#author: bunnysworld
Title: The Magic of Christmas
Author: bunnysworld
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Summary: Arthur has a crush on Merlin. Will this afternoon of pre-Christmas ice skating give him the opportunity to let Merlin know about his feelings?
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merlinfanficquotes · 5 years
Arthur’s heart was racing. He had no idea what made him do it, but since this was probably the only chance he’d ever get, he took it. And maybe this way he could get all thoughts of Merlin out of his system. If Merlin only shoved him back, glared or yelled that could have been the end of it. But Merlin didn’t do any of that. Instead, he kissed back. Very carefully, as if not to chase him away. Arthur sighed into the kiss.
Iced! by bunnysworld 
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merlinfic · 4 years
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Lights, camera, action...it’s a Merlin/Arthur rec list involving FAME! From being actors, musicians, athletes, to simply being rich and famous here is a (in no way comprehensive) fic list of some Merlin/Arthur fics of just that! And, as always, if there’s a fic you would like added to the list just let us know! Hope you all enjoy! :D
General Celebrity (rich, internet famous, authors, theatre, hosts, etc.):
But It's a Good Refrain by lady_ragnell
Call it 'Destiny' by theonceandfuturequeen
Cloudy With A Chance Of Something by donutsweeper
contained in a beginning by helloearthlings
Emroomie by supercalvin
The Fastest Clock In The Universe (Is Love) by Polomonkey 
Fundamental Imperfection by Starlingthefool
How to Overcome Writer's Block: A Guide by Merlin Emrys by anivhee
I Am Gwen (the cutest cat on the Internet!) by gwyllion
Love in the time of the Internet by skullkidd
A Modern Manservant by Mamalazzer
Pairing Pendragon/Merlin by Anonymous
When was the last time you saw a penguin in England anyway? by Anonymous
Acting can get the best of us by Jamallywaljaffa
All Eyes On Us by ambrosius
Camelot's Sweethearts by mariana_oconnor
Clickbait by rou, xancredible
Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover by InTheShadows
Fame and Fortune by Bounding-Heart (Brief_and_Dreamy)
Fan Favorite by harrycrewe
It's Nice to Finally Tweet You by Pendragons Dragonlord (PseudoAuthor)
The Kingdom of the Blaggers by hackthis
Marked by Anonymous
Master Shot by rotrude
No Business Like Show Business by lady_ragnell
Pull You Into Me by evereda 
a question to which the answer is not by ctimene
to slay the monster first speak its name by Camelittle
Would You Be Mine, Could You Be Mine by lady_ragnell
Bringing On The Great by Detochkina (need ao3 account)
Caught in a bit of a scandal by quiet_ghost
Champagne from a paper cup (is never quite the same) by anna_zee
Complications (With Spiderman T-Shirts and Optimistic Outcomes) by herbeautifullie
The Dare by Seravia
Game, Set, Match by ingberry
oh, darling dear by crookedemrys
Rainbow Laces by fifty_fifty
Snowboarding Is More Fun With Two by AidraMyrdin
Stepping Up by fifty_fifty
Straws In The Wind by i_claudia
There Are No Gays in Football by Malu_3 (Grainne)
This Is Not What I Came for (It's Better) by GeekLover
This Silly Ol' Dance Is Perfect for Two by SlantedKnitting
Three lions on a shirt by bunnysworld
twitterature by cominupforair
Musicians & Singers:
.and i am alive by thisissirius
Chasing the Dragon by Camelittle
Father and Son by Clea2011
Feel the Chemicals Kickin' In by supercalvin
In My Cardboard Walls by tinylilremus
No Business I Know by 55sunsets
Now That I'm Rich They Give Me Coffee by lady_ragnell
An Old Knot in the Heart by maarzanna
Public Image by orphan_account
Sorcerers & Knights, and their long-lost Prince by DracoWillHearAboutThis
Step By Step by eldee (need ao3 account)
Turning Page by mightypretty
We Are All Diamonds by Footloose
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merlinholidays · 3 years
FIC: look this way and say "i love you" [T] Merlin/Arthur
Title: look this way and say "i love you" Recipient: bunnysworld Rating: T Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Word Count: 10,483 Content Notes/Warnings: Some cursing but that's pretty much it Summary: In which Merlin is a superhero just trying to do his job, convinced the school's golden boy is onto him, and Arthur is just trying to ask his crush out before winter break. Author's Notes: So, this is slightly off of what you asked for, but I tried to hit as many of your likes as I could, so I hope you enjoy it anyway! My betas were absolutely lovely despite the fact that I asked two days before the deadline. Thank you, I love y'all so much. The T rating is for language, and the title is from the Cardcaptor Sakura theme for reasons. AO3 link to fanwork: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27959726
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aftercamlann · 5 years
After Camlann Big Bang 2019 Masterlist
Thank you to all our wonderful writers, artists, beta readers and hype readers who participated in this years After Camlann Big Bang! We hope you will consider participating again this year! Below is the final masterlist for After Camlann 2019:
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Title: Arthur in Avalon Author: harlequin aka slashweaver Artist: altocello Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Guinevere (background), Elyan/Niamh, Arthur/Lancelot, Arthur/Merlin (endgame); Arthur, Niamh and Orlaith (original characters, both Sidhe), Lancelot, Freya, Elyan, Gaius, Merlin Rating: Explicit Word count: 29,000 Summary: Arthur died in Merlin’s arms, and he’d thought that was the end of his story – but then he wakes up in agony in Avalon, as the Sidhe remove Mordred’s sword-point from his flesh. Soon Arthur is convalescing, and befriending Niamh, daughter of the Sidhe Queen Orlaith. He meets up with other old friends in Avalon, too, who find contentment in this place, but Arthur can never quite settle. He wants to return to the mortal world and continue his work. Orlaith tells him that’s possible – but first the Sidhe want something in return for healing him.
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Title: Mock the Time Author: seaweed-is-cool Artist: valika56 Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Guinevere (canon), Arthur/Merlin, Merlin, Arthur, Guinevere, Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Elyan, Mordred, Morgana, Aithusa, Nusar (OC), Daegal, Gaius Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 49,905 Summary: Magic has returned to Camelot in all its glory in the hope that one day Merlin may return. Three years after his banishment (that only lasted three days truth be told), Merlin does so but appears to be a changed man. Yet appearances can be deceiving. Although Merlin may be familiar to the prospect of treason whilst under the thumb of the usurper of Essetir, the question remains whether he'll be able to betray his destiny. Whether he'll be able to betray the man that he loves. Post S4 AU
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Title: A single man in possession of a good fortune Author: slantedknitting Artist: @merlocked18 Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Mithian, Arthur/Elena, Arthur/Gwaine, Arthur/Others, Arthur, Merlin, Mithian, Elena, Gwaine, Percy, Mordred, Sophia, Vivian, Gwen, Leon, Kilgharrah, Uther, Morgana, Hunith Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,000 Summary: Arthur is the first openly bisexual Leading Man on the popular dating show, Most Eligible, where he’s meant to find his one true love—and get engaged. He comes to the show with the goal of finding a wife, but he still has to date all of the male contestants. And one of them, a certain Merlin, keeps making it harder and harder to stick to his original plans. Arthur knows what he wants though, and he’s pretty such it’s Mithian. Or is it Elena? Could it be Gwaine? Maybe it’s actually Merlin after all? What a pickle.
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Title: Counterfeit Princess Author: JessicaMDawn / Artist: delicious-irony Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot; Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine, Gaius, Lancelot, Will, Agravaine, etc. Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 33,570 Summary: Morgana le Fay is Duchess of Ealdor, a moderately sized city in the kingdom of Albion. Her two best friends are Gwen, her handmaid, and Merlin, the physician’s assistant. One day news arrives that Prince Arthur is coming to town to meet her, but why? When Morgana goes missing the day before Prince Arthur arrives, Gwen approaches Merlin with an idea: Merlin can pretend to be Morgana until the Lady is found. The idea is ludicrous - not least of all because Merlin is a man - but with a little bit of magic it might actually work. The plan starts out well, with Morgana’s guard out searching for her while Merlin distracts the prince…except that Merlin finds himself falling in love with Arthur, who is visiting with the intention of making Morgana his queen. A gender bending fairy tale fic.
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Title: The Prat Whisperer Author: bunnysworld Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwaine/Percy, Morgana, Leon, Aggravaine, some minor OCs and a horse Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,260 Summary: Arthur buys a beautiful stallion that turns out to be un-ride-able. Morgana convinces him to seek help from a horse whisperer. Arthur doesn't believe in such stuff, but he's at his wit's end, so he allows Morgana to make the call. Merlin and his crew come to Camelot Estates to help a horse in need. Will he be able to whisper to the horse? And probably its owner, too?
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Title: Of Lions, Foxes and Bears Author: Szpurka Artist: Chikynosora Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Will, Hunith, Gwaine, Jarl Rating: Explicit Word count: 43,472 Summary: Five years ago in The Great War Against Sorcery Prince Arthur went missing in the middle of a battlefield. WIth King Uther’s untimely death a few months later, the war ended. Then Agravaine (late Ygraine’s younger brother) has settled on the throne of Camelot, seemingly a friend of all things magic. Now, a wounded unconscious man emerges from the lake near Ealdor, where Merlin does his laundry. Merlin’s fascination with the man pushes him right into the heart of an intrigue he never dreamed of, filled with revenge, politics and adventures. He also learns more about himself, his powers and his destiny, all the while trying to help keep his heart from being corrupted by blood and war.
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Title: Travel far enough, you’ll meet yourself Author: slantedknitting Artist: @schweet_heart Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Mithian, Arthur, Merlin, Mithian, Elena, Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot, Kilgharrah, Gaius, Hunith Rating: Explicit Word count: 31,000 Summary: Merlin has his father’s journals and spell books, but he wants a deeper connection to the history of magic in his family, so he studies abroad in Estonia where his father used to live. There, he meets Arthur, who seems to be coming under attack from mysterious people in Tallinn. Merlin’s never been very good at wielding his own magic, but it starts working with him more and more as he uses it to protect himself—and to protect Arthur. Too bad Arthur is a standoffish prat who probably doesn’t deserve the help, but Merlin’s magic doesn’t seem to mind.
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Title: draíocht Author: amuk Artist: Nivelle Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, Lancelot, Gwaine, Tristan, Morgana, Mordred, Percival, Leon, Elyan Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 27,000 Summary: Arthur will return, at a time of great need. Well, the king had returned, along with all of his knights, but Merlin wasn't quite clear about the 'great need' part. Maybe it was the fact that Morgana and Morded had returned too, proving it wasn't just the good who got reincarnated. Or maybe it was just Arthur's great need, since Gwen might have returned but she didn't seem to care for him much. Or maybe the great need was the headache forming in Merlin's forehead and all he really needed as an aspirin.
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Title: A Dream Doesn’t Become Reality Through Magic Author: violeteyedhair Artist: siennavie Pairings/Characters: Gwaine/Merlin, Arthur/Gwen, Percival, Gaius, Nimueh Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 26,000 Summary: When Gwaine finds Merlin unconscious, he can’t help but follow the man he loves into a strange, enchanted dream world where the Purge never happened and Merlin’s magic is celebrated. He has to convince Merlin that returning to a world where he hides his magic is somehow best. They then uncover the source of the enchantment, and that Arthur, too, has been trapped in a dream, along with everyone else. And to make matters worse, all of this is getting in the way of his courtship with Merlin, which is horribly troublesome and not exactly going as planned…
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Title: War of Attrition Author: DLanaDHZ Artist: Lefayeart Pairings/Characters: endgame Merlin/Arthur, early Merlin/Gwaine, Lancelot/Gwen, Gaius, Hunith, Uther, brief appearances by Will and Elyan. Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 36,818 Summary: Moving to a new university to live closer to his mother, who has had a recent health scare, really shouldn't be this difficult. However, Merlin's new roommate, Arthur Pendragon, is determined to force Merlin to move out before he's even moved in! A prank war ensures, personal items go missing, and parties are minefields. Merlin's dorm life royally sucks, but not everything is terrible at school. He's got some new friends, including the sweet Gwen, and there's a sexy footballer named Gwaine who's too suave for his own good. Anything can happen in college, even going from enemies to friends to... more? Man, feelings are complicated.
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Title: Sea Change Author: fictionista654 Artist: mistbornhero Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Freya/Nimueh, Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Freya, Nimueh Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 50,816 Summary: Ever since his mother died in a boat crash two years ago, Arthur Pendragon has been wracked with guilt and grief. His one touchstone is an online novel called The Ladies of the Lake. When Arthur sends the author Dragoon the Great a complimentary email, it sparks an online friendship. In his emails to Dragoon, Arthur can pretend that his life isn’t a total disaster. In reality, his therapist is forcing him to spend the summer in the beach town where his mother died. There he meets and falls in love with the completely weird, utterly lovable Merlin. But Merlin has his own baggage, which threatens to destroy their burgeoning relationship.
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Title: A Window in Time Author: Ivalee Artist: aarins_rou / brolinskeep Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 29,676 Summary: Geophysicist, Arthur Pendragon, receives a grant from his sister's company for a research venture in a newly discovered cave. His first day on the project, Arthur follows a mysterious voice into a small cavern. He finds himself talking with Merlin, who claims to be a sorcerer from the 14th century. Arthur becomes so enamored with his new friend that he won't leave the cave, which naturally concerns his sister, and not just because she needs his research to increase profits. When Merlin is captured for using magic, Arthur is desperate to rescue him, but how can he help someone 700 years in the past?
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Title: Vârcolac Author: rotrude Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur; minor Gwen/Daegal Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,000 Summary: 1740, Young Queen Maria Theresa of Austria sends Hauptmann Arthur Pendrachen and Leutnant Oberarzt Merlin Emriß to Transylvania, currently belonging to the Austrian Crown, with the task of dissuading the locals from believing in legends and myths that are archaic, provincial and frankly absurd. This is the Century of Philosphers, the Age of Enlightment and the state must spread rationality and scientific thinking all around! In short Pendrachen and Emriß are to drive some sense into those credulous peasants who still believe in the undead, also known as vârcolaci, moroi -- vampires. It all starts to plan, but their journey journey ends up being fraught with less Enlightment and more peril than they'd wagered for.
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Title: Lay Your Head Down on the Shoulder of a Good Friend Author: skitz_phenom Artist: siennavie Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Uther, Ygraine, Balinor, Hunith, Leon, Elyan, Lancelot, Percival, Gwaine, Guinevere, Gaius, Kilgharrah, Nimueh, addt’l Rating: Explicit Word count: 97,000 Summary: With Camelot readying for the upcoming gathering of rulers of the Southern Kingdoms to discuss peace, Uther has tasked Arthur with an additional duty: befriend the Prince of Essetir and learn anything he can of King Balinor, and of magic, and of dragons, that might be of interest should the treaty not succeed. That's easier said than done, as he and Prince Merlin don't exactly hit it off immediately. But, befriending Merlin and learning of magic and life in Essetir leads Arthur down the paths of discovering long held secrets surrounding his own birth, and his mother's ill health, and his father's hatred of all things magic. Adding even more complications to the mix are rowdy knights, frustrating princesses, a possible traitor in their midst, and an overly-verbose dragon; not to mention the burgeoning and peculiar feelings for his fellow prince that Arthur struggles to put a name to.
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Title: Gladiator Author: @clea2011 Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 115,000 Summary: When Cenred and his army of sorcerers conquer Camelot, Arthur loses everything. His home, his kingdom, his father, his sister… all are taken from him and he's forced to fight for his life for public entertainment. Thrown in with strangers, Arthur makes new friends and dangerous enemies. He knows he’s probably living on borrowed time but one man and a baby dragon just might make a difference - if he can survive his next fight.
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Title: Take Us Back Author: sdewan6 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, Leon/Percival Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 28,000 Summary: All of Arthur's and Merlin's friends are dead (Gwen, Elyan, Gwaine) or dying (Gaius). They fight themselves to move past it as other kingdoms circle greedily to take advantage of their weakened state after the war with Morgana. And while Leon and Percival grow closer, Merlin and Arthur drift apart for the king struggles to accept Merlin's magic. And, to make everything worse, Merlin gets kidnapped just as all his magic runs out. Great. Just great.
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We’ve established I’m slow on the uptake, but thank you for the tag @season5-thiccmerlin !
(Also your self portrait is GORGEOUS and I’d like you to draw me like one of your French girls lol.)
1. How has your day been?
Aside from running out of chainmail rings AGAIN because apparently I can’t count when I order, today is pretty dang good. Running out of rings just means today is now a reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, and watching Merlin on Netflix kind of day and I am HERE FOR IT. I’ve got a breeze through the window, I’ve got ao3 open, I’ve got snacks, and I’ve got you lovely peeps. What could be better?
2. What was the last thing that made you smile?
Always the love from you guys here on Tumblr (reblogs and kind comments are literally our real life magic), but also the absolutely ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL Merthur fanfics I’ve been reading daily. Here are a few of my latest recommendations if you want to smile too:
The Wall of Arthur by supercalvin
Maybe We Were Coming All Along by sassafrasx
(Un)like Any Other by bunnysworld
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
CHAINMAIL. BY THE END OF THIS QUARANTINE I WILL BE A KNIGHT OF CAMELOT. Lol but really I just started learning chainmail and I’m loving having a vision of what I want to make and just...figuring it the heck out because no one else has made that design before. It’s so fun and creative and makes me feel like I’m some Camelot Armorer in the castle, perfecting my craft. If anyone else wants to learn, this BRILLIANT site is what got me started and I’m happy to answer any questions!:
4. If you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time?
I didn’t realize how much my job was just wearing me down and sapping my creativity, so my biggest goal from this time in quarantine is to relax for the first time in a long time and just experience the things I love again. I’ve got my new hobby of chainmail (and you better believe I’ll have my full shirt done soon), but I’m also returning to my love of writing fanfiction and I finally have more time to read it and fall in love with more storylines and authors. And I’m so excited to return to random crafting! I know this quarantine period can be stressful and scary, but right now it’s also - as weird as it may sound - so freeing to have the time to become myself again.
5. Post a selfie (if you’re comfortable with that).
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6. Last but not least: send this to some mutuals to keep the game going (only if you want to).
Not mutuals with all of these people (I wish), I just want them to know I love them. Dare I say...with all my heart.
@sunnyatmidnight @thegreymoon @maryluis @clotpolemerlin @deheerkonijn @supercalvin
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aftercamlann · 5 years
Reminder and 2018 Masterlist
After Camlann Big Bang 2018 Masterlist!
Hello everyone! Just a reminder that if you are thinking of signing up for our 2019 Big Bang, that Writers sign ups close on 20 May! Artists sign ups close on 20 June and our Beta and Hype Reader sign ups don't close, so you can sign up at any time!
We would also like to take a moment to say thank you to all the writers and artists who participated last year and we hope you will consider participating again this year!
Please see below the cut for our 2018 Masterlist
After Camlann Masterlist 2018
Below are the 2018 Merlin Big Bang entries listed alphabetically.
Title: A Fae Inquest Author: rotrude Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32,600 Story Link: On AO3
Title: After the flood Author: bunnysworld Artist: @eisbaerfusselart Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word Count: 55,983 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Back to the Start Author: @magicalmischel Artist: @matchboximpala Pairings/Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gaius, Gwen, Uther, Original Male Character (the witchfinder), Sir Leon, Kilgharrah Rating: Teen Word Count: 87,799 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Camelot Escapes Author: Ivalee Artist: @brolinskeep Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Teen Word Count: 26,062 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3 & On Tumblr
Title: cèilidh Author: amuk Artist: @whimsycatcher Pairings/Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine, Percival, Tristan, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon, Gwen, Morgana, Mordred, hints of Arthur/Gwen Rating: Teen Word Count: 42,772 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Clouds on the Horizon Author: Diana Prallon Artist: Kate Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, Leon, Elyan, Gwaine, Albion Royalty Rating: Mature Word Count: 49,979 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On Tumblr
Title: Emrys & Pendragon (Deceased) Author: @fifty-5ty Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot, Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin/Mordred Rating: Explicit Word Count: 123,448  Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Father and Son Author: @clea2011 Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur  Rating: Mature Word Count: 58,700  Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: For the Love of All Who Gather Author: Nebula5030 Artist: LittensTinyMittens Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin & Arthur, Arthur/Gwen, Background Canon Relationships, Merlin, Gwaine, Aithusa, Arthur, Iseldir, Hunith, Other Canon Characters, OC Villain, Various Druid OCs Rating: Teen Word Count: 91699 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Here We Go Again (a What's Your Number? AU) Author: @yesimafan/daroh Artist: @artgroves Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur; minor or previous Merlin/Mordred, Merlin/Gilli, Merlin/Daegal, Merlin/George, Merlin/Leon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 42,000 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On Tumblr
Title: Hidden Dragons Author: LittensTinyMittens Artist: @whimsycatcher Pairings/Characters: Balinor/Hunith, Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine, Will/OC, Kilgharrah, Aithusa, OC Dragonkin and Dragons Rating: Teen Word Count: 103,388 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Hymns for the Immortal Wind Artist: @marmaladica Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin Art Link: On AO3
Title: Kingship Author: sidhe_faerie Artist: altocello Pairings/Characters: Uther/Ygraine, Gaius/Alice, Balinor/Hunith, Arthur/Guinevere, Nimueh, Will, Leon, Tom, Merlin, Morgana, original characters Rating: Teen Word Count: 28,506 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Our Destinies Our Own Author: @katherynefromphilly Artist: @lao-pendragon Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Mature Word Count: 96,619 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 
Title: Over the Lights, Under the Moon Author: Slantedknitting Artist: @schweetheart​ Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin/Elyan, Leon/Freya, Gwen/Lance, and a couple other spoilery ones :) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 110,736  Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: The Love You Make is Equal to the Love You Take Author: @emrysmk​ Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters:  Merlin/Arthur (main), Morgana/Gwen, Hunith, Leon, Freya, Gwaine, Agravaine, Mordred, Arthur/Myror   Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~26K Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3 
Title: The Puppet King Author: @watchherrise​​ Artist: @visions-of-red​ Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen   Rating: Teen Word Count: 34,192 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On Tumblr 
Title: To Start Anew Author: @kateis-cakeis​ Artist: mella68 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwaine/Percival, Gwen/Lancelot Rating: Teen Word Count: 51,921 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
Title: Will you search through the lonely earth for me? Author: @camelittle Artist: @merlocked18​ Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur  Rating: Mature Word Count: 54,000 Story Link: On AO3 Art Link: On AO3
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merlinholidays · 5 years
FIC: Falling For You [PG-13] Merlin/Arthur
Title: Falling For You Recipient: Bunnysworld Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Leon/Percival, Gwaine/Morgana Word Count: 7k Content Notes/Warnings: None Summary: Ice skating was definitely not Arthur's thing. The alpine bar next to the rink would have been a far better place to spend an evening. But there was no arguing with Morgana and Leon. And at least he might meet someone even worse at skating than himself. Possibly. In which Arthur and Merlin are promised food, drink and a warm bar by their respective friends but instead find themselves out on a freezing cold ice rink. And Leon writes love poetry. Badly. Author's Notes: Dear Bunny, I was so pleased when I got you as my recipient. I had a look at your likes and prompts came up with this piece of fluffy silliness - I do hope you like it my friend. Happy holidays and a very happy and healthy new year to you! x Thanks very much to my little band of beta elves for all their help - you guys are the best! And to the wonderful Merlin Hols mods for running this lovely fest again(and for your patience with my failure to hit deadlines!) - thank you so much! AO3 link to fanwork: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17288567
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merlinholidays · 7 years
FIC: A Little Bit More [T] Merlin/Arthur
Title: A Little Bit More Recipient: bunnysworld Rating: Teen and up/13+ Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Word Count: 4,415 words Content Notes/Warnings: Alternate universe - Modern, Christmas, fluff, destiny, past character death, grieving. Summary: Merlin’s alone this Christmas, and he just wishes he could sleep right through it all. Author's Notes: Bunnysworld, you gave me great prompts - thank you! This isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Massive thank yous to N, who managed to whip my poor grammar and awkward sentences into shape. Any remaining errors are my own, though. An equal massive thank you to the mods, who not only have been extremely accommodating and helpful, but also super supportive and even kept me from dropping out of the fest when everything felt hopeless. You’re awesome. AO3 link to fanwork: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12899931
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