merlinfanficquotes · 2 years
Merlin returned to his scribbling. “And, yeah, I like it,” he mumbled, eliciting a questioning glance from Arthur. But before Arthur could even ask what Merlin was talking about, Merlin said, without ever looking up from his paper, apparently sensing Arthur’s question, “Your cologne. It smells really awesome by the way.” Arthur chuckled. Merlin was amazing.
It’s All Just Cafe Talk Anyway by thecheekydragon
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spielzeugkaiser · 6 months
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@artistiquereader I don't know if you've seen the show but would love some Merlin & Arthur from Merlin ✨️ Happy Holidays!! ✨️✨️
OH I DO. Is it even christmas without Merlin??
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merlinisabottomboy · 6 years
artistiquereader replied to your post “I'm looking for this one fic that Arthur was brought back to life and...”
Could it be "And like the cycle of the year, we begin again by katherynefromphilly" on AO3? Merlin lives by Avalon and has several businesses by the shore and then Arthur comes back during a festival.
and thank you artistiquereader!! sorry i didnt see this reply at first. so we have two people thinking its the same one so i hope this is what youre looking for anon :) <3
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arasura · 3 years
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@impxrev-blog @melisa-42 @feridswaggory @strawsmultifandomtrashcan @egh518 @donisgod-blog @void-narcissist @nana3322-blog @yeetajmeintospace @not-your-soulmate @nicairus @myrtyseraph @kyungjinsgf @bloodstained-thanatos @gaishan @thepandalov @hitagisan @mikaismybae @lena-rin @hoshisft @peachyve @yully-ffxv @opentheairforfreshwindows @harmonicflowers @hopelesshazael-xvx @bysealight @leslie-es @seokminfools @artistiquereader @moved-to-saltybuttcrackers 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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madaboutmerlin · 6 years
Merlin Writer Month: Conclusion
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And with this post, we are finally done. Thank you all so much for reccing and commenting. I am glad the fandom took this chance to give some extra love back to the wonderful fanfic writers. You guys are super awesome!
Thanks also to the extremely dedicated mods without whose hard work this would not have been possible: @artistiquereader @guessimaclotpole @just--sparks @mega-mathi @mistbornhero @plu-does-stuff
Of course we hope that you will all go on and continue spreading the love. Thanks again everyone <3 
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merlinfanficquotes · 2 years
“He will kill me, Arthur, and he won’t even care.”
“So let’s leave. Let’s go now. We’ll go to the airport and catch a plane and he’ll never find us.” Arthur tries to impress upon Merlin that he’s absolutely serious, so he strides further into the room. Merlin smiles as he looks up at Arthur, his eyes incredibly sad.
“I’m telling you, Arthur, he will find me.”
When Will These Scars Begin to Fade? by Caledonia
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
“I’m in love with you,” Merlin continued, still tracing long lines down Arthur’s skin. There was no pressure, no hesitation. It felt right to say it like this, under the covers in their bed, wrapped in each other’s arms. Arthur’s head shot up to look at his, twisting his body until he was half upright on Merlin’s torso. His eyes were wild, surprised. “You better not be joking. Merlin, I swear to God if you are I’ll—”
you’re there with open arms by merlinemrys (divineauthor)
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
“Are you telling me the Princess finally had the balls to confess,” he said, “and you didn’t believe him? God, I wish I could have seen his face.” “This isn’t funny, Gwaine,” Merlin said crossly, finally putting the grimoire down long enough to scowl at his friend. “He kissed me the other day. Just out of nowhere! And he keeps trying to talk to me about his feelings!” “And…this is a bad thing because…?”
it’s a love story, baby (just say yes) by shweet_heart
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
He snapped out of it. “You want me there? Why? It's not like I can say anything.” “No, but you'll be there to serve me. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, your presence makes those tedious spiels more bearable.” “Wow, Arthur. One would think you were saying you need me.” Not long ago, Arthur would have taken the opportunity to make a quip about Merlin's uselessness, dismissing his statement entirely. But instead, he said, “I do. Gods help me, but I do.”
A Crown of Smoke by CandiceWright
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
Too bad Arthur never had anyone drag him away by the ear, Merlin thinks. And then, wait. Arthur teases him, messes up his hair, and shoves him into mud puddles. In other words, Arthur treats him almost exactly like that boy with a crush. “No.” Merlin actually says it aloud. “That’s ridiculous.”
Friendly Slaps by platonic_boner
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
“There’s something about this tunic. It smells…” Oh gods. It was the tunic he’d slept in the night before. Why did he have to hand that one to Arthur? And why did Arthur have to discover this secret? Why not something less complicated, like his magic? “Nice. Really nice. And familiar.” Arthur pulled the fabric to his face and inhaled deeply. “I swear I’ve smelled that somewhere before. Oh well. Let’s go face the day.”
The Threads That Bind Us by tefanglyfish
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
“You were in my English class this morning,” the boy tells him, coming across the bathroom to lean against the row of sinks now, head tilted, curious. Merlin flushes. “Was I?” “I was watching you,” the boy says, shameless, completely blunt and straightforward, and he leans a little bit closer, with one eyebrow raised and a lopsided smile playing at the corner of his mouth; Merlin’s breath catches a little bit, unconsciously. “I don’t even know your name,” Merlin blurts, wildly, searching for anything to say. The boy flashes him a grin, wide and easy. “Arthur.”
To the Syntax of Things by suntipped
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
Merlin suddenly grinned at him. “You know, my mum would really love you,” he said. “Yeah?” Arthur said, his insides warming even further at the prospect of meeting Merlin’s mother. “And why is that?” Merlin continued to grin. “Because you take good care of me, Arthur Pendragon.”
It’s All Just Cafe Talk Anyway by thecheekydragon
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
His friend hitches a breath when Arthur delicately traces the bruises around the throat with his left hand while the other softly thumbs away the streak of blood by the mouth. The king finally stops examining the damage, catching Merlin’s nervous and resigned eyes with his own on a dead stare. With barely restrained anger, Arthur finally asks what he should have done days and hours ago. “Who did this to you?” he barely recognizes his own voice, quiet and tense.
Of Foreign Nobility and Hidden Magic by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
"For pity's sake, Merlin. I'm not that drunk." "You're not?" "No." "Just how pretty are my lips?" "Merlin," Arthur chided. For a clever servant, Merlin was being very obtuse. "You know very well your lips are the prettiest in all of Camelot."
Just One by ella_bane
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merlinfanficquotes · 4 years
He doesn’t shift his hand away, so the movement of Merlin reaching into his pocket displaces it, fingers sliding down naturally Merlin’s waist. Merlin fidgets. “Here.” He passes over his mobile, aware of their friends’ curious gazes. Arthur flashes a wide smile at him, something gleaming in his eye. And then: “Thanks, sweetheart,” he says, breathing lightly at Merlin’s ear before he turns his back and walks away, casual and easy, almost unconsciously so.
Oscillate Wildly by suntipped
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