#anyways f*ck shadow and bone
bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
And is the portrayal of Inej's trauma in the room with us right now?
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phantasieandmirare · 2 years
True growth as a lover of books is realizing that as long as it’s not too insanely horribly unrecognizably different and it’s clear that the producers/showrunners cared and tried their best, I’m actually okay with adaptations taking liberties and going in new directions from the source material
#books#I realized this the other day like I was always one of those people who was like ‘if it’s not a page for page adaptation I don’t want it’#but now I’m like ‘you know what if they want to play in the gray spaces or do things to make it flow better on screen I’m with them’#this is speaking specifically to the wheel of the time and shadow and bone adaptations#there are of course absolute dumpster fire adaptations like PJO and Artemis fowl#but I guess I’m learning that basically as long as they TRIED and CARED and LISTENED#then I’m okay#it’s when the studios just look at the source material and go ‘hey it’s free money from these guys’ and then churn out trash#like the Artemis fowl movie just totally ignoring the fact that Artemis is literally an antihero#that we get problems#but when the people behind it GIVE A F*CK#even if they make changes even if they make new narrative choices even if they play a little#then it’s good#it’s the difference between doing it for the love of doing it versus doing it for the money#anyway#I dunno I just wanted to talk about my new viewpoint on book adaptations cause I think it’s a very valid one#this is why even with changes and (very minor) flaws LOTR is considered one of the greatest and possibly the greatest movie series ever#because you cannot look at lotr and say that peter jackson and co didn’t care a whole whole lot#this is also very thinly veiled frustration at the massive amounts of vitriol aimed at the wheel of time series#like I watched bts videos yesterday and the CARE put into is immense very little of that show is green screen which is AMAZING#and then you got people in the comments screaming that it’s not wheel of time without explaining themselves#like we know why you’re actually angry honey and you’re the one who looks stupid in that respect#also I want to make it explicitly clear when I say pjo is a dumpster fire I am referring to the movies
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machablossom · 3 years
I really want to rant about the ending. That was one wild episode 12 and I can't say I loved it, but I didn't hate it either.
Being honest, I think I'm mostly dissapointed things didn't go the way I wanted. I usually expect from a series to let me down in some aspects, but this time I felt like there was no rush of emotions like it happened during the past episodes.
I don't actually mind about the supposed queerbaiting, though I would have wanted Renga and Matcha Blossom to become canon. Alas, a girl could dream.
However, there were many things I believe could have been better, others which were just fine, and others which could have been different altogether from the very start of the series. Overall I feel like the main plot (Langa and Reki facing up against Adam) and the main theme of the anime (skating is a fun thing to do and it's better enjoyed surrounded with friends and people you love) were developed just right. However, the way they got to the results were not the best, in my opinion.
I would like to give my opinion on each character development, so this may take a while. Also, I'd like to point out what I would have wanted to happen, if things were up to me.
First and foremost, Adam is the character I had more trouble with. I didn't love the last beef against Langa much. I've had trouble with the entire Eve thing and the fact that he's a 30-something chasing after a 17 yr old boy, be it romantically or just skate-wise.
I know Adam's sexual preferences are never stated through the whole series but we can imply he does feel a certain attraction towards Langa beyond the skating scene and it is very uncomfortable, not to say wrong.
I loved the idea that he let go of the idea of chasing his 'Eve', to celebrate a wedding for a funeral. I am all for theathrics and drama, and his "final boss" outfit was nuts. The skateboard was awesome too! But the mere implications of him, turning into some sort of Grim Reaper whilst racing against Langa one last time are very bone-chilling, at least to me it was, again, very unconfortable.
I'd have loved for Adam to lose to Reki, OR, Tadashi and Langa to race so that the final encounter could have been Adam vs. Tadashi. That way, I think he'd have gotten to reflect on his actions and actually grow as a character rather than just be cured by the power of fun and friendship.
In the perfect scenario, he'd escape with Tadashi, he'd ditch his job and tell his aunts to go f*ck themselves, close 'S' for good and get some therapy somewhere where he could be happy skating with his beloved assistant.
On the other hand, I was hoping he'd get arrested. I hoped Kiriko got to put him behind bars and ruin his carreer both as a politician and as a skater, so that S would close. Maybe in some sort of epilogue we'd seen him come out of jail and make up with the gang, skating with them again as friends. Maybe Langa would go see him in prison to help. Idk, I feel like he needs retribution and punishment, but he was also a character who needed help.
The last part with Tadashi and the dog thing was weird and I didn't love it, but I think it works for their relationship. I won't complain, some other people here on tumblr have put it into words way better than I would have.
What I feel was the worst, worst thing they could do was have him crash their celebration party, falling ridiculously from a helicopter with a bouquet for Langa. No. No, just no. The creeps again. Ugh.
Then, I have to say the second in line who bothered me the most were Miya and Shadow.
It's silly: I really screamed in rage and pain about Shadow not getting together with the manager. I wanted all the other ships to be canon, but I knew it's Japan we're talking about and I know we'd get teased about it in the best case scenario, but the straight ship? The one they could totally go for? NO! Also, I think Shadow got played dirty, shoving him into the background after he was attacked in ep. 10. We didn't get to see any justice done to him against the dude that beat the crap out of him, if, perhaps, Shadow could beat him again at 'S', this time fair and square.
Miya, oh my poor catboy. Played so dirty as well. I liked the last time we see him when he meets with his friend again in school and they seem to reconect. But I wish we would have gotten to see them skate together again. This is very wishful thinking, but I wished we could have seen Miya a little bit older, when the others could have taken him a lot more seriously. I wanted him to do much more than just be a background character, because he deserved it.
Next is Joe and Cherry. Oh boy. Hold onto your horses, I have a LOT to say about my favourite duo.
Listen here, I wanted them to be canon. I hoped for the discreet rings on their fingers shot, or a sudden drop of any of them that they had been secretly married for the past two years or something like that. I wanted flashbacks to their trip to Paris. I wanted more of their teenage years. I wanted a date night at Sie La Luce. Man, I would have died for a kiss. But, alas, it's Japan we're talking about and I know I'm viewing the series from a western point of view.
But that's not what bothered me. What really bothered me was that all the tension that had been growing since ep. 7 between the two of them and then between them and Adam seemed to be just a stepping stone for Langa to win the tournament. We saw Cherry get slapped with a skateboard just for us, the expectators, to dislike Adam a lot more.
I would have loved for them to have the chance to reconect with Adam, be it by punching him or by accepting a heartfelt apology. Specially Cherry. Kaoru deserved MUCH better than what he got, and Joe deserved better than what we've got to see from him. The last scene we saw of them, idk, I thought it was funny and I loved how Cherry showed so little professionalism by drawing on his bf in public. LOL.
But I also didn't like it. I think they ended up being comic relief when they were two of the most wonderfully developed partners in the whole series, even if we've just got some crumbs of their relationship. Also, Joe's deep and caring personality, the whole pinning on Kaoru situation, feels like it matters so little when we see him back at the starting point, just being a shameless flirt. The advantage I see from all of it is that we've got a lot left to the imagination with them.
(Man, i would have loved to see Joe punch Adam in the face with a skateboard at the celebration party after his arrival on the helicopter).
And finally, Reki and Langa. Being honest? I actually loved them. I didn't mind there wasn't a explicit moment of romance or a confesion. That was never the point. The symbolism of their 'friendship', of their bond, is more than enough for me.
I think Langa was slightly too overpowered. As I said before, I think the beef was a little too over the top, but, mah, I've seen a lot of sports anime, its not that over the top. I'd have loved to see him snowboarding at some point, perhaps then we'd have seen Langa as a very talented athlethe and not just some random teenager with crazy skills he just pulled out of his pretty canadian butt. Then again, the little scene with his father's memory was really nice. Closure over mourning, that's a wonderful thing to do.
Reki, my boy, on the other hand, I loved him. Cheering for his bf and believing in him and waiting for him at the end of the line, *chef's kiss*. The part where Langa falls over him and they hug on the ground, perfect, hilarious. The insinuation that they are both happy when they are together, yes, yes, good. The last scene with Reki and his family, I love it! I have nothing wrong to say about Reki. I love him and I'd give an arm for him.
Overall, it was a good series. It could have been done better. The ending could have been better. I would love a sequel anyway, if only they could focus on the plotlines they left inconclusive and, for god's sake, they kick the creepyness down a notch. For what I conclude, the entire series was meant as fanservice and they didn't imagine it would grow so big. Anyway, I will keep writing Matcha Blossom, I really loved them and I hope this is not the last we ever see of them all.
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gay4eraser · 5 years
This is based on me dying over zombie apocalypse concepts and logistics and such. I've honestly thought a Lot about it and why and how the disease itself works and hdgdjefhrj i'm obsessed with zombies
The zombie apocalypse is somehow worse and better in a universe with quirks
On one hand, zombie can't use quirks because they typically require higher brain functions. On the OTHER hand, heteromorphic quirks, or subconscious quirks exist. Zombies with uncontrolled superpowers.
Society is kinda in shambles but is also holding out surprisingly well especially because the heroes still alive are frantically trying to keep everything from descending into UTTER chaos
Aizawa was basically being thrown around the country by the govt to help take down zombies with working quirks until he said FUCK ALL OF THIS and just went solo and is still worked to death but on his terms now, bitch
Mic is Crazy Useful in this situation because his volume can distract hordes zombies or take out entire fucking streets full because decomposing bodies can't withstand the same force healthy ones can
Also Mic is struggling so hard and trying to find his boyfriend who yeeted off into the shadows. They hear updates about him every now and then but nobody can ever nail him down
All Might is Struggling even more because he's trying to help every chance he gets but the apocalypse happened AFTER his injury so he can only help so often and the rest of his time is spent trying to not get killed by overzealous zombie hunters because this man doesn't look like he's alive
Seriously All Might goes to help out every fucking possible chance he has which means he's constantly running his quirk to the wire and generally only has a few minutes to his big form at a time, he's just CONSTANTLY using it
He's in terrible shape gdi he's probably not very far from keeling over at any given moment
Actually at this point it's known by a lot of people that All Might has a smaller form because of how often he's been poofing in and out without control but everyone whose seen him keeps it as kind of an open secret like. A lot of people know but the world is ending whose gonna gossip bout it now when this dude's half dead because he's trying to save their asses??
All Might is like Aizawa and running around trying to help/survive at every available opportunity and working himself to the bone
Aizawa happens to watch All Might himfuckingself Detroit Smash a street full of zombies and then poof and pass tf out
Aizawa grabs his ass and drags him to safety cussing the whole way and nearly decapitated him when Yagi woke tf up and punched him in the throat on reflex
"Are you sure you're still alive jfc man" "yeah I get that a lot..."
They team up in their self destructive zombie hunting and get kinda famous
"So what was your life like before this" ",,,All Might doesnt exactly get a personal life, so uh... LETS TALK ABOUT YOU what about you lol" "...I had a boyfriend" "...oh. is he dead?" "God no I can hear him taking out hordes half the city away all the time i just haven't been able to see him"
Fast forward "...Aizawa does your boyfriend?? Know you're still alive???" "....f U CK"
All this time Aizawa and Yagi are slow building this super awkward sexual and romantic tension and it Nearly comes to a head at one point but Yagi flips his shit like "...OH MY GOD he has a BOYFRIEND" every time and backs tf away meanwhile Aizawa knows Yamada Polyam Ho Hizashi would be fucking thrilled if Aizawa managed to bone All Might and is trying to let Yagi like go at his own pace
It's not gonna happen Yagi thinks he's trying to cheat on his boyfriend
Until yadda yadda timeskip Mic manages to catch up to them and he's like "YOOOO ERASERHEAD I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU LEFT THE GOVT BEEN DOIN ME DIRTY TOO BUT BABE WHY DIDNT YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU"
Then smooches him hard (like, several minute "oh my god the world is ending and I havent seen you in like half a year" lips locked hard MAKEOUT) and Yagi's about to feel bad and angsty and all "see he's got a boyfriend" and then aizawa be like "zashi this is all might and i've been trying to kiss him for months will you PLEASE tell him i'm allowed to"
The end lol I should write this, i'm obsessed enough with zombies AND allerasermic that it wouldn't be much of a problem
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kaizerinj · 6 years
When ya realize your headcanon went.....waaaaaaay off the beaten path, but it was done so subtly it takes years before you realize how awry it really went.
where I went wrong with Falkner&his dad’s relationship, but like 10+ years later I’m not bringing myself to fixing it. Cuz fuckkit. Seriously, fuck that.
In the beginning, there was GSC!Falkner. He had like five lines. The only mention of his father being immediately after you defeat him.
...Darn! My Dad's cherished bird Pokémon...
It was an effort to give characterization to an otherwise 2D Important Obstacle, which...uh....still doesn’t sit well with me. Guy’s a damn gym leader. Be one on your own merits. But I liked him. He was cute. Attractive. And me just starting my “baby yaoi fan!phase”? Magic in the form of honorshipping. 
But oh
the anime happened. And this is where I lost sight of canon.
Ash had participated in the Indigo League. He had just beaten the Orange League. He was stepping into a brand new region full of new pokemon and new challenges. He needed suitable opponents that seemed strong.
So here comes this guy who saves his Pikachu, who bonds with him over Pidgeot, then proceeds to be the guy he’s gotta beat for a badge.
Well, whoops.
This Falkner’s a good guy, who, sure, admits it’s awkward to suddenly have to battle when you weren’t excepting to need to, since Pidgeot!lover, but his game face is stern, serious shit. He’s not going to go easy on you just because you’re friends.
....I fell in love with this version so hard you guys you don’t even know
But this was during the years where episodes were not just easily available on the internet. You had to wait for.....
repeats on TV.
So. Parts of this episode actually escaped me while I was happily mushing Falkner and Morty’s faces together, and his friendliness kind of fell off my brain as I focused on one fact and one perception: he was a self-made Trainer, and his stern, no-nonsense battle style = anger.
There was one thing the game did try to make clear, too. If Falkner’s using his father’s pokemon...........................................where the hell is his dad?
Which came up as I started writing this fic called Status: Before Elitism, because I really wanted to delve into Falkner, Morty, and Whitney (and Karen, Clair, and Will)’s ascent into the positions they hold in GSC. Kids have parents, right?
So not going the “he’s dead ” route, Daddy became the guy who’s never there. ....#neitherwasmymom ANYWAY. In my mind, the dad was some wandering adventurer type who wasn’t at all content to stay in one place, leaving his son to be groomed by his mom, into the no-nonsense persona Falkner, in my mind’s eye, had grown to be. Mom was strick, traditional, and a hard lady. Not unloving, but she grew colder as the years went on, because the guy she loved was never. Fucking. Home. She had a temple and monks to manage.
Oh, right, religion.
...how’d that happen.
So here we are! Current headcanon: anime-warped Falkner (has a temper) with half a game!Falkner detail (dad is where?) apart of a traditional Japanese sect thing (anime setting).
Side note: Adventures fucking makes up Falkner’s dad during the GSC years! Named Hayate. Dubbed Roy (????!?!?!) by some Serebii rando who can’t be assed to just use the J!names (Coronis [!!!?!?!?!?]). Dubbed Wayne by Chuang Yi (why). Dubbed Wren by me. ....I hate Adventures but man
Hayate is DIL(not really)F.
So with this, the man who abandoned his kid and sometimes returns has a face, and that’s what his dad became. And how can you fucking admire a guy like that.
So naturally, we have unconsciously reached the point that Falkner cannot, at all, ever be happy with his dad entirely.
Plus note: headcanon’d Corey from Mewtwo Strikes back as Falkner’s younger brother, so Dad has abandoned TWO kids. TWO. What a dick.
Just to note: I held onto, and still have, the canon that Falkner’s original haircolor was green. I held onto it so hard I strangled it and had to justify the discrepancy between the blue and green with the shade changing colors over the course of his life. But the green hair was important.
Because then, the DP anime happened, and Dad’s headcanon became so. Much. Worse.
Dad was, at this point, just a vagabond and a deadbeat. But then, he was an adulterer. In Sinnoh. And suddenly, there was just no reason for Falkner to like him in my head, because Falkner now had two emerald green-haired half siblings across the damn world.
I did always kinda maintain my position this was anime!verse though I do tend to bleed anime and game at points, so with no mention of his father in it, I could be comfortable that there was no true canon divergence from the games.
"You do? Just as I thought! You know something? I'm sure we'll enjoy talking about my dad! Here is my number! Give me a call Saturday morning if you want to hear about my dad!"
I mean this means he’s still alive at least, right??
"I'll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokémon! Dad! I hope you're watching me battle from above!"
(It was, at the time, minorly debated if this meant Dad was dead or if....yanno.....flying..... Thanks for that ambiguity.)
(I want to point out that, since FRLG came out, Adventures was quietly toted as being ‘correct’ when it came to eventual canon, given it took the hints of Silver being Giovanni’s son and ran with it like it was true [it was, but this was pre-HGSS], as well as pitting Janine v Falkner during the Johto GLs v Kanto GLs, putting them into connection well before HGSS did. [Then Kusaka’s precognition came crashing down with the Striaton trio = Shadow Triad theory being debunked, when he was setting it up to be a believable reveal. HA..........sobs])
But I wasn’t really bothered, ultimately. Again, I primarily based myself in the anime!verse, but it’s only recently I’ve come to mull a little bit over how Falkner kind of got away from me overall as he self-developed over the course of his existence. And it really does come down to his relationship with his dad, because you can’t really say you’re being canon-compliant, despite not taking place in a universe where it’s unknown what their relationship is. I like being canon-compliant. I like making canon do my bidding.
But I can just not get behind Falkner having a good relationship with his dad, if he’s alive. Nor can I get behind Falkner’s abilities as a Trainer using someone else’s team, unless it’s in his dad’s memory, because the anime showed me something differenct. But the games also don’t layer anything into this, just leaves it bare boned and rather plain, so there’s this nice, gasping hole in Falkner’s game!character that cannot be stitched closed.
......I am legit miffed the father was never easter egg’d into the series. I want his side, if only to have more insight into my fave. Sure, that would just make my headcanon complete garbage in the eyes of overall canon. But I’m so curious.
Bonus fact: VIZ dubbed him Walker and this fit so perfectly into my headcanon, and overall works as a surname.
Because who else’s surname in the anime is Walker?
Someone else with affinity for the Flying type.
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yoyoplisetsky · 7 years
I’ve had a long past few weeks and been very busy, so technically this list is for like,,, 2 weeks, but I want to get back on track, so I’m pretending like it’s only for 1. Hopefully, starting next week, I’ll be able to read/write more frequently again. Hopefully? :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the fics I liked “this week”. As always, please please send me suggestions if you have some ^^ Also this list is like 75% Nuri and Meg and I’m only half sorry for it. Also! This time I tried to link tumblrs as much as I could; pls tell me if you know a tumblr I didn’t link :)
What I Read This Week (7/2-7/9)
The Westchester Samba - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - Victor knew a lot of things about his fiancé. He knew that he loved dogs, especially poodles. He knew that he was allergic to dairy and had a special fondness for a Japanese dish called katsudon. He knew that he’d taken dance lessons when he was young, and that he’d thought of going pro before realizing that art theft was a lot more lucrative. He knew every mole, every scar, every stretch mark on his body, and had spent considerable time learning and worshipping each one. He knew his fears, and he knew his dreams. He did not, however, know his name. (My review: Probs my fave story in Meg’s thief au tbh)
patellofemoral pain syndrome (Ch. 1-2) - seventhstar - @pencilwalla - It’s just…does Viktor not get bored with doing it the same way every night? Doesn’t he want to spice things up? Is Yuuri being unreasonable? He’s pretty sure that if Viktor told him his performance in bed was unsatisfying his soul would flee his body for a more merciful plane of existence, but…Viktor is thicker-skinned than he is. And so here they are. Viktor’s bed is wide and soft, and Yuuri is lying there with wet hair and ratty boxers while Viktor absently trails kisses over his shoulder. It’s nice. It’s soft. It’s good. Viktor’s headboard is enormous and Yuuri keeps thinking about Viktor’s wrists bound to it, black rope over white skin. Fuck. He should say something. (My review: Nuri’s arthritis porn is A+++ everyone needs to read it okay?)
even sinners have hearts (Ch. 1-2) - seventhstar - @pencilwalla​ - Alexei Ivanov is watching Yuuri as he lifts the cup to his mouth. His lips part to drink; Yuuri has never wanted to be a mouthful of sake more. I have to kill him, Yuuri thinks, and he stands up and announces to the room the time and place of the tour he’s giving tomorrow. Or, the one where they're powered criminals in love. (My review: HOOOOOOOO BOY YOU KNOW WHAT I NEED? SOME TELEPATHY MM YES. YES. WRECK THEM NURI I MEAN YUURI)
Eros, and Other Love Stories - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - Eros. Yuuri understands it in theory, of course. He’s seen what must be hundreds of movies about the very topic, but never really understood them. Never understood why the protagonists of these films make such fools of themselves for sex, or why they fall head over heels in love with the first pretty face they see. He nods and smiles and sighs along with the rest of them… but he’s never related to those characters’ struggles. Not even a little. What is wrong with him?- - A character study of Japan's ace, Katsuki Yuuri. (My review: I sitll haven’t commented on this because I’m 8.2 million years behind on everything but w o w Meg’s ace!Yuuri blew me away. Unbelievable)
The Triple Lutz Job (Ch. 1-4) - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei​ - Backed by the world's foremost hackers, grifters, and thieves, Victor Nikiforov works the other side of the law to fight against injustice on behalf of the underprivileged. When a woman asks for his help in retrieving stolen government data, Victor and his team infiltrate a local figure skating competition in order to take down a corrupt CEO. But beneath the ice's frigid beauty lurk many perilous secrets that may be more than even the world's greatest thieves can handle. (My review: IT’S ABOUT FSAJKFSING TIME I READ THIS MEG I’M DYING MEG’S OTABEK IS BEST OTABEK.)
Twice The Love For Yuuri - smutinator - @smutinator​ - Yuuri and Viktor go camping and end up having a three-way with Viktor's fairy doppelganger. (My review: Look, I always need more vyv. We all know that. Very well written and A+.)
Six Hours Ahead (Ch. 6-10) - alipiee - @alipiee​ - (In which Yuuri unknowingly befriends Viktor online and gushes to him about the living legend himself) (My review: Another story I was 50 years behind on. I love this super sweet au, and I live for Niki and Yuuri. It’s very cute and ccan’t wait for more)
never tasted rubies - ebenroot - @ebenroot​ - Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’ Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’. -- in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him (My review: I feel like I might hvae read this one before but ??? it’s???? so good??? Definitely a favorite in the fandom)
(Don't Stop) 'Til You Knock On My Door - FullmetalChords - @phoenixrei - “And…” Victor wets his lips. “You… want this?” A sly smile spreads across Yuuri’s face. “I want,” Yuuri says, putting his hands on Victor’s hips as he pulls him closer, “to give you what you need.” He brushes his thumbs over Victor’s hip bones. “Will you tell me what you need now?” -- Yuuri is ace. Victor is not. They both find a way to get what they need from each other. (My review: Ace!Yuuri feat. Viktor getting no control in his life for once because he fucking needs that sometimes. God, Meg killed me. Again.)
While you were sleeping - Chessala - @chessala - In which Yuuri falls into a Coma after saving Viktor's life and Viktor is having a hard time dealing with it. (My review: I shouldn’t have any room to say “this is so sad” with me also writing a mcd this week but also how dare you i loved it)
Reptiles - KasumiChou - @kasumi-chou - Yuri was over JJ spamming him pictures of his snakes. Snakes were not cool. No. Nope. Cats were one hundred times better. And then he finds out how hot Otabek looks with a snake around his neck. (My review: So I’m def super behind on Kas’s Twitter au, but she did this thing with snakes and I needed more. This is my fault. <3 u kas. I loved it)
The Virtue of Sin (Ch. 1) - DefiantDreams - @gia-comeatme - When Yuuri comes home to 7 demons, each embodying the 7 Deadly Sins, it’s honestly the least of his worries.Surprisingly, they help him get back on his feet, succeed in his career and get the man of his dreams.(But, as with anything, there is a price.) (My review: so I saw essa reblog this prompt and was immediately excited because a) i love essa and b) the prompt looked great and she did not let me down, excited for more!!) 
How You Turned My World, You Precious Thing - cuttlemefish - @cuttlemefishwrites - Labyrinth-inspired (1986) AU. When Viktor’s sister dies in a car crash, he’s left to take care of his one-year-old nephew Yuri, despite barely knowing how to take care of himself. It’s too bad Viktor has accidentally wished Yuri away to the Goblin King, whose killer eye-shadow game and glitter storms are nothing compared to the Labyrinth protecting his castle. Now, Viktor has 13 hours to get Yuri back or he risks losing him forever to the Goblin King, who also has 13 hours to convince Viktor that forever is not long at all. (My review: the labyrinth au i didn’t know I needed until z started to write it - feat. baby yurio, goblin king yuuri, and clueless viktor who is definitely at fault for this)
What I Wrote This Week (7/2-7/9)
never stop remembering him - “The flight from Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow to Fukoka has gone down,” The loudspeaker was saying, and Viktor wished the ringing would return. “We have no word yet on the passengers or crew, but it is reported that an engine went out and couldn’t be recovered, and the plane crash landed. As we get more information on the flight, it will be reported. For now – “ They began to talk about other delays, but Viktor didn’t bother to listen, his heart feeling numb. He just had to remember to breathe. (Or: Yuuri dies after Rostelecom and what can Viktor do?)
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phantasieandmirare · 2 years
Trying to get better about watching the massive backload of movies and shows on my watchlist is all fun and games until it’s time to choose what comes next
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