#anywayy at least i tried
fuuuuck my stupid baka life i just had the most awkward interaction with anyone ever im never speaking to anyone again
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Hello! I was wondering if you could write hcs for how everyone would be at a carnival?? Thank you<3
The Best of All Amenities (All x MC/Reader)
Hello my beloved Anon, I hope you have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you, and I'm sorry for the extreme lateness of this. I'm on my knees right now forgive me Anon raaaa.
Btw I'm getting back into the habit of writing so cut me some slack for this one. I'm also not experienced with carnivals at all so I apologise for potential inaccuracies my dear. </33
Post-Completion A/N: I just realised this said carnival instead of fucking amusement park I'm so done. I tried to make it work for both I'm sorry Anonnie. i'm sorry but have this anywayy because i've never been to a carnival and don't know what the hell goes on there and also I am kinda silly and if this is inaccurate I apologise
T.W.: Mentions of vomiting.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Amenities: something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment. 
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Brittney is a walking carnival let's be real.
Like her hair screams classic circus-tent except the white and red is pink and blue.
Would get cotton candy and judgmentally eat it while surveying the rides.
Y'all would be going around looking at everything.
She's probably gonna try to not get on anything because she's shitting herself at the thought of getting on a coaster frfr "not bothered".
Will carry iced coffee around, she somehow has an endless surplus of coffee. It's genuinely terrifying.
You both will wander around and gossip, along with judging the outfits of everyone else like it's a fashion strip.
Will get angry af if the line takes too long.
Will get on at least 1 ride out of spite, ends up almost vomiting. "Never again."
Y'all are paparazzi tho like shit's crazy with how many photos you both take of each other. shame it ain't the kinky kind
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Deryl would go berserk. Like this boy will literally lose his marbles from joy.
If you invite him to any gathering, amusement park, carnival (hell any park at all), this boy will be dragging you everywhere.
Indecisive about where to go.
Very indecisive about what to eat. he'll harass you for food teehee
Is the type to get really excited about rollercoasters, until it's your turns to go on one.
In that case he'll start panicking.
You'll have to convince him he's not gonna die.
Will be quaking in his boots from fear.
Don't worry he gets on the ride anyway. Especially if he gets one from you after.
Will just be having a blast despite the terror tbh.
Will not go into any haunted house tho.
Like he will sprint out of there.
You'll have to run after him so he won't get lost lmfao.
Will expect emotional support from you after.
You both have a massive ton of fun tho prepare for more bedroom edition fun later.
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Jess will be sceptical.
Don't get her wrong, she'd love to go.
But she's shy and a massive homebody.
and can't socialise to save her life
When you both get there, she'll be overwhelmed by the amount of people.
Sorry broski you're gonna have to do the talking.
Will be scared af of the rides, will clutch onto you for dear life.
May be the type to silently vanish and reappear because she's a midget often caught up in staring at venues and looking at things.
Will be the type to just cling to you tbh
She's either glued to you or unstick so hard and fast she'll teleport to the other side of the planet.
You'll probs take photos tbh, she does have an internet influence.
Y'all will be discussing each others' fav idols and celebs over desserts.
And of course loving each other's company and hopefully bodies.
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Crowe will be happy to go wherever with you.
So he'll def be willing to do anything at this entertainment complex.
Yáll are probs gonna grab some snacks and take more mellow rides tbh.
He doesn't seem the type to like really violent ones.
Will probably be the type to just observe you go on a ride.
Will also take photos. He wants to admire you remember this day. <33
Will hold your drinks as well.
Will just serve as your porter and server let's be real.
He'll def go on the more chill rides tho.
Will even let his hair down to feel the wind. >:]
and also so you can pull it ngh
10/10 hair pulling sesh would do again yeehaw
You both have an epic day together. Time for an even sexier night
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Hyugo would have already been dragging you places.
So when he stumbles upon the existence of this place, you bet he's taking you there.
Y'all are gonna be fucking parading around.
He's gonna just *point* somewhere and you're going.
Like it's not even a question or a debate.
He'll have a maniacal grin on his face while doing it too.
i'm scared send help
shawty getting a tad cray cray here
You're going on a ride hehe and he's gonna stare ahead very intently, grip the steel bar and have a very spoopy grin on his face.
Has a blast.
Y'all go everywhere, you make time for everything.
He'll shoot people in the line to make sure you have time teehee
y'all wont get arrested cause his daddy's got money
Oh. And candy.
You both eat all the candy.
You both also spend like 2 hours vomiting because of how much candy you had.
10/10 would puke guts out again.
But you both genuinely just have a blast. Shame it ain't a blast of smth white and sticky.
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Geo will spawn at the venue with the most monotone expression ever. he's still shocked you invited him teehee
Will recoil at the sight of the massive crowds, will probably drag you off somewhere quieter.
Alas there aren't that many 'quiet' places to go to, so he'll grow to tolerate it (because of you and only you).
Will be the type to order food that he knows you like felt like getting, gives it to you anyway.
Will not be caught dead going on a ride, the screaming irritates him too much.
Unless you beg enough, then he'll do one of his choosing. (it's the most violent one because he wants you to stop calling him a scaredy-cat).
Will be dead silent the whole time, gets off unfazed AF (he'll be hiding his nausea dwdw).
Will also probably hide his face because...his influence, his reputation, (his beautiful sexy face), the fucking paparazzi.
Will probably try to make you go somewhere else with him after, like a cafe or smth, somewhere 'peaceful'.
Does enjoy himself though, will probably not admit it due to...pride.
Only thing is; nowhere's more peaceful than your bed teehee
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Sol literally will be squealing with joy if you ask him to go anywhere with you.
This man is too down bad to live.
May or may not buy ice cream so he can watch you sensually lick it.
This bastard will 110% enter any form of haunted house just to see if you'd (hopefully) cling to him.
Will end up clutching your hand either way. <333
Everything is on him, like. E v e r y t h i n g. even you!!
You can't pay for anything, 'tis illegal.
Will be the type to just sit on a ride and hold back a smile because he's not bothered to scream like everyone else (he hates it when people do that, will probs wear headphones for the noise), so he'll just sit there and quietly rejoice.
Will bring his own food beforehand, in case you both don't wanna spend money on the stupidly expensive food there.
Is genuinely happy af tho, this guy will do whatever you want, win whatever you want.
Also will threaten people to move out of the line if they're holding it up or something.
Has no shame.
And that's okay.
Because the shameful things he does in the bedroom is more than enough to balance it out. ;)
You both have a banger time tho. *claps approvingly*
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lolhex12 · 11 months
we don't talk enough abt akutagawa's cough / lung disease (chronic&terminal) yet it has so much angst potential?? anywayy
after the current arc, atsushi knows akutagawa is actively dying and he's the only one who does bc akutagawa didn't tell anyone else abt it. (altho, in all honesty, the amount this man coughs should at least hint at it. i'm honestly amazed not more ppl in the story are concerned abt it)
so, the next mission they have together, akutagawa coughs and atsushi is now aware what it really means, so he wonders out loud with nonchalance masking his concern: "hey, so like, do you think yosano's ability would help with your cough and all? would it go away then?"
akutagawa, wiping his mouth, slightly annoyed: "how would i now? i'm not well-acquainted with your coworkers, weretiger, therefore it's none of my concern. and even then, i wouldn't trust any ada members with my issues, nor my life."
atsushi finds his words a bit sus bc 'u do trust me tho', but doesn't say it out loud and they leave it at that.
somehow, it becomes a regular thing. every time they have a mission together and atsushi hears his partner cough, he presents more ideas of how they could cure a terminal lung disease, and they vary in absurdity as he runs out of inspiration.
his ideas range from mere "have you tried going to a doctor?" (<- at which akutagawa stares in disbelief: "you either think i'm an idiot, or you are the idiot. which one is it?" and atsushi pouts bc 'ok yeah, fair... but also, rude') to insanities like "maybe witchcraft would help! i could look up witches in the area and see if black magic or something has any luck." (<- at which akutagawa is so done he doesn't even entertain the idea and just keeps walking)
they never follow through with any idea tho, bc akutagawa stubbornly refuses to waste time on trying to find a cure when his time on earth already is very limited.
it should also be noted that each time the cough gets worse; louder, rougher, more persistent and even bloody, which only makes atsushi more and more worried.
so one time, akutagawa's particularly annoyed by atsushi's insane and stupid ideas. he turns to him and point-blank asks: "why do even care so much whether i succumb to my illness or not? surely, my death should only leave you overjoyed to see the world be rid of one more evil."
that makes atsushi think bc 'why? why does he care whether akutagawa lives or dies? he's right, a bad person like a mafioso dying should be a good thing.'
after lengthy contemplation he comes to the conclusion that he simply cannot have his sworn enemy/rival/partner die from something as pathetic as a disease. someone as strong as akutagawa has to die in a more memorable way - not alone, in a bed, coughing, with nothing more to be remembered by. if anything he'd have to die fighting atsushi or something. yeah that's it. that's why. (<- it's not, but they're not quite there yet)
so atsushi tells him as much. akutagawa accepts it bc 'yeah, makes sense. what else could the reason be?'
the whole routine of coughing and brainstorming a solution in vain continues as the ideas get even more insane, the cough even worse and atsushi more concerned than ever.
the next time akutagawa is annoyed enough to pose the question again, atsushi is close to tears from anxiety as he holds up akutagawa who collapsed and can't seem to subdue his cough properly.
atsushi struggles to get out the water bottle and cough drops he'd started carrying around on their missions together. he's so scared bc he's never seen akutagawa look so sick and frail before (but not weak. never weak. akutagawa could never be weak in atsushi's eyes. it's impossible, bc akutagawa being strong is a simple, unchangeable fact, constant in any possible universe).
what would he do if akutagawa actually died there? in his arms? on a mission? which would probably get cancelled. would the pm think atsushi killed him? does he bring back the body or just bury it somewhere? pretend he got killed on the mission and not by his own body that had turned on him years ago and was in reality a long time coming? he couldn't even bear to think abt it.
"why tf do u care so much??" akutagawa yells with a scratchy voice before his cough continue despite his best efforts to stop.
atsushi can barely breathe anymore. "because i don't want you to die, you idiot! we're a team! you're my partner. who will i be left with if you go?" tears stream down his face, mainly from how overwhelming his anxiety feels. or maybe bc he really doesn't want his partner to die? nah, it's the anxiety. definitely the anxiety. (<- #denial)
akutagawa, at first embarrassed how his collapse derailed their mission bc goddammit he's supposed to be a professional and not let his issues interfere with his job, pauses when he sees atsushi crying... for him? because of him? ???
he's very confused bc he's pretty sure his rival/enemy/partner should not be so concerned abt his health and impending death, but something abt atsushi's expression and that whole situation makes him rethink his outlook on life.
that's when akutagawa starts taking his health more seriously and actively looks for possible, feasible ways to cure his disease, even if there's only a small chance it'll actually work. bc seeing atsushi like that made him realize there are a handful of people who care abt him and would mourn him if he died; more than just his sister and higuchi.
it made him realize his life had a bigger impact on others than he'd previously thought, not all of it bad.
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reynasdream · 7 months
OOO BRO I just saw your lil post about writing for reverse 1999 and lemme tell you how FAST I dashed over here like I could be in the Olympics LMFAO
ANYWAYY BOOKIE I was LOWKEY WONDERING if you would be comfortable enough to doing Tennant and Dikke (separate!) x Ace detective! (Fem or Gn) Reader?
LIKE.. IDK imagine reader like Goro Akechi from persona 5😭 BUT OF COURSE that’s only if you’re comfortable and confident w it!🫧
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⤷ pairings: dikke x reader, tennant x reader
⤷ content: all pairings are separate, reader is gender-neutral with no specified pronouns, mentions of homocide, very slight suggestiveness in dikke's part, not proofread
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⤷ she had heard of you before from the townsfolk. to be completely honest, she had never really thought much about you other than that you were a smart and incredible, yet expensive detective.
⤷ you had helped solved several cases in the past despite your young age. you had started ever since you were a child, however, your work was more..."unofficial".
⤷ you were more recognized by her when you had gathered evidence to solve a major unsolved homicide case. she became more interested in you, and when she had the time, she sought out for you.
⤷ she didn't want to hire you, however. she simply wished to know you and your work better.
⤷ she asked to meet you at a small cafe, one where you two wouldn't easily be noticed by the townspeople.
⤷ after speaking with each other for a while, you two decided to have these meet-ups at least once every two weeks. the meetings became more often, but of course, you couldn't meet all the time because of both of your duties.
⤷ still, she enjoyed your company and knowing more about your career and cases in the past.
⤷ it didn't take long for her to realize she was in love with you.
⤷ one random day she decided to just confess to you. she invited you to the same cafe, but she tried to make it more special by giving you a gift and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
⤷ she tried hinting that she liked you, and you did catch on, but you didn't say anything, thinking you were wrong.
⤷ that's when she just confessed to you. her face was tomato red when she confessed, and she attempted to hide her face with her hands.
⤷ if you accepted her confession, she'll take you outside and kiss you behind the building...maybe it'll lead to something more?
⤷ if you rejected her confession, she'll be okay with it, but she'll still want to be friends with you. she just won't be able to hang out with you so much, because now she's moving on and hanging out with you will only make her feelings toward you intense.
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⤷ she knows you are not an easy one to fool with her..."charms".
⤷ she essentially spies on you, observing your personality and actions to determine who you are.
⤷ assuming you're wealthy, she'll most likely try to cheat you out of your wealth.
⤷ when her charms prove as useless, she may resort to her arcanum skills to manipulate you.
⤷ if they don't work on you somehow, then she'll be less ticked off and more intrigued by you, similar to dikke except with more malicious intentions.
⤷ she will befriend you, and work her way up to a higher status as your friend in order to manipulate you.
⤷ that's when she realizes that she has fallen in love with you, and she'll try to win you, this time with less...deceiving intentions.
⤷ she will try to win your heart, and although it definitely doesn't seem like it, she's rather desperate.
⤷ i mean, you're gorgeous, smart, and rich. it's not a surprise that she wants to be with you.
⤷ one day, she decides it's time for her to confess her feelings. her real feelings.
⤷ she invites you to a fancy restaurant, even offering to pay for everything. she gives you a couple luxurious gifts and treats you even more well than usual.
⤷ when she does confess, she is very much different from dikke. she speaks with full confidence, not bothering to hide her flushed face as she tells you her feelings.
⤷ if you do accept her confession, she would be delighted. she'll often take you out on fancy dates to restaurants, museums, operas, or other places considered as "sophisticated".
⤷ if you don't accept her confession, she'll understand, but that doesn't mean she won't be upset. she'll try to move on but she definitely won't forget you and your cute little face.
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there will never be enough fics about treating revivebur gently I’m just I’m just im
REAL I wish I had more time to write a proper fic right now (I will later) but I can at least do some headcanons
Obviously he’s incredibly touch starved (that’s a given considering how much time he’s spent in limbo) so he is desperate for any sort of physical contact you’re willing to give him
At first, he’s too scared to ask for it, too scared that you hate him for what he’s done. You notice, of course. Before he died, he was constantly initiating physical touch, so this is a change. But if you reach out first (a simple hug, taking his hand, running your fingers through his hair), he will cling to you and not let go
“Do you want a hug?” followed by a desperate nod from him as he practically falls into your arms
I have a personal headcanon that sometimes Revivebur forgets to eat or drink because he didn’t need to in limbo. Sometimes you have to remind him that he’s alive. Cue making him simple meals (which he always thanks you for, even if he feels he doesn’t deserve them)
He experiences a lot of self-loathing and a lot of regret, though it takes him a while to open up about that. Poor guy definitely needs reassurances. Tell him you still love him and that he’s not a bad person. Run your fingers through his hair (which makes him melt every time). He’ll feel better soon
If you let him share a bed with you, he’s overjoyed. Will give you all the cuddles you could possibly ask for. He secretly likes being the small spoon. It’s comforting for him, having you wrapped around him (even if you’re a lot shorter than he is)
After some time, he starts taking better care of himself. He eats of his own volition, he showers/bathes more, and he tries to get enough sleep. He’s seen how worried you get when he doesn’t do these things, and he doesn’t want you to worry
That being said, he does need help sometimes. He has nightmares, dreams about explosions and an empty train station, and he needs someone to soothe him back to sleep when he wakes up with the taste of smoke in his mouth. He trembles, craving your arms around him. He falls into your arms as soon as you open them for him.
He murmurs a million apologies. “I’m sorry for waking you” and “I’m sorry I’m such a mess” and “I should be better by now”
You shush him, rub his back, kiss his forehead. He melts into your touch, into your affections. “You’re not a mess,” you tell him. Some days he believes it, other days not so much. But he always tries.
Tell him you love him, and he hardly trusts it. It seems too good to be true. But he returns it with a declaration of his own every time
Over time, he becomes less self-pitying. He starts to find himself. He relies sometimes on your encouragement, and it never fails to make him happy
He starts looking after you more, returning your affection, asking for help when he needs it. He finally believes you when you tell him he’s not a burden and that you love him
He thanks you a million times for everything. You just smile.
“You’d do the same for me, if the roles were reversed”
And he can’t deny that he would
Anywayy I need to write an actual fic at some point
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spyroforlife · 2 months
once upon a time I tried to give Fallout: New Vegas a go but I was playing it on my computer and got fed up with the controls so I gave up real early
well just yesterday I decided to look for it on the Microsoft store instead to download to my Xbox and lo and behold. It's less than three bucks rn. So I downloaded it and OH
anywayy I haven't gotten much done yet, have literally just made my character and done like. The tutorial mission and then I went to talk to Ringo and now I gotta recruit help for him or some shit
but yea enjoying it already. Though I have bad habits from Fallout 4 where I want to just grab whatever junk I see and. I don't think this game has the same base building mechanic soo I don't think I need all this stuff >.> at least I can sell it I guess
also the Caravan card game pisses me off and I probably won't bother with it
welp time to get back to playing >:)
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thegoldfiles · 5 months
So I had to literally ASK Blurry to apologize to me and to the others he affected directlyy (mee, Vicc, aand Starryy. I tried to get him to apologize to my bestie buut he didn't remember what he did wrong so I was just likee: "Uyy, forget about it if you don't rememberr". Whichh, says a lott), mmm (Actually censoring Vic's tumblr 'cause I caree)
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The apologies didn't seem genuine in any of our eyess, buut at least it was somethingg (I meann, does the fact that I had to ask him to apologize directly instead of him doing it on his own time say enoughh?)
As welll, I had asked him 5 or 6 times to show examples as to how he thought the ship of Kabastionn (Kevin Odum x Sabastion Filax from my showw) was fetishizationn. He gave me nothingg, instead only saying that it was based on "old chatss" that me and him hadd
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(Notee, I ship likee... 3 lgbt ships from EODLS, which are all pairings with Kevin in one way or anotherr, and only one of them is endgamee ((Kabastion lell)), and they all have some sort of depthh, why would I ship them if they didn'tt?
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I had only mentioned Kabastion once to himm, aand that was when the ship was just starting and when I was a minorr:
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Soo according to that screenshott, fetishization to him iss... You saying as a minor that you like a (consensual) ship and saying that these two like each other in their own twisted wayy... Huhh? X"DD
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I don't see how that's fetishization buut the ship has grown a lot more than how it was when it startedd, that mindset confuses me buut whateverr jsjss, he was taking his own opinion as factt, which was sillyy X"D
Anywayy, nobody can mention him on the blog anymore after this or else he'll take us to courtt, no askss, nothingg. Sooo.... Yeahh, if you wanna talk about the situationn, send a private DM instead of sending an ask about itt. He's agreed to at least thatt, sooo.... Yeahh, there's that I guesss
(Censored a bit for personal thingss)
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I don't really see the point of legal threats over a scuffle but oh well. Genuine or not at least it was something, better than nothing at all
Like Kev said, if you have something to say about Blurry then send a message instead of an ask from now on. None of us want to even risk the possibility of going to court over trivial things at all
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mattslolita · 19 days
update bout the boy!
first off whoever tf called u a pedo needs to CALM TF DOWNNN. uve been 18 for like a couple weeks anyway, im pretty sure talking to a minor (IN A NORMAL WAY U DIPSHIT ANON) is not a big issue here!🤣🤣if they r that bothered they needa jump off tumblr and stop coming for ppl they dont know! also sturnihoe needs to relax a bit, like BE SO FR chris wouldnt even look in her direction an neither would matt 😉🤗
ANYWAYY!! so we went out to go buy a dress for me and some other makeup bits cuz u can never hav too much makeup 😙and i tried about 3 on. the first one was blue with pearls near the sleeves but the fit was like CRAZYYY BIG. in the end i tried on a pink one and he said i looked "beautiful" 🤭 so i bought that one, he said he would pay but i told him id not go if he did 😊🤣 thennn we went to pandora to buy the charm for his mum. its literally so pretty its this one:
yeah then us an two of our friends came round to his for like 3 hours, my friend kept playing some weird ass tiktok sound and we were CRYING it was unbelievably funny, i tried to find it but i cant now. 😭😭😭
then we were sat on his bed and my friend was like "lets play truth or dare, and before u say no im telling u now ill set fire to u all" AGRESSIVE MUCH LMFAO?! so ofc when he said dare his friend was like "kiss *myname* or u hav to kiss me" LMFAOOOO THEN HE WENT "not gonna kiss u bc if u havent noticed im actually not gay! and im not gonna kiss her in front of u all thats weird as shit" and my friend said "SO YOUD KISS HER WHEN WE R NOT HERE" and he went "and what" NO WTFFFFFFFFFFF!?!?!?! HE JUS SAYS IT SO NORMALLY LIKE HUH??????? GONNA CRY HES SO CRAZY! 🫢🫠🫠🫠😋😋
oh and at schl he gave me his coat🤗 cuz i dint bring mine and it was POURING it down, like i thought it was nearly summer 😒😒
STOPPPP UR GONNA GET ME STARTED AGAIN LMFAOOOO she thought she ate when she said "at least my man has personality" I CACKLEDDDDDD
receiving the anons ab you & ur bf are lowk the best part of my day ngl☝ I LOVE YOUUU SM
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the-names-catastrophe · 4 months
hiiii sorry to bother you BUT i realized today i'm not 100% sure i'm conjugating the second set of pronouns in your bio (gala/galaxy/galaxys/galaxyself) correctly and thought i'd ask aksjsksjsj. is it (for example) "gala goes by galaxyself to the grocery store to get galaxy favourite food"? i tried google but it was nottt helpful in the least 😭😭 anywayy ty!!
That's how I've been using it, yeah! I appreciate you for asking <33
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jackienautism · 1 year
please share your self indulgent aus 👀
fdjgdjgkg 🥺🥺🥺 to be honest w/ you i dont really have too many in my arsenal... as many as id thought id have i mean. but ill go through the ones i have now / remember from past interests! most of them aren't necessarily self indulgent just as a heads up... some are more practical than others though
the quarry / until dawn:
this is just at the forefront of my mind (since i tried making stuff for it today, it didnt work very well) but i wanna assign the TQ / UD girls / characters dog breeds..... i do have solid ideas / thoughts for the girls specifically but i think i waanna save it for it's own post / keep it a surprise
do not hurt me but ever since last summer i thought it would be sooooo cool to put a like. danganronpa spin on TQ / UD dkndkg LIKE LIKE.... itd have the danganronpa mechanics and stuff but not necessarily the killing game premise you know? itd make more sense if i like explained my ideas and such but i also think i wanna save it for later.... but know i have a shit ton of thoughts on what i wanna do and stuff dgkdg i WILL say however, protag!laura and protag!sam respectively
i wanna make this like... immediate swap of the UD characters w/ TQ charas ... like. emily woould swap w/ kaitlyn, jess w/ emma, sam w/ laura, ashley w/ abi etc etc. so instead of kaitlyn and dylan at the scrapyard, it'd be emily and matt at the scrapyard ya feel me? the same events that happened in TQ will happen but theyre just. w/ the UD characters instead
and speaking of... ive posted / talked abt this briefly but i have SOOOO many ideas for a UD / TQ situation swap AU... meaning the UD guys are in a TQ environment... and oh man do i have a ton of imo HELLA COOL AND EPIC ideas for it... i just gotta flesh things out more thoroughly and come up w/ "chapters" i suppose. ive got giant general ideas and some already solidified scenes but. thats kind of it. im super excited to work more on it though. it is my Child
this one is DEF on the sillier more self indulgent sidde but since i love drawing characters i love in diff styles of games i like... i wanted to draw the TQ / UD charas in the fire emblem style... which then lead me to. what if ijjust assign them classes and shit? i don't know which game id necessarily base the AU off of but. at the very least id just assign them fire emblem classes and create designs for them and stuff. that's always fun
speaking of games w/ sprites, this isnt reallly an AU but i reaaaally wanted to draw like sprites for the TQ / UD charas and rewrite / recreate scenes as if the game were a visual novel... so theres that
and this one isnt an au and i maaaaay have mentioned this before on this blog i cant remember BUT ANYWAYi had this dream a year ago w/ the UD charas and it just. yeah it spiraled dfgjnfdjg it began as this very warped AU of until dawn but as i began developing it more, the more realized that it just... it wasnt worth calling it an AU? like. ive been putting too much work and EXTRA extra stuff ve4ry much outside of UD for it to be considered an AU... sooooo i took them and made them my own characters and made it my own original story LOL its been almost a year and a half since i began development but its still faaar from being finished. i have a BUNCH of ideas and shit, but i def still wanna like. organize things a bit more before bouncing shit off of others. but yeah. i stole the UD girls and made them mine
TQ / UD GIRLS IN THE MEAN GIRLS MUSICAAAAAAL... i've only thought abt which roles the girls would fit since i rlyonly care about them buuuut maybe itll become more fully fledged as time goes on (it probably wont) but atm ive assigned both TQ / UD girls as mean girls musical characters :]
i was REAAAAALLLY into life is strange in the fall of 2021... hold on post on hold i can't believe its coming up to 2 years since i first watched my friend stream it. fuuuuuuuck. anyway. i had this life is strange in the fire emblem three houses universe AU gdgjnf like. the LIS charas were in FE3H and were in the diff houses and stuff. i didnt have too much of it fleshed out but i had this idea for rachel and max with rachel basically taking the role of sothis and oiiuggh i still love the idea so much
also had a danganronpa in a fire emblem three houses universe and vice versa... and for these i had more ideas for the DR in the FE3H universe AU for some reason. i think coming up w/ classes and backstory was easier for me idk. i remember having this whole thing written out.... i actually have a whole doc if anyonne is interested.... its real old and bad though so i probably wont share it publicly but 🤷 we'll see. came up w/ most of the ultimates / talents for the FE3H guys... didnt come up w/ much more than that however. i think coming up w/ whos gonna kill who + motives + murder details was too much for me to handle. hence why i dont have tooooo much w/ this AU. i really do want to go back to these one day though
also had a persona 5 in a DR universe AU sort of. despite my very limited knowledge on P5. i only really thought about ann and shiho's role in the AU and let me just tell you it does not end well for either of them ]: but the idea i have is so GOOOOOOD
this isnt an established AU or anything but i had this idea to like. randomly select 2 of my fandoms and attempt to make an AU out of it. i think that'd be fun
AU where claire teams up w/ ada instead in resident evil 2. i had this whole day dream sequence for it. hopefully i still remember it i rly need to get it down. i deeply care for them both. my ideas rock
i think that's everything? for as much as i love resident evil im kind of shocked there arent more. esp since ive had the fixation for like a year and a half now. maybe there will be more to come who knows. ill def add more if im reminded of some / more come to me later on
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paleangels13 · 1 year
Concert ask game: 2, 3, 9, 13, 20 and 26 please! 💖 /🐍
thank you 💖
2. Best concert you've ever been to
Lord of the Lost, 18.10.2018 <3 (tho I have to say the BC one in September and the LotL one last month were amazing as well!)
3. Worst concert you've ever been to
Either Rammstein in May or Alestorm in idk August 2019? Alestorm had a fun atmosphere at least... I just got hurt because somebody jumped into my back when they tried to run into the moshpit (I wasn't in it and didn't want to end up in there either)
Rammstein was an overall bad experience in my opinion and I wouldn't do it again (I talked about it on my blog at some point in case someone wants to look for the details :'))
9. Dream line-up
Festival or concert? Anywayy, even if they don't fit together... Blind Channel, Lord of the Lost, Versengold, and maybe Electric Callboy because of the vibes at their show :'D maybe throw in some pirate music with Mr Hurley 😌 (realistically speaking: I could get Versengold and LotL if I were really damn lucky but I guess by now they are both too well known for that to happen (but both have played the same group concert in different years soo maybe 👀))
13. Song you want to see most live
I will only go with bands I have already seen live because yk...
"From Venus to Mars" by LotL
"Seemannsgarn" by Versengold
"Lanterns" by Blind Channel
"Tränen des Teufels" by Saltatio Mortis
20. Best venue
Konzertfabrik z7, Pratteln, Switzerland 🥰
26. Best concert experience
okay, I'll list a few because I can't decide (and some made me really happy!)
being basically the first one at the venue when seeing LotL in 2018
getting autographs and pictures after concerts whenever possible (Lord of the Lost, Saltatio Mortis, Versengold, Mr Hurley, Feuerschwanz)
Pi (lotl) giving his best to lean down from stage to give me his plectrum at their show in 2018
my friend immediately coming to hug me when I broke down crying at the lotl concert last month (might still make a concert report but I'm not sure anyone would care so...? ^^") -> even if the experience itself obviously wasn't great
getting a fist-bump from Arttu at the BC/LS concert
scarlet dorn and me singing at each other at the lotl show ('22) 🥰
Okay, I'll shut up now 😅
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kara-records · 3 years
HxH Headcanons
↳ quick info
summary: very random headcanons of characters from hunter x hunter. mostly fluff.
characters: kite. leorio paladinight. kurapika kurta. feitan portor. illumi zoldyck.
others: lowercase intended. maybe ooc characs. probs wrong grammar and spellings.
tbh this is so random idk even sjbsjs enjoy!! ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ
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he leaves flowers, a bouquet of flowers.
or if you're not into that, he mails you, your favorite chocolates.
has 2 hair ties on his wrist, for his hair and if your hair is long.
^if your hair is short, a headband or smth to keep your hair off your face.
smiles softly when you hug him hsjsjd.
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even if he is kinda a pervert-, he respects your personal space :)
does not like it when others look at you the way he does, he's your pervert ig 🤷‍♀️
if you get sick, he'll be moping for one hour, feeling as if he failed as your s/o and as a doctor.
he gets way too cocky when you cheer for him 😐.
wouldn't hesitate to bark at the men who harasses you or look at you wrongly
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will kiss the back of your hand. prove me wrong.
blushes if you catch him staring at your direction, turns too red when you smile after.
puts your head on his shoulder when you sleep in a vehicle for you to be at least a little comfortable.
goes to you if he feels stress or down for you to play with his hair to help calm him down.
see you later/good bye kisses on the cheek!
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we loving the villain now, huh? it's fine can relate hsjshsj.
if kurapika will kiss the back of your hand, feitan will plant a soft kiss to your palm.
you're taller, if youre shorter than him then it's fine too :> the difference doesn't really affect him unless someone insults your cute height.
would literally kill for you-
he's sorry if he said some words wrong, :( the language isn't his first.
will ask if you would want a matching tattoo, if you don't want a tattoo, y'all get matching jewelry <33
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at first you might have thought that Hisoka and him we're together in a relationship 💀 (tbh I would too if I didn't know any better-)
emotionless tall mf- he tries to do better tho :]
^holding your pinky out in public so you won't get lost, personally gives you a device where there's an emergency button. if u click said button he will get to you as fast as possible
he likes leaving hair clips in your bag, desk or wherever he can place them.
would advice for you to stay away from hisoka
somehow happy to see that you get along with his siblings like killua, alluka and kalluto (killua and kalluto had trouble opening up tho.)
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that's it for me for now!!
hope you enjoy (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
you could see the obvious favoritism towards kurapika and feitan here 🧍‍♀️
anywayy, thank you for reading. have a nice day/night/afternoon!! <3
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
shiny star | chwe hansol
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➝ Hansol x Reader
➝ takes place in the same universe as shiny star (wonwoo)
➝ word count: 4.5k words.
➝ fluff // non-idol!au // university!au // strangers to lovers ishh
➝ inspired by: Shiny Star (2020) - KyoungSeo
➝ Shiny Star masterlist
➝ A/N: hi! remember when i said i wanted to write hansol uni!au? I've decided to make shiny star a series for every member that takes place in the same universe🙈 tbh I've always had this in mind since I posted Wonwoo's Shiny Star, and here we are now. there's no telling when will the next one be updated tho hehe. Also, you don't have to read that one to read this, but there might be bits that would help you understand some part better ^^ anywayy, thank you for the prompt anon <3 enjoy!
참 많이 어색했었죠 널 처음 만난 날
the first time we met each other were so awkward, wasn't it?
멀리서 좋아하다가 들킨 사람처럼
it felt as though i was caught admiring you from afar
숨이 가득 차올라서 아무 말 하지 못했는데
i was so speechless that i couldn't say anything
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You often think you’d make a pretty boring main character in a movie. You’re a pretty ordinary person with a pretty ordinary life; which is more blessing than one would think. You’re just glad you don’t have to deal with dramas and being ordinary is already more than you could’ve asked for.
Isn’t it better to have a boring life than one where you constantly go up and down like a rollercoaster? The most you have to deal with is the usual fight with friends or family members, maybe a very bad day once in a while, and perhaps the threat of failing a class because you’d hate to prolong your time in this university because you need to retake a class or two.
That said, you aren’t surprised that you don’t have a heart wrenching romance story--or any kind of romance, really. You’ve always liked the idea of it, but never bothered to actually look for one. You figure it’ll come in time and you’re in no rush to get into one either. Maybe you just don’t fall into the girlfriend material category, hence why no one ever really tries to flirt with you.
That doesn’t mean you’re not interested in anyone though.
The alarm in your head rings once you hear that familiar laughter, and you try to subtly glance to the side and find Chwe Hansol making his way to (presumably) his class with his usual group of friends: Seungkwan, Seokmin, Wonwoo, and his girlfriend.
Well, you don’t know if the girl is actually his girlfriend, but you’re pretty sure there’s something going on between the two of them even though there are also rumours about Wonwoo and Kim Jennie from Architecture.
Anyhow, you pretend to busy yourself with your locker as they walk closer and closer, enough for you to get a glimpse of their conversation.
“--didn’t you have a crush on that girl from one of your classes?” Seokmin teases cheerfully, though he doesn’t seem to have any control over his strength because Hansol actually stumbles from his nudge, almost crashing into you but the guy manages to catch his balance before it happens.
Hansol clicks his tongue at Seokmin’s sheepish smile before turning to you. “Sorry, are you okay?”
You stiffly nod at him as your heart beats faster, addressing Seokmin instead when you say you’re fine. Of course, Hansol has a crush on someone. What were you expecting, really?
Hansol holds your gaze for a second before he nods then turns away; you can see him scolding the older guy as Seungkwan and the other simply laugh at his antics.
You exhale a deep breath as you turn back to your locker, missing the way Hansol looks back at you and holds back a small smile to himself.
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Another semester passes by just like that and you can feel the weather beginning to get colder. Autumn is about to pass, then. You’ve always been bad at handling winter, but at least the snow is always pleasing to the eyes as long as they’re not blocking roads.
You haven’t talked to Hansol again since that day; which isn’t that surprising, really. You have no actual plans of getting closer to him and you know that was just a one time thing. Did you expect him to start talking to you after that? No, you didn’t (yes, a little), because you know it’s unlikely—Chwe Hansol isn’t the type to broaden his circle just for the sake of it, anyway. You rarely see him with anyone other than his usual circle.
You slightly bow to the librarian as you step into the library, gaze rounding the room to look for an empty seat. Your eyes find Wonwoo, tidying up the books on the table before he scribbles something on a post-it, his presumed girlfriend asleep on the table with no care in the world. There’s a soft smile on his face when he softly pats her head and then walks past you to leave the library just like that.
You wonder if you’ll ever experience that.
You blink back the thought quickly. That’s not important now; what’s important is this unfinished paper on Music History that’s due in a few days. Why did you even take this class when it’s not even mandatory?
Huffing to yourself, you quickly drop down your laptop and your bag once you find an empty table by the window. After that, you don’t waste any time going through the shelves to find the books that your TA said would help. You could’ve asked the librarian to shorten your time, but there’s just something calming about going through the books yourself. Perhaps it’s the way it makes you feel like you’re putting actual effort into this.
You bite down your lip when you find Hansol on the next aisle, earphones on as he busily skims through the book in front of him, putting some books back while he’s at it. You quietly make your way to look on the opposite shelf, your back turned to him. For the love of everything that is good, you just can’t believe this stupid crush you’ve been harboring for him has lasted this long.
When you first realized you’ve been staring at him more than you would other people, you thought it would be a small, fleeting crush that would leave in two weeks at most. You had figured you’re just a little lonely because your friend recently found a new boyfriend and you wanted that giddy feeling too. Hansol does make a pretty good eye-candy in class anyway.
But you started noticing him more; his soft amused scoffs during class when Seungkwan whispers something to him, the way he never fails his presentations even though he looks like his mind isn’t in the class half of the time, the way he’d smirk to himself every time the lecturer tries to call him out for zoning out in class but manages to answer the questions thrown at him nevertheless.
And you know you’re deeper than you thought you were when you realize you even notice him outside classes: when he passes by the corridor, when he’s laughing with his circle in the cafetaria, or even when he’s just scribbling down something by himself the few times you see him in the library.
It’s nothing serious, obviously; you don’t know him personally, after all. You don’t even know if he actually knows you. But this… infatuation you have for him has lasted much longer than you thought it would ever be.
You still think about that time he almost crashes into you from time to time.
“Oh, sorry!” his voice startles you more than the way he bumps into you. You blink at the sudden weight against you, have you been zoning out?
“No, it’s okay,” you give him a tight smile, telling him it’s your fault for not being attentive to your surroundings. One that Hansol mistakes as a polite smile when you’re just trying your best not to be nervous around him.
“I’m always bumping into you, aren’t I?” he asks in amusement. “_____, right? We share some classes, don’t we?”
You nod and smile sheepishly at that, unsure what to say when you’re just frozen dumb in place because you didn’t expect him to be talking to you or even know you. You look down just so you won’t have to look him in the eyes, but, instead, you find the book you’re looking for in his hands.
Hansol seems to notice this, so he holds up the book and asks if you need it. “You can take it. I was just about to return it anyway.”
“Was it… not of help?” you ask, though you take the book from him anyway. “Or are you just finished with it?”
He chuckles at your question, one that you would’ve missed, because your heart is beating so loud in your ears, if not for the fact that your consciousness is paying full attention to him. “Not for me, no. What do you need it for?”
“Umm. Professor Han’s class.”.
“Oh, Music History?” he recalls the name of the Professor. “Then this should help. Seungkwan took that class too and I remember seeing him with this book when he was doing his paper.”
“Really?” you mindlessly exclaim. “I’m glad, then. Hanbin actually told me this would help and I just kinda believe his words.”
“Kim Hanbin is the TA?” he asks, and you’re kind of getting used to being in his proximity that your heart has settled back to its usual steady rhythm. Has it always been this easy to talk to him? “It should work well, then. He’s not the annoying type.”
You laugh at that, knowing the few TAs he’s referring to that’s opposite of Hanbin. But you don’t get to say anything because someone’s already calling for him from the end of the aisle (Yugyeom, you think. The tall guy from Composition class), asking him what’s taking so long.
“Oh, sorry!” he quickly says to his friend as he returns some of the books in his hands. He sends you an apologetic look, saying he has to go but hands you one more book that Seungkwan often used as a reference. “Good luck on your paper.”
You can only whisper a small thank you before he’s gone again just like that.
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You’re not sure if you’re imagining things, but you feel like Hansol has been acknowledging you these days and you don’t know how to react to that. He’d catch your eyes when he walks by, sending you a quick smile that you don’t get to return because he’s already ahead of you once you register he is smiling at you. And then he’ll also wave at you when he finds you in a class before sitting down next to his friend as if what he does isn’t confusing you.
Maybe he’s being friendly, but your infatuation infused brain keeps on telling you that there must be something if he keeps on doing that to you.
Perhaps you’re delusional.
He has never tried to talk to you, anyway. That should mean more than the fact that he’s been silently acknowledging you since that day. You need to remind yourself that he’s just being friendly.
“You’re sighing a lot these days,” Somi says from beside you, her arm tightly circling yours even though she’s taller than you and it’d be more comfortable the other way around. “It’s annoying.”
You simply shrug, knowing that Somi does, in fact, know Hansol personally even though they’re not close or anything. But knowing her tendency to tease you like there’s no tomorrow, and her nonexistent hesitance to push you to him, you decide Somi should never find out about your crush for the guy even though you love her with all your heart.
“Come on, I thought we don’t hide anything from each other?” she pouts, shaking your arm.
You laugh at this, telling her it’s really nothing. “Look forward, won’t you? You’ll fall down again and I’ll just laugh instead of helping you this time.”
It has started to snow since a few days ago and, even though the snow isn’t that thick yet, Somi has made it her habit to stumble upon nothing everytime you walk across the field to make your way to the other building. Somi chooses to blame it on the cold like it makes sense.
From the corner of your eyes, you recognize Hansol, Seungkwan, and Seokmin making their way to your side. Your eyes lock with his, and you give him a small smile without giving him the chance to return it, pretending to nod at whatever Somi’s babbling about.
You look at Seungkwan beside him, teasing him about something until you recognize the shape of your name in his mouth. You blink owlishly at this, and you can see him playfully pushing Hansol to your direction in the subtlest way possible.
They’re getting close enough to be in your earshot now and your eyes accidentally meet Hansol’s again. Your brain registers the teasing words they’re spewing to him, and even though Hansol looks annoyed, you can tell that he’s about to actually greet you for once the moment his eyes meet yours.
So you do the first thing your brain tells you to do: turn to Somi and drag her with you so you’ll go past them quickly to deny him the chance to greet you.
Somi whines at the sudden force, asking you what’s your problem when she notices the three guys making their way to your direction. The fact that Hansol’s looking at you, the two guys childishly nudging him, and you avoiding his gaze is enough to get the gears in her mind working.
As if that’s not enough, your reluctance to look at her once you get to the other side only confirms her suspicion further.
“Soooo,” she grins the moment you pull yourself away from her. “What’s with you and Hansol, huh?”
“Nothing,” you cut sharply. You don’t even need to look at Somi to know her grin only gets wider at your reply, and you don’t need to hear what she’s going to say that you already shut her down by saying you don’t wish to talk about it.
“He’s pretty cute, you know,” she says anyway, her sing-song tone more annoying than it should be. “I approve. Always thought he’s the kind of guy who’s not interested in a relationship.”
“And what makes you think he is now?” You look at her pointedly, then quickly pull back your words once you meet her playful eyes. “Wait, no, don’t answer that. I’m late for class and so are you. Bye.”
You shake your head as Somi unashamedly screams she won’t drop it just yet, not minding the glare some students send her way for screaming in the corridor.
You’re lucky you don’t have any class with Somi today. But you know she won’t shut up once you see her again and it’s going to be a long day.
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You’re finally in your last class of the day and you can’t wait for the day to end already. Thursdays are always busy because your classes are packed and you need to move buildings twice. Which is why you can’t even spend your lunch break with Somi (much to your luck for this time around), she knows you usually pack your lunch on Thursdays because your class after lunch break is literally on the other side of the university and it’s on the fourth floor.
What a way to make you exercise.
So you’d usually just go to the building early and bring your lunch with you to eat on the bench outside the classroom. Being late has always been something that irks you, and you’d choose eating by yourself over the anxiety of getting late to class just to eat in the cafetaria.
You sit down on one of the empty benches, mindlessly scrolling through your phone as you nibble on your bread when someone takes the seat beside you. You look up in confusion, because why on earth would someone sit next to you when there are a lot of empty seats on the other benches?
“Oh,” you blink when you recognize the person beside you, your heartbeat picking up once again from his presence. “Hi Hansol.”
“Hi,” he awkwardly says, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat. “Not going to the cafetaria?”
“No. It’s too far,” you force out a chuckle. He’s so going to mention what happened earlier, isn’t he? Maybe you should make a run for it while you can. “You?”
Of course, the other side of you longs to actually talk to him so it’s not that surprising that your mouth opens before you can even think further.
“Doesn’t feel like it,” he shrugs and the conversation stops there.
The situation is eating you inside out, Hansol looks like he’s going to say more but it seems like he isn’t sure how to bring it up himself. For once, you wish you were like Somi who can just blurt out things without hesitation.
“Uh,” he finally starts, making you look at him. “I’m sorry about earlier. My friends can be something, I’m sure you know.”
You laugh at this, telling him it’s okay as if you didn’t embarrassingly run away earlier the moment he got closer. “I see Seungkwan enough to know, I think.”
“Yeah, uh. I hope you don’t… find it weird?” he asks one more time.
“No, no. Don’t worry,” you wave your hands. “It’s kind of funny, to be honest.”
“I’m glad, then,” he sniffles a little against the cold. “It’s just that… you kind of just went past and I’m not sure what to make of that.”
You cough hardly at that, and Hansol worriedly pats you on the back and hands you the water bottle he sees sitting on the edge of your seat. You mutter a quite sorry after the cough dies down, gripping into the bottle for support before you address his words earlier.
“Um, sorry. I think it just kinda triggered my fight or flight reflex,” you laugh awkwardly. “I’ve just… always been awkward with new people. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, really.” His smile is more genuine now, as if relieved after he’s heard your answer. “I can tell why they can be overwhelming. But… did their presence weird you out that much?”
Or did you hear what they were saying? Hansol wants to add, but figures it’ll be better to keep it to himself in case you run away again.
You bite your lip as you contemplate on your words. Damn it. You’re an awkward person to begin with, something that you have come to accept as you get older. But you never thought it would amplify to this extent in front of Chwe Hansol, the guy you’ve been crushing on for the last 3 semesters.
“I… Um, they look like they were laughing at me so I just kinda… yeah,” you manage to make up a reason on the spot. Though, really, you’re just flustered that his friends were pointing at you with teasing grins to Hansol and your mind just kinda spirals down the abyss like you’re stupid.
“Oh my God, I’m sorry. I promise they weren’t laughing at you,” he quickly reassures you, afraid that you were offended. “I’m so sorry if you felt that way.”
“I know,” you scrunch your nose in embarrassment. “I know they weren’t laughing at me. It’s just that… I don’t know, I just feel embarrassed for no reason?”
Hansol sighs at that. He knows his friends are bound to push him into his demise one of these days, but he never thought it would be because of that particular moment with you. He’s finally gained enough courage to talk to you and they’re ruining it for him? No way he’s going to let them do that.
“They’re harmless, I promise,” he tries to comfort you, though you don’t look convinced for some reason. “I…. I really don’t want to say it like this. But… ugh. They were teasing me, so it should be me that’s embarrassed, really.”
“Why… would they be teasing you?” you dare yourself to ask, heart beating wildly as you wait for his reply.
“They notice I’ve been greeting you these days,” he frowns as he realizes how dumb that sounds out loud. “And… well, they rarely see me with a girl friend so they immediately assume I’m into you.”
Ouch. Assume, he says.
“Why would they think that?” you try to play it cool even though your heart drops at the implication, chuckling like it doesn’t make any sense. “Why would you be into me?”
You don’t see it, as you’re too busy staring at the floor instead of looking at him, but Hansol’s frown deepens at your words, not liking it at all. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Your head quickly snaps back to him, wide eyes meeting his. No words seem to leave your mouth, though, so Hansol takes it to himself to fill the silence for once.
“I’ve been… wanting to talk to you for some time now,” he confesses, cringing at the way he sounds. “And I guess they kind of want to push me into it.”
“You… want to talk to me?” you blink repeatedly, pretty sure you’ve heard him wrong. “About what?”
Hansol chuckles softly before he shrugs to himself. “Anything, really.”
You frown at this, still not getting him, too confused that you don’t realize he’s slightly shifted closer to you, his thigh touching yours. “Anything? Why?”
“Have you always been this slow?” he asks with a laugh, his lighthearted tone assuring you that there’s no ill intent behind his words. Seungkwan would’ve laughed at his face if he knows Hansolis calling someone slow. “Do I need a reason to talk to you?”
“Well, no? I guess?” You answer, feeling your cheeks getting warm at his intense gaze. Have his eyes always been this pretty? You’d never imagined you’ll know, you’ve never had the chance to be this close to him, after all. “I’ve just always thought you’re more on the quiet side, really.”
“Been paying attention to me, huh?” he jokingly asks, eyes twinkling with mischief.
But you’re not exactly in the right mind to register his teasing tone nor your next words. “Is it that obvious?”
Hansol actually laughs at this, finding the whole interaction adorable by the seconds. He reassures you that he was just kidding though, and when you seem like you’re just going to get more embarrassed than you already are, Hansol quickly tells you it is himwho’s been paying attention to you.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he smiles comfortingly. “I’d be honored, if anything. I told you I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”
“This is so embarrassing,” you desperately try to hide your face with your palms.
“If it helps, I’ve been meaning to talk to you since the beginning of the year, really,” he scratches his head in embarrassment, never knowing he’d ever tell you all this in this kind of scenario. “I just… don’t know how to approach you and not sure what to say either.”
This seems to help somehow, because you actually look up to him and stare at the guy in confusion. “You’ve known me since the beginning of the year?”
“We do share a lot of classes,” he simply explains. “Also, kinda hard not to notice you when you’re friends with Somi who makes her presence known everytime she steps into a class.”
Sometimes you wonder how you can be so close with Somi; because everything about her is the opposite of you. But perhaps it’s the difference that makes you both appreciate the other more, as you’ll always try your best to understand each other because you’re both aware you’re too different to jump into conclusions.
You’ve also wondered if her loudness would one day bring you troubles—never this though. You had never imagined Chwe Hansol would know about your existence because of her big mouth.
“Still…” you try to deny. Why, you’re not really sure.
“No ‘still’,” he clicks his tongue in mock annoyance, the gentle look in his eyes reminding you he’s not the least bit annoyed. “I’m actually glad I finally got to talk to you that time in the library. But I haven’t got the chance to actually talk to you again after that, which is why Seungkwan and Seokmin were trying to push me into you.”
You bite the inside of your cheek at the revelation. Hansol… is interested in you? It feels too much like a dream even though this is barely even the beginning of it. This isn’t a matter of insecurity, it’s just… unexpected. And totally something that is out of the ordinary scenario you’ve painted your life to be. This just seems to be something out of romance fiction, not your boring life that you’ve been quite content with.
“I… heard what they were saying, actually,” you truthfully confess. “That’s why I ran away. I wasn’t sure how to face you after hearing them tease you about your… uh, crush.”
Hansol bites back another sigh, he really should do something about those friends of his one of these days. But at least they’ve given him the chance to approach you and talk to you even if it’s initially to apologize. But he’s found much more than he’s expected and it’s not something he’s going to let go now that he’s here.
“Would it be too much if I ask you to forget about it?” he proposes softly.
You can’t even count the amount of time you’ve stared at him in confusion in the last 5 minutes, but Hansol never lets whatever doubt linger within you as he explains what he means almost immediately.
“It’s just… I’d prefer it if you hear about it from me,” he says, pretending like his heart isn’t about to burst out of his chest. Gosh, is this how it’s like for Wonwoo and his girlfriend too? He’s pretty sure he didn’t sign up for having his heartbeat constantly running like there’s no tomorrow everytime he’s about to say something to you.
“So you’re planning on saying it yourself?” you ask, surprised.
Hansol shrugs, playing it cool even though there’s a grin threatening to flash across his face at how adorable the whole thing is in his eyes. “If you’d let me.”
“I think I’d like that very much,” you scrunch your nose to hide your smile, still refusing to look at him.
“Promise you won’t run away once it happens?” he teases, the weight in his shoulder lifting once he sees you narrowing your eyes at him.
“Maybe if you don’t take too long that your friends need to push you to do it this time?” you bite back. Perhaps it helps that you’ve always had a crush on him, but, despite the fact that you’re still very nervous, there’s something giddy bubbling inside you that you can’t help but let out.
Hansol snorts, amused at how easy it is to talk to you once he gets you to open up. He notices the way your cheeks lift up despite your insistence in biting down a smile and he’s pretty sure he looks more or less the same as you are, as his face has started to hurt from holding back the grin.
“So we agree you’ll forget about it?” he makes sure, looking at you.
You look back at him innocently, feigning ignorance. “About what?”
Hansol laughs as he shakes his head, glad that you seem to be getting comfortable already. Maybe he should thank Seokmin and Seungkwan, after all.
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©wonwoonlight �� all rights reserved.
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
It's frustrating that the majority of this is us fans online now think Madison is selfish, unreasonable and asking Kevin to give up his acting career. Like did we watch the same episode? And is it obvious that this reaction to Madison was not the writers' intention at all. Even producer K.J. Steinberg had to defend Madison to an interviewer about being selfish. Because they seemed to have turned alot of the online audience against Madison, it seems like they will have to put in a lot of work to
I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much I erupted at the general audience absolutely ripping Mads for this episode when she did not show a single shred of selfishness in this episode. Like not one! Of course, one can argue that there are some things that can be re-worded or whatever but the overall message is still very apparent. * SIGHS * In saying that though, I do have some thoughts on Kevin which we’ll discuss below (warning: it’s gonna get looooong LOL)
Kevin gets a call that shooting has changed locations to Vancouver and he refuses to go because of his commitment to Madison and their kids despite it obviously destroying him.
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Like, look at how devastated he is. And then he turns around and tries to hide his devastation but Madison sees through it and she calls him out by asking him what the hell has happened and he explains why, and what does Madison do?!!
She PUSHES him to go despite knowing that she has entered her last trimester, the most crucial part in a pregnancy because hellooooooo she can give birth any time now (!!!!). Like, Madison knows Kevin so well that if he doesn’t finish the movie that means so much to him and that he’s worked so hard for, then he’ll just be miserable, and Madison doesn’t want that for him because she cares about him. LIKE SO MUCH SO THAT SHE SACRIFICES HAVING HIM THERE WHEN SHE NEEDS HIM THE MOST aspodihsfjkl
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Like this is her after she lets him go. Madison literally only had to give him a quick kiss and a “Go on and pack” and Kevin, for his part, didn’t even hesitate nor try to fight her that he should stay because he knows that he should. He just went!! And look, I’m not trying to gripe on Kevin here but he could have at least shown even just a tad resistance despite Madison’s logical argument, but let’s not get into that now...
BUT what I will go over is THE POINTS MADE by Randall when it came to Kevin and taking care of people and being committed to them.
Let me point out this particular gem in Season 4, episode 16 between Randall and Kevin when it came to taking care of Rebecca and knowing what was best for her. Randall says,
“And how’s that Kev? Because of all the times you’ve been spending with her for the past few weeks? Because you took her to one doctor’s appointment? I’ve been taking care of mom for twenty years... We both know at any minute, you can take off for Morrocco and do a movie...”
Now look, we can rationalise either one of the brother’s sides in this confrontation, but we cannot take away the truth from Randall’s words here. If we replaced it with Madison’s situation, then this is what we’ll have:
Quarantining together, Kevin’s been taking care of Madison for a few months, about 4-6 give or take, and has been there for her during some appointments (I say “some” because COVID has changed things), and he obviously has been of great help to her mentally, emotionally and physically. However, Kevin has not known Madison for longer than two years and even now, they’re still getting to know each other. But Madison obviously has known herself all her life. And because of COVID, we know that Kevin hasn’t exactly been working, but now that he is, ooop Randall’s words about Kevin having to go and jet off at any minute actually occurs... Kevin has to go to Vancouver in just hours notice.
Even though Kevin thrives at taking care of other people and he’s really good at it, Kevin still hasn’t grasped what it means to truly devote themselves to someone sacrificially. And I mean, putting someone else’s needs before his.
Let’s go to the very controversial argument in the s4 finale where Randall says:
“How dare you pretend that you give a rat’s ass about what anyone else wants other than you? You want mom to spend more time with the family because you want mom to decide with you. You, you, you.”
Now, this line is really crucial in Kevin and Madison’s “argument” in the bedroom. Of course, Randall’s words are much harsher but there’s a truth there: when Kevin proposes his jet-setting family idea to Madison, his persuasion technique is to glam it up (”what about private jet-setting all over the world”) to almost entice Madison to decide with him with what he wants/pictures. AND when Madison reminds him of his commitment to her and the kids, Kevin goes for the offense of “I didn’t realise that where we live was as important as being a family.”
Of course, one can argue that yes Kev, home is where the heart is blah blah, but the point here is Kevin wasn’t taking into consideration what the other person wants, and in this case what Madison wants/pictures, exactly what Randall was saying before.
And then Randall goes:
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Kevin. You have no idea what it means to actually take care of people... I stayed and took care of our family... you’ll never know what it’s like to devote yourself to anyone other than yourself.”
Now, the meaty bit. Yes, over the seasons we’ve seen Kevin grow and mature and develop. Yes, we’ve seen him devote himself to the betterment of Nicky. BUT, we have not actually seen him show the kind of sacrificial devotion/commitment that Randall was talking about when it comes to taking care of a family, and in this case their own family.
Randall sacrificed his dreams of going to a college that he wanted so badly to go to because he knew that his mother needed him. That he couldn’t leave her alone. That her needs came first... at least for then. But because he was so devoted and committed to taking care of his mother, Randall not only graduated and became successful afterwards, he also got the best of them all: Beth.
Now, with Kevin. Madison is Kevin’s opportunity to DO WHAT RANDALL DID (”What would Randall do?” right, Kev?) for his own family.
Madison wasn’t selfishly asking him to quit acting for her or for the kids, she was asking him to think through his commitment, his all in, and what that actually truly means for him in the context of the above (my girl @thesocietalmisfit made a more eloquent post here). 
The writers are telling us to focus on Kevin, to not take our eyes off him because he’s in a pivotal moment now: will he change and finally make decisions for other people apart from himself or will he not and stay the same and lose those whom he cares for and loves?
Anywayy, I’m sorry this took such a long turn, I just really needed to get that out of my chest. But as far as the audience is concerned and how the writers need to do a lot more work to turn people around into going for Madison I have two thoughts:
1. Hating on Madison in this episode for the number of ridiculous reasons all stemming from a form of misogyny yeah I went there, shows that the general TIU demographic are the kinds of people, who needs to be spoon fed information/nuance/implication and sometimes even just what’s right in front of them that they still somehow miss. And I’m sorry, but if you fall in this category, then you’re not going to enjoy not just the development of Kevison’s journey but the others’ also. Remember how much flack Kate was getting for being “awful” at Toby but this one ep of her going full queen of empowerment and everyone’s suddenly Team Kate? Yeah, the audience is fickle. And look, there will always be haters, and haters gonna hate for no reason (or the most absurd), so the writers can’t do much about that.
2. There’s a reason why they’re showing us Kevison already at this very important cross-roads in as early as episode 3 and now 5 and that’s because they’ve got all the loved-up, full romantic Kevison (that they know is the greatest appeal to the audience) coming. I really don’t doubt it. So many people turned into Kevison fans literally after watching them be all adorbs in the premiere and in ep 3 when they were all vulnerable. IMAGINE when they’re actually showing them fully in love with each other + being dedicated parents? THE. SERVE.
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trapped-in-my-dream · 4 years
Time Part 1
Ivar the boneless x fem!reader imagine (In this imagine the timeline is a bit different than in the tv show, we are at the start of 5A at least from Ivars age (he is 18), but Ragnar, Aslaug, Sigurd and Helga are still alive, which is important for the imagine, don't be angry for the changes, I hope you enjoy the imagine)
The reader travels back in time after an accident, she lends in front of Flokis house who takes her in and shows her the northern way to live. She meets Ivar and his brothers and their story begins.
Part One
You were on your way to your first day of university you decided that after high school you would be studying (subject of your choice) at (collage name). Your best friend and roommate will study on the same university, her/his subject was northern history and mythology. In your opinion an interesting subject but you personally would not study it. Their choice of subject was why they had to learn old norse or decided to learn it anyway, as the good friend you were you went with them to the classes and learnt it as well. You kinda liked it, mythologies were your guilty pleasure anywayy so it was not to bad. Your best friend had to go to university earlier than you and told you about the heavy rain outside.
It was raining like hell, you were bearly able to make out the street in front of you out. You tried your hardest to stay concentrated, which wasn't the easiest task as you were tired from your nightshift at work and the rain made you even sleepier. But you weren't the only one with troubles to concentrate. On the other side of the road drove a car, slightly to fast in normal condition but in the rain his speed made it nearly impossible to stop the car. The driver did not sleep well last night and was now utterly tired. The second his eyes closed, he lost control over his car and started to drive to your side of the road. You saw the car to late and hit your car with his. The impact made the glass shatter, you could feel your car lifting up and landing on his roof. Air left your lungs and your head hit the side of your car with so much force that everything turned dark. You tried to not lose the consciousness, the ringing in your ears overwhelming. The last thing you saw before you lost the fight against the unconsciousness was a car rushing away and the shadow of a man speaking to you in some kind a language, but you were not able to hear through the loud ringing what he said. Then your world turned black and the ringing was silent.
You woke up by the feeling of being touched on the shoulder, at first you tried to brush it of. That was when you realized what happend. Without thinking you turned towards the touch and tried to punch the person infront of you. „By the gods woman I'm trying to help you!“ With the unknown voice growled, you opened your eyes and stared at the man that kneeled before you. You sat up and slided away slowly. „Who are you?“, not realizing that you adapted to his language. „My name is Flóki Vilgerðarson, who are you and what are you doing in front of my house?“ Confusion was written over your face. „In front of your..“ You looked around and saw that you were lying in front of a hut. „Your name, woman!?“, he said in a demanding tone. „I'm (Y/N) and I don't know why I'm here. I was in a car accident and then there was this strange man that talked to me and than I lost consciousness and woke up here. Please, don't kill me I swear I mean no harm to you or anyone else.“
Floki looked at the young girl in front of him, she seemed to be around Ivars age maybe a bit younger. Her clothes were strange, he had never seen anything like that, as well as he had never heard of cars. That was when he remembered the strange words that their seer spoke when he visited, „Your future, boatbuilder, will fall to your feet, it's your decision to do what you want with this future of yours. Make it yours and help it grow or kill it before it starts.“ Future, this might be who she is or where she is from, maybe it was both. Floki took a deep breath, shaking of the fear and hold out his hand towards her. Slowly the girl looked up seemingly considering her chances, but she took his hand in the end. „You are from far away, aren't you girl?“ A nod confirmed it. „(Your home country)“, was her soft answer. That was when it was confirmed for Floki, the gods sent her back to him. He did not know why, but he knew that he would keep her save and that he would have to teach her their ways otherwise people would try to harm her. „Oh what were the gods thinking, sending her to Kattegat“, he mumbled it in his beard. He lead her inside his house and sat her on one of his chairs. She was dirty, wet and seemed to be scared, when he wanted to speak up the voice of his wife interrupted him. „Floki who is this girl?“
You looked up from your knees to the woman who asked the question, she did not sound angry, she sounded kinda worried, which surprised you to no end. She got closer and kneelt in front of you looking over your dirty and bruised face and clothes. The man, that said his name was Floki answered, „She laid in fornt of our hut, my love. I remembered the words of the seer when I saw her. What if she is what he talked about.“ The woman smiled lovingly at you, a strange feeling of safety floated you. „I see, come along child you need to clean yourself.“ She said that while stroking your hair lovingly, she stopped and stood up. With a soft smile she offered her hand, which you took. She helped you to stand up and turned to the man. „I will take care of her husband. Try to think of what we shall do. We can't tell the people in the village that she just laid in front of our door, can we?“ With that she turned around and walked you out of the room. Floki knew Helga was right, he couldn't just say that, but what could he say?
The woman took you into a room with a bathtub, she looked at you and said softly, „I could warm up water for you it would take a while.“ You shook your head softly, not wanting to be more trouble then you were. „No, I'm fine with cold water. It will be okay.“ She nodded softly. „If you say so. My name is Helga, I didn't catch your name.“ „My name is (Y/N), thank you for your help Helga, as well as for Flokis.“ Helga nodded softly and looked at you with her brown eyes. „Take of your clothes and wash yourself, I'm gonna look for clothes to give you. You can't wear yours, they don't look like they are from here.“ With that Helga left you alone in the bath. The second she closed the door, you started to take of your clothes. Your body was dirty and blue from the crash, but nothing seemed broken. Slowly you started to wash your body, while you tried to not hurt yourself even more. You softly started to wash your hair after your body was clean, you winced when you felt a wound on your head, which probably was the reason why you lost consciousness. While you cleaned your hair, Helga opened the door and look at you from behind. She could see the the hirmatomes but did not question where you got them from. „I got you clothes“, she said and made herself known. You jumped when you heard her voice and tried to cover yourself up. „There's nothing I have not seen. Let me help you with the dress, you never wore anything like that, I'm sure of that and I believe that you need help with it.“ You knew that she was right, that was why you left your hands down and looked shyly on the floor. „Don't be shy, you look great. Come, we will put that dress on.“ You nodded and went over to her, still shy to be naked. The dress Helga held was beautiful, it had a soft blue color and a neckline with some kind of lacing. Helga helped you in the dress and looked at you when you had it on. „You are lucky that this dress was always too long for me. It suits you. Come I will braid your hair.“ You followed her while she went into another room, she sat you on the bed and started to braid your hair softly. Helga liked how your hair looked when if fell other your shoulder while it was open, so she decided to just braid a few strands, so your hair wouldn't bother you so much. She took her time while doing it, enjoying to do it for some other woman. „Helga?“, you asked softly. A soft hum was her answer. „They will kill me, won't they?“ Helga looked shocked at the words, but she understood where these fear came from. „They won't, Floki will come up with a story for why you are here and think of something to do. I'm sure that you willbe fine“, she stated calmly. You nodded and looked at her when she said that she was finished. „I don't know why you and Floki help me, but I can't thank you enough. Other people would have killed me, I'm sure of that, but you opened your home for me and let me in. I'm thankful for what you did for me. I will do everything to show you that I'm thankful.“ Helga couldn't help but smile, you were a good person, she was sure of that. „We will see“, Helga said while she smiled softly, „Let's see if Floki came up with an idea.“ With a nod of you, the two of you went Floki who sat in front of a fire. „My niece“, were the first words he said when you two entered. „Husband what do you mean?“, Helga asked softly. „We will tell them that she is my niece. If we say that than she will be able to live here and she will be save. They won't touch family.“ Helga laughed softly, ran towards her husband and kissed him. „You are amazing husband. But that means that we have to go and tell Ragnar that she is here. He will want to see.“ „Believe me, wife. I know that. But what other chances do we have? I will tell him that she is sick and needs a bit time to get well. In that time we will teach her how to live here, I will teach her to protect herself. She is a young and pretty woman, she will need it.“ Helga nodded softly and looked at you. „You will be fine, Ragnar is a nice man. He will understand.“ You nodded and smiled at both of them. „So I will be your niece?“ „Yes, my brother went away a long time ago, he died as far as I know. I know that he never had any children, but Ragnar does not know that. We will be fine.“ You nodded. Than Floki stood up and looked at you two. „We should go then“, he said. Helga looked utterly confused, „Now?“ „Yes, the longer we wait the worse. He would think that we hide something.“ Helga nodded and looked at you. „He is right. We should go.“ You were worried, but when Helga took your hand a but of that worry left you. „We will be back soon, it's gonna be okay.“ You nodded softly and watch them leave. Your eyes followed Floki and Helga, worried what Ragnar would say. You thanked your best friend silently for dragging you along to learn old Norse lessons, but still you did not know if you would ever see them again. But now was not the time to worry about meeting your old friends again, now was the time to worry about your fate. With that thought you sat in front of the fire and waited.
Floki was worried about Ragnar, not that he would have told you but he was. When he and Helga entered his eyes fell upon his friend and the family he had. Ragnar saw him soon after and shooted, „Floki! Helga! Come closer eat with us!“ The couple looked at each other and walked over to their friend. „Ragnar“, Floki said and looked at his friend. „Sit!“ That was what he did, for a short second Floki listened to the talks around him, but then looked back at his friend. „Ragnar can we talk?“ Ragnar turned to him, curiousity in his eyes. „About what?“ Floki looked at Helga and then back. „Helga and I have a guest“, he said. „A guest?“, Ragnar questioned. The table turned towards them, the whole family looking at them. „A permanent one“, Floki said. „Is Helga pregnant?“, asked Ragnars wife, Aslaug. „No“, Floki stated, „My brother had a child it appears, he died a few weeks ago. His child came to us and asked if it would possible to stay with us.“ Ragnar nodded slowly. „Is the boy alright?“; naturally assuming that they were talking about a boy. „He had a daughter, with a Christian woman“, Floki explained. „A Christian?“, Aslaug asked, she sounded angry. „He raised her in the ways of our gods, do not worry. She has no where to go and is sick, she won't do any trouble for you or anyone“, Floki added. Ragnar seemed to be thinking deeply. „Why should she be allowed to stay? She has a Christian mother, send her back to her?“, said Ivar. It was the first time that Floki wished to strangle the young man. „No, it's fine“, Ragnar said, „she can stay. Bring her to us as soon as she is better. Now let us eat.“ Floki felt as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, he nodded and started to eat.
After the dinner they went back home and found the young woman in a chair close to the fire. Helga chuckled softly, while Floki carried her to a room. „She is gonna be fine, Floki“, Helga whispered to calm her husband, who looked worried at the girl on the bed. „I hope“, he stated and left her alone.
The next morning was spend with explaining to the girl what Ragnar said and what would happen now, she would learn how to defend herself, to fight. Floki was sure that she would need it sooner or later, which was worried the girl a bit. Helga promised her to teach her how to clean and do housework in this time, as well as she promised to go and buy her more dresses.
Which was what they did, they kept (Y/N) away from the eye of the village and Ragnars family. Floki thought her to fight as good as possible, she proved herself to be a good fighter, while Helga thought her the normal ways of woman in this time. Two months passed like that, days spend with learning and nights spend with talks about the gods. The couple found themselves enjoying the time they spend with the young girl, enjoying the talks and the way they laughed with each other.
Floki found himself talking to Ragnar and his family about the young woman, after a month Ragnar seemed to be impatient to meet the young woman. That was when a fest for the birthday of Ivar came along. „Bring your niece this time Floki“, Ragnar said and while it seemed like a nice request, Floki knew that it wasn't. It was a command. When he returned he found Helga and (Y/N) in front of the fire, talking and laughing. „Tomorrow is the day“, he stated calmly. Both looked up, surprise, worry and fear in their eyes. „Tomorrow?“, the question was evident in the voice and the face of Helga. „He won't wait any longer“, was the answer while Floki drank. Both woman nodded.
„Very well, then let's make you a part of the villiage.“
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
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A/N: Hii, i’m admin lily of this writing blog and i’m your spring time anon!! It’s been a fun few weeks talking to you but the long-awaited moment has finally come, the fic. anywayy i hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it for you ^0^
TAGS: @iachan03​
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the practice or custom of viewing cherry blossoms when they are in full bloom
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“Do you think you can make it tomorrow?”
You met Nejire’s concerned eyes and stifled a sneeze.
“Hopefully...I took some medicine earlier so that might help.”
“Mmm, well I hope you get well soon either way,” she said with a sweet smile just as the teacher walked in and class officially started.
You gazed out the window to see the trees rustling in the strong spring breeze.
With springtime came sunshine and flower blossoms. For you though, springtime brought nothing more than sinuses and sneezes. Usually, it’s nothing more than a nuisance that could be temporarily cured with some allergy medicine; that’s why you agreed when Nejire invited you to hanami with a bunch of other people from your class. What you didn't expect was for your allergies to start acting up just a day before you guys were supposed to go.
You managed to make it through the day just fine, albeit a little groggy from the medicine and went home a bit early to rest.
The next morning came and you were feeling much much better. You quickly got ready and called Nejire to tell her you were on your way.
At the train station, you bumped into Mirio and another boy who with him.
Amajiki Tamaki, if I remember right.
“Hi Mirio-kun, Amajiki-kun. You guys are going to hanami with Nejire and the others too right?”
“Yup,” Mirio affirmed.
The two of you talked as you usually did as you made your way onto the train that would take you to the park.
You tried talking to Amajiki too but he just mumbled out short answers, not seeming that interested.
Now that you think about it, your interactions with Amajiki have always been limited, to say the least. You two barely talk to each other, although he never really talked to anyone much anyway. Many of your other friends seemed to think he’s too “intimidating” or something along the lines of that. He seemed like a nice enough person to you though.
Your thoughts wandered off as the train slowed to a stop.
“This is our stop. Let’s go,” Mirio said with that cheerful enthusiasm of his.
The three of you navigated your way through the haze of people in the station and outside the park until you finally met Nejire and the others. They had already started laying out the blankets and bringing out food so you each tried your best to help out with whatever you could.
“I’m gonna go buy drinks,” you offered, “Does anyone want anything?”
They gave you their orders and some cash and you turned around to leave.
“Wait y/n, take Tamaki with you. You might have some trouble with all those drinks,” Mirio said with a cheeky grin. He shoved Tamaki in your direction and gave him a nudging look.
You didn’t exactly mind the extra help so you smiled at him and said, “Thanks Amajiki-kun.”
He muttered out a simple “no problem”, his expression unreadable.
“Follow closely ok, there’s a lot of people here. Wouldn’t wanna get separated,” you added.
That was the first real interaction you had with him.
Since that day, the two of you got to talk more often and he found himself comfortable in your presence. He wasn’t quite what you first thought of him but you came to enjoy his company too.
You eventually realized you had feelings beyond friendship towards him and, a few months later, gathered up the courage to confess. He was blushing from head to toe but managed to tell you he felt the same before almost running away from embarrassment. You two officially got together a bit after that and have been together ever since.
The seasons came and went and before you knew it, it was spring again. This year's spring was like any other, stuffy nose and bag full of tissue and medicine. One thing that was definitely different was that you had Tamaki as your boyfriend this year.
Nejire had invited you to go to hanami together with her again and you were looking forward to it. This time around, you had more on your mind than just looking at the flowers though.
Your boyfriend was an extremely shy and awkward person. The shyness was quite cute most of the time but made it hard for you to initiate any form of intimacy whatsoever. The furthest you two have gone was hugging, and even that took him a while to get used to. Sometimes, you just couldn’t help but wish for more...
Sure it’s kinda childish to think of these things but the best you could probably do for now was wait for the right moment to present itself.
Fine, maybe you were hoping that going to hanami together would create a romantic-enough mood, but you knew better than to expect that. Tamaki wasn’t one to show much affection in public places anyway.
You let out a yawn and pulled the blanket over your head. Your thoughts began to drift off and soon you did too.
The sound of your alarm ringing woke you up. Annoyed at the little amount of sleep you got, you grumbled and quickly got ready. You grabbed the bag you had packed yesterday and went on your way.
The train station was full of people as usual. You didn’t bump into anyone you knew this time around though. Once you finally got to the park’s station, you squirmed your way through the crowd of people and arrived at the park entrance. You called Nejire to let her know you were there.
“Nejire-chan, I’m at the park. Where are you guys?”
Her cheerful voice spoke through the other end, “Ah about that. There seem to be some delays with the trains here so you go ahead and find us a good spot first ok.”
“Oh ok. See you later then,” you said with an understanding sigh as you hung up.
You walked around the park until you finally found the perfect spot and settled in it. Since it seemed like nobody would be joining you for a while, you took a deep breath and laid down. It was just you, your thoughts, and the cherry blossoms. Taking a proper look at your surroundings, you noted all the different colors, the unique spring smells, the gentle breeze blowing through your hair. It was a nice day indeed, good for spending time with the people you care about.
Suddenly, your phone started ringing and vibrating inside your pocket.
Tamaki<3 calling…
You quickly picked up to see what he wanted.
“Y/n, I’m at the park entrance already. There’s nobody I know here though. Did you get here yet?”
“Oh yeah, Nejire and the others had some slight delays with their train so I came in first to claim a spot.” You gave him directions to your location and, within minutes, he was there.
At this point, you two were pretty much used to being alone together. It wasn’t like it was a rare occurrence or something, but, for some reason, you felt slightly nervous and jittery when he sat down next to you. Maybe it was because of your thoughts these past few weeks, your want for a little something more from him...
Before you could stop yourself, your thoughts came tumbling out of your mouth.
“Nee Tamaki, how would you feel if I kissed you?”
“Kiss?” he repeated innocently.
His eyes grew wide as he then realized what you were saying, His face turned red and he started stuttering out an incomprehensible reply. Well, it wasn’t as if you expected any different from him really.
“Sorry Tamaki, for springing it onto you like that.” You gave him the sweetest smile possible.  “It’s just that we’ve been dating for quite some time now so I can’t really help but think of these things yknow.”
“N-no, it’s ok. I’ve actually been thinking about it too. I just never really knew how to act on it…”
Now that was something you didn’t exactly expect. It was your turn to blush and get all shy now.
“Well, if you’ve been thinking about it and I’ve been thinking about it…”
At that very moment, your phone rang yet again. It was Nejire. She and the others could not have arrived at a worse time. You quickly gave her directions to where you and Tamaki were and hung up, leaving a more than awkward silence between you and the shy boy.
The two of you just sat there waiting for everyone else to arrive. Things got less awkward once they did though. You all started talking, laughing, and having fun. The rest of the day went on just like this, you and your friends enjoying yourselves in the midst of the blooming cherry blossoms.
The day had ended on a high note and everyone left happily for home. You and Tamaki had to go in the same direction anyway so there you two were, shoulder to shoulder, walking down the sidewalk. The still awkward air around you two was a sign this morning was still fresh in your memories.
You two continued walking until you hit a break in the road.
“Um, I have to go this way now,” Tamaki said gesturing to the left.
“And I have to go this way,” you replied, pointing to your right.
“Ok,” you paused and inhaled calmly. “See you tomorrow at school then.”
“See you--” You cut him off with a quick peck on the cheek that left him all frozen and red.
You walked off, turning to smile and wave at him.
There’s no point in rushing, might as well take it slow and enjoy what I have right now. I mean, I could always give him a better kiss sometime else anyway...
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--the end--
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