#anyway I had to stop with this series because after 100 gifs I realised it's very possible that all shots of Regina are my fave oops
bekksrich · 1 year
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Miscellaneous favourite shots of Regina Mills [12/?]
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reg-arcturus-black · 1 year
Enough is Full of Romance Part 1 - Andrew's Surprise!
Where 2 brilliant talented people fall in love and navigate a life filled with paprazzi, rumors and a private romance after being introduced by their common friend. They say wrong person, right timing is a real thing but Ben and Y/N know they have a deep connection and they will wait for however long it takes!
Warnings: None.
PS: the songs mentioned in this post are ALL by Taylor Swift, the queen and so is the inspiration for Y/N!
Fluff, fluff and fluff!
1.4k words
Series Masterlist
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(gif not mine)
"I remember when we broke up
The first time
Saying 'this is it, I've had enough...'"
This had now become a routine with the Red Tour in full swing. Singing those songs each night diminished Y/N's pain more and more. However, that night turned out to be even more delightful when her eyes fell on Andrew dressed up as one of her dancers during the song.
He had been her best friend ever since she had written a song for one of his movies. Of course, you two, too, had to dodge rumors about them dating but towards the end, the chaos had died and everyone had eventually accepted that you were nothing more than best friends.
"Holy shit, Ands!" Y/N shrieked, throwing her arms around Andrew the moment he entered her green room. "That was amazing!"
"I freaking know, right!" He laughed, lifting her up spinning her around before he put her down.
"Oh I have no idea how you managed that!"
"Me neither. Do you know how difficult it is to get past your security. Thank God one of your band members recognized me."
"That's kind of the whole point." You let out a laugh, feeling grateful for your friend's surprise visit. After the tiring nights and beautiful meet-and-greets, a sit down with an old friend and some pizza was what you just needed.
"How are you doing, Y/N/N? Like, truly doing?"
You looked up at him and met his concern-filled eyes.
"I - I don't know, Ands. It's been difficult."
You didn't have to explain any further. Not to him, at least. Andrew had been with you after your last break up. It was not easy. Your ex was not the right person for you and nor was he healthy. But it was just as hard to let go because your love for him ran deep.
Andrew reached out for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze with a reassuring smile.
"But the shows are helping," you added with a small smile. "Meeting all these lovely people during and after the show is... therapeutic. Like it somehow lessens the pain."
Meet and greet after each show was one of the best parts. You loved meeting your fans for you knew they really cared about you and you did, too. There was not a moment when you did not thank them or try to express your gratitude towards them.
"I do have one more surprise for you though..."
Andrew's words suddenly brought you back to reality from your reminiscing state.
"What is it?" You asked excitedly, moving towards him with a grin. "Wait, no, I want to guess! Give me a hint."
"Well, okay... it is someone you really like."
"I can name a 100 people I like. That's not precise enough."
"Oh, never mind that. I want you to meet a friend of mine. He must be around here somewhere."
"Around here somewhere? What does that even mean?" You chuckled, lightly shaking your head. That is when your ears finally caught giggles and shrieks of delight from outside.
"I believe he had to have a sudden meet and greet of his own."
"What is going on?" You asked, looking at your friend. "Whom have you brought, Ands?"
"It's someone you have wanted to meet for a very long time and he was available and in the same city so here we are..."
You were growing desperate now.
"Talk, handsome, long and dark hair. A prince of sorts... ring a bell?"
You eyes grew as wide as saucers as realisation hit you.
"No... Tell me you didn't."
"I did."
"What's the big deal anyway?" He shrugged.
"What's the big deal?! You brought BEN BARNES-"
You had to physically stop yourself from screaming any louder and turned your voice back to normal. You had been a fan of him ever since Prince Caspian had come out. You were not only a fan, but a fangirl. You were crushing on him. Hard.
Two years before, you had even received an opportunity to act in the same project as him but with the album release and the tour planning, you had to decline to the project you would have instantly said yes to otherwise.
In fact, you almost even had said yes the moment the producer had told you that you would work opposite Ben. But your then boyfriend had reminded you about your music plans quite rudely. Andrew then made you realize that you received such a response only because he was jealous to see you this excited about working with someone else.
Whatever the reasons were, he had been right. You could not leave music in between. Acting was something you were interested in but music was your true passion.
"You brought BEN FUCKING BARNES to my show out of NOWHERE and did not even bother telling me beforehand?"
"That wouldn't have been a surprise then, would it?"
Before you could respond, there was a knock on the door.
"That's him," you said, your eyes frozen on the door knob. "What do we do? I - I don't know how to talk to him. What do I even say to him? Do I hug him or shake his hand? Does he even know me?"
You had not realized but were now standing up and were glued to the floor. Someone knocked again.
"You go and open the door. Besides, it's simple enough. I am sure he knows you but in case you don't, you're Y/N Y/L/N and he is Ben Barnes. Use that in the conversation."
Andrew pushed you towards the door and sat down on the sofa next to your seat.
You took a deep breath and turned the knob. Your heart dropped to your stomach when you opened the door to the most handsome man you had ever seen. With his beard neatly trimmed a gorgeous smile on his face, it took everything in you to not faint into his strong, muscular arms.
"Hey," he smiled. "I absolutely loved your show."
I love you you thought, feeling absolutely smitten with the man. It was as if his smooth voice echoed throughout your entire body.
"Thank you," you replied, your pitch higher than normal, your cheeks turning red. You cleared your throat. You didn't know what to say to him. You were speechless and could not help but stare at him.
You heard Andrew clear his throat, too, and shook yourself out of your dreamy state.
You extended your arm shakily, clearly unable to produce thoughts in your brain and form words in your mouth. "H - Hi, you're Ben Barnes. No, I mean, I - I am Ben Barnes. N - No. I -"
Andrew face palmed behind you.
"I am Ben Barnes and you are Y/N Y/L/N." Ben laughed.
"Have a seat Barnes," Andrew interjected before you could make a further fool of yourself.
He nodded and settled down on the chair opposite to your friend. It took a few seconds for you to gather your thoughts and finally sit down with them. You extended the box of pizza towards Ben wordlessly, too scared to make a fool of yourself again.
"We missed you on the set, you know?" Ben said, picking up a slice. "I know you had to say no because of your music but it would have been a blast working with you."
You gave a polite small, words still stuck in your throat. You hated yourself for feeling this way. Chatting with Ben Barnes and having pizza with him was once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you were wasting it away.
"But a part of me is also glad that you chose to prioritize music. Look what you came up with!"
"That is very sweet of you," you managed to say. "Tell me about the shoot. How did it go?"
You listened to Ben's stories about what happened on the set, nodding, laughing, and commenting whenever appropriate. Although, there were times when Andrew had to close your jaw before he could realize you were staring at him.
This one incident, however, made Ben burst into laughter and all you did was stare at him. The way he laughed with his whole body, each sound reverberating throughout and sending a warm, tingly feeling in yours.
When he moved on to the next story, his dark eyes meeting yours, you did not listen to a single word, too far lost in his beauty and eyes. You knew you had started falling into a pit with no bottom and it was just the beginning.
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Gus Gus!! I can't remember if I asked you this or if we've discussed it but I'd love to know or re-learn it again lol.
What's your favorite movie and why? It can be any medium, live action or animated! *but bonus points if it's animated jk hehe...maybe lol*
I'll do you one better, I'll tell you all of my favourite animated movies because honestly I can't pick only one AND SORRY I TOOK TOO LONG TO ANSWER I went completely nuts with this btw.
The Tigger Movie
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This movie, this fucking movie, because of this movie and Winnie Pooh in general I love the found family trope. That need of Tigger to find his family, all the others jumping in to help him and then trying to cheer him up, and then him realizing that his family has been there right in front of him all this time, his relationships with Roo and Rabbit mean everything to me, the acting and animation YOU COULD FEEL TIGGER'S SORROW, Tigger is my favourite character and this movie fucked me up emotionally and I love it so much.
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Lilo and Stitch
OHANA MEANS FAMILY. FAMILY MEANS NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND OR FORGOTTEN. It has aliens, complex but loving family dynamics (with found famiy mixed into it), great fucking music (I knew all the dances) and it's beautiful. I've watched every single bit of media related to Lilo and Stitch, every movie and the tv series, and I love it all, but the first movie is so very special to me. The movie kinda grew up with me in a way, because when I was younger I related a lot with Lilo, but then I started relating so much with Nani, mostly because I'm the oldest sibling. Also Jumba and Pleakley are married I will die on this hill.
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The Iron Giant
He wanted to be like Superman and he WAS he really was. I haven't seen this movie in a while now, I should rewatch it, but the friendship the kid and the robot had is something beautiful, and just all the humanity and care and love he experienced, he showed all of that way more than most of the humans from that movie. IT'S ART.
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Ice Age
The first one specifically, the second one is really cool too but the others are kinda meh to me. Anyway I had this movie on vhs and I watched it so so many times, I know most of the movie by heart. And hey we have a beautiful found damily dynamic yet again!!! How Manny, Sid and Diego's friendship and companionship evolves as the movie progresses is awesome, Sid is fucking hilarious, Manny is a mood, I had a bit of a crush on Diego I'll be honest, and you really feel for all of them. And Scrat is Scrat, an absolute delight to witness.
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The Spongebob movie (the first one ever created)
Just like with Ice Age, I know basically all the dialogue all the songs, I would watch this again and again with my little brother (this time on cd) it never gets old man. No thoughts only SpongeBob.
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Over the Hedge
I have the soundtrack for this movie in my playlist, enough said. THIS MOVIE IS EVERYTHING, AND AGAIN FOUND FUCKING FAMILY. I'm realising with this list that I like that trope more than I thought, idk what that says about me. Hammy is my favourite guy, he's my little guy he can do no wrong whatsoever. And Stella the skunk is the character ever we love her in this house.
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Shrek (the whole fucking saga)
There's no need for explanation here. Might be one of the best animated movie saga out there let's be honest here. AGAIN I have seen these movies so many times I know everything about them but I still enjoy the absolute fuck out of them.
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Aardman Animations
Chicken Run, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Flushed Away, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!...AMAZING FILMS ALL OF THEM. I know not ALL of them are stop motion/claymation, some are computer animated, but because of these movies (and Laika's of course) my love for this animation medium began, and I could not be more thankful for that.
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Monster House
My love for horror increased 100% after this movie, it's funny, it's spooky, it gets sad as hell, it has a great plot twist???? What more do you need.
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Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings are my favourites from Laika, but all their other movies are gems as well. Coraline, I don't know if I can completely express why I like it, it's a classic and it's so ingrained in myself after so many years, I can't not love it. Kubo and the Two Strings is a movie I watched much recently, last year I think, and I love it so much, the way it's animated is absolutely stunning it's a beautiful piece of art (much like all of Laika's work) and the story and characters are so lovely. Like I said before, seeing Laika's animations, seeing how much work and love is put into these films made me love stop motion so much and inspired me to become an animator.
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Meet the Robinsons
THIS MOVIE MAKES ME SOB UNCONTROLLABLY. That part when Lewis sees his bio mom leave him at the orphanage???? The ending???? The message???? FUCK AHHHH. I'm a mess every time I watch this movie. Everything about it is, lovely oh so lovely, the characters we meet, the story, how we put the pieces of the puzzle together as the story goes, Goob kills me man (also he's literally me for real) I just, this movie means a lot to me. "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Reading that and hearing the ending song absolutely DESTROYS ME.
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HONORARY MENTIONS (that everyone should check out btw)
Emperor's New Groove and Kronk's New Groove, Road to el Dorado, Treasure Planet, Monsters Inc, Ponyo (and every other Studio Ghibli movie), Song of the Sea (and all other movies made by Cartoon Saloon because they are top tier, absolutely incredible movies), Megamind, The Lego Batman Movie, Manuelita (argentinian animated movie), every fricking 90s/00s Scooby Doo animated movie, Chicken Little, Brother Bear (the first one, the second one is kinda meh to me personally), Sword in the Stone, Klaus, Bolt, Spiderman into/across the spider-verse movies, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs.
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vknq · 1 year
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hello everybody.
i realise i accidentally went on a bit of an impromptu hiatus. oops.
a lot of things happened in my personal life that have greatly affected me emotionally and it catapulted me into a depressive state that i have since come out of again. expectedly so, it stripped me of motivation and inspiration, and forced me to just take a break and tend to my wounds.
while i was off taking care of my mental health and prioritising emotional healing, i’ve also had time to think about my blog and more specifically my experience in the fic community.
NOTE: i’m not here to take a jab at readers or mindlessly complain about notes. that’s not at all what this is. i think enough people have talked about overall reader engagement and the lack of it. i see no reason to repeat their words, nor is it where the issue lies for me personally.
during the 6 or so months i’ve been here, i’ve experienced very empty support from fellow writers (no i ain’t gonna single anyone out bc it’s been a general issue of mine). i’ve had my upcoming works hyped up, my released fics supposedly saved to people’s tbr lists, i’ve had people ping me saying they’re totally gonna read my fics, whether that be on tumblr or discord, however less than half of said fellow writers went through with reading less than half of what they claimed to have very great interest in. and it’s not like they haven’t had the time. it’s been sitting there for months.
but okay, hear me out: i wanna make it very clear that i have absolutely no problem with people not reading my fics. i’d never force anyone to, i’d never expect my fics to be for everyone. if it’s not for you, then it’s not for you, and honestly it’s all good bro. but the thing that makes me feel great disappointment is when i’m being told to expect engagement... and then to not get any. expecting to hear from all the people that expressed to me they were gonna read my fics, only to hear nothing for months on end.. i don’t think it’s shocking that it left me feeling very disappointed. and the support and interest just feels empty, fleeting, and not genuine.
it has puzzled me ‘cause it comes from fellow writers who are very aware of the importance of engagement, even if it’s just a little. i am of course okay with someone not reading my fics and showing no interest in them. like i said; if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. it’s all good bro i’d never force it down anyone’s throat.
but don’t tell me you’re gonna read ‘em, if you’re not gonna read ‘em. it builds up expectation that is then never met. it’s a set-up with no pay-off.. and it has been particularly bad with my fic series, astral combat.
speaking of astral combat, it’s officially dropped. i have no desire to continue it. both for the reasons mentioned above, but also simply because of my own mistake of putting months of work into a fic that little to none will care about. that one is my own fault, like i shouldn’t have put my all into it, i was definitely doing too much. i know. the amount of effort and work i had to do on it... gosh, it’s just not worth it when the engagement is barely there. the imbalance is too harsh for me to continue it.
anyway, all these things have drained me of motivation, inspiration, and honestly it’s drained me of a wish to continue writing. ‘cause of empty support, fleeting interest, and a massively lacklustre sense of community.. even from fellow writers.
you are more than welcome to disagree and disregard this post, shrug it off, and keep scrolling. you have every right to do so. it’s 100 percent valid if your experience on this platform has been different from mine. this is simply me voicing how my experience has been. i think it’s very telling that i got tired after only 6 months lol
if you do disagree and feel the need to voice your opinion, i won’t stop you, you are free to do that, however i will ask of you to please not be rude, dismissive, or disrespectful about it. this post was not made to spark debate, but rather to just convey my reasoning as to why i’m gonna take a step back from writing fics... for now.
vsualitae is officially on a semi-hiatus.
i might write, i might not. i don’t know yet. i just know that right now i can’t be assed. excuse my french. i’d rather focus my energy on other goals i have in my life. i am a bit sad, ‘cause i have so many ideas for fics, however time will tell if i decide to write them or not. i guess you’ll know if i randomly pop in and jumpscare you with a release lmao
i do wanna say thank you to all of you that have read my published fics, especially those of you who have reblogged with reviews, i am beyond thankful for your kind support <3 know that i’ve taken it to heart and i really, really appreciate it!
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thegettingbyp2 · 2 years
Hi! Can we have some Aaron Tveit angst n fluff? Maybe reader is a big shot movie star? Idk Haha
I Didn't Mean It
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You were rushing around your house, trying to make sure that you had everything packed at the last minute. You were heading to London in the morning to begin filming for the new series of Bridgerton and to say you were excited was an understatement after spending the last couple of months having severe doubts about your career, but you wanted to make sure that you had everything packed so you could spend the evening with your boyfriend before you left.
Because you were so busy racing around, you didn’t realise your front door had opened and closed, letting your boyfriend, Aaron, in. You only noticed that he was there when he made you jump as you glanced at the clock on top of the doorway.
‘Fuck!’ You exclaimed, holding your hand to your chest. ‘You made me jump, what are you doing here so early? I thought you were coming round at 5?’
‘I thought I’d come round earlier so I could help you pack,’ Aaron said, lightly shrugging his shoulders as he pushed himself off the doorframe, heading over to you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
‘In that case, you can help me find the last couple of scripts,’ you said, grinning as you gestured to the pile of scripts, one for each episode of the season. Aaron laughed and pressed a kiss to your forehead before heading upstairs, knowing that you had most likely misplaced them somewhere in your room.
As the day went on, you noticed that Aaron was getting quieter and quieter, something you put down to being down that you were having to leave again. A little later in the afternoon, you heard Aaron sigh heavily and throw himself down onto your sofa, one of your scripts in his hand. ‘What are you doing,’ you asked, amused as he looked up at you with a grin and held his arm out to you.
‘Come and sit down with me for a bit,’ he said, grabbing your wrist as soon as you were within reach and yanking you down next to him. You moved your body into a more comfortable position with your head resting in his lap so you were looking up at his face. ‘Alright there?’ he asked, smirking lightly.
‘Just admiring the view,’ you said casually which only made him laugh, throwing his head backwards. ‘Why have you got one of the scripts anyway?’
‘I thought I’d give it a read,’ he said, mocking your casual tone which in turn made you laugh. ‘Do you have to go?’ he asked, bringing his hand to rest on the top of your head, brushing his fingers through as he looked down at you.
‘You know I do. We can’t all be on Broadway you know,’ you replied, bringing your finger up to lightly poke his cheek, making him turn his head in an attempt to bite your finger. ‘Some of us have to travel for work.’
‘Well maybe if you do a really bad job this time, they won’t want you back for the next season and then you never have to leave me again,’ he said in a teasing tone. Even though you knew that he was joking and he was the first person to push you to accept a job, believing 100% that you would be amazing, you couldn’t help the nag in the back of your mind that told you he was being serious.
You sat up, pulling away for him and got back up, moving around your living room once more, carrying on with your packing. An uncomfortable silence fell upon the room and the sign you heard from Aaron confirmed that he hadn’t seen the problem in what he had just said.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, standing up and moving closer to you. When he realised that you weren’t going to reply to him or stop, his hands came out to gently grab the tops of your arms, forcing you to stop what you were doing but you still didn’t meet his gaze. ‘Hey, (Y/N), what happened?’ he asked again, moving his head until it was in your line of sight.
‘Why would you say something like that?’
‘Say something like what?’ he replied, a frown working its way onto his face until realisation dawned on him and you watched his mouth shape into an “o”. ‘Come on, you know I didn’t mean it like that, I was joking!’
‘I know,’ you said lightly, moving out of his grasp and continuing to pack until he stopped you again, making you look at him once more.
‘(Y/N), I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it. I know that you’ve been having a hard time recently and I didn’t think. You know I think you’re amazing and talented and you’re going to crush it when you go and film! Just ignore me and we can have a nice evening before you have to go tomorrow, yeah?’
As soon as you looked into his eyes, you knew that you weren’t going to be able to stay made at him. You put the pile of clothes back on top of your suitcase and moved to stand in Aaron’s waiting arms, sighing when you felt his arms wrap around your body as he walked you both back over to the sofa.
‘Sorry,’ you muttered into his chest, ‘I know you wouldn’t mean it like that, I’m just wound up so tight at the moment because I want to make a good first impression when I get there.’
‘You’re going to make an amazing first impression baby,’ Aaron said fondly, kissing the top of your head before pushing you down so you were laying on the sofa with him hovering over you, ‘though how about we wind you back down before you go,’ he said lowly, lowering his head to your neck.
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simsadventures · 5 years
After All: Chapter 13: Is This Real?
Summary: Hannah is back and her intentions are scarier than ever before.
Warnings: angst (I cried writing it, I’m weak), swearing, no reader and Bucky in this one
Word Count: 2250
A/N: Go easy on me after you’ve read it, that’s all I have to say (haha *hides behind a couch, peeking nervously*). Anyway, wanna know what you all though about it, feedback is everything. And I would like to know what you guys hope for- happy ending or not? Love you all!!
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Series Mastelist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
Bucky’s mind was all over the place. There were many things he didn’t understand just yet. Firstly, how did Hannah get on the aircraft, or where were the rest of the agents that were supposed to be there with him. He just hoped she didn’t hurt them to get to him. He felt like he had enough of lives on his shirt and didn’t need to feel any more guilty, especially for somebody he knew and worked for. His mind also wandered towards you. If you were safe if Hannah didn’t manage to get to you first.
His heart skipped a beat just thinking about Hannah hurting you again, and this time maybe physically. He shook his head and tried to calm his anxious mind, knowing that you were in the safest place you could- with the rest of the team in almost a fortress. ¨
Hannah was just standing there, watching him intently. He didn’t understand what she was doing there. Sure, he was the reason she had to leave the compound and SHIELD, but she was transferred to the CIA, which was like the second-best option. And the very best option for her after what she’s done. Bucky thought she should be glad that Tony didn’t make sure nobody would ever employ her. So Bucky really dint get why she was now in the quinjet, obviously looking for trouble.
Bucky looked past her, trying to see if anyone of his team was there and if they were ok. What he didn’t see coming, was the three agents suddenly coming into the light and standing behind Hannah, their arms crossed over their chests, sinister looks on their faces. Bucky wasn’t scared of them, far from it, he just didn’t understand what the hell was going on.
He looked at all of them quizzically, waiting for someone to speak up and tell him what the actual fuck.
“Are you confused, sweet little Bucky?” Hannah asked sweetly and took a step forward, to which Bucky reacted by also taking a step forward. He would rather die than show her any weakness. Bucky started to realise that she was a sick bitch and that she is truly insane.
“What is going on?” Bucky all but growled at her, to which she only smiled again. He was getting sick of her, and they were standing there for less than a minute.
“Can’t an old friend come and say hi?” She smirked and took another step towards him, standing almost too close for comfort. Bucky inwardly shuddered at her closeness, cursing himself for ever letting her close, and for kissing her. He would vomit if he could.
“Cut the crap, Hannah. How about I open the door and you all willingly get out of this thing, before I send you flying.”
She chuckled at his reaction, cocking her head and smirking. “Oh, baby, when I’m done with you, you’ll be kissing my feet!” She hissed the last part and lurched at him. At the same time, the three agents of SHIELD, or whatever they were now anyway, ran towards him as well.
Bucky did quick math in his mind, the next few minutes eloping in front of his eyes like a movie. He knew how it would go down. While Hannah would keep him occupied in the front, the three guys would try to corner him and somehow catch his hands to stop him from resisting. But Bucky knew that no matter how strong a tape they would use, he would be able to rip it and continue to fight for his life.
He smirked as well, letting Hannah get one good punch, making her feel as if she had the upper hand. As he predicted, two of the guys tried to go around him to stand behind, but Bucky wouldn’t let them. While he kicked Hannah with all he had (girl or no girl, she was an enemy, and he didn’t give a fuck about her gender), and stood so that he was facing the two guys.
Punches were flying, Bucky could feel bones shattering under his blows, making the guys groan in pain, but the adrenalin didn’t let them stop. He saw Hannah lurching back at him, hitting him in the ribs, and trying to have a go at his face. But Bucky could see right through her, and he blocked her punches with his metal hand while giving a few good measured hits to her stomach.
The three of them were groaning, and Bucky suddenly realised that there used to be four. He quickly turned around and saw Micheal just standing there, watching. When he saw that Bucky turned his attention to him, he smirked and as if playfully made a sign to Bucky to come and get him.
Because Bucky was in the mode of fight, he didn’t hesitate and made a run towards him. Micheal didn’t budge. Bucky didn’t care, he wanted to have this over with, and so he raised his left hand to punch him, but at the same time, Michael raised his own hand, clenching something in it.
Before Bucky knew what was happening, the thing in the agent’s hand flashed and Bucky could suddenly feel his left metal hand twitching and growing numb to the point Bucky had no control over it.
It suddenly felt as if it weighed 100 pounds, and it fell to his side. Bucky looked at it shocked and tried to fight Michael with just one hand, but suddenly, the other three behind him came to life and jumped at him, bringing Bucky down with them.
He groaned and tried to fight them, but each of them grabbed one of his own limbs, probably knowing that his metal arm had quite some time before it came back to him. While the three men were kneeling on Bucky body, Hannah took his head into her hands to keep him in place and set on his chest.
“It’s a special little thing, isn’t it? One of the scientists we work for made this specifically for you, you should be honoured, baby!” She was now mocking him, he was sure of that. She didn’t let him even form a sentence, as she went on. “It destabilised the electric board in your arm and made it completely unworkable. Isn’t it great? You’re suddenly a very normal guy.”
Bucky scoffed, and despite the guy sitting on his right arm, he shook him off and punched Hannah square into her jaw. It took her off balance for a little bit, but shook the pain away, hissing at the guy holding Bucky to fucking do his job.
Bucky didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but he started to feel really uneasy. They obviously came prepared, totally surpassing his expectations of the battle (he really didn’t think he’d be laying on his back with four people on top of him).
“You’re making me work for my money, for real, Bucky. When I got you as my mission, I thought it’d be walk in a park, considering my looks and charm, but you’re a tough cookie.” Bucky rolled his eyes at her remark with beauty and charm, knowing as much as she did that she obviously dint have any of it when she had to lie her ass off in front of him for him to open at least a little to her.
She saw what he did and smacked him hard across his face. “This is no time to be funny, asshole. I was so fucking happy when you finally started spending a little more time with me because I lied to you about that slut.” Bucky’s whole body convulsed, fighting against her words. He didn’t want her to even think about you.
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.” He hissed at her.
She just smirked and made a long awww sound. “You’ve actually fallen for her, haven’t you? That’s so sweet, disgusting and sad, but sweet, sure. I thought I’d be done with you before you realised what was happening, but your little bitch just has to be everywhere, doesn’t she? I really thought I lost the chance to get you on our side, but, fortunately, I got one more chance. So, here we are. I hope you’re ready.” She smiled and fished for something in her back pocket.
You were ecstatic. You knew Bucky was coming back in a few hours, and just the image of him there with you made your heart grow a little warmer. You didn’t even need to do anything with him (not that you didn’t want to and that it wasn’t one of the main things you’ve been thinking about while he was fighting the evil), but you would do with him just laying next to you. You missed the warmth his body emitted, especially when he was asleep. He was like your own personal furnace, and the nights without him were cold and lonely.
Though you knew you should be getting used to it, if your relationship should grow, because, after all, he was a soldier and there were still wars, he needed to be a part of. And he’d be gone for more than few days at a time, and just the image made your heart clench involuntarily.
While Bucky was gone, you tried to get as much work done as you could, knowing that when he came back, and if he came in the same mood he was leaving, you would want a few free days that the two of you could spend together.
When you asked Tony if it was ok, you expected some kind of fight, or at least a lot of muttering and him just being a child in general. But when you raised the question, Tony just nodded understandingly and told you that he understood and that you were a part of the team and didn’t need to ask for free days. You were glad that you didn’t need to fight him, and even happier he saw you as part of them. Not that you could fight, or anything like that, but it was nice to be seen and appreciated.
It was only two hours until you could hold Bucky again, and you thought about what to wear to make a pleasant surprise for him. You took a long bath, scented candles all around the bathtub, relaxing you even more thoroughly. You took your time putting on some make-up to look at least presentable, and also put on your newest lingerie, knowing Bucky would appreciate them once things started to be a little more heated up. Just the image made a shiver run down your spine. You couldn’t wait.
Bucky’s eyes almost fell from their sockets the second he realised what Hannah, or whoever was her boss, planned for him. He was rolling on the ground, trying to shake those people off of him, or at least causing enough fuzz that he wouldn’t hear the damn words. But it was to no avail. Hannah laid the paper with the ten words on top of his chest and continued to hold his head. She smirked at him, the devil peaking from behind her irises.
(A/N: I looked up the translated version of those words because I don’t know a word in Russian and wouldn’t want to screw it up, imagine them in Russian, or don’t... I don’t know)
Bucky trashed harder, trying to compose himself and to survive this hell she was putting him through.
Bucky was screaming now, for his ears to hear anything else than those damn words. He almost forgot what it felt like when his own consciousness was slipping away, being replaced by something so cold, menacing. He wanted to run away, to you, at best, and just let you play with his hair and tell him that he’d be ok, just like you did when he had the nightmare. But fate had obviously different plans.
The Winter Soldier was now licking into his brain, the robot mode almost on. He tried to fight it as much as he could, if for nothing else, then at least for you. Because he was very much aware, he wouldn’t know you, and if you saw him like that, you’d never want him close to you. He’d lose in an instant, and Bucky was sure he couldn’t live without you.
He saw your face in front of him, smiling up at him, looking at him with the adoration in your eyes that was there lately. He smiled, absent-mindedly, remembering how your skin felt under his fingertips, how your laugh warmed him up inside. He prayed to whoever was listening to stop this, that he’s been through enough and that he doesn’t have it in him to go through all of that again. Knowing that there is something better waiting for him, for the first time in his life.
He could feel the Winter Soldier taking over, but not before Bucky gave your image one last goodbye, knowing that it’s probably the last time he ever saw you. He fell in love with you, and he didn’t even have the time to tell you.
Freight Car
With the last word being said, Bucky’s body went rigid and stopped resisting. Hannah smirked and looked at the person beneath her. The dead was done, and she couldn’t wait for what was to come.
/ Next Chapter >
After All:
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