? Oh, s-sorry..."
Yellow:"Are you OK..?
Blue:"Y-yes!! Let's just get out of here... I don't feel comfortable..."
Yellow:"Oh, ok... Let's get out of here ok?"
-I... I need to get away from this room... I don't... I can't go back to this...-
-Yellow and I left the room and went to another one. As we entered, we realized it was a library.-
Dusk:"I see you tow are investigating..."
Yellow:"Yes, and apparently this is a library!"
Dusk:"Yup. By the way, I shall present this to you as well."
Blue:"Which is?"
-They presented us with a drawing.-
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Dusk:"This is a map I made of that floor. I've already investigated everything with chosen and Freedom, but I believe they are still investigating a little..."
Yellow:"An infirmary! This will come in handy in case we get hurt!"
Blue:"Yes.... Speaking of which, where is purple?"
Dusk:"In the next room with chosen."
Yellow:"Oh ok! Come on Blue!"
-We were leaving the room...-
Dusk:"Remember to take care of your friend Second..."
-I stopped and looked at them... I... I decided to follow Yellow still a little confused...-
-We entered the room and... I can already tell that it is Sec's lab.-
Purple:"Second would love this place!"
Chosen:"It's pretty tight in here..."
Blue:"Hey Chosen... What did you, Dusk and Freedom found?"
Chosen:"Nothing much beyond these labs and a font."
Purple:"And this infirmary too! It's full of useful medicine!"
Chosen:"Yes... But it also contains... Poisons..."
-We face Chosen who opens a cupboard full of small vials and shows them to us. Several had the name "poison" written on them...-
Purple:"W-why would they have poison??"
Chosen:"I have no idea... Maybe it's a way to kill someone...?"
Blue:"Do not say that!! Nobody will die!! NOBODY!!"
-I left the room with Purple and Yellow following.-
Purple:"Blue! What's it..?"
Blue:"Gaahrrr... Nothing!! I just....."
Blue:"I just... I want to keep the promise I made to Green....i...I need to protect all of you...-
Yellow:"Blue... You know we're going to be fine... And I don't like seeing you like this..."
-She holds my hand... I felt my cheeks turn red and I smile at her.-
Blue:"th-thanks Yelly..."
-Her smile is so welcoming....-
Purple:"We can continue to investigate! There's more lab on this floor! If I'm not mistaken the king is there..."
Blue:"Okay, let's check this place out...."
-We continue to this last room and pass by a fountain in the middle of the floor.-
Yellow:"I don't think they had much of an idea what to put in this place and said, "Fuck it, I'm going to put a font!"
-I didn't hold back I had to laugh!-
-The three of us laughed and went to the room.-
-As soon as we entered the eyes we found a place... Elegant... and confusing...-
Orange:"Arrg!! I hate this place!!!"
Blue:"By the amount of orange, the pillars and the throne... This is your Lab isn't it?"
Orange:"What made you understand this?? The fact that I'm the "Ultimate Monarch"???"
-He looked pissed...-
Purple:"I think it's classy!"
Orange:"I find it insulting!! I'm not a monarch!! Much less a king!!"
-Yeah, the place is fit for royalty for sure...-
-After watching Orange get pissed at the architecture of the room, we all leave the room and head to the first floor.
-hum... I have plenty of free time for now... I think I'll talk to someone while I wait for Second to wake up...-
—Free time—
-Hmm... I think I'll talk to Purple for a bit!-
-They must have gone back to the infirmary.-
-I went to the office and there they were. It looked like they were arranging the curtains next to the beds.-
Blue:"Hey Purp, need some help?"
Purple:"Blue! Yes, some help would be great!"
-I smile and started helping them. They wanted to organize the remedies in alphabetical order and also hide the poisons in a place that no one would see.-
-We spent almost half an hour arranging everything and decided to take a break.-
Blue:"phew! It didn't take that long!"
Purple:"What? You are tired? I don't even feel tired!"
Blue:"How not?"
Purple:"Simple, organizing medicine and medical devices doesn't make me tired! They fill me with excitement! Maybe that's Because my mom always asked me to help with that when I was little..."
Blue:"Um... Maybe that's your talent?"
Purple:"Organizer? No no... I'm not that organized..."
Blue:"Haha no! Medicine! I myself cannot memorize even one of the remedies in this place, but you can! You would make a great doctor, or even a nurse!"
-Purple blushed a little before showing an expression of insertion.-
Purple:"My father always wanted me to be a fighter with him but... I'm not that good at it... I was afraid to fight him when he tried to train me.... To the point that over time I learned to take care of my wounds when I ended up hurt..."
Blue:"Yeh... Your father sucks! Ahh... Sorry..."
Purple:"....He's an amazing person it's just that... He gets angry easily... And I had high expectations when I was born... My mother who helped me better understand how to take care of myself... And I think.... I guess I want to take care of others that I love—I mean care!!"
-Did they mean "I love"...?-
Purple:"Ahh... T-thanks for helping me here Blue!! Bye!!"
-Red-faced, they started to leave the room, almost bumping into everything. I let out an awkward little laugh.-
-After that I also left the infirmar.-
-Who should I talk to now...?-
—Free Time—
-I decided to see Sombra... even if he's weird...-
-He was in his Lab props closet.-
Blue:"Ah... Hey Sombra... How about—"
Sombra:"we get to know each other better? Great idea!"
Blue:"Oh!? How did you—"
-Before I could say anything he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to help with the messy props.-
-After half an hour tidying the closet, I decided to strike up a conversation.-
Blue:"So... How do you tell shadow stories?"
Sombra:"Haha ha! Sure! I've always enjoyed telling people stories, legends, folklore, tales, anything with a dash of tension and drama!"
Blue:"Oh what kinds of stories do you like the most?"
-There was a long pause between us...-
Sombra:".... Fallen Heroes..."
Sombra:"There's something... familiar and... and depressing about stories of heroes who fail to do what's right... But the ones I relate to the most are the ones that follow a popular saying..."
Blue:"What saying..?"
-He then opened a wide smile... I felt a shiver down my spine...-
Sombra:"Either you die a hero... or you live long enough to become a villain..."
-I stare at him... If he can relate to that kind of saying... Something must have happened to him...-
-But... I don't feel like he's a "villain"... Just a weird guy. ..-
Sombra:"Anyway! And how is your "romance" with your friend?"
Sombra:"hahahahah!!! Your face is the best!! Haha ha!!! Did you really think no one would notice her crush on her???"
Blue:"T-to be honest... She already knows how I feel about her... And I know how she feels..."
Sombra:"Oh, so why aren't you a couple yet...?"
Blue:".... I just want to make her comfortable... Also, I don't think the time is right now... I'd rather get out of here before making it official..."
Sombra:".... Hum... I see... Well, good luck to you then!"
-He smiled. I... I don't feel as uncomfortable with him as I used to...-
-After finishing tidying up the closet, I say goodbye and leave.-
-I went back to the dorms and was going to knock on Second's room door....-
-Had they already woken up...? Should I enter?? What if... What if I just make them uncomfortable???-
-I was about to open the door when...-
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-....Their Eyes...-
-Their eyes looked so... Tired and... Sad...-
Blue:"A-ah... H-hi Sec..."
Second:"Oh, hey Blue..."
-They sound so...sad...-
Blue:"Are you..... Are you feeling better..?"
Second:"I... I think so..."
Second:"Blue.... please.... stop worrying about me too much...."
-I..... I just... I want to worry.....-
Second:".... Blue, I miss Green.... And I don't want you to worry anymore.... I don't want—"
-I covered my mouth real quick. Feeling my tears running down my face...-
-I-I... I'm an idiot....-
-I felt their arms wrap around me...-
-I hugged them back... I don't want to lose them... Not like I lost Green...-
Second:"We'll all be fine Blue..."
-They held my hands and wiped away my tears...-
-Their touch is so delicate... I didn't want to cry... I felt weak...-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
Second:"I just woke up... But I still feel tired..."
Blue:"It's best if you stay in bed, Second..."
Second:"You too..."
Blue:"i-if you want, I can keep you company..."
-They smiles... It's the first time I've seen them smile in the last days...-
Second:"Don't worry Blue... I'll be fine..."
-They let go of my hand and close the door.-
-I go to my room But on the way I see see Yellow...-
Yellow:"Did they wake up...?"
Blue:"Yeah... They're fine but... I guess I'm not..."
-Excellent! Now she is worried!! Idiot!! Blue you idiot!!-
Yellow:"Do you want me to spend the night with you...?"
-I felt my face turn red.-
Blue:"N-no need, Yelly..."
Yellow:"Well, too bad! Because I'm not going to sleep until I'm sure you're going to be okay!"
-She took my hand and led me to my room. She sat me down on the bed and sat next to me.-
Yellow:"Now lie down... I'll stay here by your side... Just like you always stay by mine..."
-I felt my face get redder from her warm smile....-
-I.... I'm really tired...-
-I understand lying on my bed, and slowly feel her lay next to me, but I had my back to her.-
Yellow:"Just sleep ok..? I promise I'll be here when you wake up..."
-Her voice was soothing, her delicate hand was smoothing my back... I felt more comfortable with her...-
-I felt sleepy....-
Yellow:"Goodnight Blue..."
[To be continued...]
[Decided to split the chapter by days now! So it doesn't get too long!;w;]
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echantedtoon · 4 months
Fae x John Doe Playlist UPDATED
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An updated playlist for my Cannon x OC ship from my story (John) Doe Eyed. This is just for fun and nothing official. Warning: A lot of these songs contain yandere/dark themes, suggestive content, etc.
Waifu by S3RL and Alaguan ft Lexi
You Are Mine by S3RL ft Kayliana
SugarCrash! 2 (Notice Me Senpai) by Bemax
Smoke and Mirrors by Little Jayney Cakes
An Unhealthy Obsession by Zashiina
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me from The Waitress Musical
All I Want Is You by Rebzyyx
Yandere by Jazmin Bean
Kawaii by Tartarka
Aishite, Aishite, Aishite (English Cover) by Will Stetson
Aishite, Aishite, Aishite Nightcore Cover
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin
Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding
Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Clarity by Zedd ft Foxes
Strangers by Scratch21 ft EileMonty
Monster by Topic
Im In Love With A Monster by Fifth Harmony
Wonderland by Taylor Swift
Problem (The Monster Remix) by Becky G ft Will.i.am
Pretty Little Psycho by Porcelain Black
Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis Nightcore Cover
Candy by S3RL Nightcore Cover
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin
Far Longer Than Forever from The Swan Princess
Once Upon A Dream by Lana del Rey
Sweet But Psycho by Ava Max
I Want To Smoke You Like A Cigarette by m1v
Meant To Be Yours from the Heathers Musical
Notice Me Senpai by Ihascupcake
Hands Up by 6arelyhunan emo edit
Merry Melodies We Are In Love
Do I Creep You Out by Weird Al
She's Crazy But She's Mine by Alex Sparrow
Love Taste by Moe Shop ft Jaime Paige and Shiki
Im So Crazy For You by Rebzyyx
With You Forever by Rebzyyx
Obsessed by Mariah Carey
Kiss Me by Vampyx
SugsrCrash by ElyOtto
Leave Me Alone by Alexander Rybak
Fairytale by Alexander Rybak
I Want U 4ever by Rebzyyx
Senpai by Shiki
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delucadarling · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
I’ve been enjoying reading your writing a lot! It’s been lovely to get to know Barbie a little more. I especially adore how you write her and Ava (that haircut fic 🥺)
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
If your OC ever gets married, who proposed? When and how did it happen? Bonus question: What would their wedding be like?
How sweet are you!!!! Thank you so much, I love throwing Barbie at Unit Bravo. Ava is so...💞
As for your question...Barbie really wants to be married and have kids, but she's not interested in chasing her love interest. She wants to be pursued, she wants to be woo'd! Something that makes things easy with some, and...less easy with others.
Once Ava and Barbie work through their Issues, I think they're able to follow a fairly steady progression towards marriage. They'd at least talk about it, and Barbie would be very open about wanting a proposal.
For Ava, I can only imagine it's a private, intimate affair. She and Barbie drive somewhere secluded, maybe the beach. Walk barefoot in the sand. Ava means to wait for sunset, but can't, and takes Barbie's hands in hers. Gazes deeply into Barbie's eyes to the point that Barbie can't take it anymore, just murmuring how much Barbie means to her.
When Ava gets on one knee, it's not just a proposal, but an act of devotion.
Barbie says yes, of course. The wedding is also small and intimate, mostly just Unit Bravo, Kira, and Lucas. Barbie would agree to a...less elaborate (expensive) wedding in exchange for Ava agreeing to a month long honeymoon.
Things progress very quickly with Nate. So fast that Barbie barely realizes she's being outpaced until she falls flat on her face.
I think the first time Nate proposes, it's...surprising. Not entirely out of left field, she and Nate are on the same page re: marriage + kids, both of them fully aware that Barbie's well within the 'geriatric' pregnancy territory. It only makes sense for a proposal to come.
The proposal is semi-public, maybe in the middle of an art gallery, in front of a piece they both like. Unit Bravo is there, and Kira, with F playing photographer for the moment it happens. Nate's full to the brim with enthusiasm, and it makes it hard for Barbie to even notice a single other person. She loves Nate.
She accepts, but frets over whether it's all going too fast for ages. They also end up having a MASSIVE wedding, all elegant and stupidly expensive, something Barbie likes in theory, but finds overwhelming on the day of, when there's so much attention on her and so SO many people there. She probably smokes her first cigarette in years while pacing outside the church, big fluffy skirt hiked up under one arm. Lucas keeps offering her a joint, but she's not going to get MARRIED while STONED LUCAS.
Once the wedding is over, there's an equally lavish honeymoon, probably only meant to be a month long, but it keeps getting extended until A manages to bite their heads off enough to get them home again.
Then the baby planning comes along.
Barbie would initially start the conversation about planning for the future (ie getting married) by asking Felix about Echolian marriage traditions. Felix is less interested in that than learning about what Barbie considers a traditional wedding/proposal.
With Felix, Barbie's more willing to be patient to get married, but is less patient with wanting to be turned immortal. Vampirism doesn't really appeal to her, she's far more interested in something that allows her to use magic and study. I've been imagining she turns into some form of garden/flora fae. She's early-to-mid 30s, while Felix seems mentally around 24-25, so she'd hate to push him to marriage too fast, before he's ready for it. Instead, she's going the route of being turned so he has more time to figure it out.
After a few decades of dating, Barbie's ready for a wedding though, and she tells him it's time to start planning his proposal. Felix approaches this as he does everything else: with extreme enthusiasm. I'm imagining cake, confetti cannons, and a live band. Barbie's overwhelmed, but Felix's glee is too infectious for her to actually mind.
The wedding is basically a huge party, tons of people, but also low key enough and laid back enough for Barbie to not get too anxious.
I don't think Mason would think to get married on his own in a million years, a fact Barbie is very aware of. She feels like he's already in uncharted waters just being in a relationship in general, so she's...as patient as Barbie possibly can be (not very) about it. This mostly means complaining uselessly to N and Kira about it while saying nothing at all to Mason.
(She does not talk to F about this because she KNOWS F will just tell her to TALK to him and she doesn't WANT to she WANTS Mason to psychically pick up her desire for him to propose to and marry her.)
I've had a long standing love of the idea that an oopsie baby happens with Mason and Barbie. She gets pregnant in the midst of all this whining about wanting him to marry her, and then OH HEY. There's something new to deal with instead!
Mason freaks out, hates everything about impending fatherhood, worries about Barbie constantly (she's delicate), and also goes to N and Kira to complain about it all. Unlike Barbie though, he takes their advice to heart and handles his shit.
He and Barbie get on the same page, he buys a ring, and he asks her to marry him while they're sitting on the roof one night. The wedding is basically just the two of them signing some papers and then celebrating with Unit Bravo back at the Warehouse. For all that Barbie really wanted a wedding, she finds herself a bit more indifferent to it. She's much more enthusiastic about motherhood, preparing for a baby, and celebrating that. A wedding was never all that necessary for her to know Mason loves her, she loves him, and that they're completely, stupidly devoted to one another.
...I've had a lot of thoughts about this exact question. Thank you again Anon!
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aurelian-university · 8 months
Sneak Peek #2 (sort of): Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
I've been meaning to do this for my AU OCs for a while now... thought it would be a fun way to introduce you to these characters and give you a feel for what they're going to be like in the story before you meet them properly.
Hope you all like this! And I also hope it gets you excited for the actual story (which is coming soon, I promise lol. I've just been super busy lately... and to be honest... Steph's Crew has been more of a priority lately writing-wise. I'm trying to give the story a satisfying conclusion, but it's so hard when you've purposely made everyone's arcs so unnecessarily complicated haha).
I'm also making this a tag game (I'll tag people at the end like I normally do).
Here's the link to the incorrect name generator:
And without further ado, let's get started!
*Zephyr drunkenly wanders around the house and Isadora is drunkenly giggling* Caius, completely sober: *sighs* Well, it looks like it's just me and you against the world, June. Juniper, going to her room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Adara: Life could be worse, Avalon. Avalon: Life could be a lot better too!
Isadora: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Zephyr: Yeah- Cassius: *kicks in the door*
Zephyr: I’m in love with you. Eurydice: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Zephyr: I know. Eurydice: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Isadora: You’re alive. Marcelline: No need to sound so disappointed.
Zephyr: We have fun, don’t we, Cai? Caius: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
*The squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered* Cassius: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone whose life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer? Zephyr: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine. Juniper: What about Eurydice? Nobody ever suspects Eurydice! Eurydice: Well what about Zephyr? He has a gun! Caius: Cassius has a knife. Cassius: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Juniper in the arm*
Eurydice: Caius gets offended by everything. Caius: What did you say about me?!? Eurydice: Eurydice: Case in point.
Avalon: Adara, what if there are monsters? Adara: Don’t worry, we’re top of the food chain. Much later… Avalon, lying awake at night: I am the monster.
Zephyr: You’re overthinking this. Caius: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Zephyr. What if I’m underthinking?
Adara: Why would you do that? Avalon: Because I feel guilty. Isadora: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by your parents to stop you from doing things that feel good.
Marcelline, holding a box of Lunchables: Ah, I loved these when I was younger… fine dining. Isadora: Fix yourself.
Xander: You know, Ava, you are the sun in my life. Avalon: Why? 'Cause I'm smoking hot? Xander: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
Adara: I’ve organised messages from my BFF into three categories. Adara: “From Isadora.” Adara: “Death Threats.” Adara: and “Death Threats From Isadora.”
Marcelline: What if the person who named Walkie-Talkies named everything? Zephyr: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies. Eurydice: Socks are Feetie Heaties. Caius: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties. Xander: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies. Juniper: Stamps are Lickie Stickies. Cassius: I hate you guys so much.
Xander: A decision had to be made. Caius: And you f*cked it up!
Juniper: Hey, Xander you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Xander: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Juniper: Yeah, my grandma lives there. Caius: That is the worst response to that question.
Caius, to Zephyr: I mean, I get complimented all the time- Avalon: *starts cackling* Caius: I do! Avalon: *laughs harder*
Marcelline: What happened?! Isadora: Do you want the long version or the short version? Marcelline: Sh-short?? Isadora: Sht*'s f*cked. Marcelline: Okay, long. Isadora: Sh*t's very f*cked.
Juniper: Who hurt you? Eurydice: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Juniper: …Yes, actually.
Tagging these guys:
@exquisitecrow, @thelavenderwriter, @gummybugg, @waywardwizzard, @the-stray-storyteller, @sam-glade, @sarahlizziewrites, @mjparkerwriting, @maiwritesbooks, @janec23, @mysticstarlightduck, @winterandwords, @hallwriteblr, @leisoree, @writinglittlebeasts, @stanrendipity, @magpie24601, @eli-writes-sometimes, @ashwithapen, and @fire-but-ashes-too. As well as anybody else that's interested!
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 4/5]
Links to part 1 2 3 5
Warnings: self-proclaimed executioner with god complex comes to terms with being pseudo-adopted into a murders-for-funsies-but-sometimes-for-love family but there’s drama because his older brother/uncle-figure doesn’t like him all that much, so slasher-typical violence and gore, allusions to murder, jealous! and insecure!Vincent
A/N: OK I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE THE LAST PART BUT IT GOT TOO LONG. New (and old 👀) characters are introduced. As always, bold is ASL. HOPE YOU ENJOY!
Featuring the Sinclairs, RZ Michael Myers, and the ocs of @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy), @probably-a-plant-thing (Skulk), @slaasherslut (Ava). Ellie and Alia are also mentioned <3
Tagging some moots who might wanna see this! @rottent33th @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @cries-in-latino @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
“You don’t believe me?”
Anger made Vincent's fingers stutter as he signed.
"You won't take my word for it? Why? Why, Bo? Do you trust him more than me? I'm your brother."
Bo took Vincent's hands in his, shushing him. "You are my brother. Nothing or no one would change that, but - tsk - listen to yourself. I know havin' people over is a new concept to you, but don't you think you're getting a li'l too carried away?"
He was looking at him like a raving lunatic, with that oh-poor-you frown wrinkling his brow. Vincent's breath hitched. He balled his fists and shook his twin off.
Bo regarded him sternly, like a silly misbehaving child. "Vincent," he warned.
Vincent grabbed the back of his chair and threw it back. It clattered against the tool chest.
"See for yourself, then." His one blue eye bulged in its socket. "Watch for the signs."
Bo watched him storm out of the garage and melt into the shadows beyond the pumps.
Darrell, a murderer? Where on earth did he get that?
Bo shook his head, raised his beer bottle to his lips, stopped. He glanced in the direction Vincent had gone.
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Lesley Reinhart was settling into his sixties. Without much difficulty, one must note. If anything, he was in better shape than he ever was.
He was tall, broad-shouldered, with a muscular body that could put any recent police academy graduate to shame. Before he got out of his car - a sleek Porsche picked out of the city impound - he brushed back his hair and adjusted his tie.
His jaw clenched when he heard a wet squelch after he put one foot out. Mud. On his newly polished dress shoes.
It wasn't like he didn't know there was a growing hurricane, thought Hernandez as he trudged through the mud-strewn forest floor. He never understood how people grew vainer the closer they got to kicking the bucket.
The two men followed the well-trodden path to the shack the local townsfolk said was home to the last person who saw the missing teens.
They came upon the place. A sad brick and wood structure with an askew porch, which was lit by an amber light bulb. A loud humming told Hernandez the place ran on generator power.
Reinhart raised his voice. "Daniel Ray Williams?"
The scraggly boy who was chopping firewood stopped and lowered his ax. He took a cautious step back as the two men approached.
"Tread lightly, Moses, for the ground you walk on is holy ground… or some shit." A man, hidden by the shadow and fog, made his presence known. He sat on a rusty white-painted metal chair on the porch, smoking a hastily rolled cigarette. "Let's back you up, gentlemen," he said, "Off my property."
"Mr. Williams," began Reinhart, "my name is Lesley Rein-"
An impatient smirk tugged at the corner of Reinhart's thin lips. "My name is Lesley Reinhart. I'm a detective with the NOPD. This is my partner Detective Hernandez." He flashed his badge.
"Figured," said Earl, unimpressed.
"We're just here to ask Daniel Williams a couple of questions," Hernandez explained, adopting a more reasonable tone.
"That's my kid brother." Dan had made his calm, collected way up the steps and was now standing next to Earl. "Got a stutter. He don't talk much on account of it. You wanna know anythin', you ask me."
"This is about Brody Morgan and Carter Green," said Reinhart.
"Yeah, I heard about 'em. Got a dozen or so bluecoats sweeping the woods yesterday with dogs and whatnot."
Reinhart persisted. "We were hoping to get a statement out of Daniel, about what happened at the gas station."
Earl folded his arms over his chest. "Well, if you already know he was at the gas station, I'm sure you know what them boys did."
"We were also hoping he'd tell us about the attendant who was working there the day Brody and Carter disappeared."
Earl tipped his head and raised one wild eyebrow. "Why, he a suspect?"
Reinhart grew more impatient. "I'm afraid I can't divulge that."
"Level with me here, hoss."
"We'll be asking the questions here, Mr. Williams."
"Dan a suspect? Am I? Mighty convenient for you to have a bunch o' dirt-poor hillbillies to pin it down on."
"Respectfully, sir," piped up Hernandez, "Everyone who was within the area during the crime's occurrence is, and nothing was stolen-"
Reinhart shut him up with an authoritative wave of the hand. "Mr. Williams, I can charge you with criminal misdemeanor for refusing to cooperate," he barked.
Earl smiled. "I can also legally shoot you for trespassin', and so long as I claim fear of bodily harm the law is on my side."
It was at this point the two realized that the object leaning against Earl's chair was a shotgun and not a cane.
"We ain't got nothin' for ya, gentlemen," he said definitively. "Be a little more willin' if you'd done the same for every person that's disappeared from this mountain these past few decades, not just for city slickers whose daddies got dough."
Reinhart, seething from the insolence, turned away and marched back the way they came.
Hernandez braved Earl's hostile stare and placed his card on the damp porch. "Should you change your mind," he said. "Give me a call."
Earl leaned forward and read the name printed on the expensive cardstock.
Angel Hernandez
When the men had gone, he brought out his cellphone and sent a warning message to Skulk.
They're comin' up to the trailer, boy. Make yourself scarce.
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Skulk had a habit of stealing Darrell's hoodies. They smelled like him and were warm, which was great for the weather they currently had going.
He got the message just as the detectives broke through the bushes. They narrowly passed him, sitting in a thicket as he was. Jebediah the little piglet, was sleeping soundly in his lap, remnants of a treat still hanging from his snout.
Skulk watched the detectives inspect Darrell's empty trailer. The older one kicked some of the sweet potatoes the naughty boars had dug from the vegetable patch. Skulk opened his and Darrell's conversation, filled with lewd little nothings they had sent back and forth. He typed:
On a more serious note, darling - there's pigs snooping about the trailer and not the usual kind.
The younger detective brought out a flashlight and peered through the tinted windows.
Had he locked the door?
Carefully shifting to his feet, though still remaining crouched, Skulk unsheathed his knife. Vibrating from the thrill of a possible kill, he waited. The second those cops opened the door, he would break cover. He could take them. One after the other.
The bigger man made him hesitate, but he was going to try. He'd left clothes there - unwashed clothes and tools of the trade. They all tried to be careful, but who's to say for certain the detectives won't find anything?
"Try the door," said one of them.
Jebediah stirred. The underbrush gave as Cristabella, grunting, arrived to take her brother home. Skulk bit his lip and held her mouth shut.
Incensed, Cristabella shook Skulk off. Her attention shifted to the strangers, and began to growl.
"What was that?"
Bellowing, Cristabella charged right at them. She bowled through them, knocking them clean off their feet. She was at them again, ramming her cutter tusks at their torsos. Clothes were shredded, yells rang, but the men were quick to get on their feet and they eventually got away.
Skulk watched, the squealing piglet under his arm, as Cristabella snorted in satisfaction as if to say Come back with a warrant.
Ava, Bo, and Darrell liked to hang out at the garage. Winds were picking up, blowing from the coast. Establishments were closed. Folk were told to remain indoors.
Ava and Darrell sat together while Bo tinkered with the engine of a sedan. He'd been trying to make it work for the past week. He couldn't fathom what he was doing wrong. The out of key strumming Darrell was doing on Ava's beat up acoustic wasn't helping.
Fed up, Bo unstuck his head from under the hood and winced at the two.
"Darrell, Darrell," he groaned. "You're never gonna learn to play with those clumsy fingers. Give that dang thing back to Ava."
Ava giggled and took her guitar back. "Don't listen to him," she told Darrell. "You'll get it, but won't you sing with me a while?"
She positioned her willowy fingers on the fretboard. Darrell returned her pick and she began to play.
Once the intro passed, Darrell followed through. The way the two friends' voices melded together was ethereal. Bo stopped in his tracks.
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
"Your beauty never ever scared me" Surprised, Ava looked up. She'd never heard Bo sing before. His voice was clear and cool, but higher in pitch than his speaking voice.
All three of them sang the last lines together, voices blending into a lovely harmony.
"Didn't know you had that in you," Ava teased.
Bo smirked and turned away. "Stick to singing, Darr. Leave the music to Ava."
To thwart the attention from himself, Bo turned up the radio. They listened attentively to another weather update, which was followed by a local news report.
Meanwhile, at Devil's Peak, the search for missing college students, Brody Morgan and Carter Green, continues. Police authorities race against the oncoming hurricane to uncover as much information about the boys' current whereabouts.
Brody Morgan is the son of media mogul, Arthur Morgan. Detective Lesley Reinhart assures the public that the New Orleans Police Department is doing everything in its power to find the boys.
Bo's ears burned. Three paces away, Darrell continued to sing softly to Ava's guitar, but he could see it: a tremble of the lip, a glassy faraway look in the eye. Guilt. Worry.
Darrell appeared to have not heard, but Bo knew he was listening closely.
That night, Bo roused Vincent out of bed, like a spectre at his bedside. They came to a shaky agreement behind the house.
"If we do it now, it'll be the end of it."
"Wait. I'm not too sure. Let me talk to him."
Vincent scoffed - a harsh nasal puff. "You think he'll admit to it? Idiot."
Bo grabbed him by the shirt. "You don't move til I say you can."
All was quiet and gray the next day. Percy sat at the dining table, her fingers clacked busily on the keyboard as she wove a new chapter. She peered over her glasses at the amassing clouds from the window. "This must be what they mean by 'the calm before the storm'," she remarked. 
Darrell was sitting in the chair next to her, poring over one of the books she had written. "You made Halloran look like Bo," he noted with an amused smile. 
"I did." She watched him fondly. She reached over and pushed a stray strand of hair from his face. "You know what, maybe I should give Halloran a sidekick." 
Darrell looked up, brown eyes gleaming. 
"I think I have an idea on what he might look like."
Darrell put down the book and rested his chin on her shoulder. He squinted at the walls of text on her document. "That's a whole lotta words, Momma," he sighed. 
Percy smiled, feeling rather proud of herself. "No big feat, to me. What do you think so far?"
Darrell gave it a good, careful read. He sighed softy, blown away. "Shucks, I dunno how you do it." 
There was an urgent hammering at the window. Michael stood outside. He held a grubby baseball in his hand. 
"Be right back, Momma," said Darrell. 
"Hey, Mikey," he said at the door. "Don't think it's good weather to play catch in. Alia won't approve." 
Michael stared up at him, lips sealed. He tilted his head and raised the ball again. His posture hinting that he wasn't asking. 
Darrell took the ball and the glove he had brought. In their game, Darrell was the only one who did the throwing and catching. Michael would hit the ball as hard as he could with a bat, and watch as Darrell struggled to catch it. Peak entertainment. 
"Further?" Darrell called from down the street, the House of Wax behind him. 
Michael kept pointing at him to go further. He was going to knock the ball right out of town. Darrell reeled back and pitched. The bat hit the ball with a deafening thwack!
It rode the air like a comet. Arching high, Darrell knew chasing after it was futile. Then, it dipped, whistling, and crashed through one of the lower windows of the House of Wax. 
The glove slipped off of Darrell's hand. Michael turned on his heels and let the bat clatter on the street. In case they incurred Vincent's wrath, he was detaching himself from the incident. 
Darrell picked his way through the wasteland of discarded car parts, cut through a crack in a wooden fence, and entered the House of Wax. 
The door swung right open and he crossed the slightly dusty threshold. He was greeted by a main room glowing with yellow lamps, filled with intricate carvings that he knew for a fact were all wax. In an odd trick of the eye, the bulbs seemed to fill the room with shadow more than light. The result was dismal and bleak. 
Darrell's thoughts strayed unhappily as he eyed the sculptures. It was as though the misery stored in that room was seeping into his bones. Distracted, he went from one display to another, admiring the detail of each handiwork.
Vincent was so talented. He and Ellie went together perfectly. If only he could understand what he had done that made him so angry. 
There was a rapid clicking on the floor. He recognized it at once as the padding of an animal. Jonesy, tail wagging and mouth bearing the rogue ball, watched him from a safe distance. 
Darrell dropped to a crouch. "Hey, girl! Good job! Give it here." 
Jonesy tucked tail and ran. 
"Hey, no! Come back!" Darrell gave chase and stumbled from one room to another.  Jonesy girl, no! I'm not supposed to be in here."
He came upon the back of the building, past an elaborately decorated dining room, and into a doorway that led to the basement. 
There were sconces in the walls, housing steadily burning candles. Embedded among these were different faces, each with a unique expression. Darrell followed the faces upwards and looked overhead. Spanning the ceiling, her eight spindly legs astride the stairway, was Arachne - Horrid, freakish, and beautiful all at once. Face smooth with youth. Bosom full and immodestly bare. Eyes hungry. Head held high with pride. 
"What is this place?" muttered Darrell. 
Bark! Jonesy had dropped the ball at the bottom of the stairs. 
Darrell crept down the steps. As he was reaching for the ball, Jonesy's jaws snapped at his wrist and she made off with the ball again. He walked into the room. It felt like a furnace. Great, big cauldrons of wax hung on chains over large fires. Knives, saws, and sculpting tools hung on the walls. A bloodstained steel table stood in the middle of the room. 
But worst of all, there was a figure - human-shaped - suspended in a macabre iron contraption.  
Darrell was pulled to it by some sick fascination. He thought he could see the glimmer of an eye under the rough wax, blue and bright. He stood inspecting the thing, heart hammering. 
Its fingers twitched, and Darrell screamed. 
He spun around and found himself face to face with Vincent. There was a knife in his hand. 
Darrell interposed the table between them and made a run for the stairs after circling it twice. Vincent tried to grab him by the hair but missed. 
Darell ran right into Michael in the dining room. The taller man stepped in and locked Vincent's wrist in a crushing grip. 
Vincent had landed a punch on Michael's jaw. Michael recovered almost immediately and was able to grab the blade of the knife just as it was about to pierce his side. Blood dribbled onto the floor. 
He changed his hold on the blade, used his free hand to hold Vincent's arm, and knocked the weapon out of his grasp. 
When he looked back, Darrell was gone. He was sprinting down Main Street, sweating, panting, heart hammering. He understood it now - why the town had felt so empty, why the girls had tried to keep him entertained indoors at all times, why the sculptures looked so real. 
Lester found him sitting on the curb sometime after dinner. "Y'alright there, buddy?" he inquired cheerfully. 
Darrell did not respond. 
Lester sat down beside him. "I, uh, heard what happened." 
"S'Mikey ok?" 
"Yep. Didn't feel a thing, Alia said. He's been patched up." Lester took a crumpled pack from his pocket and lit a cigarette. 
"Ya in on it, Les?" 
Lester did not respond.
"Y'know," Lester began, "What we do out here, we been doin' it a long time. An' ya know, you can get used ta anythin' if you're 'round it long enough. It ain't easy to put it down."
He blew the smoke out and brought Darrell's attention to the cigarette. The red glowing tip flickered as he waved it around.
"It's like quitttin', ya know?" he explained, "Ya can't just do it." 
Darrell was nodding. He knew how that felt. 
"Besides, this is my family," Lester added, "I love them. More than anythin'."
Darrell had begun to think of them as his family, too. It had felt too good to be true. 
"Here's one for ya. Those missing kids, d'you do that?"
Darrell glanced sideways at Lester. There was no judgment in his eyes, no hate like in Vinny's. His expression was open, sincere. 
"D'you kill 'em?" 
Darrell resigned himself and said, "Killed more than just them." 
"Are you gonna stay with us?" 
"Can I?" 
There was thunder overhead. They raised their eyes to the sky. Lester grinned. "Anyway, with that comin', you ain't goin' nowhere." 
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gingersnappe-9 · 10 months
In a Crowd of Thousands: Remember (17)
Din Djarin/Mando X Fem!OC || Star Wars/The Mandalorian Universe
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5.4 K words
Warning: some emotional distress
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Sounds and flashes of color peaked in and out of Ava’s mind. Voices. Pain flickered throughout her body but it never lasted very long. Something enveloped her and seeped all the way through to her bones and brain, washing away any aches or pains. Someone whispered to her. Their voice was low, soft and comforting like honey. It helped lull her back into the darkness if the pain ever got too severe. It was otherworldly, an out of body experience. Ava let any and all thoughts flow in and out of her mind like a soft current. She could feel the healing process. She felt like a flower who had finally seen the sun after a harsh and cold night. 
When Ava finally opened her eyes, she was in a med bay; or rather, her room had been converted into a medical suite. Monitors blinked and beeped quietly at her bedside. There was a large bacta tank at the far side of the suite where the couch had once been. Something shiny glared in her blurry periphery. Though turning her head was a struggle, she still managed and saw that it was Mando. 
Sitting on a short stool with the upper half of his body hunched over onto the bed, arms cradling his head, was Mando. One of his hands clutched hers which was sweetly tucked up to his hollow beskar cheek. He was waiting for her. Ava didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there, but he was there, waiting for her to wake up. 
“Mando.” Stars. Her voice sounded horrible. Like coarse sandpaper or someone who smoked too much spice and ruined their vocal cords. 
His head shot up.  “How’re you feeling? Does anything hurt?” 
Ava had to smile. The medication was still pumping through her body, doing its work and it made her loopy. Her smile was rather dopey, but the concern in his voice, the way he still held her hand, how could she not smile? 
“I’m okay.” 
Even through his audio bypass, Ava could hear the ragged breath he let out. Mando gently placed her hand back on the bed and went over to the nightstand to grab her a glass of water. It was still a bit too heavy for her to hold on her own, so he helped guide the glass to her lips. 
Ava drank greedily till the cup ran dry. Mando continued to help her sip till she had run through three glasses. 
When she spoke again, her voice sounded normal, vocal cords graciously lubricated, “What happened?” 
The shift was subtle, but Ava still caught it. The way Mando visibly retreated into himself, resuming his mercenary persona. Mando was still as he spoke, careful with his wording “After I… left, I regrouped with Fett. He insisted that we find you again. Said some Imperial officer called Moff Gideon was after two force-presenting individuals, even hired a dozen bounty hunters and mercenaries.” Ava’s blood ran cold, “Fett had discovered on his last bounty exchange that Gideon was after a girl, and a kid. Once I told him that you were the real princess, we knew he’d go after you.” The two of them sat in silence for a moment, heavy from the weight of Gideon’s intent. Their hands were still clasped together. Ava once again marveled at the difference, and yet how neatly they fit together. But Mando had resituated himself in his mind and slowly pulled away. 
“I’m sorry,” The t-visor was as unyielding as ever, but Ava sensed the struggle it took for him to speak, “I’ve overstepped… your Highness.” 
“I’ll let one of the attendants know you’re awake and I’ll take my leave.” He took his hand away and left Ava’s empty. His tattered capped fluttered with the speed at which he turned and made his way to the door.
“Mando, wait, what do you mean you’re leavin-” 
“I can’t stay.” His voice was clipped. “I wish you well, your High-” 
“My name is not ‘your Highness’!” She yelled and Mando stopped dead in his tracks. It was enough. Ava had enough. “A name does not change who I am as a person. It doesn’t change everything we’ve been through. What’s happened to the both of us, Mando. I’m still that sand dweller you met on Tatooine. I’m still the girl who loves that little green baby,” He’d turned his head ever so slightly so that he’d see her from his periphery, “I’m still Ava.” 
“I know that. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are a princess. Your rightful place is with your sister and brother. They can protect you. They can give you a life.” He sounded hurt. Disappointed. 
Their feelings were twisting inside their chests, only getting tangled and confused. Ava hit her fists against the mattress, frustrated that she still didn’t feel strong enough to get up and point her finger in his dumb shiney face while she spoke. “What life I live is the one I choose. Not the one people expect, the one I choose for myself. I am more than my name or my title.” 
A silence fell between them. Mando slowly made his way to the door. 
“You’re so much more,” Mando’s voice was soft, practically a whisper, “You’re a star too bright to miss.” He barely touched the handle before Ava spoke out quietly. 
“Wait… what did you say?” A memory stirred up in Ava’s mind. 
Mando cocked his head a bit trying to shake off his embarrassment, “Nothing.” The door handle was pulled down. 
“I have,” She stopped him again with nothing but her voice, “I have this one memory… from before.” Mando once again turned his head in her direction, the pull drawing his attention to her and only her, “I was with my parents, and there was a big party or something,” Ava couldn’t remember the right word for it, “A parade. It was a parade. There were people everywhere lining the road. But I remember this boy… like a red plume in a sea of blue.” 
It was dim at first, but the longer it ruminated in her head, the clearer the memory became. Ava remembered the way the crowds cheered as she and her parents rode by. How streamers fluttered down through the sky and the smell of festival food wafted through the air. She recalled how her cheeks burned from smiling so much, the way her mother and father would gaze down at her with love and adoration. Then it seemed like the sky split in two and the world began falling apart… literally. 
Ava remembered a bolt of red cracking across the sky. The sounds of the blaster-fire ringing out in every direction as bodies fell. The world ending. Her world ending. 
“Then… I got lost, I couldn’t find anyone. People were screaming and running. I was so scared. But that boy found me,” Her voice shook from the emotion of the memory, “He… he told me his name…” 
It felt as if neither of them could move from their fixed positions. It was clear. She finally remembered. The warmth of that boy’s hand in hers. The way he pressed their foreheads together and whispered something so sweet it shook her to her very core. The sentiment that kept her warm in the dark of space. It had sustained her all those years alone and Ava hadn’t realized it until that very moment. 
He slumped forward from the power of whatever it was he was feeling. Relief? It felt too good to be true, it had to have been a malfunction in his systems. He had to have misheard Ava. 
She said it again, with a quiver from her lip mis-shaping the sound of it as she spoke, “Din.” 
Ava’s eyes were welled up with tears when Din – the Din – turned and looked at her entirely. 
Weakness be damned, she couldn’t lie in bed for another second. Ava threw off the covers and let her feet fall to the floor before Din was already kneeling between her thighs with his hands firmly pressed to her hips so she wouldn’t dare over-exert herself. The two of them paused there for a moment to look at one another. Nothing about their outward appearances had changed, yet everything was different. Their bond was rekindled and the links that pulled them together became even stronger. 
Din’s arms came to wrap around Ava and pull her in as close as possible. She hastily gathered as much of him in her hands as she could, willing them to somehow fuse together and never separate again. His hands caressed her waist, entranced by the way the thin material slid against her skin.
The tears fell and began to streak down like rain against Din’s helmet. His breathing was harsh in attempts to control his emotions which were, at last, set free. All the while, she kept repeating his name, like a prayer. Din. Din. Din. 
It was the first time in years, decades, since anyone had said Din’s name out loud. It baffled him how he’d almost forgotten the sound of it. 
“Jate'kara, close your eyes.” They were already closed. 
Din ripped off his helmet and took in the sweet and unobstructed view of Ava’s face. There were still some scrapes and fading bruises, but Maker, to Din she was just as beautiful as ever. He stroked her skin with the tips of his fingers with a feather-like touch as if for the first time. Din was determined to commit every detail – every freckle, faint and faded scar, crease and curve – to memory. He let his rough and calloused hands gently cup the supple curves of her cheeks.. His palms felt warm and damp from Ava’s crying. Without even realizing it, he’d gotten so close that his nose gently brushed Ava’s. 
“Don’t cry. I’m here.” Din wiped away the tears that had streaked down across her cheeks and to her chin. 
There was a word unspoken between the two of them. Simple and concise. Neither of them had to say it outloud to know what it was. They both felt it through their bond, it electrified their skin, set their souls alight. 
She whispered against his brow, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
He kept his voice soft, so that not even the empty spaces of the room were privy to their conversation, “I didn’t want you to think I was deceiving you. I already said hurtful things to you before, I didn’t want to give you anymore reasons to hate me.” She could feel his gentle breath against her skin.
“I could never hate you. I may be angry… but I could never hate you. Din, I-” She hitched forward enough that her lips pressed to his. At first it was just her lips resting against his, but no sooner was there contact did they lean into it and practically melt against one another. Din’s beard had grown in some, and for whatever reason, the light scratch of it against set off small sparks of happiness – a new sensation for her to savor and remember. 
The pair of them stayed on the edge of the bed. Hands touching and gliding. Caresses and the gentle rocking of their bodies. Their chests heaved against one another as they took turns gasping for air between open mouth kisses against every inch of skin their lips could find. They soaked in one another.  Her mouth was still cool from the water. She was refreshing. Din would pull Ava’s bottom lip gently between his teeth and relish in the way she panted softly for him. Ava, in turn, would glide her tongue along his and Din had no other recourse but to growl and groan from the way it sent static through his spine. 
Din pressed his palms between her shoulder blades, excited by the way she flexed her body in response to his hands tracing up and down the column of her spine, admiring the muscles beneath the thin gown. With every twitch and squirming motion, Ava shifted her body closer to Din’s torso. Her thighs reflexively squeezed his chest and her fingers tangled into his hair, growing messier with each pass and gentle scratch against his scalp. Ava let her hands explore the cut of his jaw and savored the way her skin scraped against his scruff. 
Neither of them knew how long they’d been there for, and neither of them really cared, but Ava’s body was growing tired and sleep began to seep into the corners of her mind. Din just knew. He could feel it in the way her head bobbed easier and easier. 
Din asked without even a word being spoken – He managed to do so without needing to part very far from Ava’s mouth – “Do you want to lay down?” Her shoulders slumped slightly and she leaned into his chest more and more. 
She hummed softly against his lips, even as sleep crept in, Ava still refused to stop. 
Din let out a soft groan as he leaned back and pulled apart for only a moment. “We don’t have to go anywhere. Let’s just get you into bed.” 
Her voice was low and hushed, “But I’m already in bed.” She finished with an impossibly slow tug on his lower lip.
Maker, help me. Din couldn't help but smile and kiss her again. “Come on, Jate'kara. I just want us to lay down.” 
She giggled in response, “Seems like you’re always getting me into bed.” 
Din gave her a light pinch on the cheek, “Half a lifetime is more than enough waiting. I intend to get my fill.” 
The smile she gave him lit up the room. It was sweet and filled with a happiness that Ava hadn't yet known. Din nearly ravished her then and there, but deep down he could feel the pull of sleep gently lulling her into dreamland, it quietly whispered in his ear as well. 
Even with her eyes closed, Ava helped Din remove the outermost layers of his armor and flight suit. Her dexterous fingers worked smoothly and efficiently through her inherent sense. Once Din was down to nothing but a simple undershirt and his trousers, the pair of them settled into the pillows; arms wrapped around as close as possible, their legs tangled beneath the fine linen sheets. 
He hummed back while stroking a few strands of hair from her face. 
“What does jah-ka, jati-kar-”
“Jate'kara.” He whispered against her brow.
“Mmm. What does it mean?” 
Din watched the way her chest rose and fell for a moment, how her hair cascaded down in a soft tumble of waves and light curls. Her cheek was pressed into his chest giving her the sweetest little squished face ever – not that he could ever bring himself to say such a thing out loud. 
“In Mando’a, it literally translates to‘bright guiding stars’,” He smiled at the blessing he held in his arm, and kissed the crown of her head, “But it can also mean ‘destiny’.”
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