#and with this post i can officially write the zane post
And the start of explaining world building, apologies for waiting this long to actually start writing it. A mixture of convention prep/actually going to a convention and other Minecraft media hyperfixations pushing aphmau to the back burner has made it harder to write. BUTTT, I’m back and forcing myself to write it before I push it off any longer. But here is the post I need to make before I go into depth about our rewrites Zane.
So anyways, ✨✨Premature Shadow Knights✨✨
We are doing things a bit differently for our shadow knight lore/premature shadow knights. Premature Shadow Knights are no longer what shadow knights are before they kill the important person in their life(i.e., lord, loved one). They are now primarily magically created by either witches or warlocks. Though technically there is no set in stone way that they are created or correct way, so there is a big room for error. And in our rewrite there are currently only two people who are known that can create premature shadow knights, though they are currently unnamed.
In most cases premature shadow knights(now going to be shortened to PSK) are created about a year or less before they are fully turned into full shadow knights(full shadow knights are basically undead tortured people/soliders). They are still considered alive, and arent to obviously different by both looking at them or normal interactions with them. Its not normally recommended that they stay PSK for longer than a year.
Becoming a PSK a bit before being turned into a full shadow knight, in most cases makes the process easier/take less time for the person to become a shadow knight. It helps prepare their body both partly physically and mentally. But prolonged periods of time as a PSK can have extremely negative effects to the person.
There are not many PSK that are known and with that not many shadow knights are created after becoming PSK's.
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h-c-u · 1 year
No longer a secret pt 3
Summary: The one where InternetTM has ideas and the relationship officially goes public.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader
W/C: 4k
Rating: PG, age gap
TWs: none
A/N: I didn't expect the characters to grow this much, but I guess we're in it, guys, gals and pals. Also, below you can find a link to a playlist I listen to while writing all of this softness. The songs on it don't apply to either of the characters, just put me in a good mood for fluff. Also-Also - I don't have a clear plan for a part 4, so it might be few days before I'll write it.
Taglist: @crimeshowjunkie, @omgsuperstarg
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | List of tags | Playlist for the series
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You hated waking up early, especially alone in bed, but there had to be some cons of being with a man like Toto. Although it was more of a personal preference, than a true inconvenience. And during most mornings out of season, you had him all to yourself...
But today he was most likely either in some early meeting, or still in the gym, and you had your own meeting in about 30 minutes, so it was time to get up and get ready. 
You've just finished making a quick breakfast and a second coffee for your guest when there was a knock at the door. 
Mr. Zane, or Mark - as he insisted you should call him - was definitely worth whatever Toto was paying him because he was able to find a discrepancy in your contract that not only could void it after 30 days of you not being assigned a "full-length uninterrupted interview", based solely on the word uninterrupted, you could also sue the network based on precedence you wouldn't be able to repeat under any threats.
He already drafted a proper resignation letter mentioning all the legal things, and next to that, there was a letter from his firm stating that a failure to comply would result in legal action. You only wanted to add one condition to the things he prepared - you wanted to be the one to announce your departure from the network first; on your personal social media and without naming specific reasons.
He quickly edited the file to include that condition, and passed the tablet to you to sign, and just like that - everything was taken care of. And as a bonus, he checked a statement you quickly prepared, just to make sure the wording was ok, and after a few tweaks, you had it ready to post as soon as you got a reply from the HR department. And Mark assured you that they should confirm everything when the message will be marked as read since everything was effective immediately. 
A twenty-minute meeting saved you a full month of additional work, and with that, you were officially free. And unemployed. You would just have to return all the network-issued gear and vacate the room they paid for as soon as possible, which shouldn't be an issue, since the majority of your things were already here. You also no longer could use your press pass and network ID, but that wasn't going to be a problem, since you had no desire to do so. Sure, it was a dick move to leave your colleagues in the middle of the season, especially when there was supposed to be coverage tomorrow on track. But your resignation was a great opportunity for someone to put to good use. 
To your surprise, you got the notification that your Network acknowledges your resignation and accept the terms before Mark left the suite, and you had to make sure three times that it was indeed real because it still felt like a dream. After he finished the coffee, he congratulated you on your freedom, and just like that - he was gone, leaving you alone with your thoughts, and you immediately went into damage control mode, making call after call to your friends in the network, letting them know that you're no longer with the company; you didn’t want them to find out from a company-wide email, or worse - your social media. To those you couldn't reach, you wrote a message, and since all of you were basically in the same camp, there was no one who was bitter or angry; your friends fully supported your decision. Sure, there were a few less-than-appropriate comments, but all were in good faith.
Toto came back from the gym while you were still on the phone, and gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head in passing, because he didn't want to hug you when he was still sweaty, and before he disappeared in the bathroom, you mouthed "It's done, thank you...", and you could almost feel the pride radiating off of him, even though you basically didn't do anything. A question on the other side of the line made you turn around and focus on the reply.
When he came out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his hips you couldn't help but stare a bit, and Toto just smiled when he caught you, came closer, and wrapped his arms around you, while you put your right hand on his shoulder blade, pulling him closer, so you could rest your cheek on his chest. His skin was so warm after the shower, that you could just melt into it, but you knew you couldn't stay like that long, because he had to get ready, and you had to continue the call session. Well, you technically didn't have to, but you wanted to explain whatever you could in person. 
You eventually let go of him, still deep in a conversation with your friend from the weather department, who just asked about your plans for t   future. You started telling her a rough idea of the project, and while Toto was getting dressed, you went to the kitchen to make him a coffee and take the breakfast out of the fridge, so he wouldn't miss it. You knew you didn't have to do that, but you enjoyed doing small things like that for him, and he did the same for you.
It looked like he would have a virtual meeting first because he took out his laptop, so you left him at the kitchen island and quietly closed the door to the bedroom, from where you continued your calls. You honestly thought that it would take less time, and after the sixth call, everything became so repetitive, that you honestly started to regret that you didn't make a group chat and let them know by a meme that you quit. 
But you eventually finished, and it was almost 11. It's not like you had something else to do today since you were officially free, but that feeling of guilt for not doing anything specific was present in the back of your brain, so you sighed and came into the other room, trying to figure out if Toto was still in the meeting, and when you heard your own voice coming from his laptop, you realized that he definitely wasn't. 
You lowered the barstool he was sitting on so you could take a look over his shoulder to see what he was watching, and the sudden movement down made him laugh. You hugged him from behind and rested your chin on his shoulder, because for once you could do that without abysmally tall high heels. He was watching your interview with Lewis from yesterday, and you came just in time to see him walking into a frame and putting his jacket over your shoulders. 
- My hero... - you laughed, and you pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. You stayed like that until the video ended, and after it did, you reached under his arm and scrolled down to see the comments, and you immediately started shaking, trying to contain laughter.
- "Y/N is so strong because I simply would have fainted if he did that to me..." - you read out loud the latest one, and he took over scrolling, so you wouldn't have to strain your wrist. - Oh, Mr. Wolff, please catch me in your strong arms if I faint...? - you couldn't help yourself and he shook his head with disbelief.
- It will be hard for me to catch you if you're behind me... - he laughed, and pulled you in front of him, basically switching your positions, so you leaned on him and intertwined your fingers with his on your stomach. 
- This one is funny... "Y/N is definitely in a secret relationship with Lewis Hamilton. In this essay I will...". - he read out loud, and you couldn't help but laugh. A quick look in the top right corner told you that you were still logged into your account on his computer, so you hit reply and commented "Where is the essay, OP...?", and he laughed even harder. 
- I like this one "A single mom who works two jobs, and one o  the jobs is definitely making sure his favorite son won't get sick", it's a reference to a song... - you added and you could feel him smiling, while you typed, but you hesitated before you hit send. - Are we ok with that...? - you made sure, even though it wasn't anything specific, just a slight suggestion. "Ok, but like are we sure-sure he's single?" 
- Are you ok with that...? - he flipped the question, and instead of replying you just sent the comment, and you could feel him pulling you closer, so you basically sat on his lap now. - Do I want to know what that means? - he pointed at one of the comments that read "Where is that fan cam of Toto to "big boy" because I suddenly need it to survive.", and you laughed again.
- I don't think I've ever seen this specific one, but people take clips of other people, in this case, you, and put them together to different songs. I suspect in this case they refer to you looking very hot, Neshama Sheli. - he couldn't help but laugh. 
- I don't think I'd like to see that... I would be much more interested in seeing fan cams of you, Schatzi. - you shook your head and wrinkled your nose, when he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, while you continued scrolling, and while there were a lot of comments about pet race, Toto's gesture was the second thing people talked about the most, and you both laughed from one more "I volunteer as a headset!", referring to the fact that there were times when he didn't treat his headsets the best. 
Only after you saw a comment where someone said that they can't wait for your next interview with Lewis, you realized something. 
- Shit, I forgot to post the official information about my resignation. - you immediately grabbed your phone and posted the prepared statement across all your social media. 
- By the way, I requested a Mercedes pass for you till the end of the season, so you could still come and go to the tracks as you want. - he said when you finally closed his laptop and turned around so you were facing each other. 
- Thank you. - this time you had to lean a bit to kiss him, and you would have lied if you said that you didn't enjoy it. 
- Is there anything else I can do for you, love? - he asked, pressing his forehead to yours. 
- Actually... - you took a deep breath - I want to get in front of the possible rumors, and I want to announce, well... us. - a giant smile bloomed on his face while he pulled you for another kiss. 
- No more hiding...? - he asked more as a formality, but he also wanted to make sure that you were 100% ok with sharing that part of your life.
- No more hiding. - you confirmed, your voice surprisingly confident.
- Then what are you waiting for? - you couldn't help but laugh. 
- It's a whole process... You know business and management, I know journalism, but more important - I know social media, and I know exactly how quickly the information and wild theories will spread in this community. – this whole endeavor would require some finesse, and you honestly debated if you shouldn’t leak your relationship to a few drama channels yourself to avoid ripping the Band-Aid yourself, but it would be much messier that way.
- I understand. What do you need me to do...? - he asked and leaned back on the stool a bit, so he could look at you better. 
- Take a selfie with me... I was thinking about posting it with information that I will go live and answer questions for about 30 minutes to dispel any craziness that will definitely come up sooner or later. - you explained your plan. All of it still seemed so surreal...
- Sounds good. Is that all you need? - he asked again, closing his knees a bit, and squeezing you between them.
- I mean, I still need to get the rest of my stuff from the other hotel, but I'll do that later today. - you sighed. You had more things to do, but this one had a deadline 
- I'll drive you. - he said as if it was the most obvious thing, and it wasn't even a question.
- Toto, you have a race to think of... And I am perfectly capable of doing that myself. - you tried to steer his mind away from taking care of you, but he didn't budge.
- I know... But consider this - I want to. - well, how could you argue with such sound logic? - Do you have any ideas for the photo?
- Not really, but I don't want it super staged, so I guess... just smile...? - he placed a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, and you turned around, sat on his lap, and turned the camera on the two of you, while he leaned a bit forward and rested his chin on your shoulder. You quickly took a few pictures in a row, while he placed another kiss on your cheek and you couldn't help but smile. And when you started lowering your phone, you felt the vibrations in his pocket, but it was to be expected. He chose to ignore them in favor of another few seconds this close to you. - Answer your phone, Meu Tudão... - and with a heavy sigh he did, while you stood up from his lap and started to choose the best of the photos. And the one when he kissed your cheek and you smiled was just perfect. 
You quickly cropped it so the proportions would fit the layout of the website, and made the picture a bit brighter, but that was it. The description only read "30 min live AMA at noon, get ready". You turned the screen in Toto's direction, so he could take a look, and he gave you thumbs up and a huge smile, and that was enough for you to post it. 
Not even a minute passed and the notifications started blowing up your phone to the point that you had to turn them off for this specific app in fear of it crashing every few seconds. 
You still had at least 10 minutes till the live, so you got something to drink from the fridge, because you suspected that 30 minutes of talking might make you a bit parched. You also carefully chose the place you wanted to stream from. Definitely not in front of the window because of the light, and you didn't want to share the view, so you opted for a couch set on the wall perpendicularly to the floor-length windows. You also made sure that there weren't any personal items in the frame, just in case. 
Toto was still on the phone, but as soon as you started your live, he moved to the bedroom, because the things he was talking about weren't exactly public. 
- Hi everyone... Oh, wow... There are a lot of people here... Jeez... - you looked at a quickly growing count indicating how many people were currently watching you, and the number was significant; you knew that neither of you was exactly anonymous, but it still exceeded expectations. - Ok, I'm gonna give everyone one more minute to join in and then I'll start answering questions... - you explained and leaned back a bit, but still made sure that the angle was good. You slowed down the chat, just so you'd be able to read anything. - How am I...? I'm great! Nervous as hell, but I'm actually great. - you didn't want to be quiet for that minute, so you decided to answer a few general questions. - Where am I...? I'm currently at the Ritz-Carlton... - You saw that the number of viewers started to stabilize, so you knew it was time.
- Ok, time for some serious questions and serious answers. As usual, I won't engage with anything vulgar or inappropriate, so make sure to keep your questions clean. But first some general info, so we're on the same page... - you took a deep breath because it would be the first time you shared that information out of your own free will. - Yes, me and Toto Wolff are together. We've been together for just over a year now... - you couldn't help but smile when you saw the flood of reactions in the chat, and you tried to catch as many questions as you could. - Did anyone know? No, not until yesterday. We decided to keep it private because of my career. Is someone blackmailing me to share that information...? - you couldn't help but laugh. - No, no... I'm doing it out of my own free will, no blackmail involved. - you took a moment to get to another question. - Did my departure from the network was because of our relationship? No, it's not. I keep my work life separated from my private life and there was no influence either way. - another quick break to catch up and read the question. - Why did I quit my job? I didn't quit my job. It was a mutual departure because our priorities no longer lined up and continuing that partnership wouldn't be good for either me or them. - you stuck to the things Mark approved earlier today. - Why am I sharing this now? Since I no longer will be working around the track, there was no reason to keep it secret. - you noticed that Toto left the bedroom, the phone still in his hand, but he was no longer on a call. You didn't ask him to join you, and you were prepared to do the AMA alone, but he sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you, and the chat exploded again. - Say hi to everyone... There are over 20k people watching us now... - you almost instinctively leaned into him. 
- Hello everyone! And wow! 20k just for us? That's impressive! - he leaned forward a bit, so the angle would be better. 
- Do you want to answer a few questions, Ya Amar? - he smiled, and you could see on the screen that he wasn't looking at the camera, only at you, and that warmed your heart. 
- Sure, why not... - he chuckled quietly. 
- So how did we meet? - you relayed one of the questions that popped up in the chat with a smile because the mere memory of that afternoon was more than enough to put you in good mood. 
- Well, believe it or not, it was nowhere near the track. She actually yelled at me, because I accidentally destroyed the flowerbed in front of a small B&B she was staying at, and that was enough for me to know then and there... - he smiled when you looked at him, and you couldn't help but blush a bit. 
- And I did that fully knowing who he was because the older couple put so much work into maintaining that flowerbed and he just... run over it! - you built on top of his story. 
- In my defense, I did that to avoid hitting a squirrel! - now both of you were laughing, and it took you a second to remember that you should be answering more questions. 
- Where was our first date? - you read the question out loud, and you were preparing to answer it when Toto cut you off.
- Oh, that's easy... Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin, and it lasted what... 10, 11 hours? - he replied and pulled you closer.
- Yup, it's a very big museum, and we were there since it opened till it closed, and we still didn't see everything. And after that, we went to a park and just sat on the grass and talked. It was perfect. - you added. You didn't want to share more details like - a much too expensive, very poor-quality dinner you sneaked onto the roof of the brewery on the museum grounds... Or the cheap strawberry champagne with glitter, which you chose only because you thought he would never buy or drink it, and which later exploded in his hands before he even managed to open it, soaking both of you in a pink, sugary, sticky residue; fortunately, neither of you got hurt then.
- Indeed... It was perfect because it was with you... - he leaned a bit and pressed his forehead to your temple, and you looked at the chat again in search of another question.
- Do we live together? Come on guys, that's too personal. What did we do for our first anniversary...? We spent a whole week on a cabin cruiser in Greece, just the two of us... - you could feel his hand gently stroking your back. - Ok, we're over the 30min mark here, so one last question and we're done. Make it a good one, guys... Ok, ok... - you took a moment to actually choose the question. - What are our favorite things about each other...? For me, it's your smile. - you replied, more to him, than to the chat. - I know it's cheesy, but it represents so many things... It makes me feel safe and cared for, it tells me that there is nothing to worry about, and no matter what - everything will be all right. And even when I'm having the worst day of my life, when I see you smile, it all disappears, because you give me the strength to get through everything. - you said and he pulled you in for a quick kiss. 
- For me, it's also easy... You make me want to be a better person in every area of my life. You push me to do things I wouldn't even consider before I met you by forcing me to look at things from different perspectives. You have this way of listening to my problems, that makes me realize exactly how to deal with them, doesn't matter if it's about work or about something private... And you make me want to be a better man for you, a partner you could be proud of. - this time you were the one who pulled him into a kiss, not caring how many people were watching you, although currently, they were watching more of the ceiling than the two of you. 
- Ok guys... Thank you so much for watching, that's going to be it for today... - you centered the camera on you and Toto again. - Take care, everyone! - and with that, you ended the live. 
- That went well. - he said, pulling you closer, and you leaned into his body. 
- Actually, better than I expected. But I guess we'll see what the articles will say in a few hours. 
- Do you think there will be articles...? 
- Oh, there definitely will be articles... And I can guarantee that at least one of them will be titled something like "Austrian billionaire and his latest, much younger fling" or "A principal and his student". People on my side of the media are vultures... - you couldn't stop the sigh that came out of your chest, but even though you knew that people would take the one thing about your relationship and run with it till the end of Earth, you honestly didn't care. Not when Toto's arms were tightly wrapped around you. - Oh, and an honest heads up - you and your team will definitely be asked about me during media hour... - you closed your eyes, letting yourself relax a little. 
- Do you care about how we will be perceived? - he asked with that pure childish honesty in his voice. 
- 6 months ago, I honestly wouldn't be able to sleep because of it... But now...? - you smiled and looked up just so you could see his face. - Now I truly don't give a fuck. - he couldn't stop the light chuckle that made his chest vibrate under you. - And I pity people whose lives are so boring that the only entertainment they can come up with is making up lies about two people who clearly love each other... - you leaned back again, savoring this moment, because you could just feel that it will and soon. After all - it was still racing season, and even though positions for tomorrow were already assigned, Toto still had a lot to do before the race. 
Part 4
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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can i ask for a quick rundown of your mcd and/or mystreet rewrite? i’m a new follower and a tiny bit lost 😭
Ah, Ofc!! this will be a long post, because you said 'quick' and i just heard 'explain everything'. just because I don't know HOW to summarise everything, so I just explain what I can... which is too much.
each section will have a TL;DR if it's long, though.
So, the only rewrite I’ve actually, like, done so far is Amaranth (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31310384)
It’s an MCD rewrite, the first one I did, and it’s not **technically** related to my overall rewrite universe, though I’m not going to totally discredit it. It’s where I got a lot of my ideas, and it was sort of a first draft for me. It’s very similar to MCD, just with events changed to how I would have written them myself. Major change is that the Zane/aphmau engagement actually goes somewhere. My favourite change was the Pikoro arc tho for some reason bc it was just my first significant deviation from the original plot.
Now… cannibalism and cult stuff, yeah?
(Don’t read past this point if you are uncomfortable with discussions of human-on-human meat/organ consumption)
Lycoris Radiata (https://archiveofourown.org/works/50710504) is the only part of this current era of rewrite!Aphverse that has any content so far.
TL;DR for this section: i mostly just emphasised themes present in canon, there's cannibalism for magical reasons, Shad is more relevant early on, and there's a reason why characters look like that when i draw them, i promise. Also, cult stuff!
LR is an MCD rewrite, which has some lore changes. It begins with Avra (Aphmau) travelling with Visher, Garroth being angsty, and so on. Only the prologue and first chapter are currently posted, and you don't need to read Amaranth to begin it (though it will follow similar storylines later on). Basically, the main premise is that it’s kind of a criticism of imperialism, organised religion, and so on. Those are themes already present in original MCD, and so I… expanded. Blood Magic is the main magic focused on as well. It's the kind that Avra uses, and it's the kind that makes SKs function. Avra has to consume blood and meat (typically organ meat, preferably human) in order to have any amount of magic, and depending on what creature the meat comes from, also grants her some fun little magical extras. She also has a strong association with Judgement(Shad) in my rewrite, and there is a reason I draw them so often together. Most character changes you'll see have some lore-based backing for it. Characters who are made darker-skinned, or have had their haircolour changed, it's typically due to them belonging to a particular ethnic group that i made for Ru'Aun or Tu'La, which does impact their characters in the way that they obviously grew up under certain cultures. Sometimes it'll just be because I think it looks cool, or for visual/thematic parallels with another character. If you're ever curious as to knowing why i have certain characters looking the way I do, then just ask. Oh, also, people aren't just loyal to Avra because she's nice. there's like an actual cult thing that begins happening and to say there's some weird shit with that would be... underselling it.
A Royal Tale, and Mermaid Tales both fall into the timeline between LR and the MyS rewrite. they're quite insignificant series, but i decided to devote myself to being a completionist.
My plans for them aren't really set in stone yet, but I know i want to expand upon them and their lore a lot more, and they will eventually both fall into the, uh, cannibalism and murder theme of the rest of the rewrites. they'll likely be little side projects. I have trauma from ART tho. Show makes me *uncomfy*
Mystreet.... yayyyy...
No official name for the rewrite yet, I'm working on it.
TL;DR: If you let an edgy teenager write MyS but they also watched desperate housewives so they write some sitcom episodes on the side. Also, Avra needs that gross-tasting nailpolish that stops you from chewing on your nails... but like... all over her body.
Basically, MyS except they've always been reincarnations of their MCD (or LR, in this case) selves, with some residual trauma and habits because of that. I'm going to lean more into the darker seasons, even though Ik popular opinion is that the light-hearted ones were the best, and I'll just focus more on lore and stuff. PDH has a 17 year old Avra joining PDH, after being homeschooled for a while due to having some mental health issues. I'm going to go a little more 'general highschool drama' vibes, might have some mystery shit idk. Will be less cringe than canon, because yes, i'm cringe and i'm free, but even i have limits. The more lighthearted seasons might just be amalgamed into one big 'sitcom style' fic, which will be set before S4 and such, but i'll probably make lighthearted chapters between the serious ones. S4, Aphmau's Year, S5, S6 and Her Wish will be my main priority, and will go into the whole murder and cannibalism theme of LR. It'll already have been kind of expanded upon, because MyS!Avra has a bit of a habit of auto-cannibalism (eating the skin around her nails/on her fingers, on the inside of her cheeks and on her lips) which eventually just... goes a little crazy. There is gonna be cult stuff in MyS too, it just might present differently to how it does in LR. Or maybe similarly. Idk, depends on how you view it.
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I originally didnt like Zane and Syrus' dynamic and was under the impression he (Zane) was just really badly handled but your posts made me reconsidered disliking him whole heartedly and after going back I can see he is indeed a really good character and a good brother. Complicated sure! But not evil like I originally thought so thank you :)
OHHHHH you're welcome!! That's so nice to hear ;u; I'm glad you were able to gain a new appreciation for Zane!! he really is one of my favorite ygo characters out of all of 'em, and his arc and dynamic with his brother is something I could talk about for Ages.
it's shame he gets written off a lot as Mr. Edgy 'Evil' Goth Guy (even in like. official ygo sources like in Duel Links (,:) when, really, like you said, he's just complicated! He's a 19 year old who had the career lifepath he was training effectively his whole life for crumble down around him So So Violently and he threw his self-respect out with it, and the way we get to see how his views shift over time, how by season 4 he gets to see that his brother now works hard to embody the positive traits he once carried with him (that sense of fair play and respect for your opponent and yourself), it's so special to me. GX's writing is inconsistent for a lot of its cast, but damn if they didn't know exactly what story they wanted to tell with both Truesdale Brothers, and I stand by that claim!!!
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finexbright · 1 year
Taylor is literally known for always having at least one boyfriend per album cycle, and continues to milk relationships from decades ago. Ariana’s whole sweetener-Thank you next-positions revolves around her private life and she has spoken about her relationships, engagements and traumas, Lizzo has also been open about her new boyfriend with the current album cycle. The weekend keeps going about Selena/Bella Hadid/Angelina, Justin Bieber is on a second album about his wife, Miley has been talking about her divorce since 2020 and used it for promo multiply times, Halsey got her only solo hit by making her album about that raper guy, Beyonce’s whole Lemonade is about Jay Z’s cheating, Adele’s all albums are about her partners/ex-husband, her son, Olivia Rodrigo milked hatetrain on an innocent girl and a queer SA survivor, Drake mentions his private life all the time, do you want me continue—?
and tell me, dearest, have any of these artists magically been papped with / linked to a mysterious blonde right around album promo cycle takes?
i'll admit taylor was a bad example, but what my focus was on was promo cycle, not what the songs are about.i am talking about the way the album is promoted not what the album is about. yeah all of these people write about their exes (public and otherwise) and yeah tabloids and gp eats that shit up, but when these artists are promoting their albums, do they always, always make it about their relationships and private lives or do they you know actually focus on the music aspect of things?
sure you have enlisted examples about instances of artists promo being around relationships, but is it always the case?
i may not know much about taylor, but yeah she writes about her exes, but does she suddenly go on pap walks and start talking about her current partner instead of her music? do the tabloids say "taylor spotted with her boyfriend in 50 places over a span of two days" or do they say "taylor is dropping an album"? has lizzo's entire album and discography been reduced to her current relationship? do they sideline all of miley's multiple achievements, including her hannah montana days, to just being a divorced woman who got cheated on?
no. but with harry and louis, even during 1d days, the promo cycle always somehow revolved around their relationships and private lives. zayn was fully engaged to perrie, yet no one made it the focus of album promo. notice how we always talk about how we don't really know much about their music, it's because they can go to 50 different places for their promo cycles and it'll all be boiled down to the mystery blonde/brunette they're seeing. i can literally count on one hand the interviews where the focus is majorly on the music and these are interviews that are like a talk show type of conversations which get posted to their official socials (ex - zane lowe interviews, louis' track by track)
so yeah you can come at me with a larger list of artists and it still won't change how with harry and louis, literally every single time promo cycles have been relationships and personal lives while with other artists it's never generally the case apart from few instances
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nori0arts · 1 year
Some info about 'Oni Tommy Au' (yes it will for now be the official name to this Au)
Tommy joins the ninjas but takes some time to get used to them, and some other things too, like not using so much violence when fighting some villains, or to not swear so much, and to use spinjitsu.
About the spinjitsu thing: At first Tommy did not want to learn spinjitsu, but the team conviced him, but even after leaning it, he doesn't use that much, he finds it unnecessary.
About the violence and swearing thing: Well, i have a headcanon that maybe one person or more (including Master Wu) don't like that the ninjas use so much violence at the point of hurting a villain, or swearing too, and Tommy has been dealing with guys that seek for trouble since before joining the ninjas, and of course, he usually used some more violence, and used to swear a lot too, since he usually only talked to himself or a someone he was fighting, took him a while to get used to not do those things.
Did all the ninjas trusted Tommy at season 4 when he first appeared? No, Kai, Cole, and even Garmadon, didn't trust him a single bit, Zane, Jay and Nya, they had their doubts, since they thought he would be useful, so they were cool, but keeping an eye on him, Lloyd was actually, the only one who trusted him completely, even though he didn't know him that well, he saw a certain kindness in him, and since Tommy had confided in Lloyd about Chen's problem at first, this made Tommy gain Lloyd's trust.
Tommy didn't say his real age (since he's very old, because he's an Oni) but he Said he was older than all the ninjas, so, kind of all the ninjas see him as an older brother, he doesn't really understand why they simply adopted him as the older sibling of the group, but after a while, he joined in the fun and started acting like big brother to all of them.(I know I made a post that I wanted to let Tommy have a romantic relationship with Kai, but because of this Au, I thought better of the idea, and I won't do it, maybe with another character in the series, or with an oc that I can create, but for now I don't know)
I also liked to think a fact about Onis while making this Au, what if all of them, when having a human form, have white hair? Cuz, as far as i have seen, ninjago fandom pratically adopted the idea of Onis having white hair, so why not their human forms have it too? But the thing is, the only people on this Au that know about this hair thing, is Garmadon (his father told him, but not to Wu), and Mystake, "Oh so why didn't Garmadon know that Tommy was an Oni when they meet in season 4?" Because the design for Tommy in season 4, he has a hood, which covers most of his hair, so Garmadon didn't get to see Tommy's hair and find out that he was actually an Oni, now Mystake does, but that's later on.
I have lots of ideas to this Au, but i don't want to write it all here, just wanted to put some interesting info, mainly because I didn't say much about this Au, I didn't have a plot so you guys didn't knew what I was doing, but now there is, and I'll little by little post more info about the Au, and try to post drawings.
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Lava Through Time Chapter 3
Here we go, chapter three. The other two chapters are posted below.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Just to be safe, trigger warning for panic attacks.
“Why does it say I have to fight Cole? I didn’t say that before!” Jay shouted, waving his arms around in his panic. “I’m not ready to fight! This was supposed to be my day off.” 
“I tried to warn you, but you never listen,” Cole yelled back, squaring up to the shorter ninja. Garmadon pushed through the two, breaking up the fight before it began. “That’s enough! You two are a team, don’t let them divide you.” 
Kai and Lloyd shared a look. Jay and Cole had been at each other’s throats since the noodle house, it only made sense for Chen to target them first. 
“Is there an issue?” Clouse cooed as he sauntered up. He had an innocent look on his face, but there was a spark in his eyes that sent shivers up the red ninjas spine. “You changed the brackets! You cheated!” Jay yelled at him, pushing past Garmadon. 
“Did I? That doesn’t sound like me. Maybe you should take some time to yourself to consider.” He said as he walked away. 
“Clouse is right, fighting is not going to help. Both of you, go back to your rooms, cool down.” Sensei pushed them not so gently towards the stairs, giving them a stern as he continued. “What’s done is done, now you can only make the best of it.”
Kai pushed open is bedroom door, sighing as he entered his room. The day had been a disaster. This trip was supposed to be a team bonding trip, a way for them to reunite. They were going to find Zane, mend fences. Kai never wanted them to disband in the first place, but it had just been him and Lloyd. And Kai loved Lloyd, but it was too painful being a ninja when everyone else had left him. 
Before they’d lost Zane, Kai and Cole had been getting close. He had been gathering the courage to ask the earth ninja out. But then something happened, and he and Jay had been fighting over Nya. Cole had said he was gay, but maybe he was still figuring it out? There was no other explanation that he could come up with. They’d never officially been dating, but it still hurt. 
Kai left out another sigh as he rubbed his eyes. This whole situation was giving him a migraine, and the lights and distant yelling from the hallway wasn’t helping. Maybe a hot shower would help. Pushing off from the door, he locked the door and flipped off the lights on his way to his bathroom. 
Chen might have been a snake, but Kai had to give credit where credit was due. He managed to tailor their rooms specifically to each person. The amount of information he had on each of them was mildly concerning, but he was thankful for the lights. Where the overhead white lights were aggravating to Kai, softer darker lights were helpful. With the flip of the switch the dark blue and red lights lining the baseboards and shelves. It was much more calming. 
Kai turned the shower as hot as he could. While the water heated up, he got his towel ready and turned the fan on. It wasn’t until he stepped into the shower that he realized just how exhausted he was. 
Why is this so hard?
Slowly, Kai lowered himself so he was sitting, the water raining down on his back. His breathe started to come faster as he mentally retraced the week in his head. Was the water on his face from the shower or his tears? He couldn’t tell anymore. 
Kai sat there, the heat turning his skin red, until he heard a loud knock on the door. He ignored it at first, opting to stay in the water. After the third knock he decides he has to answer it. He shuts off the water and, on shaking legs, he steps out and wraps the towel around his waist. As he headed back over to the door, he rubbed at his face again trying to get rid of any remaining evidence of his previous depression. 
When Kai opened the door, he was met by none other than the earth ninja himself. 
“Kai, we need to talk. I can’t fight Jay. He-” Cole cut himself as he turned to the fire ninja. Kai schooled his face into a neutral expression as he watched the other. Cole looked like a deer caught in the headlights, and he was waiting for him to finish his thought. When it was obvious he wasn’t going to snap out of it on his own, Kai opened the door wider and invited him in. 
Cole shook himself out his stupor as he crossed the threshold into the room. “I can’t fight Cole, he’s my best friend.”
“You two don’t look very friendly,” Kai grumbled as he moved to sit on his bed. “That’s only because he thinks I tried to steal Nya from him.” Cole argued back. He paced back and forth across the room, moving his arms as he spoke. Kai pulled his eyebrows together as he looked up. “I’m sorry, did you not?” 
Cole froze and looked over. “What?” 
“Cole, you two went through a whole ordeal. You went on a date with them to figure out who Nya would choose. You can see how he got there, can’t you?”
“Of course, I can see how he got there, but it isn’t true. I don’t like Nya, you know that. I’m gay, I told you!” 
“Then why were you chasing after Nya?”
“Because PIXAL said I was her perfect match, and Jay yelled at me and you’re the only person I’ve come out too! I wasn’t ready for them to know, especially not like that.”
Kai just stared at Cole. He supposed, in a way, what Cole had done had made sense, but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt either way. 
“Why did it hurt?” 
Kai widened his eyes at Cole. Shit, did I say that out loud?
“Kai?” Cole walked over and kneeled in front of the fire ninja. “Did I hurt you?” 
Kai felt his breathing speed up again as he looked down at his lap. He didn’t want to have this conversation; he wasn’t ready for it. All he wanted was to find Zane and go back home. 
“No, no, no, no,” he mumbled. Kai thought he Heard Cole speaking more, but he couldn’t hear him anymore. Why does this have to be happening now?  
Kai was pulled to the side, right into Cole’s chest. When did he sit down?
“Hey, it’s ok. Just breathe,” Cole whispered, rubbing his arm. Kai pushed his ear against Cole’s chest, trying to match his breathing to that of his teammate. After several minutes, Kai was able to regulate his breathing again. Tears were still slowly falling down his face as he repositioned himself next to the earth ninja. Cole moved to wrap both arms around him, continuing to rub his back. 
“Are you okay?” He whispered. Kai nodded in response, prepping himself for the oncoming conversation. 
“Cole,” he started, pushing away from the earth ninja. He pushed himself further onto the bed, moving to sit cross legged instead. Cole followed, placing himself across from him. “It did hurt. When I thought you liked my sister.” Cole gave him a questioning look. “Why?” Kai took a deep breath, moving to look the other in the eyes. 
“Because I like you.”
Cole didn’t respond at first, he just continued to stare. With every passing second, Kai’s anxiety grew. “Please say something, Cole.” The other blinked at him. “You do?” Kai nodded. “That’s good.” 
Kai shook his head as he let out a huff. “Why is that good?” 
“Because of this.” Cole leaned forward and gently placed his lips on Kai’s. It took a second for the fire ninja to get over his shock, but he let his eyes slide closed once he realized what was happening. Cole, the master of earth, his longtime crush, was kissing him. Cole pulled away, looking to Kai for his reaction. 
“Does that mean you like me?” The fire ninja whispered. Cole let out a chuckle at the others expression. “Yes, Kai. That means I like you.”
Kai smiled at him, it felt like some of the weight was lifted off his shoulders. Maybe they didn’t have Zane yet, and maybe Cole and Jay still had a battle coming up later that day, but it was okay. Things were going to be okay, they had each other now. Maybe that was all they needed. 
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diino8081 · 11 months
i haven't made like an official pinned yet so here we go
my name is soren diino
my pronouns are they them
i like qsmp, ninjago, doctor who, generation loss, hermitcraft, my singing monsters, mlp, sonic prime, steven universe, jrwi, chuckle sandwich, incredibox, all that jazz
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i'm on a spanish duolingo streak of 300🎉
^^(i sometimes forget to update the duo streak, just assume it's gone up every day)
i am the autism
i have a ninjago au called frozen liberation where zane basically leaves and turns emo and gay which is in the fl!au tag
hmm what else can i write here
oh my god yes ok i make art it's very cool here are some of my favourite ones (i ended up dumping like 10 of them but they're good so dw)(you can kinda see my progression actually which is cool)
tw for gore though in one of them
and body horror too
(art tag is yippee diino art) <-now for the more important posts too nvm new tag
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i don't do commissions yet but y'never know
yeah ok i think that's it that's the pinned
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My thoughts on Ninjago Season 14 trailer
Here it is! I hope it's the official trailer otherwise it's about to be embarrassing 😅 If you haven't seen it, go watch it! Feel free to give your own opinion about it!
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First thing first, Misako is gone?! Oh. My. God. And there's also Wu, but what’s new? Maybe we can hope to see Garmadon this season? I'll be praying in a corner, don't mind me.
And Clutch Powers: The Return!! I am ready to bet they're never going to mention what happened at the start of season 12 (Nadakhan's teapot)
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I wonder who's this guy... I don't remember seeing him before... is he an archaeologist? His clothes looks like Misako's... 🤔🤔 Maybe he’s Clutch’s friend? Or maybe I just don’t rememeber him XD 
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And the ninjas are prisoners. Again 🤦‍♀️. It's starting to get repetitive don't you think? (Kudos to Lloyd for being hanged upside down: be strong Lloyd✊) Now the question is: who captured them?
While writing this, I noticed something glowing next to Zane’s leg and now I can’t stop wondering what is it. 
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This is really intriguing... At first I thought it looked like the bounty, but they wouldn't set up a mysterious atmosphere just for the bounty, right? And it doesn’t quite look like a living dragon, which we saw in the train; they look more like lizards than dragons (Btw the shot is stunning 😍)
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We also got some pretty, AMAZING visuals in this trailer! I’m honestly so hyped! But also I’m asking where that island is situated; is it some part of the island of darkness (you know the one in season 2), since this part of ninjago is unexplored... 
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Zane is out there, surfing like a pro, IN THE MIDDLE OF A STORM. 😭😭 Why?? They have a boat! I need to know why! I mean he’s a nindroid, the smartest one in the team, but he still put his life in danger like this?! omg
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Nothing to say here, I just found this pretty and wanted to include it in this post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Is Jay going to get sacrificed? Sorry that's the first thing that came to my mind (with the flowers and ornaments) 😂😂 He does look cute with it though... 
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The animation for the action scenes are absolutely stunning 😯😯 With each season the animation is getting better and I'm so here for it! We can have some amazing fight scenes. 
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Thanks for reading everything! What are your thoughts? Are you guys as excited as I am for this season? 
Only a few more months to wait!
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Hi guys! As promised to that Anon, I wrote the timelines. I decided to write only the key points though because these are things we already know, and then, I’m sure there are more than a thousand proofs around and people who have already spoken about it. Enjoy.
Drum roll, please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Let’s start with the first competitor: Tyrone William Griffin, aka Typical Dish Snacked Ty Dolla $ign 04/13/1982, the man who liked to tweet things like “I’m the curator of lesbians”.
PRen Tyren: As I already mentioned in the post “There is a light at the end of the tunnel”, it all started on the evening of November 15, 2016, when 5H went to the Epic party. Due to Laucy’s picture of the wedding and the ‘official’ coming out then occurred a few days later, on November 18, 2016, Lauren needed a boyfriend. That same night at the party, Typecast accepted the management’s proposal.
Typo tweeted “LMJ” on January 4, 2017, and then immediately deleted it. First move to create speculation since, presumably, Lauren ‘was’ still with Ludicrous. Shortly thereafter, a blind item about L who was having an affair with a married man came out. On January 10, 2017, Nicole Cartolano posted that picture of Laucy in the snow with a piñata. After wishing her a happy birthday, as we already know, luBYE. On February 13, 2017, there were the first PRren pictures at the Grammy after-party, so that people would start believing the blind item, BUT, making it clear that he wasn’t a married man, but a taken one, and yes, MAN, since Tyred is 14 years older than her, and therefore inculcating the idea that L was really cheating on Luggage. On March 9, 2017, Tymbal posted a picture of them together, coincidentally, the day after he advertised his upcoming album ‘Beach House 3’.
On March 22, 2017, we had ‘Bare With Me’ and Nicole Cartolano’s interview with MTV News. On the 23rd, we had, still very coincidentally and totally unplanned, “no I hate it because it’s invasive, scary, delusional, disrespectful to us both and was never real…Ever”, because, because, SHE DECIDES. NOT US. PERIOD. (sorry, I had to 😂. This is another of L’s tweets dating back to July 2, 2017: “I decide. Not you. Period.”) Joking apart, because she was single and she certainly couldn’t let the fans have hope for her and C, so she tried to kill the Camren ship for the umpteenth time. “Hey, hey, Lo, how’d it go? That bad, eh?” “Let me try again in 2020.” “Laur, babe, I’ll tell you what. I’m from the future, okay? It didn’t work, honey. And I don’t think it’s gonna work either in, I don’t know, in 2030.”
Back to the program.
The day before Nicole’s MTV article and eight days later, Twix posted a series of tweets (21: “Lo” - 30: “You look better on me 👀”, Cuban flag, and “I think she like me 😍”) [👈🏼 ‘Great grammar’ said in Lauren’s voice] which he then of course deleted to make everything more and more mysterious, and thus making people connect and figure out who was that ‘LMJ’ tweeted in January. On April 14, 2017, we had a picture of L with TyPod and his family dating back the night before when they celebrated Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’s birthday, followed by the blurred picture of the 15th of them together at Coachella. On April 18, 2017, Alycia Bella, Tinky Winky’s ex, tweeted “when you get cheated on w a 5th harmony member & all you can do is laugh.”, and then immediately deleted it, thus giving even more confirmation to people that both had cheated, despite Teletubbies denied and defended himself: “been moved on :) no cheating. Keep it Taylor’d. gang gang 🤘🏽🤘🏽”. The same Alycia who complained of being cheated on by Telly for ‘another girl’ during the reality show ‘The Platinum Life’ which aired on October 15, 2017 and that was recorded MONTHS BEFORE.
There were other tweets that Tyronic continued to tweet and then delete (April 1: “I think about you all the time” - April 3: “You my favorite” and “I don’t know what I did to deserve you” - April 7: “Really like what you’ve done to me”), Insta-stories and posts by both, and other public appearances together to increase the public’s curiosity. Such as: 1) Mani’s birthday. 2) August 16, 2017, when 5H did that famous and messy phone interview with The Sun for Dan Wooton’s podcast, one of Salmoned Cow’s well-known puppies friends, during which Dan asked Lauren about his relationship with Twinkly and she replied that they were just vibing. 3) Lauren’s birthday. 4) On September 11, 2017, Lauren posted pictures about the FentyxPuma party, and in one of those posts with pictures of her and Troglodyte, she put the caption with three hearts emojis, thus confirming to people that she and Tipsy were together.
February 2017 was the chosen month for Pukeren to ‘become’ official, confirmed by Typed in an interview at the Power 105.1 FM morning show The Breakfast Club on October 31, 2017, though, so a long time later and when the waters had already calmed down. By saying February, Tyring confirmed the cheatings exactly as it was planned. In another interview with BigBoyTV made on November 2, 2017, Typology showed the interviewees how even the background of his phone was a picture of Lauren. Picture that, by the way, Lauren herself posted 21 days before that by wearing Tijuana’s merchandise sweatshirt, so not even a personal picture that you’d normally expect to see from a real boyfriend.
Blah blah blah, Lauren never needed to defend a person so much in her life, blah blah blah, weed and booze and parties, blah blah blah, dogs (and fake allergies when convenient), blah blah blah, #Laurenthegroupie, blah blah blah, Tara and social media don’t get along very well, blah blah blah, #freepoorTweed ⛓️👮🏼 who was just having some fun with his friends, blah blah blah. We know the rest of the farce, and moving on to two years later, and therefore at the end of the PR, on April 15, 2019, Tic Tac tweeted a broken heart before zeroing his social media and Lauren a post on her social media, both implying the end of their oh so real ‘relationship’.
Let’s move on to competitor number two: Maturely Hushed Matthew Hussey, 06/19/1987. The scammer par excellence (since 2012). The salesman who pretends to be a life coach/dating advice expert by deluding poor women who fall into his bullshit. The charlatan who has an infinity of fraud charges and even a restraining order for stalking and harassment by a woman named Samantha C. of San Diego. [this woman continually talked about the situation on her Instagram account, cheating_matthewhussey. Even Chelsea Briggs liked a picture.]
Ewmila Mattmila: The skit was supposed to start a lot sooner in reality. They ‘met’ for the first time on September 29, 2017, on the set of NBC’s Today show (performance that C dedicated to the Dreamers), but nobody has heard much about it, right? There was only a single Billboard article that did that. Following that meeting, it was supposed to start in October 2017, when they also started to follow each other on IG, but everything was postponed because C’s album was postponed. The album was released on the 12th, and by pure coincidence, on January 11th, 2018, during the interview with Elvis Duran, and COMPLETELY OUT OF THE BLUE, C mentioned Matilda for the first time by saying she was a fan of his. The same Mattress (10 years older than her) who coincidentally was there that day, so a setup for the public to make believe that they’d met that day.
The next day, at the release of the album ‘Camila’, C performed at Good Morning America, and Macaque, again by pure coincidence, had a small slot in the same program. On January 15, 2018, during the interview with Zane Lowe, when he asked if she had someone special in her life at that time, she replied with “maybe”, which was a big yes when she read “I can’t say your name without smiling” just before from her phone notes. On January 22, 2018, on Zach Sang Show, C said that she’s a private person and that she doesn’t like the ‘public thing’ since the Austin fiasco. Another bullshit said to make the public believe that it was the truth and take advantage of the events that would happen shortly thereafter, since, literally 18 days later, on February 9, E! News exclusively posted the first Burpmila pictures on vacation on a beach in Cabo, Mexico.
Blah blah blah, we know, blah blah blah, they lived in airports to get papped, blah blah blah, they even paid fans to do it, blah blah blah, “He’s great”, blah blah blah, “She’s great”, blah blah blah, #They'reGREAT!, blah blah blah, let’s kiss in a children’s playground #Sinu #needyCamila #someonepleaseteachStMatteohowtoholdagirl #SofiwasdecidingwhethertoreturntotheSagradaFamiliaorgoontheswingratherthanwitnessthatugliness, blah blah blah, let’s get to the first oh so real oh so important obstacle in their story.
On August 12, 2019, a Dutch singer named Elieve did an interview in which she confessed that she and Camila were dating the same guy (Matchbox) at the same time. Elieve was in London from the beginning of January to the beginning of February 2018 and Matzo was in London from January 14 to 19, so they met on one of those days.
Blah blah blah, let’s pretend we’ve overcome this obstacle, blah blah blah, let’s pretend we’re a super happy couple, blah blah blah, Disneyworld, blah blah blah, let’s go skiing, blah blah blah, trip to Italy, blah blah blah, Shawn’s entry, blah bl- wait… Oh yeah, it’s the second PR’s turn. Goodbye Ew! ‘Thank you very much for nothing. Bye-bye!!’ said in Lauren’s voice. End of ‘story’ on May 11, 2019, that is, the last time they were photographed together, news confirmed on June 25, 2019, only 4 days after the release of Señorita.
Even if it wasn’t part of the request, this is a bonus of mine just because.
Señorita + Shitmila Showmila Shawmila: On January 27, 2018, Camila, Shaky, and Andrew, Shavable’s manager, were papped in a restaurant eating pizza before the Pre-Grammy Gala in New York City. That meeting took place to propose the idea of ​​the PR to C to help increase both Shallow’s music sales and his image. Camila was uncertain. 2017 had been a great year for her as a first time as a solo artist, and she knew that she would’ve to play her cards even better during 2018; plus, the PR with Matryoshka hadn’t even officially started and had already been postponed for a few months because the release of her album ‘Camila’ had been postponed.
Andrew explained to her that the PR with Chauffeur wasn’t going to be done right away at all, also because as C would have her PR relationship with EatchEW, Shanty would have that kind of PR relationship/not relationship with Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber) that only served to make people speculate and maintain the idea that Shazam wasn’t gay. Andrew also explained to her that their future PR relationship would benefit both of their careers because there would be a collaboration, a number 1 hit, which they would look for and use as a launchpad for the narrative. #friendswhothenfallinlove #RomeoandJulietbullshit
This perfect duet, went first to knock on Camila’s door, and then to Shuttle’s one in April 2018 in the form of Andrew Watt who already knew everything about the charade. Watt (he also worked on Havana and 7 songs for Romance including Señorita) co-wrote the song in April 2018, shortly before contacting Shitto, along with Jack Patterson, Ali Tamposi (she also worked on Havana, Consequences, and 6 songs for Romance including Señorita), and Charli XCX. [The same Charli who did an interview on October 21, 2019, in which she gave the true version of the story without even remotely mentioning Scab: “This Latin Pop flare just wasn’t right for who I am because I am not a part of that culture, I’m not from there. Whereas Camila has that in her blood, so when we wrote the song we thought about her and sent it to her.”]
Now that they had found the perfect song, and with the addition of Benny Blanco and Cashmere Cat in the production, all they had to do was convince Camila and her team. Charli XCX and C were the opening acts for Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour from May 8 to October 6, 2018, during which Charli tried to persuade her to do the song by explaining how perfect it was for her. And who knows, maybe even since then they started working on it together since Camila, as she used to do, rewrote almost completely the lyrics to make it more her own. Ask that also to ‘Care About Me’ who turned into ‘The Boy’.
On August 4, still during the Reputation Tour, Shampoo went to the concert date in Toronto, and Taylor posted an Insta-story in which she put make-up and glitter on Shank’s eyelids. Sweaty regretted giving Taylor permission to post the video because people have always thought he was gay for years, and on November 26, 2018, the RollingStone interview was released in which he admitted that he felt the need to be photographed and seen with a girl to prove he isn’t gay. This was a great leverage they used with Camila since she could understand and help a friend in need. The work of persuasion lasted for about 9/10 months, from January 27, 2018, to the end of November/beginning of December 2018. Indeed, on December 5, 2018, both posted a picture taken on the 4th in the backstage of KISS 108’s Jingle Ball 2018 in Boston. Thanks to those pictures and C’s comment, word of their possible future collaboration began to spread. The plan was by then in place.
P.S. remember what happens to Romeo and Juliet, don’t you? Yeah. They die. And like Romeo and Juliet, they’re gonna (metaphorically speaking, of course) die too. Be patient, my babies, be patient.
I want comments now, guys. Which of these competitors you can’t stand the most and why, I’m curious. Put this 🐙 for Tissue, this 🐽 for Matte, and this 🐔 for Shrunken accompanied by the motivation. Let’s have some fun. 🥂
🖕🏼 this is mine for all of them, by the way.
As always, thanks, Mari. 🥰 Bye guys, I love you. Always with love, F. ❤️
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elizaisthetruehero · 3 years
Singing Like a Bird 'Bout It Now Chapter 1
So, I started writing another Eureka fic. Even though I have a WIP that isn't finished yet. What's probably going to happen is I'll get stuck on one and then switch to working on the other to beat procrastination. That's the plan anyway.
But here's the AO3 Link, that I posted there last night, and forgot to put here and on FF.Net. I'm doing FF.net because Eureka is an older fandom, and I think there's a couple people there who never made the switch.
Summary: Jo rushes into the Sheriff's station after 1947, and is greeted by a Zane who does not remember proposing to her that morning. But they're definitely still together. It just seems that Jo can't figure out what they hell they are, and why he's still going on dates with other women.
Zane doesn't understand why Jo's suddenly done an about face, but if it gets her to stop acting like nothing's going on between them, he can work with that. He just wishes he knew why she looked so sad when she looked at him.
Chapter 1
Jo strode into the Sheriff’s station, heart hammering against her bruised ribs, terrified of what she would find. The statue had changed. God, she hoped that was the only thing they’d changed. It would be a ridiculous change they would have made, back in 1947, but one Jo would have no problem living with.
There Zane was, sitting in her cell like he’d been that morning, casual and cool, like she hadn’t ripped his heart out and thrown it in his face. Hope bubbled up in her chest, and Jo could feel it showing in her smile. Maybe they’d be okay. She could feel the weight of the ring still in her pocket. They could still have their happy ending, walking into Café Diem, congratulations from all their friends, phone calls from their parents. Everything would be okay.
“Zane. I can't believe you're still here.”
He didn’t even look up at her, just kept thumbing through his magazine, “Where else would I be?”
“I thought after the way that I reacted,” she broke off sighing, not sure what to say about what she did that morning, or how to fix it. She’d never been good with words. “I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I was just thinking too much. You know, I... I do that sometimes and...”
He cut her off, disinterest in his tone, “Lupo, what the hell are you trying to say?”
“I'm trying to say, ‘Yes.’”
“Yes? Yes, you’ll what, stop hogging the covers? Seriously Jo, what’s gotten into you?” he asked as he threw down his magazine.
“What we, this morning, you,” she cut herself off, dread filling her stomach like a weight. She looked around the room and saw that while Zane was in the cell, it was empty. None of the trappings or reminders of how they met that had been there when she'd first walked in that morning, before 1947. No framed poster, no bedding on the cot, no damn Panini press, no, no Liza’s box. And… Oh.
The cell door. It was locked, likely with the key that was on her belt loop. Why the hell was Zane in a locked cell?
“This morning you kicked me out of your bed at 3 am when I asked you to stop hogging the covers. And then this afternoon you threw me in jail.” Her bed. She’d kicked him out of her bed. Not their bed anymore. They didn’t live together?
Jo sat down at her desk, no able to look Zane in the eye while she tried to process everything that had happened. "Yeah, well, you shouldn’t bother me when I’m trying to sleep. You should be smarter than that," she said, forcing a smirk to her face, slipping into the familiar biting banter she and Zane had when they were fighting. Had she and Zane never gotten serious? He certainly wasn't looking at her the same way he had that morning.
“Look, Dungeon Master, when am I getting out of here?”
She played with her hands, picking the dirt out from under her nails, “I don’t know, what’d you do?”
“Nothing, you just like throwing me in jail,” she fixed her least impressed look in his direction, careful not to look in his eyes, but just above his head. If she did that, she might do something irrational and ill-befitting of a Deputy of Eureka. Like start beating prisoners. “So I unlocked a few cages, those monkeys deserved some freedom. Look, could you just let me out? I’ve got a date."
What? "Really? A date? With who?"
"Yeah, I'm meeting the blonde chick with the Ph.D. in Reproductive Biology. We're going to play doctorate," he smirked, without any of the soft and nervous affection he'd had that morning. Just the sarcastic bravado he’d had when he’d bought her lingerie to get under her skin. Did he even remember doing that anymore?
"Come on, Lupo, don't start acting like you care what I get up to or who with. We both know what's going on here, and what we’re not." No, I don’t know what we are, or why you’re sleeping with me but going out with other women. Why the hell wouldn’t I care about that!
She rushed to his cell door to unlock it, desperate to get him away from her, “Go. Get out.”
“You gonna taze me in the ass again?” and there was that grin, charming and handsome, that had caught her eye two years ago. Obsession with firearms can be a sign of an unfulfilled sexual appetite. I'm not saying that's you. But if it is, I'm at your service.She’d had to be talked out of shooting him back then. Now she wanted to shoot him, whatever blonde chick he was meeting up with, and maybe herself.
"Just get out," she snapped at him, blinking back tears that she couldn’t let fall. He walked out the door, facing her, clearly puzzled, his eyebrows drawn together in a way that she normally found cute, but right now, made her want to punch something. Anything would do.
The door shut behind Zane with a click, and Jo leaned against the cell bars, took a breath, and winced. She’d managed to clean up the blood on her face while Henry and Fargo were repairing the phones, but her ribs still needed to be taped, and the scrapes on her hands and head needed to be cleaned. She should still have an almost full tub of GD-grade bruise gel at home. Hopefully, it was still there.
Jo unlocked her door and stepped into her house, shutting the door behind her before leaning against it, letting her breath rush out of her. She took moment to close her eyes and just breathe after the chaos of the day that wasn’t even over yet. But she knew her peace couldn't last. She would have to go through her house to try to put together the pieces of the picture that made up her life, and figure out where everything went wrong.
Well, she had her minute. Time to face the music. She pushed off of the door, opened her eyes, and headed to the kitchen. She glanced around, her fingers trailing along the cool counter, taking it in. Didn’t look any different than it had when she had left that morning. Except…
She peered into the dishwasher and sighed in disappointment. Gone were Zane's plates with dried-on eggs, or his TARDIS-shaped mug, and she didn't think that was because he'd washed them already. They were probably at his old apartment, the one he'd barely spent any time at after they got together. Oh, they hadn't officially moved in together until after he'd gotten home from the Arctic, but that had been a formality, almost. Like he'd thought his question that morning had been. So let’s make it official. He’d really wanted to marry her. Spend the rest of his life with her, like she was the obvious choice.
Jo shook her head. She couldn’t think about that, the proposal that had never happened. She didn’t know how to fix the timeline, so she had to deal with this Zane in the meantime, if not forever. She really hoped she didn’t have this smarmy asshole forever.
She moved onto the living room. It looked like it had before Zane moved in, same décor, same pictures, and the same piano along the wall. The books on the shelves and her coffee table were just her books here, no physics journals or sci-fi novels or comic books. Just the thrillers and murder mysteries she liked to read on the rare occasion she had the opportunity. And, she checked the ottoman with the small storage space, some romance novels with shirtless men on the cover that she did notpull out in public. Zane had teased her the first time he’d seen her reading one, but she’d come home early one day and saw him on the couch, curled up with the blanket his mom had sent as a housewarming present, reading one. He insisted he was just being a good boyfriend, taking interest in her interests. And then he cracked a joke about the cowboy on the cover and positions. She’d been mad at him, but he made up for it.
She moved over to the stairs, heading up. At the very least, she would have to get changed and clean up, get 1947 off of her as quickly as possible. Hope that when she got out of the shower and back to town, Henry would have figured out a way to fix this.
Jo opened the door to her bedroom and stripped off her costume, heading straight for the en-suite bathroom. She showered quickly and efficiently, noting that, like most of the house, Zane's belongings were not there. She got out, wrapped the towel around herself, and headed to the sink to check the scrape on her temple. She applied GD's liquid band-aid to the cut, ignoring the sting, and went to put it away in the cabinet when she stopped, heart in her throat.
A used men's razor. She lifted it off the counter delicately, noting the short dark hairs caught between the blades. Zane's. Jo took stock of the rest of the vanity and felt a glimmer of hope that she hadn't felt since Zane spoke, back in the station.
Two toothbrushes in the holder. A can of his shaving cream. His aftershave, cap off because he could never remember to put the lid back on. She checked the shower again, and saw the bar of soap in the corner of the caddy, the kind that she never used, but, had clearly been used by someone.
Okay. Zane didn’t have any of his stuff downstairs, but he was over often enough that he had some space on her bathroom counter. Though not over enough for them to be exclusive. She really hoped she didn’t have to see him on his date. Her self-control was good, but not that good, she thought as she taped up her ribs and smoothed gel over her bruises. Those needed to fade, and quickly. The last thing she needed was someone asking what happened to her arms.
After giving the gel a minute to dry down, Jo walked back into her bedroom and got dressed, jerking open her drawers to see what was in each one. Her underwear, tank tops, T-Shirts and sweats all still in drawers. She yanked the last one open, wondering if it was empty if it was still being used for her sweaters, or…
Zane's clothes. Not all of them, his wardrobe probably had more than just a pair of jeans, two pairs of boxers, a couple of V-necks and, a crumpled-up plaid shirt. But he kept clothes here. Not enough to be living here, which the bottom floor had told her. But clean clothes for those rushed mornings when he wouldn't have time to run home before heading to work. He'd probably shown up to GD too many times wearing yesterday's clothes, thick stubble on his face.
Who had suggested it? Had she cleared it out and offered it to him? Had he brought them over in a backpack or duffle, slipping them into the drawer with a nervous grin? Were they the result of lazy weekends spent in her bed, ignoring the world outside?
She pulled her jeans on before picking up her dirty clothes and bringing them over to her hamper, and right on top of her clothes, was a pair of his boxers. Just more evidence that Zane was part of her life, but she didn’t know how she fit into his. If she went over to his apartment, would she find similar signs of her presence? Travel-size versions of her shampoo and conditioner, a change or two of clothes, maybe part of a spare uniform? Would her robe be there, or, no, she caught herself. He was fucking other women. If she got cold over there, she’d borrow one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweats.
And that was if she even went over to his place. She really needed to stop dawdling and get back to town so she could talk to Carter and Henry, see what was going on, and if they could fix this. And if they couldn’t, well, she’d been a Special Forces operative and was now a Deputy in Eureka. She could adapt. Maybe she could get Zane to adapt with her. Maybe, she thought as she slipped the ring onto a chain and placed it around her neck, not willing to be without it in case Henry found a way to fix this, maybe he’d even try to put this ring on her finger again. But that wasn’t happening tonight. Because she froze.
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fanfalc-616 · 3 years
The Rights Of A Nindroid
Chapter Thirteen- Variation Two
(Prevoius variation here)
(Discord Here)
This chapter was originally an RP with @ablackswansweet, and there are two versions- one from both character’s POV. I have Swan’s permission to post this.
The young man can feel the android's gaze on him. It's wary of Martha and him, although he can hardly blame it. But he can't help but find the idea of a machine being "scared" kind of funny.
"What do you want?" It asks, most likely knowing something is coming, judging from the resignation in its voice. Kyle smiles internally.
You can almost see the cracks.
The blond is practically buzzing with excitement. A real android! And he gets to study it up close!
Getting closer, he inspects its face. The eerie look almost makes him shudder.
"I want to learn how you work." He takes Original's chin in his hand, moving it's head left and right to get a better look at it. The winces of "pain" from the android are uncanny.
He writes down some notes and takes his place next to the official again. Next part should be fun.
The android seems less than pleased with him playing with its uncovered face. Still, it bites its tongue instead of Kyle's hand (despite its very obvious desire to do so) until the blond is done, and lets out what sounds like a breath of relief.
How can you replicate relief in coding ? It's AI is fascinating.
"Haven't you done that enough?" It whines, trying to shake off its bonds. "With everything you've done to me, I doubt that any competent mechanic would need any more research."
It tries to shoot him a displeased glare, but without its faceplate it just looks unsettling and pathetic.
Kyle chuckles to himself. For a machine, it's talking a lot. Fascinating.
"Thing is, Original, I'm not exactly a mechanic. I'm just really, really interested by your wires and gears. And how well they respond to… Certains stimuli," he says.
A few more words in his notes and he looks at Martha, asking if it's time. She nods. Awesome.
As fast as he can, the blond connects wires to the android, barely able to contain his joy. It's not everyday you get to experiment on a non-human sentient being.
Stepping in front of the control panel, he waits for the official's instructions, almost shaking from anticipation.
Original isn't looking so good. It seems worried. Well, it's right. It should be. The distress emanating from it is very interesting, too. Can it sense the danger looming over it?
“To begin with, my name is Zane, not Original. Second, if you are so interested in ‘wires and gears’ perhaps a robotics course would be a more healthy outlet for you," it tries to reason with him. Too bad that it's way more interesting than a simple robotics course.
After a pause, it adds, "Why are you doing this? I can assure you that I have never meant to cause harm on any innocents.”
Kyle's hand twitches. He looks over at Martha. She's wearing a displeased expression. He didn't expect anything else, and he's probably making the same face as well.
“You can begin whenever you like.” The official tone sounds slightly interested, now.
He hums in response.
"Hey, Original?" He calls out to the robot. "You talk a lot."
He pushes a button and a small jolt of electricity was released. This fairly small amount of energy is only meant to cause discomfort. Wouldn't want to burn it out too fast.
The android squirms and still attempts to free itself, but no real pain response occurs. Interesting. A new paragraph written.
It still tries to reason with him, going on and on about how it wants it to stop, please. Kyle drowns the sound out with his thoughts. That wasn't very exciting.
Maybe with a stronger charge, something interesting will happen? That's what Martha seems to think too.
The android finally looks like it understands it's not talking him out of it.
How advanced is its code supposed to be, again? That took a while.
“I suppose I am talking a lot,” It concedes, “but not nearly as much as an old friend of mine. Jay couldn’t stay quiet if his life depended on it.”
Is it trying to have a conversation with him? Now? In its situation?
It must have thought of something. Let's humor it.
"Heh, yeah. I had a guy like that in one of my foster homes." A smirk grows on the blond’s face as the robot seems startled. "Didn't end well for him either. No one like a constant source of useless noise, don't you agree?"
Even without a faceplate, its expressions are pretty easy to guess. It's almost laughable how a few words shakes it up.
Making small talk is is a smart plan, he'll give it that. It's probably hoping that it'll make him like it enough to not hurt it. Let's see how long this game can last.
"How is your old friend doing now?" He asks, slowly turning up the voltage. The other engineers told him this should be as painful as period cramps, so that's fun.
The android struggles under the amount of electricity building up. But still, it continues to talk. Kyle's impressed.
“I haven’t seen him in a while- I’ve been a little…” It looks at its restrains and winces, probably reminded of its situation.. “... tied up.”
At big crooked smile appears on the blond's face. It's even making jokes now! Powering through painful situations could be a valuable asset if they were to make something like supersoldiers. Looking good so far.
“I don’t think I caught your name, either. What do you go by?” It asks, most likely trying to get information on him. That's not very important data, though. It can have it.
The blond lets his face turn into a surprised expression for a second. "My name's Kyle. He/him, I guess. But I don't think you're going to need to know that."
He turns the charge a little higher again, hoping to see some more interesting pain responses as they continue to talk. This is getting boring. Martha seems to approve of his method, however. Thanks, mom.
"Tell me about your other old friends. You said you were dating, right? How's it like ?" He asks again, a sinister smile on his face. How about a good old Pavlovian shock therapy?
Original fights any sign of discomfort or pain, and its calm expression is almost unsettling when you know what its sensors are going through right now.
“It’s nice to meet you, Kyle," It tells him, the lie barely noticeable. But Kyle has worked with hypocrites before. Original is talented. “I don’t recall mentioning that I was in an active relationship, but I suppose that the background research you must’ve done would cover that.”
Kyle smiles and says nothing. He increases the tension steadily, appreciating the sight of the android losing its peaceful facade, with flashes of pain occasionally visible on its face.
Impressive. The robot is still fighting. Maybe leaving the sensors at their normal settings was too nice, but oh well. Things are just now getting better.
"Yeah, I read your file before coming here. Big fan, by the way." He smiles, but the hostility starts to seep in his voice. "Wonder how they feel about your self-sacrificing nature," he almost spit out.
No. Breathe. Calm down.
Some composure regained, he suddenly sends it a jolt of electricity. Seeing it almost bite its tongue in pain is pretty therapeutic, actually.
Kyle lowers the voltage to let the robot catch his artificial breath. It's going to give up completely pretty soon. He'll have some fun with it first.
"So, your old friends ?"
Its pathetic sigh of relief is still very satisfying. It looks desperate, and tries to explain its past actions. It really doesn't need to. Kyle already knows they're unforgivable.
“When I was fighting the Golden Master, I meant no harm to any innocent people. I was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I… I understand that in some ways, I have failed this function, but I do my best to help those in need.”
The android attempts to steady its breathing. Trying to keep keep a sliver of dignity in front of the enemy, maybe ?
Anyways, it stopped talking. Finally.
Kyle sighs and does his best not to give a snarky reply. It seems to believe in what it's saying, anyways. Further proof of how out of touch with reality its AI is.
Another spike of tension, and Kyle is smiling again.
"You didn't answer my question, Original. How was life with your… Boyfriends ? Kai Smith, Jay Walker and Cole Brookstone, yeah ?" He says, insisting on their last names. They know who they are. Perhaps that'll make it talk.
His excitement level goes through the roof at Original's reaction. It goes stiff, most likely from anger. He found the weak spot.
A whimper escapes it, but it doesn't adress it. It's really mad.
“You do not touch them," it snarls at him. If Kyle's hand had been close to its face, there was no doubt it would've bitten him. “If you hurt them, I swear on the First Spinjitzu Master that I will hunt you down to the ends of the-“ Kyle cuts him off by sending it a strong shock. It cries in pain. The blond doesn't feel bad.
"Calm down. I didn't even actually threaten them yet," The boy mutters, leaving the tension run high a few more seconds before leaving it room to breathe again. The pathetic sounds of relief it does each time makes him want to laugh.
"If I wanted to truly use them as hostages, I'd tell you I know which shop they go to every two weeks to buy supplies and food, which is the one at the end of the main avenue."
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the voltage starts going up again.
"I'd tell you we have live feed of them almost every day and everywhere they go."
The pain must be becoming close to absolutely unbearable, seeing how the android trashes around. Fun.
"Or… I'd tell you how one of them already got arrested once, and how easy it is to transfer prisoners or fake an accident."
The power is now all the way up. It's almost scary how much this artificial body can handle.
Before it actually physically breaks, though, Kyle shuts off the power. The android's breath of relief is broken up by what sounds like sobs.
The blond comes closer, chuckling as the machine flinches near him. He takes off the wires plugged into it.
"Don't you dare threaten me or her ever again. Remember who holds the power here," he mutters in its ear before joining Martha with a smile, his notepad black with scribbles. She looks satisfied.
The android looks like it wants to say something, but doesn't have the strength to do so anymore. That's a satisfying sight.
He leaves the room with Martha, closing the door after her.
She smiles at him.
"It's close. You were right, you can almost see it cracking by the minute."
She fondly ruffles his hair and he chuckles, his nose tickled.
"Good job, sweetie."
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master-of-fluff · 3 years
How many AUs do you have? (And can you tell what they all are?😅😁)
I have 10 Au's so far so here they are with a bit of info in no particular order
1. kidnapped kai au
ok so in this au kai unlocks his elemental powers before he met Wu causing garmadon to take an interest in him and so kai was the one who was kidnapped instead of nya and nya has to get kai back -she also joins the ninja team from the start and is told about her parents and their powers
I have fanfictuon out about this -just search the kidnapped kai au tag but im taking a break from updating so that I can plan it out more and have an outline
2. is my bnha crossover au
so this morro, garmadon and harumi get reincarnated into the bnha verse
morro becomes the adopted older brother of the main character midoriya
harumi becomes the twin of this crazy rich inventory girl
and garmadon becomes a theripist
they all basically help the main character achieve his end goal of becoming the no.1 hero without a superpower -idk if you watch bnha but basically 80% of the people there have a power called a quirk and the main character is a part of the 20% that don't)
Im also making an outline for this one so I might write it out sometime next Yearo making an outline for this one so I might write it out sometime next Year
3. hybrid smith siblings au
basically ray is a demon and maya is an angel they fell in love and were kicked out of their homes and hurled to earth -they use magic to keep their appearance hidden and nonbody knows
-until kai starts growing wings and horns
-nya grows them too but it starts at a certain age so at the start the focus is mostly on kai
I don't have much for this au besides its polyninja lol
I just think that jay would help with sensory overloads since Kai's senses inhance and also his wings are very sensitive
and zane would help kai with feeling different
and Cole is just the rock that knows what to say to ground him
thats literally all I have for this au
4. polyninja fam au
ok so in this au the ninja -who are all dating- get tired of saving ninja go and quit and run away -taking lloyd with them and adopting him ofc
-they also steal some yesterday's tea and turn lloyd back Into a kid so he can have the life head supposed to
-so first they live in the old lighthouse zanes dad was trapped in since its self sustaining -which is where they find echo who they also adopt
then slowly they each get jobs
-cole becomes a comic book artist/author
-kai and lloyd make video games (they also have cole make comics for said video games
-zane becomes a chef (who donates half his profits to orphanages)
-and jay works for cyrus borg
we also have polyponytail:
-nya and pixal help skylor out at the noodle shop
-they mostly help by making invitations to help with everything
-but if it's real busy they help in the restaurant
dareth and ronin are also dating and pretty much lloyd and echos uncles
-ronin uses them as a distraction to steal stuff though
-dareth is good at making up weird games
-they are good babysitters
also brad and gene become good friends with lloyd and echo
5. highschool au -this is also polyninja-
this was made with @/stranger mask @/lloyd-garma-gun and @/superstar-rockin-abs
basically the ninja are in highschool but
pastel goth zane
jock jay
nerd kai
vintage cole
polyponytail met in chess club
polyamory with lloyd gene and brad and they are all cheer leaders
halfway checkpoint
6. nindroid jay au
jay is one of the older prototypes that dr.Julian made and dumped
years later Ed and edna find him and repair him
since his parents are inventors he basically adds a bunch of things to himself -like retractable wings and stuff
Zane and him feel a weird connection but neither of them remember their creator until tick-tock -this is all I have for this au
7. paranormal YouTubers au
this is an au im making for @/wojira and if u want more details u should probably ask her -I'll also tag u in the og post about this au if you ask
basically the ninja are collage sstudents who started a YouTube channel where they invest haunted places as a joke but they become super popular -again more details in the original post if you ask-
8. manipulative morro au
me and @/thebluelittlewitch2-thesequel made this but @/superstar-rockin-abs and @/grembeak gave hs the idea i think
basically lloyd didn't get hit by tomorrows tea so instead of possessing lloyd morro manipulates him into doing things for him by saying that lloyd gone crazy and the only way for 'the voicemail' -aka morro- to go away is for him to do certain things
harumi later teams up with morro for a second try on revenge andalso becomes more of a mother figure to lloyd then a lover -lloyd is a bit younger then her in this au
she uses her powers to start an orphanage but really its a place for her to train and raise a cult of parentless children that they are orphans because of lloyd and that if they follow her they can all have revenge
her code name is changed respectively to 'mother lullaby' and morro's is 'toxic wind'
9. evil ed and edna au
basically Ed and edna are evil assasins/ inventors who become obsessed with making the ultimate weapon
they basically turn jay into a hydra experiment -training him and experimenting on him over and over and over-
but eventually they decide that he is a failed experiment and abandon him -at this point he looks far from human
but kai and nya find him and take him in -he is a year older then nya so nya is ten hes eleven and kai is 13-
at first jay thinks he was kiddnaped but there is no way these kids could have so then he thinks that him being there is another test and he has to figure out what it is but eventually he figures out he was abandoned
he helps the smith siblings by inviting things that help them around the house -and also making toys for nya and kai-
they become a small family
10. thiccjago
just look at the @lord-garmabooty-official blog...that's all you need to know
whew that took way too long but here ya go!!!h
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stories-for-sell · 4 years
Upcoming Stories (There's a lot, these are the ones off the top of my head):
Swapped!? Inverted MID AU part 2
Swapped!? Inverted MID AU; (Part 1 of Asch's Version)
3 AM Thoughts; Inverted MID AU (first possible ship fic. Pierce x [undecided])
Brought To His Knee; Tim x Laviena
Fake Relationship Gone Right; (Gene x Aaron rarepair) Chapter 3
Reunited Brothers, But At A Great Cost; Aaron sacrifing himself to bring Gartoth back, and killing himself and Zane in the process, thus making Vylad suffer the actual lost of a brother and a friend
It's All Her Fault; Vylad finally snaps and spills everything on how he feels of Aphmau
Fangs; part 2
Revenge is Sweet; Aleina x Zane
Payback is a Bitch; Vylad x Zenix
The Death of a Bastard; Garroth recalling the day Vylad was murdered.
Succumb to the Evil; Vylad goes back to the Nether, and Zenix.
There's probably a lot more going around in my head but these are the ones I can think of. And there are definitely more Tim x Laviena ones, but I haven't thought of titles/prompts for them yet so they're not listed.
Tagging the three people who these stories are all dedicated to be for:
@myinnerdemons-inverted / @miammey
@twifox-the-royal / @twifox-the-main / @twifox-the-queer
And note: this is not the official order they will be written/posted in, for I have no determined date/time for these fics, and like I said, this isn't even all the ones I have planned to write, so while there seem to only be a few Inverted MID Fics and a few Tim x Laviena ones, thats not the only ones I have planned!!
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emisonme · 5 years
Here I go again.......
I've had it with you fucking STRAIGHT crapmila shippers coming at me in my asks. You are NOT changing my mind. All you are doing is pissing me off. Those who follow me, know what happens, when I get pissed, so here we go.
I actually started writing this post, because of a funny moment in an interview. Then I watched another interview, and it got even funnier. I'll warn you now, this post is going to run the gamut, but don't worry, I'll finish it on a happy note.
I haven't really been keeping up with all of Camila's interviews lately, because like many of you, I'm tired of having to hear her promote all the bullshit, instead of HER music. It's ridiculous. I decided to give in and read a few and watch a few. It was worth it.
I watched the Capital FM, or whatever the fuck it's called, and it was a priceless moment. She went from happy to be there, to ready to throw herself off a fucking bridge in a matter of seconds.
Camila's whole demeanor changed, when they asked her about her "relationship" with Mawn Shendes. She gave her orchestrated response about how she "loves" him, and then the camera cut to the interviewer real quick. It's when the camera done another quick pan back to Camila, that the truth of all this shit, was really written all over her face. My mind went straight to her choking on her own lies, in the Liar music video.  She can't even hide the truth. She is tired of all this shit.
Then I listened to the 15 minute Zane Lowe phone-in.  That one had me rolling. Camila being Camila. If she can't tell us her whole truth, she tries to tell us little truths, as she tries to remember all the fake shit she's supposed to say.
Then, I read The Sun puff piece. Yeah, that was them dropping an elephant on her ass, for not being able to hide her disgust, and fumbling on some of her answers.
I tell ya, they are constantly trying to fix a mess, this era. Instead of concocting narratives and lies, why don't you just promote your Artist and HER damn music. For fucks sake, STOP promoting  Shendes and this fake ass "relationship". Camila is about to lose her shit, over all this crap.
You know this shit is fake, when it's obvious she is sick and tired of talking about his ass. They started this shit show, with answers of wanting to keep it private and not talk publicly about it. That's the REAL Camila. Now, she is asked about it every fucking interview, and she is now having to actually answer it. She hates it, yet she HAS to. If she wasn't being contractually forced to answer this shit, she would simply do what she has always done, and not answer the damn questions.
Instead, she has a prepared stock answer ready for each interview. That's yet another way we can tell this shit is fake as fuck. One "I'm happy. I love him" is an aw moment. Two is a side eye moment. Three, is part of a fucking narrative.
He, after refusing to talk about their "relationship" before, is now finding a way to mention her name in every fucking meet & greet. He does this, even if he hasn't been asked about her, or their "relationship", at all. It's beyond absurd, at this point.
Let's get back to the Zane Lowe interview. If you haven't listened to it, you should. He asked her something along the lines of, how she handled her "break up" with the dickhead. Oh boy, did she stumble all over that one.
She did remember to say, she was devastated and upset about it. (Yay memory!) Then went on to say, it didn't really matter which one does the breaking up, it's still devastating either way, and lets you know just how much you really loved them. She then went on to say, she hasn't ever experienced the bad side of a break-up. She hasn't ever been the one broken up with.
That in itself tells us, she is the one who "dumped" the dickheads ass. (good riddance) The problem here is, you don't just dump someone you really love....especially if they really love you back. If two people really love each other, and they "make you the happiest you've ever been", there is no fucking reason to dump their ass......Unless someone else comes along, and offers you a better deal!!! Well, in this case, "a better deal" would be the equivalent of "fighting for the one you truly love"
Listen, if this fucking narrative happened, the way they want us to believe it did, then no one would have really loved anyone. If Camila really loved the dickhead, she wouldn't have dumped his ass, for Shendes. If Shendes really loved Camila, he wouldn't have even attempted to "steal" her away from someone who made her the "happiest she's ever been." That's the fucking tea!
That's why none of this shit makes any damn sense...at least not to most of us. If we were to believe this narrative, we would have to numb our brains enough to believe, Camila went from happier than she's ever been with one dickhead, to PUBLICLY sucking face with another dickhead, a few weeks later.
That's why all these damn dumbasses out there, are calling Camila a damn cheating slut. Because, if you believe this fucked up narrative, you would have to believe she is just a dick hopping fluzzy, that confuses like for love, and is a simple selfish bitch.
Some of you do believe that. Those of you who do, actually believe Shendes is a fucking saint. In reality, if you believe this fucking narrative, that means SHAWN MENDES IS A SELFISH NARCISSISTIC DICK, who "fought" for someone who was in a fucking relationship with someone else. That doesn't make him a nice guy. That would make him a fucking prick who thinks he's better than everyone else. That's the fucking tea!!
You fucking crapmila shippers like to say Camren shippers are "delusional" and "pathetic", for shipping such a "toxic" couple. You homophobic jackasses obviously don't know what toxic is, because crapmila would have Camren beat all to shit on the toxicity meter, IF YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT NARRATIVE!
*breath*...Back to the Zane Lowe interview. After she said she had never experienced the getting dumped side of a relationship, she then went on to say, and I quote, "I've never been in a real relation..." Oh shit! Oops gotta fix it. after a pause..."I've only been in two relationships."
That's your real tea, Ladies and gents. That's her little truth to keep her from choking on all the lies. That she has never been in a real relationship..." If she had not had an elephant dropped on her head, and been allowed to finish that statement, she would have said, she's never been in a real relationship...with a boy/man. (She's gay, IN MY OPINION)
You know there was someone in the room, waving their hands in the air like a mad man, ready to fly drones at her head. But, that's OK, @rogergold and @shoshonnastone put together a puff piece for The Sun, to fix the narrative.
Hmm! I wonder which two "relationships" she was being forced to remember? Was it Austin and Ew? Well, it couldn't have been Austin. That FAKE narrative was destroyed a long damn time ago. First by Austin himself, then by Camila.
For shits and giggles, Camila decided to put another nail in that shit PR. How? The official narrative was that Austin DUMPED HER after she went public with their "relationship". But, she just said, she hadn't experienced getting dumped before. Oops again!
It wasn't the boy-bander. He was nothing more than propaganda for more bullshit. It wasn't early Shendes, because every time he tried to "kiss" her, she turned him down...because he kept calling her "kid". (Corden interview 2015)
The only two it could be, is the dickhead, because he was her "first real relationship", and Mawn Shendes now. Oh, I almost forgot, Mawn has publicly stated, that he can't wait to get his heart broken, so he can write his first really good album. No problem! Camila's all set to help you with that, too.
She already saved your fucking career by giving you Ceñorita, doing another duet with you, that gave you your first number 1 hit, agreeing to do a damn PR relationship with you, taking your crappy selling third album and making it Platinum, and followed your ass around on your tour, to put more asses in the seats.
She did all that for you SHAWN MENDES. All she had to do, was fuck up her own image to do it. That's a REAL FRIEND for you. How are you going to return the favor Shawn? I know, you'll probably wait for Taylor to fix it for you. Typical male behavior. Get great women to fix all your fucking problems!!!
Whatever. It's all bullshit. In my opinion, there is only one truth in all this bullshit. That truth, Camila hasn't been in a "real relationship" with Austin, Michael, Shawn, the Dickhead, or any other man/boy.
She has only been in ONE REAL RELATIONSHIP. It has been a rocky roller-coaster ride of emotions. It has gone through it's ups and downs. It's good times and bad. They have had their fights and break-ups, true love and make-ups. That's what true love is. For Camila, that's what true love is...with a woman. Not just any woman, but the woman...Lern Jergi!!!!!! !! !!!!
From first meeting at 15, to today at 22/23. From "dang she can sing" to "dang it, she's pretty, too", to "I like your shirt". From instant friendship, to immediate crushing...to "mine's Lauren". From "beautiful eyes", to longing stares. From covert booty grabs, to admiring each others butts in front of the world.  From intertwined hands, to simply trying to touch each other without the cameras noticing. From skinny dipping in Puerto Rico, to Valentine's Day on an Aussie beach. From matching rings, to sharing clothes.
They were there for each other. They defended each other. They would trade brains with each other. Before they even knew how important they were going to be to each other, something in them knew, and something in them will always know.
From strangers to friends. From friendship to true love. That's Lauren and Camila. That's Camren. That can never be erased by a fake made up false narrative.
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kodoku-roxi · 3 years
personal stuff
And everything will be alright!! I’m happy.
I just got out of quarantine 2 days ago, I didn't have anything serious, f*ck yeah!
Dad and grandpa are fine too, my grandmom just got out of the hospital and is home now, she feels perfect.
Ok, Content Warning!!!! death mentions and sadness :(
But I live in a house with some selfish people, if I died, I wouldn't mind!!!..... I really don't like them, you know.. the only regret I would have is that I would hurt everything I love.... all these drawings and projects that I didn't finish, my mother, whom I would have seriously hurt if I died, and my boyfriend, who,,,, I don't know why,, loves me, and he would have been hurt too if I died. Let's not forget about my sons! with whom I would have left my 7 children if I had died??? yes, Mr. E and his bike would have gone to my bf because he paid 65% of the price of that set... but my sons? there are 6 miniature bikes! I know they would have become simple toys if I died.. and I don't want that. They are everything to me. I don't want to lose or hurt them. But everything will be fine, I'll be fine, my mom is fine.
Ok, the warning is over! 
You can't imagine how happy I am. I promised myself that if I went through all this shit I would draw that "meet the artist" lol it would be the third year I want to do this, XD man, I have so much to draw. But as I promised, first time, I'll draw Mr. E and baby Wu, because I promised that. BUT because I'm very happy, uuuh asdfghjkl you know I started creating designs for robots, androids.. nindorids 0-0 you know.. how about... mm 6~6 you give me a ninja, you tell me if you want a robot or android and I'll draw it! 0w0 What do you say?! You know what. Let me do this officially. Tomorrow I will post this announcement, but only for peeps and followers. Without "ninjago" in tags. You can now write in the ask box what ninja you want me to draw for you. (Cole, Lloyd, Kai, Nya, Jay.. wait, Zane is already a nindroid.. f*ck. It doesn't matter, Zane too, as an android as a robot, doesn't matter!)
Content Warning!!! I started to be stupid!
Sorry for my English. I'm still on the ground, but I'll be fine, Long Live Our Hope. Oh, and, yeahh, you shouldn't write encouraging messages or that you love my art, don't do that, please, just write the request, ok?
Don't think it's the first time I think I'm going to die, and that's why I'm sentimental and stuff, no, no, no. It's the first time I've had something to fight for. Tomorrow I won't be like that, it's just a moment, I'm just tired now, my warm-calm-forgiving side was activated by constant, constant (more than usual) fatigue and stress. Tomorrow I will be as the world usually knows me.
Have a nice day~ LLOH (Yes, I'll start saying that again!) 
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