#anything for the pig though
vpofcookies · 1 year
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egophiliac · 1 month
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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gorgynei · 6 months
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wanted to try mixing together wolf+human skeletons to make a werewolf, so heres my go at that with bone. the shoulders are pretty human but the hips are titled down and back further so that quadrapedal movement is more comfortable while also not making bipedal walking impossible.
also since this transformation would require less anatomical changes, most clothes still fit the transformed form
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rystiel · 2 months
is tosh the only member of torchwood (other than jack obviously) who met the doctor in person??
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 2 months
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Somebody left an anonymous opinion piece zine on the community table in one of the local coffee shops and I had to do a double take on this drawing
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proteusolm · 4 months
I think pigs are one of the few animals that are less cute the smaller they are. It's like... we selectively breed small pig breeds for smaller skeletons but the same amount of meat? I find adult potbelly and kunekune pigs grotesque in form, with their eyes lost in a cease below a slab of forehead meat.
Like, the sweet face of a mangalitsa pig:
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Vs the... I guess there's a face in there somewhere? Of a kunekune or potbelly:
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
There’s a spot beneath Techno’s jaw where if someone scratches it he’ll reflexively begin thumping his hoof against the ground. He’ll try to insist it’s just an adhd stim, but also won’t let them stop petting him.
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toaster-trash · 11 months
Does anyone else have a weird irrational hatred of Bluey? Like I have to put it on for my younger siblings all the time, and I always see stuff online constantly that’s basically like “finally a kid’s show that isn’t bloody insufferable for everyone else in the room”, but like nine times out of ten I’ll usually leave the room immediately after putting it on because I do find it annoying as hell. I mean there’s nothing wrong with it or anything, it’s just a children’s show. Which I, at sixteen years old, generally unsurprisingly find annoying. What’s worse is that I have people I know my age who don’t have younger siblings or who don’t generally babysit at all who watch it on their own time??? I was so flabbergasted I genuinely sat down one 3am (insomnia what did I ever do to you) and tried to actually watch some of it and did NOT get it remotely. One of the biggest things I see constantly online is that it’s relatable??? But at least personally it definitely is not???
Alternative title: whole ass teenager complains about a popular children’s show that has absolutely and utterly no bearing on his life whatsoever if people enjoy it (seriously, do whatever you want I’m genuinely just confused what the appeal is)
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keingleichgewicht · 2 years
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Listen for the prophecy somewhere in the static Once you've saddled up your pony Burn down the paddock
kt, parties is for losers by ferry the mountain goats, "as many candles as possible"
#pafl#parties is for losers#edit tag#NO ONE GETS! TOO MUCH LIGHT!#no one actually gets a better deal! no one gets anything good out of this! it doesnt work like that no one here isnt hungry#and also like . kt is a character who is capable of Almost Too Much empathy. i think this is one of her tragedies#she considers other peoples points of view. she doesnt always have all the information! but she does consider it#and this means she understands yura on the very first glance and understanding yura is a deeply sad thing#and this means she can't even hold a serious grudge against dmitry for what he has been complicit in in the past#and evidently this means most terribly that in the end she even understands why she got put back in the cage (though we dont!)#'when the scars are shiny' for kt means back in a hospital bed and saying goodbye to any chance at ever being loved#and 'the risen beast' to be clear is dima (who has hurt her before) but its also yura (who has hurt her now)#and the pigs and the dawn and joy that might not be joy and that fucking smile that yura wears all the time#that kt tried to help him find a way out of and has in the end only succeeded at trapping him much further in#THIS IS ALSO SO SAD. kt understanding yura is so sad - its so tired - she helps him but there is this old jaded edge to the comfort#you get the distinct sense shes seen it all before#(and considering her upbringing she probably has!)#just another broken boy. and she is too kind not to do something. but shes already so very much too grown-up and too tired#we talk about yura having to grow up too fast - and GOD did he ever have to - but KT! BUT KT! kt is THIRTEEN!#SHES THIRTEEN. DUDE. SHES THIRTEEN
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antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
Now that I've slept on it for two days, I think my thoughts are clear enough to finally formulate my words about the whole situation with a certain pig. Actual final post on this unless. Idk something worse happens but given that pizza discord was lifted up like a nasty rock I sort of doubt it.
I've been seeing a lot of takes lately given the pizza game. I agree with a large chunk of them that boil down to 'don't make playing this game a moral thing'. I don't agree with sentiments that are akin to 'this was years ago', or 'you're all just trying to cancel him because the game got popular'.
I was in that discord. I had most of the channels muted, but I'm pretty sure I left it in 2020ish. I only didn't see the grossness people are outlining firsthand because I only looked at the dev update chat at the time so I can see what he was implementing. One of my dearest friends had a very, VERY bad experience with it. It's not my right to exactly describe what happened to them, but... Yeah. It was awful. I get that all official discords become cesspits when they get thousands of people in there, but there's no excuse for what happened in there.
I can confirm that the discord was always full of redditor-like types and worse, which is why I muted all of the talk channels to begin with and didn't even glance at the fanart I was really there for. You may notice, if you're a long-timer that is, a lot of early Pizza T0wer artists didn't make fanart again when the game came out. The reason is a lot of them were treated like garbage in the discord. Sure, you had your usual types of people who stupidly make comparisons like 'oh your oc looks like (canon character)' thinking that's a good thing to say to a random artist who may or may not be ok with that, but many of them were just... Outright hostile.
Moderation was never good. I can't exactly recall how the mod team was cycled, but most of them didn't-- Or couldn't do their job because of the vast amount of people flowing in pre-release. It is legtiamately no wonder why it's had so many issues upon release. What I'm getting at here is the discord server was an awful idea. Even if it was patreon only a lot of the patreons made this sort of gross echo chamber. The reason why the stuff with pig both surprised me and didn't surprise me was because of the other half of the publishing company, Sertif.
Sertif to me is the most baffling part of all of this. Not because they did anything wrong, no, the exact opposite. They're arguably the most squeaky clean part of the team, being a far cry from whatever slop pig spewed. Which makes the fact that pig said all of that stuff lowkey worse to me? I don't know if they forgave him for that, or they were somehow unaware. Sertif is also the reason why I can't fully hate the game even with the flaws sprinkled throughout.
It's just upsetting. I can't blame people for reacting the way they have, but at the same time people have gotta stop making excuses. I think it's completely valid to say 'hey you're still allowed to enjoy the game and characters, just don't defend the stupid ass pig'. I think a lot of people put it aptly that the game has already gotten traction. It's your choice if you still want to make fan content or not, it probably won't have a heavy effect on the game's sales at this point. It's sort of people trying to boycott pkmn to a much lesser extent-- People are still going to buy it because they're not engaged with online couture or multiple other reasons.
I do indeed have zero respect for people rubbing their hands together like flies like 'finally I have an excuse to dislike popular thing'. Like, really??? That's where your priorities lie? You can dislike the pizza game. You could've still disliked it if the pig was squeaky clean. But this exact same thing happened to two fixations I heavily fell out of, that being 0mori and f//nf. They gained traction, and people dug stuff up on the creators.
I'm not going to claim that people only dug this stuff up because the game got popular. I won't assume bad faith despite many people assuming bad faith out of others becoming a trend nowadays. People have a right to know what the hell creators did before deciding to get into a game. But claiming people are a bad person for liking a piece of media...
...For the love of god, at least confirm if they do or do not condone the creator's actions.
It's very easy to say 'no media is perfect', sure, but I think most people have gone through the song of dance of 'thing I like was made by an awful person!' there are rare white whale situations where you really should drop the franchise (cough) bad wizard franchise (cough), but expecting everyone to just... Drop a piece of media like a sack of bricks?
Please think realistically. It's great that you're informing people, but expecting people to drop media... You don't know their history with it. You don't know how much comfort it brought them or anything else. Demonizing people for liking pieces of media with flawed creators is really just a waste of time.
I won't ever undermine what pig has said and done. I hope he properly apologizes and hell, takes the extra mile, adjusting those questionable enemies and donates to a few charities or something to show he gives a shit. The very little credit he's done is he admitted what he said was shallow. I know the bar is in hell, but it's good that he isn't trying to double down and go 'bluh that was funny though' (I can imagine his cesspit of a discord echochamber has tried to say this. No way in hell I'm going in there to check and I wouldn't encourage anyone to go into that place with a ten foot pole).
I know I don't need to defend myself nor am I a bad person for acknowledging the creator is a shithead and still enjoying the game and the fan content around it. I have a lot of friends who like fn4f who hate Scott. I wouldn't be friends with them if they defended him. People trying to say this and that about this stance is... Bizarre.
I understand how Pizza game can make people uncomfortable now (always have given the long running history of the bad discord), and people have their full right not to engage with me because they are uncomfortable. At the same time, they shouldn't accuse me of being a bad person because I like something made by a bad person.
A lot of music artists, or hell, artists in general are pretty bad people but people will still admire the artist's ability. A lot of people online who hostility attack people over their interests probably have one of their own pieces of media that isn't squeaky clean.
Please save yourself the mental trouble and stop making people feel 'bad' for liking media. In most cases, you can just block them and mute the tag. It's a waste of everyone's time to hunt people down over this sort of stuff.
Stay informed, don't make excuses for content creators. That's all I ask.
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david-watts · 1 year
kinda mad that I bought myself something as a treat, hid it, and it’s been removed from the hiding spot twice and half used (without asking) and on top of that stuff was left in it
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alfalfairy · 2 years
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caruliaa · 1 year
see the thing about the adults enjoying bluey thing is that part of me really enjoys it seeing both a show meant for very little kids but isnt talking down to them and also seeing an acknowledgment that the even if something is meant for a much younger audience that doesnt mean it lacks quality (and btw part of it is having a seven year old sister but i. am infact onr of those adults who enjoy bluey) but also as someone who was in the target audience (young child) for my little pony when i enjoyed it i am shaking like a wet dog a bit begging you people to please just be normal about this and not ruin it for the target audience okay thank you.
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tenshindon · 2 years
do you prefer pork or chicken?
the timing of this is so funny cause on saturday i had pork katsu and just a couple minutes ago i had chicken katsu
i usually prefer to eat chicken tho :)
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jvzebel-x · 7 months
omg you were at a shoot out? are you ok?
oh, i'm fine, lmao! it had nothing to do with me, i was just in the parking lot when it happened.
thank you for your concern, though. :)🌹🌹
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like it's so cartoonishly funny like i'm a sitcom character. after deciding to become kosher i magically become ultra sensitive sicky sick to multiple non-kosher items.
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