#at least in a lot of cases it's treatable?
multifandomhoodies · 8 months
the increasing presence of invasive species and new tree diseases makes me so sad. we've got spotted lanternfly in my park, althought i havent seen it, it's there. We talked about the new beech leaf disease today in our meeting and our park's big old beech tree (most likely from the 1800s) has it. Oak wilt's moving further north because of warming climate zones. Sucks man.
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caffeineandsociety · 4 months
Also I feel a huge reason that a lot of debates over whether trans men or trans women Have Male Privilege/Experience REAL Misogyny fall flat in a lot of regards is that they assume that misogyny is EITHER about Femaleness/Womanhood as an identity, OR the simultaneous idealization and demonization of, and possessiveness over, the presumed-"female" body, when in reality it's very much a matter of both in complex and intersecting ways.
Which ends up meaning that trans women are subjected to the body factor, especially the possessiveness thereof, in ways that are definitely unique - phallocentrism, an aspect of patriarchy and usually tied to male privilege, becomes at LEAST as much of a detriment as a benefit (on the one hand, at least medicine for the "male" reproductive system is pretty well understood and taken seriously; it's not just a matter of biological logistics that make prostate cancer one of the most treatable cancers out there, but that sure as hell doesn't take away the fact that people get fucking creepy and invasive and obsessive over women's dicks - sometimes even when they're trying to be affirming - with obsession with and terror of The Dreaded Penis being a major motive behind arguably the majority of transmisogynistic violence), and trans women are held to an even higher standard of "if you're not a flawless supermodel goddess you shouldn't be breathing my air, let alone outside in public being an eyesore" than cis women - but trans men are ALSO subjected to the possessiveness of it, as well as the neglect, in ways that trans women, save for some intersex ones, are often straight up biologically incapable of being primary victims of (see: the erosion of abortion rights, doctors prioritizing preserving one's ability to become pregnant over anything else in their care, forced pregnancy as an explicit goal of corrective rape, etc. - though notably, the sorry state of the way medically significant period distress is treated is NOT a case of this, as hormone fluctuations can cause everything but the bleeding even in the absence of a uterus!), and it's not like lacking a "natal" penis makes someone inherently immune to being harmed by phallocentrism - treating someone like a lesser person over the lack of a penis where one is expected, or a penis that doesn't function "normally", is very much a manifestation of phallocentrism! Never mind the way vaginas are treated as essentially a gaping void in the brain, or the disgust with which they're so frequently spoken of - that impacts pre- and non-op trans men, AND post-op trans women, both in similar yet slightly distinct ways!
The intersection of these factors also means there are unique ways trans men and trans women experience the identity factor. Trans men experience misogyny for moving away from a female identity being forced upon them; trans women experience it for trying to actively claim that identity for themselves. That identity is seen as lesser, as a Property role, so as far as society sees trans men of COURSE anyone would want to escape it...but you have to stop ~playing pretend~ eventually, right? Alternately, it's traitorous, it's an "I got mine so screw you", it's prolonging the pretend game with roid rage, it's any number of horrible predatory ugly things - because to society, a trans man can never be a real man; his core identity is still A Woman, whether he knows it or not; the closest he can ever come is a disfigured caricature, acting out a rough approximation of an ideal that of COURSE is all the violent parts of that ideal and nothing else. Meanwhile, as far as society is concerned about trans women, no one would EVER opt INTO such a lesser identity without ulterior motives, so it MUST be a predatory thing, right? In many cases, these have similar narratives, but very different overtones.
So, who has it worse? Who experiences more Real Misogyny? Who experiences More Transphobia? Well, that depends on way too many individual factors; there is no constant answer and, critically, there doesn't need to be! It's not about keeping score, it's about making the problems get better! We're not going to do that by denying that people other than us have unique experiences with this shit!
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Quite a sobering mood today, trigger warning death mention in this post.
My colleague who is to be fair a woman a little older lost her sibling today.
What gets me though is that this woman had a lot of holiday time saved up and DIDN'T use it to spend time with her sibling just in case. She didn't think about taking a leave of absence or quitting her job. She literally worked all over Christmas.
She isn't someone who needed the money, particularly. Most years she went on multiple international holidays including cruises etc. I guess it's possible she had some secret problem or debt she needed the money for, but...
It just strikes me that modern work ethic in Tory Britain did this to her. Shaped her into the kind of person who wouldn't take time off work EVEN WHEN IT WAS PARAMOUNT, it's there for you to use WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHENEVER THAT IS - whether it's to take a trip or to help yourself recover or for any reason, it's none of the employer's business! - and as a result now she has empty vacation days to take later this year, but is down a family member to spend them with.
Let's not leave the NHS out of this, how the Tories have left it a shadow of what it once was after the triple whammy of cutting recruitment of doctors and nurses, abusing the ones who stayed by underpaying and overworking them, and generally stopping a lot of regular services for no reason during covid instead of compartmentalising hospitals or reassigning certain tasks to medical centres so as to avoid a backlog building up of treatable issues which can then spiral out of control if not caught and zapped early.
An early scan might have saved this person's life. And at the very least, an environment where time off work wasn't looked down upon and frowned upon by some twisted Puritan ethic from centuries past when even then it was an instrument of social control, might have helped her maximise the time they had left together instead of spending her sibling's last few months on this earth doing busywork office admin that could easily have been deferred or delegated.
It's not only sobering, it's frightening. They don't just want us cowed, they want us to become compliant in our own oppression and to sign away our own freedoms.
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isnt-it-pretty · 3 months
Hi! I’m sorry this is pretty random but I don’t really know where else to talk about this and since I’ve seen you talk about disabilities a lot I thought I could ask for your opinion as well
Now, I’m not exactly disabled in the traditional sense for many I think.
I’ve had eye problems for years, only recently did I find out that it’s actually cornea dystrophy, a genetic disease not exactly treatable except it gets bad enough to need a cornea transplant (which usually only happens in older ages) My doctor said I don’t need that
My case however is also still a bit severe, I have to take eye drops mornings and evenings and even those don’t always help and I simply have to hope that I don’t wake up to pain. In cornea dystrophy your cornea doesn’t get lubricated enough and easily rips apart. This mostly happens in the morning… oh and how it happens… it’s an absolute nightmare at least thrice a week I’m ripped out of sleep by sudden severe pain in one of my eyes (it switches it’s always one or the other) it feels like someone is nonstop pouring acid in your eye and I always scramble to take pain killers, eye drops (which burn like hell on a fresh rip) and water, all in hurry because no one wants to understand how agonising it is and my boss also won’t understand that I WILL have days where I’m partially blind on one eye (everytime after an “attack” that eye usually sees completely blurry for a day or more depending on the severity of the rip and pain) sometimes the pain spreads over the entire side of my skull and my eye is crying non stop and my nose is also running bc of the sensation in my eye.
But no one around me wants to understand because my doctor simply said “just use eye drops frequently”. I do.. I use eyedrops, eye gel and eye patches everyday and still have frequent “attacks” and everyone treats them like they’re nuisances for THEM.
I’m hesitant to call this a disability, it does affect me and takes me out of commission before I scramble to lessen the impact in the morning yet I can still function “normally”.
I honestly don’t know where I wanted to go with this anymore…. I think I just want someone to know what I’m dealing with because neither family nor work are showing any understanding
Please feel free to ignore this and if you read this far thank you… You don’t have to reply or anything I think at this point I’m just venting and I’m so sorry to bother you with this
Please don't feel bad messaging me! I'm not a doctor of course, nor am I an expert in disability, but I don't mind having these conversations. Although fair warning, my answer will probably be just as rambly as you're worried yours was.
There's a lot to beeak down here including shitty doctors but first and foremost, I would absolutely call your condition disability, and I would even say that a lot of disabled people would agree.
Disability is a term that has many definitions depending on who is using it. Doctors, sociologists, government, and different aspects of the disabled community will all define it differently, but this is the dictionary definition:
a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions
I'd certainly say that your condition certainly qualifies. Inability to see through one eye, even episodically, the need to rely on medications, pain that wakes you up or results in an inability to function. All of those are disabling. To say it isn't is like saying diabetes isn't a disability because all they need to do is take insulin, nevermind all of the other issues that come along with it. That lower-limb amputee? They aren't disabled, all they need to do is strap on a prosthetic leg! But it doesn't work like that. A disability is still a disability even with treatment or accessability.
Having good days, or even being "fine" a few hours after an episode, doesn't negate its impact on your life. It's an invisble disability, which is probably where a lot of people's shitty opinions come from. Other people can't see the problem, so, therefore, it must not exist. You must just be overreacting or faking or using it as an excuse to get out of work because otherwise they would see it. Unfortunately, it's easier for people to pretend disability simply doesn't exist. People around you not trying to understand or accomodate is ableism. It's also a willful and fundimental misunderstanding of disability. Just because some days I have the energy to clean, or you can see through both eyes, or a dementia patient remembers their daughter's name, doesn't magically make the condition go away, or make it impact your life any less when it does happen.
Your doctor being unconcerned(which is probably the wrong word. Uncaring? Unsympathetic?) is another problem but that one is deeply rooted in ableism within the medical community, and the common view of disability by medical professionals. Just because you don't need a cornea transplant doesn't mean you aren't deserving of care and sympathy from those around you. Even if they can't do anything to help, you still deserve that respect, and it's shitty that you don't have that.
The entire situation just sucks. The people are you suck. I'm sure they're lovely otherwise but this is obviously a part where they're lacking, and I'm sorry they're unwilling to accept that your conditon impacts you.
Edit: also feel free to DM me if you'd ever like to chat, or send me another ask
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crowley-in-arkham · 2 years
Patient Session #3: Edward Nygma, "The Riddler"
As always, Nygma sits in the middle seat.
Nygma: Well, Doctor, you've lost your mind.
Crowley: Nygma what I asked you is-
Nygma: Inane? Unreasonable? Damned near Asylum-worthy? You're losing it, Crowley.
Crowley: Alpha is a bug-- in both manners of speaking. Rook heard murmurs that Crane will likely be the next dragged into whatever testing is going on. If he has Alpha then we can-
Nygma: Interject before he gets hurt. You sound like a hero.
Crowley: I don't want Crane to get killed.
Nygma: He'll be fine. Jon refuses to die. He has it out for everything, the spiteful bastard.
Crowley: Comforting.
Nygma: Crowley, Jon gets into shit like this all the time and walks out with the blood of twenty people on his hands. You, on the other hand--
Crowley: I know, but we're putting Alpha in Crane's jumpsuit-- and we're interjecting the moment it starts looking dicey. I will get Jervis' cards out of the confiscated contraband room and collect some vials of Crane's toxin just in case. Keep this rebreather in your jumpsuit, I'll send Bravo a signal if I hear something messy on Alpha- put it on then and Rook will cycle the concentrated form of the sedation toxin through the ward from the main security room--
Nygma: Of mice and men.
Crowley: What?
Nygma: You read, don't you?
Crowley: I don't follow.
Nygma: "The best-laid plans of mice and men, often go awry."
Crowley: I don't expect it to go perfectly, Edward. Once it goes south, we improvise. We have to.
Nygma: What if we don't make it?
I chuckle.
Crowley: We get to the roof and pray.
Nygma: What are you going to do about Bolton? He'll get in your little blackbirds' way.
Crowley: It'd be an awful shame if someone were to sneak Doctor Isley a few seeds wouldn't it?
Nygma: Meticulous and bold. How will you let her know?
Crowley: Having a Harley Quinn helps.
Nygma: Right, Harley has a phone.
Crowley: Bolton will shut down the entire asylum the second Isley goes Ivy.
Nygma: Nobody gets in, nobody gets out.
Crowley: Once the Asylum goes into lockdown, we can't let Crane get injected with-- whatever the hell this chemical is. If he does, we're more than fucked.
Nygma: Elaborate?
Crowley: This, mutator, works a lot like venom does, but rips into a person's stress response. I assume it turns them into mindless homicidal monsters, really-- and its effects can be extremely harmful to the mind and body. The aftermath seems treatable, but, crane; well--
Nygma: His resistance to his fear toxin.
Crowley: It makes him a very interesting subject to choose to say the least, as of late the transfers have all been former fear-toxin victims, so the trend seems to be continuing-- however, testing on Crane himself seems counter-intuitive to me.
Nygma: Maybe they've been waiting to use it on him, refining it. What if-
Crowley: I would like to know the reason for the chemical at all, and why the interest in Crane.
Nygma: Those are very good questions, but let me ask you a question now, Dr. Crowley. Are you more invested in this mystery, or your work?
Crowley: I- what?
Nygma: Look, Dr. Crowley, I do- oh, so absolutely love hearing you ramble on about a plan that I'm already well certain will get you killed- but frankly, I think you're becoming blinded by an obsession! Ha! How quaint.
Crowley: Obsession?
Nygma: "I need to know," she says, "I must find out!" Yet, here she is, dumbfounded and mouth agape-- like an ape using an abacus.
Crowley: Edward, you were an investigator at the GCPD too, you know what it's like.
Nygma: If you want to play detective so badly, Doctor Crowley, do you want me to call you Miss instead? Oh, Miss Crowley, does Bruce even call now that Harvey's gone?
I winced.
Crowley: Hostile.
Nygma: You stick a pin in my history and I'll stick one in yours, Mina.
I let out a sigh.
Crowley: Edward, will you help us or not? I need you.
Nygma: Of course, I will. I hate your plan, sure, but I hate Arkham even more. You have more tools at your disposal than I do--
Crowley: Let's talk about a plan then, Mr. Nygma.
Nygma: Well let's start with--
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You know what I dont get
Why someones mental illness causing them to think they're sick or in pain is used as a reason to not test for the things they say they're experiencing
Like obviously that seems to be mostly just used as an excuse by drs to deny access to care
But that doesn't even make any fucking sense
Like is there any proof that testing for those things wouldn't help them? Give them a little piece of mind that the thing they think they have isn't it? Like idk
Ive had anxiety most of my life over possibly getting cancer. Its gotten a bit worse since my mom had cancer (shes fine now btw) and mixed with my chronic pain and all that, it all kinda adds up
But honestly I feel like ruling that out as a reason for my pain would help my anxiety a lot
Like I dont actually think its the reason
Its far more likely I just have ibs and fibromyalgia
Which both suck
But theyre not likely to kill me
The fear of potentially having something deadly really adds to my daily anxiety levels and ruling out those potentially deadly things, I think, would probably lower that anxiety
Cuz yea it sucks ass to be in pain all the time. But I can deal with the pain if im not worried im gonna drop dead from some deadly disease I didn't know I had
And like. Things I think I ACTUALLY have are generally strongly influenced by anxiety and stress
So lowering my anxiety would likely be beneficial regardless
And if it IS a worst case scenario and it turns out to be something deadly then at least we KNOW about it and can try to do something about it
You cant do that if you dont know that the deadly thing is there at all
Or maybe its not something deadly but it is something completely treatable or easily manageable if you know what you're dealing with
Or maybe they really are just imagining it all. But who cares
And you won't know for sure unless you actually look into it
It just feels like theres no downside to just making sure its nothing bad and running all the tests
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vertanvertan · 10 months
Up In Arms About Natural Erectile Dysfunction Pills?
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If you're problems while on an erectile the fact that continues too much or perhaps is not really agency an adequate amount of pertaining to sexual issues, maybe it's erectile dysfunction (ED). The great thing is that you have some ED remedies that can be found that will assist. Some are over-the-counter, while other companies demand prescription. Nevertheless the one suits you? There are lots of considerations, along with how terrible a ED is, regardless of whether you own an origin health problem as well as how a great deal you want to use healing.
If a erectile dysfunction is going to be soft, you may well be capable to deal with that have an over-the-counter ED ultimate solution similar to yohimbe or possibly a supplementation. Yohimbe sticks to expanding the flow of blood towards the erection and even getting help buy a more unfit erectile. This may also boost sex as well as strengthen heightened sexual performance. Muscle tissue to talk with a health care provider if you are seeking natural supplements regarding ED, whilst. A medical expert could possibly seek out any specific underlying health conditions that has to be adding to your troubles and give a complete investigation. More desirable can be to click the link or just have a look at the endorsed a website to be aware of natural erectile dysfunction pills.
Virtually all ED treatments can be obtained through prescription medication merely, however, some online drugs give individuals with out them. Nevertheless, purchasing a meds web based doc is illegitimate and might placed you at risk to having an unprofessional form of typically the prescription medication or phony product that result in sincere destruction or maybe passing. Use an established drug store that needs some prescribed medication distribute all of these pills, and examine the materials of a typical remedies bought on the net.
VigRX Plus erectile dysfunction is about the most desired nutritional vitamin supplements now available. It really is sold simply by Ground breaking Well-being, a provider that was supplying coupled with putting up for sale high-quality health supplements principal long time. VigRX Plus is often a exceptional best erectile dysfunction support in that it provides very specific research study to help with its usefulness. It really is review was first placebo-controlled combined with triple-blind, both of those main reasons about clinical standing. Nonetheless, you will need to understand that these amounts used by the investigation are near the very least , 4 times more than that measures transported from the everyday dose for VigRX Plus advertised to be able to purchasers. There are more than advised causes considerable detrimental adverse reactions, like liver coupled with renal destruction.
You need to remember that these types of ED supplements can be harmful to those because of positive root health problems, this is especially true coronary disease. They can also connect to nitrates in certain drug treatments which is used to manage raised blood pressure, which can trigger a risky lovemaking named priapism. Folks with diabetes mellitus should check with their very own general practitioner when considering ED treatments. They could will want to set their very own blood insulin dosage amounts or simply look at their unique blood sugar to prevent problems. Folks that wish to know erectile dysfunction supplements , they will go here.
Erectile dysfunction is a kind of obstacle, and it's also regularly treatable. Should you have crash or even debilitating case of ED, you'll want to call your health care provider to find a the right a diagnosis and begin treatment solution. A physician can recommend change in lifestyle to lessen the issue, for example , having to eat nutritious diet, stop smoking in addition to reducing drinking. Like suggest a medicinal drug and / or refer you to an experienced professional just to make sure. ED can get a large number of leads to, and additionally treating these problems beginning ought to help. In the event the ED is caused by a psychological variable, cure along with a prepared specialist might help.
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Things You Should Know About Depression Treatment
Statistically speaking, chances are that you, or someone you know, has been diagnosed with depression, either now, or at sometime in the past. With the changes in the world, along with all the other issues relating to depression historically, it's a growing trend. Of course, just being diagnosed is not the end of it. Once you know that you're depressed, you still need to find effective depression treatment, which can be a tricky process. If you're battling to find depression treatment, or just don't know where to start, here are a few ideas for you.
Acknowledge Your Disease
Depression is a disease, just like a cold, the flu, or any other. Of course, if you pretend you don't have it, it will simply become worse over time. For this reason, the Anxiety Counseling first step in effective depression treatment is to acknowledge the problem, banish denial, and keep an open mind. Once you've done that, it's a short step to treatment, and management, or even a cure. Remember, its undiagnosed depression, in nearly ninety percent of suicide cases, which acts as a catalyst.
Look At All the Options
Conventional treatment for depression consists mainly of therapy, accompanied by anti depressants; however, depression treatment can include many other approaches and therapies. Natural medicines, such as herbal remedies may help, as may amending your diet or exercise programs. While these may not replace conventional therapy, and any alternative therapies you choose to try should be passed by your physician too, they may help give you the results you need. A little research into the topic of treatment can make a lot of difference!
Exercise, diet, and even natural remedies and treatments can all play a part in an effective holistic treatment for your depression, and will certainly not do any harm. Adding a few more alternative therapies to your depression treatment will not do you any harm, and might just help a little.
Speak Out
Keeping your depression to yourself is a very bad idea - remember the old saying, a problem shared is a problem halved. Drawing away from your support structure is often a symptom of depression, but isolation plays a big part in the development of depression, and drawing away will be counterproductive to your depression treatment, compounding your problems. Rather reach out, whether to friends, family members, or even clergy or medical practitioners.
Another good idea, if you are suffering from depression, whether you've sought formal treatment or not, is to find a support group. This could be a real life group in your area, or online. Even a depression helpline can be of benefit to your depression treatment, and many of these options are available twenty four hours a day. Remember, depression is not only active during working hours!
Remember - You're in Good Company
Chances are, you're embarrassed about your depression, or feel that you need to hide it from your family, friends, and peers. The truth is though, that at one time or another, most people will receive depression treatment - it's one of the fastest growing diseases in the world! Note that I've called it a disease? That's exactly what it is - you're not crazy, or losing it. Like a cold, or a broken leg, it's treatable, and perfectly okay to be depressed.
Some of the most famous people in the world have been depressed, so you're certainly not alone. Actors, authors, politicians and artists have all been struck by depression over the years, and yet, most of them, the ones who sought effective depression treatment at least, went on to even greater heights - and so can you!
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audible--silence · 1 year
“I’m a walking talking never shutting the fuck up tequila tour”
The mexican taxi driver sings along to marion ryan as we drive to the airport in comfortable silence. Mexico I’ll miss you
Whatd mexico teach u
I learned how to make friends, older with less patience
I learned to be uncomfortable again
I learned to learn is important
I learned that the good times need effort and risk
The sun hits different in Guatemala
A country that makes no sense
That works hard but never works
Rich in culture but poor of pocket
Maddeningly massive and chronically chaotic yet personal and real and increasingly sensible
“You cant fix someone that doesn’t feel love”
An old bar with enough charm to help you forget what goes on outside those walls is all you need to be reminded of the joys of pure judgement
At least they make money
People on the street drunk and high
Passed out
Not ok
Walking with strangers
People pissing on the street
Fireworks sounding horribly like gunshots
Old ladys speaking in Spanish
Cobblestone roads damn near claiming my ankles
My laptop in my bag
My hostel about to close
$140 spent on a girl i never had a shot with
What am I doing
Why am I knowingly wasting my time
“So his injuries totaled 2.2 million and he gets to the end of all his surgeries and looks and tells me, I finally feel like my life is worth something”
overheard conversation of annoying Americans
“Yeah a heart attack aint that bad, it hurts for three minutes then youre done”
same guys, about the same guy
“Did you get a moscow mule or tea?”
The guilt that I feel from traveling
To a place where my very existence here
Indicates my privilege.
I feel a resentment
A judging
An envy
I dont know even think thats the people
I think thats my own guilt.
To see people with nothing
And even those better off
Never to be capable of even dreaming of the life i lead
Here an now
In their country
Let alone back in mine.
To know that all around the world, people would consider me the luckiest of the luckiest.
And they’re right
And i know it.
I should act like it.
We all should.
When life gives u lemons, give em to someone else as a blessing - bens wisdom
“I fall in a little bit of love with a lot of people, all of the time” - Not Wife - Shakey Graves
“And the entire continent of South America said “oh fuck”
“Yeahhhhh i think you might be un poco fucked in that case”
Say for example you decide to treat your very treatable cancer with orange juice and yoga, as an adult, you’re within your rigjts to do so
He came, he saw, he said nah
10/10 doctors say you should dance until the room stops spinning
Gatorade and lollipops
Ketamine always makes me sneeze
You cant remember all of it
Which is what makes it so damn appealing
The sound of a rooster in Guatemala, the way a sweet old abuela says your name when she needs help and the way the light graces the mountains and the lake
I wont remember it all,
So I better enjoy it now
Being a woman sucks but at least i dont have to contend with balding
Your dungarees get more action than you do
Do you reckon they race babies or just frogs n shit?
People kept saying that like “wow good on you!” But in reality we’re actually just idiots you know?
“Fucking Jermain!”
“I dont have a bank account. I’m an economist”
“If i drink too much I’ll just fall asleep”
“I wish i did”
“I wish you did too”
You know what
As i sit here reading my old notes
I take it back
I wasn’t bad
I was tired
And hurt
“You’re a good person”
Says the sweetest, most beautiful person I’ve met in a minute
With a crowd full of people I brought together
In a situation not unusual to me.
I cant be that bad
I just need to remind myself that i am good
And remind myself how to focus on one person.
Instead of every fuckn mf that calls themselves a model
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beachespestcontro · 1 year
The Importance and State of Pest Control
Here’s a simple fact of life. Pests will always find a way into your home. It doesn’t matter whether it’s spotlessly clean or hasn’t seen a mop or broom for weeks, insects, rodents and an army of other little beasties will make a beeline for your living spaces because of the warmth and food they provide. Your four walls are like a grocery store for common household pests. If you don’t keep them out or stop them in their tracks, they could cause untold damage to health and property. Pest control provides protection from harmful insects that can cause public health issues and costly damage to property. When people hear “pest management” or “pest control”, they are typically thinking about the eradication of roaches, spiders, or fleas. Actually, pest management is involved with the safety of our health, our foods, and the protection of our property. It is vital to have a system of control for pests for the safety of the overall public.
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In addition to being a nuisance and an unwelcome sight, pests carry diseases that can be harmful to you and your family. Some transmit them by biting or stinging while others pick up and carry disease-causing parasites and bacteria. They easily contaminate surfaces with their body parts, excreta, and hairs. To give you an idea, here are some of the common diseases caused by household pets. House flies can cause dysentery, typhoid fever, and salmonella, food poisoning. Mosquito-borne diseases in Australia include dengue fever and the Barmah Forest virus. This illness is only found in Australia and symptoms include headache, tiredness, fever, skin rashes, and joint pain. Rats, mice, and other rodents carry lots of diseases that are harmful to human health. They include salmonella, leptospirosis, and Weil’s disease. Here are some reasons why regular pest control is important. Visit Pest control Sydney and know more important about Pest Control.
Pest Controlling for Prevention of allergies: Pests are one of the biggest reasons for allergies. Bed bugs and mosquitoes are notorious for causing skin rashes. Pests can also carry allergens that can cause strong allergic reactions in some people. They are also one of the leading causes of asthma. Black widows and brown recluse spiders are two venomous spiders. Their bites can cause significant health problems. In some cases, it can even cause death if left untreated. Biting by bugs like wasps, hornets, and bees causes stinging or lethal, allergic reactions in humans.
Keep Food Safe & Healthy: Pest control is necessary for both residential and commercial settings, especially when it comes to food. Businesses in the food service industry often deal with scrap-eating pests, such as cockroaches and rodents. In homes, pests such as odorous house ants and Indian meal moths will find their way into your pantry and make a meal out of your favorite snacks. Further still, many pests, such as aphids, can stop the proper growth of fruits and vegetables in your garden. Many of the aforementioned pests carry diseases, or at the very least will contaminate your food by living in them.
Eliminating the Risk of Diseases: Pests like fleas, cockroaches, mosquitos, and rats are carriers of many diseases. They can cause fever, salmonella, malaria, dengue fever, and more. Mosquitoes, in particular, can carry diseases such as dengue, zika virus. Rodents, including bats, carry the plague, hantavirus, and several other diseases. Rats and larger mammals can carry rabies. Not only can these pests carry maladies. They can also transfer them to your pets. Although many of these diseases are treatable, they can cause serious health issues in children, the elderly, and people with weak immunity. However, maintaining your residence clean can reduce the spreading of pests and diseases. You can also take help from pest management for professional service.
Damage to Property and Belongings: Many home-invading pests find their way into your home in the first place because they have found a source of food. Wood-faring bugs, such as termites and carpenter ants, are capable of tearing your home apart. They hide within the walls, so they often cause a lot of damage before anyone even notices they are there. Other pests, such as carpet beetles and silverfish, are attracted to organic fibers, and therefore love to munch on your belongings. Couches, clothing, blankets, and towels are just some of the items at risk for damage.
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drshashikantkhanna · 1 year
Things You Should Know About Depression Treatment
Statistically speaking, chances are that you, or someone you know, has been diagnosed with depression, either now, or at some time in the past. With the changes in the world, along with all the other issues relating to depression historically, it's a growing trend. Of course, just being diagnosed is not the end of it. Once you know that you're depressed, you still need to find effective depression treatment, which can be a tricky process. If you're battling to find depression treatment, or just don't know where to start, here are a few ideas for you.
Acknowledge Your Disease
Depression is a disease, just like a cold, the flu, or any other. Of course, if you pretend you don't have it, it will simply become worse over time. For this reason, the first step in effective depression treatment is to acknowledge the problem, banish denial, and keep an open mind. Once you've done that, it's a short step to treatment, and management, or even a cure. Remember, its undiagnosed depression, in nearly ninety percent of suicide cases, which acts as a catalyst. Best Psychiatrist in Jaipur
Look At All the Options
Conventional treatment for depression consists mainly of therapy, accompanied by anti-depressants; however, depression treatment can include many other approaches and therapies. Natural medicines, such as herbal remedies may help, as may amending your diet or exercise programs. While these may not replace conventional therapy, and any alternative therapies you choose to try should be passed by your physician too, they may help give you the results you need. A little research into the topic of treatment can make a lot of difference!
Exercise, diet, and even natural remedies and treatments can all play a part in an effective holistic treatment for your depression, and will certainly not do any harm. Adding a few more alternative therapies to your depression treatment will not do you any harm, and might just help a little.
Speak Out
Keeping your depression to yourself is a very bad idea - remember the old saying, a problem shared is a problem halved. Drawing away from your support structure is often a symptom of depression, but isolation plays a big part in the development of depression, and drawing away will be counterproductive to your depression treatment, compounding your problems. Rather reach out, whether to friends, family members, or even clergy or medical practitioners.
Another good idea, if you are suffering from depression, whether you've sought formal treatment or not, is to find a support group. This could be a real life group in your area, or online. Even a depression helpline can be of benefit to your depression treatment, and many of these options are available twenty four hours a day. Remember, depression is not only active during working hours!
Remember - You're in Good Company
Chances are, you're embarrassed about your depression, or feel that you need to hide it from your family, friends, and peers. The truth is though, that at one time or another, most people will receive depression treatment - it's one of the fastest growing diseases in the world! Note that I've called it a disease? That's exactly what it is - you're not crazy, or losing it. Like a cold, or a broken leg, it's treatable, and perfectly okay to be depressed. Psychiatrist in Jaipur
Some of the most famous people in the world have been depressed, so you're certainly not alone. Actors, authors, politicians and artists have all been struck by depression over the years, and yet, most of them, the ones who sought effective depression treatment at least, went on to even greater heights - and so can you!
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ahlsi · 1 year
staring down the barrel of a gun and that gun is “my dog might have cancer” and the worst part about it isn’t even “this might not be treatable” it’s “this might be incredibly treatable and it won’t matter because it will be so incredibly expensive that there’s basically no way we can do it anyway and that is so horrible i don’t even want to think about it”
anyway hopefully the test results come back and it’s not cancer but her lymph nodes are swelling up again which means it was the steroid shot keeping them down the past couple of days instead of the antibiotics and i’m pretty sure that’s a bad sign
editing this because i did some research and hey, turns out it is treatable (at a lot a lot a lot of money) but even in the cases that are treatable the goal is remission for a year and a half, and that only about five percent of dogs live past three years on this incredibly good and incredibly expensive treatment. and hey, it might not be cancer, i still don’t know, which is a big chunk of the reason this is fucking me up so much, because if i did know, at least i would be able to plan what to do, but i can’t. because i don’t know.
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Baldness Cure in Dublin – All Your Questions Answered
The causes of baldness are not known. You can, however, reduce the risk of hair loss and reverse it by taking care of your hair, using special products designed to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. There are also a number of treatments available that can help you regain lost hair which is as close as anyone can get to a baldness cure.
What Are the Causes of Baldness?
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The causes of baldness are genetic. If your father or grandfather were bald, chances are you will be too. The production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body causes hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop producing hair.
What Types of Treatments Are Recommended for Baldness?
There are a number of treatments that can help you get your hair back. The first option is to have a hair transplant, where the surgeon will take healthy follicles from the back of your head and transplant them to the bald areas. This is an expensive option but there are some who opt for this treatment.
Other treatments help expand blood vessels in your scalp and help increase circulation to your hair follicles, causing them to grow new hairs. It also helps prevent further loss by inhibiting DHT from entering into those same follicles (which reduces their ability to produce healthy strands).
How Would I Know if I’m in a Decent Condition to Have a Hair Transplant?
If you are considering a hair transplant, the first thing you will need to do is book a consultation with a specialist. The doctor will examine your scalp and hair growth and decide whether or not they think they can help you.
If he thinks it is possible, he will then explain everything that would need to be done, as well as the expected results. If he believes there is no way he can help you, he will let you know this too so that there are no surprises along the way!
The process of getting a transplant involves several steps:
A consultation with a specialist who examines your scalp and hair growth patterns;
Testing for any medical conditions which may prevent treatment;
An anaesthetic injection for any discomfort during surgery (this injection could make it hard for some patients to drive home after their procedure);
Preparation of donor areas on the back or sideburns using local anaesthetic cream;
Removal of follicles from the donor area using specially designed tools called punches;
Insertion into the recipient area using special needle-like tools (graft needles), which hold grafts in place until new blood vessels form around them;
Application of dressing over freshly transplanted follicles
How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Hair Transplant?
It’s important to know the recovery time required after a hair transplant. How long do you have to keep your head bandaged? How quickly can you return to work? These are all questions that come to mind when considering this procedure.
A full recovery will take between 4 and 6 weeks, but it can be longer depending on the number of grafts taken from your donor area. The more grafts used, the greater your risk for infection and swelling. Some patients also experience discomfort in their donor area during this period as well as some pain in their back or neck from sitting up straight for so long post-op. You will be advised not to engage in strenuous activity for at least 3 weeks after surgery; even then, if possible, it’s best not to overdo it too early!
Baldness is a serious concern for those who suffer from it. Hair loss can be caused by genetics, age, or stress. In most cases, hair loss is treatable with medication and surgery. However, in some cases, other treatments like therapy or hair transplantation may be more effective.
It’s important that you understand all your options before making any decisions about how best to deal with your baldness problem. Rest assured that there are a lot of treatments available for baldness. If you want to know more about these treatments, call us today at +353 (0)1 679 3618
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sexguru69 · 2 years
Things you need to know before using condom
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There are many excellent reasons why condoms are such a common item on nightstands. They offer the best defense against STIs. They are available for use at any time. And a trip to the doctor is not necessary. However, many couples reach a point in their relationship where their enthusiasm for condoms begins to fade. According to Larry Swiader, social media director for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, "at some point, as people become secure in their relationship, many want to switch to another type of birth control and stop using condoms." And we are aware that a lot of people are unprepared for that situation. Vietsub sex
Do you and your partner plan to stop using condoms? Before entering the storm without your "rain jacket," think about the following: Know the Basics of STI Screening STIs can infect anyone who has engaged in unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex or who has shared a needle. Additionally, even if you have always used condoms, you could still be at risk because they do not completely protect against all STIs. Depending on your sex, age, and sexual history, you should get tested for different STIs. Everyone is advised to get tested for HIV at least once, and more frequently if they have engaged in unprotected sex.
And if you're a woman who engages in sexual activity and are 24 years old or younger, you should get a chlamydia and gonorrhea test every year. You might want to get tested for a variety of additional STIs, including syphilis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, hepatitis B and C, or HPV. Therefore, familiarize yourself with your options and discuss the best course of action with your healthcare professional. Since not all providers are knowledgeable about what you should be screened for, it is best to go in prepared. The "educate yourself" part of that statement is crucial. Take the necessary tests "Just because a person has visited a doctor doesn't mean that every possible test has been performed on them.
According to Kantor, some tests are performed regularly and others are not. For instance, men cannot be tested for HPV and herpes is not routinely detected through testing. It's crucial to know exactly which tests you're getting because different providers may have different definitions of what "everything" entails. It's also crucial to make sure you get tested at the appropriate time because many STIs take time to manifest on tests; for example, HIV can take up to three months to show up after unprotected sex. Chlamydia, for example, can be found much sooner than other STIs. Therefore, be sure to ask your doctor when is the best time to get tested after having unprotected sex.
To ensure that the results are accurate, you might need to repeat some tests. Talk About Your Results It's up to you whether you take the test with your partner or by yourself. However, you should share your test results with your partner and both of you should get tested for the STIs that make sense for you. And the truth is that you might discover that you each have a STI (remember when we discussed how widespread STIs are earlier?). Most bacterial STIs, like chlamydia, are easily treatable with straightforward antibiotics. HIV and other viral STIs may be permanently present in your body, but medication can effectively treat them.
You and your partner to decide whether you want to have sex without using a condom if you do have a viral STI; you can also take other precautions to lessen the chance of transmission. But whatever you choose, it's crucial to understand the risk you're taking and choose wisely. Be Consistent Swiader advises being in a committed relationship and having trust in your partner before deciding to stop using condoms. Regardless of whether you are monogamous or not, you should be aware of and at ease with the arrangement.
It may indicate that something in the relationship isn't quite right if you're uncomfortable bringing up the DTR conversation. If that is the case, think about the following question: Am I okay with having unprotected sex with someone I can't have a relationship conversation with? Although the method of having sex is always up to you and your partner, most people find that when they truly trust the person they are having sex with, they have the best sexual experiences. Before choosing to engage in sexual activity without using a condom, ask yourself: Do I believe that my partner has my best interests at heart? Do I believe this person when they say that STI testing is a lie?
Making the choice to engage in sexual activity without the use of a condom is a significant one, so you should be sure that you are doing it for YOU. It can be tempting to go to any lengths to satisfy someone you're deeply attracted to. Making your partner happy alone, however, can backfire and leave you feeling resentful, helpless, and generally unhappy if you don't take care of your own relationship needs and health. Keep in mind that a person who cares about you won't push you to do something you don't want to. Furthermore, refusing to use a condom when your partner asks you to won't make him or her feel any closer to you or more interested in you than they already do.
Without a condom, having sexual activity is risky. Of course, taking risks is a necessary part of life, but ultimately, the risks you can feel proud of are the ones you chose on purpose. Think ahead If condoms have been your primary method of birth control, you should look for another method of birth control before quitting condoms. This entails scheduling some planning time outside of bed. Swiader explains that this is why planning is so strongly encouraged: "It's easier to have non-romantic thoughts — like planning your birth control — at a time when you're not having sex."
However, just because you find a different method of birth control doesn't mean condoms are useless. It's best for couples to use a condom in addition to an effective method of birth control, according to Kantor. "Using two methods is best if you want to really protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy." Discover EVERYONE of Your Birth Control Options You have access to a variety of safe, highly effective birth control options. You should become familiar with all of your options and choose the one that will work best for you because no one method is the best option for everyone. IUDs and implants are even more effective than the Pill and can be used by teens and young adults even if they haven't had a baby, according to Kantor.
Most people still switch from condoms to the Pill, but many people are unaware of this," she says. The IUD and implant are both 99 percent effective, so users don't need to worry about performing daily tasks. Trojans, hold on to your horses found a new method of birth control? Great! You should use condoms until your new birth control is fully effective because it can take up to a week for a new method to start working. "One of the major places that unplanned pregnancy occurs is when people are switching methods," warns Kantor. Be aware of this and continue using condoms until you are completely clear to do so to protect yourself.
You Don't Need to Give Up Don't worry if, after reading this article, you feel that having sex without condoms would be a little too much for you. If you don't want to, you are not required to stop using them. Some people think that using condoms prevents intimacy or shows that you don't trust your partner, but Kantor says there are other ways to look at it. "Using a condom shows that you are concerned about your partner's and your own health." Additionally, condoms can actually spice up your sex life with all the modern fashions available. There are countless ways to feel closer and more intimate with your partner. There are numerous ways to have better sex as well. If giving up condoms is not your only option and those are your true goals, consider other options.
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delta-6a10a-g6ar · 2 years
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suggests that partners taking part in the medical diagnosis, education, and treatment together may be more effective for enhancing ED and accomplishing more complete satisfaction from sex. Researchers have been checking out other options for ED treatment. Among the most current treatments for ED is penile shockwave treatment or low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy.Research from 2019suggests this treatment might be effective for ED caused by vascular disease. Impotence is a very typical experience. With or without medication, it can typically be reversed. Lifestyle changes and natural remedies can assist. Most males experience at least one episode of being not able to achieve an erection when preferred. In severe cases, they may be not able ever to have or sustain an erection. Most cases of ED take place in men who were formerly able to sustain an erection. The condition is typically reversible, however the chances of completely treating ED depend on the underlying cause. Read on to learn about natural and medical ways to reverse ED. In a lot of cases, yes, erectile dysfunction can be reversed. It is necessary to keep in mind that even when ED can not be cured, the right treatment can lower or get rid of signs. Doctors have recognized two types of ED: takes place when a male has never had the ability to have or sustain an erection. This is unusual. takes place in people who as soon as had regular erectile function. Secondary ED can be reversed and is typically short-lived. Main ED may need more extensive and medical-based treatments. ED is typically treatable with medication or surgery. An individual may be able to treat the underlying cause and reverse signs with no medication. The best treatment may depend on the individual. Specific therapy can assist in revealing the reason for the problem. A psychologist or psychiatrist can assist an individual to manage their anxiety and deal with problems, which can get rid of ED and prevent it from returning. Couples'treatment can assist sexual partners to talk through their sensations and discover healthful, positive ways to communicate about ED.Some men discover that alternative and complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, aid with ED. The best-known are drugs, such as tadalafil(Cialis)and Viagra, which increase blood flow to the penis and help to achieve an erection. These can be effective when that reason for ED is physical, and they likewise work well when the cause isunknown or related to anxiety. If an underlying condition, such as diabetes, is causing ED, treating it will typically reverse ED or prevent it from aggravating. High blood pressure medication, for instance, may reduce blood flow to the penis, making it more difficult to get an erection. Anybody who presumes that ED is associated with a medication should inform a physician. Alternative drugs are typically readily available. Penis pumps can draw blood into the penis and cause an erection in a lot of men, consisting of those with serious nerve damage. Even when major physical health problems exist, a mechanical device can typically assist with getting an erection. If other techniques are inefficient, or when there is a physiological reason for ED, a physician may suggest surgery. The procedure includes implanting a gadget that makes it possible for instant erections. Surgery works for the most part, and the rate of issues is less than 5 percent. It is necessary to bear in mind that the condition is treatable. ED is really typical and can typically be reversed by utilizing natural remedies or medications to treat the underlying cause. Early intervention can typically detect a severe medical condition, and determining the reason for ED early may increase the probability of reversing it. In addition, it's risky for some men to take these medications, consisting of those who have serious heart disease/heart failure or low high blood pressure, in addition to those who take nitrate drugs to treat chest pain. And, finally, these medications typically stop working to work in some men entirely. Expensive Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Easily Fix Erectile Dysfunction Cure Erectile Dysfunction Compare Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Buy Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device With Paypal https://lookingfortheeasiestweightlos830.blogspot.com/ https://lookingfortheeasiestweightlos830.blogspot.com/2022/08/looking-for-easiest-weight-loss.html https://mydietjourney.tumblr.com/post/692298831679881216/looking-for-the-easiest-weigh https://everlywell-covid-test-b4d2nye.tumblr.com/post/692297761635319808/avoid-how-to-fix-erectile-dys https://lookingfortheeasiestweightlos498.blogspot.com/
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