#answered memes | robin
rocketkit · 11 months
if you’re still doing the drawing thing, 3C for ronance 🥺🩷
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muah 😽
for this drawing meme !!!
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harringroveera · 12 days
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Billy and Steve are flirting and they’re gonna make it everyone’s problem
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Tim is Kon's sugar daddy this, Tim is Kon's sugar daddy that TIM IS KON'S BABY DADDY!
Kon is cringe, a tik toker, and a 90s kid Tim's contact name in his phone is 'baby daddy 🐀' the rat emoji is cuz he thinks Tim looks like a wet rat.
Here is the incredible scientific evidence I have written to support this.
Exhibit one, it'd be funny as fuck
Exhibit two, depending on how u headcannon Kon's kryptonian reproductive organs it could be a true or facetious statement
Exhibit three, this fic snippet I wrote.
" well how about you Kon?"
Cassie scoffed " you're gonna ask him for relationship advice"
Conner, who'd been engrossed with eating his way meticulously through a box of YinYan, looked up and flipped off Cassie.
" We're Gucci, you know how it is with me and Tim, he's my baby daddy and all that"
From the couch came a large hacking cough as Tim half sprayed half swallowed zesti. Most of the spray landed on Bart who, distracted with their Mario kart game, forgot to move and gave an ungodly screech at the rain of corn syrup and carbonation.
" No the fuck I am not." Tim choked out between coughs. The kryptonians face warped into comical insult and shock. He twisted around to face his boyfriend faster then a speeding bullet.
" Timothy Jackson Drake, I let you hit it RAW!"
" EW!" Bart exclaimed, nearly swerving his kart off of rainbow road.
Tim's face went thru the five stages of grief( and horny) before landing back on an 'I just choked on my zesti' expression.
Kon narrowed his eyes at him " So you're my what?"
Tim sighed his shoulders rolling forward like he'd truly lost it all " I'm your baby daddy" he muttered.
" DOUBLE EW!" Bart gagged.
"It's not ew imp, it's feminism." Kon said and turned back to his conversation with the girls.
Cassie's face was red from trying not to die laughing, she was gripping the table with effort "this- this is why you don't ask Kon, Cissy"
Cissy, whose face was red from mortification, put her hands over her mouth in silent shock.
I rest my case.
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tupperware-wizard · 2 months
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Well... We needed more recruits for Cross Guild and...
Don't blame me for this one! Y'all voted for this so this is your fault! ><
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yersina · 23 days
From 'building this garden with you' -
“I’d prefer it if Yoojin-gun healed it, actually,” he says brightly, presenting his hand to Yoojin.
Yoojin frowns. He hasn’t done healing magic in… years. He hasn’t been doing magic at all, really, since he started the farm. Yoohyun was the one to break his streak. “The bandage will probably be more effective.”
“As always, I have faith in Yoojin-gun’s abilities.” The hand doesn’t waver.
mage yoojin my beloved 💛 you will notice that yoojin is a magic caster in every single fantasy au that i write. this is on purpose.
i can’t be entirely sure why you chose this exact passage haha but what sticks out me here is the vagueness of yoojin’s backstory? so i’ll talk abt that! to be completely honest, i didn’t give much thought to yoojin’s background because. well. i didn’t want to. 😂 and rather than talk abt what background i think he could have in this response, i think it might be more helpful to talk about when to add detail and when not to!
the parts of this story that i knew i wanted to hit on were: 1) yoojin has Connections, which means that he had to have a reason to have those connections, and 2) he needs a reason to be out in the middle of nowhere but also the skills to recognize and take care of yoohyun the dragon, which means that 3) yoojin is a retired adventurer of some sort that did some quests with a few major guilds, and probs seseong most frequently. and that’s about the extent that i need! (and, as you’ll notice, that’s about the extent that i reference in the fic itself.) while i do sometimes enjoy world building beyond this point too, it’s not super necessary for a shorter fic, and the more detailed i get, the more i’m gonna tie myself up in knots the further i get into the fic. plus, when you leave things more vague, sometimes it actually makes for a smoother reading experience bc readers will speculate on their own, rather than you needing to fill in everything yourself :)
also me personally, when i’m writing, sometimes i like the feeling of there being a complicated backstory more than actually devising one on my own. you feel me?
(of course this doesn’t apply to every single story and every single situation, but i think that the problem of feeling like i have to have an answer for every single little detail in a story comes up often enough for me that i want to say that it’s not always as important as your mind makes it out to be haha)
((i will say tho that yoojin strikes me as a more offensive magic type of person than defensive/support magic, especially if he was given the opportunity to choose for himself and not just having it foisted upon him, which is why he wouldn’t be as familiar with healing magic))
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emchant3d · 1 month
💗 for buckingham please!
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft from from this prompt meme !! this one got 18+ so under a read more 💕
Robin's so gentle with her - it takes Chrissy's breath away, how her normally chaotic, mile-a-minute girlfriend can narrow down her focus like this when it’s just them. Her touch is so light, fingertips skating down the insides of Chrissy’s forearms, almost ticklish, just enough to make her squirm with a needy little sound.
“I know, baby,” Robin whispers, voice that perfect amount of raspy to make her thighs twitch. Her knees press into Robin’s sides, and she feels that mouth she loves so much spread into a smile where it’s pressed to her jawline. Robin’s lips move so slowly, trailing up to the sensitive spot behind her ear, teeth nipping.
“Robin,” she breathes, a little needy, and Robin hums absently. “Please, want…” she trails off, not sure what she wants, knows she wants faster and harder and more but also that she loves this torture, spread out with her arms over her head, topless, panties sticking to her core with how much Robin’s worked her up with these barely there teases and touches. It’s agonizing, this amount of care and devotion rained down onto her from Robin’s capable hands, and her breath hitches a little in her chest, just the tiniest little hiccup that has Robin pulling back enough to see her face.
“Oh, gorgeous,” Robin whispers, reaching up to smooth Chrissy’s hair back, and Chrissy leans into the touch until a warm palm cups her cheek, a thumb tracing her cheekbone in a soothing touch. “You’re okay, pretty girl,” she soothes, and Chrissy may not know what she needs but Robin does, and Robin will give it to her - she gently angles Chrissy’s head back, lifting her chin, and kisses her in a soft press of her lips to Chrissy’s trembling mouth. No teeth, no bites, just sweet, parting Chrissy’s lips and sucking at her tongue, soothing her in all the right ways.
“I’ve got you, baby,” Robin whispers when they part, spit-slick and panting, and Chrissy’s eyes are heavy-lidded and her gaze is a little cloudy but she keeps it glued to Robin’s, searches her eyes and finds nothing but care there, nothing but love so deep she thinks she could drown in it.
“Want,” Chrissy whispers, doesn’t finish the thought, and Robin smiles at her. 
“I know,” she says again, and Chrissy nods, because Robin does know, Robin always knows, “I know what you want.” She shifts, a hand slipping between Chrissy’s breasts, skating beneath the left side of her chest to thumb over her nipple, thumbnail teasing and making her whine. “But I also know what you need. You gonna let me give it to you?” 
Chrissy arches up into the touch, blinks and sniffles back a wetness to her eyes she didn’t notice was building, says “please,” soft and sweet and feels her heart skip a beat at the look on Robin’s face.
“There’s my good girl,” she tells her, and then she leans down and presses gentle kisses to her chin, her neck, her throat, down her torso, and Chrissy moans and closes her eyes and lets the inevitable pleasure of Robin’s mouth on her overwhelm her in all the best ways.
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averaillisa · 9 months
Just have to say first that I love your Diluc & Zhongli so so so much and I was so happy when I found out that you like One Piece too! Really felt like wining the lottery when an artist like you likes my recent hyperfixation 😂
So for the outfit ask meme can you Diluc in B2 or Nami in A3 or Nico Robin in D1? 👀
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aaaaa thanks so much for the request and this nice ask!! here are the girlsss >w<
yee I just started reading & catching up with one piece last year and I've really come to love it again!! its so fun and cute!
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samanthahirr · 1 year
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Kingsman & Robin Hood AU (Hartwin)
Inspired by a Writer Bingo card meme called “Why I Didn’t Write It,” here’s my most-beloved story idea I never wrote:
Picture if you will a mashup of Taron Egerton’s films Kingsman (2014) & Robin Hood (2018), in which younger-son-of-an-earl Eggsy meets King Harry on the Third Crusade (round about 1190 A.D.). Obliged to keep this brash young lordling from getting killed, Harry tolerates Eggsy’s presence in his council meetings and gives Eggsy much-needed advice to listen and learn before weighing in on matters of war and politics. Eggsy quickly comes to worship Harry, and as Eggsy matures into a noble and intelligent young man, Harry becomes enamored with him. The two begin a passionate affair, which Harry’s chief advisor Merlin disapproves of (Harry can’t afford to show such partiality for one earl’s family over the other earls’ without unbalancing the carefully calibrated politics of his court).
Eggsy falls in battle and is captured, and while the war front moves on, Harry arranges to covertly pay Eggsy’s ransom. Fearing Harry’s inevitable distraction should Eggsy turn out physically or psychologically damaged by his time in captivity, Merlin insists Eggsy be sent straight home to England with no reunion. Harry dispatches Merlin to deliver the ransom and escort Eggsy to England, where Merlin must wrangle the growing dissent over this war among Harry’s court. Harry gives Merlin a love letter to deliver to Eggsy on their voyage back to England. Eggsy arrives home brokenhearted over his separation from Harry, and is surprised by news that his older brother has died in the intervening two years, making Eggsy the new heir. Eggsy resents his father’s overprotective control and efforts to keep his sole remaining heir home on the family estate. After a few months, Eggsy convinces the earl to let him go attend the court, as his older brother had done.
At court, Eggsy falls in with his dead brother’s friend group of other young lords, and he quickly realizes that they are French sympathizers and potential traitors to the crown. Eggsy tries to take this information to Merlin, but Merlin won’t grant him an audience, paranoid that rumors of Harry’s partiality for Eggsy may yet follow them home from the war. So Eggsy resolves to spy on these men himself in order to protect Harry’s interests. Using the intel he overhears, Eggsy poses as a bandit to rob couriers carrying messages between the upstart English lords and the French prince, and he intercepts a shipment of French gold intended to hire mercenary assassins. Eggsy’s bandit persona gains notoriety and becomes known as Robin Hood. Meanwhile, Merlin sees Eggsy badmouthing Harry’s policies right along with that group of dissenting lordlings at the court and thinks worse and worse of Eggsy.
After a year of separation, news comes that the King is returning to England, and Eggsy learns of a plan to ambush and assassinate Harry on his way to court. Eggsy rushes to warn Harry in the guise of his bandit persona. “Robin Hood” waylays Harry in a rainstorm at night, Harry tries to get the upper hand before recognizing his Eggsy, and the reunited lovers kiss desperately in the rain….
And the remaining plot becomes a confused mess of action, passion, mistrust, feigned betrayals, assassins, and (hand wave) a happily ever after.
As much as I adore this sprawling epic of a story, I can’t properly define it…because it feels like three separate genres, and the tones and pacing don’t match up. It’s a sweeping war-time romance in the first half, and then it’s a political intrigue plot in the second half, not to mention the whole vigilante action story that has to live up to the myth of Robin Hood! I’ve imagined multiple different endings for this epic, and none of them feel right…and I think that’s because I don’t know which genre’s conventions to use to determine a satisfying ending.
This confusion plus the daunting amount of historical research I would have to do to tell this tale believably (ugh, noooo) means I’m never going to write this story. But it sure is fun to imagine the love, the battles, the pining, the spying, and the grand passion of it all!
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thronealigned · 8 months
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these are unfinished i'm just posting them to give myself permission to be more obnoxious about my bg3 ocs on main
#baldurs gate 3#bg3 spoilers#oc: memento#<- not their name. an out-of-universe nickname. i make things very confusing for myself#the scratched out text above 'the dark urge' is robin fairbairn - the name given to them by their foster family#oc: impulse#oc: luc sauveterre#uhhh what are my notes. aberrant mind sorc doesnt exist in-game or as a mod but it's impulse's canon in my heart#i also havent actually played them as that rogue multiclass yet... 2 bonus actions + the awakened buff will be Fucking Busted i think#as for lae'zel being listed as their bestie: she was the first to make it to 100 approval. trying hard to make that make sense#luc is a brand new character i made him like 2 or 3 days ago. he's a painfully earnest wife guy. going for squidlach with him#not picturing but still existing: my evil durge my wyllmancer and my vague laezelmancer#pictured*#is that it. i think thats it. idk if the volume of oc posting will actually increase#i would reblog the tav-as-companion ask meme but theyre all so wrapped up in their respective bits of the main story/romances. i wouldnt be#able to answer most of the questions#it's not like i can reblog shippy ask memes either. mementostarion is on a one-track road to a messy divorce#impulse's relationship is.................#let's leave it at that. luc & karlach are normal and healthy and cute but it does end with one of them a mind flayer so#(impulse also ends up a mind flayer for the record)#siiiighs. just gotta start reblogging things to fill their tags with. and maybe go take a nap
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demonio-fleurs · 6 months
14 + robin !!!
14 - vulnerability meme here
"Huh? You're not coming with?" The Navigator asked, pausing midstep before turning around, "You sure?"
Robin hoped that the look on her face was either completely emotionless, or one of disinterest. She had found that, recently, keeping her mask up around the Straw Hats was becoming exceedingly difficult. It was as if little by little they were chipping away at the wall she had long since erected around her heart, a wall that had been borne of necessity.
But now Miss Navigator was sticking her lower lip out at her, brown eyes full of sadness and betrayal, and Robin felt another crack form in the wall.
"Robin..." the younger girl said, "I don't want to be the only one alone in the bath! You have to come with me, us women have to stick together, y'know."
And with that, the orange-haired girl put her hands on her hips.
Pieces of the wall were crumbling off.
The truth was, Robin couldn't really remember the last time she had taken a bath. For close to two decades now, she had either showered or found some other way to keep herself clean. Bath's were an unnecessary risk, they were when she was at her most defenseless, most vulnerable. It was the best time for someone -- pirate or World Government -- to try and kidnap her.
And yet... There was something about the way Miss Navigator looked at her, in fact there was just something about the Straw Hats in general that made Robin question her aversion to baths. Perhaps it was the fact that such a concept seemed to be foreign to them, or maybe it was better to say that it wasn't a concern to them. They had such unshakeable faith in their Captain, and one another, that the idea of being worried about taking a bath was inconceivable to them.
Besides, once Miss Navigator had an idea in her head, Robin knew it was impossible to talk her out of it.
"Alright, if you insist." she said with a sigh, only to be greeted with cheers of excitement.
Maybe, she thought, maybe things didn't have to turn out so badly this time.
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findafight · 10 months
For that ask game: 8, 10, 24
Also, something I hate in fics is how some have everyone talk in therapy speak. Like have you seen these kids? The closest any of them have come to therapy is maybe Will after S1 with the lab saying it was to talk about how he was feeling, but it was more to understand the effects of the Upside Down. These kids do not have a detailed understanding of mental illnesses, symptoms, or coping strategies. (And even worse, it's everyone but Steve talking in therapy speak because he's written as too dumb to understand anything?)
Choose violence asks
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
oooh I've see more than I thought I would robin not being touchy. it's often accompanied by Eddie being touchy, which is probably true. While I think she's picky and possibly gets overwhelmed, I really do think she's so clingy with Steve. She doesn't like people she barely knows touching her but Steve's her pal! her rotten soldier! her sweetest of cheeses! She is going to be all over him she's gonna tuck her arm through his, she's going to fall asleep on him! sometimes yes I think she would be cuddling and go "ah. no more for me too much thank you" because sometimes you just need to not be touched but it's not all the time. I love steve and robin being sillies hanging off each other :)
10. worst part of fanon
ohhh uhg. idk. not a fan of when folks make pre s1 steve some mega bully? like he and tommy and carol just didn't register people outside their bubble existed. Robin says this! He wasn't shoving people into lockers or calling them slurs, he was just abivalent and ignored them or laughed if he heard they did something embarrassing. They picked on jon because of the pictures, the graffitti was stupid and hurtful, and steve said everything he did likely because he knew it was horrible to say and wanted a fight. He wanted to rile Nancy and Jon up! He was wrong and he knew it, he tried to fix it and then apologized. Doesn't make it okay but also doesn't mean he went around doing that kind of thing every week? Idk people try to make him cliche 80's hs bully when he was just some popular guy who didn't know the names of a lot of his class mates
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
uhhhhhh blr. while i like the ship, some folks are like. waaaay too invested in it being canon, the most epic love story on tv, created from the start by brilliant writers who planned it from the beginning ,to the point of trying to gatekeep the ship because they think if you don't think it's canon/canon the same way they do you aren't fully acknowledging the depth of the characters and don't actually like the ship. my gosh. tj-lc behaviour. calm down. take a sip of water. watch a different show.
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rocketkit · 11 months
If you're still taking requests, 4C or 1B for ronance? ❤ I love these sm
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@onedirectionislying - i’m so glad you guys are enjoying these!!
for this drawing meme !!! (ronance c4!))
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harringroveera · 3 months
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It’s really not Robin
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ziggykyeons · 11 days
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
"My roomies. They're solid people, I think if we ever found ourselves in a The Strangers type deal over in Seabrook I'd have a pretty solid chance of being the final girl. Julian wouldn't mind, he was a ghost for nine years any way." @robinsantos @julianxpark
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late night self reflective asks 🌙
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stillgotme · 27 days
we all know SQOTD didn’t send me that video game ask bc my answer’s pretty clear and i’ve annoyed the fuck out of everyone with my persona and honkai star rail bullshit
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yersina · 25 days
From 'that which you must become (remember your true self)' specifically the first and last paragraph -
It feels disgusting, the weight of expectation and leadership that’s placed on him. He grew up protected by the broad expanse of someone else’s shoulders, despite being stronger in every other way. He was nurtured carefully under a warm wing, spent his early life following like a duckling. He should be repaying the favor, not cultivating a herd of sycophants and devotees.
He agrees to be guild leader anyway. The words feel like ash on his tongue and his signature on the contract reads like gibberish.
The position comes with a multitude of responsibilities, most of which he delegates to others. If he must make an appearance, he does. If he has to say a few carefully scripted words, wear the clothing that his manager tells him to, create an image that Haeyeon can rally behind—fine. He pretends (he pretends, he pretends, he pretends) that it’s another monster he has to slay, that this whole world is just another dungeon with a very specific set of clearing conditions.
He moves through the world not quite believing that it’s real, but there’s no one to blame for that but himself. He was the one who severed the connection tying him to reality
this whole fic was a self indulgent angsty character study, and i am delighted to talk about this passage.
It feels disgusting, the weight of expectation and leadership that’s placed on him. He grew up protected by the broad expanse of someone else’s shoulders, despite being stronger in every other way. He was nurtured carefully under a warm wing, spent his early life following like a duckling. He should be repaying the favor, not cultivating a herd of sycophants and devotees.
in particular, the element that i really wanted to capture in this fic was the dichotomy between growing up half of a pair and becoming a single, solitary leader out of necessity. yoohyun does not want to do what he’s doing. he hates it. his relationship with yoojin is so so important to him, and he knows that walking away from that is basically spitting in the face of everything that yoojin ever did for him growing up. and yet, when you’re a teenager stuck between a rock and a hard place, and the only person you trust isn’t someone you can confide in, you make some pretty shitty decisions!
i also think that there’s something here to be said about an interpretation of love as safety and obligation, and the contrast between love without protection and protection without love. idk. i don’t think that i was thinking abt it this deeply when i was writing this, at least not explicitly, but i’ve got some Thoughts about relationship roles and what love means within a family haha
He agrees to be guild leader anyway. The words feel like ash on his tongue and his signature on the contract reads like gibberish.
The position comes with a multitude of responsibilities, most of which he delegates to others. If he must make an appearance, he does. If he has to say a few carefully scripted words, wear the clothing that his manager tells him to, create an image that Haeyeon can rally behind—fine. He pretends (he pretends, he pretends, he pretends) that it’s another monster he has to slay, that this whole world is just another dungeon with a very specific set of clearing conditions.
read: yoohyun hates his life lmao
i think? it’s canon that yoohyun doesn’t actually mind being guild leader, or that he likes it or is good at it or something?? i’ve forgotten the specifics. but i dunno, yoohyun strikes me as a very straightforward, no nonsense kind of guy and i can’t imagine him really appreciating or following guild politics or understanding the need for good publicity lol. maybe he picks it up more as he goes, but at the beginning? nah.
another thing that i really wanted to capture here, and also just with this fic in general, is just how young yoohyun is? like he’s a teenager, he knows fuckall abt what he’s doing, and he’s probably got a bunch of adults around him telling him what he needs to do in order to succeed. and like, he’s an s rank, but being an s rank doesn’t inherently give you the knowledge for how to navigate the sociopolitical space of being a publicly scrutinized leader, nor the more insidious manipulation that happens because of that. i don’t think yoohyun, as i’m writing him here, would get that, so i was trying to be rather subtle abt it!
He moves through the world not quite believing that it’s real, but there’s no one to blame for that but himself. He was the one who severed the connection tying him to reality.
YEAHHHH. i mean, when you’ve purposefully left behind the only support that you’ve ever had, what other feeling for that is there other than adrift? when your self identity is entwined with someone else and then you sever that tie, who do you become? yoohyun sure as fuck doesn’t know :>
[send me a passage from one of my fics and i’ll commentate on it!]
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