#anyway. RIP ts2
asterchats · 2 years
i have copies of the sims 1, 3 and 4 installed on this comp and i feel sort of bad that 2 isn’t included because TS2 is fun too. but it’s TS3 with less world-traveling and TS4 is TS3 but with better room design (and less world-traveling) and TS1 is its own thing altogether and worthwhile playing on its own. and TS2 is lost in the greyspace. TS2 is its own twilight zone
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buildbuymode · 4 months
how do you set up your twoberhood save? as far as lots go anyway. i know ts4 is more limited with lots than ts4 and i am a ts4 noob
hey hi hello! oh boy setting up this save has sure been a time. am probably clinically obsessive + have a perfectionist streak a mile wide so have spent maybe a year tweaking and tooling with it because it's never felt "right" but the lots have always stayed in the same spots, and have just been renovated a silly number of times. the lots originally started out as 1:1 recreations and have slowly morphed to look a little nicer + to fit my personal style, but with so many worlds and so many lots they're not all done :( all the other lots (unoccupied and community) are also ripped right from ts2 but tend to just make 'em as needed!
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
In honor of me rising from the dead I think its time I talk about my two(?) fav lore families in the sims franchise the smith-curious and the spector-beaker families and I guess also the singles as well - lore anon
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Hello lore anon and welcome back! ❤️
Sorry I took a minute to answer this, it has been a crazy busy couple of days! I'm going to put my whole response under a read more because I have lots of thoughts on this topic!!!
We all took for granted how insane and amazing TS2 lore was. God, I pour one out for her everyday RIP.
Anyway, let's get into this! ↓
Strangetown is my favorite world in TS2 as well! No one is surprised by this I'm sure. I actually ended up tying it (and some of its townies 👀...) into my Strangerville story because I just couldn't help myself. But I'll be honest - the family tree stuff with Lola/Chloe/Jenny/Pollination Tech 9 has always made my brain melt a little. I'm a visual person so I had to reference their family tree as a guide for our conversation. I'll provide the one that I used below!
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Lore-wise, you have to start this conversation by talking about alien pollination and normal sim reproduction. You just can't avoid it. For me, I've always seen them as completely separate entities... otherwise Jenny is married to a man who, for lack of a better term, knowingly banged and impregnated her father lmfao. But not only that - if they were the same, that would imply that aliens are abducting people and engaging in sexual relations with them (with willingness or unwillingness not playing a factor; sim abductions can happen to sims who want or fear them) and this is kind of reductive and uncharacteristic of what we know about their species (plus the implications are icky imo). Therefore, I never thought that Pollination Tech 9 would view Lola and Chloe as his children, even though they technically are, in the way that Poli Tech wouldn't view Tycho as his child either (nor would Pascal regard Poli Tech as the father either).
If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think sims are necessarily aware which alien pollinated them in game (even though each sim neighborhood in TS2 has only one Pollination Technician, therefore making all the half-alien babies in that neighborhood half-siblings by default within the limited span of the game). I also don't know that male sims in TS2, from what I remember, are aware they've been pollinated because they're always surprised to find they're "pregnant," meaning there likely wasn't any a-typical intercourse happening that they could connect to the pregnancy (even if, let's be honest, Pascal might have been down for that). I think of pollination as an act similar to cloning, (the wiki says through "advanced technology") or as the name implies it could also just be a consequence of coming into proximity with their species (their name being a reference to reproduction methods of flora by pollination, for example). But realistically... it's a fictional simulation game, and in the case of TS2 it was super campy and a knowingly-leaning-into-the-outrageous kind of simulation game (which I loved and miss). So who knows!
All that to say that I agree; regardless of how the baby process works for aliens, it is still an absolutely crazy family tree lmao. But on the bright side... that at least implies that Pollination Tech 9 wasn't into his wife's father, nor might he be aware that Chloe and Lola are his children. 😅 But I'll stop here because if I think about it for too long, I think my brain might explode lmao. Still, I'm inclined toward the belief that the messiness adds to the flavor! 😂 The Sims team today could never write such a juicy bit of lore. My ass ate their dynamic up.
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Holy shit!!! This fact is equal parts incredible and terrifying. Thank you for bringing this my attention. I can't believe I did not know this before this moment. What a (horrifying) little legend.
Oh I loved (and still love) Nervous Subject and Pascal together. Just thinking about that ship makes me giggle because it was one of my first exposures to "shipping" and "fandoms" as a preteen. I always put them together and had them raise little Tycho to fulfill Nervous' family aspiration. (I should note that I was also an avid JRO enthusiast. Johnny has two hands, why should he have to pick between Ophelia and Ripp?) Another interesting layer to the Ophelia/Olive/Nervous family is that Ophelia would be unaware of her direct relation to Nervous (1st cousins)! I loved playing around with this; Olive was a very secretive person who had a dark side for sure, so I'm sure Ophelia would have a lot of questions following her aunt's death (the first being why her aunt's inheritance is going to some rando named Nervous lmao). Plus, who says Ophelia didn't know her aunt was taking people out? She might not have known why, but she had to know all those deaths around Olive couldn't have been coincidental. That's messed up on its own lmao. I like to think that once Nervous and Ophelia meet, they become close and he even helps care for her in a weird-older-brother type way. I just know they would trauma bond lmao.
I didn't care for Loki or Circe (I never played with their household), so I don't have super strong opinions on them. That being said, I love reading people's theories on their connection to the Curious brothers. I think the ongoing feud with the brother's and their connection to Nervous is the most interesting part of their story, but my ideal ending for them would have been being exiled from the town and their careers in general for their shady practices. Pascal seemed like the science antithesis to Loki and Circe who seemed to believe that it was okay for scientific truths to come at the cost of the wellbeing of others. Also, I think Circe is too hot and too evil for Loki AND Vidcund. That's woman commits many crimes, but her taste in men is up there as one of the worst things about her lmao.
Lastly, LAZLO. He's so silly goofy and so chill in comparison to his brothers, and he's definitely the black-sheep of the family. I love how in comparison to Vidcund and Pascal, his personal life is pretty typical and mild. He's just vibing as a third party witness to the chaos. He didn't sign up for any of the drama, yet you know he's a ride-or-die. In my mind, he's also the cool uncle. He'd catch Johnny smoking and be like, "Gotta share little man." He's the best. Little Fun fact - when I watched season 4 of Stranger Things, I couldn't unsee Lazlo Curious every time Argyle opened his mouth.
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If you don't see it, that's okay. I can't unsee it though! He's high af, he's precious, he's always has snacks, he will take down the government or transport a dead body for the homies. He should be protected. I totally, 100% agree that Nova is his child!
WHEW sorry for blabbing! Strangetown was a doozy and you're right that the Bella Goth situation adds a whole other intricacy (which I'll definitely be talking about in her specific deep dive post).
So glad to have you back! 🤗
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marzmud · 1 year
So long, Tea Leaf
I know I already changed my blog name awhile ago, but I think it's finally time I retire my Tea Leaf name for sims things 😭
It was my last connection to my old TS2 days, so I've been really reluctant, but at this point I'm marzmud on almost every site I use (Tea Leaf is always taken, rip). I just don't want it to be confusing when my files don't match my handles at all. I'll probably start labeling my cc with marz or marzmud now, although I might use TeaLeaf one last time to complete the P&S eye set.
Anyways, there's not really much of a point to this post, I'm just sad to say goodbye to my old name. If only younger me had chosen something more unique, but alas. 🥲
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smellytownie · 3 years
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nadine patton.
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landgraabbed · 3 years
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spookierswamp · 5 years
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socialbunny · 5 years
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Songs What I Like Meme Thing.
Oh, dear. I was tagged by @lilidebergerac for this, so blame them. :)
You're supposed to "List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and tag 10 people to do the same!" So, have a list of some of my favorite songs, in no particular order. I tried to make it a cross-section of different genres that I like, but because I am An Old and haven't listened to current music in at least a decade, most of them are also old, mostly from the 70s and 80s. And one is 200 years old. :)
Getaway - Earth, Wind & Fire I was going to pick "Fantasy," which is better-known, but I just love the brass and the funk of Getaway, so there it is. Really, anything by Earth Wind & Fire is stellar. You can't go wrong. I even like their 80s techno-funk stuff that a lot of their fans don't like.
Alejandro - Lady Gaga A rather tongue-in-cheek choice because my husband's middle name is Alejandro (and it's what his mother calls him because she likes that name better), so I sing parts of this song to him to annoy him when he needs annoying. "The Edge of Glory" is my actual favorite song of Gaga's, but I'm putting "Alejandro" on the list. So there.
You Take My Breath Away - Queen Ah, Freddie. *sheds a tear* Still, '39 almost went on this list instead. Who doesn't love a song about time dilation written by a Ph.D astrophysicist who also happens to be a rock star who looks like Isaac Newton? :D
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot I love me a good ballad. This one makes me cry, and not just because it's about a tragic shipwreck that happened in the 1970s. (No, "ballad" does not mean "love song." It means "song that tells a story," and this one certainly does, very effectively.)
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper This song is amazing. Not because it's spectacularly good or anything, but because it was a mainstream hit song. In the early 80s. And it's about female masturbation. It's not even subtle. The link is to a video with lyrics, so you can see for yourself. Yet "I Want Your Sex" got all the fuss about being so "sexual," years later. Go figure.
Unforgetful You - Jars of Clay A relic from my Christian era. (Yes, I put a Christian song right after a song about masturbation, which was not at all intentional. ;) ) Even though I'm not Christian anymore, I still like Jars of Clay a lot. They're good songwriters, and this is my favorite song of theirs. Or one of them, at least.
In My World - The Moody Blues I love anything by the Moodies, really, but this is the song my husband and I danced to when we finally got around to throwing a "reception" to celebrate getting married about a year after we actually got married. So, it goes on the list.
Heartbeat - Madonna I like pretty much any song by Madonna. She's probably my second favorite act, behind Queen. This song just makes me dance more than her others. Don't ask me why.
Tonight - George Michael This is actually a cover of an Elton John song, but, with deepest apologies to Sir Elton, George's delivery of it is far superior. IMO, anyway. It's also one of my favorite songs to play.
And my absolute favorite piece of music, ever and always:
Piano Concerto #5 in Eb Major, "The Emperor" - Ludwig van Beethoven This piece was quite literally one of the ones that was my bread and butter, during my (ultimately brief) live performance career. Over on my TS2 simblr, I uploaded me playing its 3rd movement rondo, ripped from an old out-of-print CD of mine of all five of Beethoven's piano concertos played on period instruments. Here's a link to that post, if anyone wants to have a listen.
So there we are! I'm not going to tag anyone because I haven't been paying attention to who's already done this, but if this is something you'd like to do, consider yourself tagged. :)
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kaylynn-langerak · 3 years
Simblr Community Challenge
I was tagged by @arielovessims , @limejellysims , @oliveandgrimshouse , @janika31 , and @penig ! Thank all of you so much for tagging me! Apologies for the absolute wall of text, I'm a rambler.
Simblr community challenge by Amelettes!
How long have you been playing the Sims?
Since 2000 or 2001, (so like 2/3 of my life) sometime after Livin’ Large came out, but before House Party. I was 10 or 11, and me and my mom went to K-Mart (RIP), where I discovered Livin’ Large. She also thought the game looked fun, so she bought it for me. I was so excited to play and spent the whole ride home looking at the box, only to not be able to play it because we didn’t realize that it was an expansion pack and that meant we had to have the base game. I’m certain I cried. But within a week or so she got me the base game, and I was instantly addicted. My mom used to let me skip school on new expansion release dates, and had to drive an hour to the nearest GameStop to get them. She did the same thing for TS2, which I started playing the day it came out.
How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one?
I think I started this blog in July 2017. After my ex burned my house down in September 2016, I discovered that one of the few things to survive the fire were my TS2 discs. But after I let my pc dry out for a while and got it running again it turned out my disc drive no longer worked, so I started looking for an “alternative” source for the game and discovered that Ultimate Collection was a free thing I could get. I’d already been following some simblrs on my personal tumblr for a while (I was lurking on you guys!), and decided to make one of my own to post screenshots from my game, but rather than make a side blog I made a new email and account so my dash would be nothing but sims!
What type of Simblr are you?
A sporadic one? At first I just posted random gameplay stuff, I’ve dabbled in stories, and I make cc. I’d love to get back into writing stories, and share cc more often like I used to, but my mental health is, well let’s just call it “not good”, so I struggle to even do things I enjoy. I still have a desire to do things, and I do write down a lot of ideas, but it’s just hard for me to actually do the thing. I’ve pretty much been in a state of “be back soon - struggling right now!” for like 2.5 years and it sucks. I feel bad.
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
TS2! TS1 might have been my first love, but TS2 is my true love. I do wish I could play TS1, but my pc hates it. I really need to just sit down and fight it until I can make it work. TS3 has also been growing on me the past year or so. It does have some really awesome features, but is also just a general mess in other ways? That’s another one that I need to just sit down and take the time to figure out what mods to get, how they work, where to get the fixed worlds and content, etc.. Something I never liked about it was how the actual sims themselves look? Like potato-y but also uncanny? Or is that just me? But I’ve seen really beautiful TS3 sims that don’t look like that at all, so again, if I could just put the time and effort into making pretty faces and fixing the glitches/annoyances I think I could get a lot more into TS3. TS4 doesn’t really interest me? My grandma got me the base game years ago, and it lives on the shelf with all my other sims games but I never installed it, not that my sad old pc could handle it anyway. My boyfriend got Xbox Game Pass recently, and they have it on there so maybe I’ll mess around with it on console? I do like looking at other people’s TS4 though, and I love 4t2 conversions.
Rules - Tag some people, and let the community bonding commence!
I tag @asimplevampire , @withlovefromsimtown , @thatmultifandomteen , @sixamese-simblr , @frauhupfner , @furbyq , @silverspringsimmer , and anyone else who wants to do it, just say I tagged you! Feel free to not do it if you don’t want to, or already have!
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equinoxts2 · 3 years
Kulo Seeri’s New Standard
I’ve talked before about my thoughts regarding Kulo Seeri, my own autistic worldview, and neurodiversity in general. How the first iteration of KS, before it was Kulo Seeri and way before simblr, had most sims following their own quirky passions rather than any set of “cohesive” social norms; how the TS2 community is the first place I’ve ever felt a sense of being around somewhat like-minded people, and since I discovered it in 2014, I’ve been trying to not be the outcast weird kid here too.
Well, I’m done with that. (With trying to fit in with all the other simmers, that is. Not with TS2 or Kulo Seeri.) I’ve just been brainstorming ways I could turn things around and make things in the Seeriverse make sense to me rather than any neurotypical followers I have. My mum says this could actually become Kulo Seeri’s biggest strength, and I’m finally in a place where I can make it happen. It’ll mean a bit of retconning, but nothing I haven’t done before... and my rambly plans are, as always, under the cut.
Right. Most sims in the Seeriverse, right up to the gods themselves, are autistic. Exceptions include sims with the Social Butterfly trait and/or 10 outgoing points - they’re the ones who always need to be surrounded by people and talking about nothing, after all. Since that’s hardly “typical” on Juvash, I coined the term “flockmind” for these neurotypical-equivalents. (No offence, neurotypicals... well, not much, anyway. You are a little bit wacky with your ability to step outside your comfort zones on a regular basis and not have panic attacks. How do you even do that?)
For most sims, though, hobbies and interests are going to play a much greater role. The division of “who does what” in Kulo Seeri will rely more on individual skillsets and passions than status, gender, lineage or any other tradition. I’ve ditched the mod that zaps hobby idles, because it’s lovely to see sims showing intense enthusiasm, and will max most sims’ interests in their favourite hobbies via mods/SimPE. Matches will be arranged based on shared interests and meeting of minds, which solves my perennial problem of who to match together, and sims going through the rites of adulthood get a choice of which trial to face - after which they will get to pick a new name for themselves, one that works for the person they’ve become, just like I did in 2014.
I’m also considering ditching the class traits. There will still be a headwoman and clan matriarchs to settle disputes and cast deciding votes, but families, clans and the tribe as a whole will prefer to make decisions by consensus rather than a strict hierarchy. The other thing I’ve done is move married sims back in with their own clans - moving is stressful enough if you’re not autistic, and leaving the safe space you’re used to, even if you’re only moving to the tents next to yours, is even more stresful if you do happen to be on the spectrum.
Finally, I’m going to have more variety in facepaints, accessories and hairstyles, so my sims can display their individual styles even if they are all wearing variations on the same outfit. (Seriously, show me more fur and leather outfits that don’t look like they were ripped out of a cartoon or someone’s icky fetish thing, and I will jump through the roof.)
And... ramble over for now. Good night!
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I’ve Moved!
At the end of 2019, I decided one of my simblr goals for 2020 would be to have my simblr be my primary blog instead of a secondary one. It makes sense. TS2 is my true love, and The Sims series as a whole has been a consistent hyperfixation of mine throughout the majority of my life. I’ll likely be playing this game until the day I can’t possibly play it anymore comes - be it through Windows finally swallowing our game whole or my own demise - so it’s only fitting I have a dedicated space that reflects that, right? 
Old and New Plans Under the Cut.
Unfortunately, I don’t think Pleasantspot will be following me here. I mentioned having problems with crashing with the Beech family, initially believing it was the house that was causing the problem. Things were fine for a day after I moved them, but the crashing came back with a vengeance and persisted upon testing with other families, leading me to believe it was actually a sim who was causing the problem and not the lot. Reports from HoodChecker aren’t promising, and tbh, I don’t have the energy right now to be hunting down a solution to the problem, so yeah. RIP Pleasantspot. :(
As for Westscape, idk when it’ll be coming back. I realized midway through the second summer round that I wanted to do more with the characters than the BaCC format I had going would allow, and was starting to toy with the idea of rebooting the ‘hood as its own story, but... I got sidetracked. Classic ADHDer, I know lmao. Still, those sims are very near and dear to my heart, so I’m not declaring them dead yet. They’re just on hold. 
I’ve got some ideas for a new challenge I’d like to do - something silly and hopefully easy on my aging computer, but first I need to tackle my Downloads folder and get it under control. In the meantime, though, I’m thinking of participating in some of the Simstober prompts. Probably not every single one of them, but I’ll make some things here and there to share. That sort of thing. c:
Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now. Thanks for reading this, and I hope to see you all soon! <3
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simtrospective · 4 years
congratulations on your follower mile stone! I only recently started following your blog but I love that you share your thought process behind your sims and your posts. I really enjoy reading them! can I hear more about your inspiration to do a historical-vintage blog? what are your favorite time periods to recreate with the sims and why?
Thank you so much @wirefiish!
First, a little tangent: I started playing this series 20 years ago. There have been some gap years since then: my computer couldn’t handle TS3 when it came out so I only notched a few hours of total play time before sticking with TS2; I’d heard bad things about TS4 and myself wasn’t wowed by the base game so I put it aside for a long while. I’ve never had a simblr before this year (I started one in March, almost immediately deleted it, and then resurrected this account in May after someone on reddit asked me for a download + CC list of a sim I’d shared there; I needed somewhere to put all that info and so…). I never had any account for simming no matter which platform was popular: no Livejournal account, nor a Dreamwidth account, nor a GoS account, nor an MTS account, on and on and on. I only ever lurked the community though I felt like I knew everyone in it! But this year, I wanted to keep track of other simmers on tumblr who I liked, and I needed a quarantine distraction from work + panic, and so here I am. Operating this account has been an exercise, too, in managing myself and self-esteem: not letting myself fall into some of my kneejerk behaviors like trying to please others, apologizing (for nothing; for “me”), putting myself down, comparing myself to other people who I imagine are all perfect and talented and objectively better. My inclination, when I write wordy posts or give “too much information” about my sims is to delete and keep it simple, and that certainly gets me more notes, but… this is who I am. Not that it’s that deep! But it’s good to have perspective and behave accordingly: it’s just a blog with pictures of sims. It’s just a game. I felt like writing, it’s my little blog, who cares? I’m not doing it for notes or likes or whatever. What do I have to apologize for? What do I have to fix?
All this to say thank you that you are enjoying reading about my process. I enjoy writing about my process, whether mundane or not. I enjoy treating this blog like a blog when I feel called to do so.
Now, to your questions!
Can I hear more about your inspiration to do a historical-vintage blog? 
If you’d like to read more about my save and my plans for it, I have a link to that featured in my navigation menu. It is HERE for any and all who are interested and includes references and pictures I’m hoping to use as inspiration for world-building and character creation.
Basically, why I’m doing this is very simple: I like old stuff. I like vintage stuff. I like retro stuff. I love old photographs, old furniture, old music, old clothes, old movies. I love references and inspirations and art. I hate the internet. I hate my sims taking out their phones every two seconds and stuntin’ for the ‘gram and whatever else. I am forced to use too much internet and social media at work but in real life I have this blog and a neglected Pinterest account and a neglected reddit account and that is it and that has always been it, with the tumblr and reddit accounts only begun this calendar year. I’m not a luddite; I mindlessly scroll more than I should and I have favorite Vines (RIP) just like the other girls and how else can I stuff my game with CC if not over WiFi, but really, there’s so much of the *NOW* in TS4 that takes me out of and away from what I love about this series because it’s so invasive. This is where I could go on another tangent about how--through what EA, et al purports is endless gameplay possibilities--TS4 actually gives us less choice when it comes to overall gameplay but that is not the question I’m answering.
Beyond wanting to return my sims to a simpler time in terms of technology and their personal interactions, I’m totally doing it for the aesthetic. If I had my way, if I could choose the world’s aesthetic, the world’s advances in terms of, again, the technology in our pockets, it would span between 1920 and, like, 1995 and how exciting that I actually can build a little world that does just that. I can dress my little dolls exactly how I want and make some of them use the washboard! I can’t curate planet earth but I can make damn sure that all the teenage girls in Brindleton Bay wear circle skirts to the diner.
Also, related to doing whatever I want, I get to have the things I love, the world and gameplay I love but apply more progressive values to it. Yes, all the teenage girls in Brindleton Bay wear circle skirts to the diner but the teenage girl who prefers to wear a mechanic’s jumpsuit isn’t going to be looked at askance or be isolated or teased or made to conform or beat up or, best case scenario, need to shoulder the burden of trailblazer or need to shoulder the burden of being The Girl Who Wears A Mechanic’s Jumpsuit even if everyone thinks it’s cool, she’s just… herself. And yes, the world looks like 1955 but it isn’t 1955, or, it’s a parallel 1955. This girl wears a jumpsuit but her girlfriend wears a circle skirt and none of my sims bat an eye.
I also love, love, love looking at other simmers’ historical stories and gameplay. They’re consistently so clever with both CC and in-game content that it’s impossible not to be inspired, and that got my wheels turning.
And, lastly, I’m a CC addict. Limiting my aesthetic and applying rules to my save goes a long way to cull my collection and to keep me from going on a tear that might make my computer explode. It’s much easier for me to delete a bunch of dresses that aren’t appropriate for the parameters of my game than to delete a bunch of dresses because I “should,” because I have “too much stuff.”
What are your favorite time periods to recreate with the sims and why?
I’m partial to the 1950s because it is the easiest. It seems that so many creators make a lot of content that--even if it’s only described as “vintage”--is from the 50s. I mentioned circle skirts above. How many times have I done a broad search for vintage or retro and got circle skirts back? The 1950s isn’t my favorite time period, though; again, it’s just so easy to recreate. Lately I’ve enjoyed making a range of 70s sims and hope I can find a home for them all. I like, too, trying to fit content that I don’t usually use or which I think I don’t like into my version of a particular decade’s or era’s look because it often changes my opinion of the content (especially non-CC) so that I see it with new eyes/better appreciate it, and this practice helps me to hone my abilities and increase my comfort and familiarity with whatever time period I’m working with.
In real life, although I had a long art deco phase, my absolute favorite design aesthetic is mid-century modern. I’ve always loved it, and that love intensified and deepened a few years ago when I started writing my novel--not to sound like a jerk, but it’s true!--which is set in the mid-to-late 1960s. I started doing research and putting together inspiration boards which included, in part, house plans and interior design and for my tastes, I’m sorry, mcm just cannot be beat. I cannot get enough! TS4’s art style is so complementary to the mcm aesthetic that it’s impossible not to fall in love with how it looks in the game, whether it’s CC or not, so that’s my favorite in-game decorative period.
When it comes to clothing and fashion, I have a little bit that I like from every era, really, but if we’re speaking generally and I’m being forced to choose, I (think I) like best male/masculine looks and styling from the 1950s to about… 1963? 1965?, although I prefer a slimmer cut to the suits and pants; and feminine/female looks and styling from the 1930s and 1970s. I perceive a similar combined sensuality, ease, and sportiness in the 30s and 70s silhouettes as well as the prevailing attitudes and approach to fashion that speaks to me. I just love it--but I need more of it for my sims, so I can’t say it’s necessarily my favorite to try and recreate. Yet, anyway.
Thank you again for this question and thank you to all who read this entire answer!
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cmescapade · 4 years
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Founders CAS Challenge
I was tagged by @hushthots​ a while back, thank you for the tag 💕
I’ll tag @forgotten-pixels @lysiablr @shojahe + whoever hasn’t done it yet and would like to 🤗 
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in-game, or you can share old screenshots!
...Ok ngl I literally end up with “glasses-wearing-single-father” every time and there’s nothing i can do about it, the amount of single dads with terrible eyesight in my game is almost equivalent to how many pixels make up the whole ass game 
It’s a curse that has stemmed from TS2 and i am self aware, no one needs to tell me this i already know my addiction 😔😔😔
I have a bunch of other glasses-wearing-single-father founders in past games but i’ll blab on TS4 only
Details under the cut 🍝
“Lyle Hurd” / Peter Kozlowski (Legacy Founder / ”White Lies and Half Truths”)
Goofball / Bookworm / Neat
The founder of my main TS4 legacy
I stole kids
not a spoiler if you read WL, it’s just Danna in there but... 👀
Single Dad !!
I made him in like late 2014 when the game came out (oof) so he was Base Game Boye™ but here is a pic ripped from my story where he is somewhat flattering
to this day idk wth i was on when i made him in CAS, his body is the worst thing imaginable, literally only a handful of shirts actually look ok on him and everything else makes his dorito bod look like a kite 🤮
he also has GIANT FEET bc i was really amused u can adjust feet on game release lmfao 🔫
thats right, every other shoe becomes clown shoes due to his fig beets 🤡
He stayed a virgin throughout his whole ass life span
Not intentionally lmfaoo
Sorry I was more $$$ driven, got stolen children to raise ok
Also my townies kept dying due to the shite culling limit of 180 so any chance of him getting laid was gone the moment they left the lot
He was uncomfortable 99.9% of the time because no one EVER picked up their dirty plates 
smh hate u townies
by the time he died he was uncomfortable about 3x for every time he was ever happy
a 3:1 ratio, he was a very uncomfortable man
Reached 10 in Writing & Videogaming only
He stayed in front of that computer more than me and only talked to his kids
other skills he had past 5 was Guitar (8), Piano (9), and Fitness (6), everything else was basically negative 
he wrote a total of 3 books
I had the strange book glitch where it kept multiplying by itself so i was basically a millionaire with 0 effort lmfao
Deon McAlister (”Heir To Ruins” Challenge, Super Sim)
Snob / Creative / Kleptomaniac
I finished the challenge with him a long ass time ago, meant to write the story but :) ...
Post-Story stuff he ended up skilling up pretty easily and always swapped jobs anyway so it became a Super Sim challenge right after I finished the first one lmfao
I’ve been slacking on this man, everything post Vampires isn’t completed because lazy teehee (woops)
I used him in a pose pack!
Deon in that pose pack was when he didn’t have a receding hairline tho, just a sneaky giant forehead conveniently hid by luscious locks that no longer exist
the man was stressed every waking day, tense x9999
That’s what happens when you live in a giant mansion filled with dead ppl ig
He became a single dad 
wow who woulda thought
an alien decided to probe him 😉😉😉 while I was cleaning that house 
His best friend is a teenager I killed in an attic, very fond memories
I wanted a ghost when they finally added them 👻
Love u, Ronen
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dramallamadingdang · 5 years
Miscellaneous Business
1) OK, for my little opinion poll regarding furnishing/decorating lots in Mustang Valley, it seems like Option 1 is the clear winner so far. So that’s what I’m going to go with unless someone gives me a really compelling reason to pick one of the others...
2) Replying to @jennamaxon: Everything you said is pretty much me, too. If I ever download a residential lot, I tend to rip out any furnishing/decorating because I like to do things in my own style with the CC that I have (without adding a ton more), etc. I know that not everyone’s that way, of course, but you can never please everyone, and I'm not going to tie myself in knots trying.
I do tend to build "realistically" for residential lots, in that I use floor plans that have good traffic flow with room sizes that are in realistic proportions, and that have a sane number of bathrooms according to the number of bedrooms, etc. I also build realistically-sized bathrooms (No bathrooms the size of garages, aside from the occasional decadent master bath), keep plumbed areas together (either next to each other or on top of each other, which usually just makes logical sense anyway but also IRL reduces building costs) and also make sure there's at least a half-bath on each floor in multi-floor houses. All of that is realistic (in houses built since the mid-20th century, anyway!), which in general is what I greatly prefer. I also very much dislike playing huge residential houses, though I'm OK with large lots if it's a farm situation; I just don't want a house that takes up an entire 4x4 lot or something. But, I know some people like larger houses/lots and an unrealistic number of bathrooms, and cavernous rooms, etc. because they find them easier to play for various reasons. But again, you can’t please everyone, and that's never what I'm going to build because I build first and foremost for me and my own playing. So, such people would be advised to never download anything I build. *laugh*
3) Has anyone ever seen a neighborhood deco cellphone tower for TS2? Around where I live in SW Colorado, there are always various towers and whatnot on top of the high hills around town. I put down a couple of the Maxis radio towers, and IMO they’re out of scale with everything else (and too bright red/white, but I can fix that, at least), but I��ll use ‘em if I have to, maybe. Something a bit smaller that looks more like a cell tower and that doesn’t sit on a concrete platform would be nice, though...
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samkat10423 · 5 years
Okay! Part 2!
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After I finished those other 3 lots, I decided to tackle this lot that Manu built. (It’s right next door to Scrooge’s house that I’ve yet to finish). She named it, Scrooge’s Consignment Shop, but I changed that to Scrooge’s 2nd Hand Store – mostly because the illiterates who live in this part of town, don’t know what the frack “consignment” means. 
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Since the shop was already divided into 2 spaces, I decided to make the larger space into his resell-it shop, 
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and the smaller into a small liquor store. He owns both, so once patrons get done getting ripped off in his consignment store, they can head next door and buy a bottle of over-priced booze. The upper floors are empty, because EA f*ed up and didn’t give us a proper Open for Business EP like in TS2. And I’m not in the mood to use all those mods in this town. Too lazy.
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This last picture is of Manu’s laundry lot – which I haven’t touched. But norn was wondering about the bridge here, so I told her I’d snap a picture. Because despite what some people say, I can occasionally be semi-nice. For a few seconds anyway. 
And that’s all I managed to get done today, because I’m coming down with a frammin cold and feel like crap. But that’s my problem - not yours.
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