#aps birthday
helvidius · 28 days
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haha short
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rain-yskies · 1 month
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un i did for an art trade woooo
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celestialrealms · 9 months
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*emerges with the Barbatos UR, covered in blood*
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egophiliac · 1 year
Hello!! I'm in love with your artstyle (especially the way you did the signature spells??? I've been looking at them for a while adsgfdfsf, they look like movie posters tbh and that's fricking cool to me. anyway!! I'm a player on the NA server (btw, I've already seen spoilers of chap 7 due to tumblr/reddit/pinterest, so yeah it's not the most spoiled I've ever been so yea) and yeah. I'm getting through the story okay but do you have any advice for people trying to get through certain events with a more limited life schedule??? Also, what are some of the differences that you notice between the english (if you see a lot of it??) and Japanese versions of the game? sorry if this was a longer ask, i tried to be simple but i wanted to tell you that I loved your art and everything just spiraled AAAAAAH
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been surprised by how many people really like my posters -- it's kind of a weird style to do fanart in, I guess, but I'm glad other people think it's cool too! :D
(gonna answer out of order because the event stuff turned into a huge block of text, sorry!)
I've seen a few of the localizations, but I don't know a lot about the Eng version, so I can't speak too much about differences. (I do think "housewarden" has a better sound to it than "dorm leader" though...they need a fancy little word to match their fancy little outfits.) I did look up the unique magic/signature spells to see if they were able to somehow work in the glossing -- I'm not even sure how you would localize that without it being super weird, so I don't blame them, but I was a little sad anyway! :( in Japanese, they're all written as Japanese phrases with the English as ruby text, and sometimes they're given a little extra meaning. like -- this is where the episode 7 spoilers I'm tagging are) the words that Mal says are "Fae of Maleficence":
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but the meaning of the Japanese is "Blessing", which is a nice little "ooooh" moment given the context of it!
there isn't always an extra meaning, sometimes it's just. super literal. but my other favorite is Jack's, where what he means is "✨howl that pierces the moonlit night✨", but what he actually yells is "UNLEASH BEAST" before turning into a giant dog. what a good boy.
as for event advice (under the cut, because this was already getting long)...
speaking as someone who is 100% F2P and therefore also tends to get kind of burnt by some of these events -- the #1 most important thing is to just...make peace with not getting everyone. :') I am a collector-type person, so it definitely gets grating when I can't have all the fancy PNGs my little packrat heart desires. generally though: never do random pulls, always be saving your keys and gems between events. (once a month you can buy a 10-set from Sam for a 50 gem discount, and logging in on a character's birthday will give you a 10-set for free, so make sure to do those!). when the event info starts coming out, pick one or two cards that you really want and work specifically towards those, focusing on grinding out the items and/or using your saved-up pulls on their specific banner. and in the end, accept that it might just not be meant to be, even if you hit the 100-pull pity SSR no I'm not still bitter over fairy gala Ortho why do you ask. if the event doesn't have any cards that you really want, take it as an opportunity to save for the next one!
hoard your star fragments (the things that restore AP) -- if you're going for a card that requires grinding event items to permanently unlock, and the item is one you get from lessons, you can use star fragments to bump your AP up to 30 at a time (10 is the limit that will restore over time, but 30 is the max you can have at once). that makes for a looong lesson loop, but I usually get about 50-60 items per 30 lessons, and I just let it run in the background while doing other stuff. (usually these items are what also unlock the event story, so I'll do a huge amount of lessons first thing and then have enough to get the whole story at once. 👍) it can get really grindy, but events go on for a while so it's not usually that bad if you space it out a bit, instead of waiting until the last minute to try and get those last 600 items (cough) (cough).
if it's one of the ones where you get the item from doing a rhythmic, you get the same amount of items no matter how well you do, even if you miss every note. so you can just...tap occasionally to restart it and get the same effect. if it's a battle one, you do have to actually win to get the item, but once you figure out the sweet spot of a team setup + highest battle level where you win every time, it becomes basically the same deal.
so...yeah, tl;dr you can get away with a lot just by setting things up to run in the background and paying just enough attention to tap through some of the menus. it does require a certain amount of time to just leave your phone while still sorta-kinda paying attention to it, so it might not work for everyone, but that's the best way I've found to get through most events!
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not-poignant · 3 months
Birthday Spotlight - Ash Glashtyn
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[27th February - Pisces]
Ash Glashtyn, the fun-loving, cheerful, highly-sadistic and hypersexual Unseelie waterhorse from the canon Fae Tales series, adopted brother of Augus Each Uisge, and eater of humans, has been a beloved and then polarising character among readers. He's been a star in a couple of stories, but mostly he exists as a comedic, sexual, dangerous foil to his composed, sinister brother.
Ash Glashtyn is a monster who is ashamed of being a monster, but when he's a human, he normally has way less internalised issues with himself, and just wants to make the most out of life! He lives big, loves travel, loves everyone, but doesn't want any romantic relationships out of life. This boy will fuck everyone, and finds everyone stunning and beautiful and worthy of his time, but he's solidly aromantic and isn't planning on sexually cohabiting with anyone (with the exception of Strange Sights and The Wildness Within!)
An unlikely mediator, annoyingly charming, human loving, relentlessly curious, intensely protective, and appreciator of the sensual, Ash is one of the most 'human' of the Fae characters, and I've been happy to have him by my side for over ten years.
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I’m a mess . . . I don’t even know. I’m not made for all this high political bullshit. I’m not made for any of it, Augus. I’m just some dude, you know? Just some guy. I’ve been waiting for things to go back to normal ever since you went missing.
The Court of Five Thrones
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Shadows and Light - (fanfiction) First mentioned in From the Darkness We Rise, and his first official appearance in Into Shadows We Fall, Ash was a beloved character early on despite being on the enemy side and loving the worst villain in the story. An affable and obvious victim who just wanted the best for his brother, Ash struggled to come to terms with the fact that his brother needed to be defeated, and was vital in securing the win/victory for the good guys, even as it meant ruining himself in the process.
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The Wildness Within - (AU) The truly sane part of an OT3 featuring Augus, Gwyn and Ash, Ash managed to keep his brother grounded, get Gwyn out of shackles, stop Gwyn from running away in the human realm, and keep Augus from losing his mind when the Raven Prince kept throwing obstacles into their path. Ash was the compass point that kept them on the path to their true north in this story, and we'd not have the relationship we have between them, or the happy ending, without him!
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From the Darkness We Rise - (fanfiction) Mentioned only.
Game Theory - (canon) Ash's first canon appearance is also an intense one. The first time we meet him he is drugged out of his mind, the second time he loathes Gwyn, and is drunk, and the third time he punches Gwyn hard enough in the face to break his cheekbone.
The Court of Five Thrones - (canon) Ash works on a book called 'how to lose friends and my brother by trying to be so overprotective while not listening to anyone.'
The Ice Plague I - (canon) Ash, having reconciled with Gwyn, joins the ensemble cast as Julvia's unlikely protector, and a watchful, compassionate eye on the group.
The Ice Plague II - (canon) Ash, starving into insanity like his brother, Augus, doesn't have a good time.
The Ice Plague III - (canon) We learn Ash's heartsong as he loses it, and meet the Glashtyn for the first time. Not a fun guy, it turns out! Or super fun actually, if you like songs about rape and torture. Which the Glashtyn does!
The Wildness Within - (AU) An OT3 of Ash/Augus/Gwyn, Ash here is his waterhorse self, and this story imagines a world where Augus saves Gwyn from his family, and he and his brother learn how to deal with a semi nonverbal torture victim, and become an unlikely polyamorous triad.
Quid Pro Quo - (AU) Gwyn/Ash. A mostly PWP series of Gwyn finding Ash in the human world, and being coerced-persuaded into sex that has a lot of overstimulation. A lot of hurt/comfort and aftercare moments.
Strange Sights - (AU) Ash/Augus. The 'Ash rapes Augus and nearly ruins their entire relationship' one that features dark!Ash and vulnerable!Augus. This one is probably one of the darker longfics I've written, and it's the only story I've thought about deleting. Eventually I decided not to, and I still think it has some of the most beautiful writing in it. A lot of Ash perspective, for people who enjoy that!
The Shaking Shape of You - (AU) Augus/Ash oneshot, in the world of The Wildness Within. This one's porn, folks.
Tumblr Prompts - Fae Tales - (AU and canon) Ash is in a couple of these! In one, he's an unlikely companion while they all go grocery shopping in the human realm, in another, Augus reads to Ash.
Unwound - (canon) Part of the ensemble cast here, his best chapter is the one where he gets Gwyn high on marijuana and Gwyn gets the munchies.
The Ash and Gwyn Interludes - (canon) Chapters where Gwyn and Ash work to reconcile between the events of The Court of Five Thrones and The Ice Plague. Features rare Ash canon POV chapters.
Ten Minutes and Ten Minutes More - (AU) A Mosk/Eran PWP oneshot where Ash gives Eran 'advice' on how to basically sexually assault Mosk. He has black hair in this one, and looks as sinister and dangerous as his brother.
The Augus and Ash Interludes - (AU) Written in 2013, these started off as canon and some quickly became not canon. But features very sweet or silly or angsty moments between Augus and Ash.
Tumblr Prompts - Fae Tales AUs - (AU) I don't actually remember these O.O Very 'I have no memory of this place' Gandalf quote.
When the Tables Turn - (AU) Augus/Ash, Ash is a detective who decides he wants to rail drug trafficker and crimelord Augus Each Uisge. I never finished this, but it was fun
The Best of Broken Resolutions - (AU) The Architect AU (Gwyn/Augus), in which Ash is a member of a band, and gets way too drunk and manages to make his presence known even in this story.
Salt Water - (AU) Ash/Augus. An 11k Id Fic with magical healing cock. Augus is raped by Stertes (yes, that one), and Ash fucks him better e.e
The Day the Ferris Wheel Came Down - (AU) Before Spoils of the Spoiled even existed, I played with the idea of a high school AU here!
Underline the Silver - (AU) An upcoming Augus/Corbyn Prince omegaverse story, where Ash will at the very least be mentioned.
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A fun-loving, booze-loving, human-loving, upbeat-appearing quick-thinker, who always looks on the bright side, is ready to back a friend.
Pansexual, aromantic, and loves everyone. Enjoys sex and making connections, but also is happy to move on and make more going forward.
Loves his brother so much. SO much. Too much? He'd say there's no such thing!
If cheerful emo manifested into a human person
Redheads have all the fun
What? The cheerful guy sometimes has some deep-seated issues that he's not really talking to anyone about? O.O
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Most memorable in the canon for his internal conflict around eating humans but needing to eat them. He loves humans so much that he spends most of his time living with them, something Augus and most Unseelie fae view unfavourably.
An unlikely friend of the Nain Rouge!
If he's going to be attracted to another core Fae Tales character, it's going to be his brother first, and Gwyn second, but only in the AUs.
Getting himself half-killed by The Raven Prince
Betraying his brother to save his brother's life, and that creating bitterness between them.
Using pop culture references around Fae who are all talking like Victorians.
This guy can fit so much alcohol in him!
Betraying Gwyn, but not to save Gwyn's life. The mutiny in The Court of Five Thrones goes down as the biggest turning point for his character in the entire canon.
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Ash always has auburn hair except in a single oneshot AU, Ten Minutes and Ten Minutes More.
Always cheerful, and that cheerfulness always hides a darker and more sexual side.
Fucks - does he ever fuck
Kinks are always some variety of overstimulation and overwhelming his partners with pleasure.
Curious about people
Protective over those he perceives as vulnerable, including the humans he eats in the canon!
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Ash was initially conceived as a foil to the idea that 'all Unseelie fae are evil' in the same way that Crielle was conceived as a foil to the idea that 'all Seelie fae are pure and good.'
Ash Glashtyn's personality is based on actual folktales connected to the Glashtyn. He has been described as capable of great good and great harm, but he's also been described as a waterhorse capable of extreme evil and sadism. He's actually considered more sadistic than the Each Uisge, which I kept as a trait. In fact there is one story where the Glashtyn in human form stabbed long pins and needles into unsuspecting children and women through their buttocks, breasts and other fleshy parts.
The reason Ash looks the way he does was part of a complex storyline that never came together, which frustrates me, but otherwise Ash and Augus would look very similar so I needed something to differentiate them more easily! Plus I really loved the idea of a character who doesn't look immediately kind of 'dark and forbidding.'
Ash has been one of the most polarising characters. During the Shadows and Light era, most people loved him intensely. During the Game Theory era, people became split. People who never read SAL generally hated him until the very end of The Court of Five Thrones.
Ash's heartsong was a secret that only Augus knew for almost a decade. Even I didn't know it for a little while. I always told myself and others that the only time we'd all learn what it was, was when he lost it. When I knew what it was, I told everyone it began with an A. Only one person out of about 100 guesses got it right. :D
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I mean, we’re not dead or being actively tortured so it’s like…prospects aren’t all bad.
The Ice Plague II
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bignosebaby · 1 year
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Brian the gibbon is 60! Born in 1963 at the London Zoo, Brian now lives at the Lake District Wildlife Park with his children Nobby and Sally. To celebrate he will have treats, enrichment gifts, and visitors can make birthday cards for him to enjoy. The average lifespan of gibbons in captivity is mid 40s, so Brian is really knocking it out of the park in terms of a long and active life. Happy birthday Brian!
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emo-ratss · 5 months
*pete wentz voice on the 28th feb*
should we play one from an album that had an anniversary last month?
this is how we get double 8ball mania and ab/ap
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beanbagbuddies4life · 2 months
Tumba the Gorilla
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Born April 8, 2007
Living on a mountainside That misty place where I reside And as far as the eye can see My home, a land of such beauty !
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suzalulusource · 2 years
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illustration by Naked Ape Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion Heroine's Tribute art book
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cloudyspider · 3 months
It’s Terumi’s birthday so to celebrate I’m drop a hot take theory. In that Terumi actually does like the world and likes being human-esque. Not that he doesn’t hate everything he totally does but it’s that he can’t reconcile that due to twisted view on the universe. Let me explain.
Terumi, or properly Susanoo, at some point in his tenure as the Master Unit’s custodian developed a soul, a sense of self, and a will. He is in essence born a god and understands he is a god. At the same time he understands that as the Susanoo Unit he is also a tool and a slave. That as mighty as he is he is ultimately subservient to something. This dissonance leads him to resenting the Master Unit and everything it created and him desiring his own freedom from it. Eventually leading him to separate from his divine body, leave the Boundary, and entering into the world.
From there be begins to plot against the Master Unit but begins to develop peculiarities unfit for a god. He takes a preferred human form instead of something more divine, he develops an interest in playing music, he in a physical body has a taste in something as simple as boiled eggs. And while it more than likely meant he enjoys watching human suffering this quote from his Spirit form from BBDW could mean he just enjoys watching people be people and live their lives if taken especially generously.
“Even in this kind of shitty, incomplete state, there's one thing that's good about it. And that would be...just being able to watch lives.”
At the same time though everything in the world is still of the Master Unit’s making and thus he’s still it’s prisoner. He will find no peace of mind while within his sister’s palm. And so he resents and seeks to destroy his sister’s creations. He will hold unto his birthright as a god even as he has no comfort from it. He hates and looks down upon the humans he finds pleasure in imitating. He’ll spend countless years waging a war against his sister and undo her creation so he can make it as he sees fit because his persecution complex prevents him from anything else! So long as Amaterasu is he will never be free and he will resent her and her creations! And he will envy her for her and status and envy her creations who can feel at peace while he is both god and slave and what comforts he can have will in the end taste of ash upon his tongue!
It becomes rather fitting he motifs himself as a serpent as they can be associated with the sin of envy. He hates what he cannot have or be a part of. Terumi wants the world and human comforts but will only have it if it’s his way. However petulant and hypocritical it may be.
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scribblersobia · 9 months
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queenlucythevaliant · 8 months
Happy birthday TS Elliot. I never liked your poetry
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snailwitdamail2 · 5 months
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smashedpages · 2 months
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Happy birthday to Christopher Mitten!
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itsmyfriendisaac · 5 months
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♎ October 3rd: Fashion Killa, A$AP Rocky.
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not-poignant · 1 month
Hi! I probably missed it in your writing but what are the age differences (if any) in UtB and Spoils between Efnisien and Gwyn?
Hi anon!
You haven't missed it because I don't think I've made it explicit. When ages are very close to each other I tend to get confused a lot more easily because of the dyscalculia. The reality is I rarely specifically work out many character's exact ages, or the years that they were born. (As an example, if I say a character is 29 then they mentally stay 29 for me even if we jump ahead 10 years).
I would say Efnisien and Gwyn were actually born within about a year of each other, but don't quote me on that, because there might be references to them being in different years in school etc. But I always imagine them as being very close because I imagine Penny and Crielle sort of timing things to be close together.
In the canon, Efnisien was born first. But they were still fairly close to each other.
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