#anywho. yea
persephonaae · 1 month
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This is not the wig I’m gonna use, I just threw on an old wig to see if this would be the color I wanted to get, but I’m 100% not lying when I said I’m gonna cosplay chimera Falin, mark my words I will find some way to engineer that
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sumirerin · 3 months
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No es la locura, 🎶 It's not madness,
En realidad es el amor! 🎶 in reality it is love!
Also thank u tumblr for decimating the quality 💀
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valfeathers · 1 year
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oh hey bro dont mind me just,, checking that my Ls are L-ing
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applestruda · 1 year
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Etho sketches
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keeps-ache · 2 days
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okay, cool cool cool
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realreulbbrband · 2 months
little baby Jemima knew how to communicate with her powers before she could properly speak.
when Demeter would tuck her in for bed she’d hear the faintest sound resembling a voice saying “goodnight” to her and she'd stand there momentarily baffled thinking she was hearing things.
Until it kept occuring, a faint little voice that wouldn't say much more than a word or two every now and again. It always happened when Jemima was around, but Jemima’s lips never moved. When she wasn't alone and heard it Demeter tried to ask if anyone else could hear it, but they couldn't. So, Demeter allowed herself to think it was just in her head, a funny occurrence, or perhaps a manifestation of wishing her daughter could respond to her.
But part of her still believed that wasn't the case, and it wasn't too long until she was proven right. Bombalurina visited Demeter’s den often, practically daily when she knew Demeter wouldn’t be going out. But she’d keep on swearing she heard Jemima say her first words, greeting her, or when saying goodbye, but Demeter claimed she heard nothing at all.
Demeter only started taking this especially seriously when Alonzo had brought up similar claims of what sounded like a younger voice trying to speak with him. Saying things that happened to sync up with what the little kitten was doing.
Which eventually led them to suspect she inherited some sort of magic but old Deuteronomy only confirmed that later on.
Demeter was partially concerned, she worried if Jemima inherited anything else from her father, anything more sinister. That fortunately wasn’t the case, and Jemima eventually did communicate verbally, but Demeter always wanted her to have some air of caution toward her abilities.
Away from the backstory of it all, and focusing on the In-show context for my little interpretation:
In “Memory” when Jemima starts singing with Grizabella no one reacts to her or even acknowledges Jemima’s singing at all.
I'm not saying it's completely out of character at this point in the story for the jellicles to prohibit her from singing with Grizabella, but you’d think they’d at least turn around momentarily to see what was happening.
I know you can only see Alonzo in the clip, but everyone is in the same lane as him, (atleast in most productions I’ve watched) they’re only looking at Griz as if Jemima isn't singing at all. This leads me to think Jemima is singing to Griz in a way that only Grizabella can hear. In her mind.
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
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i have a love/hate relation with the fill/bucket tool
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cd-spoida · 1 year
Cw: eyestrain and a lil spooky
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It's just fun drawing Sun spooky yknoww-but yes, here have a lil info of my ver. of Sun:
-They wear a glowstick necklace that is hardly ever taken off unless its gettin dim
-He gets a lil not himself and sometimes unhinged without it :D
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stupidhany · 1 year
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Finally redrew screenshots thay I have on me phone since over a year
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winniethepoohbear04 · 2 years
went on tiktok and saw four, FOUR videos about ctommy starting his villain arc and becoming like cDream. I don’t think I’ve come across a worse take. HOW DID U GET THAT FROM THE FINALE??? ‘Tommy’s trying to control all the people around him!’ Shut up he is literally acting like a normal person would when it comes to somebody they love leaving them. The fight/him swinging the sword was his trauma response and he immediately recognized it and apologized. That’s a key difference. Plus him having a villain arc would destroy all other charcter development of his and tbh fundamentally ruin his character. That’s just not who ctommy is.
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eievuimultimuse · 6 months
@eyeknowmayhem LIKED THIS FOR A STARTER ( from stockfly, for leatherhead ) !!
     “ JUST OVER THERE should do, thank you, “ the father says to his child. Though he has two smaller arms with which to point with  ( his primary pair preoccupied with lugging a fairly hefty piece of machinery over his shoulder ), he nods his head towards the empty space on the floor of his labs to indicate to them where they could place whatever apparatus they’d taken from that warehouse.  ( It still takes some getting used to, remembering that he has these extra parts now to assist him; he’s spent over 50 years with two arms instead of four, so who could blame him. )  It still seems so SURREAL, performing these numerous heists. He’d shocked even himself whenever he robbed TCRI of their property and fled for the hills to start a new life, nearly 15 years ago; he certainly never expected that it would become a semi-regular routine.
     ( But, if nothing else, he’s a man of PURPOSE. All of this — what he was doing — was for a GREATER GOOD. In the grand scheme of life, this chapter will eventually close, and by the end of it, everything will have been worth it. So he keeps telling himself anyway. )
     Baxter carefully removes the machinery from atop his shoulder and places it on the floor with a small clunk. As soon as he does, he stands upright, arching his back with one hand placed on the small of it, wings twitching as he stretches it out. “ Really need to start warming up before these things, “ he mumbles, mostly to himself. Once he’s done that, he unsheaths an empty canister from his coat  ( oversized for him normally; perfect for him while he’s like this ).  “ It can do a number of things, but it can’t hammer out my creaky back for me, “ he jests.
     ‘It,’ of course, being the OOZE — the substance that created his children and also the same substance that transforms him into the fly mutant that he currently is. Often, he would enter their target areas as an unsuspecting human — then, when they’d least expect it, he’d change, catching them off-guard. This recent warehouse trip was no different.
     At his workbench, he stands the empty canister up beside several others  ( evidently, he’d have to make more at some point. Ah well, wouldn’t be the first time. Running out of mutagen is comparatively less concerning than the alternative ). Beside it, there’s a rack of other canisters with layered liquid. Pressing a button on it, the rack started spinning them; the liquid swiftly began adopting an azure hue.
     He exhales a small sigh while he waits, though green eyes find themselves wandering towards Leatherhead. He usually didn’t involve his kids for little more than an extra pair of hands, though there certainly have been times where they served as worthwhile BACK-UP. He usually makes an effort to avoid the latter, but it can’t always be avoided. And those moments were never NOT concerning for him, being a father and all, but it was fair to say that, given the WIDE ARRAY of creatures he was dealing with, some of them were more concerning than others.
     Leatherhead was one of them. Just…not for the same reason as others. Nothing had escalated when they were out — actually, it was incredibly TAME, all things considered. Probably because they’d been there. Turns out, the threat of JAWS is far more intimidating than that of an insect. But— aw, hell. He can’t help the feeling of GUILT. This simply wasn’t what Baxter WANTED for them. Which was why he was going to such GREAT LENGTHS in the first place.
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“ . . . And how was that for you ? “ he inquires gently at first. Then he simply asks what is on his mind: “Are you okay ? “
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persephonaae · 11 months
Helloooooo everyone hi, so as you may or may not know I'm trying to get things together to start offering art commissions because I'm facing a lot of pressure to earn more money for my family, but while I'm trying to sort all that out and have better examples of my digital art (and tbh wanna save up for a good art scanner so I can better do half my work traditionally and half digitally) but anywho yes while I'm sorting all that out I was wondering if it would be worthwhile setting up a ko-fi just to get some passive tips and hopefully alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling from family stuff. So below I'll just have a poll of some different stuff, I really wanna gauge where my followers are at with such things
And of course I'd love feedback in the replies!
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hwaitham · 5 months
soff tummies .. girls wif soft tummies …. !!!♡
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keeps-ache · 2 months
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blood of the covenant
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rysttle · 1 year
part 7.5
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idk im hrdhgrdhsorry for making this
here's a link to the actual ongoing cyoa
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
we’ve all seen the concept of Disassembly Drone Uzi
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but we have all been sleeping on the concept of Disassembly Drone Doll
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