#this is post conqueror of shamballa
wickedcriminal · 8 months
Whumptober Day 10: "You said you'd never leave."
Exactly 100 words
Alphonse sobbed as though he were making up for lost time. Thick, heavy tears to make up for six years of waiting, voice as raw and ragged as automail left to rust.
All Ed could do was hold his little brother to his chest, letting him cry and clutch his shirt, wrought with anger and grief and hurt all at once.
"You said we would always stay together." Al accused him, over and over. "How could you try to leave me again?!"
"I'm sorry." Ed repeated, over and over. There was nothing else he could think to say. "I'm sorry."
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eelektrossfan · 5 months
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Nightmare Within A Dream
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carnirat · 1 year
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Saw the sketch for this and the only version I found of it finished was like 2 pixels so I decided to finish it myself.
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Some process photos below the cut ✨ (including just the line art if you wanna color it yourself)
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If you wanna color the line art digitally, if you are able to, just set the image to multiply and make sure the color layers are below the line art layer <3 if you have questions feel free to ask in replies
Did I do a good job making it look official hehe I really tried
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livuvur · 1 year
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Commission for @wingsofescape for her (amazing) fic “in the cracks of light”.
If you like edwin, slowburns, murder mysteries, awesome writing and winry & ed trying their best to mend their relationship as they deal with mountains of trauma and grief, you should definitely go read it now 💛
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fma03anniversary · 8 months
Happy 20th anniversary FMA. Let's put some forgotten feathers back in your cap.
Melissa was the #1 anime theme song to wrap 2003, and peaked at #2 on the Oricon Singles Chart - Japan's music industry standard for charting CD singles. Melissa became the #34th top selling single for 2003 and was only on sale for two months of the year (Melissa went on sale Sept 26th and Oricon is tracked Dec 1 - Nov 30). Melissa ranked #66 in top Japanese singles for 2004 too. The song would be on the Oricon charts for 38 weeks! Melissa won Animage Magazine's 2004 Anime Grand Prix for Best Anime Song.
Ready Steady Go! was the 18th best selling single of 2004 and peaked at #1 on the Oricon Singles Chart, and would do so charting less than half the time of Melissa, 16 weeks.
FMA sweeps Animage Magazine's 26th Annual Anime Grand Prix held in June 2004 - winning best series, best male character (Ed), best female character (Riza), best voice performance (Romi Park), best song (Melissa @ #1, Kesenai Tsumi @ #2), and best episode (7).
FMA is on the cover of all 3 major Japanese animation magazines for July 2004 - Newtype, Animage, and Animedia.
July 31, 2004 L'arc~en~Ciel make their North American debut at Otakon. Prior to their concert held at the 1st Mariner Place (now CFG Bank Arena) in Baltimore, to a crowd of 12,000 the first episode of the upcoming FMA English dub is premiered.
Rewrite peaks at #4 on the Oricon charts and becomes the 63rd best selling single of 2004. Rewrite won Best Anime Theme Song at the American Anime Awards at New York City Comicon in 2007.
FMA gets the rare honour of going to reruns in Japan.
FMA debuts on Adult Swim and is on the cover of all 3 major North American anime magazines for November 2004 - Newtype USA, Anime Insider, and Animerica.
FMA pulls in a ton of new viewers to Adult Swim for December 2004.
TV Asahi ranks FMA the most popular animated TV series in Japan in fall 2005, a year after it finished airing.
FMA is the best selling anime series on DVD for 2005 in North America. Individual DVD volume sales are so strong they rank alongside anime movies.
Anime News Network crowns FMA the best series of 2005.
Link is the #4 anime song for 2005 and peaks at #2 on the Oricon chart.
Conqueror of Shamballa is the #7 anime movie and #47 movie overall in Japan for 2005.
Anime Expo 2006 celebrates FMA. AX teams up with FUNimation to premiere Conqueror of Shamballa at the convention, hosted by guests of honour: Seiji Mizushima (Series Director), Mike McFarland (EN Director), Masahiko Minami (President of Studio Bones), Romi Park (who unfortunately had to cancel last minute), and Vic Mignogna.
Conqueror of Shamballa set to screen in 40 North American theatres. In !!2006!!
In the first ever event to honour voice acting, direction, production, etc of English anime in North America, the American Anime Awards were held at New York City Comic Con in 2007, handing out awards for the Best Of 2006. Online fan voting selected the finalists and FMA led the nominations with 5. The series would lose Best Feature (CoS) to FFVII Advent Children, but win Best Long Series, Best DVD Packaging, Best Cast, and Best Theme Song (Rewrite). Source (1), (2), (3)
Over five years after its Japanese debut and four years after it's North American start, as Brotherhood begins airing in Japan FMA still ranks #7 for best selling anime series on DVD in North America for spring 2009!
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damconcha · 10 months
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Explaining the differences between FMA (2003) and FMAB cause why not
with no explicit spoilers for events, storylines, characters, etc.
Why are they different?
FMA 03 and the manga were coming out at the same time and FMA 03 was in danger of catching up to the manga. When this happens animes create filler to put some distance between the manga and anime but the FMA production team basically went Nah, imma do my own thing.
Which is exactly what they did bc instead of adding fillers they just straight up deviated from the manga.
This is why both animes while sharing the same cast and world, are so different.
How are they different?
To summarize these differences:
FMA 03 is a lot darker than FMAB
FMA 03 expanded on a lot of scenes, characters, arcs, and storylines
FMA 03 added characters, arcs, and storylines that weren’t in the manga
And FMA 03, you know, changed shit.
With the most notable being, the ending.
FMA 03's last episode isn't the conclusion. The 2005 movie Conqueror of Shamballa is
FMA 03 is DARK
I know I mentioned that FMA 03 is dark but holy fuck it’s a lot darker. To the point where if you asked someone the differences between FMA 03 and FMAB it’ll be the first thing they mention after the ending.
FMA 03 is a pretty dark anime don’t get me wrong but part of the reason why FMA 03 is seen as so dark is because in comparison FMAB is a lot more lighthearted. Now don’t get me wrong FMAB doesn’t shy away from its dark themes but FMA 03 not only embraces it but it delves deeper into them.
FMAB also has these comic relief moments to lighten the mood that FMA 03 just doesn’t have. FMAB is a surprisingly lighthearted anime, especially considering what it’s about.
How is FMAB's adaptation different?
FMAB, unlike FMA 03, stuck to the source material. It’s considered to be a completely faithful adaptation, which isn’t entirely correct.
FMAB was made with the thought that the viewers were fans of FMA 03, and were already familiar with the world and characters.
That’s why FMAB’s first episode feels like a recap and lore dump because that’s exactly what it is. Its purpose was to refresh the older fans' memories and reintroduce them to the world and characters.
This is also why FMAB feels so fast-paced for the first 15ish episodes. It’s bc they’re trying to get past the material they already adapted to get to the content that was never animated.
Though doing this means that FMAB just completely cut things out or trimmed them down.
For example, the Mining Town never got a proper adaptation in FMAB and they completely cut out the Train Battle but both of these were properly adapted in FMA 03.
That’s why FMAB tends to throw people off when Yoki appears later in the anime. The cast acts familiar with him but that part of the story just wasn’t adapted so viewers didn’t even know he existed until then.
So yeah, FMAB did stick to the manga, I just wouldn’t call it completely faithful.
I think that about sums up the differences without going too deep into it. If I forgot something or if you have any questions please let me know.
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astrofons-highderich · 8 months
Having sad Al cos thoughts.
That kid spent two years not remembering his time inside the armour when he couldn't eat or sleep or feel. But when he got his body back minus those memories, he probably took being able to do those for granted, or even a nuisance when he wanted to hurry up and find his brother. He had family and friends there to support him, to hug him and show him the affection that he had been unable to feel when he so badly needed it before, but now in his body, he feels so distant and distrustful of the same people, who seem to have given up on Ed or won't tell him what happened.
And then when Alphonse does finally get his memories back, once he's fully able to understand just what it's like to have his body again, he has to deal with being stranded in a new world and a country barely recovered from war and on the precipice of another, with his brother being the only familiar thing. They'll probably be unable to work well with their alien status or afford the inflated prices, and he'll have to go without the food and comfort he had for those two years again out of necessity, but this time able to feel the physical pain of it all. He gained his body but lost the meaning, then gained his brother and memories but lost the life he wanted for so long. He will never be able to hug winry, or eat pinako's stew, or run through the fields outside his home with Den again.
At the end of 03, both Al and Ed made very conscious decisions to sacrifice themselves for the other, but I wonder how much Al fully understood before he followed Ed through the gate at the end of cos? Did he get his memories back before he decided to go? Could he even comprehend everything that was happening at the time? Did he actually understand all that he was losing just to stay with his brother, or was that part of the price; the ignorance of his actions.
I don't think he regretted going with Ed, but wonder if he felt bitter once he had time to think about his situation. I guess it depends how much of the Al he lived as for the last two years survived after remembering, and how much of the old Al surfaced. Was finally getting his body and Ed back enough to make it all worth it, or was he angry at his naive self for wasting the short gift of a "normal" life his brother had given him? I wish we could have seen more to find out :'(
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juniorfruitcase · 1 year
"Ed is so pretty in CoS"
Ed in CoS:
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businesstiramisu · 4 months
@canyourfavesurvivecastledracula -- I'm trying out the "argue at you" approach. tagging you b/c you don't have submissions open and I think this long enough to be an annoying ask. I don't think you know or care about this character, but *I* do, so here's my argument :P
Can Alphonse Elric survive Castle Dracula?
[the answer depends a LOT on which part of which canon we're using, but we're going to go vaguely with "middle part". That is to say, armor]
Al has one HUGE advantage against Dracula, which is that he has no corporeal human body (for now). He's not completely free of blood though -- if Dracula learns about the blood seal tethering his soul to this mortal plane, I fully believe he's learned enough Dark Magicks at Scholomance to fuck it up. So the question is, would he find out? Al is usually pretty good at hiding it… unless he just decides to tell people. So it depends on how their dynamic plays out.
Al would accept the crucifix from the townsfolk, and listen to their other advice. Even if he doesn't believe them, he's a polite boy, and you never know what information might be useful! Maybe their folktales have clues about the Philosopher's Stone, you never know. (Also in one version of canon he can understand German, so let's say language barriers aren't an issue.)
Dracula is bemused when an alchemist in full plate armor turns up asking to see his library instead of the solicitor he requested. Alchemists? He hasn't run into any of those in a while. But hey, the lawyer's not here yet, he's got time to fuck with this guy and have an extra snack.
The shaving incident wouldn't happen obviously, but Dracula might realize something is amiss because Al doesn't sleep. Or will he? Does Dracula pay enough attention to know when normal humans should be sleeping and Al isn't? If so, he will probably investigate, push boundaries, or stage a confrontation until he finds out Al's deal, and then he will be PISSED. No lawyer, and now no snack! This is bullshit! From here on out, it's WAR. If not, then...
If Al realizes this is a kidnapping and not a library loan, he will play along. He might not even mind. He's been kidnapped before, and it always worked out fine. Dracula might be more creepy and threatening than his other kidnappers, but Al's dealt with a wide variety of creepy and threatening in his quest, I just don't think he'd be fazed. And he is, as already mentioned, a polite person who would want to be a respectful guest! Hmm kinda creepy that he just implied I'll never leave this place alive... oh well! Nice table setting, sir, compliments to your staff.
Being a respectful guest might not extend to staying in his room as instructed; he's a curious guy and only a stickler for the rules compared to his brother. The girlies aren't a problem for him, because he's still wearing the crucifix, but they might clue him in that Something Is Wrong and lead to Al himself forcing a confrontation with Dracula.
But even if everything goes smoothly, Al would eventually get bored with Dracula's library (if there was anything useful about the Philosopher's Stone in there, Dracula wouldn't be a vampire). At some point, Al would decide this kidnapping is over, and he would provoke the confrontation in trying to leave.
I haven't written any reason for Al to tell Dracula about his fatal weakness, so I'm gonna say Dracula can't actually do much to Al; but unfortunately I don't think Al can harm Dracula either. I don't actually remember what allowed Jonathan to hit him with a shovel but I think it involved special circumstances that do not apply to Al. However, Dracula also can't prevent Al from leaving -- neither thousand foot cliffs nor wolves are much of an obstacle to him. (Well actually, if you physically overpower him and take the armor apart, he can't walk away -- but people almost never think of that, and Dracula probably won't either.)
Which is all to say that Alphonse can survive Castle Dracula, but he probably won't have as much useful intel as Jonathan did. Mind you, he took notes! He just didn't get personal experience with as many of Dracula's powers.
And of course, his goal after this is to track down his brother -- if anyone can figure out how to kill a vampire it's Ed. Where the fuck did he get to, anyways? He'd better not be stranded in Weimar Germany. Al can absolutely walk to Munich from here, but waiting around 25-30 years for Ed to turn up would be a drag.
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makiswirl · 1 year
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twitter requests fo today (❁´◡`❁)
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313i · 1 year
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cos edward elric
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eelektrossfan · 2 years
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Cos is one of those movies that lives rent free in my mind not necessarily because of the contents of the film but the concepts it sets up 
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Say what you will about the original Fullmetal Alchemist, but Winry's ending in Conqueror of Shamballa utterly destroyed me, it still does.
When I originally watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the original series, I didn't really care for Winry. I didn’t despise her or anything but I thought she was kind of annoying, constantly nagging Ed and Al, constantly upset and crying, etc.
I was a little kid, I didn’t really get the full gravity of what was happening.
But, once I got to the end of Conqueror of Shamballa, I was in pieces on the floor. I was a mess. Her character finally clicked into place.
In the scene, she sees Ed for the first time in years, after he was presumed dead, and helps him without question. Then, she pulls out his automail. She reveals she had been holding onto it even after she believed he was dead, tweaking and modifying the design to fit perfectly, just in case of the 0.1% chance that he was actually alive.
She helps him and as soon as she's done, he dissappears again. He doesn't really even say goodbye, he's gone just like that. He takes Alphonse with him. His final message doesn't even reach her.
She's left alone, watching another person she loves, another member of her family, disappear into a war.
She gave years of her life to him. She cleaned his injuries and listened to his worries. She knew things about him his own brother didn't. She stayed up late worrying about him, praying he would come home safe. She took care of his brother when he was gone. She did her best. She went to his funeral.
The last we truly see her of besides the brief snippet of the end scene is her standing in the ruins of a city realizing he's gone for good.
The bottom line is that it was how war often is. Unfair. She did nothing wrong but somehow lost the most. She was only ever kind and selfless, and I realized she deserved so much better.
It's been over five years since I watched that movie, but god has it stayed with me. Now, Winry Rockbell is possibly my favorite character of all time. All of her scenes have been completely recontextualized to me. She's no longer an annoying obstacle standing in the way of Ed and Al's adventures, she's the only one who fully grasps the seriousness of their situation. She fully understands war and that's why she faces Scar. Because they both understand the horror and loss war brings. Her character arc is literally breaking the cycle of war and hate that took her family from her.
She is the best female character in Shonen and I will be a Winry defender til the day I die.
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ashiyn · 2 months
going back to my 2016 fanfic writer roots to write a fma x hermitcraft AU
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gayleviticus · 1 year
8 years after watching the TV ending of FMA 03 for the first time, I finally watched Conqueror of Shamballa for the first time. Tbh I was a little scared of what I’d find – fma 03 was a super special series to me back in 2015, but rewatching it the TV ending felt way more inconclusive and unsatisfying than I remembered.
I knew what would happen in Shamballa from years of scrounging through tv tropes entries and Wikipedia plot summaries, but I didn’t know what it would feel like in practice. I needed something that fulfilled the melancholy, dark, emotional, but hopeful promise of the series. I needed angst and loss and sadness, but not grim-darkness and cruelty just for the sake of it.
Thankfully, I enjoyed Shamballa on the whole. Now, to be sure, it’s undeniably very, very messy. Unlike, say, End of Evangelion or Madoka Rebellion it doesn’t feel like a movie except perhaps towards the end; the new characters introduced like Alfons, Noa, and Eckhart are more interesting thematically than because they’re afforded any particular depth, and the plot mechanics aren’t especially well-crafted (but granted this has always been the case for 03).
It feels like there’s also a ton of incredibly character dynamics they could milk but just don’t have room for – how did it feel for Ed to live with someone who looked so much like his baby brother but just wasn’t the same person? How did Winry feel being left behind forever by her best friends after being locked out of the loop for so long? How did Al losing his memories of the past 5 years and embarking on a quest to bring Ed back shape his relationship with everyone else in Amestris? Did Ed feel guilty that Al ended up throwing his whole life in Amestris away to come be with him on earth? There’s just so many possibilities this movie throws out that could have been explored, and emotional beats (like the brothers reuniting!!) that aren’t used to their full potential.
These are all pretty noticeable flaws. But I also kindve think… it doesn’t matter that much? Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve loved to see an actual proper 13-episode second season fleshing out Shamballa’s boatload of cool ideas, but I think there’s something just as captivating about the huge range of possibilities the movie can’t possibly hope to contain. There are plenty of stories I’ve experienced that do an objectively better job of fleshing out their characters, but it's like… well, you’ve already exhausted their depths. There’s not much left to mine. 03 + Shamballa might not use its characters to their maximum potential, but I think it’s impressive it creates such a firm foundation for its characters that they have that kindve potential in the first place?
(On that note this just makes me curse the fact the 03verse in general has been so neglected by FMA fans even more, bc it just feels like its begging so much for fans to plug these gaps and analyse and dissect and headcanon these characters? But anyway)
Something I was a little torn about at first was the ending – it was more satisfying than TV 03’s awkward mix of open-ended sadness with sickeningly saccharine optimism, but I couldn’t help but feel this awkward sense of hollowness. It was tragedy on the brink of cartharsis, but not quite there. I wanted to cry and mourn everything the Elrics had lost, I wanted angst and conflict between the two of them, I wanted to experience the weight of everything they’ve gone through.
But after thinking about it, I realised that the thing about Shamballa is that it’s not about pain, as such, but specifically ache, and loss.
Doomsday, a Doctor Who episode that aired about a year after Shamballa, is a similar tragedy of people separated forever across parallel world. But it’s a very different type of pain – it’s sharp, acute, sudden. It’s having someone you loved so much so deeply snatched out of your life with no warning, no buildup, barely any chance to say goodbye.
Superficially, Shamballa is similar. In the chaos of Eckhart’s invasion Ed and Al disappear forever into the other side of the gate. But I think it’s very different in that the Elrics aren’t really leaving a specific person behind?
Of course, there’s Winry, and obviously it must hurt for her to lose her best friends since childhood so suddenly. But even then, her life goes on. She loved them so much, and she’ll always remember them – but she’s not a widow sitting at home mourning the death of her husband in the war. She has friends, she has family, she has her career as an automail engineer. Life goes on for Winry. It hurts, but it’ll go on.
Aside from her – well, Izumi’s gone. Rose was friends with Al but didn’t really know Ed. Mustang’s crew clearly care for the boys, but I think for the most part their relationship in 03 is relatively professional. In the end what the boys are cutting off isn’t any individual person in particular, but their past.
And so what Shamballa is about isn’t the sharp, shocking pain of losing a loved one, but the dull, heavy ache of grieving your past. As Ed says at the end, Earth is their world now – not Amestris. They’ve resigned themselves to losing their past, to leaving behind the childhood world of miraculous alchemy and friends and carving a path in the here and now.
It’s the pain of mourning a past that can’t come back, the people you once loved who just aren’t in your life anymore, the innocent childhood you’ll never be able to reclaim. The brothers who once tried to reclaim their stolen innocence through resurrecting their mother have made their peace with living in the here and now – and though they’ve finally found happiness, and paid the price for their original sin, they’ll never forget everything it took to get to this point.
It circles back to what Ed told Rose all the way back at the beginning. Stand up and walk on your own two legs. Keep moving forward. Fight against tragedy, but remember that you cannot rewrite your own past.
The Thule Society and Noa mistook Amestris for Shamballa – a perfect world, a homeland – in their longing for heaven. But no such promised land exists. There’s only the here and now. The Elrics give up their longing for something they never had, accepting heaven is lost, and find their home in themselves.
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nihidea-art · 11 months
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Daily Sketch 27: 16/06/23
A COS Alphonse! Because we all love a COS Al
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