#arr translations
yoakegenko · 2 years
Romance Sonnet ー Toichiro
parte 1 parte 2
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「O lado oculto dele」
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No caminho da escola pra casa, eu faço um desvio pra visitar a residência yuri.
Futaba: Olá.
Toichiro: Olá e seja bem vinda.
Assim que entro na sala, toichiro me comprimenta do sofá em que está sentado.
Toichiro: Consegui uma mistura interessante de chá que parece um desperdício tomá-la sozinho. Shizuki está o preparando agora, ele deve terminar logo.
Futaba: Oh, mal posso esperar.
Sem pensar muito nisso, eu me sento no meu lugar de costume de frente ao toichiro, mas...
Toichiro: Esse não é o seu lugar.
Futaba: ...não é?
Seus dedos batem graciosamente na almofada ao seu lado.
Toichiro: Nos confessamos nosso amor um pelo outro, e você ainda escolhe se sentar tão longe? Não. Seu lugar é aqui perto de mim.
Futaba: Oh mas... eu pensei que isso por hoje poderia ser bom, você sabe.
Toichiro: ... não, eu não sei. Se importaria de explicar?
Futaba: Bem, shizuki ainda tem que vir aqui trazer o nosso chá. E é um pouco embaraçoso ser visto assim pelos outros.
Toichiro: Está certo... bem, se é assim que você quer.
Assim que toichiro sorri pra mim, shizuki entra na sala.
Shizuki: Desculpa à demora. Junto com o chá, eu comprei uma amostra de chocolates do exterior.
Ele põe nossas xícaras e o prato na mesa entre nós. Nossa pequena festa do chá começa pra valer, mas...
Toichiro: Este chá é especialmente bem recomendado por seu aroma.
Futaba: ...posso ver o porquê. É doce o suficiente para não ser excessivo e quase floral.
Toichiro: Você gostou, então?
Futaba: Sim. Bastante até, na verdade.
Toichiro: Bom saber disso.
Enquanto vejo toichiro tomar outro gole de chá com um sorriso, algo me incomoda.
( Eu me divirto conversando com ele assim, mas isso não parece nada romântico. Parece que somos só bons amigos apreciando um interessante chá juntos. )
Fui eu que escolhi sentar de frente a ele, mas a distância entre nós parece quase insuportável.
( Mas...)
Shizuki: ...
( Não sei se tenho coragem de mudar de lugar, quando shizuki ainda está aqui.)
Futaba: Esses chocolates também são muito bons.
Eu retorno a discussão esperando esconder a frustração borbulhando lentamente em meu peito...
Toichiro: Futaba.
Futaba: S-sim?
O inesperado e repentino som do meu nome faz meu coração saltar.
( Tão raro ele dizer meu nome desse jeit...)
Toichiro: Acho que você vai gostar deste chocolate também.
Ele pega um pedaço de chocolate com os dedos e se inclina pra frente, segurando-o pra mim.
Futaba: hm.
( Ele está tentando me dar na boca...?)
Meu foco muda pro shizuki que permanece ainda parado atrás de toichiro, e nossos olhos se cruzam.
Shizuki: Por favor, não se importe comigo.
( Claro que vou me importar...!)
Futaba: Tudo bem, eu posso comer sozi--
Toichiro: Vamos lá, antes que derreta.
Futaba: Ngh... b-bom, eu não gostaria disso...
Eu me rendo à provocação de toichiro, abrindo minha boca pra que ele me dar o chocolate. Meu coração parece que vai pular de minha garganta, enquanto o doce sabor derrete em minha boca.
Toichiro: Como está?
Futaba: ... muito bom.
Toichiro: Viu? Então na próxima vez, por que você não me dá na boca?
Futaba: Sério?
Toichiro: Nossa. Você não pode?
Ele ri se divertindo enquanto sua cabeça se inclina interrogativamente para o lado.
( Porquê ele é tão bom em me provocar?!)
Futaba: Uh, vamos. Vamos guardar isso pra outro dia.
Toichiro: Oh? Então pelo menos você pretende me dar.
Futaba: ...!
Toichiro: Estou muito ansioso por isso, Futaba.
A voz dele é bem mais gentil que o normal, e pra me recompor tomo um pouco de chá.
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Já que toichiro tem planos para jantar está noite, ele arruma uma carruagem para me levar pra casa.
Futaba: Sinto muito por você ter visto aquilo...
Shizuki: Não precisa se desculpar.
Shizuki que veio se despedir de mim, facilmente ignora meu pedido de desculpas.
( ...acho que realmente não incômoda ele, então. E também não é como se toichiro estivesse terrivelmente envergonhado. Odeio me sentir assim. )
Futaba: Tem uma coisa que eu gostaria de te perguntar, shizuki... você alguma vez viu o toichiro envergonhado antes?
Shizuki: ... já vi.
Futaba: O quê...sério? Quando? Em que tipo de situação?
Shizuki: ... Se me permitir lhe dar um conselho.
Futaba: Conselho?
Shizuki: Nenhuma estratégia dissimulada funcionará contra ele. Seria melhor ser o mais direto possível.
Ele parece perceber minhas verdadeiras intenções e me dá um conselho surpreendentemente útil.
( Um ataque direto, huh...?)
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Então alguns dias depois...
Toichiro me convida pra um jantar no hotel Imperial.
Toichiro: Como estava?
Futaba: Cada prato que experimentei estavam deliciosos.
( Certo. Hora de pôr em prática o conselho do Shizuki.)
Faço uma cara séria, o máximo que consigo, quando volto a olhar pro toichiro.
Futaba: Você realmente parece pertencer à um lugar brilhante assim.
Toichiro: Você acha?
Futaba: Eu acho. E também, você chamou toda a atenção na sala. Penso que isso é prova de como você é incrível.
Toichiro: haha, obrigado.
Futaba: Eu que lhe agradeço por você sempre me trazer nesses lugares incríveis. Você me deu todos os tipos de experiências que eu nunca teria de outra forma. Essa felicidade que sinto agora, é graças a você também.
Toichiro: Fico feliz de ver você tão feliz.
Eu digo todos os elogios que vêm à minha mente mas ele está completamente tranquilo.
( Ele não parece nem um pouco tímido. Como exatamente consigo que um "ataque direto" funcione...?)
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Eu continuo tentando o deixar envergonhado até na carruagem no caminho pra casa mas nada funciona. E infelizmente, eu comecei a reconhecer o cenário passando pelo lado de fora da janela.
( Estamos quase em casa. E uma vez que eu estiver em casa, vou ter que me despedir dele por hoje...)
No exato momento em que a realização me atinge é como se algo doloroso estalace dentro de mim.
Toichiro: O que foi? Você ficou muito quieta de repente.
Futaba: hum...
Resolvo por meus sentimentos em voz, e puxo a manga dele.
Futaba: ... eu gostaria de ficar mais um pouco com você toichiro.
Toichiro: ... ...bem, não é que você é ousada.
Os olhos dele brilham com uma luz cativante. Uma de suas mãos se envolta a minha cintura me puxando pra perto, enquanto a outra gentilmente levanta meu queixo.
Toichiro: Tenho certeza que você está bem ciente do que pode acontecer, agora que você disse essas palavras, correto?
Futaba: C-correto...
O belo rosto de se aproxima tanto que eu consigo sentir a respiração dele tocando a minha pele. Meu coração bate forte em meus ouvidos quando olho bem em seus olhos.
Futaba: Está tudo bem. Eu sei que posso confiar em você, toichiro.
Toichiro: ... você sabe? mesmo? Estou lisonjeado. Mas você e eu sabemos... que eu me torno um simples homem quando se trata de você.
Futaba: ...!
Há pouca distância que existia entre nós é fechada quando nossos lábios gentilmente se encontram.
Toichiro: Talvez não serei capaz de terminar as coisas tão facilmente na próxima vez.
Futaba: Isso, hum...
Toichiro: ...
Quando não consigo responder, Toichiro rapidamente afasta sua mão de mim.
Futaba: Toichiro...?
Toichiro: Quando você me olha tão ansiosa, como posso evitar de sentir que ultrapassei meus limites?... Eu irei graciosamente aceitar seu desejo de ficar mais um pouco comigo, pelo menos. Mas se você aprendeu alguma coisa aqui, tome cuidado para não ser tão imprudente no futuro.
Futaba: Toichiro...
( Ele sempre me provoca tão facilmente mas eu conheço a verdade.)
Futaba: Você gosta um pouco de fingir ser um mandão, mas você é tão gentil por de baixo disso tudo.
Toichiro: Onde você quer chegar com isso assim de repente?
Futaba: Você está tentando respeitar como eu me sinto agora, certo? Eu realmente... Eu realmente amo isso em você.
Toichiro: ... ... hmm.
Este é o único som que ele faz antes de se virar pra olhar pra janela.
Futaba: ...Uh, toichiro?
Estou curiosa pra saber o porquê dele estar repentinamente tão inacessível, e me inclino pra espiar seu rosto.
Futaba: Oh.
E quando faço, vejo uma leve camada de rosa em suas bochechas.
Futaba: Toichiro, você está... envergonhado?
Toichiro: ...
( Sério? Ele está realmente envergonhado?)
Futaba: Por que?
Toichiro: Você realmente está perguntando isso...? É porque essa é a primeira vez que ouço sobre esses seus sentimentos.
( Ele sempre se certifica de parecer tão calmo perto de mim... Não sei como lidar com isso... na verdade, é meio que fofo.)
Essa nova expressão dele cativa profundamente a minha alma.
( Então é isso que o Shizuki quis dizer... vou ter que agradecer à ele na próxima vez que o vir.)
Como sou incapaz de segurar o sorriso crescendo em meu rosto, os dedos de Toichiro se entrelaçam aos meus.
Toichiro: Agora é a minha vez.
Futaba: hã?
Toichiro: Por que eu não digo a você o que eu amo sobre você, Futaba?
( óhh, essa expressão...)
O sorriso malicioso em seu rosto é a prova de que ele recuperou sua postura habitual.
Futaba: Por que não salvar isso pra outro dia? Estamos quase na minha casa...
Toichiro: Não há necessidade de se segurar agora.
Ele puxa nossa mão entrelaçada, trazendo me perto o suficiente pra me inclinar a ele.
Toichiro: Primeiro, é que você aparentemente confia tanto em mim que você não se importa com o que eu possa fazer com você. Você também é carinhosamente direta...embora eu não negue que tem uma tendência à imprudência. Você também confia muito nos outros e é tão fácil de se enganar.
Futaba: Eu não sei sobre esse último...
( ou melhor, essa coisa toda apenas uma longa sessão de bullying...?)
Futaba: Uhn, Toichi--
Mas sou cortada pelo roçar de seus lábios no meu ouvido.
Toichiro: Tudo isso é o que faz você ser tão adorável.
Futaba: ...!
O ritmo do meu batimento cardíaco torna-se um alarme enquanto ele sussurra propositamente tão docemente em meu ouvido.
( terminar assim não é justo...)
Mas essa natureza provocante dele é cativante, mesmo enquanto eu continuo dançando na palma de sua mão. Tudo isso só faz provar pra mim que realmente amo Toichiro.
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transberbiie-blog440 · 2 months
Do you wanna have a nasty and crazy🤗😊 ride with a trans princess 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🥰❤️ I'm available for hookup
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ainyan · 1 year
So, Szah'li just finished Keeper of the Lake, and I'm reminded forcibly about the 180-degree difference between Midgardsormr in the original Japanese and Midgardsormr in the English translation. I highly encourage you, if you have not read the Japanese translation, please read this reddit thread. It changed my opinion of Midgardsormr completely and made both the events of Keeper of the Lake and all of the events following through Heavensward and Omega so much richer and more delightful - and more poignant.
And more than anything else, it highlights the wonder that is Midgardsormr AND the brilliant light that is the soul of the Warrior of Light.
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viatagrinner · 1 year
Kagemaru. Valentine's Day/Chocolate Collecting Festival Story 2023
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Chapter 1
February 14.
MC looks at the counter with sweets and ponders what to get Kagemaru for the holiday.
(I know Kagemaru isn't interested in Valentine's Day, but I want to get something anyway.)
However, nothing at the candy store caught my eye.
(Come to think of it, Kagemaru doesn't like sweets).
Perhaps the girl would buy him alcohol, as always.
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Suddenly Kagemaru's friend and associate, Zantetsu, entered the store.
He, on the other hand, is a lover of sweets.
MC and the guy froze in indecision.
They greeted each other. Zantetsu was seriously studying the boxes of sweets on the counter.
Small talk ensued. Eventually, the heroine helped Zantetsu pick out the sweets.
They went home together to the Senkitai* base.
MC: Well, I'm going to Kagemaru's room.
Zantetsu: Wait.
He gave her a candy for helping her choose.
Kagemaru showed up at the end of the corridor.
Kagemaru: ....I rarely see you two together.
Zantetsu: I just happened to meet her in town and came straight here. Well, I'll leave you to it.
The girl never bought a present for her boyfriend.
(Maybe I should ask him.)
But before she could ask a question, Kagemaru interrupted her.
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Kagemaru: ...You, stay the night.
MC: ....Huh!?
(......W-what's wrong, suddenly?)
The heroine explains that no one knows where she went, she can't suddenly not show up at home. Kage annoyedly clicks his tongue.
However, the guy didn't force her anymore.
Kagemaru: ....Then you can at least eat. Go ahead, eat.
MC confusedly agrees. What does it all mean?
There were treats prepared in the great hall.
(Is it someone's birthday?)
Kagemaru: Is it good?
For some reason, Kagemaru asked this question while drinking alcohol.
MC: Yes, is it very tasty?
MC: Um, you're not eating?
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Kagemaru: Watching you eat is enough for me.
(But I feel that Kagemaru's voice is softer than usual.)
(I wonder if something good happened...?)
Chapter 2
MC: I'm full.
Kagemaru: Well, if only I could eat that much.
After a hearty dinner, she became sleepy.
Kagemaru's face approached her with a faint smile.
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Kagemaru: Don't you have something to give me, too?
Kagemaru's gaze is directed to the package of baked goods (?) she had just received.
The girl tells him what Zantetsu gave her for helping him pick out the sweets.
Kage's mood immediately soured.
Annoyed, Kagemaru pulled out his pipe and started smoking.
MC: Speaking of which, is it someone's birthday today?
Kagemaru: What?
MC: The food was great, so I thought it might be some kind of holiday...
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Kagemaru: .... Are you serious?
The guy looks at the girl sullenly again. Suddenly his hand reached out to her and pulled her with all his might.
Kagemaru: That's enough. I think there must be a boundary to wrong assumptions.
Heroine still doesn't understand him.
Then the guy's grip gets even stronger.
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Kagemaru: You're the one who makes a lot of noise every year about Valentine's Day.
He let her go.
MC: So these treats were my gift...?
Kagemaru: What else could it be?
The guy sighs irritably at the smoke.
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Kagemaru: I knew you were slow and dull... But I didn't think you wouldn't understand.
Despite Kage's annoyance, the girl is happy.
To improve his mood, she asks what kind of gift he wants.
He hangs up the phone and brings his face closer to her.
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Kagemaru: You know that without asking, right?
At times like this, she knew exactly what her boyfriend meant.
Kagemaru: What happened? Don't you understand?
The girl turned to face Kagemaru and worked up the courage to hug him gently with her arms.
MC: Please close your eyes.
Kagemaru: I decline.
Having worked up the courage, she gently kissed him on the lips.
Kagemaru: That's it? This is not a game for kids.
Kagemaru: It's not like you're thanking me for this food.
(This is absolutely ridiculous!)
Despite her embarrassment, she kissed him again...
(As Kagemaru always does...)
The girl remembered his gesture and deepened their kiss.
The heroine felt Kagemaru holding her tightly by the waist to keep her from running away.
At first the boy was confused, but then he took the initiative.
(I can't take it anymore!)
She barely had enough air.
Kagemaru: What is it? It's not like that.
Pushing the heroine in the shoulder, Kagemaru pushes her down.
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Kagemaru: You're hopeless!
Despite such words, Kagemaru's face was happy.
1. ...Guys who followered me after February 2022 (when I started posting IkePri translations): 🤔😒🗿 What is this? 2. Unfortunately, AyaKoi in English stopped updating. But on the Japanese servers.... Paradise has come for me. My hubbies's new content.
3. In case anyone is just starting to read this and doesn't know what it's about. *Senkitai - A group of ayakashi and an Onmyoji that are against the Capital's Government.
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tigerpriestess · 2 years
Anyone know the app to download the JP version of Ayakashi Romance Reborn? I was looking at the QooApp I heard about but can't seem to find it for android.
Also would need a translator app for it.
Also sucks that EN can't transfer our existing accounts to the JP one so we don't loose our progress and cards (especially since of only 2 months of playing I was finally being able to do ok in events).
Have some Ginnojo since he's a sweet husbando I want to have
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
Hey, sorry to send an ask without us knowing each other 😅
But I just saw you in the tags in the post about jrpg translations, saying that FF14 has better translations in other languages.
Can you talk more about that?😊
I played in English before and it was okay. I tried German too, but was a bit disappointed. So hearing you say that, I'm genuinely curious to hear more!
I've been replaying msq in german and wrapped up tsukuyomi just yesterday and it's insane the extent to which german is more thematically consistent and has stronger and more nuanced characterisation than english. i think the german script is more poetic too, despite english trying so much harder to sound flowery and important. I've been translating bits and pieces to my friends and I keep feeling like I'm presenting them with that botched jesus painting restoration because I just don't know how to convey how beautifully constructed some of these sentences are. the german translation team are genuinely very good writers.
as an example of what kind of differences we're dealing with here, and since it's what I finished most recently, in german from the start there's a lot more emphasis on how it was systematic mistreatment from the "good old" doma that lead yotsuyu to where she is, and that her cruelty is specifically retribution for the way doma has failed her (as opposed to english trying to frame it as in large part to satisfy her personal sadistic impulses). gosetsu is repeatedly shown to be sympathetic towards her for this even while she's actively trying to hurt and kill him (as opposed to english having him be sarcastically dismissive of her), which makes it make way more sense that he'd take tsuyu in his care later even without the "also she reminds him of his dead daughter" bit (that they do still tack on at the end but doesn't feel like a handwave excuse as much because of aforementioned consistent sympathy).
in english hien has several lines showing he's hostile to and wary of tsuyu and waiting for the right opportunity to kill her, but in german hien brings up killing tsuyu one (1) time and when gosetsu argues for her right to live hien agrees, and the difficulty in keeping her around is not his personal dislike but that it's hard to guarantee her safety when the doman people will want violent retribution in turn (in clear parallel to lyse trying to keep fordola from getting lynched without a fair trial). because german hien is not constantly talking about how he wishes he could just kill yotsuyu for her crimes, it doesn't read as pathetically incompetent of him to let her sneak out of the mansion multiple times because he was treating her as harmless citizen of doma instead of an enemy of the state (because german in general emphasises a lot that she SHOULD have had a place in doma), and her backstory is taken seriously as part of his motivation to create a better doma that she perhaps could've had a peaceful life in
there are many cases like this where german displays a nuance that english doesn't, and from very early on. in english arr cid ran away from the empire out of moral disagreements, in german it's clear that he also holds a complicated resentment over losing his father to project meteor and then his replacement father figure gaius to a similar mad search for power, something that in english doesn't come up until all the way in shadowbringers with bozja. in english castrum meridianum livia says she's going to kill you because gaius is hers, in german she's mad at you because you killed her friend mr cape westwind and is going to kill you before you can take gaius from her too.
in german heavensward thordan sounds much more convinced of his principles. when you defeat him in english he's horrified of how you could possibly overcome the amount of faith he's powered by, in german he's horrified that the future of ishgard will be thrown into chaos in the name of your pursuit of truth. gaius sounds more convinced of the ideals he spouts too, and it feels more plausible that he has people willing to die for him and his ideals. in german the similarities between nidhogg and estinien are clearer, and when nidhogg possesses him he insidiously frames it as an act of kindness.
in german, many random moments of misogyny in the english script outright don't exist. matoya doesn't make fun of alphinaud for looking like a girl. alphinaud isn't dismissive of alisaie in binding coils. most of the lines in english that insult or dismiss yotsuyu as an evil whore don't exist in german, and lines that weren't about her at all in english turn out to express sympathy towards her in german. in english hydaelyn had minfilia fuse with her by force, in german it was minfilia's idea. in english i was bothered by lyse being made head of the resistance because she sounds so unsure of what to do and think right until the end, in german she's full of conviction and clarity of purpose. I'm sincerely convinced the english team hates women.
because german doesn't go out of its way to sound like some kind of ancient wizard prophecy at every turn, several scenes which in english were confusing convey their information clearly in german (I'm particularly thinking about the minfilia anitower scene here). characters talk clearly and with a lot of personality that english fails to achieve because everyone has to speak faux old english. and because most characters talk like real people instead of ancient wizards in german it's extra cute that urianger does in fact talk like an ancient wizard.
as a more personal gripe, I have noticed several moments where the english script centers the warrior of light and their importance and struggles, while in german those scenes where about, like, the character the scene is about. german wol is still hydaelyn's favourite freak of nature and everyone loves them obviously, but as the example most fresh in my memory there's the scene in early post-stb where you visit fordola in her cell and she unwillingly looks into wol's past thanks to her fake echo. in english, she asks wol how they can bear all the suffering other people have put them through. in german, she asks how wol manages to stay sane when the echo makes you so deeply aware of the suffering of others. in the flashback of her past you see in that scene the german script also mentions that her face tattoo is an ala mhigan design, which makes it clearer than it was in english that she was specifically trying to rise the ranks of the imperial military as ala mhigan and makes her motivations more coherent - namely wanting to prove both the ala mhigans who hated her for being garlean and the garleans who hated her for being ala mhigan wrong by achieving success as both (and the power to lash out at both).
there have been very, very few moments where I actually thought the english script was better (shiva's trial lines and like, one line hien says at the steppe, that's it), and the vast majority of the time german is anywhere from about the same quality as english to just insanely better. the english script is so concerned with sounding cool and important that it becomes scared of letting characters be motivated by emotion. it's plagued by the kind of insincerity and insecurity that plagues so much of western media and leads to movie superheroes making fun of their own costumes. the english script will write one good line and then keep repeating that line ad nauseam and yet still fail to achieve the amount of internal thematic consistency the german script has, because english is relying on this handful of cool lines to carry its emotional core instead of actually letting the emotional core drive the characters. combined with the consistent pattern of dumbing down and/or vilifying female characters frankly I want to beat koji fox with hammers.
I'm actually very curious what about the german script disappointed you. the german voice acting is not good so if that's what turned you off I completely get it (I play with jp voices myself) but that's separate from the actual writing. these kind of things will ultimately always come down to personal preference so i won't judge but as you can tell from these several paragraphs i feel very strongly about the quality of the german script so I find it hard to imagine why you think that
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plounce · 1 month
replaying ARR has made me really desperately curious to know how much got changed/added in translation/localization... because i know some crazy stuff was done - for example, the original english text for the moenbryda minion had the implication that urianger made the minion as a sex toy (???!!!!!), and luckily this was later fixed to be closer to the actual japanese text. but that is such a dramatic example of a translation choice made in very poor taste. there's of course the infamous hien dialogue where he calls yotsuyu's trafficker a good guy in english. one thing in ARR that stunned me is in the part where you're gearing up to rescue the scions from castrum centri, and the guy helping you REALLY hates the garleans - and eventually it's revealed that he's from ala mhigo, and he and his family were put into labor camps, and his mother & sister were made to be comfort women for imperial soldiers! holy shit! that's fucking horrible! gaius was the viceroy of ala mhigo and set up its occupational government - did gaius condone that? with the context of the actual historical japanese empire's atrocities, that makes the sorrow of werlyt storyline really, deeply suspect! but also - i don't know if that's the original intended text, or something that the english version added to make the garlean empire look bad that then came back to bite it in the ass later on (from my first 2 examples, one could surmise that the english translation has a tendency to introduce weird sex stuff that wasn't in the original japanese text - but it also desexualized certain things, such as haurchefant). and i don't know what other translations/localizations added, subtracted, or changed. especially because there's sooooo much text in this game. but also translations/localizations have lives and characters of their own - they are not inherently inferior versions of the text. i don't have a thesis statement here, im just thinking out loud. such is blogging
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 4 months
˗ˏˋ street food date ´ˎ˗
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(isn’t that just the most creative title :D)
requested by very a lovely person who wishes to remain anonymous <3
Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar (Spider-Man India) x Fem!Pakistani!Reader
Type: Oneshot - Fluff
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: terms of endearment, mentions of food & eating, usage of Hindi (translations provided), I don’t speak Urdu so it’s google-translated 😭
A/N: Reader speaks Urdu and Pavi (canonically) speaks Hindi. Since both languages are pretty similar in terms of speaking, at least from what I’ve observed, let’s assume that they can understand each other fairly easily :)
I absolutely LOVED writing this omg it was such a cute request! Sorry it took me so long so do this, I was so busy that I completely forgot abt all my reqs for a while 😅
Btw this was barely proofread so if there are mistakes no there aren’t <3
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“Meri jaan, you’re spilling it.”
You turned at the familiar voice, just barely managing to balance a paper plate in your hands with an absurd amount of dahi papadi chaat piled onto it.
“You’re late,” You noted, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling like a lovestruck idiot as Pavitr approached you, flashing that dazzling, slightly crooked grin that had your heart stumbling and falling over your mind trying to make sense of it all. You dropped your gaze to the floor, trying your best to cross your arms without dropping the food on the plate.
“I know. And I’m sorry, I really am. But you know that juggling my… duties and timings are hard,” He dipped his head slightly to make you look at him, brushing a small piece of papdi off your kurta. God, he was so annoying sometimes. His eyes were so soft and irresistible and he knew it.
“Come on, look at me,” He said teasingly, stepping forward slightly and grinning as you glanced up at him, then immediately frowned at your lack of willpower when it came to him. “There she is.”
You felt a smile break through so you set down the paper plate on a nearby ledge, leaning forward to wrap him in a hug and bury your face in his clothes. “Arre, you’re insufferable,” You mumbled, to which he let out a small chuckle and effortlessly picked you up to spin you around despite your little yelp of surprise.
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I’m sure that’s why you came out here on a date with me to have street food, right? Let’s go, meri dhoop. No use of you being all sad right now, naa? Look, there’s even pani puri a few stalls down.”
You almost got whiplash from how fast you turned your head to look, your eyes widening in excitement as all previous thoughts were forgotten. “You should’ve mentioned that earlier!”
Pavitr laughed, the easy chuckle - as cliché as it sounded - practically music to your ears as you grabbed his hand and took off, leading him to the pani puri vendor. “I knew that’d cheer you up.”
One shared paper plate of (admittedly quite messy) pani puri and a whole skewer of seekh kebab later, you leaned against a ledge overlooking the Mumbattan bridge right next to a whole row of new vendors. Pavitr wrapped an arm a little too tightly around your shoulders, nervously measuring the distance you would fall if you tripped.
“Pavi, relax, I won’t fall,” You gave him a reassuring smile, and he breathed out slowly before giving you a slightly strained smile in return. “Yeah, sorry. Spider-Man stuff. Lots of, uh… bad things happen. Usually near large drops.”
Your eyes flicked to his hand, gripping the railing so hard his knuckles were starting to lose circulation. Sensing his discomfort, you moved away from the railing back into the middle of the cobblestones.
“I’m going to braid your hair,” You declared suddenly to ease the tension in the air, examining the smooth waves that framed his face, pushed back slightly with his blue headband. His eyes widened in horror at your statement. “Wait, what? No! I said I was sorry for coming late! I’ll do my absolute best to come on time, I promise!”
“I’m not that rough,” You protested, scrunching your eyebrows as he cupped his warm hands over your cheeks. “Of course not, meri jaan. You’re so gentle, my hair definitely doesn’t feel like it’s being sent to an early grave.”
“Aap drama baghair kisi wajah ke bana rahay hain.” (You are making drama for no reason) You frowned at him and he chuckled softly, shaking his head.
“Kabhi nahin! Mei achcha vajeh se drama karta hoon. …Uff, thik hai, tum mere baalon ko tod sakte hain. Lekin… pehle ise kha leh.” (Never! I do drama for good reasons. ..Okay, fine, you can tear my hair out. But first… eat this.)
He held up a plate of vada pav, his smile growing as your eyes lit up again, the familiar scent bringing back memories of sitting in your grandparents’ house and watching them cook, masala-infused aromas wafting through the kitchen from the large utensils.
“What did I do to deserve you?” You wondered aloud as you started stuffing your face with the nostalgic dish. Your tone was lighthearted and playful, but it had a few traces of the underlying truth. You were so, so lucky to have him, and you knew it.
You could see it every time he dramatically presented you with some knickknack or the other that he picked up along the way, handing it to you with a bashful ‘it made me think of you.’ You could see it every time he adjusted your dupatta, every time you caught him staring at you with round, loving, awestruck eyes as if you were the very centre of the cosmos itself.
And when he smiled at everyone it was usually genuine, sure, but you had a special kind of smile reserved for your eyes alone. One that made the small dimples at the corners of his mouth even more noticeable, one that made him scrunch his nose subconsciously with how wide he was smiling.
The kind of smile he was using right now. And oh, good grief, you were so far gone for him. He was so effortlessly gorgeous it actually hurt - wavy hair swept to one side behind his headband, brown eyes turning gold in the sun, the light dappling his face and flicking tiny spots of shadow onto his skin.
“Tum bohat khobsorat ho,” (You’re so beautiful) You whispered, completely spellbound. Pavitr blinked in surprise, his smile turning slightly shy. “Arrey, tum mujhe bahut zyaada phlait karte ho.” (You flatter me too much)
“No, really!” You insisted, tapping the tip of his nose with your pinky and laughing when he scrunched it instinctively. “You’re very pretty, you know that? Mera khobsorat ladka. Pretty, pretty boy.” (My beautiful boy)
“Aap adhik sundar hai.” (You’re more beautiful) Without warning, he gently grabbed your torso and pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your hair. You looped your arms around to meet behind his shoulder blades, resting your chin in the crook of his neck.
You were scared to move, to disturb the silent peacefulness of it all, but you wanted to tell him something that would hopefully put his worries to rest.
“You know I won’t leave you, right? I won’t be your… what is it, canon event? Whatever that is.”
At the words ‘canon event’, Pavitr flinched as if he had been burned, his eyes wide and searching as he looked at you. “What? Where did that come from? And how-”
“Okay, listen, so it’s kinda my fault,” You began, choosing your words so as to not agitate him any further. “But you know how you said I could read your journal, because basically every embarrassing thing you’ve written is you being lovesick for me?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” He covered his face with his hands in embarrassment, messing up his hair in the process.
“Anyway, uh… you left it open on your drawer and I maybe kind of accidentally looked through the last entry. But only because I was worried. You’d been acting stressed out the whole day, remember? I’m sorry!”
“I don’t… hmm, actually, that’s pretty sweet that you were worried. I appreciate it.” He lifted his head to meet your eyes, almost smiling before his face crumpled again. “Hang on, what else did you see? Oh, god, did you see the whole page of poems I wrote? No, wait, hear me out! In my defence, I was absolutely whipped for you. I still am, but-”
“Ai, meri mohabbat. Chup ho jao. Mujhe lagta hai ke yeh dilkash hai,” (My love. Shush. I think it’s adorable) You reassured him, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose before moving in to press a soft kiss to his lips, an attempt at putting his worries and ramblings to rest.
That shut him up pretty well.
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Please know that I am not Pakistani! I tried my best to write this, but if there is anything I’ve gotten wrong, please let me know and I’ll be happy to change it. <3
Meri jaan - my life
Meri dhoop - My sunshine/my sun
A kurta is a loose, collarless type of shirt worn by people in South Asia. It usually extends up to or just past the knee.
A dupatta is a length of material worn arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez or a kurta, by women from South Asia.
Papdi chaat (or papri chaat) is crispy fried-dough wafers served with typical chaat ingredients such as chickpeas, boiled potatoes, yogurt sauce, and tamarind and coriander chutneys; it may also contain pomegranate seeds. Dahi papdi chaat is the same thing, but more yoghurt is used (dahi means yoghurt/curd).
Pani puri is a popular Indian snack consisting of fried puff-pastry balls filled with spiced mashed potato (the puri), spiced water, and tamarind juice (the pani).
Seekh kebab is a type of kebab made with Indian spices, spiced, minced or ground meat, usually lamb or chicken, formed into cylinders on skewers and grilled.
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Tags: @hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099
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voidsentprinces · 2 months
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Everyone else looks great but...Meteor is entering ARR territory again. Like...something is getting lost in translation to how he's been looking since Shadowbringers.
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lower-management · 2 months
I’m superbly deijk aje lwoplr arr tryinh to yelo kd thzt’s a provo gtr I xa ’t fedl mu loeer body I loveh life snd I love alcoyoo
I’m superbly drunk and people are trying to tell me that’s a problem, grr I can’t feel my lower body I love my life and I love alcohol
I mean you're indulging in my zin zo that's great for me, not so great for ya.
Why'd ya come to me? Not gonna try to kill me are ya? Uzually doesn't end well
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yoakegenko · 2 years
Romance Sonnet ー Toichiro
parte 1 part 2
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「 Nosso novo começo 」
Certo dia, alguns dias depois de toichiro voltar para a capital... Ele me trouxe à um restaurante francês para jantarmos juntos.
Toichiro: Parece que as avaliações estavam certas. Não estava mal.
Futaba: Estava delicioso! Eu nunca tive um jantar francês autêntico antes.
Toichiro: Fico feliz que tenha gostado.
Quando chegamos a sua carruagem, ele estende a mão pra mim.
Toichiro: Aí está.
( Uau... Agora ele está muito parecendo um cavalheiro. Alguém poderia pintar a imagem dele neste momento. )
Seus elegantes gestos são tão charmosos que eu quase me pego o encarando enquanto ele me guia pra carruagem.
Futaba: A culinária francesa é tão bonita de se ver, que comê-la é quase um desperdício.
Toichiro: Eles a chamam de um festival pros olhos assim como pra boca. Isso lembra a culinária japonesa kaiseki*, nesse sentido. No entanto, isto é coisa bem humana pra demandar beleza de uma refeição. Contudo, eu não posso dizer que não gosto de tais ambições.
Futaba: Além da comida em si, há muita atenção na maneira em qual a pessoal come também. Não sou tão familiar com as maneiras a mesa ocidentais, pra falar a verdade... espero não ter feito nada embaraçoso?
Toichiro: Você fez esplendidamente.
Ele afaga carinhosamente a minha cabeça como se eu fosse uma criancinha.
Toichiro: Eu diria que você estudou?
Futaba: Bem, todo mundo conhece você afinal. Eu não queria causar problemas fazendo papel de boba enquanto te acompanhava.
Quando falo isso o sorriso de satisfação de Toichiro aumenta.
Toichiro: Entendo. Então você teve todo o trabalho pra evitar me envergonhar. Tenho que dizer que estou lisonjeado.
( Bem, ele não está errado mas.... Ele realmente tinha que dizer isso em voz alta? )
Toichiro e eu temos saído juntos várias vezes desde que viramos um casal oficial. Mas eu ainda sinto como se ele me tivesse em suas mãos, eu não consigo ter vantage com ele.
Nosso tempo junto parece passar em um instante, uma vez que chegamos à minha casa.
Toichiro: Vamos planejar nosso próximo fim de semana com algo que você gostaria de faze, tente pensar em algumas ideias enquanto isso.
Nós continuamos a conversar enquanto desço da carruagem.
Futaba: Eu vou.
Toichiro: faça, por favor.
Depois dele me oferecer a mão pra me ajudar à descer assim como ele fez quando eu embarquei, ele se afasta.
Uma onda repentina de solidão me faz olhar para Toichiro.
Toichiro: ...
(... eu não quero dizer adeus ainda. Mas, não seria egoísta de minha parte pedir que ele fique mais um pouco, seria? )
Toichiro: ... então, boa noite.
Toichiro sorri antes de voltar para a carruagem e me deixar.
( Toichiro sempre parece ter tudo sob controle. Até mesmo quando estamos juntos, ele nunca deixa suas emoções tomarem conta de si.)
Mesmo quando eu quero passar mais tempo com ele, não consigo deixar de ter a impressão que ele não compartilha dos meus sentimentos.
( Já estive várias vezes na casa dele e agora tivemos alguns desses encontros... sinto que já é hora de termos um pouco mais de desenvolvimento na área romântica...)
Enquanto eu assisto desanimada a carruagem desaparecer na distância, eu de repente percebo algo.
( Espera. O que exatamente eu estou esperando que aconteça?! )
Balanço minha cabeça enquanto entro em casa.
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Dias depois, estou conversando com minhas amigas de escola quando uma garota solta um suspiro.
Garota 1: ...minha família ainda insiste em fazer aquele encontro que te falei antes. Eu realmente quero me formar na escola, mas e se eu não puder recusar ele?
Garota 2: Ele é tão ruim assim?
Garota 1: Bem, ele não é um homem mal, e a família de é de uma posição melhor que a minha... mas ele é muito mais velho que eu e aparentemente sua aparência não é lá essas coisas.
Garota 3: Ah, aí vai você outra vez. Se ele é uma boa pessoa e com dinheiro suficiente pra te ajudar, isso é melhor do que a maioria consegue.
( Ah... então outra amiga minha está indo se casar... eu mesma não fui perguntada sobre casamento por ninguém... vai ser triste sem ela aqui na escola.)
Garota 1: Se eu tiver que casar com alguém, eu gostaria que fosse com o Toichiro da casa Yuri.
( Toichiro?! )
Garota 2: Penso exatamente assim!
Garota 1: Ele não só é nobre de nascença como lindo também.
( Eu certamente não esperava que alguém aqui fosse mencionar o Toichiro...)
Como estou aqui espantada, as meninas se voltam pra olhar pra mim.
Garota 2: Pensando nisso Futaba, não é mesmo que seu pai tem negócios com a casa Yuri?
Futaba: Sim, claro... toichiro é um dos clientes mais próximos. Pra falar a verdade, eu tenho que entregar um pedido na casa dele hoje depois da escola.
Garota 1: Sério? Que inveja!
Garota 3: Você falou com o dono toichiro então? Como ele é?
Futaba: Bem... ele parece realmente amar as belas artes. Sempre que faço suas entregas ele me agradece... algumas vezes ele me convida pra tomar um xícara de chá de leite.
Garota 2: Chá de leite?! Que maravilhoso...!
Garota 3: Que tratamento generoso pra algo tão simples como fazer uma entrega!
Garota 1: Viu, isso que é casa yuri! Tão bem educado, tão atencioso!
( B-bem, acho que eu não deveria ficar surpresa mas... toichiro parece ter bastante fãs. )
O nome dele ser mencionado nessa conversa sobre casamento, estranhamente acelera meu coração.
( A maneira como ele me trata em nossos encontros fala de suas experiências anteriores com mulheres... Talvez ele parece sempre tão tranquilo nos nossos encontros porque eu não sou interessante o bastante pra ele? Como, talvez ele não me veja "daquele jeito" ainda.... Não, no que eu estou pensando? Isso é ridículo! )
Eu luto pra afastar esses pensamentos perturbadores.
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Depois de fazer minha entrega na casa dele, toichiro oferece me levar pra casa de carruagem.
Futaba: Ainda nem está escuro. Eu ficaria bem sozinha, você sabe.
Toichiro: Ah, por favor. Não seja estraga prazeres. Você não vê que ofereci te acompanhar porque quero ficar sozinho com você? Shizuki está sempre presente em minha casa.. mesmo que eu te convidasse pra entrar nós teríamos que nos comportar bem.
Sei que ele está só brincando, mas meu coração mesmo assim dá um pulo.
( Por que sou a única tão nervosa...? )
Futaba: Não é como se estarmos sozinhos fosse fazer muita diferença.
Toichiro: hã?
Futaba: ... bem, nós nunca fazemos nada na verdade.
Ver a postura relaxada de toichiro faz com que eu coloque pra fora toda a frustração que estava pesando em minha mente.
( Ele está acostumado com esse tipo de coisa... Eu sei que não deveria culpá-lo por levar as coisas devagar, dando quão pouca experiência tenho com essas coisas mas...)
Toichiro: huh.
Com um olhar engraçado, toichiro olha nos meus olhos.
Toichiro: Você gostaria que eu fizesse 'algo' então?
Futaba: ...
Toichiro: Tudo bem. Como minha dama desejar.
Ele levanta meu queixo e vai se aproximando cada vez mais...
( Isso é...)
Fico tensa em antecipação para o meu primeiro beijo...
Toichiro: ... ha ha. Você sabe, eu não posso te beijar quando seus lábios estão tão fechados assim.
Futaba: B-bem, não posso evitar isso! Não estou acostumada com isso!
Toichiro: hmm... Você diz que não está acostumada 'com isso' - Isso significa, eu imagino, que você já fez isso antes?
( ...! )
Sua maldosa pergunta me deixa sem palavras.
Futaba: Ah...
Toichiro: ...?
Futaba: ...Não, eu não tive.
Toichiro: Eu imaginava que não.
Futaba: Porquê você perguntou então, se já sabia a resposta?!
Toichiro: Não consegui evitar quando você está fazendo essa cara engraçada. Faz um tempo desde que te vi nervosa assim.
Toichiro sorri, olhando presunçoso antes de se afastar.
( ele estava só me provocando...?! )
Fico um pouco deprimida ao me lembrar daquela conversa com as minhas amigas na escola, nesta tarde.
( vejo que realmente não tenho o que é preciso pra fazer o coração de toichiro bater mais forte...)
Toichiro: Você faz ficar bem difícil pra mim quando me olha desse jeito.
Nesse momento, toichiro se inclina trazendo seu rosto pra perto de meu ouvido.
Toichiro: Você é tão adorável que eu acho difícil de me controlar.
( Uau! )
Sinto minhas orelhas ficarem vermelhas quando ele me surpreende com este sussurro.
Toichiro: ... mas não quero fazer nada que possa te assustar ou te machucar. Eu vou esperar até que você esteja pronta.
Toichiro diz e então se afasta outra vez.
( Oh... )
Uma mistura de alívio e remorso cai sobre mim.
(... mas isso significa então, que ele está se segurando por minha causa, pelo meu bem. )
Toichiro: Futaba.
Futaba: Sim?
Quando a doce voz dele chama o meu nome, eu olho pra ele--
Toichiro: ...
Ele põe a mão dele na minha bochecha, e eu sinto uma suave e quente sensação em meus lábios.
( Espera. Essa sessão é... Os lábios de toichiro...?! )
No momento que percebo o que está acontecendo, toichiro me solta.
Toichiro: ... você não estava tensa dessa vez. Muito bem.
Futaba: Ah, logo agora...! E depois de você falar que não ia...
Toichiro: haha.
Se divertindo, toichiro da risada enquanto ele acaricia minha bochecha.
Toichiro: Você deveria saber melhor do que ninguém em não confiar em tudo o que eu digo. Além do mais, você parecia desapontada quando eu disse que não iria.
( ele viu através de mim...!)
Toichiro: Se você não está acostumada com isso, então tudo que há pra fazer é se acostumar com isso. E o melhor jeito de fazer isso é acumulando experiência... quantas vezes forem necessárias.
A voz dele é suave quando ele vem se aproximando outra vez de mim.
(... oh.)
Eu me encontro inquieta em antecipação ao próximo beijo e--
Toichiro: Sem fugir agora.
Eu fecho meus olhos desta vez enquanto aceito seus lábios.
Futaba: ...
Toichiro: ... boa garota.
A sensação do beijo gentil e o eco da voz dele faz minha cabeça girar.
Toichiro: Vem agora, põe seu braço envolta do meu ombro.
(... não tem jeito. Eu realmente não sou páreo pro toichiro.)
Eu penso distraidamente comigo mesma... enquanto eu alcanço por ele envolvendo meu braço em torno de seu ombro como ele orienta.
*culinaria kaiseki era um banquete feitos pelos monges japoneses. Entretanto, com o passar do tempo essa refeição foi absorvida na tradicional cerimônia do chá.
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It's a beautiful day 😊 to hook up and have a beautiful trans princess 👑🏳️‍⚧️ ride on your dick🥒🥰😊
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Oh my gor….reqs r open!!! Can i request pakistani reader x pavitr who just starts speaking urdu/hindi when shes angry? I feel like it would b pretty funny :3!
- from the raccoon anon 🦝
Ok, so I’m not Pakistani but I did ask some of my Pakistani friends how to write this reader, so I hope it’s accurate to your experiences, and if not pls let me know 💜
Pavitr Prabhakar x FemPakistani!Reader
Oneshot/Short Story
TW: Fluff, Urdu/Hindi with translations, Google translate was used a little :/, lots of dialogue, reader low-key has anger issues
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"Are you mad at me?"
"No." You tried your best to make your tone as cold as possible, but that was proving to be impossibly difficult when looking into the puppy dog eyes of the boy in front of you.
"Liar" Pavitr cocked his head to the side slightly, giving you a lopsided grin, his arms folded over his chest. He looked like he was on the verge of laughter, but he always looked like that, being the little ray of sunshine he was. You'd never see him with a frown on his face, which made your RBF even more noticeable when the two of you were together. "Why are you mad?"
"I'm not mad!" You replied, putting your hand up to his face and looking to the side. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing at his expression. He looked like a sad puppy. It was hard not to turn off your cold demeanor when you saw him like that, but then of course you had your reasons to be mad at him.
"Aww, don't be like that meri jaan" he teased, stepping out of the way of your hand and grinning that shit-eating grin. Nothing could ever falter his can-do attitude, not even your blatant refusal to tell him what was wrong.
"Arre, don't call me that!" You said, looking back at him with a scowl, putting your hands on your hips. You looked down for a second, hesitant to tell him your reasons. You didn't want to get mad at him, but that was proving difficult. "Fine! I am mad." You said angrily.
"Okay...why are you mad?"
"Why do you think I'm mad??"
He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling that golden-boy smile at you again. Infuriating. You scoffed, feeling your muscles tightening and your face heating up as you tried to keep yourself from blowing up at him.
"mein aap ko sambhaal nahi sakta (I can't handle you)"
"Just tell me why you're mad!" he said, his voice slightly whiny as he looked at you, his hands on his hips. "What'd I do?"
You groaned, smacking your forehead and glaring at him from behind your palm. "How can you not know?"
He smiled again, watching you, his eyes crinkling slightly. He's not even sorry. You thought to yourself, getting more and more annoyed by the second. "Just tell me what I did" He said, his tone a little softer this time.
You stumbled over your words for a moment, unable to get them out properly. A groan escaped your lips before you threw your hands up and started spewing the first sentences that came to your mind.
"aap hamesha masroof rehtay hain! (You're always busy!)"
"tum ab kabhi mere sath waqt nahi guzartay! (You never spend time with me anymore!)"
"yeah bu-"
"aap hamesha spiderman honay mein masroof rehtay hain! (You're always busy being Spider-man!)"
"I have t-"
"ham ek taveel arase se ek saath baahar nahin gae hain! (We havent' gone out together in a long time!)"
"mat kaho lekin! (Don't say but!)" You cut him off, pointing your finger up at him, your voice slightly raised. He put his hands up in front of him defensively, his eyebrows raising slightly at the action. But he still had that stupid grin on his face, somehow enjoying watching you get angry.
"jb aap gausse men hote hain to aap sundr dikhte hain (You look pretty when you're angry)" He said, waggling his eyebrows at you. You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest again, but you couldn't help but smile slightly at this confession.
"Come on meri jaan...I'm sorry." You bit the inside of your cheek once again, looking up at him with a glare. You blinked, then sighed and chuckled, a soft exhale leaving your lips. His expression lit up as he watched you, giant smile returning. "...Does this mean you forgive me?" He asked excitedly, leaning in toward you slightly.
"Arre, back up." You said with an eye roll, leaning backwards, standing on the heels of your feet. "But I forgive you." You muttered, unable to suppress your slight smile. He gave you a wink and flashed that same golden smile.
"I knew you would"
Meri Jaan - My life/My light
Arre - Hey!
Google translate was used, so if some of the translations are incorrect or incomplete, pls let me know and I'll change them! I hope this was to your liking, anon 💜 This was so fun to write!
Btw, I wrote reader's lines in Urdu and Pav's lines in Hindi, and since the languages are pretty similar I assumed they'd be able to understand each other. I also thought it would be more accurate for a Pakistani reader to speak Urdu while Pavitr canonically knows Hindi. So if you see any grammatical differences between their lines, thats why <3
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A while ago some wonderful Merlin fans asked me for a pronunciation guide for the “Common Brittonic” words that Arthur and Merlin use in “And like the cycle of the year, we begin again”.
I put the name Common Brittonic in huge quotes there, because basically I translated English to Modern Welsh, then researched the Consonant and Vowel Shifts that occurred to the related Proto Indo European languages in the Proto Celtic family, and tried to reverse-engineer the spelling. After that, I threw in a bit of Cornish influence and Manx spellings, you know, as one does, just for fun.
If you’re interested in the actual state of Brythonic Linguistic Reconstruction, there are many scholarly articles about it. Take some headache pills before you read them though. The topic gets very deep, very fast, and that particular rabbit hole has no bottom.
Anyway, here’s what the words sound like in my head — more Cornish than Welsh, with a flowing Latin influence.
Chapter 5:
“Pwy ydysw swhi bobl?” - “Who are you people?” - “Pwee DIH-SIHW swih bow-bull?”
“Bedh syon diwydd yma?!” - “What is happening here?” - “BETH-see-on dih-WHEETH-ee-mah”
“Merlin, a ywn schi?” - “Merlin, is that you?” - “Merlin, a-EEWAN she?”
“Nizh zhwi yn breuzhwetio?” - “Is this a dream?” - “Nizz ZWEE-een brayz-WET-cho?”
“Na, nizh ythych yn breuzhwetio” - “No, this is not a dream” - “Nah, nizz-HEETH-itch ee-in brayz-WET-cho”
Chapter 13:
“H’ud oyr awyr ar daear?” - “What on earth is it now?” - “Huh-DOE-ee-arr aweer arr-DAY-arr?”
“Merlin! Ble edech c’hi!” Damniasech, ble wyt ti!” - “Merlin! Where are you? Damn it where are you!” - “Merlin! Bled-ECK chee? Dahm-nih-sech, bleh WIT-tee?”
“Rydw i yma! Fod yn dawel!” - “I’m here! Be quiet!” / “Ree-DWEE-mah! Fow-DEEN dah-well!”
Chapter 14:
“Galwch barhau idal mi en avr, ni galweh shi?” - “Can you understand the words I’m saying” - “Galwich bar-how-ih-dall mee-in aver, nih gal-weh she?”

Chapter 18:
“Ror gora idos silus arnint!” - “Stop staring at them” - “Roar GORRIDOS sillus ar-nint.”
“Nid spi oed inos silus arnint!” - “I’m not staring at them” - “NID spy-oh-wed innohs sillus ar-nint!”
Chapter 29:
“Rhifegh ahn gifarweh.” - “Familiar yet strange. Known yet unknown.” - “RIFF-ehh gahnn gih-FAR-wehh”
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tigerpriestess · 2 years
Eggplants are dangerous...
And what was good Ginnojo?! I still love you!
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fairygodpiggy · 2 months
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Name: Eyri Styrbraena (translated to "Wandering Starbreaker")
It isn't her true name, of course - rather, the name is a curse of sorts that she's embraced.
Her true name, still unknown to anyone (aside from family) canonically, is Maetianka Thosinbharwyn (Mighty Anchor, daughter of Grey Bear).
Nicknames: Starbreaker, Big Lady, Large Mom
Age: 30 as of ARR (maybe around 36-ish by the start of DT? Give us a solid timeline, P L E A S E )
Nameday: In game, she shares my birthday, but canonically it is the 19th Sun of the Second Astral Moon (March 19, one of the three potential dates for the Spring Equinox / first day of Spring).
Race: Roegadyn, Sea Wolf
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession: Not counting WoL adventures - former pirate, former bouncer. She currently holds the position of Judge Magister in the Free Company, Knights of the Round. Eyri stands as one of three of the Lord Commander's most trusted knights.
Physical Aspects
Hair: Snowy white, though as it gets longer, the ends begin to darken to a dark grey - a couple of steps above black. She keeps it fairly short so it doesn't get in the way. She has bangs to hide a scar above her right eye.
Eyes: At birth, lavender.
From ages 14-35, her left eye became a dark purple like umbral aether, and her right eye became blinded and pale blue like astral aether. The color change and blindness was due to an aetherial imbalance that came about when Hydaelyn resurrected her from the lifestream after a fatal accident.
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(real talk, when I first made Eyri, I had no knowledge or context of Hydaelyn or Zodiark's colorations, nor of the fact that astral aether = stasis, so it really was a happy accident that I was able to fit into lore)
This aetherial imbalance was eventually fixed and her eyecolor returned to lavender once more. The blindness in her right eye remains - it can sense light, but that's about it.
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Skin: Deep, slate grey. She also always wears some form of black lip stain.
Tattoos/scars: She has full sleeves on both arms, then one on her right...flank.
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She has battle scars all over her body - primarily some claw marks that wrap from her left collarbone to her shoulder blade, earned from fighting a particularly nasty coeurl encounter; 3 jagged gashes across her torso and 3 across her left calf that were all caused by a large, mace-wielding minotaur; a scar that wraps around her right ankle and heel, that very narrowly missed her Achilles, inflicted by her sister's blade.
The primary scar that she's had the longest, and keeps hidden beneath her hair, is the scar above her right eye. This is from a fatal fall that radically shifted her fate. She sometimes views it as a curse and is ashamed of it.
Parents: Father - Thosinbhar Wyzniyrnsyn (Grey Bear, son of White Iron, goes by Thosin for short)
Mother - Wiltrael Berkarenawyn (Wild Doe, daughter of Mountain Harvester, goes by Wilt for short)
Siblings: Sister - Rymmwaen Thosinbharwyn (Frost Wind, daughter of Grey Bear, goes by Rymm for short)
Grandparents: More Roegadyn names LET'S GOOO
Paternal Grandfather - Wyzniyrn Fyrilspaersyn (White Iron, son of Lost Sparrow)
Paternal Grandmother - Fyrfyst Syhrstralwyn (Fire Fist, daughter of Fearless Arrow)
Maternal Grandfather - Berkarena Pfarstyrmsyn (Mountain Harvester, son of Walking Storm)
Maternal Grandmother - Wytageim Hywabfrynwyn (Water Jewel, daughter of Hawk Friend)
In-laws and Other: EVEN MORE NAMES (help)
Brother-in-Law - Ronthnfarr Abylntyrbsyn (Running Bull, son of Raging Cyclone... Literally just goes by Ron for short LMAO)
Nephew - Doennahr Ronthnfarrsyn (Thundering Eagle, son of Running Bull, goes by Doen for short)
Pets: Her chocobo and trusted companion, Fernando.
She didn't keep any other pets until recently. There's a small crab that started following her around, and so she started caring for it. Then she gave it a knife to hold in its claw because she thought it was funny.
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Abilities: For the majority of her life, she had aethersight, and could see the auras of people's souls. It was an ability that she could not turn off or will away, and it came at a heavy cost: severe aether sickness. This manifested as agonizing and debilitating migraines centered at her blind eye. She avoided magic and crowds as best as she could, and she was able to teleport in case of an emergency, but she would be out of commission for several days afterward.
While this ability was seen as useful to her allies, she viewed it as a curse and began advocating for her own well-being.
Hobbies: Eyri enjoys sketching, usually maps of various cities or towns, as well as learning new things in general. Whether it's studying new languages or learning the customs of different cultures.
Most Positive Trait: Being selflessly protective
Most Negative Trait: Being wrecklessly protective
Colors: Black, purple, green, red
Smells: Coffee, forests and mountain air, campfires, fresh tobacco, wildflowers
Textures: Thick wool fabrics
Drinks: Coffee, any kind of alcohol, and any drinks that are warm and comforting
Other Details
Smokes: Occasionally tobacco, and rarely pipeweed - she did not start partaking in pipeweed until after her aether became rebalanced because it would exacerbate the effects of her uncontrollable aethersight. She most commonly smoked cigarettes while working at The Wet Whisker (a speakeasy masked as a flower shop) as a bouncer, or when she was highly stressed. Now she does it much less frequently, and usually for fun.
Drinks: If alcoholic, she will always ask for the strongest drink on the menu and she has a very high tolerance - she used to commonly drink this way to dull the effects of her uncontrollable aethersight.
Drugs: She has never used anything stronger than liquor or pipeweed...unless Yorick Lecannon's beverage, The Olympus, counts as hard drugs...a signed waiver is required, and so far it's the only concoction that has knocked Eyri out cold in seconds...
Mount Issuance: She was issued a chocobo liscense after providing several years of work for the Maelstrom and Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn and becoming a trusted individual in her eyes. In recognition for her deeds to Limsa Lominsa and its Grand Company, Merlwyb personally offered Eyri a position within their ranks. She lovingly named her chocobo Fernando.
While working at The Wet Whisker, she found herself in possession of a motorcycle that she uses to traverse the main continent. How she came to be in possession of such magitek is a question that aught not be asked.
Been Arrested: ......There do not appear to be any records detailing any arrest history......
That's about it, folks!
Feel free to do one of these if you want, even if you haven't been tagged <3
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