#another drawing i'll polish in my free time if i feel like it
bluebunnysart · 30 days
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junosswans · 2 months
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I wanted to make postcards with new art, but my progress was SO BEHIND so I ended up polishing a 95% finished one and took this to print instead. Fortunately this piece turned out really good and I love it a lot 🥺♥️
it has all my favourite elements, Taisho era, sakuras, Roy being a meanie..... And I'm honestly quite satisfied with the outcome 🌸💖
Printed version ⬇️
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A bunch of technical issues happened at the printing shop that I went to, so I accidentally ended up with wayyyyyyyy more copies than I meant to order.... And got a few XL sized ones even (because of formatting error).....I have no idea what to do with them lmao
Regardless, I'm quite glad that I took the drawing to print and it makes me giddy looking at the prints. The last time I printed anything was like, 6 years ago and it was rather embarrassing cbjskcmzmxm
Mutuals, if you want one please feel free to DM me!! ♥️ I'll be very happy to send you one.
Mutuals who aren't into RoyEd, I do plan to draw and print another two or three pieces (1 AlMei and 1 EdWin, still considering the last one, maybe RizaLust?) so please look forward to that too 🥹♥️
I might sell the remaining at a con or online, but tbh I don't think many ppl will be interested 😂
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nerdylittleguy · 6 months
are spidersonas still a thing? yes? cool cool...
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Okay, he's not my spidersona per se, he's based on a favourite character from a forgotten 80s show (robin of sherwood, and the character's name is Nasir, if you're interested) but I wanted to make a spiderman based on him since watching atsv, but because of how well Pavitr was designed (culture and representation wise) I wanted to make him also more representative, but had no idea where to start where to even find designs or inspiration. So I wrote down in one of my many diaries that he's Palestinian, and left it at that for months.
And, if you're somehow not yet aware, Palestine has actually been noticed by the west for the past month, though it should have been for more. People should not have to die, civilians should not have to die, hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, bakeries and people should not be targeted by a powerful military, blamed for the conditions of their suffering and resistance under an apartheid state. I'm Polish, fun fact, and when Russia started its invasion of Ukraine we were all crapping ourselves, supporting the Ukrainian fight back against people who had already oppressed them in the past. Of course, every story of oppression is different, but the moral is this: the world supported Ukrainian resistance against oppression, and suddenly when it's in the oh-so dreaded middle east, it's apparently a threat to everyone, and apparently it's completely justifiable to murder innocent civilians, but not justifiable for them to fight back. Ideally, I'd like to say "violence is never the answer, it's not correct to fight fire with fire" but realistically, after 75 years of oppression, of western ignorance, what other options are there? You cannot debate for peace with a government that calls you "children of darkness" or "human animals" or whatever other dehumanising things the Israeli government and military have been saying. Now is the obligatory time I feel I need to clarify, no, I do not support acts of terror (from either side!! Israel deserves as much criticism as Hamas, if not more, seeing as they are a powerful military) and no, I am not antisemitic. I have not been studying World War 2 for almost 4 years as an autistic hobby to be called antisemitic, but also neither to ignore a genocide unfolding before our eyes on social media. My issue is not with Jewish people, who have suffered for years, centuries, especially in Europe, my issue is with the weaponisation of the Holocaust and the misleading Israeli/ Zionist idea that they, the children of the Holocaust, cannot cause the same atrocities. Especially when many, many Jews, also children of Holocaust survivors have spoken out again Israel and its actions towards Palestinians. Trauma is a cycle, one that the state of Israel has clearly not dealt with and is now willing to cause in another population.
So. Autism and activism (another fun fact, I'm a former climate activist who quit due to burn out) combined in my brain to make this artwork. I have a few more drawings of Nasir as spiderman, I'm still mulling over if I want to post them, but if people want to take my design and run with it, redraw it, make it more accurate or interesting (I literally just took the patterns on the keffiyeh and threw them on a spiderman suit, not very creative, or not as much as it could have been) absolutely do so. I would ask for a little credit, but if you feel you make the design entirely your own, it's yours. I'm just some Polish idiot living in the UK, what do I know about accurate middle eastern representation? (Also feel free to use this as pfps and what not, I don't care, I'll be happy with the knowledge I drew it, and if it makes you happy, I've achieved more than I hoped.)
Obviously activism has more to offer than just drawing spiderman, so if you can, write to your MPs or representatives or what have you, share information (I will do my best to share information on tumblr as I have been very inactive on here recently), maybe even attend protests if you can, but first and foremost, stay thinking!! Stay learning and educating yourself as having information keeps you one step ahead of propaganda. If you have the energy to, compare and criticise different news outlets, find yourself some Gazan news sources and journalists (a lot of people have been following Motaz, Bisan and Plestia on Instagram, I don't have that but it's easy to find reposts of their videos on tiktok or twitter) and stay informed!! Boycott those companies suggested by BDS, MacDonalds, Starbucks and Disney as the main ones (or just ignore capitalism all together and shop local!! That's what I've been trying to do, but obviously it's not an option for everyone, it's better to have focused efforts on those big three than smaller, scattered attempts at boycotting). We all have something we can do to help and show out support.
However, from my burnt out activist's perspective I have to highlight that you MUST take time for yourself, your hobbies, your wellbeing. Yes, you are privileged to be able to turn it off, but from my privilege of experience, I tell you that you will burn out and loose your spark. You need to be able to support those who need us (and not just in Palestine, but in the DR of Congo and many other places where crises and genocides are occuring) but you can't do that if you've burnt yourself out. You, your comfort and safety is important, your ability to sustainably fight for these important causes is more valuable than you know. Important causes like these require a lot of energy, but we as activists cannot let ourselves become completely burnt out as there will be no one left to fight. Just pace yourself. Do as much as you are comfortable with. Everyone has different styles of activism, different abilities, and that's the beauty of us. We can do so much if we don't start with too much and end up burnt out.
In conclusion, Free Palestine <3
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moecartoons · 11 months
love how you draw hair do you have any headcanons when it comes to hair?
Jackie - I love so much about Jackie and her hair in canon. She cares a lot about it and doesn't let anyone mess with it. When she takes out her scrunchie, it's big and beautiful and by Inez's own words "cool." Not really to do with her hair but I love imagining/drawing her scrunchie as more bow/butterfly like than it is. I already like drawing her hairbun bigger than it is, but I really have to do to compensate for the bow, hahaha. Jackie definitely has the best hair of the main three and probably of anyone in the show. She takes great care and pride in it. It's like one of her many hobbies, her many passions. Her hair is a part of her identity. I hc she would never straighten her hair and the most, ig "extreme" thing she does with it is dye a stripe in it. I like to think as she gets older she gets more bold with hairstyles she tried. I'm still learning about hair with afro texture along with my own hair type so I love thinking about Jackie and her 'do.
Matt - Takes surprisingly good care of his hair. You don't get nice curls like his unless you at least try to upkeep. He really only takes care of his hair bc he feels bad when his mom has to help him, and he feels he looks weird if breaks the curls. He doesn't really care if his hair gets messed up, though. If it's windy or raining or he falls into some mud, well, then them's the breaks. He also really doesn't want anyone to know how much work he puts into his hair. At 11, he's still actively trying to avoid anything that makes him seem too "girly."
Inez - Her hair is naturally wavy, not curly, but wavy. She brushes it out and her mom will straighten her hair. They use protective sprays so it won't damage her hair. When it gets too humid it'll frizz, just like in the show. She straightens her hair just bc it makes it easier to maintain for her. Plus she likes the little outward flip her mom gives the ends of her hair.
Slider - Thick hair with volume but no real curls. He doesn't take care of it so it tends to get greasy, which actually gives it an appealing shine and shape. He's a lucky son of a gun because he'll get up and do nothing to it yet people swoon over it. The most he does is a frequent trim just so it doesn't go past his shoulder, which is why he has a bit of an awkward straight cut at the ends.
Creech - Yes, that's her natural color. I imagine her hair doesn't have real strands but is one mass on her head bc of the markings on it. It's like a doll with rubber hair but maybe much softer. She doesn't have to take care of it at all except for the occasional polish! It takes a lot of work to change her hairstyle which is why it's such a simple bob when she's little.
Shari - I'll be honest, I can't make heads or tails of her hair. They're probably supposed to be dreads or braids but it's so stylized it's almost impossible to see. Her bangs look flat, so it makes all the other strands feel flat to me. If she were borg [or, at least if I saw her as borg] I'd say they're computer ribbons. They're more than likely dreads or braids, though, which I think I've read are styles that can be worn a long time with low maintenance. Sounds perfect for the busy magic student!
Wicked - Big beautiful red hair and you better believe she takes good care of that shi. It has big waves, not curls, partly because they're being weighed down by the sheer amount of it. Her hair is surprisingly low maintenance, but there are days where even magic can't save it. I actually don't have a lot to say about her hair but... I'm love it... I'm love she. 🥺Oh, also the way I draw her bangs is inspired by Ariel, hahaha!
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took a while, I had a lot to say... If I didn't address someone you wanted to hear about feel free to send another ask with them aaa
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myonmukyuu · 1 year
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Art Summary: 2022
It's that time of year again! This makes my 9th year of art summaries... Kind of insane to think about.
It's been a very eventful year and I have a lot to say. Extended art performance review under the cut 👌 (3k words lmao)
Previous: 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
So! What happened this year? Well, my book happened. I'm not sure if anything else happened ahfhasjkdkasf
See, I actually cheated this art summary a tiny bit. Usually I use the upload date of the art to place it in the summary. But if I did that for this year, there would be at least 4 blank spots. That's why February, April and May all feature different pages of the same comic (CH 9).
I really did spend the first half of the year finishing my comic. I only released 2 chapters too (the finale and the epilogue). In March I took a week and a half off to work on a short for Ayumu's birthday, but otherwise slaved all the way until June for the webcomic.
Then I spent July and August doing all of the redrawing and edits required for a physical release. Those who have a copy of my book might already know but the first two chapters have been redrawn. I also had to go through the entire comic, fixing it so that it could actually be printed (because the webcomic version definitely can't be printed as it is.) It was super time-consuming. Like, I can't even begin to describe. Moving forward I'll try to draw every comic so that it's printable from the beginning so I don't have to deal with reformatting ever again...
I'm pretty sure it was in August that I had the first copy of the book done. Then the preordering period opened in Septemeber... and now we're here! People are just now starting to receive their books. Sorry it took so long guys ;w;
I'm very happy though... Depending on who you ask, 100 sales might not be a lot, but it's a lot to me. To think that so many people would spend the money to buy this kind of product is just so surprising to me... It's expensive and all of the content is already available to read for free!!! So it's really surprising and I'm so incredibly grateful. That's why I went through the trouble of creating that golden special print for everyone! It was quite a bit of money out of my pocket, but I really wanted to show my appreciation.
As a side note, the 100 sales were really exhausting to pack. My body was sore in November because of it LMAO
So I'd say this year was great for my comic! Both its webcomic finale and its physical release. But this summary isn't meant to be about my comic, it's supposed to be about my art and me as an artist.
So how did my art go this year?
Looking back I feel nothing but exhaustion. I know I'm happy to have my comic released but, my body and mind is still very very tired. I feel like I took at least 2-3 weeks off or more from work throughout the year to keep the comic on track. It's just a huge undertaking.
What I'm getting at is I feel a tired and... a little disappointed. But don't get me wrong, I don't feel regret! It's just that... well every artist draws for their own reasons. For me, I love getting my ideas and stories out there. So I guess I felt creatively-starved spending about half a year polishing and releasing an already-complete product. Also technically starved - you don't really see much improvement if all you're doing is cleaning up art. I didn't really have a lot of time to draw because of the physical release so I often felt like I wasn't doing enough.
And honestly that's my main sentiment. While I feel happy and satisfied with releasing the book, another part of me feels like she didn't do enough.
In terms of technical skill, I definitely saw improvement this year. It's like something clicked in me and I had a better understanding of atmospheric lighting. CH 9 and the epilogue are probably some of my favourite bits of colouring I've ever done. I just love how it turned out. In CH 9, the gradual setting of the sun to create this orange/pink/purple colour palette was so fun to implement. And in the Epilogue, this blue/green/yellow rainy day came out perfectly. It was a rainy day, but unlike CH 7, it wasn't a dreary downpour but something more hopeful instead. I have a love for creating atmosphere and especially through colour. And I think I did well there.
In the realm of black/white, I also feel lots of improvement! I'm becoming more confident with monochrome and am starting to push it further. I'm not satisfied with my skill level, but I think it's promising. I may be more confident with creating tone through colour, but I'm sure I can do the same without it!
This year I also did quite a bit of painting. I really love how the October and November artworks came out. Honestly it was around this point in the year, I had the most time to output works as the only comic work I had to do was purely admin (until I started packaging things in November). I could go into technical depth, but this post is long enough. Just know that I'm happy with the little leaps my colouring skills made.
For my art summaries, I've been doing a performance review styled thing where I create goals for the upcoming year. Let's take a look at what goals I wrote for 2022 and how I went with them.
“I want to finish my comic series”
Passed with flying colours! I think the comic release was a success. This goal is a little cheap of a goal though, since I don't think I'd let myself live it down if I gave up.
“I also want to continue to try things that are outside of my comfort zone. I want to see myself try things like different angles/perspectives and more complex backgrounds.”
Now this goal... I think I made progress here. I'm not sure if people noticed but I did definitely try to slip in different angles here and there. I'm particularly good at them... but I'm trying! And I think that's the least I can do. You won't get good at something if you don't try after all. That being said, I should push backgrounds more... I rarely do them 😅
"I want to do more illustrations/quick drawings on top of my comic work."
My comic work was suffocating a lot of the time. But I did try to draw on top of it. I haven't really talked about it, nor shown anyone, but I started learning copic markers this year (borrowed my friend's set!). So in the background I've been doing 30-60 minute traditional art exercises. I'm not terribly diligent, but diligent enough that I already think it's made an impact on my art. See, I'm only doing monochrome copic markers (I'm not confident enough to do colour just yet). I'm pretty sure doing monochrome markers has helped me with my manga skills 😂. I have a better understanding of tones and values because of it! Isn't that kind of amazing? Come to think of it, it's linked to the next goals.
"I want to learn to paint."
"I want to learn to draw faster."
While I still have a long way to go, somehow my marker exercises have helped me with these too. The understanding of tones/values has made an impact on coloured work and painting as well. And because I'm doing shorter pieces, my speed has increased a tiny bit. I'm sure if I keep at it, I can continue to develop better habits!
"I want to draft more quickly and be smarter about it."
Now this goal is something I have just been trying to mentally direct myself to. It's working... a little bit. I still need to try harder.
See, I think my drafting process is really slow and inefficient. This results in me spending too much time drawing a comic because I've drafted like 5 extraneous pages. If I wanna increase my output and lower my workload, I have to learn to be more clever with how I compose each page. I think I got a tiny bit better. Need to work harder on that for sure (it's quite hard to just "learn" though...)
With the past year in mind, how do I want 2023 to go? To be honest, I still feel so exhausted because of 2022, I definitely need some time to recover, so let's not go too crazy next year.
But before I create my next goals, I wanted to talk about where I want to go in general - the grand scheme of things. Like I mentioned, I feel a lot of disappointment, like I wasn't doing enough. Which is contradictory because I also feel like I did too much with how exhausted I am... But the source of that disappointment is really tied in with how I feel about my art skill on a technical level.
I'm nearing a whole decade of hobby artist experience. And I don't feel like my art shows it. While there are things that I am better at, there's so much that I struggle with.
I want to become better. I want to improve.
It's hard to explain but I feel like I'm not doing the best I can for the stories I want to tell if I don't keep pushing and learning. And I love what I make, so I want to do those stories justice.
So it's really important to me that I keep trying to improve.
In the long term, I think my dream is to be like a pro-manga artist. Please don't make fun of me LMFAO. But there's more to it. See, I don't actually want to be a pro artist. I never want to compromise my creative vision for the sake of pandering to an audience. I sincerely think I wouldn't be able to succeed without doing that so I'm content with drawing as a hobby. A programmer as my day job and a manga artist by night...
I want to be as skilled as a pro some day though.
To be honest, I think the distance is so great that it's basically impossible. So my true goal is a little lower than that.
My true long-term goal is to be... a little comparable to a pro.
And I don't think I'm at that point. And I don't want to use "being a hobbyist" as an excuse to allow myself to remain like this.
I think it's terrifying actually. Where I'm at with my art.
I'm really happy people enjoy it, and don't get me wrong - I love my own work. I love drawing. But I think it's important to be critical of it - if I want to be able to reach my goals.
I think if people read this far, they might be thinking something like "but you're already so good!" or something to that effect. But I don't think it's true.
I think it's terrifying because there's so much I'm not good at. Comics are scary because they're an amalgamation of so many different skillsets. I possess some of these skills but there's just so many different ways that I feel that I'm lacking.
For instance, my art itself has such stiff lines. I'm not great at perspective. My art isn't dynamic. And this is just a few examples of stuff related to my illustration skills.
But comics are more than that.
There's the individual panel compositions that come together to create a unifying page composition. The visual flow - controlling how the reader scans the page. The storytelling skills - pacing, dialogue, story beats. The dialogue writing skills. The typesetting.
I think there's so many places I'm weak with and it's scary because it's difficult to just pick something to improve at when it feels like everything is wrong at once. It's so easy for me to pick up some manga from a shelf, flick through and think "this artist does x better than me, how can I learn from them?" but learning is hard and I'm not good at it so I'm just stuck with this awareness that I could be better.
But at the end of the day, I just have to pick a direction and go, right? I think that's all I can do and that's okay. It's just hard to shake the feeling of drowning in my own mediocrity.
Sorry I didn't mean to bring down the mood of this art summary.
I promise that at the end of the day that I love drawing. This is just my overly-critical side shining through. I don't have too much natural talent, just a very stubborn mind. I kind of need to be critical so I can push myself in the right direction. And I'm fairly happy with the way I've been pushing myself through these past years.
I'm not particularly fussed if my works receive a lot of traction or not because what's most important to me is the way I see my own work. My personal satisfaction.
And that's just tied with doing the best I can!
So with that in mind...
"Improve at atmospheric lighting"
This isn't particularly ambitious because it's something I'm already working on, but I know I can push lighting even further. So expect to see me experimenting more and more!
"Participate in a paid online course"
Now this is linked to my wall of text just now. I feel very overwhelmed so I think having an unbiased and experienced teacher's guidance could be valuable. I'm eyeing ones that include personalised feedback. The only concern is that it's hard to find the time for things like this when I work full-time.
Also it's a bit scary having a professional roast me, but I think it'd be good for me.
"Continue to practise traditionally"
This is linked to all of my technical art gripes. I think continuing to do traditional art exercises will help me with a lot of my weak points.
"Continue to be ambitious with art"
I don't mean ambition on a work-load level, but I want to continue to push out of my comfort-zone. Keep trying those weird angles and backgrounds, be more experimental!
"Start planning that next story"
I always have a billion different story ideas in my back pocket that I am itching to tell. I also don't wanna die of overwork though. So lets keep the bar low.
I have many great ideas, so I want to start outlining the next one! This is just a vague goal to remind myself to keep thinking ahead.
"Rest up."
I think this is the most important goal. Like I said I feel completely and utterly exhausted this year.
So I want Myon in 2023 to have more time for herself. Improve her health, catch up with her relationships, spend more time watching movies and playing video games.
Don't work too hard next year.
I seriously don't know if anyone actually reads these reflections. I wonder what kind of person I come off across... (probably a try-hard 😂)
I wanted to talk about one more thing. It's not really linked to goals, just the future in general.
So I've been drawing for Nijigasaki for 2 years now. I think a lot of people are moving on from it though.
To be honest, I think that's okay. I'm kind of used to the people around me shifting into new interests. I think I'll still be with Niji for a long time to come. I just have a lot of large scale ideas and will probably stick with them unless something sweeps me off my feet.
I mean, even if my ideas take too long to actualise while I'm interested in Niji, I'm also open to converting things into original content. There are just so many stories to tell...
It makes me wonder why my readers enjoy my work and how they interact with it? Are people a fan of me? The ship/characters/fandom? Or the stories?
Probably some mix of the above. It's not terribly important why though.
I'm sorry that I'm not very good at keeping up with everyone's interests. I think the world moves too quickly and I draw too slow and I can barely keep up. But I'm a bit too stubborn with my own desires so I keep working on my own things without another thought. So maybe that apology is a bit empty eheh
But I hope people will continue to enjoy the stories that I make.
I should be less harsh on myself though. 9 years of art isn't something to just shrug off.
Anyways, before I keep rambling. Happy new year everyone. Let's keep working hard in 2023!
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
I've been told my writing adventures are enjoyable
I had a bit of a "bad boys turning red" idea last night and tossed it on discord at 1am. I'm trying to force it into a short fic and publish it in <24h, label it as such, and try to free me from my endless editing, (Guys I polish my fic SO MUCH.)
this is after i gave up on my challenge of doing a fic set after every ep cause they just weren't getting done, but fine, ep 3 &4 smalletho can sit in google docs and i'll put this one in the series anyway as ep 5 and who knows!
After this one, my priority is finishing chapter 2 of whatcha gonna do, and then we'll see if i have another limlife idea. if not.... either the first whatcha gonna do sequel or blood and other lusts.
also i got an amazing comment today that i'm going to use for a bit or a motivational slogan or mantra or what not. "the feelings were like drawing of tree so real a REAL TREE grew out of the page!!!!"
If you want feelings that real, check out my "critically acclaimed commercial failure cult classic" - with the time they had.
i'm joking but also, for real, this numbers are insanely skewed from my 12 other mcyt works. 27 kudos with 4 comments, two of which are many paragraphs, and 7 bookmarks, two of them with positive comments? I have a fic with 123 kudos and only 1 comment, this is mindblowing. And what matters more, 123 kudos or 2 comments about how much i affected people emotionally? no fucking contest, my dudes. no fucking contest.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Omg so glad you liked the song recs!! I'm honoured that a song I recommended has joined your playlist.
Here's a few other songs from Gregory and the Hawk I think might fit your interests/vibes!
I'm Your Puppet <- TW just in case for this one. This one has more direct lyrics. It does hint/mention (it's like, not direct but it's not a vague hint) of sexual ick, and in general is about a toxic relationship. Definitely hits that psychological abuse point of "this is wrong but I don't have an alternative and I know you don't care but I'll do anything just in the hopes that you'll care for me, if only for a bit" and all the negativity that comes with that. It's also a more "raw"/ less polished sounding song that kinda adds to the vibes.
Kill the Turkey <- talks about death, but also like. Death cycling into life, but not in a "this is the cycle of nature" but in a "if you're determined (corrupt) enough the woes of others is the joy you reap" <- i don't know how else to describe it but it has VIBES. Haunting in a "this sounds good but heyyy something isn't right here" sorta way. Similar to Stone Wall Stone Fence in that it's angry towards something outside of your control, but something that impacts you all the same. (one of my favourites along side Stone Wall, Stone Fence)
I couldn't choose between two songs so instead of three (three is a more manageable number I feel) I'm gonna have to give you for. First is Memory and Honesty and second is
Memory and Honesty <- a REALLY interesting song, they did a really neat job adding dissonant notes and the whole thing sounds off. The lyrics are darker, where the person is describing difficulties between their memories and what they think is true. Kinda "this could be true, if I'm remembering correctly" ALSO it has an ambiguous line where it sounds like their partner kills them so. idk it's really neat and it has a lot of emotion in it. Kinda feels like stepping into an alternate dimension where you're a ghost where you can actually understand the lyrics that don't make 100% sense if you just read them
Wild West <- This song sounds like its treating you like a mythical creature that's trapped just beyond our realm. Asking you how it feels seeing everything without being able to engage. "Wild and free, what will you be" sorta vibes, but in this case you may never have had a grasp on the world to begin with so how can you know what to be? <- that might not make any sense but idk that's the vibes I get. It's like it's haunting you, but in a not bad but kinda mournful questioning way. ALSO another one of those songs where it hints at the apocalypse has happened and you might be the only survivor, what will you do? Or maybe it's the apocalypse because you were the one that died and lost the world?
I'm Your Puppet -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S1t0mIfpVc
Kill The Turkey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imK4sUveCrU
Memory and Honesty -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOVBSWnvwuk
Wild West -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPijrw8wCds
Another album of theirs to listen through I'd recommend is "In Your Dreams". Very good for background music, more heavy hitting at times and more acoustic -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-LYae5TuWA
think im your puppet and wild west are my favorites out of this batch. thanks for the music, its giving me something new to listen to while drawing hah.
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
A good tickle session for a heavily pregnant girl on her eight and a half months (with twins)?
Most ticklish spots: Belly, bellybutton, feet, clitty, ass cheeks and holes.
"Awwe my sweetheart. You're carrying so much, sacrificing so much of yourself to do something amazing ~ just lay back and let me give you some tickly love" ~<33 I'm such in awe of your form, my fingers ever so delicately trace up your swollen belly. "I'll be gentle, I promise~ you deserve lovey luvs more than ever with everything you're carrying~" I take a tiny supple makeup brush and flutter it on your neck playfully, drawing downwards to replace my finger idly stroking your inverted bellybutton. The brush is soft and has the slightest bit of stiffness. I thoughtfully coo and twirl the tip along your strained knot, my other hand lovingly dragging spread fingers over your belly lightly. "How does that feel? Tickle, tickle. Ticklee" I purr and whisper, searching your confirmation and humming barely audibly.
I scoot back and start massaging your feet. "Unnh. Such pretty little feet, carrying such a load. You're amazing, so beautiful and cute." I praise, rubbing your soles with my thumbs in tiny tight concentric circles. I work upwards on your sore feet and start massaging under each toe. "Does that feel good? Yeahh~ ooh I know, I know dear. It's such lovely sensations. Let me ease that stress into giggles~" I take my brush and start polishing each toe's underside carefully. "How appropriate to do some this little piggy yeah?" I giggle and plant little kisses on each toe. "Except~ it's more like this little piggy was cute and got kissy tickles, muah muah and then this little piggy was also cute and got kissy tickles, and well muuahhh we're just gonna kissy each one. Such tender soft little pillows." I flutter my brush under and between the toes as I kiss each one down the line~
My fingers dance and twitter on your legs, gently spreading them outward. "Noww now, just don't fret my pretty preggy~ I'll give your royal areas so much tickly love~" I trace up your thighs, massaging the muscles with my thumbs pressing to find those twitchy areas moving closer to your womanhood. "Oooh yes, you absolutely deserve loving tickles here, now more than ever~" I excitedly lean in and help you lift your legs so I can reach at your cheeks, slipping my palms under to lovingly grasp like royal fruit~ "Such a tickly tushy~ y'know, I think that if you bear this package it should give you free reign to take out all your stresses whenever and however you see fit on the person who saddled you with it~ but until I make that sort of thing happen, I'll instead make you feel absolutely divine~" I smile warmly, finishing my ass cheek massage and retrieving the makeup brush. I gingerly grasp around your womanhood and gently expose your royal button. "Now, let's paint you up in my favorite colour~"
With a teasing flip of my makeup brush, I start merrily painting your swelling clitty with fleeting strokes. I carefully hold and coat you with sensation, ensuring every bit of that beautiful button is probed with the ultra soft trembling touch. "Coochie coo~ how is that? You want moreee? Okay cuteness, hold on to that lovely belly and give me all your amazing laughs because I'm going innn~" I trail off, smiling knowingly as you try to endure, my brush travelling down to find your openings, giving them an artist's finest resurfacing, twirling the tool around the edges, growing closer and closer to going inside then back out to teasingly flutter back and forth. "Oooh look at your thighs shake~ awww does that feel good? Plenty more to cooome~" I sing, moving down to the next hole and giving it a similar tickly tour. I play your womanhood like an instrument, going back up to tease your button with either the brush or my thumb in little rubbies~ then back down to tease the holes one after another, sometimes staying with them and other times loving on that swollen nubby for quite a while~ "Sing me a sweet song my amazing lady ~ let's get you really quaking with a niiice deserved gigglegasm~"
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kazuichikazuichi · 1 year
Sonia for ask?
SONIA MY BABYGIRL!!!!! oh my goodness i am in love with her <3 one of my favourite girls of the whole danganronpa series, what a sweetheart!! answering all of my opinions on her was so fun i loved it
favourite thing about them: i love how strong she is, like, how much she can stand up for herself!! she is confident and wonderful and strong, and her design is very polished in my opinion, her dress suits her so well and i love the colours (and also she is very pretty) (i would like to kiss her) (she is also very beautiful) (did i mention how pretty she is)
least favourite thing about them: hmmm, to be honest, in general i don't like when characters exist as a big reference to something else. if you didn't know, sonia is based on the band nirvana: novoselic is the surname of someone in the band, nevermind is one of their albums, and in utero (written on her uniform) is another album. i love sonia so much, and it's just a shame she's based on something i have no interest in, yknow? however i love to ignore all of that lol because nevermind and novoselic are pretty and european sounding anyway so they fit her nicely, so it's not a big deal. just wish the words had been come up with a different way really. but YEAH i love her design regardless :) my silly little gal
favourite line: i am not some woman with flexible legs!! that makes me giggle a lot :) in general i love her weird little semi broken english phrases and slang, she's so silly
brotp: i like her being friends with fuyuhiko!! my silly lil blondes :) also like her with all of the girls except hiyoko to be honest (she can get in the trash)
otp: bit of a rare pair from what ive seen buuut soniaki!!! her and chiaki are so cute together :) so sweet and fluffy, i love imagining/writing/drawing them! also it works really well with soudam in my opinion so that's a plus :)
notp: i know it's a very popular one, but i cannot stand sondham :( i get why other people like it though, so no judgement or hate at all if you like them!! i just very strongly see her and gundham as best best best friends, and it makes me feel gross to think of them romantically together. they are both just so gay to me!!!! the gayest bffs of all time. and i love imagining them help each other out with their individual relationship issues and crushes :)
random headcanon: she is a hopeless romantic, she loves to talk about crushes, and valentine's day is definitely her favourite holiday! she wants her and her friends to all have wonderful happy fairy tale endings
unpopular opinion: i've seen people say she was useless in the games before and that the plot would be basically the same if she wasn't there, but that's not true in my opinion! she saw hiyoko in ch3, her and gundham at the end of ch4 is impactful, and in ch5 she's suspicious when she's looking through the military stuff etc and if i remember correctly she tries to take the blame off of chiaki in the trial, right? and probably other stuff im too empty-brained to remember right now lol. and besides, her interactions with kaz and gundham add comic relief so! :) she is very important to me and the game would not be the same without her
a song i associate with them: this question is so hard omg, but im doing my best. here's a song that makes me think of sonia and chiaki together! just a generic love song really, nothing specific to them but it makes me think of them <3
favourite picture of them: she's so PRETTY i could literally say any oh my goodness. for sprites i'll say the one where she's holding her bicep like💪 lol then for pictures i'll say these :)
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also love the one of her on the ch4 roller coaster though and as with kaz, i like all of those anime screenshot things like the picnic and there's one of her, kaz and gundham by the fountain under a rainbow, etc
thank you for asking about her!!! <3<3 and if anyone else would like to send in another character then please feel free!! this is fun :)
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graylightsart · 2 months
Art Thoughts #1 - Hello World
Finally caught up on my backlog of cycles and pieces from the start of my digital art journey (6th Jan!) up until now. There always seems to be somehow more and less than you'd expect when you look over everything you've managed to do.
I decided to make a Tumblr alongside Instagram for the express purpose of long rambly posts about learning digital art, as well as feeling more free to post unfinished things or less polished concepts. I figured I'd start with another intro post and a quick review of where I feel I'm at right now.
So, hello world! I'm Gray and I'm fairly new to digital art and art in general. I started off just as something to do as a hobby, as I felt I was spending all my free time with nothing to show for it, but enjoyed it more than I expected. I also have plenty of characters, fandoms, and ideas for things I want to get better to be able to draw fanart of. I'm 24 so feel a little late to the game in some ways, having not grown up drawing beyond when I was a kid, especially when I see so many talented people on here a lot younger than me! But I feel like I've been doing fairly well not to compare myself to others too much so far and instead look back at my own pieces and see the progress I'm already making as I go.
Speaking of that progress, I'm pretty happy with how it's going! Obviously getting anywhere from zero is going to feel pretty good, but it's been nice to look back and actually see consistent progress and studies paying off. Most things I've been working on have been on character, and specifically the head, so it's not surprising that there's been some improvement when I've been focusing so much on one area. The shading cycle really made a big difference I think, and I came up with some pieces I'm proud of.
Some specific things I want to address in terms of going forward are definitely branching out to more stylized pieces. I'll probably do another long post on my thoughts on getting stuck in a "realism arc". I know it's super important to get realistic proportions etc down but I feel I could probably make some more simple and effective pieces using different styles. Obviously, a big area to get to is full body pieces, gesture and posing and the like, which I have a little experience in from physical sketching a while ago but need to get back to digitally. That'll lead to a whole host of anatomy, clothing, posing, and perspective cycles in the future.
Got a few more long posts planned for things like my cycle plans, thoughts on realism, switching between studies and sketches from imagination, and probably more reviews like this sporadically. Not really expecting anyone to read them except me in the future really but if any other beginner artists want to see how another early art journey is going, I'm here!
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yukipri · 3 years
Opened a Print Shop!!!
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Exciting news! After many years of saying I want to open an online shop and never doing it, I finally did it! My first online shop ever!
My shop is on INPRNT, which offers high quality art prints, canvases, acrylics, and cards. It's print on demand, which means all I need to do is upload art, and they do the rest!
I've always felt guilty that I haven't been able to offer prints or merch to followers who don't get the chance to see me on the rare con I attend. Especially given that I had to drop my only con this year, Anime NYC, I really wanted to do something. But I'm also in no position to manage my own store at the moment. I hope this is an ok compromise!
Regarding my art:
I tried to put up a decent assortment of art from all of my past fandoms (YOI onwards; no BH6 bc that's a bit too old for me ^ ^;). Most of the things I've had available as large prints at cons, or that I've offered as part of a Patreon promotion in the past, I've tried to include. I tried my best to pick things that I think will interest people the most!
It'll likely be easiest to find what you're looking for by looking at the Collections tab, which is what I have linked at the bottom of this post. I've sorted collections by fandom, and currently offer the following:
[BF] = Banana Fish
[OP] = One Piece
[Others] = All other fandoms that were never my main fandoms
[SW] = Star Wars
[YOI] = Yuri on Ice!!!
Each art is also labeled with the year I drew it. Part of this is for your reference, but part of it, let's be honest, is me going I know it doesn't look as polished/looks considerably worse than what I draw now! Please be kind, I drew it 5 years ago and it's the best I could do at the time! I still included these older works to give folks the option.
Please also note that this definitely isn't a comprehensive list of every art I've ever drawn. I think 86 different illustrations is a fair number to start out with though!
Grand Opening Discount Codes!
Wanted to mention here that for my store's grand opening, I'm offering 20% off codes to all of my patrons $5+, and 10% off codes to all patrons on the $1 Tier! These codes can be applied to everything but cards, and will be active for 2 weeks until November 1st, 2021.
If you were ever curious about checking out my Patreon and want to save on my prints at the same time, do consider checking it out! I post all my WIPs, previews, advance posts, higher resolution + less watermarked final art, artist commentary, and more on Patreon several times weekly!
But also, you don't need to be a patron to get a discount! Because I opened this store partially to make up for Anime NYC, I'll be offering another discount code promotion for one week from the start of the convention, November 19, through Black Friday, 26th, 2021. There'll be a 10% off code I'll post publicly, as well as another 20% off code for all patrons $5+!
I think that should be everything, but please feel free to stop by my inbox if you have any questions!
And now, without further ado:
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cannibal-witchh · 3 years
Painting Heisenberg's Nails
Karl Heisenberg x Reader
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(The hands belong to the beautiful Mads Mikkelsen 🖤)
Written by cannibal_witchh
Contains: Fluff, A little sexual context, A little explicit language, and definitely cringe
Notes: This is more in regards to my hand fetish, I am highly attracted to hands with rings, nail polish, and veins...so I decided to write a cringey story! It's extremely short but I wanted something a little different then just fucking.
"Seriously, doll?", he let out an exagerrated sigh, walking around his littered study room with his hands behind his head. "Please!", you begged, spinning in his desk chair, fidgeting with a metal trinket he had gifted you. It was a metal flower, it was coarse and rough in texture but you loved it. It was just like him and of course, him making it made it hold a greater importance to you.
"N-O, no! Can you imagine if the other lords saw me?", he shook his head with a grin, walking towards you, placing both his hands flat on your thighs and leaning towards you. You put your face right infront of his, nearly standing up to match his height. "Please, Karl!", you pleaded, pushing out your lower lip to pout. " Real mature. The many decades of being single and the one time I decide to be with anyone, I pick someone younger who whines.", he laughed, giving your thighs a tight squeeze. His glasses began to slide down his bridge, and he brought his hand up to pull them up to the top of his head. You always enjoyed when he did that, his spectacles would grab a few front hairs back and it would show more of his charming face. Anytime he did something with his hair you found it very attractive as a matter of fact.
"But you like it,", you smiled pecking him on the tip of his nose with a kiss. "Yes, yes I do.", he chuckled with a wide toothy grin. " Sooo...please?", you shot your last shot with your request and you witnessed the Lord Heisenberg release another heavy sigh. "Fine. Geez, there, aren't I a nice boyfriend?", he teased rolling his eyes at you.
A few moments had passed and the two of you had sat at his table. It was trashed with crumpled up papers and old scraps of old metal, you were used to the mess at this point so it didn't particularly trigger you. "Let's get this over with, princess.", Heisenberg peeled his gloves off revealing well sculpted aged hands. Veins webbing along his hand, wrists and fingers. Scars decorating all around them, and a large onyx ring and silver ring resting above two of his knuckles. You didn't see his hands often, he was always handling metal and he preferred to miminize as much damage to himself as he could. For a moment you admired his large masculine hands, before looking at him. " Ok, just relax or whatever it is you old guys do.", you winked shaking the nail polish paint bottle. " This old guy stares at his cute little buttercup.", he propped his head up in the palm of one hand, and slipped his other onto your's. He flashed a wink and smiled as his cigar bobbed between his teeth.
You unscrewed the nail polish cap and began painting black onto his nails. He made an obnoxious gagging sound and began fanning the aroma away from his long nose. " Smells like ass!", he complained pulling his cigar away from his lips. " And your cigars don't?", you raised an eyebrow, now moving to paint his ring finger, the finger that had the large onyx ring on it.
"Such a wild buttercup,", he grinned taking in another puff of his cigar. " You really do hang out too much with me. You get more and more fiesty everyday. And a big smart ass.", he exhaled grey clouds as they swirled and danced infront of you. The smell didn't agitate you much, you had been with him long enough that his smoking addiction was a regular everyday thing.
You were now finished with the first coat on his hand and he pulled it close to examine. " Hmm..the things, I seriously do for you.." He teased freeing his other hand to allow you to begin on. " You are such a drama queen.", you darted your eyes at him, dipping the brush back in the bottle for more paint.
" So why black?"
"It's hot."
He rolled his eyes at you once more and began to levitate a dagger in the air beside him. It spun and flipped all around to keep him entertained. Suddenly, he brought the dagger to trace your inner thigh, sending goosebumps along your leg. " Bad! Wait until this is dry...then we can.", you demanded swatting the knife away from your innermost thigh. " Can't even give me something to entertain myself with. Such a cruel women.", he whined throwing his head back to let out a bored groan. " Seriously Karl, you can get some afterwards.",, you finished his ring finger, delicately stroking any missing spots of black paint.
"Oh, what a wicked princess!", he dramatized continuing his complaints while pulling his cigar back in for a puff. "Almost done...", you muttered focusing heavily on creating smooth paint strokes. Heisenberg continued watching you for a moment then looked at his newly painted nails with an uncertain expression. "Ok, I'm going to do the second coat and then I'll be done.", you lightly smiled at your impatient boyfriend. He didn't seem to say anything, instead now he was occupied with making more knives float. He seriously was a child, it had not been that long and he was acting like this had been hours of sitting.
After a couple of minutes, you completed the second coat and the relief in his eyes was made apparent. " Do you like it, buttercup?", he drummed his finger tips on the table, drawing attention to his freshly colored nails. Although, it was tacky still, you let him have his fun. " Yes, I sure do.", you twisted the cap of the nail polish back on and moved it to the side. " Now, just be careful with you nails....now you can finally get it, old man.", you smiled widely leaning in to kiss him. A couple kisses were exchanged and you could feel he had a large grin on his face.
"HEISENBERG!" a voice rumbled.
The kissing ceased and the two of you drew your heads to the noise. It was Alcina, trying to squeeze through the door. It was not really often she was in Heisenberg's home, so this was a very bizarre occasion. She finally squeezed in and stood as tall as she could stand in his room. She stood out with how flawless and well dressed she was.
She sniffed the air, " Ah, seriously? Having Y/N painting your nails? ", she began to let out a wild chuckle laughing at his dark nails. " And this is who Mother Miranda had at one point entrusted with Y/N Y/L/N. And you are out here playing dress up now.", she continued to bellow.
"Shut your mouth and get out, super sized bitch! We are about to fuck! Now go!", his eyes glanced over at his recliner chair and you shook your head. Alcina noticed too and tried to control another large howl of laughter.
"You really are an old man.", you sighed knowing very well how serious he was about kicking the foot rest up and fucking you on that stupid old recliner chair.
"Oh fine, ta ta! Adleast pick somewhere more tasteful then that. After your pitiful few seconds of fornication...please call, we have matters to discuss.", she addressed coldly exiting the building.
After a few minutes, he looked over at you with his cigar between his teeth and still wearing a smile. " Now get on that chair.", he smiled as you couldn't help but laugh. "Whatever, Lord Heisenberg.", you sarcastically replied as you moved over to this old recliner chair.
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Studio Slip-Ups
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Requested By Anon: "okay so can i request a minnie scenario where the reader is 7th member and they both like each other but are obvious and scared of confessing? the other members already know that they’re into each other. and then one night they have a studio date where they’re writing/messing around and somehow one of them confesses. please make it fluffy :)"
Pairing: Minnie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,257
Warnings / Misc. -- Pining, Teasing, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Anon, I'm so sorry for the long wait! This crazy winter storm has left me without power for a few days, so I've had to deal with that; but, on the bright side, it did give me the opportunity to get a little writing done. It's worth noting that I'm not as familiar with (G)I-DLE as I am with Blackpink, but hopefully I was able to get their personalities right. Keep an eye out for more content coming soon :)
Key: "Y/Ship/Name" = Your ship name with Minnie
♡ Happy reading ♡
Minnie can't take her eyes off of you.
Your fingers glide along the smooth surface of the piano keys, tying the notes that ring out into a beautiful composition. She hears the low tones of you humming along with it, constructing new layers to the song in your mind, your eyes closed to help you focus. Occasionally you stop to scribble something on your notepad, toying with your lip in thought. She admires you from her spot on the floor, leaning against the mirror with a smile when she sees the lightbulb go off above your head and your subsequent excitement.
She wonders if you've ever written anything about her. She's practically written symphonies for you, staying up late into the night after rehearsals in order to put her feelings on paper. Everything about you inspires her, and it's times like these that make her wish she had the courage to confess to you. She knows you could be so good together, and yet every time she thinks she's convinced herself to go through with it, she always chickens out. So, for now, she's reluctantly accepted the idea of just staying friends and loving you in silence. 
You lean forward, resting your elbows against the polished piano top as you cradle your head in your hands. Memories swirl in your mind, flashes of smiles and laughter as you search through them for the perfect lyric to add to the song. And then, there she is. Minnie. It's a simple memory, only really consisting of the two of you telling each other stupid jokes back at the dorm, her head resting in your lap. It was the kind of moment where you were both loopy -- completely exhausted from performances and interviews -- so just about anything made you laugh. Anytime you'd crack a new joke, she'd be thrown into another laughing fit, filling the room with that sound that you love so much. That sound. Without even knowing it, Minnie's been the star of most of your songs; ever since you fell for her all those months ago, it's been hard to find the same level of inspiration in anything other than her. 
Your pleasant reminiscing is interrupted by two of your other members, Soyeon and Yuqi, deciding to spend this free time being chaotic. They had been bearable enough up until now, but you had to draw the line once they decided to start screaming the newest Blackpink song at the top of their lungs. Had you been doing anything else at the moment, you would've gladly joined them -- there's a time and place for that, though, and this is neither of those. 
Soyeon catches the warning glance that you send and quiets down a little, but Yuqi narrows her eyes at you playfully. 
"Yuqi, if you don't stop screaming in the next five seconds I'm gonna tackle you." 
"Bet." She scoffs. 
"I'm in the middle of writing something. You don't wanna know how far I'll go for my creative processes…."
With a cocky smirk plastered on her lips, she clears her throat and bellows out, "I'M SOUR CANDY!"
"You leave me no choice," you sigh dramatically, rolling up your sleeves before you charge at her. She lets out a squeal as you make contact, and soon your bodies collide with the soft cushions of the couch with a quiet noise of impact. The other girls cheer from the opposite side of the room, shouting praises at you for getting her to shut up.
Yuqi wiggles underneath you, pulling out all the stops to free herself from your determined grip. "Are you done now?" You raise an eyebrow, keeping her wrists secure in your hands despite all the fighting she's doing. Your knees sit on either side of her torso, keeping her locked in place. Her eyes dart behind you, conveying some hidden message that your brain doesn't have time to decipher before she yells out, "NEVER!" 
It doesn't take long for you to realize what -- or rather who -- she was signalling to: in an instant, Soyeon pushes you off of her, sending you flying to another part of the couch. You don't even have a chance to catch your breath before they pounce on you, turning the tables by starting a tickle fight. 
As much as you try to hold it in, laughter soon bubbles up in your chest and echoes out across the practice room. "Ah- NO!" You giggle, thrashing around beneath them. "This is what you get when you keep us from stanning the girls." Yuqi says, twisting her fingers into the most ticklish part of your side. 
"Minnie, help me!" She's your only hope at this point; there's no way you can beat both of them alone. 
Minnie's been watching the disaster unfold from the moment it began with a smile tugging at her lips; now, though, a wave of nervousness hits her. She hadn't expected you to call out for her. Nevertheless, she'd never leave you hanging like that. In two seconds flat, she's on her feet and running to your aid. 
"This is for Y/N!" She declares, prying Yuqi off of you and putting herself in the line of fire. Soyeon proves to be much easier of an opponent, and you have her tapping in no time. Eventually, Minnie seems to get the upper hand and Yuqi gives up with a defeated sigh. She crosses her arms with a huff, looking eerily similar to those baby pictures she's shown you in the past. 
You pull your teammate in for a tired hug, smiling as she sinks into your embrace. "In your face! Team Y/Ship/N is superior, losers." They roll their eyes, already busy pouting at their loss and muttering objections under their breath. In your arms, Minnie is silently freaking out; your body's warm from all the moving you just did, and she revels in the feeling of being held by you. She usually doesn't let herself give into what she wants -- in any other scenario she'd be finding some excuse to step away and retreat back to her seat, putting distance between herself and the one person she wants most in the world. But this time is different for some reason unbeknownst to Minnie, and she lets herself get lost in the sweet smell of your perfume as you run a hand through her hair soothingly.
After what could've been 30 seconds or 5 minutes, (Minnie's still trying to figure that one out), you give her a final squeeze before stepping away and announcing, "I'm gonna run to the break room for some snacks. Do you guys want anything?" 
Shuhua briefly pauses her conversation with Soojin and Miyeon to respond: "Candy, please." You already had a sneaking suspicion that she'd want something, so the confirmation puts a smile on your face. Her appetite is something else. 
When no one else requests anything, you exit the room and make your way down the hall. 
As Minnie watches you leave, a small grin works its way onto her lips; something she loves about you, just one of the many reasons that come to mind, is how courteous you are. It's a simple thing -- offering to grab snacks for everyone -- but it just goes to show how much you care about your members. In this industry, being close isn't a guarantee by any means, so it makes her all the more grateful for having someone like you in her life. She pads her way back across the room, silently thanking whatever forces were behind putting both of you in the same group.
"Y/N, don't freak out. You've got this, it's just a drink. Totally not the end of the world." You tell yourself, attempting to get rid of the relentless anxiety you feel. With a deep breath, you open the door. 
"Here you go Shushu." Being careful to avoid spilling the hot beverages on yourself, you toss her the candy bar you promised. She catches it with ease, and you smile at how happy she looks now that she's eating again. 
During your time away, Minnie had migrated over to the piano and settled in to play a comforting tune of her own. You take note of the way her lips press together, her throat tightening and relaxing as she hums along, harmonizing effortlessly. She's utterly gorgeous, looking right at home; she was made to be a star, and the sight before you takes you back to your trainee days. Back then, even before your group was formed, you knew she'd go all the way. Her talent speaks for itself, and it always takes your breath away. 
Soyeon nudges you, effectively pulling you from the stupor you didn't even realize you were in. "Y/N, you're staring." She informs, voice dripping with amusement as she teases you. You deliver a light stomp to her foot to put her back in her place before approaching Minnie, chuckling to yourself at the whine that leaves her lips. 
"Hey, I made your favorite." 
She smiles as you lean over the piano to retrieve one of the wooden coasters and set the cup on it. When she notices what's on top, though, she gasps. 
In the whipped foam of her drink, you drew a heart with the word, "Cutie" scrawled next to it. The colors are beginning to mix together now as the steam continues to rise, but nothing has ever looked so special to Minnie before. There wasn't enough room to add anything else, so you had to settle for that. Although, come to think of it, maybe writing out a love poem for her on top of a drink isn't the most ideal way to confess. 
"I know you didn't ask for it, but you've been working hard and I thought you deserved a little treat." You say, taking a sip of the tea you made for yourself. You peek at her over the rim of your mug, patiently waiting for her response. The look in your eye is so pure and genuine that Minnie can't find it in herself to contain her feelings any longer.
"I love you," she releases the words gently, sick of holding those three words in for so long. This sweet gesture truly served as the final straw for her; you know how to make her favorite drink just right, and you left that little message? You really know the way to her heart. 
"H-huh?" You stutter out, stubbing your toe on the edge of the piano bench with how quickly you raise up. That's definitely the last thing you saw coming. 
Worry flashes across her features in a millisecond, her brain already convincing her that you don't feel the same, and she begins rambling. "I don't-- I do! It's just…" 
"I love you, too." You crack a dumbfounded smile, thinking it's adorable how flustered she is right now. All this time you thought you were the only one, so seeing her like this is a totally new thing. 
You can see the tension leave her body once she registers your words, no longer having to stress about coming up with an excuse for her slip up. She shyly reaches for you, gripping the material of your shirt in her fists as she pulls you in closer. Gently, you cup her cheeks with your hands and lean down to press a bashful kiss to her lips. 
"Jesus, it took you guys long enough." Soyeon jests, seemingly already over the pity party she was throwing earlier. After kissing Minnie again, you glance at the rapper with confused look. 
Yuqi laughs at your baffled expression, filling the room with the happy sound. "You're oblivious. You guys have been pining forever." 
"Yeah, Y/N. Minnie told me she had a crush on you like 4 months ago," Soojin says quietly from her place on the floor. Your eyebrows instinctively raise at this, and you turn to see Minnie ducking her head down to avoid your gaze. 
"Is that true?" You ask gently, unbelieving. 
Her eyes slowly scan up to yours, partially afraid to see your reaction, but she nods nonetheless. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard." The blush on her cheeks is undeniable now, making her skin look hot to the touch. 
"I told you guys it would happen eventually," Miyeon grins, giving herself a pat on the back. She holds her head a little higher knowing that you two finally confessed.
"Well, since we're telling our secrets, I might as well say this: you know that song I was writing earlier?" You ask, nervously reaching down to toy with Minnie's fingers. 
She nods for you to continue. "Well… it's about you." You breathe out, still scared to hear what she has to say about that despite what just happened. 
Wordlessly, she takes her phone out of her pocket and opens a folder in it, titled, "♡Y/N♡" before showing it to you. It's full of random lines of lyrics and candid pictures, some of which you didn't even know Minnie had snapped of you. She really is in love with you; and she always has been. 
"Okay, I lied earlier. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, hands down." A smile spreads across her lips at your words, and she leans into you to bury her face in your neck and hide her embarrassment. You kiss her temple and wrap your arms around her, happy and content in a way you've never been before. 
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
crisis - shouto todoroki x fem!reader
a/n: enjoy! my requests are open, so if you liked this fic, please feel free to drop me an ask -leo
warnings: marital issues, mentions of parental neglect and abuse (in relation to todoroki's backstory), mild angst
because i write from a third person point of view, i recommend using the interactivefics extension! it replaces y/n, l/n, etc, with whatever you insert into the extension, and helps to make fics super immersive! it's a chrome extension, and you can find it in the chrome store.
[the song that inspired this fic is Crisis by Annie Eve]
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𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚. . . 𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. . . 𝑰'𝒎 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏, 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. . .
Y/N's keys chimed together softly as she dug them out of her coat pocket, her gloved hands struggling for a moment to take hold of the cool metal. Her face still stung from the cold of the snow outside, and she hurried to unlock the door to the apartment, stepping inside and letting her shoulders slump as soon as the door was shut behind her.
The place was silent, but a glance towards the kitchen, where a light shone dimly through the doorway, told her that Shouto was home.
Without announcing her presence, she slid her coat off, then removed her boots and placed them on the shoe rack, where they stood alone. The coat hanger in the entryway was the same way—her coat was the only one there, looking lonely as it hung in solitude from the rack.
"I'm hom—I'm here," Y/N called tentatively, catching herself before she could say the word 'home.' She lingered awkwardly by the front door, as though afraid to enter. "I'll get started on dinner soon."
There was a long silence as she crossed the hall into the living room, which was pristinely clean, but looked more like a picture from a catalogue than anywhere actually inhabited. The sofa cushions were uncreased, the table spotless and uncluttered. She stared at the room blankly, and realized that she felt like a stranger.
"I've already eaten."
There was no surprise, only a dull sting as she let out a soft sigh, pressing her eyes shut. "Alright. That's fine."
It had been a month of this already, and Y/N knew that most husbands, most couples, would have already worked a way around something like this—at the very least, they would have found a way to sweep it under the rug for a few more months, pretend that it didn't exist. But Shouto wasn't most husbands, and they were not most couples.
When Shouto wanted to hold onto something, he could take it to his grave; how else could he have gone for years without using an entire half of his quirk? She had always loved his stubbornness, admired him for his tenacity, but now when she looked at him, all she could see was a wall that she didn't know how to scale.
It was her fault, this whole argument. She had been the one to bring up the idea of having kids, she had been the one to press him on it, to try to have the conversation before he was ready.
They had been happy. If she had just left well enough alone. . .
Another long sigh drew itself from her chest, and she turned towards the kitchen, footsteps soft against polished hardwood. "Sho. . . Can we at least talk? Please?"
He was sitting at the kitchen table, staring down at an untouched mug of tea that Y/N could only assume had already gone cold. His dual-toned gaze flickered up towards hers for just an instant, and for a moment she thought she saw a spark of progress. Then the ice took over again, and he cast his gaze back down, his mouth bent into an uncomfortable grimace.
Y/N wasn't used to not knowing what to say to him; part of the reason that they had worked so well as a couple was their ability to practice utter candor with one another. This feeling of words being stuck on her tongue. . . It was foreign to her, daunting. Temptation to indulge in her anger sparked in her chest; it would be so easy to snap at him, to remind him with vicious fervor how badly he was hurting her, but those sparks died down as she took another look at his face. She knew that he was hurting too, that he was just as lost for words as she was. "Shou," she tried again, leaning against the doorway, her voice gentle. "We can't do this forever."
His grimace settled deeper into his features, and she saw his shoulders tense, his hands tightening around the ceramic mug. "What can we do?" he finally asked, brow creasing.
"We can talk about this. I know what you're scared of, Shou." Y/N crossed the kitchen to be at his side, her hand coming carefully up to the side of his face, fingertips skimming the red, rough skin over his scar. "You won't be like him. You won't be like your fath—"
Her breath caught in her throat at the feeling of his grip around her wrist, pulling her hand away from his face. His eyes were burning with something that rested in the valley between grief and rage.
His grip tightened again before he let her go, his chair wailing as he shoved it away from the table, his gait hurried as he rushed away from her.
Y/N could only watch as he left the kitchen and disappeared up the stairs like a ghost, drifting farther and farther away. Her eyes stung and a lump burned in her throat, and she fell into the seat that he had been occupying just a moment ago, burying her face in her arms.
She sat in silence under the dim kitchen light until her joints began to ache and her eyelids felt heavy. Eventually, she pulled herself up and padded slowly up the stairs, careful not to walk too loudly. The door to the bedroom felt heavier than usual, and the sight of Shouto lying with his back to her brought her pause. She didn't know if he was awake, if he knew that she was there or not, and part of her didn't care. He didn't move as she retrieved her pillow from her side of the bed and left the room, heading back down the stairs and finding a restless sleep on their barely-used sofa.
The events of that night had alienated her even further, and if there had been a wedge between them before, it now felt like a chasm.
Weeks passed with little change, and though they shared a space, Y/N could hardly say that it felt like they lived together. After the first few nights, Shouto had told her that she could have their bedroom—he would sleep on the couch.
Part of her was angry with him for it; even when he was being infuriating, he still found a way to remind her why she loved him. One kind gesture, however, wasn't enough to make up for almost two months of dysfunction. Y/N realized that she couldn't take this. Not for much longer, at any rate. She got home from work one cold evening, and found him as she usually did, sitting at his desk, handling paperwork for the agency.
"Shouto." Her voice was even, steady because she'd rehearsed this conversation in all its permutations before she'd even made it to their front door. She needed to be ready, or else she knew that she would break.
His hand tightened around his pen, and he froze for a moment, before setting it down and turning in his chair, not quite meeting her eyes. "Yes?"
"Look. . . I love you, but I can't do this. I can't stay here if you're going to act like I don't exist. If avoiding one conversation is worth our marriage, then fine. I'll accept that, but I won't stay. Do you understand?"
His eyes snapped to hers, widening ever so slightly. In that moment, he looked more attentive, more alert than he had in months. "Y/N. . ." His eyes fell shut and he leaned forward against the desk, raking his hands through his hair and drawing in a shaking breath. "I just- I need time. Don't go."
"I've given you time, Shouto," she shot back quickly, raising her voice slightly. "I need you to give me answers."
He fell silent again, staring down at the desk, his hands still tangled in his hair as he realized that he was stuck within an ultimatum.
She was deafened by his silence, and she looked to the side, jaw tightening before she began to step away and out of the room. "I'm going, Shouto." "Y/N—" "Don't."
As soon as she had packed her things, she left the apartment without sparing him another glance.
A week passed, and Y/N quickly realized how accustomed she had grown to living with Shouto; even when they had been sleeping in different rooms for weeks, it felt odd to live somewhere where he wasn't. She found it difficult to sleep in her friend's apartment, and even more difficult to eat with the growing uncertainty that was gnawing a pit in her stomach.
She knew that forgetting her notebook was a weak excuse to go back to the apartment, but she didn't have a better one, and part of her was too prideful to admit that she had simply missed him, that she was starting to feel like it was better to struggle with him than to try to move on without him. At the very least, she wanted to see him again, and maybe there was a little part of her that was hoping that he wanted to see her too.
It was late on a Friday night when Y/N drove back to their apartment, hoping that maybe he'd be asleep, and that she could sneak past him and he'd never have to know that she was thinking about coming back to him.
She tried to muffle the sound of her keys, but they rang loudly as she unlocked the door, trying to remain silent as she slipped back into the apartment. In her absence it had hardly changed; the furniture still looked unused, the kitchen was still perfectly clean. Shouto had never been the type to let his internal turmoil leak out into his surroundings, and Y/N didn't suppose that he was spending much time outside of his office.
She slipped off her shoes, then crept up the stairs without turning on the lights, navigating the dark apartment by memory as she made her way to the bedroom. The door was shut and the light was out, and a feeling of relief washed over her as she realized that he must have been asleep. Slowly, she pushed the door open, and stepped into their room.
Even in the dark, the room was achingly familiar; the colors that she and Shouto had picked out together stood out vaguely in the darkness, and it was all she could do not to succumb to the lump in her throat. She pressed forward, moving towards her nightstand and trying to ignore Shouto, who seemed restless as he slept alone.
When she realized that he was whimpering, she stopped dead in her tracks, her gut twisting. Nightmares were rare for him, but Y/N had always been the one who was there to pull him out of them; now he had no one, and guilt burned at her chest at the idea of leaving him there like that, forsaking him to the demons in his head.
Against her better judgment, she reached forward and flipped the switch on her nightstand lamp, washing the room in a dull, warm glow. In the light, she could see the sheen of sweat on his face, the way his muscles tensed and his face twisted in discomfort. Her heart ached, and she stepped toward him, her own heart pounding in her chest as she did.
This was a bad idea.
He wouldn't want to see her.
She should turn around and let him think that she had never been there.
God, if it wasn't hard to remember why she'd left him at all.
"Shouto," Y/N whispered, moving to his side of the bed and placing her hand lightly on his shoulder. "Shou, wake up. Please, wake up."
The way he started awake made her heart ache—his eyes were wild, ringed with dark circles, his face drained of all color. He searched the room frantically until his eyes fell on her, and his face softened immediately, his hand coming up to her face as though against his will. "Y/N. . ."
She gave him a bittersweet smile, compassion glimmering in her gaze. "You're okay, love. I'm here now." Tears welled up in her eyes as she took him in, took in how exhausted he looked, took in how much he was revealing as he stared at her.
He looked dazed by his swell of emotion, and he didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms, burying his face in the crook of her neck as the tension went out of his shoulders, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Shouto whispered, his arms tightening around her. "All of this. . . All of this was because I was scared. I didn't think I could give you what you wanted, and you payed the price. And- And my mother-"
"It's okay, Shou," Y/N murmured, running a gentle hand through his hair. "You don't have to explain."
"No, Y/N. Listen. Please." He drew in another breath before he continued. "After you asked me about having kids, my father came to mind. I didn't—don't—ever want to be like him. But my mother. . . I would go to see her, Y/N, after we had that talk. And when I looked at her, and thought about what my father did. . . All I could see when I looked at her was you. You don't—you don't understand how badly that scared me, Y/N. And I felt, stupidly, that if I said anything about it, that it would make it real. I was too scared to take that risk." His voice was trembling now, vulnerable in a way you'd never heard from him. "Do you understand? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
"God, Shou," Y/N choked out, tears spilling freely down the sides of her face as she clung to him. "You should have told me. I could have- I could have helped you."
"I know, love," he murmured, and Y/N remembered for the first time in months how good it felt to hear him call her 'love.' "I'm still just. . . Learning."
"I'm sorry too. Walking out on you like that, I. . ."
"No, Y/N." He pulled back to stare at her intently, meeting her eyes directly. "You did what you had to do. You were right. You gave me every chance to talk, and I didn't take it. That's on me. I won't let you blame yourself for my mistakes—that's what he would have done."
She knew better than to argue with him, so she merely nodded before burying her face in his shoulder again, relishing in the feeling of having his arms back around her, of finally having broken through the walls that had been built between them.
Shouto was lying on his back with her draped over his chest, dancing on the verge of sleep when her voice broke the silence.
"For what it's worth. . . You would make an amazing father."
He didn't reply, but Y/N could feel his hold on her tighten, could hear his breath catching in her throat—and if she really listened closely, she could hear quiet sniffles as she drifted off to sleep, happy again in her husband's arms.
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seirindono · 3 years
Hello again! Sorry if I’m bothering you._ .
But I was wondering if you could give any tips about making a comic or comic series! I really like your comic the missing scarf and it’s inspired me to make my own comic with my oc Flynn! So getting advice from someone as cool as you could be really helpful! Sorry if this is a weird ask ._ . But thank you for reading and tell Mel I said hi! ✨❤️
Hey, Razu! Don’t worry, that’s a really interesting ask actually. Plus I’m glad to finally see you start your own comic, how exciting! I may not be the most qualified person to give tips, but I'll try my best (*´▽`*)
So, of course, there're the more obvious stuff like practicing drawing the characters, polish up the dialogue etc.
Aside from that, and before you start the drawing process, I can only encourage you to be organized. That'll make your process way more smooth. And trust me, you want to make it as easy as possible.
It usually starts with writing down a script/the outline of your chapter(s) -most artist do it-. Figure out how it begins, where it ends and what happens on each page.
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Then comes the "storyboard", following your script (I personally prefer to work on the whole rather than page by page so that I can change/delete/add details at any time.). The drawing doesn't have to be good - my drafts are basically stick men- it just needs to make you notice any big inconsistencies.
Another advice -before the lineart- is to slowly improve the construction and the posings of your characters by working on several layers of rough. As many as necessary. It helps to have more dynamic strokes too! Don't forget to work of the backgrounds too, see if they fit with the action, etc. Lineart comes after that.
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There, I think that’s all (?), hope it helped you, even a bit. Feel free to tell me if some parts are unclear -other people interested too!-. It always saddens me to see all the existing OCs around and yet, so few comics about their story. Glad to know that Flynn will have his own!
Good luck ! And of course Mel says hello, hehe
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi Zu!
Do you like doing handicrafts? Like sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, anything like that.
Well, the past still counts! As for me, I've hated shopping since forever, it exhausts me to no end. Window shopping, on the other hand, suits me much better (x But I do that just as rarely, because I need someone to walk with, it's extremely uncomfortable to be alone outside, and I don't have anybody to ask here.
You're right, that's the same logic as it was with all the toys 💞 I guess I was quite lonely as a kid as well, so I did my best to comfort those around me, people and things the same.
I mean, I guess? That's Broomie here, isn't it? His/theirs ability to move and react is an interesting and important detail indeed, thanks for pointing that out for me; although it reminds me of an animal a bit more than anything else. Definitely not a base for a sentient monster-like being. Uhhh, I keep making my own life more and more difficult (x But at least this one is fun.
I'd say anime adaptation is just as good. Or, well, not anime but donghua, that's the right term. It also has the manhua (like manga but Chinese) and drama adaptations, and those are great as well! Adaptations are much more censored, and the drama strays a bit far from the original plot, but that didn't ruin anything at all.
Well, thank you for letting me support you, and for supporting me in return 🌻 Cooperation is a part of what makes the whole thing work, after all.
It is a hit of inspiration, the first few lines... Or the last few, sometimes I write poems from the end to the beginning (x Then it's either more waves of inspiration or trying to twist words and meanings patiently. To be honest, for me the first way works better. Maybe I'd need to polish my improvisation later, but all in all that's faster, more convenient. Sometimes I need to wait for months to continue a certain poem, but at least I'll be satisfied with the result for sure. Forcing the lines is a bad idea, that's what I'm doing with prose, and look how miserable that makes me. Poems are something safer, I'm resting while working on them. Oh, another important things! When I'm writing a poem, there are times when I've no idea what it will be about in the end. Words just want to be written and spoken, so I oblige. Well, I'm not an expert at drawing, but even I can tell you're doing an awesome job! By the way, not sure if you ever mentioned it, but do you use any references? Like for anatomy or perspective or anything at all.
And the last question. What would you like to thank yourself for today? You can name one thing, make a list, or just think about it and keep it for yourself.
Take care! *hugs*
Hi anfie╰(*´︶`*)╯
Oh I did! <3 I used to cross-stitch pictures and even do weaving on a loom, but now my only handicraft hobby is to skritch-skritch on the tablet xd What about you? I remember you mentioned that you knit *^*
I feel you x) Window shopping does sound like a better option ☆ By the way — if it's not a secret — why are you uncomfortable to be alone? You don't have to answer, I just remember you said the same thing about going to the cinema and I attributed it to the awkwardness of being alone among the companies, hope it's nothing serious (ówò) As for me, I love to be alone! Spending time with yourself and being free to do whatever you want and go wherever you want, isn't that cool? ♪(´ε` )
That was and still is very nice of you! (〃ω〃) I'm sorry to hear you had a lonely childhood, it must have felt desperate... but you're not alone now, right? <3 Hope this past lack doesn't bother you now!
That's right (*´꒳`*) Oh– I'm sorry if it was kinda inhumanly of me, it's just that it may be a good time for Gayfish's idea about Broomie being mute ☆ Hope this can help you!
Ah I've heard about the manhua term, but I thought the difference between it and manga is in the color only,,, xd Anyway, it sounds interesting, and it's worth comparing! (゚ω゚)
That's right╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
That's so unusual yet fair enough! I know how hard and painful it may be, so more bouts of inspiration for you! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Oh please, don't say that, it doesn't make you miserable in any way! Even in violent there's a freedom since it's part of your imagination, something that saves you when there's nothing to help you. But I'm glad to hear poetry helps you relax ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ And it's great when the creator doesn't know where his lines will lead! Like you become a mystery and then a surprise to yourself ☆ I had similar moment while drawing Lodestar comic, where I literally let Killer improvise, and it did fit harmoniously *^* And thanks a lot! (〃ω〃) To be honest, I tried to use references but they looked so weird I just quit and now I use a mirror and my eyes only, no kidding XD Even Killer I'm gonna post soon is drawn partly thanks to my reflection <3 Are there any "helpers" for poets? (・∀・)
Do you use the gratitude practice too? (*⁰▿⁰*) I try to do it every day naming as many things as possible which I'm grateful for, even the most banal ones, and right now I'm grateful for everything going the best way. And you? ☆
Take care *hugs* ♡
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