crazy56u · 1 year
Spoilers for a fanfic:
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TFW McDonalds fails you for the last time.
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Works in Progress
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @critterkeeper01! Thanks for the tag, and I hope you know what you signed up for!
Here are my WIPs (blame critterkeeper for the long post)
Weight in Coal
Curse of the Crown's Blessing
Thorn and the Agis
Wizard of Helgen
AI Lucas
Copy of 14 1x21, (WIP) The Night in Question: Sylvia Blake
15 1x22, (UNS) The Last Death of Henry Morgan
16 1x22, (UNS) The Last Death of Henry Morgan: Finale
mike hanson's very very very very very very long day
Immortal British Doctors
Watson Time Travel
My Friend the Ghost
Castle Nowhere
Imperfections on Cloud Tower
The city at the end of the bridge
Stop! Go
Not Vampyr (needs structure)
Illness of the Earth
SHORT Strange Traveler
the MPC
when want to kill is less than can kill. iykyk
Ghost Detective rambling
vulpix incuwta
Evermore ripoff but better
I Hartley know her lmaooo I'm so funny
These are all the things that I still have hopes for, regardless of how high those hopes are, haha. I left out a MUCH longer list of things I have zero intention of working on in the future...
Tag AS MANY PEOPLE as I have WIPs? Sorry that's not possible. Instead I'll tag @amielbjacobs @smileytiger28 @ashekirk @ectojester and YOU (if you see this and want to do it) (tagging everyone who sees this should count to my total right?)
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ashe-fics · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Jenn Chou, Herbert "Magic" Williams Additional Tags: Farewell Quantum Leap, Bittersweet Summary:
A drabble of the present day Project during the final scene of Quantum Leap 2022.
Now it's been cancelled, I just wanted to give it a little send-off *sniffle*
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jumpin--bean · 7 months
Last Line; Tag I'm It
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I was tagged by @beetle-goth!! Thanks so much 😊
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My most recent Creation was actually just this little study of Cross from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Gonna draw him as part of a larger piece so I wanted to figure out his face :D gotta do the rest of the Rowdies too, very exciting
I'll tag @420sadnoodles, @ashekirk, @bttf-dork & @clockworkcheetah but no pressure at all!
(4 people, same number as are in the Rowdy 3 😁)
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gwenkress · 8 months
@amielbjacobs tagged me to search my WIP for four words! Here are the resulting excerpts from Shroud of Dawn:
Glicht tried to bring himself present again, but it was a struggle merely to breathe through the fresh wound in his back—aching with every heartbeat—and the older ones, miraculously healed as though by a full Visiting, but still sore and stiff.
When Lohak remained silent, Glicht let out a harsh laugh. “It ain’t like you didn’t know I was a mask.”
Lohak looked over in surprise to see Thack chin-to-chest, dead asleep sitting up on his stool. Looked quite a trick; Glicht wondered if it came from a long history of doing the same on noleback.
“Next time you form a party to get a job done, you best check they’re all on the same page. Laxh tried to kill me.”
I’m tagging @mostly-lostpleiad, @ashekirk, @featherwriter, and @archaeopter-ace to find the words particular, empty, craft, and hope.
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ashekirk · 9 months
I finished it! 71,681 words all up. Phew!!
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Chapters: 46/46 Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett & Sam Beckett, Sam Beckett & Al Calavicci Characters: Sam Beckett, Al Calavicci, Original Characters, Donna Elesee, Gooshie (Quantum Leap), Tina (Quantum Leap), Ziggy (Quantum Leap), Verbena Beeks, Beth Calavicci Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Vietnam War, 1970, Hippies, Hippie Commune, Inspired by Novel, free love, References to orgies, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Pregnancy, Vietnam draft, Twins, Fun banter, Drug Use, Hallucinogens, Non-Consensual Drug Use, LSD, PCP, Sam-on-Sam Violence, Implied/Referenced Sex, Fist Fights, Broken Bones, Multiplicity/Plurality, Takes place between Season 4 and 5, San Diego, Yuma County Arizona, Angst, Happy Ending, Well except that the Canon series ending still happens, best of luck keeping all the names in order lol Summary:
When Sam leaps into a set of twins, one bearing down on a conscription into the Vietnam war and the other living in a hippie commune, he finds that, split in twain, his two halves are at odds just as much as the twin brothers.
This is an exploration of how I think the Quantum Leap novel Double or Nothing could have gone if it was a little different. It takes some of the ideas of the book, and puts it into a new situation and plotline. So it’s not a rehash of the book so much as a reimagining.
Note that it is not necessary to have read the book to read this.
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angstylittlecatboy · 5 years
(these are all of my mutuals other than one who I’m not sure ever wants to see me again and one I DMed personally)
My old Tumblr (kfcnyancat) got deleted because I was becoming something grotesque and awful because things happened and my abandonment issues got triggered. Like I was before discovering spirituality, but 100x worse. I really think getting deleted was the kick in the head I needed. My mind is clear now.
It’s a new era. I turned 18 today. Violent as it was, it lasted one day and not three months. Not all progress is gone. I will not lose any more. It doesn’t matter whether my favorite person follows me there or not, because I was never theirs, and not everyone is meant to be in your life forever.
Everything will be alright in the end.
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crazy56u · 1 year
Currently batting two for two in the “Have to watch the new episode after the fact due to work” category, yay for me!
We open in on a pregnant woman in a parking lot.
Ben legitimately almost had a panic attack when face with having to deliver a baby.
The quickest, cleanest baby delivery.
Now if only the rest of the Leap was this easy.
And Addison decided to just rip the bandaid off and say the episode’s title.
If only Ben leap into the grunge scene instead of the ER scene…
I don’t know how to feel about the asshole she’s talking to being a Stephen…
Dr. Turk. …so, basically, this is Scrubs.
“Why are you here past your shift?” “I delivered a baby! :D” “Yeah, get off the high horse, pal…”
“You can’t save everyone.” That moment they telegraph the moral three minutes in.
And as Ben learns he has to save multiple lives, the sound department decides to crank the knockoff Creed!
Nurse Carolina, not to be confused with Nurse Nebraska.
Thank god for that white coat, otherwise Ben would be looking shifty right now.
Annnnnd they ain’t in the system yet, so in about 10… 9… 8…
“Code trauma.” Ding!
What if those two ambulances did a head-on collision just then?
Okay, so question: Why didn’t they have Ben leap in to stop the train crash?
“If they can walk, they can wait. If they are currently standing, fuck ‘em!”
Ben was about to black out then and there.
“Ziggy says there’s a 100% chance all three were on that train!” Tell Ziggy “No shit.” for me.
Okay, not for nothing, but if they said she had shrapnel in her fucking heart, I don’t have high hopes for her…
Watch as Nurse Carolina decides to brush off the fact that the resident, from her perspective, predicted three of the train victims prior to them arriving.
…is Dr. Harper’s first name “Stephen”, by chance?
In the 90s, hospitals were just playgrounds for mad science experiments, I guess…
Ah, so this hospital sucks, glad to know!
Addison, so what if they “didn’t know” Respiratrex was dangerous. People didn’t know Thalidomide was dangerous in the 50s, and look what happened there!
50/50 odds on her survival, glad to know God’s about to flip a coin in this bitch.
Ben’s logic: “Fuck it, I’m a better doctor than Harper, and I’m a time traveler, fuck his paper!”
“If Dr. Harper finds out you changed his script, he’ll Nike your career!” “Dr. Turk, you won’t understand this saying for a couple decades, but ‘YOLO’.”
[Okay, legit, Peacock crashed after I did that.]
…I think she forgot the actual line, and just ad-libbed that “Bold”…
Meanwhile, in 2023, everything is somehow worse!
I still stick to my theory that they locked Janis in a broom closet last week, her being in the interrogation room changes nothing.
I love how Magic is just playing the Sam card right out of the gate, he is done with her shit.
Okay, I half expected Janis to immediately make a break for it once the cuffs came off.
“I wanna talk to Ben, and I don’t care if he’s currently doing hospital resident train crash victim shit.”
“Hey, you, I have a working memory, did you predict there was a train crash?”
It is in my strongest belief that the second Carolina learns of the third victim, she is going to punch Ben in the arm.
Okay, cool, so the episode’s depressing depressing, got it.
Being told you have a concussion is the shittiest way to learn you have a tumor, goddamn…
And Eli just wants to die, okay, what a fun episode to enjoy immediately after a long night of work, yay me…
Oh! Goody! He’s Sandra’s dad!
It feels weird having barely missed the pager era…
“Okay, look, I’ll keep your tumor a secret, you fucking stay put.”
[I just paused. Why are they not showing the right half of Louis’s head?]
“Hey, audience? Tell me? Do I got something on my face?”
Ben must engage in casual chit chat, or Louis will fucking die.
Ben, this is the worst time to forget you are supposed to be a woman…
Okay, cool, one out of three so far…
And so Janis and Jenn get crunk.
About fucking time we remember the cowboy existed…
Again, why didn’t we have Ben try and stop the crash?
Why does it look like Ben is trying to invent Wikipedia?
“Got a patient with a brain tumor?” “Yep, and it ain’t your dad, so don’t worry a thing about it.”
“Man, I sure do have a patient with a break tumor, so, hey, on an unrelated note, wanna talk about your dad?”
So, in other words, Eli is the Saul Goodman of Quantum Leap.
MORAL OF THE STORY: If you suck at being a dad, you will create doctors.
Okay, in another life time, Ben is the guy who does the quick side effect reading during medicine commercials.
“Look, I know this drug has bad side effects, but the FDA helped me pay off my car, so I say you’re wrong.”
“Look, I know I can’t prove how I know she has an undiagnosed medical condition, but fuck off.”
I love how Dr. Harper thinks he’s the hero in this story.
Okay, at this point, I hope Dr. Harper slips on a banana peel and falls on his ass.
And there’s the rub: In order to stop the use of a shit drug, a daughter must make amends with her dying father.
“Look, I know I said I’d stay, but fuck it, I’m out.” “Eli, if you leave, the FDA will win!”
I really want to see the “Better Call Saul”-style spin off involving Eli…
“Maybe this cancer is the way the universe wants my story to end.” “Look, I already changed one script today, don’t you worry…”
[Okay, I was joking earlier, Ben legitimately practically told Eli “if you leave, the FDA will win”…]
…and now we have a character being declared brain dead… … …okay, I know that coincidences exist, and I am reading too much into this, but how in the fuck is this the second Quantum Leap story this month I have experienced involving this shit?
Man, Ben, this week just sucks for you…
“Hey, good news, the depressing scene is over!”
Episode, why are you insistent in turning the screws on Ben right now?
Okay, it’s defibrillating time.
Why am I now hearing “How To Save A Life” in the back of my head?
And speaking of depressions going back to baseline!
“Hey, are you psychic, tell me now!” “So, about your dad’s tumor-”
“So, what do you think?” “Man, Jenn, I dunno, this episode’s fucking depressing…” “Magic, I was talking about Janis.”
Is the endgame of Janis’s plot arc just hiring her onto Quantum Leap?
Wait, was Ian even in the episode yet?
Also, calling it now, the dead wife’s gonna be the heart donor.
“FUCK these papers!”
I choose to believe that this is Ben himself admitting he should’ve been allowed to prevent the train crash.
Now watch as Dr. Harper tries to fuck up the heart transplant…
Is Ben about to fist fight Dr. Harper, please god say he is…
“Look, I’m still processing my dad has a tumor-” “TOO BAD, DR. HARPER IS ABOUT TO KILL KIMBERLY”
WHAT THE FUCK, BEN?! “Look, if you don’t hear us out about the murder drug, THE IV BAG GETS IT!”
Just fucking saying, Sam Beckett never fucking held a person’s life hostage in order to save the day, so that’s how you know Ben has bigger stones.
Ben got so pissed off with the sexism, he forgot the plot.
“Look, if she had that stupid disease, we’d know by now!” “(practically slaps him in the face with the chart) Bet.”
“…okay, fine, fuck it, use the other drug, I give. Now, just let the IV Bag go.”
Honestly, Ben should’ve been allowed to keep the scalpel, he earned it.
What if Eli already left?
I love how Ben didn’t leap yet, so now he’s chilling in an ambulance.
“What if all of this was for nothing, and I let you down?” Ben, the show got renewed, you’re fine.
Also, calling it now, the situation with Addison is revealed in the season finale.
“Stop being afraid.” “Oh, okay. (leaps)”
“Okay, look, I just got done with helping Ben stop the FDA, so this better be good.”
“Look, I ain’t happy with this situation either, Addison, but that doesn’t mean I have to put up with this shit.”
“Tell Ben to shut up, or the Secret Leapers will get us all. Yes, I know this sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit, but I am being legit.”
And now Ben is in the elevator from Speed, I already saw the promo, I know the punchline.
…is Ben in fucking Chernobyl?
So, just to reiterate: Ben defeated the FDA by holding an IV bag hostage, and Janis is a borderline conspiracy theorist.
It is a legitimate crime we have to wait three weeks for the next episode…
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crazy56u · 1 year
You know you’re grasping at straws when you’re forced to openly admit that your theory on how the fanfic you’ve been following for several days would end involved science getting thrown out the window.
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ashe-fics · 5 months
One of the most recent comments on this fic: "Sam is about to beat the shit out of Ben…" - @crazy56u
Curious? Then read on! 🤷
Chapters: 29/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee, Addison Augustine/Ben Song, Janis Calavicci/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee, Herbert "Magic" Williams, Jenn Chou, Sammy Jo Fuller, Addison Augustine, Al Calavicci, Ziggy (Quantum Leap), Gooshie (Quantum Leap), Matt the Librarian Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2, Mild Blood, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timey-Wimey, No Beta We Die Like Clayton Fuller, Drug Use, Alternate Timelines, Butterfly Effect, Time Travel Fix-It, Homophobia, Gay Rights, Evil Leapers, 2000s, Implied/Referenced Sex Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
Sam discovers the truth about Addison's mother, and Ben seizes an opportunity that creates a dramatic change.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 3 months
Ok the main climax is over, Ben has leaped, and we have some wrapping up to do. Quite a bit actually.
Chapters: 53/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee, Addison Augustine/Ben Song, Janis Calavicci/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee, Herbert "Magic" Williams, Jenn Chou, Sammy Jo Fuller, Addison Augustine, Al Calavicci, Ziggy (Quantum Leap), Gooshie (Quantum Leap), Matt the Librarian, Verbena Beeks, Tom Beckett Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2, Mild Blood, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timey-Wimey, No Beta We Die Like Clayton Fuller, Drug Use, Alternate Timelines, Butterfly Effect, Time Travel Fix-It, Homophobia, Gay Rights, Evil Leapers, 2000s, Implied/Referenced Sex, Canonical Character Death, Al and Ben bonding over cosmetics, Underage Drinking, Lots of cute Addison/Ben moments, Religious Fanaticism, killing in the name of Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
Sam discovers the truth about Addison's mother, and Ben seizes an opportunity that creates a dramatic change. And that's just the first half.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 7 months
Midpoint twist 🤌
Chapter 11 coming shortly and I feel like it might make people go:
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2, Mild Blood, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 3 months
My estimate was 85000 words, but I’m about to hit that and I’m only at the climax. So we might be seeing as much as 95,000 all up. Combined with the first part of this series, that makes 130,000 or so. Whew!
Chapters: 49/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee, Addison Augustine/Ben Song, Janis Calavicci/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee, Herbert "Magic" Williams, Jenn Chou, Sammy Jo Fuller, Addison Augustine, Al Calavicci, Ziggy (Quantum Leap), Gooshie (Quantum Leap), Matt the Librarian, Verbena Beeks, Tom Beckett Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2, Mild Blood, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timey-Wimey, No Beta We Die Like Clayton Fuller, Drug Use, Alternate Timelines, Butterfly Effect, Time Travel Fix-It, Homophobia, Gay Rights, Evil Leapers, 2000s, Implied/Referenced Sex, Canonical Character Death, Al and Ben bonding over cosmetics, Underage Drinking, Lots of cute Addison/Ben moments Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
Sam discovers the truth about Addison's mother, and Ben seizes an opportunity that creates a dramatic change. And that's just the first half.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 7 months
Chasing Ghosts was one of my most popular fics so here's a sequel!
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee, Addison Augustine/Ben Song Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2 Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 6 months
This story has taken....... several turns in recent chapters. 😅
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Quantum Leap (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Beckett/Donna Elesee Characters: Sam Beckett, Ben Song, Ian Wright (Quantum Leap TV 2022), Janis Calavicci, Donna Elesee, Herbert "Magic" Williams, Jenn Chou, Sammy Jo Fuller, Addison Augustine Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Time Skip, alternate season 2, Mild Blood, Medical Procedures, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Timey-Wimey, No Beta We Die Like Clayton Fuller Series: Part 2 of Quantum Leap (2022) Alternate Season 2 - Featuring Sam Beckett Summary:
Sequel to Chasing Ghosts. Contains major spoilers for that story, so don't read this until you've read that first.
Sam finds himself in a strange predicament when he leaps into a 2023 Addison, and must be Ben's hologram. Meanwhile, Ian, who knows his secret, must in turn play observer to him. But Sam's old foes could be around every corner, and he and Ian don't know who they can trust.
(Takes place in an alternate season 2 where there was no time skip and Ben and Addison are still betrothed.)
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ashe-fics · 3 months
Having fun writing this, though can't say I'm very good at weaving a murder mystery, even with the killer already known from the start. But at least I'm enjoying Columbo and Sam interacting 
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Quantum Leap (TV 1989), Columbo Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lieutenant Columbo (Columbo), Sam Beckett, Al Calavicci, Original Characters Additional Tags: Crossover, Murder Mystery, Las Vegas, Poisoning, Canon-Typical Violence, Slight inversion of the normal Columbo formula, Bumbling Las Vegas Cops Hate Columbo Summary:
Las Vegas, 1977: A saxophonist in a band dies of cyanide poisoning. Lieutenant Columbo, having been brought to the city to see the performance by his wife, sees the ordeal and starts sniffing around and asking questions.
The only problem is that the killer has just been whisked away to the future, leaving a time travelling imposter in his place. Will Doctor Sam Beckett be able to help him work the case, or will his presence completely throw off Columbo's well-honed instincts?
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