#au.  magic is just in fairytales ; this is reality.  /  modern.
dawnled · 4 months
tag post #4 ( au verses #1 ) !
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Can I have 5 headcanons from the 'Carrie in a Fractured Fairytale AU + wolf!Reggie' universe?
Hey Inny! THanks for the ask! ^_^
This is sort of 10th kingdom inspired
So the beginning is different because The Evil Queen is reigning as Queen. Though very few are privy to the extent she’ll go to keep her kingdom. Her stepson, Alex, is one of the few people who does, as he’s deduced the ailing King is her doing. In researching how to stop the Queen, looking for a weakness, Alex discovers the traveling mirror. 
I’m still mentally figuring this part out but: Alex gets turned into dog, falls through the mirror and Queen sends a group of trolls to go get him back. Hijinks ensue, Carrie’s use of modern technology makes trolls think she’s got powerful magic so they snag her instead. Trevor as protective dad follows, Alex tagging along after.
Reggie rescued Carrie from the trolls, because he happened to be traveling by on his own and smelled her. He attempted to rescue her but it's more like he helped her rescue herself. They end up confusing each other when Carrie asks where she is and Reggie just speaks fairytale nonsense at her. The confusion gets worse when she asks to borrow his cell phone and now she’s the one speaking nonsense in his opinion. 
Carrie doesn’t know how she got here (nor that Trevor followed her to bring her back home). So Reggie offers to help her find a witch or a good fairy to help her find her way back home. Which, Carrie laughs at but agrees to him helping her find the nearest town, figuring that she could always find someone who isn’t stuck in some sort of fairytale hallucination for help. 
Carrie reluctantly has to face the reality that she is in fact no longer in her reality/dimension
Reggie would have run away from his pack years and years ago. They were aggressive and everything every fairytale claims wolves to be. Reggie hated being that.
Reggie wolf traits: Most wolf-like with a full moon, most human-like with a new moon. Wolf traits that never fully go away: stronger sense of smell, tail, canines. Due to how he was raised Reggie tends to be more stereotypically cartoonish big bad scary wolf during full moons but he hates it and does his best to not be around anyone during those times. Which becomes difficult when he starts helping Carrie and MORE difficult after the events of To Follow Where You Are
This is one of those AU’s I like to play around in but haven’t fully fleshed out into a story because I already have too many WIP’s I need to finish first.
Send me an AU and I'll share 5(+) headcanon's for it.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : reign [prelude] pairing : nanami kento x f!princess!y/n (modern!non-magic!au) Genre: angst, romance, psychological-drama, mature, and tragedy Summary: Reality and dreams are often two different things that should definitely be separated but when Nanami Kento, an ordinary businessman and a foreigner, shows you that you can have the beautiful things with your eyes shot open, you find yourself falling harder than ever    its a shame you were bound to another and had it sealed with a ring on your finger. Warnings: mild mentions of classism, minor character death notes: the first official chapter will be out on oct 8 as promised so see you then, i hope u enjoyed the prelude <3 series masterlist || send me an ask to be a part of the taglist! ||
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2007 (Japan)
Nanami Kento is eighteen when he first sees Y/N L/N.
Tokyo is bustling and alive as always despite the gloomy and dreary weather approaching. The streets are crowded with students and the working class rushing to get to the train, the smell of food being eaten as people try to fill their stomachs before the long commute, and the sound of cars beeping to hurry it up and take that left turn in the intersection.
The blonde boy walks down the streets with an umbrella ready in his hand, alongside his best friend trailing behind him; a raven-haired boy who seems to be rather eccentric as he chats about the mundane day he had. His attention is half on his friend and the other half on the lively surroundings. He’s making sure that said friend who is too caught up with his words, does not bump into anyone. 
Yet as Kento turns his head to the side, his eyes wander off to the television set in an appliance center behind the encased glass window. It’s not the fifty percent off television that had caught his attention but the beautiful girl behind the colorful broadcast, one whose amiable smile and approachable disposition had him stop in his tracks just for a brief moment to check out who she is and why she’s surrounded by flashes of cameras and microphones.
“...Japan?” Her voice is delicate and gentle like the cool rays of the sun in the fall, “I’m sorry I’m still studying Japanese and learning Kanji…” she chuckled, tilting her head to the side. Despite coming off as bashful and shy at first, she radiated poise and dignity as if she was someone of a higher class. 
His tawny brown eyes search her (e/c) ones, even through the colored screen, he can see the genuinity and the magnanimity behind them. One you’d never see so easily in celebrities or high-profiled individuals for they seemed to have to be lifeless.
“Kento, who are you…” Yu Haibara stops in his tracks, noticing how his friend wasn’t even listening to him anymore, “Oh, I see...You were looking at the princess…”
The blonde man snaps back to reality as he shifts his gaze back to his raven-haired best friend, “A princess?” He wasn't entirely sure if this was a title given to her by the media but Haibara looks like it was anything but a simple nickname being thrown around carelessly.
“A royal princess.” he carefully enunciates for his best friend again, repeating the words as if Kento hadn’t heard him right the first time, “She’s royalty, Kento.” he continues, gesticulating his hands in a small wave as if he was explaining something to a toddler.
His chocolate brown eyes return to the television, her smile not even disappearing and her gaze not even wavering. She had her head held up high and shoulders squared the whole time,  just like those princesses he has read in books and seen in the movies.
She was truly someone who looked like she lived in a fairytale and a picturesque scenery. 
“...This organization I’ve started for my eighteenth birthday is close to my heart…” she explained patiently to the Japanese interviewer, her aspiring and well-bred gaze doesn’t falter for a second at the interviewer as she explained her project. For a girl who proclaimed that she was still studying and a beginner of his mother tongue, she seemed rather eloquent and well-read, “And I’m more than happy to share it to the world to see how important it is to cherish our youth and their talents. I don’t want to gatekeep such a wonderful project that I know can help other children as well. Each child deserves the basic rights to access to books and literary works. My mama and papa had always been so passionate about raising the literacy rate of the children in my country to an additional three percent per year … and I agree with that as well, the children are our future and I want to take care of them because each of them deserve to only walk the easier path...”
He can feel her excitement, her determination to push whatever project she was saying. It’s enough to make his heart start beating fast for he could just feel the vitality and vigor through the display.
“I think Disney plans to make a movie based on her soon,” Haibara exclaims, proud that he knows something that his blonde best friend doesn’t know, “... she’s just that popular especially to the teenage girls these days…” 
Nanami could exactly see why.
He purses his lips in amusement as he continues to watch flashes of videos of her waving through the telecast, bending down to a young girl's level to receive a bouquet of flowers, and how she didn’t seem to mind carrying a toddler within her arms despite them pulling her well-groomed hair. It seemed as if the smile on her lips had only grown bigger at the annoying actions of the child and had only heightened the buoyancy of her nature.
“Nanaminnnn…” The high pitched and rather irate tone of Yu Haibara snaps him back to reality, traces of the princess and her bright presence was no longer behind the screen and simply a man talking about the weather and how everyone should bring an umbrella because it would be raining cats and dogs for the next few days, “You’ve been staring at the screen for too long! That’s why you need glasses!” the young boy continued.
“It had been only three minutes at the most.” he snaps back, rolling his eyes, “You’re one to talk when you have your eyes on your PSP throughout breaktime.”
“Blah blah blah…” he plugs his fingers in his ear holes, ignoring him as they continue to push their way through the streets, “And you looked like you fell in love with the princess!” he rolls his tongue teasingly, turning to his blonde best friend with a knowing look on his face, “So it’s not Japanese idols but foreign princesses, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows, a knowing look in his features.
Nanami Kento would like to think the idea of crushing on people out of reach or public personalities is nothing but a joke and a comedic farce. It wasn’t that fun and it seemed time consuming when you looked at it due to the endless amounts of time wasted looking them up in friendster’s and myspace.
“I haven’t seen a princess, that’s all.” He simply confessed.
It wasn’t a lie. It’s the first time he’s ever seen a member of the royal family around their age group. The monarchs would usually be around the ages of forty or older. Add the fact that Princes and Princesses didn’t exactly look like picture perfect depictions of their opposites in Disney movies.
“Can’t believe you haven’t even seen her.” Yu had seemed to be mildly disappointed by his friend’s lack of knowledge about the individual, “She’s been on the news after she had publicly given a speech a night before her parents funeral last year. Broadcasted around the world, they’re basically as popular as the monarchs in Europe as well...” 
Kento isn’t sure if he should be worried by his friend’s statement. The idea of watching someone giving a eulogy didn’t seem to be too pleasant when you look at it in a different perspective despite her being royalty or being under public eye constantly, “And for the record, my okaasan had forced me to sit down. She started comparing me to the princess a minute into the speech because she sounded so smart and well-read... apparently, I’m supposed to be like that as well since we’re of the same age.” he adds, scoffing as he recounts the bitter memory.
“Seems like something your mom would do.” the blonde replied dryly. He didn’t exactly watch much television since he usually did advance readings on his studies to maintain his academic standing and his parents weren’t one to force that sort of thing on him, either.
Perks of his father being part Danish and his mom being raised outside, as well so the usual Asian traditions like that we’re barely heard around the house.
“You should watch it though…” His best friend quickly adds, “I think everyone had really stopped and stared just to listen to her speak.”
“When I have the time.” Kento utters, looking ahead of them as they enter the train station. If he does remember to look up on it, maybe he’d stop to listen to your voice as well like a while ago. 
The pair had carried on their earlier conversation about school and whatnot, the tall blonde being the receiving end once again of it all, as usual. The earlier blather on the princess at the back of their heads.
He comes home to an empty home as expected with the sticky note of ‘dinners on the fridge, me and your dad have a meeting until 9!’ stuck on the refrigerator. 
It’s a regular and boring routine.
Doing his homework, reheating his dinner, feeding their cat, and ultimately ending up in front of the family computer to finish remaining assignments on his English subject. His hands hover over the x button for a split second, thinking that he was done with his research but the words of Yu Haibara had made him hesitant.
He’s not one to dwell or look into the affairs of notable individuals. It didn’t exactly trickle down a long and lasting effect on him yet he finds himself typing in her name on the search bar. It loads for a bit and a low quality video of her sitting down in a living room in an all black ensemble that probably had cost more than this computer and all his things combined. She was probably only seventeen at this time, younger but albeit, maybe wiser by the harsh events brought upon her at this age.
He clicks on the video and patiently waits for it to load.
She encompasses his whole monitor and the once bright gaze that he had seen a while ago was now hollow and downhearted yet she tries to remain strong and steadfast for the cameras that are rolling in front of her.
“...Ever since his royal highness, Prince F/N and Princess M/N had passed away last week due to an unforeseen and unfortunate accident.” She began. Just like that moment awhile ago, there's emotion laced in her words. It doesn’t sound like a lukewarm address. At that moment, she sounded like a princess and at the same time a grieving daughter.
“...Our family has been deeply moved by the sentiments of the public, especially the letters that I’ve personally received and read, ones that I’ve yet to reply to. Not only has everyone prayed for the departed souls of the crowned prince and the princess but you’ve all been so kind enough to include me, as well…” he watches as she takes a second to breath, admiring the way she keeps a calm composure as if her parents hadn’t just passed away and she was instructed to deliver such news at a tender age in front of hundreds of people in what seemed to be a live telecast.
Her somber mixed with saccharine-coated tone is the only thing heard in the solitude of his living room.
“...Truly, the extent and kindness of the public knows no bounds and it has given me a sparkle of joy in these dark times because everyone had seen them both in a bright light just like I did. In more ways than one, despite spending only seventeen years with them, through these letters you’ve all sent that are filled with your fond memories, I feel as if I’ve lived with them their whole lives as well. I do not wish for there to only be grievance and sadness at the official ceremony tomorrow, I wish for each and everyone of you to bring this regard for they have both lived wonderful lives in servitude for the country. This is what they would have wanted and desired because it was the warmth and affection of individuals like you that inspired their resolve and dedication until their last breath...As their only child and as the whole family comes to terms with their deaths and the void that they’ve left in our midst; from the bottom of my heart, I, thank you for the love you have given them during their lives and the honor you have given them on their rest…”
The screen turns black.
Nanami Kento feels as if he had held his breath for a long hour, the message that seemed to be poured in with endless amounts of emotion, one that had apparently been her first public speech was truly an astounding one that’ll probably stay in his mind for a while.
Only now does he truly understand why the world is captivated by Y/N L/N.
A young girl in the middle of a tumultuous period giving such an address but with so much ardor, decorum, alongside capturing the people’s hearts as well.
Figures such as her were like artworks at the louvre. Crafted to what seemed to be perfection and out of reach.
Yet they’re ones that’ll be appreciated and remembered in decades and time to come.
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taglist (those in bold, cant be tagged!)
@minaces​ @berrikun​ @rafzaha​  @wiselalafell 
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
AUgust prompts!
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Image text under the cut! 
1. Superpower AU (Marvel/DC/power rangers/Sailor Moon/secret identities)
2. Darkside AU (murder boyfriends/villainy/monsters/possession)
3. Kink AU Sub/dom stuff, sex clubs, kink discovery
4. Profession AU (mechanic/lifeguard/tattoo artist/flowershop/doctor/chef/fireman/musicians/band/fashion--go wild)
5. Historic or Fantasy AU (Pirates/Princess Bride/Lord of the Rings/Avatar the Last Airbender)
6. Fairytale AU (princes/dragons/curses/good fairies, retellings of traditional tales/traditional themes)
7. Detective/Crime AU (mystery/buddy cops/investigation/Film Noir/Mafia)
8. Asian Drama/Martial Arts Drama AU (Untamed/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon/Rookie Historian/Word of Honor, anything goes!)
9. Spies or heist AU (secret identities again if you like!  James Bond, Leverage, Oceans 8, gadgets and plots)
10. Classic play/novel AU (Shakespeare/Jane Austen and modernizations like 10 Things I Hate About You/Clueless/don’t forget Pride and Prejudice/Dickens/whatever)
11. Monster/Huge Robot AU (Pacific Rim/Jurassic Park/Godzilla/Transformers)
12. Magic/Witches/Wizards AU (Harry Potter/Hocus Pocus/familiars/curses/daemons/body changes or swaps/hanahaki disease)
13. Natural disaster/Nature survival AU (volcanos/earthquakes/lost/Tarzan/living in the wilderness/dogsledding/mountain climbers)
14. Modern horror AU (Supernatural/Teen Wolf/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/weres/demons/hunters/zombies)
15. Queer Subculture AU (Gay/straight alliance clubs at school, drag, gender-non-conforming characters as the focus/Stonewall/protests)
16. Athlete AU (skaters/baseball players/skiiers/roller derby Robin/coaches for kids or each other)
17. Future/sci-fi AU (Terminator/5th Element/Blade Runner/Matrix/Jupiter Ascending etc.)
18. Stripper/pole dancer/burlesque/sex worker AU
19. Creatures AU (Fairies/mermaids/creatures not in a horror setting)
20. School AU (college/university/pranks/gradeschool/middleschool/drama class/school sports teams)
21. Classic Movie AU (Victor/Victoria, Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Some Like It Hot, Miyazaki movies, Coraline, Nightmare Before Christmas,  comedies/musicals/anything)
22. Soulmates/ABO/Destiny/Red Strings AU
23. Animals AU (zoo workers/trainers/pet owners/characters as animals/horseback riding)
24. Historical AU (cowboys/musketeers/Babylonian royals/politics/soldiers/anything you like)
25. Kidfic AU Childhood friends or sweethearts/parents/babysitting/adoption
26. Mythology/gods/cryptids/urban legends AU (Also includes Lara Croft/Indiana Jones/American Gods/Percy Jackson)
27. Stranded together/forced proximity AU (paired up for work/ stranded/blind dates/project together/fake dating/arranged marriage/handcuffed/deserted island/in the Upside-Down/roommates)
28. Injury/disability/illness/dreamscape AU (Amnesia/injury aftereffects/barely survived/coma/hallucination/questioning reality)
29. Canon-adjacent AU (change one thing from canon, like gender/soulmates exist/an event/a death)
30. Internet/fandom AU (chat rooms/catfishing/texting/social media/Twitch/Onlyfans/early fansites/cons/cosplay)
31. TV Show AU (Star Trek/Baywatch/anime/Doctor Who/anything you like)
Apocalypse AU (zombies/bombs/post-natural disaster/aliens/Annihilation)
80’s movies AU (Gremlins/Lost Boys/Stand By Me/Goonies/Ghostbusters, Spielberg/Stephen King, Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, anything with an 80’s vibe=fair game!  Google “movies released in the 80’s” and blow your mind)
Anything goes, use these however you like to make whatever you’d like!  Do some, do all, or just enjoy the stuff other people make!  Tag your work HarringroveAUgust  and reblog what you like!  We’ll make a HarringroveAUgust collection on Ao3, I’ll make a link later.  Add whatever you want!  This is generally a Stranger Things fandom thing, but everybody’s welcome!
Have fun!
tagging @ihni​ and @cherrydreamer​, my enablers (fixed at Ihni’s excellent tag suggestion!)
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kaisooficrec · 3 years
Sun and Moon Fest: 1st Eclipse
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A Fairytale Romance
Genre: Romance, Shapeshifters AU, Fluff, Established Relationship, fairytale
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3,796 w
Summary: Jongin never thought that he would fall in love with someone like Kyungsoo. He wasn’t opposed to the idea of biracial marriage. He had no care for gender either. Love was love and when he found the perfect person to share his life with, that was it.
a specific type of self-care
Genre: Kyungsoo-centric, Gried/Mourning, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Warning: Major Character Death, Depression, Mild Gore, Implied Suicide
Rating: R
Length: 5,914 w
Summary: Kyungsoo struggles to find reality.
this is how you fall in love
Genre: Soulmates AU, Friends to Lovers, Tattoos, Baker Kyungsoo
Warning: character with anxiety, close call with a panic attack
Rating: PG-13
Length: 14,560 w
Summary: Jongin doesn't want a tattoo to determine who he will spend his future with which is why he decides to get as many as possible so that the choice will be his
A Song for Xx
Genre: Dystopia AU, Romance, Angst, Slightly dark
Warning: Mentions of physical abuse, Implied Suicide 
Rating: R
Length: 5,384 w
Summary: Among the ruins of buried cities, Kyungsoo yearns for the sky. Jongin yearns for a home. Somehow, both can be found in an abandoned warehouse.
Make It Happen (to you)
Genre: Soulmates AU, Fluff, Coffee Shops
Rating: PG-13
Length: 6,824 w
Summary: Kyungsoo welcomes a dream every night, one where he sees what his soulmate sees during their days. But what happens when Kyungsoo sees that his soulmate is coming to meet him?
Go Not Into This Night...
Genre: Action/Adventure, MAMA Era Powers, Red Force, Fate & Destiny, Ambiguos/Open Ending
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4,702 w
Summary: Kyungsoo thinks that his shift at the diner is going to go as usual, serve a couple of customers, and the guy that comes in with the white hair and the star tattoo who orders the same thing every time.Everything seems normal, until he's aware that it isn't.
Still just a crush?
Genre: jongin is a nurse, Secret Crush, Misunderstandings, Baekhyun is the good friend that everybody needs, Junmyeon is a tease, Kyungsoo makes the best coffee, maybe bc he's really whipped lmao, a little bit of sekai, but its really nothing
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4,342 w
Summary: Kyungsoo has a crush on his neighbor, he has already accepted that, but it's been months now... and his feelings make him feel like a fool sometimes. Does his feelings for Jongin still count as a simple crush? Baekhyun assures that no.
Dancing in the Kitchen
Genre: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Arranged Marriage, Falling In Love, One Shot
Rating: PG-13
Length: 7,259 w
Summary: The lockdown is announced on the day Kyungsoo and Jongin have an arranged marriage.
Echoes of Night.
Genre: Modern Assassins, Supernatural Elements, Supernatural Creatures, MAMA Era Powers, Memories, Memory Magic, Magic, Witches, Wizards, Fae & Fairies, Elves, Immortals, Photographs, Eventual Fluff, Established Relationship
Warning: Blood, Violence, Guns
Rating: PG-13
Length: 5,301 w
Summary: Kyungsoo travels from place to place, with only his photo albums to store his memories of travels past.But something strange arrises when a man he met in passing earlier in the day is in more than several photos of his photo album when he checks it later that same evening.
Fucking Perfection
Genre: Porn With Plot, Fluff, Top Kyungsoo, Bottom Jongin, Praise Kink, Overstimulation
Rating: NC-17
Length: 11,526 w
Summary: Kyungsoo is a renowned sculptor, who uses an alias and doesn't do just any personal projects. Jongin is a wealthy and arrogant CEO. When Jongin wants a sculpture of himself, he calls for Kyungsoo's services. And maybe Kyungsoo doesn't mind at all.
You And I (Shouldn't Feel Like A Crime)
Genre: College AU, Friends to Lovers, slight!kaistal, Romance, Mutual Pining, Friendship, Kissing, cursing
Rating: PG-13
Length: 5,622 w
Summary: Just Jongin and Kyungsoo struggling through university and the blurry lines between friendship and something more.
Virtually Impossible
Genre: Romance, Smut, Light Angst, Comedy
Rating: R
Length: 4,212 w (on-going)
Summary: Jongin knew it was a bad idea. But with the incessant goading of his friend, Baekhyun, he threw caution to the wind and entered an entire new world. Only, he didn't expect to find a secret that was bigger than his own when he got there.
Fate and Other Things
Genre: Soulmates AU, Minor Character Death, Mentions of Cancer, Implied Mpreg, clueless jongin pines over stubborn kyungsoo
Rating: R
Length: 5,395 w (on-going)
Summary: In a universe where finding your mate is rare, the rich executive, Kim Jongin, strikes the jackpot with a cynical and brooding singer who happens to already be in love with someone else.
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FanFiction Writer Appreciation Day
i actually read very little fanfic right now because of hectic biologist life/mostly being outdoors + 90% of my “reading” happening via audiobook these days, but I did get back into Dragon Age fanworks again during quarantine/isolation times this spring! so just wanted to highlight the things i’ve been reading, and the writers who’ve created them, for fanfiction writer appreciation day :) Here they are in no particular order besides how I found them in my reblogs/many open tabs. 
Chapter works!
1. Till We From Winter Wake by @asaara-writes​: FenHawke, DA2: Hawke and Fenris are unexpectedly pulled into a Fairytale setting thanks to a mysterius book brought home from the Black Emporium. They must figure out what’s going on to find each other and the way back out. I adore fairytale settings, and I definitely loved this (I may be biased as I also prompted it, but it’s also the truth!). It features mystery, ballroom dancing, delectably unsettling body horror, dramatic fights in the garden, and moments of whirlwind romance between the pair.
2.  Loki by @littleblue-eyedbird​: Solavellan modern AU, Lavellan owns a kitten named Loki who causes mischief by repeatedly sneaking out to steal her neighbor Solas’ boxers... luckily this pushes the pair into interacting more and more. Super cute, super sweet, and super nice to cuddle up and read while you’re pretending the rest of the world doesn’t exist. I don’t really read much fluff but this is one I’m excited to see another chapter of!
3. A Lesson in Drowning by @theherocomplex: FenHawke, DA2. Something terrible is happening in Kirkwall, and something or someone is seeking Hawke out to warn her about it--or are they trying to kill her? This fic is full of secrets, intrigue, unreality, and drama, and Hawke’s descent into maybe madness (or maybe something much more sinister) is enthralling to witness. It’s also given me an entirely new perspective on Orsino that I love. 
4. The Respite Hollow (or, The Ice Was Cold and So Were Their Hearts Until They Fell in Love) by @loquaciousquark​: Fenhawke modern AU, Hawke and Fenris are both competitive figure skaters, and chance (or fate) pushes them together as a pairs partner. This fic is cute, dramatic, and suspenseful all in turn. Covers the confrontation with a modern-era Danarius who you will hate just as much as his cannon in-game counterpart. I have adored watching figure skating since I was a child (even though I failed out of my own lessons, and had to swap to the more brute-force sport of hockey instead) and this fic captures the same magic atmosphere as being in a freshly-zambonied ice rink.
5. Tread Softly by @hauntedfalcon​: FenHawke, post DAI Here Lies the Abyss. I’m now and forever an absolute sucker for Hawke-in (and falling out of)-the-Fade content. The pair (and other DA2 friends) take island life and sailing around the seas of Seheron to fun new heights as they get back to their fun former pastimes of killing slavers/freeing slaves. I always love to read depictions of the Fog Warriors, and was delighted to find a fic in which they more heavily feature. 
6. By Any Other Name and Sulevin Ghilana Hanin by @lesbianarcana​: Fenris x OC, post-DA2 and during the DAI timeline. These two fics are in the same universe, and fun because they feature Asher’s DAI companion OC, Nyssa, as well as canon-established characters. The first story is from Fenris’ perspective after the events of DA2, as he leaves Kirkwall to try to solve the alarming problem of his lyrium-tattoo induced powers no longer functioning correctly. The second is from Nyssa’s perspective as zie joins the Inquisition to help defeat Corypheus--but zie has more to hir backstory/motivations than you’d assume. Having an OC thrown into the mix gives some fun fresh perspectives on the Inquisition gang, and Asher is also doing an AMAZING comic adaptation of By Any Other Name as well!
Short fic! I love one-shots, ficlets, drabbles, and short things that don’t endanger bedtime or mean I have to get off my phone and onto the computer to read. Here’s some highlights!
1. Free by @nug-juggler​: FenHawke, DA2. Hawke dies during the encounter with Danarius. Fenris reacts. Y’all know I love to s u f f e r 
2. solivagants by @roseategales​: Solavellan, DAI. A wonderful tiny exploration of their relationship dynamic that is both painful and true.  
3. alpenglow by @morriqan​: Solavellan, DAI. a cute, steamy, and humorous morning. I couldn’t stop from smiling during this one.
4. Lost by @nug-juggler​: FenHawke, post-DA2. Back to wonderful angst!!! Fenris POV, and he is having trouble remembering exactly what went down in Kirkwall... and exactly how old their kids are. 
5. i. reality // ii. rise and fall by @littleblue-eyedbird​: Solavellan, post-DAI. a very short pair of wonderfully heartbreaking prose, full of that anger/desperation/ longing/regret that this pairing is perfect for.
6. Dulces Sueños, Cariño by @saraheliza95​: Zevran x Surana, DAO: ohoho it’s the ~massage~ scene for this pair, and Zevran is just as sultry as you could desire. 
7. First by @nug-juggler: FenHawke, DA2. Fenris’ first (and second, and third, and) kiss, plus the ever-enjoyable FenHawke bantering that must precede it.
Thank you to all the above writers for making this spring/summer a little more bearable <3 
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
40 and 50 for the band + Miriam?
Thank you Jules!!! ✨(this is like 2 days late lmao oops)
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
(I’m answering this one for the Modern AU lol)
Alec — her music tastes are all over the place, she doesn’t let anyone see her Spotify history bc she knows she’ll just get roasted for jumping from Ariana Grande to Mother Mother to Daft Punk
Jamil — likes taking Zumba classes, dressing up in athleisure, the whole nine yards. All the lonely middle-aged moms at his classes adore him, but he would die if his friends caught him in the middle of the crowd
Camia — unironically adores telenovelas and can watch them for hours, has maybe cried while watching but no one can prove it
Leon — they are obsessed with reality TV. They think everyone on those shows are awful, but damn if they aren’t entertained. Bad Girls Club and The Real Housewives of _ are their favorites, and their commentary is scathing and frankly hilarious
Miriam — reads tons of romance (read: erotic) novels, good, bad, in-between, you name it, she’s read it. Most of her copies are hidden away in her apartment though, since they can be a bit raunchy
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
god this made me soft
Alec — “I feel like I don’t have to worry about who I was before when I’m with you—because you like me for who I am now. And that’s all that really matters to me... because I love you. With all of my heart and I don’t regret it for a second.”
Jamil — “I find myself looking for you wherever I go, even when I know you won’t be there, because you just—you feel like coming home, and I love that. I love coming back to you, and I just love you.”
Camia — “I love you. There’s no other way for me to say it, but I’ll say it as many times as you want to hear it. I don’t deserve you, but you deserve to know how I feel, and trust when I say that nothing could change that.”
Leon — “You help me see the world in a new way, and I don’t mean that literally, of course, but everything just seems nicer when you’re around. Kinder, softer, more forgiving. I suppose the only word for that is love, isn’t it?”
Miriam — “I spent my childhood dreaming of a fairytale love, and maybe my life is far from magical, but the way you make me feel... it’s the closest I’ll ever get to flying, I think. I feel like I could do anything with you by my side. I love you.”
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Cherik Moodboard: Enchanted AU
Note: This is supposed to be a little more detailed exploration of the plot bunnies I have in mind for this (though I am really happy to read that I am not the only one feeling a mighty need for such an AU). I hope to put that into fanfic one of these days, but until I find the time and muses needed… I guess this can be taken as a small preview. :)
In a magical kingdom far, far away lives a young man in a cottage in the woods. Charles is a man heading towards his personal happy ending, as does anyone. With his sister Raven, he has any intention to not only find his personal luck but also for other people. Raven and he are special – they possess a kind of magic. Charles can read people’s minds whereas his sister can change her outer appearance at will.
Charles since harbored the wish to become a teacher and wants to build a school for people like them, those with magical gifts. Westchester Castle would be perfect. And at last, the owner of the property is willing to negotiate a treaty with Charles so that he can build his school there.
However, his supposed benefactor strikes Charles as rather strange. Now meeting him for the first time in person – they conversed by letter before – he can’t read his mind. Charles believes it is due to the strange helmet Sebastian Shaw is wearing, but before he has any chance to investigate, Charles finds himself pushed into a well in Westchester’s garden, and just like that, he is gone…
Erik Lehnsherr is going about his life as a lawyer while keeping a low profile, hoping not to draw too much attention to himself or his teenage son who is busy giving him trouble instead of listening to his father. Until just recently, Erik didn’t even know Peter was his son because his mother and he fell out of touch when he moved to Poland.
Trying to make ends meet as a normal person is hard enough, but doing so as a mutant who has to keep his faster-than-lightning son from exposing them at a time when mutants are more and more under scrutiny is an entirely separate nightmare.
When Erik and Peter pass by Time Square after dinner, both are in for a surprise: A man in a medieval-looking costume runs around in the middle of the busy street, shouting at people to stop thinking. It takes Erik a moment, but then it dawns on him: that man is likely one of them, a mutant. Thus, he instructs Peter to use his lightning speed to get them out of the situation, whiplash notwithstanding.
Peter takes them back to Erik’s loft, where a still very clearly disoriented man with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes struggles with “so many voices.” Any effort of Erik’s to get the man’s personal details fail – knowing very well that the new identification laws for mutants he is desperate to dodge in court won’t do that man any favors if he just hands him over to authorities. But it’s no use.
“I like him,” Peter declares.
“He’s weird.”
In an effort to help the young man struggling with his mutation, Erik tries to calm him by instructing the, for what it seems, telepath to only focus on his thoughts. Luckily, that solves some of the problems, though sadly, it also creates more since that telepath is strong enough to dig into the darkest corners of Erik’s mind, recovering all those painful memories he put away for good.
“I am so sorry, Erik.”
“It doesn’t matter. I want to know who you are, now that you took a look around my head. So?”
“I am Charles. And I believe something is very much at disarray.”
“You don’t say.”
“I mean to say that… I seemingly ended up in the wrong world.”
As it turns out, Charles was sucked into another dimension. Erik nearly chokes on the name of the man Charles was busy making deals with. Sebastian Shaw. The man who made him into a monster. The man who killed his mother. The man he is still desperate to find and bring to justice.
However, as much as he wants revenge, Erik knows that figuring out the situation with Charles currently takes precedence.
“So we get to keep him?” Peter asks.
“You make it sound like he is a stray cat?”
“Well, he’s a stray guy, then. Though he definitely dresses fancier than the homeless guys down Time Square.”
“I would very much appreciate it if you granted me lodgings until I… well, acquainted,” Charles offers shyly. “It appears my home is in another dimension at this moment.”
Erik agrees to have Charles in his loft until they have this sorted out, though the thought of having a telepath in his home does nothing to calm his mind. After all, Charles accidentally dug in very deep already, and Erik has no intention of revisiting the memories he buried inside him.
The following days are filled with confusion foremost. Charles has some issue adjusting since cars, showers, or toasters are, to his mind, witchcraft. Though Charles seems curiously drawn to that which he doesn’t know, which only ever seems to fuel Peter to show Charles the “ways to modernity” by declaring himself Charles’s personal “reality tour guide.”
While Charles can be convinced to wear something more up-to-date to blend in better in public, his way of expression and lack of knowledge continue to get Erik into one awkward situation after the other.
When Charles starts an impromptu musical number in the park, Erik is just about to lose it, though.
Things hit another level of oddity when Peter’s mother checks in on them without letting Erik know of her surprise visit in advance, only to start making comments about how he seemingly "switched teams" after she runs into a half-naked Charles emerging from the bathroom after yet another hot shower, which he finds an “absolutely fantastic invention” they should have long since adopted in his world.
“It is so convenient!”
Despite their continuing clashes, especially once both discuss the methods of their taking on Shaw, the two have a vested interest in finding the man. After all, Charles himself has any intention to get back home to his sister, for whose safety he fears.
Unknown to them, Raven has since taken it upon herself to search for her brother after he didn’t return from his business dealings with Sebastian Shaw as he promised. And Charles always keeps his promises.
She travels to Westchester. While looking for her brother, she nearly walks in on Shaw talking to some of his minions. Raven can gather that Shaw needed to get rid of Charles because of his powerful mind that may have the power to destroy his plans of world dominion – and used Westchester as a way of luring him into a trap. Though, to Shaw’s dismay, something went wrong and Charles was not killed – as it was planned – but sent to another dimension.
“That’s the trouble with the fairytale world. Here, we can’t win – because the bad never wins here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t gather our weapons and then head back to our terrain where we most certainly can.”
One of his fellows, a blonde woman going by the name Emma Frost, is tasked to travel to that dimension and “take care of business” and ensure that Charles doesn’t get into their way a second time once they launch their plan in the other dimension.
Shaw releases a blast of energy through which Emma can travel to that dimension. Raven takes a chance and sneaks in after the blonde woman without anyone’s realization, only to find herself in the middle of Central Park, naked, blue, in her natural shape – and thus in the eye of everyone.
Unable to control her abilities, Raven has no other choice but to seek cover until she gets a hold of her magic. After all, she has to find Charles before this Emma Frost can.
Though help may soon be on the way when she runs into Hank, a young man who loves video games and tells her that she looks exactly like one of the characters of his club’s most beloved game. The group hails her like some kind of blue goddess, which Raven finds flattering, surely, but she really needs to find her brother first.
Hank volunteers to help her, arguing that she won’t have to hide at the convention he intends to visit, because everyone walks around in costumes there. He reveals to her that this is the one occasion where he also travels around in his natural shape – which is, like hers, blue. Just with a lot more fur. Raven agrees, hoping that going from there, she may have it easier to find Charles. And the prospect of being able to be herself in public, she will have to admit, is all the more intriguing.
In some other part of the city around the same time, Erik has his dear trouble taking care of a kleptomaniac teenage mutant who won’t listen to a word he says and an adult mutant who walks the earth with the curiosity of a child, leaving Erik wondering whether he truly is the only adult in the room.
But then again, Charles is from fairytale land where everyone is happy and where no bad can come to you. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that Charles won’t see the bad in the world when Erik witnessed it firsthand, more than once.  
Yet, there is a part of Erik that is completely enchanted by that man’s perception of the world, the happiness and hope he radiates and inspires.
Charles, for his part, finds himself both irritated and fascinated not just by this strange world but the man so kind to take him in. There is a great deal of darkness in Erik that Charles never witnessed back in his world – because it doesn’t exist where he comes from. And more than anything, he wants Erik to see the part Charles saw for himself when he accidentally looked into Erik’s mind, but Erik keeps ignoring this light – all the good in him, his love and his compassion, among many other things. Yet, Charles remains determined to show him just that magic.
In an effort to help mend the fractured relationship between Peter and Erik, Charles tries to communicate their feelings to one another, as this father-son pair fails to express what they truly think and feel. While Erik feels offended at first, he realizes that Charles is doing so with best intentions in mind – and actually succeeds to build a bridge between the two after Erik already thought he’d lose yet another child, like back in Poland.
Things take a sudden turn when Peter takes Charles to a convention in the city, so that Charles can “let the weird run wild and free” – only to run into none other than Hank and Raven.
While everyone is happily reunited, Erik is only left wondering just how many more “stray people” according to Peter he’ll have to take in. Though thankfully, Hank proves to be of help, having developed a device that would increase a telepath’s abilities so drastically that he or she could locate other mutants. Charles is thrilled by the idea, hoping that this will finally give him a chance to track down Shaw, not only for Erik’s sake but now also to make sure that Raven makes her way back home safely.
Erik, while driven to finally find Shaw after all those years, finds his mind constantly overwritten by his growing worry and care for Charles, who, to his mind, puts himself in far too much danger in an effort to find Shaw.
While Charles can’t locate Shaw thanks to the helmet, they end up with a lead on the woman Raven followed, Emma Frost. Conveniently, she hosts a ball that is supposed to be a great finale for the convention – though really just for high society – which may prove like a good opportunity to get some answers.
Thanks to Charles’s convincing, the group has no trouble getting in.
And yet, trouble lurks just behind the next corner, since they are not the only ones with special abilities – and the will to see their goals achieved.
Erik fears that he will remain right in the end – that in his world, there are no happy ending stories…
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morkmywords · 6 years
Rainbow Lights| Mermaid au | Nct | Jeno
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Length: 3.2k
Note: its done and theres not a whole ton of plot development but its squishy
Warnings: mention of sacrifice
Pairing: Jeno x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You never thought mermaids were real until one saved you in your most desperate moments.
You sighed in defeat as the waves lapping against the shore drew closer and closer while the ropes binding your wrists was rubbing them raw. The cool dawn light gave your surroundings an almost artificial glow as you were paraded down to the docks by the village elder, you knew this was coming for a while now but it still seemed like a dream. Your body hit the bottom of the small boat with a thud, you groaned in pain as your bound arms and legs prevented you from catching yourself as the two elders climbed into the boat behind you. The chatter of the villagers lining the docks flitted past your ears as you peeked over the edge of the boat to see the fog bank slowly rising before your gaze drifted back to the crowds. The cold gaze of your parents gave you know reassurance and instead only aided the growing feeling of emptiness that had rooted itself in the pit of your stomach as the boat floated away from the dock and the rhythmic splashing of oars against the water drowned out any other thoughts. It was tradition, you reminded yourself as the fog slowly enveloped the small boat.
Since before you could remember you were told legends of the sea gods, they were the ones who made sure there was fish to catch and your entire village wasn’t wiped away by tsunamis or storms. To ensure nothing bad happened every twenty-five years a villager was selected by the council to be a sacrifice for the gods so people could keep on living. The death of one in return for many more to continue living seemed to be a valid excuse and you just had the pleasure of being the one to die. The boat drifted to a stop and you knew what was coming next as the boat rocked when the weight was shifted from the two elders getting to their feet, the only thing visible was the solid gray of the fog around you as one grabbed your ankles and one grabbed your shoulder. Your mind emptied as you hit the freezing water with a crash, your eyes stung as the salt from the ocean water crept into the and you began to thrash around, desperate to free yourself from your bindings. The freezing water covered your like a second skin as you felt your lungs begin to ache as you continued  sinking into the dark water below and suddenly you felt arms wrap around you before everything went black.
Your eyes adjusted to the soft orange light that slowly crept into your vision as your vision cleared. It felt like your eyelids were sandpaper as you blinked a few times before taking in your surroundings, the walls had a crystalline effect as the light reflected of of the smooth sides and the rough cut edges, almost like some sort of cave. You rolled onto your side to find a surprisingly soft bedding underneath you, it was almost like a cloud and the orange lamps hanging from the ceiling made it look almost like a sunset. You were about to push yourself off the bed which seemed to be carved out of the same material as the walls were made out of to explore when a shout took you by surprise and caused you to fall. You squeezed your eyes shut and tensed up, expecting a jarring thud as you slammed into the ground but you were only met with a slight bump as you landed on the hard marble floors.
“Are you okay?” the same voice that caused you to fall called out but it seemed closer this time. Your eyes shot open to reveal a boy who was about your age hovering over top of you with obvious concern. You stared back up at hi with a blank expression while the confusion of your entire situation was starting to take root in your mind.
“I mean of course you’re alright, what was I thinking,” he mumbled to himself as he pushed off of you and gave you space to sit up, you gratefully took his outstretched hand as he eased you into a sitting position. You opened your mouth to thank him but the words caught in your throat when you looked at his entire body.
“You’re a mermaid?!” you blurted out when your eyes caught on his shimmering scales.
“Merman,” he corrected you, “I’m a man, so not a mermaid.”
You just stared back at him in shock. His tail was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen, his scales were a gorgeous mixture of aqua and almost a brick colour which made it very similar to  a sunset over the ocean. It was almost shark-like but elegant enough to make him seem not dangerous or scary when his scales shimmed as his tail rippled around you both.
“Am I dead?” you asked him with wide eyes.
He tilted his head and looked back at you, “No, you’re in atlantis.”
“I’m where?”
“What’s Atlantis?” you asked him, frustrated by his dull answers and so much more confused than anything.
“It’s where the merpeople live,” he explained before lines of colours burst into the space around you and forming pictures, “It’s like a sanctuary for all creatures under the sea and some from above, every ten years your village sacrifices someone and we save them which is how you ended up here.”
As he spoke you stared in wonder as the colours in the air illustrated scenes of where you imagined you were, they danced around like small sea creatures or formed into grand structures with details that were beyond your imagination.
“What are these,” you breathed out as a ribbon of coloured light danced around your outstretched hand.
“The royal merpeople can bend light,” he said before more ribbons surrounded your body, “the glow stones that light this place, like the lamps, they have almost magical powers. The royals can bend their light and they’re also the reason why you can breath right now.”
“You mean we’re underwater right now?” You asked him in confusion, it made sense why when you fell it didn’t hurt as much but how were you breathing? “Yes, the glow stones make it so the water is compatible with both human and mercreature lungs so we can both survive together.” He explained once more before the lights slowly disappeared and you were back sitting in front of him.
“I can’t go back to my village can I?” you asked him and he solemnly shook his head.
“They’ll kill you, thinking you're some sort of sea demon.”
You both sat there for a few more moments, he was awkwardly avoiding your eyes and instead scanning the room from top to bottom while you tried to take in the whole situation.
“You never told me your name,” You exclaimed once your realized you had gone over the most important details.
“It’s Jeno,”
“Hi, Jeno. My name is Y/n.”
At some point you he had finally showed you out of the room with a promise of taking you on a tour of the city. Atlantis was like a city of dreams, it was like you had stepped right out of reality when the myriad of colours dancing through the water caught your eyes. The buildings were like something out of a fairytale, towering marble structures reaching so high you can barely see the top glowing from the magic stones which are the key to this place’s existence. The plant life itself was a different experience all on its one with flowering buds of every colour and stalks in every different shape you could imagine dancing back and forth in the currents created by swishing tails. Other mermaids and merman waved at you while they swam past and gave you large inviting smiles which you could only reply with wide eyed confusion which apparently was funny to Jeno. He explained more about the history of Atlantis as you two floated through the old city, it was filled with the ancient buildings from when Atlantis was first created and he told you about the merpeople’s culture. You were nearing the edge of the old city when Jeno suddenly blurted out, “Do you want to get a tail?”
“What?”You asked him in disbelief, “How am I supposed to get a tail?”
“They sell them,” He answered seeming not at all bothered by the insane idea.
“They do what?!” You shrieked, “How?!”
He just stared back at you with an unreadable expression.
“Isn’t that like cannibalism or something?” You exclaimed waving your arms through the water like a madwoman.
Suddenly his concrete expression cracked and he burst out laughing, “It’s not like we cut off people’s tails,” Jeno laughed, “It’s like how humans wear socks but we have them for tails.” “You didn’t have to tease me like that,” You whined before punching his surprisingly solid arm half heartedly which only made him chuckle a bit more. You clasped your hands in front of you and bent your head a little as you felt your cheeks warm at the proximity of the beautiful merman with an angel’s smile beside you.
“So, uh,” you cleared your throat, “Where do we get the tails?”
“The fish market,” he explained as you turned left towards one of the brightly lit tunnels that acted as a transportation system in the city.
You shot him a look and he quickly realized what it sounded like to a human.
“It’s just what we call the shopping district,” he explained, “Merpeople are actually vegetarians.”
“Well, good to know,” you sighed as you neared the crowd of people going to and from the mouth of the tunnel.
“Shall we?” Jeno asked in a mock serious voice before you both jumped in and let the current grab onto you.
“I’m never going to get used to that,” You hissed out while holding back another gag, the swirly currents really did nothing but torture your stomach.
“It get easier when you have a tail,” Jeno stated before grabbing your hand without giving you a moment to recover and dragging you after him. The fish market was completely different from the old city, the architecture was still the same but everything had been modernized with glowing signs signalling where shops were and different music drifting through every window. Friends were chatting while carting around outrageous amounts of shopping bags, weaving in and out of different shops which had you memorized and you didn’t even realize it when the mermaid by your side pulled you into a different shop which was quieter than the street outside but the bright music blasting from the speakers would make you think otherwise.
“Welcome to the rainbow emporium where we have tails in every colour of the rainbow!” A smaller merman with bright green hair exclaimed as he came flying out from behind a rack full of sparkles, “Are you here to buy a tail?”
“Calm down Chenle,” Jeno cut in before pushing the exited merman back from where he was only inches from your face, “yes, we’re here to buy a tail.”
“So the rumours were true,” he squealed as sparks a light shout out from him, “You found the new human, and she’s cute!”
“Knock it off, your scaring her,” Jeno hissed as he pulled him back again, “are the other here?”
Chenle’s face scrunched in confusion for a minute as if he was trying to remember before he burst out into a huge smile, “I’ll go get them!” He exclaimed with another burst of the little lights before swimming away back behind the rows of glitter that he previously emerged from.
“I’m sorry about Chenle,” Jeno sighed, training his eyes on the ground and casually rubbing the back of his neck. You could tell he was nervous and found it adorable as he scrunched and scrunched his eyebrows, “he can be a bit…… overbearing sometimes but I promise he’ll calm down eventually.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, “I thought it was actually quite cute!” you confessed with a giggle and Jeno’s face contorted into a frown. You opened your mouth to say something again but you were cut off by the telltale swish of the racks and pack of voices rounding the corner. You turned around to see Chenle parading back towards you followed by a pack of five other boys with brightly coloured hair, some with lights dancing around them while chatting animatedly and some just floating through.
“I swear broccoli head, if you dragged us out here to look at another bubble I’m going to steal all your glitter!” The one with blond hair who was right behind Chenle hissed.
“I swear it’s good this time Renjun!” He exclaimed before pushing aside the rack to reveal you and Jeno side by side.
“Oh, it’s just another girl,” Another one sighed, “Can we go back now-”
“But she has legs!”
“WHAT?!” They all seemed to exclaim at once before crowding around and elbowing each other to get a better look.
“So the rumors were true!” the pink haired boy exclaimed, “Jeno did find the human, and its a girl!”
“Why does everyone like to talk so much about me,” Jeno groaned but he was completely ignored as the boys continued to crowd around you, muttering about how cool it was that u were human and you had real legs. You were starting to panic as they pushed closer and closer, murmuring between themselves and causing you to feel their tails brushing against your legs. You were about to freak out when you were pulled out of the group and landed against a solid chest behind you.
“She’s been here for only a few day and you guys are freaking her out,” Jeno scolded, “You should know better.” He huffed and all the boys bashfully peered down at the smooth ground.
“At least tell me your names first,” You cut in, the guilt from seeing them upset was getting to you for reasons you didn't quite understand. At the sound of your words all their faces seemed to light up and they went around introducing themselves one at a time with many interruptions by the one you knew was Donghyuck or hyuck for short.
“Now that we’re done with introductions can we find Y/n a tail?” Jeno huffed grumpily. His sudden mood change baffled you but the other boys seemed to pay it no mind before they led you into the many racks of glittering scales. Tails were thrown at you left and right but none of them really seemed to fit your style. Hyuck suggested a bright green tail that matched the colour of seaweed which you obviously declined as nicely as you could since he seemed very excited, Jaemin made you try on a pastel pink tail that was the colour of his hair and sure it looked nice but you didn’t exactly like it. You must’ve tried on a tail in every colour of the rainbow suggested by each one of the boys except Jisung who left a while ago in pursuit of food with Mark’s wallet but still hadn’t returned for some reason. You were so tired of trying on different design that you were about to give up until you picked the last one on the rack and squeezed yourself into it, to say it was perfect would be an understatement. It was the colour of red wine which seemed to compliment your skin tone perfectly and the way it fit was like a dream, not to mention the shape which had a degree of elegance but wasn’t snobby. A cheer went up as you pulled back the curtain with a huge smile.
“It’s perfect!” Chenle squealed as he rushed over to you, “Is this the one you want?”
You nodded mutely, still too excited and unable to talk from how much you loves the tail.
“I do have to tell you something though,” He warned, “If you don't take the tail off when you sleep eventually because of the magic it’s made with you won’t have legs anymore and that will turn into your tail”
Much to his surprise you just nodded and wiggled forward until you got the hang of swimming and floated over to where Jeno was walking in with Jisung in tow. His face was a range of emotions as he spotted you coming over to him but they all quickly changed into concern as you both realized that you may know how to swim but you didn’t exactly know how to stop. He pushed the younger boy out of the way before you slammed into his chest and you both tumbled through the water in a ball flailing of limbs. Once you had stopped moving your head was tucked directly under Jeno’s chin with his arms wrapped protectively around, there were a few hoots and hollers from the boys in the room before you both burst away from each other blushing furiously. You quickly thanked Chenle and the other boys before following Jeno who was already halfway down the avenue fumbling around with your subpar swimming skills, he moved at a fast pace staying completely silent until you both reached his house which you had been staying at before. It seemed much larger now that you were swimming into it instead of out, it was easily the size of a palace with its winding corridors and extravagant decorations, it made you wonder how you didn’t even realize it until know. You continued right out of the other side of the house and into the back gardens which you had been taken on a tour of before but were still just as beautiful.
“I'm sorry about my friends, they can be a little bt much,” he apologized as you steadied yourself on the stone bench beside him, “But now I promise to answer any questions you have about Atlantis or mermaids in general.”
“I can ask anything?” “Anything, and I will answer it as best I can.”
“Well,” you started, “Are you a prince because this house looks like a palace and you said only merpeople with royal blood can bend lights, so?”
“No, I’m not a prince,” he answered you with a small smile, “Renjun is actually the official prince and the rest of us just have some sort of distant tie to the royal bloodline but nothing immediate for at least the last 100 years or so,” he explained in a calm tone. Now that you really thought about it Renjun really did seem like a prince, the air of perfection and the attitude he sometimes had that seemed to be the product of never having been told no but past that he was very kind.
“Do you have anything else to ask?” Jeno inquired with a tilt of his eyebrow.
“There is one more question,” you told him trying to hide your smile, “when are you going to tell me that you like me?”
His jaw fell open, “How did you find out?” he sputtered, trying to scramble to regain his composure.
You giggled at his shocked expression, who knew utter betrayal could be so cute? “Chenle told me when you went to go find Jisung.”
“That little rat!” he exclaimed, “He must be the one spreading rumours about me, I’d better go over there and-”
“I like you too.” Your confession caught him off guard and completely froze his red hot rage.
“You what?”
“I like you too.”
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cursehqs · 5 years
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                       the world is no longer black & white
                                        cursehqs first official plot drop               please read this post in its entirety & like it once you are done
     once upon a time, a curse was cast upon your favorite fairytale characters.  the purpose of this curse was to give the villains a second chance at victory.  because you see, in fairytales there is always a happy ending.  good trumps evil, and the fair maiden ends up with the handsome prince.  but the villains knew of a place where there are no happy endings.  the curse was like a reset.  the characters were placed in a new reality with no memory of their lives, their loves, or their happily ever afters.  the villains had a chance to rewrite their stories, and to make them end in their favor.
      when the curse was set in place, the laws that governed it were painted in black and white.  the villains remembered the past, the endings where they didn’t prevail, while the heroes were left in the dark.  but in the real world, the stories don’t always play out like they once did on paper.  things are shifting, the characters are changing, and the lines between good and evil are becoming blurred.  
     cracks are forming, memories are peeping through, and the sturdy walls that once kept apple peak running smoothly are beginning to crumble.  where will your allegiance fall?
as the curse grows older, it is becoming unexpectedly altered as characters settle into their new reality.  because of this, some characters may now begin to gain memories of their past lives or worlds as they cross lines of what is good and evil. 
a new alignment is being added to our character classification.  characters can now be officially classified as neutral.  these characters maintain some of their memories and/or some understanding of the curse.  this alignment can be reached in a few ways
one — a character who, in their past life, was not strictly good or evil.  a character that may have done both good & bad things, a troublemaking hero, or a villain with a soft spot.  depending on how you play them & what your source material is, this could include characters like peter pan, maleficent, the cheshire cat, robin hood, te fiti/te kā, etc
two — a character with a previously good alignment who has channeled their dark side in apple peak.  while previously classified as a hero, their heroic deeds stopped once the curse was set in place.  in this new world without the memories of their past, they haven’t been as well behaved as they once were.  the more bad they do, the more memories of the past start slipping through
three — a character with a previously evil alignment who has grown soft in apple peak.  once a notorious villain, they have done several good deeds in the new world.  perhaps they have made some friends, fallen in love, or gained a new perspective.  however, the more good they do, the more they lose of the past
the curse was once broken into two parts, heroes & villains.  however, it now works on more of a spectrum.  characters could fall anywhere in between the two sides, and could have any range of understanding of the old world.  however, we will only have three official classifications, so when working out where you character falls, please select the one they are closest to.
hero — a character with no understanding of the curse and no memory of their past life.  the reality of apple peak is the only one they know.  they have a history of false memories in their head of a childhood in this world.  they have no knowledge that they really grew up in a fairytale world.
neutral — a character with some understanding of the curse, or some memories of their past life.  they may have dreams, occasional flashbacks, or just broken memories of their previous home, relationships, or actions.  they may understand that at some point, something shifted, but will not be entirely certain what.  how or what they remember is up to you.
villain — a character with a full understanding of the curse, and has full memory of their past life.  they are in apple peak to seek revenge and get a second chance at a happy ending.  some villains may be pleased with the curse, while others may be annoyed they have lost their magic or previous abilities, etc.
like always, we are giving you creative freedom with how you’d like to play your characters.  this roleplay is entirely au, so really, anything goes.  if you would like to do something drastic like turn a nasty villain into a goody two-shoes or a charitable princess into a force of evil, please run it by us first.  in addition, you should have some reasoning behind your choices.  cruella de vil wouldn’t become good overnight, and for no reason.  keep that in mind.
if more characters start to remember, what is stopping them from telling the heroes about their past lives, and destroying the curse altogether?
though the neutral characters have some memories of the past, they in no way have a complete picture of the fairytale world or a complete understanding of what happened with the curse.  these memories are vague and hard to comprehend.  as stated before, they may just be dreams, instances of déjà vu, drug induced visions - whatever you wish them to be.  but they aren’t overly clear.  
only characters that are incredibly close to the villain alignment have any real idea what’s going on (with a few exceptions), and those characters aren’t interested in spilling the beans. the entire purpose of the curse is to give the villains a second chance at a happy ending.  the more people who know about the curse, the more chance that the heroes will figure it out and get their fairytale endings once again.  the villains want to prevent this from happening.  characters who fall somewhere between neutral & villain on the “spectrum” may have clearer memories than those who are simply neutral, but characters who fall here will most likely wish to keep the curse in place.
we understand, of course, that in reality there may be characters who begin to gain understanding of the curse and wish to tear it apart, but at present, we ask that you do not create a plot like this for your character.  the curse is still very much in place, this is just a new way to develop your character an interact with their realities.  we hope this makes sense.
if the original source material still exists in apple peak (disney movies, fairytale books, etc.), wouldn’t neutral characters be able to easily figure out they came from those stories, and piece everything together?
so yes, if you weren’t aware, things like disney movies and fairytales still exist in apple peak.  belle can read and watch beauty & the beast, but she won’t understand that she’s the character in the story.  this doesn’t really change for neutral characters.  they may find something familiar about the story, but they won’t really get that it’s them.  and even if they did, who would believe them?
are all these characters suddenly gaining their memories at once?
no, this is a gradual process.  the more a character slips towards a neutral alignment, the more memories they begin to recover.
will the good characters ever remember their past?
probably not.  at least, that is not a plan we have right now.  the whole purpose of curse is to modernize and rewrite classic stories in a new way, so giving every character in apple peak their original memories sort of messes with that.  you don’t have to worry about your good characters suddenly regaining their memories anytime soon.
now you have some decisions to make.  after reading this, you may decide that there is no change to be made with your character, in fact, many of you will probably come to this conclusion, and that makes perfect sense.  but a few of you may want one or more of your characters to start leaning closer to a neutral alignment, may they be heroes or villains.  
in the coming days, these are your tasks:
mandatory — if there is a change in your character’s classification, please send an ask to the main with the character’s name and their new alignment so we can update the character page accordingly 
optional — make a post, or series of posts, discussing your character’s alignment.  where exactly do they fall on the spectrum?  how did they get there?  what actions or experiences push them closer or farther away from good or evil?  you can be as detailed as you like, and do this in whatever form you wish
in addition, our application will be updated so that new characters will now have to declare their alignment when applying in order for us to correctly place them on the character page.  if you have a new application in the works, please make sure you fill out the current one.
as always, if you have any questions or concerns, our inbox is always open, as well as our personal discords!  happy writing!
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faithandfearcollide · 6 years
OUAT Rewatch: 1x01 - Pilot
This got overwhelmingly long because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on the Pilot so I apologize in advance!
Here we go:
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My first thought watching this moment was...beautiful scenery. My second thought? Ginnifer Goodwin could not be a more perfect Snow white.
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For a scene they called back to about 2-3 times over during the run of the show, this still holds up strongly as one of the shows most classic moments. Starting off with Snow White, Prince Charming and The Evil Queen going head to head was absolutely the best way to launch us into Once Upon A Time.
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And then the drastic switch to the modern day in all it’s perfect glory! Fun fact: I was just coming off of a show where modern AUs of a period timeframe show were rampant (Merlin) and it was a concept I thoroughly enjoyed. OUAT felt like it fell out of the sky just for me at exactly the moment I wanted it.
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Whenever I think back to a version of Emma I loved, this is the scene that comes to mind. She's femininely dressed but with a tough girl vibe you can pick up on pretty quickly without the leather and jeans. She's spunky and clever but slightly damaged. I could have really loved this character had they kept her consistent to this version of her.
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Jared was so immediately lovable in this role. Young children are so easily written and acted annoying or too over-the-top, but they lucked out in every way with Henry. I spent this entire episode falling in love with Henry/Jared all over again because he's just so darn adorable and perfect for this role!
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This was the creepiest character introduction ever... and it was absolutely perfect. They did not miss a beat with this intro.
I also wish the show had kept the tone of this scene. The seriousness, slightly dark, more sinister style. Especially in the flashbacks. And not just visually, but direction, musically, and just the overall feel of the scene. Obviously they had to have that Disney flare but I think my favorite thing about the Pilot was how well they balanced the dark, fantastical, magical, and modern reality pieces of the show together.
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Henry: She doesn't love me, she only pretends to.
Funny how that last bit of the line is so often ignored in anti-RB arguments. "Pretends to" indicates that there was efforts on Regina's part to show him love that he himself realized. He just didn't accept them as real because he was too hurt by her lying to him about their reality.
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"Kid, I'm sure that's not true." Followed by Regina barreling out the door, teary eyed, to hug Henry.
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This whole scene really sold me on the concept of Once Upon A Time as an adult friendly show. A show about fairytales and magic and yet I'm watching two women share a drink while talking about the details of adoption, work, out of picture fathers, and single parenthood. This is why this concept worked. Why adults could grasp on to a show about fairytales just as easily as kids could. It could balance the fantastical with the real world seamlessly.
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Hello Ginny and Lana's immediate chemistry.
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I loved this instant connection. Season 1 is the season that always reminds how much I adored this relationship. So much potential for a heartfelt, deep and beautiful mother/daughter story.
....and then I quickly remember how enraged I am by how much they ruined them for me. But hey, I’ll enjoy what I get out of them for this seasons rewatch.
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MM: See Henry hasn't had the easiest life. Emma: Yeah, she's kind of a hardass. MM: No, it's more than her.
Another line that gets overlooked. For as many mistakes as I think the show made in the whole adoption territory, I think it actually did a really good job sharing the blame around when it came to Henry's issues. Regina gets the most flack for being the villain but there were a lot of moments sprinkled about S1 that established Regina wasn't the sole problem, and often times almost commended Regina for her parenting while at the same time pointing out where Emma was wrong.
The problem of course is that those moments are forgotten because only Henry's issues with Regina were addressed while his with Emma were sadly brushed under the rug. The show and Emma/Henry's relationship would have been better served much better by not pretending those problems didn't exist after the curse broke.
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The back and forth between the birth scene and the Evil Queen's impending doom is still chill worthy.
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Just heartbreaking. And Ginny and Josh killed this in every way.
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FAVORITE CHARMING MOMENT EVER. Seriously out of all 7 seasons, this scene still tops them all. Prince Charming sword fighting with his baby girl in his arms is exactly the kind of content I signed up for when starting a show like this. I remember seeing a gifset of this moment before watching the episode because I'd forgotten it was on and I was like "OMG if THIS is what OUAT is, I'm down!"
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Emma: Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it's hard. And I know sometimes you think she doesn't love you. But at least she wants you.
Oh kid, you have no idea. And this is easily one of the best moments between Emma and Henry because of how real it was. Great writing and acting here. Again, if they bothered to give this relationship any sort of emotional depth later on in the show....
And moment of appreciation for Jared Gilmore’s acting here because holy moly what a little star he is in this scene!
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These caps don’t even do it justice but damn did he ever rock this scene!
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Regina answering the door with bloodshot eyes, stuffing tissues in her pocket and totally numb to Henry running past her is one of my favorite subtle acting moments from Lana. I don't know who's idea it was to add in these little details but what a good choice. I missed it on first watch but I love that we can still go back to the Pilot and find little moments like this that add depth to these characters.
And that’s a big part of why I find this Pilot to be so fantastic. Pilots can often be odd episodes to go back to because of how much changes happen between a Pilot pickup and the rest of a season/show. But aside from a few lines and beats here and there, this one is really easy to go back to and still find all the characters and main story intact.
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Regina: I've changed every diaper, soothed every fever, endured every tantrum. You may have given birth to him, but he is my son.
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Emma: Do you love him? Regina: Excuse me? Emma: Henry. Do you love him? Regina: Of course I love him.
Oh Emma, you have NO idea. And she’s going to spend the next 7 seasons showing you just how much she does.
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The pure panic on Regina's face here, and all through out the episode from the moment Emma brought up the book... brilliant.
And this simple acting/directing choice added so much to the first half of the season for me, because it wasn’t immediately obvious that this was The Evil Queen awake and needing to protect her curse. I remember my immediate thought watching this was wondering if Regina was actually awake or not. If this was her realizing her plans were falling apart, or if this was just a panicked mother seeing her son lose it and the source of why.
Had this been played as the typical “villain realizes her plans are being thwarted” rather than “my entire world is about to crumble down around me.” season 1 would have really lost a sense of it’s mystery for me.
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Granny: You're out all night, and now you're going out again. Ruby: I should've moved to Boston! Granny: I'm sorry that my heart attack interfered with your plans to sleep your way down the Eastern Seaboard!
Have I ever mentioned how much I adore Granny and Ruby? This show really lost something by not having these two more present through out.
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Obligatory “AUs I Really Want”
-Pride and Prejudice/Lizzie Bennet Diaries AU
-Modern Royalty AU
-Hogwarts AU
-Everything is the Same Except Here Be Dragons AU
-Medieval AU 
-“You helped me get something off a high shelf in the supermarket and now you’re following me around in case I can’t reach something again.” AU
-Starfleet AU
-Accidentally tackle-hugged the wrong person in public AU
-“I haven’t seen you since high school and we bumped into each other at the reunion and holy Hannah you’re gorgeous/handsome now!” AU
-“We share an apartment wall and drive each other crazy. You by singing Broadway and Disney at 3 in the morning and me by constantly having noisy friends over.” AU
-Everything is the same except all weapons are the NERF equivalent AU
-“We REALLY hate each other but you’re the only one in our group close to my age so when my family comes to visit and ask if I’m dating anyone, I panic and say you since the others are all too old to be convincing so we have to pretend we’re dating for just a little bit and oh no why are we kissing against a wall?” AU
-“You are literally one inch taller than me and are constantly teasing me about that and I am consistently angry at you for it” AU 
 -“I work on our university campus restocking the vending machines and you were on your phone and walked right into the open glass door of the vending machine and oh my gosh are you okay?" AU
-“We're both contestants on a reality TV show and we're allies in the final bit and everyone thinks we're in love and whoops after the finale we start dating" AU
-Avengers AU
-YouTubers AU
-Single Parent AU (either Person A or B or both)
-Magic AU
-“You just watched me walk into a window that I thought was an open door and you were laughing so hard you tripped over a flower pot and made me laugh” AU
-Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
-Much Ado About Nothing AU (my favorite Shakespeare play and the only one I enjoy)
-Superhero/Villain AU
-“I suspect you’re the local superhero and as you try to obstinately deny it, you trip over something and tear your clothes to reveal your suit underneath and no what of course I’m not staring at you in tights” AU
-“I know cursive and you don’t nor do you know how to read it so I constantly write petty insults at you and pass them to you in class and you have no idea what I’m saying” AU
-Inception AU
-Reincarnated to fall in love over and over again in every time and age and era AU
-Horrible Cheesy Pickup lines every time they see each other AU
-Undercover cop posing as a drug dealer accidentally tries to sell drugs to an undercover cop pretending to be a druggie and try to arrest each other AU
-Everything is the same but humans have wings AU
-Merfolk AU
-“You’re the narrator for a podcast I write (that’s been getting pretty popular lately) but we’ve never met before. A mutual friend put us in contact with each other. I just send you the script and you send me the audio file and I handle the rest but one day we have to meet at a convention we’re presenting at and HOT DANG I had no idea you looked like that” AU
-Earth is Space Australia and Humans are Space Orcs “We’re together on a mission in space and our alien crew is constantly weirded out by a lot of human behaviors such as impatience and smiling (since most animals bare their teeth as a threat) and recklessness and overwhelming curiosity” AU
-“You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder” AU
-“About a month ago the laundry machines in our apartment building broke but I have my own in my apartment and I let you use mine in an emergency and forgot all about it but today you brought me a homemade cake and WOW it’s really good what’s it for? Oh the laundry thing? Oh that was nothing. But since you’re offering cake, you’re welcome!” AU
-Avatar: The Last Airbender style AU
-Star Wars AU
-Arranged Marriage AU
-“I accidentally misdialed my mom/friend/distant relation’s phone number and ended up calling you and you’re a huge celebrity and oh my goodness gracious I’m so sorry but you laugh it off and say you haven’t had a normal conversation with someone in a while so you talk to me for nearly an hour and somehow when it’s over we promise to talk again soon?” AU
-(Based on a true story in my life, but changed slightly) “I Photoshopped a fake wedding announcement and sent it to you and we were almost a thing a long time ago so it makes you sad but you call me to congratulate me and I just burst out laughing and tell you that it’s a joke and you’re angry but also hopeful and yeah I’m still single why do you ask?” AU
-Became good friends on Tumblr and went on a roadtrip to meet each other AU
-“You’re some being that for some reason doesn’t have a name---or your name isn’t pronounceable by me/humans in general despite our mimicking skills---so I want to give you a name and I swear I’ve listed every name on the planet and you reject all of them until we finally find one that fits you perfectly” AU
-“We’re both sidekicks to the main superhero, who may or may not ship us hard, but we have an intense rivalry going on because you think you’re better than me and that is obviously false but we trade off who’s on sidekick duty and the whole time we’re with the superhero, they fawn over how cute you and I are and we both hate it but at some point we both jumped in to save a store from getting robbed and when we finished the job I was so excited that I hugged you and then you kissed me. We didn’t speak to each other for a month afterwards” AU
-ALTERNATELY: “We’re each a sidekick to a different superhero and constantly compete over which duo is better, me and my mentor or you and yours. (The mentors may also ship us super hard and we’re both embarrassed about it.) One day our mentors, the big main heroes, are kidnapped. Leaving you and me to get along, begrudgingly, in order to rescue them” AU
-Forbidden Romance AU
-“His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room...”---in our defense, he was checking to make sure I didn’t have a concussion and I was bandaging his BLEEDING CHEST after a night of superhero/vigilante-ing AU (thanks Taylor Swift for coming on the radio on my way home)
-“You and I are both single parents who take our kids to the park every week at about the same time. The kids realize this long before we do when they recognize each other time and time again. Eventually the kids become, like, BFFs with each other so you and I finally meet. We start getting to know each other while our kids play together and after a while end up dating/married and, well, our children (who are now step-siblings with each other along with being best friends) are going to have a younger sibling!” AU
-Fairytale AU
-“You slapped my butt in public because you thought I was a friend/sibling from behind and I got offended so I slapped you in the face but then you apologized and explained and I apologized too so we’re going to go to lunch tomorrow” AU
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imagine-the-feels · 6 years
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To have a long overdue celebration in courtesy of all my followers, I would like to host an AU Challenge for all fanfiction writers out there! It’s to get our brains chugging, to get some valued feedback on our work, and to just support this community!
I have a few guidelines:
-Must label the proper warnings, tags, relationships, etc.
-Must be more than 1k words (it has to be a challenge!)
-Please tell me what fandom it is intended for!
To enter:
-Message me which AU you’d like to participate with (I’ll allow up to 2 writers)
-Send me an excerpt within a week to show that you are working on it!
-When done, submit it to me or post it yourself, giving me a link so I could make a masterlist!
-You can request up to 2 AUs, just tell me if it’s for the same fic, or two separate ones.
Here are the AUs:
Dystopian!AU ( @purpleflucker)
Apocalypse!AU ( @purpleflucker)
Past Decade!
Supernatural beings!AU
Warped Reality!AU (transported into new reality)
Serial Killer!AU
Sugar Daddy!AU
Greek God/Mythology!AU
Star-Crossed Lovers!AU
Grim Reaper!AU
Bonnie & Clyde!AU
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jojotier · 6 years
I was looking at your post on ABO stuff and it made me think of stuff like soulmate AUs and that weird Hanahaki Disease thing... I always thought those were kinda dumb, too :/
Honestly, I think the Hanahaki Disease and Soulmate aus are at least passable- sure they can be generic as hell and its silly and dumb, and mostly wishful romantic fairytale thinking, but you can still do something with them relatively easily, and I do enjoy a good bit of silly fairytale nonsense from time to time
A/B/O on the other hand is fucking detestable, and the mere sight of it makes me recoil.
However, I’m a firm believer that almost anything can be done well if enough thought and planning is put into it. And I mean anything. 
So tl;dr of the masterpost I’m leaving below the read more: I personally find hanahaki disease and soulmate aus to be extremely promising and will leave some ways you can twist them into something more interesting.
A/B/O on the other hand, I hate with a fucking passion because it has some of the worst parts of humanity etched into it, and is generally used for all the wrong reasons- though I can see it working, if you’re really fucking careful and put a lot of thought and effort into developing it, and if you have good reason for it. I’ll leave some ideas below for tips on how you might be able to pull off an a/b/o au, even if i probably wouldnt touch it with a five foot pole
So before anything, there’s a couple ways to personalize a soulmate or hanahaki disease au:
- tailor it specifically to the fandom you’re writing for (for example, a stand that causes hanahaki disease so the user tries to gain control of the person’s heart by trying to convince them that he can ‘save them’ by taking the disease ridden heart away for jojo’s) - take the idea and giving it a twist (soulmates doesn’t necessarily mean romantic partner and your soulmate can be the person you beat the shit out of, a platonic friend, a government scheme trying to keep the masses compliant, etc)
- try to base ideas in reality- exploring the cultural and societal norms, including alternate histories and alternate social movements centered around the existence of something like soulmates being common for instance. how would soulmates, particularly if you find an enemy soldier is yours, play into how a war is conducted? are soulmates to be trusted in battle? how does the political and social climate change during things such as the suffrage movement or during industrialization? or you can come up with the science behind hanahaki disease and come up with an entire slew of research and studies for it. what medications are available to lessen the symptoms? are there alternate strains? people who are immune? where does hanahaki disease come from, and has it been part of human history for long?
With these ideas, they seem shallow and silly on the surface (and there’s nothing wrong with silly and shallow, if it’s done well and is inoffensive; sometimes i just need a good fairytale bullshit fix of flower tattoos appearing on your skin when your gf is near) but there’s still an underlying potential that makes them worthwhile to explore and keep around, especially if you mix and match with different genres like fantasy, modern magic, solarpunk, scifi, horror, thriller, etc!! 
But the thing that pisses me off about A/B/O is that 1) that’s not how humans fucking work, nor do a lot of animal species, and it simplifies the complex social and societal structures associated with people, 
2) 9/10 it’s an excuse to write men into the societal roles of nuclear parents with things like mpreg and assbabies and heat without female characters ‘getting in the way’, 
3) if you even decide to explore the social and political aspects of the population being separated into 3 races positions in power society with rigid norms of ‘this person has to be Aggressive and Dominant because its In Their Nature and everyone Will Submit’ and whatever the fuck, thats just… wrong on so many levels. trying to explore A/B/O while romanticizing it in the same breath is the absolute worst crime you can commit, especially if your A/B/O has extremely rigid class structure and ‘behaviors’ associated with all the classes’ biology that are enforced and seen as good things. 
At it’s worst, A/B/O can become an allegory in favor of racism, sexism, classism, and the fetishization of gay men.
 Do the writers of these aus want it to come off that way? I doubt that many of them do, and I doubt it’s intentional- but when you read a summary that says that ‘oh this character is an OMEGA who SNEAKS INTO an ALPHAS ONLY parlor, can this sheep in wolf’s clothing hide their secret??’ it’s impossible not to draw parallels to Jim Crow. When there’s a summary about how Character A needs to find an alpha so their heat can be taken care of, it’s impossible not to think of the seme/uke dynamic that its upholding. when you see a story thats full of male characters where their dynamics are ‘explored’ while the female characters get brushed to the side with no mention of their apparent status in this society, it just highlights how much the author wants the female characters out of the way
Do I think that A/B/O can be done well? Yes. When I say I believe almost anything can work, I mean anything. 
Here’s my tips for attempting to write a successful A/B/O:
- Do some fucking research before anything. Research is key to both improving your writing skills and finding new ideas that people might not have looked at before. If you want a lighter slice of life au, I suggest researching how best to build a culture and how historical influences weave their way into present customs. If you want something a little heavier, start researching different social movements and learn about how social reform is undertaken. How does a social movement form? Are there any technological advances you think might be inspired in an A/B/O world?
- Unless the people in the A/B/O aren’t human, for the love of fuck don’t make anything specific to their biology. If you have A/B/O in your au because there are things like werewolves or vampires or some other mythical creature, then there is a little more leniency, since then you can make an actual case that you’re making a couple behaviors actually part of their biology. Even then though, you’re thin ice, which brings me to the next important point…
- SUBTLETY. Just make it another part of society, like you would with a gay or PoC character. Don’t hammer the entire dynamic into your readers’ faces unless you’re prepared to do actual research and definitely not unless you are 100% dismantling why harmful societal structures are bullshit. This can be done in a few ways, such as developing a sort of culture around each of the roles (for example, maybe Alphas traditionally favor spicy foods as a test of strength or tend to steal bites of their partner’s food, or maybe Omegas tend to prefer sweet foods and wear patterns). You can make people of all castes equal across all fields (an equal amount of alpha and omega politicians and ceos for instance), and you can show characters with diverse tastes that don’t fit what might be stereotypical of them (alphas cuddling stuffed animals, omegas with a love of going to a fight club and beating the shit out of each other, etc). Don’t be afraid to let identities intersect- trans omegas, aro/ace alphas, etc. 
- The final and most important point- Have A Fucking Reason For Including A/B/O or Making An A/B/O au. 
Do you want a/b/o in your au because you feel it will give an extra dimension that sets apart a supernatural creatures’ social dynamics from human social dynamics? Cool! That’s some chill worldbuilding you can pull off! Do you want to explore how a social movement forms and how to challenge an oppressive society? Neat! Just be careful not to go too far and do your research! Want to see how x character would react and navigate the world with the cultures associated with A/B/O? Want to do an entire genre swap where A/B/O is the norm of a dystopia, or horror based, or a sci-fi where AIs are programmed with it and have to overcome the structure to develop a social structure of their own, or anything of the like? Go for it! 
Do you want to have a character be seen as suuuuuuper weak and feminine but!!! They aren’t actually because girl power they’re just the same as anyone else and can run with big strong ones like the alphas so they’re not like other omegas? Want to get rid of those pesky girls so they don’t get in the way of your ships? Want your two gay characters to have a super imbalanced relationship with one character being aggressive because it’s just their nature? Want your ~sinful gay babies~ to still be a nuclear family and have 2.5 biological children? Want to explore things like racism without that pesky need to research anything ever? NO. NO NO NO. STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW. You better fucking not. 
So yea wow this post ended up longer than intended but here you go!
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Hey hun. So I am a Disney/fairytale/fantasy nut and was wondering if you could recommend any good Johnlock "Disney princess" or fairytale AU fics? Ta!
Hi Lovely!
I actually haven’t read any that come to mind immediately, other than these ones:
The Swan Triad Series by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Princess AU) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers’ attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer…
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,944 w. || Frozen-ish AU || Angst, Fluff) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock’s brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way…
Perdition’s Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., | Treklock AU) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w. || Dollhouse AU) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
The Boy Who Drank Stars by kinklock (E, 36,187 w. || Howl’s Moving Castle | Slow Burn, Romance, Pining) – “I’m looking for a castle,” John informed the scarecrow. “A moving one.” Except that, as it turned out, it was not a moving one at all.
Impossible Improbable Truth by KaraRenee (M, 24,308 w. || Labyrinth AU) – John and Sherlock take a case investigating the disappearance of a teenage girl and her toddler half brother. What they find is an impossible adventure that leads them on a journey of discovery of their sexuality. {{I haven’t read this, but it’s on my Marked for Later and I remembered putting it on there LOL}}
Through Dangers Untold by hogwartswitch (E, 32,003 w. || Labyrinth AU) – The Goblin King has fallen in love with John Watson and visits him in dreams. But the evil wizard who cursed the Goblin King cannot allow that to continue. Will John survive the labyrinth? Or will he become a lost goblin like all the rest? {{I think I started this when it was a WiP, so I never finished it, hah. I don’t remember it all.}}
Malediction by MapleleafCameo (M, 36,680 w. || Ladyhawke AU) – Cursed to a half-life, John and Sherlock must fight the forces of evil to be reunited once again. {{I read this once a LONG time ago. I remember loving it.}}
Bel Canto by bendingsignpost (T, 96,751 w. || Phantom of the Opera AU || Major Character Death) – After years of waiting for wealthy patrons to faint, Dr John Watson discovers a far more interesting patient in the opera house basement. {{ Another I never finished, but this is the  “go to” PotO fic}}
The Dragon’s Soldier by twistedthicket1 (M, 154,667 w. || Smauglock || Past Rape/Non-con, H/C, Dragonlock) – When the dragons “came out” to the rest of the world, nobody expected the resulting War that broke out between Humans and Beasts. Both sides afraid and suspicious of each other, Humans drove Dragons into slavery, imprisoning them and turning their children into weapons for the military. Forced into hiding, many Dragons disguised themselves as Human and kept their secrets locked away, awaiting for the day when the royal blood line long since vanished would once again reappear and lay waste to the Humans that oppressed them. Can Dragon and Man really get along? Or even more, become friends? {{Another on my MFL list, haven’t read this yet so read at your own risk}}
The Soul Remembers by i_ship_an_armada (E, 43,636 w. || Oblivion AU || Dreams, Sci-Fi, Action/Adventure, Bittersweet Ending) – John Watson is the lone security repairman stationed on a desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. His dreams are plagued by a tall, dark-haired man, and when his dreams meet reality, he will be forced to question everything he believes is the truth about his life.
Deducing Daisies by LlamaWithAPen (G, 144,583 w. WIP || Pushing Daisies AU || Friendship, Death, Humour) – What if you could touch someone and bring them back to life? Sherlock Holmes, the Detective, is a seemingly ordinary man with an extraordinary gift: he can bring the dead back to life with a single touch. {{Haven’t read this yet, it’s on my MFL list, read at own discretion}}
Once Upon a Beast Becoming by antietamfalls (T, 24,042 w. || Beauty and the Beast AU || Magical Realism, Romance) – An act of pride, a druid’s curse, an enchanted leaf; Sherlock’s torment has lasted an age. Hope arrives in the form of one John Watson, a man uniquely suited to break the spell. But with a single night to win his affections, Sherlock finds his carefully laid plans disrupted by a monstrous killer whose sights are set on the only thing he has left to lose: John. {{Haven’t read this yet, on MFL list. Read at your own discretion}}
We Bleed into the Grey by QuinnAnderson (T, 4,989 w. | Fluff and Angst, Supernatural Elements) – It was stupid, really. What was the point of having an ability if it wasn’t even a useful one? Sherlock would just as soon be rid of his. Until he meets John Watson, that is. {{Sherlock can see Auras}}
An Experiment in Empathy Series by belovedmuerto (G to T, 62 397w across 13 stories) –  In which John is an empath, Sherlock is Sherlock, and an epic bromance happens. In the aftermath of The Great Game, John creates an unexpected bond between himself and Sherlock. Now they have to learn how to deal with it. John is better at this than Sherlock is. {{I LOVE this SERIES SO MUCH.}}
An Experiment in Apathy Series by belovedmuerto (G to E, 28,701 w. over 13 stories, WIP) – John and Sherlock navigate their complicated relationship. I adore this series, and it feels complete where it leaves off :)
Invisible by chappysmom (K+, 25+K w. || No Slash, semi-canon compliant) – John had had the knack for as long as he could remember. It wasn’t that he could become invisible, exactly. The laws of physics worked quite well in his vicinity, thank you very much. It was just that people tended … not to see him. {{This was one of the first AU’s I read, and I still love it to this day}}. SEQUELS: Still Invisible (ASiB) || Too Visible (THoB) || Invisible Once More (TRF) All are very good and should all be read.
Conductivity by Coquillage Atlas (K,11K+ w.|| Fantasy and Friendship) – John Watson, alone in London with a healing power he can hardly bear. A description of his life with magic, before and after Sherlock. {{Another really good AU!}} SEQUELS: Resistance || Reciprocity 
Left by lifeonmars (M, 45,153 w. || Magical Realism) – John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (FAVE!!)
I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You by etothepii (T, 11,052 w. | Winglock) – Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John. {{I like this one because John is so perfect in it, and Sherlock cares so much about John}}
Fallen Series by Belladonna_Q & mamishka (T, 222,094 w. across 3 works, WiP || Angel!John, Fae & Fairies) – In a world where myth, mystery, and the supernatural flourish beneath the veneer of modern civilization, Sherlock is a master of magic as well as science and deduction. But there are some things that he cannot see, riddles he cannot unravel, even when they walk right beside him in the form of one John Watson…
A Certain Kind of Hunger by MapleleafCameo (E, 5,881w. || Somnophilia, Incubus!John, Tail Things) – A concerned Sherlock watches as John seems to be rapidly losing weight. What he discovers is that John really isn’t normal. And he is very, very hungry. The tail was the real surprise.
Angel by MrsNoggin (T, 1K+w. || Friendship, Winglock-ish) – John is an angel. That can be the only explanation. This is an interesting take on the Winglock universe.
Not The Hands That Kill by You_Light_The_Sky (M, 6,201 w. || Winglock, Implied Sex) – Having wings does not make Sherlock Holmes a guardian angel, not in the way that John Watson is his.
Guidelines by WithLoweredVoices (M, 43,018 w. || Winglock, Fantasy, BAMF!John) – The Good Soldier, one of the oldest and strongest of the fallen, is offered a bargain: to live as John Watson and to Guide a fledgling archangel so that he will stay on the path of good. Of course, Sherlock Holmes has different ideas about his destiny. Warnings for violence, occasional gore, and a whole load of hurt and angst.
It’s After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,791 w. || Winglock, Pining Sherlock, Minor Gore, Fallen Angel, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock’s an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him. {{This is only one chapter and it feels like it should be more… I love it but feels incomplete. Kind of an AU of City of Angels}}
John Watson’s Moon by patternofdefiance (E, 11,314 w. || Werewolf!John, First Time) – Sherlock finds out John is a werewold and wants to see the transformation. It, uh, gets really kinky.
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w. || Bat!Sherlock, Humour, Misunderstandings) – At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased. At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (E, 87,987 w. || Soul Bonding, John Whump, Fluff and Angst, H/C) – John isn’t exactly surprised to discover that Sherlock isn’t human. His vampirism doesn’t pose a problem, even when their relationship gradually grows into something more. That is, until a deadly revelation about John’s blood sends their lives spinning dangerously out of control.
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w. | GenieLock, Torture, H/C, Magical Realism) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more. {{This is a REALLY great story, which tears at your heart consistently}}.
De Veritate Unicornis Moderni by tepid sponge bath (T, 5K+ w. | Fantasy & Drama) – John Watson, a unicorn of this day and age, is trapped in a mortal body. Life as it is seems pretty pointless, almost unendurable, until he meets one Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective and very much a virgin. {{This is such an interesting take on unicorn mythology}}.
To Mend A Heart by dee-light (G, 1,472 w. || Magical Realism, H/C) – Hearts can be broken, and mended, and broken again. Good thing, then, that hearts are only the seat of all emotion, and not something Sherlock needs in order to live.
Winter of Life by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 5,178 w. || Magic Realism, Fluff, Christmas, Angst) – It was an experiment, really. On Christmas, Sherlock wrote to Santa asking for a friend. He got a broken toy soldier instead. This is the story of how he finds him again and again.
Software Malfunction by tiger_in_the_flightdeck (E, Tumblr fic || Android!lock, Jealous, Angst, Unhappy Ending) – Assigned as the head of Medical Research on the Baker, John Watson meets- and quickly falls in love with- Sherlock, a specially commissioned Companion android with a malfunction.
No Strings Attached by Elster (G, 2,714w. || Fae / Faeries, Love Confessions, Fairy Tales) – To save John from being spirited away Under the Hill, Sherlock challenges the fairy queen to a fiddle contest.
The Semantics of Crop Circle Formation: a case study by Sherlock Holmes [unpublished] bycanolacrush (M, 41,710 w. || Sherlock POV, Aliens, Wordplay, Casefic) – “Look at these photographs,” I said, gesturing to the wall of crop circles. “What do you observe?”“Crop circles,” John replied.“Obvious. What else?”“Are…are those intestines surrounding them?”“Yes. The majority are bovine and ovine in origin. The farmers who have acquired these crop circles in their fields have also had a tenth of their livestock murdered and arranged thus.”“Why?” John said, presumably in a rhetorical fashion. I detest rhetorical questions. “That is what I must find out, John.”
The Red Dianthus by kinklock (T, 11,382 w. || BAMF!John, Misunderstandings, Halloween, Fluff) – The boys investigate a mysterious disappearance in a supposedly haunted house, and get much more than they bargained for.
Upon Waking by joolabee (E, 3,901 w. || Somnophilia, Mildly Dubious Consent, Angst) – It sets on slow: John can only be awake while Sherlock sleeps, and vice versa. Their lives are codependent, but never meeting. Like a set of scales.
London’s Ghost by JustlikeWater (K+, 5K+ w.|| Tragedy/Angst, MCD, TRF AU, Sherlock POV) – "Today, it’s been weeks since Sherlock died. Other times, years. He doesn’t know for sure, though. Time passes differently for the dead" 
Electric Potential by pygmymeese (T, 5K+ w. || Supernatural) – It’s not clear why everyone in the world suddenly gets a ghost only they can interact with. All John Watson knows is that he’s stuck with a brilliant, if smug, ex-consulting detective, and that life is definitely looking up.
Second Waltz by Atiki (T, 6,685 w. || MCD, Angst, Fluff, Cancer) – "The night I died, you wished I could wait for you.“
Where The Ghosts Have Voices by HappyJuicyfruit (M, 37,665 w. || John Whump, Magical Realism, Ghosts, Coma, Happy Ending) – John has lived his whole life as an outcast. It is only when he meets Sherlock, that be realizes being a freak might not be such a bad thing, and that the curse he has lived with his whole life may be a gift after all. {{Haven’t read this yet, it’s on my MFL list, read at your own discretion}}
The Heart On Your Sleeve by flawedamythyst (T, 5,441 w. || Heartmark, Stubborn Sherlock) –  Sherlock stared at the imperfect circle on his left wrist in horror, then sat down on his bed with a bit of a thump. After over thirty years, his heartmark was finally showing activity. This was not good.
The Best Picture of the Human Soul by SwissMiss (T, 5,776 w. || Tattoos, Finding Your True Love) – The stories of our lives are written on our skin. Every time you fall in love, you gain a mark. Part 1 of Imagines Moti
With All My Heart by QuinnAnderson (E, 19,257 w. || Tally Marks, Magical Realism, Fluff and Angst) – AU in which every time a person falls in love, a red line like a tally mark appears on their wrist. Sherlock is determined to keep himself from ever gaining one of these marks for fear that love will corrode his mental faculties. Then he meets John Watson.
Finding John by orphan_account (T, 5,456 w. || Symbolic Rings) – Sherlock Holmes has met exactly twenty-four Johns in his life. They have all been the wrong John. He’s getting tired of waiting, staring at the inscription on his finger and wondering when his John will turn up, if ever. Part 1 of Inscriptions
what’s in a name by flight815kitsune (NR, 1,285 w. || Soulmate Names) – There were some things you just knew. The name, if you were lucky enough to get one, was one of those things
the fearful passage of death-mark’d love by urcool91 (T, 1980 w. || Tattoos, H/C, Angst) – The first time that John meets Sherlock Holmes, the younger man has his sleeves pushed up to his elbows, wrists bare of any hint of ink. Within 48 hours, John has added “Jefferson Hope” to his clavicle. (Or: The One Where, When You Kill Someone, Their Name Shows Up On Your Arm)
{{SEE ALSO: Johnlock Body Swap Fic Rec List}}
Bringing Colour to the World by SD_Ryan (G, 1,168w. || Est. Relationship, Sickfic, Fluff, Schmoop) – In which we encounter a sick detective, a snuggle on the couch, and a silly fairytale.
The Steadfast Tin Watson by what_alchemy  (T, 3,973 w. || Fairytales) – When the fairies left, they took their stories with them. But they left the characters behind.
Otherwise, I actually have a lot on my Marked for Later list, all of which have come from Alexx’s lists:
Sherlock & Beauty and the Beast Fusions
Disney & Sherlock
Magic, Monsters & Other Fairy Tales
Merlock, merfolk, mermaids
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maraudiersrp-blog · 7 years
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“There are many, many, many worlds branching out at each moment you become aware of your environment and then make a choice.”  - Kevin Michel
Hello everyone ! As many of you have guessed by the rampant talk of AUs in the discord chat, we are rolling out a more permanent way of exploring alternate universes. As you might recall, we did an alternate universe event ( modern college au ) a few weeks ago that received a lot of positive buzz and feedback. We as admins were kind of scratching our heads trying to figure out the logistics of it all.  And then our dear Amanda suggested that there was a way for us to have aus all day every day through sideblogs ! You may do one sideblog for all your characters or a sideblog per character. But these additional blogs will explore alternate universes for your characters.
for those of you who aren’t aware. an alternate universe is kind of like an exploration of a what if? so for example our modern college au we explored what if the marauders era characters were regular college students in a small college in scotland? We have quite a list here as well as the general tag / bio tag associated with them. we will add more of course but for the sake of getting carried away these are the aus that will be in play for the next little while. I just want to remind everyone, to please remember to be active on your main blog as well that’s what we’ll be checking for activity. once you’ve made your sideblog(s) please send them into the main ( they’ll be posted under maraudier.aufollow tag )
list of aus are located under the cut, please reach out to us if you need any further clarification
HOLLYWOOD AU ( maraudierau.hollywood / maraudierau.hollywoodbio ) envision where your character is living in sunny lala land, california. a place of dreams but also a place of heartbreak. your character could be the star everyone aspires to be, or perhaps one of those on the rise, or perhaps they career away from the limelight in the media or providing support to the big name.
POWERS AU ( maraudierau.powers / maraudierau.powersbio ) instead of being born in a world of magic, the marauders characters are born in a world of superpowered heroes, villains, sidekicks, and those that linger in between. then again there are those that are merely in au of the superpowered or fearful of them, every year a young crop of supers are invited to hogwarts a training facility for the supers located a few hours outside of london. they are tested on the first day to see if they’re be a hero or a hero support ( also known as sidekicks ). however the world doesn’t always fall neatly into these categories. ( see here for power inspiration )
20S MAFIA AU ( maraudierau.mafia / maraudierau.mafiabio ) the year is 1923, the air is thick with the talk of strife, while prohibition rules the streets. london is a war ground between two rivalling mafia clans; the dumbledores and the riddles. and war is not fought with magic but with bloodied fists and men and women stare down the barrel of a gun ready to obliterate. the rule is; choose a side or suffer in the crossfire. 
REALITY SHOW AU ( maraudierau.realityshow / maraudierau.realityshowbio ) MTV has renewed their hit reality show searching for for a second season. the show centers around a group of twenty-thirty somethings living in a beach house in miami florida. they are tested on a weekly basis with crazy dares involving love, sex, and everything in between. the goal is to find the person they are most compatible with, but can love be deduced down to an algorithm. your character can be a contestant or even a crew member for the show. 
YOUTUBERS AU ( maraudierau.youtube / marauderierau.youtubebio ) in this world, your character has their very own youtube channel or perhaps they help produce content for someone else’s. channels can range from beauty to food to games to movie reviews to everything in between. although this world may seem segregated and disparate, they all have something in common; they just want their voice to be heard.
DEMI AU ( maraudierau.demi/ maraudierau.demibio ) welcome to a world filled with demigods, children of the greek gods coming together to face certain trials and tribulations that will leave them wishing they had NORMAL parents (as most children do). in this world, you may choose which god your character is related to; however, there are certain restrictions that must be taken into account. for instance, there are certain gods with very few and possibly no children. in addition to this, you can send them on quests, have them discover their abilities, fight off monsters, and plenty more! 
OPPOSITE AU ( maraudierau.opposite / maraudierau.oppositebio ) this is basically a world where there is a switching of allegiances and exploring the lighter/darker aspects of your character. voldemort is a young inspirational freedom fighter rising up against the oppressive dumbledore who believes that eradicating muggle kind is the only way to rise above as wizards. neutral characters can choose sides or stay neutral.
SPY AU ( maraudierau.spies / maraudierau.spiesbio ) the most powerful currency in the world is information and there are two rivalling spy organizations that are in the business of information. the order is a group of judicious individuals believing that their tactics are humane and fair and that spywork is a necessary. while the death eaters are a rival rogue agency that operate in the black market trading information for money or power. they believe there is nobility in spywork. just power and money and influence. specialties for spy characters include: assassinations, cyberwarfare, stealth, hand to hand combat, and reconaissance. neutral members can be regular civillians or they may pick a side and offer additional support as medical, administrative, etc
HOSPITAL AU ( maraudierau.hospital / maraudierau.hospitalbio ) the order district hospital is one of the best hospitals in all of europe. however due to some financial troubles and poor planning, the hospital is struggling. the owner, albus dumbledore has allowed for a merger with the rival hospital in the era known as riddle general. the two sets of hospital have different ideologies, different staff, and old rivalries that run deep. can the two groups set aside their differences and make riddle-order district hospital relive the glory of days past? characters can be doctors, surgeons ( specialties include cardiothoracics, trauma, plastics, neonatal, obstetrics, neuro, pediatric, and general surgery ), nurses, orderlies, or even patients. neutral members can be newly hired staff that don’t have an allegiance 
ROYALTY AU ( maraudierau.royals / maraudierau.royalsbio ) your character is transported to a medieval realm, where several powerful kingdoms engage in epic battles for bastions of power within their claimed lands. to strengthen alliances, arranged marriages between the prince consort and princesses are common. for a brief moment in the start of the summer, the kingdoms come together and meet in peace at the gardens in the heart of Europe to celebrate the truce of the 100 years war that occured years ago and left a blood soaked europe in its wake. Will this tentative peace last during this sacred event? your character can be a prince or pricesss, lord or lady, a knight, a solider, or event servants. kingdoms can be as many as we like !
FAIRYTALE / OUAT AU ( maraudierau.fairytale / maraudierau.fairytalebio ) the town of hogsmeade deep in the Scottish countryside may seem like any other small town. But take a closer look, and the baker might remind you of your favorite fairytale prince or the waitress at the local malt shoppe might remind me of your favorite villain. It’s not coincidence, as your character is a disney/fairytale imprisoned in reality without access to their fairytale memories as a result of a curse put upon them by the powerful sorceror voldemort. Can they break the curse and fulfill their destiny?
GENDERSWAP AU ( maraudierau.genderswap / maraudierau.genderswapbio ) your character is born identifying as a different gender and/or sex than they are currently. all present conditions stay the same, it may be up to if you want to keep your character’s present timeline the same or change them drastically.
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