#ardyn being well himself
paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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sparklecryptid · 1 year
Alright so @hamelin-born said something about the ‘Ardyn did in fact curse the line of Somnus’ royal bastard au au and how it would be interesting if the curse was forgotten. And then my mind went haywire.
also tagging @raven-6-10 for reasons
Ace will not say he hates that he is standing in front of his father. He will not say that he hates it only because it was his choice that led here. It was Ace’s choice to reveal himself to Cor and thus trigger a chain of events that have led to him standing in front of Regis and Noctis in a highly secured room in the Citadel.
Can’t let the public know you have a bastard child, Ace thinks bitterly and waits for the news to process.
“You’re saying we’re cursed?” Noctis sounds bewildered and Ace can’t blame him. Ace himself didn’t believe it at first until his Uncle had recited the curse and Ace felt the magic of it bounce off of him.
Ardyn’s claim it turns out is enough to dissuade the curse from dooming Ace and everyone he cares about but Ardyn has no intention of offering that same protection to either Regis or Noctis so Ace now has to find a way to break his Uncle’s curse.
Ace’s master plan did not account for this. There was no ‘Break In Case of Curse’ option in his plan to break the Crystal open like an egg. He has no idea what the fuck to do but he has to do something.
“Slain ye might be and slain ye shall be,” Ace quotes. Magic rises up around them full of wrath and grief and an unending hatred. “By weapon, and by torment, and by grief; and your houseless spirits shall be barred from Garden and Stream.”
Ardyn’s voice echoes Ace’s as they speak in tandem. Ardyn’s echo full of malice and rage while Ace keeps his voice emotionless. As if he’s reciting a report. “Their rule will drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very peace they sought to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by the treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. Ye shall dwell in the shadow of death and have no respite. Houseless you shall be now and forevermore. You King has thus spoken.”
The echo of Ardyn’s magic and the full weight of it that was thrown behind the curse lingers in the air after Ace is done speaking. Noctis is frozen and for all his court training Ace can spy the way his hands shake, in fear or anger Ace doesn’t know but he can sympathize.
Regis looks like a wall of ice. His face expressionless but a growing rage lingers in his eyes.
“So,” Ace says, “You two have a problem and my current plans do not account for curse breaking. Thus I need your help to - I don’t know - find a way out of this?”
“You sound oddly calm for someone who is also cursed.” Regis’ eyes are sharp.
Ace shrugs.
“I’m immune to it, call the privilege of not being a legitimate child.” Ace is not telling his biological father about the entire thing between him and Ardyn. He is not doing that.
Regis does not believe him. Just as he should, because Ace is lying. The curse does effect bastard children. But as Ace is the only bastard this time around they don’t need to know that.
“Then do you know who cursed us?”
Ace smiles wryly.
“Who else?” Ace says, “The Sage. The Accursed. Whatever you want to call him. He was rightfully the first king until our asshole grandfather decided to take the throne and kill him.”
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Well, since you said it's okay :)
Nox verse crossover! Specifically, Sola and Nox being summoned to Dissidia sometime before the entire Marilith incident.
Sola was not happy to be dragged into some weird fighting tournament, so she is more than happy to derail the entire thing to talk to her New Brother. Now if only he would stay still! Please stop running away, Brother, she has Questions!
Sola also has Questions for her Papa, once she gets back to Insomnia. Starting with how many ooops babies did you have, Papa? She wants to know if there are More Siblings out there.
(Yes, Regis, how many kids do you have running around? says Clarus while Glaring at his King. They saw the entire thing through Crystal-vision.)
Absolutely okay to keep sending in asks! Can't promise I'll get to them right away given it's finals season atm, but the asks are fun!
Putting this under a cut because I got clocked in the head with a bat by the damn plot bunnies while writing this and it got stupidly long.
Not gonna lie, this is great - Sola would lose her entire mind because brother? New brother?
New brother who has definitely not been taking care of himself properly, sit down so Sola can feed you, Pyre damn it all.
Meanwhile Nox is more than a little surprised to come face to face with a girl who looks so much like mom but with Ardyn's hair and magic and Cor's scowl. His new sister - who claims him as a brother despite giving his surname as Izunia, only blinking once at the name of Niflheim's Chancellor before she promptly calls him her little brother - fights a lot like Cor as well, which is how Nox learns that Sola's been apprenticed to Cor since she was ten, after she foiled an assassination attempt on their younger brother, Noctis.
(Nox has to swallow around a lump in his throat at how easily Sola accepts him as family, calling Noctis their little brother instead of just hers.)
Actually though, Sola has a blast while she's in Dissidia. How could she not? She got a new brother - who is definitely a Little Brother, she doesn't care that he can kick her ass with both hands behind his back, his personal care habits are atrocious and she will do her duty as Older Sister and remind him to eat Pyre damn it - got to cut loose and fight a bunch of people and creatures, and didn't have to deal with the snobs on Papa's Council.
Best vacation ever.
Sola comes back from Dissidia grinning ear to ear - she convinced Nox to exchange numbers, and even if he's bad at remembering to text or call her, Sola will remember if it means badgering her newest brother into taking care of himself better - and cheerfully asks Papa if she's got any other siblings hanging about. Regis chokes on his spit, Clarus looks like he'd also like to know the answer to that question, while Cor looks like he can't decide if his birthday's come early or he wants to preemptively break out the alcohol.
So yeah, this is great. Maybe even better than original Sola and Nox and Noctis get pulled into Dissidia while Sola is pregnant, because teenaged Sola is having so much fun.
Little!Nox 'verse.
Specifically the version where @secret-engima dropped Nox and Noctis on Materia's side and Ardyn on Spiritus' side, with Sola joining Ardyn in this case. Post-Marilith because otherwise Nox would be like, three and Noctis eight and even I'm not that mean.
So instead Noctis is ten (Materia did try to call for champions that weren't literal children and had at least some combat experience. Normally Noctis wouldn't count, but he's since got the same soul as Nox, things got kinda mixed up. Not that that excuse will save Materia from Sola and Ardyn's wrath). Nox is five, and Sola is seventeen and newly outed as a Kingsglaive to the media, and newly realized by the Galahdians as being a half-feral Sky-born instead of just a short-tempered magical teenager.
Sola arrives at the tower before Ardyn and learns from one of the less-asshole villains who may have done this whole dog-and-chocobo show before that she’s to fight her counterpart. Which makes her immediately suspicious because she doesn’t have a mortal enemy like these people. Well, most of these people. Apparently one of them is fighting his sister-in-law and former comrade while another is fighting his own son, and if Sola goes off that pattern that means her counterpart is-
Oh Pyre no.
At which point Ardyn arrives in all of his furious-terrified-where-the-fuck-is-my-nephew Scourge-magic-faced glory. Which neatly derails Sola’s impending Rage as she stares at the man that looks (and feels, and Sola never realized how lonely she was until she met another with her magic) more like her than her own father and brother and it feels like she’s been sucker punched. Because that’s the missing Chancellor of Niflheim putting the fear of him into the other champions through the sheer strength of his magic that Sola’s doesn’t have a snowball’s chance on Ifrit’s Pyre of matching.
And yet-
“Uncle?” Ardyn’s not sure how he hears it past the sheer terror and rage pounding in his ears, past the red and gold shards of magic swirling about him in a physical manifestation of come-near-me-and-die, but somehow the soft word gets his attention from where he’s seething at Spiritus. Or maybe it’s just the barest brush of hesitant-surprise-hope that has him turning to the young woman looking at him with wide blue eyes framed by achingly familiar red hair.
He remembers hearing about the Regis of this alternate world (and hadn’t that been a shock on top of everything else) having a daughter older than Noctis. He’d simply been too busy caring for Nox to look more into it. Now he wishes he had.
Noctis may look almost exactly like Somnus, but clearly his older sister takes after Ardyn.
“Niece.” He greets. He cannot muster up the effort for even his most insincere smile right now, not when he doesn’t know where Nox is.
Sola steps fearlessly into the magic swirling around him like a storm, shards of red and gold shattering harmlessly against her skin-
Is she, is she hugging him?
She is. Even though she’s old enough to know who he is, her arms are circling his torso in an encompassing hold that is nonetheless so gentle that he could break out of it with a single step.
Ardyn… doesn’t. It… feels nice. His niece is warm, her magic (so like his, he never thought anyone would ever inherit his magic) contained such that only hints of it brush up against his, and yet Ardyn can feel clearly how his niece has no fear or disdain of him.
Ardyn isn’t sure what to make of that. He awkwardly pats her shoulder.
“Who did they take?” His niece asks. “Your counterpart.”
Ardyn’s hand involuntarily tightens on Sola’s shoulder. She doesn’t flinch. Ardyn wavers on whether to tell her, because he’s been trying to keep Nox secret and he can’t do that if anyone from the royal family knows.
But this is Sola, whose reputation for being so fiercely protective of her younger brother managed to reach even the furthest reaches of the Lucian outlands. And Sola’s magic is radiating her honest desire to help him, simply because he’s family.
Ardyn prays he’s making the right choice. “My nephew.”
From where she’s clutching him like Nox does with his stuffed chocobo, Sola stills, before looking up at him with shocked blue eyes. Underneath the worry and fear for the others taken with them, hope and affection blooms. “I have another brother?”
“Nox.” Ardyn hesitates, then adds. “He’s five.”
It’s like flipping a switch. Sola’s delight is buried under a wave of protective fury that doesn’t touch him, and she bares her teeth in a snarl. “They summoned. My five year old brother?”
Ardyn hasn’t seen this kind of fury since the mother coeurl chased off a voretooth pack that had gotten too close to Nox and her other cubs. He’s darkly eager to see how much violence his niece will dish out. If he deigns to leave her anything to kill, that is. “Most likely.”
Sola whirls on Spiritus, seething. “Where are my brothers?”
Meanwhile, Noctis is Absolutely Not Panicking.
He’s ten now, and if Sola was able to protect him from assassins without panicking at ten then Noctis can protect his baby brother without panicking, especially because he’s got so many people looking out for him. He’s a big kid now after all.
(Noctis doesn't know that Sola very much did panic when she saved him from that assassin seven years back. That the whole incident was one blur of Kill The Threat By Any Means Possible of panicked Sky-born instincts.)
Noctis is trying so very hard to be brave for Nox, but then they’re attacked and Noctis sees the attack coming for them and he knows he can’t get his sword up in time and he wants his sister-
And then there’s magic ripping through the air, familiar-but-not even as Sola appears out of nowhere to scoop the both of them up in her arms and raise the strongest barrier she can around them, her magic quivering in relief and protective fury, reassuring them that she’s got them, they’re safe and Uncle is just outside taking care of everything, they’re safe.
Noctis bursts into tears. Nox follows in short order. Sola holds them both, rumbling low in her throat like how she used to soothe Noctis after a nightmare, and keeping her shield as opaque as she can because like Pyre she’s letting either of the kids see the absolute carnage happening on the other side. Bad enough they can hear it. Sola would rather be tearing someone apart, but someone needs to protect her brothers and Uncle is so much stronger than her. So she sits on her cranky Sword instincts and goes about comforting her brothers.
When Ardyn finally knocks on her shield, the screaming has finally stopped, and both her brothers have cried themselves to sleep. Sola’s still making that rumbling sound in her chest, a self-soothing technique she hasn't used in longer than she can remember.
In a mirror of last time, Ardyn fearlessly steps past Sola’s bristling magic and hugs her, long arms wrapping around her and the boys with ease. He doesn’t say anything - he’s never gotten the hang of comforting words, even after two years of caring for Nox - but cautiously wrapping his magic around Sola and the boys has all three of them relaxing in his arms. At which point Sola dissolves into tears, silently sobbing into Ardyn’s shoulder in an effort not to wake Nox or Noctis, but Astrals, she was so scared and they nearly didn’t make it in time and Sola doesn’t want to have to contemplate living without her brothers. And Ardyn doesn’t know how to comfort, but he can just sit there and hold his niblings while his niece cries.
Sola and Ardyn only met hours before, but looking at how they act with each other no one is able to tell. Because those two get along like a house on fire.
(What is this overkill you speak of? We only know keeping nephews/little brothers safe. With extreme prejudice.)
Sola is monstrously protective of her newest brother and uncle. Nox’s Sick Day has Sola and the rest of the mages capable of healing and Ice Elemancy tending to Nox around the clock, struggling to keep his temperature down, Sola once more making her rumbling approximation of a purr to try and comfort both her family and herself. Which prompts Y’shtola to actually purr whenever it’s her turn to watch over Nox because the rumbling/purring helps Nox sleep through it all.
The reveal of Ardyn’s scars sends Sola into a towering fury that she makes sure to keep away from Uncle and her brothers, and Mors is lucky he’s already dead because Sola would gut him and leave him to bleed out on the floor.
(Ardyn is surprised by Sola’s fury and grief on his behalf. He’s not surprised by the love she has for Nox, but for him? It’s been millennia since he’s received that kind of immediate and unconditional care from anyone, much less family.)
So when Sola later sits by him that night after Nox and Noctis are fast asleep, burrowing under his arm for a half-hug Ardyn can easily escape from, Ardyn doesn’t expect the soft, “You’re safe? Wherever you are?”
Ardyn looks down at his niece’s red hair in surprise, wondering what’s prompted this inquiry. But it’s easy enough to answer. “Yes.” As safe as one can be living in the outlands, which is safe enough with Axis and his family helping and Ardyn being the most powerful being on the planet short of an Astral.
Fingers tighten their grip on his coat. “…will you call?”
“After we go home.” Sola clarifies. “I want to know you’re both okay.”
Ardyn stills. Because she can’t mean what he thinks she means. “You won’t try to take Nox?” Not that Ardyn would let anyone take his nephew.
“You don’t trust Papa.” Sola says. Which, yes, but Ardyn didn’t expect Sola to pick up on that when he’s been keeping a lid on the vitriol he feels for most of his family, for Nox and Noctis’ sakes. “Nox is my baby brother, but he’s your nephew too, and he loves you.” A quiet sniffle. “I’ll miss you.”
“I will call.” Ardyn promises, resting a hand on Sola’s hair. “Both of us will.” He’s gotten a lot better at managing time, he can absolutely make a reminder on his phone to call his favorite niece once a week. If not, Titus can remind him.
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promscamera · 4 months
You know, I really like how they did the story of Prompto being separated from the group for a while. I like this for all of them, btw, but specifically for Prompto.
It would've been so easy to make it his mistake. He's the one with the least training, who joined the last, and who gets the most comments on 'coming a long way', 'stay on your feet', etc. And he himself has a lot of doubts about belonging and tries so hard to fit it and 'be worthy'.
And then he gets separated to go on his solo adventure (DLC). But it's not his fault. He is badass! Standing up to Ardyn (even though let's be real Ardyn let him but still), and it's Noct who pushes him off the train.
Which is super sad and heartbreaking, but I just like how it's not something Prompto did. It was clearly Ardyn who caused it, but it was Noctis who 'did' the final push.
I just like it, because it shows that Prompto is capable. It doesn't put extra focus on 'we need to rescue him, as a damsel in distress'. And he did well on his own, too! (With the best girl, of course)
Anyway, main point. Prompto is cool and capable, and I like how it wasn't him messing up and then needing to get him out of his own mess, having to go out of their way because 'the youngest/least trained needs saving'. It's nice.
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charlottedabookworm · 1 month
Soooo, if Noctis and Prompto time-travelled because they died near/in the Citadel at approx. the same time, and Ardyn also died there at the time. . .
Well, I'm not saying that Ardyn found himself in the past, but imagine an AU, ok? Butterflies everywhere as Uncle Crazy wakes up and realises what happened.
i can’t say much because plot
however i will say that prom and noct being in the citadel had very little to do with them being yeeted back
(the timing of their deaths waa very important though)
but yeeee slightly less insane uncle ardyn in the past with them would be very funny but it’d also drive these poor boys even more insane. oh we died and ended up in the past, great. except now shit is different (cos ardyn) so we’re worried we’re in a alternate universe fuuuuuck
prom and noct now have extra trauma to run away from instead of process
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zelda-the-sacred-realm · 10 months
As much as I enjoyed the story of totk, I feel like it doesn’t really do ganondorf justice in terms of personality and goals. Throughout the game all he does is boast about his desire for power and how he hates how peace has made people go “soft”. I don’t necessarily think that he has to be this tragic sympathetic figure, I just wish he had the same depth and nuance that the other characters had in the game.
I always thought a great way of demonstrating a more complex and nuanced approach to his character would be dark foil to Link. Him growing up as a sorta chosen one and hero of his people with initial goals being the power to provide for his people and create a world of great warriors. However his pride and ambition combined with his transformation into the demon king corrupted and warped his mind until all he cared about was his own power to make the world as he saw fit. By the time Link and him meet, he’s resigned himself to his role as the villain of this story cause he believes that this is what the world intended for him. Him consuming the secret stone also highlighting the moment his armor finally breaks as he can’t bear to think of the idea that everything he’s fought and sacrificed for was all in vain. So he’d rather give it all up just to say he at least destroyed the man that ruined his plans once and for all. But his last ditch effort to wind not only destroys his mind as well as omit his influence on hyrule, but he’s defeated shortly after by the light dragon and Links combined efforts. In the end Ganondorf was his own worst enemy.
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I like your thoughts on Ganondorf, I also think that he is always the villain positioned in the story but that he doesn't have an obvious reason to be so evil.
Unfortunately, the biggest problem with some games is that little attention is paid to the motive of the villain, it is easy to create a character, position him and tell the player, here, he is your enemy. But why is that character evil? Why does he want to kill and conquer? What's in his past? Ganondorf doesn't respond to any of these, and maybe that's the reason why I'm never interested in him at all.
I have an example of a really well developed villain, he's from Final Fantasy XV and his name is Ardyn. An incredible story was developed for him, he was a good person, dedicated to saving his people from a deadly virus, the brother, on the other hand, was selfish and violent. Well the oracle announced that Ardyn should ascend the throne, but his brother knew it and set a trap for him, which ended with the death of the oracle herself, who was also Ardyn's sweetheart.
Moral of the story is that his brother ascended the throne and locked up Ardyn, and for many years Ardyn swore to destroy the family that descended from his brother.
For me this is an example of how to characterize a villain, giving a reason for his actions.
Sorry if I dwelt too much, but the topic interested me a lot, so I hope that sooner or later Nintendo will take care of giving Ganondorf a motive, so that maybe the players can also understand him.
Thank you for discussing this topic with me!
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seradyn · 8 months
A Dream Come True (Chp. 12)
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Chapter 12/35: A King's Garden
Another date with Ardyn; this time he has chosen to show you around the Emperor's gardens.
Link to work masterlist
Word count: 11,588
TW: None
Tags: @savage-rhi @blossom-adventures @ticklemycucumber
Lmk if you'd like to be tagged in updates
>> What do you mean you won’t be able to play games with me today >:((((((
>> Satus, I do have a life, you know.
>> Life shmife! You always play games with me on Saturday!
You sighed down at the little device, your breath coming out as a wispy cloud under winter’s crisp sun. You were standing outside your apartment, waiting for Ardyn’s attendant to come pick you up, the glow of your phone illuminating your face. A restless crowd shuffled around you, the city alight with the excitement of a freedom the weekend promised.
Your own excitement swirled within you like a happy cloud when you awoke that morning, but it came to a screeching halt, when you remembered your little tradition with your friend. Satus had been the one to suggest it back in college; to de-stress from homework and the like, and neither of you saw a reason to stop when you’d graduated. It was part of your little slice of normal. You always looked forward to it.
You felt guilty for having to cancel with such short notice, but, in all fairness, Ardyn hadn’t given you much notice himself. He’d asked you out again barely twelve hours ahead of time. And on your happiness high, you’d agreed to it without remembering your obligation to your friend. You didn’t mean to leave him hanging like that, it just sort of happened.
>> You know how computers work. Just play something else!
>> Instructions unclear. I keep texting you.
>> Put down the phone then, ya goofy goober.
>> Well, see now, my friend isn’t online yet.
>> Goddamn it Satus! I have to go soon!
>> Alright alright. Do I at least get to know what you’re doing?
>> I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.
>> >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
You shook your head at his antics, yet you laughed lightly at them too. He always loved to kid around, and being overly dramatic in situations like this was one of his favorite bits. He was probably already over it, giggling to himself about giving you a hard time. You’d have to remind yourself to reschedule your gaming session, as thanks for being a good sport.
The time was nearing 11:55, so you shoved your phone back in your pocket, bouncing on your heels as you waited to be picked up. Unfortunately, Ardyn hadn’t told you what kind of car they were going to drive, so you were left guessing with every vehicle that parked nearby. Your eyes tracked each one like a trained hawk, only to be disappointed when some unimportant businessman or woman got out.
A bell tolled off in the distance, signaling the turn of the hour. Its last chimes were still reverberating through the streets when a sleek, black car pulled up to your apartment building. You watched as a man in a pressed suit stepped out of it, the imperial emblem embroidered on his breast, and your heart skipped a hopeful beat. A bushy mustache of coppery brown hairs sat under his pointed nose, eyes a porcelain pool of rich chocolate as he scanned the bustling streets.
You raised a brow at him, your gazes meeting through the throng of bodies. He looked you up and down once, then nodded gently. Your cue to approach, and you followed it, though you maintained an air of caution.
“Miss,” the man said your name clearly as you came before him, his voice authorative and confident.
“That’s me,” you said, clutching the straps of your purse tightly for comfort.
The man placed his hand over his heart, bowing deeply to you. “The chancellor is expecting you. His Excellency has instructed me to escort you to his location.”
“T-thank you,” you said awkwardly, a bit flustered by the formality of his address. He didn’t seem to mind though, and quickly straightened, opening the car door for you. You thanked him again as you tucked yourself into the leather seat, the door slamming closed after you. You’d been put in the back, behind the front passenger seat, allowing you a clear view out the windshield. The inside smelled of cleaning supplies, and you wrinkled your nose. Ardyn’s car smelled much better.
The driver didn’t say anything as he got in, the vehicle coming to life with a gentle purr. Thankfully, as soon as he’d gotten onto the road, he turned on the radio, saving you from uncomfortable silence as you stared out the window.
…Investigators are still hesitant to rule out foul play in the disappearance of a small family, discovered earlier this morning…
Gralea, while still impressive in the light of day, was a city whose true beauty shined at night. Your date on the town had proven such. The neon lights and the glowing signs flickered under the overwhelming brightness of the sun, unable to compete with the rays that broke through the clouds.
…Witnesses say a strange man was seen visiting the victims just before they were discovered, yet the scene inside would suggest a daemon attack…
The radio crackled as the reporter babbled on, your eyes glued to the outside and your driver remaining silent. At intersections, you could gaze down the corridor of endless skyscrapers, which stretched for many blocks before another wall of glass and concrete blocked your view. Between the buildings, you were able to glimpse where the sky was dominated by an enormous cover of steel and blinking lights. Zegnautus Keep. That was where Satus worked.
And Ardyn, you realized with a squint.
…The frequency and intensity of daemon attacks has grown over the last few weeks. We caution listeners to stay inside and lock their doors at night in these uncertain times…
The driver turned away from the Keep, and it disappeared behind you in a sea of spires. It took you a long time to finally glimpse the marbled walls of the imperial palace, separating the emperor from the rest of the city. It was in a secluded district, across town from where you resided. The buildings gradually thinned, until the car rolled to a stop in front of wide, ornate gates. Seemingly on their own, their hinges shrilling, they creaked open and you entered the palace grounds.
Said building was massive, sprawling with ivory tendrils that stretched to the very edges of its protective wall, like creeping vines of ivy. Unlike the castles you’d seen in storybooks, this one was flater, sturdier, looking more like a fortress than an emperor’s dwelling. What few towers stretched into the grey sky were topped in gold, ornamental buttresses supporting their clawing reach. You could faintly see the main doors, which were dark and inlaid with more gold, a wide set of stairs leading down to the road before it.
In front of the palace, the road stretched out into an O shape, almost like the emperor wanted his guests to admire the palace before he met with them. Patches of green were dotted all around the grounds, grass enclosed by pruned shrubs and sliced by walking paths. In the center of this circular road was a neatly trimmed lawn, which framed a massive statue of the Hexathon. It caught your attention, and you found yourself studying it as the palace loomed closer.
Titan sat at the bottom, heaving a crude chunk of earth over his head. Ramuh, Shiva, and Ifrit were above him, the deities of ice and fire swirling around the middle of the statue in a silent ballet. Ramuh stood between them, his staff thrust importantly into Titan’s stone. Leviathan snaked her serpentine body around all of them, her waves lapping at their heels and her reptilian maw open in a mute roar. Above all the gods, looking down on them as if in subjugation, was Bahamut, his bladed wings spread proudly, his armored talons clutching a detailed sword.
You squinted at him as you began to round the bend. Something about the Draconian…was making you feel strange. A worm of unease wiggled restlessly in your gut as you stared at the god’s soulless eyes. You’d never had much of an opinion on any of the gods, but now, something about them just seemed…off.
It wasn’t as bad as Ifrit’s affect on you, though. His marbled eyes locked forward, his face absent of expression. But you could see it; the anger that burned in his irises, how his nose wrinkled with his hatred for man. You could remember it so clearly, the dream like a thorn in your side, reminding you what it felt like to be on the receiving end of his flames.You blanched, your arm tingling with phantom pain, and you rubbed it instinctively, trying to make the sensation go away.
Stop being weird. Stop letting those stupid dreams get to you.
You let out a slow breath, forcing your gaze away from the statue, and the images out of your head.
That was just as well, as the car began to slow, the stairs leading up to the palace reaching down to you. Now that you were closer, you noticed two soldiers standing on either side of it, their weapons held smartly and heads held high. You stared at them, feeling they seemed odd somehow, but quickly averted your gaze. You didn’t want to be rude.
As soon as the car’s engine died, the attendant nearly leapt out of the vehicle to open your door for you. You smiled at him, and thanked him again as he helped you out. He only nodded in response, gesturing up at the palace doors.
“Please, follow me,” he said, striding ahead of you and starting up the stairs. You didn’t hesitate to obey; you didn’t want to know what those soldiers would do if they found you without a chaperone. Something about them irked you.
When you could see them clearly, you understood why; they were no simple foot soldiers, they were Magitek Troopers. You’d never seen any up close, but you immediately felt off put by them. Apathetic expressions set in steel, unblinking red eyes peering through slits in their visors. You had to wonder why they were given human faces; to unsettle the enemy, or to keep the regular infantry in line?
Either way, they gave you the creeps. You walked closer to the attendant, eyes trained on the soldiers warily. They gave no regard to you or your escort, staying stiffly in place as you walked between them. The attendant seemed unperturbed, giving them as much acknowledgement as they offered, wordlessly pulling one of the ornate doors open for you. You quickly darted inside, breathing a sigh of relief when you could no longer see their blank stares.
While he was busy closing the undoubtedly heavy slab of stone, your eyes widened, taking in the grand foyer. You’d expected the palace to be extravagant, but this almost felt excessive. The ceilings were so high, you had to crane your neck to spot the bejeweled chandeliers hanging from it, intricate designs carved into every inch of the architecture. The palace looked entirely made from white marble, your footfalls echoing hollowly on the polished tiles. The walls were trimmed in gold, and useless artifacts dotted the corners; statues and vases set in all manner of gems. Twin hallways stretched deeper into the palace on either side, undoubtedly filled to the brim with more priceless nick knacks. Your parent’s estate was a slum in comparison.
“Please, right this way.” The attendant strode past you, veering off to the left with the assumption you would follow. And you would be a fool not to, the echoing clop of your footsteps on the tile fading from the lobby as you journeyed deeper into the winding maze. Twists and turns too many to count, past countless sealed doors with more Magitek guards standing watch, your walk was a silent one. You were too busy eyeing the soldiers for conversation, like they may suddenly come to life at the scent of an outsider amongst them. Of course, no such things came to pass, and the halls remained deserted of any other human presence but that of you both. It was…eerie. Almost lifeless. The ridiculous opulence displayed in how much gold was slapped into everything only added to its oppressiveness.
Eventually, after you were sure there was no chance of you remembering the way back, the hallway came to an end, a set of polished wood doors on the farthest wall, flanked by, what else, two more Magitek Troopers. You tensed at seeing them, staying close to the attendant as he walked up to them, turning to you with purpose.
“The Chancellor shall be waiting for you through these doors,” he said, gesturing at them. “You need not worry, the soldiers stationed here have been instructed to treat you with the utmost respect. Though I caution you not to go exploring without his Excellency; they may mistake you for an intruder.”
“Oh, thank you,” you said, looking at them up and down at his obvious warning. They gave no reaction to either of you, set like statues with lights for eyes.
The attendant bowed to you in parting, and you gave him a grateful nod. When he hesitated to take his leave, it dawned on you that perhaps you should tip him. You didn’t mind the prospect; he’d been nothing but kind to you thus far, and you didn’t want to come off as rude. Slinging your purse in front of you, you began digging through it, searching for a bill or coin you could offer him. Because of this, you failed to notice the confusion that donned his face.
“Ma’am, is everything alright?” He asked cautiously, the tonelessness of his voice fading for a moment in puzzlement.
You huffed down at yourself in response, your search coming up fruitless. “I’m sorry,” you said, keeping your gaze down to hide a wave of shame that lapped at your mood. “I don’t have any cash on me.”
The attendant looked you up and down, before giving you a wide smile.
“I assure you, that won’t be necessary,” he said with obvious amusement. “The Chancellor ensures I am well compensated.”
You gave him a pointed, unbelieving look. “Really?” You questioned. Ardyn didn’t strike you as someone who cared much for making sure servants were well paid. He hadn’t even bothered to tip your server from the night before.
With an affirming nod that assuaged your worries, you smiled back at him. “Good,” you stated firmly. “I won’t stand for anything less.”
The man chuckled lightly. “I can see why the chancellor is fond of you.”
Your cheeks flamed at that, and you turned away from him. “T-thanks,” You stuttered, unsure what else you could say. The man gave you a final approving look before he departed, disappearing around the corner on light feet. It wasn’t long until his footsteps had faded completely, and you smiled in his direction before turning back to the doors.
Wearily, eyeing the troopers, you reached out and swung the door outward on silent hinges. Rays of light struck your face, forcing your eyes closed as you stepped through the threshold. You jumped when you heard the door close behind you, but then you relaxed. At least you were separated from the MTs now.
Shielding your face with your hand, your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the outside, a warm breeze combing through your hair. Even overcast, there was so much more light out here than there was inside the palace. When it didn’t hurt so much to open your eyes, you took in the scene before you, and a breath caught in your throat.
It was green. So wonderfully, organically green. The white tiles gave way to a neat path of cobblestones, weaving in and out of a lush field of grass, whose neatly trimmed blades were left just tall enough to tickle your ankles.
And there were flowers. Rows upon rows of flowers, organized by species and all in full bloom. In winter, no less. Orchids, tulips, roses, sylleblossoms, in more colors than there were in a rainbow. There were hundreds - no, thousands, it must have been. Some with blossoms that hung like bells, and others whose petals were spread wide, reaching upward towards an absent sun. Butterflies and bees obliged their welcoming blooms, gorging themselves on their nectar.
Trees, too, there were trees. Cherry blossoms and hanging willows, their thin branches gently swaying in the breeze. The wind caught on their leaves, singing a soothing lullaby to the birds that wistfully sung back. The stone pathways stretched deeper into the garden, twisting out of sight beneath archways of woven rose bushes. You could hear the faint gurgling of a fountain, hidden behind a wall of vines and brush.
It was like falling into a storybook; too perfect to be real.
And yet it was. You stood there for a long time, just admiring it. Gralea had become so industrial, barely any fauna had survived within its walls. They’d been slashed and burned to make way for imperial bases, for palaces, for office buildings that no one liked. It was so primally joyous to be surrounded by life, in every sense of the word. Like you could feel Eos sigh as her children flourished on her soil.
You were transfixed by the feeling, breathing deeply to catch that organic scent on your nose. So much so, that you jumped slightly when you felt a sudden weight upon your head, a black rim on the outskirts of your vision. Reaching a tentative hand up, you traced the outline of a hat.
“Now I dare say that looks much better on you than it does me,” a silky voice teased from behind you, announcing his presence before he stepped into view. Turning, you saw Ardyn was smirking as he eyed you up and down, but that was nothing new. It was when you noticed him without his beloved headwear that you realized he’d placed it upon your head instead.
Carefully, you traced the rim with a finger, noting the craftsmanship of the little thing. It was definitely designer, yet it looked so silly, combined with the rest of Ardyn’s ensemble. The thought had you smiling softly to yourself.
“Guess you’ve got good taste,” you said, your smile widening into a grin as you glanced at him. He’d walked a few paces ahead, but now he stopped to turn back to you.
“Ah ah ah!” Ardyn wagged a finger at you. “Flattery will get you nowhere. Now, come along. I’ve had a small luncheon prepared for us, and it would be a shame to let it spoil.”
You flashed him a bright smile. “Sounds wonderful,” you chirped, taking your place next to him as he began to lead you through the maze of flowers. Bright purples and deep blues, peach pinks and blushing reds, you reached out your hand to let your fingers glide gently across their petals. Their touch was like feathers, their aroma like the finest perfumes.
It was enchanting, especially for a city kid like you. You darted from bush to bush, inhaling their dreamy scent before trotting after Ardyn, who ventured off ahead of you. When you stopped for what must have been the tenth time, a merry chuckle chimed in your ears, and you turned, finding Ardyn’s golden eyes on you. His smirk had been twisted with an amused fondness, watching how you enjoyed the flowers with a near childlike innocence. You beamed brightly at him, a wordless thanks for bringing you there. It was gorgeous, and your heart soared with how perfect everything was.
And secluded, you thought, hiding a smirk by sticking your nose into more flowers. No one here to ogle at you this time, thank the gods. Perhaps Ardyn had been paying attention.
As you went to smell more of the flowers, a branch caught your head on something, startling you a little. Right - you were still wearing Ardyn’s hat. Glancing at him, he’d walked a few steps ahead of you again, unaware that you’d fallen behind. A playful smirk pulled at your lips, watching him blissfully saunter on without a care in the world.
Perhaps you should repay him for how he greeted you at the entrance…
You waited until he got a little further away, close to the end of long flowerbeds you walked between. As soon as he did, you quickly darted forward, almost jumping to swiftly place his hat back on his own head. You giggled when it fell over his eyes, his steps faltering in bewilderment as you scurried away, innocently burying yourself in the beautiful flora while he fumbled with the offending accessory. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him lift it, revealing his own signature smirk that was equal parts amused and conniving.
Oh, he was so going to get you back for that.
“Best be careful,” Ardyn warned as he walked up to you, admiring the flowers you were using to hide your face. “One might say I’m a reigning champion at such games.”
You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes briefly to enjoy the sweetness of the flowers.
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, making a show of ignoring him, cupping another flower and bringing it closer, its amber petals almost seeming to glow in the afternoon rays that broke through the cloud cover.
Ardyn let out a laugh, making you smile widely to yourself. Even if you lost whatever game this was, hearing him laugh was prize enough for you.
“Oh, I knew there was a reason I took a liking to you!” He said delightfully. Warmth coated your neck at his remark, and a lock of hair found itself between your fingers.
Gods, him and his assistant?
“Come along now, darling,” Ardyn said, waiting to continue until you joined him. “We’re almost there.”
You shook yourself mentally, willing your blush to subside so you could smile at him. “Coming!” 
The path from there diverged in several directions, and once you were at Arryn’s side, he led you deeper into the garden, the shrubs growing larger here. These bushes boasted thick branches and fat leaves, obscuring the rest of the garden with their grasping tendrils. The flowers before had been tall, to be sure, but now they stretched into the sky, as if they desired to be free of the soil that nourished them. It almost felt like those corn mazes you’d heard Satus mention sometimes, but you had no doubt this was infinitely more luxurious than stocks of corn. The flowers popped even more brightly against the darker background, drawing your eyes every which way as you tried to take all of them in.
“Here we are,” Ardyn breathed, coming to a stop at the end of the path. You halted at his side, looking up from the hydrangeas to see where he’d taken you.
Your eyes went wide, a tiny gasp escaping through your half parted lips.
The rows of flower beds gave way to a small clearing, in the center of which stood a proud cherry tree in full blossom. Bright pink tufts of petals coated its elegant branches, which would’ve provided ample shade, if the sun had been out. The ground was covered in the soft down of its buds, like a blanket of strawberry snow. Directly beneath the tree, a towel had been laid out, decorated with the twin dragons of the imperial emblem, who twined themselves down its middle. Atop the fabric was a large circular dish, filled to bursting with all manner of fruits and sweet berries, whose bright colors betrayed a taste of the tropics. To your right, another path spilled into an ornate gazebo, fit with blooming vines that hung down off its domed roof. Butterflies and bees hopped merrily from flower to flower, while birds playfully swooped between the branches, each frolicking in their own little slice of paradise.
“Ardyn…this is beautiful,” you said with unconcealed awe. The fairytale comparison felt even more fitting now, every detail lovingly crafted, like a painter over their latest work.
Ardyn hummed a soft laugh. “I’m pleased it’s to your liking,” he purred, again enjoying how impressed you were. He quite liked that look of amazement you wore.
“I mean…how can this place even exist?” You said, looking around at the peonies that framed the clearing like a halo. “It’s the beginning of winter.”
Ardyn hummed again, as if pondering your question, before wordlessly pointing upward. You followed the gesture, staring up at the gloomy sky with confusion. You squinted, unsure what you were looking for, before your eyes finally caught on what appeared to be a dark line cutting through the sky.
“A greenhouse,” Ardyn answered your unspoken question. “His Radiance had it installed many years ago. Said the palace had grown ‘stuffy’.”
The thought of the emperor having distaste for his own palace made you chortle quietly to yourself, your gaze fixed on the outline of the glass panels in the sky. “Can’t say I disagree with him.”
“I’ll be sure to inform him of your disapproval,” Ardyn teased. “Now, come. Let us enjoy the bounty I’ve had prepared.”
His boots crunched on the crisp lawn, the cobblestones fading to pebbles at the end of the path. The damp soil squished beneath your feet as you stepped to follow him, your restless eyes trying in vain to take in all the scenery. It wasn’t long before you reached the tarp, though you hesitated before it, unsure if you should take your shoes off to keep from tracking mud over it. Although, a glance at Ardyn told you he hadn’t deigned to do so, so you figured it was alright. He was already settling at the base of the tree, his back supported by its wide trunk and his legs stretched out in front of him. You seated yourself on his right, staying close but giving enough space so you wouldn’t touch each other accidentally. The fabric was unbelievably soft, yet kept the prick of the grass blades from stabbing you. Petals rained down gently from the tree above, but they were easy enough to brush aside.
“Please, help yourself,” Ardyn said, pulling the platter of fruit between the two of you. Upon further inspection, it contained more than just fruit, though. Squares of a pale cheese were stacked neatly on one side, with plain crackers butting up against them. Thin slices of a freckled meat were farthest from you, folded neatly over each other.
Ardyn gravitated towards the latter, taking a slice between his fingers and popping it into his mouth. You watched him chew for a moment before eyeing the cheese, hesitantly taking a square. You were a picky eater after all, and again, you worried over liking anything. Although, you spied ulwaat berries amongst the pile of fruit, one of your favorites, so at least you wouldn’t go hungry.
Cautiously, you nibbled off a corner, letting its taste flood your mouth. It was creamy with a light saltiness, becoming smoother as it melted in your mouth, and you let out a contented hum, eating the rest of the square in one bite. The pile of snacks dwindled as you both munched happily, a quiet calm spreading between you.
“I don’t believe we finished getting to know each other,” Ardyn said after he finished, his golden eyes falling to you. You met them with a nod, reaching for some of the blueberries you saw. Their vibrant sweetness exploded on your tongue as you bit through their supple skin.
“Tell me, have you gotten the chance to travel much?”
You shook your head as you gulped down your snack, looking back out at the bordering flower beds. “My parents never cared much to take me when they went on trips. And after I was kicked out, I never had the money.”
Ardyn let out a soft sigh, his gaze fixing ahead of himself. “A shame, really. Though, I suppose that means I’ll just have to show you around.”
You paused, glancing at him quizzically. “Like…show me around the world?”
“Where else?” Ardyn smirked at you, raising a brow challengingly. Your heart skipped a beat, and you looked away, unwilling to hold his gaze as a wave of heat washed down your shoulders.
He wants to take me around the world? The thought was sweet, yet it almost felt too good to be true. Why would he want to spoil you so much?
“Fear not,” Ardyn chuckled at your rising bashfulness. “I’ll ensure we don’t visit any wineries.”
You huffed a laugh at that, the tension leaving your muscles at his gentle jest. Truthfully, you were quite enchanted with the prospect. You’d been cooped up in the city since birth, and you longed to see what lay beyond those dreary walls. Sure, you’d been to a few places that boarded the city limits; small towns and rest stops when your parents visited their orchard, but aside from that, the outside was a complete mystery to you.
“I’d like that,” you said, a soft smile on your face.
Ardyn smirked. “Music to my ears!” He exclaimed, munching on a piece of cheese. You reached for a cracker, loudly crunching down on its dry saltiness.
“I have been wondering about your culinary tastes as well, though I suppose I should’ve inquired sooner,” Ardyn said. “I take it everything is to your liking so far?”
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah,” you said, swallowing the last of your cracker. “It’s all lovely, thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He plucked some grapes from their bunch, rolling them around in his palm. “So, what is your favorite dish?”
“Hold on,” you said, your smile fading as a slight nervousness invaded your heart. “Last night, you got to ask all the questions. Today, I want to get to know you.”
You met his eyes as you said your piece. You didn’t want to seem pushy, or ungrateful for the dates, but you still didn’t know much about him. If someone asked you to describe him, you would be reduced to mostly talking about his choice of clothing, proving how little he’d revealed to you. Granted, it was only your second time sitting down with him, but you’d done your best to be honest the night before, and you felt you deserved the same courtesy. Though you hoped this wasn’t some invisible line you were stepping over; perhaps there was a reason he wasn’t able to discuss such things.
Ardyn met your questioning glare with a smile, instantly making the unease ebbe away.
“Very well,” he said. “You must forgive me if I seemed recluse; one can never be too cautious in my position. Though it is for that reason I cannot promise I can be entirely forthcoming with you.”
You shook your head with a smile of your own. “That’s okay, I understand. I just want to get to know you better.”
Ardyn gave you an understanding nod. “A reasonable request,” he assured. “Ask away.” He ate his grapes while he waited for your first question, grinding the rinds between his teeth.
Here’s your chance to learn more about him. Where to start… You figured you should start small, ease him into opening up.
“Sooo…what’s your favorite color?”
There was a pause, long enough you thought he may not have heard you, until Ardyn snorted out a disbelieving laugh. “That is what you wished so badly to know about me?”
The tips of your ears burned with self consciousness, and you looked away from him. “It’s just a question,” you said defensively. It was the first one that came to mind, and you figured it was good enough. “I didn’t think it was some big secret.”
Ardyn hummed, staring out at the expanse of flowers around you. Guess it is a secret, you thought glumly as the silence stretched, and he offered no answer. You let out a sigh through your nose, grabbing a slice of meat and eating it. The spices immediately exploded on your tongue, a piercing hotness mixed with a hint of salt and garlic.
You looked up at Ardyn, puzzled. “What?”
“My favorite color,” he met your eyes again, signature smirk in place. “Is green.”
The sourness you felt dissipated, and you brightened. “Yeah? Got a favorite shade?”
“Hmm. Tough one, that,” he mused. “I must say though, the deeper shades often catch my eye. They are incredibly rich colors, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I would. I love a good phthalo green.”
“You really know your stuff! Pray tell, what is your favorite color, then?”
“Navy blue,” You said, layering a piece of cheese and meat onto a cracker.
“A most noble choice,” Ardyn cooed. “You certainly have fine tastes.”
“Didn’t used to like it,” You admitted, biting down on your little makeshift toast. The cheese and meat complimented each other quite well, with the cracker adding a light crunch. “It’s grown on me over the years.”
“I can certainly see why,” Ardyn said, smiling to himself. The conversation died down for a spell while you both ate, enjoying the simple pleasure of being in each other's company.
At least, that’s what you hoped was happening. You were certainly starting to enjoy being around him.
“What’s your favorite animal?” You broached, once you finished your cracker.
“Oh, I’m afraid I’m not really one to care for fauna.” Ardyn laced his fingers in his lap, looking quite relaxed as he reclined against the tree.
“Well, what’s one animal you like, then?” Ardyn raised a brow at your insistence, and you flashed him a smile. He let out a sigh, knowing you wouldn’t let him get out of answering in some capacity.
“I have a slight fondness for our yellow-feathered friends,” he admitted.
Your eyes widened, and you gasped dramatically, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “So you are a chocobo person!”
“Noticed that, did you?” He chuckled, seeing the twinkle in your eyes. His answer had excited you a great deal.
“How could I not? Everyone knows that song.”
“Then it shouldn’t be so shocking I’m familiar with it.”
“That’s not the shocking part,” you shook your head. “More shocking that you happen to like that song.”
“What can I say?” He shrugged. “Something to listen to while I fill out paperwork.”
You hummed an agreement at that, chewing on some of the ulwaat berries, their bright sweetness a nice contrast to the saltiness of everything else.
“Might I ask what animal you find yourself fond of?”
“Hmm.” You pondered that as you popped the last of the berries in your mouth. “I also like chocobos, I always thought they were cute. And snakes too, I like snakes.”
“It seems we’re more alike than I thought, in regard to the former. Have you had a chance to ride one before, a chocobo?”
Your smile faded sadly. “No,” you sighed, your childhood dreams of doing so long since fizzled out. “My parents would be mortified by the thought. Always said it was ‘beneath’ us.”
He smirked smugly at the flower beds before himself. “Well, you’ll not have to worry about them any longer,” he said. “Perhaps our first destination should be one of the many ranches that lay to the west. I've heard some have quite remarkable flocks, with your pick of plumage.”
Your lips parted in shock. “You’d take me to see chocobos?” Your parents hadn’t even wanted you near the things, and here was the chancellor, offering to take you?
“But of course!” He flashed you a grin. “When I am not bound by my obligations here, it’ll be a day on my gil.”
You blinked at him, dumbfounded for a moment, before a smile began to tug at your cheeks. “That’s sweet Ardyn, I -…Thank you.” You thought about telling him he didn’t have to, that he didn’t need to spend his money on you, but the look on his face told you he would only insist. It was obvious to anyone this was one of his ways of flirting, and yet…it made your insides feel tangled with a warm fuzziness you couldn’t name.
Although, the former half of his sentence brought up something you’d been wondering about. It was decidedly more intimate than your previous questions though, and you hoped he wouldn’t take offense. But you had been curious.
“What’s it like…being chancellor?”
Ardyn scoffed playfully. “Got tired of small talk, did you?”
“You seemed rather disappointed I started small,” you countered.
“I suppose you have me there,” he said with a chuckle. “Well, to be perfectly honest, being chancellor isn’t as luxurious as one may be led to believe. I could be mistaken for a common accountant, given how often I am tasked with balancing budgets these days.”
“Not a numbers person?” You snickered.
“Oh, quite the contrary.” He waved his hand, swatting away the idea. “My fluency in numeracy is without question; it is the sheer boredom I feel from filling out such paperwork that makes some days drag on.”
“Do you like it? Being chancellor?”
Ardyn nodded. “Indeed I do. It is an honor to serve my country, paperwork and all.”
The way he said ‘my country’ told you there was more to that story, but you decided not to probe. After all, he’d already told you more about his position than you would’ve expected. You smiled though, instead remembering something he’d said the previous night.
“Coworkers and all?” You teased, flashing him a smirk of your own. He scoffed again at that, shaking his head.
“Yes, coworkers and all. Though calling them anything more than imbeciles is being generous.”
You laughed, hearing the clear annoyance in his tone. He didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Why don’t you just fire them?” You questioned. “You’re like second in charge, right?”
Ardyn smiled, you supposed at your naivety. “That I am, though I am not in charge of his Radiance’s cabinet. I’m afraid I’m stuck with whomever the Emperor chooses.”
“Bummer,” you said, and Ardyn nodded. Would that he could get rid of those fools, but it was as he said; he was powerless in that regard.
“I trust what I’ve told you shall stay between us?” He asked, glancing at you. After all, he had to play nice with them, at least for the most part.
“Of course. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“How relieving,” he sighed contentedly. “Have my answers satisfied you enough to permit me an inquiry?”
“Alright, go ahead,” you said with a wave of your hand. He’d earned it. “You wanted to know my favorite food?”
“Actually I had something else in mind,” he said, turning to you. “Have any of the flowers here caught your eye?”
“O-oh,” his question caught you off guard, and you tried to remember all the different kinds you’d seen. There were so many, it was hard to settle on just one. “I liked the orchids we passed, I’ve always been fond of those. But really, everything here has been beautiful.”
“Orchids, hm?” He echoed, considering that for a moment. Without another word, he abruptly stood up, shaking the tiredness from his limbs and stretching a little. You looked up at him with bewilderment, wondering if you’d said something wrong.
“Worry not, I’ll be just a moment.” He smiled down at you. “Please, help yourself to anything you see. What’s mine is yours.”
With that, he left you under the tree, disappearing into the thicket of roses and thorns. You stared at his back as he left, wondering where he was going, but given his sudden interest in your flower preferences, you figured he may be gathering a bouquet for you. Not exactly subtle, though given his manner of dress, you supposed subtly wasn’t his strong suit. Still, the thought had you blushing, it was quite sweet, if that was indeed what he was doing. The man wasn’t kidding when he said he enjoyed chivalry.
While you waited for him to return, you scooted to the edge of the blanket, admiring the pink and yellow blooms all around you. Some leaned over the raised beds in which they resided, beckoning you to sample their luscious scents. You could hardly refuse them, smiling as their gentle petals caressed your face.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that, but you were soon startled out of your blissful indulgence when, again, something was placed on your head. This was definitely not a hat though, more of a circlet, and when you reached up to touch it, you felt flowers beneath your fingers.
Turning around, you were surprised to find Ardyn kneeling behind you, a wide, satisfied grin on his face. You hadn’t even heard him return, nor felt the blanket dip from the addition of his weight. The man was like a ninja when he wanted to be.
Carefully, you removed the circlet from your head so you could look at it. Your breath caught as you held it out in front of yourself, staring in stunned awe. Ardyn hadn’t simply gotten you a bouquet, no, the man had made you a flower crown. Comprised of the flowers you told him were your favorite, the craftsmanship was breathtakingly immaculate. Each of their stems were woven together at the perfect length, leaving just enough room for the flowers to create a stunning halo. Not a leaf was out of place, each of the dozen or so blooms he’d used pointing outward and on full display. You held it with the utmost care, afraid you might undo the stems should you treat it wrong.
“Do you like it?” Ardyn asked proudly, sitting on his shins and watching while you turned over the delicate crown.
“Like it?” You gaped at him, looking into his honied irises. “I love it. It’s beautiful.”
“I thought you might,” he snickered. You continued to admire his handiwork, turning the little thing over and feeling the petals between your fingers, which grew sticky from their yellow pollen. Ardyn simply watched you examine it, before he decided to gently cup your hands in his, guiding you to place it back on your head. You could feel the callouses on the tips of his fingers, and the warmth that sent a tingle down your arm, your heart skipping a beat.
“After all, it suits you…花の姫.” (Hana no hime; flower princess).
He let go as your eyes went wide, part of you unsure if you were hearing correctly. But no, he’d definitely just called you flower princess in ancient Lucian. The sweetness in his voice had a mad heat trickle down the tips of your ears, a blush spreading across your fair cheeks.
“I don’t know about ‘princess’,” you said shyly. “But you’re definitely かっこいいです.” (Kakkoii desu; handsome).
“Oh my!” Ardyn quipped. “Feeling bold today, are we?”
“You make me so,” you said, giggling at his prideful smirk. Even if he didn’t say it out loud, the compliment had certainly stroked his ego.
“I really am a bad influence, aren’t I?”
You both shared a laugh at the thought, though you couldn’t help but think it wasn’t entirely inaccurate. His own eccentricities made you feel more comfortable being yourself, which meant you could match his playful energy. Honestly, you were thankful for it, even if you weren’t sure why you felt the way you did.
When your laughs had been swallowed by the garden, Ardyn returned to his place under the tree, settling with his back against it. You watched him, waiting until he was comfortable before following him. You hesitated when you got back to where you were sitting before, debating with yourself if you should get closer to him, and you ultimately decided you did. You liked being near him. So you shoved the platter of food aside, causing Ardyn to raise a brow, but he made no protest. You plopped down next to him, only a few inches of space between you two, close enough you could smell his cologne.
“Might I ask you another question?” Ardyn said, once you’d settled in beside him.
“Sure,” you nodded to him.
“What is your greatest desire in life?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t expected that one from him; it was a bit of a deviation from where you’d left off. “You’re asking me about philosophy?”
He looked over at you, a knowing smile on his face. “It’s just a question,” he teased dramatically, and you scoffed.
“Alright alright,” you said with a wave of your hand. You didn’t mind the question, though you took a moment to really ponder it, a thousand different suitable answers coming and going, yet none feeling quite right. Sure, there were lots of things you desired, but none feeling worthy enough to say your life was dedicated to it. Not until you found something that really spoke to you.
“To make people happy,” you said truthfully. “I know what it feels like to be hated by people who are supposed to love you, and I don’t want anyone to have to face that alone. So I try my best to be kind. I don’t always succeed, but I try. If it means it can make someone a little happier, if my dumb joke made someone laugh, I think that makes it all worth it.”
“Hmm,” Ardyn stared ahead at the flowers, his eyes half lidded. “Spoken like a true altruist.”
You shook your head with a smile. You weren’t sure about that, but you wouldn’t argue. “What’s yours?”
Ardyn’s gaze traveled upward, watching the pink petals float down from the tree, swaying gently in the artificial wind.
“To bring justice to those who have wronged me,” he breathed. There was a dreaminess in his voice, and he seemed lost in thought as he said it. You stared at him, watching as unnameable emotions swirled in the depths of his eyes, and you felt a pang of sadness pierce your own heart. It sounded like whatever it was had been haunting him for a long time. You wanted to ask for details, but you knew it wasn’t your place to pry, especially in that moment.
Instead, you tentatively reached over, taking one of his hands into yours and giving it a gentle squeeze, the leather of his gloves creaking slightly. Ardyn blinked away his thoughts, returning to the present as he slowly met your eyes.
“I hope you succeed,” you said, giving his hand another squeeze, accompanied with a reassuring smile. He seemed startled by your words for a breath, before he regained his composure and matched your warm expression.
“Thank you,” he said, and you knew he was being sincere. The playful lilt that ever flavored his speech was noticeably absent.
You nodded to him as you let his hand go. The two of you allowed the silence to stretch, listening to the leaves rustle and the birds chirp. Both of you leaned your backs against the great tree, her bark smooth and welcoming. It was nice, just experiencing all that with him, and your heart soared with how well everything had gone so far. You wouldn’t mind spending many days like this, enjoying the quiet serenity of each other.
And then an idea popped into your head. You straightened slightly, glancing over at Ardyn. He looked quite relaxed, happily gazing at the bees that hopped from flower to flower. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, suddenly nervous about what you wished to ask him. His earlier words echoed in your head while you tried to sum up what little courage you had.
Feeling bold today, are we?
Why yes, yes I am, you thought, deciding to go through with it.
“Hey Ardyn?”
“Can I…cuddle you?”
There was a pause. Ardyn’s brow furrowed, and he looked at you, puzzled.
“I beg your pardon?” He wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Like, snuggle,” you said, wringing your hands while you felt another blush coming on. “You know; like holding each other.”
Ardyn seemed to think on the idea, like it was foreign to him. Then, an amused smile touched his lips.
“You’re certainly welcome to try,” he said with a shrug.
Challenge accepted.
You scooted closer, watching his face to make sure he was okay with what you were doing. He seemed indifferent so far, though he watched you out of the corner of his eye. Just before your bodies met, that’s when you made your move. Quickly, you crawled into his lap, making sure to be gentle as you settled into him. Ardyn made a startled sound, but did not protest your actions. You made yourself comfortable right under his chin, burying yourself in his many layers of fabric, his scent all around you. You closed your eyes in bliss, resting your head against his chest as your body soaked up his warmth.
“Is this okay?” You asked, looking up at him. His eyes were slightly wide, and his hands hovered at your sides, like he wanted to hold you, but was afraid of doing so.
“…Yes,” he said, but you could hear uncertainty in his tone.
“It’s okay if it’s not,” you said. “I’m just a cuddle bug.” It was true; ever since you were a child you’d loved cuddling. It felt so nice. It felt like love.
Ardyn took a moment to shed his doubts, but once he did, he chuckled softly, his arms finally wrapping around you, holding you to himself. One cupped the small of your back, while the other held your arms, his thumb carding across your skin. He brought his knees up, cradling you in his lap, which brought a smile to your face, knowing he had accepted this. You felt so comfortable, so safe being held in his arms.
“It’s quite alright, dear,” Ardyn said, and you could feel the words in his chest, next to his heartbeat. The vibrations felt so oddly familiar. “It’s simply…been a long time.”
You shook your head at that, another pang of sadness zipping through your chest. “Next time, I’m holding you.”
He let out a laugh, and you smiled.
“What a sight that would be,” he said, resting his chin atop your head. You could feel his sharp stubble prick your scalp, and you couldn’t help but think it felt nice. You sighed deeply as the conversation died down, Ardyn beginning to massage your skin with the pads of his fingers. His breaths were long and deep, and you enjoyed how they felt against your own.
When your eyes drooped close for a second time, a wave of drowsiness wafted down your shoulders. Don’t fall asleep, you warned yourself, but your body had other plans. Surrounded by Ardyn’s warmth, snuggly tucked into the gentle fabric of his scarves, the soft thumping of his heart began to lull you to sleep. You tried to keep yourself from succumbing, shaking yourself and blinking the sleepiness from your eyes, but you soon lost the strength to do so. You felt your body relax into Ardyn as you were pulled into the void of blissful sleep.
He wasn’t used to feeling like this.
Not anymore.
Though, he could remember a time when it wasn’t uncommon. Where if some lucky interloper had claimed to have seen him basking in the gift of life, of love, it wouldn’t have seemed so outlandish. When he often found himself in the royal gardens, with the most wonderous woman on Eos in his arms, or him in hers…
But those warm memories had long faded to empty, darkened coals.
Yet, holding you, a parallel to those lost memories, he found himself reminiscing. As he nuzzled his face into your hair, pushing gentle kisses into the top of your head, he could see it. See her. The smell of flowers lingered from the crown he’d made you, and he was transported back to a time before he’d lost all he’d loved. He could smell the field of wheat they both adored, the sylleblossoms they traded, the fragrant wood of that old willow tree. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine it was Aera cradled in his lap, Aera whom he held like his most precious treasure.
But when he looked down…what he found was not his beloved. He saw you instead, sleeping like a babe, unaware of the turbulence that twisted his innards.
And part of him hated that. Was enraged that you made him feel the way she did.
He was filled with the sudden urge to shove you off himself. To yell and scream and even slay you for trying to usurp his heart.
His hardened gaze glared at your unconscious form at the thought.
He could kill you. The daemons hummed with glee at the prospect.
It would be so easy. Like trimming fussy, overgrown rose bushes…
…but he didn’t.
He couldn’t.
Some part of him liked this. Your warmth. Relished in it, cherished it. It had been too long since someone truly cared for him, wanted what was best for him. It had been even longer since someone held him, ran their fingers across his skin with unconditional reverence. Those notions had died with Aera, when he became the Gods’ perfect monster.
Though despite his misgivings, you’d opened your own heart to him. It had taken some prying, to be sure, but you’d offered him something he hadn’t experienced in centuries. A connection that ran deeper than surface level, down to the very core of his being. What shriveled up, broken and blacked pieces of it that remained. He could see it when he looked into your eyes, the sheer amount of empathy they held, even from what little he’d told you. Somehow, you already cared for him.
And that fact was utterly terrifying.
Ardyn let out a frustrated sigh, watching the way it disturbed your hair. He brushed a stray lock of it out of your face, delighting in the softness of your skin beneath the pads of his fingers. Savoring how your lungs pushed on him with every breath. The feeling of your body relaxing into his.
Someone in this time cared for him. Trusted him.
He pulled you further into his chest, holding you tightly.
He wanted that. He needed that.
“Well played…” he murmured, a smirk blooming on his face. The Gods had certainly given him an apt challenge.
You stirred in his grasp, startling him out of his thoughts. He loosened his grip so you could move, watching as you sleepily crawled upwards, nuzzling the side of his face before placing a kiss on his jawline.
He blinked at the sudden affection, unsure how to respond, but you didn’t seem bothered by that. You immediately fell back asleep, settling into his form and breathing deeply.
He remained unmoving for a moment, before a sly chuckle left his lips.
“Quite the minx you are,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around you once more.
“You seemed tense,” you surprised him with your voice, thick with a dreamy fog.
He huffed a small laugh at that. Perhaps you weren’t as oblivious as he thought.
“Not untrue, my dear,” he purred. “…Not untrue.”
He could feel his own eyelids begin to grow heavy. Ardyn rested his face against yours, breathing in deeply your scent as they drooped closed. His last words hung in the air as he succumbed to the temptation, a peaceful darkness welcoming him as he drifted away.
Ardyn wasn’t sure how long he’d slept, but he felt his consciousness slowly return. His eyes stuttered open, a groggy groan parting his lips as sleep slipped through his fingers. Much to his pleasure, it had been a dreamless rest.
“Your Excellency?”
He met the eyes of the meek attendant who’d awoken him, allowing his displeasure to frolic on his face. At least your own sleep hadn’t been ruined by the intrusion.
“I hope for your sake this is something important,” Ardyn warned, satisfied when the poor fellow visibly began to sweat.
“M-my apologies sir,” he stuttered. “But his Radiance has requested an audience with you.”
Ardyn let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at your sleeping form regretfully. “I suppose I’ll have to go see him then,” he said, barely containing his annoyance.
“My apologies, sir.”
Ardyn waved his hand, and the attendant scurried away immediately, happy to have escaped with his job intact.
Peering down at you, Ardyn let out a sorrowful sigh. Nuzzling his cheek against your forehead, he wondered how he was going to wake you. Part of him wanted to say to hell with the emperor, but he had too much left to do for that just yet. Still, he was quite sad what little peace he’d found that day was already coming to an end. Moments like that were so rare, he wanted to prolong it for as long as he could. Alas, the emperor was not a patient man.
“Darling…” Ardyn whispered, nudging you with his cheek. When you gave no response, he said your name, a little louder now. You roused slightly at hearing it, whimpering as you began to regain consciousness. Stubbornly, you burrowed yourself deeper into the folds of his clothes, hiding your face from the setting Sun. Ardyn smiled at your defiance, but he knew you couldn’t stay there forever.
“I’m afraid our time for naps has come to an end,” he said gently. You groaned, clutching onto him like he may disappear without a moments notice.
“Don’t wanna,” you said into his chest. Your voice was muffled by his coat and scarves, but he could still hear how the words were slurred through half-conscious lips.
Ardyn narrowed his eyes at you, then smiled. He let out a dramatic sigh, allowing his arms to fall limp at his sides.
“Whatever am I going to tell The Emperor?” He lamented, lacing his voice with facetious despair. “I fear he would not be so forgiving, were he to discover the fault for my tardiness was yours. I am only looking out for your safety.”
That got you moving. You sat up immediately, your eyes wide as you looked at him in shock. “The Emperor? Gods Ardyn, I’m sorry!” You started scrambling to become presentable, leaning out of his lap to brush crumbs off the blanket, adjusting the hem of your shirt, and frantically combing your fingers through your disheveled hair.
“Darling…darling,” Ardyn said, the urgency in his voice giving you pause.
“There’s no need to be so nervous!” He spoke between laughs. “His Radiance isn’t coming here, he has simply requested an audience with me.”
You stared at him for a moment, before you let your shoulders sag, sighing in relief. “Jeez Ardyn, don’t scare me like that. Still, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I’m sorry.”
“Come now, there’s no need for that,” he rubbed circles into your back with his thumb to reassure you. “It’s not often I have the luxury of a midday nap.”
A wide smile spread across your face. Ardyn almost wanted to reach out and pinch your adorable cheeks, but he resisted the urge.
“Yeah? Did you like it?”
He nodded. “That I did. ‘Twas nice to feel relaxed, if only for a little while.”
“I’m so glad to hear that,” you said, and the warmth in your eyes almost made Ardyn feel lightheaded.
When was the last time someone looked at him like that?
“But I don’t want to get you in trouble.” Just as quickly, your face darkened again with guilt. Undeserved guilt, but Ardyn could see it nonetheless, and something inside him didn’t like it. Gently, he cupped your face in his hand, bringing your eyes back to him and tracing shapes into your cheek.
“You’re much too hard on yourself,” he said softly. “No such thing shall come to pass. And even should it, the blame would not rest on your shoulders.”
You held his gaze for a long moment, worry etched into your features, before you sighed loudly. “Okay,” you said, yet the worry didn’t fade. “If you say so.”
Arden flashed you a reassuring grin. You remained stoic as you looked at him, until your eyes absentmindedly flicked up, and you abruptly started giggling. Ardyn raised a brow at you, puzzled by the sudden change in demeanor.
“Something amusing?” He asked.
You smirked at him. “Yeah,” you said through another bout of snickers. “You have petals on your hat…and in your hair.”
Ardyn blinked at you, his eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. “Do I, now?”
“Yeah,” you giggled. “You look cute like that.”
“Cute?” Ardyn huffed indignantly. “You insult me.”
“Oh come on,” you leaned forward to nuzzle his cheek with your nose. His lips parted in surprise from the affection, and you smiled big at him. “You’re adorable.”
Ardyn scoffed, making you laugh. He shook his head at you, before his smirk returned at full force.
“Well…I suppose it’s not as bad as having petals running down the front of my shirt.”
Your eyes went wide, smile gone as you looked down to find, indeed, there were petals going down your chest. Some had settled on your breasts, a few even found their way into your bra.
“Ugh, Ardyn!” You cried, flinching away from him to frantically swat away the petals. He laughed loudly while your ears burned a bright red, pulling your shirt up to hide your modesty. Ardyn couldn’t help but enjoy the irony of this situation, given how eager you’d been the other night, but he supposed this was his doing. Besides, you were technically ‘in public’, at least more so than you’d been at your apartment.
“Come now darling!” Ardyn said through bouts. “I have enough respect for you not to stare. At least…not much.”
You glared at him, giving his shoulder a playful shove. “You’re bad.”
“Never claimed to not be,” he said with a shrug. You shook your head at him, even as a chuckle bubbled up from your throat.
“Guess that’s why I like you.” You grinned at him.
His own smirk grew at that. His heart skipped a beat, and he told himself that’s because of how perfectly his plans were unfolding. You would be much easier to keep an eye on now.
“You’ve no idea how delighted I am to hear that,” he purred, grasping your hand and bringing it to his lips, placing a light kiss on your knuckles. It was cute how you tried to hide your blush by looking away, but Ardyn was far too keen for such things.
“I’m glad,” you spoke shyly, even while a happy grin remained on your lips. “So, when can I see you again?”
“Yes, about that,” Ardyn gave your hand a light squeeze before releasing it. “I had hoped you would join me for a little celebration the Emperor is putting together in half a fortnight. It will be a grand ball filled with all his Radiences greatest luxuries. Would you do me the honor of being my guest for the evening?”
“Oh gosh, Ardyn,” you said, wringing your hands nervously. “I’m not sure I’m cut out for that kind of thing, I’ve never spoken to any nobles besides you. I don’t even have anything nice to wear.”
“Nonsense!” Ardyn boasted. “It would be a privilege to have you at my side for the night. And you needn’t worry about attire nor your manners; I shall provide you with both.”
The look you gave him was full of doubt. “That’s sweet Ardyn, a-and I’m flattered, really, but…are you sure you want to be seen with me? What if I embarrass you or say something stupid?”
He supposed he couldn’t be surprised by your shyness, but seeing you like that nearly made him feel pity for you. Your self doubt was a plague, much like the rage of his own daemons, the both of you silent puppets to their whims. He almost felt sorry for you.
“You needn’t worry,” Ardyn said softly, grasping your chin in his fingers to force your eyes back to himself. “I’m sure the noble houses will be too busy with their own jealousy, courtesy of the beautiful maiden at my side.”
That got a laugh out of you. He grinned as he let go of your face, the sound like a gentle wind chime, coaxed into singing by a soothing breeze. He found himself liking the sound, as odd as it was to acknowledge that.
“What happened to ‘flattery will get you nowhere’?” You asked with a knowing smirk. Ardyn returned the sentiment with his own signature smugness.
“Well…if you’d rather I didn’t call you such…”
“No no,” you said quickly, placing your head in the open palm he offered. You hummed happily as his thumb carded across your supple cheek. “I like it when you call me that.”
“I figured you would,” he said. “Now, I’m afraid we must be going, dearest. The emperor will only wait so long.”
You nodded. “Right.” Reluctantly, you crawled out of his lap, standing so you could stretch out a little. Ardyn found himself feeling cold now that you were gone, but he ignored that, rising to begin the trek back through the garden. You followed along behind him, taking one last look at all the flowers as you went.
“Oh, shouldn’t we bring the plate in?” You asked just as his boots touched the cobblestone pathway. He turned to see you looking at the platter of forgotten food, and he had to chuckle at your question.
“You’ve no reason to fret; a servant shall come and retrieve it for us,” he said.
“Oh…right.” You hurried after him, shoes crunching on the pebbles of the walkway. The journey back to the entrance was peaceful, and Ardyn enjoyed once again watching you bounce from flower to flower, gently caressing their delicate petals before darting to the next. You were more excitable than he would’ve guessed from your previous encounters.
Of course, Ardyn insisted on seeing you to the palace gates, which you were more than happy to agree to. He led you through the winding hallways, and you remained respectfully quiet, even while a soft smile still adorned your face. It wasn’t long before the palace’s grand doors came into view, with his most senior servant waiting obediently next to them.
“Justin will show you home,” Ardyn said, gesturing at said man. He bowed respectfully to the both of you as you approached, posture picture perfect.
“Of course Your Excellency. I will bring around the car.”
“See that you do,” Ardyn dismissed him, and he was out the door with a trained swiftness. He turned back to you, and you smiled at each other.
“Thank you, Ardyn,” you said. “It was all so wonderful. I’m glad you brought me here.”
He placed a hand over his heart, feigning that he was touched. “You’re very welcome dear,” he cooed. “I shall see you on the evening of the gala. In the meantime, I shall have suitable attire sent to your abode. You can expect it on Friday.”
You beamed at him. “Thank you Ardyn. I-I really don’t know what to say, that’s very sweet of you. You know you don’t have too.”
“Oh, but it’s been so long since I’ve had the chance to spoil someone. All I ask is that you join me for the festivities.” He raised his arms theatrically, indicating the decadent palace around you.
You giggled at his dramatics, your eyes full of warmth as you gave him one last smile. “Alright, I’ll see you then.” You waved at him as you turned, beginning to follow after the attendant. Just as you came to the door, you glanced over your shoulder, meeting his eyes. Ardyn titled his head inquisitively, watching indecision contort your expression. He thought it rather amusing, how you often seemed to struggle with internal debates.
Finally, you made up your mind. Without warning, you darted back to his side, standing on your tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his left cheek. Ardyn’s eyes widened, and you smirked proudly back at him.
“I’ll see you next week,” you said merrily. With that, you were gone, out through the double doors before Ardyn could respond. He stared after you for a moment before letting out a light laugh. You’d surprised him more than once today, and for that he was grateful, even if he knew the palace hands would doubtless be busy, spreading rumors of the chancellor’s newest toy. Perhaps that would get the obnoxious suitors that try to court him off his back for a little while.
He could muse about all that later though. He made his way back through the endless halls, the scarce servants scattered about bowing to him deeply as he walked by them, descending into the lower bowels to retrieve his beloved automobile. All the while, much of his thoughts were taken up by you. Reliving those soft moments you shared, analyzing the feelings that accompanied them. It was fascinating, for someone like him. The fluttering in his chest…he couldn’t tell if he despised it or adored it.
He wondered if you remembered the flower crown still perched on your head. You looked so heavenly with it…part of him hoped you would keep it. Would smell the blooms and think of him.
Even if the rest of him was swathed with rage. For none of this would matter, in the end. All that mattered, was that he got his revenge…
Can you tell my love language is physical touch? 🤣🤣
I want to thank everyone that included me in those tag/ask games, even though I didn’t have time to do them. Thank you for thinking of me 💕💕
Next chapter is gala time!
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Out of curiosity - you've written Dreams au for Prompto and Ardyn kickstarting the Reunion, plus the Gladio version that became canon.
But what about Ignis? How would the verse where he finds Noctis first look like?
Not gonna lie. This one had me stumped. I never considered that Ignis might be the first to find Noctis (my mistake) and so didn't even have an incling about how it might happen. Until about half an hour ago, that is, when an idea fell from the sky. Or my shower head. Depending on the point of view.
(I wrote this really fast, so it doesn't fit stylistically into the Deep City verse. When I have time, I'll try to write a 'proper' version.)
You could say this starts around Noctis's 17th birthday. Ignis hasn't been doing well. Not at all. His friendship with Gladio is splintering like rotten wood and his uncle as been... distant lately.
Ignis does his best to bury his worries with work, but that's only helping so much. What with his work now being a glorified secretary for whatever ministry, board or committee will have him at the time. Still, Ignis does his best. What else can he do?
So, that one fateful day, on Noctis's 17th birthday, when the hurt is rubbed fresh and raw again and there is no work for him to do...
Ignis bakes.
He tries, once again his best, to recreate that one sweet pastry from Tenebrae Noctis liked so much and Ignis could never get right. Once he's done, he goes outside and somehow finds himself in a park in a working class area. Later, he will think is has been fate.
Right now, he doesn't care, strangely glad for being outside his usual haunts, and unpacks the pastries he has brought.
Their taste is warm and creamy and so sweet Ignis can practically feel his teeth rotting in his mouth. Was that the right taste? he wonders and hates that he will not get an answer.
"Yer usin' the wrong types of berry," an old, creaky voice says behind him.
Ignis whirls around and whom he finds fits the voice very well. It's an old woman, bent and with wrinkles deeper than he has ever seen. Her hands are bony and full of spots. Her dress looks more like it's been made from patches than proper fabric. The smell of freshly baked bread hits Ignis's nose.
"Excuse me?" he asks.
"Tha' pastry o' yer's," she says in the strangest accent Ignis has ever heard. "Them berries're too sweet. Yer'll need them from northern Ulwaat. T's colder there, so they need ta be more hardy. 'Too sweet' tha' prince o' yers would say."
Ignis feels ice cold dread creep up his spine. Does this woman know Noctis? Does she have soemthing to do with his disappearance?
"Now, now laddie. Get those thoughts outta yer head. Ah'm simply following the fire to where it'll lead me."
"Fire, laddie. It knows ye got to play a part in the storm ta come, and it likes ye. So Ah'll make sure ye know wha' ta do once the time is right."
"I'm afraid I do not know what you are talking about, Maselle. Excuse me, I have work to do."
Ignis turns around, intend to leave the obviously mentally unstable old crone behind him, but her next words make him stop.
"None o' tha', Ignis Scientia. There's no work waitin' for ye today. Yer uncle is teachin' yer cousin Paxil in the hopes he'll not be a disappointment, an' yer friend'll not get a diagnosis fer his sister t'day."
Slowly Ignis turns around. "Are you threatening me?" he asks, low and dangerous. One hand his inconspicuously reaching for the dagger he never goes without these days.
"Ye can leave tha' dagger where it is, laddie. Ah'm not threatening ye, simply sayin' things how they are."
"How do you know all this?" Ignis finds himself asking through the fog in his mind.
"The fire, laddie. Once ye know how ta listen, it'll never stop tellin' ye things," the crone says and waves her hand in a way that makes it clear that she wishes for him to follow. "Come," she says. "Ah'll show ye."
And against his better judgement - and the usually so large, but now tiny rational voice in his head baring warnings at him - he follows.
Nearly three years later, he stares at the fire burning between his fingers, and follows it's call deep into the ancient bowels of the city.
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savage-rhi · 9 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 14
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
The festivities of the Imperial Founding Ceremony were well underway. Streets leading toward the palace were closed down, and an endless line of cars and people were back to back and bumper to bumper. Loud orchestrate music pooled out of the palace’s large entry doors, beckoning warm bodies to enter into the dwelling to participate.  The grand hall was filled to the brim with people. Most hailing from the richer provinces within Niflheim, though on this day, commoners were allowed to mingle within reason. 
The atmosphere was a blur of chatter, the sound of feet scuffing against carpet, jewelry jiggling to the rhythm of it’s owners body, and bouts of laughter from those who hadn’t a care in the world except for whatever affairs were about to run amok this evening. The war and strife between Niflheim and Lucis might as well had been a bad dream. 
Ardyn peered through the large crowd that had gathered into imperial palace. He was leaning against the banister to the grand staircase where Y/N would be coming from, and already was nursing a glass of red wine. Once finished, he gestured for a server to come by and fetch the empty container. He looked up at the grand clock that was across the hall and glared. Y/N should’ve been here by now, and he began to wonder what the hold up was. 
In the distance, Ardyn could see Emperor Aldercapt, imperial councilmen, and the Tenebraenan Ambassadors all deep in the throes of conversation. Ardyn was thankful he didn’t have to entertain the guests for the night. He always considered his job to be half leader and half jester; for it was usually he who had to charm the crowds that Aldercapt wished to connect with. It seemed on this founding day, the old man had found some spirit he had been lacking, or perhaps he had finally drank enough alcohol to make himself entertaining. Either case, Ardyn felt fortunate he wasn’t right at the Emperors side, for he didn’t need to be scolded about what had become of the Lucian guest. 
Crossing his arms and legs, Ardyn looked ahead. There was an endless sea of bodies, of people vying for power, wealth, and connection. As much as he tried to tune out his ways as a healer, Ardyn felt a plethora of emotions coming off every person that arrived to the gala. The scourge didn’t help with the sensation, and further amplified the knots in his stomach. His fingers dug into his clothes, and he bit the inside of his lip. 
“Chancellor,” Verstael’s crackled voice broke Ardyn out of the spell he was in and smiled. 
“Verstael,” Ardyn mused, purposefully refusing to address him formally. That earned a huff from Chief Besithia as the old man chuckled. 
“You seem rather tense my friend,” Verstael commented. “Is your Lucian companion alright?” 
“I’m beginning to wonder that myself,” Ardyn murmured. “I haven’t heard word of them.” 
“Perhaps they got cold feet,” Verstael suggested with a smirk. 
Ardyn was about to say something witty to counter Verstael’s jab, but he stopped himself when suddenly half of the crowd went silent. Their gazes were turned to Ardyn’s direction. He furrowed his brows, wondering why everyone was staring his way until out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure standing at the top of the staircase. The bated breaths of many clamored in his ears. 
Ardyn caught Verstael’s shocked expression while he turned around. He smirked briefly at the old man being speechless, before his eyes peered up. The mischievous smile Ardyn wore began to fade little by little while his eyes widened then blinked. The last of his thoughts, and even the haunting voices of the scourge in his body ceased. The only noise he could comprehend was the sound of his own pulse.
There were no words to describe how Y/N looked. If Ardyn had anything, it would’ve been alluring. The outfit Y/N picked out complimented both their personality, and their physicality down to a dangerous T, and he found himself hypnotized much like everybody else. 
“Perhaps not,” Ardyn quietly said to Verstael’s previous remark, as his lips managed to form into a proud smile. 
Just breathe… Y/N said to themself on repeat. They couldn’t remember a time in their life in which they were surrounded by so many people in a singular spot. They felt like a plump seal surrounded by an ocean of sharks, paddling through with caution to find sanctuary, while the predators awaited them to make one noise of distress to enact a feeding frenzy. Y/N was frozen in place while their eyes guardedly met each and every pair that stared back. 
I can’t do this…I can’t do this… Y/N could feel their breath quicken until the sight of Ardyn had them pause. The smile he wore, and the softness of his gaze had their heartbeat slow down. While the upper class Imperials had been gawking at the sight of a Lucian in the flesh, Ardyn was looking upon Y/N like a work of art; admiring how the canvas decorated itself. At least, that was the comfort Y/N told themself. 
That’s when Ardyn broke out of his trance, quietly climbed the stairs, and offered his hand to Y/N. 
No going back… There was a moment of hesitation in Y/N’s features as they gazed at Ardyn’s fingers then met his eyes. The soft amber glow of his hues and the faint nod he offered was enough reassurance that the worst of the night would be over with. 
Y/N placed their right hand into Ardyn’s palm, and his fingers entrapped them. They felt their arm rise with Ardyn’s as he stood tall at their side. With his free hand, he took his hat off and put it toward his chest, and in unison Y/N and Ardyn performed the Emperor’s Bow; the highest custom any could give to an audience and to Aldercapt himself aside from falling to one’s knees. 
After holding position for a few seconds, Ardyn and Y/N slowly rose back up. The encatction was complete, and a roar of applause errupted throughout the grand hall. 
“It would seem you arrived,” Ardyn murmured quietly, offering a small grin toward Y/N before he turned his attention back to the crowd. 
“What happens now?” Y/N whispered toward Ardyn. They could see Ardyn smirk from the corner of his mouth, and wondered if it was wise to have asked him that. 
“We will descend once the cheers die down, for now, just soak it in.” 
Y/N felt him gently squeeze their hand against his, and his thumb combed over the goosebumps that littered the dorsal side of Y/N’s palm. 
“You’re trembling,” Ardyn murmured. 
“I’m scared shitless.” Y/N admitted. The snort Ardyn let out nearly made them want to shoot a glare in his direction. “There’s so many people here.” 
“Do you know what I do to curb such ill feelings?” 
“I can’t say that I do.” Y/N breathed, noting the mischievous glint in Ardyn’s eye. 
“I picture everyone I meet at these events stark naked.”
It took much will power on Y/N’s end not to crack up from Ardyn’s advice. He too seemed to be challenged at keeping a straight face. 
“Pray tell how that advice works?” 
“It’s quite simple,” Ardyn mused. “Underneath all the glamour, the dresses, the suits, is nothing but sacks of meat with a conscience. They may be of higher breeding than you, but you’re human as they are, and most importantly…” 
“Yes?” The way Ardyn’s voice drifted had Y/N’s pulse in their throat, wondering if they had made a mistake without knowing. It wasn’t until he turned his head and looked at them with a sort of reverence did they ease. 
“You belong in my company.” 
The five words were so feather light, that Y/N could’ve sworn that Ardyn’s fingertips gently glided over their skin and cupped their face. His voice felt like an embrace with an intimacy that only the dearest of the friends would give. Through the fog of warmth, a part of Y/N felt hurt when they could no longer gaze over Ardyn as he took the lead guiding them through the shores and into the sea of gowns, dresses, and formal attire. 
Coming to the bottom of the staircase, Y/N stood at Ardyn’s side in front of a balding older man. The first thing that popped out to Y/N, was his steely gaze. Though he smiled big, his eyes foretold he was feeling anything other than jolly. Given how unkempt his white beard was, it was obvious the years hadn’t been kind to him. 
“Chief Besithia!” Ardyn exclaimed with pride before he respectfully gestured to his guest. “May I formally present Y/N Y/L/N to yours truly?” 
This is the guy who makes my medication…? Y/N was stunned. Ardyn had talked a great deal about Verstael, yet Y/N imagined him looking different. They also reminded themself too of what Ardyn forewarned during etiquette lessons; despite his age, Chief Besithia was formidable. This was the man who was responsible for the birth of magitek soldiers. Caution and confidence was needed when dealing with him. 
“What an absolute treat ,” Verstael slyly remarked, shaking Y/N from their thoughts. He gently took hold of Y/N’s free hand, and bowed his head to their knuckles before letting go. “I’ve heard so much about you from Chancellor Izunia, but never once did he mention how enchanting you look. I must say the gods are smiling upon me for my eyes to be bearing witness to a Lucian such as yourself.” 
“You honor me,” Y/N replied, trying not to sound too timid. They caught the quick glare Ardyn shot at his associate, and the faint smirk Verstael gave in turn. “I’ve been wanting to give you my thanks for a long time now. The medication for my illness has been helping.” 
“That’s what I love to hear!” Verstael’s voice croaked. Y/N mentally pat themself on the back for shifting the conversation. “Perhaps when you are more integrated, the Chancellor would be so kind as to bring you for a tour of Gralea’s research facility. You’d be the first Lucian to ever gaze upon the full might of the empires labor.” 
“You honor me yet again,” Y/N offered a smile at Verstael’s amused chuckle. His eyes seemed to have softened, encouraging Y/N to put some of their formal language skills to the test. “However, I believe I should leave this arrangement to the Chancellor’s discretion. I don’t want to overstep where I stand.” 
Ardyn gently squeezed Y/N’s hand. They swallowed a small lump in their throat, worried they might’ve screwed up.
“What wise words for one of your kind,” Verstael chortled. His eyes peered up at Ardyn as he gave a head bow to his peer. “You chose well, Chancellor.” 
“Don’t I always?” Ardyn chuckled. 
“Aye, I can agree there.” Verstael mused and glanced between both Y/N and Ardyn. “I will let both you young lots pass through. After all, quite a number of Imperials would love to hear Y/N’s recount of their fearless tale.” 
“Chief,” Ardyn gave a nod. “A pleasure as always! I shall see you tomorrow in the labs.” 
Though Ardyn gave no indication he was in a hurry, Y/N could sense his demeanor shift for the briefest of seconds after they had left Verstael. It seemed Verstael had struck some kind of nerve within Ardyn, but it was hard to pinpoint exactly what it could’ve been. The old man’s words didn’t help the sinking feeling Y/N felt. 
One of your kind… Y/N repeated in mind. It was one thing to be warned that this type of language would be quite common among high Imperial rank, but another to hear it face to face. 
“Is he always like that?” Y/N spoke up, both curious and not wanting to think further on the prejudice they had just faced. 
“Like what?” Ardyn chuckled. 
“You should see him on his good days,” Ardyn huffed. He offered a small smirk, and his disposition changed, now appearing more like his usual self. “Alas, Verstael has the tendency to be, shall we say, obvious .” 
“Did I screw up back there with him?” Y/N whispered solemnly.
“Actually, you did quite well.” Ardyn’s lowered voice crept into Y/N’s ears as he finally paused in his steps, letting himself and Y/N gaze over the crowd for a moment. “If you can handle Verstael, then you’ll have no issue with the rest of the flock.” 
“I’m not sure that’s as comforting as you’re making it out to be,” Y/N couldn’t help but jest with sarcasm. “Am I going to be seeing the Emperor next?” 
“No,” Ardyn impassively remarked. “You won’t be having an audience with him this night.” 
“What?” Y/N made a face, taken aback. 
“It’s a good thing,” Ardyn reassured, then grimaced when he caught himself. “In...some ways it’s a good thing I suppose.” 
“Can you speak in laymen’s terms?” Y/N sighed. 
Ardyn laughed. “If you were paying attention to our lessons in manner, you’d know that unless you're invited into the Emperors circle by his very hand, it would be considered intrusive and quite insulting to approach him.” 
“And how is it a good thing that he passes over me?” 
“As I’ve said, he utterly despises Lucians. I could tell Verstael’s words pierced your heart to some degree. Aldercapt won’t show any mercy toward you, regardless of my vouch for your character.” 
“Chin up,” Ardyn smiled at Y/N. “We’ve got this.” 
As Ardyn led the way, Y/N felt both nervous as ever and confident. The two feelings intertwined in a dance that could’ve gone on forever while Y/N took in the spectacle. The night was alive. Chandelier’s glimmeredd and bounced off an array of light, illuminating elegant clothes. Music from magnificent orchestras thrummed through bodies and pulsed against eardrums. Deep conversations came and went. The grand hall was filled with rich scents and smoke from candles that drowned reality. 
Now in the pulse of the ocean, Y/N truly felt like they were under water; in another world where they shouldn’t have dwelled, yet a siren had tempted their feet into the unknown. Holding onto Ardyn’s hand was Y/N’s only anchor they had keeping them from being cast off into the raging waters. It especially rang true when the crowds had come to gawk at the Lucian traveling at the Chancellor’s side. Like a horde of locusts eyeing a fine grain, they swarmed; asking numerous questions. Questions that sounded more like remarks scientists would make upon dissecting the corpse of a newly discovered animal. 
Although Y/N had rehearsed with Ardyn, they found themself stumbling at times, not prepared for the underhanded comments. The quirked eyebrows and snide remarks made Y/N’s nerves fire off, only to be quelled when Ardyn asserted himself and redirected. Y/N was grateful he did most of the talking, as were they grateful for the people who legitimately approached with curiosity and warm welcome. It seemed not every Imperial assumed the worst. 
“Chancellor,” An imperial guard approached Y/N and Ardyn after they finished wrapping up a conversation. He gave a respectful bow. 
“Two ambassadors from Tenebrae and an envoy from Accordo wish to have an audience with you,” The imperial guard glanced at Y/N apologetically before continuing. “In private.” 
“Do they?” 
Ardyn wasn’t amused in the slightest. Y/N couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t care for said company, or if he was upset at the guard for the obvious discrimination that wasn’t the poor blokes fault to begin with. 
“It’s okay,” Y/N reassured, giving a nod to the guard and met Ardyn’s furrowed brows. “I wanted to sample some drinks and food across the hall. That should give you plenty of time to talk.”
Ardyn took a step closer to Y/N, making sure the guard was out of earshot from their conversation. 
“Are you certain?” He whispered. 
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. “I’ll be fine.” 
Ardyn didn’t appear to be confident about that, nonetheless, his obligations as Chancellor kicked in for he hummed in approval. He gently pulled up Y/N’s hand he had been holding onto, pressing his forehead to their knuckles much like Verstael had done earlier. Before completing the formality, he gave a faint kiss to Y/N’s fingers. 
“Don’t stray too far,” Ardyn murmured. He offered a smirk after seeing Y/N blush, then followed the guard after gesturing at him. 
Y/N watched as Ardyn disappeared into the depths of decorated bodies. Their mind dwelled on his affectionate act, knowing that wasn’t proper by any means, especially after he had thoroughly educated them on cordial etiquette.  Now alone, Y/N realized it wasn’t the time to ponder, for the sharks--the Imperials--could sense a disturbance along the current. 
Their eyes went to the grand imperial clock, seeing only an hour and a half had come and gone. Y/N sighed. It felt like an eternity of dealing with the same people, but with a different face. Nevertheless, they put their best foot forward and mingled. To say they were met with barriers was an understatement. Most of the upperclassmen ignored or blatantly told Y/N that they were preoccupied with another engagement. When Ardyn had begun preparing Y/N to be an Imperial Icon, they didn’t anticipate feeling so miniscule. So less than. 
As the night drew on, Y/N was beginning to regret letting Ardyn leave their side. Their confidence began to wane while they swirled wine around in their complimentary glass. Now near a pair of large glass windows leading to the balcony, Y/N fixated on the fireworks that were going off. The thundering booms did little to ease their nerves, but watching explosions was far better than dealing with people. 
“Quite beautiful are they not?” 
That voice… Y/N turned their head to the side, meeting Loqui’s grin. They never felt so delighted to see a familiar face, despite hardly knowing him. 
“I hate to say it, but Insomnia has you guys beat. Ours are bigger.” Y/N countered playfully, smiling when Loqui snorted and laughed. 
“We make up for it with better company!"
“Speak for yourself!” Y/N laughed. They took note of Loqui glancing about, his brow raising every so often. “What is it?” 
“Did the Chancellor really leave you alone?” 
“Yeah?” Y/N shrugged. 
“Does that bother you, considering this is…well, new?” 
“Somewhat,” Y/N admitted, furrowing their brows. “I’m surprised he wasn’t summoned away sooner to be honest with you.” 
Loqui nodded and smirked. “If it’s any consolation, he’s probably being interrogated just as badly as you’ve been.”  
“Well,” Loqui made a face, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N took this moment to glance over his attire for the evening. The rich imperial colors contrasted well with his military decorations. Y/N stopped when Loqui cleared his throat. 
“It’s not everyday the Chancellor has someone at his arm,” Loqui began. “My father told me Chancellor Izunia has been struggling with opposing nations trying to sway public opinion negatively about his lack of familiars. Your presence is sure to put out some of those fires.” 
“Why would people care about that?” Y/N asked. 
“Well, he’s a public figure,” Loqui furrowed his brows, trying to think of his words carefully. “Most public figures, especially those in power, aren’t…quirky like Chancellor Izunia. When you mix that with having a mysterious aura, people get nosy.” 
“And are you one of those people, sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong?” 
“Was that sarcasm?” Loqui grinned. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Y/N teased with a shrug.
“Y’know, something that would help me sleep tonight,” Loqui paused. He smiled big, offering his right hand to Y/N, giving a gentle flex with his fingers. “Is knowing I had the pleasure of dancing with you.” 
“I--” Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind their ear, eyes looking at his gloved palm. “Wouldn’t that damage your reputation, dancing with a Lucian and all?” 
Loqui chuckled as he shook his head reassuringly. “You’re an Imperial Icon now. You abandoned your old life in favor of the sanctuary our empire has gifted to you. It would honor me a great deal if I could take these first steps with you. Not to mention, I think this would look good in your favor image wise, but mostly…I just want to dance with you. That’s all.” 
There was no sign of insincerity on Loqui’s end. The cadence of his voice, and the pride he had in his eyes was enough to get Y/N to bite the bullet. Y/N glanced around before taking Loqui’s hand. His grip was firm yet gentle, and he led them to a large gathering of people dancing to the swaying tempo of the orchestra. 
“I forgot to mention I’m not that great of a dancer,” Y/N chuckled nervously when Loqui and they made it to the center floor. 
“I don’t exactly have nimble feet myself,” Loqui laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll lead you through the storm!” 
“Awfully poetic.” Y/N teased. 
“I’m not a mere army brute contrary to popular belief,” Loqui quipped while he guided Y/N’s free hand to his shoulder as they got into position. Once settled with his arm around Y/N’s waist did he finish his sentence. “You’re easy to talk to.” 
“You honor me.” 
“No, your presence honors me.” Loqui corrected. “For a Lucian, you’re alright.” 
Y/N suppressed a laugh, shaking their head before the world began to spin. A series of twists and turns soon took precedence while Loqui led Y/N through the dance. Y/N had come to find out quickly that Loqui’s movements were not the most elegant, but his body had an energy that made the experience pleasing. They both swayed with each other, twirling around other dance partners before meeting back again to restart the journey. It didn’t matter the puzzled looks other dancers gave, for Y/N and Loqui continued to move, laugh, and jest throughout. 
The grand hall became a whish of gold and shiny colors as bodies and dresses disappeared into the background. Even as many eyes lurked upon the spectacle, Y/N didn’t pay it any heed. Thoughts of their old life drifted away. The faces of those they had unintentionally condemned were elsewhere. Concerns for Ardyn and what he was preoccupied with were cast off. Not even the pain their muscles felt from the scourge could pull them out of this trance. Y/N was truly having fun and they didn’t want to come down from the clouds. 
From afar, Ardyn zeroed in on Loqui and Y/N. The Tenebrae ambassadors and the Accordo envoy were still conversing amongst each other, but he couldn’t hear them. His expression was one of indifference while his fingers squeezed around the stem of his wine glass so tight that he scarcely realized it had cracked. Post Chapter
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lunarlegend · 5 months
Hope you don't mind more questions about Stella! The more I learn about her through your blog, the more endearing she becomes :) In Stella's backstory, Ardyn kills her mom and sets their house on fire. Did he have any particular motive to do that? How did he know Stella was his descendent? Did he ever learn of the existence of Stella and Ignis's child? Lastly, did Stella ever tell the boys, or at least Ignis, about what Ardyn did to her mom, or was it too painful for her to talk about?
i don't mind at all! i'm glad you've taken such an interest in her, she's my baby. 😊💜
in my AU, Ardyn's descendants are a line of healers using powers similar to what Ardyn had when he was originally alive, and they access their magic by channeling the Crystal. except, since Ardyn was rejected by the gods, none of his descendants can use their powers without the blessing of the current King.
over the centuries, this caused a bond to form between the two sides of the continuing Lucis Caelum bloodlines, but Ardyn's bloodline no longer shared the last name.
Stella's mom Salvia was a prominent Lucian healer and had been good friends with Regis for a long time. despite being unaware of their actual blood relation through their ancestry, the two had a sibling-like relationship, and that's how Noctis & Stella grew up being told they were cousins.
Salvia was well-known in the region not only for her healing abilities, but also for her charisma and upbeat personality. as the years went on, and the situation between Lucis and Niflheim grew more tense, Salvia became more outspoken in her defense of her homeland and used her favor with the public as sort of a platform to speak out against the Empire. this put a target on her back, but nothing happened until Ardyn noticed who she was.
back up and wandering Eos again after 2,000 years, Ardyn obviously had questions about this mysterious line of healers who worked so closely with the Lucian Kings. once he figured out where they came from, it disgusted him to see his own descendants supporting the Lucis Caelums as they were. he decided to fix the "problem" by murdering Salvia, because he considered it justice and knew it would be taken as a political attack, keeping him anonymous.
he didn't expect Stella to get home from school before he left the house. her grief over her mother only angered him more, so without ever making himself known to Stella, he simply dropped a fireball to the floor and left. Stella should have died, but after trying unsuccessfully to drag her mother's body from the burning house, she luckily had the clarity to run and find a window so she could jump outside to safety.
after Salvia's death and Stella's temporary disappearance, there was a media frenzy. the murder was assumed to be a political attack; retaliation from the Empire, just as Ardyn had predicted. but no one knew that Salvia didn't die in the fire, only Stella saw that she'd been stabbed already. that fact haunts Stella to her core; not only that she had to find her mother's corpse, but the reality of knowing that whoever set the fire did it so they could kill her, too.
Stella keeps the truth to herself for a long time. she eventually tells Ignis about it before the journey while they're still living in Insomnia, but is adamant that no one else needs to know because she doesn't think anyone would believe her. her only focus at that point is figuring out who did it so she can get her revenge.
skipping far into the future, Stella doesn't give birth to Lucina until after the Dawn, thankfully, so Ardyn is already gone by then. her pregnancy is the reason Noctis insisted she didn't come with them into the Citadel for the final battles. had she gone in, Ardyn was planning to kill her when they reached the throne room (and he had Salvia's body strung up with the others, in place of Aldercapt in my AU). he sent a Red Giant after Stella outside instead, but she was able to fight it off thanks to Nyx's spirit, which rose up to help her.
the fact that Stella, another member of the Lucis Caelum bloodline, was still alive, is what prevented the prophecy from coming true and allowed Noctis to survive the Dawn. in canon, Noctis and Ardyn cancel each other out at the end, but in my AU only Ardyn is laid to rest. the bloodline is able to continue without the weight of the Crystal or the interference from the gods, and Noctis & Stella get to live in harmony in the rebuilt city with all the people they love, the way Somnus & Ardyn should have.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 8 months
"You will regret touching them." - Whumptober day 20
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Prompto Argentum Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Ardyn being creepy, non-consensual touching (non-sexual!)
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Noct doesn’t really know what to make of this Ardyn guy. He seems harmless enough, but something about him just seems… off. The way he speaks and moves is unsettling in a way Noct can’t put his finger on.
Ignis and Gladio don’t trust the guy a single bit, that much is obvious. They’ve both got years and years of experience handling unpleasant politicians, though, so they’re hiding it pretty well, at least at first glance.
Gladio is making light-hearted jokes and acts as if Ardyn isn’t even there, but he always carefully places himself between Noct and their uninvited guest, and his eyes follow Ardyn’s every movement.
Ignis, while he’s all polite smiles and pleasant small-talk, refuses to sit down with them, claiming he needs to frequently get up to check on the food cooking inside the caravan anyway. Instead, he leans against the caravan and watches Ardyn like a hawk, and beneath his polite behaviour, there is a frigidness that would make Noct shiver if it were directed at him.
So far, Ardyn’s done nothing to warrant any hostile reaction besides being a little weird, so Noct’s overprotective friends are forced to sit back and watch.
It’s more than a little awkward. Normally, when they’ve got some downtime and get to spend the night at a caravan or even a hotel where there is wifi, they’re quick to whip out their phones and play some King’s Knight, but it seems impolite to do so with Ardyn present.
Prompto tries to start conversations and include Ardyn in them several times, but most of it falls kind of flat and doesn’t really go anywhere. Not that Ardyn makes it any easier for him, choosing to reply in cryptic remarks instead of speaking like a normal person.
Eventually, Ardyn starts carrying most of the conversation on his own, wandering back and forth around their table as he talks about some weird stuff Noct can’t even be bothered to listen to - but he’s had to sit through enough meetings that he knows when to smile and nod and make noises that sound like agreement.
“…isn’t that right?” Ardyn purrs, and leans forward to caress Prompto’s face.
Prompto’s widened eyes flick towards Noct in a silent plea for help, but then Ardyn steps back and resumes his monologue as if nothing happened.
Noct opens his mouth to say something, but Prompto speaks at the same time, a high-pitched, too-loud agreement with whatever Ardyn is talking about. He tends to get talkative when he’s nervous, and from the way he’s babbling now, he’s got to be pretty damn nervous.
Gladio stops him with a subtle nudge of his knee and smoothly takes over the conversation instead, and slowly, Prompto relaxes.
Allowing himself to zone out again, Noct lets Ardyn talk all he wants, and he’s just about to suggest they go to bed when Ardyn goes to touch Prompto again.
This time, his fingers don’t manage to make contact before his hand is seized in a tight grip and Ignis’ voice cuts through the tense silence, icy like the Glacian herself.
“I would strongly advise against this if you want to keep all your fingers.”
Ignis’ voice is soft and dangerous, and it’s a tone that usually gets people to back off really quickly when they realise Ignis is all business, but Ardyn just smiles lazily and pulls his hand back.
“A protective bunch, aren’t you?” he says slowly. “Well, I do apologize. I’ve let myself get carried away. I hope you don’t hold this against me,”
His eyes are trained on Prompto who looks like he wants to be anywhere but here, and Noct has had enough.
“The hell is your problem, man? Leave him alone.”
Gladio stays silent, but he’s holding himself like a coeurl ready to pounce. One wrong move and Ardyn gets decked in the face, Noct has seen it before.
Part of him almost wishes Ardyn will give Gladio a reason to do so.
But the guy does seem to possess some sense of self-preservation and simply excuses himself to bed instead.
They all watch him leave, and as soon as he’s gone, Noct focuses on Prompto who’s white as a sheet.
“Hey, man, you okay?” he asks, not bothering to hide his concern.
Prompto lets out a shaky breath. “Yeah. Yeah, he didn’t. I mean, he didn’t hurt me or anything. It’s cool.”
“It’s very much not cool,” Gladio grumbles. “Next time he pulls a stunt like that, I’ll wipe that creepy smile right off his face.”
“Think Iggy’s gonna chop off his hand first,” Noct mutters.
“Oh, I absolutely will,” Ignis agrees with a dark look. He pushes himself away from the caravan and rests a comforting hand on Prompto’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’re alright, Prompto?”
Prompto nods and leans into the touch, already a little less pale than before. “Yeah, thanks, Iggy. Just, if I never have to be alone with him again, I wouldn’t complain about that.”
“You won’t,” Gladio promises, and Noct nods firmly in agreement. Like hell that creep’s gonna touch Prompto again.
The exchange keeps playing on a loop in Noct’s head. They failed him, gods, they failed Prompto so bad, most of all himself who is responsible for this whole mess in the first place.
“What did that bastard do to you?” Gladio demands, voice rough as he inspects Prompto for injuries. He’s got many littering his body, but none are life-threatening and it’s nothing that can’t be fixed with a potion.
“Nothing. He just- Nothing,” Prompto replies. He looks out of it, like he hasn’t slept in days - and really, he probably hasn’t.
“But-” Gladio presses, but Ignis nudges him to shut him up.
“Prompto needs to rest, we cannot press on like this.”
Reluctantly, Gladio nods. “Iggy’s right. Noct, did you see a dorm room somewhere close by?”
On autopilot, Noct stands. “Yeah. Out that door over there then to the left, I think.”
Gladio gathers Prompto in his arms, and it’s proof of how shitty Prompto is feeling that he isn’t making a single joke about it. Instead, he just curls into himself and lets Gladio sweep him up like he weighs nothing.
Like a shadow, Ignis follows, dagger clutched in his hand. If Noct had to guess, he’s probably imagining a million different ways to kill Ardyn right now, and Noct quite shares the sentiment.
In the dorm room, Gladio gently places Prompto on one of the tiny beds and helps him crush a potion in his hand.
Immediately, Prompto looks better, but he still needs rest, and desperately so.
Gladio tuck him in with so much care it almost feels too private to watch, and then Ignis settles himself on the bed next to Prompto, feeling around the mattress for his hand and holding onto it once he’s found it.
Noct turns around and steps out of the dorm room. When he's sure the door has closed behind him, he looks up towards the ceiling and raises his voice.
“Ardyn! Mark my words - I will make you regret touching him. You will regret everything you’ve done to them. Consider this a promise!”
Then, he turns on his heel and returns to his friends. Ardyn is not worth any more of his time, right now, he has other priorities.
Prompto is already deep asleep, and Ignis, nestled against him, looks exhausted enough to nod off any moment as well.
Gladio’s leaning against the wall next to the door, standing guard.
“Gladio, go lie down. Get some sleep. I’ll take first watch,” Noct says. He’s never felt more awake, and he’s going to take full advantage of it to protect those he loves.
“I’m fine,” Gladio argues, but Noct’s not having any of it.
“I said sleep. I need you, Gladio, and I need you in top shape. So you’re going to lie down and you’re going to sleep and I’ll wake you in a few hours. Got it?”
Gladio still looks like he wants to argue, but then his shoulders drop in defeat and he nods. “Okay. Two hours, then you wake me.”
“Sure,” Noct says.
He does not wake Gladio after two hours.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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sparklecryptid · 1 year
More then that, you owe us an *implausible fix-it ending*
That I can do!
Ace did not plan on dying this way. He especially did not plan on having to listen to his grandfather rant about how Regis is a failure of a father while being unable to say anything in his blood fathers defence.
Said father did kill him after all, it’s hard to say something kind when it hasn’t been even a day since he’s been killed.
“-I raised a complete imbecile! I sorely hope the Accursed teaches him a lesson!” Mors rants as Ace nods and absentmindedly wonders if Ramuh is going to be pissed about this.
Ace is Galahdian after all, more than that he has a convent with Ramuh. He is decidedly not supposed to be in the Ring with his forefathers.
But he is which means someone has to answer for sending Ace into the Worst Family Reunion ever.
“The Accursed also plans on turning our kingdom into a ruin,” Somnus’ spirit points out.
“Yes, well maybe if you hadn’t been such a bastard he wouldn’t have such a grudge against us,” The Rogue’s voice is polite and beside her the Clever snickers.
“She has a point,” The Clever says just as their surroundings turn a vibrant purple.
Everyone turns to look at Ace who smiles.
“I’ve had a horrible time,” Ace begins, “And I never want to see any of you ever again so I’m going to be leaving.”
Lightning strikes, thunder rolls across the space like an earthquake.
The Clever laughs.
Ace disappears.
So waking up in a morgue in the clothes he died in is not where Ace expected to wind up. But Ramuh has apparently decided Ace has to go and stop his fathers from attempting to murder each other and shoved his soul back into his body.
Ace grimaces at the dried blood that trails down the front of his shirt and shoves himself off the - hm - is this an autopsy table or just storage? Ace spends a moment wondering about it before he decides it doesn’t matter and begins to drag himself through the Citadel.
Which is predictably in chaos.
Which means that he runs into Luche and a bunch of other Glaives he knows before he even gets to the fucking throne room.
Luche stares at Ace with a complicated expression on his face as Ace uses the wall to help himself stand.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Luche finally asks as Sonitus finally realizes Ace is there and does a double take.
“What the fuck happened?” Sonitus says and automatically moves to help Ace stand. Ace appreciates it and makes a note to bake Sonitus so many cookies if they all survive this.
“My dad killed me,” Ace says blandly, “And now my uncle is trying to kill my dad for killing me. Don’t ask how I came back. Ramuh pulled some bullshit God Move. Point is that I need to go stop my uncle from killing the king and turning this kingdom into a fucking ruin.”
“You said it was your father that killed you. Your father is the fucking king?”
“Yes. Did I not make that clear?”
“You did not!” Luche sounds like he’s about to set everything in a three mile radius on fire. Ace does not blame him.
Then Luche sighs and stares at Sonitus. “Get him to the throne room and for Ramuh’s sake do NOT let Nyx or Libertus see you.”
Sonitus smiles.
It is not a nice smile.
“You’re not allowed to commit regicide,” Ace says and turns his gaze to Luche, “Neither are you.”
“We will talk about it later,” Luche says and Ace doesn’t get another word in before Sonitus is picking Ace up and hauling him away.
“Uncle you asshole,” Ace calls from his spot in Sonitus’ arms as the doors to the throne room open easily under the pressure of Ace’s magic.
Sonitus walks in with Ace still in his arms and Ace is treated to the shitty sight of Noctis attempting to gouge out Ardyn’s throat while Clarus and Regis are heaving on the ground.
Ace debates setting his brother on fire. He doesn’t because it Regis went after Ardyn the way Ardyn assuredly went after Regis Ace would also attempt to rip out Regis’ throat.
Ah, family.
“Your family is fucked up,” Sonitus says and everyone’s gaze turns to the two of them.
Ardyn shoves Noctis into a wall and is hovering over Ace in moments.
Sonitus grins at Ardyn - all sharp teeth and silent threat.
“Careful,” he says, “Sparky here just woke up.”
“Fuck you,” Ace hisses and makes an effort to wiggle out of Sonitus arms. It does not work. Sonitus merely tightens his grip on Ace.
Ace stops wiggling.
“At least pass me to him dumbass.”
“Will he hurt you?”
“He’s the one attempting to destroy a kingdom for me so no Sonitus I don’t think he will.”
Ace is handed over to Ardyn who handles Ace like he is a particularly heavy but fragile piece of glass.
“You’re alive.” A statement uttered in disbelief. “You’re alive.” Said again more fiercely with an undercurrent of desperation.
“Yes, Ramuh got pissed at Bahamut for poaching me so he shoved my soul back into the mortal realm. Surprise.”
“Are you hurt?”
“The wound has healed but healing from rigor mortis is a bitch.”
Ardyn laughs.
“It always is.”
“Right. I’m ignoring the implications there because if I think about anything serious I am going to lose it.” Ace peeks over Ardyn’s shoulder at Regis who is now standing with Clarus and Noctis by his side.
Regis looks devastated.
Ace is satisfied at that.
“You’re an asshole,” Ace tells him, “That fucking hurt.” He turns his attention back to Ardyn without waiting for a response. “Hey can you take me back home? I need to shower and change before anyone -especially Nyx and Lib - finds out.”
“Oh,” Sonitus says cheerfully, “Luche already told them that you were severely injured by the King and Libertus is threatening treason.”
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Sola&Nox verse: please tell me about their combined Retinues and how weird it is and what where people's reactions to when they finally noticed this fact
*grins* the combined Retinue!
So it starts out with Nox and Sola worrying about each other. Nox worries about Sola because Sola is very much like Cor in leaping at problems sword-first and doesn't always stop to consider that she might be biting off more than she can chew. And it's not like Sola's going to stop. If anything Sola only gets worse as she gets older, as she accrues more and more skill and experience and gains more freedom to encounter Bigger Problems. If Sola had strong magic, Nox might worry less (Axis: liar) because in this au Sola and Nox aren't in the Glaive and as such don't usually leave Insomnia and there's less dangerous things for Sola to Throw Hands with in the Crown City. But Sola doesn't have strong magic, for all that she's been training with her magic ever since meeting Nox in Dissidia, will never have the reserves of her male relatives. And Nox worries that Sola will burn through her magic reserves and won't have enough magic left to keep herself from dying if she gets seriously injured.
Meanwhile, Sola worries about Nox not taking care of himself. But she's a Sword, she doesn't do well trying to solve problems she can't literally or verbally stab. Axis and Cindy do their best, and Sola will be the first to admit that Axis and Cindy do a lot for her twin. But none of them are Hands, and with the way Nox still mourns his first Retinue she doubts Nox will ever bond with another Hand. That Nox bonded with a second Shield and Heart is nothing short of a miracle. Sola can't do much to mother-hen Nox into taking care of himself beyond setting Abyssus on Nox, because Abyssus will absolutely remind Nox to eat - loudly - if it means he can beg food off the kitchens as well. Axis finds it hilarious that a cat is better at getting Nox and Ardyn to eat regular meals than two Shields and all the alarms on their phones. At least, when Axis isn't despairing over that same fact. But Sola can help Nox manage his pain, when she can out-stubborn him into letting her, that is.
@secret-engima has already covered how Nox bonded with Axis, and later Cindy, and that won't change. Sola bonds with Copia Egestas after Sola starts learning from Ardyn the art of politics so she can verbally shred certain Councilors and nobles and convince them to better their behavior or else. (The court thought Sola's smile was terrifying. Then Uncle Ardyn showed up and now Sola's smile is so much worse.) Sola and Copia met when Sola started networking with the Council Heirs. Copia decided to leverage that connection in hopes of being named the next Lord of Finance after her father. Sola knew this, but she was fine with that because Copia is really quite brilliant with both numbers and politics and knows the Lucian court in a way that Ardyn doesn't yet. And Copia is more than willing to assist and advise Sola in navigating the sormr pit. During late-night planning sessions they quickly discover that they share similar senses of humor, and they become friends, and some point before Nox and Sola's Coming of Age Copia decides she'd rather be Sola's Hand than the next Lord of Finance.
Ravus and Sola bond... both very quickly and not really? Like, I'd have to go back through the stuff written about how Ardyn gets the royal family out of Tenebrae and to Lucis, but Ravus doesn't have years of Niflheim conditioning him to hate the Lucis Caelums. He's also fiercely devoted to his little sister, which is something Sola immediately vibes with. And at this point, Ravus is angry and itching to fight for his family and home, and Sola's more than willing to enable him on that. So she drags Ravus to a sparring room, runs him through his paces, then promptly takes him on as an apprentice like Cor did her because sure, Ravus probably isn't completely inexperienced with a blade but he didn't spend the last five years apprenticed to Cor the Immortal. Sola's reasoning for training Ravus personally before she helps him enlist in the Kingsglaive is that Ravus wants to protect his little sister like how Sola wants to protect her little brothers, which of course means that Ravus wants to be the best he can possibly be in order to accomplish that. And the glaives are good, don't get Sola wrong, but it's a very different fighting style, and Ravus does need some serious training before he'd survive boot camp. Which means Sola gets to train Ravus into the ground first. Ravus might have found it insulting, being apprenticed to someone a year his junior, but Sola really is that good, and she never makes him feel inferior. Oh, she's as harsh a taskmaster as Cor, but she's also training Gladio at the same time as Ravus and she pushes Ravus just as hard as she does Gladio. Harder, in some cases - Ravus is sixteen going on seventeen, but Gladio is only eleven going on twelve, even if Gladio is in better physical shape, so Ravus is held to different standards. Sola also teaches Ravus how to wield magic - with her borrowed magic - because Ravus is aiming for the Kingsglaive and Sola doesn't do anything half-cocked. Once Sola deems Ravus good enough, she presents Ravus with his own weapon - as Cor did with her - as a 'graduation gift' of sorts, then kicks him over to the Kingsglaive. That cements the underlying trust and friendship necessary for when they bond later.
They don't bond until years later. Ravus is busy in the glaive, Sola is busy forcing the Lucian court into looking beyond their own personal concerns - like properly supporting the glaives as their main military branch, supporting the refugees and other non-upper class citizenry, etc - and being the main trainer for Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and later Prompto. She also makes a convincing case to train Luna and Sylva in combat, because them being able to defend themselves shouldn't be an afterthought. But Sola and Ravus still hang out when Ravus is in Insomnia, still spar and vent their frustrations to each other because both of them are Swords and prefer to tackle problems in similar ways.
It's Ravus, who informs Sola of the prophesized fate of the Chosen King and his Oracle. Sola is about as happy about that as Ravus is, and their mutual desire to prevent the deaths of their younger siblings is what spurs them to finally bond.
Nox and Sola get on well enough with the other's Retinue. Sola will never accept a Shield, not after years of the Council insisting on it, but she trusts Axis to guard her back, trusts him to keep her grounded like he does for Nox. Axis will never be her Shield, but Axis doesn't mind acting in that capacity for the Princess on those rare occasions. She's easier to ground than Nox, in some ways - usually Axis can direct one of his own damn kids to go sit on Auntie Sola and Sola's successfully tethered to one spot for as long as his kids demand her attention. Or he can order Abyssus to sit on Sola. Axis and Sola trust each other as fellow members of Nox's Retinue.
Cindy and Sola, when they meet, become fast friends as Cindy introduces Sola to the wonders of mechanics. Cid laughs when Cor and Regis call him to complain about Cindy and Sola building Sola a motorcycle. Cindy's also got a refreshing no-nonsense attitude and is the one to exasperatedly tell Sola to finally do something about her crush on Libertus.
Nox will never accept another Hand after Ignis. But he trusts Copia to advise and guide Sola, and trusts Copia enough to accept the blonde woman's advice on occasion. Copia will never be Nox's Hand, he has no interest in the court, not even as a battlefield to conquer like Sola. But Copia will never let one of her fellow Retinue to their Queen enter a battlefield unprepared, and so she will ensure Nox is prepared for court when he is required to make an appearance. (And if she makes Nox godsfather to her little Mira? Well, a godsfather needs to set a good example, and there's nothing like handing Nox his sleeping godsdaughter to get him to sit down for an hour or two and rest.)
Nox is... understandably hesitant to get to know Ravus, when he has such stark memories of his Ravus. It's really only once Sola and Ravus bond, that Ravus and Sola join Nox in his crusade to ensure his younger counterpart gets the future he never got to have, that he and Ravus develop anything approaching a friendship. It's a quiet friendship - Ravus and Nox love Sola dearly, but she is not quiet.
Nox and Sola bond sometime before their Coming of Age. It starts as Nox wanting Sola to have access to a second, deeper reserve of magic so she never is unable to heal herself, and as Sola wanting Nox to have her healing capability to cut down on most of his chronic pain. Oh, it won't stop the pain completely, but the healing factor will cut down on the irritation and inflammation that builds up. Two Lucis Caelums have never bonded to each other before, but honestly neither expect anything unusual to come of it, even as their bond grows tighter and closer over the years, until it's sometimes difficult to tell where gold magic ends and blue begins, the two are so enmeshed.
It's Cindy, ironically, who notices the change to her magic first. She's working on a project when her tool slips. Now, Cindy's no strangers to bruises and the occasional cut or burn, and every once in a while there'll be an injury that requires more than what the first aid kit can handle. And sure, the little injuries here and there haven't been as noticeable, but Cindy's pretty darn sure the gash on her hand should require stitches and yet the bleeding has already stopped by the time she's put the towel used to stem the blood down and washed off the blood and grime for a better look. Ain't that interestin'.
Turns out, Cindy's not the only one whose magic got an upgrade. Axis also has access to Sola's healing factor now, and Copia's magic has abruptly deepened and gained blue accents to the normally pure gold. Best theory is that because Nox and Sola have entwined their souls so tightly, their magic has essentially 'bled over' into their own bonds. Nox and Sola haven't bonded to the others, the magic still comes solely from their respective monarchs.
As there doesn't seem to be any negative side effects to this new and unexpected development, Sola and Nox basically shrug and roll with it.
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mypromptlair · 2 years
FFXV Prompt 1
After everything, after fulfilling the prophecy, Noctis was at least hoping to see Luna and his father again.
But no. Seems someone out there either likes fucking with him, or is perhaps trying to give him a second chance.
Because when he wakes up(why is he waking up?), he is 15(soon to be 16) again in his old apartment in a still bustling Insomnia.
At least he isn't alone, his dearest Lunafreya seems to remember as well. Perhaps the two of them can do this. Without anyone dying or Insomnia having to fall. Gentiana and Carbuncle have their backs too(along with a few other Astrals).
Only Noctis and Luna remember the original timeline(which makes them both happy and sad)
Noctis decides to and trains with the Glaives for a few months and bonds with them more(and later being dragged into a certain group as the 'lil brother')
Luna and Noct keep in more contact and try and come up with different plans to make things right now that they know the whole truth, etc.
Noctis eventually sneaks out of Insomnia by himself to meet up with Luna in Altissia, before they begin their journey to "fix" things(do they elope? who knows).
His brothers are none to pleased at being left behind when they finally meet up again.
They don't tell anyone at first what happened in the OG Timeline, but when it does get found out, oh Regis is ready to destroy the Crystal and a certain dragon himself(and everyone else too).
Much needed talks are had, especially between a prince and his shield.
Certain traitors are outed as well, and properly dealt with(there might be a certain incident with a injured Noctis at the hands of the Kingsglaive Captain. Nyx did not want this kind of promotion thank you.)
Ardyn has no idea what's going on or what these kids are up to, but he is amused by the chaos(and slightly concerned in his own way)
Ravus and Aranea help them out later as well
Bunch of misunderstandings take place and overprotective family and guards/glaives.
Regis wonders if he should actually ground Noctis for the first time once all this is said and done....Ravus wonders the same for Luna.
I didn't think of this after re-reading Crossfire by the lovely Sorianis along with the Luna update from dissidia opera omnia, nope.
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hauntedadagium · 1 year
Your tags on that gif post of Ardyn's impersonations reminded me of a plot bunny I've had for the past several years (that you are more than welcome to use if you want). Essentially it boils down to Prompto's S/O making it to Zegnautus keep before any of the other boys make it there. Ardyn, being a slimy bastard, damn well knows they're Prompto's partner, and uses this to his advantage. He waits until the S/O is taking a breather in one of the dorm rooms, disguises himself as an injured Prompto, and stumbles through the door to the dorm. He ofc hams it up, acting like he's so surprised their here, but he's so glad to see them!, etc. etc. Things would progress basically as your tags suggest, getting intimate before the S/O realizes something is very off, and Ardyn drops his disguise. But!!!! But but but!!! It turns out that Ardyn had set up a monitor in front of where Prompto is being held, connected to the feed from from that dorm room's security cameras, complete with an audio feed, to force Prompto to see the whole thing (or at the very least hear it)
This would lead to a hurt/comfort moment between Prompto and his partner after the boys show up, reunite with Prom's S/O, and rescue him.
But yeah, ur tags reminded me of that fic idea.
I love the idea of Ardyn mocking you over the tannoy in Zegnautus, then disguising himself as one of the boys coming to 'save' you. Prompto would be an interesting choice since Ardyn actually impersonates him in-game.
In one of my favourite fics Ardyn impersonates Noctis— not in Zegnautus— but it's very nsfw.
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In Dreams au, what did Ignis' uncle think about Noctis, both before and after he went missing? Because if he is the Chief of Staff at the Citadel then he was the guy that Cor dragged along to suppress the rumours about Noctis being a bastard.
Cinis didn't have very high opinions about Noctis before he vanished, and while he was gone, they were even lower.
From his perspective Noctis just isn't powerful enough to sit on the throne of Lucis. No magical power to speak of. Noctis also actively avoids people and makes no moves to accumlate personal power among the nobles.
Not a good politician. Not a good leader.
But he will be King. Because only the Lucis Caelums can be Kings. So it is a high honour for his family that little Ignis was chosen to be a companion to the prince. With a weak King to be on the throne, if a Scientia belonged to his inner circle, it meant all the more power for them.
He knew Aulea well enough however not to believe a word about the rumours. And he also knows Regis well enough to know that even if they had been true, he would have claimed Noctis as his own anyway. The child passed his Introduction to the Crystal anyway. So that point is moot.
Now, after Noctis shows back up?
His opinion changes entirely. Because while Noctis, at first glance, might look like a wandering vagabond, Cinis has known both Mors and Regis. He can recognise power. And this older Noctis has it.
This older Noctis is confident, settled in his skin in a way the younger never was. There's an aura about him that demands respect and attention. From how he holds himself, he also must have learned how to give orders and have them followed. At least to an extend.
When Cinis first meets Noctis again, he doesn't know the prince is magically powerful. But he sees little Astra making sparkly hands to entertain himself (Ardyn showed him that and Noctis isn't exactly happy about it, but it keeps his son occupied, so he's not complaining) and knows at least he managed to father a powerful child.
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