#anyway thanks for the prompt hun!
grapecaseschoices · 1 month
Those word prompts are so good!! If you're taking prompts for the May challenge (no pressure!!): cantankerous or audacity
You feel as if you are being warmed from the inside out. Your chest is expanding to the point where it feels like your heart is trying to break apart your ribs, and your throat feels so tight that it almost hurts to swallow. You feel faint. The AC is on blast, and you feel so heated as if you're about to faint. There is no way that the effect of it - there is no way that your stomach is churning and your heart is hammering - isn't showing up on your face. 
From where he was seated, so close to you, he could see everything. If only he wasn't, as he claimed, 'blinder than a bat born in an abyss.' 
His cantankerous tone momentarily dragged you back to your senses, "I thought you said you knew how to put in contacts."
You manage not to flinch. But you can't quite contain the hitch in your breath at the feeling of the way his words tickle against your lips. 
Yes, momentarily. 
He was ... too close! Offering to help him replace his contacts had been a bad idea. Why had you thought this was a good idea? This was a terrible idea!
"Ms. Carita?" 
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themillsdaughter · 1 month
a privilege I deprive myself of
Synopsis: you would rather chew glass than see Melissa yearn for something and not have it delivered to her. the thing, however, is that your life is a shitshow, and what was meant to be an act of kindness upends any effort you've made throughout the years to keep your feelings hidden.
or slightly insecure! Melissa and traumatized! reader in a Valentine's Day au inspired by this prompt.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: Talks of body image.
Also, my first time dabbling in this fandom and character, so... Hope you like it!
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This isn’t ideal.
Valentine's Day has never been your favorite. Truthfully, you think it’s only yet another excuse for Capitalism to suck some extra cash out of millions of pockets.
You’ve thought this your entire life, regardless of being in a relationship or not. The thing, however, is that you live in a capitalist society and escaping the emotional reliance on the holiday is damn near impossible. So, throughout the years, you’ve come to terms with at least doing something for partners on the day.
Well, that is, until you’d walked in your apartment one day and found your girlfriend straddling a woman you’d never seen before.
This year, you’re single, so the whole thing had just slipped into the background, a red and pink festival more than anything else, really.
“You’re not doing anything?” Janine had asked a few days before in the teachers' lounge, brow furrowed, pity shining in her eyes. Dear God. “You know, Galentine’s Day is really popular now.”
“Honey, I barely want to celebrate the day when I have someone. Why would I make a fuss now that I have an out?” You’d gone back to grading, trying your damnest not to roll your eyes.
“Well, Tariq used to be like that, too. Even though we were together. Sometimes he would forget and go on trips, and those times were pretty lonely… You know, with all the hearts and chocolate and candles and couples around. Not that that’s the case this year, you know. I’m with Maurice, and he’s super attentive.” Her uncomfortable fidgeting had made her chair squeak. As sweet as she is, she should really learn how to stop projecting. “Anyways, I just worry about you. I don’t want you to feel lonely.”
“I don’t.”
“She doesn’t.” Melissa had said, at the same time as you. Looking up from the papers, you’d shared a grin with her. “She has enough wondering thoughts to keep her company.”
Finally, you’d given into your urge and rolled your eyes.
So this really isn’t ideal.
“I think this one is too tight, though.” The voice coming from your phone said. You turned the heat from the stove down, placed a half-lid over the pan, and picked up the device from the counter. On the screen, you saw something that made you pull out a stool from your island and thank God that the woman on the other side of the line was too busy looking at herself in the mirror, brows furiously furrowed, to notice.
Melissa had her hair up in a messy bun, her old pair of glasses hanging in the middle of her nose, and a dark red dress on that stole the breath from your lungs.
The material was soft, with satin-like finish, puffy long sleeves, a square neckline that showed her cleavage to perfection and a skirt that hit her a few inches above her knees.
Nervously, her hands tried to smooth over the creases formed on the dress by her belly.
“Maybe I could wear some spanks” she sighed. “It’s too tight, right?” She turned back to where the phone was, asking you directly.
For a few seconds, you struggled to think of something other than ‘uh’ to say. Melissa is stunning and, in those moments, you wished you’d been braver back when you’d had the chance. Maybe, she’d be asking Barbara this, getting ready as a surprise for you, not for somebody else. 
In a breath, you swallowed that feeling, locking it away with all the ones of its kind, somewhere deep, deep in your soul.
“Hun? It’s too tight, isn’t it? Who the fuck do I think I am trying on something like this.” She’d taken your silence as disapproval, and if she only knew you’d only want to see that off of her if you’d taken it out yourself…
“Shut up, will you?” You finally said. “It’s gorgeous, it looks awesome on you.”
“It’s the nicest one of the bunch.”
“I don’t know if I have spanks short enough for it, though. And I need something to get this under control.” She pushed her belly in again, and it enraged you.
“Anyone who doesn’t find that hot is not someone you should listen to.” You said, holding back the rant that always appeared on the tip of your tongue when she said shit like this.
Honestly, the struggle of straight men to like women is mind-boggling.
“You might just be too gay for this.” Melissa snorted, going into her drawer in search of the spanks.
“Well, fuck you very much.”
She barked out a laugh, and you let go of your phone to stir the food you were cooking, glad for a break from the glory of the woman you did not love like that.
Which is yet another reason why this isn’t ideal.
You don’t really care for Valentine's Day, but on the morning of the 14th, Melissa had seemed off. You tried touching on the subject while you two got coffee, as weak as Abbott’s brew always was, however, Gary walked in in all of his mustached glory and her attention immediately shifted to him.
He’s her boyfriend, it’s Valentine's Day, it was only logical.
She gave him hint after hint, pushed her shoulders a bit back, highlighting her breasts just slightly, cocked her hips some while leaning against the sink, licked her lips more than usual, everything to get an ounce of attention back. The absolute idiot fussed over the vending machine, mumbled a few words to her, eyes not even moving in her direction, before leaving with a “see ya later” tossed behind him.
The look that had taken over her face then had made your heart sink.
“He’s been like this all week.” She said during lunch break in your car. “Barbara thinks he might be planning something, says he’s not cheating, but I don’t know… I tried fooling myself with getting the perfect outfit, getting my hair and my nails done, but he hasn’t mentioned any plans, and he’s been so fucking distant, he doesn’t even seem like himself. And I really can’t handle another Joe situation.” Taking the last bite of the Shepard’s pie you’d brought her, she leaned her head against the rest.
To nearly everybody else here, she shows her angry, reactive, gray side. It’s easier for her, something that still makes her an outcast, but firmly protects her inner-self. But some magical, all-powerful, incredible being out there had made it so you were the one she chose to show her other side to, the one that is not always confident, not in her worth or her looks or her ability as a teacher.
The one that loves so intensely it scares her, and the one that has so many scars she spends half her time trying to heal them, or, at the very least, stop them from bleeding all over the place and being visible to the outside world.
“What do you think?” She said, bringing you back to the inside of your 2010s Honda. “You’ve always been better at these things.”
“Do I think he’s cheating on you?”
She nodded.
“Well, first of all, if he is, he is an absolute deepshit who doesn’t know how to count his blessing for you even giving him the time of day.”
You looked into her eyes while you said it, and she turned her head after, staring at the Tupperware in her hands. You thought you saw a blush creeping up on her cheeks.
“But I don’t think he is. Hey, maybe he’s just seen Valentine’s Day for what it is!” You nudged her arm with the back of your hand. “Maybe you’re the one who has to get on board.”
She relented a smile then, but it didn’t last.
“Mel, I think you’ll just have to ride this one out. Wait until the end of the day, so then you can actually have a conversation with him. If he really forgot or if there’s really something wrong, you’ll find out, but, honestly, me? I think he might just have some goofy-ass surprise planned.”
Melissa nodded while keeping her gaze out the window.
There’s a beat, then another, and you thought perhaps you’d convinced her, and she was only taking some time to absorb it.
“You know, you may not feel lonely with this kind of stuff, but…” She paused, voice tired, heart bearing all those tender scars, “I think I’m more like Janine than I’d thought.”
So, hm, this isn’t ideal.
You’d be damned if you let a man who didn’t realize the one in a million he had found ruin Melissa’s day.
Even if Valentine’s Day was traumatic for you, even if it was silly and forced and the world would be better off without it, Melissa was Melissa, and she deserved everything she wanted out of life. You’d thought Gary would see it, but if he didn’t, it’s up to you, even with all your emotional limitations.
So you wrote a little card. Nothing much, just made out of a fancier piece of purple paper you’d had lying around the classroom, with a heart-sticker you’d found at the bottom of your purse decorating the front page. Inside, the note wasn’t all that special, just enough for her to know she would never be alone. That you loved her. That she’d always have you, even if one day she didn’t have anyone else. That she’s your favorite, and if she wanted to, you’d take her out for dinner yourself.
As a friend, of course. Truly.
The fact she made your chest inflate and your pressure drop and a flock of butterflies run a full marathon in your stomach were not things that were included.
After sending the students home, saying goodbye to everyone else (Gregory and his Legos, Janine and her designer bag she knew nothing about, Ava and her many flings and Jacob and his slam poetry), you’d walked to the lounge, where you’d seen Barb and Mel walking towards only a few minutes earlier.
On the way there, you’d seen a bouquet of gerberas discarded on the hallway floor. You’d wondered if a poor kid had gotten broken up with on that day of all days, or if the bouquet held any card of its own. You’d picked it up, deciding to bring it to the compost pile later.
You hadn’t realized how it looked until it had been too late.
“Hey, Mel, I have something for…” You’d started, rounding the corner to enter the room.
“I love you too.” She’d said, looking into Gary’s eyes. In a split second, you’d registered there was something off about her voice, something lacking.
And now here you are, in this less than ideal situation.
All three look at you, standing in the doorway with a card and flowers, calling after another person’s girlfriend. Shit.
“What do you have for her?” Gary’s hand tightens on her waist just so.
So, yeah. Not fucking ideal.
“Hey, look at that. I uh…actually forgot the… ah… The book I was lending you.” You mumble. Spinning on your heels, you walk as fast as humanly possible without breaking into a sprint.
Stupid-ass, invented, asinine holiday.
You’re more than half-way through a bottle of Merlot when your doorbell rings.
“Fucking finally!” You shout, jumping from your couch, your belly clenching painfully. Opening up your front door, though, your shoulders drop. “You’re not Postmates.”
“No, I am not. You know what else I also am not? Enjoying this beautiful night with my husband.” Barbara floods you with words, walking past you into the living room.
“Why is that, exactly?” And maybe you’re starting to get drunk, because she seems furious with you, and you can’t remember the last time that ever happened.
“Because I cannot possibly enjoy what was supposed to be a romantic moment with Gerald when I get a desperate phone call from my best friend’s partner asking me if I know where she is.”
It’s too many words too fast, so you sit back down and blink hard, trying to focus.
“What are you talking about?”
“Gary called me. He doesn’t know where Melissa is.”
Melissa. Suddenly, the reason you’d started drinking comes back to you. Shit. Shit shit shit.
“Have you seen her?” Barbara seems to take pity on you, be it for your drunkenness or the way your face scrunches up at the name.
“Not since this afternoon, no. What happened?”
“Gary says she went after you, came back in a different mood. Then they got into an argument in the middle of dinner, because she didn’t seem to be enjoying it, which is strange considering she spent the day worrying he wouldn’t do anything special, as we both know.” She sits down on the futon in front of you. “He says she broke up with him right then and there, and left.”
“I don’t understand it either. What did you say to her in the hallway?”
“Nothing, I didn’t talk to her in the hallway, or at all.”
Barbara looks away, shaking her head with an incredulous smile on her lips.
“You two are… God forgive me, but infuriating.” She turns back, sighing. “Did she text you? I’ve called and called, but she hasn’t picked up. She’s not at her house, either.”
“I don’t know.” You pull your phone from the middle of the cushions. “It’s been on focus mode the whole night, I only got notifications for my food.”
“Can you try her? Maybe she’ll pick up if it’s you.”
“You’re starting to freak me out.”
“Yes, well, at least we’ll be on the same page.”
The line rings three times before going to voicemail. Then, there’s someone pressing your doorbell again. Your stomach aches.
Again, not Postmates.
“You’re an asshole!” It’s the first thing out of Melissa’s mouth. As the second person today pushes her way into your home, Barbara jumps up from her seat.
“You’re alive, you’re whole?” She turns Melissa over, taking advantage of the woman’s confusion at seeing her here. “Are you stupidly drunk?”
“Uh… No. Why…”
“Are you going to make any decisions that might land you in jail?”
“Thank you, Jesus!” Barbara shouts, letting go of the redhead, lifting her hands in praise, and walking to the door. “Please, resolve your issues and let me have my steak in peace. I’ll call your boy-“ She looks Melissa over. “I’ll call Gary, let him know you’re okay. Goodbye. Also, you’re both on probation until further notice.”
She closes the door behind her with a bang, and the two of you are left alone, staring at each other.
Her make-up is smudged, as if she’d been crying, and that beautiful, beautiful red dress shines under the light. The vision worries you at the same time it sets the butterflies off.
Once more, with feeling: this is not ideal.
It feels like forever goes by, just like this, with neither of you moving or speaking or looking away.
Until she unclenches her fist, and you see your card, the one you’d lost on your rush to leave.
“You couldn’t have picked a better moment?” Melissa asks, placing the piece of paper on your entrance table. Her anger, so explosive moments ago, is low and dangerous now, simmering with the hurt in her eyes.
“Listen, I know how it looked-“
“Any other moment.” She keeps going, incapable of stopping now that she’s started. “Maybe one of the endless times when we sat on that fucking couch watching those boring movies you like. Or… Or maybe one of the nights when we spent hours pouring over project ideas or education strategies. Or really any other time before I made the decision to move on.”
Her heart is there, right in front of you, in the tears that drown the gorgeous green of her irises. Somehow, you feel like this is the cataclysm of thoughts and words and feelings you had both held back for years. 
“What?” You mumble for the second time tonight.
“I found every excuse in the book to avoid this, to avoid looking for someone else. And some of it was true, really. Joe did a number on me, which you know – which is why that just hurt worse.” She points to the card, bent in half and slightly crumbled. “But most of it was crap, and I knew it was crap, but I convinced myself it wasn’t because you weren’t ready, but you are amazing, and maybe it was better to wait just a little longer to see if you ever got your shit together, if you ever got over what that ex of yours did. But you never, ever did.”
“Melissa, the flowers…”
“Yeah, gerberas, my favorites, I know. That was a nice touch. You probably knew he wouldn’t remember that detail.”
“No, Mel, I didn’t buy them.” You step forward, past the table, close enough to reach out and touch her arm, if you were brave enough. You never are.
“What, are you gonna tell me you grew them too?” She snorts, humorlessly. “You know, the worst part is that you encouraged me. You told me to go after him, to let him woo me. Even this morning! You told me to wait for him, just to pull this crap.”
She raises her hand, wipes her eyes, and Christ, what the hell have you done?
She breathes in, and it would be wondrous if it weren’t terrifying, how she puts her heart away, takes the part reserved just for you to see and hides it from view.
“I’ve been in love with you for longer than I know, and this whole time you’ve been leading me on, never really letting me go, no, but still pushing me away.”
In love you with you. In love you with you.
I’ve been in love with you for longer than I know.
It reverberates inside your brain as if an echo in a museum. In love with you.
The person who lights up your days without a fail, the woman who’s made every single potential partner pale in comparison, a staple in your life so important that the mere thought of risking something that could make you lose her had forced you to bury all warm and fuzzy feelings. That woman. This woman. Melissa. Your Melissa. In love with you.
You feel your past is too broken to believe her, but still the thought of her being this hurt is unacceptable.
“Mel, I didn’t write the card to steal you away.”
You risk it now, because you feel her slipping through your fingers, and not seeing her heart when she looks into your eyes makes you feel the loneliest you ever have. You risk reaching over, placing one hand on each of her upper arms. The fabric there is so soft it surprises you.
She flinches, but allows it.
“Just to keep me from giving up, right?”
“You know me better than that.” You try, throat tight. You damn sure hope she does. “I wrote it because you seemed really hurt, and just in case Gary messed up, I wanted you to know you at least had me. You’ll always have me.”
She shakes her head, eyes welling up again.
“What a great pal you are.” Melissa whispers.
“I found the fucking flowers on the floor, I was gonna take them to the trash.” You lose your patience for a split second, because maybe you were tactless, but this is a bit too far, even for such a stubborn woman.
She raises a brow.
“I’m not trying to cover my ass.”
“’You’re the person I think about the most’” She quotes the card. “Did you mean that?”
“Of course.” You say without a thought.
“As a friend?” She challenges.
No. Yes. Maybe. It’s on the tip of your tongue.
If you risk this next step, will you lose her eventually? Like you have every other woman you have loved like this? Will you lose yet another person, yet another soul you feel you can rest beside?
You let your hands travel down slightly.
“Mostly.” She breaks eye contact, frowning. “I cherish our friendship so much, Melissa. But part of me wanted to say more. To say things that weren’t purely platonic. I didn’t mean to steer you around.” You sigh. This is… a lot. “I want to see you happy, Mel. More than anything in the world, you deserve that. And I just felt like allowing myself to feel all those things for you would jeopardize that. You’re an explosive, hot-headed, weird, outlaw Italian with a great mind and a huge, huge heart, and you’re definitely too good for me.”
She shakes her head again, but looking at those amazing, gorgeous, breathtaking green orbs, you find a glimpse of that other side of hers, even if the tears are still there, hiding underneath the surface.
“Today, I only wanted to make sure you would be okay. And I’m sorry about the misunderstanding. I truly didn’t want to ruin that moment for you.” Finally, you reach her hands, and she holds yours back. You fit. “And I have only ever encouraged you to go out there because I really believe you deserve to have the fullest life you can possibly have, and that’s probably with someone… less damaged. Someone good and kind. Someone like Gary.”
Melissa mumbles to herself in Italian.
Forse sarebbe più facile.
“But I don’t love Gary.” She says simply, in English, relaxing into your touch, sending your blood pressure through the roof.
I’ve been in love with you for longer than I know.
“I know.” You say.
You had seen it in her eyes when she’d returned his declaration earlier, the emptiness, the masking, the guilt for lying. She wanted to love him so badly.
She’d looked at you back then and, for a split second, before the confusion and embarrassment that had followed, she’d seemed relieved, as if saying there’s the one who sees me. And something more.
Now, the something more is clearer.
“I know you’re scared.” She whispers again. “And you always, always try to protect me from these things. Never when I get myself mixed up with family business or get into fights…”
“Well, I trust your right hook for that.” You can’t help yourself. She snorts very, very softly, and maybe there’s hope yet.
“But you always try to keep me safe from this, even from you.” Melissa lets go of one your hands, placing a palm against your cheek. Oh, so that’s what it means to have a heart attack. “But I have never, ever, been afraid of your baggage, you jackass.” The spark of defiance that flashes through her expression pulls a smile from you.
If someone had asked you yesterday if this happening was something you thought possible, you’d have laugh them out of the room.
“I just wish you’d given me that god-damn card before I’d wasted this dress on somebody else and had broken a man’s heart for nothing.”
“Poor Gary,” you whisper.
“Yeah… Poor Gary.”
So, perhaps it’s not ideal, with the tears and heartache and being on Barb’s bad side, but she leans up on her tip toes, squeezing your hand, palm migrating down to hold your neck, and despite not being ideal, it does feel oddly right.
“I don’t give a fuck if you hate Valentine’s Day and you think this is corny. You better kiss me before I lose my nerve, or I swear to…”
For the first time in your adult life, you forgo your mind, trying something with risks that may far outweigh the good. With a tug, you pull her in, leaning down, breath catching in your throat when your lips connect, and you find you don’t give two shits about the risks.
Of course, your doorbell rings not five seconds later. Fucking Postmates.
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shangsclaws · 8 months
Hello! May I ask for letters F and G for Bihan and Raiden. From the alphabet prompt.
— Thank you Hun ♡.
already did F for bihan right here!
also, unintentional raiden angst incoming… oops
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G - Green: What are they like when they're jealous?
On his own, Bi Han is already no fun and games, a stick in the mud within reason (Lin Kuei reason, that is). Now, though? Bi Han’s jealousy seemingly rears its head at anyone but the one he’s jealous over, and with little explanation to those he lashes out at. It's not as if his subordinates can get an explanation anyway, given how quick he is to shoot down their concerns over his callous behaviour. The grandmaster knows damn well why he's irritated though, it's simply that he doesn't realize he's terrible at keeping his jealousy to himself.
The only behaviour he has to show for his jealousy is the frigid silence that washes over him whenever you are in the vicinity. It’s even worse when catching you and the person he thinks is vying for your attention in the same room -- his jaw clenches, fists curling at his sides, and he leaves the room seemingly in a rush.
"Bi Han," you eye the grandmaster carefully, noting the unusually absent look in his eyes, "is something the matter?" He does not immediately respond, looking at you once with those cold eyes, before turning his back to you. "I am completely fine,” he huffs, “thank you."
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F - Flirting: How do they flirt?
Raiden's flirting feels more like harmless compliments than romantic banter. He's terribly afraid his tame attempts at flattery will come off as Johnny Cage kind of direct, and if there's one thing he was taught as a child, it's to practice modesty. It frustrates him to no end, then, when he notices the contents of his 'advances' get him little to nowhere.
Raiden's interest is instead betrayed by the sheer quantity of his compliments, not the quality. He'll find every excuse to lightly praise you for something, so much so that anyone can tell you're the only thing on his mind. Kung Lao, the cheeky bastard he is, will tease and say he'll compliment you for breathing in his direction next.
G - Green: What are they like when they're jealous?
Raiden's jealousy shows in the form of heightened competition. He'll ask anyone he can to spar, train to an almost alarming degree with Liu Kang and the rest of Earthrealm's champions -- anything to be better than he already is. Even his humble habits he'll forget to practice, asking, at times, if you saw him 'best one of the monks the other day'. It's not particularly alarming, but for a man as unassuming as himself, it's definitely a sight to see.
Raiden knows that this comes from a place of anxiety. His eyes always dart to your face whenever he pulls a clever trick, needing to be sure you’re witness to his prowess. He’s worried about his Outworld competition, and most of all his humble roots — he believes that in the end, without his amulet, he is only as good as a lowly farmer.
“Do you think they saw it?” Asked the thunder champion eagerly, still huffing for air after pulling a rather impressive move with his amulet. Kung Lao chuckled at his friend, shaking his head. “You just tore up the sky, Raiden. We all saw that.”
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
HMM,,, if i dare request an either chessy or melissa fic.. with... like them having a breast/lactation kink and when doing the deed- like praising reader and making them suck her tits ETC do whatever u feel is necessary with this if u even want to write it.... :) /// also inexperienced reader and/ or mommy kink....
Dare accepted! I also did a little surprise and did both of them! I don’t see Chessy as having a mommy kink though so I didn’t do that for her. So it’s quite long since I wrote about both and tried to make it as cute as possible. So good luck! Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: you might have noticed that I added 2 other characters to my masterlist, adult Misty from yellowjackets and Moiraine Sedai from wheel of time. Send prompts for any character on my masterlist! I do it all, angst (with reluctance), fluff, smut, age gap.
Her Good Girl
Warnings: ok there’s a small list. Breast kink, mommy kink, praise kink, so much fluff, semi public smut, smut
Words: 6.9k (I have no regrets)
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“When are you gonna ask her out?” Barb says to Melissa one morning.
“Ask who out?” Melissa says, even though she knows exactly who Barb is talking about.
“She means y/n.” Janine pipes up and Melissa and Barb turn to the trio.
“Ya, I mean you guys are so flirty I’m surprised you aren’t already together.” Jacob says.
“It’s really obvious.” Gregory adds and Melissa turns back around and face Barb.
“What they said.” Barb says.
“I just, I’m not ready.” Melissa says. “Where is she anyway? She’s usually here by now.” Melissa adds as she sees the time.
20 minutes later they all get up to go greet their students and Melissa sees you’re still not here. They walk to their classrooms and then Melissa sees you coming in the front door in a hurry and your hair is wet.
“If you’re not gonna ask her out then at least put the heart eyes away.” Barb teases her as Melissa looks at you longingly and with soft eyes.
You end up catching up to them as you all make your way to your classrooms. “Hey you two.” You tell them.
“Hey hun.” Melissa says right away.
“Morning sweetheart.” Barb says after looking at Melissa with a smile and shake of her head.
“Running late this morning?” Melissa asks you.
“Ya, I forgot to set my alarm clock and woke up 40 minutes ago. Took the world’s fastest shower and didn’t have time to blow dry it.” You tell her. You then both say bye to Barb as you reach her class then you both continue on to yours.
“Well I think you still look good, wet hair or dry.” She tells you with a smile.
“Thanks.” You tell her. Unknown to you is where Melissa's mind is wandering right now seeing your hair wet. Things the two of you could do in the shower. Then Melissa takes a deep breath and tries to think of other things to calm herself as she feels herself getting wet between the legs and it’s not even 8am yet.
“Did you have a coffee?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“I’m gonna get a headache from the caffeine withdrawal until lunch.” You say with a pout.
“Well here, I still have half left. Take the rest of mine.” She tells you and hands you her mug.
“Oh no, that’s your coffee, you should have it. I’ll just power through until lunch.”
“Hun, I’m offering it to you. Just take it, I had enough for the morning.” She tells you.
“Are you sure?” You ask and she nods with a smile. “Alright, if you insist.” You say and you take her mug and take a sip. You hum at the taste of the caffeine and you smile.
“Do you want to go out with me?” She asks as you reach your classroom. You choke on the coffee and begin coughing. She pats and rubs your back until you stop.
“What?” You ask her, you didn’t know if you heard her right.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” She repeats and you smile at her.
“Yes, I’d love to.” You tell her and she beams.
“How does this Saturday sound?” She asks you.
“Sounds perfect.” You tell her and kiss her cheek, she blushes and touches the spot where you kissed her cheek and smiles.
*7 weeks later*
It’s Saturday night and you’re both cuddling on her couch, finishing the movie. The credits roll and you reluctantly pull away from her and stretch and yawn.
“I should probably get going.” You say and stand up.
“Alright hun. Will I see you tomorrow?” She asks you and you nod. She gets off the couch and goes to where you’re gathering your things near the door. You stand back up and you look at her. You lean in and give her a quick peck, then you give another and another. Then you keep your lips on hers and end up making out with her. At some point you end up moaning and she pulls away. “As much as I would love to keep kissing you, your moaning is gonna make me want more.” She tells you.
You told her you were a virgin 3 weeks ago when she asked you if you wanted to have sex and she told you to let her know when you were ready. You felt so lucky to have her, she was so patient and understanding with you. You leaned in and kissed her again and she pulled back after 2 seconds before it could continue. “I’ll see you tomorrow hun.” She tells you. You were about to put your shoes on when you looked at her again, her smiling at you and you realised, you’re ready now.
“Actually, I think I’d like to stay.” You tell her and she quirks an eyebrow at you. “I’d like to stay and keep kissing you.” You tell her and walk towards her and put your hands on her stomach gently. She flinches and looks shocked and then you start moving them up, towards her chest. She stops your hands by grabbing your wrists and looks at you, still holding your wrists.
“Hun, what are you doing?” She asks you and you smile at her.
“I’m ready, and I want you right now.” You tell her and she still looks at you.
“Are you certain? Like 100% certain?” She tells you.
“Yes, I want you to be the one that takes my virginity Mel.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Then come to my bedroom.” She tells you and makes you go first. You walk upstairs and as soon as you make it to the top. She spins you around and kisses you, and then picks you up and places your legs around her waist. She carries you the rest of the way to her bedroom and she gently places you on the bed. She goes to close the door and then makes her way back to you.
You scoot up a little further on the bed and Melissa crawls on top of you and kisses your lips. She grabs the hem of your shirt and then pulls back to look at you and you nod. She takes your shirt off and she looks at you. “God you’re so beautiful.” She tells you and you bring her back to kissing you. She trails down to your neck and kisses your neck then begins sucking on it and you gasp and arch your back. Melissa sneaks her hand under you and unclips your bra. She takes it off with your help and she throws it somewhere on the ground. She switches to the other side of your neck and she cups both of your breasts in her hands and squeezes them. You moan at that and she smirks before trailing down again to your chest and places kisses all over your chest before placing her mouth around a nipple. You grab her hair when she places her mouth on a nipple as the feeling is heavenly.
“Omg Mel. That feels so good!” You tell her and she smirks, you don’t see it but you feel it. After a minute, she switches to the other nipple and you buck your hips. After another minute of her swirling her tongue around on your nipple and sucking it, she pulls away and moves down. She takes your pants off with little effort and she places her fingers on your underwear then looks at you for confirmation again. You nod your head and she slides your underwear off slowly, just enjoying seeing your whole body without anything on it, and she’s the only privileged one to ever see it, and that makes her happy. She rubs her hands up and down your legs and thighs, just feeling your entire body. She lies down to place her mouth on your clit when you speak up. “Wait.” You say and she stops immediately and looks at you. “I want to see you too. I’m completely bare here and you still have all your clothes on.” You tell her and she grins.
“I know, that’s how I like it. But don’t worry, you’ll see my body as well. After I pleasure you first.” She says with a wink and you blush. “Are you ready?” She asks you and you nod. She wastes no more time after that, she dives down to your clit and starts swirling her tongue on it and you moan out at the feeling and you grab her hair again. She then goes lower to your entrance and you gasp. “Oh Amore, you taste so good.” She tells you then sticks her tongue in your entrance and you gasp loudly. She takes her tongue out then immediately sticks it back in again and repeats for a couple minutes. She pulls back and you whine, “have you touched yourself before?” She asks you and you look at her.
“Only with a vibrator.” You tell her and her eyes shine at that.
“So you’ve never fingered yourself?” She asks and you shake your head. “Oh Amore, I feel so privileged.” She tells you and you blush. “I’m going to stick my finger in but if you want me to stop then let me know ok?” She asks and you nod. “It might hurt a bit at first but that’s because you’re not used to it.” She says and you nod again. She starts playing with your clit and you buck your hips and she lined her middle finger up with your entrance and she slowly inserts it. You gasp out when she’s entering and then when it’s in all the way, you moan. It does hurt a bit but she stays there until you nod at her to tell her the pain stopped. She slowly slides it back out then slides it right back in again and you begin to moan again.
“Can you go faster?” You tell her and she smiles and speeds up. You gasp and grab her hair. While she’s still fingering you, she leans down to you and kisses your lips. Her thumb goes to your clit and you gasp in her mouth and she slides her tongue in and you moan. She slows down and slides a second finger in and you arch your back and gasp in the kiss again. You feel you're close to coming and your legs start to shake and Melissa notices.
“Oh baby, are you close?” She asks you and you nod. “Do you want to cum for mommy?” She asks and you don’t even flinch at the nickname she gives herself, in fact it turns you on even more.
“Yes I want to cum for you mommy.” You say and she grins.
“Then cum for me baby.” She tells you and you come immediately. Melissa slows her fingers down and gently pulls them out. You take a minute to catch your breath and Melissa comes back in with a cloth. When did she leave? She gently wipes your centre then looks at you with a smile. “How was that?” She asks you.
“Fucking incredible!” You tell her and she beams. She comes up to you and cuddles you. After about 10 seconds you go and straddle her lap.
“Something you want Amore?” She tells you with a quirked eyebrow.
“I want you.” You tell her.
“You just had me.” She teases you.
“I want to see your body and touch it and make you feel good too.” You tell her.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to, the first time might be a bit overwhelming.” She tells you and strokes your cheek with the same hand she used to finger you. You grab her hand and stick the 2 fingers she used in your mouth and lick them. She looks at you with so much lust in that moment, you think she might fuck you again. You moan around her fingers and she rubs her legs together. You remove her fingers from your mouth and you reach for her shirt and she nods before you take it off. You look at her stomach and chest and you have to wipe some drool off that slipped out and she giggles. You reach in the back and unclip her bra and you practically ripped it off. Once it’s off, you freeze and stare at her breasts. They’re so big and so soft looking, they’re irresistible, they’re perfect. “Go on and touch them if you want. I like it when people touch them and suck on them. It’s a kink of mine.” She tells you and you immediately cup both of them and then attach your mouth around a nipple and she moans. “Yes baby, just like that.” She tells you and you begin sucking on it and she grabs your hair. “Yes that’s it, suck mommy’s tit.” She says and you moan which makes her buck her hips due to the vibration on her nipple.
She practically traps your head there since she’s holding your hair but you don’t care, you feel like you can spend all day just licking and sucking her nipples.
“Baby, can you be a good girl and suck mommy’s other tit?” She asks you and you immediately pull back and attach your mouth on the other one and start sucking. “Good girl.” She says and you moan. She sees that you like getting praised, she thinks you might have a praise kink. You take her pants and underwear off after you pull back and you look at her completely naked and you blush. “Does my baby like what she sees? Do you like mommy’s body?” She asks as she strokes your cheek.
“Yes mommy, I love your body.” You tell her and she smiles.
“How about you stick your cute little fingers in me and put that amazing mouth of yours back on my nipples? How does that sound?” She asks you.
“I like it.” You tell her and you go to stick your fingers in and realise you have no idea where to put them. Melissa notices this and she guides your fingers to her entrance and you stick a finger in and she moans.
“That’s it baby, put another one in, don’t be shy.” She tells you and you stick another one in and you start sliding in and out of her. You think that she feels amazing around your fingers and you don’t want to ever pull out. She then leans down so her boobs are in mouths reach and you wrap your mouth around a nipple and you start sucking. Melissa starts moaning like crazy and it turns you on and you rub your thighs together. Melissa notices the action and looks at you with a smirk. “Oh, does my baby like the noises that mommy makes for her?” She asks you and you nod. “If you like I can fuck you with a strap after.” She tells you and you nod.
You go and suck on the other nipple and Melissa continues moaning and she is now riding your fingers while you continue to slide in and out of her, matching her rhythm. She grabs your hair and she starts shaking and you look up at her face while still sucking on her nipple.
“That’s it baby, I’m so close, rub my clit.” She commands and you obey. You bring your other hand in between her legs and you find her clit and start rubbing it. Seconds after she comes with a high pitched gasp. She takes your fingers out of her and puts them in her mouth and licks them clean. She moans when she’s licking the taste of herself off your fingers while looking at you. She smirks then gets off the bed and heads to her closet.
“Wait! Where are you going?” You ask her and she turns around.
“Don’t worry, just to my closet. I made you a promise didn’t I?” She says and you look confused. Did she? You can’t remember. She then pulls out a strap and puts it on and that’s when you remember. She walks towards you with it on and you wonder how she can look breathtaking no matter what. She climbs on top of you and puts her hands all over your stomach and chest. “So beautiful, and all mine.” She says softly and you moan. “Do you like being mine baby?” She asks you and you’re back to only being able to nod as you can’t find your voice. She wants to get you more wet to not hurt you as you only ever had a finger in you before and that was 10 minutes ago. She grabbed her smallest dildo but she wants to be cautious. She then remembers that you might have a praise kink, so she experiments with that. “Well, you don’t have to worry baby, you are mine, you’re my good girl.” She tells you and you feel all the wetness from your mouth shoot to your core at her praises. She checks your entrance and sure enough, you’re wet enough now. She lines the strap up and looks at you. “This might hurt a bit baby, but if it hurts too much then tell me straight away ok?” She says and you nod.
She then starts to slide in the tip and you feel it start to fill you. She slides more in and you feel yourself stretch to accommodate it. It does start to hurt a bit but not to the point of being painful, especially if it’s also mixed with pleasure. She slides in fully and you gasp.
“You ok baby?” She asks you, voice full of concern. It takes you a few seconds but then you look at her and nod. “Do you still feel a bit of pain?” You nod at that and she stays still, she does move a bit but only to kiss you. You start to relax and then you notice the pain disappeared and only pleasure remains and you start to squirm. Melissa feels you squirm and looks at you. “Am I correct to assume you want me to start moving?” She says and you nod. She smiles at you then starts sliding in and out of you.
You start gasping and moaning as you feel it slide out then immediately fill you back up. You look at her and of course it’s a goddess that’s making you feel this and you pull her head down and kiss her. Melissa is taken by surprise by it but isn’t complaining, she likes that you get a sudden urges to kiss her, it makes her feel wanted. She smiles into the kiss while she’s sliding in and out of you, then moves a hand down to rub your clit. You gasp into the kiss at the intense pleasure you’re feeling. With her lips kissing yours, her boobs squashed on your body, her finger rubbing your clit and the dildo sliding in and out of you at a fast pace. All that together makes you come fast and strong.
She slides out of you and removes the strap. She goes to get a cloth and cleans you up. You yelp at first due to sensitivity but she makes sure to be as careful as possible and then cleans herself up. She lays down next to you and you immediately seek her body out for comfort and she doesn’t hesitate to hold her arms out and bring you close to her, with your head on her chest.
“Do you like that hon?” She asks you once your body has stopped shaking.
“Ya I did.” You tell her with a huge smile. “Did you?”
“Ya, I loved it.” She says and you yawn. “Get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” She tells you.
“You promise?” You ask her.
“I promise.” She says and you get more comfortable and immediately fall asleep, Melissa stroking your head and finally feeling like she’s where she’s meant to be. She falls asleep with a smile on her face.
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You catch Chessy's attention the first time you came over to the house. You knock on the door and Nick runs over to answer it. When you enter with him, Chessy is walking over to go get Hallie and Annie for lunch.
“Hey Chessy, I want you to meet my sister y/n.” He tells her and she gives him a look. She knew he had a younger sister but didn’t know there was such an age gap. You look to be 15 years younger.
“Hi nice to finally meet you.” She says and you look over at Nick then stick your hand out to shake hands with her.
“Hi, nice to meet you too. Nick has talked about all of you and wanted to finally meet his household.” You say. “Nick, I didn’t know you talked about me, I’m honoured.” You tell him and he chuckles.
“Forgive me for asking, but it seems like there’s a noticeable age gap between you too.” Chessy says and you both look at her and smile.
“Ya, 16 years, but we love each other regardless.” Nick says and puts a hand around your shoulders and you giggle.
“Wow, quite a difference. Anyway, lunch is ready, and Nick mentioned you’d be coming over so there’s enough for you to have some as well.” She says and you smile at her.
“Thank you so much!” You tell her and she blushes. She then scurries away quickly to go get the twins. Nick looked at the interaction with interest. He knows that Chessy is interested in both genders and he knows that you’re interested in women, a bit older women too. You mentioned your type to him before and now that he thinks about it, Chessy fits it perfectly. He decides not to say anything as he’s finally getting to reconnect with you in person again after not having seen you for a few years.
A month goes by and since you recently moved to California to get to know Nick’s family more, you lived in an apartment building about half an hour drive away. You mentioned it to Nick when he says you could drop by more instead of a few times a month. You told him that it’s a lot of gas and you got an apartment to pay for and not a great paying job. He then offered to let you move into the house, rent free and after a little insisting and Chessy telling you that it’s a great idea, you accept.
A couple months go by and you and Chessy spend a lot of time together. The twins notice it and also notices the looks you give each other and of course one of them brings it up and embarrasses both of you.
“Are you guys dating?” Hallie asks you both and Chessy’s cheeks turn red and you choke on your juice as you were taking a sip and start coughing. Chessy immediately goes and gives you a few pats and rubs your back to help with the coughs.
“Hal, why would you think we’re dating?” She asks her and the twins look at each other.
“You mean you’re not?” Annie asks and you and Chessy both shake your heads.
“But you spend a lot of time together, you keep giving each other looks that our parents give each other and you’re constantly being touchy.” Hallie explains and you both look at the twins then you look at each other.
“Ok get out of here you trouble makers.” Chessy says and shoos them away. She then turns back to you when they leave. “Hey I’m sorry abo-hm.” she starts but is cut off by your lips on hers.
And that was the start of many kisses and a relationship.
3 months pass and it’s the summertime and Chessy planned a date with you after Nick gave her time off for it, not knowing you and Chessy are dating.
Chessy brings you horseback riding, you take one horse though and she brings you a good distance away from the house. It’s about a 15-20 minute ride. She then gets off and helps you get down and then ties the horse to a tree then sets up a blanket on the ground.
“Did you take me on a picnic date?” You ask her and wrap your arms around her waist and kiss her shoulder blade.
“Ya, is that ok?” She asks, concerned you might not like it.
“Yes, I love it.” You tell her and she turns around in your arms. You both are the same height so she easily kisses your lips and wraps her arms around your neck.
“You know what I love?” She tells you and you look at her curious, you haven’t said the L word yet, but you know you both love each other.
“What?” You ask.
“You” she says and you smile.
“Well I love you too.” You tell her and she smiles and kisses you again.
You both have a great picnic date as she made both your favourite finger foods and you dive into great conversation.
At one point you feed her a piece of fruit and the juice runs down to your arm a bit and she goes and licks it up right away. You let out a small moan and you jump at her and crash your lips together.
“Woah.” Chessy says and it takes her by surprise, so while she still is able to put her hands on your hips, she still falls back on her back, with you on top of her.
When you pull back, you both stare at each other and Chessy smiles up at you. “Hi beautiful.” She tells you and you blush.
“Hi, sorry about that.” You say at bit embarrassed.
“Hey, don’t be sorry. I liked the surprise.” She tells you and moves some of your hair behind you that’s blocking your face. You look at her and you see the care she has for you and it overwhelms you and warms your heart. You knew she cares about you and you always blushed when she did things for you as you weren’t used to it from a partner.
Chessy knew your past relationships weren’t the best and didn’t last long as you told her about them. When you told her then she wanted to show you how a partner should treat you, with respect and love. She let you set the pace as she doesn’t want to push or pressure you, you told her that you came close to having sex once with a partner but then backed out as it didn’t feel right.
You kiss her again and neither of you pull back. Chessy knows she should pull back now as she’s getting turned on with your body on her like this and you’re making out with her. She doesn’t pull back and accidentally lets a moan slip out and her cheeks go red as you pull back.
“Do you want to have sex?” You ask her confused and Chessy is wondering how you don’t know how you effect her.
“Yes, I have for about 2 months.” She tells you. “But I’m letting you decide when you’re ready and I don’t want to pressure you.” She tells you honestly and you look at her with such love.
You cup her cheek and she leans into your touch. “How did I get so lucky with you?” You say and she hums.
“I feel like I’m the lucky one.” She says. You suddenly look around and you see there’s no one around and then you take your dress off. Chessy looks at you and cheeks go red as a tomato. “What are you doing?” She asks and you smile. You know she won’t do anything unless you tell her you’re ready but you decide to tease her first.
“What you don’t like what you see?” You ask her and you drop your smile, to play the act.
“What? Of course I do, but hon, I don’t think you realise the effect you have on me.” She says and she accidentally moves her hips a bit and rubs her thighs together.
“Well what if I told you I want you to touch me?” You tell her with a lower voice and lean down and scoot down a little bit and push her shirt up enough to see skin. You then lean down more and trail kisses up her stomach.
“Hon, I-”
“I want you to touch me, all. over.” You punctuate at the end and you slide your hands under her shirt and they land on her bra before she grabs your wrists and pulls them out of her shirt. You could tell she’s almost at a breaking point and you push a little further. You lean down and suck on her neck and she gasps. She lets go of your wrists and pulls your head back.
“Hon, please I-” she then freezes when you unclip your bra and take it off.
“Do you wanna touch them?” You ask her and she lets out a whine. “Go on then, I want you Chessy.” And at that she snaps. She flips you both over so she’s on top and she dives right to a nipple and starts sucking. You gasp and moan as she puts that experienced mouth on you and finds out quickly what you like. You take the blue sweater off of her and Chessy takes her top off quickly. She then goes to your neck and leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest. “You know my brother will find out as soon as we get back home” you tell her and she smirks.
“He’ll be happy to know you’re being taken cared of.” She says and rubs her hands up your body, starting at your hips. You grab her head and pull her down to kiss you and you unclip her bra and throw it somewhere. You then undo the button on her pants and pull them down. They don’t go far as you both refuse to break the kiss and you move your legs to try and pull them down. It was rather unsuccessful but it did give her a great opportunity since her legs are now right in between yours. She breaks away from the kiss with a laugh at your attempt and kicks them off. “I know you teased me to see how far you could go before I break and believe me, you’ll pay for it next time, but for now, since this is your first time, I want you to enjoy this.” She tells you and in retrospect you probably should have listened but you couldn’t with her boobs right in your face.
You sit up and immediately put a nipple in your mouth while cupping it with your hand and your other hand around her waist to help keep yourself up. You hum as you suck on it and can’t believe how many times you imagined them and how they would feel and taste, and now you know.
“Do you like them honey? Do you like sucking on them?” She asks when she heard you hum. You nod as your mouth is occupied at the moment and she grabs your head. “Suck on them all you want, baby. Your mouth feels so good on them.” She says and when you give a rather hard suck on them, her mouth hangs open, lost in the pleasure. You spend a good few minutes just enjoying her breasts, licking and sucking on them and enjoying the noises she’s making.
While Chessy is used to her breasts getting attention, she’s not used to this much, and she’s loving it. The men she’s dated as only ever paid like 30 seconds on them and when right to her pussy, the women usually about a minute before right to her pussy. And while she knows you’re both soaking wet right now, she can’t help but feel how good it is to have this much attention on them, it’s a kink she never knew she had.
“Oh my good girl, you’re just in love with sucking on them aren’t you?” She says when you pull away.
“Yes, I just love how big they are. I feel like I can suck on the whole thing.” You tell her and she stops you before you do. She’ll let you next time but for now, she wants this to move along. If you’re anywhere she is right now then you’re soaking wet in between your legs.
“Woah there, baby. You can next time but right now, I’ve been wondering how you taste.” She says and you smile.
“Can I sit on your face?” You suddenly ask as she takes your underwear off.
“What?” She asks. Your question caught her off guard, she knows she’ll accept, she wants to taste you and doesn’t matter to her who’s on their back.
“I heard about face sitting and was curious and want to try it.” You ask and she smiles.
“Of course.” She says to you and you get up while she gets on her back. You go up to her face and you align your entrance with her mouth and then lower yourself on her. The first lick she does and you both moan. She thinks you taste amazing and you think it felt really good and you both want more.
She starts licking all over your entrance and eventually sticks her tongue in and starts sliding in and out of you. You gasp and fall forward but she catches you and keeps you up by holding your waist. You end up bucking your hips and grab and yank her hair by accident as the pleasure is just so good. You feel bad for pulling her hand but she just moans and you think that either she didn’t mind or she liked it. You try again and she moaned again and realised that she likes her hair being pulled. She lifts you up a bit to speak. “You can do whatever you want to me, baby.” She says and then brings you back down on her mouth. Only this time she goes to your clit and you really start bucking your hips. You think that grabbing her hair isn’t enough so you put your hands back and grab her nipples. You squeeze them and she moans which vibrates on your clit and you let out a hitch pitch gasp as it took you by surprise and it felt good. You keep squeezing them as her moaning brings you more pleasure and before you know it, you’re close.
“Oh Chessy, I’m so close.” And she gives you a thumbs up to tell you to let go and cum. You do immediately after and Chessy licks it all up. You then get off of her and collapse next to her.
“Did that take a lot of you, baby?” She asks when she sees you spread out like a starfish and breathing hard, and you just nod. She just scoots up next to you and puts a hand over your chest. You turn to face her and kiss her lips, moaning when you taste yourself on her and that gives you a wave of energy. You take her underwear off and then go back wrapped up in her arms. While Chessy thinks you took them off to be able to feel her body on yours to calm down, you actually took them off to finger her. You bring her leg and put it over yours, then you bring a hand down in between her legs and immediately slide a finger in her entrance. She immediately bucks her hips, gasps and brings a hand to your arm, and mouth wide open. She hasn’t had anything in her in a few years and it feels so good. You add another one and slide them in and out of her slowly at first. “Baby, can you go faster?” She begs and you smile.
“I thought you said I could do whatever I want to you?” You tell her and she whines. Fuck sakes, she did say that.
“Didn’t think you’d make me regret saying it.” She jokes with you between gasps. You take pity on her as she made you feel really good and you want to do that for her. You go much faster and she hangs her mouth open again and gasps like crazy. “Oh god, yes baby, that feels so good.” She says and you risk it and add a third finger in her and she falls back on her back, overcome with pleasure. You put your other hand on her clit and rub it while you lean down and suck her nipple. She ends up leaning on her forearms with her legs spread wide open for you and she starts shaking. “Oh god, oh god baby, I’m so fucking close.” She says and you go and suck her other nipple. She comes immediately as you start sucking. You pull out of her and put your fingers in your mouth and lick them. She looks at you as you do that and as soon as you moan at the taste of her, she pounces at you and you end up on your back and her on top.
She wastes no time in kissing you and immediately sticks two fingers in you and you moan into the kiss. She curls her fingers in you while fingering you and you see stars and have to shut your eyes. She puts her thumb on your clit and rubs in a circular motion and you do a huge gasp and start shaking.
“Let go baby, it’s ok, I’ve got you.” She tells you and you immediately come. She pulls out of you then licks her fingers. She didn’t bring any cloths so the blanket will have to do, and cleans you both up. She the lays down next to you to help you both calm down with skin to skin.
“Hmm, I really enjoyed that.” You tell her and she giggles.
“Well I’m glad. Cause I really enjoyed it too.” She tells you and you smile. You end up getting dressed, packing everything up and get back on the horse after about 20 minutes of cuddling and you head back.
On the way back you get in a little teasing mood and you slip your hand under her shirt to cup her boob and rub her clit through her pants and underwear.
“What are you doing, baby?” She says and makes no attempt to stop you even though she could.
“Teasing you.” You simply say.
“Baby, if you keep at it then I’ll stop this horse and take you against the nearest tree.” She tells you. And you pull away from her clit but you put both your hands on her boobs after unclipping her bra.
“I just love these.” You say and she hums and leans back a bit, leaning into your touch. You both make it back to the house, Chessy nearly took you against a tree twice, and you end up clipping her bra back on. She brings the horse to the stable, she gets off then she helps you off. Once you land on the ground though, you wrap a leg around her waist and kiss her. She picks you up and brings you up against the stable wall and continues kissing you.
“Oh my god! Not what a brother wants to see!” You hear and you both pull back and see Nick there covering his eyes with a hand. Chessy puts you down and goes to put the horse away properly and give him something to eat.
“Sorry Nick.” You tell him and then laugh.
“Ya, sorry boss.” Chessy says and walks up behind you, wraps her arms around your waist and places her head on your shoulder.
“I had a feeling you two were together but I did not want to find out that way.” He complains and you and Chessy giggle. “Are those hickeys on your necks?” He says then looks to the horse and the fact you were gone for 3 hours. “Oh my god, on second thought don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. But Chessy, she is my little sister, so if you hurt her then I will fire you.” He tells her and points a finger at her.
“Well I guess it’s good that I have no plans to hurt her.” She says and gives your shoulder a kiss.
“And y/n, even though you’re my sister, Chessy has been with us for many years, so hurt her and you’ll have to deal with me.” He tells you and you turn to Chessy.
“Well I guess I’m stuck with you then.” You tell her with a huge smile. She responds to that with a hard kiss to your cheek and tickles your stomach and you giggle. You break out of her embrace and run away from her tickles and she runs after you, both of you laughing. Nick watches you run both away and shakes his head with a smile. “Such dorks.” He says out loud.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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salty-croissants · 6 months
if your still taking requests, can you do a Bullfrog and Rayman/ramon of their S/O is Pregnant? if you can't that's okay
Thank you for the request !
I apologize for taking longer than usual , I found myself in need of a break since I was feeling a bit too uninspired to write :,T
Anyway I’ve never really written anything for a pregnant reader before , so this was a pretty fun challenge :,) 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ( thought I’d go for that given the prompt , hopefully that’s alright ! ) ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Deep down , Bullfrog still can’t believe he is actually going to become a dad …
While he is definitely worried about how he is going to keep you and your future child ( or children :> ) safe , this frog is still really looking forward to start a family with you , and he will remind you of this a lot .
< y/n , my dear , I’m just so grateful to have you by my side , you know ?
I’m so happy about our child , je ne peux pas attendre … >
He is the absolute best at taking care of you , using all the spare time he gets when he isn’t out for missions to be there anytime you need something , no matter how small .
< I’m back mon amour ! 
Here , I brought you some more food in case you get hungry , and I also made some tea while I was at it . > 
< Thank you honey ! This is exactly what I needed , you’re amazing ~ > 
When you’re feeling a bit fatigued , Bullfrog loves to just rest by your side , with the two of you often falling asleep into each other’s arms .
And if you ever try to stay up anyway , well … your partner is very good at persuading you to do otherwise .
< Hmm … I’m not that tired , sweetie … we can still … talk , or maybe do … something else … > 
< Non y/n , you need to get some sleep … you had a long day today , and I don’t want you to stress yourself too much . 
I’m going to be right here with you mon cher , so don’t worry , alright ? > 
< Heh , alright , thanks Bullfrog … 
Oof , give me a second , the little one is starting to feel heavy … > 
Your beloved assassin adores those simple moments of intimate bliss he gets with you , and whenever he occasionally opens his eyes to check on you he can’t help but feel an overwhelming happiness , knowing that you’re the person that he’s going to share a family with …
Despite the uncertainty of your futures , Bullfrog knows that as long as you’re with him , there will always be hope for him somehow .
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Rayman 🧡
Oh boy is he excited ! 
Rayman loves children , so the mere thought that he’s going to have a kid with you fills him with joy …
He never thought that he’d be able to have something like this in his life , given the way people see him despite his popularity , so you better believe that he will be showering you with affection … even more than usual . 
< Oh y/n , sometimes I still can’t believe this is happening , y’know ?
I just … god , I love you so much ~ > 
Unfortunately , I honestly doubt the Directors would show much care about the fact that their star’s partner is going through a pregnancy …
They need Rayman to be on the show , that’s what matters most to them , so as much as he hates the idea of leaving you alone he doesn’t have much of a choice …
< Damn it …
I’m so sorry … if I could stay with you I would , but the Directors … > 
< Hey it’s alright hun , I’m just gonna lay here and rest until you come back , I should be just fine . > 
< Mm … well , maybe I can convince them to let me go home earlier than usual : I don’t want anything to happen to you because I couldn’t be here , y/n … I … I would never forgive myself … > 
< Ray , love … you worry too much . 
Now come here , I didn’t forget about your goodbye kiss ~ > 
< Heh , thank you y/n … mm … ~ 
I’ll be here as soon as I can , I promise . > 
During the immensely frustrating hours where he can’t be with you , Rayman is still going to remain in contact with you by calling you and sending you texts … a lot .
“Hey sweetie ! 
This should be the last interview for today , I can’t wait to see you ! ❤️
How do you feel ? I remember yesterday night you couldn’t sleep much , did you manage to get some rest ? Oh , you should also remember to drink some water if you haven’t already , it really is important , especially now !”
“Hi Ray ! ❤️
I’m okay , don’t worry , I got some sleep and that really helped a lot !
I think our child is happy you’re coming home … I can feel it kicking since I begun writing you this message ! 
We’ll both be waiting for you ❤️❤️”
After Rayman gets home , I hope you’re prepared to be showered with love and affection for the rest of the day :
he just can’t express how much he missed you , from your voice to your beautiful face … you just make him so happy , and knowing that you’re about to start a family together is just everything he could possibly need .
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Ramon 🖤
1 Now that he doesn’t have to care about his job or the orders of the Directors , you better believe that Ramon is never , ever going to leave your side , especially now that you’re pregnant .
He is terrified at the idea of losing his one chance of finding happiness in his otherwise bleak existence … he won’t allow that to happen .
< y/n , where are you going ? > 
< Ah , I’ll be right back Ram , I just wanted to go for a quick walk just outside , my legs are a bit sore and - > 
< I’m coming with you . > 
< You don’t have to do that , love … I know the wounds you got yesterday while fighting those Eden guys still hurt , you should rest . > 
< I don’t … care about that . I need to be there for you . I need to keep you and our child safe .
Please y/n … you’re all I have . > 
< Okay , okay … we’ll go together , hun . I won’t leave you . > 
< Thank you … > 
He finds it especially comforting to gently rest his head on your stomach , listening to the baby’s occasional small movements beneath … 
It’s in little tender moments like these that Ramon can finally put his mind at ease , momentarily forgetting about Eden and the mess you’re in .
< Does this hurt , darling ? > 
< Hmm ? 
Oh no , it doesn’t ! Don’t worry about it …
It actually feels very nice ~ 
Ramon’s mind often gets crowded with unwelcome thoughts about what kind of life will he be able to provide to your kid , given the critical situation you’re currently both in , and as much as he tries to keep those feelings to himself you’re able to understand what’s on his mind . 
< I know you’re worried about our future , I am too … but I just know things will be alright for all three of us . > 
< How do you know that … ? > 
< Oh , that’s easy Ram : 
I have you here with me , and that’s all I need to keep on going !
It’s not going to be easy , but I know we can face what comes next if we stick together , and we’ll be able to make our child grow happily in a good place . > 
< Heh … you always know how to make me feel better , y/n .
I love you so much , you know that … ? > 
< I love you too Ramon … trust me , we are going to be okay . > 
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zaimta · 1 year
Hi. I hope you are doing well. I wanted to request Law with the event prompt "hey, hey, it’s okay. it was just a bad dream. i’m here." please? I am not sure exactly what I want, but whatever it is will be amazing! Thank you!
zai says: funny story that event was a year ago lol, but imma do it anyways bc i got a fire idea for law. i got a request like that one n imma still do it so i got both of y’all. inspired by the prompt i didn’t use it just a lil fyi
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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you seemed to hear that name more and more as your relationship with law progressed. truthfully you knew so little about that man but at the same time so much. you had an image of what he looked like according to law, you knew that he didn’t like bread and you suspect that’s the same reason why law doesn’t like it too but most of all you know the importance of cora or corazon to him.
as time passed you also learned about the scar corazon’s passing left on his heart.
law tossed and turned in his sleep. his nightmares were all too common but each night they seemed to become reality as if he was reliving the moment of his death repeatedly.
“cora…cora!” he quickly sat up in a cold sweat screaming for corazon. he ran a hand through his hair trying to catch his breath.
“dammit” he quietly cursed to himself.
“law?” you sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. he felt terrible for waking you up again, it’s just a dream he’ll get over it.
“i’m fine y/n go back to sleep.”
you sighed “no you’re not. you’re sweating buckets. was it that dream again?”
he sighed as well and only nodded, he hated how you knew him in and out sometimes.
“it was about cora.” he looks down at his palm.
clearly he wasn’t going to elaborate more whatever he saw took a toll on him and you weren’t going to force it out of him.
“how about we play some cards? you know to get your mind off things trust me you’ll be thinkin about something else when you lose”
“that sounds- wait. when ‘i’ lose? don’t you mean you?” he raises a brow at you.
“i said what i said, hun”
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spicybleach · 1 month
Too Sweet: Melissa Schemmenti x Kassandra (me)
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Prompt: Based off the song Too Sweet by Hozier (This song has me in a chokehold and reminds me of Melissa ❤️) Kassandra wasn’t an early bird, I know why become a teacher since they wake up at the ass crack of dawn. She loved working with kids, especially back in the Bronx where she lived in poverty until college. Her being the honorary big sister to all the neighborhood kids, she found her passion.
Translation of a couple words:
My love/darling: habibi حبيبي (Arabic)
My little sunflower: il mio piccolo girasole (Italian)
Warnings: Fluff,Alcohol consumption.
Philly was a mini Bronx to Kassandra and she felt right at home. She was looking forward to her new neighborhood and teaching second grade this year. Kassandra just finished her degree to be a teacher at Abbot Elementary. When picking what school she was going to be at, her fellow classmates warned her about the questionable school and a certain someone Melissa Schemmenti. According to the others, Melissa was mean, a bully even to any new teacher that walked into the place. Nobody lasted there, ever, well except Janine. The young teacher wasn’t phased by that at all. She decided so was going to move to Philly and be the best damn teacher ever.
Weeks before the kiddos were set to be back in the classroom all buzzing with excitement from their summer break, telling their friends, teachers and anyone who would listen to what shenanigans they got into in the summer. There was rumors a foot going around about a new teacher at Abbot. Ava, the principal sent a group text to the group chat she has with her teacher friends. Ava would use the word friend loosely, Janine being her biggest annoyance thus far.
Anyways, Kassandra arrived at the school to start setting up her classroom. With papers falling out of a box, dropping a couple pens and highlighters on the front step. Kassandra groans turning around to pick everything up, ‘ Please let this go smoothly’ she thought to herself. Suddenly this bright eyed, enthusiastic man grabs the door for you.
“ Oops I’m sorry, let me help you.” The man smiled. Kassandra smiles back, “Thank you.” She heads into the door and stopping in her tracks. Woah, she quietly says to herself but the man behind her still hears her.
“ I know. Amazing isn’t it?. OH!” The man exclaims, “I’m Jacob by the way and you?” He reaches his hand out to shake yours.
“Kassandra.” She said with a smile.
“ Oh my god? You’re the new teacher?!.” Jacob says jumping a little.
“Yes that is me, can you tell?” Kassandra said shyly.
“ Yeah but it’s okay the crew and I will help you with anything you need. Come on, let’s go to the break room!” Jacob grabs her arm guiding her to the noisy room where everyone is at.
“ Guys!” Jacob slams through the door.
“ Oh hello Jacob good to see you hun!.” A much older black teacher turns from the table.
“ Everyone this is our new teacher Kassandra.” Jacob excitedly says and she walks from behind him still struggling to carry all this stuff.
“ Hi everyone it’s nice to meet you.” Kassandra said from behind her box.
“ Oh dear, here put your stuff down. Don’t wanna hurt yourself. I’m Mrs Howard but you can call me Barbra.” The older teacher helps her put your things on the table so she won’t drop any more items.
“ Nice to meet you Barb.” Kassandra smiled and let out a sigh of relief from all that weight.
Two more teachers walk in along with principal Ava.
“ Gregory! Janine! Ava! This is our new teacher Kassandra.” Jacob said enthusiastically as they walked into the room.
“ Nice to meet you.” Gregory and Janine said in unison.
Janine loves to talk and well that’s what she did asking you questions about Kassandra’s life, school ect. Everyone sat and listened to her tell a few stories about her upbringing, school life you name it. Finally, Melissa walks in, “Melissa! There you are sweetheart. Come meet our newest teacher yes?.” Barbra stands from the table greeting the fiery redhead with a hug. Kassandra turns around to face Melissa. Melissa gets a wif of her sweet perfume as she swings her hair around. For a split second, Melissa felt like she was in an episode of the twilight zone. Time stood still, My god, she’s beautiful. Barb nudges her friend in the arm knocking her from her thoughts. “ Come on don’t be rude, say hi.” Barb said with a smile gesturing her friend towards Kassandra. The beautiful young black woman stood before her, also being the same height as Melissa herself but Mel being a little taller especially in heels.
“Hi, I’m Kassandra, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard things about you.” She reached her hand out and the red head takes it. Melissa gives her a look, scanning her body fairly quickly to where no one but Barb notices.
“Hi, I’m Melissa. Good things I hope.” Melissa smirks taking a step back after they shook hands. What Melissa doesn’t see is her best friend Barb behind her smiling like she was offered a glass of the finest wine.
“Mmm, I’ll be the judge of that.” Kassandra smirks, licking her bottom lip ever so slightly. That draws Melissa’s attention to her lips, a piercing? She thought to herself, it was one of those labret piercings that goes up and down on her lip, ah a horizontal labret; nice.
“ Alright kid, let me show you to your room, it’s just right across the hall from mine.” Melissa says grabbing a heavy box of Kassandra’s things from the table. Kassandra follows gorgeous red head to her new classroom. Melissa wasn’t as mean as Kassandra thought. Kassandra started her tasks already knowing what she wants to do for her classroom.
Melissa tilted her head to the side a bit, “ Sunflowers?” The lovely red said picking up a sunflower decoration from the box.
Kassandra turns around from what she’s doing and flashes a smile, “Yeah, I love sunflowers. See.” The beautiful young teacher showed Melissa her right hand in her ring finger, a sunflower finger tattoo. Melissa lightly grabs the woman’s hand, “Cute.” Oh my god, I’m touching her hand, again. Schemmenti what has gotten into you, Melissa thought to herself.
“ Well, if you need anything I’ll just be in the room across the hall.” Melissa said still holding the younger woman’s hand.
“ Oh I’ll definitely hold that against you, anytime.” Kassandra blushes, turning her face a little so Mel doesn’t see her face. And with that Melissa left, her perfume overtook Kassandra’s nostrils, hammering the scent in her brain; it was intoxicating but in a good way.
Melissa found her way back to the break room where her best friend Barb is. Barb looks up from what she was doing at the table, “mmm.” was all the woman said. Melissa rolled her eyes taking a seat next to her, “ What Barb?.” The red head folded her arms across her chest.
“Oh nothing.” Barb paused for a second, “ You just looked like you were a deer caught in headlights right about now, wanna talk about it?.” Barb gently placed her hand on top of her friends.
“No, thank you. I’m good.” Melissa said nonchalantly but deep down she DOES want to talk about it because what is happening to her? Is this some type of sick prank being pulled or what?. The red head let out the biggest sigh. Barb hits her arm lightly, “ Oh come on dear I know you wanna talk.” Melissa grunts, “Fine.” She gets up from her seat.
“ You know me Barb right.” Melissa said running her hands through her long red locs.
“ Melissa, sweetheart you are scaring me. I’ve never seen you like this except for well if the eagles lost a game and game season is over so what is this about?. “ Barb said frowning going up to her friend holding her hands in hers.
“ Barb I-I don’t know. It’s her.” Melissa said almost a whisper on the last part. Finally Barb clicked two and two together.
“ Sweetheart, I seen the way you looked at her earlier and I only know that look because I get like that with my Gerald.” Barb said with a smile, Melissa’s expression softens.
“ For a moment, it’s like I wasn’t even here you know? I just couldn’t breathe and- and I get this weird pit in my stomach everytime I looked at her.” Melissa said in a panic, Barb pulled her friend into a hug.
“ Look, you might just have a crush on her like you did with that fireman.” Barb shrugs her shoulders, “ Or- maybe you could be developing feelings yes?.” Melissa looked at her friend, “ What? No?. I don’t have a crush Barb you’re reading too much into just one interaction we had.” Barb sighed, shaking her finger at her. “No Melissa, I know what I saw. I’ve known you for how long? You think I can’t read you?” Barb chuckles a bit, “ This isn’t the hard to get Melissa Schemmenti, I don’t know what it is yet but I know you have the biggest heart of any of the people I’ve ever met. Why not have a conversation with her and see where it goes hmm?.” Melissa gives Barb a glare, one that kills. Maybe Barb is right. She does have a crush and boy does Melissa and Barb know it. Unbeknownst to the duo, Mr Johnson and Ava creep outside the hallway getting front row seats to this budding romance.
“ I got 500 that Melissa and Kassandra get together.” Ava whispers, “Deal.” Mr Johnson said quietly and returning to whatever shenanigans he was up too. Nothing gets past Ava in her school.
1 year later and a short flashback:
Melissa became very fond of the young black woman. They have a few things in common like drinking wine, the love of Italian food (especially Melissa’s Italian food when Mel would bring leftovers to work with her reserved especially for her il mio piccolo girasole. That was Melissa’s nickname for Kass, her little sunflower; she brightens up Mel’s day with her radiant smile, her gorgeous brown eyes Mel takes glances of when Kass isn’t looking. Also her nickname in Mel’s phone. Recently Kass called Mel, Habibi meaning my love/darling in Arabic. It took Mel by surprise but nonetheless she loved the cute pet name. Melissa should thank Janine for inviting Kass out for drinks one night with the crew because it made them closer, everyone knows Mel is too prideful to even do so.
On a Saturday night, Melissa invited the young woman over for some homemade lasagna and a good wine to pair the dish with along with a tiramisu for dessert. Melissa has planned this day for weeks, changing the menu a million times to what she thinks Kassandra would like, down to what outfit she was going to wear. Like Melissa told Kass, this isn’t a date it’s just dinner between two friends. Kassandra arrived in a short black dress that hugged her curves in the right places, paired with a black red bottom heel, her dark locs in messy boho braids, her perfume sweet. A bottle of wine tucked under her arm as she fumbled with her purse to get her phone out letting Melissa know she’s here.
The front door swings open revealing a well dressed Melissa. Her signature leather pants tight, a green tank top, that fucking leather jacket, her hair cascading around her, her makeup is soft. Kassandra smelled a familiar scent that overtook her nose. Melissa flashes her famous smile that’d make anyone melt.
“Hey hon. Is that wine I see? You look great.” Melissa smirks her one arm propping her up against the door frame and the other on her hip.
“ Hey habibi. Yes, it’s something I think we’ll both enjoy. Thank you, you as well as always.” Kassandra smiled back handing her the bottle. Melissa steps aside to let her in, closing the door behind the woman.
“ Ha- what?.” Melissa said trying to pronounce the word in her thick Philly accent. Kassandra laughs at the red head trying to pronounce the word.
“ My love/ darling. You gave me a little nickname or whatever so you needed one. After all I’m your il mio piccolo girasole after all.” Kassandra smiled up at the red head. Melissa liked loved the nickname. Melissa sat the wine bottle on the counter, grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet, pouring two glasses for the both of them. Kassandra took a sip of wine from the glass, a little spilled out of her mouth. Melissa watched the bead of wine drip from her lips, running down her chin and landing on her busty chest. Melissa bit her lip, she knows it’s not the wine since they just opened the bottle.
“ Oops.” Kassandra wiped the bead of wine off her chest. Melissa watching her closely, the way her breast jiggled when she touched them briefly.
“So.” Melissa pauses swirling her finger around the rim of her glass, “ Hungry? I made lasagna and for dessert tiramisu.”
Kassandra’s eyes lit up knowing Melissa knows how much she enjoys her, her food.
“ I could eat.” Kassandra smirks against the glass in her mouth.
Melissa guides her to the dining room where the table is set and the only light in the room is candles. A singular sunflower sits on top of a plate on the table. Melissa takes the glass from Kassandra setting it by the plate with a sunflower.
“ Schemmenti, I thought this wasn’t a date?.” Kassandra said with a raised brow turning to the red head beside her.
“ Hon it’s not. Can’t a friend just give a friend a flower that reminds her of? Come sit I’ll get you a plate of that lasagna. Save room for dessert too.” Melissa gestures to the chair she pulled out for her. Kassandra walks over taking a sit in the chair. Melissa watched as her curves swayed when she walked. Melissa disappeared to the kitchen but not before she stole glances of the beautiful black woman sitting at her table. God she wishes SHE was the dessert for the night. Admiring the sunflower in her hand, Kassandra bring it up to her nose inhaling it’s scent. Melissa reappears with the plates of lasagna.
The conversation flows smoothly between the two women. The Italian music; loud, the laughter; even louder, Melissa’s feelings; electric. “ I’m gonna clean this up real quick and we can get to dessert.” Melissa stands from her chair taking all plates and glasses to the kitchen. Kassandra followed in toe. Melissa places the dishes in the sink.
“ I think I’m ready for dessert. Dinner was delicious.” Kassandra said leaning against the island. Melissa turns from the sink shooting the woman a smile.
“ I’m glad you liked it. Now,.” Melissa smiled, clapping her hands together, “ Let’s get you some of that dessert.” Melissa heads to the fridge bringing out a glass dish of the tiramisu, grabbing two forks as she heads over to the woman at the counter. Melissa hands Kassandra a fork , instantly digging in. “Well?” Melissa said with a raised brow waiting for an answer.
“ Oh my god.” Kassandra said with a mouthful, “ This is incredible habibi.” Melissa smiles taking a bite too. She watched the way the fork hit the young woman’s lips. Her red lipstick sticking to the fork, the way Kassandra’s tongue slide on and around it sent shivers down Mel’s spine. Oh god how pretty she’d look bent over the counter screaming my name, Melissa thought to herself. She’d never take advantage of her friend like that especially since they gone through 3 bottles of wine. “ I’m glad you like it hon.” Just then Melissa noticed a bit of whipped cream on her bottom lip. “ What?” Kassandra caught Mel staring a hole into her. “ Let me get that for you hon.” Melissa points to her lip. Stepping closer to her, their bodies now touching. Melissa takes her thumb wiping away the cream off her lip. Kassandra takes Mel’s hand licking off the whipped cream from her thumb. Melissa rests her hand on her face, it’s warm and soft to the touch. For a moment the world stopped for them both. Looking into each other’s eyes.
“ Thank you Mel.” Kassandra said softly leaning into the older woman’s hand more.
“ You’re welcome.” Melissa rubs her cheek with her thumb. Kassandra blushes hard. It was so quiet in fact, too quiet to where Melissa heard the woman’s heart beating from her touch. Melissa was close enough to kiss her but doesn’t because she respects her too much to do anything with them not being sober.
“ I’m getting sleepy habibi, I think I’m in a food coma.” Kassandra said pulling Melissa closer as if they aren’t close enough, laying her head on the redheads chest listening to her faint heartbeat. Melissa wraps her arms around the young woman. Her hands playing with her boho braids.
“ I’m glad you enjoyed the food il mio piccolo girasole. You aren’t driving home tonight. Come on let’s get you to bed hm?.” Melissa said caressing Kassandra’s face light with her hand, kissing the top of her head. And up the stairs they go, Melissa’s room is just as expected; warm like her hugs, beautiful and bright like her smile. Kassandra takes her dress off, leaving only her matching bra and thong. Melissa looks on, admiring the way her thong just hugs her curves, her bra concealing those soft plumped breasts. Melissa doing the same, going over to her closet looking for a t shirt.
“ Here.” Melissa said, throwing Kassandra a shirt and grabbing another for herself. Melissa turns around already in her shirt, Kassandra is on the other side of the bed struggling to put hers on. Melissa chuckles to herself, “ Hon, let me help you.” She walks over to the tipsy young woman. Her bra still being on, Melissa reaches around her and un clasps it, Kassandra’s breasts falling.
“ Why? I think I got it. Almost.” Kassandra whines still not being able to put the shirt on. Melissa pops her head through the top of the shirt, helping her slip her arms in the holes.
“ There we go. Now you’ve got it. You were struggling hon. You’re welcome. So um, you can sleep here and I’ll just take the couch okay? Goodnight.” Melissa said helping her on the bed. As she was walking away she felt a hand grab her arm.
“ No..” Kassandra choked out, “ Please sleep with me? Please.” Melissa looks at her beautiful brown eyes, damn it those beautiful eyes of hers. “ Yeah, of course.” A smile is painted around the young one’s face. Melissa gets in bed beside her, pulling the covers to let her in. Kassandra gets in, lying on Melissa’s chest with an arm draped over her stomach. Melissa pulls her a bit closer, Kassandra now lying on top of Mel.
“Habibi?” Kassandra spoke softly. That nickname just gets Melissa everytime.
“ Yes, il mio piccolo girasole?” Melissa smiles, caressing her face with one of her hands.
“ I had so much fun tonight, thank you for inviting me over. I love you.” Kassandra kisses Mel’s neck lightly, settling into her as she slowly drifts off to sleep.
“ I love you too.” Melissa kisses her forehead, playing with her hair as they both drift off to sleep.
This was one of many encounters the two unknown lovers had that would lead to their relationship and maybe even a marriage in the future.
HI GUYS! So I decided I’m gonna do this in parts because I’m just too excited about this. FEEDBACK IS MUCH APPRECIATED ❤️❤️❤️ part two is below: ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Congratulations on the 500 followers hun! Can I please get a Ruby with one of the clone trooper assassins who accidentally falls in love with the female reader who was kind to him and flirted with him while he was disguised as a regular clone to scope out 79's for his first mission, (maybe he hasn't officially killed anyone yet, up to you!) but he ends up totally blindsided by her, they end up having a couple of drinks, dancing together, getting hot and heavy, groping, making out on the dancefloor before moving to either a dark corner of the bar or the alley behind the bar where they fuck, it's amazing and he's absolutely as smitten for her as she is for him and basically ends up defecting from the Empire for her and using his assassin skills so they can escape offworld together? I totally understand if this character is too obscure to write for; I've just been re-watching tbb and these gorgeously dangerous guys have got me feeling some kind of way.😩 Thank you either way. 💖
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Worth It
Summary: While at a club with your best friend, you meet a man who changes everything.
Pairing: Clone Assassin x F!Reader
Word Count: 899
Warnings: Smutty, though it's not detailed
Prompt: Ruby - Passionate Love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Okay, so. I've never watched TBB, so my knowledge on the Clone Assassins is non-existent. Anyway, I dealt with the difficulties of this by only referring to him as he, and by writing in the reader's pov. I hope this is close to what you wanted!
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“Why?” You drape yourself across the table as you stare, balefully, at your best friend. “It’s soooo hot. Why are we at a club? With the more hot? And all of the people with all of their breathing, making it hotter?”
Your friend props her hands on your shoulders and you grimace when her skin sticks to yours uncomfortably, “Because. You need to get laid.”
“Stop touching me. I think I’m melting into goo.”
“You’re dramatic.”
“You’re dramatic.” You snip back, sitting back up and grimacing again at the leather of the booth you’re sitting it sticks to your skin as well, “This is awful-”
“I swear to,” She rolls her eyes and then twists, and you can hear the sound of the leather pulling away from her skin, “Um…oh! Go dance with him!”
You tilt your head away from the ceiling to look at her, “Him? Him who?”
“Him!” She gestures to a man standing near the wall, nursing, what looks like, a glass of ice water. “Tall, dark, and broody over there.”
You consider it for about 5 seconds, and then tilt your head back, “Hard pass. I’m going to stay here and melt into a puddle of miserable goo. Thanks though.”
She rolls her eyes loudly, and stands. She tugs you out of the booth and drags you through the throng of people, and then shoves you at the aforementioned man.
He looks slightly startled to have you shoved at him, but not half as startled as you are to be shoved in the first place. “Here, she’s your problem now.”
Now that you’re closer to him, you have to admit that your friend has good taste in potential partners for you. The man is gorgeous. With dark eyes and dark skin and, frankly, incredibly kissable lips. 
“Uh…hi?” You greet sheepishly, one of his hands is settled comfortably at the bare skin of your waist, and while it’s still miserably hot, you find that you don’t mind his touch. 
“Hi.” He replies as he sets his glass down on the table next to him, there’s a small smirk playing on his lips, “So, you’re my problem now?”
You shrug one shoulder, a teasing smile playing on your lips, “Most men like the kind of problems I bring.”
“Is that right?” He hasn’t taken his gaze off your face, “Let’s put that to the test shall we?” He nudges you towards the dance floor, and you know that if you took your gaze off of him for a moment, your friend would be so smug, but you don’t want to look away from him.
He tugs you close, one hand settling low against the small of your back, while his free hand wanders up your side and across your upper back and into your hair, before sliding back down. 
Normally, you hate dancing in clubs. Your dance partners have, in the past, been very bad about letting other men rub up against you. But that doesn’t happen with him, he seems to have a sixth sense about when people are getting too close to you.
It’s nice, having only him touching you.
And it’s either that, or the way that he’s looking at you, or the pleasant buzz from the fruity drink you finished earlier, or maybe the heat of the night-
But you can’t help from raising up on your toes and pressing your lips against his.
He kisses you back like his life depends on it, and his hands burn a path up your sides, across the swell of your breasts, and then back down to tightly grip your ass. His hands are everywhere, and you can’t help but release a needy groan against his lips and grinding against him.
For a moment, just a moment, he falters against you, but before you can ask if something is wrong, he’s ushering you out of the club and into the, slightly less, stuffy heat of the night.
He pins you against the wall just down a darkened alley, his lips never once leaving yours, his tongue sliding against your own. And when his hands slide under your top, calloused fingers caressing and tracing, your head falls back and you release a moan.
“I need you,” He gasps against your throat, “Can I have you? Please?”
You laugh breathlessly and slide your fingers up his neck and into his hair, “I wouldn’t have let you bring me out here otherwise.”
He groans against your throat, and his deft hands start tugging at your shorts, unfastening the button and sliding them just far enough down your legs that he’s able to slide his fingers against your slit. 
Your hands curl into fists in his hair, and you release a shuddering groan, and his fingers pause, his dark gaze locked on your face.
“W-why are you stopping?” You whine, trying to arch against him.
He leans in so that his lips are pressed against your ear, “I’m defecting from the empire.” You freeze, your hands tightening in his hair, “Come with me.”
It’s a plea. Or a bargain. 
And you bury your face in his neck as his fingers start moving again. You have friends here. Family. A good job.
Heh. And that ‘but’ is really the big thing, isn’t it?
He pushes you closer and closer to your orgasm, and your arms tighten around him, “Okay.”
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lfc21 · 1 year
Pretending to listen to gossip without telling him.
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TW: Fluff
Prompt list: Tik Tok
Summary: in which Trent's trait of being a drama and gossip queen gets way out of hand at the news of a work scandal.
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"No way!" You shouted with a wide mouth and your hand grasping the phone beside your ear. You knew how much Trent loved gossip, especially your gossip. His head automatically snapped to your sudden stance in the doorway. "She can't have said that!" You added even louder and in an even higher pitch. You could see how much Trent urged to see who it was, he was almost itching in his seat.
"What's going on?" He asked with a whisper as he grabbed your hand trying to get your attention from the couch. You quickly shushed him before pulling your hand away from his and sitting on the other couch. His mouth hung open as he turned the tv down to try and grasp what the person on the other end of the phone was saying. "Y/n" He whispered as you looked to be listening intently. You focused your eyes on the floor ignoring his rude and pestering action.
"I told you that would happen," You said back with a stern word followed by a laugh at your predictions of the gossip. His chin was resting on the arm of the couch admiring your expressions as he tried to work the whole situation out.
"Y/n who is it?" He asked slightly louder than the time before causing you to look up at your boyfriend. His eyes were like a lost puppy's as his absence of affection and knowledge was stressing him out. You quickly shushed him again with pointed eyes. "Urgh," He whined as he threw his head back on the soft material and rolled his eyes. "I want to know" he explained as he looked back at you with fed-up eyes.
"Hang on hun I will be a second," You said to your friend quickly muting your phone call and snapping your head towards Trent. "Omg, what do you want?" You asked as you sat next to him with quick steps and sudden movements.
"I want to know what the gossip is" He explained with a smile as he looked at you and watched your eyes at his words. He knew he had gotten his way.
"Jenny has cheated on paul from work" You quickly explained with a laugh before covering Trent's mouth with your hand and quickly turning your call back on.
"Hiya sorry love Trent wanted to ask me som-" You started before Trent licked your hand which was covering his mouth. "Ewwwww!" You shouted cutting off your words from before.
"Omg, what?" Your friend asked with a giggle at your sudden outburst.
"Someone explain to me what has happened with Jenny and Paul," Trent asked with begging tones and a sudden act of eagerness. You both broke down into laughter at how much of a gossip queen Trent truly was. You couldn't quite believe how determined he was to find out more.
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Hey guys 👋🏻 this was a small Trent one but I think it's quite funny but not enough Fluff 😩 anyway I hope you still like it and was able to enjoy it ❤️ please leave feedback and requests as they are greatly appreciated 🥰 thank you for the support 💗 masterlist 2022 💌 masterlist 2023 💌 tik tok prompt list 🎶
@prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26
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ador3him · 2 years
hear me out prompts “you brought me flowers?” dragged by “i’m falling in love with you” for quackity :’)
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
warnings: nothing?? uhh its not proofread and i def overused the pet names whatever tho
requested? yes by @mcyt-trash-can
word count. 0.6k
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“Hey babe? I going to go for a walk to get some coffee, do you want me to bring you some tea home?” y/n pokes their head into Quackitys streaming room. He lifts off his headphones from his head and turns to face his partner. “Yes please, amor. Come here first though,” he reaches his arms out and make grabby hands. They walk over to him and stands in between his legs. “What’s up, darling?” they ask moving a piece of his hair that’s poking out from his beanie. “Just missed you, been so busy I feel like we never have time for each other anymore.” He grabs the back of y/n’s waist and pulls them in a bit, so his face is resting on their chest, kind of awkwardly hugging for y/n but to Quackity its as comfortable as ever.
“Hun? I have to go if I want to make it before the bunch rush. I will back in 30 minutes tops,” they say kissing the top of his head and pulling away, much to Quackitys dismay. “Be quick,” He yells softly as they walk out of his room. A soft ‘yep’ is all he hears before the front door clicks closed.
The coffee shop y/n is going to has an attached flower shop to it that they always admired, and so did Quackity. They always come here together at least once a fortnight to have bunch or just coffee and tea for Quackity. They have never bought flowers from the shop, for no reason just always admiring them instead. But today y/n thought they’d buy some after they get the drinks.
After ordering the drinks they walk around to the flower shop part and look for a beautiful bunch of sunflowers to gift to Quackity. There is a vibrant bouquet in the fair corner of the shop with a ray of sun shining through a window onto it. They walk up to it to see it better and make sure it smells as beautiful as it looks. As suspected it does and y/n grabs it, making their way up to the counter.
“Just these, thank you,” they smile at the old lady behind the counter who begins to trim the excess stem. “Lovey choice, not many people buy sunflowers, but they are so beautiful and personally I think they are elegant,” the sweet old lady grins at y/n and wraps the bottom of the flowers in pink paper. “Well sunflowers are my boyfriend’s favourite flower, and he is working so hard at the moment I couldn’t resist buying them,” y/ns lit up at the thought of their boyfriend and his reaction to the gift. “He will love these, it’s just $12.50,” they tap their card and go to get their drinks that were ready just as they walk over.
“Darling I am home!” y/n calls through the house struggling to get everything through the door without dropping it. “I am in here,” Quackity calls from his streaming room. “I got you something,” they say pushing his door open. “Oh shit, you have some much stuff here let me help you, amor,” Quackity takes the drinks from them and looks confusingly at the flowers.
“You bought yourself flowers? You like smokey dahlia not sunflowers?” Quackity looks at y/n still confused. “They are for you!” they push the flowers toward him grinning like a manic. “You brought me flowers?” Quackity whispers astonished. “Of course,” y/n laughs. “No one has ever done this for me,” his eyes begin to water. He loves y/n for this he is in love with y/n for this. “I’m falling in love with you,” Quackity bursts into tears clutching onto y/n like his life depends on it. “I’ve been in love with you for ages, Alex,” y/n replies whispering. “Also, you’re crushing your flowers,” they laugh. His flowers, his y/n.
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maddithefangirl · 1 year
Exhausting (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: AnGsT
Prompt: “I’m not sure love is supposed to be so exhausting.”
a/n: hiya! As I was writing this, I came across the idea of using the perfume mentioned in this fic as the basis for another fic. I'm thinking like an HP love potion type thing, but like the reader is Lavender Brown-ish. Idk. Let me know if that's something you would read.
You were having tea with Mor when you finally broke down.  
“I just… I haven’t seen him in so long… what if he’s found someone else while he’s been away?” you said quietly. 
“Nonsense! That male is crazy about you,” she replied. 
“But… doesn’t he miss me? I mean, I miss him, so shouldn’t he be dying the same way I am?”
“I’m sure he does. Why don’t you talk to Rhys? He would know his brother’s feelings.”
“You know I don’t like to bother him… maybe you could ask him?”
“You know I love you, but no, hun, this is something you need to do for yourself, and you know that.”
You grumbled, “Fine. He should be home in a few days now anyways.”
After a couple of days, you began to worry. He should have been back by now, but for some reason, he wasn’t. You finally decided to call on Rhys for some answers. 
You called to Rhys in your mind, and suddenly he was there in the doorway to your townhouse. His wicked grin was plastered all over his face mocking you, “I wondered how long it would take you to reach me.”
You frowned, “And you were just waiting on my call?”
“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.” 
“Well then, spit it out. Where is he now?”
“Is that really the question you want answered right now?”
You huffed, “...No.”
He gave you another wicked grin.
“How is he?”
“Bingo!” he all but shouted, “Well, your lover is doing great. Spending a long time in his chambers of the Hewn City.”
The thought of him doing well without you was agonizing. You frowned. 
Rhys was surprised by your expression but would never admit so. 
“Thanks, Rhys. You can go,” you said back. 
And with that, he was gone. 
It was one month before you saw him again. It was a rainy afternoon, and you had just come from the Rainbow taking a piano class. You were walking in the street, and you saw the magnificent pair of wings there. At first, you expected it to be a mirage, but his hands caught your eye. You knew those hands anywhere. 
You almost run to him before seeing him talking to a fae female. She was breathtaking. Honestly, one of the most beautiful females you had ever seen. 
That had made your entire body stop cold. 
She had her hands on his arm as she surveyed his beautifully blue siphons. 
This sight turned all your intrusive thoughts against you. The rain was seeping into your coat as you just stood there in the pouring rain. 
You close your eyes to hopefully stop the tears from falling, but when you look back up, he’s gone. 
It was now well into the night, and you were well into a bottle of amber liquor. 
All of a sudden, the door receives a knock upon it. You were almost too incapacitated to stand, but you were able to make it to the door. 
And there he was. 
There in the doorway was a shivering, soaked Azriel. Your lover…Or who you thought was your lover. 
You begin to shut the door on him, but his reflexes are too fast. He opens the door and takes refuge in your building. 
As you retreat to your lounge chair, a hand grabs your arm. Az doesn’t understand where this coldness is coming from. 
“Lover, we haven’t seen each other in some time… where are you going?” he asks solemnly. 
“Az…don’t call me that. Especially after how long it has been.”
“I did everything in my power to come home sooner, I promise.”
“Don’t start making promises now. I’m done.”
“Done? I don’t understand… what happened?”
“I heard how much of a great time you were having without me. Then I saw you today in town with another fae. I don’t need anything else from you I’m exhausted.” you said in almost a whisper, “I’m not sure love is supposed to be so exhausting.”
His heart had never felt such immense pain. The world he kept envisioning coming back to his lover… gone. 
There was a long pause with only the crackling of fire to break up the silence as he thought back on today.
He was walking around town trying to find the perfect gift to give his lover since he returned from his mission. There was just enough time between meetings for some time to himself, but all he could think about was you. 
As he came across a flower stall, a female fae approached him, asking him if he would like to attend her bakery’s grand opening. This wasn’t uncommon as the city was still rebuilding. She was shameless in her flirting, but that wasn’t what bothered him. The scent she was wearing was some kind of witch’s brew that was designed to manipulate people into doing what they wanted. She put her hand on his shoulder as he began to fly away. He had to tell Rhys of this at once. 
As the memory faded, he thought about how that looked and knew exactly what you had seen. 
“Come sit, Y/N, please,” he said as he reached for your hand. 
You complied and sat with him. He deserved that much. 
As you sat on the couch together, you finally realized what shape he was in. He was still soaking wet, and his hair was tousled in the most perfect way. But what struck you was the darkness under his eyes. He wasn’t as good as he had led Rhys to believe. You sighed in relief as you began to listen to him. He told you everything from how his mission went to the urgent meeting for the female’s perfume. 
After he said his piece, you hugged his neck. You had just gotten so in your head about everything you had forgotten to think about how Az truly feels about you. It wasn’t loving him that was exhausting, it was your mind that was exhausting. So you cried into his already wet tunic and fell asleep together on the couch.
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my-soupy-brain · 8 months
writing prompt: smoking weed with ted! ps i love what you write🩷
First off, thank you! That's so nice of you. And I'm here for this. He would be giggly, I bet. And up for...anything. Let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Drug use (marijuana), teasing, smut
You and Ted decided to lay low for the weekend. You had a weekend off together, finally.
And Coach Beard had hooked up some decent weed for you and Ted, in exchange for some rope he asked for. You were pretty sure you knew what he wanted it for, but you didn't want the details.
When Ted got home from work on Friday night, he was all smiles. He was just as eager to have a weekend in the house with you.
It was going to be rainy and chilly anyway. Nowhere to be, nowhere to go.
As you finished dinner and changed into cozy clothes for the night, you had prepared for the evening ahead. The couch was full of blankets and pillows. An assortment of music for the record player. Movies are out for the choosing.
And two meticulously rolled joints and an ashtray.
Ted didn't really know what to think. He was excited about this but nervous. He hasn't tried pot since college. He doesn't have a problem with it by any means, just never really got a chance to enjoy it again.
So when you offered a night in to have a puff and watch a movie, he agreed with an enthusiastic nod.
You both sat down on the couch, facing each other, grinning like a couple of lovestruck teenagers with the house to themselves.
The lights were low, and the music was on a low volume on the record player. When you sparked the first joint, Ted watched you inhale it slowly into your mouth, a light cough erupting on exhale.
Ted watched you and rubbed your back, making you smile. Even the littlest cough and he was taking care of you.
You nod as you pass it to him, a light stream of gray smoke from the end. "It's good. It's...damn good."
Ted smirks and takes the joint between his finger and thumb, holding it to his lips and taking a small inhale, having the same reaction. You rub his back and smile now.
You both take a beat to let it set in. You're lightweights - not regular users - and it doesn't take long for your heads to feel a little floaty.
You look over at Ted and he's slowly bobbing his head to the music, and you smile so wide your cheeks hurt. His eyes are a little droopy, just a smidge, and you reach over to grab his hand.
When he looks at you he smiles, pulling your arm to bring you closer to him. Another puff shared between the two of you and it's really just the right buzz to enjoy the environment and safety of each other's arms.
The high lulls you into a sing-songy feeling, humming to the music. Ted stands up and holds his hand out, offering you to take it while he grasps your right hand in his left, and puts his arm around your waist, dancing with you around the living room.
Giggling, laughter. More dancing. You're going with the flow, letting the feelings blend the night together in a haze of love and fun.
When you return to the couch, you take a sip of your wine and Ted holds your hand, his dreamy eyes blinking slowly at you.
"This feels good, hun," he says slowly, his drawl more apparent in his current state.
"Yeah? I'm glad. It's nice to unwind, huh?"
He nods.
"Can I kiss ya?" he asks, a little grin painted on his face, a big dimple in his cheek. You could eat him up, he's so sweet.
"Of course you can," you reply with enthusiasm, coming closer to kiss him.
What you thought would be a chaste peck on your cheek or lips turns into a full-on make-out session, your body laying over Ted's, his hands rubbing up under your shirt, over your ass, then cupping your face.
He groans low from his belly. "Ugh, feels so good," he moans, pulling away from your lips to breathe for a second. "Want you."
You look up at him and grin, a glint in your eye.
"Yeah? Why's that?"
You can't help but tease him a little bit, your hands dragging gently down his chest, making him growl a little.
"'Cause you're pretty," he murmurs. "And I wanna taste it."
Your heart jumps in your throat with that. Once Ted is in bed his dirty talk turns on, but he doesn't usually talk about this stuff so nonchalantly.
"What do you wanna taste, sweetheart?" you ask, climbing back up his chest and peppering him with kisses.
"You," he says again, falling into the cloud of desire with you. "I wanna taste it, and then I wanna feel it wrapped around me."
OK, enough messing around. He's turning you into a right mess on this sofa. Your hand tugs him up and into the bedroom. You take your clothes off quickly, and his hungry eyes take in every inch before pulling you to him by your hips, and backing you toward the bed.
His lips and mustache go to your neck, kissing and licking away.
"Y'taste good," Ted mumbles, laying you down on the bed.
You giggle at how he tickles, and he smiles with you, crawling over you, his hands pulling your shirt up, your hands working off his, too. Slowly and surely stripping off every piece of clothing that keeps you from each other until you're naked under the sheets.
Ted's arms rope around you, his big, hot hands holding you as he kisses you so intently, so passionately. You can't help but smile at how good you both feel.
When he rolls you to your back and kisses down your body, your breath starts to come in short gasps, and when he makes his way to your center, you practically combust.
His tongue is lazy but insistent. His arms and hands are wrapped around your thighs to keep your hips down, and he looks at you with so much adoration you could explode.
"Tastes s'good," he mumbles, his eyes looking up at you, then his nose bumping your clit just so.
Your back raises off the bed in one motion, your eyes rolling back as you cry out his name. The high, the pleasure, climbs through your body like a tingling vine, touching every nerve of your body.
"Just wait," he says to himself, his own hips humping lazily against the bed in a steady rhythm, the fingers of his left hand grazing you and sliding in. One, then two, then three.
"Good girl," he murmurs to you, kissing the insides of your thighs.
When your thighs twitch, he knows he's on the right track but pulls away just before you reach your crest.
"What are you..."
Before you can finish the thought, a hazy-eyed hazel-eyed Ted is looking down at you, sliding in inch by delicious inch.
"Ohhhhhh..." you moan, and Ted smiles.
"Yeah, that's it...there we go," he mumbles again, almost to himself. "Make ya feel good."
Your hands hold his face and pull him down to yours, your lips pressed together, tongues brushed together, hands touching everything you can reach.
It's slow and deep and passionate and fun. You tickle and laugh and smile and giggle, and eventually, you're whispering cute things to each other in your dreamy states.
Feels so good. You're so...soft. Your mustache tickles! Ted! Oh no, I'm ticklish there. Oh, but not there - that's nice...
When you refocus and your hips move faster, Ted tucks his face against your neck it's such a romantic thing but at this moment it pushes you closer to the edge. "Oh... God..." you murmur, your body tense...
Ted smiles and whispers: "Yeah? Good, sugar. Let it happen. Let's go together."
Your body prickles with nerves and once you start to moan, he's moaning with you, your body clenching around him, milking him in his last moments of pleasure.
He lays on top of your like a weighted blanket, smiling as he looks up at you. Your lips connect sweetly and you both nod to acknowledge, "Yeah, this was damn good."
When you stand to put on a robe, he asks where you're going.
"Be right back," you offer, winking, returning minutes later with a big slice of double-chocolate cake.
"What's this?" Ted asks, his eyes lighting up, his stomach growling.
"Made it today, knew we'd get the munchies."
Ted laughs as you pop back into bed, naked and under the covers, sharing a big piece of cake together.
"This is pwetty gweat," Ted says with his mouth full of chocolate, a little dab of frosting on his lip, making you lean forward to lick it off.
You can't help but laugh.
"It is pwetty gweat," you mock, and he giggles along with you.
Once you finish the cake and set the plate aside, you pop back under the covers, wrapped around each other while you watch a funny movie in the bedroom.
OK, I'm gonna need this to be reality, please and thank you. Chocolate cake is a sexy dessert too. I'll take no question, haha. thanks for this prompt, friend!
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Got a prompt messaged to me by someone who wants to remain anonymous. The prompt is: Melissa likes reader or OC that looks like Jodie. And the woman in the picture with Jodie is the reader/OCs best friend. Melissa thinks the brunette is dating reader/oc but they aren’t dating.
I had a lot of fun writing this, I’ll be honest. Also I would have had this up yesterday but audition season is here and I’ve been really busy going to those. I left this on a steamy cliffhanger, I might make a part 2. I’ll post the picture it’s referencing at the end of the fic in case you want to see it for reference. Anyways, as always not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: After I’m finished with all the prompts I currently have, I’m thinking of writing Marilyn and reader (redheads are my biggest weakness… I regret nothing)
Blood As Green As Her Eyes
Warnings: Jealous Mel, references to smut, small not very detailed unfinished smut scene, good luck! 😉 😈
Words: 4.4k
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Melissa walks into the break room and looks over to try and find you and sees you near the couch but you’re talking to someone she’s never met before. She walks a little further in and gets the tail end of the conversation.
“Alright see ya later beautiful.” You tell her.
“Right back at ya sweets.” The woman says and then leaves.
You see Melissa is there now and you go to her and sit at the table with her and Barb.
“Hello ladies.” You tell them and Barb smiles at you and Melissa glares at you.
“Who was that woman you were talking to?” She asks.
“Nicole? Oh she’s my best friend!” You say as you straighten your posture. “We’ve known each other for years. We met in high school and it was like instant connection.” You tell them excitedly.
Melissa doesn’t buy it though. With the way you talked to her and about her, it was obvious to Melissa that you’re dating her. Melissa ignores the sick feeling in her stomach.
The next morning you walk in the break room and your blonde hair is wet from the rain.
“Did you forget an umbrella hun?” Melissa asks you and you nod with a pout.
You go to sit down but then Nicole rushes in and you turn around.
“Hey you forgot your lunch on the way out. I gotta get to work but just wanted to drop it off quickly for you.” She tells you and hands you your lunch.
“Oh thanks love.” You tell her and Melissa scrunches her eyebrows. She knows you’re British, you have the accent and you told her, but the nickname threw her off.
“No problem sweets.” Nicole says and gives a quick kiss to your cheek then leaves. Melissa glares at Nicole the entire time. She clenches and unclenches her fists a few times to calm down. You put your lunch in the fridge then sit down at the table.
“Maybe I should go to the bathroom quickly and use the blow dryer to dry my hair.” You say with a chuckle and Barb laughs with you. Melissa just gives you a forced smile and you give her a confused look.
Melissa is bringing her kids to gym class that you teach. You see her and her class and you put your phone away instantly and give them a smile.
“Hey kiddos! Go on and get changed!” You tell them with a smile and they all run to the change room. You see Melissa still hanging around. “Hey, aren’t you gonna use the break to relax or whatever you do during this period?” You tell her curiously.
“No, I think I’m gonna hang around this time. Watch why they’re always so excited about gym class.” She tells you with a smile and you blush a bit.
“Alright! That’s not a problem at all! I would love for you to stay actually.” You tell her and the smallest blush makes its way to her cheeks.
“What were you doing on your phone btw? You put it away rather quickly. Are you sexting or something?” She jokes with you and you giggle.
“No! I was just texting Nicole something but it’s not as important as gym class.” You tell her and her blood boils a bit at the mention of her name. The kids start coming in with their gym clothes on and you turn to face them. “Alright guys! Today we’re playing dodgeball!” You tell them with a one clap of your hands and they all cheer. “And before we split up into teams, remember, no aiming at anyone’s face. And I’m looking at you Niyah.” You say and the girl just shrugs. Melissa goes to sit on the edge of the stage with her legs dangling off.
She watched as you picked 2 team leaders who then chooses their team. You then blow the whistle when they’re all ready with the balls in the middle of the gym. And then they all run to the middle to get a ball. You walk onto the stage and sit beside her and watch everyone. At some point, a ball comes directly at Melissa and you catch it then hand it to whoever is near you guys. You two end up talking while you still keep an eye on the kids.
And then Niyah throws a ball and hits a kid in the face and they fall. You immediately jump down and blow your whistle. “FREEZE!!!” You tell them and they all immediately stop and you run to the kid that was hit. “Niyah, we talked about this.” You tell her and she just shrugs again. You help the kid that fell to get up and make sure they’re alright. “Are you ok sweetie?” You ask very soothingly to him. He nods but looks upset. “Do you want to come sit with me and Ms Schemmenti on the stage for a bit?” You ask him and he nods again. You guide him to the stage and once he climbs up, you blow your whistle, signalling for the kids to continue the game. The boy ends up sitting in between you and Melissa and you look at his face again. “You have a small bruise forming but other than that, I don’t think there’s anything else.” You tell him and he seems upset that he got hit. “You know you’re very strong.” You tell him and he looks up at you. “You got hit in the face, fell down and you still got up.” You tell him with a smile. “That’s the mark of a strong person.” You continue and he smiles at you when you tell him that.
Melissa looks at you and sees how you are with the kids and can’t help but think of how beautiful you are, inside and out. 5 minutes later the boy asks if he can rejoin the game again and you nod at him. “Of course, you can rejoin whenever you want.” You tell him and he jumps off and runs back to the game.
You and Melissa continue talking and you notice how her hand is subtly touching your hip and you blush. The power this woman holds on you with just a touch.
In the morning the next day Melissa is on her phone scrolling through instagram. She’s mindlessly doing it until she comes across one of you and Nicole sitting together on a couch and you both have big smiles. Melissa freezes and stares at it and unconsciously grips the phone tightly.
“Melissa, are you ok?” Barb says and gently puts a hand on her upper arm for comfort.
“What? Oh, fine.” Melissa says and you walk into the room then and she smiles, then that smile immediately drops when she sees Nicole following you. “Actually I gotta go.” Melissa then says and grabs her stuff then stands up.
“Morning Melissa! Oh are you going somewhere? We were gonna join you.” You say innocently and with a big smile.
Barb sees how Melissa grips her pen so tight that her knuckles are turning white, while you are none the wiser.
“I’ve just got some stuff to do before school starts. I’ll see you later Barb.” She says with a frown and then walks out of there.
“Is she ok?” You ask Barb and she just looks at you confused as well. Then she replays in her head what happened. Melissa was scrolling on her phone through instagram and obviously saw something she didn’t like, then you came in and she smiled, and then it dropped. Why?
“Did you post something on instagram lately?” Barb asks and you nod. You showed her the picture you posted an hour ago that you took yesterday afternoon, then suddenly the pieces fall into place for Barb. Melissa likes you and she’s jealous of Nicole. Barb has to do some digging, cause while she doesn’t think you and Nicole are dating, Melissa might, and Barb has to be certain before she talks to Melissa. “Just out of curiosity dear, are you and Nicole going out? I mean like are you dating?” She asks and you shake your head.
“Me and Nicole?” You say while pointing towards you both, even Nicole is confused by the question.
“Why would you think that me and y/n are dating? I mean not that there’s anything wrong with y/n, it’s just, she’s not my type. Gender wise.” Nicole says.
“I mean ya I guess we can come across as a bit flirty but we’re just comfortable with each other.” You say with a smile. “Besides she’s not my type either, personality and looks wise.” You say and Nicole nods.
“Ya y/n is a great friend but would be a terrible partner for me.” Nicole says and all 3 of you laugh.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is your type dear.” Barb asks you and you have to think about that. You know your type, and it’s Melissa, you have a crush on her and the only person who knows about your crush is Nicole and she’s been pushing you to get closer to her and ask her out. You want to tell Barb but she’s Melissa’s best friend, and while you know Barb won’t tell her if you tell her not too, it’d still be awkward if she knew. So you have to say your type without letting on that it describes Melissa.
“Well I guess women that have like a lot of spice to their personality, like they’re not plain.” You say with a big smile. “And I guess I do have a soft spot for fiery redheads.” You say a bit cautiously and you see that Barb’s expression hasn’t changed so I guess she hasn’t figured it out yet, so you continue. “And older women, I think they’re hot.” You say and Nicole playfully smacks your shoulder.
“Ya you and those milfs, I swear.” She tells you and you giggle. Barb looks at you two confused.
“What’s a Milf?” She says and you both look at her.
“It stands for Mom I’d Like to Fuck. But it’s also meant to describe older women that you think are hot.” You explain to her and her eyes widen a bit but you think it’s because of the description of Milfs and not of the woman you like.
“Is there anyone that you like right now dear?” She asks you and you nod timidly.
“Ya she does!” Nicole says and you glare at her. “I’m gonna leave now, gotta get to work, see ya sweets.” She tells you and waves at you and Barb goodbye.
“Is it Melissa?” She asks you and you snap your head at her and eyes wide a bit. That was all the answer Barb needed but of course you try to defend yourself.
“What?!? N-no…of course not! Why would you think I like Melissa?” You say, stuttering and stumbling through the entire sentence.
“I’m just wondering dear that’s all. I have something to do before school as well. I’ll see you at lunch dear.” She tells you and you say goodbye to each other.
Barb gets to Melissa’s room in time to see Melissa throw a pen across the room, and she sees no others on the redhead’s desk.
“How many pens have you thrown across the room?” Barb asks her and Melissa whips her head to her.
“I lost count.” She says to her, then goes to collect all of them. She picks up what looks to be about 10 pens and a couple markers and highlighters.
Barb wants to tell Melissa what she knows but thinks that Melissa might brush her off, so she decides to tell her tomorrow after she has time to blow off some steam. Which in retrospect, turns out to be a mistake.
Melissa goes to a gay club after to blow off some steam, and she ends up chatting it up with a girl there and then makes out with her at the club. You end up seeing that, as you also went to the club to try and move on from her since you think Melissa will never have an interest in you. Melissa ends up taking the girl home and you were watching her the entire night, she never saw you though. You really have to move on now. You end up telling Nicole what you saw and she said she can be around with you more in the mornings and after school so when you see the redhead, she can provide comfort for you.
So on the Friday morning, Melissa comes in with a small pep to her step as she had sex with the girl last night and you notice it. Nicole is with you though on the couch, you decided to stop sitting at the table with Melissa and Barb to avoid the redhead. As soon as Melissa walks in, she sees you and Nicole on the couch, and Nicole has an arm wrapped around your shoulders. Melissa gets angry at that and ends up taking it out on Jacob and throws his android at the wall with a “GO BACK TO THE BLUE BUBBLE!” She yells at him and Jacob tries to act like that didn’t faze or scare him.
You look over at Melissa when that happens and she catches your gaze. You two lock eyes for a second then you turn back to Nicole and Melissa stomps out of there. Melissa ends up telling Barb that she went to the gay club last night and hooked up with a girl, and later you end telling Barb that you went to the club as well when she asked what was wrong.
“I went to the gay club last night and being there just didn’t help anything.” You told her and even if you don’t say it, Barb knows you saw Melissa there, and she knows Melissa didn’t see you.
Over the next couple of weeks, Nicole has been coming with you into the break room in the morning or you go to your classroom with her to avoid the redhead, and she meets you after school to avoid Melissa as well.
“Hiya sweets!” She greets you one Friday afternoon and then you end up catching Melissa giving a glare in your direction. You see that it wasn’t directed at you though, it was directed at Nicole and you got confused.
You and Melissa both end up at the club again only it was reversed this time. She sees you there and you don’t see her. She sees you there alone looking upset and Nicole nowhere to be seen. And then she decides to go and talk to you. Before she gets to you however, a girl comes up and starts talking to you before she does. She freezes and sees that the girl is flirting with you and you seem to be liking it. That makes her confused because as far as she knows, you’re dating Nicole and you’re monogamous. She starts to get jealous again and stomps out of there before she starts a fight with either that girl who’s flirting with you or some random person.
On Monday morning she decides to talk to you at lunch. She knows that for some reason you seem to avoid the break room now so she’ll have to go down to your classroom. You at the moment are having a discussion with Nicole before school starts.
“What are you going to do y/n? Cause you can’t avoid Melissa forever and I can’t always come down to support you.” She says and you sigh.
“I know, it’s just hard right now. I mean ever since I saw her take that girl home a few weeks ago. I just keep thinking about it.” You tell Nicole and she nods.
“I keep telling you to talk to her.” Nicole tells you and you sigh.
“You know I won’t. You don’t have to come with me in the mornings anymore you know. I can just hide out in my classroom. I mean there’s what? 16 weeks left until summer break. And then I can spend the summer just getting over her. And then she’ll never even know how I felt cause then it’ll go back to normal next school year.” You say confidently. Melissa sees your door mostly closed and decides to keep walking, knowing that Nicole’s in there too. You hear her heels and you go and look out your door and see her walking to her classroom. You think it’s good that she didn’t stop by your classroom or else she might have heard your confession and you let out a sigh of relief.
“If you just tell her then you’ll know if she likes you or not. I mean what if she likes you back?” Nicole says and you shake your head at her. “Honestly you lesbians are so dramatic.” Nicole teases you and you flip her off. “I love ya too y/n.” She says and then leaves for work.
At lunch Melissa comes to see you after grabbing her lunch from the fridge. She runs into Barb and tells her she’s going to see you and Barb smirks and tells her good luck.
She arrives at your door then Melissa takes a deep breath and knocks on your door. You open it and almost slam the door back in her face but instead you just freeze.
“Hi.” She tells you and leans on the doorframe. She’s so cute you think and then remove those thoughts, not the time to check her out.
“Something you want Melissa?” You ask her as neutral as possible and she’s slightly taken back by this. You usually have a big and bright smile when you greet her.
“I just wanted to know if you were ok? I haven’t seen you as much lately.” She says and you look at her eyes then look away from her eyes as fast as possible.
“I’m fine, just don’t feel like being in the break room.” You tell her.
“That’s personal.” You tell her with a bit of a snap to it.
“Can I come in?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“No.” You tell her flatly.
“Why not?” She asks you confused. “You always were happy to have people around in your classroom to visit you.” She tells you.
“Well I decided that I’m going to avoid people from now on.” You say and go to close your door, but Melissa with quick hands, stops it and pushes it back open and you stumble back from the force a bit. Melissa takes the opportunity and walks in and closes and locks the door. She then turns to look at you with an unimpressed look. “What?” You ask her and she walks towards you, you however began to walk backwards to avoid her and she keeps walking towards you. You then get stopped by your desk and Melissa traps you there and looks at you closely.
“What’s going on with you hun?” She asks and you begin to breathe deeply. You don’t reply and she continues to try and get you to talk. “I saw you at the club on Friday night, flirting with that girl.” She tells you and your eyes go wide then you narrow your eyebrows at her.
“So?” You question her.
“You seem to be enjoying it and playing along. I thought you were dating Nicole.” She tells you and the built up anger that was starting inside you immediately disappears and all that’s left is confusion.
“You think Nicole and I are together?” You tell her and press your lips together to try and suppress a laugh.
Melissa looks confused. “Um ya, I mean it’s kinda obvious. She’s always with you, you guys constantly are talking, she comes in with you to school and picks you up after. You’re constantly flirting and posting pictures of the both of you together.” She says those last 2 with some anger and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“Melissa, her and I are just friends. We may sometimes seem flirty but it’s innocent. She’s straight and she’s not my type.” You say and Melissa leans back, immediately releasing you and you get out from her entrapment. “Melissa what is all this about? You’re acting distant lately.” You say and she looks at your desk and has her fingers on it.
“I don’t like seeing you two together.” Is all she says.
“Because I thought you were together.” She says plainly and then it all hits you at once. The way she leaves when she sees Nicole with you, the glares she sends at Nicole, the way she ignores you both when you go to talk to her, the way her personality changes as soon as Nicole is in the room. Melissa is jealous.
“Is it because you don’t have a partner? Because it can be so easy for you to find one. I mean you found someone to hook up with a few weeks ago.” You tell her and her eyes widen.
“You were at the bar that night?” She asks and you nod.
“I saw you make out with her and then take her home with you.” You say disappointedly.
Melissa pieces it all together right then and there and smirks. She stalks towards you and traps you against the wall on the side where your doors are.
“Did you get jealous by that?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“What?!? Me? Jealous of you with another girl? Why would I get jealous of that?” You say and your voice gets high in pitch and she grins. You gulp as she gives you a look that she doesn’t believe you.
“I think you are jealous by that.” She tells you and lowers the pitch of her voice. “Tell me, did you want it to be you that I took home that night?” She asks and you look at her with a huge blush and you can’t find it in you to lie to her, so you nod. “Well do you want to know what I was thinking when that girl flirted with you?” She asks and you nod again. “I thought that I wish it was me flirting with you instead of that girl. She is just a girl who probably doesn’t know how to properly satisfy another girl yet.” She tells you and then leans in to your ear. “I’m much more experienced and know how to satisfy a girl all night.” She whispers in your ear and you shiver. “Ugh I was so jealous when I thought you and Nicole were together, I was mad. And then you started avoiding me and she was over every day and I wasn’t able to keep taking it. I went to that club every night and kept sleeping with girls to get my mind off of you and blow off some steam.” She tells you and you look at her surprised.
“You’ve been sleeping with a bunch of girls?” You ask her shyly and she nods.
“And either they weren’t experienced or maybe it’s because they weren’t you, I don’t know which one but it wasn’t any good.” She says and you look at how close she is.
“Can you let me go?” You ask her and she shakes her head.
“Do you know how much time I’ve spent picturing you in my bed, underneath me or up against my wall at my house. How many times I’ve spend fantasising about you when I’m touching myself?” She asks and you shake your head. “I mean fuck y/n, you drive me crazy.” She tells you and you’re a blushing mess right now but find enough strength in you to speak.
“I… I fantasise about you too.” You tell her and she smirks at you.
“Really?” She asks and you nod. “What do you fantasise about?” She whispers near your ear and you gulp.
“I-I picture you on top of me, domi…dominating m-me.” You start and you’re very nervous, but her smirk makes you continue. “And I imagine what it would be like to feel you inside of me and making me beg to let me come.” And while you speak, she drives her knee closer and closer to your core. Until she hits it and you squeak and buck your hips.
“Keep going.” She tells you while grabbing your hips and you gulp again before continuing.
“I thought about…about what your breasts would look like and-” you get cut off by you gasping as she moves your hips forward, making you grind against her thigh. “I thought- I thought about what your lips would feel like on mine and all over me.” You continue with difficulty and eventually you don’t need her hands guiding you as you’re turned on enough and you continue grinding her thigh on your own. She removes her hands from you and places them beside your head and then places her lips on your neck and starts kissing and sucking. She then tells you to continue. “Omg, Mel-Melissa.” You say a bit loud and she has to cover your mouth with her hand.
“I guess you can’t continue, since you’re loud.” She says against your neck. You’re close to coming about a minute later and she pulls away and you whip your head at her in shock.
“What? Why’d you stop? I was so close.” You say and she smirks.
“Oh I know. But I want to see your whole body and be inside you while you come underneath me.” She says seductively. “I want to take out all my jealousy on this pretty body of yours.” She says and bites your ear then pulls back again. “Why don’t you come to my house after school?” She asks and you immediately nod. “Good, now don’t touch yourself during the rest of lunch, I want you begging me for release tonight.” She tells you and you nod her head.
Melissa then grabs her lunchbox and then goes back to the break room. She enters with a grin on her face and the trio looks at her confused, Barb sees the grin but doesn’t comment on it. She just smiles and shakes her head.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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hughescluez · 1 year
hi!! can I request 21 & 24 from your prompt list with bordy? thank you!
hi there hun ! thank you for requesting <3
21. “we’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
24. “don’t you dare walk away from this.”
word count: 987
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you sigh softly, swirling the drink that is still in your solo cup. to put it lightly, the party was boring. normally, you can tolerate them because you always go along with thomas, but today was different.
thomas and you got into a small argument before heading over, so you both showed up to the party alone, which sparked a flood of questions and confusion from the other boys.
thomas was aware that you needed space after an argument, especially given the intensity of the one you two had just an hour prior to the party. he was aware that the least he could do was refrain from pissing you off further, but that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on you and watching your every move from a distance.
thomas rolls his eyes as brendan claps his back again, questioning him on why he hasn’t gone up to you yet.
“do you ever stop being annoying—or does it just run in your bloodstream?”
brendan scoffs at his best friends response, “i’ll stop being annoying once you learn how to be less adamant.”
thomas was well aware that brendan was right, but he would never give him the satisfaction of being right. as much as he wanted to reach out to you, he didn’t know if the moment was right. he wasn't sure if you wanted to speak with him at the moment so his feet stayed glued to the same spot.
“oh c’mon, just go talk to her instead of watching her like a hawk.”
he gives brendan a glare before nudging him off, returning his gaze back to you only to see that this time you were looking right back at him making his heart skip a beat. although, the moment was cut short as some frat cuts in to introduce himself.
you plaster on a fake smile as the boy introduces himself. you were not a fan of mingling around with strangers. as the conversation grows, you became more open and suddenly for a bit, you forgot that you were at a party.
thomas, on the other hand, was filled with rage, watching the interaction with hard eyes as he takes another swig out of his beer.
“who the fuck is y/n talking to?” matty asks as he joins the spot beside thomas as they both watch you laugh at another dumb joke he probably made.
“how the fuck am i supposed to know.”
“don’t you wanna— i don’t know maybe go talk to her now?”
“i think you shou— “i said no.”
matty shakes his head, rolling his eyes at thomas’ ego that sometimes seems to shine out brighter than other days.
“well, shes leaving now so i gue—”
before matty could finish his sentence, thomas is already rushing over to where you were now standing with the so-called frats’ jacket draped around your shoulder.
“hey thomas?” you say but it comes out more as a question.
“who’s the guy?”
he completely dodged what you said as he shoots daggers at the boy standing just a couple of steps away from him.
“this is chad, chad this is thomas.”
you can see thomas snort at his name, as chad reaches out to shake his hand. he keeps his arms wrapped around himself, still keeping his gaze fixed on the boy.
chad coughs awkwardly as he clears his throat, “anyways, i think me and y/n are heading out so we’ll catch you later man.”
“no the fuck she’s not, she’s coming with me right now. let’s go y/n i need to talk to you.” he grabs the jacket off your shoulder, throwing it back at chad.
before you could protest; thomas is already grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the scene. you were annoyed, to say the least. he ignored you the whole party but now decides to make an appearance.
“what the fuck was that thomas?” you seethe as he shuts the door behind him.
“you’re asking me that question! what the fuck were you doing?”
“talking to someone that actually acknowledged me throughout the night unlike you so tell me thomas, who’s the bad guy here?”
he watches, as you angrily tuck your hair behind your ear; watching him with a glare waiting for him to respond to your question.
“i don’t want you talking to that guy ever again.”
that’s it? that’s all he had to say to your question. thomas was a man of very few words. you figured that out when you first became friends with him and you loved that about him but at the moment it was infuriating you.
“you know what— i’m not doing this right now.”
you turn around reaching for the door but thomas is quick to grab your hand, spinning you around to face him.
“don’t you dare walk away from this.”
you watch his eyes; trying to read his emotions but they were clouded with a mixture of stuff. you had never seen him like this.
“what else do you want me to do? i need answers thomas. you can’t just be my frie— “we are not just friends and you fucking know it.”
you feel your heart beginning to race as all of the emotions began rushing through your mind. he wasn’t wrong, for the first time the feelings that you’ve been keeping buried deep down inside of you began to pile out.
“and i know you feel it too— whatever i’m feeling i just need you to tell me that you do.”
you didn’t know that to say, so all you could do is just throw yourself in his arms and he’s quick to react as he pulls you close to him placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“i do feel it thom, just as much.”
his jaw unclenches as he continues to hold you tighter, as your words bring him a sense of relief.
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
Could you do Hobie noticing readers really anxious about their first lip piercing, and they think it's stupid that's they're panicking since they have a tongue piercing already but "that was forever ago and what if it doesn't look good or maybe I'm not cut out for it. I mean look at me im not cool like you" Just hobie being the encouraging and comforting person he would be while also teasing a bit. (I'm getting a regular labret piercing and I'm scared of needles but man do I really want the piercing)
Hi hun! Thank you for requesting! I love your prompt so much I almost burned my lunch because I was writing up a storm 🤣 hope you liked it! Good luck on your piercing! I was nervous too when I got mine. You can do it hun! I believe in you ❤️
I have a similar fic here
Hobie brown x gn! Reader
TW piercings, TW needles, mention of blood. FLUFF
The cold needle against your lips is a stark contrast to your heated skin, you're nervous about this particular piercing, your hands shake, sweat drips on your forehead.
Even though Hobie's holding on to your lip gingerly, it still trembles under his touch. 
"Stay still, lovey" Hobie asks for the third time, "stop squirmin' you're gonna make me mess up" he tsks, almost annoyed.
"I need to go to the bathroom" you pout, already standing up.
"You went five minutes ago" Hobie follows your long strides to the bathroom "I'm gonna have to sanitize your lips again" he huffs. 
With your nerves acting out, You accidentally slam the door in his face, you didn't mean to. Cringing out, you fear the fallout of your actions. 
Grasping the sink, trying to inhale and exhale out your anxiety, you wait for angry words thrown at you. 
But instead you hear soft knocks on the door, like he's trying not to startle you and make you more nervous. 
A second later you hear his muffled voice.
"Love, if you don't want to do it anymore, it's fine. I'm not forcing you y'know" you hear another quiet knock "lovey? You alright?"
You clear your throat, trying to clamp down your emotions.
"Yeah, it's just…" you pause trying to find the right words "it's silly" 
"Well if it's silly, tell me anyways" you hear a thump on the other side. He doesn't force you to open the door but instead he lays his forehead over the door so he can hear you better. 
Hobie gives you time to find your words, but a minute later he worries, so he asks again "love-"
"What if it doesn't work out?" You blurt out, it wasn't your intention to cut him out. "I'm sorry"
"Nothing to be sorry about. What's not gonna work out?" 
"The piercing, I know it's silly since I already have my tongue pierced, but that was forever ago" 
"Yeah, I remember, I was the one who pierched you" he sighs remembering the memory "you squirmed, a lot, called you my worm for a bit, after that" Hobie smiles at your old nickname.
You come closer to the door, he can hear your feet shuffling "yeah, please don't call me that again" you say through your laughs. 
"What is it then? The needle?" He gets serious again.
"No, I mean partly yeah, but it's not that. I trust you, completely" 
"The blood then?" 
"No, what if– what if I don't look good in it" you open the door slowly, so he has the time to move away "I mean look at me, I'm not as cool as you" you avoid his eyes.
"You're right, you're not as cool as me" he comes closer to you as he confirms your anxiety, he cups your face carefully "you're much" he pecks your cheeks wetly "much cooler" 
You look at him through your lashes "no I'm not" 
"Fuck you, yes you are" despite cursing at you, his eye look at you fondly, his words dripping with affection "you're the coolest person I know, just wanting a piercing and actually going through with it. That's fucking cool" 
He rubs your jaw in a circular pattern, calming you down.
"But I haven't gone through with it" you play with the frayed edges of his shirt. 
"I was talking 'bout the last one, you may have wiggled a lot but you still did it, you were so bloody brave" he leans towards your face, squeezing your cheeks in his hand "Best pin cushion I've ever pierced" he says against your lips. 
"I was trying to impress you back then"
"I know, consider me impressed" he leans closer. 
You laugh, before his lips meet yours. Hobie can feel your smile while kissing you. His love gives you courage to get through with your piercing. 
You pull away, your eyes glossy "okay let's do it" you nod, a brave smile on your lips.
Hobie grins, he's proud of you "there you are my worm" you playfully glare at him. "You're gonna look so much cooler than me" he loops his arm over your shoulders, he leaves a kiss on your head "you'll be out of my league soon" 
"Stopppp, that's not true" you hug his torso "that'll never happen, 'Mr. Runway Model' " 
Hobie hugs you back, grabbing the back of your neck "only briefly, sweets" he leans towards you again, kissing you deeply.
Thanks for reading! Please consider reblogging if you liked it ❤️
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hello !! it’s lovely seeing a new writer in the OW community,, lots of new life!!
i would love to formally request a Cassidy x GN!Reader, with the prompt: “Put that down, let me hold your hands damn it!”
i was thinking the reader could be a medic of some sorts, who gets lost in their work often, and Cassidy is trying to confess to them.
i cannot wait to see what you come up with, and all of the other stories that you’ll write!! much love <3
I love this damn ask so much more than you realize Cassidy is my baby boy.
Warnings: none
Take a Breather
He was your partner. He carried out the missions, you kept him alive. Sure there where plenty of others you worked with, but you two just meshed in the field.
However at base, you were hardly ever within a thirty yard radius of each other. Cassidy had training to do and meetings to be in, and you had work to do in the medical wing, you being in charge of expense reports and the incident report keeper. Sure a cup of coffee could be shared between you two on a Saturday afternoon, but that came once every blue moon.
On the other hand, Cole couldn’t shake his dislike of the situation. He liked your presence, your witty comments, and your genuine care with him, never as gruff and blunt with him like everyone else. You were softer with him, and he liked to match the tone. He would never be this polite with anyone but Ana Amari herself, and he hasn’t seen her in ages.
Somehow though, today he had made his way to your office, two cups of coffee in hand and a few words on his chest he needed to get off.
“Knock knock,” he backed through the door of your office, “I’d use my hands but I figured you’d want this in a mug and not on the floor.”
“Cole!” You whipped around from the book case you where rummaging through, causing the cowboy to laugh, “hey there.”
“You can relax hun, ain’t nothing wrong.”
You met him at the door and grabbed a mug from him, setting it on the corner of your desk while you went back to your bookshelf, “thank you, really, I know you don’t have much time in your day to swing by.”
“You’d be surprised, my day has been slower than molasses.”
“Really? I wish I could say the same Cowboy,” you picked out a binder and began flipping through the contents.
“You know, I was thinking, maybe we could…” he trailed off, noticing your attention was divided. He cleared his throat a little and waited for you to look back up.
“I’m sorry where are you saying something?”
“Oh it’s nothing, I was just thinking maybe we could go for a walk? Or a breath of fresh air?” He nodded towards the door, “it’s a beautiful day.”
“I’d love to, but I just have a lot of reports to go through in the next few weeks and-“
“Why don’t you put that down and hold my hands damn it.” You stopped in your tracks, turning around to face the cowboy.
He tried to feign confidence, a blush tinting his cheeks redder than a fire truck. He stood awkwardly and tried to remain firm, but you could see his struggle.
“Oh?” Your amusement would win the battle with your virtue, wanting to see where this would go.
He took off his glove, shoving it in his back pocket, and he wiped his hand on his pants, ‘Is he nervous?’ The smile you held grew as he went on, making his little stand.
“Yes, and I think you overwork yourself, so let’s go now, and I’ll help you pick up later?” He extended his hand to you, a pleading look behind his eyes.
“Why not,” you shrug, “I haven’t taken my break yet today anyway,, it would be good to stretch my legs and take a breather” you place your hand in his, interlocking your fingers together as he leads you down the hallway.
He takes you around the corner and out the door, the medical wing courtyard. ‘He was right, it is beautiful,’ you let him lead you over to a bench where you both sat, him taking your other hand into his as well.
“I would first like to say, I am sorry for my outburst,” his hands where larger than yours, holding yours as if they where fragile, “but secondly, I would like to just have some time to talk to you one on one, ya’know? I knew you wouldn’t go for just anything, but I didn’t quite think through my execution.”
You nodded, giving his fingers a light squeeze, “I’m sorry I got caught up in my work. There has just been a lot to do with the rest of the med team out and being on my own. I am, however, glad you pulled me away.”
You could see him relax a bit, a small sigh of relief pushing past his lips, “Good, because I’d hate to tell you I like you with you mad at me.”
“Well that would be hard ye-“ you stopped yourself, widening your eyes at him. “Excuse me?”
“I like you, a lot. It’s not just working with you, even though it’s a leading factor to this,” his thumbs rubbed the back of your hands, “I just think you are a wonderful person, and I, uh, would like to test the waters of that feeling.”
His eyes where shielded by his hat, you had never seen him this nervous, much less not even look you in the eyes.
“Cole, look at me,” you took his hat off and swept his hair out of his eyes, “I like you too, and I’d love to help you test those waters.”
His eyes where a bit watery and his smile was wide, ‘was he this afraid of me telling him no? Why would he ever think like that?’
The hug he locked you in was bone crushing, which you reciprocated as best you could, “thank you,” he spoke into your shoulder, “I want to do my best with this.”
“Well you’ve gotten this far Cowboy, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
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