sofvtley · 7 years
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a fuzzy bees and study date moodboard for @stevenstudies these pictures do not belong to me. credit to their rightful owners xx
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rivkahstudies · 7 years
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100 Days of Productivity (14/100): 8.23.2017 9:00 PM 
Homework notes! I love doing pretty notes for Biology, especially the diagrams, and apparently my teacher loves it too. She thinks I should draw the diagrams for the textbooks. I have a 3-Note method, where I write it the first time, rewrite it within 48 hours for comprehension, then rewrite it a 3rd time, either before the test or before exams. I’ll probably do it as a mixture of both this year because of the accumulation of information for IB exams. Yikes!
We talked about college applications today in TOK with our guidance counselor and holy moly. I have so much to do on top of my normal schoolwork. Wish me luck!
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stvdybuddies · 7 years
i saw a dotted grid notebook in one of your posts, i was wondering what kind of notebook that was so that i can get one for school also! (the post was of pre calc notes??)
Hey there :)
The dotted journal that I used for my pre calc notes is the “PP cover double ring note dot-grid” notebook from Muji. However, this notebook (more like journal) is actually quite small. I was traveling when I took those notes, so that was the only notebook I had on me (of suitable size). I wouldn’t strongly recommend it for actual revision.
Here is a link to all the dotted/graph notebooks from the muji store. If you’re interested, you can take a look at the different layouts and sizes to see if any of them suits you ^_^
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abiistudies · 7 years
🌠 i really love the song "when did we stop" by new move : )) have a wonderful day!
ahh thank you! i hope you have a wonderful day too
url: i don’t get it but it’s cute | so nice! | hot diggity damn! | I’m going to steal this from u
icon: nice | super cute! | wowzer!! | I Will Pay You To Give It To Me
theme (for both mobile and desktop): nicebut default | pretty! | this is so gorgeous!! | give me it???
original content: sadly couldn’t find it ;-; |very nice | amazing!! | im in love??????
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | cannot be expressed innumbers
following: no, but you’re still awesome | i am now | already stanningtalent | i lov u
additional comments: okay this is probably the english nerd in me speaking but i love your url bc of the sibilance? like ‘stevenstudies’ just flows so well?? and your icon is adorable! the theme you used for your desktop is one i really really really love, it looks so nice! the colour is beautiful too, its just so soothing and aesthetic to look at (i could stare at it all day tbh). your bujo posts are so so so so cute and awesome too!!! i especially like the cactus one and the computer themed one bc theyre so original and creative? v cute and good!!!
want a blograte?
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evergrace · 7 years
hiya! this is my main blog, and i really love to study music theory and history !!
hi!! ahh music theory sounds so interesting, though i don’t think i would have the patience for it.
url: not really my cup of tea | sorta typical tbh but it works | v nice!!! | wowowowow | how much can i pay you for it???
icon: eheheheh not really my style tbh | v cute! | preTTTYYYYY | can i take it please like woWOWOWOW
desktop theme: default | i am slightly and utterly confused??? | is okay i think | preTYY how did you do that? | wowWOWOWOW teach me pls *accidentally steals*
mobile theme: default | i am slightly and utterly confused??? | is okay i think | preTYY how did you do that? | wowWOWOWOW teach me pls *accidentally steals*
original content: couldn’t find any :/ | v nice!!! | how is this so pretty???? | just lemme go reblog everything brb
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | there is no number that could describe this
following: no, sorry! | defo thinking about it | i am now! | always and forever :’)
want a blograte?
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contre-qui · 6 years
11 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by the fabulous @bujo-ie so thank you darling!!!!! AP Seminar buddies!
The rules: answer the provided 11 questions, tag some friends, and write 11 new questions for them to answer!
1. What is the meaning behind your name?
It doesn't have a meaning as far as I know, just an old traditional Italian/Spanish name that's related to the Virgin Mary.
2. What was the last argument you got into?
I got into a spat with my boyfriend over some music recently because he really wanted me to like a song and I liked it kinda just alright and I was trying to fake liking it more than I did (bc I knew he wanted me to) but he wasn't buying it and got kind of upset.
3. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
4. What object representative you best?
That old forgotten book in a library that nobody wants to pick up but when somebody does it's actually a gem.
5. What is something you always misspell?
Necessary and unnecessary
6. Do you subscribe to nihilism?
Not really. I'm an agnostic, but I think life has meaning if you give it meaning. I mean I don't think we have a purpose divined for us but life is what you make it.
7. What's your skincare routine?
Cetaphil cleanser, Mario Badescu acne toner, and aloe vera as moisturizer
8. Cake or pie?
Both? Probably pie but it depends
9. Describe an outfit you would never wear but would love to pull off.
Anything red carpet! I love the look of things that people like Millie Bobby Brown wear to events but I know I'd never be able to wear them.
10. Have you ever written a love letter?
I have not, but I should. I've written a friendship letter though!
11. What's your favorite word?
My questions:
1. What's your favorite season and why?
2. What was your favorite color when you were a little kid?
3. Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones?
4. Favorite TV show atm?
5. What are the top 3 items on your bucket list?
6. Do you have a playlist for summer?
7. How would you describe your aesthetic?
8. Morning or night showers?
9. How often do you wash your hair?
10. What's your favorite perfume/cologne/body spray scent for yourself?
11. What's your relationship like with your parents?
I’m tagging: @peppermint-studign @penspaperandstardust @rowanstudiesspace @nightlystudying @study-bruh @study-buddies @swingingonaswing @stevenstudies @lenariarulespeople @rochiurban @teaandstudythings
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thestudyblrguide · 7 years
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The Studyblr Guide Newsletter features the current happenings in the studyblr community, including giveaways, blog awards, follower celebrations, network applications, and more! If you’d like to be featured in our next post and page, please let us know! (Check our page for more updates.)
@annikki-studies - blog rate - deadline: August 11
@intellctuals - blog rate - deadline: August 7
@a-studies - blog rate - deadline: August 7
@stevenstudies - blog rate - deadline: August 16
@merakinotes​ - giveaway - deadline: august 11
@st0lenshad0w - studyblr discord - no deadline
@littlepostitnotes - august studyblr challenge - no deadline
@cries-in-real-life - back-to-school challenge - no deadline
@journaling-junkie - august journal challenge - no deadline
@canadianscholar - studyblr directory - no deadline
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sofvtley · 7 years
📷 soft fuzzy bees and study dates 🐝💛
Hi!! Thank you so much for your moodboard request. And I’m so so sorry for the very long wait! Hopefully it was what you wanted. 
moodboard 6k specail closed!
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stevenstudies · 7 years
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this weeks theme: my dog, Leonard, 
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rivkahstudies · 7 years
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100 Days of Productivity (32/100): 9.16.2017 7:20 PM
I... have... returned to power!! I am so amazed and happy that it was finally restored today instead of Monday. It has saved me two days of suffering and now I can be super productive this weekend! I’ve already given myself a totally pampered shower, dressed in a cute outfit, cleaned my bathroom, washed the dishes, and laundered my bed linens! Oh, and I went to the library earlier and wrote drafts of scholarship essays!! I have been more productive today than I have been all week.
Tonight my goals are: make myself dinner, finish making my bed, and vacuum my room.
Tomorrow my goals are: finish my Duolingo course, hang out with my friends, vacuum the house, and try to finally finish that Hebrew post I’ve been promising you guys for the longest time.
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theteadesk · 7 years
music tag
thanks to @stevenstudies for tagging me!! you are pretty rad.  
glass onion (remastered)-the beatles 
c’mon girl-red hot chilli peppers 
state of grace (acoustic)-taylor swift 
black flies-ben howard 
red red red-fiona apple 
mildenhall-the shins 
kiwi-harry styles 
caught in the middle-kodaline 
fireside-arctic monkeys 
running if you call my name-haim 
kinda had to remove two other beatles songs or else this playlist would have been almost 1/3 songs by the beatles.
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theostvdies · 7 years
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theostvdies’ studyblr introduction post
hi! I’m theo and i’ve been on this blog for about a month and made a little intro post, but here’s my big official introduction!
the basics
 theo, 17 years old
incoming high school senior (i attend a boarding school-esque school in the US)
i don’t have my official schedule yet but these are some classes i requested
japanese 301
health science 160
AP english and composition
AP calculus AB
AP environmental science
history through art and architecture
american history II
why studyblr?
i’ve always been an above average student, but after transferring to my new, much much better and more challenging, high school last year i had to start studying for the first time in my life and, while i managed to survive, i would love to go into my senior year more prepared
what will i be working on outside of class this year?
SAT japanese, literature, and american history subject tests
college apps
scholarship apps
being president of the LGBT+ club at my school
being on 2+ academic teams
some of my fave studyblrs
@istudywithliz @splendidstudies @thecampusghost @studyoon @curiostudy @seatudying @procaffeinates @studynostalgic @emmstudying @prostudy @emmastudies @ibstudiblr @staestudy @journalsanctuary @colbystudies @studyingncoffee @sootudying @studyblr @abiistudies @stevenstudies @studyplants @stvdybuddies @snowystudiess
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peachy-learning · 7 years
eleven questions tag
thanks to @studyflwr for the tag!! :)
rules: answer these 11 questions, make 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people!
1. the song you’re currently listening to is: blessed by daniel caesar!
2. if you could be any animal, what would you be? hard question, maybe an dolphin
3. what’s your favourite season? fall!!!
4. what is the coziest place in your house? probably my bedroom
5. what’s your favourite thing in your room? MY LAPTOP
6. favourite study snack? fruiTTTTTT gimme thAT BrAin PoWeRr
7. a tv show you feel describes you:
steven universe 
8. what are two quotes you feel describes one of your friends? Don't waste time on what's not important. Don't get sucked into the drama. Get on with it: don't dwell on the past. Be a big person; be generous of spirit; be the person you'd admire. Allegra Huston Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow. L. Ron Hubbard
9. dream city? uHHHH LONDON IN THE U.K. 10. do you wear your shoes inside or no? no...my pal...never 
11. mind maps or flashcards? flashcards!
my 11 questions:  1. what color are your bedroom walls?
2. would you rather be a biology or chemistry major?
3. what is a quote that describes the best quality of someone you cannot stand?
4. thoughts on makeup?
5. what motivates you?
6. you’re at starbucks, what do you get?
7. what was the last thing you copied onto your clipboard?
8. excluding christmas (BC ALMOST EVERYONE I ASK SAYS IT), what’s your favourite holiday? 
9. name a writer that you love
10. last t.v. show you finished?
11. a name you’d give yourself if you could change your current one
i tag: @lavietudier @uniguinswhatsauce @trainstationery @studyemu @lexaprodigium @boostudies @peachy-perfectionist @etlyzah @stevenstudies @hobifulstudies @gnnywesliey
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stuffsandthings89 · 3 years
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@descendingtohelll @bloomsberry @topicos-utopicos @melaniestudiesastronomy @caffenotes @anjating @stevenstudies @glowstudies @flo-studies-blog @studyphanetzz @littleannasblog @pure-like-a-feather-blog @ginsengstudy @5tudyin @elephantstudyblr-blog @studyingwithrory @notyourdailystudyblr @sumastudies @cjm-otstudies @inspiredby-hermione @etudaire @myqoutes101-blog @meg-is-studying @apricotshark @study-mochi @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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contre-qui · 6 years
Q&A Tag!!
I was tagged by the super awesome @scifistudies !! ✨ Thanks, friend! I answered something similar recently but I think some of the questions are different and I have different answers so let’s do it again! Why not?
Nicknames: Mari, Marinara
Gender: female
Star Sign: Leo/Virgo cusp (I usually identify with Leo)
Height: ~5'6"
Birthday: August 22
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco, Passenger, Eklipse (they’re a string quartet but I’m counting it as a band lol)
Favorite Solo Artists: Taylor Swift, Florence + the Machine, Ed Sheeran, Percy Grainger, Frank Tichelli (yes those last two are composers but hey I like them)
Song Stuck in My Head: New Americana by Halsey
Last Movie I Watched: Bladerunner (the new one)
Last Show I Watched: Modern Family
When I Created My Blog: July (?) of 2017
What I Post: studyblr, bookblr, langblr, writeblr
Last Thing I Googled: “how to convert degrees to radians” I was in precal and forgot everything from before the break lol
Other Blogs: my personal/main/random blog @queen-zazzles-ofthe-elves
Do I Get Asks: not usually unless they’re for ask games
Why I Chose My URL: I wanted it to go with my other blog and be study related
Following: 321
Followers: 279
Average Hours of Sleep: ~5 (ik it’s bad but I have trouble sleeping and school starts very early)
Lucky Number: I don’t really have one
Instruments: bassoon, baritone, and I’ve been meaning to learn bass guitar and relearn piano for like two years lol
What I’m Wearing: leggings, a giant AP Bio shirt, and colorful piano socks (I’m in my pajamas still)
Dream Job: high school band director
Dream Trip: either a trip to Europe to explore and see some places or a trip around the US to see all the big cities I’ve never seen (NYC, LA, Portland, Seattle, etc.)
Favorite Food: ice cream
Nationality: American (unfortunately…)
Favorite Song: What’s Up by 4 Non Blondes (idk why it’s just too catchy and too carefree and it’s fun to dance around the house too)
Last Book I Read: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline for my book club
Top 3 Fictional Universes: Harry Potter like duh, LOTR, American Gods or Good Omens
Alright I’m tagging…..
@rivkahstudies bc I always do lol, @starlight-student , @stevenstudies , @outshinegalaxies one of my new studyblr friends, @monetsorbet , @nightlystudying , @bscn-studies , @penspaperandstardust
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demmastudy · 7 years
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Hello guys! I can't believe that finally happened but I created a studyblr!! 📚 I felt HUGE inspiration to do this so I hope it going to work good 😊. I'm on Tumblr since 2011 and let's be honest, this is my 4th or 5th Tumblr page there (I deleted 2 of them and I have 1 that I don't use right now unfortunately). My inspiration for this Tumblr was born because of my friend @studyingraphics who showed me how studyblrs works (and she started my love to bullet journals as well. Thank you so much my dear! ❤️) A little info about me 🌈My name is Dagmara but some of my friends calls me Demma (that's the reason of Tumblrs URL) 🌈I'm 20 (21 in October aye) 🌈I'm from Poland 🇵🇱 🌈I study engineering and logistics in production at university and I'll start 3rd year in October 🔬 🌈My interest are music, movies, tv shows and drawing What will I use my studyblr for? Well it's gonna sound so basic but I am going to post some things about bullet journal, study tips, how to manage stress, mental illness while studying etc etc. I plan to do some printables for you guys as soon as possible. My short term and long term goals Short term: 🌈Pass all tests and exam in this and next semester 🌈Get my engineering exam passed with as best grade as possible 🌈Be accepted for the master level at university 🌈Being organized Long term: 🌈Move out to England 🌈Trip to India My favorite studyblrs @emmastudies @hufflepuffsstudies @peachi-study @studink @studyblrmasterposts @studyingraphics @studyaesthetic @extrastudies @stevenstudies @journalsanctuary @sherlockian-studies
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