#apologies for having to remake/repost this yet again
nextstopwonderland · 6 months
Masterlist of Bryan/Nigel content I’ve posted: Part 2
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Part one (video/audio) here
Other masterlists:
Bryan & Wheeler content
Bryan & Nigel content
Fannish content (fic/mixes/graphics)
Just Bryan
Bryan/ZSJ timeline/primer
(Original post)
Text posts/text screenshots
Trevor Dame is once again all of us (+ video)
Nigel’s blog post from when Bryan retired
A collection of tweets about one another
Bryan tweet: Bryan digs Nigel's hair
Nigel tweet: Follow the smell of clams
Even more tweets
I just won the title. I wish you were here (includes audio)
Nigel tweet: Best Clamdigger in the World
Bryan talking about Nigel + unified
Nigel can’t keep Bryan’s many names out of his mouth
Nigel at it again in his likes
The man is obsessed and we love him for it
Nigel levels up | I contribute to his level-upping
Some Nigel mentions from Bryan’s book
This man is a menace
American Clamdigger
A double clam(digger) roast
Nigel likes more tweets
Nigel’s 2014 AMA
Nigel likes even more tweets
Nigel deserves an award
Nigel is manifesting London 2
Nigel’s cracking pirate jokes
Nigel tweets once again
Magic show excerpt & monkey Bryan
Nigel does the yes chants
Nigel imagines All In 2024 against Bryan
Nigel gets sassy
Nigel agrees Bryan should be on comm with him
Nigel levels up even more
Nigel starts a campaign
Nigel appreciates the graphics edits
No one else can slander Bryan
Bryan likes Nigel’s tweet
Nigel goes on a liking spree
Prob one of Nigel’s last semi-affectionate tweets before he committed to a 24/7 life of drinking haterade | update
Monkey Bryan Danielson + will the real one appear?
More Twitter likes/replies (post first Collision interaction)
Burnt dragon
Photo/quote compilations
Nigel and Bryan through the years
Super normal about them
Bryan & Nigel 🤝 Bruce & Clarence parallels
Bryan says a rematch is possible
Photo posts
Is it wrestling or is it p0rn
August 2006 two of three falls ring of honor match photos
This part from the unification match tho (includes video)
The cinema of their first singles match
Suggestive screencaps
That’s just his Bryan look
Bryan + Nigel + NOH8
Collision photos
Get someone who… - Post-final countdown backstage photos (along with gifs and video edit)
Bryan keeps getting closer
Random roh photos
More random photos
The dvd slander series
Some unified screenshots
Some WSW screenshots
More random screenshots
Promo screencaps
wXw screencaps
Bryan's myspace page info | Nigel's myspace page info
Bryan's myspace profile pic was him and Nigel
2009 vs. 2018 candids
Nigel and monkey Bryan
Nigel and Bryan Collision confrontation screencaps
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ROH random gifs
Filed under: two individuals who are incredibly normal about one another
I love that Monkey Bryan Danielson exists
Promo fondness
First Collision interaction
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mitraoki · 4 months
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genshin men brainrot!
note; just something to ease my way back into writing. i truly miss it a lot - considering how much i abandoned it during my recent semester(⊙_⊙;) i hope you guys enjoy it!
cw; a little suggestive, they're just smitten for u, violence but against other people!!
+ wriothesley has this thing where he likes being yanked by the tie. only from his beloved, of course. someone else comes into play and he’s choking them next. the way your fingers wrapped around the fabric, twisting them around your fist, bringing him in closer till your foreheads touch, and your breathing syncopates with his. whether it's for fun, or when the two of you are left alone in his office, that little smirk is painted across his face and the next thing you know, he's smothering you with kisses.
"someone's needy. not complaining, just anticipating is all."
+ on stressful days, alhaitham forgets reality. no, it's not the kind where he forgets to eat or drink, it's the kind where he becomes a full time machine. all he does is take orders, execute them perfectly, and tend to the various other tasks piling up on his desk. for someone always assuring you that his workload isn't as concerning as you thought it was; it was fearsome to see his questionable demeanor when he meets up with you in public. though, it all comes to end when the two of you are alone - did you flip a switch in him or something? - he's wrapping his arms around your figure from behind, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and whispering continuous apologies.
"...what can i do to make it up to you?" + neuvilette loves giving you gifts. it was that one time when you'd mentioned you loved the way he crafted it from scratch, bringing his ideas to life. in a way, it's another huge step for him to understand the little things of a human's life; and you were his number one supporter. there he sits during his free time, getting ideas from some of the melusines about what he should give you next. he takes notes of your likes and dislikes very quickly, but everything has to be perfect, just for you. anything to see that smile of yours bloom time and time again.
"if one's not enough, perhaps i can get you tons more! ....no such thing, this was a piece of cake."
+ kaveh loves styling your hair. he's definitely not the kind to judge the length of your hair - he can work with anything you prefer to have. from hair clips to peonies - his skillful fingers work through your locks, getting them done in a jiffy. he makes sure to not hurt you in the process, too. sometimes he even comes home with a new collection of hair clips, claiming that 'it would definitely look good in your hair!' every single time he finishes, he makes sure to get a good look at you, admiring every facial feature of yours. it ends up making you feel flustered, but he's just so in love with you. just what did he do to have such a lover like you...?
"as beautiful as always, my love."
+ not everyday is sunshine and rainbows for ayato. there were even times where your hand would reach out for nothing but a note on your shared bed, stating that he was off to settle yet another matter which frankly, did not require him at all. it was just regulations he had to follow. though you could see the slight changes in his handwriting, indicating that he wrote them all with a heavy heart. except for the 'i love you.' he wrote that with ease, a reassurance that he will return to your arms. when he does, he swings you around, pulling you in for the biggest embrace. he peppers kisses along the bridge of your nose, lingering around your lips, trailing them down to your chin, your neck. any place he could catch a glimpse of in the moment.
"i've never cursed at time as much as i did today. i hope it treats us well tonight."
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all created content belongs to mitraoki. reposts/remakes are not allowed.
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minysus · 3 years
fallen angel || pjm
→ genre: angst, fluff
let me know what you think or request here
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I missed you so much
I wish I could be there, with you in my arms
I'm sorry, I really am
But our work hasn't ended yet, we had extra interviews
Please say something
I'll come when it's over, once again I'm really sorry
It was 00:20 AM when he texted you. You read all of them without clicking it then you put your phone in a silent mood. You didn't want to hear any excuses from him. He promised you that today was going to be your day.
You planned this day way before. It was close to his comeback so his days were so full, he barely had time for himself. And as his girlfriend you tried your best to be okay about it. You'd always say ' don't worry jagi, just rest and we'll see each other soon' ' don't be hard on yourself' 'love you' 'take care's but today it was the 3rd time he'd postpone your special day, you started to feel worthless.
You missed him so bad even though you'd see his pictures, random videos he sends whenever he has time, loving messages. You needed him so much today. You had some bad news and you needed jimin to be your side. Even hugging him, hearing his soft voice, smelling his sweet yet sharp essence would make you feel safe, feel like home.
But here you were wearing a cute dress which is his favorite color, tears running down from your cheeks, hugging a pillow and try to stop your sobs. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't your fault but all of this situation made you feel so alone. You tried to stop crying by taking deep breaths. Then you saw a picture of you and jimin above the mantelshelf. You remembered that beautiful day like it happened yesterday.
Picture was from your first anniversary as a couple. It was a snowy day in Korea, you two and your besties were there with you. You both were cuddling after winning a snowball game against your best friends. He had his arms covering you, you had a big black puffer jacket but you looked small between his arms. He was looking at you with a gorgeous smile. Your eyes started to fill with tears again. You picked the frame and laid down to the couch you've been sitting. You cried yourself to sleep.
He came home at 3 AM. He used his keys and didn't make any voice, he knew that you'd be asleep. He came and see you sleeping on the couch messily. Then he saw the picture, his heart felt heavy thinking you cried looking at it. His guiltiness covered him for the nth time today.
There were some lights coming from your home's window.You looked like an angel. Like a fallen one he said to himself. Your nose and lips were pink and puffed. Jimin wanted to kiss every inch of your face, hug you tightly. God, he missed you so much. 'I'm a terrible boyfriend.' he thought. I can't even be with her when she needs me, I hurt her unintentionally.
He started to play with your hair softly, then he realized there's no blanket or something on top of you. He wanted to carry you to your bed but you were sleeping so peacefully. He went to find you a blanket and you woke up.
You didn't see his jacket on the small couch. So you went to get yourself a cup of water before you go to your bed. He saw the light coming from the kitchen, he put the blanket to a chair and came closer to you.
When you saw him, you felt butterflies and a small pain in your chest looking at his tiredness. You missed him more than you thought you did. In normal times you'd hug each other, kiss & cuddle all day. But you couldn't find the energy or the wish of doing it. He was looking into your eyes without saying a word, the guiltiness and the fear of hurting you more was stopping him.
"I know my apologies are not gonna fix this, I really don't know what to say __." he took a deep breath and looked at your empty eyes. You couldn't help yourself, you were hurt.
"You don't have to say something jimin. You seem tired, go sleep if you want. The food is here if you're hungry." Your anger was taking over you. Then you started to get the plates and chopsticks with your shivering hands and practically threw it to the wooden table.
"Do you want something else? Anyways you'll let me know when you're free. Don't worry, I'll be waiting. Like I always do." You tried to walk away but he held your arm, then he held your hands.
"__, don't. Don't walk away. All I need is you." he answered and wrapped his arms around you tightly, placed his head to your neck. Took deep breaths there."I felt guilty all day knowing I've broke your heart." His voice was sorrowful. It almost made you cry. You put your hands to his chest, not pushing him or anything.
He turned back to looking at you directly, cupped your face and made you look at him. Your teary eyes made him feel broken. "You're not the only one who's feeling missing, you have no idea how bad I missed you." Then he started to leave small kisses to your face between every word.
"Your face, your smell, your hands, your voice, your loving gaze everytime you're in my arms. Don't stay away from me, please. We'll fix this."
Now you were crying. You couldn't hold your tears any longer. Your tears were running down from your cheeks for the nth time today. But this time it felt like healing.
Your boyfriend shed tears too. Trying to sweep your tears away he said " If it's feeling you make better it's okay to cry. But don't do it too much, love." He kissed your eyelids.
You were feeling like home again. But seeing him cry made you feel bad. "I'm sorry too. I never mean to hurt your feelings but you know I can't help it when I feel broken." You said cupping his face, pulling him closer.
" I forgive you. To be honest I don't even stand a chance, my love for you is so strong."
You both kissed sweetly at first. Then he got you between him and the kitchen counter. He loved using his strength on you no matter what.
You started to play the back of his neck with your hands, you shifted your fingers on his hair while pulling him closer.
"Love you more jiminie and I forgive you too."
© minysus - all rights reserved. don't repost or remake.
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ch-n · 3 years
i will be moving this writing blog as one of my side blogs and will be remaking this blog into a navigation account circle as this is my main and i handle a blog where i make other stuff (i make gifs and will likely also make another blog to post my drawings) — it will be more convenient if i turn this into some kind of shitposting blog of some sort (just reblogging here and there and prolly just simping on channie) and one that could easily navigate people to my other blogs.
if you still wish to see my writings in the veryveryverylonglong future, my username will still be the same but i will not be managing the account active yet. i am also planning on seperating my sfw from my nsfw works to be more commodious and organized.
i moved here! (it’s empty so you don’t have to follow it! just so you know where to find me)
it might take long for me to make that writing blog active as how it was before as i may do some changes on all the drabbles if i ever repost them or if i ever really plan to. i will be taking my time on thinking about it and revising.
it honestly have been a few months already, i am slightly bothered and not satisfied with most of my works (not like they were that good to even start with) and as long as they’re up, i cannot bring myself to stay still and that is why i took all of them down and only left the last two pieces that i’ve made which are both headcanons (that i will also be deleting later).
i do not think i will be that active in writing as much for now, i hope you all understand. i will be taking a break from writing because i just cannot seem to be motivated as much as i felt before. it’s frustrating.
a lot of other ideas and concepts have rushed into my head after i posted my very first one shot and surprisingly enough people liked it. that made me want to write more longer fics, i felt a surge of excitement of wanting to get them finished already while typing in plots and saving the drafts but as days go by.. the joy that i felt slowly turned into a ‘oh fuck i think i hate writing but i love to write-’ kind of feeling. i would just end up staring at the screen with my fingers laying on the keyboard. not moving. mind empty.
even the last two things i’ve written felt so rushed and well.. shit- rereading it just makes me cringe at myself so much. like i just had to post something to keep this blog active though it’s practically dead already lol anyways, i apologize if you guys have ever been waiting for something new from me. i know some of you might be disappointed but it can’t be helped. i will try harder though. i love to write, i want to keep writing and i hope i can get back to it.
you are free to unfollow this blog :) thank you for all of your time and support. thank you for the kind feedbacks, i deeply appreciate every little bit of it. and again, i’m really sorry for this. this may seem dramatic for just wanting to take a break from writing lmao
for my anons, you can still be my anon on the blog that i’ll be moving to if you want! i don’t want to lose you guys :((
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