#as an adopted child I think joey is totally a dad
thebestestbat · 1 year
dickroyjoey anon from before, i solely have 3 thoughts:
robin marian has been accepted into my brain now (that art is adorable), and i think there should be 3 kids in total actually. i think lian and robin marian are around the same age (but lian is older) and i think there is a 3rd child from dickroy that comes later when they all collectively get a horrible case of baby fever
i think there could be a really extra angsty version of dickroyjoey if dickroy date in their teens then split up before ntt, then dickjoey date during ntt and whenever roy comes around there is a bunch of flirting and dick feels guilty but literally all 3 of them are flirting and clearly comfortable with it, then joey dying and the whole cheshire contract still go down (but handled better), dick is grieving bad and helping roy raise lian and then discovers he’s pregnant with joey’s baby and it’s a really difficult experience but roy is a great partner and step dad (you could even make angst worse with outsiders dickroy coparenting 2 kids edition), then joey comes back when he hears that dick had a baby and the baby’s age lines up with when they were together, then there’s a really big mess and lots of adjustment with joey coming back and meeting his child and it’s horrible and great,
i think they’d have to buy a house because roy adopts grant and they have 3 other children, and damian would visit constantly (i think he’d have more of a sibling/cousin relationship with the dickroyjoey kids but would refuse to call it that when he’s young at least), and with all the issues and problems it would also be really good and they’d be a family that bonds over music and teaches the kids a little bit of everything (art, science, nature skills, engineering, etc.) and dickroyjoey would really enjoy growing old with eachother
that’s it .
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thank you anon for these thoughts. robin marian being the same age as lian is so cute because they get to be raised together... and YES i am so on board with a third, dickroy baby (this one the only one which is planned asljdf).
NTT-era dickroyjoey flirting is everything i want. dick would be most flustered ofc but then i wonder who would be more flustered: roy or joey?
agh you get the angst necessary in this relationship too 😿 dick giving birth to his and joey's child after joey dies 😭😭😭 and the adjustments they all have to make when joey comes back to life.
i definitely think that jade as a part of lian's life would be part of this family which is funny to imagine because of that one time she trounced joey. but i think joey's cool aljdf.
in my heart of hearts damian is dick's kid.. he should spend weekends and some holidays at the dickroyjoey house. i think he and joey could get along (because of the art and the autism). @jerichogender has given me thoughts about roy and joey bonding and/or getting on each others' nerves about music and their respective music tastes. i think this is a household with VERY strong music opinions. especially as it includes Emo Grant.
dickroyjoey retiring together <3 <3 <3 <3
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My One Chicago Headcannons Part 1
Cornelius Rhodes either killed his wife or orchestrated it somehow, and Connor found out or saw and knows his dad covered it up and he can't do anything about it
Connor gives 90% ofhis income away to charity cause after he was exposed to the injustices of the world he felt like he really had to do something and is well aware that money actually does have a lot of effect on social justice and change
Helen Manning (Natalie's MIL) showed up to her son's wedding in a white dress and had some weird attachment to her son
Natalie is fluent in Italian and has been teaching Owen
Maggie was blocked from her family group chat after she sent her 1,000 meme and her aunts and uncles got tired of feeling old so her cousins and nieces and nephews created a group chat called Maggie’s memes cause they think she’s hilarious
Will Halstead violated people's DNRs because he wasn't there for his mother when she was sick/dying and he feels really guilty and needs therapy
Sharon loves heavy metal, she listen to one song like 30 years ago by accident and fell in love with the genre and when Maggie one day walks in and sees her bobbing along to Black Sabbath she looks really surprised but then Sharon shrugs, pauses the music, and asks whats up, and Maggie just kinda tucks the info away and is just happy that she knows Sharon even better now
Dr. Charles has a therapist, but isn't completely honest with her I don't think because he did some seriously bad shit to Reese that was obviously connected to his failures as a father to his daughters
Reese would have been better suited in literally any other practice of medicine but psychiatry but she made a rash decision after a bad day, encouraged by her manipulative bf, and just accepted psychiatry cause it was the best thing that came along after she dropped pathology
Joey was a POS who purposefully dated med students cause they were so naive
April Sexton wanted to be a doctor but was bullied into being a nurse by her family because they thought that her make brother deserved a better job than her because of their genders
April is so holier than thou because she found some power in social standing at her job and holds onto it for dear life to deal with the failure of her personal goals
Kevin gets invited to all of Kim's family functions (so did his siblings when they lived with him) and the entire family has basically adopted him as an older brother
Kim and Adam (separately) mail presents to Vinessa and Jordan for their bdays and holidays
Jay was totally a mommas boy and was taught to cook and bake by her (Will burns water somehow and it's shocking that he's a functional adult) he also knows how to sew and knit and made baby blankets for Owen Manning when he was born, Louie when Gabby started fostering him, Terrance Boden when he was born, and Makayla when Kim decided to foster her
Hailey can also cook and bake but it's almost strictly Greek food and the basics (she tried making bouef bourguignon once and it tasted like pigeon farts, don't ask) she;s also an amazing singer and Jay swears that she’s part siren
Platt has a vacation house in Southern France that she tells no one about, but it’s where she and Mouch went for their honeymoon, and she let’s the Hermann’s and Boden’s use it for vacations every once in a while but they’re sworn to secrecy
Voight is bi and secretly had a crush on Al almost the entire time they knew each other and he’s been taking care of Michelle since he died and Olivia (his DIL) got remarried and he hates her new husband but won’t say anything cause he knows it’s just because Justin’s dead
Voight likes some people in the world, like Platt and intelligence, but Daniel (his grandson) is the only person he actually loves and lives for at this point (if Olivia asked him to retire and move close to them for Daniel he would at the drop of a hat but he knows she wants space after what happened to Justin)
Severide’s favourite drinks are the fancy fruity ones but doesn’t drink them cause he doesn’t want to get teased about it (one of the only things Benny instilled in him, internalized toxic masculinity) so Sylvie orders them and gives them to him sometimes as a sign of friendship after he divorced the blonde he married in Vegas cause she didn’t go with him
Matt was in the foster system after his mom shot his dad not becasue he didn’t have any other family, but because no one in his family wanted him, so he actually has a massive family with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins that he hasn’t seen since he was fifteen
Matt keeps in contact with Louie and his dad (Gabby just couldn’t and everyone understood) and gets invited over for Sunday dinner sometimes, and Louie’s grandma makes him call her ‘mom’ and treats him like a son and Matt is so grateful
Stella LOVES cars, she’s super into them and Top Gear is one of her all time favourite shows
Sylvie would be okay with getting pregnant and having a biological child but she really wants to foster and adopt kids cause even though she was six she remembers just how bad the foster system was
Sylvie has a green thumb and knows carpentry cause her grandparents taught her
Mackey loves country music and knows how to play guitar cause she likes to play along
Joe is really good at painting, some of Chloe’s favs are his acrylics but he prefers watercolours
Mouch actually became fluent in Japanese and does part-time work as a translator for the CPD
Hermann hates silence. He works in a firehouse and then goes home to a house filled with his wife and five kids, if he ever actually gets a moment of peace and quiet he blasts music, sometimes he dances too and it turns into dance parties whenever his kids catch him
Boden carves and paints wooden birds after his dad died and asked Casey to make a mobile for Terrance out of the ones he’d made and makes a special carving for everyone he loves on their birthday they’re Donna’s favourite gifts and she literally has a specific shelf for them
Gallo only likes cheese on pizza and quesadillas and the real reason he and Violet broke up was because cheese was her favourite food and she’d put it on everything (even though he gave an impromptu marriage proposal after the green eyed monster made an appearnce, she actually liked him and wanted to work on the relationship after she obviously said no, but cheese was a deal breaker for him)
Ritter is 100% a Dog Dad, Tuesday has five different beds, far too many toys to count, and he buys her gourmet dog food and treats, but it;s okay becasue Eric spoils her too
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Do you have any Parent!Merc headcanons? (Honestly, all of your content clears my skin and waters my crops)
Awww I’m glad you like my blog!! I kinda based this off of my merc retirement headcanons btw
When his first kid is born/adopted, he’s really nervous. He doesn’t know if he can be a good parent for his kid, and the idea of letting his child down the way his father let him down terrifies him. It takes a lot of comforting from his S/O to make that anxiety go away.
Whenever the baby cries in the middle of the night, he always gets up to go to them, every time. He’ll fix whatever is upsetting and will just sit with them until they go back to sleep, silently and lovingly watching over them before going back to cuddle his S/O if they woke up too.
He’s the friend-dad type. The kinda guy who runs around the house playing tag with his kids and eventually breaks something by bumping into a table.
He will absolutely teach every single one of his kids to play baseball. They have broken seven windows while practicing, some of them the neighbors’ windows.
He will show up to PTA meetings, and he WILL throw tons of shade at the asshole soccer mom
Soldier is so unbelievably excited when the child is brought home. Finally, he’s a dad!
Will unironically tell his baby to stop being lazy and to get up and help around the house.
He’s a little strict but he’s actually an excellent parent. His S/O was actually a little worried about how he would be with the kids but he spends a lot of time with them and they have a great relationship
He’s that parent who shows up to every band concert/sports game/whatever and screams encouragement from the crowd. He has been kicked out of several events.
He’s always encouraging his children to put in lots of effort and work towards achieving their dreams. He’d like his kids to join the military, but he surprisingly doesn’t complain if they don’t
Pyro is excellent with babies and children, though they can’t care for them. Like, he can play with and entertain a baby and is very careful with one, but he doesn’t know how to properly feed, bathe, or clothe it. That part of raising the child is more up to their S/O.
Somehow, they can get the baby to go to sleep very easily
They’re always wanting to go on fun adventures with their S/O and kids on the weekends. They all travel all over and it’s really fun.
Annual Disneyland trips are mandatory
Overall, Pyro is the fun parent and they have an excellent relationship with their kids. But the dynamic is more like the S/O raising a few normal kids and one larger kid that has a job.
Has a very cute nickname for each kid, each one related to some kind of candy or small animal. Only their S/O and kids know about it, since they always wear their mask in public.
Demo absolutely panics when he learns that his S/O is pregnant/wants to adopt. He wants kids but he’s really convinced that he can’t raise a child, and he’s scared that his S/O will leave him over this. He literally has a panic attack and needs to be comforted by his S/O.
His S/O acknowledges that he’s not perfect, but they know that if he really wants kids, he can put in the effort to change for the better. With their encouragement, he goes into rehab and after several attempts he manages to quit drinking.
But this also results in Demo’s family distancing him more over the fact that he knows what his parent’s methods of raising him did to him and doesn’t want that for his kid. After this, the only person who will still talk to him is his mother, but he couldn’t care less.
He’s a surprisingly responsible father, but he’s still very playful with his S/O and children.
He’s very physically affectionate. He always gives his little children lots of cuddles and tickles and playful kisses to make them laugh. Once they’re grown, he always hugs his daughter(s) when he sees them and gives his son(s) the handshake-bro-hug because he’s the cool dad
While his S/O are trying to find children to adopt, he falls for all the kids who have been through the most. He wants to give them the future they’ve been denied by the circumstances of their life. He will demand to adopt any Russian immigrant children if they find any
He hates how he intimidates the children with his size when they’re first brought home. There are a few nights he can’t sleep because of how horrible he feels about it, and even fewer where he has to be comforted by his S/O the whole night.
He finally gets his children to trust him with reading. If they’re little kids, he’ll read to them all the time. If they’re older, he’ll buy them books of their favorite genre and will probably try reading it himself so he can discuss it with them. It totally works.
He’s a very, very good listener. His kids will often go to him for advice, even once they’re adults. He’ll listen attentively and he won’t say a word until they’re finished speaking, then he’ll give his thoughts. It’s almost like therapy.
Engie is a family man, through and through. He’s always dreamed of having a family and he’s so excited that he’s finally made it!
He’s always giving his kids tons of encouragement, and he is always reminding them of the value of hard work and lots of effort.
Once his kids are old enough, he has them help him around his ranch and teaches them to ride horses.
He loves to take his family to all sorts of fun places on weekends and vacations. His personal favorite place to take them is the rodeo, of course.
He barbecues and grills stuff all the time. It’s one of his favorite things to do, and will definitely teach his kids how to do it. His kids are always excited for the weekend because that’s usually when he has the time to grill, and some of his kids will pout if he doesn’t have the time to do it.
He loves telling people about his kids. He’s so proud of all of their accomplishments and loves them all dearly.
He’s actually kind of distant from his child for the first few years of having them in his life. It causes some tension between him and his S/O. But after a while, he sees that this is what his parents were like to him. He remembered how little they cared for him, and how much that hurt him. So he makes an effort to bond with his child, and over a long while they eventually become very close.
His child will absolutely also have an interest in the human body, and will often join their father in the lab, even if Medic’s S/O thinks it’s not safe for them. Most of their bonding is over their shared interest
He lowkey spoils his kid, but he’s very good about not taking it so far that they become a brat. He doesn’t want his kid to be like he was when he was young.
He loves traveling with his family, and he’ll take them all over the globe. He encourages his child to learn a language other than German and his S/O’s language and to study in another country for a while. He absolutely wants them to get a higher education. He doesn’t understand if his child chooses not to, but he still supports them.
He misses his S/O and kid(s) so much when he’s out working for several days, but he has to get money to support them. He has a bunch of pictures he keeps in his camper for when he misses them or feels lonely.
When he calls to see how his family is doing, he always has to talk to his kid(s) and ask them how their day was, and how school was.
He loves to take his kid(s) out into the wild and teach them about plants and animals and all sorts of things about nature. By the time they’re 18 they’re practically an expert on the ecosystem of where they live.
He definitely teaches his kid(s) to use a bow or gun once they’re older, even if his S/O tells him it’s unsafe. It’ll be he and the child’s little secret.
He’s a surprisingly playful and affectionate parent, and is always getting up to all sorts of shenanigans with them.
He has a bunch of silly nicknames for them, most of them animal names. He probably started jokingly calling his S/O his ‘roo and his kid(s) his joey(s), but it eventually sticks.
Like Medic, he’s a little cold to the child for the first few months after they’re adopted, but he sees how much this hurts and worries his S/O, so that’s when he starts making an effort to bond with them. It’s pretty awkward at first but he eventually becomes close with them. He does this by taking the child wherever they’d like to go and basically getting them whatever they want.
Spy sometimes cries quietly during the night with his partner there to comfort him. He never thought he’d have a family of his own, and he doesn’t know what he did to deserve his S/O or his child.
He will absolutely make sure his child knows how to defend themselves. He’s still paranoid that his enemies will find his family someday despite how good he is about keeping his connection to them secret, so he teaches them to fight with no weapons and with some small melee weapons.
If his child is homeschooled, (they probably will be) he teaches as many lessons as he can. He’s kind of an asshole teacher at first but after receiving some pointers from his S/O, he becomes a very patient and gentle teacher.
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dweetwise · 4 years
Jeff ADOPTING THE LEGION! Like the glitch of 4 killers spawning and 1 survivor. The legion gets to have races and be stupid(er) for a match. Frank shows off how to totally do a gen!
[anon gets it. this was super fun to write, hope you enjoy!]
just legion being brats and jeff being a dad. some references to this ask!
Jeff babysits the Legion: ficlet
Jeff is in the middle of rolling up some bandages for his med-kit, waiting for the others to arrive at the pre-trial campfire. When the familiar smoky tendrils start creeping up his legs, he looks around with a frown on his face; nope, still just him. He’s reminded of the last time the Entity decided to start a trial with less than four survivors, and he groans in annoyance, hoping he doesn’t have to put up with three grizzlys this time.
When Jeff opens his eyes, he’s in the middle of Mt. Ormond's snowy grounds and predictably, he’s alone; not the most promising start. He reluctantly makes his way to the lodge, keeping a lookout for angry bears. With no heartbeat in earshot, Jeff crouches by the generator and gets to work, but as soon as the first piston starts moving, he realizes he has company.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here!” one of the Legion, he thinks Julie, sneers at him from the second floor, leaning cockily against the railing. “Man oh man, you came to the wrooong place,” a man in a skull mask comes up beside her, spinning his knife in a threatening manner. That must be Joey. “We’re gonna gut you like a pig,” Julie says, spitting out the word as she starts making her way down the stairs, sliding down the banister like an unruly child.
Jeff sighs and gets up on his feet. One of the Legion brats he can deal with, but two? Better to just get this over with.
“How are you both here?” Jeff asks, undisturbed by Julie getting right up in his face. “Not a very fair match, if you ask me.” “'Both’? You don’t know the half of it,” Joey snickers, probably sharing a knowing look with Julie; it’s hard to tell with the masks. Jeff is about to ask him to elaborate, when a sharp pain flares up his shoulder. “Oops, sorry!” a third member of the Legion--Susie, the one with braces, says from behind him, retracting the knife from his shoulder. “What’s a little stabby-stab between old friends, huh?” “I preferred when you paid me with beer, not stabs,” Jeff grits out through the pain, glancing at the faded mural he made for the group’s hangout what feels like a lifetime ago. “Ooh, he’s funny!” Julie mocks, gripping her knife better. “Don’t worry, you’ll scream soon enough,” she says, raising her hand. “That’s enough,” a familiar voice interrupts them and Julie lowers her hand without hesitation. Jeff sees Frank walk down the stairs with an annoying cocky swagger, Joey not far behind him. “How nice of you to intervene,” Jeff says to the group’s leader, trying to tone down his sarcasm. 
He’s always thought the Legion kids were nice enough on their own, becoming sort of an annoying hive mind when together, but Frank is by far the worst offender, turning into an insufferable asshole when he is with his little gang.
“Fatty,” Frank acknowledges him, making Julie snort. Jeff rolls his eyes at the juvenile humor. “Dude, what are you doing?” Joey questions. “Just kill him.” “One,” Frank begins, lifting his index finger. “This one’s the least dipshit survivor--not that that’s saying much. Two, as long as he’s alive, we can keep hanging out in the trial. And three--” Frank surges towards Joey, slamming him against a pillar and holding his knife against the other’s throat. “Don’t you dare fucking question me again or I’ll throw you on a hook and leave you to rot.”
Joey holds up his arms in surrender and Frank eventually lowers the knife, still leaning over the other teen menacingly. The air is tense with the threat of violence, and even Julie shifts awkwardly on her feet.
“Oooh!” Susie suddenly exclaims. “Was he the one who helped you when you were a baby survivor?” she asks cheerily, pointing at Jeff and innocently cocking her head.
As Frank sputters something unintelligible, clearly embarrassed, and Julie and Joey snicker to themselves, Jeff feels the tension fade and he can’t help but let out an amused huff of his own.
“I saved him! From a--from a fucking bear!” Frank eventually manages to stammer out. Jeff just smiles knowingly, and feels Frank’s stare digging holes into him as if daring him to bring up the events of their last trial together.
As it turns out, the Legion aren’t too bothered by keeping Jeff around so they can stay in the trial to fuck around. At first, they have a race along the long wall of the cabin, with Joey winning each one, until Jeff comes up with an idea.
“Why don’t I throw down some pallets and mark a couple windows, make an obstacle course for you guys?” “That sounds like fun!” Susie beams, bouncing on her feet and clapping her hands in excitement. “Whatever, I’ll still kick all your asses!” Joey boasts.
Jeff throws together a makeshift obstacle track around the shack side of the map, before giving a countdown to the bunch of unusually focused teens standing in a neat row. On his command, they take off in a frenzy, sprinting to the first window. It takes approximately five seconds for the fighting to start.
“You’re blocking me, asshole!” “Frank broke the pallet!” “Cheater!” “JUUDGE!!” Julie’s annoyed whine has Jeff make his way over to the commotion. He sees Frank on the ground, laughing hysterically while Susie is on top of him and is slapping him with his own mask, with Joey standing next to them, sulking. Julie turns to Jeff and angrily points at the remains of a pallet and Frank’s iridescent button on his jacket. “Frank, you’re disqualified,” Jeff says. “It was just a prank, bro!” Frank laughs while shielding himself from Susie’s wrath.
The three remaining Legion members redo the race, with Julie winning by a landslide. She’s in the middle of boasting to an annoyed Joey, when Frank’s face, now maskless, lights up.
“Bet you guys don’t know how to repair a gen!” “Uhh, yeah, ‘cause we’re not a bunch of pussy survivors?” Joey says, not eager at the idea. “I think someone’s scared of losing. Again,” Frank eggs on. “Oh you’re on.”
Jeff ends up teaching the other three how to repair the machine while Frank just shows off and gives obnoxious comments at the others’ failures. Surprisingly, Susie eventually comes out on top, seeming to be the best mechanic out of the four.
“How are you so good at this?” Julie asks, zapping herself on the wires again. “It’s like a puzzle! Super easy!” Susie beams. “Yeah?? Well try to do it when a bear is on its way to eat you!” Frank argues, clearly annoyed at having been bested.
When the group leaves the generator, the four teens stop dead in their tracks and turn to look at something between two rocks. Jeff hears the familiar sound of echoing winds before he sees the hatch. Huh, he hadn’t even considered the fact it would have been open from the very start of the trial, seeing as he’s the only survivor. He could jump in right now and leave, or one of the killers could kick it shut, starting the two-minute endgame timer. Either way, the Legion’s time together (and his time with them, he reluctantly admits) would be cut short.
“You guys want to make a bonfire?” Jeff suggests, pretending not to notice the collective relief in the kids’ postures at his suggestion. “I doubt the hatch is going anywhere for a while.” “I saw some marshmallows in the lodge!” Susie exclaims.
Frank gathers some rubble for the fire, while Joey helps Jeff carry two couches up on a small hill and Susie and Julie find some marshmallows and blankets in the lodge.
“This is nice,” Susie says later, huddled up in a blanket, sitting between Joey and Jeff and looking up dreamily at the starry sky, fire crackling in front of her with four discarded masks next to it. “These taste like shit and the stars are fake as fuck,” Frank says, spitting out the roasted marshmallow and leaning back on the couch in annoyance. “Well, it’s the nicest we’ve had since we got here,” Susie says quietly, nibbling on her own marshmallow and pulling the blanket tighter around herself. “Susie’s right, lighten up,” Julie says, seemingly elbowing Frank under their shared blanket. “It’s been a fun day.” “Yeah, uh. Thanks, man,” Joey mumbles, and it takes Jeff a second to realize the man is addressing him. “Yess! Thanks for this awesome day Jeff!” Susie says, smile back on her face and actually leaning over to give Jeff a cute half-hug. “And, uh... sorry for stabbing you.” “Nothing a few bandages couldn’t fix,” Jeff says and gives the girl an encouraging pat on her back. “Feel free to come hang out whenever,” Julie says. “Yeah, Frank was right. You’re pretty cool,” Joey says. “I never said that!” Frank, predictably, denies. “But. You know. What she said. About hanging out,” he mutters, awkwardly looking away and gesturing at Julie. “Sure. This has been a nice change of pace. Maybe next time we can spray paint more of the lodge,” Jeff suggests with a small smile. “That would be so cool!” Susie beams. “You do realize we’re still gonna kill you in trials though?” Joey points out. “I wouldn’t expect any less.”
When Jeff finally, and a little reluctantly, makes his way out through the hatch, he finds an obscene amount of bloodpoints waiting for him outside of the trial. There’s also a note, with messy symbols scrawled in an unintelligible language that he can inexplicably read--ah, a note from the Entity. He barks out a hearty laugh as he makes out the contents of the note: “Babysitting bonus: +100 000 BP”.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Take a Chance on Me
Chapter 1
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Description: On your thirtieth birthday, you had everything you needed. A steady job, a nice new apartment, your cuddly cat Moto, and your two best friends Natasha and Wanda. Suddenly you were half way through age thirty-three and nothing had changed. You were never the type to need to be in a relationship, but you just thought it would have happened by now. Never one to take risks, you decide to shake up your life by creating an online dating profile.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings for this chapter: None
A/N: Italics indicate internal thoughts. Tag list is still open. I tagged some of those who were tagged in A Walk in the Park, if you want to be removed, please let me know. Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
“What’s this website called again?” Wanda asked. She was in your refrigerator again, digging through your fruit drawer for something to eat. You spent more money on groceries for your friends that you did for yourself.
“Hey, don’t touch my strawberries, I’m saving them for work.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She said, grabbing an apple instead.
“It’s called Find Love.” You were scrolling through your phone looking for a couple of selfies, maybe a cute one with the three of you.
“Oh, that’s a good one! Look at little baby Ethan. He’s so cute.” Natasha said, pointing at a picture of you holding your baby nephew last month.
Your younger brother Nick and his wife Amy just had their first child. They’d been married for three years and now they’ve made your dad a grandfather. The brat. Your dad was constantly bombard you with questions about your nonexistent love life. Now that he had baby Ethan, he was asking when you’d make him a grandfather as well. You were pretty sure he’d be fine if you didn’t get married as long as you had a baby.
“I love that photo! But guys will take one look at me holding Ethan and think I’m a single mother looking for a father for her baby.”
“No decent guy would.” Wanda said, while plopping herself on the couch, sandwiching you between the two of them.
You loved your friends dearly. The three of you lived on the same dormitory floor your freshman year in college. You each ditched your roommates your second year in favor of renting an apartment together off campus. Fifteen years later and you were still friends. The trouble with your friends helping you create an online dating profile is, they were both in long term committed relationships. Wanda has been married for seven years to Vision, Vis for short. You were pretty sure his parents were hippies. While Natasha was living with her boyfriend Bruce. Neither of them believed in marriage, but have been happily cohabitating for five years. Neither Wanda nor Natasha had tried online dating. They both met their partners at work. You’ve dated guys from work, but unfortunately those relationships had always ended shortly after they began. You were an actuary and you loved your job, mainly because you loved working with numbers. But when it came down to it, the men in the same line of work as you were well, frankly boring.
“I agree with you Wan, but let’s at least open the dating pool as far as I can get it and then I’ll skim out the bad apples.” You said while pointing at the apple in her hand.
She pulled you in a one arm hug and kissed the top of your head. “Make sure that you list your talent of telling dad jokes on that profile of yours Y/N.” Wanda said.
 After the girls had gone home, you opened up the dating app to finish filling in your profile.
“Okay, Find Love dot com, let’s do this.”
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Brooklyn NY
What type of relationship are you seeking? A New Friend, Casual Dating, or a Committed Relationship?
Easy enough, a committed relationship. You were so not the hook up type of girl.
What age range are you looking for in a match? 30 to 36
How far are you willing to travel for your match? 0-5 miles, 5-9 miles, 9-15 miles, 15-20 miles, 20+ miles. I’m in Brooklyn and don’t have a car. I’m only traveling so far. 5-9 miles it is.
It’s Saturday night, what are you doing? Out with Friends enjoying dinner and drinks.
Technically, it is Saturday and you are home, but no one needs to know that.
The first thing people usually notice about me
This one you had to think on. You didn’t want to go with a boring response but you didn’t want to sound too full of yourself either.
My zest for life. Sometimes you just have to let go and go where the mood takes you.
It was only the second real question and this profile set up was already killing you.
What do you do for fun?
This one was the toughest question of all. You didn’t want to lie, but telling the truth would only match you with the type of men you’ve already dated. You wanted someone to help you get out of your shell. You wanted someone to shake up you everyday safe existence.
Real answers: Brunching with the girls, reading, calculating risk in everyday situations, snuggling with your black and white cat Moto, movies, and cooking.
Answers you entered on your profile: Thrill seeker that’s willing to try anything once. Loves to be out of the house. Cooking.
That’s a safe one.
Describe your perfect date
Hiking to a waterfall and jumping in (do people do that?), followed by drinks and dancing.
After filling in the appearance section of the questionnaire, you were all set.
You patted the couch cushion next to you. You heard his meow before you saw him. Moto had a talent for finding hiding spots around your apartment, but he was always good about coming when he was called. A few seconds later his fluffy body had jumped up next to you, rubbing his head against your leg until you ran your hand around his face and down his body. You adopted him eight years ago and he was officially the longest relationship you had. Hopefully that would be changing soon.
You hit the submit button on your profile after adding two selfies and a picture of you and your two besties. You put your phone in your purse so that you wouldn’t look at it until tomorrow. The site specified it could take several hours to two days before it would find matches for you, so you didn’t want to obsess. You knew it was a 1 in 600 chance of finding love online, but you also knew those odds could change if you took chances. If you said yes more often then no, those odds could easily change to 1 in 100.
 Sundays were always brunch days with Wanda and Natasha. Friday and Saturday nights were reserved for Vis and Bruce, but Sundays were for the three of you. Some days you got pedicures together, some days massages, some days you went shopping, but it always included brunch.
“So, you haven’t even looked to see if you had any matches?” Natasha asked, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear.
“Not yet. Today is about the three of us, I don’t want to obsess over my phone the whole day.”
Well, technically, it was my turn to plan the day, and I say we grab a few more mimosas and look at all the hot men you’ve been matched with.” Wanda said.
“Didn’t you need help finding a suit for work? I thought we were going shopping.” You asked.
“Nah, that can totally wait, I technically don’t need a new one. Vis says I have too many clothes.”
“Tell him you need a larger closet.” Natasha added. You nodded your head in agreement.
“I think I need another drink before we even open that app.”
It ended up being two more drinks before the dating site was opened. Your server was on top of it with the endless mimosas. He would be getting a generous tip from you.
The three of you were giggly as the matches loaded. Nerves and four mimosas were to blame. Luckily you only lived two blocks away.
“Twenty-three matches! Y/N, look at you!” Wanda yelled. You snorted and grinned. Natasha had moved her chair to your side of the table so that the three of you were huddled together. A few of the tables near you looked to see what the commotion was about; Natasha waved her hand to dismiss them.
The matches were all listed in a row and in order by their matching percentage. To the side of that list were matches that had messaged you. Seven out of the twenty-three had messaged you which you took as a good sign. It had only been one night after all.  
You decided to start with those that had messaged and if none of them interested you, you would move on to the others.
“Some of these guys are pretty hot.” Natasha said, nudging you in the arm.
“You know I don’t care about that.” You clicked on the first match, Joey P.
“It doesn’t hurt though.” Wanda agreed.
“Okay, it doesn’t hurt. Joey is pretty cute and he’s here in Brooklyn!”
Clicking open the message you wrinkled your nose and closed it out.
“What did it say? I didn’t see.” Natasha asked.
“It said, who’s the hot red head.”
“Guys are jerks. Sorry hun.”
“Next!” Wanda shouted.
You leaned over to Natasha to tell her Wanda was cut off. Unfortunately, your server brought over the fifth-round right at that moment.
“This will be all.” Natasha said to the server. Her voice soft so that Wanda wouldn’t hear.
Clicking on the next guy, you immediately jumped out of his profile, not even looking at his message.
“What was wrong with that guy?” Wanda asked.
“He’s in Upper Manhattan, I’m not dragging my butt all the way there.”
“He could come to you, you know. You act like it’s Jersey.” Wanda said.
“But if it turns into a relationship, which is the ultimate goal, I’d need to go there too. I like it here; I don’t have plans to uproot my life too much.”
Clicking on the third guy, Chris S. you saw that he had potential. Lives in Brooklyn, your age, likes cats. All positives so far. You clicked the message and were once again met with a displeasing message. “Do the three of you come as a package?”
“Ugh!” You clicked out of his profile and set your phone on the table.
“Why are guys like that?” Wanda asked.
You tipped your glass back, finishing it in one go.
“Beats me. It annoys me because I said I was looking for a relationship, why are they even messaging me?”
Natasha wrapped an arm around you and leaned her head on your shoulder. Sometimes a hug was all you needed.
She picked up your phone, erasing the message from Chris S. “How about I look through the other four messages and I’ll pass it back to you if there is a good one.”
“But he needs to...”
She cut you off before you could finish. Be from Brooklyn. I know.”
She angled her body away from you, but you could see that she was intently reading and scrolling. After about a minute, she placed your phone on the table in front of you.
“Bucky B. That’s an interesting name.”
“Stop being judgy, just read his profile.” Natasha said.
Wanda leaned over you, practically blocked your view. You tucked her into your side and started to scroll through Bucky’s profile. Thirty-four, Brooklyn born and raised. Okay, Okay. Dark hair, grayish blue eyes, I like it, I like it. He’s got a picture of himself on a motorcycle, and while you think of those things as death traps, it does excite you.
“Thoughts?” Natasha asked. Smug look on her face.
“I like him!” Wanda chirped. Her Sokovian accent coming through the more she drinks.
“Not you, Y/N.” Natasha deadpanned.
“Let me look at his message first.”
“Hey Doll,
You came up as a new match for me. In all honesty, I’d like to skip the back and forth thing on this app and take you out for a drink. It’s easier to get to know one another that way. What do you say?
“Hmm. He doesn’t want to chat on the app, he just wants to meet.”
“That’s not a bad thing. Maybe he’s been burned.” Natasha said.
“But I don’t know him.”
“I could go with you!” Wanda added.
“Probably not on a first date Wan.” Natasha said. She shrugged her shoulders and finished her drink.
“I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. It kind of skips the BS that could happen with texting. And if you really don’t like him, you could end the date early and move on. Just meet him at Jake’s, that way it’s a place you are familiar with.” Natasha argued.
You nodded your head and bit your lower lip. His profile indicated he liked traveling and going on adventures which is exactly what you needed.
“Okay. I’ll message him back to tell him yes.”
They both cheered, once again causing stares from other patrons.
“Hi Bucky,
I agree. Let’s meet for a drink. Have you been to Jake’s on 3rd? Let me know what day works best for you.
 That evening, you were finishing up a load of laundry and preparing for the work day tomorrow. You decided to leave the dating app alone until you heard back from Bucky even though a few more matches had come through. Your phone buzzed with a message notification from Find Love. The preview showed it was from Bucky B. so you opened it.
“I’ve been to Jake’s. Tomorrow at 8?”
Tomorrow? But it’s a work night. You weren’t sure how to respond. It wasn’t like you to go out for drinks on a Monday, and certainly not later in the evening. However, saying yes was your new mantra. One drink couldn’t hurt.
“See you at Jake’s at 8.
A minute later another message came through.
“Sweet dreams beautiful.
Tag List: @marvelousnomad @rainbowkisses31 @panic-naran @violetadefebrero @tanelle83 @thejourneyneverendsx @ly-cia @caps-lockdown @thefandomzoneisdangerous @ladywintersoldat @not-another-tmblr @chita0027 @estillion14 @lookwhatyoumademequeue @I-am-not-a-goat @theonelittleone @captaineef @banrionbeansidhe @lumar014@humandasaster
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queenofcats17 · 4 years
Hi there! I wanted to say I really like Charlie and the Lawrences!! If it’s ok, I wanted to send a prompt in for them? I understand if you have too many prompts right now, so if you can’t do this one, I totally get it^^ Here it is: I’d imagine at some point Charlie gets involved in the magic shenanigans at the studio. What’s the first one they experience? (I.E: they visit the studio after school and it’s teeny Sammy times, or something happens to them specifically, and no one is Ok with This™)
No worries. I’m really glad you like Charlie!
This is certainly going to be interesting. But it also got kind of sad.
It was a small miracle Charlie hadn’t experienced the bizarre shenanigans of Joey Drew Studios sooner. They’d been with Susie and Sammy for almost six months before they witnessed one of the transformations that were so common at the studio. Part of this may have been because they’d recently been enrolled in school, much to their chagrin. In any case, they’d heard about the transformations from their parents, usually through Sammy’s complaining about whatever shenanigans Joey had put them through, but they hadn’t seen one before that point. Despite this lack of concrete proof, Charlie wholeheartedly believed in the magic of the studio. After all, literal cartoons lived in the studio.
They’d been coming back from school that day. Their routine was that they dropped by the studio after school to hang out until it was time for their parents to head home. They’d been a little nervous when they’d first started school because they’d be leaving Shadow and her kittens, (They’d named the girl Soot since she was gray and the boy Pancake. They didn’t really have a reason for naming Pancake what they had since he was black and white, not any shade of brown. Still, that was what Charlie had wanted.) but a nice woman who lived next door had volunteered to watch the cats until the family got home.
“I’m here!” Charlie announced, opening the door to the studio. Almost immediately, they noticed that something seemed to be going on. The employees they could see were running around frantically, but not in the way they usually were.
Usually, when Charlie arrived the employees were running around delivering scripts and checking various animation cells with their superiors. But at the moment they were running around carrying buckets of ink and things that Charlie vaguely recognized as ritual components. Although they weren’t allowed to be around when Joey was conducting rituals, they knew what the components looked like due to asking questions.
“Oh, hey kiddo!” Wally stuck his head out from the hallway. “This, uh, might not be the best time.” For once, he didn’t have ink smeared all over his face.
“What’s…goin’ on?” Charlie asked slowly, hobbling toward him.
It was at that point that Sammy rounded the corner, grumbling to himself. However, he didn’t look the way he had when he’d left the house that morning. He was a toon. Again. A demon toon this time, judging from the horns poking out from his hair and the spade tipped tail flicking back and forth.
“That’s why…” Wally grimaced as Sammy and Charlie locked eyes. Charlie’s eyes widened and they dropped their backpack.
“Hey…” Sammy grimaced as well. He’d honestly been dreading this. Charlie knew about the transformations Sammy went through, but he wasn’t sure what his child’s reaction was going to be. This was weird even for him.
Thankfully, the reaction was far from negative.
“This…is so cool!” Charlie lit up, bouncing up and down as best they could without falling over. Sammy let out an internal sigh of relief, although due to his current toon state it wasn’t so internal.
“What happened? Was it Mr. Joey again?” Charlie asked, getting closer to play with Sammy’s tail.
“Yeah.” Sammy nodded, his tail swishing in irritation at the memory. “He was trying to improve Bendy’s design and, well….” He gestured to himself.
“The magic ink got in the pipes again,” Wally added. “Standard stuff.”
“Can I be a toon?” Charlie looked up at Sammy with sparkling eyes. “Please? I wanna try it too!”
“Absolutely not.” Sammy immediately replied.
“Aw, why?” Charlie asked, face screwed up in a quintessentially childish pout. “Mr. Drew knows how to reverse it, right? It wouldn’t hurt if I got to be a toon for a little.”
“It’s still incredibly dangerous.” Sammy insisted.
“But you get turned into a toon all the time!” Charlie whined.
“And every time I’m worried I’ll never be able to turn back!”
“But you do get turned back!”
“It’s dangerous!”
As the argument escalated, Wally stood there, unsure what to do. He really didn’t want to get in the middle of this. To be fair, Sammy had a point. Getting transformed into various things was incredibly dangerous and it was understandable Sammy wouldn’t want his kid getting involved in it. It was causing a bit of a scene, though.
Sammy was trying very hard not to yell, knowing how terrifying he could be when he yelled, but Charlie was full-on screaming. Their argument was loud enough that it attracted Susie’s attention. She came running from Joey’s office, looking rather concerned.
“What’s going on?” She asked, looking even more concerned when she saw Sammy and Charlie fighting.
“Charlie wanted to try bein’ a toon and Sammy doesn’t wanna let him,” Wally explained in a low voice.
“Oh dear.” Susie turned her attention back to Sammy and Charlie.
Charlie was crying and so had stopped yelling for the moment. Sammy’s horns lowered, like a cat lowering its ears.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he said, gathering Charlie in his arms. “I just don’t want something to happen to you.”
“We worry about you, dear,” Susie agreed, joining the hug. “As fun as it might sound to be a cartoon for a little, there’s always the possibility that something will happen and you won’t be able to turn back. It’s something I worry about all the time when this happens to Sammy.”
“But I wanna try it,” Charlie said weakly. “Maybe…Maybe if I’m a toon, my legs will work better.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Susie’s expression softened. There were tears in her eyes and even Sammy looked a bit misty-eyed. She and Sammy held Charlie tighter, Sammy’s tail wrapping around both of them. It was a frankly adorable scene.
Wally took that opportunity to leave. He didn’t want to spoil the moment. Besides, Joey probably needed help setting up the ritual.
After a few minutes, the three of them drew back from the hug.
“Do your legs really bother you that much, dear?” Susie asked.
“A little,” Charlie sniffled.
“Physical therapy is always an option,” Sammy said. They’d taken Charlie to the doctor a few weeks after adopting them and the doctor had that physical therapy might help with the muscle damage in Charlie’s legs. It wasn’t a guarantee, but it was a possibility.
“The doctor said it might not work.” Charlie hunched their shoulders.
“But it’s a possibility,” Susie said, brushing some hair out of Charlie’s eyes and fixing their little flower barrette.
“But…I don’t want to be a burden,” Charlie mumbled.
“A burden? Why would we think of you as a burden?” Sammy asked.
“I dunno.” Charlie hunched their shoulders more. “My old family thought I was a burden…”
Susie’s expression darkened and literal steam began to come out of Sammy’s ears. Neither of them had asked about how Charlie had found themselves on the street. They’d known it likely wasn’t a particularly happy story.
“We will never think of you as a burden, darling.” Susie swept them up in her arms again. “You’re our family now and family means no one gets left behind.”
“We might get angry at you sometimes, but we’re not going to abandon you.” Sammy agreed, smiling gently.
“Promise?” Charlie looked up at them, their voice so small and unsure it made Sammy want to find the people who had abandoned them and give them a piece of his mind.
“Promise.” Sammy and Susie said together.
“Okay.” Charlie still looked a bit unsure but allowed Susie and Sammy to hug them again.
“I still think you look really cool, Dad,” they said after a bit.
“I think I look ridiculous,” Sammy grumbled, his gaze flicking down to his tail. “And this thing is more trouble than it’s worth.” Controlling four limbs was bad enough. He didn’t want to have to deal with another.
“I think the idea of you as a demon is rather…interesting.” Susie gave him a mischevious smile. Immediately, Sammy blushed and began to sputter. Charlie looked blankly between the two of them for a moment or two before recognition dawned on their face and their expression turned to one of horror.
“Ew! Gross!”
Susie just giggled.
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omegatheunknown · 5 years
AEW Fight for the Fallen
A slightly frustrating night for the nascent promotion nonetheless featured plenty of quality wrestling and serves as a decent ‘go-home show’ for August’s All Out. 
- All Out loomed pretty large over the entire card, even before the show -- Page and Omega both faced roadblocks en-route to the bigger show, Bucks/Rhodes brothers against brothers was built mostly on a few jokes on BTE -- but the promises made for August were all tantalizing. - Really liked the venue, amphitheater style seating and open air is a novelty I’d like to see more of,  the entrance ramp level with the ring paid off a few times. Wondering if they’ll adopt a more ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach for TV, but it’s been interesting noticing the tweaks to production. Entrance music still needs to be turned up on the feed. - End of the show was unnecessarily awkward and probably didn’t need to be part of the broadcast, which apparently confused Cody/Kenny/Everybody in the ring... Obviously that’s one of the things to take a look at when they’re debriefing. - Aubrey Edwards had herself a night, love how she gets between the wrestlers and doesn’t stand in the corner wishing she could do something. - Way too much ‘A-E-Dub’ chanting. Cheer the wrestlers. Boo the heels. *Pre-Card Sonny Kiss v The Librarian Peter Avalon (**1/2) - Maybe it’s because Avalon’s a little better in the ring than his counterpart, but this was the first time the Librarians have clicked properly -- the crowd is more than ready to pump up anyone who can knock these heaters around, and Sonny Kiss took the opportunity and ran. He was non-stop impressive from entrance to pinfall and the crowd ate it up.  Dr Britt Baker DMD & Riho v Shoko Nakajima & Bea Priestley (**) - Britt and Bea have shared the ring exactly once before, Shoko and Riho have a handful of matches together per Cagematch, and chemistry failed to find a spark in a lot of this match, which was fun enough but didn’t showcase any of the competitors at their best. The crowd was hot for Bea, and she’s been having some good matches in STARD✪M, but this was not peak-Priestley. I was excited to see Shoko, since tiny wrestlers with furry tails are my fave, but only Riho looked the part tonight. - Bea clocked Britt pretty good at one point, speculation is that’s part of why the good Doctor attempted to tag in Shoko. Kinda sums up the match. *Main-Card MJF, Sammy Guevara and Shawn Spears v Darby Allin, Jimmy Havoc and Joey Janela (***) - As far as multi-man schmozz curtain-jerkers go, this was a fun to-do. Darby Allin’s so fluid and speedy -- could do with more converted skateboarders in the squared circle. - I do think it’s odd to see MJF teaming with Shawn Spears, but I guess if it’s against Team Loveable Scuz, it’s for the greater good. The greater good. - Looks like Spears is indeed first up for a push, which sorta follows, other than Havoc, everyone else in this match is a sassy small child. Brandi Rhodes v Allie (dud) - I really feel for Allie, she’s not a world-beater or anything but she’s a good wrestler with a fun persona that you’ve got to imagine they’d like to get over, and now she’s been in the two worst matches of the last two shows. Brandi’s been trying to make being a wrestler work for a couple years, she’s got the drive and ambition but it’s not really coming along, I don’t know if it’s a lack of reps or what. This was a slow, sloppy, lifeless slog to the point that the best parts were the camera cutaways to Awesome Kong and Aja’s entrance. - Decently excited for Kong v Kong, less so for commentary tying themselves into knots during. A Boy and His Dinosaur v The Dark Order v Los Gueros Del Cielo (***1/2) - Another stupid ‘two in’ three-way match, this felt like it was headed for disaster until about halfway through and it devolved into a lucha-style tag match, and then it was a cooker. - Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus pulled off a string of the wildest tag team maneuvers of the night. Worth pointing out that The Young Bucks and Lucha Bros also worked this show. Both are improving show after show, the dinosaur still isn’t much for selling, but they’re getting over in a big way. - Jack Evans routinely leaves me amazed that he hasn’t had a higher-profile career, his small size and somewhat looser style accounts for some of it, but maybe he’s just made some odd choices along the way. Awesome he’s here now. - The Dark Order are assuredly the baddies, but the crowd seemed actively disinterested at times. Not sure what to make of that. Hangman Adam Pages v Kip Sabian (**1/2) - Sabian appeared to give Page a decent test on the road to Jericho, not quite a star-making turn but I liked what we saw of Sabian’s crowd-work. Seeds of doubt as to the outcome only really pointed toward ‘time limit draw.’ - Is it unreasonable to ask Commentary to be wise to the fact that the goth dad version of Jericho is literally always pulling shit like this, and to jump to conclusions at the point of that stiff as hell single-leg codebreaker? - Heel Jericho’s ironic reliance on cheap heat does not get old. He’s the greatest. Lucha Bros v SCU (***) - The SCU entrance is beautifully canned in the tradition of so many beautifully canned entrance schticks. Viva SCU. Pentagon and Fenix are Ant Samurai now, so watch out for that. - Solid as ever, given the participants, the main issue here is that this fracas was not super memorable, my main takeaway is that we’re headed toward a ladder war between the Bucks and Lucha Bros. (!!!) CIMA v Kenny Omega (****) - Kenny Omega lives. Granted, he’s barely worked since Wrestle Kingdom, but it’s nice to see him go all-out and look like one of the greatest in the world for the first time this year.  - CIMA’s an awesome opponent for Omega, they seem to operate on similar wavelengths, even their theatricality is similar. - So. Many. Knees. How on earth has CIMA been hitting meteora after meteora for decades? V-Trigger spam was in full, glorious effect. - Uhhh, that one spot, with the meteora onto the little timekeeper table. What in the fuck. The Young Bucks v Brotherhood (***1/2) - Finding a working pace between these two teams was going to be difficult, though Cody’s really been pulling his weight lately and this was no exception, and Dustin is as fluid and dogged as he’s ever been. The Rhodes boys really went for it here, and the clash of styles was definitely rewarding in parts, even as the pace jerked back and forth. - Without much of a story to tell, Cody is sapped of his unique talents as a wrestler. Looking forward to what he can put together when Spears comes knocking down his door again. - The Bucks don’t necessarily need to be telling much of a story but it would’ve helped this match to greatness. It is totally possible these teams could have had a classic. Maybe another time.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 15&16: Noah’s Freakin Dead
I normally space these out a little bit more but like, you saw the title, I kinda need to talk about this situation.
First off, we’ve finally arrived in Kaiba Land, and Seto’s long term memory has gotten so bad at this point he doesn’t seem to remember he’s already built this building
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And bro was like “yeah so the show just kinda pretends like Kaiba Land has never been a thing before now and Seto will have to build it allll over again” and like...
...that’s some intense retconning right there.
Anyways, cool fact about Kaiba Land--it is apparently the easiest place to hack into.
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Chess, huh? Kaiba sure did make a security system that is just chess. Course Kaiba was also the one that got kidnapped by his business partners three times, counting Pegasus. He’s not great at security. He keeps hiring all these guards but clearly those guards are just Dad stand-ins that he keeps around to occasionally pat him on the head, because...
...Chess huh?
Course considering Seto wiped out all the Security in North America by crashing a satellite that one time, maybe he decided digital locks and firewalls were overrated.
(read more)
Inside of the impossible to solve Chess riddle that he solved immediately is an abandoned warehouse.
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But here in this warehouse was one of those floaty doors, and on the other side, for once, wasn’t some sort of card game. Instead it was like...unintentionally kind of spooky. Like I don’t know what it is about old timey film equipment but it just has this vibe that something that’s been kept around this long might have a murder on it.
Which there was, PS there was totally a murder on this that bro said they’ve edited out of the English dub. Or maybe the actual incident happens in another episode. Either way, cat’s out of the bag, Noah’s freakin dead.
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So now we get to see home movies of when Noah was a little kid but like...apparently Noah was the same at 3 yo as he is at 12. Either way, we get to see Gozoboro on his only time off he’s taken in 50 years, and for some reason his time off outfit has a little boater hat while his “I’m working” outfit had a cravat.
Gozoboro’s fashion is really kind of fascinating. Firstly because he does wear shorts occasionally, which is not at all his MO, and also because that salmon suit sat somewhere next to that boater hat and that hawaiian shirt for like who knows how many years and he never thought that was weird.
Speaking of weird:
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SO CLOSE to 169 Y’all. It’s gotta be Duke. Duke’s gotta be death 169, I’m calling it right here.
Anyway, we finally find out why Noah hasn’t aged. At this point there was really only 2 explanations -- he’s a cursed dead person (like half our cast, so it’s a good guess), or he’s a robot.
What’s great about Noah is that you are correct if you chose either route because he’s both, as a ghost who haunts a freakin video game.
Ya, that’s right, I cannot freakin believe Yugioh freakin Ben Drowned me.
In this case, it’s more of a Noah Got Hit By A Car But Only In The Japanese Version. Which is probably too long to be a save file on your copy of Zelda.
I mean, this whole show is a creepypasta so I should have seen this coming, but I didn’t think we’d get a Ben. But once again, Yugioh forsees the need for fanfiction and just writes it in itself. Congrats, Kaiba.
Also I DEFFO remember reading like 2 or 3 creepypastas in High School where an adopted kid’s step brother from his adoptive parent’s first child haunted them from their closet or something. Like how many creepypastas did I not realize were just people writing Yugioh fanfiction? Like a lot right? A lot?
Anyways, Seto is unfazed because he has a clinical condition where he cannot think ghosts actually exist.
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On the other side of...the field? The VR zone? Whatever you call the expanse between the miles Seto walked and the 2 turns Joey and Yugi have played, the Big 5 assemble and Voltron to their ultimate form.
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Multi headed dragon--looks better this time.
I still don’t like it, the shoulders are not my favorite thing ever, like why would it only have one clavicle? But it’s much improved.
Anyways, the kids make cheap work of it because this is the second time they’ve beaten the same dragon. The way that they did it took me a little bit by surprise though.
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Remember how I was like “well, because they have to localize for a zillion different countries they can’t put in REAL currency” well nah. That’s--apparently not a thing because that is American currency on a card.
Thanks, Pegasus.
I guess we’ve been using Millennium Pennies because it’s the official coinage of Domino? OR...Yugi really has just been minting these in the background this entire time, which now seems a lot more likely.
I’ll be honest I was way more upset about real ass pennies being real than Noah being a creepypasta.
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There it goes, goodbye Tristan’s body.
Again, I’d be fine if this was him for the rest of the series. That would be fine.
Anyway, speaking of Ben Drowned--Mokuba’s stance. This is just how he permanently is now. Good ol statue Mokuba.
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I mean it sucks Mokuba got mind controlled and brainwashed, but to his credit, Noah has been treating this kid a lot better than everyone else who has abducted Mokuba.
But ya so now the Big 5 should be taken care of maybe. I feel like it’s too early to call it a death count because...firstly this localization wouldn’t tell me if there was a murder just now, and also because Noah seems really bad at this. For all we know, the Big 5 will show up again...next episode. I don’t think Noah has any better security than Seto does. This Digital prison he sent them to is probably a lock made with one game of Uno.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read the recaps from S1 Ep1 in Chronological order
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greengay · 6 years
Just went through your swmrs tag just got into the band and you totally don’t have to answer this. But wait ALL of the band is from piedmont?!! I get joey ... why the shit r they fronting like they’re from Oakland that’s a big fuckin difference out here, like being raised in Beverly Hills and saying u from East LA jejskjsjwksks. Im kinda turned off by this lol I like them fine and seem nice but fck don’t say ur from Oakland it’s not the same lol and sorry no one FROM piedmont can ever be punk ✌️
YEAH they’re all from piedmont haha which is very…..bourgeois, BUT in their defense:
1) No one knows where/what Piedmont is, but Oakland has multiple sports teams…..like, i have friends who grew up in Manayunk, but say they’re from Philly because no one knows where tf Manayunk is (it’s right above Philly and technically connected just like Oakland/Piedmont) but like. i think they all have a close emotional connection to oakland because of billie? like technically billie is only joey’s dad, but cole (and max) call him uncle billie and they adopted seb into their group so they prob feel an affinity to it and the punk scene bc of that....it’s gotta be surreal growing up with a rock-n-roll hall of fame-r so I can’t really bust their balls too much for saying things that make them sort of closer to him? 
2) HMMMM i gotta think about the piedmont and punk thing because while i agree that swmrs had pretty much everything handed to them (connections, instruments, van, record deal etc.) thats…..nothing new in the punk scene? like green day’s original drummer john kiffmeyer (al sobrante) was well off and could afford college etc while billie and mike were squatting in warehouses and shitting in kitty litter boxes, but he was still “punk” cos he knew the scene and had the connections and booked shows, yk? like, he was so punk that he didn’t want green day to grow and expand because he didn’t need them to....he wanted them to stay DIY and to keep having fun because he had a safety net and backup plan (school), while, like, for Mike and Billie it was either Green Day makes it big or.....they spend the rest of their lives as stoned pizza delivery men, lmao 
like, to an extent punk is a political movement and a counter-culture, but it’s also a Music Scene and the past year i’ve thrown myself into the music scene and it’s really......a bunch of posers, haha, I’ve been disillusioned. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, though? you can find your People and be against The Establishment, and be “punk”, but in my experience......very, very, very, few musicians are actually punk**. Because in the music scene you have to kiss certain asses and make connections and spend hours and hours PRACTICING and perfecting your art, and, like, if you’re handed an opportunity to do what you love for money, you’re not going to turn it down. and that makes a lot of bands, regardless of whether they grew up wealthy or not, not punk? in the counter-culture aspect of it. 
musically, punk is now a genre and aesthetic that is marketed towards The Youth, and while i think there are true punk bands out there....somewhere.....most of them will forgo their diy roots to make it big 
3) totally understand being turned off though, because they’re sort of fronting like they’re anti-capitalist leftists while riding yachts on the weekend and growing up in mansions lmao which i think you were sort of getting at.....but ALSO i’m trying to be less bitter in general, and i think they’re nice boys who just grew up very privileged. they have good intentions? like......”women are people too! gay rights!” (not actual quotes) but they haven’t really experienced strife or hardship or anything difficult (although shout-out to joey for being the adult child of an alcoholic who had a public breakdown.....he doesn’t write any of the lyrics though skdjhfksdfj) which is the key to a lot of good art/music imo and maybe you’re subconsciously sensing that? but my advice is to just.....take it for what it is......4 ugly-cute rich boys who are trying to make edgy bops and don’t exploit people because they were raised right  
** the only “true” popular punk musician out there, imo, is jeff rosenstock  (originally from bomb the music industry! and now has a solo career) because he releases his records for free on his own label and does his own thing and TRULY does not give a fuck about anything corporate and even broke up one of his bands when it was getting too popular and disingenuous 
sorry for the long-winded answer 1) i am Always Like This but also 2) i took an adderall with the intention of cleaning my room but now i’m doing this, so, 
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crazy-noonoohead · 6 years
So no one told you life was gonna be this way. *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!*
I’ve spent the past two months re-watching all of Friends from beginning to end (that’s right, all ten seasons in two months), and I just finished the series a couple of days ago. This was a project I had wanted to take on for a while now (and yes, binge-watching a TV show totally counts as a project, especially one that ran as long as Friends), and thanks to Netflix, I was finally able to do it. Friends is the first TV show that I remember ending. I spent most of my childhood under the assumption that TV shows just kept going until they got abruptly cancelled or the entire cast died of old age, but then the words “series finale” entered my life. Watching it now is a very different experience than watching it when it was on TV, and I have some thoughts.
Things that don’t hold up (I forgive these things because we were a lot less conscious of them in the 90s/early 2000s than we are now, but it’s still important to acknowledge the parts that would be considered offensive if the show had been written in this decade):
*Awful lot of straight, white, cisgender, thin people in New York City. In ten seasons, I think there have been three interracial relationships, and two involved the same person outside of the friend group (Ross and Julie, Joey and Charlie, Ross and Charlie). If I missed any, someone please let me know.
*Toxic masculinity. A lot of the jokes in this show give me an “LOL STRAIGHT MEN DOING SOMETHING FEMININE” vibe now (nap buddies, Chandler calling Joey a woman when he gets into potpourri, Chandler and Joey worrying if they hug too often). If those same jokes were in a script today, I would want them to make fun of the internalized toxic masculinity instead of making fun of the actions themselves. Although, in the episode where Ross freaks out about Ben having a Barbie doll, his side is clearly written as the wrong one, so they get points for that.
*Body shaming jokes. This one gets more of a pass, because even Monica joked about how she used to be overweight (“I WAS the pile of coats!”), but a lot of the comments about her past appearance would be criticized a lot more heavily today. Unfortunately, this is still an issue in media, but I think viewers are more likely to call TV shows out on it now than we were then.
*Ross’ jealous, controlling tendencies were written as funny quirks. Now I know to stay away from people who have those qualities as strongly as Ross does. That’s not endearing. That leads to unhealthy relationships.
*Trigger warning: Sexual assault.    They completely made light of the fact that Joey’s tailor sexually assaulted him for most of his life. While I admit I still laughed at the “That’s not how they do pants!” line, I don’t think a network would even dream of having that happen to any of the women on the show. Also, Paolo didn’t “make a move on” Phoebe. What he did was harassment.
*Semi-related to the last one, there was the occasional comment about characters liking certain celebrities who were later revealed to have sexually harassed and/or assaulted people. I 100% don’t fault the writers for this because they couldn’t have known, but watching now, with that knowledge, I definitely had some “...Oh” moments. Of course now I can’t think of any examples, but I know I’ve gotten that feeling a few times.
*With the exception of Rachel, everyone starts the show with stable jobs and enough financial security to live independently in nice apartments in their mid/late 20s. REALLY? Maybe that was easier in the 90s, but it wasn’t THAT easy. I’m now older than these characters were at the beginning of the series, and very few of my friends have moved out of their parents’ houses. Our 20s aren’t as grown up as we used to think.
Things that totally still hold up:
*Everyone’s comedic timing! They may not be the greatest, most versatile actors ever (I still see their Friends characters in other roles they’ve played), but they’re still very funny and they delivered their lines and reactions in just the right ways.
*The bittersweet, mostly-feel-good, classic sitcom ending. Its series finale had every quality most people would expect and want, and while most of my favorite series finales don’t wrap everything up neatly, this one did so in a good, effective way. I do have that “one coupling in a TV friend group is enough” mindset, and I even thought that when I first watched the finale at 13, but I still wasn’t bothered by Rachel getting off the plane. Although, I cared more that it would be easier for Ross to see Emma than I did about his relationship with Rachel.
*Their willingness not to shy away from some of the more serious life events, obviously aside from the one I mentioned earlier in this note. The best example is when Monica and Chandler found out they probably couldn’t have children. This was one of the only times Chandler didn’t try to lighten the mood with a joke, because it was a big deal and had to be treated as such. Showing the difficulty of the adoption process added to this, because while I may not have personal experience in the matter (yet), I know it’s not easy.
*Alternatively, finding the humor in serious situations. Phoebe had a very disturbing past, but the way she talked about it so casually is still funny. No one’s laughing at her mom’s death (hopefully), but the show allows us to laugh at her willingness to joke about it...and use it to guilt-trip people into giving her what she wants.
*How quickly Chandler accepted his dad after going to his show. I don’t think his issues were ever with his dad being gay, but more that he left, and the person he left for also happened to be a man. Yes, there were jokes about his dad wearing dresses in public, but of course that bothered him as a child, because kids in elementary and middle school are mean and used that to make fun of him. Allowing himself to move past that and reconnect with his dad after years of not speaking was a great moment in the series, and again, wasn’t played as a joke. Something funny probably happened immediately after that, but the moment itself was taken seriously.
*So many things are still relatable. The struggles of finding a job, eventually finding a new job you really love, finding meaningful romantic relationships (for those of you who are interested in those), etc. will always be relevant. Watching Rachel’s journey from someone who still relied on her parents’ money to someone with enough financial independence has a lot more meaning to me now than it did when the show first aired.
*Going back to Ross being jealous and controlling, I like that Rachel got mad and called him out instead of immediately forgiving him because it meant that he cares about her. His actions may have made the audience laugh, but he still didn’t get away with it.
*Despite the lack of non-white characters, the few interracial relationships just were. Julie happened to be Asian and Charlie happened to be black, and no one made a thing out of it.
*All six characters have both flattering and not so flattering qualities, and you never doubt that they genuinely care about each other. I don’t think I need to elaborate any more.
Other random thoughts:
*I’m definitely the most like Phoebe, but I have Chandler’s sarcastic humor, as well as some aspects of Monica in the way I like some things organized.
*I want a CD of all of Phoebe’s songs. “Smelly Cat” is still better than the entire score to [show title redacted].
*A lot of cool celebrity cameos/guest stars, most of which are people I wouldn’t start recognizing until years later! (Hank Azaria, Jane Lynch, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Ellen Pompeo, Ron Glass, Mae Whitman, and Danny DeVito, to name a few.)*I never watched Mad About You, but now that I know Ursula is a character on that show, I appreciate the cross-over.
*There’s a fan theory that Ross has Asperger’s, and I’m into it.
*Rachel ordering the lobster on her date with Joey was definitely a shout-out to “He’s her lobster” back in the second season, her getting sick from what she thought was the lobster was an indication that they didn’t belong together, and her getting sick right before she has an affair with him in the alternate universe episode proves that even more (shout-out to my friend Tracy for bringing that last part to my attention), and nothing will convince me otherwise.
*To help myself ease out of the withdrawal, I started watching Joey. It’s not as bad as I remember people saying it was, but...it’s not that good. With the exception of Joey, the characters are pretty one-dimensional, and a lot of the jokes feel forced. The fact that I only remembered two things from the show (memorizing a monologue but performing it at the wrong play, and presenting an award to the wrong person YEARS BEFORE STEVE HARVEY DID IT) says a lot about its quality. As much as I love Joey, I think the wrong friend got the spin-off. The one I’d really like to see is about Phoebe’s life before she met the rest of the group. Just like she always does, she’d be able to find the humor even in the toughest of times, and I think it would be a very interesting story.
*I still hear, “we’d come up to poop in your ear” instead of, “your week, your month, or even your year,” despite knowing better.
*They were most definitely, without a single doubt, on a break.
So parts of Friends didn’t age well, but 10-20 years from now, we’ll be saying the same thing about beloved TV shows from this decade. And in my personal opinion, the parts that did age well outweigh the parts that didn’t, which is why I love it just as much now as I did back then. I’m thrilled that after all these years, it’s still there for me, like it’s been there before.
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ginnyweatherby · 7 years
now this is a batb au literally no one asked for
okay friends sit down and listen up this is going to sound weird but consider this: Full House AU these probably aren’t in chronological order I just need to get this out of my head
Okay so Gaston is the widower in this, aka Danny Tanner
even though he says like he likes widows in the movie he definitely doesn’t like being one
especially when he has six strapping boys and a little girl to take care of
I don’t know who his wife was, nor is it really relevant here
when their mother dies the kids are thirteen, eleven, ten, eight, six, five and two
Lefou is kind of a combination of Joey Gladstone and Uncle Jesse
He moves into Gaston’s basement to help take care of the kids, because even though Gaston is raising them well, taking care of seven kids alone is next to impossible
he goes by Uncle Lefou to the kids
he’s the goofy uncle who reads stories with silly voices and tucks the kids into bed every night with Gaston and omg omg i’m crying
Gaston takes half of the brood and Lefou takes the other half to make bedtime easier
they swap the next night so it’s equal time with each kid
if the kids don’t feel comfortable going to Gaston for some reason, they go to Uncle Lefou because they know he won’t judge them but he’ll let them know his opinion without sugarcoating it
like when the oldest, about fourteen mentions something about trying a drink (this is def a reference to an actual full house episode okay) and Lefou is the one to sit him down and explain how dangerous it can be
he promises not to tell Gaston as long as nothing is to come of it, but if it does he will
just... take a minute to think about Gaston playing baseball with nearly a full team of kids in the backyard
Lefou plays catcher even though he’s horrible at catching a ball
He spends most of the games chasing after foul balls that he failed to catch
I’d also like to point your attention to macho man Gaston doing manicures and having tea parties with his little girl
Stanley is basically Aunt Becky please and thank you
Stanley works with Gaston, and when Gaston finds out he’s gay he just goes like WAIT WHAT I KNOW SOMEONE AND HE’S V LONELY
Stanley turns a lovely shade of red at this
Lefou does too when he realizes what Gaston has done
“Gaston just because he’s gay doesn’t mean we’ll hit it off”
spoiler alert: they hit it off
The kids totally ship it too btw they’re the ones really pushing for them to get together
Stanley eventually moves in with the family making the house feel smaller but it’s fine with them because what’s one more tbh
and since they’re jesse and becky that means they adopt twins amirite
they’re named Thomas and Richard ofc
the kids are always stuck in an endless loop of “go ask your father”
“go ask your father” “i have three please be more specific”
omg Lumiere’s son is totally the Kimmy Gibbler in this situation
Lumiere and Plumette would definitely have the most beautiful children ever jsyk
and being their child, he is the most hashtag extra person ever
their son is the one causing the most trouble, and stays at their house way longer than Gaston extended the invite for
they adopt a kitten named Antlers who gets into all kinds of trouble all the time
it is literally the most excitable cat that you could meet but for a family like theirs it worked
Lefou is the one to teach all of the younger kids to ride a bike horse
Gaston had taught the older ones when his wife was still alive but now he really didn’t have much time for riding anymore
He caught all of them after falling off at least once, even the ones Gaston taught
Lefou is the most surprised with how well the girl rode
she seemed to be the most athletic of all the kids
which was a feat in itself all of Gaston’s kids were ridiculously strong and athletic
except for maybe the third eldest
he was shyer and Gaston never really understood him
that didn’t mean he didn’t love him to death though don’t get me wrong
he and Lefou formed a close bond over the years
when he decided to take dance lessons/drama classes/something like that Lefou was the one to shuttle him to and from his rehearsals
His teacher got sick and almost had to cancel multiple rehearsals shortly before a big performance
Stanley volunteered and the kids absolutely l o v e d him
He eventually became an assistant to the teacher because he was so good with them
all three of them gave standing ovations even that time he fell over and nearly ran off the stage in embarrassment
Gaston brought flowers and even cried a lil what a proud Dad
when one of the kids got sick, each other the parents took shifts staying up taking their temperature and singing lullabies and cuddling them to sleep
of course when you have seven kids (nine if Lefou and Stanley adopt) it’s never just one sick kid
like that time Lefou cooked something bad and the entire house got food poisoning
Gaston is an even bigger baby when he gets sick than the kids so Stanley has to stay and rub his back and sing him to sleep too omg
Lefou is very good at coming up with lullabies on the spot he really should have been a songwriter not a house husband
when the daughter gets older and into boys and makeup and stuff Stanley is the one she goes to
Stanley likes to wear elaborate eye makeup most days and from the day she first shows interest, she never leaves the house less than #perfect
oh, and who is this boy she’s needing advice for???
Gaston is not a fan of his daughter dating but he’s known Belle’s family forever so it could be worse
as the kids get older, the three dads (because, essentially they are all the dads) notice the kids needing them less and less
they’re sad about it, but look how well they raised them
“you did good, Gaston”
“I think we all did, Lefou... you too, Stan”
I’m cryin’
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brycolb · 5 years
Pork Chops
It had been a while since Bryce and Issy had a mommy-daughter date. They’d spent time together with the family, and they’d play together every night, but they hadn’t had a day just to themselves, leaving all the boys at home to fend for themselves. Issy was starting preschool that coming Monday, and it was the last time Bryce would have her at home whenever she wanted, to do whatever they wanted to do. Soon, Bryce would have one of her babies in preschool full time and one in the half-day program at the daycare. She wasn’t quite ready for that yet, so Bryce took her opportunity to take Isabella out for the day.
Isabella Kamalei Okalani was Bryce’s miracle baby. Bryce always looked at her as if she was a piece of heaven on earth, and she always called her Brooksville’s saving grace. If it weren’t for Issy, Bryce would easily be buried, six feet under along side Cece and Marina. But she wasn’t. She was alive, and she was so happy she was. Issy was the sweetest and sassiest four-year-old Bryce knew of, and she wouldn’t change a bit about her daughter. She wouldn’t change a moment of how or when Isabella came. Bryce loved Jack too, but in a different way. 
Jack and Bryce had the true mother-child bond that you saw in movies and in Pampers commercials. Bryce had a strained version of that with Issy, but things happened in Isabella’s infancy that caused a link or two to just be missing. However, that didn’t discount how bonded they were, now. Issy was a total Daddy’s Girl, but when she was sick or had a bad dream, it was Bryce who Issy came to. Bryce was the one that kissed the booboos, held her while she cried, and fought for her to be accepted into the preschool she was registered in.
So, that Friday, Bryce packed a bag for the two of them and grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen. “Hey, Ry,” Bryce called, searching for the box of Clif bars, “Do you mind making dinner tonight? I’m thinking we could do pork chops.” Ryder questioned this, for good reason. When Bryce was pregnant with Jack, she couldn’t even say the word pork without gagging. “I don’t know, I’m really craving it,” and that was also new. She hadn’t nearly been as nauseous as she had been the last time she was pregnant. 
Pregnant. She hadn’t said that word around the kids yet. She wanted to surprise Issy with the information. Issy loved babies. She would greet all of the babies at Nora’s with kisses and hugs and she carried a babydoll every where. When Jack was born, she didn’t want to let him go. She could have easily had a viral video on Facebook if Bryce was a Facebook mom. Of course, Bryce would tell Jack too, but he wasn’t even two, yet. He wouldn’t quite understand what it would mean for Mommy to be pregnant.  
“Okay, we’re leaving,” Bryce said, throwing the bag over her shoulder. She crossed from the kitchen to the living room, kissing Ryder sweetly on his lips. She felt a rush of electricity jolt through her body, and she leaned in for one more. “Mm,” she hummed. “Let’s put the kids to be early tonight,” Bryce whispered, just centimeters from Ryder’s lips. She smiled and gave Jack a few kisses as he was playing on the floor with his trains. “Bye Jacky, I’ll be back soon, okay? Be good for Daddy and Uncle Joey.” And of course, he burst into a puddle of tears. Issy might’ve been a Daddy’s Girl, but Jack was a TOTAL Momma’s Boy. 
“Shut that baby up,” Issy said, walking into the living room from the room she shared with Jack. That was another thing. Soon, there would be a third little Okalani baby running around, and they were quickly outgrowing the two-bedroom apartment that Bryce, Issy, and Caiden had moved into a few years back. But that was a conversation for another time. 
Immediately, following Issy’s remark, both Bryce and Ryder retorted, “Hey, not cool.” Issy apologized, kissed Jack goodbye and gave her dad a big hug. Then she took Bryce’s hand and they walked all the way to the car that way. 
Bryce had an entire day planned. First, they’d get their nails done. Then they would get lunch together, and then they would go spend some time on the beach and get ice cream and feed the pelicans. The nail salon Bryce liked to go to wasn’t too far from the apartment complex, so the two girls were there within minutes. It was a slow morning at the salon, but Bryce had made appointments for them anyways. They were just going to do their toes. It was Issy’s first nail appointment, so of course Bryce was taking a thousand photos of her. Issy picked orange as her color, and Bryce thought it was on-brand. 
Issy was the kind of girl to wear a superhero cape with her princess dress or a crown with her Christmas pajamas in the middle of the summer. She was the perfect mix of girly and adventurous. Having a little brother really helped in that department. Bryce liked that her ballet-loving little girl also loved splashing in mud puddles and wanted her toe nails to be orange. 
The women at the salon were sweet and gentle and did everything that Bryce asked for and told Issy exactly what they were going to do before they did it. There were moments where Bryce caught herself with tears in her eyes, wondering how her 5-pound, 19-inch long baby girl had gotten so big, so quick. It made her nostalgicy yet excited about the little bean in her belly. Bryce had only had one appointment with the doctor, to confirm that she’s pregnant and to give her a rough estimate of how far along she is. At the time, the doctor said just over nine weeks. It was almost eleven by that point, nearly out of the danger zone, so Bryce had been telling people. Her children were the last to find out. She had a follow up appointment coming soon, her first ultrasound appointment to see the baby, all she had so far was a quick blood test and a heart beat monitor. 
Finally, the girls got to the beach, and that’s when Bryce needed to tell Issy. They were sitting on the blanket, enjoying some ice cream. Bryce had gotten a small bowl of vanilla for herself, not really enjoying dairy products too much at the time, and Issy got a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough that was going to completely ruin her dinner. Bryce cleared her throat and then said her daughter’s name. 
“You never call me Isabella.” Her voice was raspy in the sea air. 
“I know, but that’s your name,” Bryce said simply. 
Issy giggled, “I know.”
“So, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Bryce said, swirling her spoon in her cup, remembering Ryder wanted a video of her reaction. 
“What it is?” Issy said. Sometimes she got her words mixed up or said them out of order, but Bryce thought it was too cute to correct, so she let it slide. 
Quickly, Bryce propped up her phone and hit record. Issy started saying something about the seagulls, and Bryce took a deep breath in. She didn’t know why she was so nervous to tell her. 
“Do you remember before we brought Jack home from the hospital how he was inside Mommy’s belly?” Bryce hated when parents referred to themselves in the third person when talking to their kids, but sometimes, it’s what you had to do to get through an uncomfortable situation. Not that this was necessarily uncomfortable. It was just... awkward. And exciting. And nerve wracking. And emotional. Bryce was feeling a lot of emotions. 
“Ah-huh. You got real fat,” Issy said, and Bryce giggled. She technically wasn’t wrong, Bryce did get big, but she was big with baby, not big with fat. 
After a bite of ice cream, Bryce said, “Well, guess what?”
And you could see the wheels turning in Issy’s head. She grinned and whispered, “What?”
“I have another baby in my belly,” she smiled. 
Issy’s smile widened and she said, “Really?” Bryce nodded and Issy erupted into a thousand questions, “You’re going to get fat again, right? What’s the baby’s name? Why is there a baby in your belly? How did it get there? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it going to live with us? Can I name her?” And then she got scared, “I don’t want to share my bed with a baby!”
Bryce tried to answer her questions and calm her worries. But at the end of the conversation, Issy hugged Bryce and kissed her belly. “Mommy, I think the baby kissed me too.” After another hour and a half, Bryce carried a sandy, sleeping Issy all the way back to the car, got her buckled in, and drove home. 
When they got home, Issy pushed the buttons on the elevator and swung the door open to the apartment and announced, “MOMMY’S GETTING FAT!” And Bryce laughed. Ryder greeted them both at the door, and Joey nearly spit out his drink from laughing. Bryce noticed that Casey and Stone and all of their kids were at the house too. 
Ryder, with an arm around Bryce, said, “Don’t be mad, but they came over to celebrate the adoption, and so I decided to make spaghetti and meatballs instead of pork chops.”
Bryce scrunched her nose, “Good. Just thinking about pork makes me want to gag.”
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lavieboheme930 · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast
When was the last time someone called you late at night? it’s been awhile
What beverage do you drink most often? Coffee
Do you have a study hall at school? N/A
Do you have a house key? Yes.
Are you any good at art? Yes
What is the last book you bought? John Lennon’s books rom the 60′s.  Finally found them online
Can you describe the last glass that you drank from? Plastic Starbucks cup
Do you know where your siblings are? Only child
Do you ever just lay in bed at night to think? Yeah
When was the last time you chewed gum? It’s been awhile.
What is on your favorite t-shirt? I don’t wear t-shirts
What time was it when you last ate? like 4:30
Do you wish you had more money? Sometimes
Does your computer still have any of the stickers on it? One lol
Does your house have a fireplace? No
Do your grandparents live in a nice house? They’re all gone :(
Are there ever tornadoes where you live? No
What was the last thing to wear you out? Work
Do you talk to your best friends parents, or do you avoid them? Beki’s parents have known me since I was born so year
Has anyone ever assumed you were dating someone when you weren’t? Yes
Do you go to all of your school’s sporting events? N/A
Do you have a sketchbook? No.  But I need to get one
What classes are you required to take this year? N/A
How many years will you be in college? I’m done with it since 2005
Has anyone given you a gift this week? No
Is your mother a prude? No.
Are you stubborn? No
If you took a drug test right now, would you pass? Yes
Who was the last person to be on a bed with you? No one
Has anyone called you perfect before? I don’t think so
Where is the biggest scar on your body? forearm
Who was the last person to play with your hair? For some reason I want to say Con, but that was like 7 years ago LOL.  It may have been Joey since then.  Or Erik..or Matt...shit I don’t remember haha
Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Yes
Who was the last person you kissed on the cheek? umm...I think Ricky
Are your parents divorced? No.
Have you had sex today? No.
Would you ever live with any of your best friends? Totally
Are you photogenic? I don’t think so
Have you told anyone that you missed them lately? No.
Let’s say you had a baby with the last person you kissed? Ain’t happening
Will this Friday be a good one? I’ll be working
Do you know anyone that smokes pot? Yes.
What is your relationship status? Single
You receive $500 without any reason, what do you spend it on? Comedy classes
Where will you be in an hour? Still here in my bed.
Who do you hate? Oh some people lol
Is anything bothering you right now? Yes.
How is your mood? Alright
Where’s your phone? Next to me.
Why did you last cry? Shit going on in this country
What’s your middle name? Marie.
Is Arizona Green Tea amazing or what?! Not my favorite
Next movie you’ll watch? I don’t know.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom
Have you ever slammed the door when you were mad? Yes.
Do you like hanging out with a big group or a few friends? A few friends 
Have you ever had a screaming fight with someone close to you? Yeah
Do you ever feel suffocated? I guess.
Are your dreams crazy? Yes
Are you content with your life right now? Somewhat.
What did you do last Halloween? I dressed up as the Phantom of the Opera and watched the movie.  Also worked.  But Halloween is my favorite holiday
Have you ever driven illegally? no
What is the closest book to you? Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk -Kathleen Rooney 
Are you reading it or someone else? Yes
What is the 11th text on your phone? Sounds like you had fun
Who is it from? Marti
What is the most expensive thing you own that plays music? my phone
Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names? Only child
Ever wear colored contacts? No
What color is your hair? Brown and blonde.  Gonna dye it red soon
What style of clothes do you normally wear? Dressy casual 
Milkshakes or Sundaes? Neither
What kind of shoes do you have on? Slippers
Do you have a doorbell? Yes.
How often do you sit around on your butt? Often on days I work
Current thing that is making you happy? Sal on TV
Do you like watermelons more or cherries? Watermelon.
Last time someone took a picture of you? At Tartan parade.  A photographer took a pic of me.  And another took a pic of my friend Jamie coming over to see me
Do you know anyone shorter than you? Not really
Would you adopt a child? Yeah
Do you like it when it rains? Hate it
What was the last thing you bought? Ticket to see Tom Green comedy show
Are you going to do another survey now? Most likely.
Closest living thing to you? My dog.
Anything planned for this Sunday? Yes, going to see my friend Jon perform.
Do you get cold easily? Yes.
Do you use a toaster or toaster oven? We have a toaster.
Do you have a job? Yes
Are you a big Zac Efron fan? You could say that
Would you rather drown or burn alive? I’d rather not drown or burn alive.
Ever had sex with more than 1 person in 1 day? No.
Do you own a dictionary? No
Do you like to mow the yard? No yard
Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed? Only been kissed on mouth and cheek.  So either
Were you happy when you woke up today? No
Who was the last person you ate with? dad
Did you drink any coffee today? Yes.
Who is the last person you got really pissed off with? No idea
If you’re in school, how is it going for you? N/A
Who was the last member of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with? No one.
Have you ever thought about going to Culinary school? No.
What time do you have to be in work? I usually start at noon
What color is your father’s car? N/A
What type of sushi do you like to eat? Any
Where’s the last place you wore a hoodie to? No idea
Are your nails painted any special color? They’re not painted at all.
Give us your plans for the next three hours? Surveys, writing, sleep
Can you live a day without tv? Not if Jokers are on
How many pets do you have? 1
Who was the last person to hold your hand and when? Eric over a year ago
Do you like anyone right now? Yeah...I mean no regular crush right now so I’m gonna go with Sal.  Oh who am I kidding I’ll always have feelings for Con haha 
Do you think you are an argumentative person? No.
Has this weekend been good? It was ok 
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? I do now
Was yesterday better than today? A little
Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? Both
What is the most romantic text in your inbox? None
Where do you buy most of your shoes? Payless
Ever drive all night to get to someone? Don’t drive
Do you have any complaints about your life? I guess
Where was the last place you stayed over? It’s been a long time
Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole milk? Soy
Would you rather be a priest or a drug dealer? A priest.
Was the last person you kissed physically attractive? Yes.
Do you watch the news? No
Does anything on your body itch right now? Yes
Now what are you listening to? Woman by John Lennon.  Excuse me while I go cry now :(
Do you have any bug bites? No.
Can you listen to music and read at the same time? Yeah
Own a sundress? No.
Do you prefer to say ‘Haha” or “Lol?” Both
Do you have any flowers in your room? No.
Do you know anyone that owns horses? Nope.
How many stories does your house have? Basement apartment
0 notes
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Excerpt from "Platitudes of Gratitude" releasing March 20 Day 8 - What place are you grateful for? They’re all asleep. The girls are all home including Dannie who’s on Thanksgiving break. Hayhay is off next week. I homeschhool the Bunny so the only day off she gets is Thanksgiving. Even then cooking is learning so you better believe I'll have her in the kitchen working. She'll make rolls, mashed potatoes, cranberry relish with orange garnish, and a turducken. Learning never stops. I have a feeling the girls will stay with the others when Thanksgiving actually rolls around. I have mixed feelings on that. I’ve always tried to keep some form of relationship between Bunny and the Ex going. I just don’t see how her staying in the house by herself will help that. I suppose Hayhay’s mom may be working nights and home during the day, but the lady has to sleep sometime. There’s another reason I think; it may be I actually enjoy my children and like having them home with me. Don’t get me wrong, we definitely have moments of, “Oh my Gods, I’m going to duct tape you to the ceiling fan, turn it on high speed, and use you as a pinata.” One day my girls were arguing, screaming, and bordering on World War 3. Short Blonde Daughter had taken (borrowed is what she called it) Tall Brunette Daughter's favorite shirt. She had committed the most egregious error against a sibling ever recorded: taking without asking. "What do you want me to do about it?" I asked. "Can you get a firing squad?" "No. That's a bit extreme, don't you think?" "No, it's totally reasonable. Besides, you'll want worse when you see what she did to your skirt?" "Whoa, wait, what did she do to my skirt?" "Go look." Five minutes later I was holding the shreds of my favorite gauze skirt in one hand and dialing my Uncle Joey from Philly with the other. Plane tickets were too expensive for Skinny Joey, Fat Tony, and Johnny Toothpick. Joey Bagodonuts couldn't get time off at the cleaners. I love my kids. I hate when they’re not here, and I wish I could spend more time with them that wasn’t always brush your teeth, do your homework. No, you can’t get your nose pierced, stop painting the cats, put down the blowtorch, that's not how we make s'mores. I think it might be the reason we Love Walt Disney World so much. Our trip to Disney World in May 2014 was the first time we all felt like a family. I put tremendous care into the planning of this trip. I researched how to travel with a seven month old baby. The answer always came back the same. You don't. I looked into car games and portable snacks that wont make a mess. I made a Pinterest board with all these Martha Stewart-esque ideas. I went to the dollar store and bought games and tubs to keep snacks in. Everything looked so perfect once it was all set up and packed, then we got in the truck. We didn’t argue, much, or fight or yell. Every ten miles would I have to turn and tell someone to stop touching her, stop eating her snacks, stop using her markers, stop breathing her air, or stop looking out her window. The baby was the best behaved out of them all. Take that, Facebook mom groups. We lived, laughed, and loved on the way down. This was no easy feat fitting all six of us (one in a rear facing carseat) in a pickup truck. Yes, they say it seats six. What they don't tell you is don't expect to be able to cross your legs, take a deep breath, or turn your head without intruding on someone's personal space. Don't even get me started about the smell. Oh my gosh, I swear these children were eating dead skunks and beans at the rest stops. That is the only excuse for the smell and sounds emitted from their rear ends. "Babe, did we hit a family of skunks?" "No, I think Tall Brunette Daughter's butt exploded." "No way, it wasn't me." We must have picked up a new child. His name was "Not Me." Not me was responsible for every noxious odor released in that vehicle. He was also responsible for snoring, spilled drinks, and kicking my seat from Tennessee to Georgia. And speaking of rest stops, I think we must have visited one every twenty miles. Small Blonde Daughter has an input output ratio glitch in her kidney wiring. One ounce in. Ten ounces out. Again, input should not exceed output. Not in fluids or solids. But at the park itself and even the ride back, we got along not as a blended family but as just a regular family. I think the King saw it and recognized it for what it was: a bonding moment for our family. You would think the birth of the baby, or the King and I getting married, or any other number of things that happened to and for us before Disney would have helped stitch us together. Yeah, that’s a negative, ghost rider. Let me tell you why. My break up was a disaster, an unmitigated catastrophe of biblical proportions the likes I hope to never relive. I’m talking restraining orders, death threats, name calling, custody threats, Child Protection Services calls, animal control calls. You name it, it happened. No lawyer got involved because we were not actually married. Dodged a bullet there, am I right? The King’s actual divorce went a lot smoother than my pseudo divorce. Quick, easy, and cheap. Not painless. Divorces and breakups are never painless. There are victims. Unfortunately, it's usually the kids. Some handle it better than others. The Bunny was good at seeing the inherent flaws of my relationship with her father and realizing everyone is better off. That doesn't mean she did well with the abrupt change of our living situation. The Bunny didn’t handle that well at all, but that’s a topic for another day. Hayhay didn’t handle it well. I was the cause of her parents divorce. I became the bane of civilization, the causation of everything from paper cuts to cancer. I was the one who put razor blades in Halloween candy and made it hot on Easter so all the chocolate in the eggs melted. I was the one fairy tales were written about. I had become the Stepmother. I didn't realize how strong her disdain for me was until I saw the hand drawn wanted posters offering six gabillion dollars for my arrest. My crime? I put pineapple in the sweet and sour meatballs. Oh yes, children, run and hide! It’s the Wicked Witch of South Philadelphia. Things just haven't been the same for me since someone dropped that shoe truck on my sister. That was 2012. It’s been a long road. A long, winding, sometimes back tracking, beast of a road that made us walk uphill, both ways, barefoot, in four feet of snow, crawl through broken glass, and swim in a sea of lemon juice before coming to the plateau we are currently standing on. Would I do it all again? Hell yeah. I love the King and He loves me. I knew he was a package deal like I was. I love our son together and I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. It’s taught me how far I’ve come and that I’m like spider web, way stronger than you’d expect and tougher than I look. That’s where our Disney trip comes in. My parents paid to meet my new family when in reality I was still learning who we were as individuals and as a family unit. I worried because I didn’t know how they would all react to and receive each other. They were not particularly fond of the last one. I think the exact words were, "If I never hear or see him again I would be okay with that." Wish granted, Dad. I was still worried until we got home. Yes, Mom and Dad said they liked everyone. Yes, Mom and Dad said they like the King. Yes, Mom and Dad said I looked happier. It wasn’t until I saw a post on Facebook that my mom wrote that I felt like we had finally made it being a family. She talked about meeting a good friend, an old friend she had not seen in a while, down at Disney. When we are at Disney I tend to spend as much time as possible with my parents. I even wake up at four in the morning just to have coffee with them. I was confused who my mother was talking about. I didn't remember seeing anyone down there. This friend, she said, had grown up a little, but was still the person she had been years ago. Even though the woman had disappeared for some time she was now back and as amazing as ever. The woman had a lovely family and a wonderful husband and was happier than she had been in a long time. My mother was so happy to have found this woman again. So much so she said, “She’s the type of woman I want to be. I’m so happy to know she’s my daughter. ” It's OK to cry. I did. I'm crying typing it. That’s when it hit me. It was that moment that I knew the hard work paid off. No one could tell we were a mixed family. No yours, mine, and ours. No one cared. We were a family like everyone else at Disney World: curbing I want syndrome and pointing outprincesses, talking about rides and what does everyone want on their pizza, and taming tantrums. I made decisions for our children, not just Baby T. Rex or The Bunny. I didn’t say, “Ask your dad,” or “I’ll have to ask your dad.” There were no major arguments or fits or tears, well until we left but that’s me and my dad. That’s another story for another day. What can you take from this would be don’t give up. Step mom, birth mom, adopted mom, grandma raising the grandkids, whoever, it’s worth it. It really, truly is. Yes, it’s hard and you’ll want to run away and join the Renaissance Faire (which I did in my younger days. Forget the circus. That was too mundane for me). When they come home holding a report card of A’s and B’s because you helped and they know it, you know it's going to be OK. When you’re looking up St. Patrick’s Day hairstyles so she’ll stand out in class and she appreciates it, you know it's going to be OK. I'll never forget riding next to them on Tower of Terror and the look they got right before your we fell faster than the speed of gravity, thirteen floors straight down. That sticks in your head and replays in your dreams. That’s when you know it’s all going to be OK. My mom had that moment when she saw her daughter being the mom. Hey, Ma, I learned it by watching you. Thanks for doing the hard things and not giving up. Love you. For that I am grateful. So, as cheesy as it may sound, the place I'm most grateful for is Walt Disney World. Not just because it provides an escape from all things adult and gives me ample opportunities to embarrass my kids on Facebook. Yes, I am that mother that still hugs Tigger and bounces with him. And you better believe I buy each ride photo available. It's not often I'm in front of the camera. Most family photos do not include me so I take every chance I get to have all six of us in a picture together. Everyone smiling at the same time is optional. In fact, when dealing with teenagers smiling in a photograph becomes as rare as unicorns farting rainbows that have pots of gold at the end of them. I am grateful for every picture I can get that doesn't have someone flipping off the camera or showing a mouthful of food. If you get the chance to take your family to the House of Mouse, I recommend it. I also think we should fly next time. Less chances of picking up Not Me and his noxious gas.
0 notes
steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 11 pt 2: Seto Discovers Vulture Capitalism
Where were we on this arc that ended up being hella longer than I thought it would be? Oh yeah, Last we left the crew, Tristan’s body, now possessed by Nezbitt, was just racing away with Mokuba. This kid gets abducted so often, it’s never occurred to me that anyone in this show would think this is weird. So, when Noah showed up to intervene with actual common sense it was a good bit of whiplash for me.
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It’s like the same whiplash I got back when Noah attempted to forfeit a rigged game (for the first time in this entire series). Like I get that Noah is the villain, but how is the evil kid way better at this common sense thing than...a lot of people who’ve been on this show? Not that Noah’s always smart, of course, he still doesn’t seem totally with it on a lot of things (like interior design, which we will get to in a sec) but wow. Noah actually called out this entire show with “Really? Mokuba? Again?”
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And so you know what that means? We get to see Noah’s sweet pad in this VR world where Noah could have created anything. Literally anything. To start, he made himself a fireplace with a tiny tiny stack of wood (pretty sure Noah might not know how fires work) and...some sort of...curse on the mantle.
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Maybe the mantle couldn’t read the typeface that Noah wanted to use on the mantle?
The rest of the room is just this. Just this.
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You know what this no-walls aesthetic SUPER reminds me of?
Pocket Camp. Like this just looks like a Pocket Camp set up to me. In fact...I’m pretty sure I can make almost this exact room in Pocket Camp.
Noah’s just inviting Mokuba over with the bare minimum of ugly ass furniture he needs to have a person over at his campsite he pretends is a house while he waits patiently for the real version of Animal Crossing to come to Switch.
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Leichter has an accent that is very old-fashioned Americana and doesn’t wholly make sense in the context of him living in urban Japan, like there’s a whole story there I’d be curious about. But most likely, they were probably trying to cover up the fact that they were using the same 5 voice actors by having him pull out the Clark Gable impression.
And then Seto did not use a Blue Eyes as his deck Master. Instead he used....this guy.
This is a lot of guy to take in. I...I don’t like it.
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During this duel we get a Seto Kaiba flashback--and it’s an honest flashback this time, no clones are going to show up and reenact this performance, this is just a straight up flashback.
We’re transported back to Gozoboro’s long buffet table. He really, really loves this thing. It’s like the only place he and his kids ever seem to hang out. Surprised Mokuba and Seto don’t need glasses after squinting so hard to see their own Father for so many years. Also surprised Mokuba and Seto even know what their Dad looks like up close.
Anyways, he sits down at the table and shouts really loudly so it can reach the other side of the room.
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Also, just gonna bring this up, we’ve only seen one other guy obsessed with long tables--let me do some digging to a S1 cap, one sec:
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Maybe this is just what evil Dads who wear Salmon do?  They get hella long tables to seat their 0 friends and just sit at one of the ends and monologue until something important happens. I mean y’all know how much I love this storyboarder but boy they have a thing for villains and long tables.
Anyways, back to Season 3.
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(bro’s telling me he does not know about Thoroughly Modern Millie and like can you believe neither Hulu or Netflix has that musical? I mean that musical is problematic as hell, as is all Broadway but maybe I want to watch some 1920′s dancing.)
Anyways, cue Gozaboro shuffling in a comedically large pile of money on a very small pushcart. About 1,099,520,000.00 Yen’s worth. But the show will simplify it for the Americans.
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This episode of Yugioh was made around 2002, and this just followed the .com bubble bursting in California. (and before that happened, it was preceded by a recession in Japan that affected the .com bubble quite a bit) For those here who were not born yet and do not remember this happening, this was like, pretty horrifying. I grew up in the Bay where 90% of everyone still works in tech, so I remember that after the bubble burst there were kids in our school who’s parents used to have great salaries and a steady income, who suddenly had to pick up shifts at Starbucks to get back on their feet.
So, it’s interesting that we have this kid’s show basically showing us point blank what Vulture Capitalism is and how it works. You’d think this business stuff would normally go over kid’s heads, but at the time, I think a lot of kids wanted to know what happened to their families but maybe didn’t understand it?
So Kaiba is gonna get into investing all of a sudden, which is kind of weird, mostly because it involved no playing cards. Also because this happened:
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Yeah, what? He’s apparently not even adopted yet, which means Seto could still turn around and tell the News that he beat Gozaboro in a match but, I guess that old threat has aged out.
It’s inferred that Seto’s been living here like for several years now. You’d think this guy would list some dependents just for the tax cuts, but nah, Gozaboro just shoved these two into the gigantic 5000 sq ft closet under the stairs of his huge mansion and forgot about them for a couple years.
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So, armed with money that is printed on single Yen bills and being pushed around Kaiba in a little tiny cart, Seto has to formulate a plan. Problem is, his business skills include a.) beating up other orphans b.) doing math pretty good and c.) playing cards.
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When Seto is like “I don’t care what the company sells, just get me a company to buy” that’s like a straight reference to the .com bubble, but minus the complicated stock market stuff.
For the kid’s in the room that don’t know a thing about this era, tech companies were being created en masse, and because the internet was new and exciting, all of their worth was in their stock rather than in their products--if they even had a product. Mostly they just had big overreaching ideas they were pretty sure would make them all millionaires. But the product didn’t really matter since no one ever reads any numbers when all they plan to do is turn around and immediately sell anyway. They just assumed that if they put on the pressure, they would drive up the value, and would sell before anyone figured out it was all worthless.
This actually worked for so many years, up until people at the top all started demanding real money from the people at the bottom, much like how Seto needed 100 million dollars ASAP from an unsuspecting...whatever company this was. Vulture Capitalism at it’s finest, expecting exponential and unrealistic growth from any company, and if, the growth isn’t met, just selling the whole damn thing after driving every employee to the hospital for overwork.
Now, normally Vulture Capitalism is only if an investor buys a struggling company intending to sell directly afterwards, but since Seto made them struggle like immediately after purchasing, I think we can still call this that.
(And we still do this to this day, PS, we’ve learned nothing from the .com crash.)
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This really bad child’s outfit is my favorite Mokuba outfit. I mean...it’s so bad. No wonder Mokuba was picked on so often as a child, wow. He’s like a late-80′s news anchor.
Also, I have NO idea how Seto got any money back so quickly. That doesn’t...totally make sense. But, this is a kid’s show and we have to simplify this whole thing into a sensible package. I mean there’s way more to the whole  .com problem but...this show wasn’t literally doing a .com...just a really heavy reference to it.
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And much like how people valued stock more than what companies actually were, Seto’s value was a lot of the same. His worth to his Father wasn’t that of a son, it was entirely held up in potential dollar signs. To Gozaboro, Seto's nothing more than a small company he’ll extort straight into...a more emotional type of bankruptcy. Framed alongside the .com crash, this is sort of like, ah, I see what you’re doing, Yugioh. The way Seto was screwing this company was the same way he was already screwed. It’s basically all he knows, and it is a lot of heavy handed foreshadowing.
Anyway, Seto destroyed a company with 10 mill, which is nothing compared to the amount of money vulture capitalists toss around nowadays.
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The Big 5 may have honestly done a better job raising Kaiba than Gozoburo since this guy acted as an advisor rather than a boss, but it’s a very, very low bar these boys have set and so far, very few adults have met it. All you have to do is just try and not kill them and you’re already better than all of Kaiba’s father figures.
With the exception of Roland, of course. Youknow, other than Grandpa, Roland is like the only good Dad on this show. Never thought Roland would look like such a shining star. Man, Roland better not screw everyone over or I will be so disappointed in him.
Anyways, the Yugi crew found a fully fueled truck from Soviet Era Russia buried in one of those warehouses.
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They censor so much stuff that gives away that Yugioh is from another country, and they kept in the 3-wheeler pickup? As if any North American child would have any idea what they’re looking at right now? Maybe they just assumed we’d think it was sci-fi?
Also, then this happened?
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...OK then.
Not sure how Satellite Laser works outside the context of VR. But, at least here in the VR Zone, we can send a Satellite Laser into space because...Space exists here? In VR?
This world is weirdly very small but also very big at the same time. It’s like Katamari.
Anyway, that’s all for this episode, next episode we find out if Kaiba will hack a laser for the second time in this series. Also we find out if Joey can jump a sonic-the-hedgehog broken highway with a 3-wheeled European-as-hell Pickup Truck.
Also...close enough?
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Pocket camp really needs more yellow sleeveless puff jackets.
And here’s a link to read the recaps in Chrono order from Ep1 S1
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