#angelina and william live au
Can you do an Anastasia AU prompt which has The Warner parents chewing out the Matron? Plus maybe protective Sibs?
I can indeed 💕
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Seeing the orphanage brought home just how awful these five years had been for Yakko.
Angelina was no fool. She knew her son wasn't telling them everything, but he'd told them enough: a crumbling roof, not enough food or beds. Harsh teachers and matrons. Unfair punishments, cold and damp rooms.
The orphanage was in a worse state than she'd imagined. And now, standing before her, was the woman responsible for so much of her son's mistreatment.
The head matron was not a tall woman, barely of an eye with Angelina. She'd looked frightened as soon as the Warners arrived. She surely expected what was to come. Or perhaps worse.
"Let's be blunt," Angelina said with a sharp smile. "You're fired, my dear. Effective immediately. And you will give a public apology to Yakko for your treatment of him."
"I-" The woman gaped, paling dramatically. "Your Majesty, I assure you, I did my best-"
"Somehow I doubt that," Angelina snapped. She gestured around the matron's office, the only warm and well decorated room in the whole orphanage. "Funny how you can't feed or clothe the children in your care, or even light a fire in the living room for them, but you can keep yourself comfortable."
"Hilarious really," William said flatly. His sword was attached to his belt. Angelina knew he wouldn't use it, but the head matron eyed it warily.
"So it will be a public apology," Angelina continued. "After that I don't care where you go or what you do, but you will leave Acme Falls."
"Your replacement will be here later today," William added. "Along with new teachers. Don't look so downtrodden, most of your so-called staff is fired."
"We didn't have enough funds!" the head matron protested. "Salazar never paid up!"
"So you used what little you had to help yourself!?" Angelina finally screamed. "And not the children? It's your duty to care for them! To protect them! And you never did! You have the nerve to stand there and try to lie to us!? You hurt my child!"
"I'd suggest you learn to hold your tongue," William said coldly, fur bristling. "We are not Salazar. We will not hurt you. But we are Warners and we will gladly...Ah, what was it Yakko said, darling?"
"I believe his exact words were, melt their brains," Angelina said with a vicious smile, so much like Yakko and Dot’s.
The head matron looked like she was about to faint.
"And that's not even getting into just how filthy this place is," Angelina said, nose wrinkling in disgust. "I wouldn't even let a dust bunny live here!"
"Count yourself lucky that you're not going to be imprisoned or banished entirely from Warnerstock," William said. "And Scratchy convinced Wakko and Dot to keep the pranking to a minimum. But one more word out of you and you will be arrested. Is that clear?"
The head matron gulped and nodded. Shakily, she curtsied and said, "Yes, Your Majesties."
"Good," Angelina said. With that, she summoned a cream pie and smashed it into the woman's face.
Hey, she promised to let her go freely. She never said anything about not pranking her too.
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
Long Live the Queen: The Beginning
I rewrote the Angelina 1 Lives Au-- which if you don't know, is an au of Wakko's Wish based upon my headcanon of the warner's grandmother, Angelina the First.
Basically a lot a lot a lot of angst and shit and this chapter is how it all got started <;33
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Ao3 Link
Princess Angelina II was engaged to Sir William the Good, though it was in secret. After all, he was just a knight and she was the princess with a mother who, without any hesitation, would tear the two apart if she knew.
There was a brief moment where Lena perhaps thought luck might be on their side when her mother fell deathly ill, but by truly miraculous means, the queen survived, which meant they had to continue their little secret.
The trouble with secrets though was that people assumed they weren’t around and so proceeded as though she was still single and therefore her mother still attempted to introduce her to countless suitors which Lena obviously wasn’t too keen on. It was just one idiotic and snooty man after the other. Lena wished at the very least her mother would throw in a princess or something to keep it interesting, but of course her mother wasn’t about that and also didn’t know about that secret, and so it remained boring.
Needless to say, time was wearing on William and Lena as they waited and waited for the right time to come.
Little did they know, the Queen was also tired of waiting.
“Angelina, you have to at least accept one of the suitors. If you don’t they may start fighting in the streets for you,” Queen Angelina the First gave her daughter a quick glare as she looked over papers.
“I don’t know what to tell you, mother. Maybe if any of them had a brain cell or two in their heads then I could think about it,” Lena lied, looking out the window to the gardens where she saw William with his fellow knights marching onward to the stables.
“You know, I really hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” Angelina sighed, setting her quill down.
“Something I highly doubt,” Lena muttered to herself.
“Watch your tone,” Angelina warned, and Lena stepped down.
“As I was saying... I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but since your impertinence has given me no other option, I will be selecting the suitor for you,” She said with a glare that made Lena’s blood run cold.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” She asked, pulling at her gloves anxiously.
“You’ve only done this to yourself, Angelina, I’ve no other choice. You aren’t getting any younger here,” She eyed her daughter up and down.
“I- um- will you excuse me, mother? I need to go,” Lena asked. Her mother looked at her suspiciously before nodding. Not wanting to be in there for a moment longer, Lena bolted out of the room and ran across the palace, all the way down to the royal stables, where William was just arriving.
“Lena? What’s the matter?” He asked as he dismounted from his horse.
“My mother... she said...” Lena panted. “She said... she’s gonna... arrange...”
“Have you been running?” William raised an eyebrow. Lena rolled her eyes and paused to catch her breath.
“My mother said that because I didn’t pick a suitor, she’s choosing for me,” Lena explained.
“Oh– that’s… not gonna work out– What do you want to do?” He asked her. Lena thought a moment before snapping.
“We need to get married. Now,” She said, grabbing his hand and began leading him away.
“What- now now?” William was startled, but allowed himself to be moved.
“Well– yes-! I don’t know how long I’ll have. We need to do this, and we need to do this now,” Lena said, looking out and heading towards a servant building.
“So, um, where exactly are we going, Lena?” William asked.
“The underground mail tunnels. They go all over the kingdom to make sure any letters or important documents can go straight to the queen. If we go far enough we can find a town with a priest and be married there. Hopefully, they won’t mind the short notice,” She explained.
“Or the fact you’re the princess,” William pointed out.
“...Yeah, that too,” Lena realized. Would that count as treason? She really hoped it didn’t count as treason.
“So... um… I’ve never really left the castle grounds before so if you got any suggestions on where to go, now would be the best time,” She said, looking at the sign outside the building. William scanned over the list of towns and cities with deep thought, before snapping and grabbing his fiancee’s hand excitedly.
“I know a place where I know they can’t refuse us,” He winked, taking his fiancées hand.
“Oh? And where is such a place?” She laughed as he excitedly scanned the map and they headed down into the tunnels.
“Acme Falls, my home town. They love me there, I’m sure they’d love you too,” He gave her hand a squeeze and they excitedly began to run down the torch-lit and winding tunnels until they eventually opened the door that led to an empty mail room in Acme Falls.
They stepped out, surprised to find it empty but glad they could go unnoticed for at least five seconds, and walked out straight into the town center, which was bustling with business.
“So… what do we do now?” Lena asked, squeezing his hand, nervous about the unfamiliar surroundings.
William laughed soothingly, “I thought this was your plan.”
“I came up with it two hours ago, cut me some slack,” She punched his arm lightly.
“William? Is... is that you?” A female voice cut through the crowd.
“Helloise? Is that you?” William’s face lit up as he looked through the crowd for his childhood friend, absolutely ecstatic when she was visible and ran to him.
“William! What on earth are you doing here?” She hugged him. “And– oh my wishing star– are you the– the princess?” She blushed and quickly did a curtsey.
“Oh there’s no need for that right now, really,” Lena blushed too. “Besides, any friend of William is a friend of mine.”
“Thank you, your highness,” Heloise chuckled, embarrassed. “If I may ask, what brings you two to town?”
“We’re here to be married,” William explained, taking Lena’s arm and patting it excitedly.
“You’re engaged to the princess???” Heloise gawked. “Aren’t you two supposed to have a giant wedding ceremony with the whole kingdom invited? Isn’t that how royal weddings are supposed to go? Holy shi- I didn’t even think a knight could marry a princess,” She laughed in almost disbelief.
“Actually, he can’t. Not with my mother knowing anyway,” Lena explained. “That’s why we came here- to be married in secret.”
“Oh that’s very romantic,” She nodded understandingly. “William knows where the church is. I can get the priest and a few townsfolk if you want,” she offered.
“That’d be great, thank you,” William smiled. Heloise nodded, and ran off.
“I guess you weren’t kidding about this place, huh?” Lena chuckled.
“Acme Falls is practically perfect, what can I say?” He snorted. “It also helps to be the town's darling who braved several dangers to become knight. Shall we?” he let go of Lena’s arm just to offer his again.
“We shall.”
And so Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Second and Sir William the Good were married in Acme Falls, with the whole town as their witnesses. Lena and William were the happiest they’d ever been their entire lives– which wasn’t saying much exactly, but still, they were euphoric.
They smiled and laughed and kissed a lot as they made their way back through the tunnels to the castle, but when they got to the final door, Lena froze.
“Are you ready?” William asked softly.
“I-i don’t know. I just– I’m already so happy, I know she’ll just–”
“Ruin it?” He caressed her cheek.
“...Yeah,” The princess sighed, staring at the door a long moment before whispering,
“I’m frightened, William.”
“It’ll be okay, Lena. I’m right here, and always will be– til death to we part, after all,” he kissed her forehead
“Right,” Lena smiled, kissing him back. She put her hand on the door before pausing again.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asked nervously.
“Of course, my love,” He said, and they shared another kiss.
“Good. Let’s go then,” She said, now ready as she turned the handle and entered the castle grounds once more.
And so Lena walked casually and calmly to her room all by herself, unlocking her bedside window and giving William the signal to climb in, which he did. The two embraced and kissed and hugged and did the sort of thing they had done many a time before, but now with the added joy of being husband and wife.
When the sun rose, William had to part for his training, and so kissed his fair princess adieu and climbed his way back down, leaving Lena to wave goodbye from the window and go back to acting like nothing had happened at all.
And thus is how their secret engagement turned into a secret marriage; a marriage that Lena realized she was going to have to tell her mother about sooner or later before it was too late and she was already in the middle of another wedding ceremony. However-However, out of a desire to preserve her nights of pure paradise with William, she kept her mouth shut and just hoped it could all last just a little bit longer. She didn’t want her mother to ruin this just as she ruined most everything else in her life.
She knew objectively her mother could never truly tear the two apart now, as divorce was strictly forbidden amongst royals, but if she knew her mother, she’d certainly find a way somehow, and thus she held onto her happiness as tight as possible.
The good/bad news was that William had been promoted to be a guard inside the castle, so Lena would see him much more often than she used to, but it was awkward because she couldn’t talk to him, much less flirt. It also didn’t help that her mother positioned him to often have shifts in the throne room which was “some of the most stressful situations I’ve ever been in” according to William.
But still, they were together in the night and that made all the difference.
If it could just last–
But of course, it couldn’t.
“Excuse me, Princess, the queen said she’d like a word with you,” A servant girl knocked on Lena’s door.
“What now?” Lena grumbled, setting down her book and opening the door. “Is she upset with me, or..?”
“No, your highness, in fact, she seems almost happy,” The girl said.
“My mother? Happy?” Lena blinked. “This can’t be good...” she said, dismissing the servant before quickly making her way down to the throne room.
“Lena, there you are,” Her mother smiled at her, “You’ve met King Salazar,” she gestured to the king standing by her throne.
Uh oh.
“Why, yes I have,” Lena nodded at him, sharing a quick glance with William in the corner.
“He’s the one you’ll be marrying,” She announced.
“Mother, may I have a word with you- alone?” Lena asked with a nervous smile. Angelina frowned.
“This has already been decided, Angelina. You refused to pick and so I had to take matters into my own and teach you an important lesson and I-”
“I know. mother, but I really do need to talk with you,” Lena interrupted her mother before she could think to stop herself. The queen’s eye twitched.
“Fine.” She huffed. “King Salazar, you may wait in the grand hall,” she said. The king huffed and muttered something before taking his leave. Then, her mother’s focus went back to her.
“This better be good Angelina, or so help me,” The queen grit her teeth and pointed, making Lena a shiver crawl down her spine. She looked at William for support, and he gave her a weak smile. She took a deep breath.
“Mother, I can’t marry him,” She said.
Her mother starred dully. “...Is that all..?”
“I’m serious. I can’t,” Lena said again.
“Angelina, it has already been arranged for you,” Angelina rubbed her forehead.
“W-well I can’t because I’m already married,” Lena announced.
Her mother froze. “To whom?”
“Sir William the Good,” Lena admitted, pulling and twisting her gloves at a feverish pace. Angelina’s eyes went to William, and he remained still as a statue.
“Really now?” Angelina laughed darkly, standing up to examine him.
“It’s true. We eloped in Acme Falls three nights ago,” Lena explained.
“And you really expect me to believe that?” Angelina continued to laugh it off.
“Well- yes. We have certificates and everything- it was legally binding,” Lena didn’t know how else to explain such a simple fact to her mother.
The queen looked back at her daughter, then at William, then at Lena again, deep in thought, before shrugging to herself.
“Well, I suppose it’s a simple fix really, I could just have him executed–”
“A-and I’m pregnant!” Lena shouted over her mother, and the room fell utterly silent.
“Y-you are..?” William broke his composure.
“Haha– yep–!” She sweated at the lie.
Definitely no going back on that one…
The queen’s face was truly unreadable as she looked at her daughter. Silence filled the air, choking both William and Lena before Angelina raised her right hand and dismissed the guards with a single wave. William hesitated as she looked at Lena, but understood if he valued his life he needed to part, and so just smiled weakly before leaving with his fellow guard.
The silence didn’t dissipate for awhile until Angelina walked back to her throne and removed her gloves one by one, and slipped back on her wedding ring.
“You know, suitors are hard to come by. Many are wealthy, powerful men that inviting could risk wars and wrath unlike anything this kingdom has ever faced, but did I care? No. I prioritized the kingdom and your prosperity, and how do you repay me?” She turned and Lena could see the hatred in her eyes.
“My prosperity? When Salazar was here the first time he tried to kiss me five times without my consent and even hit me– you’ve never cared for my prosperity!” Lena argued.
Angelina growled. “You do not understand what it is to be lucky, child, nor do you understand the sacrifice it takes to run a kingdom as powerful as ours.”
“You call being married to that absolute dimwit luck?!” Lena laughed a little, before Angelina hit her backhanded, with her ring leaving a particularly strong bruise as it had many times in Lena’s life.
“You wretched child– you’ve no idea nor care for what you’ve done to me and to your kingdom. Years and years and years of sacrifice and you repay me by marrying a bastard from a no name town in the middle of nowhere,” Angelina growled.
“Don’t you dare talk about William like that,” Lena rubbed her cheek, but Angelina struck her again.
“You do not get to tell your queen what she can and cannot say,” She glared.
“I-if you hurt him, I’ll just hurt myself, and then you’ll be left with nothing– how’s that sound, hm?” Lena tried to hold onto her false courage, but tears were threatening to fall from the sting.
“Of all the impertinent, aggravating, abominable things you’ve done Angelina, I just cannot believe you’d marry absolute filth like this,” The queen was barely able to contain her anger anymore. “I just cannot believe my own flesh and blood would betray me like this.”
“Oh please, like you’ve ever treated me like ‘flesh and blood’,” Lena muttered, a tear escaping.
“I have done nothing but care for you. I’ve clothed you, given you a home and an education, and provided you with numerous options for your future and future suitors, and yet you discarded every single one without any care in the world,” She clenched her fist.
“But you’ve never loved me,” Lena said, tears now streaming hot and fast. “If you did, you’d be happy for me.”
Angelina scoffed. “Who could ever love a pebble in her shoe?”
“I hate you,” Lena glared, and Angelina hit her again, this time making her fall to the floor.
“You are going to pay for your actions, Angelina. The hard way,” She declared.
“W-wait, what are you–” but Lena wasn’t able to finish her question, as her mother grabbed her long black curls and immediately yanked on them, causing her to yelp in pain.
The queen then dragged her across the room and down the halls, where maids and servants gawked and stared as the queen dragged her kicking and screaming barely-not-teenaged daughter up to a secret room where she then dragged her up fifty feet of a spiraling staircase to single dusty cell where she tossed her in and locked the wooden door before Lena had the opportunity to stand and protest once more.
“You will not be leaving this room until you have understood a fraction of the pain and agony you have caused me and this kingdom,” Angelina spat and quickly stormed down the stairs before Lena could exclaim just how much she hated her goddamn mother.
So instead, she just whispered it over and over again, choking on sobs as she held her sides and rocked back and forth.
“I hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you,” She rocked back and forth, not noticing the broken glass surrounding her or the tears in her dress that was being caused because of that. Instead, she just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed until she was sick in the stomach.
Things were supposed to get better. They couldn’t divorce– that was supposed to have made her untouchable. She and William were married now- it was supposed to be okay.
Instead, now she was locked away for who knows how long in a dark, cold room with a bare-bones bed, a broken mirror, a blanket as thin as paper, and a single window.
Lena cried a bit more before regarding the broken mirror shards by her and got a very impulsive thought she didn’t hesitate to see through, grabbing a large piece, then grabbing her hair and slowly but surely slicing it all off.
One less thing her mother could manipulate...
With that, her mind turned to her beloved William– what was going to happen to him?
Would she kill him? Could she? Could anyone? He’s a trained knight, one of the best across all the lands, surely she couldn’t kill him “the old fashioned way”. Surely that would mean he would be okay... right? He was strong, so much stronger than her, surely he would survive anything Angelina threw at him.
And… stars above, what if she was pregnant? Sure, she lied out there but it wasn’t like it was impossible with how many nights they laid together before– god, she really messed everything up, didn’t she? Her mother was right, not only did she ruin her own life, but William and maybe even a baby’s life too– lord, she really hoped that wasn’t true though…
She eventually moved from the floor to the rickety bed, holding herself and thinking about how much she ruined the lives of those who loved her and how she wished she had never been born, that way everyone could just be happy.
However, soon she heard grunts right outside the window and before she knew it, a familiar presence wrapped himself around her.
“William- w-what-? H-how-?”
“Shh, it’s okay Lena, I’m here, it’s okay,” he hushed her, snuggling into her shoulder, which she responded to by nuzzling into.
“B-but how?” She still had to ask.
“I climbed,” He said it so simply but Lena gasped.
“Th-that’s like- 50 feet, William, You could’ve died,” Lena broke the embrace and sat up to look at him.
“Lena, it’s okay. I made it, and I’m here, that’s all that matters,” he too sat up and placed a hand on her face, wiping away a few tears.
“B-but I-i– I messed everything up so badly– and now I’m locked in here and I’ve no clue how long she plans to keep me in here o-or if I’ll just rot and die and then you’ll be alone again a-and hating ever loving me a-a-and–”
“Hey, hey, hey…” William made her look at him in his soft brown eyes, “I will never regret loving you, Lena, I promise. You are my whole world, ever since I was sixteen, and you will be until the day I die.”
Lena sniffled. “That’s what I’m worried about…”
William sighed. “I know... I’m so sorry, my love,” he was crying now too, and he stroked her head of freshly cut hair.
“Did she do that?” He whispered. Lena shook her head.
“Mother grabbed my hair a-and dragged me up here so I cut it off,” she explained tiredly. William quickly hugged her.
“I’m so sorry, Lena...” He said.
“I’m sorry too,” she said. “You’ll probably b-be killed or fired or de-knighted o-or something.”
“I don’t care for my title, only for you, Lena. And I swear we will get through this together no matter what.” He pressed his forehead against hers.
“No matter what,” Lena repeated to herself and William kissed her forehead. Despite everything, it brought a little smile to her face.
“Your mother cannot live forever, Lena, and soon enough it will be our time to be safe and happy as a family, just you and me and our children,” He smiled so softly that it dissipated any cold in the room and replaced it with warmth.
“Our children…” she thought with a small smile. The thought that terrified her now made her feel hope for her future: her mother would die, and she would be the mother Angelina never had been to kids of her own.
It would be perfect.
“I love you, William,” Lena said, kissing him softly.
“I love you too, Lena,” He smiled and kissed her right back.
It wasn’t today, and it sure wouldn’t be tomorrow, but someday all this pain would go away and they would be free and happy. And while right now wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows, they had each other, and that made all the difference in the world.
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vntagetee-archive · 9 months
muse list.
*-primary +-secondary &-request only !-private
all too well (taylor swift's short film)
emily byrne. twenty-one. college student & aspiring author. heterosexual. fc: sadie sink. &
gloria. thirty-nine. administrative assistant at mattel. bisexual. fc: america ferrera. +
president barbie. thirty-eight. president of barbie land. asexual. fc: issa rae. *
weird barbie. thirty-nine. wanderer in barbie land. asexual. fc: kate mckinnon. *
the breakfast club
allison reynolds. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: jenna ortega. +
the covenant (2006)
kate tunney. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: jessica lucas. +
sarah wenham. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: laura ramsey. +
the craft
bonnie harper. nineteen. witch, college student. pansexual. fc: neve campbell & india eisley +
nancy downs. nineteen. witch, college student. homosexual. fc: fairuza balk & sophie thatcher. *
the crow
shelly webster. twenty-six. waitress, aspiring artist. pansexual. fc: angelina jolie *
dc comics
barbara wilson. nineteen. batgirl. pansexual. fc: alicia silverstone. +
chase meridian. thirties to forties. criminal psychologist. heterosexual. fc: nicole kidman & suki waterhouse *
rachel dawes. twenties to forties. attorney. heterosexual. any interactions with older rachel will include au where she lived in tdk. fc: daisy edgar-jones & keri russell. *
ella tremaine. twenty-two. villager turned princess. heterosexual. fc: lily james. *
ursula. forties. evil half human, half octopus. asexual. fc: melissa mccarthy. *
don't worry darling
alice chambers. twenty-five. housewife, doctor. heterosexual. fc: florence pugh. +
halloween h20
john tate (strode). forties. art teacher, sculptor. heterosexual. fc: josh hartnett. *
i know what you did last summer
helen shivers. eighteen. aspiring actress. pansexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. &
courtney shayne. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: rose mcgowan & megan fox. +
lethal weapon
lorna cole. thirties. fbi agent. bisexual. fc: renee russo & jessica chastain. +
the menu
tyler ledford. thirty-three. tech bro, food connoisseur. heterosexual. fc: nicholas hoult. *
promising young woman
cassie thomas. thirty. barista, vigilante. bisexual. fc: carey mulligan. &
sidney prescott. eighteen to early-forties. heterosexual. fc: neve campbell & nina dobrev. +
tatum riley. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: rose mcgowan & billie lourd. +
teenage mutant ninja turles
april o'neil. twenty-eight. reporter. heterosexual. fc: emma stone. *
the texas chainsaw massacre
erin hardesty. eighteen. unemployed. heterosexual. fc: jessica beil. +
rose dewitt bukater. twenty-three. socialite. heterosexual. fc: kate winslet. +
bobby-lynne parker. twenties. porn actress. bisexual. fc: brittany snow. +
tv shows.
american horror story
brooke thompson. ahs 1984. twenty-four. vet tech student & final girl. heterosexual. fc: emma roberts. *
ruby mcdaniel. american horror stories / rubber (wo)man. twenty-one. ghost. lesbian. fc: kaia gerber. +
cordelia chase. twenty-one. angel investigations. heterosexual. fc: charisma carpenter. *
batman beyond
dana tan. twenty-one. college student, record store employee. heterosexual. fc: arden cho. +
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins. appears nineteen. demon. bisexual. fc: emma caulfield. +
willow rosenberg. twenty-one. witch. homosexual. fc: alyson hannigan. +
dawson's creek
jen lindley. eighteen to twenty-one. radio show host. panromantic. fc: michelle williams. +
the mod squad
julie barnes. twenty-four. undercover cop. bisexual. fc: florence pugh. +
the musketeers
constance d'artagnan. twenty-five. assistant to queen anne. bisexual. fc: tamla kari. &
queen anne of austria. twenty-five. royal. heterosexual. fc: alexandra dowling. &
peaky blinders
ada shelby-thorne. twenty-six. shelby company limited employee. bisexual. fc: sophie rundle. *
lizzie stark-shelby. thirty-two. shelby company limited employee. heterosexual. fc: natasha o'keefe. +
power rangers
kimberly hart. nineteen. pink power ranger. bisexual. fc: kaia gerber. &
scooby doo
daphne blake. twenty-three. mystery inc. member. bisexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. +
jess jordan. thirty-three. kendall roy's assistant. homosexual. fc: juliana canfield. *
rava roy. forty-two. management consultant. heterosexual. fc: natalie gold. +
the last of us
sarah miller. fourteen to thirty-three (main verse/au). survivor. bisexual. fc: alexandra shipp & nico parker. *
white collar
alex hunter. early-thirties. black market fence & thief. bisexual. fc: gloria votsis. +
elizabeth burke. mid-late thirties. event planner. heterosexual. fc: tiffani thiessen +
sara ellis. early-thirties. insurance investigator. bisexual. fc: hilarie burton +
the white lotus
daphne sullivan. thirty-three. stay at home mom. heterosexual. fc: meghann fahy. *
portia. twenty-seven. personal assistant. bisexual. fc: haley lu richardson. +
tanya mcquoid. sixty-one. trust fund baby, entrepreneur. heterosexual. fc: jennifer coolidge. +
the x-files
dana scully. thirties to forties. fbi agent. heterosexual. fc: gillian anderson. * on hiatus
dc comics.
martha wayne. forty. philanthropist. heterosexual. fc: rebecca hall. *
selina kyle. thirty-two. thief, catwoman. bisexual. fc: zoe kravitz. *
vicki vale. forty-one. journalist. bisexual. fc: jessica chastain & holland roden (reeves' batman only). *
ghost world.
enid coleslaw. eighteen to twenties. freelance artist. homosexual. fc: thora birch. *
blood & chocolate
vivian gandillon. nineteen. works at a chocolate store, werewolf. bisexual. fc: agnes bruckner & kathryn newton. *
gone girl
amy dunne. forty. writer. bisexual. fc: rosamund pike. +
ophelia. twenty-four. restaurant hostess. bisexual. fc: evan rachel wood. &
interview with a vampire
claudia. appears eighteen. vampire. pansexual. fc: anya taylor joy *
marion crane. thirty-one. secretary. heterosexual. fc: samara weaving. +
robin hood
lady marian. twenty-five. outlaw. bisexual. fc: alicia vikander. *
romeo & juliet
juliet capulet. twenty-two. fashion student. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth. *
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kyliebrightsun · 3 years
@janetbrown711 so, like. My heart goes ow, but anyways everyone in their outfits! :D I didn’t do Angelina and William in their royal attire because i felt it would be more fun to do their village ones, so I’m sorry. And uh, a rendition of one of the most heart stopping moments in my opinion before dot getting shot.
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madelynartz · 2 years
Core memories:
us making hc about Angelina until we had our own lil aus, brainstorming the Angelina 1 Lives Au, you commenting a bunch of sad reaction images at every chapter, and me crying everytime you uploaded another HBW comic bc o u c h </3
Awww yeah!! I loved making hc’s with Angelina and William and then getting to read your whole series!! That was really fun (and painful- very painful)
Glad I could retaliate a bit with HWB angst >:)
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bad-morning-nobody · 3 years
Okay okay okay I woke up this morning thinking about Cinderella III and Yakko and Max, and then I saw @fantasypuppy‘s post from a couple of days ago mentioning a Cinderella AU so I thought I’d write down some of my thoughts :D Anyways, here’s what I was thinking:
Dr. Scratchansniff used to work at King Mickey’s castle. Angelina and William Warner were close friends of his, and made him godfather of their kids. (They’re not royalty in this AU, but they do have Lordship.) When Angelina and William pass away, Scratchy moved back to Acme Falls to take care of the kids.
Years later, Scratchy is invited to the palace for a ball celebrating Max Goof’s somethingth birthday. (Max is like a nephew to Mickey because of his and Goofy’s close friendship, and he’s essentially a prince.) The kids really want to go to the party, but Scratchy is (reasonably) weary about bringing them along. Hello Nurse is his plus one, because she deserves a break from the kidses. He eventually decides that they’ll be alright on their own, and they agree to stay home.
Once Scratchy and Heloise are out of sight, the sibs change into their Party Clothes (by courtesy of Pinky, the little sweetheart). Brain had made a carriage for some plot in taking over the world that had failed, so he lets the kids use it. Phar Fignewton drives the carriage, and Pinky and the Brain come along too.
Max and Yakko meet and it’s the typical “love at first sight” trope. Trust me, it’s really cute. Dot and Wakko tease him mercilessly.
They spend most of the evening staying out of Scratchy’s and Heloise’s sight, and a lot of the people at the ball seem to really like the kids. Most of the attendees are friends of the royalty, and lots of them knew William and Angelina. Yakko ends up spending most of the night around Max, which is a little difficult since Max is the center of attention and Yakko is trying to avoid too much attention.
Around midnight, Scratchy hears people talking about the “lovely Warner children”. Dot and Wakko figure that he’s starting to catch on, and they drag Yakko away. They pick up Pinky and the Brain as they retreat.
I have absolutely no idea what Yakko would leave behind in place of a slipper, since the Warners don’t really wear shoes. (If you have any ideas, let me know!!)
Max is SO FACEBLIND that he can’t recognize any of the Warners by their facial features. (Max, sweetie, when’s the last time you saw a toon like that?) Goofy starts searching the kingdom (much to Max’s embarrassment) to find the mYsTeriOuS toon his son seemed to like so much.
They eventually find themselves at Scratchy’s, while Yakko is out. Dot and Wakko recognize Max and spend a good amount of time stalling while waiting for Yakko to return. (Max thinks one of these might be the toon he was talking to? At least they have the same ears and tail, and they seem just as chaotic as the one he was talking to. The one he’s looking for is short, but not that short. And he’s pretty sure he didn’t have a Scouse accent.)
Yakko comes back home, sees his siblings harassing Max, and decides to join in the fun before revealing “ta-da! It’s-a me, the super dashing guy from the ball!” by saying something that made Max goofy-laugh the other night.
The story wraps up, the two get married or something, and they all lived happily ever after :D
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themurphyzone · 3 years
Animaniacs AU: The Warner King
AU based off The Lion King. I don’t think we have an AU based on The Lion King yet so here we are! Nobody’s species is changing but I will be combining Wakko’s Wishverse into this. 
Nala-split between Wakko and Dot. 
Note: Sibling relationship only between the cast. 
Mufasa: King William the Good 
Sarabi: Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana-Fanna Bo Besca the Second.
Scar: Salazar 
Salazar’s Enforcers: Ralph, Plotz, Norita. 
Zazu: Dr. Scratchy 
Rafiki: Slappy, with Skippy as her apprentice 
Timon: Brain
Pumbaa: Pinky 
Various Animaniacs characters for background as needed. 
1. Slappy presents each of the three royal Warners over the years to the kingdom of Warnerstock. The palace balcony is the replacement for Pride Rock. 
2. Salazar and William are at odds cause Salazar never showed up to any of the children’s presentation ceremonies, despite Salazar’s kingdom being supposedly in an alliance with Warnerstock. 
3. Warner ages pre-William death: Yakko: 10 Wakko: 7  Dot: 4
Warner ages at end:  Yakko: 14  Wakko: 11  Dot: 8 
4. 10 year old Yakko is warned never to go to the town of ACME Falls, as it’s a dangerous, poverty-stricken town. Salazar goads him into going there anyway, suggesting that he take along his younger siblings on an adventure, where he’s hidden his enforcers to kill them all. 
5. Yakko claims he’s taking his sibs to a park that’s a bit of a walk from the palace, and the queen asks Dr. Scratchy to go with them for adult supervision, much to everyone’s disappointment. The sibs tease Dr. Scratchy about his love life then set off a musical number to distract him so they can go to ACME Falls without him stopping them. 
6. King William saves everyone and scolds all his children and they have a heartwarming moment. 
7. King Salazar invites King William and his children on a royal carriage ride to negotiate their kingdoms’ alliance. Salazar insists on riding his own horse, as its much faster than the bulky carriage William and his kids are in. 
Under Salazar’s orders, something startles the carriage horses, and the carriage is suddenly pulled out of control. William tries to regain control and orders Yakko to protect his sibs. William is heavily injured while doing so, but he manages to stop the carriage just before they all hurtle off a dangerous cliff. 
Yakko hides Wakko and Dot under a tree hollow for their safety, then runs back to help his father, only to find Salazar has overpowered William.  
Salazar tells William ‘long live the king’ and throws him off the cliff, and only Yakko is witness to this. Yakko gets down to the bottom of the cliff, and finds his father dead. Yakko cries, then Salazar shows up and tells him it was his fault his father was dead and what a horrible brother he was to his siblings. 
Yakko retorts, realizing the enforcers were prowling around and looking for his siblings. He goads them all into chasing him. Yakko has no option but to leave everything behind and flee the kingdom entirely. 
8. The royal siblings and the king are proclaimed dead due to a tragic accident. Salazar announces his bid for taking over the kingdom. The queen grieves for her lost husband and children. 
9. Wakko and Dot eventually flee to ACME Falls, where they lay low and live in poverty for the next four years. Yakko makes his way to a forest and collapses from exhaustion. Pinky and Brain run into him after a failed plan, and at Pinky’s urging, they take him in. 
10. Wakko earns a ha’penny after four years in ACME Falls, and with that money, he and Dot go on a journey to find their lost brother. 
11. Slappy bashes everybody with her medicine staff regardless of affiliation or status. 
12. Salazar is killed by the people he drove into severe poverty. 
13. Dot doesn’t recognize Yakko at first, but he tells her the story of how she was born to prove it. 
14. Yakko has a lot of nightmares. Pinky will cuddle with him, and Brain eventually creates a weighted blanket for Yakko. 
15. Brain does Timon’s hula dance to distract Ralph (since he’s the only one dumb enough to fall for it). Pinky’s in a pig onesie (who knows where he got that) with a cherry in his mouth.  
16. The royal siblings get their place restored, Brain is made prime minister, and Pinky gets to be stable boy. 
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pines-troz · 3 years
Since a lot of folks have been on a roll with these awesome Animaniacs Disney AUs, I would like to propose an Animaniacs Hunchback of Notre Dame AU.
Note, this AU is largely inspired by two of the Animaniacs opening credit gags where Wakko is dressed up as Quasimodo (Hunchback of Notre Dame-y and Where’s Lon Chaney?) as well as Pinky taking on the role of Esmeralda.
Wakko Warner - Quasimodo
Pinky - Esmeralda
Snowball - Frollo (wow another AU where Snowball is creeping on Pinky, I wonder if that’s a common theme?)
Brain - Phoebus
Yakko Warner and Dot Warner - Clopin
Pharfignewton - Djali
Dr. Scratchinsniff - The Archedeacon
Bobby, Squit and Pesto - The Gargoyles
Mindy - The little girl in the purple dress
Plotz - Guard #1
Ralph - Guard #2
Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fana Bo Besca II - Quasimodo’s mother
- Yakko and Dot make their fortune as street performers. One of their biggest money-makers is holding elaborate puppet shows in their wagon in front of Notre Dame. One day they’re telling a group of kids a story about ‘A Man and a Monster’ (they mainly get a kick out of painting Snowball in a bad light, as they are both branded as public enemies in his eyes). 
- Angelina, her husband William, and the Mime are on a boat heading into Paris. Angelina soothes her child, Wakko, while they depart. But they are spotted by the Minister of Justice, Judge Snowball riding on his horse. While William and the Mime are arrested, Angelina takes her baby and flees from the scene, Snowball chases her in pursuit, assuming that her bundle is full of stolen goods.
- Angelina arrives at Notre Dame and knocks on the door, claiming sanctuary, but Snowball catches up and after trying to take her baby he knocks her down and she hits her head on the steps, killing her. Snowball hears crying from the bundle and finds Wakko, a deformed baby, and calls him a monster. He finds the well and is about to drop him, but Archdeacon Scratchinsniff intervenes. Scratchinsniff then guilts Snowball into sparing Wakko by proclaiming that the eyes of Notre Dame are watching him. Snowball is overcome with dread and asks what he must do to repent, and Scratchinsniff replies that he must raise Wakko. Snowball looks up at the church and decides to keep Wakko in the bell tower and to use him as a pawn for his own selfish purposes.
- Eleven years later, Wakko is living a solitary life in the cathedral as the bell ringer. He gained an incredible amount of strength from ringing the bells. Wakko is also incredibly agile, swinging around the ropes, and climbing up and down the cathedral without a care in the world. In addition to ringing the bells, he takes care of the birds that reside on the balcony and engages in arts and crafts, creating intricate wooden figurines and a model of the city. Despite his activities, he longs to go outside just to feel like a normal person and do all the fun things he sees from the tower.
- Starved for socialization, Wakko’s active imagination breathed life into three gargoyles, Bobby, Squit and Pesto. They, in turn, keep Wakko company, talking to him about various things, joking around and making Wakko laugh and comforting him. As for whether or not the gargoyles are real is up for debate.
- Archdeacon Scratchinsniff used to check in on Wakko a lot during his childhood, sneaking in blankets and treats for the bell ringer. But once Snowball caught wind of Scratchinsniff’s interference, he starts locking the doors to the bell tower. Scratchinsniff deeply regrets allowing Snowball to raise Wakko and wished that he was the one raising Wakko instead.
- Snowball has Wakko under his thumb. Feeding him lies that his mother abandoned him as a baby and that Snowball was the only one to take him in as anyone else would leave him for dead. He is also quick to insult him for his looks, calling him deformed, ugly, a crime against humanity, to further break his spirit.
- On the day of the Feast of Fools, Wakko longs to attend the festival. Bobby Squit and Pesto encourage him to attend in disguise. Wakko becomes optimistic, but once Snowball enters the picture, Wakko immediately recoils. While Wakko is reciting his alphabet, he accidentally says “festival” instead of “forgiveness”, and Snowball further lectures and gaslights Wakko for wanting to have fun, reminding him of his deformities.
- But Wakko looks outside the city square from the cathedral and realizes that he genuinely wants to a have fun day regardless of what Snowball says.
- Brain returns to Paris after spending years in military service and is about to see Judge Snowball to accept his new position as Captain of the Guards. Brain hopes that he can rise within the ranks, become a public official and take over the city.
- Pinky is a street dancer who resides in The Court of Miracles with Yakko, Dot, and the rest of the Romani community. Pinky’s dancing brings in a lot of money and he even brings along his goat Pharfignewton during his dance sessions. While he is very naive and doesn’t understand a lot of social cues, he’s incredibly compassionate and has a strong moral code.
- Pinky’s dancing attracts the attention of Brain, but when Plotz and Ralph are about to arrest Pinky, he intervenes and reveals his superiority in rank to them. Pinky is able to escape and is thinks highly of Brain.
- When Snowball appoints Brain as Captain, he informs him of his campaign to get rid of the Romani population in Paris. Brain is immediately suspicious of Snowball, but doesn’t speak up right away because he doesn’t want to ruin his chances of advancing his career. 
- Wakko is dressed up in his hooded disguise and arrives at the Festival. Yakko and Dot leading the opening ceremony, and Wakko immerses himself in the festivities, taking as much food from the buffet table and exploring the party. He accidentally trips into one of the tents where Pinky checks on Wakko to see he’s okay. Wakko tries to hide his face, but Pinky takes off the hood and is relieved that he’s fine. Before Wakko leaves, Pinky compliments his mask, not realizing that Wakko wasn’t wearing one.
- When Pinky performs on stage, he captures the attention of Wakko, Brain, and Snowball. Wakko is just incredibly impressed with Pinky’s dance moves and wants to be his friend (Wakko isn’t in love in this AU). Brain is just captivated by Pinky’s beauty and gracefulness. Snowball tries to act disgusted, but once Pinky dances around him and flings his scarf at him, Snowball starts to lust over Pinky.
- When it’s time to crown the king of fools, Pinky gestures for Wakko to come up on stage, who immediately accepts. After going through the other contestants, Pinky pulls on Wakko’s face and finally realizes that Wakko is deformed. The attendees are in shock, and Snowball is livid, but Yakko and Dot calm everyone down saying that they found the ugliest person and they crown Wakko the king of fools. Wakko is elated and overwhelmed by the praise he’s receiving. Yakko and Dot give him his cape and scepter and Wakko savors the moment.
- While everyone celebrates Wakko as their king, Plotz disrupts the scene when he throws a rotten tomato at Wakko. Everyone is shocked, even Yakko and Dot didn’t anticipate for this to happen. Ralph follows Plotz’s lead and soon enough the crowd starts throwing vegetables at Wakko, which escalates to him being tied up on the pillory wheel. Even though Yakko and Dot want to help Wakko out feeling guilty for their part, they also take into consideration that they are on Snowball’s watchlist and they do not want to risk getting arrested. Wakko cries out for Snowball to help him, but Snowball revels in watching him get tortured. Brain is furious at the sight of Wakko being assaulted and demands Snowball to end this cruelty, but Snowball insists that Wakko must pay the price for wanting to go outside.
- Pinky hops up on the pillory wheel to help Wakko, apolgozing for allowing this to happen to him. He takes his scarf to wipe off the vegetable juice from Wakko’s face and unties the ropes. When Snowball demands Pinky to get away, Pinky calls him and the soldiers out for not helping Wakko and demands justice. While Brain admires Pinky’s strong moral code, he feels especially guilty for not interfering himself and having to ask Snowball’s permission to do so.
- Snowball orders Brain to capture Pinky, the mouse is at a loss of what to do. Dot manages to attract the attention of the soldiers instead and they causes a ruckus. With Dot distracting the guards, Yakko sneaks up to the pillory, grabs Pinky and apologizes to Wakko. Once Yakko and Dot escape with Pinky in tow, Wakko is left standing and faces Snowball’s wrath. He walks returns to the cathedral, feeling heartbroken and realizing that Snowball was right in that people would be cruel to him.
- Pinky guiltily looks at Wakko as he walks back and tells Yakko and Dot that he must make amends with the bell ringer. Pinky dons his disguise and takes Pharfignewton with him. Brain notices Pinky in his disguise and follows him into the church. Pinky thinks that Brain is about to arrest him, but the soldier assures him that he has no intention of doing so. But Snowball rushes in and praises Brain. Brain looks over to Pinky and mouths “claim sanctuary”, but Pinky has no idea what he’s saying so Brain claims sanctuary on Pinky’s behalf. When Snowball denies that request, Scratchinsniff intervenes and kicks Snowball and the other soldiers out. After Brain leaves, Pinky is apprehended by Snowball, who further creeps on him while sniffing his hair. Pinky is wildly uncomfortable by this.
- Up in the bell tower, Wakko hears Pinky singing and goes down to investigate. Pinky spots Wakko and follows him up the tower. When Pinky arrives in Wakko’s loft, he’s impressed with his figurines and model city as well a the stained glass mobile. Wakko opens up and takes Pinky and Pharfignewton on a tour around the bell tower, showing him the bells and the lovely view from the balcony. When Wakko hesitantly brings up one of Snowball’s teachings that the Romani are “evil”, Pinky curiously asks Wakko who told him that, Wakko starts to talk about Snowball and how he taught him that he’s a monster. Pinky is in shocked that someone as awful as Snowball would raise a sweetheart like Wakko. So Pinky decides to read Wakko’ palm and tells him that there are no monster lines. Wakko looks at his hand and starts to realize that maybe Snowball was wrong about him.
- Wakko sees Pinky forlornly looking down and decides to help him and Pharfignewton escape the cathedral by climbing down. Pinky and Pharfignewton enjoy the thrill ride, and Pinky compliments Wakko’s agility. Once they safely reach the ground, Pinky insists that Wakko should leave the cathedral and live in the Court of Miracles, but Wakko is adamant on staying after the events of the festival. Pinky gives him his amulet which shows a map of the city and the Court’s location of Wakko ever changes his mind.
- Wakko climbs up the cathedral, he comes across Brain, who immediately perceives him as an enemy. But Brain informs him that he isn’t like the other soldiers and is concerned for Pinky’s safety. Wakko returns to the bell tower and carves a figurine of Pinky to give as a gift.
- Snowball is consumed by his lust for Pinky while standing in front of the fireplace and plans to burn down Paris if it means finding him.
- Brain becomes increasingly furious with Snowball’s madness and when he is given the order to burn down a home with a family trapped inside, Brain douses the torch in refusal. When Snowball sets the house on fire, Brain manages to rescue everyone inside, but is then is about to be executed when Pinky throws a rock at one of the horses, distracting them as Brain makes his escape. But he is shot by an arrow and falls into the river. Pinky rescues him on time.
- Wakko looks at the burning city, fearing that his friend Pinky is in danger. The Goodfeathers assure Wakko that Pinky will be okay. When Pinky arrives, he and Wakko are equally relieved to see each other. But Brain is brought in by Larry, and Wakko points over to his straw bed. Pinky is able to tend to Brain’s wounds while Wakko assists. He looks at how weak Brain looks and loses any suspicion he has for him.
- When Wakko walks over to toss out the used rags, he comes back to see Pinky kissing Brain. Instead of feeling heartbroken, Wakko just feels incredibly awkward about it and just shuffles by the beam. Pinky is just unaware of what’s happening because he doesn’t pick up on social cues. Brain, on the other hand, notices Wakko standing right there and wants to alert Pinky, but he’s overcome with exhaustion and falls back asleep. Pharfignewton alerts them of Snowball’s presence and just as Wakko leads Pinky to safety, Pinky asks him to watch over Brain, to which he immediately promises. Wakko keeps his word and hides Brain underneath the table.
- When Snowball interrogates Wakko, he makes him feel as uncomfortable as possible, slyly accusing him of hiding something and pointing out his nervous behaviors. Wakko does his best to deny this and doesn’t say a word about Brain. Snowball points out figurine of Pinky and is furious at Wakko, verbally lashing out at him and burning the figure of Pinky. While all this is going on Brain is awake and keeps quiet, and winces when he hears Snowball berating Wakko.
- After Snowball leaves, Brain gets up and decides to follow Snowball to save Pinky, but Wakko is hesitant at the idea as he does not want to anger Snowball. Brain recognizes Wakko’s apprehension, but mentions that Pinky could be in serious danger, Wakko falters but shrinks into himself further. Brain decides to go out on his own, but asks Wakko to consider doing the right thing. Wakko looks at The Goodfeathers and has an epiphany, looking at his palms and the necklace and decides to team up with Brain and save Pinky. 
- When Wakko meets Brain at the cathedral doors, he suggests to the ex-soldier that they follow the map on the woven band. As they go into the catacombs, they’re captured by Yakko and Dot who explain that they don’t trust outsiders and hold a trial to determine their fate. But Pinky intervenes, vouching for them both. Brain and Wakko explain that Snowball plans to attack, but they are too late as Snowball barges in with his troops. He orders Pinky, Brain, Yakko and Dot to be locked up and sends Wakko back to the cathedral to be locked up there.
- Wakko is chained up to the pillars and lost all hope. Bobby, Squit and Pesto try to encourage him to break the chains, mentioning that while they’re made of stone, they thought Wakko was made of something stronger.
- Pinky is ready to be burned at the stake. But when Snowball approaches, he gives him on last opportunity to save himself to make a choice: choose Snowball or the fire. Right then Pinky is appalled by what the judge was implying and he blows a raspberry in response.
- Once Snowball lights the stake on fire, Wakko goes beserk. He breaks free from the chains, grabs a rope and swings down to save Pinky. Snowball is shocked with Wakko’s appearance while Brain, Yakko and Dot smile at Wakko’s heroics. When Wakko scales the cathedral, he holds Pinky up and proclaims sanctuary.
- When Snowball orders the soldiers to seize the cathedral, Wakko places Pinky in a sleeping quarters for safety and defends the church by throwing bricks at the soldiers, knocking down the ladders, and eventually pouring molten lead onto the city square. Brain, Yakko, and Dot inspire people to revolt. When they see the molten lead pour down, they enter through the side doors to try and help Wakko and Pinky.
- Wakko reunites with Pinky, but believes Pinky has passed on. While he mourns over Pinky, Snowball comes in. Wakko accuses him of killing Pinky, and he feigns regret as he plans to stab Wakko with a dagger. Wakko sees Snowball’s shadow and he fights him off, shoving him to the wall and calling him out, saying that the only thing dark and cruel about the world are people like him. Pinky wakes up, Wakko immediately sprints to his side to tend to his needs. When Snowball takes out his sword, Wakko takes Pinky and flees.
- Wakko carries Pinky throughout the balcony, with Snowball trailing behind. Snowball then reveals that Wakko is much like his own mother, risking his life to save someone just as his own mother dies trying to save him. Wakko is shocked by the revelation that Snowball uses his cape on Wakko, but Wakko pulls down on the cape. Pinky tried to grab onto Wakko, but Snowball swings himself up on the gargoyle and is prepared to kill Pinky, but he stumbles and sees a gargoyle come to life before it detaches itself from the cathedral, sending Snowball down to the fiery pit.
- Wakko falls soon after, but Brain, Yakko and Dot manage to catch him on time, lifting him up and bringing him into the safety of the church. Wakko wakes up and sees the three of them and he pulls them into a giant hug. Pinky sees them and gives Wakko the biggest hug possible. Wakko encourages Brain to talk to Pinky and the two share a kiss. The five of them spend the rest of the early morning hours recuperating from the whirlwind of events before deciding to venture out from the cathedral.
- Pinky, Brain, Yakko and Dot are met with cheers from the crowd. But Pinky finds Wakko standing in the shadows and coaxes him to step outside. While Wakko reluctantly joins the others, the crowd start to murmur to themselves, unsure on how to react. Mindy steps from the crowd, approaches Wakko and gives him the biggest hug. Just as the crowd is endeared at the sight, Yakko and Dot praise Wakko and the crowd erupts in applause, showing their admiration for Wakko and lifting him up to parade him around the city.
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Everything You Need To Know About Zombies, And 5 Sightings Of The Real-life Walking Dead We STILL Can’t Explain
At this point, I’m not sure anything would surprise me.
In fact, a zombie apocalypse would actually make sense at this point. But even if the grand finale of 2020 was the dead rising from their graves, it wouldn’t actually be the first time.
According to those that practice Haitian Voodoo, zombies exist. And according to scientists, zombies exist.
But the thing is, Hollywood has gotten our favourite flesh-eating, apocalypse-heralding monsters wrong. The folklore behind these monsters is actually rather different than men and women foaming at the mouth as they mummy-walk towards you.
The reanimated corpse didn’t take its first steps with the debut cinema screening of Night Of The Living Dead (1968).
It started with slaves.
Today we are going to cover everything you need to know about zombies from forgotten folklore of years gone by, to the rumours of the living dead among us in preparation from the incoming apocalypse...
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What Are Zombies?
It’s pretty simple: a zombie is someone who was dead and is now not-so-dead. According to an official definition they are corpses which have been brought back from the grave to haunt the living.
Yep - they’re just like ghosts. But instead of wafting gently they have to lump around this great hulking cadaver which is in the midst of decay.
Zombies can be traced back to Haitian Voodoo which claims that a dead body can be reanimated by magical rituals. This supernatural take on the walking dead, however, is at odds with more modern fictional beliefs which centre on science.
Parasites, diseases, and viruses (*looks into camera*) feature as the main causes of zombies taking over the world in Hollywood’s take on the beast. This new zombie first pulled itself out of the ground in 1968 with Night Of The Living Dead, but the term ‘zombies’ was only applied by fans after the release of the cult classic. They were originally known as ‘ghouls’ in the film, confirming the premise that zombies exist to haunt the living.
Following this on-screen debut, the horror genre was overrun by zombie films with Dawn Of The Dead and Thriller going down in history as some of the most iconic movies of all time. The genre waned towards the 90s, however, and was due a resurgence just before the millennium thanks to predominately East Asian video games.
28 Days Later and Shaun Of The Dead resurrected the genre at the turn of the century and shaped what zombies are now known most for: the zombie apocalypse.
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The terrifying claims of a civilised world being brought to its knees by walking corpses is now a pop culture staple, but more recently its been given a makeover and shopping montage as a part of its rom-com redo. Warm Bodies and iZombie are a novel take on the horror must-have and incorporate a human-zombie relationship that is an emblem for the sexual liberation of the era.
The severed relationship between supernatural zombies and the sci-fi alternative doesn’t just take place on Netflix. There is evidence that both could exist.
Zombies In Haitian Voodoo
In 1819, poet Robert Southey was the first to use the term ‘zombie’ in his history of Brazil. This heralded the emergence of zombies in Haitian Voodoo which chimed with a concept even more terrifying than the prospect of a zombie apocalypse:
According to Haitian Voodoo, bokors - or witches - would use necromancy to revive a dead person. This zombie would then be under their control as a personal slave and would have no personal will.
Bokors were also known to capture ‘zombie astrals’ - part of the human soul - in a bottle which would provide the owner with extra luck or healing properties, for example.
These beliefs were rooted in Voodoo traditions brought to Haiti by enslaved Africans: they believed Baron Samedi would take them to an African heaven after they died. Those that offended the Ioa (a Voodoo god) would be a slave forever - AKA a zombie. This fear of eternal slavery was reinforced by slave drivers who were often also voodoo priests; to prevent slave suicides, they would threaten zombification.
It was this widespread belief in zombies as slaves that would spread beyond Haiti’s borders during the US’ occupation of the country in the early 20th century. A number of case studies reporting zombies came to the US’ attention, such as in the William Seabrook’s The Magic Island (1929): he cited an article in Haiti’s criminal code which recognised zombies’ existence, (it essentially said even if you murder someone and you make them come back as a zombie, it is still murder).
It was shortly after US forces entered Haiti that one of the most famous cases of an alleged zombie emerged. We will get to Felicia Felix-Mentor’s story later in this article.
Zombies In Science
Zombies are deeply rooted in some of humanity’s darkest chapters in history - but they also have a place in our natural history, too.
Technically, zombies do exist. Sure, if you made the claim for human zombification via Voodoo priest scientists would counter with claims that these ‘zombies’ are schizophrenic, in a catatonic state, or are suffering from a mental illness that mirrors how we believe they would act. But if you made a similar claim for other animals - namely insects - they’d believe you.
In fact, there are numerous known cases of such instances.
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Whilst there are no known insects that practice Haitian Voodoo, these cases follow the basic plotline of zombie cult classics - parasites infect them and alter their behaviour or use them to their advantage. The parasites effectively make slaves out of those they target, mirroring what we saw in Haiti.
Take zombie carpenter ants, for example:
A fungus enters their bloodstream, hijacks their mind and grows around their muscles. Within one short week the ant is compelled to leave its colony and seek higher ground which has the right temperature and humidity for the fungus to grow in. It then forces the ant to bite down into a leaf, grows a stalk through the ant's head, and cuts off the ant’s muscle control.
The ant’s corpse still moves its legs vigorously as the bulbous capsule of fungi spores grows through what’s left of its body to infect the ant colony below.
There are many more examples just like this with most parasites having their own unique - and uncomfortably brutal - method of killing off wildlife.
Scientists are unable to refute claims that a parasite might mutate and have a similar effect on humans one day, reducing us all to the zombie hordes seen in the movies.
We just have to wait and see. 
Cases Of Actual, Real-life, Not-so-living-n-breathing Zombies
Although scientists don’t support claims that Haitian voodoo can in fact raise the dead and create personal slaves, various sightings and reports suggest that human zombies do exist.
Question is - do you believe them?
#1 - Felicia Felix-Mentor
In 1936, the owner of a farm in a small village in Haiti woke up to quite a shock.
A naked woman staggered towards them with her raspy voice mumbling and slurring that this farm belonged to her farmer. But the most terrifying thing about this strange woman that stumbled her way through the village was that she looked rather familiar.
In fact, they were pretty sure that this was a woman who had died and had been buried many years before.
19 years before.
Zora Neale Hurston - an anthropologist - investigated this alleged case of zombification and met Felicia Felix-Mentor at a hospital. The doctors were convinced she was a zombie and her husband confirmed this was his wife.
Even Hurston admitted that she believed what they were telling her:
“I know that I saw the broken remnant, relic, or refuse of Felicia Felix-Mentor in a hospital yard.”
#2 - Clairvius Narcisse
30 odd years after Felix-Mentor first wandered up to her father’s old farm, a 40 year old man admitted himself into hospital in Deschapelles, Haiti. Doctors, however, were unable to work out why he had a fever, was clearly fatigued, and was spitting up blood. He died 3 days later.
20 years after he died, a man claiming to be Narcisse approached Angelina Narcisse, his sister.
He told her and other villagers private, personal information in an attempt to convince them that he was in fact Clairvius and had been turned into a zombie for use on a sugar plantation. He had been paralysed for the duration of his burial and then dug up to be put to work as a slave.
He described in detail the process of his alleged zombification, claiming she was given a paste made from hallucinogenic chemicals which scientists would later use to refute most claims of zombies as simply a drugged state. When the bokor died and he was no longer fed the concoction, he regained his sanity and thus his free will, and returned to his family.
Much like Felix-Mentor’s story, Narcisse is actually widely believed to have been a zombie. His death was documented by 2 American doctors unlikely to follow Haitian Voodoo folklore, and even the man who investigated his claims - Lamarque Douyon - believed to some extent zombies could be real despite dismissing supernatural claims.
He brought a sample of the powders or paste used by the bokor back to the US to investigate whether ‘zombies’ were actually people who were drugged and then revived.
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#3 - Woman from Port-au-Prince
Only known as FI to The Lancet, the journal investigating cases in southern Haiti in the late 90s, she was discovered 3 years after her death wandering near the village she once called home by a friend.
FI was mute and unable to feed herself but she was still recognised by her family, her fellow villagers, and the local priest by a distinct facial mark and other features.
The local courts opened her tomb to investigate the fact that she had apparently risen from the dead and found it full of stones. Her husband was accused of zombifying her after he caught her having an affair.
Despite local claims of supernatural goings-on, she was later admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Port-au-Prince.
#4 - Son of a secret policeman
WD (mentioned in the same study by The Lancet) was 18 years old when he became ill. He developed a fever, his body swelled up, and his eyes went yellow. They thought he was dying or at least already dead.
His father asked his brother to get advice from a bokor but WD died 3 days later. 19 months after he was buried, he reappeared at a cock fight and recognised his father before accusing his uncle of zombifying him.
#5 - Unknown young woman
MM (also mentioned in the same study by The Lancet) was joining her friends in prayer for a local who had been zombified when she fell under a similar affliction. The 18 year old became ill with diarrhoea and fever, her body swelled, and she died.
Her family immediately suspected a sorcerer had had their way with their daughter.
13 years later and MM reappeared at the town markets, claiming not only had she been a zombie in a village 100 miles away, she had had a child with another zombie.
When her bokor died, his son released MM from their control and she travelled home.
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What do you think?
Are zombies real? Or are they merely a fictional beast haunted by the forgotten history of slavery?
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asilcorner · 3 years
I came up with two ideas of an "Aristocats AU". 1) The Warners are 3 children who live with a lady (Frau Hassenfeffer) who wants to name them heirs to everything she has, but her butler (Plotz) gets rid of them to keep everything. They meet Otto, who helps them get back home. 2) Angelina is the heiress, Salazar is the villain, and on her way back home she meets William, together they get rid of Salazar and have 3 beautiful children
Both ideas very cute, my mind is shot rn but this made me smile.
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Come Away Film Online Ganzer 2020 kostenlos
Film stream - https://come-away-de.blogspot.com/
Es ist ein cleveres Konzept und in den Händen von Regisseurin Brenda Chapman („Brave“) wird es mit gutem Geschmack und einer reichen visuellen Palette ausgeführt. In Anlehnung an aktuelle Filme wie "Die persönliche Geschichte von David Copperfield" und "Enola Holmes" spielt "Come Away" im hochpluralistischen England des 19. Jahrhunderts und verleiht der Geschichte weitere Vitalität und Resonanz. (Zusätzlich zu Caine und Derek Jacobi, die in kurzen Cameos auftreten, wird der Film mit einer fantastischen Darstellung von Clarke Peters als Figur in einem brennenden Hut aus Jack Littletons rätselhafter Vergangenheit geehrt.) Wenn das thematische Material für „How Away “kann manchmal schwierig und langwierig sein (der Film befasst sich unter anderem mit Sterblichkeit, Sucht und familiären Funktionsstörungen). Chapman animiert ihn mit den schönen Farben und Texturen der Zeit und stützt sich dabei auf Williams Blumenmotive. Morris an den Wänden von Littleton, die extravaganten Samtstoffe und Spitzen, die Rose und ihre betroffene Schwester Eleanor (Anna Chancellor, in ihrer herrlichsten Form) tragen. Es gibt Zeiten, in denen die Fanfic-Spekulation von „Come Away“ sehr erzwungen und völlig absurd erscheint. Die Handlung, wahrscheinlich unvermeidlich, wird lückenhaft und der fast konstante Zustand des magischen Denkens zu klebrig und süß für Worte. Das Unternehmen wird jedoch von Chapmans Sinn für Stil und einer konstant starken Reihe von Performances geadelt, insbesondere von Jolie und Oyelowo, dem letzteren Produzenten des Films. Wie Away ist es vielleicht nicht mit den Geschichten vergleichbar, auf die es sich bezieht, aber es leuchtet mit seinem eigenen leuchtenden und strebenden Licht. PG. Auf Anfrage verfügbar. Es enthält starke reife thematische Elemente, etwas Gewalt, fantastische Action und verstörende Bilder. 94 Minuten. Brenda Chapman (Prinz von Ägypten, Brave) gibt ihr Regiedebüt mit dieser leicht charmanten Komödie, die viele Punkte verdient, wenn sie nicht-weiße Schauspieler in traditionell vertauschte Rollen versetzt. Come Away (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem jüngsten Come Play) stellen Sie sich vor, was passiert wäre, wenn Alice im Wunderland und Peter Pan Bruder und Schwester gewesen wären. Alice (Keira Chansa) und Peter (Jordan A. Nash) teilen eine fantasievolle Kindheit mit ihrem älteren Bruder David (Reece Yates), spielen Piraten und trinken Tee; Schwerter und ein Piratenschiff ersetzen auf magische Weise Stöcke und ein kaputtes altes Ruderboot. Sie lieben ihre Mutter Rose (Angelina Jolie) und ihren Vater Jack (David Oyelowo), der davon lebt, Modellschiffe zu bauen. Leider ereignet sich eine Tragödie, Rose beginnt zu trinken und Jack beginnt zu spielen (und verliert einen großen Verkauf), und es liegt an Alice und Peter, ein spezielles Familienerbstück nach London zu bringen, um die Familie zu verkaufen und zu retten. Dort werden sie viele Charaktere treffen und viele Dinge sehen, die Elemente der berühmten Bücher von J.M. Barrie und Lewis Carroll und die Fans werden viel Spaß beim Verbinden der Punkte haben. Komm weg, es hebt sich mehrmals vom Boden ab, aber es wird nie zu hoch; es scheint ein bisschen ohne Magie. Aber es ist einen Blick wert und wahrscheinlich besser als Benh Zeitlins Wendy Anfang dieses Jahres. Gugu Mbatha-Raw erscheint als erwachsene Alice in einem Rahmengerät. Für einige wird die Aussicht, dass die ehemalige Pixar-Regisseurin Brenda Chapman ("Brave") ihr Live-Debüt geben wird, "Come Away" aufregend erscheinen lassen. Für andere ist es das literarische Konzept des Films, das anspricht: Was wäre, wenn Alice im Wunderland und Peter Pan Brüder wären? Und dann gibt es die Besetzung von Angelina Jolie und David Oyelowo als Eltern, die auf einige Möglichkeiten hinweisen, wie die Geschichte mit bestimmten sozialen Dynamiken umgehen kann, die in ihrer historischen Periode selten untersucht werden - Möglichkeiten, die Internet-Trolle angenommen haben. rassistische Kommentare zielen.
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Ooo prompts! Hmm the Yax Rapunzel au was really fun to read- maybe the scene of Yakko and Max meeting in the clearing?
Sure thing!
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It wasn't every day you found a secret tunnel under your home. Of course that meant Yakko, Wakko and Dot had to explore it. They had plenty of time until Salazar woke up and called for dinner.
The tunnel led to a city and it looked exactly like the sort of place from their old story books: colourful, lively and magical. It was full of toons and humans, some casting magic, some pulling normal toon tricks, but mostly it was just people going about their business.
Yakko couldn't quite wrap his mind around it. It should have been a normal, mundane sight, but it was like nothing he'd ever seen before. It was like...Like...Like those colourful, fuzzy dreams he sometimes had. The dreams full of people, their features blurred and voices muffled. Buildings that towered overhead and bright flags flapping in the wind...
He kept a firm grip on Wakko and Dot's hands as they explored.
It seemed like such a pretty, friendly place. People waved to them and didn't seem to think they were out of place at all.
Which was why it was so surprising to hear a sudden scream of terror from the meadow.
In a flash, Yakko ran to the screaming kids, still hand in hand with his siblings. Two duck toons were leaning over the edge of a hole, looking horrified. Inside the hole, clinging to a tree root for dear life, was another little duck toon. Triplets then. The poor kid had tears in his eyes and Yakko gulped when he saw how far the drop was. Toon or not, if the kid fell his brains would be splattered.
Either the kids were too frightened to use their toon powers, or they weren't quite like Yakko, Wakko and Dot. Regardless, Yakko could handle this.
"Hold onto me, sibs," he ordered. Wakko and Dot grabbed his waist as he knelt and Yakko stretched himself like rubber, reaching down and down, until he could safely pluck the little duck into his arms.
"Got'cha!" he said cheerfully and, just like that, he snapped back to normal.
"Whoa," the little duck gasped. Louie?
"That was so cool!" the other two cried.
"Impressive," a new voice said, sounding just as relieved as the trio of ducks.
Yakko turned around, still holding Louie, and came face to face with another toon. He looked around Yakko's age, a tall toon (some sort of dog?) with floppy black ears, dressed all in red and black. He had big buck teeth and a bright smile.
"Thanks for saving my cousin," he said.
Yakko couldn't quite understand why his face felt so hot. "Heh..." he said, setting Louie down. "Oh, y'know...It was nothing."
Wakko and Dot raised their eyebrows. Yakko stuck his tongue out at them.
"Why's there a hole here anyway?" Dot demanded of the new boy, tapping her foot impatiently.
The boy sighed and ushered them all away from the hole.
"It's another trap," he said. "Set by King William and Queen Angelina's men."
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
A coronation is held
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 The End
Ao3 Link
Despite Lena’s hopes and dreams that when the morning came everything would feel as right in the world as it had when the little family had fallen asleep, that didn’t happen. When she awoke first, she walked out of the room and was immediately surrounded by maids and servants pestering her with their endless questions. Of course, she knew why they were asking, she was supposed to be dead.
She did her best to explain the situation again and told them that her mother had died in an avalanche. This, however, made the situation worse, as then officials and advisors soon got word and started to try and plan things out with her, and Lena wanted none of it. It was early- hell, she was still in her nightgown and robe. She just wanted to take an early stroll around her home, but nope.
Then again, what did she expect? Come back from the dead and people are going to have questions.
Still. Being swarmed with questions and having plans and ideas thrown in her face that early was too much. She yearned to return to bed, but by the time she successfully convinced them to stop, it was likely too late.
So instead, she went to the kitchen and began to chop up some fruit, a skill she had gotten quite good at over the past year. She couldn’t do a lot, so she liked to help Helloise and Doctor Scratchnsniff prepare food, usually while they talked about things. Now all Lena could think of as she chopped was that of her offer.
She had written a letter last night asking for their assistance. In all honesty, she was ashamed. She didn’t know why but she assumed returning home would do a lot to heal everything they went through over the past year, but Dot’s nightmare quickly told her otherwise. Because of her naivety, she had to write a letter offering and asking them to come to the palace to be the royal psychologist and counselor not just for Dot, but likely Wakko and perhaps even Yakko too. Goodness knows all of her kids must’ve been through hell under the care of her mother.
Lena paused and placed a hand on her cheek. She sighed.
She continued cutting fruit.
She hoped they were hungry- she was making a lot- goodness.
Well- she knew Wakko would be anyway. Her poor boy... he was so light to carry. Angelina must’ve locked him in the tower before the Wishing Star, and probably didn’t feed him.
Her mother deserved far, far worse than death.
But it was what needed to be done. She didn’t regret it. Not one bit.
Hopefully, they’d use all this food for the picnic they’d be having-
It was still winter. Snow was outside. They couldn’t have a picnic.
No. They’d just have one inside. It’s what Wakko wanted- who was she to take that away from him?
She continued to cut, despite realizing she lost count of how many kiwis, strawberries, and star fruit she had sliced by now.
“Mom?” Wakko came out of nowhere, startling Lena and she cut her finger.
“Gah- Jesus Wakko, you can’t sneak up on me like that,” She quickly began to suck on it and look for a towel.
Wakko froze, dead in his tracks.
“I-i’m sorry, I-i didn’t mean to- I-i-” He stumbled over his apology.
“It’s alright, Wakko, I’m not-” But by the time Lena said that, he had run out of the kitchen.
“Dammit, Lena, now look at what you’ve done,” She muttered to herself, wrapping a rag around her finger and running off to go find Wakko.
Day one of being back and she already messed up big time.
“Wakko? Where are you?” She called, looking under hall decor, behind curtains, and in almost every room she walked by.
“Wakko, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap like that,” She said, hearing sniffles coming out of one bedroom. Lena knocked on the door softly.
“Wakko?” She asked.
“I-i said I’m sorry!” He shouted back.
“Wakko, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize, it was I who snapped at you,” She placed her hand that didn’t have a towel around it against the door.
“Go away! I only get people hurt,” He cried more.
“Wakko honey, no,” Lena wanted to go in, but the door was locked.
“Wakko, whatever your grandmother told you, she was wrong. You’re such a wonderful kid- energetic, compassionate, brave, and you give the best hugs,” She countered his statement. The prince paused.
“B-but it’s my fault D-dot died... they were aiming for me,” He countered, his words becoming mumbled.
“Wakko, it’s nobody’s fault but your grandmother and she’s already paid the price,” She said.
“She can’t hurt you anymore... so please... come out? I promise I’m okay.”
Wakko was quiet. Lena bit her lip.
“If you come out you can have a snack in the kitchen,” She said. Wakko must’ve responded positively to that because before she knew it there were shuffling noises, and he opened the door, though unable to make eye contact with his mother.
“I’m hungry,” he said.
“I know honey, let’s get you some food and water- I bet you’re dehydrated too, especially after all that crying,” Lena said, offering her hand. Wakko took it.
“Yeah,” was all he said. Lena gave his hand a comforting squeeze as they made their way back. Once there, she lifted him on the counter and started slicing more fruit, everything from apples to bananas, and handing them to him once finished. He ate slowly, but it seemed to be doing him a lot of good, as his mood increased dramatically once he got some food in his system.
“You feeling better?” She asked him. Wakko nodded. “Good,” Lena smiled and ruffled his fur a little. Lena always found it funny how he often liked to sleep with his red hat on, but who was she to judge.
“Now honey, I want to make things very clear with you: everything your grandmother ever told you or made you feel is wrong okay? I don’t want you saying it, I don’t want you thinking it. You are so much more than she ever thought or could even comprehend, understood?” She placed her hand on his cheek, stroking his face with her thumb. Wakko leaned into it, nodding.
“Okay,” he agreed. Lena smiled softly.
“It’s not gonna be easy to undo what she’s done... but we’re going to figure it out together, understand?” She said, and Wakko nodded again, eating an apple slice.
“I haven’t told your siblings yet, but in roughly a week's time, the good doctor from Acme Falls is going to start working at the palace to help you three heal from the abuse my mother put you through. He’s an emotion doctor and he’ll help you feel better, does that sound like something you want?” She said, going back to cutting fruit.
“Okay,” Wakko nodded, his tail twitching curiously. “What about you?” he asked.
Lena paused. “What about me?”
“Will he be helping you?” Wakko asked innocently. Lena looked down at her hands, then at the 20 or so fruits she sliced this morning.
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I’m going to have a lot more responsibilities than what I’m used to in the upcoming days- I’ll likely be too busy.”
“But you should be okay too,” Wakko frowned, reminding Lena of how observant he could be.
“I’ll be okay Wakko- I promise,” She looked at him. He scanned her face a minute before either believing it or just dropping it and going back to his apple slices.
After a moment of more slicing and handing to Wakko, Lena spoke again.
“We’re going to be having a picnic today, just like you wanted,” She said. Wakko’s face lit up.
“Really?! Isn’t it snowy?” Wakko tilted his head.
“We’ll be having it in the dance hall, but I think that hardly makes a difference. What do you think?” Lena asked him.
“Okay,” he gave a toothy grin.
“Good,” Lena nodded. “How about you go and get dressed and get your siblings ready so we can do that soon, hm?”
“Okay,” He said, jumping off the countertop, and scurrying out of the kitchen.
At least he was somewhat back to his old self– that meant there was hope after all. He was still a kid- he deserved to be happy and young while he could.
With a sigh, Lena began to get bags out and put the sliced fruit into separate bags as kitchen workers started to come in and began preparing their breakfast. Once Lena finished, she quickly apologized and got out of their way, explaining what was going to happen later with the picnic and all. They understood, and she left.
Now she was on her own again. And still in her nightgown- Lena really needed to get changed. Quickly she went back to her room and went to her closet to get dressed but her fingers hovered over her dresses. It had been so long since she wore something so fancy... Would it even feel right anymore?
Of course it would, she was born a princess, she was just being ridiculous... right?
Lena sighed and changed into her usual purple dress.
Today was going to be interesting.
And interesting it was. Home for less than 24 hours and already advisors and courtiers were already throwing piles upon piles of papers onto the poor queen-to-be. After signing about fifty billion documents, she finally got them to leave her alone. Thankfully, since she was in charge, nobody argued with her (much) when she said she was done and had plans and let her go in peace.
By the time she did finally join her family, Wakko and Dot were running around chasing each other, nearly running into Lena as she stepped in, though they both paused to give her a hug before running off again.
“My, they’re energetic today,” Lena chuckled as she joined her husband and Yakko on the pillows.
“Last night was probably the best sleep they’ve gotten in a while, nightmare or not,” Yakko shrugged, eating a piece of bread.
“I don’t doubt that... I slept pretty well last night too,” William said mostly to himself, looking at Wakko and Dot fondly.
“It really has been a year, hasn’t it?” Lena looked at Yakko, sadness in her eyes. “We’ve missed so much...”
“Not a whole lot... I mean- there were birthdays and stuff, but not... well...” Yakko was reluctant to finish the sentence, but Lena understood perfectly.
“Not much good, no?” Lena sighed. “I’ll never forgive her for this... for any of this.”
William and Yakko nodded supportively.
“But... Dot’s birthday was nice. I even managed to sneak a cake, and we all had a big sleepover, which was fun,” Yakko said. Lena smiled a little.
“That sounds lovely,” She said, sipping some tea.
“It was,” Yakko smiled at the memory.
“Oh! And we continued teaching Wakko to read,” Yakko remembered to tell.
“Really? Oh, that makes me so happy Yakko,” Lena side hugged him.
“We were so worried that Angelina wouldn’t let him and he’d forget,” William admitted.
“We had to do it behind her back, but I definitely think we made progress,” Yakko smiled, proud of himself, and rightfully so.
“I’m so glad to hear that. You did a very good job taking care of your siblings in our absence Yakko, I’m very proud of you,” She kissed the top of his head.
“Thanks, mom,” Yakko teared up a little, and he quickly wiped it away. Lena didn’t comment, smiling softly.
“I’ll never forgive her for this.” The thought repeated in her mind. Anger returned.
“So, what took you so long?” Yakko asked.
“Paperwork. I've got a coronation to set up soon after all,” She tried to laugh at the dread facing her.
“What about Grandma’s funeral?” Yakko asked.
“Oh, she isn’t going to be getting a funeral,” Lena said casually, but received stares from Yakko and William.
“Are you sure that’s best?” Her husband questioned
“Doesn’t every royal get a funeral? I mean- she even held one for you two...” Yakko said quietly.
“It’s unprecedented, yes, and will perhaps even look bad to some. However, once we explain everything that happened, I’m sure the people will be more than happy and most importantly on our side,” Lena sipped her tea, not liking the new tension.
“I guess that makes sense,” Yakko shrugged a little. William sighed.
“Lena darling, I know it must be difficult, but she was the queen after all-”
“She committed treason on the highest offense, William.” Lena interrupted.
“I know, but well- hasn’t she already paid the price?” He said in a hushed tone, even though Yakko was still right there. Lena looked down at her tea cup.
“It’s not that I think she deserves one, Lena. I’m just concerned that the people won’t understand and that it’ll cause them to turn against you,” He clarified softly, touching her arm. Lena swiped it away.
“I know full well what I’ve done,” She stated sharply. “And I don’t regret it. Let the people be upset if they will, they’ll get over it.”
Wakko and Dot stopped running by then, now looking at their parents, confused.
“Lena, darling, perhaps we should take this outside,” William sighed. Lena looked at her children before agreeing.
“We’ll be back shortly... carry on until we get back,” Lena said, placing a hand on Yakko’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze before standing up and going. William followed in suit.
William stood by the door a moment, making sure they weren’t listening in. Lena paced across the hall, holding her arms.
“Well?” Lena asked him.
“Well, what?” William questioned her harshness.
“Well, what’ve you to say? You asked us to leave the room and we’ve left, so what’ve you to say?” She asked, digging her fingers into her arms.
“Lena darling... I just thought perhaps it wasn’t best to discuss such matters in front of the children,” William said softly. That didn’t make Lena feel any better.
“William, I’m tired of pretending I care about her,” Lena looked out a window. “I don’t want to waste a year of my life wearing all black and veiling myself pretending to weep over what I’ve lost– I don’t even want to do it for a day,” She admitted.
“Of course,” He nodded slowly. The queen-to-be glanced at him.
“You aren’t going to argue otherwise?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Lena darling, I love you with all that I am. I trust your judgment. I’m just trying to look out for you, but if you know this will make you happiest, then of course I support you,” William went to her.
“I love you too William,” She said. “I just... I know what I’ve done. I don’t regret it.”
“My dear... you keep saying that,” He took her hand and kissed it.
“It… remains true,” Lena took a step away.
“Lena, who are you trying to convince?” He asked.
“I–... nobody,” She said quickly.
“Nobody, William,” She closed her eyes and turned away from him.
She didn’t regret it. Her mother had to die, and by her hand.
There was no other way.
“There was no other way,” She said aloud.
“My love, you’re trembling,” William worried.
“She didn’t love me. She never did- even as a child. She shouted, she pulled the flowers out of my hair, she grabbed me, she blamed me for Father’s death, she... she hurt Wakko, she locked him up like some animal and then she– she killed Dot. She had to die, William,” She still didn’t look at him.
“I know that darling...” He approached her slowly.
“A-and even if she had loved me at one point... if she brushed my hair, or sat with me in portraits, or applauded me at vocal performances or picked out a dress she saw me admiring, it doesn’t matter. She killed our baby girl... she had to die,” She finally managed to meet his eyes, but it was almost too much still.
“My love, I know... What you did was incredibly difficult,” William said, wiping a stray tear from her face.
“Why though? Why was it difficult? After all that she did to our children, it should’ve been easy– I hate her, I’ve always hated her-!”
“Lena, I do not know,” He sighed, stroking her face with his hand softly. “I’m not a psychologist or anything of the like... but I assume it’s because- well... she was your mother.”
“Hardly...” Lena muttered to herself.
“Despite everything, she still was. You can’t deny that,” He said. “And despite everything, you’ve always been slow to retaliate, so of course it’s taking a while to process what you’ve done.”
“Thought you said you aren’t a psychologist,” Lena snorted pathetically, which made her husband laugh.
“I’m not dear... though perhaps you really should take up Scratchnsniff’s offer,” William said, wiping another tear away.
“I already wrote for him last night. He’ll do the children lots of good,” She said.
“That’s not what I meant,” William gave her a look.
Lena paused, sincerely thinking about it.
“I’ll be woefully busy... I’ll hardly have the time.”.
“We’ll make the time,” He countered.
“William- I just... I don’t know...” She turned away.
“Lena... please? I worry about you,” William held one of her hands in his and gave it a squeeze. Lena said nothing.
“You deserve to find peace, my love. Ever since I met you you were burdened by your mother’s actions, and now that she’s gone, you can finally be free of it, but only if you accept help,” He said with a small smile. She could hardly look at him now.
She was an adult. Almost queen. She should be able to handle this on her own.
“If not for yourself, then can you at least do it for the kids? Or for...me?” He pleaded quietly.
Lena looked at the door a long moment, practically seeing her children leaning up against it (which she knew they were).
“William, I don't know if… If I can find peace...” She whispered.
“Can’t we at least give it a try, my love?” He whispered back. She looked at him. His eyes... those warm, dark, familiar eyes had brought her so much love and comfort over the years. So much love and worry...
Lena knew she’d do anything for him.
“I… I can try,” She nodded slowly.
“Really?” He smiled a little.
“I’d walk through hell and back for you, my love,” Lena placed a soft hand on his cheek. “I think I can believe in myself a little for you too.”
“Thank you,” He kissed her wrist before pulling her in for an actual kiss, which she gladly returned.
However, the kiss didn’t last too long before a chorus of voices behind the door grew louder and before they knew it, the door opened, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot spilling out with it.
“Darn it Dot- you got us caught,” Yakko shook his head.
“Haha... hi,” Dot sheeped. Lena rolled her eyes.
“Mind telling me why you were listening in to what was supposed to be a private, adult conversation?” She teased, helping them up and off each other.
“Uh... curiosity?” Wakko shrugged. Lena laughed.
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know?” She ruffled his fur. Wakko smiled up at her with his tongue sticking out. She missed that smile.
“Well... the day isn’t over yet... What do you three want to do?” She asked.
“Can we hear a story?” Dot perked up and asked.
“Yeah! A story!” Wakko agreed. Yakko snorted, giving his silent agreement.
“It’s nowhere near bedtime,” William said. “What are we going to do then?”
“We can handle two stories,” Dot rolled her eyes. William chuckled.
“That you can... that you can,” He said, stroking his mustache.
“How about this: I’ll tell you a bedtime story if you’ll help me out with this one, hm?” He offered, winking at Lena to boast his cleverness. Lena rolled her eyes.
“Okay!” The younger warner siblings said in agreement.
“But first we have to clean all this up- can’t be leaving everything out like this,” Lena remarked, going back into their picnic room. Quickly, the children ran in and began picking up any toys they had brought in, folding blankets, and putting back pillows where they belonged, while Lena and William dealt with the food.
“Quite the plethora of fruit you prepared for us this morning,” Willaim commented as he cleaned.
“I do it when I’m stressed,” She shrugged. “You know this- you were there.”
“I know,” he teased. “They were very good.”
“I didn’t grow them,” Lena rolled her eyes, teasing him right back.
“It’s our garden. I think we ought to have some claim,” He shrugged. Lena rolled her eyes again.
“You say that like we don’t get most of our fruits from the farms-”
“Actually, we get our apples and citrus from the farms. The starfruit and berries were from the garden,” Yakko snuck up from behind, folding a blanket.
“Who’s side are you on?” Lena gave him a look. Yakko laughed.
“Checkmate,” William grinned.
“I hate you,” She snorted, putting the bread into a bag as Yakko disappeared to put the blanket away.
“You love me,” William elbowed her lightly. Lena chuckled and continued to clean without comment. However, a thought slowly dawned on her and she paused.
“Lena..?” William noticed.
“Sorry, I’m just... thinking,” She shook her head and continued.
“Thinking of what?” He asked.
Lena didn’t really know how to put it.
“I suppose... well... I don’t know. I just-... Do you really believe any of this will ever truly be over?” Lena asked him.
William sighed. “I really hope so... it may not be today, or tomorrow, or even the day after, but in my heart I know one day we’ll finally be truly happy and free from her and her effects.”
“What do you think it’ll be like when that comes?” She asked him. William smiled.
“Well... I imagine there’ll be dancing under a sky full of stars. Music playing softly in the other room, while we just have all the time in the world to ourselves, knowing Yakko, Wakko and Dot are safely tucked to sleep- or even if they aren’t we know they’re safe. They know they’re loved, we know we’re loved, you know you’re loved,” He said, a far-off look on his face indicating he had given this thought before. Lena smiled.
“Dancing under the stars... I’ve missed that,” She agreed with him.
“Perhaps we’ll even go to the garden. We’ll sit on our bench by the fountain where I first proposed to you and we’ll just sit and reflect on the good times we shared, and the good times yet to come. It won’t be the end, after all. There’ll still be a lifetime ahead of us,” He said. Lena closed her eyes, envisioning it.
“That sounds lovely,” She smiled and opened her eyes.
“One day,” He said with a wink.
“We’re doneeee, can you tell us the story now?” Dot ran up to them, grabbing William’s leg. He laughed.
“Alright, c’mon,” He said, peeling Dot from his leg and picking her up instead. Wakko went to Lena and held her hand. She gave it a comforting squeeze, not that either was nervous. Yakko walked on her other side.
Together, the family all went back to the familiar playroom and settled in for storytime with Dad.
Effortlessly he weaved a tale about a beautiful princess, a handsome knight, and a fearsome dragon. Has it been done before? Absolutely, but it was the audience’s choice and they missed the cliché. He spoke of everlasting love, the princess and the knight saving each other numerous times, and eventually how they lived happily ever after and created a land of prosperity, peace, and love- unlike the age of the Dragon. It didn’t take a genius to figure out his inspiration for such a tale, but it was interesting and exciting nonetheless.
After that, Lena and William played with Yakko, Wakko, and Dot with their dolls, playing a game similar to the story, but with its own twists (like the Princess being fire breathing and could transform into a giant lion and the knight was a frog who needed True Love’s Kiss to transform) until it was eventually time for diner.
After that, William read them a bedtime story, this time of a lonely siren and a sailor who nearly drowned, which captivated Wakko and Dot easily, though Yakko was tired, and barely awake by the end. Then, they checked for monsters for Dot, after which Lena sang them their lullaby and they all went to sleep.
And so several days passed in such a way. Lena would spend her mornings over paperwork and giving signatures and statements and writing to other kingdoms in preparation for her coronation while William watched the kids, and in the afternoon she’d join them for lunch and for some quality family time until it was eventually time to sleep and the cycle would start over. As much as she hated the paperwork portion of her days, she couldn’t deny the quality time made up for it. Seeing her children slowly regain their spirit filled her with more happiness than she could ever describe, especially with the help of Doctor Scratchnsniff.
Ah, yes. Doctor Scratchnsniff. At first, the children were hesitant to meet with him, but after Lena and William offered to sit in with them for their appointments (for the first one, at least) they agreed.
Dot seemed to be liking him, though she found him and his accent strange at first. However, the doctor reported she was already off to a good start and even after meeting twice he said she was making good progress. That was good to hear at least. The sooner her PTSD was gone, the better.
It was evident Yakko liked him less so, but Lena and William weren’t surprised by that. His issues were with being fiercely independent and untrusting so naturally, it was going to take a while for him to open up, which they were okay with. They had all the time in the world now.
Wakko, however, never wanted to be alone with him. He always had Lena sit with him through his appointments, either clinging to her arm, or sitting in her lap the whole time as she stroked his ears or rubbed his back soothingly. He hardly spoke a word at first, which was half expected, but eventually, he started answering more and more, even coming up with the nickname “Scratchy” for him. The doctor didn’t seem to mind, and soon the whole family was simply referring to him as Scratchy.
Lena eventually found time to make an appointment of her own. It felt... odd, to say the least. She was used to the loving and kind support from William, but opening up to Scratchy was a different feeling entirely. She didn’t have to fear what he thought, as he was trained to listen and help. She liked that.
What she liked less was reflecting on her childhood. So many feelings and emotions and twisted memories she didn’t know how to look back on. He said this was natural for victims of childhood neglect and abuse, which made enough sense.
However, she was processing now. Moving on, as he described it. Acknowledging what happened was the first step, moving on was the next. It was... interesting. Then again, these were only the beginning steps. She still had lots and lots of work to do, but she had all the time in the world now.
The day-to-day pattern was so hypnotic that the day of her coronation threw her completely off guard. Heck- she had hardly noticed that when she had awakened, maids and dressers were immediately there to get her in the gorgeous cerulean blue and gold dress they had made for her. It wasn’t until they were trying to comb through her hair she realized the day was special. Sure- she wasn’t normally dressed by handmaidens, but she had just woken up.
Oh god- it was finally happening. Important guests from kingdoms all over were going to arrive to watch her rise to the throne and accept her fate and destiny as the next queen of Warnerstock.
Hell- it felt like Lena blinked and suddenly she was waiting for the doors to open so she could walk down and accept the crown and say the lines and well- get crowned as Queen. She was wearing the nicest gown she’d ever worn in her life, she was all primed up– something that hadn’t happened to her since she was a little girl.
“You ready Mom?” Yakko asked, adjusting his fancy little outfit. Lena thought he as well as the rest of the kids looked adorable, though it was clear he was rather uncomfortable with the lapels and sash. Still- that didn’t stop Lena from wishing she could get a portrait of him done.
“Hopefully,” Lena laughed through her nervousness.
“You’ll be great, I know it,” Wakko grinned up at her. Lena smiled at him, before noticing his sash was on the wrong shoulder and she fixed it.
“Yeah! You’re super nice and pretty and you’ll be a great queen,” Dot encouraged.
“You’re too sweet, darling,” She thanked her before standing.
“You’ve nothing to worry about, my love,” William placed his hands on her shoulders. “We have your back, it’ll be okay.”
“I’m the luckiest queen-to-be in the world,” Lena chuckled.
“Yep!” Wakko agreed.
“Your highness? They’re ready for you,” said one of the officials. Lena took in a deep breath and nodded.
“Well... let’s go,” She gave them a nod. Her family gave her quick grins and thumbs up, before the door opened, and the ceremony officially began.
The ceremony went perfectly as planned. Not a word nor person was out of place. She recited the vow of protection and service perfectly, didn’t flinch when the cold metal of her new crown touched her head, and even managed not to flinch at the mention of her full name (though she could still feel the internal dread of it). She recited her speech to the people perfectly, gaining their understanding and support with her carefully crafted yet heartfelt words, and eventually, the ceremonies were over and the festivities began.
Quickly, the children ran into the outdoor courtyard with many of the other royal children from nearby kingdoms, and music began to play. However, this wasn’t the stuffy, snooty music her mother would’ve chosen for her coronation, no. This was Lena, and she chose something exciting. A new beginning. Songs that make you kick off your shoes (if you wore those) and dance in circles until you pass out from exhaustion you didn’t know you had because you were too busy being swept away by the fun of it all. Lena danced with her new subjects and partners in foreign policy all day, and even a bit of the night as the sun eventually went down, only stopping when the feast began, or the band needed a break, but then returned right away.
She hadn’t felt this alive in years, and Lena was determined to never let it go. This was what freedom was. This was what life without her mother’s control could be, every day. People laughing, cheering, celebrating, being together and safe and happy.
People were happy.
Lena… was happy.
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot were happy too, even mingling with children from neighboring kingdoms, with Yakko even finding himself fascinated with a certain dog prince that she and William gave a quick thumbs up to, embarrassing him deeply. Eh, he’d get over it. They were back, and that meant embarrassing him to his crushes- even if he just met them that night.
Wakko and Dot were having fun dancing, and drawing chalk on the ground. Wakko proved himself to be quite the artist, as while he danced he dragged and drew with his tail, and before anyone knew it the whole floor was a Wakko art piece. Sure, it may have stained their feet, but it was truly something to behold. Dot, on the other hand, was chatting with other princesses and citizens, charming them with her classic wit and cuteness that made Lena proud.
And William? For the first time in what felt like forever, he seemed to be enjoying himself too, the worry that was constantly behind those deep, dark eyes she loved so dearly being practically gone. Instead, joy and excitement, as well as love was shining back, as he spun and lifted and danced alongside her to the exciting music of the band. The couple had never felt so alive and free.
Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end, and guests slowly began to leave, saying their quick goodbyes to the new Queen, wishing her luck, and promising their loyalties and hopes for the future. It saddened to see things coming to an end, but eventually, the band began to play much slower, softer music, and William took her hand in his and they slowly began to sway under the starlight.
“I told you you had nothing to worry about,” William smirked.
“I know, you’re always right, blah blah blah,” Lena snickered.
William laughed. “I’m serious though, I’m extremely proud of you. You’ve come a very long way for it being less than a month since returning.”
“And here I thought it was already a year,” Lena joked, referring more to the neverending piles of paperwork she managed to go through in such a short time than her time with her loved ones.
“Lena, I mean it. I’m incredibly proud of you,” William made sure she knew it.
“Thank you, dear,” Lena kissed him. “I couldn’t have done this- any of this without you.”
“I know,” He said with a small smile. Lena snorted a little, before stepping closer and leaning against him as they swayed together.
“How’s this for a perfect ending, hm?” he asked.
Lena thought about that, looking around the more than half-empty courtyard.
Wakko was curled up into a ball on a pile of pillows near the firepit, looking perfectly worn out and warm. Dot was drawing with chalk next to him, looking half asleep as well. Yakko was telling a story to his new friend, though it was very clear that friend was going to have to leave soon, but whoever was in charge of the boy clearly didn’t have the heart to break the two up, which Lena couldn’t say she blamed them for. They were cute. Kids- but cute.
Then she looked back at William. The love of her life. The man who never once left her side and carried her through the worst moments of their lives, and somehow made it out alive. She kissed him again.
“It’s not perfect... but it’s a damn good start,” Lena smiled.
“A damn good start indeed,” William grinned and the two kissed.
And they were right, it was a damn good start indeed. After all, Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Second was married to Sir William the Good, and had three beautiful children she loved more than anything in the world. Her mother was dead, and couldn’t hurt any of them anymore. There were no more secrets, no more lies, and no more abuse.
Together, the Warners were entering a new era; an era of peace, of love, of great healing, and great togetherness. The old queen was dead, proving once and for all that nothing could or ever would keep them apart for long.
They were together now, and together the Warner Family was unstoppable.
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Did somebody say Pokémon AU??
I honestly have no clue if this has been done or not. But here' what I'd think a Pokémon AU would look like complete with Pokémon teams.
So for the most part everything follows the show with the added bonus of Pokémon being a thing. The Magnus Institute exists to investigate and catalogue paranormal and supernatural experiences that fall outside the range of regular Pokémon shenanigans. So in the beginning, Jon is an even more cynical ass that chalks everything up to being just typical ghost Pokémon messing with people. But there are greater forces at work that fall outside of even Arceus's range of understanding. And there is more to fear than just Pokémon lurking in the shadows.
Jon: He wasn't like most kids with grand dreams of being a Pokémon master. He was and still is much more content reading a book than training Pokémon. All the ones in his team caught him more than the other way around which is really just par for the course for Jon really. He also can’t be bothered to name any of them.
Absol: It just started following him after the brush with the Leitner and just refused to leave. It tries to warn Jon about bad situations but the man has zero self-preservation instincts. Essentially acts like a beleaguered mom looking after her self destructive toddler.
Rotom: It really just kinda came with the tape recorder.
Unknown: Jon didn't intentionally catch it. The unknown just live in the Archives and made themselves at home in his office until one finally just tapped into a pokeball conveniently left on his desk. It likes helping him find real statements in the Archives and tries to work with its brethren and Absol to warn Jon about incoming dangers. He’s just too buried in statements to see ominous warnings literally floating above his head.
Buneary: It was the first and only Pokemon he ever purposefully caught. It hated him when he caught it and it still hates his guts now but they both refuse to let the other go out of spite. Tim gets a kick about teasing him about it.
Purugly: His first pokemon given to him when his grandma's purugly had kittens. It spends all its time skulking around the archives just doing cat things.
Chandelure: He caught it in the woods as a litwik as a kid and used it as a reading light. He doesn't believe in the stories surrounding them stealing your life force but it definitely does and he’s just too hyped on caffeine to notice.
Martin: I imagine Martin as the breeder type who loves to nurture Pokémon from eggs and just overly spoil his entire team. He of course names all his pokemon after Romantic poets.
Joltik:  Used to belong to Jon before he gave it away after the Leitner incident. He really just kinda threw the ball as far as he could and it hit Martin upside the head. Jon doesn't realize that Martin was that kid or that that Joltik was his and it makes both of them very sad. The only pokemon he hasn’t named since he doesn’t know what Jon named it and it didn’t feel right to change it.
Araquanid: He named it Byron after Lord Byron. Pokémon who, depending on who you ask, either drowns unsuspecting Pokémon or cares for them. Fits Martin to a T if you ask me and he would take pity on a poor, misunderstood spider.
Sylveon: He named it Felicia after Felicia Hemans. He raised it from an egg he found in the backyard. It was also his first Pokemon period that he hid in his room because his mom didn't want any Pokémon in the house. When she did find it she begrudgingly allowed it. She always seemed to dote on it more than she ever did Martin himself...
Klefki: Named it Will after William Wordsworth. This little guy is half the reason Martin is able to get into half the places he does.
Chansey: Named Keats. Another Pokemon raised from an egg, it is just as doting as Martin is to the others in the archives. It is also consequently the most powerful member on his team.
Zorua: Named Percy after Percy Shelley. He initially thought he was catching a volpix when he caught it. He bonded with it over having to hide who he truly is too. It is the overprotective guard dog he deserves that no one realizes how dangerous it truly is.
Tim: his team is comprised of beautiful Pokémon that can absolutely kick anyone's ass at a moments notice. They are all as salty as they are beautiful. He names his pokemon after famous actors and actresses.
Roserade: Named Angelina after Angelina Jolie, it was the first Pokemon he ever caught, the two are a dazzling duo charming anyone that crosses their path.
Yamask: It showed up and started hanging around him after his brother was taken by the Stranger. After that, he knew without a shadow of a doubt his brother was dead. He dotes on it constantly because of it despite how much it creeps others out. He, of course, named it Danny.
Milotic: Named Kiera after Kiera Knightly, he evolved it from a feebas he hatched from an egg. He still treats it like his baby.
Lopunny: It was his first Pokémon. His brother gave it to him as a gift and he took it as a challenge to get it to like him enough to evolve. He named it Audrey after Audrey Hepburn.
Liepard: Its stealthy nature is extremely helpful when scouting locations and doing research for the institute. It also hates Jon as much as Tim does. He named it Jackman after Hugh Jackman.
Diancie: He inherited it from his bro after his passing. Danny found it while exploring an old cave and used to travel everywhere with him. It and Danny are still inseparable. Its name is Mila after Mila Kunis.
Basira: Her team is as practical as she is. They are all extremely powerful and could easily take down the entire league if she wanted to. She just doesn’t want to. Her no-nonsense attitude means she just doesn’t see the point in naming any of her pokemon.
Arcanine: What's a cop without their traditional canine companion? Her arcanine fell in love with Daisy's before they even had a clue they were made for each other and set them up in a very 101 Dalmatian style.
Serperior: Her first pokemon given to her from the local pokemon professor. They share the same unimpressed icy stare.
Mightyena: They are truly cut from the same cloth and is honestly more of her partner than her official partner.
Alolan Ninetails: Her strongest Pokémon and her fiercest protector. It loves playing mind games with people.
Umbreon (evolved during the Raynor incident. It seems especially keen on picking up on paranormal activities making it very useful to have on hand)
Mewtwo (cause if anyone has a legendary Pokémon, it's Basira. She caught it during one of the section cases she took and just didn't tell anyone)
Daisy: She is the “gotta collect them all” type of pokemon hunter. She catches any new pokemon she comes across and sends them to the local professor cause she has to fill that pokedex.
Arcanine: Second verse same as the first with this one of being a staple of being a police officer. It will look for any excuse to burn someone. The only person it likes besides Daisy is Basira and her Arcanine.
Houndoom: Her first pokemon she got as a houndour. She terrorized the neighborhood kids with it and is essential for her hunting down both new pokemon and perps. 
Treevant: She caught it as a phantump after it showed up as she was looking into a cold case. At least if she never was able to file an official report, she at least knew how the case ended.
Sawsbuck: She caught it as a deerling and was the first pokemon she ever caught. What kinda hunter hasn’t caught a deer right?
Espurr: She got it after the whole coffin incident. She just kinda cam across it by chance and felt a kinship with it about having to restrain a flood of overwhelming power it holds.
Lyanroc Midnight form: It is as vicious as she is when in full Hunt mode. 
Melanie: She is the one type kinda trainer and it’s, of course, ghost types. She is determined to prove the paranormal exists outside of ghost type pokemon.
Gengar: It was the Pokémon that started her fascination with ghosts and the first Pokémon she ever had.
Honedge: She found it when looking into that ghost train and couldn’t not catch it. When she’s threatening to stab someone, she uses honedge to do so.
Sableye: Found in an abandoned, haunted mine shaft.
Banette: Cause what kinda ghost hunter doesn’t have a haunted doll?
Gourgeist: She caught it as a pumpkaboo on her very first ghost hunting trip.
Spiritomb: Caught it poking around the wrong place at the wrong time she came across it and had to catch it cause if anyone would have a spiritomb, it would be her. It’s just as bloodthirsty as she is.
Sasha: Do I mean this team was made by Sasha or Not-Sasha? The answer is yes.
Mimikyu: The first pokemon she ever caught. Wait... wasn’t it supposed to be a pikachu?
Ditto: This one just speaks for itself.
Baynette: After she caught it she started reading up on the stories and pores surrounding certain Pokémon that put her on the path of working at the institute.
Gothitelle: It started crying nearly immediately after Sasha started working for the Institute but didn't buy into the wives tale about them predicting their trainer's deaths. It mysteriously disappeared after the Prentis incident.
Claydol: She found it wandering around artifact storage and felt bad for it.
Parasect: Her first pokemon. She really just found it as a paras in her parents' backyard as a kid and begged them to let her keep it. It evolved during the Prentis incident while trying to help her fend off the worms.
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Title: Where the Magic Is Author: argosy Rating: T Genre(s): Crime, Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 11,411 Summary: After Dumbledore’s death, Draco Malfoy vanished without a trace. Ten years later he may have re-emerged as a robber of Muggle banks. Can a bushy-haired gal from Magical Law Enforcement find happiness in the arms of a grey-eyed Master Criminal? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: ff.net | LJ  Published: January 31, 2006 Themes: Swimming, Teaching/Tutoring [Draco teaches Hermione], Travel [Fiji] Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Ministry Employee [MLE] Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Hermione’s Flat/House, Ministry of Magic Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Original Character
Title: Where the Sidewalk Ends Author: Hiko Mokushi/plural_entity Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,004 Summary: Hermione’s overworking herself, while not working to her best simultaneously. She’s avoiding her friends and spending long hours by herself, locked up in her apartment. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: June 13, 2006 Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Ron/Pansy Friendships: Hermione & Blaise, Hermione & Harry Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson Warnings: Language
Title: Where The Wild Flowers Grow Author: maddycharlie Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,519 Summary:“The wonderful thing about today father is that I will return to a home filled with love and what you think doesn’t matter.” Established relationship; Dramione. Complete. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: August 2, 2013 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Abraxas]
Title: Where There’s a Will Author: grangerinvestigations Rating: M/R Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 30 Word Count: 78,358 Summary: Lucius Malfoy has left a rather surprising will: if Draco works for Hermione for one year, both he and S.P.E.W. will inherit thirty million galleons. Of course, they might kill each other first… Not epilogue compliant. Rated M for language.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: June 29, 2008 Completed: January 16, 2009 Themes: Conflict/Bickering, Co-workers/Office/Partners, Events/Celebrations [Ball], Flowers, Matchmaking/Blind Date [Matchmakers: Theo & Original Character], Quidditch/Flying, S.P.E.W. Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Quidditch Player [Seeker], Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Feisty, Hermione is Draco’s Boss Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Theo, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Original Characters, Hermione & Theo Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, Original Characters, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Theodore Nott, Viktor Krum Character Deaths: Lucius Malfoy
Title: Where Two Raging Fires Meet Author: RZZMG Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 5 Word Count: 13,745 Summary: Everything changes during seventh year. One evening, Hermione Granger catches Draco Malfoy out after curfew in the library, reading the famous works of William Shakespeare. His new-found respect for Muggle literature leads to a series of bizarre interactions between them that permanently alters their fundamental understanding of each other and, in Draco’s case, turns his whole belief system on its head. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, War Fest/Exchange: Otter and Ferret Published: April 22, 2014  Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Unnamed Girl] Themes: Shakespeare Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Feisty, Head Girl, Know-It-All, Order Member Locations: Astronomy Tower, Divination Tower, Hogwarts Library, Slytherin Dungeons, The Burrow, Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Hermione visits Slytherin dungeons] Friendships: Hermione & Harry Characters: Alastor Moody, Albus Dumbledore, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Cormac McLaggen, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black Featured Holidays: Valentine’s, Easter
Title: Where We Belong Author: cleotheo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Mystery Chapters: 19 Word Count: 50,781  Summary: A tragedy robbed Hermione of the wizard she loved during the war, but she managed to move on with her life with some help from her friends. But what happens when Hermione starts seeing a face from the past? Is she imagining her dead boyfriend, or is there something more sinister at work? Is Draco really alive, or is Hermione just losing her mind?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: March 1, 2016 Completed: April 29, 2016 Relationship: Past Relationship, Positive Reactions Pregnancy/Children: Child [Kayleigh Cassiopeia] Themes: Injuries [Draco], Disguises, Misunderstanding, Wedding Planning, Travel, Potions [Polyjuice], Dreams, Meet Again, Disabilities [Draco walks with a cane] Draco: Business Man, Vulnerable Hermione: Shop Owner, Vulnerable  Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Daphne Friendships: Hermione and Harry, Hermione and Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius, Anti-Pansy Pro-Characters: Pro-Ron 
Title: Whiplash Author: dizzydragon Rating: T Genre(s): Drama, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 9,700 Summary: Dealing with Draco Malfoy’s sudden involvement with the Order and his subsequent heroantics isn’t easy for Hermione. But some things change.  Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: May 9, 2005 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Friendship Draco: Order Member, Redeemed, Snarky, Whiner Hermione: Order Member Locations: Grimmauld Place, Hogwarts Express Characters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley
Title: Whips, Chains and Prisoners of Love Author: kutnerlove Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 25 Word Count: 28,108 Summary: Hermione is taken prisoner by the Death Eaters and given to Draco as a slave for public breaking in. Draco is unwilling b/c of their history and the newfound disgust he has for Voldemort’s followers. Can he save a girl who was once his enemy? Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: August 25, 2009 Completed: October 13, 2009 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Aurora, Scorpius, Sophia, Thaddeus Brian, Augustus Nathan], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione] Draco: Death Eater, Redeemed Hermione: Slave Locations: Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Bill/Fleur, Fred/Angelina, Harry/Ginny, Percy/Penelope, Remus/Tonks, Ron/Luna Characters: Arthur Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Teddy Lupin, Voldemort 
Title: Whispers Author: Musyc Rating: MA Genre(s): Plot? What Plot? Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,776 Summary: He tells her what he’s going to do to her. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Fest/Exchange: hp_kinkfest Alternate Links: AO3 | LJ Published: February 4, 2011 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Locations: Potions Class Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Strong Profanity
Title: Whispers Author: yesterdayschild4 Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,547 Summary: Set during the war. Hermione has always wanted to call him Draco. Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: September 13, 2005 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Cuddling/Spooning
Title: Whispers and Moans Author: booboomagoo Rating: MA Genre(s): Angst, Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,124 Summary: Hermione can’t let go of the one thing that got her through a seemingly endless war. Instead, she sifts through whispers and moans, searching for what might not be there at all. Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: July 29, 2011 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Apologies [Draco] Draco: Order Member Hermione: Emotional, Order Member Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Secondary Character Death
Title: Whispers In the Dark Author: littlemisslina Rating: M Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,841 Summary: Hermione and Draco enter what is purely a sexual relationship, one they both know must come to an end. So what happens to Draco when he finds out Hermione has fallen in love and is to marry his best mate, Blaise Zabini? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramionelove Valentine’s Fic and Art Fest Published: February 17, 2013 Relationship: Sex Only Themes: Love Triangle [Draco/Hermione/Blaise] Draco: Emotional Hermione: Emotional, Short Hair Side Pairings: Hermione/Blaise Friendships: Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini Warnings: Implied Sexual Situations, Drinking, Swearing, Infidelity.
Title: White Butterflies Author: Priah  Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,820 Summary: Interesting twist on the classic anonymous letter exchange. Draco’s  relationship with his girlfriend is suffering (or perhaps not) because of his obsession with the anonymous girl known only to him as Deborah of Judges. When he gets a letter, speckled with blood, he thinks he may have lost her. He had no idea who she is or where she lives; can he find her in time?  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: qo_ficexchange  Published: December 1, 2004 Themes: Driving [Draco & Hermione], Letters Side Pairings: Draco/Original Character
Title: White Flag Author: ashleyfanfic Rating: T Genre(s): Romance/Drama Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15,463 Summary: After their break up, Draco and Hermione are having a hard time dealing with the fallout. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 6, Post Hogwarts/Post War Published: January 24, 2004 Completed: March 10, 2004 Relationship: Engagement/Marriage Pregnancy/Children: Children [Colin] Themes: Breakup, Misunderstandings Draco: Emotional Hermione: Emotional Locations: Library, Black Lake Friendships: Hermione and Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: White Wedding Author: Reetinkerbell Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,752 Summary: Finally, it is Draco and Hermione’s wedding day.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: May 7, 2006 Themes: Wedding/Honeymoon [Draco/Hermione’s] Draco: Redeemed Characters: Ginny Weasley, Grangers [Dan and Jane], Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy
Title: White, Grey, Black Author: DaniAndTheChocolateFactory  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,549 Summary: Hermione has lost her freedom, her friends, her family, and her name. War-Dramione, Angsty, Mature. Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: July 31, 2011 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Adultery [Ron cheats on Hermione, Hermione cheats with Draco], Apologies [Draco], Injuries [Draco], Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Draco], Scars [Hermione] Draco: Death Eater, Snarky Hermione: Order Member Locations: Grimmauld Place Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron, Ron/Lavender Characters: Remus Lupin
Title: Who Am I? Author: MorningSnow Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Plot? What Plot?  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,914 Summary: Draco is trapped in a sexy guessing game and gets his reward  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: February 1, 2014 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners, Games/Challenges/Dares [Game]
Title: Who Could’ve Thought That Author: Lerysakon Rating: K Genre(s): Family/Humor Chapters: K Word Count: 9,543 Summary: “Enlighten me, Granger, as to why you are being referred to as Professor Granger.” Sorting. A new professor. The children make new friends. And Hermione has something to reveal – who is this mystery man of hers? DMHG Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: May 13, 2012 Completed: May 13, 2012 Relationship: Already Married, Positive Reactions, Revealing their Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Scorpius, Aries, Taurus, Leo] Themes: Returning, Reunion Draco: Witty  Hermione: Hogwarts Professor Locations: Hogwarts Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Neville/Luna, Ron/Pansy Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, James Sirius Potter, Luna Lovegood, Minerva Mcgonagall, Neville Longbottom, Original Characters, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley
Title: Who Needs Friends  Author: camnz Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 47 Word Count: 94,803 Summary: Friends prove difficult as Hermione and Blaise start dating, especially his friends. Malfoy is particularly offended by Hermione’s presence on the scene. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war Published: February 3, 2012 Completed: April 6, 2013 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Fake Relationship Themes: Alcohol, Cooking/Baking [Hermione], Dancing, Events/Celebrations [Ministry Function, Parties], Jealousy, Sharing a Bed, Swimming, Travel [Italy; Paris; France; Egypt], Weddings [Harry/Ginny’s, Theo/Daphne’s] Draco: Smoker, Snarky, Snob, Witty Hermione: Feisty, Know-It-All, Ministry Employee, Witty Locations: Diagon Alley, Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic, The Burrow, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Hermione/Blaise, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Katie, Draco/Original Character, Cormac/Lavender, Neville/Luna, Theo/Daphne, Theo/Astoria Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Pansy, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Adrian Pucey, Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Grangers, Harry Potter, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, Lucius Malfoy, Marcus Flint, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott  Character Birthdays: Draco
Title: Who Really Cares? Author: teenage_hustler Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,919 Summary: Draco has to complete a report for the Minister of Magic, but in order to do that he needs information from a certain someone that he has been avoiding for years. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: October 16, 2009 Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Healer Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, St. Mungo’s Friendships: Draco & Harry, Draco & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Title: Who Trumps Who? Author: margaritama Rating: MA Genre(s): Dark Chapters: 1 Word Count: 9,918 Summary: Draco remembers what it is to be a Malfoy. He has every intention of destroying Ron Weasley, slowly and methodically. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war, EWE Alternate Links: AFF  Published: August 3, 2009 Completed: August 4, 2009 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point), Friendship, Narcissa Approve/Is Nice Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Cassiopeia, Scorpius] Themes: Blackmail, Endearments, Jealousy, Unrequited Love Draco: Broody, Business Man, Dark, Manipulative Hermione: Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Pansy, Hermione/Ron, Blaise/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Pansy, Draco & Theo, Hermione & Pansy Characters: Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Strong Profanity, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: Who Would Have Guessed? Author: mayarox95 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 31 Word Count: 44,690  Summary: After the war, chaos is still at large. To prevent this, Dumbledore requests the marriage of two certain individuals to allow for unity to be shown. Can Draco and Hermione get along long enough to prove to everyone that the world can come together once more?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: June 25, 2012 Completed: July 23, 2012 Relationship: Forced Marriage,  Pregnancy/Children: Children [Scorpius, Carina, Elara] Themes: Forced Marriage, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Hermione], Abuse and Assault, Dating, Proposals, Events and Celebrations [Ball], First Date, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothing Draco: Redeemed, Spy, Auror Hermione: Virgin, Healer, Compassionate Locations: Malfoy Manor, Hermione’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron, Ron/Pansy, Ron/Luna Friendships: Hermione and Ginny, Hermione and Ginny, Draco and Harry Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dumbledore Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron, Anti-Lucius 
Title: Who’s Your Daddy?  Author: sandi_wandi Rating: M/R Genre(s): Humor Chapters: 2 Word Count: 16,179 Summary: “You wonder if they never want to marry because they are smart enough to know you can only forget about your life in the company of people who are not part of your life.” – Girls, Nic Kelman Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: December 5, 2007 Pregnancy/Children: Artificial Insemination, Pregnancy/Child Birth Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Feisty Locations: Cafe, Hermione’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Harry/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Pansy, Draco & Ron, Draco & Harry, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ron
Title: Whole and Against a Wide Sky Author: phlox/phloxness Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 9,852 Summary: She turned to look at him, staggered by what she and Draco had again passed through together, struggling to grasp what their future could hold. Because the thing was, it wasn’t simple to be Draco and Hermione, and it never would be. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: FF.net  Published: May 8, 2011 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Insecurity, Marriage Law Draco: Broody, Redeemed Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Emotional, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Justin/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Pansy Characters: Lucius Malfoy Warnings: Sexual situations
Title: Whose Side Are You On, Anyway? Author: SevenGee Rating: T Genre: Romance/Humor  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 10,043 Summary: When infamous couple of the moment Draco and Hermione suddenly break things off, the students of Hogwarts are in an uproar, unabashedly taking sides left, right and centre. Whose side are you on, anyway? Status: Complete Timeline: Hogwarts years Published: September 26, 2010 Relationship: Breakup/Together Again Side Pairings: Draco/Pansy, Hermione/Other Friendships: Draco and Blaise
Title: Why Draco Malfoy Suffers From Post-coital Narcolepsy Author: emm178/somandalicious Rating: R Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,496 Summary: A little trip to the Healer was all Draco needed to cure his strange condition. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Alternate Links: ff.net Published: March 14, 2007 Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Healer/Patient [Healer: Hermione, Patient: Draco] Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Healer, Know-It-All Locations: Draco’s Flat/House, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs Side Pairings: Draco/Original Characters, Blaise/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Pansy Characters: Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson Featured Holidays: Valentine’s
Title: Why Draco Should Not Be Using Tampons Author: Padfoot the Marauder Rating: M Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 14 Word Count: 34,268 Summary: Draco and Hermione, like all newly appointed Head Boys and –Girls  before them, are assigned to switch bodies for the first week of term to ensure a prosperous collaboration between them in the future.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Alternate Links: AFF | LJ Published: June 27, 2004 Completed: July 20, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Baths/Showers, Body Switch, Head Boy/Head Girl, Massages [Draco and Hermione massage each other], Polyjuice [Draco & Hermione], Sharing a Bed Draco: Auror, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Auror, Blushing Virgin, Bossy  Locations: Astronomy Tower, Great Hall, Gryffindor Tower, Heads’ Common Room, Malfoy Manor, Potions Class, Slytherin Dungeons, The Knight Bus, Transfiguration Class, Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Hermione visits Slytherin Dungeons/Table; Draco visits Gryffindor Tower/Table] Side Pairings: Harry/Luna, Dean/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Vincent Crabbe
Title: Why I No Longer Hate Barley the Crup Author: certainswagger Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 10,112 Summary: When Hermione Granger took in Barley the Crup, she had no idea what kind of mess she had gotten herself into. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: November 24, 2007 Themes: Apologies [Hermione], Cooking/Baking, Magical Creatures [Crup] Draco: Redeemed Locations: Cafe, Hermione’s Flat/House Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron Characters: Ginny Weasley
Title: Wicked Game Author: cleotheo Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 35  Word Count: 96,641 Summary: When Dumbledore discovers that Hermione is The Dark Lord’s daughter and is working against the light, he vows to use the lies she’s told against her and tie her loyalties to the Order. However, Voldemort and the dark are not willing to let the Order just take Hermione and they will go to any lengths to get her back where she belongs - at the heart of the dark side. Dark Hermione! Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: September 25, 2017 Completed: November 30, 2017 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pregnancy/Children: Child [Scorpius] Themes: Memory Modification [Hermione], Curses and Spells, Potions, Accidental Pregnancy, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Hermione], Dueling, Betrayals/Deception, Death Eaters, Safehouse, News and Gossip Draco: Death Eater, Draco’s Feelings, Dark Hermione: Death Eater, Riddle, Feisty, Dark Locations: Malfoy Manor, The Burrow Characters: Voldemort, Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Original Character, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Daphne Greengrass, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Bill Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley        Character Deaths: Ron, Molly, Harry, Dumbledore Character Point of View/POV:  Anti-Characters: Anti-Dumbledore, Anti-Ron, Anti-Harry, Anti-Order Warnings: Rape, Non-con, Dub-con, Torture 
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madelynartz · 3 years
Damn it’s 1am and we out here making sad angst theories about Angelina and William thanks @clardoinart
So far we’ve gone through
Their engagement
Their wedding
Their deaths
An au where Angelina lives and it’s basically Anastasia- kinda.
Yakko Wakko and Dot don’t know how to feel about it.
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