#asylum ireland
aiteanngaelach · 4 months
Heavy garda presence and 11 arrests as hundreds of anti-immigration protesters march through Dublin (msn.com)
"A little boy of around six-years-old led a chant at one point, standing with his father, on an elevation opposite Custom House.
“Ireland for the Irish,” at which his father beamed and the crowd responded back with the same chant.
While a little girl of around nine asked her dad why they were at the protest on O’Connell Street and he told her, “This is because of all the undocumented men.”
A black couple observed the protest outside the Custom House, as members of the Freedom Party spoke over a tannoy, that much of the back of the crowd couldn’t make out.
The couple looked uncomfortable as they realised what the protest was about.
A man handed out copies of The Irish Patriot, a free newspaper, with a cover story reading “Censors And The Tans,” and “Imposing the New Plantation”.
The front cover story featured a photograph of Leo Varadkar and stated "Increasing police heavy handed was against peaceful protesters is giving a vicious twist to Ireland’s asylum crisis”.
Another front page story was “Schools Brainwashing” and “Activism For Ireland. Exposing the asylum scam”.
Within the centre pages was a free “Ireland is Full” poster and on page 3, was the headline “The truth about gay conversion therapy”.
A heavy garda presence monitored the right wing protest as it snaked its way round the north city and a garda helicopter hovered overhead.
Even some protesters were surprised by how many had turned out from communities, including Coolock and Finglas.
There was visible anger displayed during the protest, particularly at Government housing policies, and chants such as “Ireland for the Irish”, and “House the Irish, not the world”, were sung, as well as nationalist Irish songs.
The Irish Independent estimates around 500 to 700 people attended the anti-immigration protest and there were many families, women and children, as well as groups of men."
^^^^ Quote from the article
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burgundykicks · 2 months
Yk the tt trend where it has the line 'you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me'?
I just saw one where they showed the loreto schools logo and OHMYGOD STOP
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head-post · 28 days
Dublin asylum crisis worsens
Dublin authorities installed new steel barriers along the Grand Canal to deal with the asylum crisis, the BBC reported.
Critics labelled the new barriers “architectural vandalism.” The structures were erected over long stretches of the canal bank in response to the city’s growing asylum crisis. Dublin TD Gary Gannon, a Social Democrat, claimed the barriers were damaging the image of “one of the most beautiful parts of the city.” He also stated that they affected the local community.
It’s almost like it’s imprisoned.
Initially, authorities set up barriers along a small section of the canal last week after state officials ordered more than 160 men to leave the dozens of tents they had established in the area.
He stated that the erection of barriers represented “a failure of the Government” to deal with the current crisis. Those occupying the tents were moved to temporary accommodation provided by the Irish Government.
It’s architectural vandalism. This is one of the most beautiful parts of the city and the state does not get to come in here and remove this as an amenity for the citizens of Dublin.
Read more HERE
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thoughtlessarse · 29 days
A judge in Northern Ireland has ruled that the law allowing the UK Government to detain and remove asylum seekers it deems to have arrived illegally should be disapplied there. In a judgment delivered at Belfast High Court today, Mr Justice Humphreys said the UK’s Illegal Migration Act undermines human rights protections guaranteed in the region under post-Brexit arrangements. The Illegal Migration Act provides new powers for the UK Government to detain and remove asylum seekers it deems to have arrived illegally in the UK. Central to the new laws is the scheme to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. The court today ruled on two challenges against the Act that focused on human rights protections guaranteed by the Windsor Framework and compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The post-Brexit Windsor Framework jointly agreed by the UK and EU includes a stipulation that there can be no diminution of the rights provisions contained within Northern Ireland’s Good Friday peace agreement of 1998. Mr Justice Humphreys found that several elements of the Act cause a “significant” diminution of the rights enjoyed by asylum seekers residing in Northern Ireland under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. “I have found that there is a relevant diminution of right in each of the areas relied upon by the applicants,” he said. He added: “The applicants’ primary submission therefore succeeds. Each of the statutory provisions under consideration infringes the protection afforded to RSE (Rights, Safeguards and Equality of Opportunity) in the Good Friday Agreement.” The judge ruled that the sections of the Act that were the subject of the legal challenges should be “disapplied” in Northern Ireland. He also declared aspects of the Act incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
god i hope it's not patel. prime minister priti patel would suck for so many reasons, not least because we'd have to endure endless fucking #girlboss takes about a woc pm and how criticising her for being straight up evil is misogynist and racist or something
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thesunsethour · 4 months
unexpected issue about being in final year no one told me about: being so stressed and sleep-deprived all the time that your emotions are heightened so you almost start crying in your history seminar in the middle of your point about popular religious devotion in ireland
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scholarofgloom · 5 months
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burnitalldownism · 1 year
When all the boogeymen exist solely in your head, then you just gotta straight up lie to peddle your bullshit scaremongering agenda.
Bonus evidence for the brain death of these pieces of shite:
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rubysevens · 2 years
hating ireland is an inevitable consequence of living here. heart emoji.
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 24
Aperçu of the Week:
"And if you feel that life is a theater, pick a role that you really enjoy."
(William Shakespeare)
Bad News of the Week:
Often the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is considered a historic benchmark of Western democracies. A fundamental aspect of democracies is binding rule of law. And this is exactly what the current British government seems to absurdly misunderstand. Here are two examples from the week ending.
Example 1: The principle of "pacta sunt servanda" ("contracts must be honored"). Actually a matter of course. Except when it comes to the legal relationship between the UK and the European Union. Because now the British government wants to unilaterally terminate the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol of the Brexit Treaty. And in doing so, it overlooks the fact that this protocol does not protect EU interests, but rather safeguards peace on the Irish internal border. I, at least, remember well the civil war, which has been happily dormant since the Good Friday Agreement. But the hollow phrase "taking back control" seems to be more sacred in London than citizens' interests in a second-rate constituent state. Or international treaties from which one profits economically.
Example 2: Right to asylum under the UN Geneva Convention on Refugees. As early as 1951, the basic right to apply for asylum was declared an international human right - with the British signature on the paper. But as we all know, paper is patient. Because Great Britain has brokered a spectacular refugee deal - with Rwanda. What the f***?!? Exactly, with Rwanda, which the British government itself had reprimanded last year for human rights violations - after all, critics are locked up there, presumably tortured, and sometimes "missing" afterwards. And now they want to deny asylum rights to refugees who have fought their way across the English Channel in rubber dinghies, put them on a plane, take them to East Africa and pay Rwanda to "integrate" them there. The talk is of 10,000 people for whom Rwanda has been guaranteed at least 120 million pounds. So the talk is also of 10,000 times breaking the law in Europe and financially supporting a questionable African regime. The first flight, scheduled for last Tuesday, was indeed stopped at the last second by the European Court of Human Rights - but due to a formal error. London and even the British High Court are sticking to the plan, saying the next flights are in the pipeline.
Two fundamental breaches of the law within one week. That's what you would expect from a banana republic. But UK? Once again, one can only shake one's head at the fact that things happen in Europe that were previously hardly thought possible. But the much-quoted concept of the "turn of the times" ultimately means that nothing can be relied on any longer.
P.S.: The British government's decision to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the U.S., where he faces 175 years in prison (and that for betraying secrets, not for sexual assault!), may be correct from a constitutional point of view, but it is still a slap in the face for freedom of the press and freedom of expression.
Good News of the Week:
Australia finally recognizes climate necessities. For a long time, Australia was regarded internationally as a laggard when it came to environmental protection. For example, the country produces the most electricity by burning coal and therefore emits the most greenhouse gases per capita worldwide. This never bothered the former conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison - after all, coal exports are a considerable source of income and secure many jobs.
On the other hand, Australia is already suffering from the consequences of human-induced climate change: time and again, there are devastating bushfires, torrential rains, extreme heat waves and destructive floods. The consequences of the irresponsible lifestyle of (not only) Australians can be seen not only on land, but also in the surrounding oceans. Fishing grounds are dying out, marine flora is suffering, shipping traffic is terrorizing marine life, and the destruction of the iconic Great Barrier Reef may be unstoppable.
The Australian people seem to have grasped this. For the clear deselection of coal lobbyist Morrison is attributed primarily to his fatal climate policy. The new Labor government with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is now taking its campaign promises seriously: on Thursday, a significantly tightened climate protection plan was submitted to the United Nations. Among other things, the plan calls for a 43% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 (compared to 2005!). That alone will not save the planet. But this about-face by the biggest emitter so far is a clear signal for a green Australia.
Personal happy moment of the week:
My daughter passed two exams this week. First, the theory test for her driver's license. Secondly, a self-test (albeit not formally binding) for her aspired studies of political science at the university: "Excellent! (...) You have the ideal prerequisites to successfully complete your studies." Dad is proud.
I couldn't care less...
...that there is currently a discussion about temporarily lowering the mandatory minimum temperatures for residential buildings due to expected gas shortages in the coming winter. When the tenants receive their considerably increased heating bills for the past winter, they will get out their Norwegian sweaters all by themselves in order to save money.
As I write this...
...I am looking forward to my birthday party tonight. Although it's actually not mine: an old friend has his birthday on the same day as me. And he throws a big garden party in best summer weather. And I - who normally doesn't care much about his birthday - will benefit from the fact that there will certainly be a toast to my health, too. Happy birthday, Andi!
Post Scriptum:
The EU Commission is in favor of officially designating Ukraine and Moldova as candidates for accession to the European Union. This was stated by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who at the same time called for reforms that would ultimately be necessary for entering the club. For despite all the sympathy, it is the facts that count. For in both countries there are deficits in the rule of law and in the fight against corruption, among other things, and they are still far from meeting the standards of the European Union. But the signal has been set. And that is a good thing. After all, the EU is not just an economic free trade zone, but above all a community of values.
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rodaportal · 1 month
Ireland's Immigration Uprising: Citizens Demand Change 🌟
Join the conversation on the pressing issues surrounding asylum and migration policies in Ireland! 🇮🇪 Hear from prominent figures like Hermann Kelly, Niall Boylan, Minister Helen McEntee, and more as they discuss the challenges and solutions.
Watch the video now ➡️: https://youtu.be/nu7pD4xGQnA
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unexplainedie · 4 months
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head-post · 4 months
Asylum seekers scared to live on Dublin’s streets
Over 750 asylum seekers have been left homeless in Ireland after the government announced a shortage of accommodation for those seeking refugee status in early December, the BBC reports.
There were 13,000 asylum applications in Ireland in 2023, five times more than in 2019, the Department of Integration reported.
“Despite intensive efforts to source emergency accommodation, the department is currently not in a position to provide accommodation to all international protection applicants due to the severe shortage.”
Ireland currently hosts over 101,585 people between refugees from Ukraine and applicants for International Protection (IP). This includes over 74,955 Ukrainians approaching the state in search of accommodation. However, those fleeing war in Ukraine are treated differently by Ireland than those seeking asylum from other countries.
Read more HERE
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alpha-mag-media · 5 months
Average 15,000 asylum seeker applicants arriving in Ireland every year will become ‘new normal’, Minister claims | 0K510G1 | 2024-01-04 08:08:02 | January 04, 2024 at 09:08AM
Average 15,000 asylum seeker applicants arriving in Ireland every year will become ‘new normal’, Minister claims | 0K510G1 | 2024-01-04 08:08:02 Read More … Check full articles at Source: ALPHA MAG
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This sickens me. Our ancestors were warmly welcomed around the world when they were suffering so horribly under the English cosh. The so-called nationalists - ignorant scum - seem to have completely forgotten that. It’s hardly surprising though; they’re so incredibly thick and idiotic that I’ve seen them yelling abuse at someone in a Dublin street for not speaking English. Their bewildered victim was speaking Irish.
Imagine being so wantonly cruel to beleaguered people who’ve already been through hell and high water, have fled their beloved country - just as millions of Irish people were forced to do - and are desperately seeking sanctuary. Just imagine it!😔
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munaeem · 10 months
what is the process for seeking asylum in Ireland?
To seek asylum in Ireland, you would generally follow the process outlined below: Arrival: You must first physically arrive in Ireland. This can be done by various means, such as entering the country through an airport or seaport, or by crossing the land border. Registration: As an asylum seeker, you should present yourself to the nearest immigration authorities or designated reception center…
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