#anonymouse but not
gifsbysimplysonia · 3 months
What’s your favorite trope and your favorite work (doesn’t need to be fanfic) that portrays it? 🤓
So I have been thinking about this ... SO HARD lmao. I have been stressing myself out when I am sure I didn't need to. But I feel like what I like is very specific, only I don't know what the actual trope name is.
I think most people would say Enemies to Lovers but I don't subscribe to that because to me, Enemies to Lovers is more like "Your family wronged my family / killed someone I love and now I want revenge but we end up falling for each other."
My favorite work portraying the dynamic/trope I most love is the original Star Wars trilogy cuz my OTP is Han Solo & Leia Organa. But I do NOT believe that they were "enemies," y'know?
Just like I love The Doctor and River Song in Doctor Who, Kat & Patrick from 10 Things I Hate About You, Hissy Kitty & Ari/Oli lol To me, these are not ENEMIES upon first meeting. Yeah, there is tension and perhaps even "perceived dislike" (cuz I'm of the opinion that they are like me and just HATE that they are attracted to someone who is giving them guff lmao but actually really loves it), but they are not "enemies."
My favorite couples, with the exception of one - Morticia & Gomez Addams - all seem to have to have that tension, that push and pull, a kind of stubborness and reluctance to admit attractions and/or feelings.
I'm not sure WHAT that trope is, but omg it's my faaaaaaaaaaaaave!
Thank you for sending in an ask, Siri. I will not take as long to answer anyone in the future lol. In therapy, we are trying to work on getting my brain to be more instinctual and not stress itself so much. But the "WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS???" part of this really got to me cuz again ... I just don't think my favorite vibe is ENEMIES to Lovers but then ... what do we call it? LOL
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lizzy-frizzle · 6 months
Tips for pulling a baddie like you?
Persistence hunting
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evilfarmin · 3 months
uhhhhhh hi
could I request a toh rosegold doodle of them hugging or just hanging out?
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Dusting off my old toh ideas folder for this one. Hamity worsties of all time. I think they got really into chess together for a while. I don't think they were any good at it.
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sequencefairy · 1 month
watchertv discourse once again proving that no one online knows the difference between “well-off content creator” and “actually rich multibillionaire”
people out here like 'eat the rich' and they're gonna eat doctors and lawyers and three guys who make videos on the internet instead of fkn jeff bezos who has more money than god.
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aromanticbuck · 2 months
do you think buck even considered the option that he maybe could be wanting eddies attention
Hi, nonny!
I actually don't think that was something that ever crossed his mind. And, to be completely honest based on the fact that I've watched the episode and dissected every scene to my roommate a million times, I really don't think he actually wanted Eddie's attention as much as the fandom claims he did. His comment to Tommy about wanting his attention was genuine, and there's so much evidence to that if you watch the episode without Buddie goggles on (I say as a Buddie shipper).
The thing is, there was no issue between the three of them in 7x03. Buck and Eddie have been on good terms all season, they both know the same amount about Tommy at that point, Buck even goes out of his way to find a way to spend time with Tommy - that's why he was at the hangar at the beginning of 7x04 to begin with! He wanted to spend time with Tommy and wanted to know him and wanted to be his friend. This is a canon fact can't be brushed off by "actually, it was because Eddie-" no. He wanted a friend. That's allowed.
Buck is literally there and asking Tommy to spend more time together! He's asking him out for a beer, and he looks so excited that Tommy wants to say yes, and then Eddie rolls up, literally, and takes his new friend away from him and off to Vegas.
All of Buck's anxiety and insecurity in the episode stems from that moment.
He knows that Eddie is cool and fun, he says it a million times before Tommy kisses him. I think the problem is that Buck feels like he's being passed over for someone cooler than him - someone who Tommy relates to more, because Eddie was in the army, and likes basketball, and fighting, and trivia nights. Eddie and Tommy click in a way that Buck doesn't have with most of his friends, and he felt like he was being pushed out before he even had the chance to try to be a part of that friendship.
Also, I feel like it's definitely not about wanting Eddie's attention, because he complained that Tommy was spending time with Christopher, too. This family that he knows he's a part of - because he's in Eddie's will, and he watches Christopher regularly, and he's not really a guest in Eddie's home, etc. - is getting more attention from this new friend he wanted to make than he is, and it's only been two weeks. Even the basketball being delivered to the firehouse feels like he just wants to prove he's as cool as they are, and he goes out of his way to show up to the pick up game (with a compression sock on his bad leg!) to try to hang out with them. More than anything, Buck just wants to be included.
He wants a chance to prove himself before he's ruled out of being Tommy's friend completely. He doesn't want to be the default babysitter because two people he wants to spend time with don't invite him along. It's making him feel dumped to the side.
If it was about wanting Eddie's attention, he wouldn't have been complaining about Christopher and Tommy connecting. His first moment of frustration wouldn't have been when his time with Tommy was interrupted if not completely derailed by his plans with Eddie. He wouldn't have tried to prove he was good at basketball by knocking over Eddie and potentially messing up that relationship just for more of his attention than he already gets.
Eddie is cool. Tommy is cool. Buck wants to be friends with the cool kids - he's already an irreplaceable figure in Eddie's life, and he knows that, but he has no connection to Tommy, who keeps getting pulled away from him by his best friend and a teenager. He wanted one-on-one time with Tommy. He wanted flying lessons from Tommy. He wanted to go out for a drink with Tommy. And that's all before he starts getting jealous of anyone at all.
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plulp · 7 months
youve asked this at such a good time because i had just had a harper design explanation idea and i wasnt sure if i should make it or not:
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ask-the-cog-bosses · 8 months
I got a pizza for Joe. Is there a Joe here?
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littlemousejelly · 1 year
I’d like to imagine Kara asks Lena to marry her while she’s inside her. And Lena’s like “Jesus, okay, yes, now can we get back to what we were just doing”
lena gasps as she sinks down into kara's lap and onto her strap. her forehead knocks against kara's but she doesn't notice, too caught up in stretching around thick silicone and trying to steady her breathing.
"jesus, fuck," she breathes, just as kara groans, "oh my god, marry me."
"what?" lena says.
"what?" kara says.
lena shifts in her lap and stifles another gasp, slipping her fingers into the baby hairs at the nape of kara's neck.
"we'll put a pin in it," she decides, then eagerly rocks her hips forward.
an hour or so later, lena can't feel anything except the way her cunt keeps clenchclenching around kara's strap. she distantly hears herself whimpering with every languid, rolling aftershock and relaxes further into her gelatinous state.
kara squeezes her gently, arms wrapped around her waist.
"i love you," she murmurs, and when lena blinks her eyes open and into focus, kara is looking up at her with such devotion that lena feels a resounding ache echo like a love song in her chest.
"yes," she suddenly says, remembering.
"what?" kara asks, cheeks flushed and so, so lovely.
"yes," lena repeats, a giddy grin tugging her lips and voice up. "let's get fucking married, baby."
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im4gniation-l4nder · 9 months
some1 told me 2 post this!!!
plz take it!!! this will affect the events of season 28!!!
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
How did you come to the conclusion that Cinder doesn't like to be touched? I did not notice this at all. Does this mean that Cinder actually fears being close to people?
Watch her scenes and simply pay attention and draw your own conclusions.
Two off the top of my head, Watts touches her and she burns him, another is Emerald taking the Grimm hand ('Shadow Hand') and she recoils from the touch.
Given the fact that she's been tortured onscreen, she probably has a complicated relationship to physical touch in general. Rhodes pats her on the head when he dies, too, so there's not a great association there.
Cinder fears being close to people, yes. I think this is an inherent wound to the character. She doesn't let anybody in. The question is, of course, what character is able to overcome these narrative obstacles.
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u3pxx · 1 year
AU where the WAA has to defend Geronimo Stilton who has been accused of a murder most foul.
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god that's so funny . geronimo stilton is the kind of mouse to get framed though you are so right
i need to brush up on the books i kinda wanna draw this HGHFD
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gifsbysimplysonia · 3 months
I am having a REALLY ROUGH couple of weeks. I have no idea why I can't shake the sads so I been looking at this thinking, "Hey, at least one person out there doesn't think I'm useless / knows I exist."
So thank you for thinking of me @tricksterlokilaufeyson . And thank you for all of your fic! I follow you on IG and I appreciate your work so much.
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lizzy-frizzle · 1 year
torterra appreciator !!!!
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Friend shaped
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evilfarmin · 1 year
Can you draw more of The Collector? I really like how they look in your style from the Pajamas comic.
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classic ice cream scams
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sequencefairy · 1 month
Hey sorry but I think you’re missing the point of people just saying “I can’t afford this and that sucks” full stop. That’s not hating on them, it’s just feeling disappointed. Of course art shouldn’t be for free, and personally I don’t blame them for wanting to move and grow. But it’s a bummer if you can’t afford it. Sorry if this bugs you even further but I wanted to say this!! Hope you have a good evening ❤️
It is a bummer, and if I couldn't afford it, I would also be bummed!
But people are not just saying they can't afford it and that sucks.
They are leveling accusations at Steven, at Ryan, at the company as a whole, that are just patently not true and frankly, in the case of the vitriol directed at Steven and Ryan, actively fucking racist.
People are accusing Watcher of selling out, accusing them of being greedy and selfish and alienating their audience on purpose as if that is a choice a business that wants to keep running makes on purpose.
People are upset and I get it. But people have also gotta realise that "damn i can't afford this now that sucks" =/= "the entire company should be burned to the ground".
The reactions today have been wildly outsized to the actual issue at hand and to be honest, I think a lot of people who are big mad don't actually like Watcher all that much, based on the things they're saying.
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aromanticbuck · 2 months
Tommy was nowhere to be found when Buck was in the gym though. That was 100% about Eddie. As was the Christopher thing because he didn't want to be replaced in Eddie and Christophers lives by anyone, for any length of time. The only time I really felt him trying to get Tommy's attention was their first scene together. But that was purposeful by the writers. They wanted to have it both ways and needed Buck to want both of their attention but have no idea why.
I've sat here for almost a full day wondering how to respond to this, and honestly, I very nearly deleted it without responding because... I barely go here. I just shifted over to 911 as my main fandom. I was a One Chicago blog a little over a week ago and yeah, one well timed rewatch might put me back on that train.
I just came over here because I watched the show, enjoyed it, and wanted to have fun with other fans. My posts are my opinion and my observations, and are obviously not meant to speak for all of canon or even any faction of the fandom besides myself (and maybe Kit, but our opinions vary sometimes too, and we live together). I just pointed out what I noticed, and the trends that I picked up on, and how I thought they were intending to establish Buck wanting Tommy's attention - which, in my opinion, they did really well.
So, I'm just gonna put a screenshot of the post this is referring to right here:
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Here's the thing. If you watch every single episode of the show looking for Buddie moments whenever Buck or Eddie is on screen (and I saw a lot of that after last night's episode to the point that I'm getting exhausted and annoyed), then that's all you're going to see, even if that's not what they're trying to show us.
It's been especially bad since 7x04 and the BuckTommy kiss. Everyone is looking at his canon queerness through a Buddie lens and ignoring everything else around it. They're making his coming out to Maddie about Buddie, and they're making his attraction to Tommy about Buddie, they're making episodes we haven't even seen about Buddie.
In reality, none of that is about Buddie or confirming future Buddie or anything of the sort. He and Maddie mentioned Eddie in that scene because the conversation started when he said he felt like he was lying to Eddie and he didn't like it. Yes, Eddie and Tommy are similar, and I understand joking about Buck having A Type, but that doesn't make his attraction to Tommy any less genuine. And we don't know anything about 7x06 yet, but everyone is talking about Buddie getting drunk and sleeping together, or Tommy seeing them interact - as he's already seen because the three of them have had scenes together and he's canonically spent time with Chris - and immediately stepping back from the relationship because there might be something there.
Buck is going to his sister's wedding with Tommy. Buck told Maddie and Eddie about Tommy. Buck wants to dance at the wedding with Tommy. He wants to try for something with Tommy. Eddie encouraged him to go call Tommy and work things out. Buck is going to be out to everyone at the Madney wedding because he wants to be there with Tommy as his date.
I don't know. It's just frustrating to see this really good queer relationship tossed to the side because it's not the Popular Ship. Just because you don't ship it or you aren't looking at it directly, it doesn't mean it's not still there.
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