#as long as they're quick doodle friendly
ressioo · 7 months
do you ship Slivermoon
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Star crossed lovers vibes. I like it a lot
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absurdumsid · 4 months
You say you have more AUs?
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I am all ears for it
ok.... i will cave to your temptation.......
(woah. finally.)
The original idea was that Monsters could affect stats. Undyne for example could affect Attack, Papyrus could affect Defense, Toriel and Asgore could affect HP, etc. etc.
I don't remember much about that system (that was made by much much MUCH younger sid) but I do remember this:
The Dreemurr family could affect HP, Toriel heals, Asgore drains. Permanently.
The Wingdings family could affect Defense (or at least thats why they think it is/call it)
The Wingdings family is Gaster (grandfather), Sans (older brother), and Papyrus (younger brother)
SPEAKING OF GASTER !! (this is what i REALLY want to talk about, is it obvious)
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unlike my other AUs, while he IS dead he's not forgotten ! (yay)
and unlike Angel! Gaster and Pills! Gaster (+ bonus ms paint doodles) he's looked fucked up like that from the beginning lol
Gaster is the Royal Scientist but hes also in a weird area where hes an entertainer and a soldier at the same time. He's very silly and loves to do things that cheer people up, especially when it comes to his grandsons, so he's one of those great pillars of strength during about half (?) of the events of KT.
if anything's for sure !
he's very
This is the shorter summary for the events of KT:
After Chara's death, their two childhood friends venture into the underground to confront the monsters. These two are Perseverance and Justice. Perseverance was looking for a justificiation for their death, they wanted to understand the whole story. Justice, on the other hand, trailed behind Perseverance, plotting their revenge for Chara's death.
A few years after, another human falls and Justice starts to enact their plan, killing Asgore and plunging the Underground into disarray, starting another war. From here, Toriel assumes the role of queen once more to guide the monsters who have evacuated to Snowdin and the Ruins.
Kindness, Integrity, Frisk, and Patience fall during the war period, all of them persuaded by Perseverance to stay by the monsters' side to fight against Justice's irrationality.
Unlike BS AU and UnderPills there isn't really anything to hide for KeeperTale so i've also written the ending for KT ! yayyy
(although I will be hiding how copyverse starts, teehee)
Under the cut is the longer (edit after writing this whole thing, it's VERY long be warned + also theres a lot of colours), more in-depth-ish story + the ending !
After the first human, Chara, died, their body was discovered by two children in a patch of golden flowers. These two children were apparently Chara's friends. Frightened, curious, and furious, the two decide to make their way to Mt. Ebott to find the reason for Chara's death.
While one of them ventured into the Underground to understand the why, the other came for revenge, plotting to kill the monsters who killed their friend. These two were Perseverance and Justice, the former actually warms up to the monsters while the latter is... friendly.
The next human to fall is Bravery, who decided to look for the children who went missing 5 years ago, they're at about age 17. They eventually befriend Justice, who injures Gerson and kills Asgore with the gun they stole from their father. Perseverance sees this and immediately runs to alert Toriel.
Gerson, Gaster, and Grillby (yea i grouped them together because. Gs) help in evacuating the monsters away from New Home by guiding them toward Snowdin as well as assisting Toriel in fighting Justice and Bravery.
Due to this, Toriel assumes the role of ruler (i love putting characters in roles that arent meant to be theirs) and protects her people from the humans with the help of the Gs.
Around the transition era from Asgore's rule to Toriel's guidance, Kindness falls into the Underground at about age 15, Perseverance, who convinces them to help the monsters, was about 17.
Integrity falls two years after at age 16 and becomes quick friends with Gaster, who would exchange witty jokes with his grandsons. About a year after, during a supply run, Gaster and Integrity have a run in with Justice, and while the human left with a few scars and bruises, the monster died.
Frisk falls into the underground at age 13 about 3 years later and learns about all this history by interacting with the other fallen humans. Patience falls after them just a few months after at age 18 (they become the older sibling figure i VIVIDLY remember that).
Once all seven of them fall in, there's two ways (routes ??) for the story to go. One of them is how younger sid finished it, the other leads to Copyverse (a whole other can of worms). The next parts of the story is according to the canonical scriptures (<- aka what is left of my memory as younger sid)
KeeperTale's Ending:
Justice and Bravery finally overtake the guards protecting Snowdin, this happens while Frisk and Patience were being led around to get used to the place by Sans and Papyrus. This forces the monsters to evacuate further into the ruins, the river person takes the four to Waterfall to flee from Justice and Bravery.
Patience, after getting lost on the way to Hotlands, has a run in with Bravery who (surprisingly) does not fight them right off the bat. But they still keep a safe distance from each other. Patience learns that although Bravery is loyal to Justice, they dont like their way of doing things. Papyrus eventually finds Patience and saves them from Bravery (... in his perspective, that is what he did).
With confirmation that the two humans are approaching Hotlands, the skeletons lead the group back to the river person to go home to Snowdin. This is when Frisk (and Patience) initiates the going around and talking to people to understand the history of the Underground thing. After this, Patience speaks to Toriel and Undyne about Bravery's conflict.
A good while after that, Justice tries to break the door to the ruins, succeeds, then fights Undyne and Kindness. Papyrus leaves to alert the monsters, Toriel, and Perseverance. Alphys evacuates the monsters but leaves to assist Undyne. After dealing a significant amount of damage (almost killing her) they venture further into the Ruins with Bravery but then confronted by Papyrus and Integrity.
Papyrus gives them a chance to leave, Bravery flinches from the conviction in which he said "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PASS." Justice immediately shoots him, but Kindness protects him and the fight is initiated. Integrity, after Patience's arrival, tries to talk some sense into Bravery on the sidelines.
Bravery's loyalty is eventually shaken and they turn to tackle Justice to stall them and have Integrity and Patience get Papyrus, who also suffered through a significant amount of damage (he wont die), to safety. This is when sans, accompanied by Frisk, tries to seize the opportunity to kill Justice, who notices them and sacrifices Bravery. (they dont die)
This starts the battle with sans and Justice while Frisk struggles to basically drag this 21 year old off to safety while they dramatically talk about their regrets and their loyalty to Justice.
Toriel eventually makes her dramatic entrance with Perseverance (+ Kindness) and heals Bravery, instructing Frisk to evacuate with the rest of the monsters, Kindness helps Bravery up and they leave for Toriel's house.
Toriel and Perseverance take over for the exhausted sans, Perseverance reveals that they are capable of harnessing magic and traps Justice's soul while Toriel fights quietly. She laments about Asgore's death, and how they were foolish to have accepted humans into their community. But she also remarks that if not for Chara, Perseverance, and the rest of the humans, she would have been a miserable old lady forever tending to the Ruins.
Perseverance talks about how they should've been suspicious when they noticed Justice take their father's gun, and tells them they wish they didn't come to the underground at all. "Hopefully, in the next life, we can live more peacefully" Perseverance says before dealing the finishing blow to Justice, and ending the war.
if you made it this far, hi !! thanks for reading !
KeeperTale is the oldest AU on my list of stories. reading + writing this, i feel a bit of cringe for a lot of the plot points, and the very existence of copyverse, but i'm also very happy that younger sid made this at all.
anyway ! other than the wingdings family, the only other designed character here is grillby <- hes an architect here, i love him !!
that's all, thank u again !!
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chiauve · 10 months
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Quick doodle: Young Volkreg men wear their hair long, and when they hit marriage age, gussy themselves up to show how available they are. Upon marriage, their hair is sheared short and they keep their heads covered.
Quick ficlet: In which a young Ilana spots a certain engineer and her heart goes doki-doki so she of course has to mess with that, which may or may not have consequences.
When the surveyors came, Ilana ducked behind the low wall that followed the road into their farm with her younger sisters. The small girls giggled into their palms like they were the naughtiest of children, despite the fact that the tradition that deemed women were to return to the home when strange men arrived had grown quite lax over the years. Still, Ilana laughed with them, encouraging their fun, while her older sister, Unyila, rolled her eyes behind them.
"We don't have to hide," she grumbled, "and they're just the surveyors, hardly anything new or exciting."
"Shh, I want to see," Ilana said, peering over the wall. Her sisters mimicked her, their short-cropped, dusty yellow hair looking like dulled grass sticking up in a line.
Their father emerged from the house, arms open wide in welcome as three men stepped off the road-skiff. Asfarig clan, like her, by their malar markings, but of the Re'r line. Plateau folk. The first man was the oldest, then a younger but still mature man beside him, the youngest trailed behind.
"That's Rancher Riner!" Yeana, the youngest, announced with an awkward point over the wall.
Indeed, the oldest man was Re'r, but ran a ranch in the lowlands of Nj'ul and was a distant neighbor. He knew their father, and Ilana had seen him a few times at the markets at the oasis, before it dried up.
Despite that familiarity, the girls all braced themselves for the stuffy introductions all men seemed to need to perform or otherwise perish or something.
Their father bowed to Riner, then again opened his arms in friendly welcome. "Rancher Ushte Riner Vun Re'r! It is a pleasure to see you! The response to my request for aid was prompt indeed!"
Riner bowed in turn. Ilana couldn't tell if he was truly old or merely reflected the hard life of the lowlands in his weathered face. He wore loose robes and a speckled country shemagh over his coif.
"But of course, we are long neighbors and must face our troubles together. I thank you for your hospitality, Farmer Ushte Nagul Eln Nj'ul." He gestured to the other man beside him, his tunic of shorter, more fitting make and a keffiyeh common in the cities over his own coif. "Allow me to introduce my dear brother, Technician Ushte Ryler Vun Re'r, and my beloved nephew, Far-seer Kaio Razer Vun Re'r."
"Kaio?" Unyila peered over the wall, "Ya Founders, he's a breaker!"
"A what?" one of the little girls asked, following her eldest in leaning up over the wall.
"See? That third mark on his chin, it means he was Ushte but broke caste and ascended," she actually sounded impressed, and the other sisters oohed aloud.
Ilana was barely paying attention to them, for once her attention had been put to the youngest man, she couldn't stop looking. He was definitely Asfarig, his tattoos proclaimed it, but he also bore the mark of it in his pale eyes, sharp yet even teeth, and blunt nose. And yet.
Had it not been for his tattoos, she would have sworn him an Azrag. Instead of the pale tan skin and dusty yellow hair of the Asfarig, his skin was white, making his markings stand stark in his face. His hair too was white, his head bare in the fashion of an umarried man and worn long, pulled back into a loose ponytail decorated with chips of metal that gleamed and clinked when he turned his head, marking him eligible.
More than that, his eye mask, rather than being the thick and rounded shape of the Asfarig male, was long and sharp, like a shore bird's wings.
Pale Asfarig eyes set into such an exotic eye mask found only far away on the western peninsula of the Azrag...white hair practically afire under the lowland sun...
Ya Founders...he was beautiful.
Ilana swallowed and buried her cheeks in her hands. Oh no, no no, she considered herself better than that. She was not one to pursue a man for looks or even just for the sake of it. What would be would be but not just because her insides were suddenly a-flutter and her cheeks darkening to a grey.
Yeana peered up at her, confused. "Why are you blushing?"
And now she was under scrutiny of them all, curse it.
"You are blushing! Ilana!"
"Do you...like him?"
"Ilana loves the Re'r!"
"Hush, you! I do not!"
"Ilana wants to maaarrry the Re'r!"
Another denial died before it left her mouth, and Ilana paused. She looked back over the wall at the still-chatting men, particularly at the pretty hybrid breaker. An eyebrow rose and a glint lit in her eye. She stood.
"Ilana, no," Unyila hissed, her tone sharp with warning.
She was ignored as Ilana grabbed her skirt and leapt the wall, loping towards the men in a semi-circle and coming up behind, the beads hanging off the simple band adorning her otherwise bare head clicking as she moved. The men didn't see her coming until it was too late, and she saw her father's eyes widen in confusion before she slid up right next to the young Re'r, looping her arm around his. Ancestors, he was tall.
His head snapped down to look at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in confusion. Before he could say anything, Ilana beamed up at him and batted her lashes in the way of city women.
"I like you," she said, still grinning, "Marry me?"
She distantly heard her father choke but was too focused on those bird-wing eyes, which now shifted from her to elsewhere and, clearly finding no help, moved back to her.
Her eyes lit in delight and she let out a peal of laughter before again grabbing her skirt and sprinting back to the wall, practically diving behind it, cackling the whole way.
Razer watched the young woman run away, laughing.
Ah, of course.
His shocked expression smoothed and he turned back to his father and uncle, who too were staring after the girl in wide-eyed bafflement. Their host, on the other hand, looked after her with a look of horror and dismay. Uh oh.
"Your daughter?" Razer asked slowly.
Farmer Nagul collected himself a bit, looking at his guests with sad eyes. "Yes, my second."
"She is...spirited..." his father and uncle remained silent, forcing Razer to try to fix this. He continued, voice flat and disinterested, "A bit of girlish fun, is all, obviously not binding."
Farmer Nagul's shoulders slumped in relief and Razer tried not to take that personally.
"Thank you...yes, I apologize for her behavior."
"Not at all, she is a lovely girl."
Farmer Nagul nodded and tried to move on with their business. "Please, my friends, this way. We shall eat and drink and then get to work. He gestured to his home, a collection of squat buildings of earth, and waved his guests on. "Friend Riner, Technician Ryler…" he hesitated as he looked to Razer, his eyes falling on the third caste mark, "…my lord Far-seer…"
Razer sighed. "Please don't. While I have received my new mark, until I marry and become a proper member of society, I am still bound to my family."
Again their host looked relieved, and again Razer tried to not take it personally. He followed his father and uncle to the Eln Nj'ul home, glancing back over his shoulder to the wall.
Was he hoping to see the young woman there? She had indeed been lovely, and the way she actually smiled at him…
He sighed. A pity, he supposed.
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tonytonwy · 2 years
people pleaser
futakuchi kenji x f!reader
w.c 2900-ish
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summary: where futakuchi kenji isn't as mean or disrespectful as other people have told you
You softly bite your lip as you realize Mai is in a different class. She gives a reassuring pat on your shoulder as you try to find anyone you spoken to before; however, your eyes get stuck on one name.
Futakuchi Kenji.
You had heard of Futakuchi before, mainly by Mai's ramblings, but he was… known, not necessarily good things but he had a bit of a reputation. He had issues with talking back to upperclassmen and fighting for marks with teachers. You had spoken to him once or twice but can't even remember what it was about.
“There’s a reason you’re all seated this way,” You try to hide in your beige sweater, the green blazer on your skirt. You try to ease your breathing as you feel Futakuchi eye you down, probably wondering why you're completely avoiding his gaze.
Your teacher, a young man with dark curly hair leans on his desk, “if you notice, you're probably seated with people you never thought you’d talk to.” You subtly nod, a window on one side and Futakuchi on the other wasn’t exactly the way you planned the year to go.
“I want you to speak to people with a different opinion to you, if you’re quiet, be loud. If you’re a bit of a dick, maybe be nice.” He looks at Futakuchi, who simply stares at him back, giving a tight smile. You nervously bounce your leg on the floor, side-eyeing Futakuchi. He was currently doodling on his notebook, ignoring everything the teacher was saying. His long legs are spread out, your eyes are slowly draw to his hands. They're long but in a soft and almost dainty way. You can't help but look at your own; rough and your nails are uneven, nothing like his. Despite his broad shoulders, his wrists are skinny and you can only imagine what the rest of his body looks like. You have to admit, he's quite attractive. You don't remember him being this easy on the eyes last year.
You look away before you can be caught.
“Ah, also, I may have sat the two best math students together on purpose.” You notice how Futakuchi’s head lifts, actually listening now. You mentally sweat, hoping that there was a student that got better grades than you. However, the teacher’s quick and teasing glance at you make your mouth slightly open in shock. “I think friendly competitions are good. That’s right, Futakuchi,” the teacher points at him suddenly, “you’re no longer the best student. You have a rival in this class.”
“I’m sure they won’t be hard to beat.” Your teacher gives a laugh. He appears to know Futakuchi and his personality already. You can't say the same but in a, incredibly, weird way, you want to.
“Thank you, y/n, you’re the best! This is the last time, promise.” You give a small smile as your classmate gives you a side hug and she runs off, your pristine notebook in her hand. You stretch and let out a big sigh; she had said the same thing last week.
“God, you’re such a people pleaser,” Futakuchi says rudely, his eyes glaring at your classmate who is quickly copying your work before the teacher arrives. He clicks his tongue in disapproval, an annoying habit of his, and shoves his hands into his blazer’s pockets. His notebook open with the answers to the homework and a slick black pen. “She’s too dumb to do basic algebra.”
“That’s a bit mean,” you slightly shuffle so you can look at him properly, “she might have personal issues going on.” The sarcasm in deep in your voice as he snorts, shaking his head. Futakuchi caught on pretty early that you were the other top student as everyone asked you for help. By pretty early, the third day of school, and since then, everyday, without fail, he would ask how much you studied and what's your 'loser face' like (you refuse to show him, obviously). And now with the results of first test arriving, you feel Futakuchi’s excitement as your stomach is full of nerves.
“Yeah, clearly personal issues going on,” as he says that the girl laughs loudly with her friends, forgetting about your notebook fast. You couldn’t wait for class to end. You feel a sudden whack on the back of your head and turn your head as Futakuchi has a bored expression, as if he didn’t just hit you. You smile in shock and as you open your mouth to talk, his blabbermouth beats you to it.
“I bet you’re the type of person to be in a rush and somehow,” he adds suspense for some reason, “you’d still help a person who's dropped their groceries. Or let someone convince you to join their cult or whatever.” You can only stare at him in silence for a few seconds before actually laughing, and you can see a glint of pride in Futakuchi’s eyes.
“Well, that definitely hasn’t happened before.” You say, eyes rolling. Futakuchi can only shake his head. Despite your initial fears, talking to Futakuchi in class became normal. Sure, he would tease you constantly and distract you , but it was weirdly easy to tease him back and, to just talk.
“You know what? You should tell people," he shifts his chair so he's closer and you lean in, he's practically whispering the last bit, "to..."
"to...?" You whisper, confused.
"to fuck off." He says fast and simple and you give a small laugh, shaking your head in disapproval. "And stop being a people-pleaser, it's gross."
Before you can respond back, your teacher hops in, a stack of paper in one hand and a red pen in the other.
You feel an annoying but all too similar soft kick to the bottom of your chair. You don’t even bother giving him a glance, you already know what his question is going to be.
“What did you get?” Futakuchi says, ignoring the teacher’s glare and your head remains down, finishing the last section of the questions you got wrong. “Are you ignoring me?”
“Did you not tell me to stop being a people pleaser?” Your voice is harsh but you turn and give a cheeky smile. His mouth is wide open, a smile starting to form and his eyes are full of disbelief. Pride swells in your chest and you wish you had a camera to take a picture of Futakuchi's face.
“Wow, using my advice against me?” He scrunches up a small piece of paper and flicks it to your face, hitting your nose. “That’s messed up.”
“Futakuchi, please stop bothering your neighbour.” You quickly put your head down and feel your cheeks heat up as people stare and Futakuchi sulks in his seat. His tongue clicks again, slightly quieter this time. “You can bother her when you get a higher grade than her.” Your eyes widen and whip your head to see how Futakuchi’s eyebrows twitch in annoyance at the teacher’s teasing.
The class continues in silent before you see another piece of paper arrive at your desk. You look at Futakuchi, unimpressed with his attempted to communicate. He shrugs before showing you his paper, a clear red 88 on the corner.
You hesitantly look at the paper, firstly, afraid of this paper being a death threat and secondly, being caught by the teacher.
How tf did you get a higher grade than me? You purse your lips, a smile threatening to come out. You quickly write a response and give a deep breathe before throwing to him, if he killed you, at least you would die a winner.
By doing your mum.
You cover your mouth as you hear Futakuchi loudly laugh, the teacher once again turning. He covers his mouth, clearly not expecting for you to write such a thing.
“Care to share Futakuchi?” The teacher’s tone slightly more serious now.
“Nah, I’m good.” he says quickly, and writes on the other side of the paper you threw. You try to work but your eyes go to him, wondering what Futakuchi could possibly be writing. You quickly get the other paper, scrunched and your hands feel electric as you open the paper.
You're definitely not a people pleaser anymore, quite the opposite actually.
It's not long before he bothers you again.
“What did you get?” Futakuchi pokes your shoulder, and you pull your tongue out, not bothered to answer. “Real mature, c’mon,” He leans in, but you swat your paper against his face.
“Don’t be snoopy,” he looks unimpressed and scoffs before folding his arms. “Futakuchi, you’re such a baby.” You give a small laugh as he pulls the middle finger.
“l/n and Futakuchi, last warning,” your back straightens significantly as your teacher gives a small nod and you can hear Futakuchi choke a laugh over your nerdiness.
“Teacher’s pet,” he says, glancing at you once the teacher faces the board again.
“At least I got a higher score than you,” you give a small smile while continuing to write down the teachers notes, and you feel Futakuchi’s glare on you.
The class passes by fast, as classmates come and ask for your help in explaining certain equations. However, you still feel those pair of eyes on you.
As you walk out to the lockers you see Futakuchi, leaning on the wall on his phone. Despite being able to talk to him in class, being fully alone with him was a completely different situation.
“Waiting for Aone?” he turns and before he can glare, he gives a small smile. You go on your knees and put your school shoes into your locker as he fully turns and squats with you.
“Yep,” his face is serious and stoic, “so what did you actually get?” your face drops and you try to not smile over his persistent attitude.
“I wasn’t aware that you still cared,” you see his cheeks go slightly pink for once, “fine, I got a 92.”
“Bullshit,” he says but you open your bag and elegantly pass your paper, a clear bright red 92 in the corner. Futakuchi clicks his tongue, once again. “It’s because the teacher loves you.”
“Don’t belittle my efforts,” you put your leather shoes on as he slightly nudges you so you slightly trip, you give a quick glare that makes him laugh. “It’s not my fault you fight every teacher on every test.”
“I know my worth,” you snort over his arrogance as he stares at your calculations, his eyebrows furrowed, “also you deserve a mark here.”
“What?” You feel your heart drop and immediately lean to your test and see your working out, shoulders touching with Futakuchi. You ignore his breathe hitch, you ignore how warm he is, and you definitely ignore his cologne. “No, I don’t. I forgot to round it.”
“He said that correct units were the additional mark, not rounding, so he forgot to add a mark for that.” He folds the paper and hits your forehead, “you deserve a 94 instead of a 92, at least.”
“It’s just two percent,” you say shyly, grabbing the paper while standing up, “I doubt that’ll change my overall grade.” You didn’t want to fight the teacher, he treated you nicely every time you needed help with a question.
“You worked hard for this test,” he stands up as well, his long legs contrasting yours. His eyes staring at you for way too long, he gives a small sigh before rubbing his neck. “You deserve the grade you studied for.”
You don’t know why it tugs your heart, the acknowledgment of your hard work and for Futakuchi, of all people, to see it. It does something to your stomach and you feel your cheeks heat up, your feet feel stuck to the floor and your hands are suddenly clammy.
“I’ll ask him about it tomorrow,” you push the paper back in your bag, your stomach heavy with nerves. You suddenly feel insecure, did you even bother fixing your hair? Is your skirt too long? Face too blemished? You feel your sweater cling to you, in a unflattering way.
You avoid his eyes and walk past, not sure what to do with this flush of emotions. “See you tommorrow.”
"Wait," you quickly turn and Futakuchi awkwardly walks up to you, face slightly pink, "I'll walk you to the gate."
"Why?" He avoids your eyes and instead looks to the side.
"Loser's etiquette," he gives a dorky smile and you can't help but laugh.
"Sure, it's dangerous times to be walking alone to a school gate." He snorts and lightly pushes you.
"Shut up," despite his tone, he's smiling. You push him back and you both are in the strange game of pushing each other until the end of the gate. You take a deep breathe and look at Futakuchi, who's looking around to see if there's any other students.
“Thank you, I would’ve never noticed that mistake. I will actually talk to the teacher about it.” You have a serious face before Futakuchi laughs, eyes crinkling and you have to laugh with him over your dramatic style.
“No worries, it has to be a fair competition after all,” you shake your head giving a small smile. You lightly punch Futakuchi, who acts as though you have the strength of a body builder.
“Your mercifulness is going to be the end of you.” You start to walk off, your heart feeling a bit lighter.
“This is my first and last time helping you, y/n.” You give a small wave before giving him the finger.
“Good to know, because I won’t need it again!” You shout, not taking a second to glance at him despite the temptation to do so. Futakuchi laughs before disappearing back into the school.
“Thank you for telling me l/n! Jeez I can’t believe I missed that.” Your math teacher gives a thumbs up, a big smile on his face. He couldn't be more than 25.
“Uhm, Futakuchi told me, actually,” You shyly give credit to him, and you see your teacher's surprised face appear, his mouth wide open.
“Futakuchi helped you? Even though he’s second?” You nod, your face heating up the more you think about it, last night you had been asking yourself the same questions. Your teacher gives a chuckle, “I have never heard of him helping anyone besides himself and Aone.”
“Yeah… He said he wanted a fair competition.” Your teacher let out a loud laugh.
“God, he’s a softie. What a stupid excuse,” he adds a red circle to your new mark. “I’m glad you’re seating next to him,” He gives a smile, “you're too nice to everyone.” Your eyebrows slightly frown as you recall Futakuchi said something similar.
“Mister Moniwa, do you know Futakuchi?” You ask, seemingly out of nowhere and your teacher tilts his head, pondering how he should answer.
“Our mums are friends,” you let a small ‘oh’, “plus, my little brother is Futakuchi’s captain.” You nod, still feeling curious about Futakuchi.
“Do you like Futakuchi always coming up to you to fight about his grade?”
“Well, I’ve known him since I was young,” he says, smiling, “funnily enough, I was his tutor when he was in middle school. So, I don't really mind. I know he's competitive.”
"I could tell early on," you laugh as you think about all the other times Moniwa has made a lesson a competition so Futakuchi would actually participate.
“Is there a reason you’re so curious about Futakuchi?” You feel your face heat up as he peers into your face.
“Uh, no,” you fiddle with your fingers, “he just seems, so confident.” Your comment surprises Moniwa, who’s eyes widen before giving a soft smile.
“That's one way to see him."
As you walk away you finally look at your paper you see a ‘96’ scribbled and a small comment.
Clearly Futakuchi ‘missed’ the other mark you got on the last page! Tell him off for me.
You shake your head; he definitely saw that mark. You practically speed walk to the class, excited to see your 'rival'.
“You asshole,” you slam your paper on his desk, “you saw the other mark, didn’t you?” Futakuchi eyes widen before giving a smug face.
“Why, I have no clue what you mean, dear y/n.”
"Oh my god,” you laugh before sitting down in your chair, giving him a shocked look. “Here I thought you were genuinely trying to help me achieve my maximum potential.” He laugh before sitting up straight, stretching his body.
“Nope,” he pops the ‘p’, “I can’t give you all the answers, now can I?”
“Yes, you can.” You say, lightly hitting your shoe against his.
“I can’t believe you got 96,” his tongue clicks, “impressive.”
“Why thank you, but it’s…” You try to maintain eye-contact, despite your face becoming a hot mess, “it’s, uhm, thanks to you, Futakuchi.” You rub your neck awkwardly as you wait for him to say anything at this point. His eyes widen as you say his name, and you quickly realize you've never called him by his name.
“Uhm, it’s okay, you already got a higher score than me so why not give you a bit of a boost up.” He coughs, clearing his throat up, ears slightly red. “You clearly needed it… Plus, probability is my bitch, so I’ll ace the next test.”
You slowly glare at him, a million thoughts going through your head.
“I’ll bet… That I’ll ace it harder than you,” you leave your hand out for a handshake, “probability is everyone’s bitch.”
His classic smug smile comes out, his hand drumming on his desk, actually thinking about the logistics of this bet. However, his hand slides into yours, giving a small squeeze.
note: hope u enjoyed it, first time writing futakuchi ahh, can u tell the parts i rlly enjoyed writing??
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seasidemew · 1 year
🖊️+ Syn, I'd like to know more about him. ^^
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I'm still reeling from finals stress (and this made me do a quick doodle... hah)
I, too, would like to know more about him! /hj
Syn is probably the least-developed in my brain, or he was until I figured out how he's actually introduced to the story.
Obligatory spoiler warning and potential squicky content warning. Also keep in mind my experience with Pokken Tournament is limited (i have it on the wii u which is an unfortunately inconvenient console, sorry), so some lore might not align with canon or might be just plain incomplete.
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Syn is a "designer" Mewtwo, commissioned by a very wealthy individual and specifically tailored to be as beautiful as he is deadly. His gradients, a bit more dramatic than usual, are all natural markings. Largely a success, his only "flaw" (by lab standards, not mine!) is that he is intersex and unable to breed. His abundance of energy and sapience made him too difficult for his original owner to control, so he was quickly sold to someone in the ring-fighting scene. He felt useful, he felt important, and he thrived.
Synergy stones are known to be supremely powerful when interacting with Pokémon. Although it's illegal to use them in this way, some trainers--especially those lacking true bonds to their Pokémon--will convert the stone into a supplement to help a fighter surpass their limits, like steroids, but way, way worse. The side-effects include a myriad of things, mental instability being one of them. It also happens to have a nasty reaction with mega evolution if taken in high enough doses.
Syn, pumped up with probably dangerous amounts of this supplement, has miniscule shards literally coursing through his veins. I imagine he might get a buildup of it somewhere around his heart and lung. When he mega evolves, the shards sap the energy and erupt from his shoulder in the form of the crystal we're all familiar with. Requiring energy to feed the stone that allows him to live, he continues to fight, stealing energy from his opponents. As his disease progresses, he requires more and more, eventually escalating to more than friendly battles.
Corruption is a common concept in any AU I make, and this would be no exception. Corruption in this sense typically stems from severe mental and emotional distress sustained over mass amounts of time. Syn's traumas are numerous, like any Mewtwo really, but it probably stems most from the rejection of his original owner. His instability would feed the Synergy Stone's control which would amplify his instability which would lead to Corruption. The main physical trait of Corruption is the sclerae; the darker they are, the worse off the person is. Once they're completely black, there's little to be done to reverse the damage. Some say it literally eats away at the Soul, if you believe in such things...
Syn will be one of the antagonists to the story, but it would happen after Mew, Mewtwo, and Six are all at least civil with one another. He would seek out the 'twos in order to gain their energy, of course. I'm hesitant to spill exactly what vile things he will do, but I'm unsure if I'll actually get to that part of the story on my own, so I might be persuaded.
So yeah, intersex prettyboy that kicks butt and likes girls
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cog-go-boom · 7 months
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sup y'all gamers alike - i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT and this is my blog!! thought i'd make one to spare some time n all LOL. you can ask me things, and i KNOW you want to !! (can't help but want to, considering my sheer amount of swag)
so ask away, i will happily answer. fair warning though: if you're annoying i will bite you, if you're mollymawk i will bite you, if you're graham i will bite you. brian DNI i know where you live
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to the LESS INFORMED about who I AM lemme introduce myself real quick. SO, AGAIN, i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT but you my friends can call me the creature that haunts the corner of your eyes. I LOVE EXPLOSIVES. COG GO BOOM. COG GO BOOM. COG GO B
you may see me around sellbot hq. i chill there with cathal and spam usually - but to the cooler ones of you, you might've seen me on high roller's high roller. like the WHOLE ASS co-host. i'm cool like that. and to the LAST group of people who may recognize me - i'm the guy behind the desk at pace place. always working hard so deserving of a raise (wink wink nudge nudge pace please i want a raise) (playing flash games takes energy dude give me a raise i will explode)
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[[OOC:]] Hi! This is the ask / RP blog for Frostbite The Bat, my TTCC sona! If you want to talk to me, and not the character, speak to me at my Toontown blog (@cathalbravecog) or my main, (@frostbite-the-bat).
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Frostbite will reblog art from me and fanart from others, and other things they may like and want to reblog - so you may see some of that! This is not only an askblog for them - this is THEIR blog.
Also, Frostbite will not go out of their way to interact with somebody unless I know the person behind it personally. You always must interact with them first! This is because, as stated on my Toon blog, I don't go out of my way to interact with people first in general. So you won't see them initiating conversations with other ask/RP blogs.
While staying close to canon - Frostbite still has their own "canon" tied to my and my friend's lores and other silly things around our Toons. Other people's Toons and THEIR relationships with other Toons and the Cogs will be mentioned, so that's a heads-up in-case Frostbite ever mentions, for example, Mole's relationship with Graham and Flint.
ALSO!!! Toontown is kid friendly, however this blog is not! Frostbite WILL swear A LOT and crude-ish jokes are not completely off the table. And btw, yes, Frostbite IS a cog. They're not the most consistent with if they want to hide that on this blog or not.
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Rules are a subject to change!
Sillyness is encouraged! But please try and be respectful, don't bring personal things and discourse into this - RP stuff is okay! Frost has beef with other characters, some that goes deeper than it seems. But also keep in mind Frostbite can be a rather rude character.
Frost will reply with just text, reaction images, doodles, re-used pieces of art, and brand new pieces of art from time to time! Please do not ask them things in hopes of getting your response drawn. It depends on what I think is funny to reply with and if I'm in the mood to draw.
If I don't answer your ask, please don't spam it to me again. I either ignored it for a good reason - or I am working on a more detailed response!
Again, be respectful and mindful of boundaries I or Frostbite may set. As long as I don't make a statement, though, feel free to annoy them a little bit, it's funny. If a line's crossed I'll let 'ya know!
NEW RULE!! After some thought, magic anons are no longer allowed! You can still give things and throw pianos at Frost, but changes for a certain amount of asks are not allowed anymore - for my own well-being since this is for fun, and having M!A's makes me want to draw for every ask received, even when not needed.
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Regular outfit
HR Show fit (Anytime this is used, I'll use the [HR Show Fit] tag!
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jaywings · 1 year
OC askmeme: 7, 11, 14, 21, 25, 30, 32, 39, 49? (Oh gosh that's a lot I'm sorry)
Did you guys know I've got OCs? I got OCs
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Yes! I do have a scattering of OCs that aren't part of a major story I'm working on, but for the most part my OCs are part of a handful of stories I've got. Particularly these two guys at the moment!
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
I was trying to think about this and honestly I can't think of anyone, really. Clearly I need happier characters?? I'll have to work on that and see if I can find a place for a sunshiney character.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Both of these kids have tragic backstories (it comes with being a vampire), but I'll introduce Vincent there on the right. If you've read Dracula then you know that he comes to England on board a ship and, over the course of the voyage, he kills the entire crew. Vincent's story was a few years after that time, but not many. He boarded a boat along with his older brother to come to America but he never made it alive. Unbeknownst to everyone, there was a vampire hiding on board...
When other passengers saw the strange bite marks on him, they bound his hands and feet and threw him overboard to prevent others from being infected. The ship sailed on without him. His brother started a life in his new country; he found a job, married, and had kids of his own, always trying to forget what had happened to his sibling.
Vincent did make it to shore, eventually, but he was already dead. Or rather, Un-dead.
21. Your most artistic OC
That might be Mollie Hawkins (aged 13). She illustrates her own entries in her field journals about the fantastical creatures she comes across or rescues.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
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Ilich, the third kid in my vampire trio, was created in middle school to be a lot like me. Shy, few friends, loves animals, loves to read, etc. I've ended up struggling a lot over the years to make her more interesting.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Terry, probably. He'd find them comforting and huggable when he doesn't want touch from anyone else.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Ethel Sullivan is the closest I have, I think. She can communicate with ghosts, but sometimes it's very taxing and leaves white streaks in her hair. She gave up on trying to get ghosts to leave her alone and now helps them move on, or figures out how to defeat them if they're dangerous.
39. Introduce any character you want
Some of my OCs are from dreams I've had. Though unnamed in the original dream, Morra is a short, motherly creature living in a cursed house. She's aligned with the earth element and loves cleaning, collecting colorful gemstones, and griping about fairies.
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49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Vue, the "cat." If a meme is clever, he'd love it.
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vegetalass · 3 years
I know you're not around much these days but if you ever decide to make a come back, I dont suppose youd do some HC about the rdr2 guys and times theyve got caught mastyrbating around camp? I love your thoughts so much they're hilarious and cute ☺👉👈
This ask is very sweet and I like the idea so I will do it... thanks for your kind words and making me smile, anon!!🥺❤️😘
Find me at @ihatebnha
Hope you enjoy!! 
Used to get caught a lot more than he does now
Because of such, Dutch and Hosea don’t really care on the rare occasion they do catch him just because it was pretty common when he was younger
They laugh about it between themselves 
And when caught, Arthur just pretends it didn’t happen
He’s like, “I don’t touch myself, Jesus, who do you think I am?” 
Or if John jokingly is like, “Saw you the other day, what were you thinking about?” Arthur just plays stupid
Stuff like “See me where?” or “See me what?” 
And if the subject is pushed it turns into fighting (Arthur saying that John isn’t much better)
Arthur thanks the lord every day that Micah has never caught him in the act because he knows he’d never be able to live it down
And if a girl caught him… he’d probably never be able to look them in the eyes again
Probably jacks off being going to sleep or if he’s alone at camp
He has a lot less shame about masturbating, but he’s definitely even more private about the subject than Arthur 
He doesn’t really deny it, but he definitely pulls a “You didn’t see shit!!” Even if the person very obviously DID
Also probably gets caught more than not… It’s just at this point, people have stopped commenting on it 
Dutch definitely jokingly plays the “Poor Abigail…” card all the time
It makes John (and Abigail) sooooooooo mad 
Honestly, I feel like when people catch him, he yells at them but doesn’t bother to stop
Thinks it’s their fault and not his because it was OBVIOUS what he was doing and they still didn’t bother to check or knock
This has caused fights with almost everyone
It’s a “what did you expect” type moment
The only time he’d ever apologize to is if it’s you or another girl who catches him, and even then he would probably never want to see you again out of embarrassment 
Hence why John probably just leaves camp and finds a secluded area to jerk off now(good luck to those who wander away from the fire) 
We love Charles because he just jerks it when he’s bathing in a river or something 
Out of everyone, he’s the least likely to get caught, and on the rare occasion that he is, is also the most willing to laugh it off 
I feel like this is because he’s the one who accidentally catches other people so he knows it’s not a big deal
He’s so quiet no one knows he’s there until it’s too late
Gets called a peeper because of this… even though Charles doesn’t want to catch people any more than they want to be caught 
If a girl caught him, he’d try to hide himself before approaching them later to formally apologize 
It’s kinda weird… Just be like Arthur and pretend it didn’t happen babe!! 
If Dutch or Micah ever caught him doodling it, they’d never let it go and tease him until wit’s end
“So Charles is human after all!” is the type of shit they’d say and he’d literally want to pass away
Dutch, Molly hasn’t had one single orgasm the entire time she’s been with you so BE QUIET
Most likely to masturbate when he’s bathing or when he’s away from camp and alone on missions
Everybody at camp has to pray that they don’t catch Micah masturbating
He has no shame and does not care what people see 
He’s the “What? I have needs!” and “You do it, too!” guy... which honestly, isn’t even bad logic
It’s just when people actually walk in on him he doesn’t really seem bothered… which is kinda freaky
If it’s you or heaven forbid, another girl, he says “Quit staring, either help a man out or leave”
And if it’s Arthur or anyone else, “I knew you were a nasty bastard”
Like… Micah… you’re the one who isn’t ashamed!!! 
Too bold for his own good and eventually Dutch probably has to get involved 
They have one of those “man to man” talks where Dutch is like “Micah… You know… Men… We keep our business in private…”
Everyone at camp pretends they’re not eavesdropping on the conversation
It’s the only time Micah listens to complaints, and even though he forces himself to calm down on the lewd rudeness, he is still jacking it off whenever the urge arises
Rubs one out in his tent whenever he feels like it
To give Dutch credit for something, he doesn’t jack off very often 
Partially because he gets down with Molly a lot, but also because he considers himself to have dignity and doesn’t want to ruin that 
The only people who’ve really caught him rubbing one out are Hosea and Arthur, and they probably let it go pretty quick after an apology
Most because Dutch is pretty polite about it 
“A man’s business is a man’s business” or some BS like that 
So when he does masturbate, it’s a calculated and timed move that he makes when he’s pretty sure no one is around
Also willing to laugh it off when he catches someone else masturbating, mostly because he raised two teenage boys, so in a way, he’s used to seeing it on the daily
God forbid is another girl catches him, though, because he’d also pull them aside to apologize
Jerks off only when he’s desperate and camp is empty
King of bad luck 
I can see him with a pretty low libido, but probably gets caught making juice the first time he tries it at camp
He was lucky it was just Charles who saw, who thankfully, didn’t say anything about it
But still, it scares the absolute crap out of him and his desire to jack off gets even lower than it was already 
Probably stupidly thinks that masturbating is dirty or a sin or something that somebody told him when he was a boy
And if a girl ever caught him, even if they didn’t realize what was happening, he’d just have a heart attack and die
Like he’d literally pack up his stuff and go
Everyone at camp: We’ve all seen Micah twisting it so we don’t care
Kieran: UHHHHH 
Also gets teased by Micah and Dutch for it, except their comments are like “Aw, don’t be shy, be a man!” or “I’m sure you’ll find yourself a woman one day…”
Again, Kieran just passes away
Jerks off when he’s alone with the horses in a field and no one is around
Hasn’t been caught yet despite the fact that everyone knows he jacks off ALL THE TIME
Kinda proud of himself for this fact, too 
If it’s the middle of the day and he’s in his tent, he’s busy
Usually can his volume to a minimum, but if he knows no one is around, he doesn’t mind letting it out 
Charles, of course, hears it the one time he’s not on a team mission
He’d definitely not going to stop is someone catches him, but he has the decency to cover himself up
Especially if it’s a lady
We like him because he’s not going to acknowledge it happened later but he will apologize in the moment 
Says some shit like, “Sorry, princess…” jdsfhksd
If another guy tries to tease him for it, he’ll take it in stride and just tease back 
Especially because he knows he’s not as bad as Micah or John who get caught ALL THE TIME 
Prefers to rub one out before bed but he’s not really picky as long as it’s in his tent and he has a way to clean up
Everyone’s had a run in with Sean when his dick’s been out 
It’s practically a camp joke that everyone has a story about it
He’s another guy who jacks off when bathing in the river, except he’s:
1. Not secretive about it
2. Bathes all the time
Sean leaves the water hole and everyone knows that they shouldn’t go back in there until the water is washed away 
Pretty vocal, too, so you always sorta know when you should avoid certain areas
The only time he’s ever embarrassed is when a girl catches him
Turns bright red, starts stuttering, looking for anything to cover himself up with while apologizing
That being said, he only feels bad because he feels like he ruined his chances of being friendly with them
Gets teased by the other boys for it but enjoys the attention, plus loves teasing right back
“Oh hush you, you love looking at me,” type stuff 
He’s a lil nasty but he keeps it fun and fresh 
Jacks off before bathing, and sometimes in his tent if he’s desperate or is already clean. 
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your-hero-imagines · 6 years
Could I get Shinsou headcanons for an s/o with pathokinesis? (The ability to sense and manipulate other people's emotions) like, they're kind of ashamed of their quirk because of what it could be used to do. I just kinda figured they're both picked on because of their stuff and I wanted to see your take on it...if that's ok with you! Either way I hope you have a lovely day!! ^_^
Heya Anon!
I hope my work was worth the wait! XD
Turned it into a scenario because it came off easier to me, hope that’s all right! Shinsou fans have way too less content about him so I hope this long text will satisfy you guys! :3
Loved the request btw! That’s a pretty nice idea for a quirk!
Okay, I like to imagine the kind of scenery of a new person stepping into Shinsou’s life, turning his world upside down and “saving” him in a certain way. And I just love the “new one in town” cliché.
Have fun!
It was a day like anyone else. As always, Shinsou sat alone at his desk  and doodled something in his notebook, while trying to ignore the usual, susupicious stares his classmates directed at him.
How long has he kept on telling himself that it doesn’t bother him at all? Or that having friends is overrated anyway? Yet how everyone was treating him him even though he never did something wrong in his life was just too damn discouraging.
The only glimmer of hope was to finally meet some decent persons after graduation, even though he almost gave up on the thought of people ever treating him elseway.
As the bell rang, his homeroom teacher entered the class - accompanied by you. His explanation was short, and he asked you to introduce yourself. You stepped forwards, seemingly trembling from excitement. “H-hello! My name is [___]. I just moved here, but I hope we’ll get along well!”
Looking around, you were seeing many friendly expressions directed at you, making your nervousness slowly fading away. Only one boy didn’t seem to care much, since he was looking out of the window, his face leaned on his hand. Seemed like he’s daydreaming.
The seat right next to him was still free, so you just sat down there. As he looked over to you, you gave him your most gentle smile, but he looked away as soon as your eyes met. At first you didn’t think much of it, though.
On the other hand, he wasn’t really interested in you in the beginning - but he had to admid that you had a certain aura surrounding you. The “positive vibes”, or how people would call it, you were emitting were making him feel drawn to you - and you were kinda pretty, too. Maybe it was because of your kind eyes? Why is he even thinking so much about that? Anyway, you were way above his league. Another normal, popular child. Soon you’d find out about his quirk, and avoid him like anyone else.
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Obviously, at the first short break, everone was already swarming around you - a new student is always interesting. They were nice and all, but you didn’t really like to be the center of attention. May it be rude or not, you couldn’t help but find your attration centered at that weird boy still sitting at the window all alone. For some reason, it was hard to concentrate when he was around. The other pupils often had to bring you back down to earth when you stared at him for a bit too long. After you politely answered the questions of all of your classmates, you decided to get to know him.
Shinsou couldn’t believe when you walked up to his desk, certain the other students already  told you to stay away from him unless you want to get brainwashed. But you like to make your own impressions of people before judging, and also: You were kind of an expert in human nature, and he seemed like a nice person to you.
“Hi! I think we haven’t talked yet. Nice to meet you!” you cheered, reaching out a hand to him. He was hesistant to take it, being left speechless for a while. But he replied to your introduction anyway, silently stuttering “N-nice to meet you, too.”  “I hope I’m not disturbing you or something.” “N-not at all” he answered, trying to hide a soft blushing. You leaned over his notebook, amazed by his art. Like that, a long conversation about many topics came up. Both of you realized you had much in common, and you said you were looking forward to a wonderful friendship.
Yet he was still pretty distrustful. Were you trying to mock him or something? Why would you want to hang out with him of all people, when the other kids liked you? You didn’t seem like an outsider. So he convinced himself he doesn’t care that much, expecting to get disappointed again, and not wanting to rise his hopes - aside from that, your small, single smile somehow managed to brighten up his whole day.
Through all the first lessons, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. At first he didn’t even realize it himself, but at lunch break some of the girls walked up to him and lessoned him about staying away from you. They even went so far to tell him not trying to use his powers to do nasty things or something. It really hurt him, but you interrupted the girls and told him to leave your friend alone. “Did she just call me her friend?”
“I am so sorry!” you said, bowing in apology as the girls went away, probably gossiping. “Because of me you got trouble with those girls! I didn’t want that!” “Huh, it’s not your fault” Shinsou said, trying to hide the crack in his voice. “They’re just stupid. They are doing this since forever. It’s not a big deal.” You realized that Shinsou was on the verge of tears, but didn’t say anything about it to not make him embarassed.
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“How about we eat lunch together? The canteen is still open.” “Not interested, sorry” he said - but actually he’d love to. His only concern was about you - those girls already looked very angry, and if you were to be seen with him, maybe you’d get bullied too. “Oh, I get it” you answered, walking out of the classroom. Shinsou felt an ache in his heart when he saw your disappointed face.
But just a few minutes after, you were back in the classrom, which was completely empty - except for Shinsou. On your arms, you carried a whole load of snacks, which you just dropped on his desk. “Here! We’re alone here, the others won’t come back until the break ends. It’s fine, right?” Seemed like he was a little bit too obvious about his concerns.
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Looking up, Shinsou saw your bright eyes, shining in expectation. He sighed as he unpacked a chocolate bar, his other hand grabbing a chair and pulling it next to him. “Yay!” you shoutet out as you sat down and started munching a cupcake, too. “How cute…” he thought, examining your facial expressions. When you realized, you asked him “Is something wrong with my face? You’ve been staring at it ever since I got here!” Damn, he was caught staring. But doesn’t this mean that you stared at him, too?
“Well, I just…I just wondered why you’re being so nice to me.” “Huh? Why shouldn’t I?” you chuckled, making him pretty angry. Aren’t you taking him seriously? He didn’t even notice how nervous you were, yourself. “Just to make this clear: I don’t want your help! I don’t need any sympathy!” You gulped while swallowing a bite of the cupcake, looking at him kind of confused. “That’s not what I had in mind, though. I want us to be friends! Really!” you cheered, shamelessly holding his hand. Getting flustered, Shinsou looked down to the table. “Oh…That’s all right, I guess.”
Ever since this day, Shinsou was looking forward going to school - since he was able to meet you there. Thanks to you, the people stopped bullying Shinsou. They still weren’t really nice around him, but they kinda tolerated it.
He was quick to find himself at ease around you, and opened up more than he ever thought he would be. It were only a few weeks, but Shinsou was so happy to finally have someone he can call a true friend. And the fact that it’s someone as wonderful as you only made his happiness rise a thousandfold.
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“I still don’t get it” he mumbled as the two of you walked through the city, sharing an ice-cream. “Aren’t you afraid of my quirk?” You poked his forehead, beginning to laugh at his stupid expression. “Do you still only think about this?” you said as you kept him from going any further, hugging him in the middle of the street. Shinsou dropped the ice-cream, blushing heavily. “You’re the nicest person I ever met, Shinsou” you whispered, adding “And I really, really like you!” Shinsou closed his eyes, enjoying this moment as he returned the hug. “Sorry. I shouldn’t doubt you. I’m glad that I got to know you, [___].”
This boy can’t take a hint. Well, he’s not really experienced at how to socialize in general, so you forgive him for being so oblivious to your feelings.
Oh god, the first time you visit his home was so bittersweet. His mom is a big sweetheart, putting some hell of an effort into making a nice dinner. She asked you a ton of questions and was even more excited about you than Shinsou. She kept checking on you guys and asked if you needed something. It made trying to approach him way more difficult as it already is, but you just couldn’t be mad at her. Especially after he tells you that his mom is always so pained and worried about him never having brought home a friend before.
This evening, you watched some old hero movies like “Captain America”, cuddling under a blanket in his bedroom. You admired his wish to become a hero. He never thought badly about you, even though you lied and told him you don’t have a quirk. You loved that about him - he never judges anyone, and is polite towards all people. Actually, you never thought about using your quirk to become a hero. You always wanted to become a psychologist or something like that. But listening to his dreams was very pleasant.
One morning a few days later, Shinsou witnessed how one of the jocks were mocking a small boy in front of the school’s gate. The boy was already crying, and Shinsou saw how that guy shattered the boy’s art project on the ground. He grid his teeth, not able to just silently stand there and watch. Ready to activate his quirk, he stepped through the circle of people surrounding the scene, asking “Hey! Do you think this is funny?”
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But in the blink of an eye, before the jock could even answere, he broke out in tears. “What the…” Shinsou thought - and then he saw you, slowly approaching the scene. “It hurts, doesn’t it?” “What did you do to me?!” the jock yelled out, still crying and unable to move due to the overwhelming sadness he felt.
“I just made you feel the way you make others feel. Not really pleasant, isn’t it?” The jock cried more than he ever thought possible, in front of all the people watching. “Stop this!” he yelled desperate. “That’s easy: Just apologize, and I’ll stop!” you cheered with a pleased grin on your face. Shinsou couldn’t believe his eyes when the jock fell onto his knees and apologized. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Just make this feeling stop, please!”
“Of course. Thank you! But make sure I’ll never catch you doing such things ever again!” you said, releasing your quirk. The jock, still terrified of what you just did to him, as well as embarassed about his reaction, ran away as fast as possible. Soon, you found yourself gathered by people whispering about how terrifying your quirk was. The way they looked at you was familiar - it was always the same when people found out about your quirk.
When you looked up and looked at the people, they flinched, and quickly they all fleed. Reading their emotions, you could only feel fear and aversion. Wanting to help the bullied boy back on his feet, you reached out your hands for him - but he yelled “Don’t touch me! You want to do something to me too, don’t you? Leave me alone!” As the boy slapped away your hand and ran for his life, tars filled up in your eyes, and you just stood there, your hands balled to fists as you faced the ground.
“Heya.” A familiar voice got you out of your trance. It was Shinsou, softly touching your shoulder. “That was pretty awesome. But your performance was a bit creepy, don’t you think?” You fell into his arms, crying your heart out. “Shinsou! I’m so sorry for not telling you!” “Understandable, though. But I have to say I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t trust me to keep a secret.”
Shinsou pet your head, helping you to calm down. The two of you sat down, leaning to the wall of the school’s gate. He didn’t quite know what to say, even though he could understand the pinch you’re in pretty well. So you started explaining:
“I don’t really have to tell you what it’s like, right? You’re the same. I think people are like this ever since I can imagine. They’re afraid of my quirk, even though I never use it. Basically, it’s pathokinesis. So I can sense and manipulate other people’s emotions. On my old school, it hurt too much that people treated me like this. I’m not as strong as you, Shinsou. I was ashamed of my abilities. So I wanted to start anew here, telling people I’m quirkless. I know, that’s pretty weak.”
“It’s not. You’re not the one at fault here. The only weak thing is the reaction other people show to our quirks.” You rested your head onto his shoulders. “Please, don’t think I just became friends with you because of our similar quirks. That’s not the case!” He pinched your cheeks. “Sigh. I didn’t think something like that, but-” Suddenly, the realization worried Shinsou. “You didn’t…sense my emotions, right?” he asked, trying to prevent himself from blushing.
“What? No! I’d never do that, Shinsou!” you said, hugging onto him. The boy’s heart raced very fast - as it always does when you’re so affectionate. He embraced you tightly, taking a deep breath before saying. “No matter what other people think of you: I’ll always be there for you, okay? From now on, it’s only the two of us!”
It pained him that those people would treat you unfair from now on, too. He of all people knows what it’s like when people don’t trust you just because of your quirk. “You know, even without your quirk, you’re always so kind and empathizing, and you really helped me getting out of my shell. To be honest, I was pretty envious of how well you can deal with other people…”
“But you’re amazing, too!” you interrupted him. “You’re polite and calm and so cool! I don’t care what all the others think - I only need you! I…can’t really explain it, but…From the very first moment, I felt kind of…attracted to you.” Realizing what you just said, both of you just stared at each other in awe.
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“[___]. I-I’d like you to read my emotions right now.” “Huh? Why?” “Just do it, already!” he shoutet, when you reaized that he was shaking a bit. Blushing yourself, you activated your quirk.
Overwhelmed, you fell backwards. “[___]! Are you okay?” Shinsou yelled, immediately pulling you back to him to help you up. “I-I don’t know what to say…” you stuttered, trying to avoid eye contact. Many different emotions were mixed inside of him when it came to you: Respect, admiration, affection, and many more. But one outweighted the others. It was the first time you ever experienced someone having such a strong feeling of…love. And it was directed towards you.
“It’s okay. You can as well just ignore it. I-I just wasn’t courageous enough to tell you, so -” As quick as you could, you hastily pressed your lips onto his. Both of you closed your eyes, trying to do your best at this first, sloppy kiss. When you opened your eyes again, for the first time, Shinsou smiled from the bottom of his heart. He pressed your body against his, beginning to chuckle.
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“Well, the two of us sure are a unique couple!”
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ladyoftheshrimp · 7 years
I want Newt and Percival at the beach in the wee hour of the morning, and they're cuddling; being wrapped with a big fleece blanket and Newt is kissing Percival all sweetly and thanking him for taking the time off from work to follow him to this remote island to study that one glowing magical fish and Percival kisses Newt back and pulls him even closer.
The MACUSA ball was in full swing, people were pleasantlybuzzed and the dancefloor was heaving with couples as they followed the beat ofthe music from the band. At the edge of the room Newt fidgeted with his cuff,uncomfortable in the stiff shirt and bereft at the loss of Pickett for theevening to his case. Sometimes he had to wonder just which one of them had thereal attachment issues.
“May I have this dance?” Percival pulled him from hisreverie, one hand outstretched and ready for Newt to take.
“You sure?” Newt muttered surprised. They’d not talked aboutdancing in the public eye before.
“It would make my night.” Percival reassured him with a warmsmile. Hesitantly Newt took the proffered hand and let himself be led to thedance floor. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to dance, the etiquette lessonshis parents made him take as a child had certainly made their mark. It was morethat he wasn’t practised or overly comfortable and he was self-conscious. Hedidn’t want to make a bad impression. While Percival’s motions flowed he feltwooden and angular in comparison. Newt felt his cheeks heat up as hemechanically went through the motions. Logically he knew nobody was watchingthem, not beyond the curious glances of who the Head of the Department MagicalLaw Enforcement could be dancing so fondly with. Because Percival was lookingat Newt with soft eyes, the hint of a smile tipped his lips into a curve, handwarm on Newt’s waist. He tipped their foreheads together and helped narrowNewt’s world to just him. He closed his eyes and hummed along to the tunesoftly which left Newt captivated.
“So, I’ve wanted to ask you,” Percival began as his eyesopened, “I’ve got two weeks of vacation booked off. Did you want some companyon your next travels to Fiji?”
“You’d come with me to observe the mating habits of firecrabs?” Newt smiled and forgot about dancing in his excitement. His knee bashedinto Percival’s before he stood on the other man’s toes. “Sorry.” He mutteredforlornly at the wince.
“Nothing to worry about. I’d like to come to Fiji with you,if you’ll have me.”
“Everyone in the case will be delighted that you’re comingalong. They do so miss you terribly when you’re gone. Rather, I’m gone frombeside you.” Newt laughed.
“Then it’s settled. We’ll leave together in a few days.”
The trip to Fiji was rather mundane all things considered.Newt smuggled Percival onto the boat in his case which Percival grumbled aboutto no end. But otherwise Percival would have needed to book his own room, noneof the good cabins were available at such short notice and he wouldn’t havespent much time in his own room anyway. Newt’s logic had won him over. ThusPercival Graves, law enforcer extraordinaire became a stowaway on a ship headedfor lands far over the ocean.
Off the boat and at their camping site Newt busied himselfwith setting things up. The beach was a minute walk from their tent, far enoughaway that the tide wouldn’t reach them. Further into the island was a villagethat was preparing for some kind of celebration. The locals were friendlyenough but didn’t pay much attention to two foreigners who camped near thebeach. Newt sighed contentedly as he laid next to the glowing embers of thesmall fire pit and gaze up at the sky. Absentmindedly he patted the ground nextto him and Percival obediently sat.
“We need to be up around 2am, that’s when the fire crabswill be most active. So have a quick snooze if you want.” Newt suggested. Percivallay down with his head pillowed on Newt’s stomach and stared up at the sky.Sleep didn’t come easy to either of them.
“The stars always look so different. Look, there’s Crux, theSouthern Cross. And that there is called Carina – allegedly has more than 300stars in it.” Newt pointed at the sky and Percival tried his best to keep up.But truthfully stars had never been his strong suit so sometimes he just hummedand nodded along to Newt, content to listen to him tell the stories behindconstellations he himself couldn’t quite make out. After a while he shut hiseyes, intent on just listening to Newt’s voice wash over them. Percival’s eyeswere slow to open when he was jostled, a blanket draped around him and Newtmuttering apologies as he extracted himself from under him.
Still half asleep Percival gathered the blanket and trundledafter Newt despite protests. But if Newt was going somewhere then Percival wasgoing to follow him no matter what. They stopped at the beach and stared. Thefire crabs were in full light even under the water, their jewel encrustedshells sparkled in a beautiful haze. Those out on the beach glimmered as theycreated flames to show off and entice a mate.
“Aren’t they glorious?” Newt gushed as he stared at thebeach.
“Yes, quite.” Percival replied but his gaze was held captiveby Newt and his evident delight. The crabs were pretty but to him nothing couldever surpass the beauty of Newt, excited as he was.
“Look.” Newt breathed and pointed as he glanced at Percivalto make sure his attention was capture by the fire crabs too. Percival drapedthe blanket partially over Newt and pulled him close as they watched thecreatures and their peculiar mating habits on the beach. Eventually Newt tippedhis head onto Percival’s shoulder and sighed contentedly.
“Thank you.” He mumbled through a smile. Percival pressed akiss to the top of his head.
“For what?”
“Taking time off. Coming to see the fire crabs with me. Campingwith me when I know you prefer hotels.” Newt sounded like he was reeling off awell-rehearsed list.
“You’re a fool if you think I’d have this any other way. Younext to me, happy. That’s all I ever want. I’d even follow you to the arctic.”Percival paused. “But please don’t take that as an invitation. I’d rather notgo there if at all possible.”
Newt let out a huff of a laugh and craned his neck up for akiss. Fire crabs forgotten they kissed under the blanket until they were tootired to do much other than shuffle back to their camp and fall asleep curledup in a tangle.
They spent a few nights watching the fire crabs. Newt had anotebook where he made details observations about their habits and rituals.Sometimes Percival would join him under the blanket and they shared kisses,Newt sometimes distracted by a particular display as his eyes tracked a crabwhile his mouth was otherwise occupied. In those moments Percival would laughand pull away with encouraging words to fuel Newt’s enthusiasm for hisobservations. Other nights though Percival would have his own blanket andnotebook. In there he’d sketch Newt as he saw him. Sometimes it would be thewide-eyed wonder that he captured while at other times it was the thoughtful ifsleepy expression as Newt tried to decipher what the fire crabs were doing. Andif he had a page dedicated to doodling little hearts with their initials - thatwas his little secret that nobody else had to know about.
They were coming to the end of their stay, Newt’s notebookswere filled to the brim with extra sheets stuck in every few pages as hefigured out how some behaviours were interlinked. Their little campsite wascalm and quiet as they sat and were trying to figure out what to have fordinner. Newt noticed the approaching natives first. It was a group of three menand Percival was taken by surprise at how easily Newt fell into an easyconversation with them. After a few minutes the men left and Newt trotted backto their camp with a wide grin on his face.
“Dinner is sorted. We’ve been asked to celebrate with thevillage tonight. I accepted the invitation.”
Percival looked uncertain but eventually Newt’s infectiousgrin won him over. Local cuisine and a party may well be what they needed tocomplete their little adventure. Together they got ready, mostly distracted bysoft kissed and roaming hands. It was exceptionally difficult to put a shirt onwhen his hands were doing buttons up at the same rate Newt was undoing them topress kisses to the skin he revealed. Amid small huffs of laughter and softgrumblings they were finally ready and presentable. Hand in hand they walked upto the village. There was a large fire burning and the locals were alreadygathered around in a huddle. Music was being played by a group while otherswere singing. It was quite a surreal experience, Percival had never seenanything like it before and he stuck close to Newt who seemed so at ease evenin a group of strangers, like he’d done this hundreds of times before.
They were ushered to sit on a log near the fire and Percivalwatched wide eyed. Food was being passed around, everyone looked to happy itwas hard to stay closed off for long. The music picked up and Newt was shiftingaround next to him as they watched a group begin to dance.
“I know this one!” Newt suddenly exclaimed and shot off thelog without warning, his plate unceremoniously shoved at Percival. He joined inthe dance with a carefree laugh. It was wild, limbs everywhere and nothing likethe formal dancing they’d done in New York. Percival sat back to watch himcontentedly as the love of his life danced without much co-ordination in thefirelight. All of a sudden it felt like a shame that their little holiday wascoming to an end, Percival had never felt more relaxed and he didn’t want it tostop. He found himself already planning and looking forward to their next fewweeks to whatever place Newt felt the need to go.
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