#anxious girlies unite
parkitaco · 1 year
Are we able to do mixes? If we are could I suggest 37, 26 and 10 for Byler? 👀
Will is warm and solid beside Mike.
It's something of a comfort, has been since long before they were together, the way Will's presence is always gentle and assured, and he's never minded when Mike wraps an arm around him or leans in close or sits closer than strictly necessary. He'd always been a quiet kid, snarky at times but always a little reserved, but Mike's never much minded. They even each other out, loud when the other is quiet, sweet where the other is abrasive. And Mike's certainly not complaining, not now that he has this: Will, asleep in bed beside him, warm even in the cold air of their apartment, a steady presence that calms Mike's erratic heartrate.
He's jittery tonight, his anxiety spinning out over the exam he has in the morning, even though he logically knows that he'll do fine. This happens often - his brain can pick apart his own emotions to a fault, trying his level best to reason them away, but no amount of overthinking can ever ease the pressure he feels in his ribcage, the nervous stutter of his fingers as he drums them against the mattress.
Will's presence is calming, though, and it's nearing midnight and Mike knows he should get some sleep, but he's never been good at staying still or quiet. He gives into his nerves and rolls over, propping himself up on one elbow and reaching out to trail a hand gently over his boyfriend's arm, the fabric of his sweater bunching up under Mike's bony, nervous fingers. "Will," he whispers, just once, just in case Will's still awake. He doesn't want to disturb him, and he resolves to just ask the one time, just to see, and if Will doesn't respond he'll go right to sleep, anxiety be damned.
But then Will's stirring under his palm, releasing a muffled "hmm?" and turning toward Mike, wriggling under the covers, and Mike's chest momentarily stops collapsing in on itself as Will's eyelids flutter halfway open, sleepy and sweet.
"Sorry," Mike whispers, just because, even as a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Were you sleeping?"
Will blinks up at him, seeming to come a little more awake as he shifts fully onto his back to look at Mike. "No," he says, like a liar, and Mike is too captivated by his adorably sleepy boyfriend to call him out on it. "Are you okay, baby?"
His words are blurred by sleep, coming out in a mumble as his eyes slide half-shut again, but Mike knows that he's genuinely asking, knows that Will would wake up for real and make him tea and whatever else Mike wanted if he just asked. "I'm okay," he whispers, wriggling a little closer under the covers, and Will absently tilts his face to the side to press a kiss to Mike's shoulder where it hovers over him. "I'm just- anxious, I guess."
"Exams?" Will asks, because he's magic like that and knows everything Mike is thinking at any given moment, plus also Mike had been talking nonstop about it earlier in the evening, which probably helps with the mind-reading.
"Yeah," he answers with a grimace anyway, settling himself back down onto his pillow, head resting a few inches away from Will's. Will absently reaches out and hooks an arm over his waist, drawing him closer and rubbing gentle circles over Mike's hip with his thumb. "I mean- I know it's probably fine, but still."
"It is fine," Will says, shifting his head up and opening his eyes straight into Mike's, "but I get it."
"You always do," Mike replies, like the completely embarrassing sap he is, and normally Will would make fun of him for it, but under the soft glow of the fairy lights they keep in their room, he simply smiles and lifts a hand to cup Mike's cheek.
"You're okay," he murmurs, swiping a soothing thumb over Mike's cheekbone. Mike exhales softly, relaxing a little under Will's touch, and he's pliant against Will's insistence when he mumbles a soft "come here" and tugs him closer, guiding Mike's head to rest against his chest. His sweater is warm and soft under Mike's cheek, and Mike sighs with content as Will runs a gentle hand through his hair.
"Love you," he murmurs into Will's chest, eyes falling shut.
Will kisses the top of his head, firm and purposeful. "I love you too, Mike," he whispers back, and it sounds bigger than it is, in the silence of their room, like he's making a promise. "Is this better?" he asks, holding Mike close, and Mike chews on his lip, thinking. He can still feel the thrum of anxiety under his skin, but it's- lessened, with Will's arms around him, tethering him to reality.
"Yeah," he whispers, but it must not be convincing enough because Will hums softly and tightens his hold on him, hooking his arms firmly around his waist. He shifts, tipping Mike gently onto his side, and his arms come up to wrap around his chest, hands folded neatly right over Mike's heart as he squirms closer and slots a leg through Mike's. His nose presses into the space between Mike's shoulder blades, warm breath against his spine, and Mike feels- grounded. Will's fingertips press into his chest, right over the frantic beat of Mike's heart, and Mike's shoulders finally relax, the external pressure overriding the internal.
He exhales softly, raising a hand to wrap lightly around Will's wrist, and he can feel Will's smile against his back as he squeezes gently.
"I think you might be magic," he whispers to Will. It's something he's always thought, in the back of his brain, and if he were a little more awake he'd have the sense not to say something so incredibly sappy and ridiculous, but Will doesn't seem to mind.
"Nah," he responds quietly, fingers still tracing gentle circles over Mike's chest, "I just know you."
Same difference, Mike thinks hazily, as Will's warmth drags him back into sleep. No matter what Will says, Mike is pretty sure that being known this way is a magic in and of itself.
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quartz-clusters · 2 months
What's your biggest non-sexual turn-on?
Most likely integrity and consistency. To even begin to be “turned on” be it in a non-sexual capacity I have to feel safe around a person, and those two two things combined are the core of me knowing I can rely on someone, thus even being able to be turned on.
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hc stevie with a gf who struggles with an anxious attachment style? </3 i feel like he’d b so understanding and kind. he’d be so patient and make sure you feel secure
anxious attachment girlies unite.
steve also has an anxious attachment style at times. sometimes when he hasnt seen you in a while he will assume the worst. that youre hurt or worse. and youre the same. he would buy you a bracelet with his name, so you know hes always with you. always telling you how much he loves you. always so patient and sweet.
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cheerclaw · 1 year
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Meet the OCs:
Burning Tree (they/them) - @skyyclan
Burning Tree is from Skyclan in Ancient Times, before many modern codes existed and not long after the original leaders founded the clans. Growing up, their parents had a very strained relationship (mother yearned for adventure and dad was pretty absent) and their grandmother was abusive, particularly to their sister who acted out often due to neglect. Burning ended up reacting to their neglect by being apathetic for most of their childhood, but around the time they became a warrior, many terrible things happened to the clans (an important cat in their clan died, their dad publicly disowned his family at a gathering, and Thunderclan and Windclan were taken over by a tyrant medicine cat)... they decided they wanted things to be better, to be the good they wanted to see in the world. Currently, they're a respected member of their clan, having worked hard to improve themself, and are dealing with newfound drama. Their father has returned to the clans after disappearing for moons... only to join Thunderclan, with an ex-mate running after him to try and force him to raise his kits... Skyclan didn't give him a the chance, taking them in and Burning Tree taking it upon themself to raise their half-siblings with the help of their clanmates. Only, tragedy struck, and one of the two kittens are found murdered. Luckily, they've hunted down the taken revenge on this murderer, but they seemed to be part of a group either run by or inspired by the previously mentioned medicine cat tyrant... so now they must do what they can to keep their remaning kit safe while Skyclan attempts to unite the clans against this threat. (story is a wip because they're part of an rp group!)
Starlingtuft (she/they) - @garfieldwiki
starlingtuft is the strict, quick-witted and stressed deputy of tumbleclan. Her father died before she was born and her mother started training as a medicine cat soon after her birth and wasn't around much. starlingtuft was the leader among her three siblings and was the one to keep them out of trouble during their kithood. During her apprenticeship she showed great strengths in being a excellent strategist and was a very strict rule follower. It was a huge shock when she was made deputy only 2 moons after her warriors ceremony, but while it seemed exciting at first she was put under more and more pressure by the anxious leader lionstar, until she was practically running the clan and dealing with the hostility of the bordering clan hillclan all by herself. Shes the main cat to deal with the border scuffles and the constant threats from hillclan and feels annoyed and aggravated with the leader and is constantly on edge, and shes starting to regret agreeing to becoming deputy in the first place. girlie just needs a break
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starry-hughes · 5 months
ayy night light girlies unit 🤞🤞🤞 i get so anxious if i sleep without one
i usually like sleeping in full darkness, like my bedroom at my parents house has blackout curtains but i just can’t be in complete darkness at night right now
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millylouedward · 6 months
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Book Review
In the famous words of Ruby Sutherland, "Read queer all year."
I am gay. So is this book. We are a match made in heaven.
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date has two main lovers, obviously, and then a circus of side characters who aren't really relevant to the romance at all. And that's fine. It's like when you're a little kid in church and you have a crush on the girl in choir. There's a whole bunch of people singing, but to you, it's only you and her. I swear I'm not speaking from experience (but I will save my religious trauma for another day).
Last year, I went into my first day at a new job. They took me into a room to do fingerprinting because this was an office that required security clearance. I was already riddled with anxiety but ya girl was pushing through. I'd made it all the way to 11 AM. I was on a damn roll. And then, the fingerprinting scanner wouldn't accept my fingerprints.
I kept trying the three fingers that wouldn't take over and over again. I began to think, what if I'm stuck here forever? What if I won't be able to keep this job? What if I died and I'm in hell and this is literally hell? Next thing I know, my heart is racing. My vision is getting blurry. I'm sweating like a possum in headlights. I puke into the nearest trash can, in front of my new boss.
Suffice to say, this was the worst panic attack I'd ever experienced. So when Stevie practically puked all over Iris, I was like, damn, she's so me.
I love the GAD rep in this book. Anxious girlies unite! And what's crazy about that first big panic attack that we see Stevie go through, is that it feels so real. I didn't notice we were even heading in that direction until it happened. That's exactly what anxiety is like for me. I don't notice my frantic thoughts or my racing heart until my body warms and I feel the vomit coming up my throat. The author has such a strong grasp on what it's like to have a panic attack that I almost had to wonder if she got inspiration from me (she didn't).
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Let's talk about the spice. And no, I don't mean nutmeg. Iris Kelly Doesn't Date is sexy. Like blushing, covering my agape mouth, looking away from the screen sexy. I had to shield my screen from my cats for fear that their baby eyes would be exposed to such nasty smut, I mean that in the best way possible. I don't really read books for the smut though. It's fun and all, but I'm here for the romance damn it. I want to see this couple defy all odds to be together!
Ashley Herring Blake, I love you and your writing, but this book is too long, there are too many things happening, and there are too many characters. I get it, the fans want to see everyone from the previous books return. But I had a difficult time remembering who was who outside of the famed Delilah, Claire, Astrid, and Jordan. Everyone else was a blip to me. And between the play, the fake dating, the sex/romance lessons, the anxiety, the book writing, the New York, the Malibu trip and Adri stuff, there were just too many plots, none of which were fleshed out enough. Neither Stevie nor Iris really have the time to think and feel and take control over their stories because so much stuff is just happening to them. I like that in a YA adventure, but not so much in an adult romance. It was a lot to follow for me. I think if the author had cut some of these side plots down and fleshed out the others, it would've been a 5 star read for me. It's still 4 stars though!
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Folks, this concludes my Goodreads reading challenge. I cannot believe I made it all the way to 52 books this year. At some points during 2023, I really didn't think I would make it all the way. But here we are, 52 whole books. I'm not done yet, though! I want to finish the PJO series before the year is up and maybe get through Chalice of the Gods. I have a couple library books available now too but had to delay those so I could finish this one. Keep an eye out for my best books of 2023 list soon!
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elleloquently · 1 year
hi!!! i just also wanted to say and agree with the anon who talked about anxious reader. i really enjoy the way that you portrayed reader especially as someone who does struggle with anxiety, i felt like i could actually see myself more in the way you wrote reader’s personality! a lot of writers write confident readers and that’s not a bad thing of course, but it’s just harder to imagine myself as that role as someone who does struggle with it. so i’m just sending you this ask to basically say thank you for the way you wrote reader and her going about her anxiety!!
you guys are gonna make me cry )): 💓
i totally get what you mean! the bold, confident types are inspiring of course, i just have such a difficult time finding relatability (which is totally fine because that’s the personality that some people can relate too!)
i never want any aspect of anxiety to be cartoonish or dramatized, or for it to be the ONLY aspect of one’s personality… the joy i have from reading this message is indescribable. thank you so much for taking the time to send me this!! <3 <3 im so happy that im doing a good job for u guys
ilysm and anxious girlies unite, ur all wonderful 💓!!!!!!
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hi, how are you doing?
for me i'm a bit depressed and pissed off bc on sunday the 1975 are performing the hurricane festival (quite near me) and i rlly wanted to go w friends but all of them thought it was too much money, so we didn't go, which i've been salty abt for ages now ... ~🦦
Awww, hun :( I’m so so sorryyyy I hate when that happens. Listen, could you still go??? Have tickets sold out? If not, please go!! PLEASE GO ALONE I PROMISE IT WILL BE FINE!!! I say that as a chronically anxious girlie who won’t pick up the phone and make a doctors appointment. Been to shows alone and it’s not nearly as bad as it feels like in your head. You’d have so much fun. Please try?? If you can afford it?
if I lived anywhere in Europe I’d come to Germany and go with you. Alas….the United States is quite far :(
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pisupsala · 1 year
It’s like you’re hardwired into my brain!!! I’m a history girlie who used to work in archives so an anxious, record obsessed MC was a gift and now you’re giving me a WW2 resistance fighter!!! WW2 is like *my* topic and I’m literally in the middle of a non-fic book about the French Resistance so cannot be more excited to see how this goes!!
YEEeeeessss, history girlies unite! 💪
I'm so happy it resonates with you 🥰 and I'm really excited to write more!
Personally, I'm currently reading a book on the Vietnam War, which is the first of a bunch that I got at a history book fair (most others are actually WWII books).
Thank you for your sweet message, you made my evening! 🧡
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kyururun · 2 years
Yonemura Kirara (OCHA NORMA) - VoCE Interview
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Beauty magazine VoCE interviews Yonemura Kirara of OCHA NORMA on makeup, her days in the Hello! Project Kenshuusei, and working towards debut.
Original article found here.
── Which member do you want to exchange makeup bags with?
K: Kitahara Momo-chan. She has a lot of pink cosmetics, and many things that are cute and girly! If we exchanged, I think you'd see a me you haven't seen before with a lot of pink. But actually, the truth is I already borrow a lot of her stuff without much thought now anyway (laughs). Next time I want to properly trade with her.
── What kind of makeup do you usually do for yourself?
K: For work, my eyeshadow is always brown. It makes the area around my eyes look deeper, and I feel like that makes me look cuter and overall better aesthetically. When it's my free time, I don't particularly need to look cute (laughs), so I do my makeup how I like, like winged eyeliner or pink eyeshadow. Sometimes I feel like just doing the makeup that I like for work too, like using the pink eyeshadow, but when I look at the videos and photos afterwards I think "this doesn't look good" and regret it... so basically I always end up back to brown!
── What kind of makeup is essential for live performances?
K: I love using glitter. When I go to a cosmetics department I always check out all the glitters, and I buy them right away. The area around my eyelids is so small, so honestly there's probably a lot more makeup I need to buy (laughs). I love big glitter that looks holographic! When the light shines on me, it reflects the glitter and sparkles and I think that looks really cute. I do sometimes worry how it looks from a male perspective, but I don't think much about that and apply it anyway!
── What do you think your personality is like, according to you?
K: I'm really unrefined. If I'm somewhere that I'm familiar with then I'll sit with my legs wide open, or I'll open and close a door really loudly. But when it's my first time somewhere I tend to freeze up out of nervousness, like today at the beginning I was actually really nervous. So I also think I'm a bit of a chicken.
── Yonemura-san, before OCHA NORMA made their debut, you spent 6 years as a Hello! Project trainee ("kenshuusei"). What kind of existence to you are the other 3 members who walked that road with you in the H!P KSS Unit?
K: When we were working as part of the Hello! Project Kenshuusei Unit, we had the effects of the Coronavirus happening around us, and we were always anxious about whether we would really be able to debut at all, or if we were to debut, what kind of debut that would look like. We had no idea what to aim for, so the four of us continued worrying and searching for some kind of answer, and there were days where we couldn't help our mood being down. There was actually a time that we got scolded by a teacher who told us, "The Kenshuusei Unit brings down the mood of the stage when you perform, so you don't have to perform anymore". There were a lot of painful times, and Hello! Project also has an image of people getting their debuts in elementary or middle school, so there was also an impatience with my age that made me think, "I can't keep going like this". The reason that I carried on without giving up despite all of that is definitely because I was always with the three of them! Of course if we were going to continue we would be together, but we also decided that if we were going to quit, we would quit together as well, so I felt like those three members were always my allies, and we had a special connection as a community of fate who had been struggling and fighting together.
── When you were in the KSS Unit, and you couldn't see your debut coming, was there anything the four of you did to keep up your motivation?
K: When we performed at events, we performed with the determination to turn the guests who were there into our own fans. For example, one thing we tried to be conscious of was making a lot of eye contact with audience members. Of course, we were also polishing our performances, but we also studied up on makeup and did our makeup together, and did strength training in the dressing rooms... We also put in a lot of effort to up our visual appeal.
── You don't always show a lot of what you're feeling on your face, but when you debut was announced, it left an impression on everyone that even you cried. What were your feelings at that time?
K: I had been aiming all this time to debut, so of course it was "happiness", but there was also a huge sense of relief, because my family, friends, and the members I had spent such a long time with had all been supporting me the whole time, and now I was finally going to debut properly. I think my situation had uneasy for a long time, and I caused a lot of worry for the people around me, so I was filled with a lot of gratitude.
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OCHA NORMA’s 2nd single “Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!” / UNMEI CHACHACHACHA~N" was released on November 30th, 2022.
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rcpeterfan · 2 years
Haruki Sazaki [Enstars OC Intro] 
I’d though I’d put this out since people might get confused with Haruki’s appearance!! Basic Info:
Name: Haruki Sazaki 
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/they
School: Second Year at Yumenosaki
Height: 5’8
Unit: Chivalry
Note: Haruki is a cross dresser.
Hikaru is Haruki’s younger brother. He is older than him by 1 year. Haruki absolutely adores Hikaru and how cute he is but it seems that Hikaru is annoyed with him and Haruki tries his best to get Hikaru to like him. Therefore earning the title, “The Sakuma Brothers 2” in Yumenosaki.
Haruki isn’t as close to Katsuo as he would like, but he still dotes over him as well, often treating him like a child. He adores how cute he looks and how he takes after Tsukasa Suou a lot. Haruki would sometimes adress him as, “Suou-sama” as a joke.
Haruki loves hanging out with Akio. They share a lot of interests and he really feels like he can confined in him. They often would tease the other unit members.
Like Akio, he has a big brother attitude. He is very bright and energetic and often expresses himself through how he dresses. Being a crossdresser and changing from wearing girly clothes to mens clothes when he feels like it. 
Haruki as a child was often bullied for being so girly but he didn’t let them stop him from being who he is. His parents didn’t seem to enjoy his attitude and verbally abused him. He always protected Hikaru from his parents’ hurtful words. It was hard for him to convince his parents to let him into Yumenosaki but he managed to convince them anyways. Later on his brother decided he wanted to go as well and his parents hestitantly let him. Haruki was a bit anxious about it and decided to earn money on the side just in case his parents refused to pay anymore.
During his second year at Yumenosaki he had met Akio Shimizu and Katsuo Kimura randomly in the halls. Akio told Haruki about him and Katsuo finally deciding they’re ready to form a unit and invites him to join since they’re looking to be a unit with 4 members, and to this Haruki humbly accepts because he likes their vibe. He later learns they’re all into Knights and start conversing about them. And eventually later on, Haruki drags the first year, Rin Ikeda into the unit, who later on becomes the unit’s composer.
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mrs-dr-reid · 3 months
My Personal Ted Lasso Headcanons (Part 1/?)
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Chronic nose booper. If he doesn't lovingly boop your nose at least once every hour or so, something is horribly wrong
Has an entire playlist dedicated to songs he likes to dance with you in the kitchen to, and he named it "kitchen dance parties with *insert whatever pet name he has for you* <3"
Always has to be touching you (poor touch starved baby). Whether he has his arms wrapped around you from behind or he has a hand at the small of your back, as long as he has at least one point of contact with you, he's happy
He memorized your coffee or tea order, and he'll always bring you your beverage and leave with a kiss on the top of your head
He always tests new dad jokes on you, but only the ones that are almost painful with how corny they are. If you squeeze your eyes shut and let out a groan before laughing begrudgingly, he knows it's a good joke
Loves helping you pick out your outfits. Whether it be for a regular work day or a formal event for AFC Richmond you two are attending, he'll gladly sit on the end of the bed and be your personal hype man as you model your different options for him
He teaches himself how to braid hair after a particularly rough panic attack, so now when you notice him starting to get really anxious, you plop in front of him and ask him to braid your hair for you to redirect his nervous energy to something else
His favorite thing to do on rainy days off is to curl up on the couch and read with you. Well, he reads his own book and you read yours, but you have your feet in his lap the whole time (parallel play girlies unite)
He uses the most ridiculous pet names imaginable for you. You're saved in his phone as something like "Honey Pie", he calls you "Sugar Bear" and all the most absolutely absurd things he can possibly think of, but it's so cute that you just let it happen
Accidentally uses UBER southern idioms and metaphors in front of the Greyhounds from time to time, and only realizes it when the locker room goes completely silent and everyone is staring at him with super confused looks on their faces. He once said that a rival team was acting like they thought the sun came up just to hear them crow, and he was met with confused stares from everyone except Beard, who nodded in agreement
He never fails to kiss you goodnight. Even if he's at an away game, he texts you a video of him blowing you a kiss and wishing you sweet dreams
You make him a skincare routine, and he follows it like it's a religion. He even takes notes on your skincare routine and replaces products for you when he notices they're running low. It's one of his favorite nighttime rituals to do with you
Loves it when you wear his clothes. When you come into the kitchen wearing one of his Kansas City Barbecue shirts, it takes every ounce of self-control he has not to start drooling. But he especially loves it when you steal his sweaters because you look so soft and cozy in them
He stress bakes when the more high-profile matches start popping up, and he sends you into work with so many baked goods that half of your co-workers have to sign a cease and desist because they've ruined diets because of Ted's goodies
He packs you a lunch every day to take into work, and you do the same for him. In fact, he once sent you a video of him showing off all the yummy things you put in his lunch to the team, and you almost died laughing when you heard Jamie yell "COACH, CAN I BORROW YOUR LADY?!?!?! I WANT A LUNCH LIKE THAT!!!" in the background
He doesn't understand the world's obsession with reality dating shows like The Bachelor/The Bachelorette and Love Island. He once came home to find you watching The Bachelor, and he said, "I don't get why people think it's so fun to watch other people's dating drama. This particular show also glorifies pitting women against each other, and I don't like that", which made you roll your eyes lovingly at him
He tries to be hip and use modern slang, but it never goes well for him and just ends up making himself sound old. He once said, "What in tarnation is a gyat and who is this rizzler everyone is sticking it out for?", and you almost died of cringe. Jamie especially picks on him for it, albeit lovingly
Never fails to show you how much he loves you. Of course he always tells you, but he also shows it in the little things he does for you, like giving you his jacket when it's cold, giving you his arm whenever you two are walking anywhere together, and looking directly at you while you're telling a story to show he's actively listening to you
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pacifymebby · 4 months
Anxious tummy girlies unite 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yeah you know what I think that's me tonight 😭😭 at least we have each other <3
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maddipoof · 1 year
Somebody tells you they love you - Character pairing <3 tell me everything you want me to know to pair you with a character and give you some scenarios
ooh della could i get this for the marauders! either gender but male pref <33
'm a sagittarius with a virgo moon in vedic astrology, although in western i'm a capricorn with a libra moon <3 i'm a ravenclaw and an enfp. (i think im an ambivert tho)
i'm 5''3 with auburn curly hair and a pretty petite hourglass figure. i have freckles pretty much all year round - but only on my cheeks and the tip of my nose. my eyes are blue but look green in certain lighting. ever since i was abt 5 or 6 ive always wanted to get a couple of tattoos but im not old enough yet 😭
i would describe myself as observant, fun, genuine, intuitive and witty. i like to get to know people & ask them questions, im pretty open personally. how much i talk changes massively depending on my mood although i do end up rambling about nothing once i get invested in the conversation lol.
im pretty ambitious which can sometimes cause severe burnout, but i hate pushing myself further than i can and i am learning to set good boundaries. i am a relatively anxious person, but im rlly getting better at managing that.
i feel most at home during autumn & during starry nights. i like adventures but at the end of the day i prefer being at home. i love art galleries, astronomy, late night conversations, biking, classic flction and listening to music - i like the beatles, queen, oasis, arctic monkeys, tv girl, simon & garfunkel, lana del rey, bowie.
i'm a massive hopeless romantic - although i've never been in a relationship -and it doesn't help that i watch like a rom com a week 😭. my love language is physical touch or quality time.
my favourite things in the world are my cd collection & my family <3 (cd collection comes first ofc lol)
I'm feeling very Sirius with the astronomy and art.
I think that he would love quality time and just listening to music and talking. I think when you two first meet he would notice you getting anxious and next time he saw you he'd really try to make you comfortable and as you two got closer you'd be much more comfortable being around him and also being very close (physical touch girlies unite). I think you'd exchange music together, and you'd sneak each other into your house's common rooms. I think he'd be very caring and romantic, trying to rival all your romcom love interests. and if you think he's not using some crazy kind of magic to talk to you all night long you're crazy. Oh my god and he's cast a spell so you can watch a projection of the night sky on the canopy over your bed. And if you're ever feeling homesick he'll make it a projection of the sky over your home. <3<3<3 He's just adorable and in love
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starry-hughes · 5 months
are you okay
my heebies have just been jeebied too much recently after my sister in law passed
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saltairandtherust · 1 year
anxious girlies unite taylor
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