#attempting to have sex
warriormoustache · 7 months
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Got my first shrimp goby pair last week and this is my impression of them so far.
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seraphicalsuccubus · 4 months
hey hi hello, I didn’t realize this needed to be fucking said in 2024 but:
don’t fucking submit random stolen porn gifs to my inbox??? or your own dick pics??? or personal nude pictures in general??? what the actual fuck is wrong with some of y’all??? it’s not even like I reblog that shit to begin with so it’s clearly not something I’m looking to have submitted??? what would possess you to do this???
KNOWING I have a partner I’m publicly in love with and will not react kindly to such a thing??? his url is literally in my bio??? also… just… that’s fucking gross, in general??? whether I’m taken or not???
y’all need to understand what fucking consent is before I bash it through your fucking skulls with a goddamn brick and make you comprehend it. repulsive behavior. who in the fucking hell raised y’all to think it’s acceptable to send that shit to random strangers online.
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kaurwreck · 8 months
I've been riding motorcycles since I was <1 year old, so I know in my bones that Dazai is not, by Port Mafia mandate, permitted under any circumstances to ride passenger on Chuuya's motorcycle. (Nor does he particularly want to.)
This is because (i) riding for longer than a few hours at a time becomes numbing and painful, especially on sport bikes like Chuuya's; (ii) there is no easier way to experience an agonizing and gory end than in a motorcycle crash, the risk of which is fairly high; and (iii) there is no reality in which Dazai could resist fucking with Chuuya so long as Chuuya is there to fuck with, dramatically escalating the likelihood of (ii).
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myrfing · 3 days
i have to ask where is the poignant social commentary transformative whatever the fuck omegaverse series. genuinely asking because i havent read many evidently. i have read exactly one that didn’t have the social aspect mostly used as footing for SemeUke^2 dynamics (i.e. gender roles 2 but tied explicitly to predetermined biology) and it made my eyes roll out of my skull because it was written like if radfem ideology was only about gay men
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viviennelamb · 4 months
If somebody isn't actually Spiritual or part of the >1% minority, nothing they produce is worth spitting at. Egotists are replicas who distribute pompous propaganda which doesn't distill value to somebody who at least lives closer to Reality.
Falsehood is all the rage with people who lie so much that they've gotten high on their own supply of Bullshit. Non-spiritual people think that God-lovers are stupid - the feeling's mutual except Reality aligns with the latter. Guess Reality's stupid cause I don't have to cite a study a man made up in his inseminated head, I can just observe the Present Moment and tell you what is happening right Now.
There will be no "advanced society" if Pure women continue to be ignored and dismissed. To put down your pride, vanity, envy for one fucking second and submit to the Truth instead of submitting to a male and the females who love them is the test of this Dark Age. Man-consciousness is the vast, vast majority of the population regardless of what you think you're looking at.
The state of the collective's is reflecting materially and this world is only getting worse and pure women aren't going to save, protect or help anybody because they don't heed to warnings when times seem good. God has given the most materially unpalatable women everything while the materially palatable has to beg for scraps from dogs... it has always been like this because most people operate under the law of delusion where they think somebody's physical appearance gives them "privilege."
Maybe a Nun will toss you a can out beans out of pity when you're starving, but notice how Nuns hide from the world? The Way to Perfection is to stay the fuck away from the ordinary person and keep strict silence. The gap in intelligence is too large to even begin to explain what is going on in the world, let alone what is happening in Heaven (which people who haven't earned it are oddly curious about).
The evils of the World need to be spoken of extensively before you can grasp anything Good. Those who attempt to skip over what is happening right in front of them because they want Heaven's vibe without putting in the work are the most egotistical and self-righteous pieces of shit who look down on people who got themselves out of Hell while still being in Hell themselves.
It's easy to not be passionate about the Truth when you don't know anything, sweetheart. Knowing what evil is and how close it is to you is the only way you will get motivation to think and act right so you can free yourself from it. The thing is, you don't know how destitute you are when you're in the thick of delusion.
Those who are against Perfection can keep debating about which warmongering psychopath is better than the other when it doesn't matter. You must raise yourself up to the bare minimum of purity of mind, body and soul to understand God and then you will see just how much you are part of the cause of what is happening in the world and how much you've been lying to yourself about being a "good person." All political activism has and will always fail because self-righteous activists wage war on pure women daily and as a result war will be waged on them and nobody will care because they don't care about Karma.
Anybody who goes against the souls that adore God will die painfully forever. Anything you think, say, or do against me will be done to you in return trillion-fold every minute of every day and you won't know it, but you will have a psychiatric diagnosis for it.
The world will never be peaceful if you hate pure women. Why? Because you hate what you are not. If you have the urge to defend sex when a pure woman speaks about it, that means you prioritize sex over purity and women altogether. In the end, you're just another man.
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
Another parallel between Valjean and Javert is that they’re eerily silent when captured or threatened.
Jean Valjean being captured by Patron-Minette:
The silence preserved by the prisoner, that precaution which had been carried to the point of forgetting all anxiety for his own life, that resistance opposed to the first impulse of nature, which is to utter a cry….
Javert being captured by Les Amis:
Javert had not uttered a single cry.
The other police spy who’s captured at the barricade— Le Cabuc— is not like Javert, in that he behaves like a normal person. He cries out in pain and anger and fear; he begs for mercy; he prays. But Javert is inhumanly tranquil, and reacts to his death with indifference.
Jean Valjean, when captured by Patron-Minette, is similar. He acts eerily “calm,” and inhumanly “silent.” Of course in Valjean’s case, he has to be silent, because he’s aware that the police would only hurt him if they arrived; his politeness is also a survival strategy. Knowing how to behave in a superficially polite solicitous way to avoid punishment from authority is clearly something he’s had to learn to survive prison.
This parallel feels like another way the trauma of prison has affected both of Valjean and Javert’s lives. Javert spent time in prison as a child, Valjean spent nineteen years serving his sentence— and both of them have now learned to silence “the first impulse of nature” to cry for help. They know instinctively how to behave in situations where they are trapped in another person’s power and have no autonomy. They are able to remain calm and tranquil and even “polite” even when they’re threatened with death.
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
...actually it's kind of effed up that the early MCU cared so little about women that Loki has no bio mother (and nobody ever even asks the question). yes, yes, i see the daddy issues, i am very invested in how this specific male character has daddy issues (lying, btw), but like. they literally just forgot mothers exist???
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alliluyevas · 1 month
can't find the post i made but remember when i said that ive always wanted to see the ballet coppelia but no one ever does it. NYCB coppelia at the kennedy center next season I ALWAYS WIN!!!
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catty-words · 2 years
been pretending that i’m not all in for bela/eric tslocg because i tell myself comfortable lies about not being predictable but the fact that she found out about his counter-attack while he was inside her?? the way the full-on war they’ve just entered is punctuated by the sex turning into a low-key hate fuck?? these were galaxy-brained moves from which my belligerent sexual tension loving ass will never recover, the illusion that i’m not hanging on their every interaction is well and truly shattered
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meatbun is so funny like what so you mean she read an abo story and couldn't sleep till 2 in the morning because there wasn't any sex scenes
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stergeon · 3 months
Rating: Mature (horny)
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Relationship(s): Edelgard von Hresvelg/Byleth Eisner
Words: 11.5k (2 chapters out of, theoretically, 3)
There's a new professor of the Black Eagles house, but it's not the one Edelgard and Hubert had planned to take on the role—and to make matters worse, Edelgard knows her. She could never forget her, or a single moment of that hot summer night when they met in Enbarr.
Worst of all, the professor doesn't seem to remember Edelgard.
AU in which Byleth and Edelgard meet by chance a few months before the start of White Clouds.
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divinekangaroo · 15 days
Finishing the Dark Knight and cannot stop laughing: Nolan's ability to finish a movie is like Sting's ability to finish a song.
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jaggededges123 · 3 months
crack premise taken so so so seriously. so seriously you wouldn't even believe
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pantherloid · 1 year
Lengaboys are Back in Town
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yugiohz · 4 months
i’m saying this as a former survival sex worker myself but folks reallyyyyy need to stop downplaying the violence that is *always* a part of sex worker/client interactions. there’s an inherent power dynamic between sex workers and johns and it’s not a coincidence that sex workers are disproportionately women, poor, trans, and non-white since poverty is the root cause. this can’t be reduced to “god forbid a grown man was horny.” i wish y’all would stop defending these men at all because really and truly, what good comes from that?
I’m not defending anything, I just found it baffling that so many people were suprised that a man from 20th century europe would visit brothels. I’m not trying to discourse sex work, much less sex work from over 100 years ago
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