#assault m
ariel-s-awesome · 1 year
May as well post my response to someone on AO3 asking why I hate season 2 here. Already stirred the pot.
(Can't get read more working so everyone has to deal.)
I could write multiple essays about it but I'll keep it brief to avoid opening a can of worms. (Yes, this IS the brief version.)
1) Portraying Wander as a perfect immortal space Jesus ruined his character. Sylvia was forced to blindly trust him when she previously balanced out his worst impulses. So it also ruined their friendship by introducing a toxic power dynamic. And Sylvia's character too as she got forced into a subservient role.
Wander continuously pushing Hater's boundaries in an effort to make him good worked when he seemed young and naive, without knowing when to back off. If he's done this song and dance many times now Hater's just the latest entry in villains he's overwhelmed into submission. It's manipulative and cheapens their friendship.
2) They flattened Hater. In season 1 there was solid internal logic behind his foolishness. He's not just a stupid childish oaf. In much of season 2 his behavior seemed far more random with little purpose but to make him stupid and incompetent. (There were still some good episodes, mostly when Dominator was nowhere in sight, but...)
3) Misogyny. There were issues in season 1 but it really took off when Lauren Faust left the show between seasons to work on Medusa (which later got cancelled, sadly.) I have a feeling that her input kept it from getting out of hand with how it went from the usual lack of prominent female characters to the Dominator love interest arc.
Dominator worked well as a big threat that shook up the status quo and forced the main 4 to work together. But she was forced into a love interest role and demonized for not returning Hater's feelings.
This attitude is what leads to women getting assaulted for turning men down. As someone making children's cartoons, Craig has a responsibility to examine the messages closely and avoid reinforcing harmful ones because kids are very impressionable.
Also WOY used to be a great show for aromantics because it emphasized the importance of platonic love. That was no longer the case and many aro fans became bitter as the love interest arc wore on.
Her being portrayed as evil for not feeling love (I'm The Bad Guy) was the slap in the face as an aromantic (who thought I was a girl at the time) and my final straw. So I'm evil. Okay thanks guys. Time to pack it up and not even be able to bear to look at the show for several years.
Dominator was sexualized and it was disgusting. They constantly emphasized her boobs and hips despite her being fairly flat on model. There was even a storyboard posted with a note to fix her posing because when she was expressive that "wasn't pretty enough" or something like that.
They reduced what could have been a cool character to eye candy because she was a girl. Which is exactly what Wander and Hater did to her.
If this was a one episode thing that ended with Sylvia calling Wander out for being misogynistic and harassing her to pair her up with Hater, it would be fine. It'd be a good lesson. But it consumed most of the season without him and Hater ever being shown as wrong.
4) It was a waste of time that literally ended with the words "nothing ever changes" as they returned to the status quo. Craig McCraken failed to read the writing on the wall and thought that he would have unlimited time to tell his story. (Disney had an unofficial hard limit on keeping anything but breakout hits to two seasons at the time. And Wander wasn't one.)
Unpopular opinion but I'm glad Wander got canceled. Even putting the mess it became at the end to the side. That experience improved Craig's storytelling skills as he learned to work with the time he has instead of what he hopes for.
And that was what made Kid Cosmic great. I'm more attached to Wánder Over Yónder both because I was there for it airing and because it's my long-term special interest, but Kid Cosmic objectively has better storytelling because Craig learned to focus on the story he wants to tell.
It still has its flaws pacing wise, both because of Netflix keeping it short and him using so many main characters that most hardly got developed. (...Poor Chuck was all but abandoned by the narrative after his life was shattered.) Yet the story got wrapped up. Unlike Wander.)
5) Much more minor complaint but: The art suffered when they switched animation studios. I mean, I know Titmouse is a hard act to follow. But it looked cheap, with more errors, worse expressions, and more reused animation.
Probably not something the actual target audience would pay much mind to (I was a teenaged animation buff), still disappointing after how well-animated season 1 was.
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materialisnt · 1 month
i wish i could say we will never let anyone touch us like that again. but that is not a promise we could keep and live.
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
god. god. the significance of the diary pages about claudia’s assault being torn out raggedly by Louis, clearly in a fit of guilt and anguish and trauma, vs the diary pages about louis mourning lestat and regretting killing him being removed with surgical control and precision. by armand. this wasn’t a heat of the moment action it was deliberate and calculated and I can’t stop thinking about it
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stewykablooey · 1 year
the tone. of tom’s voice when he says ‘shiv. shiv. you sound a little unhinged’. hmm. hmmmmmm. i think the finale should be 1hr30min of him being skinned alive.
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transmascutena · 5 months
sorry for talking about this again but it is actually insane to me that people say that what happens to utena in ep 33 isn't rape because "a lot of girls lose their virginity that way, it's normal." like HEY MAN HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT MAYBE IT FUCKING SHOULDN'T BE???? have you considered that maybe part of the point of this scene is that people's first experience with sex should be safe and comfortable and not something terrifying that happens when you're too young to fully understand it?? like how does insisting that it's Not Actually Rape help anybody. the idea that the term gets "overused" in this kind of context is such bullshit, because it's actually really fucking important for people to know that while being nervous is obviously common for your first time, you're not supposed to be scared and your partner is DEFINITELY not supposed to be ignoring that fact, and that if that happens to you it's not just "bad sex" or whatever it's fucking assault. like hey, even if you somehow ignore the myriad of power-dynamics at play in this context that makes the consent invalid in the first place, if your partner refuses to look at you or engage with anything you're doing and is talking about other things and making excuses to go home and literally fucking dissociating it probably means they're not having a good time and you should stop . immediately. because guess what, consent doesn't mean "they said yes once and that means i can do whatever i want forever" it can be revoked, and that includes non-verbally ESPECIALLY if you don't have a fucking safe-word, and if you ignore that deliberately you are a rapist. simple as that.
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scarefox · 6 months
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cyber-neptune · 4 months
I really hate Megatron being portrayed as a massive creep and rapist
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its better than blood, needlenoggin 🤯
see i told you they take turns now she's winning let's go mint chippy
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
claudia seeing louis breaking down and realizing her role as his sister and protector…….louis ripping out those pages bc he doesn’t want daniel to exploit claudia’s assault………….he doesn’t want us to see that……she’s gone but he’s still her family and he’s protecting her….the way she protected him….someone sedate me…….
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songsintheattic · 1 year
everyone should occasionally endure some raucous, musically offensive, experimental jazz once in a while. it will expand your mind and eventually start to sound good
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babykatia · 3 months
Genuinely every dominant I’ve ever talked to who has said “I’m a masochist 🥺 do you think that makes me a bad person? 👉👈 please don’t hate me” have been some of the worst people I’ve ever had the misfortune of talking to in my entire life. What do you mean you think your job is to train me to enjoy my hard limits?
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tllgrrl · 8 months
Heart Beat: a SarahBucky Vampire AU - Chapter 3 - The Beautiful One is Here by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
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Relationship: Cardiologist!Vampire!Sarah Wilson/Vampire!James “Bucky” Barnes
Rated: M | TWs: Mention of blood; Assault.
* * * * * * * * * *
Summary: Losing a patient anywhere wasn’t easy.
Each doctor, nurse, EMT, had their own way of dealing with it.
Sarah would just walk with nowhere specific as to where.
This time, she had a where…
* * * * * * * * * *
About an hour later, Sarah made her way down to the morgue.
She offered to deliver the paperwork herself before heading back up to the lounge for a much-needed cup of hot coffee…minus an apple fritter.
She had to do…something. Walk. Run. Just go. Somewhere. She chalked it up to losing a patient in the Trauma Unit.
Losing a patient anywhere wasn’t easy. But…
(I knew him. No you didn’t. Don’t be silly.)
Along with the folder of forms and reports she carried the “belongings” bag containing the deceased’s clothing and shoes.
The EMTs had carefully removed his leather jacket and stabilized him before getting him into the ambulance, but because of the height of the fall, and that he was unconscious, unresponsive, and there was a fair amount of blood, they decided to go ahead and cut his shirts and everything else off of him so they could determine the extent of his injuries, unhindered by the clothes, and begin whatever treatment they needed to perform in transit to the awaiting hospital trauma unit.
In the elevator, on the way down to the bottom floor, Sarah’s mind replayed bits of conversation between the two of them.
“Sergeant, were you really fighting? Fighting on the roof?”
“I’m always fighting.”
And she wondered if he would’ve been upset that his jeans and shirts were ruined, but happy his leather jacket was spared.
She also had a smaller plastic bag containing a wallet, set of keys, what looked like a vintage Zippo lighter, a pair of old Army dog tags on a relatively newer chain, and a switchblade that the EMT found in a calf holster he was wearing when they cut his jeans off.
It wasn’t the first time she’d heard of or seen armed patients in the ER.
She’d also seen her fair share of dog tags, but not ones as old as these.
Maybe they were some sort of sentimental thing. Could’ve been his father’s or grandfather’s.
“Fighting who? Why?”
“Not now. There’s no time. Listen…”
It didn’t matter now. None of it mattered.
What did matter was, a) something had happened in the ER that it seemed only she heard or saw; and b) she wanted to see him one more time before the Coroners took him—took his body—away.
“Find me, Sarah. I’ll be waiting for you.”
No. She didn’t want to see him.
She needed to see him.
When she tapped her ID number into the keypad, the doors swung open, she entered the morgue, and the doors quietly shut behind her with a soft click.
The only (living) person she saw seemed to be one of the attendants, who was looking out the windows with his back to her.
It sounded like he was quietly talking to someone, but there was no one else there.
“The wrong one…the right one…is…here…”
The front desk area was lit with a couple of overhead fluorescents. The rest of the room was dark, except for the soft ambient light pouring through the windows that made up most of the back wall.
“Hello? Excuse me. I’m Dr. Wilson.
The patient, the decedent, they brought down from the ER about an hour ago, Sergeant James Barnes? I have his personal effects. And I need your signature on this paperwork for the…”
The man didn’t move, and now the only sound in the room was the rain on the windows.
It had started just a few minutes ago, and it was already pouring buckets.
“Wow. It’s really coming down,” she offered, putting the bag of clothing on the desk. Walking over to the windows she marveled at the stunning view as a flash of lightning lit up the City below them.
St. Francis Hospital was situated on a hill, so even some rooms on the bottommost floors afforded a spectacular view of San Francisco. This room was one of them.
The thunder rolled a few seconds later.
“Storm must be almost right on top of us. I feel for anybody out in the middle of all that,” she mused. “I love the rain, but—“
Then a bolt of lightning flashed so bright, and the crack of thunder following it so loud, it made her jump.
It flashed again and the overheads at the front desk flickered, then went out.
The streetlights, traffic signals, and all the buildings down in the streets below were dark now, too.
A whole swath of the city—and the morgue—had gone black.
“That’s not good,” she whispered to herself, after the accompanying thunder faded.
(…nine-Mississippi, eight-Mississippi, seven-Mississippi…)
Six seconds later, the hospital’s emergency generators kicked in.
The room was still dark, but the essential parts of the morgue—the refrigerators, autoclaves, and a couple of emergency lights—were running.
The lightning flashed again, and again thunder rolled right behind it.
“Mehr-see Bon-dyoo, as my grammaw would say. Thank God for modern—“
“You shouldn’t be here,” the man sighed.
Continued on AO3.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 4 - Safe aHouse, Pt. 1 - Well, How Did I Get Here?
Chapter 3 - The Beautiful One is Here
Chapter 2 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt. 2
Chapter 1 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt. 1
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aubreymillerx · 11 months
Where: Aubrey's house
Who: @maxdiaz
After the hell, Aubrey just endured the only thing she wanted to do is get under her blanket and cry all day. She called in sick at work and had Aurora stay at her friend's for a couple of days just so she could heal and see what the fuck she was supposed to do now. she was grateful for Cael for saving her but after being attacked like that, she didn't feel safe anywhere. For the first time in quite a while, Aubrey was a mess. Suddenly, someone rang the front door and it made Aubrey's heart skip a beat as she walked slowly towards the door. Looking into the eye hole she saw it was Max. She was avoiding him simply because she knew she was about to get the biggest 'I told you so' and he'll want to do something about it which wouldn't help the situation at all. After standing for a few moments she knew the male wouldn't go away so she opened the door, slowly revealing her bruised face. "Hey..." She said almost in a whisper tone.
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A Swedish Sav m/43 taken for a ride by its new crew, WWII
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spaciebabie · 6 months
following springtrap Into The Bowels of a fazbear establishment (he told you not to but you did anyway) and him having to protect you when you encounter something dangerous. is this anything
STOP MAKING NME IMAGINE NARRATIVES IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE GIVING ME IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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