#anti jon x dany
8x01 - The Fire Is Shown When Sansa Doesn't Respond Well to Dany's Compliment
If you look at this scene:
You'll notice that there is a grate burning next to the open gate when Jon rides into the courtyard. It's low to the ground, not really a huge flame, and there's some smoke coming from it.
Guess where Jon, Dany, and Dany's retinue stops? Right in front of it. Jon doesn't stay for too long, though; he rushes right over to Bran.
Not only is that very telling, but we don't see it too often; our attention is not meant to be called to that fact too much in face of what's going on in the scene. (meaning it's in the background and it's telling us not too subtly what is going on but we should be paying attention to the event of the scene more) Even when the camera shows us Dany and Jorah standing in front of the fire as they watch Jon speaking with the Starks.
When Dany comes forward to be introduced, when the camera is on Dany complimenting Sansa, we see Jorah's torso behind Dany.
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It's only when Sansa answers "Winterfell is yours, Your Grace" that we then see the flames behind Dany.
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The Bran interrupts.
And also another important bit of framing to note:
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Not only is this particular shot important to pay attention to (with Kit's performance, meaning when Dany moves a bit closer to face Sansa after she has already come up to Jon's side, Jon himself moves closer in Sansa's direction; it's subtle but it's there; so not only is he moving away from Dany in this half-step but also closer to Sansa, which is important for what this framing represents & what comes later in the episode with Dany threatening Sansa to Jon) but notice what is behind Dany and Jon. A grate full of firewood that has not been yet lit.
While we saw in this season the fireplaces being used to show us the fire raging within Dany (and how she was going to use it later on in the season), Jon's fear (8x05), and how people were always trying to turn Dany away from it (Jorah in 8x02, Jon in 8x04), they're also showing us in this shot Jon purposefully in the middle between Dany and Sansa. The fact that they chose to show us this important prop behind this purposeful blocking of this shot and scene tells us everything.
Jon is a Targaryen but the fire is not lit behind him. He is not the same as Dany. This is cemented by them choosing to show us the lit fire behind Dany in the moment Sansa offends her by not thanking her for her surface compliment. By Kit's (and Emilia's) subtle movements in this shot, it's cemented that Jon is purposefully putting himself in between the two ladies.
Even from this one shot and one moment in the show, it's apparent that Jon is protecting Sansa, because Sansa is the one that Dany feels threatened by the most in Winterfell. And Sansa is the one Jon will need to choose to protect later in 8x06.
Kit and Emilia masterfully played even this part of the scene (with the grate between them, still unlit):
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Dany has just been told Viserion is now the Night King's and we see this devastates her. In this shot, Dany turns in Jon's direction, not completely, not even really looking at him, but the moment she does, Jon then turns to look at Sansa for confirmation.
They literally chose subtle body movements to show how Jon responded every single time Dany attempted to close the distance between them, even unintentionally. His focus was on his family and the mission at hand. Even during a split second reaction like this one.
And it makes perfect sense why the next time we see Sansa, Jon, and Dany, we see this:
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Jon is in between Dany and Sansa again. Jon and Sansa are on the same page, focusing on preparations for the upcoming battle and leading the North through it. (which is why we get Sansa talking about what she did when hearing the Wall fell and ordering Ned Umber to bring his people to Winterfell & Jon telling the Maester to send ravens to the Night's Watch telling them to come to Winterfell) We see Dany is turned towards the fireplace, the only one standing away from everyone else. She is not facing her people but the fire. She only comes to sit down at the table, facing everyone, when Ned Umber calls her his queen and apologizes.
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eruherdiriel · 2 years
I can't believe the GoT writers bothered to make all those Jonsa parallels to Cat and Ned and then shoved Dany and Jon at us like it was some epic love story???? One voiceover and cut between jonerys and rhaegar x lyanna and suddenly they're deeply in love ... Nah. And look I don't hate that jonerys happened so much as I'm pissed at the development that was thrown away for the sake of their love story.
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katvonawesome · 2 years
It’s a dam shame that D&D told Emilia she has to be more stoic as the season progressed on.
I’m like Daenerys was deep down a nerdy girl full of curiosity & if they would have let Emilia put a little bit of her own personality into Daenerys it would have been amazing to see on screen.
Honestly those jackass made every character stoic towards the end no emotion what’s so ever.
Even Jon crying over stabbing Daenerys was very plain Jane of him. 🤣
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Well GRRM has literally gone on record to say that he found Dany and Drogo romantic, so unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me if he felt the same way about Jon and Ygritte :/
I don't know what to tell you, but I go by what is in the text and that's Dany being suicidal within weeks of her marriage to him. 😬
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sherwoodknights · 2 years
Besties please if you're making anti posts about a character then go for it, you do you but for the love of God please tag it accordingly
I don't follow character tags so I can see how much people hate them for whatever reasons and I don't care how "superior" your other faves are I just wanna seen content about some characters without having complaints about stans or antis launched in my face at every turn
I can filter anti tags perfectly well, but that doesn't help when people just drop hate in a character tag
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Why most people who are against Dany becoming queen of Westeros , are also against Rhaegar x Lyanna, Dany & Jon's meeting being crucial to the plot and Arya being important to the narrative? Oh and also support the ableist theory of Bran becoming a tree for the rest of his life?
These antis are so predictable, lol!
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rise-my-angel · 10 months
I am here for your takes on Dani. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought her x Jon smelled of hot garbage. Like at best she was meh, and then when the two of them met I was just like "oh no....you're an entitled bitch". And now that its been years since I last consumed GoT, my thoughts have fermented into "oh no, she really is a conqueror" "oh no, everyone loves her because 'pretty badass lady'" "oh no i'm the fandom minority again". Anyway, where was I. She and Jon had no chemistry. The end.
The *only* way putting them in a romance even makes sense in concept is when you realize Benioff and Weiss gave Jon the Young Griff arc. It's why they gave him a Targ name, beacuse if they call him "aegon" then they can fufill that part of the books without ever having to establish Young Griff as his own character. He is the supposed son of Rhaegar Targaryean and Elia Martell, he goes to Westeros with intentions of using his better claim to take the throne and intends initially on marrying Dany, and it's theorized heavily that Dany will see his claim as a threat and the Burning of Kings Landing will come down to Aegon against Dany.
Jon Snow has nothing to do with that. He is a moral opposite to Dany as a charecter, and we've seen him time and time again be at strong odds against people with her morals. But by giving him the Young Griff arc, it means putting him into the romance spot when it makes no sense for him.
Hey I put a read more beacuse I cannot shut the fuck up about how this relationship is just rape and abuse but beacuse Jon's a man we think he wants it.
All of season 7 Jon is so out of place because he doesn't belong anywhere near Dany's Iron Throne plot, and he's being forced to interact romantically with a charecter that clearly he does not like as a person and is uncomfortable with.
But, Dany is the sacred cow of the GoT/asoiaf fandom. You love her and if you critizize her for villanious actions or morals then you are using bad faith towards her. While I personally don't like her, I don't mind other people liking her but I despise that her stans all refuse to allow any conversation about her being a morally bad person. A person who enjoys cruelty and death, enjoys creating fear and is smug when she can control others. That is not a person Jon would love, let alone even respect.
Their entire relationship wreaks of abuse, of Jon being forced into this and knows he cannot leave it without risking his and his families lives. Remember when Tyrion gave a very small level critisism of her actions and she angrily accused him of treason and siding with his family instead of her? Well what do people think would she have done, if her attraction to Jon was refused? Someone who she took all the defenses away from, all the power from, and could have killed at any moment (dont make an ygritte comparison mimi dont make an yrgitte comparison this is a different anti jon x fandom female fave charecter post).
I don't care how the show frames it, or what the intent was. What we got on screen, was Jon Snow being held prisoner to an immoral, cruel, military conquerer. And when that woman was attracted to him, she essentially forced herself into his life and gave him all but no choice. The Jon bending the knee scene and..the uh...boat...scene...later...uhhh....anyways, those to me feel so out of charecter. You cannot convince me Jon did any of this willingly. He is clearly trapped in this situation and cannot leave and is only with her beacuse she is violent and bloodthrirsty. But beacause Jon is a strong, capable man, it's not talked about as if he's the victim and that is insane to me. (Oh my good god the ygritte comparisons are almost laughable send help).
I don't consider a lot past season 5 to be canon, but if I am forced too, then I refuse to accept Jon was a willing participant in that relationship.
Jon's parentage reveal will always be about the revelations of his mother, and the understanding and acceptance of WHY Ned raised him the way he did. And how it was both his parents, his mother and his adopted father who loved him and kept him safe. The very fact that Young Griff's entire story is based around whether or not he truly is Rhaegar's son as opposed to that being a twist reveal is beacuse HE is the charecter whose Targaryean links is the important one. Jon's story is about him as Stark, and is always shown to be the moral opposite of Dany.
Their relationship in the best senario is not canon, but if it has to be, then there is no world in which Jon is there of his own free will. He is being forced into this relationship against his will. But considering his other love interest was another charecter who essentially forced him into a relationship against his will, and we were supposed to root for that tells me all I need to know.
Dany is a sacred cow charecter, and her stans are unreasonable in defending her. When you can like a charecter and critize them for their actions. Ned Stark was an idiot for ever trusting Petyr Baelish, Catelyn Stark's spiteful attitude and neglect of Jon Snow is was abusive behavior, Theon Greyjoy was a moron who ruined his own life for a father who long since abandonded him. Bam all charecters I love and there are some major flaws that I refuse to defend them for but thats also what makes them good charecters. Their flaws arent writing flaws, they are personal flaws for them as people.
Dany is not allowed to have personal flaws she is always to be justified even with incredibly bad faith defenses, but when she is flawed it's the writings fault not hers. Dany is a cruel, sadistic, controlling, military tyrant who enjoys watching her subjects fear her and her dragons. And she forced Jon Snow into a relationship with her beacuse otherwise then he is against her and we already knew she has no use for people who dont support her to be alive.
Jon Snow deserved better then to have both his love interests be domineering, controlling, abusive women who forced him into a romantic and sexual relationship.
Also, I mean, incest being normal is only a learned trait from Targaryens supporting their own blood purity. Jon was not raised to think incest is normal. Dany thinks its normal beacuse she and Viserys both were raised to think that, and Young Griff thinks marrying Dany is normal beacuse he too was raised with the mentality that Rhaegar would've been raised with. Jon finding out Dany was his aunt would've had Jon looking right at Sam and just
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elegantwoes · 1 year
sansa stans steal everything from other characters/relationships. 'the queen we chose line', dany's dragons, arya's wolf, good queen alysanne, gendry. jonsas steal the 'what do you know of my heart/sister' line from jon and arya, and most recently i've seen them steal the bear and the maiden fair song from braimes. your fave is so boring and dull you have to steal stuff to make her more interesting and unique. she is the most boring character in asoiaf deal with it.
I specifically asked you to provide sources we actually 'stole' those things too, because half of these are outlandish as fuck. I will only address the ones that do have some merit: The Alysanne one.
Anyone who has a basic understanding of English history knows that Queen Alysanne is based off of Eleanor of Aquitane. GRRM flat out said he based Alysanne on Katherine Hepburn's version of Eleanor in the lion in Winter (1968) movie. However this isn't the only time GRRM spoke about Eleanor of Aquitane:
However, with Catelyn there is something reset for the Eleanor of Aquitaine, the figure of the woman who accepted her role and functions with a narrow society and, nonetheless, achieves considerable influence and power and authority despite accepting the risks and limitations of this society.  (x)
The first character GRRM compares Eleanor to is Catelyn and calls them both baddass. Secondly he describes Eleanor as 'the woman who accepted her role and functions with a narrow society'. GRRM describes a type of female character that conforms to societal expectation of womanhood in a feudalistic society and Sansa squarely falls under that category..
Also while Sansa hasn't 'achieved considerable influence and power and authority despite accepting the risks and limitations of this society' just yet we can clearly see that Sansa will go down that route. Anyone who analyses Sansa's narrative arc in good faith knows she will hold a political position by the end of ASOIAF. The fandom has unamiously agreed to this. The only ones who vehemently deny this are antis.
So since Sansa is so extemely similar to Eleanor of Aquitane it naturally makes sense that she is similar to Alysanne as well, but that isn't the correct way to describe this.
It's Alysanne who is similar to Sansa. She is created in Sansa's and Catelyn's image and not the other way around. After all they are the major POV characters with lots of chapters. Alysanne is only a historical figure in Westeros who is only mentioned in one book whereas Sansa is a character who will shape the future.
And this is only aspect to Sansa Stark as a character. There's also her biggest storyline that is related to songs and truths, her identity and autonomy arc, how she is deconstructing and reconstructing what it means to be a true lady (a fine counterpart to her true knight), her romantic storyline is another.
These are all storylines that only belongs to Sansa and aren't stolen from anyone. So you were saying, anon?
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diamondperfumes · 10 months
I will be debunking this post about Skahaz being the Harpy.
Just as Daenerys is ruminating on equally implausible answers, the author introduces a wolf, unseen and far away but present enough to interrupt her thoughts. It is a deliberately jarring, almost incongruous moment: Daenerys certainly never encounters this wolf, and the threat of a lupine predator only briefly reenters her mind once more in the chapter. The story jumps from Daenerys' musings to the wolf's howling with a sharp immediacy, juxtaposing the theoretical considerations of a clearly political plot and the dangerous ambiance of the Dothraki Sea without any apparent justification for doing so. Yet I think the author includes the howling wolf in this moment specifically to identify the person Daenerys could not - that is, the individual actually responsible for the poisoning at Daznak's Pit. After all, the chapter immediately preceding "Daenerys X" is "The Queen's Hand" - a chapter which features none other than Skahaz mo Kandaq in a "new" Brazen Beasts mask, "a wolf's head with lolling tongue". If Skahaz has not yet openly taken credit for the poisoning - instead cleverly using the naturally suspicious Barristan to frame Hizdahr for the crime and thus bring down his, Skahaz's, great political enemy - the Shavepate has slyly hinted as much (andindeed by using masks): when Barristan and Skahaz enter the Great Pyramid to depose Hizdahr, Skahaz has his Brazen Beasts wear locust masks, and even tells Barristan that he "ha[s] more locusts if [Barristan] need[s] them". Now, in "Daenerys X", the story allows Skahaz the same sort of subtle boasting: narratively transformed into the natural equivalent of his bronze disguise, Skahaz presents himself as the true poisoner, the solution Daenerys herself could not reach. If we do in fact get an admission from Skahaz on this point - and I would not be entirely surprised if he said so in the moments before he also kills Barristan Selmy - then we can look to this moment for the author's clue to that revelation[.]
I agree with the introduction of the wolf being a tie into her political plot, but the parallel is with Jon Snow being betrayed, just as Dany was betrayed by someone she trusted. Jon Snow is killed for breaking his Night's Watch vows, upon declaring war to save his sister. Dany is betrayed by the Harpy, a figure she gives weighty political authority to during her rule in Meereen. The Harpy is a key figure on her Court.
The wolf's howling makes Dany feel "sad and lonely." Not angry or hurt, but sad and lonely. Yes, Skahaz wears a wolf mask in ADWD Chapter 70, but Jon Snow dies in ADWD Chapter 69, around the same time that ADWD Chapter 71 is taking place. There is a tonal shift from Dany ruminating on who may have betrayed her, to Dany empathizing with the wolf's loneliness. How the wolf's howl makes her feel is key to interpreting the passage.
Dany falls asleep after she hears the wolf howl. To reinforce the connection to Jon Snow/the politics at the Wall, George includes this passage when she wakes up:
“It turned out that their anthill was on the other side of her wall. She wondered how the ants had managed to climb over it and find her. To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros. The biggest wall in all the world, her brother Viserys used to say, as proud as if he’d built it himself."
Ants are crawling all over Dany when she wakes up, and she compares their perception of her makeshift Dragonstone to how people must see the Wall of Westeros, the biggest wall in the world. This is a very deliberate analogy for George to make. He could have used any comparison, but he chose to analogize the ants crawling on the makeshift Dragonstone to the people on the Wall, right after a night where Dany has dreams of starlight and Quaithe, when she falls asleep hearing a lonely wolf's howl.
Skahaz's Brazen Beasts wearing locust masks is a deliberate anti-parallel to the Harpy using locusts to poison Dany. The Harpy is trying to take Dany down, and Skahaz is trying to take Hizdahr down. However, Skahaz would not wear locust masks to hint to Barristan that he's the real poisoner, because it would only make Barristan suspicious of him. The irony is in freedmen wearing the faces of the very insects that slavers devour as a delicacy, and that they attempted to use to poison Dany. It's a way of mocking the slaver hegemony. While Skahaz has political reasons to have Hizdahr arrested, he gains nothing from poisoning Dany. In the aftermath of Dany's flight, Skahaz is deposed and Hizdahr, as king, holds all the power, and is able to chip away at everything Dany achieved as Queen of Meereen. If Skahaz's goal is to get rid of Hizdahr, poisoning Dany, which leaves a vacuum in her absence that strengthens Hizdahr, does not service him at all, especially because Dany is the one who gave him power.
Moreover, Barristan in that very chapter realizes that the poisoner is not Hizdahr:
“In return he gave her peace. Do not cast it away, ser, I beg you. Peace is the pearl beyond price. Hizdahr is of Loraq. Never would he soil his hands with poison. He is innocent.” “How can you be certain?” Unless you know the poisoner.
Barristan understands that the person who poisoned the locusts––the person who coerced Hizdahr's confectioner by kidnapping his daughter, the person who butchered his daughter into nine pieces when he failed to poison Dany––is the same person who so confidently guarantees that Hizdahr would never poison Dany, who engineered Hizdahr's marriage to Dany, the one whom neither Dany nor Barristan suspected of poisoning the locusts or being the Harpy.
Hizdahr is not the poisoner or the Harpy, but he is a son of the Harpy.
The person who benefits most from Dany being poisoned is the Harpy. Skahaz and Hizdahr are both narratively framed as potential poisoners. Attention is drawn as far away from the real Harpy as possible in adjudicating who the real poisoner is. Hizdahr, to gain a throne and roll back Dany's antislavery accomplishments. Skahaz, to have Hizdahr framed for the crime and removed from power. Both are presented as viable political actors with realistic motivations for wanting to poison Dany––how did Hizdahr truly secure the peace? how did Skahaz know all the details about the confectioner?––while the Harpy herself is distanced from the act, from the means of the act, and from the motivation for the act.
Barristan certainly will die defending Dany from the Harpy. But it will not be a death in the shadows. It will occur in the moment where action is taking place, where Barristan is bodily defending Dany:
“The scarab unfolded with a hiss. Dany caught a glimpse of a malign black face, almost human, and an arched tail dripping venom … and then the box flew from her hand in pieces, turning end over end. Sudden pain twisted her fingers. As she cried out and clutched her hand, the brass merchant let out a shriek, a woman screamed, and suddenly the Qartheen were shouting and pushing each other aside. Ser Jorah slammed past her, and Dany stumbled to one knee. She heard the hiss again. The old man drove the butt of his staff into the ground, Aggo came riding through an eggseller’s stall and vaulted from his saddle, Jhogo’s whip cracked overhead, Ser Jorah slammed the eunuch over the head with the brass platter, sailors and whores and merchants were fleeing or shouting or both …” (ACOK Dany V) - “The old man feinted with one end of the staff, pulled it back, and whipped the other end about faster than Dany would have believed. The Titan’s Bastard staggered back into the surf, spitting blood and broken teeth from the ruin of his mouth. Whitebeard put Dany behind him. Mero slashed at his face. The old man jerked back, cat-quick. The staff thumped Mero’s ribs, sending him reeling. Arstan splashed sideways, parried a looping cut, danced away from a second, checked a third mid-swing. The moves were so fast she could hardly follow.” (ASOS Dany V)
In the fifth chapters of her ACOK and ASOS arcs, Barristan defends Dany from an assassin––the manticore and the Titan's Bastard. It will only be fitting that he finds his end defending Dany from the Harpy of Meereen, completing the pattern of threes where some symbol/figure of an antagonistic political institution (the Sorrowful Men of Qarth & Mero of Braavos, the original commander of the initially slaver-aligned sellsword company, the Second Sons) comes to murder Dany.
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 5 months
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Jonsa, Gendrya, Braime, and RhaEliAnna [Rhaegar x Elia x Lyanna]
"How did you know of this chest Sam?" Jon s eyebrows were drawn together in a frown.
"Hummm…oh uh well Maester Aemon told me to give this chest to you when he died. He said that you would most likely be in need of them." Sam answers with a shrug.
Jon stared at Sam with a frown painted on this face. What could Maester Aemon possibly wanted to give him.
Jonsa, Anti-Dany
This is the true ending of GOT and I can't recommend it enough.
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esther-dot · 6 months
I feel very conflicted and I know I’ll get hate if I post this on my blog but I just want feedback. I loved D for years after watching the show until season 8 came out and I felt betrayed. I thought it was out of character. I wanted happy romantic J x D. I saw myself in D. I’ve read the books at long last over the past year and I know I have confirmation bias. I love Sansa too. And I see myself in her as well. Deep down I know that I am far more like book!Sansa than I am like the character D really is and that the D in my head is not truly who the character is. I want to love Jonsa. I think that could be such a happy end for Sansa and I want to want that (that being specifically Jonsa; of course I want a happy end for her). But I don’t know how to shake my attachment to D and the character I want her to be. I can’t let go and stop projecting despite consciously being aware that she is not truly very much like me at all. I think perhaps because Sansa’s arc has not yet had as much direct payoff. She has not yet been able to claim power in the way D has and I think thus identifying myself with her may cast a light on uncomfortable feelings of helplessness within myself. But I’m not really sure. All I know is that logically I wish for Sansa to be my favorite and I want to love Jonsa instead of JxD and I know Sansa is quite a bit like me but I just can’t seem to embrace that. I’m not sure if I am looking for any sort of advice or wisdom or perhaps just wanting to put my thoughts out there. I’m curious about anything at all that you might have to say
I have my opinions and preferences, but there’s a difference between emotionally connecting and intellectually engaging. I’ve read loads of classic novels because I want to know what they say, why they matter, but I often fail to find them personally meaningful. That’s simply due to life experience which is why certain things resonate with me or don’t. I’ve found, none of us read the same novel, even if we agree on certain aspects or characters, there’s always something else that hits us differently. That’s not an indictment or vindication of a person because I’ve revisited books years later and my response is wildly different.
The book didn’t change, life changed me so I read it differently this time around. That's a good thing to bear in mind when we're talking about the same series for years on end, there's room for us to evolve our stances because we're changing. I leave room for that with others, I permit myself the same understanding. I hope you do that for yourself too!
Also, my sensibilities aren’t Martin’s, so even if I make arguments about why a certain thing shouldn’t/should happen, I know it still might or might not. Jon and Dany isn’t a universally accepted pairing for no reason. And even though most of what I say about Dany I tag with “anti,” that’s just because I want people to be able to avoid it if they’d like. I don’t hate her, I have a lot of sympathy for her. I think her story is full of tragedy, so I don’t think there’s anything weird about reading the books and your heart going out to her. Many, many fans identify with her, some because they too are abuse survivors. That’s why a lot of fans connected so deeply with show Sansa as well. I was frustrated before the GoT finale because the people who argued with us about Dany were actively defending her burning people alive and denying where her story was going, but after GoT ended, I went into the Dany tag and saw a few posts by more normal fans who simply loved a girl who had inspired them and helped them in their own struggles, so I understand who she is to people even if she isn’t that to me.
I loved D for years after watching the show until season 8 came out and I felt betrayed.
This was a pretty universal sentiment, and I felt betrayed too (although for different reasons, coming from a completely different direction), so I sympathize.
Deep down I know that I am far more like book!Sansa than I am like the character D really is and that the D in my head is not truly who the character is.
I think the “problem” (not really a problem, but we’ll call it that) is that Martin wants his characters to be more than one thing. I’ve said in the past, he has quite an expansive view of what one person can encompass which means, I look at, let’s say, the Hound quite differently than many in the fandom. Every bad thing I have ever said about him is true, but there are good things about him that are true too, and Martin wants both to coexist. That’s true for Tyrion (another villain), Jaime, Theon….it’s true for Dany too. She’s even more enmeshed with good things, as more good desires, than those guys, so it’s easy to let it eclipse everything else. I’ve pointed out before that with Dany, it’s always a one-two. She “saves” people, then we discover it wasn’t salvation at all. You have to be open to questioning her to realize that though.
The way the show framed her, a lot of people saw themselves or who they wanted to be in Dany, and even now, I’ll hear people occasionally compare themselves to Dany in a positive way, because for years, she was a #girlboss. We might have a lot of skepticism around that idea now, realizing it was to hide what her story actually was, but it resonated because, who wouldn’t want to be capable of fighting injustice? Of walking into a situation and taking control of it and rectifying wrongs? The problem is, in the books, we’re presented with the reality that her methods aren’t improving things, and in the show, they mute that as much as possible. When the author is trying to show the devastation of war and the showrunners opted to glorify it, the audience is gonna have a reaction that’s no longer compatible with the original intent. For instance, Arya killing all the Freys. That’s presented as a bad ass moment, that’s their view, so why would a fan realize, “but over here vengeance / unnecessary bloodshed is bad.” It’s careless storytelling, but D&D were also dishonest too. They included certain moments to justify the ending, but undermined it so fans wouldn't track it, rewrote characters to make them obsequious to Dany. And then they drowned it all in bs interviews / commentary, loads and loads of hype and marketing....they twisted it completely out of any discernible shape. Confusion is an understandable response to such contradictory nonsense. People I'm a fan of made sense of it, predicted it, but I do think y'all were lied to by the showrunners which annoys me to no end.
But I don’t know how to shake my attachment to D and the character I want her to be.
That's love though. I've experienced this so often in real life, wanting good for someone I care about, desperately wanting them to see the self-destructive patterns they have, and not being able to get them to change anything and learning to either accept where they are/who they are, or learning, I can't accept it and ending the relationship because it wasn't healthy for me to be involved. Martin loves his villains, Tyrion is his fav, he wants you to care, that's where he'll get the tragedy in Dany's ending rather than it simply being a clear cut good vs evil ending. I think he wants us to have sympathy on both sides of the coming struggle, and to have fans see the heroic path Dany could have and watch her fail to follow it and walk down a path she didn't have to choose...it's gonna make it heart-wrenching rather than cliche. I think you may be almost just where Martin wants you.
I think perhaps because Sansa’s arc has not yet had as much direct payoff. She has not yet been able to claim power in the way D has and I think thus identifying myself with her may cast a light on uncomfortable feelings of helplessness within myself. But I’m not really sure.
Obviously, I don't know you, but from what I've seen people write about Sansa, I do think her relative powerlessness is a major detractor for fans. For some it makes her boring, for others, they despise her because they're so frustrated by her not doing something. But it's a dose of reality in this fantasy world to have a character constrained by her situation and her life dictated by her gender. I'd argue that Sansa is a more impressive character for the mercy and bravery she shows even thought she is a captive herself, but I understand that's not as thrilling as other characters' stories.
I want to love Jonsa instead of JxD
Sansa has had a few crushes which are fairly...I’ll say, detached from reality. She connects to the characters emotionally by imagining them as romantic figures, less a tangible knowing and loving the individual. It’s all very daydreamy, but mainly, she's been the object of desire for creeps. So, while I disagree with them, there is a part of me that understands why fans aren't looking for her to have an actual romance because the way it has existed in her story thus far isn't tangible for her or rewarding, and of course, there's her age. Dany on the other hand, as young as she was when this story began, has had sexual partners she loves. We say Drogo was an abusive POS, we know Daario doesn't truly care for her, so I understand, with one part of my mind, that fans are looking for her to have a mutual, sexual relationship. If you love Dany, a healthy sexual relationship feels more pressing than one for Sansa, due to past experiences. It feels more appropriate due to her age as well. So, I understand why one can have hooks for you as a fan that the next doesn't. It’s always good to remember though, while we connect to these characters as if they’re people, the author is using them to discuss ideas, and they will experience, or not experience, certain things as a result.
I feel very conflicted and I know I’ll get hate if I post this on my blog but I just want feedback.
I'd like to tell you that isn't the case, but it's probably true. I still get rude messages because I'm a Sansa fan/Jonsa, and I can't imagine a situation like yours, loving both characters and being open to Jonsa but shipping J/D, would allow you to be fully comfortable anywhere. I can't assure you that my corner of the fandom will treat you with the utmost understanding either, so I'm glad you reached out this way and felt safe coming into my inbox. I find talking about things is helpful. There isn't always an answer, but it makes me feel better, so I'm happy to read your thoughts on this even if I can't offer any advice, in the hopes it makes you feel better too. 💗
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katvonawesome · 2 years
I think I’m the only one who can’t read a Jonerys fic where Dany & Sansa actually get along. D&D tainted that for me so I can never grasp them being buddy buddy.
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Do you have any unpopular or spicy opinions about the ASOIAF fandom?
Hey nonny! Unpopular or spicy? Probably so many, but I try to keep most of them off tumblr these days.
I will say that I'm not a huge fan of the entrenched stan culture in this fandom...like you have to stan one character above others, or that if you stan a certain character, than you couldn't possibly like x, y, or z characters. It's all a bit silly, if you ask me. They are characters in an ensemble series. Let's all chill out a bit and have fun with them.
Otherwise, I'd really like to see some quality anti-hero fics for Dany. If anyone has them, send them my way. I've been watching a lot of 80's and 90's films recently, and a neo-noir or erotic thriller jonerys fic actually sounds pretty fun with Jon as the straight man and Dany as the femme fatale. I'd love it if a writer is willing to let Dany be bad and have fun with it.
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adecila · 2 years
Daario & Daenerys we’re fine in FTC? 👀 Really? Wow, I thought it seemed more as if they were heading towards a toxic off and on relationship in which Daenerys would’ve likely been hurt multiple times in the process. She doesn’t need a little boy toy who hasn’t figured out what he wants + feelings anyway. Dany deserves a REAL man… with a beard apparently esp after the last chapter. 🧔🏻‍♂️ Imagining Daenerys visiting the set & getting captured by paps with her teasing + touching his clean shaven face… the Jonerys squad in the fic would die!
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Not to be annoying...but you're way off Dany x Daario in FTC 🙈 Like I said, as far as we know from what we've seen in the past 7 chapters they were happy. Dany only broke up with him when she did because of Jon and the contract. For all you've been shown and told he's been nothing but a supportive and loving boyfriend while they were together.
I know your ask comes from a good place, and wanting jonerys to be the best ship ever—which it totally is 😤 don't get me wrong. But that's not what the story has showed us so far. I can't speak on Daario’s actions (or Dany’s) had Jon never entered into Dany's life, and I don't want to, because that's not the story Amy and I chose to tell.
Oh trust me the jonerys shippers in the fic are definitely winning this 🤭 At least for the rest of the contract they're going to win every fight with the antis 🤫
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hour-of-the-dragon · 2 years
•Targaryen Simp
•Book Reader
•GOT Critical
•HOTD Neutral (currently)
Pro- Snowstorm/Jonerys, Rhaelya, Daemyra, Rhaenyra x Harwin, the Blacks, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Laenor Velaryon, Laena Velaryon, House Targaryen, House Velaryon
Anti- Stansa, Jonsa, Season 8, D&D (directors not the TTRPG), “Mad Queen Dany”, Fandom Septas, Alicent Hightower, House Hightower, the Greens, Criston Cole
Also, if you ever wanna “debate” or be backhanded and dense on one of my posts, I’ll just block you. I’m not going to entertain strawman and bad faith arguments.
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