#answered memes | adam
zamadness · 27 days
Adam: Seriously? You're gonna try to convince me that you find that, *gestures to beautiful Hell men* attractive? You got to be shitting me.
GenZ!Reader: AH HELL NO! I refuse to have my love life critiqued by the guy who married a rib!
Sorry, it took me forever to post anon, this but yes.
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helluva-hazbins · 24 days
@exorcistsage asked:
《I've been trying to figure out how to start an rp with Adam lmao》
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Send me 🛌 to crawl into bed with my muse!
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"Uh. Seriously what the fuck?! This isn't your fuckin' bed. You woke me up."
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djsadbean · 4 months
Hi! What's your favorite steven headcanon?
Hiyya! ✨ My favorite Steven headcanon is that above all else, he’s a protector.
He may be a lil sillay but I like to think he looks out for his students, even going out of his way to make sure they’re alright. With amazo’s presence, he’d also be on the look out for potential emergency situations to alert amazo (I also hc that he has a special hero communicator just for him)
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101flavoursofweird · 4 months
Tagged by @muzzable for a get to know you game where you answer these questions then tag 9 other people you'd like to know a bit better. (Thanks!)
Last song listened to: You Didn’t Know from Hazbin Hotel
Currently watching: Scenes from Hazbin Hotel
Currently reading: A fanfic about Katrielle and Alfendi by probablygayattorneys: who could ever leave me, darling, but who could stay?
Currently obsessed with: Disney’s Mulan (the original and the best one). I forgot how much I loved it! 
Tagging: I’ll have to tag people later, but if you want to do this meme, please go ahead! 
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tauradonna ship meme been done?
ask meme
Boy was this a difficult one...but I have made my decision, and please don't let any future action of mine invalidate this.
Long Post Ahead
Why don’t you ship it? - Obvious fucking reasons aside, one I just like them more in a platonic dynamic. Big Bro Adam and Lil Blake got me in a chokehold. And two, well...I can find the complicated aspects of their relationship outside of the abuse in better media. Throughout the entire show, it's very clear to me that RT will not touch upon the complex factors of a relationship like Tauradonna's and would rather make sure everyone knows that Adam is an abuser (no shit); however, when you really look at how they are written as characters both separately and as a pair, in the context of how CRWBY handles more complex issues such as racism and similar topics, you will realize that they basically distracted you from seeing how fucking awful they are irl and as writers, because they wrote a fucking CHILD SLAVE into a murderous, abusive monster who would gladly slaughter anyone in his way and the former anti-racist protagonist into a sniveling coward who never actually faced discrimination with her rich ass family protecting her. The abusive relationship route to me is both ignorant and a distraction to the real nightmare that is CRWBY, because holy shit when you spend more than 5 minutes actually thinking about why they did this to TWO in-universe minority characters with actual relevancy, it's fucking rancid.
What would have made you like it? - Literally ANYTHING ELSE. I'm fucking serious. Like, write them as tragic lovers, write them as a toxic relationship. Hell, Adam being an abuser isn't even a dealbreaker if you even bothered to actually treat him as a complex character in a complex narrative as he deserves to be, and for the love of everything sacred, take that fucking bitch wearing Blake's skin off of my screen. Blake went from being a complex character to being an insufferable slime of a cast bloat that had she not had ANY line in Vol 7-8, nothing would fucking change. If you fuck up one of them, you WILL fuck up both of them.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? - Earlier this year, I made a post contemplating the possible narrative foil that Adam and Blake could have, having them be sky and sea respectively, and how that would've made a far more interesting dynamic for their characters. You can read it here. I also just like the toxic, tragic lovers trope lol call me a fucking loser for gothic romance. And in my head, "Ruler of My Heart" by Studio LICO and Vivinos in their Alien Stage series is Tauradonna to me, you can argue with the wall.
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wispurring-moss · 9 days
so was Adam already dead by the time Cain killed Abel? i'd always assumed that that tragedy happened earlier in their lives rather than later, but if Adam was the First human soul to enter heaven then either the murder happened after his (first) death OR good-boy favored-child Abel did something to land himself in hell instead & if so then where tf is he, i need to know suddenly 😂😂
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Bestie, I just feel like you need to see this lol
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"Adam! Wich is your favorit book and why?"
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bridgcrtons · 11 months
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞ (adam & rachel)
starring rachel & adam, with production of nina & wayne | status: aceitando
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Nada melhor que uma noite extremamente divertida para relaxar Rachel depois de duas semanas realizando provas e mais provas, além de ter de entregar alguns trabalhos finais. Tinha total certeza que já estava ficando completamente maluca da cabeça e a qualquer momento, iria explodir de tantas coisas que tinha que fazer. Por isso, quando Adam a chamou para uma festa na irmandade, ela não pensou muito antes de aceitar o convite. Afinal, precisava de uma distração e precisava, principalmente, da companhia de um rosto amigo e familiar.
Porém, ao mesmo tempo que amava toda aquela diversão, depois de alguns copos de cerveja e ponche batizado, a morena começava a sentir seu corpo começar a amolecer pelo cansaço de toda a semana e de tanto pulo, em meio a pista de dança. Assim, procurou logo pela figura alta, não sendo difícil de localizar Weinberg em meio a tantos jovens. "Adam. I'm a little tired..." Murmurou ao cutucar a costa alheia, entrelaçando o seu braço ao dele. "Pode me levar em casa?" Solicitou, encostando a cabeça no corpo alheio, ouvindo algo sobre ele também não estar muito bem para dirigir. "Aceito você me deixar dormir no seu quarto então. Mas só lembra de me trancar pra ninguém invadir." Riu em resposta.
Já cansada, apenas se deixou ser guiada pelo mais novo pela casa, deixando o copo vazio por uma das mesas que passava e não demorando muito para se encontrar dentro do quarto dele. Soltou um bocejo, logo rindo ao perceber que ele havia se jogado na própria cama e soltado um dos seus comentários de duplo sentido. "Haha, you're so funny. Se eu não te conhecesse bem, acharia que estava querendo me pegar." Fez uma careta feia para ele, mas não fez muito rodeio ao tirar os sapatos e apenas deitar no peito alheio, suspirando fundo e fechando os olhos. "Sabe... eu gosto muito da nossa amizade." Confessou baixo, apenas ouvindo o som abafado do lado de fora e ambas as respirações. "E essa posição está muito boa. Agora é oficial, você vai ter que ficar aqui comigo." Disse em um falso tom autoritário, apertando-se contra o corpo alheio, deixando enfim o cansaço lhe vencer.
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digirainebow · 4 months
INCREDIBLE day for jacoblovers
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inactiveblog2023 · 1 year
Adam and Vincent? 😅
Okay, guys, hear me out...
I ship it 😆 But only in aus, not in canon.
We got a teeny-tiny glimpse of Vincent/Adam in the Imperium au but I feel like an enemies-to-lovers version of them would also work if Adam was a little less rapey and Vincent had lower standards lmao.
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helluva-hazbins · 20 days
💘 a neck kiss(for Adam)
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His eyes fall downward, there's something warm, and the sense of being tickled near his neck, Oooo, but what is this? She's started laying kisses along his neck, they had been spending time together but he didn't think watching shows together on the couch was anything more than lazing around after the long day of his soldiers duties. Laughing with a smirk present, one of his arms finds it's way around her, scooting her in closer.
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"Oh? Someone's feeling frisky tonight! Yeah, like, damn babe keep going. I ain't got a reason to stop ya and we aint got shit else to do!"
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I can’t be the only one kinda disturbed that the FNDM immediately started making memes of a kid having a nervous breakdown?
I mean I know it’s just a joke and I actually find it funny to an extent, but it seems like the gravitas of last episode is going over everyone’s head.
Or the fandom was just that hungry for engaging content and they don’t realize they’ve been starving for years for it until they got this sliver.
It’s like those ‘Blake is a cat lol lol’ memes people make too. The writing is so bad that you can’t tell whether the idea flew past peoples head, or that they don’t care about the in-universe issue. Both are fine, it’s just fiction after all, and people can engage with media however they like, but I always raise an eyebrow at stuff like this. Like do they get the themes the writers keep butchered or not? Maybe I’m just terrible at fandom culture, sorry 😅
It's just a fandom thing. Insensitive? Sure. But in this case not much more than that. In Blake's case, we have an unfortunate intersection with actual racism in the writing and explicit comparisons to civil rights groups and black people in America, which is a real world thing rather than just a fictional character losing it for fictional story reasons.
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widowshill · 7 months
Does/Do your Muse(s) celebrate Halloween? (roger/liz/vicky <3)
all three of them, yes ! they are all quite fond of halloween and the running current of it –– the ghosts, the scary stories, the spirit of masquerade and spiritualism that pervades on All Hallows –– this is all integral to the Collins mien. better still that their house comes with real ghosts ( and witches, and vampires, and devils, et cetera et cetera et cetera ... ) it's all familiar territory –– maybe a little too familiar than they'd all like –– but the evening offers a chance to celebrate and to embrace their ghosts ... as well as wearing another face and name than Collins for a while. just for a night!
vicki grew up loving it for the sense of escape it offered her, though she never had much money for elaborate costumes. she trick or treated well past the normal acceptable age, then going with other girls ( or the occasional boy! ) to scary movies, or big new york parties as she got older (but never on halloween night, which was reserved for taking the other kids out trick or treating). roger and liz were children in collinwood's heyday: the pre-war masquerade parties of the 20's and 30's were infamous, and drew quite a number of new england socialites, as well as entertaining nearly the whole town in the ballroom. the winery was still in business, then, and the grapes were flowing ( though of course rog and liz only snuck a little bit ). and it's a spirit that they took with them off to school, as well: roger was always prone to trouble at halloween parties and may have occasionally indulged in some vandalism against skull and bones, but his costumes were first rate ( if a bit pretentious, as a queer literature and drama nerd. )
this all lulled after the Circumstances. after Liz was married, and with roger off at school, the big parties at Collinwood came to an end. after paul's 'disappearance,' she no longer dressed up or decorated (she didn't have the help, after firing the staff), but continued to welcome trick or treaters –– those brave enough ! –– but it was only ever pre-packaged candy. when roger came back from school, he still indulged in the revelry, never at home with liz, instead out partying, or cruising, or defiling the local cemetery. after his marriage to laura, and david's birth, he got considerably more cynical: laura was the one to take david out trick or treating, never ever roger, and he didn't feel much in the mood for partying, either. in augusta, the name no longer mattered –– and their little place had no fear for trick or treaters –– so he barely bothered with that. it used to be a holiday to be a child himself: now, to take care of his own, as well as other people's. well forget that.
when he returns to collinwood, though, vicki arrives soon after, and she helps kick the halloween spirit back into full force at the house. the first year it's not much, she's still new: she dresses up to take david out trick or treating ( and to keep an eye on him and ensure he doesn't get into any trouble in this world or beyond ). the next year she's well established as part of the family, and with barnabas on the premises she has an ally, and she's able to convince liz to have a smaller soiree for just the family and their immediate friends. with vick and mrs j to help, the decorations are beautiful, and she's able to put david's knife instincts to good use in pumpkin carving. and of course the resident ghosts will put in their appearance, too ;) things only get bigger after that ––  more elaborate decorations, more planning, coordinated costumes, but it's not until she's Miniature Mistress of the house in r/v au that they get the huge, town-wide parties going again.
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Have you gotten crimsun yet?? 🫣
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My Time Has Come
What made you ship it? - This is literally my first RWBY ship, it came to me in the middle of the night after a raging moment about Adam's treatment in the show as my savior lmao. I fucking love everything about them; the sun and moon motif, the sunshine and stoic dynamic, their color scheme going so well together, Monkey King and Bull Demon king and aishfiohjfiosadjfshfiojsdifjesioojgvngsdjgjsdiofjdsifjsidfjs I can talk about them forever, they are my loves, I planned their wedding, they are in love.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - Aside from the reasons stated above, I just love thinking about how Sun can just,,, be a good boy and be so understanding that Adam couldn't help but fall in love with him, and Adam trusted Sun enough to be vulnerable around Sun. I just love them so much, anon, you have no idea.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - There is so little interaction between them that it infuriates me. We have a cool enough fight scene in V5, but other than that Sun and Adam are just,,, devices for Blake's dumbass story that she no longer gives a damn about and their relationship with her is handled like hot shit that it affected their individual character to the point that I just seethe thinking about it all. Not unpopular, but I just can't handle RT's bullshit when it comes to Faunus characters as a whole.
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kakodaimones · 4 months
Tag Dump!
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