#atla tangled au
Sorry I didn't get to this last night! Boy one thing I want to rant about is my atla tangled au. I'm doing an atla au oneshot for Varigo week, but i accidentally wrote the whole plot of the show in my head lol oops (Under the cut since it's so long!)
Varian and Eugene are cousins from the Southern Water Tribe. Varian is a nonbender who steals shit out of the wrecks of old Fire Nation ships to build his machines. He relies on his inventions and chemical bombs to "do his bending." Eugene is a waterbender who really hates where he lives (he wants SUN and TROPICAL BEACHES and BABES) but he can't leave because something something village responsibility. But that all changes when they meet the avatar.
Raps is the avatar, obviously. Pascal is a giant dragon/chameleon that can camouflage himself so no one can see them when they fly around.
Cass is Zuko. She wants to live up to her mother Gothel's expectations and earn her love by capturing the Avatar. She can shoot lightning a la Azula bc her mom is so damn powerful.
Hugo is a criminal running an underground earthbending fighting ring for one of Don's many Ba Sing Se hustles. the Raps crew thinks it might be a good idea to try and bribe a criminal to teach her how to earthbend since technically the state has labeled them as criminals too. Cue Varigo meet-cute where Varian realizes Hugo is rigging all the fights with his earthbending so the house takes home most of the betting money. Varian threatens to tell everyone about it unless Hugo teaches "his sister" earthbending.
When Hugo realizes Raps is the avatar, he immediately says no. He does petty hustles, he doesn't do WAR CRIMES. Don encourages/forces him to travel with them anyway because think of the money the Fire Lord would give us if we turned over the Avatar!!
The journey goes on like the show. I imagine The Crossroad of Destiny is when Hugo does his "betrayal" and leads Cass straight to Raps. Varian gets taken by Fire Nation soldiers since Cass knows he can build weapons and forces him to build war machines. The gang is split up, Raps is so injured she's basically dead, Varian is kidnapped, Eugene isn't sure what to do, and Hugo is in Turmoil since he's horribly in love with that little water tribe shit and this is all his fault.
Hugo finds Eugene and Raps hiding out in the southern air temple. He's like hey ik you hate me but lets do a jailbreak a la the Boiling Rock to get Varian back. At this point Cass has also had her doubts about Gothel since mother doesn't really care about her or give her any love now that she's found/killed the Avatar. Maybe Rapunzel had been right all along and Cass can make her own destiny.
Varigo + New Dream are reunited. Cass shows up like "✌️ Hi everyone, Cassie here." Rapunzel encourages everyone to trust her despite how they think she might still be evil. Cass and Raps discover a new friendship as they both learn how to firebend (or it can be gay if you want too Raps has two hands).
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happy birthday to one of the greatest fics of all time <3 ( @bisexuallsokka , thank you for writing this masterpiece.)
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myguiltyartpleasure · 4 months
Surprise tangled au
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Be sure to check out tangled au fic if you like the art!
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jo-the-bass-stealer · 2 months
zukka tangled au
but zuko is eugene and sokka is rapunzel
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nightowl1556 · 2 months
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sukiluvvs · 6 months
zukka tangled au
if it isn't obvious zuko as rapunzel and sokka as eugene
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citricacidprince · 2 months
“Why do you like crossovers so much?”
Normal Answer: My favorite shows canonically crossed over when I was younger and it made me realize the potential and fun crossovers can bring!
My Answer: I saw 2 low res drawings of Merida/Rapunzel and Hiccup/Jack Frost making out Sloppy Style and being besties on my shitass ipod and it forever changed my brain chemistry. For better or for worse I can’t tell you, but I am having fun here.
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master-of-stupidity · 1 month
So how would y'all feel about an atlaxTangled au??
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daily-aang · 2 years
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[Image ID in alt text]
day 199 // ko-fi
cringe culture be damned here's my take on aang if he was a sonic character
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1pcii · 4 months
2nd last rb reminded me of how I really wanted to try design my own automaton-esque designs for some 1pc charcaters.
I'll probably try work into that idea again in the future but all I remember is that I really wanted zoro to have a silloettee akin to ceruledge
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with swords as his hands and a half covered face (perhaps his bandana?) being two major design points.
for Luffy it was even more vauge but I did know I wanted him to have a sans-like permanent smile acting as a speaker or vent. he's either be super springy and airodynamic or blocky/'retro'. lifting from his egghead design I think a might of astro boys atom and 1963-1980(?)s atlas could be an interesting source of inspo?
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i haven't put much thought into the others yet except I know in my heart that usopp would perfectly fit steampunk aesthetics. so well.
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authorjoydragon · 2 years
Thank you so much to @its-sooz-again​ for this commission! I told her my silly thought, she freaked out with me, and this masterpiece was made in a matter of days. So talented!!!
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The charming rogue Jet saves the trapped princess Ty Lee... a Tangled AU! 
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hello-yue-here · 2 years
watching my favorite movie (tangled) on my laptop that is covered in tangled and avatar stickers and trying SO HARD not to think ab how this is the perfect au for yuekka
like yue rapunzel??? hair that is tied to a celestial object that saved their life??? being wide eyed and kind and wonderful? being brave and willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the ppl they love??????????? the fact that they both just wanna see the world🥺🥺🥺
sokka flynn??? the insecurities??? the sarcasm??? the willingness to protect and make their companion happy???? THE WAY THEY FREAK OUT WHEN SUPERNATURAL SHIT HAPPENS BECAUSE THEY EITHER DONT BELIEVE (sokka) OR DONT RLLY KNOW WTF IS HAPPENING (flynn)
the northern lights being yues motivation for leaving the tower instead of the floating lanterns COME ON
like i stg this would write itself
(can it plz write itself cuz i need it but i straight up do not have the time because of my 19462810 other wips)
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Summary: Normally, getting trapped under a mountain was no issue for Hugo. He was an Earthbender, after all. But getting stuck with the most annoying Water Tribe companion in the whole world? Neither of them are going to make it out alive.
Prompt: Fight/Forgive
Notes: AtLA au? AtLA au.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 years
Some Elsa Padare ideas/anecdotes/retcons I've come with over the last month, and some I can't remember if I have or haven't talked about on here:
Elsa and Anna's last name is Oldenburg
The Oldenburgs used to be a tribe of vikings that were fascinated by magic. That's why they made their settlement (Arrendelle) so close to the enchanted forest. They even made a prophecy regarding Elsa and Anna
Ever since she was a kid, Elsa has always been fascinated by dragons
Anna has powers too. To compliment Elsa's power of ice and snow, Anna has the power of light and warmth
Kristoff meets Elsa and Sisu on the road and escorts them into Arrendelle
I plan to actually incorporate Elsa and Anna's Northuldra heritage and address the relationship that the Natturas have with them
Honeymaren and Ryder leave the Forest with Elsa and Sisu. So does Bruni
The Spirits have always been watching over Elsa and Anna ever since they were little. Gale and Bruni were "imaginary" playmates, while Nokk and the Giants were kinda like silent guardians
Iduna and Agnarr actually did meet Elsa once when she was a child. They visited Corona to discuss an alliance treaty and the Padares let them stay in their home. Needless to say, Cass was PISSED when she realized this
Cassandra always encouraged Elsa to be expressive with her powers, to the point where she showed her the Tower cove to use as a secret outlet spot
Elsa and co. stayed for a couple months on Berk on the way to Corona, because they got in a shipwreck and Elsa broke her leg
The Riders are convinced that Bruni is a new type of dragon and Sisu is an undiscovered dragon. Hiccup calls them the Firestarter and the Water Walker
Varian was always completely convinced that Bruni was only an imaginary friend, until Elsa came home with him
Bruni rides in a little pocket in Elsa's dress
Instead of red hair, Elsa dies her hair black. She's preferred to wear it short ever since an accident with Atlas and scissors when she was little
Elsa makes and gives Anna a hat before leaving Arrendelle
Anna goes to Ahtohallan with Elsa while Sisu stays to break the dam. Show Yourself turns into a duet
While Elsa is recovering from her leg on Berk, she and Hiccup slowly start to fall in love. Sisu is shipper trash in the background the entire time
Both Anna and Elsa get dragons. Anna gets a Singetail she calls Blaze and Elsa gets a Snow Wraith she calls Snowstorm
By the time Elsa finally gets home, Corona and Arrendelle are at war
A while after Elsa returns home, Hiccup and the Riders eventually follow her to Corona and Elsa convinces Cass and Varian to set up an arranged marriage between her and Hiccup, with Berk's army as a dowry. This is mostly so Cassandra doesn't go Moon Witch on Arrendelle
Elsa sings "Let it Go" while on Berk
I'm kinda toying with the idea of Anna and Hans expecting a baby (or engaged at the very least) by the time Elsa meets Anna
Elsa's palisman is a snow hare she calls Loki
Elsa has quite a few jobs in Corona. She is an engineer, architect, fashion designer, and a nurse as well as a member of the Sorcerer's Guild
Anna and Elsa have always been able to somewhat understand animals
Over the years, Elsa made a lot of snowmen besides Olaf and Marshmallow. Others include Svensen, Jensen, Jorgen, Fjorgen, Bjoergen, Gunthar, Gunnar, Diedrich, Friedrich, and Jose
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nightowl1556 · 1 month
Zuko: Go to bed. Everyone needs 8 hours of sleep and it's 1 in the morning.
Varian: Fine.
Zuko: Good.
Varian: Hey, why are you even up anyways?
Zuko: ...
Varian: *squints* Your eyelid is droopy.
Zuko: *eyes widen* No, it's not.
Varian: You don't sleep either, do you?
Zuko: I do sleep-
Varian: You damn hypocrite.
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imagines--galore · 3 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Ten
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine,
A/N: This one is an absolute doozy! Be prepared for a lot of feels people! And a scene that literally popped up in my head as I wrote this. I dunno I just wanted to include it! Please excuse any mistakes I made!
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"This place is huge!"
Thats it. Those were the only words Orora could think of to describe Ba Sing Se.
Once they had crossed the Inner Wall she had felt her mouth open in amazement. Rows and rows of houses, as far as the eye could see. The chatter of more then a thousand people echoing in the air as they went about their daily lives. She had never seen so many people in one place. Not even the Northern Water Tribe had this much population.
Iroh chuckled beside her, amused by her reaction. "That is an apt description for it, my dear." They had stepped onto the platform, after making sure they had their belongings with them. They were really only small packs containing objects that had some sort of sentimental value. And money of course.
"Woah!" The young waterbender breathed as she gazed around from the raised platform they were standing on. The wind played gently with her hair, prompting her to push the strands behind her ears. Iroh stood just beside her while Zuko stood on the opposite side. He hadn't said anything the entire train ride, though she knew he had been just as amazed by the sheer magnitude of the city as she was. His eyes had widened slightly. A rather subtle movement, but then again she had started to notice everything subtle about him.
Only because of her observation of him. And not because she had stared at him out of the corner of her eyes on more then one occasion.
"Now! The first thing we should do is get some clothes. After all we are no longer refugees but citizens of Ba Sing Se." Iroh stated, leading the way down the platform with the two teenagers following after him.
"I'll have to find some work to earn money for that." Orora muttered to herself, thinking back on just how little coin she had left. Iroh turned to her, frowning. "And what makes you think I will not buy clothes for you as well my young pupil?"
She stopped short, prompting Zuko to almost walk into her. Orora ignored the glare he threw in her direction as she blinked at her smiling Master.
"Y-you..." She trailed off unable to find words. Iroh's expression turned to one Orora had seem him give Zuko when comforting him. "You are my responsibility Orora, and I care for you just as much as I do my nephew."
They were standing together, the three of them, with Iroh and Orora facing one another and Zuko standing to the side. His attention had been at a nearby weapons shop but a soft sound had him turning his head to look at Orora.
She had a tight grip on the strap of her water satchel, as if to keep her hands from trembling. But that was not what caught his attention. It was the fact that for once her icy blue eyes had a warmth to them he had never seen before. And they were swimming with tears. The soft sound he had heard, was her giving a small gasp as she tried to control her emotions.
Though she was failing at it, because even as he watched, a tear escaped her eye, sliding down her cheek.
Crying people had always been a weakness of his. He had no idea how to deal with them. Crying girls was even worse. But seeing Orora cry, at something so insignificant as his Uncle buying her clothes, had him feeling equal parts awkward and..........concerned.
Laughing softly to himself, Iroh reached out to take her still trembling hand and placed a pouch of coins in it. "Why don't you go ahead and buy your clothes my dear? I'm sure we will all benefit from having a pretty young maid such as yourself as our companion eh Zuko?" That last part was directed at him, prompting the banished prince to snap out of his stupor and stare stupidly at his Uncle.
"Wh-what?" But neither Pupil nor Master heard him as Orora quickly engulfed the old man in an embrace that reminded Iroh of the ones his son would give him as a young boy.
"Thank you...........Uncle." If he was surprised at her calling him that he did not show it. Though he did show his pleasure at being called thusly by her. "Now go buy your new clothes and do something about your hair. I shall meet you both here in two hours. And you also buy anything that catches your fancy."
"Wait! Both?" Zuko barked out. Iroh nodded. "Yes both. This city can be dangerous my boy. Especially for a young lady. And though I know she can protect herself, I would much rather she have you with her. For my peace of mind." He finished giving his nephew a look that clearly said, do not argue.
Pursing his lips, Zuko gave a small nod. Though there was no pleasure in his stance as he took his own pouch of coins from Iroh. "Enjoy yourselves then."
With a cheerful wave and a wink he was off to do his own shopping.
Zuko sighed to himself, pocketing his pouch and turning to Orora who was now tear free and already looking around at the different shops on either side of them.
Good, he preferred her tear-free.
Shaking his head, he pursed his lips before speaking.
"Come on. I think we can find a shop that sells clothes for us both." He had already started to move, prompting Orora to follow him with quick steps to catch up.
While Zuko had been of the opinion that their impromptu shopping spree would be awkward, it was anything but. Orora having never been in a city before, was flitting from one stall to the next shop. Eagerly pouring over the wares the shop keepers were selling, though she didn't buy them. Zuko was left to follow after her, trying to keep up with her surprisingly fast pace.
"Would you slow down!" He finally puffed out after loosing sight of her for a good few minutes, nearly making him panic before he had caught sight of her entering a weapons shop. She turned to look at him, a slightly apologetic look on her face.
"Sorry, I'll try to slow down but I just saw these and they reminded me of the swords you had when we met in the forest." Zuko looked to where she was pointing. And indeed it was a pair of dao swords, much like the ones that had been confiscated from him a good while ago.
Apparently there was a strict rule of no bringing weapons into Ba Sing Se. However you could buy them once you were inside.
A stupid rule really.
Still he had managed to hide the dagger Uncle had given him, but the swords had to go.
"They do look the same." He agreed with her. Before he could stop her, Orora had reached out and was lifting both of the swords from the stand and holding them out for him. "Well try them out. If its a good fit then you can buy them." She suggested giving him a small smile.
Maybe it was the fact that they were back in civilization. Or perhaps it was the interaction she had had with Iroh that had resulted in her being in a pleasant mood. Whatever it was, she had no desire to ruin it by squabbling with Zuko. Besides it wasn't that difficult to be nice to him.
Zuko glanced at her briefly, before reaching out to grasp the handle of the swords. His fingers briefly brushed against Orora's prompting them both to freeze momentarily. But he quickly shook off the feeling, turning his attention to the swords.
The weight was perfect as was the balance. Obviously they were of fine craftsmanship. Feeling that familiarity one felt when picking up a weapon they knew, Zuko swung them around to test further. After a couple more swings he stopped, seemingly satisfied.
Lifting one of the swords to eye level, he stared at the blade, watching his reflection stare back. "Well? What do you think?" Tilting the blade slightly he was able to catch a glimpse of Orora as she stood behind him.
Maybe it was the familiarity of the swords, or perhaps it was the soft yet hopeful look that he caught in Orora's expression which made him give a small nod.
"They're perfect."
The next step was finding new clothes.
And as soon as they entered the shop each teenager was whisked away by an employee. Orora was guided towards the female section of the shop, while Zuko went the opposite way.
A little annoying since he was supposed to be keeping an eye on her. However he did keep a sharp ear out, in case she called out for help. He made no complaint as the shop assistant began to pull out clothes that would be perfect for someone his size. Zuko stared dismally at the various shades of browns and greens that greeted him. He missed the red, black and gold colors of his Nation. For a brief moment he wandered if he would ever get to wear them again.
The thought had a sting of bitterness running through him, prompting him to pick out the first garment the assistant showed him. And he would've bought it as it was if the Assistant hadn't insisted that he alter it to his size. Something about the shop not looking good if he sold frumpy looking clothing. It would take some time though, so Zuko marched to the entrance of the shop to sit in one of the waiting chairs.
With his arms crossed and a grumpy expression on his face, any passerby would assume he was there against his will.
While Zuko seemed to be having a miserable time, Orora was having the time of her life. She had always adored dressing up, as typically feminine as it was and while she would've preferred to dress in the blue of her Nation, she wasn't opposed to wearing green so long as it got her out of her baggy clothing. She figured she didn't have to hide the fact that she was a girl in the city so, why not go all out?
"This color would look lovely against your complexion." The assistant, who had introduced herself as Hana, placed the green fabric against her shoulder to better assess the color alongside her skin. Like any member of the Water Tribe, Orora's complexion was darker then of those around her. And given that she had been traveling under the sun for so long, it had only darkened more. The color did stand out, and the fabric was so soft.
The young waterbender hummed. "Well I have an idea in mind. If I could explain it to you, would you be able to find something for me?" Hana grinned. "Its always good to have a customer who knows exactly what they want." She praised, picking up a writing utensil and paper to write down Orora's instructions.
"What did you have in mind?" She asked, looking like a woman on a mission. Orora grinned.
Fifteen minutes later, she walked towards the waiting area with Hana beside her.
"We have everything you just asked for Orora. I just have to alter it to your measurements, but that won't take long." Hana said with a reassuring smile to which Orora nodded. "Thank you for all your help Hana. If I may ask for one small request."
So saying, she quickly darted forward grabbing Zuko by the arm, and pulling him from his chair to stand beside her. Zuko, who had been busy examining his new swords, and pretending not to eavesdrop, was more so surprised at the sudden motion that there was no resistance on his part.
"My friend and I have to be at a dinner party tonight, but we do not have a place to bath or clean up. Do you know any bath houses around here?"
There was no way she was about to wear her new clothes without cleaning herself up first. She hadn't had a chance to bathe since the desert, a thought that had her shivering in disgust. Zuko glanced at her. "Is that your subtle way of saying I stink?" He asked to which Orora smirked.
"Subtle? I must be loosing my touch. I meant it to be more direct." She grinned at him before turning her attention back to the softly laughing Hana. "Luckily for you two my brother owns a bath house. And it is not so far from here." She moved to the door, gesturing for the duo to follow. "Just go down this street then take a right. First door on the left." She instructed. "I shall have both of your clothes delivered there within the hour."
"Thank you." The ever polite Orora said, even as she poked her elbow into Zuko's stomach to remind him to do the same. He did so, albeit in a rather grumpy manner. Still it was better or nothing.
Once they had paid for their clothes, the two set off down the street as Hana had instructed.
"You know we could've cleaned up at the new place we will be staying at." Zuko suggested, to which Orora gave him a disgusted look. "Zuko, we're filthy. We've been traveling for days. If you want to wait and dirty your new clothes, go right ahead." She made a hand gesture to that effect, but s topped midway as her blue eyes caught sight of something.
Zuko followed her line of sight and groaned loudly. "I have to buy one more thing." So saying Orora quickly made her way to the display of pretty hair accessories that had caught her eye. She yanked Zuko along with her, not having dropped the hold she had on his arm where she had looped it through his earlier.
A fact that neither of the them noticed.
At least Orora wasn't like other girls who would spend hours poring over pretty trinkets only to not buy them in the end. It wasn't even ten minutes later that they were once again making their way towards the bath houses, with Orora admiring the new hair comb she had bought.
"Isn't it pretty?" She sighed, watching how the blue stone set in the middle of the comb caught the mid-morning sunlight and shimmered beautifully. "And its so detailed, just look at the dragon." She held it to his eye level. He gave it a brief once over and, reluctantly, nodded. It was a pretty piece of jewelry there was no denying that.
"I thought I should get something blue to represent my Nation." Tucking away the comb in her pouch. Glancing up she saw him clench his jaw even tighter. At this rate he would grind his teeth to dust. "Maybe you should do the same?" She suggested her voice soft as they reached the bath houses.
His gaze snapped in her direction, startled and surprised. That was certainly not what he had been expecting her to say. Glancing around from the corner of her eye, Orora met his gaze with a look of understanding. Reaching out, almost hesitantly, she grasped his wrist, stepping forward so she could whisper the next words to him. "I don't condone what they have done. But they are still your people, and I know you miss your home."
She had to lift herself up on her toes slightly to be able to whisper to him properly. The action allowed the front of her chest to press against his slightly. To any onlooker it would look to be nothing more then a lover's embrace. To Zuko, the barely there embrace, was one of comfort. Something he did not realize he had needed for so long. He closed his eyes, but only briefly, before he gave Orora a small nod. While he wouldn't voice his appreciation for her act, he could acknowledge it.
Orora smiled softly before she stepped back. Turning she quickly walked into the bath house, and after a moment Zuko followed.
Steam curled from the water as Orora stepped into the square space in a robe, having gotten rid of her clothes as soon as she could. Locking the door securely behind her, she turned her attention to the tub in the middle of the room. It was just big enough for her so she eagerly shrugged off the robe and settled into the warm water. A sigh of utter contentment fell from her lips, feeling a sense of comfort as the water surrounded her. Quickly submerging her head, the girl picked up the sweet scented soap that had been left for her and began to scrub her hair and body. The water itself had some sweet smelling oils in them, and if it were up to her, she would stay there for hours.
Once done cleaning herself, she bended the water separating whatever dirt she had scrubbed off herself. Casting the dirt aside, she allowed the water to settle back down into the tub. Orora had barely leaned back to rest her head against the back of the tub when the sound of voices from the other side of the wall had her listening in curiously.
"You can wash up here." Said an unfamiliar voice. She heard the sound of a door opening on the other side. Make sense that the room next to her was also a bathroom. "I'll leave your clothes outside the door once they arrive."
"Thank you!"
The waterbender sat up straight, water sloshing around her as a small squeak of surprise fell from her lips. A sound the echoed in the otherwise quiet space, and since the wall on her left had more then ample space between itself and the ceiling, it was clearly heard by the person who had just entered the bathing chamber on the other side.
It was Zuko.
Spirits help her! Zuko was in the room next to her own.
The thought alone had a blush stealing across her cheeks, and she could feel it as it traveled down her neck to her shoulders. How that was even possible she had no idea.
"Orora is something wrong?" His voice sounded closer now, like he was standing right next to the wall. And his voice sounded urgent. Clearing her throat she shook her head, even though he couldn't see her. "No, no everything is fine." Her voice sounded strange even to her ears.
On the other side of the wall, Zuko's brief flash of panic dissipated and the reality of the situation started to set in. He blushed just as brilliantly as Orora did, a fact that was unknown to both of them.
"I'm going to ask for another chamber." Zuko stated, already moving towards the door. The sound of water reached his ears followed by a two words that made his heart stop. "No, wait." Silence followed her soft exclamation as he waited for her to continue. Finally, after a rather lengthy silence, in which Orora was berating herself for speaking out like that, she spoke. "These two were the only bath chambers available on such short notice. Not to mention they'll charge extra since they have to warm the water again and get a new chamber ready so just.............stay."
Despite her affirmation and assurance, there was no denying just how awkward the situation was. Orora could hear every splash of water as Zuko settled into his tub, and Zuko was acutely aware of the fact that she could hear everything. So he just decided to sit in the water once he had hastily scrubbed himself clean.
The one fact that neither of them were even allowing themselves to think on was the state of undress they were both in. To distract herself, Orora began to create small patterns using her water bending, while Zuko made the water as hot as possible without letting it evaporate completely.
The silence and the awkwardness of it was slowly grating at Orora's nerves. She had always hated silence, it reminded her too much of the time when she would spent all those hours in her room while her father entertained guests. Why? Because a proper young lady said her greetings before excusing herself to her rooms.
Her patience only last five minutes before she finally snapped. "I believe we have reached a whole new stage of awkwardness then." Zuko didn't respond, though her acute hearing and bending sense did pick up on the water moving. Indeed, Zuko had been a little startled at hearing her voice, having supposed that the two of them would remain quiet for the remainder of their bath.
"And since they can't get any more awkward I'm just going to come out and say something I've been thinking since we reached Ba Sing Se." More silence, and for once Zuko was sure she actually wanted him to speak, as opposed to all the times she had told him to stay quiet.
"Whats that?" His tone was soft and his voice low, matching her in almost perfect pitch as he leaned his head back against the back of the tub, looking at the ceiling above.
"I know that we have a lot of differences between us." The statement had the young prince letting out a small unexpected chuckle. "Thats putting it mildly." He interrupted her, he could practically picture her pursing her lips at being interrupted. "Well yes, but I don't want to make you any angrier then you already ar-"
"Who said I was angry?" Zuko protested, half rising from his position to glare at the wall. Clenching her fists Orora shook away her annoyance before continuing. "As I was saying, I think tha-"
"I can feel other emotions beside anger you know. I'm not angry all the time an-HEY!" His exclamation was followed by a loud splash as the bubble of water Orora had bended over the space between the wall separating them splashed on his head. As Zuko spluttered and shook his hair out of his eyes, she started again.
"I know that we have a lot of differences between us, and that we would never see eye to eye. And I'm sure not a day will go by where you do not vex me, or I annoy you in some form." Hugging her legs to her chest, the young waterbender hoped the Fire Nation prince wouldn't reject her offer of peace.
"But since we will be living together until...........well we don't know when." Zuko's heart twinged at the reminder, but he stayed quiet. "I thought we should have a truce of some kind? Where we don't fight, at least not all the time, and try to get along."
That dreaded silence once more. Though this time it was heavier, weighing down on her just as much as it weighed down on him. She heard him stand up, prompting a sigh of defeat to echo in the two rooms. She could hear him as he opened the door and took his clothes where they rested on the floor. Zuko's mind raced as he dried himself off and began to pull on his new clothes.
After a few minutes, and accepting that perhaps she had humiliated herself enough, the girl quickly stood from her bath tub, bending the water from her body. Her new clothes rested on the floor in front of her door the same as Zuko. She quickly took them inside and unwrapped the items. Despite the sorrow tugging at her heart, she gave a small smile at the sight of her new clothes.
They were perfect.
Neither of them spoke as the dressed. Though Zuko finished first, and quickly exited the chamber. Orora took a few extra minutes, adjusting her clothes properly, before moving to stand in front of the small mirror and combing her hair with her new comb. Picking up a small section of her hair from her temple, she adjusted them so that she could place the hair comb through the strands. Now with the loose unruly tendrils out of her face, she was able to see her face properly in the mirror.
Satisfied with her appearance, she exited the bath just as she finished adjusting her water satchel, and promptly bumped into Zuko who had been standing right outside her door.
Her hands came up to steady herself, which he quickly caught to keep her from falling. Whatever insult that had been about to fall from her lips vanished when she saw who she had walked into.
Ice blue eyes widened, as she took in his newly dressed state. The clothing suited him, but what caught her eye in particular was how long his hair had gotten and how the strands at the front fell over his forehead. She had to physically restrain herself from reaching out and pushing them back. Not only because she wanted to feel how soft his hair was, but also because she wanted to see his pretty gold eyes properly.
Eyes that were now taking her in. The first time Zuko had met her she had been wearing her blue parka that had been blood stained and rumpled from her run in with the Fire Nation soldiers. Other then that, he had only seen her in shapeless short kimonos and pants that were dull in color and hid the fact that she was a girl.
The outfit she wore now did not hide any aspect of her being a girl at all.
She had opted for a light green Cheong dress with no sleeves to allow her arms to move better. The shirt she wore under it had long sleeves though, sitting snugly against her skin. The sides of the dress opened starting from her hips down the entire length of the dress which stopped a few inches below her knees. The edges of the dress had a pretty swirling design to add a hint of flare to it. Underneath it she had chosen a pair of pants that was dark green, the ends of which was tucked into her new leather calf length shoes.
She had styled her clothes exactly like the fashion of her Nation, except in green and lighter in material.
It had been perfect, though the dress was still a little loose on her. So Orora had taken the green sash the garments had come tied in and wrapped it around her waist. Not only did the dress look much better, but the belt accentuated her waist and made her look almost as if her body had an hourglass shape.
And while Orora was not the most vain girl, she did like looking pretty.
And for once, after so many months, she looked, smelled and felt pretty.
And Zuko was acutely aware of all three facts as he continued to stare at her. It wasn't unnerving in any form. There was no malice in his eyes. Only an emotion that she had never seen on his face before. Which was why she was having a hard time to place it.
She could puzzle over it later, she figured as Zuko released her hands and stepped back. Blue met gold before the latter disappeared behind closed lids briefly. But once they opened, there was a determined look in them.
And Orora saw the reason for it when her eyes dropped to the hand he held out to her. A beat of silence, in which Orora felt her breath hitch in her throat and a bright smile to bloom across her face as she reached out to grasp his hand between both of her own. And this time, when blue met gold, Zuko gave a small smile back.
The two teenagers had barely reached their destination when Iroh suddenly appeared at their side. Holding a vase full of flowers.
"I just want our place to look nice, after all, we have a rather pretty young lady living with us, do we not?" He gave Zuko a nudge with his elbow, though his smile was directed at Orora who blushed and smiled in return.
"You look lovely my dear." He complimented, though it would seem Zuko had reverted back to his moody self as he spoke. "This city is a prison. I don't want to make a life here." He sounded so bleak and hopeless about his situation that Orora frowned.
"We don't have a choice." She kept her voice soft so that no one would overhear her. "This was the only way to ensure our survival in the long run."
Iroh, sensing his pupil's rising annoyance with his nephew, quickly spoke. "Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." Without pausing for breath he continued. "Now come on, I found us some new jobs, and we start this afternoon!"
Zuko stopped short, staring in disbelief. "A job?!"
Orora snorted to herself, clapping a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing, earning a glare from Zuko. Watching a Prince who had probably never worked a day in his life do an actual job?!
Oh, she was in for a treat, she thought smiling wickedly.
It came as no surprise when Iroh led them to a tea shop.
"And here I was thinking you had gotten a job at an apothecary shop." The young waterbender teased as she followed after her Master. Iroh simply grinned in reply. The two of them didn't bother to see if Zuko followed. He stood outside the shop, staring glumly at it before heaving a resigned sigh and following after his two companions.
It wasn't long before Pao, the shop owner, had handed them matching aprons and was telling them everything they needed to know about the shop. He prattled on as Orora finished tying the string behind her back.
"Argh, ridiculous." Zuko muttered under his breath, looking just as annoyed as he sounded. Orora nudged him with her elbow where she stood at his side. "Be grateful that we will have a steady income. Do you even know how hard it is to get a job in such a big city?"
He turned to glare at her. "This is humiliating. I'm not meant to be working as a servant. I'm supposed to have people working for me." He gritted through clenched teeth.
The girl gave him an unimpressed look. "Well I'm not meant to be here at all. I'm supposed to be married by now and living a miserable life." She caught sight of the surprised look that crossed his features, but continued to speak. "I wouldn't trade my current predicament for anything in the world." With that she turned her attention to the shop owner, who was still speaking with Iroh.
After a good few minutes of feeling Zuko's stare at her, she looked at him, raising her eyebrow in question. "You were supposed to get married?" His voice sounded hoarse and strange, even to his own ears. Orora nodded before giving a shrug. "It was arranged by my father. I had no say in it." She stated shortly, her eyes flashing with that iciness that served as a reminder to him to never cross her.
"Uh, does this possibly come in a larger size?" Iroh, who had been struggling to tie his apron finally spoke up. Pao gave a nod. "I have extra string in the back. Have some tea while you wait!" Before leaving he quickly poured hot tea into three cups and handed them out to his new employees.
Orora glanced down at the contents of her cup, making a face at the questionable color of the liquid. Iroh seemed to share her sentiment since he barely took a sip of it before his face contorted to one of disgust. He held the cup away from his body, as if it had done him some personal offense. "Blech! This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!" He declared. Zuko gave his Uncle a dead-panned look. "Uncle, that's what all tea is."
But the old man wasn't having it as he gave a look of utter disappointment and heartbreak. "How could a member of my own family say something so horrible?!" He exclaimed before a look of determination crossed his face. "We'll have to make some major changes around here."
"Well lets hope our boss doesn't fire us for taking over his shop." Orora stated softly, setting aside her cup and glancing around the bare shop.
"Though this place could do with some decorating."
Zuko groaned. Between Iroh's fanatic obsession with tea, and Orora's stubbornness to get her own way, he knew he was going to have his hands full.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty
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