rex-malorum · 1 year
Former Nightmare King: Maxwell, main
A dapper magician. Upon being freed from his title as King over the Constant, better yet from the shackles of the throne, Maxwell Carter finds that he must open himself up to learning how to survive with his fellow men less he wants to fall victim to the lands in which he once conjured up. A man who is prideful and snide at times though there appears to be something hidden behind walls now slowly crumbling as he continues to survive with others. He’s no fool with his pride and knows full well that he is merely a shadow of his former kingly self but appearances are everything and he will uphold them.
The Unsuspecting Fool: William Carter, secondary
A nervous sort of fellow who has in recent years immigrated to the new world and has come into contact with a mysterious and shadowy tomb known as the Codex Umbra. Though generally unsure of himself one thing he is certain of is his dream to be a renowned magician, working hard to make this a reality he comes to be the owner of the Codex Umbra, listening to hushed wishes and deciphering a language he had learned as a boy, William finds new acts to add into his shows which wow the slowly growing audiences. He is still in the early stages of such ordeals and as such has not yet begun his search for an assistant though the need seems to be something that will soon play on his mind.
Post-Constant: Maxwell/William, not open to asks yet.
New found freedom from the constant has given each survivor a different perspective on their lives, especially with the loss of the former Queen over the Constant. Given that the hold of Them no longer weighs heavy on the magician he finds himself in worse condition with ailments of his life returning back in full swing and the loss of his former assistant now weighing heavy on his thoughts. Unsure with what to do and where to go he winds up staying with Wilson and leaning heavily upon the other to keep him from sinking into the shadows once more.
It would appear that the mysterious tome has also returned home with him.
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rex-malorum · 1 year
what ya doin for valentines day then?
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"Valentine's Day? I hadn't even realized that holiday was so soon- It's simply not a day I go out of my way to celebrate so truth be told I'll more than likely work with the Codex or gather more resources-"
"Besides it would seem to not even be of enough importance to the Queen either, given that there isn't a Constant equivalent. So I certainly won't be partaking in such silly matters."
(I 'm not quite sure how much actual festivities the survs would partake in on Val day, especially as said that there's no Constant equivalent but I imagine that there might be some sort of nod to the day and maybe some gift exchanges. Maxwell himself as mentioned doesn't celebrate/participate in Val day festivities but he has received a few gifts from others as shown below)
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rex-malorum · 1 year
favorite song,gotta have somthing in your head to ignore the lonely dark shadows
"In honesty, I don't think I can even remember a proper tune outside of that one..."
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"In my youth most of the music I heard was hymns, and in adulthood I was often surrounded by that which wasn't quite my taste... I recall being shared a few songs that I enjoyed, but the memories have long since been tainted."
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rex-malorum · 1 year
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“Hm… I can’t quite say I have one nowadays…”
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“Though as a boy I was quite fond of Winter, I loved it-”
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“back then it seemed so magical… I used to watch Jack play in the snow from our bedroom window and hoped to one day join him out there”
“I was never able to, but it remained my favourite season all throughout my childhood”
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Got anything interesting for Winter's Feast this year?
"Typically the others gift me with practical gifts, I'm not one for presents, and believe me I make sure they know well and good about the matter-"
"However, in thinking about it at the moment, there was one such gift that... stood out amongst the others..."
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rex-malorum · 1 year
William what is your favorite magic trick
"Oh- Well I'm currently working on some new ones, but I must say that hat-tricks are some of my favourites..."
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"Most especially when done with the rabbits..."
"It's the first trick I ever worked on improving and I think it was Jack's favourite as well... though I suppose if you ask him, he’d probably say all of my tricks are his favourites…”
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Handling the snow alright?
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"Of course, in fact, I handle it so well that-"
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"after several seasons of handling the snow, the others make me stay in the camp and next to the fire every winter. Pains me deeply to not be able to enjoy it anymore then I already do."
(Prior to entering the Constant, Maxwell was never able to handle the cold season very well. Before making deals with Them, he was severely immunocompromised to the point that spending just about any amount of time outside in the cold would end with him being sick. This is a bit different now given his situation in the Constant, but he still finds it difficult to handle the cold weather, preferring to stay near to fires and sending out his shadow clones to aid in resource gathering or fighting when necessary)
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Does anything scare you in the constant you used to be in control so has losing control made you scared of things or is ut weird cause b4 you were the boss?
"To tell the truth, it sort of saddens me in a way..."
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"It sounds silly to say it aloud, but I spent my time on the throne building the Constant into what it is today, I made many of the creatures that roam around... to have to fight against my own creations, well it certainly is something... in seeing the changes that are occurring as cycles move forwards, well perhaps my feelings might change once my own touch has long since faded away..."
"I suppose I am deserving of this position as it stands now."
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Hi Maxwell! What do you like doing in your spare time there(when not almost dying) and do you do these things with certain people?
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"To be entirely honest with you, pal, most days I find my nose deep in the Codex. The other's will complain about it, but there's still much to decipher. Besides for that, I'm most often at my station. Generally I do things alone or just have others nearby versus actually doing things together."
"I'd have to be entirely oblivious not to take note of how my station is in the furthest corner of the camp, but I suppose I do have Higgsbury for company as well, given that they decided to have his next to mine. You could say that him and I work together often, as much as he'll complain about magic, he certainly does his best to glimpse into the Codex if the chance arises, either that or he's studying the effects of the throne upon my wellbeing."
"And outside of Higgsbury, I often find Willow to be a (pleasant) pain in my side and on sleepless nights I typically end up by the fire with Ms. Wickerbottom or Winona, either discussing literature or...- other such matters."
(On odd cycles he can be found spending time with Woodie outside of the main camp. Most times survs like to keep to main camp though it's not an odd concept for them to have smaller camps further out from the main one, these are shared amongst pairs or small groups)
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Hello maxwell! How's your stay in the constant going?
"Greetings, pal. It's certainly going-“
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"To properly answer your question, however, I suppose you could say it has grown comfortable. Now that things have settled amongst myself and the others, it’s become a tolerable atmosphere"
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“Nowadays, I sort of just keep myself occupied doing whatever may be necessary or taking time for my own pleasures”
(first ask!! ah thank you for the first ask! ^-^)
(also if I mod talk like right now I’ll try to do it like this so it’s easy to separate between character and mod)
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rex-malorum · 1 year
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very excited to be doing this acc, it has been plaguing my mind for weeks now so why not give it a go! I think everything is in place now (if not i'll fix it up later)
i've never run an ask blog before nor do I know anyone that runs an ask blog (as far as I'm aware/remember) so this will certainly be an interesting experience! I hope it can be fun though and now i can have more free talks about the old man with ya'lls inputs lol
close ups down below
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Mod info
Howdy there! The name’s Roderich though I usually shorten my name to Rod and I’m the mod of this ask blog! My main blog is @rhoddys where I usually go on rambling about things I like or my day to day life, though I do post art, fanfics, and even the occasional cosplay over there as well ^-^
For as long as I’ve been on tumblr I’ve wanted to make an ask blog, dst is far from the fandom I initially intended to make an ask blog for, but after getting heavily into the game after buying it in May 2022, I’ve finally decided to make an ask blog for my favourite character, one Mr. Maxwell Carter of course.
I’m not sure how much mod talk will occur, I really do love to talk about Max, so I may have little sections underneath the responses which are outside of Max’s own wording if I feel like getting in any extra details or what not. Other than that, posts that only include my own speech will generally only occur if updates happen to the blog or if I feel the need to address anything going on (hopefully nothing bad), anything that is solely mod talk will be tagged as such.
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Rules & Info
NSFW lvls
Whilst I am totally fine with light jokes on sexual content, please keep this to a minimum. Both me and the character(s) I’m portraying are adults, however I am quite sex repulsed and prefer to keep such consumption of content to fics only, I’d prefer to not open my asks and see anything to that degree. Mentions of gore and things along those lines is also fine but this is also to a certain degree, best not to go into heavy details and keep things light.
Please keep in mind that there is one person running this blog and I do other things outside of this blog and outside of tumblr in general. I’m a student in university and I have a job irl, online I also do fanfics and cosplays and art that doesn’t revolve around this blog. If I take extended periods answering your asks hold on, I promise I’ll get to it. If I am taking a long time I’ll probably mention something about it, other than that if I don’t say anything and it’s been a while then I’ve maybe skipped your ask.
Power to the Mod
Adding to that last bit, if I don’t feel comfortable answering an ask then I hold the power to skip over it, I’m hoping that I won’t have to but if I feel I must then please respect this and don’t try to nag me on the matter. This is my ask blog after all, so just show a little respect, as long as you follow the general matters I discuss here then I shouldn’t have to skip over any.
So whilst this blog is mainly focused on Maxwell, I’m also open for asks towards the man before the mask, William. So if you want to have asks answered by William instead of Max please specify! Otherwise I’ll answer as Maxwell. There may be other vers of Max added into the blog later on (I’m not sure, maybe some au’s, or a post constant vers) if that’s the case then just make sure to specify who your ask is directed towards. (At current time the only specifications are for asks directed towards William).
This blog is mainly for asks only, I don’t mind the occasional goofs of other characters dropping asks or making comments in the ask box, but please understand I’m not looking for full roleplaying amongst characters here.
This is my own interpretation of Maxwell, meaning it might not be how you envision Max and that’s totally ok, just don’t comment about it and if it bothers you, you can just leave the blog, I won’t force you to stick around. If you want a proper feel of my visions of Max you can check out my headcanon doc (he should be the first character listed) or my fics on ao3 @ rhoddys.
Please no major Maxwell hate, this blog is literally here because he's my fav. I'm all for jokes about the old man but keep them to a lvl that doesn't go full hate mode, it would be much appreciated.
One other thing is I'm not sure how deep I'll get into any bits of serious topics, but if it does arise I'll probably come up with a tag so you can filter those posts if you wish to not see them.
If there’s anything missing I’ll add it later and let ya’ll know about any changes ^-^
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rex-malorum · 1 year
Rules & Info
Mod Info
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