patchworkstudies · 5 years
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first day of senior year! i’ve got a free period each day after calculus, which i’ll be using to complete the homework for the next day so i have less to work on after school. here’s to being (finally) back on my studyblr! i’m going to fucking thrive this year, even without my adhd medication. let’s get to work!
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learn-everything · 6 years
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1/20 day back-to-school challenge: what are your goals for the semester or year?
i want to break my khan academy streak record-- i haven’t set a new one since 2015
i want to do all of my homework, every day. if i can’t, i need to at least finish calc and apush. 
i want to keep up my bu/studyjo for the whole school year
i want to take the ap comp gov exam in may, so that means i’ll have to study in the mornings and weekends.
and those are my main goals for this year! as more and more people start returning to school i’m looking forward to hearing all of yours!
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artstvdies · 6 years
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28-6-2018 ~ Amsterdam Nieuw - West Hey guys! I’m so fucking sorry that i haven’t posted some og centent since like december or whatever. But the last semester of school was hell busy and just plain hell tbh, but so interesting. So i was completely too distracted to even be on tumblr. But now i’m back! But good new! I GOT MY PROPEDEUSE DEGREE! I’m so happy. So, i’m celebrating with posting my art history study work from a few weeks ago. And i’ll be posting some bujo things once i get started!
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sapling-girls · 6 years
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06.02.18 | how is it almost halfway through the quarter already!! what the heck
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stevenstudies · 7 years
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this weeks theme: my dog, Leonard, 
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studyingcuriosity · 7 years
Hi, ken je andere Dutch studyblr’s?
Hi! Here is a list of Dutch studyblrs (as far as I know):
Let me know if you’re a Dutch studyblr as well, then I’ll add you to the list!
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ssehuns · 6 years
Congrats! Br artstvdies please? :)
Thank you!
URL: I don’t get it lol | cool! | oh that’s cute! | heCK I like | throw me in a trash can
icon: default icon | hey dis is nice | nice! | cute cute my dude | can I steal this pls | AYYYYYY
desktop theme: default theme | I love this omg | sick!!!!! | share ur theme guy | G O A L S I’m shaking in my chanel boots
original posts: couldn’t find any | cute omg! | I just did a double take | BLESS | YEEHAWWWWW
overall: v nice!! | I’m about this | heart eyes omg | yoooooo A Good Blog | BEEP BEEP,, UR UNDER ARREST FOR HAVING SUCH A GOOD BLOG
want a blograte or blog compliment?
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5 Things Tag
I was tagged by @hellofrommydesk​ (thank you!)
Rules: Tag 15 people after you finish the challenge.
5 Things you can find in my bag
Can Can Perfume
My sketchbook
My wallet
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Pencil case
5 Things you can find in my bedroom
My desk
Aromatic diffuser
Lamp and Christmas lights
My laptop
5 Things I have always wanted to do
Go to Santorini, Greece
Go to a San Diego Comic Con 
Work at Walt Disney Pictures
Learn Portuguese 
Be rich just to buy loads of stationery (goals af) and take my parents on vacation.
5 Things that make me happy
TV series and Books (I love stories)
My friends 
5 Things that I’m currently into
The Silmarillion
Hand lettering
Italian language
Song: Get Home (feat. Konoba) - RO
Indie playlists
5 Things on my To Do List
Get my life together this summer
Finish Blogilates’ Beginner’s Calendar
Meditate everyday for a month
Making a kick ass portfolio for a Disney internship
Save money for Christmas
I tag @artstvdies @heartmadefrompaper @problematicprocrastinator @caffeinatednerds @snazzystudying and @tarrynstudies. If you already did it or just don’t want to do it fell free to pretend this never happened haha.
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patchworkstudies · 6 years
studying and anxiety
a guide on how to study when the thought of it makes you even more stressed
(disclaimer: i’m not a professional therapist or doctor, simply a student who has been dealing with severe anxiety since i was eleven years old. that being said, i don’t have much anxiety around schoolwork or testing, so my advice may not be the most helpful- take what i say with a grain of salt.)
while it has been a long time since i’ve felt anxious about studying, and therefore can’t provide much help with that, i do regularly have to study in situations where i am already anxious or in the middle of anxiety attack. these are some of the things i do to help myself calm down and focus.
calm down. if i’m near panic or feel too restless to sit still, i need to let my body and mind chill before i can even think about schoolwork. if i’m feeling really jittery, a quick walk outside or dancing it out to some high-energy pop music helps me settle down a bit. then i like to meditate, in order to get my focus and thoughts under control.
next, make the space you’ll be studying in comfortable and safe. what this means will depend on what you need during an anxiety attack. some people are comforted by familiar items and coziness, such as blankets, candles, and stuffed animals. when i’m stressed, i usually need a more clean and organized space, with everything put away in its place (or just out of sight) and only the things i need with me. things like tea, fidget toys, and familiar smells can help to ground you as well. if you’re not at home, libraries tend to be a good option, since they are quiet, relaxing, and often familiar spaces. if you’re stuck in school and the library isn’t an option, try an empty classroom or stairwell.
break everything down. when i’m stressed, my executive functioning goes haywire. in order to get anything done, i have to plan out my moves in very explicit detail. this is easiest for me to do on a computer document. first, i write down all of the assignments that i have to get done. then, i break each of them down into smaller and smaller tasks, until they are simple enough that each takes less than a minute and could be easily explained to a child. 
get to work! i usually start with the easiest task, so that i don’t get overwhelmed or start to doubt my abilities, since that would make me more stressed. for me, this is usually math, since puzzles with definite rules tend to calm me down when i’m anxious, and i’m more likely to get stuck on less structured work like english readings or art projects.
don’t forget to take breaks. especially if your brain is dealing with an excess of nerves, and stress, you will need to let it rest and recharge frequently. i like to set a timer where i work for twelve minutes, take a three minute break, and then repeat. if this feels too long or too short for you, feel free to adjust it to fit your needs.
most importantly, go to sleep. i know it’s tempting to stay up late studying or doing homework, especially if you haven’t finished all of your assignments yet, but there is nothing that will make your anxiety worse than sleep deprivation. take care of your body, first and foremost. it’s the only one you’re ever going to have.
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patchworkstudies · 5 years
all my posts (so far!)
condensed into a handy masterpost for convenience and fun
study moods
study moods (environments and ideas for studying)
study moods 2.0 (more moods and ideas)
study moods: witch edition (study moods with a witchy aesthetic)
study moods: episode four (part four of the study moods saga)
study moods: drink edition (study moods, based on some drinks i like)
days of the week study moods (a study mood for each day of the week)
herbal tea study moods (study moods, based off of my favorite teas)
mental health
studying and anxiety (tips on dealing with an anxiety disorder while also getting your revision and schoolwork done)
studying with adhd (my advice for dealing with adhd at school)
adhd and exams (how i get through exams with adhd)
life tips and tricks (things that i’ve found immensely helpful)
advice from a friend in recovery (more things i’ve learned about life)
recovery, studyblr, and summer (some tips on how to manage all three)
what to keep in your backpack (my backpack essentials)
what to keep in your pencil case (and one i forgot) (same as above)
tips for cramming (how to study a lot in a short period of time)
study snacks for cramming (fuel for the above situation)
freshman study tips (some things that helped me my freshman year)
freshman study tips 2.0 (more advice for freshman)
biology resources (replace “studysapphic” in the links with “studybutch)
exams masterpost (same as above, just edit the urls to get to the posts)
writing tips (advice on how to write, from somebody who isn’t great at it)
essay writing outline (how i start my essays)
some tips (how i keep motivated at the end of the year)
there’s probably a few more out there, but after a couple of hours scouring the archives of this blog, these are all i could come up with, so.. have at it!
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patchworkstudies · 6 years
what to keep in your backpack!
i know a lot of people are back in school already, so this is a post for y’all who haven’t started classes yet or are still getting into the swing of things! 
school supplies:
bullet journal / personal binder
schoolwork / notes binder
a folder (for anything that needs to be hole-punched)
extra paper (reinforced, gridded looseleaf is the love of my life)
a calculator (my school loans us a massive, fancy one)
workbooks (only the ones you absolutely need for class)
english books (to reference in class and read in your free time)
laptop (if you need one, in a sleeve to keep it safe)
electronics and utilities:
your laptop charger (if you have one)
a phone charger and adapter
a power bank (in case your phone dies with no outlets nearby)
keys!! to your locker, your house, and anything else)
your pencil case (and everything inside it)
everything else:
spare menstual products (pads, tampons, liners, etc.)
a protein bar (in case you get hungry)
glasses and glass cleaning wipes (if you have them)
a little bit of money (in case of an emergency)
a pack of tissues (you never know when you’ll need them)
gum or mints (in case your breath starts to smell)
a bottle of water (if you have space for one and it won’t leak)
it’s good to keep your backpack well stocked. being prepared is never a bad thing, but also keep in mind that you only have so much space!! don’t hurt your back by carrying too much, and try to keep things organized so they’re easier to find when you need them!
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patchworkstudies · 6 years
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today has been nice and clean and productive! woke up early, got a buzzcut, cleaned my room, and now i’m writing out my plans for the rest of the year!
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patchworkstudies · 6 years
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[ 9/28/18 || 2:23 pm || after laughter by paramore || starbucks refreshers ]
the schoolwork is starting to pile up, and i had to let go of a few good friends recently. instead of spending time missing them, i will put that energy towards building a better future for myself, no matter how little i feel like it right now.
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learn-everything · 6 years
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2/20 day back-to-school challenge: what’s in your bag/backpack?
well this is just some of my stuff but
school laptop
pencil case (& a graphing calculator)
my bujo
notebooks & folders
and stuff like chapstick, my phone, bandaids and other emergency supplies
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artstvdies · 6 years
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6-7-2018 ~ Half finished yellow spread for my Van Gogh themed month! Have literally been working on my bujo all day......
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artstvdies · 7 years
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22-11-2017 ~ So, i came home today from school and immediately noticed the pretty ass lightning falling onto a dresser in the living room. So out came the and planner. So, this is the first post of the ‘bujo vs. planner’ project i’m starting :) Hope y’all appreciate it 💕
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