#automail hurts
schrijverr · 7 months
My Stab Wound, Not Our Stab Wound
When Ed gets stabbed on his way to work the rest of team Mustang realize just how high a pain tolerance he has.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: chronic pain, blood, injury, wound care
Edward is having a Bad day. Yes, capital B bad. It just sucks from top to bottom from the second he wakes up.
It starts before he even opens his eyes, when the air has him groaning and 99% sure it’s going to rain later today, because there is an ache in his stumps that his automail keeps tugging at.
The groan alone would have been enough for Al to try to talk him out of going to report, but Al isn’t here right now and the sooner Ed goes to report to colonel bastard, the sooner he can go save Al from his own kindness.
The town they had followed yet another busted lead to the philosopher's stone in is in the middle of setting up for a festival and Al is very useful when it comes to lugging heavy pieces of stalls and a stage around. So, naturally the younger had stuck around.
If he’s honest, Ed would have loved to stick around as well, but alas he had been called back to eastern command instead.
Colonel bastard had kindly – read in his usual asshole-y manner – explained to Ed that he is behind on his reports and paper work. Until he is caught up, the colonel is not giving him another lead and he does have another lead. Ed can’t afford to waste those few days to catch up to help with the festival alongside Al, so he went to back to East City alone.
Of course, Al wanted to come with him. He was ready to go the second Ed told him he had to, but Ed couldn’t bring himself to ask Al to go, no matter how much he would have loved the company of his little brother.
Because the festival reminded both of them of the sheep festival back home. Of the good days of their childhood. And it was clear how badly Al wanted to stay. Ed couldn’t take that from him. Not after everything else he’d already taken.
So here he is, groaning in pain and all by himself in his dorm bed.
For a second he contemplates listening to the Al in his head and staying down for today. However, getting to command today is to save time, not add more to it. Besides, it isn’t raining right now and the pain is still manageable, who knows how bad it’ll get when the water does start to fall.
Still, he allows himself a moment of misery, before forcing himself out of bed, cursing his way through his morning routine.
He is still grumbling when he walks down the streets towards eastern command. His foul mood is radiating off him, so most people give him a wide berth, something Ed is grateful for. Because of this, it comes as a surprise as someone bumps into him harshly, sending him sprawling to the ground with a loud thud, pain radiating from his shoulder.
“Hey!” he exclaims, getting up and glaring at the guy that ran into him. “Watch where you’re fucking going, asshole.”
For some reason the guy gets very pale, looking almost stricken. And he doesn’t reply to Ed’s comment at all.
Ed follows his gaze, spotting his watch, which is now dangling from his belt instead of tucked into his pocket like normal. He shoves it back and rolls his eyes, sighing: “I’m not going to arrest you or some shit just because ran into me. I’m not a dick.”
The guy looks like he can’t believe it, but before Ed can say anything else, he has turned on his heel, running away as fast as he can.
“Weirdo,” Ed mumbles to himself, before continuing the journey.
There is still a pain in his shoulder – the left one this time – from where the guy bumped into him, which must have been harder than Ed thought. It’s another layer of shit on his already shit day, because he was planning on writing with that arm, shittier handwriting be damned. He still probably will, but it will suck ass.
Sour mood pertaining, he stomps the last leg of his journey, blessedly alone in the streets, since most are off at work at this point.
The command center itself also isn’t as busy as it usually is, most still catching up on yesterday’s work. Ed feels relieved that he doesn’t have to greet people as they pass. Al would call him rude, but sometimes he’s just not in the mood to be nice. That’s perfectly normal, in his opinion. Al can stuff his manners.
Angrily he kicks open the door the office, allowing a small sense of satisfaction at the loud bang it produces.
That satisfaction is immediately wiped away by Mustang’s smarmy voice as he says: “Ah, Fullmetal, how nice of you to ruin my door again. What did it do this time? Call you short?”
Ed glares at him, not sure if he’s even in the mood to snap back at him. He normally would be flying off the rails, but he’s sore and tired and he just wants to get today over with. It’s already shitty enough without having to deal with colonel bastard on top of it. He just wants to get through his paperwork in peace.
He knows it’s suspicious not to get mad at Mustang and he does feel annoyance coursing through his veins.
But the atmosphere looks peaceful, with most of them diligently working, except for Mustang and Havoc, since the colonel is leaning against the latter’s desk. They’d been likely chatting before Ed came in. However, maybe it was work related, since Hawkeye isn’t shooting at either of them.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, colonel bastard,” Ed settles on. “Just give me my damn paper work so I can get out of here as soon as I can.”
Now, Ed isn’t so stupid that he doesn’t see the rest of the team share a concerned look with each other at his lack of response. However, he’s also not admitting that he’s hurting because of the rain and missing his brother. That would be childish and he’s not childish. He’s not.
In his own way, it is kind of sweet that Mustang tries to get a rise out of him by saying: “Really, no more attitude? Who are you and what have you done with my subordinate? I mean, you’re shrimp-y enough, but I don’t know…”
“Like you’ve ever been thrilled to do paperwork,” Ed snaps, not in the mood for Mustang’s mind games and teases. “And I’m not shrimp-y!”
Mustang pulls a face that screams ‘fair enough’ – because it’s not like Ed is wrong – before he pushes himself of Havoc’s desk to go get his pile.
Ed goes to follow him. He doesn’t have his own desk, since he’s rarely there, so he’ll often catch up on paperwork at the colonel’s coffee table, spreading over his couch, which honestly sounds like a lovely space to drop down after the shitty morning he’s had.
However, the second he turns, Havoc lets out a loud: “Holy fucking shit, Chief!”
Immediately Ed whirls back around again, thinking it might be a cry for help. But nothing stands out, except for the white faces of the others. As if the blood as been drained out.
He is about to ask what’s wrong when Mustang exclaims: “What the fuck!” Before demanding: “You didn’t tell me you were injured, Fullmetal. What happened?”
“Injured?” Ed asks, confused, because, yeah, he’s hurting, but he’s not visibly injured as far as he’s aware. “I’m injured?”
For a moment, all he gets are shocked expressions, as if they can’t believe what he’s saying. But, luckily, there is Hawkeye, who says: “You have a knife sticking out of your shoulder, major. I believe it’s the flesh side.”
Ed has no memory of being stabbed this morning – and it must have been this morning, because he does distinctively remember laying on his back in bed and he’s sure he would have noticed a knife then.
Absentmindedly he reaches back to check as he goes through this morning, before he gasps: “That asshole!”
“What?” Mustang demands as he hovers around him, which is annoying and un-bastard-like.
“Some guy bumped into me this morning, I thought it must be a stupid accident, but he just failed to rob me or some shit. Probably stumbled instead of threateningly sliding up behind me,” Ed explains. “No wonder he was so nervous.”
“How did you not notice getting mugged?” Fuery explains, looking a little green around the gills.
“Not the point right now,” Havoc cuts in. “We need to get you to a hospital!”
Hospital seems to have been the magic word, because it seemingly catches up to all of them that Ed has a knife in his back. And that is not good.
However, the last thing Ed wants is to be stuck in a hospital, so he quickly says: “It’s not that bad you guys, no need for a hospital. I’m sure one of you knows how to stitch someone up. We can just patch me up right here.”
“You can’t seriously-” Mustang starts, before he is cut off by Hawkeye: “Havoc is the team medic, but I can do it too if you’d prefer.”
“Lieutenant!” Mustang exclaims, sounding appalled that she is even entertaining it.
“He is not going to the hospital unless it’s screaming and kicking, sir. Better to minimize the injury,” Hawkeye explains in her matter of fact tone.
“He needs to see a medical professional,” Mustang protests. “There’s a knife in his back.”
“Uhm, he is right here,” Ed pipes up with a scowl, annoyed that they’re all making a big deal out of it. “And I don’t wanna go to the hospital. Just stitch me up here and I’ll be fine. The longer you argue, the more I’m going to bleed.”
Ed isn’t sure which part of the comment wins Mustang over. He wants to claim it’s his stubbornness that colonel bastard knows he’s never going to win from, however, a small part of him can’t help but think it’s the bleeding part. That Mustang might be genuinely concerned about his well being and safety. Which is absurd and he won’t entertain the thought.
“Fine,” is what Mustang huffs in the end. “But Havoc is doing the stitching. He’s the trained professional here and we’re doing it by the book.”
Hawkeye seems to be fine with that decision and orders Ed to her chair, while she goes to get the med kit for Havoc, who is also getting his ass in gear to assess the wound.
“We don’t know how long it is, but based off the blood flow, it hasn’t hit anything vital. Just some stitches and taking it easy for a bit will probably be enough. But no cheering yet, if it’s really far, we might still take you to the hospital, chief,” Havoc says.
“I don’t wanna,” Ed whines, knowing it is a little childish, but he doesn’t care. He isn’t in the mood for a hospital – granted, he never is, but it’s worse without having Al there.
“Well, you might not get a say,” Havoc counters, luckily not sounding patronizing, but just realistic. “If it looks like it might have messed with your shoulder too much, we’ll have to. Or you’ll be out of commission for even longer.”
That gets Ed to quiet down about it and accept his fate. He can’t afford to waste time being out of commission. They have to get their bodies back. Al has to get his body back.
Hawkeye returns with the med kit and Havoc prepares the needle. Ed pointedly doesn’t look at said needle, trying not to think about it. Stitches are somehow better than shots, but they still suck and not having to see them helps.
Once that is done, Havoc gets in position, warning: “I’m about to get the knife out and your clothes off so I can see the wound. You ready? Need a count down?”
“I’m good, just pull it out,” Ed replies, bracing himself.
Havoc does just that, tugging the knife out of Ed’s body. Now, his pain receptors have admittedly been out of whack ever since he lost his limbs, so only a little stab of pain goes through Ed at the action. Not enough to flinch.
Ed helps Havoc in getting his layers off, feeling the uncomfortable sensation of warm, sticky blood sliding down his back. Ugh, it’s what he hates most about getting injured.
Under instruction of Havoc, Hawkeye puts pressure on the wound, while Havoc puts on some gloves and preps the stuff to clean the wound.
Meanwhile, Mustang is still hovering in a way that Ed isn’t thinking about. The colonel asks: “Are you doing okay? You sure you don’t need the hospital?”
“I’m fine, bastard,” Ed rolls his eyes. “Look, the knife wasn’t that big at all. Was an amateur mugging. I might even have been his first.”
“That’s not at all soothing, Fullmetal,” Mustang sighs, sounding exasperated, fond and exhausted at the same time.
“Who says I’m soothing you, asshole? I got stabbed, shouldn’t you be soothing me?” Ed shoots back.
“Do- do you want me to?” Mustang asks, sounding cautious and uncertain, but like he means it.
It makes something weird twist up inside Ed and he explodes: “Of course I don’t want that, you bastard. Don’t make it weird.”
“You came in with a knife in your back, kid. Pretty sure it’s already weird,” Breda pipes up.
“Oh shut up,” Ed says, though he’s calmed down a little again. “It was a minor stab wound.”
“How can a stab wound be minor?” Falman wonders out loud as Fuery besides him gets even paler as he watches Havoc clean Ed’s wound with alcohol, while the teen only hisses a little bit.
“Is Fuery okay?” Ed asks, once Havoc has put the wipe down again “He’s looking a little pale.”
“I’m good,” the young sargent squeaks, though he proceeds to pass out when Havoc first stabs the needle in Ed’s back.
Ed can relate, needles suck. He has seen too many in his lifetime already and he’s glad he’s not seeing this one. The sensations aren’t that bad and without the visual, it’s easier to ignore the fact that it is a needle.
Mustang watches on, looking a little horrified, but also impressed as he asks: “How are you not even responding right now?”
“It’s just a little prick,” Ed says, barely stopping himself from shrugging. “It’s not like you can really feel it.”
“Most definitely would feel this,” Havoc informs him. “I’ve seen grown men cry, because of stitches. You’re a real tough cookie, chief.”
Ed doesn’t really believe that and sends an incredulous look over his shoulder to Havoc. “Are you sure? I mean, it’s not as bad as the stabbing and I thought that was either because the guy bumped into me or because it was my automail radiating through.”
“Your automail?” Hawkeye asks and if it was anyone other than her, Ed might have gotten defensive or avoidant, honestly.
Instead, he just says: “Yeah, it’s going to rain later, so my ports are reacting to the air pressure or some shit. It can radiate through from the port. Just thought it was that.”
“It gets that bad?” Mustang frowns.
“It’s not bad,” Ed snaps, defenses up again. “I can function just fine. It’s not even raining yet, so I am perfectly okay. I just gotta do my paperwork and then I’m gone again. No need to get all tied up, colonel bastard.”
Mustang doesn’t look like he believes Ed, but he also doesn’t push under the force of Ed’s glare (which pleases him intensely).
“Okay, all done,” Havoc announces from behind, applying a bandage while cutting through the tension.
“Great! Thank you, Havoc,” Ed says, getting up and putting his clothes on again. They’re a little crusty with blood, but a little alchemy fixes that right up. Then he gestures to Mustang: “You were getting my paperwork.”
“Are you sure you’re able to work?” Mustang asks.
“Yes! I am!” Ed explodes again. “It’s just a fucking stabwound, Mustang. It’s fucking nothing, you’re all being so dramatic about it. Just let me do my work so I can get the hell out of here. Not all of us have time to laze around.”
Ed can see in Mustang’s eyes that there’s a war waging inside him. He holds his breath as he waits to see how the colonel will react.
After a moment, Mustang dawns a smug look as he says: “Well, I guess it fits. A small stab wound for a small alchemist.”
That sets Ed off again, but this time, the explosion chafes less. Instead it feels familiar, a well worn melody they’ve played a hundred times. A nice way to be angry and frustrated without needing to be vulnerable. Just what Ed needs to feel like himself again after all the concern that had wafted off of the group.
He ignores how the colonel knows that about him as he follows him into his office, sprawling on the couch to catch up on paperwork.
Later, he’ll get berated by Al for not going to the hospital after he was stabbed and for not taking it easy when his ports hurt. But Ed doesn’t mind, he’ll listen to Al be worried a thousand times over as they ride off to a new lead. He really feels like this one might be it. And no time wasted in East City, the whole goal of the stunt.
And the rest of team Mustang, would never underestimate Ed after that day. They already knew the kid is a little insane, but holy shit, can Fullmetal take a hit. He probably has the highest pain tolerance in that office and all of them know and respect him for it.
Even if it hurts that Ed has already hurt so much that it doesn’t register anymore.
I can’t remember where I saw it, but Havoc as the team medic just rings so true for me, so I had to put it in here xp
Also, if you get stabbed, go to a hospital pls and let people with actual medical knowledge look at it
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caesarinsalata · 6 months
So uh.....
It was meant to be more angsty....and it is, but....it got carried away in the end....
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Sooooo, the story behind this one....
He got in a preeeetty bad fight and it went south quick.
He lost his automail arm, a little more by force.
Which stressed the joint a bit.
As well as the fact that he got a bit roughed up in the process, so he's a little bleedy. 😁
And apparently he didn't clean off before getting into bed.... Or he just got back and stripped, but is still in the active bleeding department....
(also I seem to have 'bulked' him up a bit.... My bad 🤭)
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randombook4idk · 2 years
pov: you caught me thinking about cos edwin
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psuedostar · 23 days
Just thinking about how Ed's automail hurts whenever the weather changes. Not just day to day weather but in extremes, like gloomy rainy days. Or hot humid heat. Either way his ports hurt and body aches.
In the cold the metal starts to freeze and brings down his own body Temperature, along with the fact that metal contracts when cold. His ports would get to tight to walk or move comfortably. Since he's always cold, his immune system goes down and he gets sick more frequently. Frost bite being another big possibility.
In the heat he suffers just as much, his automail heating up and thus the ports heat up his skin making him more susceptible to hypothermia, even heatstrokes and heat rashes (hyperthermia when it gets cold) ,even burning him at times.
Both sides of the coin can also potentially damage his automail. The condensation from the humid heat and the water from frost and snow can lead to the possibility of it rusting his joints and making his automail weaker in combat. Making his reaction time slower due to the bolts and hinges not moving properly.
All these reasons gave me the idea that resembool is the perfect place for him and his automail. The weather doesn't really change, only during rare times of a rainstorm or an unusually hot summer but overall it's a place that's constant. Kinda how Winry is a constant for Ed, with everything else being so hectic and unsure ( the homunculus, the government, foreign royalty, even the possibility of them not being able to get their bodies back) winry and resembool are the things that Ed knows for sure are waiting for him.
It's also where he first was fitted with his new arm and leg. He did his recovery there and so his body has essentially healed and adjusted to the areas conditions. I mean anytime he and Al need to rest or take a break it's usually at resembool, sure it may be for matienence but they feel most at peace there.
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nihidea-art · 8 months
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I spent some time today coming up with my Punk!Ed / MetalhEd's backstory. So of course I had to do a few sketches too! Here's some thoughts
15: he smokes only as a teen, he stops once he lives together with Alphonse. Well, maybe he'll occasionally have one when he's out drinking or something... 17: He gets the blood seal tattooed on his chest, above his heart, pretty much the minute he's emancipated. the octagram represents Protection, Balance, New Beginnings. When he wants to hide his automail, he wears leather gloves, or those gloves with the bones printed on them. 18: platform boots, obviously. 12: angsty pre-teen Ed drowning in guilt over getting Al hurt 21: he doesn't like it, but he can look almost professional if he has to.
I sketched Al too, I'll post him separately though. And if you're curious, I'm happy to talk about this some more 👀 So feel free to ask questions!
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imagines--galore · 10 months
Summary: The brothers finally come home.
Pairing: Edward Elric x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Family.
A/N: @infj08pellizzari​ This is for you! Hope you enjoy it!!!
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You liked to believe you were born under an unlucky star. It had to be that and no other explanation.
Granny Pinako had told you the story. Of how your mother had stumbled to the Rockbell’s door, in labor and with no one else with her. Being doctors as well as the kind people that they were, Yuriy and Sarah Rockbell had rushed to help her. That labor had been long and hard, but in the end they were able to deliver you safe and sound. 
However, the same could not be said about your mother.
She died due to complications during birth and was buried in a nearby cemetery. You still visited her from time to time and left flowers there, wandering what kind of woman she had been.
Seeing as you had no one to claim you, and with the Ishvalan War ravaging the country, the Rockbells didn’t want you to get lost in the system by the government. So, they decided to adopt you and raise you alongside their biological daughter Winry, who was only a year older then you were.
You were treated and loved the same as Winry, who was excited about the prospect of a baby sister. You grew up healthy and strong, and from an early age showed an interest in your adopted parent’s profession.
While Winry was the automail lover in the family, you were fascinated by the human body and how you could help to fix it. Under your parents tutelage, you showed great promise in becoming a doctor, or even a surgeon if you wanted.
Life was happy and carefree. Full of love, laughter, friends and family.
But a dark cloud was looming over the horizon. And it would cast a shadow over you that would effect you your entire life.
The first sign of trouble came in the form of your best friends, Edward and Alphonse’s father leaving them. 
Within the same year, they lost their mother to the plague. You were devastated for both boys, whom you had known since you were able to walk. It hurt to see them so sad. You and Winry made a pact to look after them as best as you could.
But the tragedy did not stop there.
You were eight years old and Winry was nine when the news came about your parents demise.
How they had been killed in cold blood while helping a few Ishvalan citizens who were injured. Winry had hugged you and cried and cried, then again you were no better. You were lucky enough to have Granny with you, but that still didn’t help ease the pain that you had been orphaned a second time in your life.
It had to be some cruel trick no?
The both of you copped in different ways.
Winry threw herself into perfecting her automail craft and becoming a brilliant automail engineer for miles around. You on the other hand, took to studying your parents books for long long hours. Devouring every text in their small library, before ordering for more book via mail.
This was your way of being close to them, of keeping their memories alive. At times you could almost feel them standing behind you guiding your hands as you tended to a sick or injured individual who came to your home. It didn’t take long for you and Winry to gain a reputation. Granny was extremely proud saying that your parents legacies of helping people would live on in both of you.
And when Edward and Alphonse returned from their alchemy training, the little hole in your heart began to mend. The four of you, plus Granny and later Den your dog, were like a family. You would all eat together and play together. 
Though you were the third oldest of your group, with Alphonse being the youngest by a few months, that didn’t stop you from stepping up and taking charge when the situation asked for it.
You would be there to take care of Winry when she would work through the nights to create an automail. Ready with food and water or whatever else she needed. She was your sister, your best friend and the both of you loved each other like anything. For Alphonse you always helped him wherever you could. Given his kind nature, you were always ready to defend him should he get into a fight at school. On more then once occasion you had returned from school from a fight after having punched a bully who was making fun of Alphonse. He was your little brother and you protected him fiercely. 
And as for Edward?
The both of you shared the same protective streak when it came to your siblings. So it was no surprise that the both of you bonded over that. But it was more then that at times. You tried your best to be strong for Winry. She had always been kind and sensitive and allowed her emotions to rule her, just as Alphonse did. There was a certain innocence about her that needed to be protected. And you stood as a wall in front of your sister to protect her from it. You tended to hide your real feelings most of the time.
But when you were with Edward? Even at nine years old, you would share everything with him. From the smallest of thought that occurred to you during the day, to your most recent book of surgery. Edward was the same with you. He would share his own findings about alchemy and everything that was on his mind. It was no surprise that the both of you were best friends.
You told each other everything.
So when he and Alphonse performed human transmutation to try and bring their mother back, you were shocked to say the least.
But that part came later.
The part that shocked you the most was finding a suit of armor standing at your door and carrying a bloodied Edward.
An Edward who was missing an arm and leg.
You spent the entire night with Granny, tending to Edward and making sure his wounds did not get infected and were closed properly. Not to mention he had lost so much blood that he had to be monitored.
Once he was stable, Alphonse had told you what had happened. What they had tried to do.
And all you could do, was stare at the near comatose state of your best friend and wander where had you failed him?
Where had you failed as a best friend to have not picked up on something so important.
The question stayed with you for a long time. Years almost.
In those years, Edward began to use automail for his missing arm and leg. He also became a State Alchemist. And though you were proud of his accomplishment, and of his new mission of gaining back his and Al’s body, the question continued to haunt you.
Where there had been closeness, there was now always a gap between the both of you since that fateful day.
It was only ever picked up on when the both of you were in one another’s company. And since the brothers traveled so much no one really picked up on it. Or so you thought.
After the whole fiasco up North, you and Winry had to be smuggled away to be kept safe. It wasn’t easy, wandering around the countryside to keep out of the hands of the enemy. Enemy you still had no idea about since the brothers refused to tell both you and Winry much.
All you knew was that they were extremely dangerous. And if either Winry or you fell into their hands, they would use you both to draw out the two brothers. 
One of them, Kimblee, had already held you hostage, to try and get Edward to cooperate. Luckily you had been saved, but the haunting look in Edward’s eyes, the utter fear in his features lingered in your mind day and night.
You had been passing by Resembool when the urge to return home had risen within you. So, you had done the smart thing. You had left your sister with a note before sneaking out into the night and made your way towards home.
Of course you hadn’t been expecting Edward to be there. Along with some new people. But you didn’t care about them. Edward was your main concern.
And considering the last you had heard of him had been rumors about him falling to his death you had all but tackled him in a hug that had him nearly turning blue. One of the Edward’s friends, Ling or Greed or was it Greedling?, had called you Edward’s girlfriend, and how he never stopped talking about you.
The accidental confession had you blushing slightly, though it was nothing compared to the amount of blood that rushed to Edward’s face. You were almost afraid he would faint, or punch the man in the face. But he did neither.
Instead he took your hand and led you out of the house to get a little privacy.
Once the both of you were at a safe distance to avoid being overheard he finally turned to you.
And he did not look happy.
“What’re you doing here without any guards, Y/n? You know how dangerous it is for you to be alone. And where’s Winry?” You sighed, knowing this was going to be a long conversation. “Winry is fine, she’s with the guards. They’ll probably get here in a day or so and well.....” You suddenly felt a little unsure of your decision to come here. “I came back early because I-I missed home.” You finally admitted, raising your head to glance in the direction of the house from where you had just come from.
Though there were hardly any lights on, the house still looked open and welcoming. Because it was home.
Tears stung your eyes and you tried your best to wipe them away not wanting Edward to see but he did anyway. A feeling of guilt bubbled in his chest as he watched you. “I’m sorry. I know its because of me that you, Winry and Granny had to leave and go into hiding.” He said, to which you quickly shook your head. “No, Ed! Its not your fault. Its whoever is looking to hurt you through us. Its their fault.” You proclaimed passionately. Though that simmered down rather quickly as you turned your gaze towards the heavens to look at the stars that twinkled down at the both of you.
“Sometimes, I just wish that things could go back to what they were.” You admitted. “You. Me. Winry. Alphonse. Granny. My parents. Your mother. Life was so simple back then. None of us knew just how much we would appreciate it.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around yourself. “If I could go back I would do it in a heartbeat. You were so happy. We were all so happy.” Even with Edward standing right behind you, you couldn’t help but feel.....alone.
So alone.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear or feel when Edward moved towards you. His arms came up to wrap around your torso, trapping your arms in the process. A startled gasp fell from your lips. You felt him lean his forehead against the back of your head. There was a momentary pause, where your brain seemed to wander when he had gotten so tall. But that was completely lost in the haze of feelings that took over your very soul as you shifted your own arms to wrap around his, squeezing them closer as you drew comfort from his embrace.
“I promise life will be happy again Y/n.” He whispered softly, his breath tickling the back of your neck. “We will all be happy.”
Despite the crushing weight of despair that had threatened you a few moments ago, in Edward’s arms, you felt at peace.
Since that night under the stars, you had begun to harbor a warmth within you. A warmth that only seemed to grow each time you thought about Edward. He had to leave soon afterwards, but not before promising, once more, to come back safe and sound.
It had been months since you had seen him or Alphonse, or even heard from them. Normally it would alarm you, but you had faith in your boys. Winry certainly did. 
On the plus side the both of you had shifted back to Resembool. Granny too. But with protection. The two guards were still around to make sure no stranger came along, but it proved to be a little difficult since your home served as your base of operations as an automail workshop and a makeshift hospital.
You had gotten rather good at treating people. And were even thinking of giving the exam that would have you earning the license you needed to become a professional doctor.
Which was exactly what you were doing that day. You had gone out early to post your application, and would probably hear back from them in a week or so. During your walk back, you marveled the countryside as it bloomed in the spring. The wind played with your hair and you could hear Den barking in the distance, probably playing.
A smile pulled at your lips as home came into view. There were three figures outside, something you could make out form the distance. One of them was Winry and the other two? 
As you drew closer, as your vision cleared, your eyes widened. Where you had been walking you slowly began to hasten your steps. One after the other. Until you were running.
Before crashing straight into the arms of both Edward and Alphonse Elric.
You were sobbing tears of joy as you held the brothers close, as you kissed the top of Alphonse’s head and held his face in your hands to look at him closely. “Its you! Its really you! Oh! Alphonse! You’re back little brother!” You wiped at your tears before hugging him once more. Alphonse returned the hug just as fiercely as it was given.
“Hey he’s not the only one who got his body back!”
So maybe Ed was feeling a little left out.
You turned from Alphonse to look at Ed flexing his very human hand. With one arm around Alphonse, you reached out with your other to grasp Edward’s human hand and smiled at him. So full of hope and joy that Edward returned the smile with a tender one of his own. And as he intertwined your fingers together, Winry moved to throw her other arm around Alphonse and smiled through her own tears as they all simply sat there and basked in one another’s presence.
The house was quiet. Everyone had gone to bed. You stood in the doorway of Alphonse’s room, your gaze gentle as you watched the younger boy sleep. He was truly there. Well and truly there and your heart felt as if it would burst with happiness.
“Couldn’t sleep?” A voice from behind made you look up at Edward and give a small shrug. He too came to stand beside you. Your gaze flitted to his newly restored hand and you couldn’t help yourself as you reached out to hold it again. “I feel like I’m dreaming. That any moment I’ll wake up.” You admitted, not looking away from where your hand held his.
His grip around your palm tightened, but only slightly. “You and me both.” Edward admitted with a soft laugh. “But if this is a dream.” He turned to look at you the same time you did. Your eyes met, and you felt that warmth within you surge to a roaring flame.
“I don’t want to wake up.”
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stray-kaz · 4 months
Rest and Recuperation : an Edward Elric x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: It's been two months.
18+ only
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The scenery fled on the other side of the window, but you saw none of it as the train thundered along its tracks, your head leaning solidly on Ed's shoulder as you slept. He held your hand in his lap, stroking the back of it, keeping the skin warm.
"Lucky" Al said quietly, from his seat opposite.
A tiny smile tipped the corners of Ed's mouth and he nodded.
"I'm aware."
The green and gold outside the window was replaced suddenly by the black and greys of the station and the train slowed to a grumbling halt. Ed nudged you gently with his shoulder and murmured your name, tapping the back of your hand.
"Hey. We're here. Time to get up, pretty girl."
You blinked your eyes open and shifted away from his shoulder, your hand tingling slightly from his soft finger strokes. You stood up, swaying slightly, and Ed hurried to stand behind you, using his body to keep you from falling.
"Still tired?" he murmured in your ear. "Come on. Rooms are waiting."
You nodded and Ed led you off the train by your fingertips, Al two steps behind, always at your back.
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The walk to the tiny hotel wasn't a long one, but you were weary by the end of it, tired of hurting and being hurt in return. Al walked slowly to his room and you and Ed retired to your shared one, a bed barely bigger than a single waiting for you pushed against the wall.
Ed glanced at your tired face, then dropped to his good knee to busy himself unlacing your boots. You protested immediately.
"Ed, I can do it. Stop that."
He just shook his head and continued, before reaching up and unbuttoning your pants, inching them down until they piled in a heap around your feet. When he straightened, rocking a little on his automail leg, you lifted your hands to his shoulders and gently pushed his red coat down and off his arms, letting it drop next to your pants.
Ed sat down heavily on the edge of the bed and tugged his boots off. You flicked the light off and the room sank into quiet darkness, aside from the sliver of light beneath the closed door. You heard the soft shuffle of Ed climbing under the covers and you made your careful way to the bed to join him, sliding beneath the cool sheet and immediately tossing a leg over him.
Ed chuckled as you shifted nearer and rested your head against his shoulder, much like how you had on the train. The quiet sound shuddered away a little as you ran a hand up his stomach under his shirt and traced the smooth lines of his collarbone.
"Hey" he chided gently. "You're exhausted. Stop that. You're human temptation, pretty girl."
In response, you leaned up and kissed him lightly, feeling his mouth soften under yours and his resolve melt away. He stroked his gloved hand down your back, protecting you from the cold chill of metal directly on your skin.
"You need to rest" he mumbled against your lips, a weak protest.
You eased yourself over on top of him, caging his right thigh between yours and helplessly rocking against him.
"You could help me fall asleep" you murmured back. "Please, Edward?"
Ed scoffed, but slowly slid his right hand off your back down to your hip, swirling smooth circles on the skin either side of your underwear waistband. The glove material was warm on your skin, his touch encouraging, and you kissed him again, gratefully, as your tired body rubbed and throbbed against his.
After thirty seconds, Ed grumbled and dragged himself upright against the pillows, pulling you into his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you wriggled into position, sighing when you felt him hard underneath you, only a few layers of fabric separating. Your vision blurred from tiredness, but you pressed your lips to his, determined to feel good with him before you lost consciousness.
You rocked and whined in his ear, heat barrelling through you, headed south as you ground your covered heat over his covered cock.
Ed breathed hard, one hand gently gripping the back of your neck, the other braced on your ass, unable to keep from bucking up into you in return, his slender hips slotting perfectly between your thighs as they spread open over him. Even with his pants still on, he could feel the warmth of you, the desperation of your hands tugging tight in his hair.
Your hands that were loosening their grip. In fact, you had stopped moving on him entirely, and he felt himself throb in indignation, unsated.
"Hey, pretty girl" he said softly. "Hey..."
He gently pulled your head away from his shoulder and smiled knowingly when he saw your flushed yet sleeping face, eyes closed and lips parted slightly. He ran a fingertip from your temple down to the corner of your mouth and kissed your nose.
"I knew it" he said softly, careful not to wake you. "I knew you were too tired."
Ed carefully slid down the bed with one arm wrapped around you and eased you over onto your side, curled into a question mark. He reached down and drew the covers up over you, fitting himself neatly into the spaces you left empty for him. He closed his eyes and dreamed.
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Watery sunlight stretched its fingers over your face early in the morning, stroking at your skin and urging you to wake. You rubbed at your eyes, batting the light away unsuccessfully.
A quiet rushing sound stopped abruptly and you realised it was the shower turning off. You propped yourself up on your elbows, gaze trained on the bathroom door, just before the door handle pulled down from the other side and the barrier opened, Ed stepping through, one hand scrubbing idly at his damp hair, the other holding onto the towel settled dangerously low around his hips.
Your sleepy eyes widened and the memory of last night's almost shot a dart of heat down in between your legs.
Your voice was husky with sleep and desire, and he glanced at you in some surprise. You tended to only call him by his full name when you wanted him, but he thought you would have forgotten last night in your stupor. But now, considering your gaze had zeroed in on the skin around his navel, he guessed he had been incorrect.
"Good morning" he said, offering you a small smile before sauntering easily past the bed and out of your reach. "Did you sleep well?"
He stood several feet away from you and loosely plaited his hair while you watched, pink cheeked, eyes flicking down every few seconds to his towel, which kept threatening to give up cinching his hips and fall.
Ed raised an eyebrow at you as you continued to stare at him but say nothing. He said your name and you jerked your attention to his face.
His lips tilted in a faint smirk. It drove you nuts.
"I asked if you slept well. You seem to have lost your voice, pretty girl."
You crawled to the edge of the bed and swiped at him, but he backed just out of reach again, towel slipping down another inch.
"I slept fine" you grumbled. "Come here, please."
"Hmm, why? You need something? Are you hungry? I can bring you something back while you shower -"
He stopped talking when you threw yourself off the bed and at him, slinging your arms eagerly around his neck. You pressed your face against his skin, damp heat pushing back against you, the warm scent of him cloying your senses and making it hard to think.
Ed settled his hands on your waist, thumbs smoothing up and down beneath the worn hem of your t-shirt.
"Hi" he murmured. "You okay, pretty girl?"
You shook your head slowly, realising then that just about your entire body was quivering with need, the touch of his skin on yours ricocheting like fireworks in your brain.
"I want you now" you mumbled into his neck, water drops from his shower slicking your lips. "But if you don't, if you're annoyed about what happened last night..."
You trailed off as his gentle human hand tipped your chin up so he could see your eyes. His were warm, molten, concerned.
"What gave you that idea?" he asked, his deep voice cracking a little.
"You dancing around, avoiding me" you answered promptly. "Sure looks like you don't want to, Ed Elric."
He winced and shook his head, sighing before he pressed his lips to your forehead.
"Nah" he said softly.
"Then why?"
He huffed a tiny laugh and kissed you right between your eyes.
"You're real cute when you're horny" he whispered. "Just curious to see how long it would last before you hit me or took matters into your own hands."
You flushed hotter; he could feel it, burning against his mouth.
"I don't do that" you muttered. "That's what you're for."
His lips curved into a grin.
"I know."
Before you could fluster or give up entirely, he kissed you. Soft and slow to start, just how he knew you liked it. Exactly how he knew it blanked your brain and left you reliant on him for care and pleasure, just how he liked it.
He wrapped his automail arm around your waist, dimly aware of your hands sneaking into his plait and slowly undoing it so you could rake your fingers through his hair and find purchase against the back of his neck. Your heart thumped hard against your ribs, shaking its cage, and the air in the room grew warmer, contrasting the cool metal pressed against your back.
Ed began to walk you slowly backwards to the bed, but before he could sit you down, you pivoted and gently pushed him down instead, recreating your position from the night before and straddling him, the damp fabric of his towel catching between you. He looked up at you, brown eyes wide.
"How long's it been?" he mumbled, feeling an ache build beneath the towel.
Hands on his shoulders, settling on top of him with a quiet sigh of relief, you thought back, counting through all the squandered nights and interrupted opportunities in your mind.
"About two months" you told him.
His mouth dropped open and he blinked rapidly in shock.
"Excuse me?" he demanded. "Are you kidding?"
You shook your head, slowly grinding on him.
"Nope. There's never enough time."
Ed's eyebrows rose.
"Not even for a quickie?"
You snorted and kissed him, shaking your head, your fingers tracing the edges of his jaw.
"Not even" you mumbled against his mouth. "Which is why you should take the towel off and get moving."
Ed scraped your bottom lip between his teeth before parting just long enough to tug your shirt off over your head, deft fingers searching for your bra clasp and finding success quickly. You gasped as the support disappeared and he flicked you a triumphant grin as he covered your breasts with both hands, then dragged his thumbs across your nipples.
"You're not the boss of me" he teased. "I do what I want, pretty girl."
You cupped his jaw and drew him back to your waiting mouth, feeling his smile before it melted away into a soft sound of want. You lowered one hand down past his stomach to the top of the towel, hooking your fingers below it and tugging gently. A gentle hand wrapped around your wrist, stilling it. You opened your eyes and looked into Ed's, expectant and curious.
"Is something wrong?" you asked him; he shook his head at you. "Then what is it? Two months is ages, Edward, and I want you. Please."
His soft eyes darkened and he trailed his gaze down from your face, past the valley between your breasts, the soft plane of your stomach, and paused it on the red cotton peeking from between your thighs.
"This is too fast" he murmured. "You won't be ready yet."
You pouted, disappointed, but the pout quickly vanished, your lips parting on a choked gasp as Ed lifted your hips with his metal hand and slid the other into your underwear, gentle fingers searching for telltale wet. He sighed into your shoulder at the feel of you, but carefully pulled his hand free and shook his head slowly.
"Not ready, pretty girl" he said softly.
You sighed shakily, trying to ignore the tears threatening at the corners of your eyes, biting hard into your lower lip. But then he grasped your chin with his fingers and looked you dead in the eyes, the expression in his eyes taking your breath away.
"On your back" he ordered quietly.
Surprised, shivers quaking through you, you did as you were told, swinging off his lap and onto your back on the bed, your head hitting the worn pillow no more than a second before Ed was on his knees, the fingers of both hands yanking at the sides of your underwear. He tossed them behind him, pushed your legs up and lay flat on his stomach, his good hand reaching for yours to hold before he thumbed you open and lowered his mouth to you.
You panted and your free hand wove itself into his hair, a ponytail around your wrist. He kissed and licked and sucked at you, cautiously avoiding your most sensitive areas, even his nose barely brushing your clit as he worked you over. His sole intention was to make you as wet as possible, not to make you come; that could happen later.
You gripped his blond hair, screams building behind your teeth. It made you wild whenever he did this, but having him do it and not allow you to come was making it more difficult to cope with.
"Ed...Edward" you moaned, desperate. "Please."
He pulled away, leaning into the hand clutching his hair and faintly smiling.
"Please what, pretty girl" he murmured, leaning back down to press his lips to your inner thigh; you twitched violently.
"Get up here" you growled, tugging on his hair.
He grinned and obeyed, but not before pulling the towel away, swiping it over his mouth and dropping it on the floor. Your gaze flicked down, your jaw unhinging slightly. Two gentle fingers pressed beneath your chin to ease your head back up. Ed was still grinning.
"My eyes are up here."
You flushed and he lowered to press his lips to the middle of your forehead, your eyes slowly closing and fingers loosening in his hair. He kissed your eyelids, earning a fluttery gasp and a hand curling tightly around his automail shoulder. Ed smiled and kissed from one cheek to the other, before eventually returning to your waiting lips, parting and eager, rushing out an excited moan when his mouth brushed over yours.
"It's okay" he said quietly, rubbing his nose against yours. "I love the way you look at me."
You mewled a little in response and tipped your head back, baring your throat. Ed chuckled and reached down to ease your legs up, gasping a little when the tip of his cock bumped against you, now that nothing was in the way. He slid in easily, attaching his mouth to your throat and muffling his moan against your skin. He began to thrust immediately, enthralled.
You clung to him, already wrapped up in pleasure as his hips rocked into yours and the edges of his teeth scraped your throat.
"You're ready now" he panted against your skin. "Hey, pretty girl? You know how wet you are now? You feel me in there? Feel better now?"
His soft words fell on desperate ears and you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, your muscles clamping around him in response. Ed groaned and pushed you up the bed, both his hands pressing down hard into the worn mattress. The stuffing threatened to burst through as his metal fingers creaked with pressure.
He filled you up neatly, the perfect stretch and pressure, his hips slotted easily against yours, each blunt impact forcing your eyes back in your head. You dragged your nails down his back and he arched, whining into your ear.
"You trying to mark me?" he grunted, lowering his head again to nip at the shell of your ear. "Don't worry, everyone knows you're mine."
Your eyes opened wide, lit up.
"Fullmetal Alchemist!" you gasped.
He lifted up to meet your eyes, his hips pulled back for a moment. You ached with emptiness immediately.
"What?" he asked.
You grinned a little dazedly, raising your hips to try and take him in again.
"I love you, tiny Alchemist" you murmured, reaching up to stroke hair away from his damp forehead.
Ed rolled his eyes, thrusting sharply back inside you, eliciting a happy moan. He soaked in your dopey smile at the feel of him plunging deep and shook his head.
"I'll show you tiny" he griped, and kissed you deeply, his tongue reaching to touch yours.
You whimpered as he pressed deep into you, pausing to grind his hips slowly in one spot, making you gasp loudly and shut your eyes hard.
"Edward Elric...Fullmetal Alchemist...I, ohh, I love you, I love you. Please don't stop!" you begged.
He smiled against your mouth before slowly trailing a molten path with his lips over to your ear, drawing a series of shivers out of you.
"I won't" he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your lobe. "And I love you more, pretty girl."
You rolled your eyes and intended to argue, but a slow, deep thrust inside you knocked the words clean out of your head.
"Right there" you mumbled, only just able to string the two words together. "Give me... Don't stop."
But it had been two months. Two months of being pent up, interrupted, and hung out to dry. Two months of not being enveloped in you, held close and pulsing. Ed was quickly becoming desperate, eager to drive you to the edge of ecstasy and fling himself over with you. He was hard and already leaking, eager to fill you full.
He mumbled your name, and his voice cracked at the end. He caught your attention, stilling his bruising thrusts to force your eyes open, accusing gaze fixed on his blown out brown eyes. He knew you needed him, wanted to be bullied into the creaking bed for an hour, but he just didn't think he could do that this morning. He kissed the tip of your nose and smiled anxiously, his eyes big and dark.
"I need you to come for me" he said, a little breathlessly. "You gotta come, pretty girl. You gotta come on my cock, or I'm gonna die."
Your eyes widened and you nodded quickly.
"Okay! What are you going to - oh. Oh."
He wriggled his good hand down between your bodies, his thumb landing on your clit, the rough pad sparking stars behind your eyelids as they shuttered. Your thighs hugged his hips until the pleasure became too much and your legs fell away. Ed continued moving in and out of you, his pace losing focus, becoming unsteady and uncontrolled.
He looked down at you, your whole body shaking under his onslaught, and leaned down to drag a taut nipple into his mouth, swiping his tongue over it and suckling gently. You sucked in a sharp breath before letting it go slowly, your breathing uneven as you met his liquid gaze, his mouth busy, his eyes hot.
As he worked your body into a frenzy, you felt suddenly stricken, all of a sudden aware of the knot forming in your lower belly, pulling down between your legs. It tightened with every thrust, every swipe of his thumb, every flick of his clever tongue.
"Edward..." you whimpered, warning.
He stared at you, saw your gaze turn inward, away from him. He pulled away from your breast and lowered his mouth to yours, murmuring words of praise seconds before you came apart, gripping his cock like your life depended on it.
Ed felt his eyes roll back as he sucked hard on your tongue and let go, pouring himself into you. You clenched around him again, not letting him go, and his hips jerked against you, a low moan slipping past his lips. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his shoulder, felt him shudder again.
"Okay, pretty girl?" he mumbled, pressing his face into the damp curve of your neck.
"Mhmm" you hummed back.
Ed breathed deeply, returning much needed oxygen to his lungs. You felt him press a smile to your jaw.
"Wanna shower with me?"
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Freshly showered, you and Ed met with Al downstairs for breakfast. You were uncomfortably aware of him watching you intently, and eventually, you gave up pretending to ignore him and spun, glowering.
"What, Al?" you demanded. "What is it? Why are you staring at me?"
Heavy metal shoulders shrugged.
"You're walking funny" he said. "Are you injured?"
You turned away, hiding your burning flushed face, while Ed stood off to the side, head thrown back, laughing.
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Tagging: @writingmysanity
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Edward Elric Whump - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
1x01 Fullmetal Alchemist: Stabbed in the shoulder, hospitalized 1x02 The First Day: Loses leg and arm, bleeding out, wheelchair, emotional 1x05 Rain of Sorrows: Arm destroyed, weak, emotional 1x06 Road of Hope: Limbs painfully reatached 1x08 The Fifth Laboratory: Stabbed multiple times, bleeding out, dizzy, weak, beaten, knocked out, hospitalized 1x09 Created Feelings: Slapped, emotional episode, traumatic flashback, GUILT 1x12 One is All, All is One: Nightmare, flashback: abandoned, disgusted, emotional for ants 1x13 Beasts of Dublith: Beaten up, bleeding 1x14 Those Who Lurk Underground: Bandaged & bruised 1x15 Envoy From the East: Bandaged, arm taken off 1x20 Father Before the Grave: Guilt, nightmare, storm hurts automail, horrible aches, throws up multiple times 1x21 Advance of the Fool: Playing bait, rock to the head, bleeding 1x24-26 (Inside the Belly to Reunion): Swallowed 1x26 Reunion: Emotional, weak, giving up,collapse, unconscious, eaten again/eaten inceptio/eaten in an eat/swallowed x2/give him a break, hurt arm 1x28 Father: Exhausted, crushed by greed, arm locked 1x33 The Northern Wall of Briggs: Automail aches/being frozen, held at gunpoint 1x35 The Shape of This Country: Imprisoned 1x36 Family Portrait: Intense hostage situation 1x38 Conflict at Baschool: Tired 1x41 The Abyss: Choked by chimera, falls, caught in building collapse, impaled, intense blood loss, passes out, dying, extreme pain, tries to walk, collapse, unconscious 1x44 Revving at Full-throttle: Taken "hostage" 1x47 Emissary of Darkness: In danger from pride & gluttony 1x48 The Oath in the Tunnel: Fighting pride, exhausted 1x52 Combined Strength: Trapped, almost killed 1x57-59 (Eternal Leave to Lost Light): Captured in front of his friends 1x59 Lost Light: Sliced cheek, forcefully restrained 1x61 He Who Would Swallow God: Beaten, tortured 1x62 A Fierce Counterattack: Weak, choked, pinned by barbed wire, bleeding, in danger 1x63 The Other Side of the Gateway: Emotional
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fma-03lric · 6 months
Imagine Hughes brings Elicia to work one day and leads her to Roy's office to visit. Ed's there too, likely revising some report. And she is just the biggest fan of him so she's always super excited to see him. She wiggles outta Maes' arms and plops down meanwhile her dad is invested in teasing Roy abt getting married or whatever. Ed is so wrapped up with his grumblings that he doesn't notice Elicia's hurried little steps as she sprints to hug his leg. The metal one. She crashes into it and falls to the floor in a heap sobbing. Hughes snaps to look at her, sees his little girl on the ground in pain and Ed confused and worried. So he directs his anger towards him and starts yelling at Edward. And Ed's like "I didn't do anything! I'm sorry! She ran into my leg!!" And in his anger Maes doesn't think abt how Edward's leg is literally metal so he dismisses that as any explanation at all.
Ed would just feel so so guilty whether he was at fault or not. He would take great care with his automail around fragile and cute things. Ultimately though, he'd break and hurt them unintentionally and it'd eat at him. Make him afraid of getting close to things he could potentially ruin. There would be like an internal struggle in him. It'd leave him behaving inconsistently bc he can't bring himself to completely separate himself from those things, so he confuses others too.
just another fun scenario that bounces from corner to corner in my skull space idk.
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batshieroglyphics · 2 months
FICLET: Those Quiet, Lazy Days ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Teen
Title: Those Quiet, Lazy Days Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: established relationship, chronic pain, post-canon Prompt: From @pingistam, Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, weather/comfort Summary: Neither Roy nor Ed particularly enjoy cold weather, but they've got good at taking care of each other.
Ed, Roy saw as he gingerly slipped the gloves on, had wrapped himself in a blanket, the collar of his favourite jumper just visible at the top. "Cold?" he guessed. Ed grimaced, then jerked his head towards the window, outside of which, Roy realised, he could hear rain. Or, more likely, sleet, given how cold it had been. "Achy," he admitted. Roy nodded and, gloves on, stood. "Do you think you can manage to clean out the fireplace?" Because some days 'achy' meant more mobility than others. Ed clearly thought about it for a moment, then nodded and left the room, automail foot 'thunk, thunk'ing on the hardwood, while his socked real foot made no sound at all. Which wasn't a bad sign; if Ed was really hurting, he'd gentle the steps of his automail foot, said the reverberations made the aches worse.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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royedismyaesthetic · 10 months
I have another soulmate AU that I typed up for RoyEd week, but it just dawned upon me that another good AU would be a pain sharing soulmate AU. When your soulmate is in physical pain, you feel that same pain, but only for a relatively brief amount of time. That way, you can better empathize with and help your soulmate when they are hurt. I love seeing characters in pain… Pain sharing means double the pain. Double the fun!
Roy would spend the first fourteen or fifteen years of his life thinking that his soulmate is doing well and is taking good care of themselves. But no. His soulmate just hasn’t been born yet. And oh boy, does Roy have a rough road ahead of him, because Ed is eventually gonna get automail surgery and just gets hurt all the time in general. (I feel like even though Edward wouldn’t know who his soulmate is just yet, he would worry about his soulmate whenever he causes them pain or feels their pain. Or he would get annoyed and be like, "Really?! You hit your elbow again?! Stop being such a klutz!")
On the other hand, Edward would feel when Roy is skewered by Lust and also when Roy's hands are stabbed by King Bradley. He would also feel whenever Roy is hungover, so that's fun. Lots of papercuts too.
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whump-princess · 5 months
One whumpy thing I enjoyed as a youngster was in full metal alchemist when Ed loses his leg and arm of course but especially when he gets his automail/ gets it repaired and it’s HURTS 😮‍💨
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fma03envy · 1 year
Thinking about Ed and Al and themes of appearances/body vs maturity...
Thinking about how young Ed probably looked as a state alchemist at 12, especially given how small he is at his age, especially next to Al. How annoyed he always is at people underestimating him or calling him short. How sometimes the facade breaks a bit and you can see that the annoyance is partly exaggerated on his part (see: Ed laughing along with Elisa when she comments about his height. Pinako basically going "wow he doesn't get the joke huh :/" when Armstrong takes issue with Ed yelling at Pinako for calling him short). The "you have to grow up some time" thing with Psiren and how she goes back and forth between talking about Ed like a child vs an adult to be creepy and he has no real idea how to react and by the end of the episode is still uncertain/doesn't conceptualize how gross she was being. Nina at 12 vs Marcoh at 15; "I may not have grown an inch since then but I can't let my heart stay stunted!"
Al's height and how big and "imposing" he's looked since he was 10 and how people so often treat him more like an adult than Edward. The scene in Resembool where young Winry is gawking at Al's new form. "Brother, am I scary?" on the train to Central, where Al wanted to become a state alchemist to help Ed but couldn't take on that role due to the form he was in. Nina asking if Al's armor is heavy and him saying it's ok because he's strong. Al being mistaken for Ed's father and Ed being amused about it. Mustang and co mocking Ed and calling him childish after the fight with Scar, and Ed being unhappy but Al rejoicing at being treated like a child, in his eyes for the first time since he got his armor. (The idea of being a child is being associated both with protection/not everything being on you and a lack of autonomy). Al awkwardly apologizing to Rose/Ross+Brosh/etc for Ed's immaturity because being falsely assumed to be in a more adult position makes him feel obligated to act like he is (the Fullmetal Alchemist must protect his little brother; no one seems to know which one the Fullmetal Alchemist is)
Ed making a point of staying quiet during his automail attachment when most adults apparently scream because at least he has a human body, unlike Al; each Elric brother wanting to get the other's body back first because each feels responsible for the other's state, even though Al's condition is far more grave (both see maturity/taking responsibility as nearly indistinguishable from self-sacrifice?) (Reflected also in Ed trading his arm for Al in the first place?)
The scene where Ed accidentally hits Al in the face with a teacup, and because Al doesn't have expressions/can't feel it, for a second you wonder if he'll just brush it off, until you hear the distress in his voice. The way before Ed can really acknowledge this or apologize Ross comes in and calls Ed a child (just like her first impression of him by appearance that he wants to surpass) as a way of criticizing his denial about the stone (as such implying that Al in opposing him was modeling what it was to be an adult/authority; her first impression of him by appearance). And Ed relents while Al stays quiet in the background for the rest of the scene. (How this probably further reinforced the "being childlike is when you burden people and maturity is when you get hurt in another's name" thing in both brothers' minds)
(I'm just noticing Themes here more than trying to be coherent; I'm nowhere near done with my rewatch yet so I know for a fact that there are other parts to this I haven't gotten to yet)
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livuvur · 1 year
Favorite Edwin moment? Either 03 or BH?
Oh god that's a hard one... Considering I love every moment the two of them are on screen together but I will try, (also note I'm not including the most well-known, iconic moments aka gun scene/proposal, etc.) Just to keep the variety a little, I'm gonna focus more on moments that I believe have very high significance to their relationship but simply don't get talked about nearly enough. (Not in particular order)
1. This moment, especially in the manga makes me very very soft, in the page before this one we see ed being all miserable by himself, he goes to call winry (who is also being all miserable by herself) and I really do love the approach of this moment as it is not Ed trying to comfort Winry after Hughes' death nor bringing up the topic at all, since he himself doesn't know what else he could say about it, on top of the fact that he feels responsible for what happened to him, instead, he just tries to make sure winry doesn't go without eating because it would do her no good, and attempts to leave, but then she just takes his hand and leads him into her room and his face as she does so is just so utterly adorable... I love how soft that panel is, and how despite Ed not being one to comfort her she is still non-verbally asking him to stay, because she needs him by her side in those moments, and his presence alone is enough, and then, despite how he had just eaten he still accepts the apple pie Winry made because she put so much of her heart and her effort into it. And once he sees the tears gathering in her eyes he is simply physically incapable of saying no to her.
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2. I think I've talked about these panels before on here, something very interesting to me is how the first panel shows ed admitting he always saw Winry as someone so upbeat and cheerful, to the point it is easy for him to forget how much pain she's actually been internalizing the whole time, and then scolding himself for not understanding her feelings at all. And then you have Winry seeing right through Ed, saying she knows he is just trying hard to be tough (and that he is an idiot, *cough*). The thing is, Winry has seen Ed at his worst, she was there taking care of both him and Al when they had lost everything and Ed was struggling under the weight of his guilt and pain, she saw him crying and sobbing everyday, she even mentions that at nights he just couldn't stop moaning from the pain and fever automail caused him. And on the other hand, Ed had been thinking quite the opposite about Winry, because she was always there being a rock for both him and Al even after having lost her family herself, she was there, always smiling for them and supporting his every step with such strenght he couldn't even imagine she was simultaneously grieving as well. Ed always saw Winry's strenght, but she always knew his weakness all too well.
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3. Self-explanatory, I'm a sucker for edwin parallels: she thinks of him while she's dying, he thinks of her while he is fighting to stay alive. They are obsessed with each other, next one.
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4. THIS MOMENT, GOD. “seeing it made me realize I couldn't go home”, “I want to be able to help you, so your road's not so hard” this whole scene is just so overlooked it hurts, cause it just goes to show Winry's love and dedication to Ed, and how his determination and resolve inspire her own, she is always looking to improve in any ways she can to help him, Ed literally is able to walk and to continue his journey because of her, (and he reminds it to her in one of her darkest moments) and I just think it's amazing how they're both always challenging each other under different circumstances, this is just one of them, with Winry declaring she is gonna push herself to be the fucking best she can so she can be there for him. (Also his sudden self-awareness and blush when he realizes he is staring at her smile... *blows them up with dynamite*)
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5. Again, self-explanatory. Absolutely fucking love some good male rage when his boo is threatened, Bradley didn't even have to lay a finger on her and this guy was ready to strangle him right there. (Also Olivier's entire speech in BH saying Ed's eyes were “desperate” and of “a boy who would do anything to protect the things he loves” when he refused to tell her anything about the homunculi because Winry was a hostage, even tho he knew Olivier could have chopped him in little pieces just because of that. <3
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Damn apparently I can't add more images lmao but basically this whole thing they unspokenly have going on where they give each other an item that belongs to the other so they keep it as a reassurance/promise they will see each other again: Ed giving winry his red coat after the gun scene, Winry giving Ed her earrings and asking him to keep them safe for her, and even in their very last scene, Winry keeping Ed's white hoodie, the one he wore when he came back home to her. Just. They are so. Yeah.
Believe me I have many more I could go on for hours, I wanted to include some 03 moments too, but it's 1 am and I need sleep so yeah (also forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes on this I really do need to 💤)
thank you for the ask !
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wickedcriminal · 7 months
Whumptober Day 10: "You said you'd never leave."
Exactly 100 words
Alphonse sobbed as though he were making up for lost time. Thick, heavy tears to make up for six years of waiting, voice as raw and ragged as automail left to rust.
All Ed could do was hold his little brother to his chest, letting him cry and clutch his shirt, wrought with anger and grief and hurt all at once.
"You said we would always stay together." Al accused him, over and over. "How could you try to leave me again?!"
"I'm sorry." Ed repeated, over and over. There was nothing else he could think to say. "I'm sorry."
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docholligay · 2 months
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ANd I DO want to know about what the Automail does to him, and how it's hard on him (but remember: I want the show, not you, to tell me) because I am in fact one of those people that gets annoyed when a character has a consequence or injury or whatever that is simultaneously sold to be massive and costs nothing. Fantasy amputation is very often guilty of this. I'm not even opposed to fancy sci fi/fantasy limbs I jsut want it noted like...does it need to be charged? Does it ever hurt? Is it annoying? Do we ever get to see the character without it? etc.
Please read me before commenting or sending an ask!
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