#i love the mixing idea actually ty anon <33
parkitaco · 1 year
Are we able to do mixes? If we are could I suggest 37, 26 and 10 for Byler? 👀
Will is warm and solid beside Mike.
It's something of a comfort, has been since long before they were together, the way Will's presence is always gentle and assured, and he's never minded when Mike wraps an arm around him or leans in close or sits closer than strictly necessary. He'd always been a quiet kid, snarky at times but always a little reserved, but Mike's never much minded. They even each other out, loud when the other is quiet, sweet where the other is abrasive. And Mike's certainly not complaining, not now that he has this: Will, asleep in bed beside him, warm even in the cold air of their apartment, a steady presence that calms Mike's erratic heartrate.
He's jittery tonight, his anxiety spinning out over the exam he has in the morning, even though he logically knows that he'll do fine. This happens often - his brain can pick apart his own emotions to a fault, trying his level best to reason them away, but no amount of overthinking can ever ease the pressure he feels in his ribcage, the nervous stutter of his fingers as he drums them against the mattress.
Will's presence is calming, though, and it's nearing midnight and Mike knows he should get some sleep, but he's never been good at staying still or quiet. He gives into his nerves and rolls over, propping himself up on one elbow and reaching out to trail a hand gently over his boyfriend's arm, the fabric of his sweater bunching up under Mike's bony, nervous fingers. "Will," he whispers, just once, just in case Will's still awake. He doesn't want to disturb him, and he resolves to just ask the one time, just to see, and if Will doesn't respond he'll go right to sleep, anxiety be damned.
But then Will's stirring under his palm, releasing a muffled "hmm?" and turning toward Mike, wriggling under the covers, and Mike's chest momentarily stops collapsing in on itself as Will's eyelids flutter halfway open, sleepy and sweet.
"Sorry," Mike whispers, just because, even as a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Were you sleeping?"
Will blinks up at him, seeming to come a little more awake as he shifts fully onto his back to look at Mike. "No," he says, like a liar, and Mike is too captivated by his adorably sleepy boyfriend to call him out on it. "Are you okay, baby?"
His words are blurred by sleep, coming out in a mumble as his eyes slide half-shut again, but Mike knows that he's genuinely asking, knows that Will would wake up for real and make him tea and whatever else Mike wanted if he just asked. "I'm okay," he whispers, wriggling a little closer under the covers, and Will absently tilts his face to the side to press a kiss to Mike's shoulder where it hovers over him. "I'm just- anxious, I guess."
"Exams?" Will asks, because he's magic like that and knows everything Mike is thinking at any given moment, plus also Mike had been talking nonstop about it earlier in the evening, which probably helps with the mind-reading.
"Yeah," he answers with a grimace anyway, settling himself back down onto his pillow, head resting a few inches away from Will's. Will absently reaches out and hooks an arm over his waist, drawing him closer and rubbing gentle circles over Mike's hip with his thumb. "I mean- I know it's probably fine, but still."
"It is fine," Will says, shifting his head up and opening his eyes straight into Mike's, "but I get it."
"You always do," Mike replies, like the completely embarrassing sap he is, and normally Will would make fun of him for it, but under the soft glow of the fairy lights they keep in their room, he simply smiles and lifts a hand to cup Mike's cheek.
"You're okay," he murmurs, swiping a soothing thumb over Mike's cheekbone. Mike exhales softly, relaxing a little under Will's touch, and he's pliant against Will's insistence when he mumbles a soft "come here" and tugs him closer, guiding Mike's head to rest against his chest. His sweater is warm and soft under Mike's cheek, and Mike sighs with content as Will runs a gentle hand through his hair.
"Love you," he murmurs into Will's chest, eyes falling shut.
Will kisses the top of his head, firm and purposeful. "I love you too, Mike," he whispers back, and it sounds bigger than it is, in the silence of their room, like he's making a promise. "Is this better?" he asks, holding Mike close, and Mike chews on his lip, thinking. He can still feel the thrum of anxiety under his skin, but it's- lessened, with Will's arms around him, tethering him to reality.
"Yeah," he whispers, but it must not be convincing enough because Will hums softly and tightens his hold on him, hooking his arms firmly around his waist. He shifts, tipping Mike gently onto his side, and his arms come up to wrap around his chest, hands folded neatly right over Mike's heart as he squirms closer and slots a leg through Mike's. His nose presses into the space between Mike's shoulder blades, warm breath against his spine, and Mike feels- grounded. Will's fingertips press into his chest, right over the frantic beat of Mike's heart, and Mike's shoulders finally relax, the external pressure overriding the internal.
He exhales softly, raising a hand to wrap lightly around Will's wrist, and he can feel Will's smile against his back as he squeezes gently.
"I think you might be magic," he whispers to Will. It's something he's always thought, in the back of his brain, and if he were a little more awake he'd have the sense not to say something so incredibly sappy and ridiculous, but Will doesn't seem to mind.
"Nah," he responds quietly, fingers still tracing gentle circles over Mike's chest, "I just know you."
Same difference, Mike thinks hazily, as Will's warmth drags him back into sleep. No matter what Will says, Mike is pretty sure that being known this way is a magic in and of itself.
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