#and when he met up with grian once he went
beatmelikeurpet · 2 years
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https://comment-tube.tumblr.com/post/688704114085019648 (original)
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frozenjokes · 20 days
Put Me In Perspective, Or At Least In My Place (Another Retrospective On Aromantic Love)
“Above your head like this. Both hands, look at me. Both hands, Grian. It doesn’t take a lot of strength, just step forward and release around eye level.” Cleo demonstrated, holding the axe at the end of its handle and releasing the weapon. It flew in what had to be a perfect arc before burying itself in the wood, a bullseye of course. She threw the axe like she’d done it a thousand times, and honestly, she probably had.
“Don’t people throw them with one hand, too?”
“Yes. It’s just harder. Try this first.”
Grian pursed his lips, stepping forward, throwing, then squeaking when the axe bounced terrifyingly off the wood, hitting the wall before rolling and bumping the curb that separated the stall and his feet. Ah. That was frightening.
“Nearly took out our ankles there,” Cleo said, not sounding all too concerned.”
“It- Can it bounce over that?”
“Not easily. But not uncommonly either. Try not to do that.” Cleo strode forward, plucking the axe off the ground and handing it to Grian. “Don’t throw it while I’m in there.”
“I wasn’t going to!”
“Maybe you won’t, but some people need to be told,” Cleo grunted, ripping the axe she’d thrown from the wall and spinning it thoughtlessly in her hand before burying it in the stump that split their twin alleys. “Try again. Keep your wrists straighter, release at eye level.”
Grian shifted his weight, frowning, “Surely you brought me here to talk about something else other than axe throwing. ‘Cancel your plans, I’m picking you up,’ is an extremely ominous message to receive from a stranger at 8:00 at night. How did you get my number again?”
“Pearl. And we aren’t strangers, we’ve met at least once at that big friend get-together thing, you know. That awful pizza place? Regardless, I’m friends with runners, so force is necessary 90% of the time. If you want to skip to the talking, we can talk, but I don’t know if you want to hear what I have to say.”
“I probably don’t.”
“Then start throwing and I’ll do the work. You’ll get it to stick, just give her a few tries.”
“You seem to have a lot of faith in me.”
“Everyone gets it eventually.” Cleo looked relaxed, unconcerned, and Grian tried to match the energy, but he couldn’t quite shake his anxiety. Well. He was here, so he might as well make the most of it.
It took six more tries before he got an axe to stick. Wow that was satisfying- but the air seemed a little too heavy to celebrate more than Cleo’s tasteful clapping. Maybe he should come back here with Pearl and Impulse.. Jimmy maybe? He’d kill to see Jimmy try this actually, even if he’d likely crush Grian in the end. When Grian went to collect the two axes from the stall, Cleo finally spoke.
“I’d like to know what’s going on between you and Scar. Properly. It’s been a particularly shitty week for our friend group and Scar’s been in a foul mood for more reason than one, so we haven’t talked. And I’m not just here to interrogate you about Scar either, I’d really like to know what’s going through your head as well. Have you seen each other this week? Have you talked at all?” Cleo was firm, but nothing about their voice was hostile. There was a worried longing there, the kind of urging that came from a deep concern for a good friend.
Grian took a deep breath. “Not much. I saw him a couple days ago when I was getting lunch with Pearl at the zoo. He only texted me one other time to tell me he wouldn’t be.. we have this mutual place we hang out, and he just told me he wouldn’t be around this week. Too much going on. I’m really sorry about Etho by the way, I hope you guys find him.”
“Thank you. Bdubs got in contact with him yesterday, so we know he’s alright. We still don’t know where he is or when he’s coming home, but from what I’ve heard, he’s keeping frequent contact. Hasn’t called me or Scar, but that’s typical. With any luck he’ll be back safely soon. That’s what Etho said anyway. Still all sorts of concerning, but we’ll take what we can get.”
“That’s good. I’m glad.” Grian tried not to be hurt that Scar hadn’t updated him, but failed miserably despite the fact it probably wasn’t any of his business. He just would’ve liked to know, that’s all.
“It is. So how did that clusterfuck of a night happen between you and Scar? How did that start?”
“Oh,” Grian mumbled, fidgeting with the axe still in his hands. Cleo took the other from the stump, throwing it almost lazily, like the question didn’t matter to her much at all. Grian decided to do the same, focusing on the secondary activity instead. “Well.. he invited me over. That was a couple hours after our first spat, and I was still feeling weird about it all. Wasn’t well.”
“I figured. He reached out to you first?”
“Yeah. We weren’t supposed to do anything though, just.. get it out of our systems. I was so mad at him- I’m still so angry, and not even for any reason in particular. I’m just mad.”
“Then how’d you end up in his bed?”
“Oh. I kissed him. He was pissing me off.”
Grian scoffed, snagging his axe off the floor of the alley after a failed throw. “How did you think this all went down? He told you the jist, basically. Not nicely, but he told you.”
Cleo shrugged. “I just wanted to know a few more details. Place my judgment a bit more accurately. From where I’m standing, you’re both idiots self destructing in the dumbest way possible. I would like it very much if this didn’t happen again, not only because it’s bad for both of you, but quite frankly, it’s embarrassing.”
“You’re entitled to your opinion.”
“Come on.”
Grian curled his lip. “Listen, I don’t understand why it’s such a huge problem for Scar and I to work out our differences with a little violence. We're consenting adults and the sex was kinda nuts, so if we’re both having fun there’s no issue. In any case, I’m pretty sure this is solving all of our problems.”
“Oh? Do explain.”
Grian rolled his shoulders, throwing his axe and getting it to stick for the second time, “We’re just letting off steam, Cleo. Two months of awkward tension does a lot to a man, it does a lot, nothing good. This is like a shortcut to the whole ‘tiMe hEaLs aLL’ bullshit, we’re like- getting it out of our system.”
“Uh huh. And this is going to resolve your unrequited feelings for Scar how..?”
“I’m getting it out of my system, Cleo.”
“Ah, so having really good sex with a man who isn’t looking for the same things in a relationship as you is going to fix you.”
“You got it.”
“That’s the dumbest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard.” For the first time, Cleo’s axe bounced off the board. She strode to pick it up wordlessly.
“Alright.” Grian landed another axe, just inches from the bullseye.
“Grian,” Cleo sighed harshly, and Grian avoided her eye, uninterested in her scrutiny, “Listen. As dysfunctional as the both of you two are, I don’t actually believe this couldn’t work. You two have been as thick as thieves for ages, and as much as you’re scrapping now, I don’t think that’s indicative of how you actually feel about each other. You’re just hurt people hurting each other, and you don’t have to be. For goodness’s sake, Scar would have been happy to be in some sort of relationship with you, he just didn’t want to lose you altogether. Somewhere I think that got lost in translation.”
“Scar doesn’t want to date me. He only offered to appease me, it was as obvious as anything.”
“I don’t doubt there’s truth to that. He doesn’t do well under the pressure of a love confession, and that’s no one’s fault. But his feelings on romance are a lot more complicated than ‘wanting’ or ‘not wanting.’ You did the right thing to refuse him, Grian, he wasn’t ready. But I think it’s worth talking to him again. Laying everything out on the table. And I can’t speak for what Scar wants, his brain is a mess of tangled wires and sparks, but he’s obviously had plenty of time to think about this, and he might surprise you. If there’s one thing I do know about Scar, it’s that he loves to give things like this a try. And I mean that. He does love it.”
“But Scar won’t love me. Not like I want to love him.”
Cleo hummed, thoughtful as they considered the ceiling, “You know, I don’t know if that’s true.”
Grian huffed, “Unless I’m misunderstanding what ‘aromantic’ means, I don’t see what you mean.”
Cleo shrugged. “Scar loves everyone in big sweeping gestures. That doesn’t change from person to person, whether they’re family, close friends, lovers.. it doesn’t change. But there are still levels, right? There’s still loyalty. You’re thinking of Scar as loving you like a friend, but I think that’s the wrong approach. Making that distinction makes it seem like his love would be less intense, like he wouldn’t still give you everything he has. Try.. a scale, 1 through 10, maybe. For you, you’re looking to give Scar your 10 on the scale, right? A 9 or 10, whatever it is, that’s the kind of love you want to give, the kind of love you’re looking to receive. In Scar’s brain, he’s been giving you that 10 for months, and if you asked to spend the rest of your life with him, he’d probably go ahead and accept without hesitation. That’s just how he feels about the people he’s close with.”
Grian didn’t speak, still working out how to process those words, but Cleo did not mind continuing in his absence. “If you’re worried about not being #1, then I’m afraid you’re fighting a losing battle, friend. With anyone. You’re contending with mothers, brothers, sisters, friends that go back to high school, grade school, diapers. Being intimate doesn’t outweigh those bonds, not for most people. And this isn’t to say that a relationship with Scar would be exactly the same as it would be with anyone else, it won’t, and if you’re the type of guy that gets insecure when your partner is physically friendly with other people, then forget it, but in my truest of hearts, if you’re looking for someone to love, I believe Scar would be more than good for you. He would treat you well,” Cleo paused, thoughtful before continuing, “And honestly, things literally can not get any messier between you two. There are zero stakes to giving this a shot. You’ll either feel a lot better about yourselves or you’ll go your separate ways, both of which are a huge improvement to whatever the fuck is happening between you two now. Maybe you’ll even stay friends after talking all this shit out. Who knows.”
Grian returned his axe to the stump, needing to sit down. To think. He was quiet for a long time just sitting there, the only sound being the bustle of other customers and Cleo’s own axe hitting its mark time and time again.
“You really think he’d want to give it a shot?”
Cleo shrugged and shook her head noncommittally, “Who knows. But it wouldn’t surprise me. So long as you two actually talk this all out, I think anything could happen. And Christ, if you two decide to get together and still want to ‘fall down the stairs’ then have nasty sex afterward, that’s your prerogative, but for crissakes, at least wear some sort of padding or a helmet or something, don’t actually kill each other.”
Well. He had gotten Scar that helmet, hadn’t he.
“I’ll think about it,” Grian mumbled, eyes lidded. And he was. He was thinking quite hard about it.
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tearsonmarz · 3 months
Scarian Flirting and Fishing pt. 1
“Are you alright?” Raising his head Grian looked up to see a guy with brown hair and muddy green eyes examining at him.
“I’m fine.” He brushed off, going through the items he had acquired in the past hour. “Where did a put that flint and— ah!” Muttering to himself- trying to not pay any mind to the weird guy watching over him- he lit a fire and began to prepare his lunch.
“You don’t exactly seem fine.” Grian shot a look at him before rolling his eyes and going back to his cooking. The brunette cleared his throat before walking towards him.
“What are you doing?”
“Your logs seemed a little out of place. Wouldn’t want to burn yourself now, would you?”
“It’s fine, I can take care of myself. Why don’t you just mind your own business.” He scoffed, fixing the logs himself and shooing away the stranger.
“I’d love to, but sadly I’m cursed with wanting to help people. Especially wanderers who can take care of themselves.” The stranger shot Grian a wink to his disgust.
Deciding to ignore the man, he put is food to cook before going back to looking through his haul. Name tags, saddles, boots, bottles, fish, junk, junk and more junk. Nothing of interest and certainly not what he was hoping to find. After roaming the stream for an hour you’d think he’d find something of note, but nope! Just more trash he’d have to toss out once it had accumulated enough to be dragged instead of carried.
“So... what are you hoping to find.” A yelp came out of Grian, he stared daggers into the man hovering over him.
“What is wrong with you? Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“Sorry, you just seemed so lost in thought, you didn’t even realize your food was finished.” The stranger chuckled to himself as red painted Grian’s ears.
“You could’ve just said so.” He pouted, earning a grin from the man.
“Does this mean I can stick around?”
“I’d like it if you didn’t, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you won’t listen.”
“Ah, you already know me so well. I can already tell we’re going to get along.” Without another word, he went to sit down next to Grian. “I’m Scar by the way. What’s your name?”
“Grian” He spoke in between bites.
“That’s a bit of an odd name. It’s suits you.”
There was something about this guy that Grian couldn’t quite put his finger on. He didn’t know him, but every fiber of his being was telling him this man was going to cause him quite a bit of trouble. Then again, anyone who tried to openly flirt with the first person they see, is bound to bring trouble wherever they go.
“Now that we’re acquainted, do you mind telling me what you’re looking for?” Grian slowed his chewing, pausing to think about whether or not to tell him. They had just met afterall, there was really no point in telling him. It’s not like this guy was going to stick around for very long.
“Uhm… It’s a little personal—”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry. But I guess that’s what I get for being a little nosy.” Scar laughed it off. Even though it felt like he had messed up, Grian did appreciate him backing off.
“Well, I will say, it’s just a book. Nothing too special. Just something that I need.” This much should be fine right?
“A bit odd, but I guess it’s fitting.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, I just... You seem a bit unusual? Not in a bad way! Just out of the ordinary. I don’t know what I’m saying half of the time, so don’t mind me.” Shaking his head, he drew himself forward. “I didn’t mean anything of it. I just wasn’t expecting that.”
Without another word, Grian packed away his things and grabbed his fishing rod. Returning to the river, he sighed hoping for something different to be caught on his line.
“Was that sigh for me or for you?”
“Me. Do you just never make any noise when you move?”
“I’m quick, and fast like a cat. Of course, I’m not going to make any noise—” He stumbled as Grian turned to him.
“Obviously not as graceful.” Grian smirked, “You might do with a couple of dancing lessons.”
“Oh, I don’t dance. That is unless you want to teach me?”
“You couldn’t pay me enough.” He reeled in his line after feeling a bite, already knowing it was just another fish.
“I’d think I’m better company than all these fish you’re catching.”
“At least they’re quieter than you are.”
“Ouch, sick of me already? It’s hardly been any time at all.”
“Feels like forever.” Grian whispered underneath his breath before casting his line again.
“Already talking about our future? You must be a man after my heart.”
Part Two
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mochiwrites · 2 months
scar is a little more alert during nights, during tcd nights were the worst, it was more dangerous and he had more difficulty seeing, when he went to hipixel when he was living on the streets he always held his breath when it was late at night, almost expecting infected to spill around the corners. when he moved in with grian, grian noticed this. their second date grian takes scar up to the top of their apartment building and they have a little picnic and stargaze, there holding grians hand he saw just how beautiful the night could be. whenever scar looks at the stars he feels that warmth of grians hand beside him. on his worst nights when grian was gone he would go out and look at the stars, and would feel alittle comforted. when grian gets back, scar lays beside him on a double bed, in mumbos peaceful testing world, and they stare up at the stars. scars universe is right again, he thinks, tucking some hair behind grians wing feathers
“Aaaaand, open!”
Scar lifts his hands off his face, eyes slowly popping open. He blinks a few times to clear the blurriness over his vision, and when it’s gone, he’s met with a wonderful sight.
The starry night sky is bright in front of them, stretching all over the city block of Hypixel. String lights line the roof of the apartment building they stand on, other buildings down below still alive with light. Scar can feel the breeze through his hair, gentle and calming as it presses its lips against his skin. Perhaps the best part of it is the small picnic basket and blanket set up a mere few feet away. His jaw is open in awe.
He walks over to it, standing on the blanket. “This is… whoa.”
Grian smiles, coming to stand beside him. He slips his hand into Scar’s, holding it. “I figured you could use some change in perspective,” he hums, giving Scar’s hand a squeeze. “You don’t have to fear the night here.”
Scar’s head whips toward him, green eyes growing wide. “How did you…”
“I’m very observant, Scar,” Grian chuckles, smiling softly. “I notice things.” He looks back up at the star speckled sky, that softness never leaving his face. “I want to make sure you know how beautiful the night can be too.”
Looking at Grian, at how mesmerizing he is, Scar thinks he understands quite well. Like this, he thinks he can see the stars reflecting in the darkness of Grian’s eyes. He’s never seen anything more beautiful — except for Grian himself, of course. “You’re perfect,” Scar mutters, breathless.
It causes Grian’s face to burn red with embarrassment, “And you’re embarrassing.”
Scar grins at him, pleased by his reaction. They move to sit on the picnic blanket, and they spend the night pointing out the stars together. It’s one of the first nights in a long time that Scar didn’t feel afraid of the darkness. With Grian’s hand in his, he felt completely at peace.
The old memory comes to mind as Scar lays beside his husband, looking between him and the stars above. Grian’s head rests on his shoulder, the feathered wing of his ear twitching every now and then. Scar gently combs through his hair, brushing any loose strands out of his face.
He sees the stars reflecting in Grian’s eyes once more, and everything feels right again. His Universe is back in place.
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yacinthemorning · 4 months
A Lesson in Listening
Summary: Grian's brother is moving to town and staying with him while he house hunts. While introducing him to his friend, however, Jimmy and Tango seem to make quite a connection. Determined not to suffer through the pining, Grian and Impulse attempt to play matchmaker.
Ships: Grian & Impulse(Platonic), Jimmy/Tango (Romantic), ZITS (Platonic), Grian & Jimmy (Familial)
Warnings: mild acephobia, verbal fight, sibling bullying, misunderstandings, relationship meddling
If Grian was good at one thing, it was connecting people. Not to be a braggart, but he was a sociable sort who was good at reading people, made new friends with ease, and led the pecking order in his circles. It was his great talent, really. One of many.
“Humility not being among them, clearly.”
“Shush.” Grian hissed, whipping his head around to glare daggers into Impulse. The stout man returned it with his trademark innocent smile, as if Grian didn’t know what went on in the head behind it. “You’re distracting me.”
Impulse chuckled. “What’s there to distract from?”
“I’ll have you know mixing friend groups is a very delicate process!” Grian explained, holding his phone to show the opened notepad doc. “Inviting the wrong person could be the difference between success and disaster.”
“I think you’re overthinking things, G. Anyone who’d get along with you will probably get along with your brother.”
Therein lied the problem, though. Jimmy was nothing like Grian. Okay, well, nothing was a bit of a strong word. Jimmy was extroverted and sociable like Grian, and they both had a fondness for mischief and cats. And maybe Jimmy was the first person Grian always invited to karaoke night when he was in town, because no one else was quite as enthusiastic as they were. But other than that they were nothing alike! For one, unlike Grian, Jimmy was a massive loser.
“That’s a bit rude.”
Grian squawked. “Would you please stop reading my mind!”
“You should stop speaking your mind, then.” Impulse shrugged and returned to scrolling through his phone. Grian had assigned him the task of picking out the venue for the night out, being far more familiar with the town than Grian. He paused, “You might as well monologue, I know you want to.”
“I don’t monologue! I’m not Scar.” Another name was struck out on the list. Doc was angry at him right now, anyways. “I just want things to go well, can I not be excited that Tim is moving closer? I’ve barely got to see him more than once every other month for the past several years! By the way, we can’t-“
“Can’t eat red meat so make sure there’s other options, yeah, I know.” A large hand patted down on Grian’s head, ruffling his hair.
He pouted, falling back into the cushions of his couch. “I feel like you do not appreciate the skill needed to coordinate you people. It’s like herding cats, you know.”
“Why do you think we leave it to you?” Impulse leaned over Grian’s shoulder. “Who you got so far, anyways?”
“You, Scar, Gem, and Cleo. Mostly people he’s met before at least.”
A curious hum filled the air and Grian patiently waited for whatever idea was brewing in Impulse’s head. There were a few taps to his screen, then, “You think Tango can come?”
“Tango?” Grian’s eyebrow quirked up. “Isn’t he hauled up in his basement working on some game right now?” While most certainly a good friend, Tango was one Grian went almost just as long without seeing as his brother half a day’s drive away, despite being a street away. Once he had an idea he would dedicate himself to it until it was done.
Impulse sighed. “Yeah. Zed was able to get him outside for an hour last week, and he went on some business trip for a bit, but he also hasn’t eaten in like two days last I checked. It’d be good excuse to drag him out. He’s gonna forget what real people sound like outside his headphones if we don’t.”
“I honestly don’t know how he expects to survive if he moves out from you guys.”
“I already made him promise to give me a set of spare keys when he does.”
Grian tilted his head as he stared at his last message to the man in question. Something about a crazy idea for a remote-controlled cat toy he thought of. In all honesty it wasn’t the worst idea. Not the cat toy- Tango was a strong personality who left a big impression, but he was always polite. Certainly much more introverted than everyone else going, but not nearly as bad as Zed. At least, when he remembered to leave his basement. It couldn’t do them any harm. At the very worst he could sit in the corner and chatter with Impulse. “Yeah, sure, let’s invite him.” He said, already typing. 
Impulse gave a thumbs up. “Tell him we’re gonna go to that barbeque place he loves, that’ll get him.”
“I said-”
“They have plenty of chicken and even vegetarian options, I double checked. It’s right across from the bowling alley, too. And call him, don’t text, or he’ll never see it.”
It was a small miracle Tango agreed to go. It was a small miracle he answered his phone at all. The mention of barbeque worked, though. How much of the rest of the evening they could convince him to stick around for had yet to be seen, but Grian was hopeful he’d stay a little while at least.
Impulse could deal with Tango, though. Right now, Grian had his hands full with Jimmy. They were running ten minutes behind because his poor little brother couldn’t bear going a day without a bubble bath. “C’mon, Tim, get in the car!” He shouted from the window.
Jimmy stumbled in, nearly dropping his phone between the seats in the process. “I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying, I just had to send a text. I thought this was supposed to be fun?” He whined. The second his door was closed Grian began driving, not waiting for him to get his seatbelt in. He was so tall and lanky he’d just smash his head through the glass whether he had one on or not, anyways.
“It’s called punctuality, Timmy. Something the hosts should have!”
“Alright, I get it.” He slumped back into his seat, caving as he always did. It must be hard, having an older brother who was always right. Of course, it was much harder being said brother, as Grian could attest.
The car ride was quiet, only the radio filling the space while Grian worked to remember where he needed to go. Jimmy was the first to break the silence, “So, I’ve scheduled some tours for this week.”
Grian hummed. “Anything promising?”
“Actually yeah.” He chirped, pulling out his phone. Before he could shove it in Grian’s face he put his hand up. It’d only been a month since he rear-ended a Toyota, and he’ll be damned if he hit someone else. The last thing his friends needed was to reignite the jokes about him being too short to see over the dashboard. Jimmy made a whine but didn’t try again. “There’s a place not far out of town in the farmlands. It’s small and old, but it’s an actual house with over half an acre.”
“I dunno why you care so much about land. A condo downtown is way better.”
“It’s nice, isn’t it? I could have a garden.”
“I guess.” The obnoxiously large sign for the barbeque glared high above the trees and buildings around it just up ahead. “Oh, we’re already here. Should be mostly people you met before, by the way.”
“That’s fine.”
Pulling into the parking lot, Grian could already see Impulse’s minivan and Cleo’s beat up old car. He clicked his tongue as he pulled up next to them. “See! I told you we were late, everyone’s already here.”
“Oh, come off it, they probably just got here, it’s fine.”
It was not fine, the host should always be first, but he wouldn’t expect Jimmy to understand. The two squabbled all the way inside, only stopping to tell the waiter their booking. A nice large table on the patio already had most of Grian’s friends sitting around, still having yet to be served even drinks. Everyone but Tango despite his phone, unmistakable with its Guy Fieri case, on the table. Bathroom, maybe? He was always terrible about going before he left. Scar was the first to spot them. “G! Timmy! You’re here!”
“That we are.” Grian mumbled and turned to Impulse. “Where’s-”
“Hey, Grian, just in time!” The scratchy voice of Tango shouted too-loudly behind them. He saw Jimmy jump, and both brothers swivelled on their heels. Tango jolted back a bit, friendly wave shrinking to his side at the reaction. His eyes grew wide, locking with Jimmy’s which mirrored him like two deer caught in headlights. “Oh!” He squeaked unintentionally.
It jogged Jimmy out of his fright enough to look away, though Grian took suspicious note of the redness of his ears. He gave his baby brother a raised eyebrow, but he didn’t seem to see it.
“Right, well, Tango, Cleo, this is my brother, Ti-”
“It’s Jimmy.” Jimmy jumped in at lightning speed, holding his hand out for Tango to shake with a wide smile. “The name’s Jimmy.” Tango hesitated for a second, before tentatively shaking back with an equally tentative smile.
“Tango, of the Tek variety. Nice to finally meet you.”
“I thought you said your brother was Tim?” Cleo asked.
Impulse scratched at his bread. “Honestly, I thought it was.”
“It’s not, my name’s Jimmy. Don’t trust anything this man says, he’s a menace.” Jimmy huffed, which got far too enthusiastic an agreement from nearly the whole table for Grian’s liking. Behind him, Tango snuck around back to the table. In a baffling move, as far as Grian was concerned, he paused at the empty chair across from his own and pulled it out. He nodded towards Jimmy, who muttered a sheepish thanks. Grian narrowed his eyes at the engineer, but he seemed to be pointedly not looking at him. A shared look from Impulse, though, let him know he wasn’t the only one who took notice.
“Well, then, Jimmy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Cleo reached over the table, offering their hand.
Chatter very quickly picked itself up once they were all sat down. Most was directed towards Jimmy, asking what he did and the places he was looking at and how on earth did he get his hair that perfect. It was a bit awkward with him sitting at the end. Given the middle seat where Grian now sat was also empty, he suspected Tango’s little gentleman’s stunt had messed up the seating arrangement Impulse intentionally left. 
It wasn’t the last. When their drinks came Tango had ordered some crazy bright red fruity slushy monstrosity like he was on vacation or something. For him it might as well be. Something that brightly coloured, with a fruit skewer at that, was basically tempting the gods as far as Jimmy was concerned, who looked more dazzled by it than the already bright blue drink he ordered. Only a sip had been taken before Tango was nudging it towards him, asking, “Wanna try?” Which he wholeheartedly accepted.
Honestly, between that and the conversation somehow always managing to close into a back and forth between the pair, Grian wanted to gag. Did his brother have absolutely no shame? Or maybe Grian was just bitter he had to order something lighter as their driver. It was at least funny to watch Scar also ask for a sip and be completely ignored.
A large platter was ordered over individual meals. It was just easier, when everyone wanted to try this and that. Astonishingly, it was probably the first time Grian had witnessed Tango eat a vegetable, when he tried one of the skewers the brothers ordered on the side. That was the power of good barbeque, he supposed.
They finally called it after Gem won the third round of bowling in a row. Grian tapped against the open door of his car, glaring holes in the back of his brother’s head, who was too busy saying goodbye to Tango to notice. “Come ooon Tim!” He finally shouted after the third obnoxious little giggle they shared. When he turned, Grian narrowed his eyes. You ain’t subtle. The pair finally said goodbye for real, and Jimmy ran to get in the car before Grian decided to drive off without him. He’d barely gotten his seatbelt on before he was furiously typing something on his phone. Really?
“So, how was it?” Grian asked.
“It was fun, your friends seem cool.” Was the distracted response.
“Mhm…” He leaned closer over his shoulder. “And how was Tango?”
If it was possible to jump out of one’s skin then Jimmy had jumped out of his skin, muscles, and bones. “Huh?” He squeaked, face red and eyes bugged. Grian only returned it with an unimpressed eye roll.
“Oh please. You nearly dropped a bowling ball on your foot while swooning.”
“Well… He’s a cool guy, isn’t he?”
And that shut Grian up. More efficiently than he would like to admit. He expected Jimmy to deny it, or be too flustered to say much of anything. When Grian failed to reply Jimmy went back to his phone, tapping away with a smile. There was that obnoxious giggle again.
This was not one of the issues Grian anticipated having when his brother told him he was moving. 
“So, how do we set them up?”
Impulse Hummed, spending far too long reading the contents of a can of cream of mushroom like it wasn’t the same can he always bought. “Who?”
“ Who? ” Grian mocked back. “Tim and Tango!”
“Do we need to?” Three more cans joined the first, before they moved on to the broths. Grian threw the bouillon in the cart before his companion could grab a carton that would languish in the back of his fridge. “They seem to be doing fine on their own.”
“No, trust me. I know Tim. He was literally living with his last boyfriend before he realized they were dating and that he liked him. He’s an idiot.”
“And Tango hasn’t exactly been leaving the basement much lately.” Impulse conceded, grabbing a carton of pho broth anyways. Acceptable, Grian supposed.
“So, then, any ideas?”
They paused before entering the next aisle. The larger man’s face twisted in thought. “Well, we could invite him to D&D, run a oneshot, and have their characters drink a love potion until they get the hint.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea, absolutely not.” He wrote it down in his phone for a future session.
“Another dinner?”
“What are the odds of getting Tango out of the house twice?”
“Probably a lot higher than you’d think with how they were acting.”
“What if I gave Timmy a tour of your house and just locked the basement door behind him?”
“You know I’m starting to think we might be bad at this and should leave it to someone else.”
“Nonsense!” Grian grabbed the first bottle of soya sauce he spotted, much to Impulse’s protests. He wasn’t going to sit and wait for him to match the prices to the ounces. “Look, I know Timmy best, and you know Tango best. Logically, there’s no better pair of heads to crack together for this. They’ll thank us at the wedding.”
A jar of pickled bamboo shoots found its way into the cart beside the biggest bag of basmati rice Impulse could pick up. He had to catch his breath before he continued. “Listen, Grian, do you need to… talk, or something?”
“What?” Grian’s head whipped around from the wall of spices he was mulling over. “About what?”
Impulse hunched his shoulders up, cringing slightly. “I dunno, y’know… You’re planning your brother’s wedding to your friend while picking out my groceries for me. I’m not even sure how you found out I was grocery shopping or found me in the store. I don’t think that’s normal, healthy person behaviour.” 
“I am so completely normal and healthy!” He said just a bit too loud.
“You know you can talk to me if you need to.”
This was getting nowhere real fast. “Are you going to help me or not?”
Impulse sighed. “I’ll help.”
“Good. Then, what’s the plan?”
In the end, the plan was little more than ‘wait and see’ with a side sprinkling of putting the pair in as much direct contact as possible. This turned out to be much more work than they anticipated, however. Jimmy had always been a socialite, but he seemed to be gone every other day viewing houses or visiting locations. Meanwhile, Tango did as he does and made himself busy constantly. Every group activity Grian planned was lucky to get even one of them, and he was about to lose his damn mind.
Their big break finally showed itself one evening, when Jimmy dropped in with Grian. Well, it was more like Grian promised to drive him to do some errands and made a left turn away from the mall and directly to the ZITS house instead. A decision Jimmy was not familiar enough with the town yet to notice until it was too late. Just the sound of Jimmy’s voice managed to draw Tango upstairs to see what was going on in his kitchen, where the rest of them were chatting.
Immediately the annoying little giggles started up again. If there was one thing in this world that could make Grian try to keep them apart, it was that giggle.
“By the way, Jimmy,” Skizz piped up from where he leaned against the sink. “You still need a lift tomorrow?”
When had Jimmy found time to befriend Skizz? Who knows. Knowing the two of them they probably bumped into each other on the street and kept talking till the sun went down. Extroverts were so exhausting. (He ignored the little Impulse-ish voice nagging that Grian was also something of an extrovert.)
“Yeah, sorry, I appreciate it.”
“Where you going?” Impulse asked.
“Got another house tour.” Tango of all people replied. Maybe that wasn’t all that surprising, though, given the amount Grian has spotted Jimmy texting the past few days.
“Is that so? Will you be going with them?” Grian teased, but instead got a toothy grin back.
Really? Inviting your crush house hunting? Was that forward or just weird? Either way, it was an opportunity. “You know, Tim, you haven’t invited me to go with you.” He whined, putting on his best puppy dog eyes. 
Unfortunately, while Jimmy’s talents were sparse, this was one area where he outranked Grian by a factor of magnitudes and had unlocked absolute immunity, or something. “Yeah. That was on purpose.” He said bluntly, not even looking away from Tango, who laughed. In fact, everyone laughed. Even Impulse, the traitor.
Grian wouldn’t give up so easily, however. “Well I think you should. So where is it?”
“What? You’ll just embarrass me, I’m not telling you!” He squeaked, finally looking at his kind, sweet, dear older brother.
“Yes, you are!”
“No, I’m not!”
And that was how Jimmy ended up in a headlock on ZITS’s kitchen floor, Impulse reluctantly using Jimmy’s phone to text Grian the address on his calendar. Tango, simp that he was, managed to distract Grian by jokingly calling Jimmy honey, forcing Grian to let go in order to pretend to hurl, during which time Jimmy made his escape back to the car. 
He won though, and the next day when Jimmy pulled up with Skizz and Tango to the house tour, Grian and Impulse were already waiting there with the realtor.
“I can’t believe you.” Jimmy dragged his hands down his face. “Don’t you have to, I don’t know, work?”
“Jokes on you, I’m my own boss.” Grian puffed up his chest.
Tango patted Jimmy on the back and turned the both of them towards the poor, confused realtor. “Let’s just get this over with.” He soothed, to which Jimmy gave him a saccharine smile.
The property was ridiculously nice. It wasn’t especially big, but it was lined by woodlands and already had a garden, albeit in need of some severe TLC. There was even an old chicken coop to the side of the house that only needed new fencing and cleaning. The house itself was a one-story cutesy cottage-like thing. It was older, but whomever had lived in it last had the wiring redone and appliances replaced. The bedroom was big, too, as they tended to be in these older houses, and the bathroom had a proper large tub. There was a spare office room with a nice big window to the garden. The garage was separate, and large enough to be a workshop. All that while being well within the range of good internet and still close enough one could walk to town if they really wanted to. 
It was, essentially, Jimmy’s dream home. The only issue Jimmy seemed to have was the fact that the wall between the living room and kitchen had been knocked out for a more modern open concept design with the largest windows in the house.
“It’d probably be a pain to heat in winter, right?” He asked no one in particular. 
Grian knew jack all about houses, and only shrugged. It still wasn’t that big, so he imagined not. Impulse and Skizz seemed to mull the idea over a little longer. Tango, though, saw an opportunity, and Grian had to give him credit because the man took it without hesitation. His arm was around Jimmy’s shoulder, toothy grin leaned in a bit too close. “Well, that sounds like a good excuse to cuddle up in bed all winter, hm?”
Jimmy’s cheeks turned pink. He muttered something under his breath that made Tango chuckle. Grian rolled his eyes towards Impulse, who seemed almost too shocked by his friend’s forwardness to notice.
More questions were asked, things Grian was glad he never had to worry about as a condo guy. Owning a home seemed like so much work, but Jimmy had lists upon lists. Of course, it was Jimmy, and even with lists he forgot certain things. But Tango seemed ready to pick up the slack with his own barrage of inquiries. 
“I think,” Jimmy said, looking at the kitchen with a bit of awe. “I think this might be it, guys.”
“Yeah?” Tango’s eyes practically sparkled with excitement. Jimmy nodded.
The realtor stepped up. “There aren’t any other serious inquiries at the moment, I think you have a good chance if you put in the asking price.” Jimmy nodded, and the realtor went off to his car to make a call.
Grian pursed his lips at his brother, though. “Are you sure you can afford that? I know you’ve saved up and all, but it’s still a lot.”
Jimmy beamed though, clearly overwhelmed with excitement. “Of course, you think we would look at houses we can’t afford?”
“I mean if I’m honest kind of, but- wait. We?”
“I’ll have you know, despite the beliefs of certain individuals, my credit score’s top notch.” Tango patted his chest proudly. “And between the two of us we have more than enough savings for the down payment.”
Grian felt the wires in his brain short circuit and reboot. An unholy screech came from his throat. “What!”
Jimmy and Tango both side-eyed each other, their awkward smiles caught between guilty and like they were ready to burst out laughing. “You… Thought I could buy a home on my own?” Jimmy asked, hiccupping in the middle.
Impulse looked just as dumbfounded. “When did you work this out?” His voice came out hoarse.
It was Tango’s turn to be confused, raising an eyebrow. “Um, months ago? I told you, Impy.”
“You said you were thinking about moving out, not buying a house with a stranger!”
“Wait-” Skizz burst out laughing, pointing at Grian and Impulse. “You guys really didn’t know?”
“No, why do you know!”
“Cause I listen to my roommates?”
“Hold on. Months ago?” Grian pushed them out of the way, getting into his brother’s face.
It seemed Tango was no longer able to hold in his laughter, leaning on Jimmy for support while Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck. “I honestly couldn’t tell if you’d actually forgotten or if this was some bit.” He admitted.
“We’ve been together for almost three years.” Tango wheezed out between cackles.
“Excuse me?” Balked Grian. “Since when? You’ve never met!” His head whipped between the two. How on earth-
A finger twirled absently in the air as Jimmy tried to explain. “Do you remember your Halloween party? The one me and Joel attended, where Tango was dressed up as an imposter?”
“Yeah?” It was the biggest party he’d ever held, how could he forget? His brow creased. “But that doesn’t make any sense, I never got to introduce you two cause you both went… home… early.” Grian’s eyes went wide as the puzzle pieces clicked into place.
Tango leaned against Jimmy’s shoulder with a smirk. “There it is.”
“Oh. My god.”
“I told you he doesn’t ever listen to me.” Jimmy groaned.
“You two-”
Grian gasp cracked. “Jimmy you slut !”
“ Excuse me? ” Jimmy shouted back in equal amounts of disbelief and anger.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the realtor pause in the entryway, then slowly back out of view once more.
“You heard me!”
“What do you think we did!”
“Well you weren’t enjoying my party, that’s for sure!”
 “Okay, okay, everybody calm down.” Skizz stepped in, pushing Grian towards Impulse, who seemed to hold Grian back on instinct more than anything as he was still lost in shock.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Impulse asked, giving his housemate a look of betrayal. It was returned with concern.
“I did? I swear I did.”
“Dipple Dop, he told us he was busy in call with his partner all the time. He extended his work trips several times.”
“That was Timmy?” He stumbled back, leaning on the counter. “I thought he meant, like, an MMO buddy.”
“Yeah, and you certainly never told me!” Grian huffed, which Jimmy returned.
“I did tell you, but you didn’t listen! Or did you just do that thing like with Scott where you thought I wasn’t aware I was dating the guy I lived with for two months just because I told you we hadn’t-”
“You know what?” Skizz clapped his hands together. “I think we all need to just take a deep breath, okay? Everybody just breathe. In,” He took a deep breath, of which his housemates joined in while the brothers continued to glare at each other. “And out.” They all let out a long sigh.
 A brief silence fell over the group, only interrupted by a nervous knock at the door. The realtor stuck his head in, eyes darting between the group. “Um, Mister Solidarity, Mister Tek, could I speak to you now?”
“Yes, one second.” Jimmy said, voice tight. The pair left to talk outside.
Grian and Impulse went home after that, waiting for the other three to return. They said little, Grian fuming while Impulse stared at his lap like his dog just died. Zed popped in to say he was going out, at which point he was let in on the day’s events and gave them both odd looks. Had they really been the only ones who didn’t know? 
By the time everyone else arrived back at the house they’d pulled themselves together somewhat. Not entirely, but enough to ask questions without shouting.
“So, you’re really leaving?” Impulse asked, voice almost watery. Tango’s posture softened with his smile, and pulled the larger man into a big hug.
“Oh, buddy, I told you I was gonna. I’m a big boy now!”
“Yeah, but… I dunno. We’ve lived together since college. I didn’t think this would actually happen…”
Skizz rubbed his back. “Hey, he ain’t movin’ cross country, he’s just down the road. We’ll see him all the time.”
“Yeah! I promise, Impy, I ain’t going nowhere.”
The three continued to talk among each other, comforting their friend, so Grian left them be. Instead, he turned his attention onto Jimmy, who still looked huffy, with his arms crossed and a glare squarely on Grian.
“I told you.”
“Well, maybe you should have told me better.” Grian turned his nose up as an almost automatic response. Jimmy threw his arms in the air and stomped off to the doorway, and immediately Grian felt the regret. He chased after his little brother. “Wait, Tim. I’m…” A warbled wheeze escaped his throat, straining to get the dreaded word out. “Ssso-…rry... That I didn’t listen.”
The shift was near-instant, disdain laxing into smugness. “There, was that so hard?”
“Oh, come off it, you big baby.”
“I just don’t get it.” Grian grabbed his hair. “How did I miss that you two were dating? Why didn’t Tango say something when we invited him to dinner?”
“Well, it probably started with the fact that you introduce me to everyone as Tim and his boyfriend’s name is Jimmy.” He sneered, eyebrow raised.
Well, he had him there. Not that he would ever admit that to his brother’s face. “I still can’t believe you ditched my party to hook up with my friend.”
“Oh my god, we didn’t hook up!” Jimmy threw his head back. “We just went to get Mcdonald’s and watch movies because Tango almost had a panic attack at the number of people you invited and couldn’t breathe.”
“In my defence, I didn’t expect that many people to actually show up.”
“Either way, stop projecting.”
“Wh- excuse me?”
“Tango’s the same as me. I can assure you nothing like that would ever happen.”
Grian pouted. Well, at least they were happy and close by. “Fine, I’ll forgive you if you can get Tango to come to roller derby night.”
“Uh, I don’t have anything I need to be forgiven for, and I’m not going to make Tango do something he doesn’t want to do.”
“But Tim, consider: Tango falling on his butt in the most hideous disco suit.”
That gave Jimmy pause, thinking for a solid moment before a smile stretched behind his hand. “Alright, fine.”
“Yes!” Grian pumped his fist into the air, nearly smacking Impulse in the face as the group joined them.
“What’s going on out here?”
“Nothing.” Both brothers replied, matching smiles immediately getting them suspicious looks. Jimmy pushed past them to grab Tango’s hand and drag him towards the basement. “C’mon, we have to finish planning.”
“Yessir.” Tango saluted with a chuckle. 
As they retreated, Grian shouted after them. “Oh, Tango!”
“Yeah?” Bless his soul, he was too busy giving his partner a doofy look that was wiped away the second he turned to see Grian. He did his best to bore a hole through the man’s skull.
“You better watch your back. I know where you sleep.”
“Well, I’d hope so.” Grian didn’t like that grin. “Be weird if you didn’t know where your brother was.”
And that was how Grian began to plan the death of Tango Tek.
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arc852 · 15 days
Shattered Reflections Ch. 1
Summary: Joel and Skizz wake up in the middle of a field, confused and sore. With no memories except for their names and the fact that they are borrowers, they decide to take things one step at a time. Starting with making a shelter for themselves.
Meanwhile, when Joel and Skizz never show up for the beginning of the season and messaging them yields no results, panic ensues and it's now the hermits' mission to try and find their missing friends.
Word Count: 3776
AO3 Link
I hope you guys enjoy!
 “Um, hello, welcome to Hermitcraft season 10!” Mumbo greeted everyone despite being put on the spot. “Um, it’s really good to have you all here and uh, we have some new people on the server. Should I announce those? Should I-should I point in their general direction? Is that a good idea?” Mumbo stuttered out, looking around for said new hermits within the circle to do just that. But after a quick glance around, Mumbo realized he didn’t see them at all. “Wait, where are they?” 
 The other hermits blinked and all at once, they looked around the circle as well, slowly realizing that yeah, their two newest members were nowhere to be seen. “Did they run off already?” Iskall asked, looking behind him and out into the plains.
 Xisuma, eyebrows knit, brought up the log on his comm, looking through it. “They haven’t logged in yet.” Xisuma did a few other things on his comm, the rest of the hermits watching with different levels of patience. Their admin then looked up, catching eyes with Grian and then Impulse. “They did message you guys saying they were coming, right?”
 Grian and Impulse were the ones in charge of messaging Joel and Skizz specifically. Impulse and Skizz were obvious, but Grian and Joel also had quite the history with each other. Grian even went so far to say that Joel was one of his best friends. So it made sense to have those two not only be the ones to keep in contact with them leading up to the season, but also be the ones to invite them in the first place.
 Xisuma watched them both nod. “Yeah, I literally got a message from Skizz right before this that he was hopping on.” Impulse said, getting out his comm and showing the screen to Xisuma. “He should be here.” Impulse’s voice was laced with concern, knowing that this was very unlike his best friend.
 “Same with Joel.” Grian piped in and Xisuma looked back over to him to see he was typing something on his comm with a furrowed brow. “And I just messaged Lizzie. She said he left a while ago.”
 “Strange…” Xisuma couldn’t help but mutter out loud.
 “It’s not like Joel to get cold feet like this.” Gem said and those that knew Joel from various life games and other SMPs nodded in agreement.
 “It’s not like Skizz either. He was so excited, even if he was nervous about it, no way he would skip out on all of us like this.” Tango also chimed in.
 “So…what? We think something happened to them?” Doc said with his arms crossed. But despite his demeanor, the hermits knew he was also concerned about their new members.
 “I’m sure they’re fine.” Xisuma said, trying to calm his hermits. “Perhaps they just got lost in the Hub.”
 “Uh, guys? I think this may be more serious than we think.” All the hermits turned back toward Grian at his words, noticing how Grian was looking over at Impulse’s comm as the taller man typed away at it. Grian’s gaze seemed to shift between Impulse’s comm and his own, both hermits having the beginnings of panic on their features.
 “What is it?” Xisuma asked and Grian met his eyes. 
 “We just tried messaging both Skizz and Joel and…” Grian trailed off, lifting his comm up for Xisuma to see properly. On the screen were several messages sent by Grian to Joel within the last few minutes. Unfortunately, each one came with a little red ‘Not Delivered’ line underneath. Xisuma didn’t need to see Impulse’s comm to know the same thing was happening to his messages with Skizz.
 “Well…” Xisuma said, and even through his helmet you could see his brows furrowed in concern. “There are many reasons why a message wouldn’t go through. However… given the circumstances and our knowledge of Skizz and Joel…” 
 Xisuma straightened up, suddenly going from fellow hermit to admin. At the change, everyone was at attention. The beginnings of conversation at the revelation that no messages were getting through were cut off as they watched Xisuma bring up the code. “Hermits! We have two members who, as we know it, are missing. So here is the plan. I’m going to get into contact with some other SMP admins, SMPs where Joel and Skizz could be. I’ll send some of you there and others will go into the hub to-to…” Xisuma stuttered and trailed off, freezing like a deer in headlights as he saw something within the code.
 Zedpah, who was next to Xisuma, tried to look over at the screen of code but couldn’t read it for the life of him. He shrugged in the other hermits' directions.
 “Shashwamy? What is it?” Keralis asked gently, breaking Xisuma out of his stupor. 
 “Sorry, sorry, I…there’s something here in the code. I don’t…I don’t recognize it but it’s-that is to say I think-”
 “Spit it out already!” Bdubs exclaimed, getting antsy.
 Xisuma shook his head and finally looked away from the code and toward all the hermits. “I think Skizz and Joel are on the server after all.”
 Joel groaned as he came to, feeling like he had just run full force into a mountain. His whole body, some way or another, felt incredibly sore and achy, and it was just all around painful. He was lying down, that much he could tell, face down in what was probably dirt. The same mountain he had run into might as well be placed on top of him too, because it felt impossible to lift himself up.
 Joel let out a slow breath and opened his eyes. Or tried to anyway. He only managed to open one of them. His other eye was currently smushed against the ground. Which did happen to be dirt. Wonderful.
 He pulled his fingers together, getting a handful of dirt in the process. He grunted at the pain of even doing just that but at least he was able to move. He opened his fist, releasing the dirt.
 Eventually, after more tiny movements, he was able to use his sore arms to sit up. He brushed the dirt off his face and tried his best to get it out of his hair. Once he was fairly cleaned off he was able to open his other eye up and finally take a look at his surroundings.
 Things seemed normal, though he didn’t recognize the area at all. It seemed as though he had ended up in a grassy field, nestled by the roots of a tree. In the distance he noticed a river, which would be a good source of clean water but it was also quite the trek away. He would have to think more about that later. He did his best to turn his head around to try and look past the tree without moving so much, still in quite a bit of pain, and he could see the edges of a mountain in the distance.
 Despite the familiarity of the giant world he lived in, he also couldn’t help but feel a bit…off.
 His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a noise coming from beside him. He looked to his left to see another person laying in the dirt. Lucky for the guy, he was laying on his back, in that position the most dirt he would get on him was in his hair. Unluckily though, he seemed to be in the same amount of pain Joel had been in. Joel couldn’t help but wince in sympathy. “Hey, are you alright?” Joel asked, reaching down and gently nudging the guy’s shoulder.
 The guy was broad shouldered with multiple scars running up and down his arms. He even had some on his face. He seemed…strangely familiar somehow. But Joel couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
 “Hey, come on, get up.” Joel said, nudging him again. If Joel could get up then this guy could. Probably. Hopefully.
 “Nnngh…Don’t wanna,” Came a mumbled reply. At least that was a good sign, meant the guy was alive at least. 
 “Let me guess, arms are sore? Achy? Feel like you’ve hit a mountain?” Joel listed off and took notice that the guy’s eyes opened to look at him in surprise. Joel smiled a bit at that. “Well, same here.” He answered his own questions. “But I seemed to get up just fine so I guess I’m just stronger and bigger and more handsome than you.” Joel rattled off, the words slipping off his tongue easily despite the fact he had no idea where that had come from. 
 The familiar stranger groaned again but slowly moved his arms to bring himself up onto the same level as Joel. Well, mostly. Joel was annoyed to note the man was taller than him, which he could tell even with the both of them sitting.
 “What happened?” The guy asked, rubbing the back of his head with a wince. Joel shrugged, rubbing his arms to try and lessen his own ache.
 “Not sure, I’m in the same hole as you are.” Joel answered. He tried to think back on what could have made either of them end up here but he was drawing a blank.
 In fact, as Joel tried to think about other things and dig deeper into his own memory, he realized he was drawing a blank in a lot of other categories as well. No matter how hard he tried to think back to something, to some memory, to people, he came up blank.
 It was a bit terrifying.
 “Hey, uh, do you happen to remember…anything? Just curious.” Joel asked the guy, his voice going up an octave at the fear he felt. He then watched as his companion’s face went through the expressions of someone realizing that no, they did not. Joel could only assume he had had the same expressions on his face just a moment ago.
 The other guy ran a hand through his hair after a few moments. “No. I can’t remember…I can’t remember anything.”
 “Awesome, that’s…that’s great.” Joel said with a wince. “Same here, by the way.” Joel thought to say, just in case it hadn’t been clear by the fear in his voice.
 The other guy was quiet for a moment and Joel noticed he looked like he was in deep thought, with his eyebrows furrowed and staring off at nothing. Again, Joel figured he had looked much the same a second ago as he himself tried to sift through any memories he might have had. Surprisingly though, as the stranger’s eyes lit up briefly, he seemed to have found something. “Actually, I know that my name is Skizz.” The now named stranger said.
 Now that Joel was thinking about it, he also, at the very least, remembered his own name. “My name is Joel.” He said back and then continued when something else came to mind. “And I know we’re borrowers.”
 Skizz chuckled. “Well, yeah. Would be kind of weird if we didn’t at least know that.” He said, gesturing to their giant surroundings. He then frowned. “Although something about it does seem off…”
 So Skizz was experiencing the same feeling as Joel. He wasn’t sure what to make of that. “It does for me too.” Joel admitted, rolling a pebble the size of his hand along the ground absentmindedly. “It’s probably just an effect of the amnesia though.” 
 “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Skizz agreed, still staring off into the surrounding distance. As Skizz did this, Joel tried again to think of anything else he could remember. Almost desperately trying to come up with anything else. It was when Joel looked over at Skizz again and suddenly remembered his first impression of the guy that he realized he may know something else after all. 
 “Hey, it’s nothing concrete or anything but you seem really familiar. Like we know each other or something.” Joel said, gaining Skizz’s attention back. Joel watched as Skizz’s eyes looked him up and down, seeing the spark of recognition in them after a moment. Skizz’s eyes widened.
 “Yeah, yeah! I see what you mean. I think you might be right!” Skizz said with a smile. Joel returned it, thankful they had the same feelings there. If that was the case, it really did seem like the two of them were probably friends. Maybe even roommates if they had ended up here together.
 “Great!” Skizz said, genuinely enthused. He tried to make a big motion with his arms in excitement but quickly stopped with a wince at the pain. “Now that we have that little piece of the puzzle, all that's left to figure out is why we have no memories and what the heck happened to make us so sore all over.”
“You make it sound a lot more simple than it’s actually going to be.” Joel quipped with a small snort. “Besides, I think the soreness is starting to let up a little.” Joel noticed as he stretched out his shoulder. There were still little pangs but definitely nothing like when he first woke up. Joel took this opportunity to finally stand up. He was a bit wobbly on his feet but he managed to catch himself.
 The same could not be said for Skizz however and Joel rushed over to stop Skizz from falling back over. The other borrower was a bit heavy but thankfully it didn’t take much for him to finally balance out. “Geez, that was a close one. Thanks Joel!”
 “Yeah, of course.” He said, only stepping away once he was sure Skizz was balanced. Skizz stood on his own, flexing his muscles and moving his body in order to get rid of any more aches. Joel couldn’t help but let that familiar feeling take hold of him for a moment. The only thing Joel could be sure of, right now, was his name and that Skizz was his friend. And right now his only friend and companion in this weird amnesiac state they had found themselves in. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to him and lose that one connection. “The two of us gotta stick together, ya know?” He said, voicing those thoughts in a single sentence, with little care in his voice and a shrug of his shoulders.
 Suddenly he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders, jolting Joel out of his thoughts and almost causing Joel to fall over again. He didn’t though, thanks to that same arm holding him steady. He looked and followed the arm up to see Skizz grinning down at him. Once again, Joel frowned, realizing Skizz was at least a full head taller than him.
 “That’s the spirit! The two of us against the world!” Skizz exclaimed and Joel’s frown at their height difference quickly turned into a grin to match Skizz’s. His enthusiasm sure was infectious. He briefly wondered if this is how it always was between the two of them.
 Joel playfully pushed him away, Skizz’s smile still present when his arm left his shoulder and he moved to stand in front of him instead. Joel rolled his eyes. Skizz seemed to be good at making Joel feel better. Despite the worry for their lack of memories still, Joel was finding himself smiling.
 But it was time to get back on track.
 “I think our actual first order of business should be finding shelter.” Joel said after a moment of thought, his tone turning serious. He crossed his arms and looked out into the distance, eyes focusing on the river. “We might have a home already but wherever it is, it’s not going to do us any good right now.” It would be nice if they could stumble upon it, or even better yet remember where it was. But Joel had a feeling they were very far away from home.
 Skizz nodded in agreement, his smile now a little less. “Yeah, that makes sense.” Skizz also looked around. There wasn’t a lot close by to them. Other than the tree, it was an open field for a long stretch which ended at a river one way and a mountain the other. “We probably should stick close, right?”
 Joel nodded, finally turning his attention away from the river. “It would be nice if we could be a bit closer to the river but I don’t really see anywhere over there we can make a shelter.” Maybe if they burrowed underground nearby, maybe at the base of a rock. But they didn’t really have the time to do something like that. They’d also have to really stock up on water if they weren’t going to be close to it, maybe put it in a reserve. And making something to catch rainwater would be helpful too. Could save them some trips in the future.
 Joel looked back toward the tree. Yeah, it was probably better to stick close to where they woke up. The shade of the tree would also give them some protection. “I think we should get some wood and carve ourselves up some tools. That’ll make gathering supplies and materials a lot easier and it’ll help us put together that shelter we need.” Joel suggested, already thinking up some ideas on what their shelter could look like. Maybe they could make it so it was covered by the roots sticking out of the ground? That way it was at least hidden. Joel looked toward Skizz to see what he thought.
 Skizz nodded with his smile back at full force. “Sounds like a plan!” Skizz exclaimed, ready to get going. Joel nodded back with a smile, glad Skizz was easy to talk to. It wouldn’t do them any good to argue about something like this, especially at a time like this. Joel looked toward the tree, sizing it up, before bending down and picking up the pebble he had been messing with earlier. He weighed it in his hand, throwing it up a few inches and catching it again. It wasn’t too hefty or sharp but it would do the job until they could make some actual tools. 
 He went closer to the tree, his new temporary tool in hand, meeting up with Skizz who had already walked over. He noticed Skizz also sizing the tree up before letting out a low whistle.
 “Man, this thing is huge.” Skizz observed the obvious. Joel gave him a flat look.
 “Everything’s huge, Skizz. We’re borrowers.” At the face Skizz gave him, he couldn’t help but laugh.
 “I know that! It’s just…you know! It’s probably the amnesia…it’s like I’m not used to it or something.” Skizz tried to explain himself. Joel hummed in thought at that and looked directly up at the tree. From this angle, he couldn’t even see where the tree ended. He felt way smaller than what should be normal but that didn’t make any sense. He was the same size he had always been. It was one of the only things his amnesiac mind could remember.
 It was that off sort of feeling all over again.
 “...I mean, I get it. It’s the same for me too.” He revealed tentatively with his arms crossed. There had to be an explanation though. A reason why the size of this tree felt unfamiliar. “Maybe…maybe we’re not actually outdoor borrowers to begin with.” Joel suddenly came up with and couldn’t help but agree with his own statement. Yeah, that had to be it. “That could be why we aren’t used to trees like this.”
 Skizz blinked, eyes going wide for a second. Joel could tell he was thinking it over. “...That does actually make a lot of sense.” Skizz said before looking down at Joel. “If we’re indoor borrowers though, well, what happened? How did we end up outside with no house in sight?”
 Joel bit his lip. That was a very good question. “Just like with everything else, I’m not sure.” It was very weird though.
 Joel shook his head. They would have plenty of time to come up with theories or look around more later. Right now, the most important thing was to make a shelter before it got dark. “Anyway, tools.”
 “...Right. Right! Tools. Not a problem.” Skizz said after coming out of his own thoughts. He looked at the tree for a brief moment before bending down and picking up a pebble just like Joel had. 
 Now with a pebble in hand, Joel watched as Skizz took the first swing at the tree. It didn’t do much at first but has Skizz kept hitting it, some of the bark started to come off. The thing they would be using to build their first tools out of. Joel watched for just a moment longer before realizing he should probably join in.
 After some time stripping down the tree, and getting quite the collection of bark, Joel went big with one of his hits. It was to make a stubborn piece of bark finally come loose. But instead of that happening, the pebble, and his hand, went right through the bark. Joel blinked in surprise, taking his hand out of the hole he had just created. “Uh, Skizz?” Joel called out as he tried to get a better look inside the hole.
 Skizz quickly joined his side. “What’s up?”
 “I don’t know but I managed to put a hole into the tree.” Joel said, squinting into the hole’s darkness. “...I think this tree might be hollow inside.” Joel realized and decided to see for sure by swinging the pebble back toward the hole. Skizz flinched back at the power of the hit but Joel just cleared away some of the dust at the now bigger hole and glanced inside. 
 Now with some light able to hit the inside, Joel could tell for sure that the base of this tree was hollow. Joel grinned and stepped away to make room for Skizz. “Take a look for yourself.”
 Skizz bent down a little to see through the hole. While the hole may have been eye level with Joel, it certainly wasn’t with Skizz. The reminder of how much shorter Joel was put a brief scowl on his face. “Hey! You’re right! It’s like a cozy little grove in there.” Skizz exclaimed with a grin.
 Joel’s mind raced with ideas with this discovery. “If we can make ourselves an entrance and clean the inside up a bit…” Joel mumbled out loud, mostly to himself but Skizz turned to listen as well, understanding crossing his features. 
 Joel looked up to meet Skizz’s eyes and grinned. “I think we just found our shelter.”
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charkie-ee · 1 month
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“This series went from being like ‘it’s hardcore with a gimmick!’ to ‘it’s like battle dome in here!’”
so because it has been 3 years since our beloved traffic series has started, i figured a good way to celebrate would be going back and watch 3rd life from the winners pov.
this post will basically contain notes from the 1st episode that my brain has entirely/somewhat forgotten.
if you have not watched 3rd life FULLY this is will contain spoilers! i feel like thats a given, but i'll put it here anyway.
(i was thinking about making this post just for funsies but then i checked the date and realized that it was actually 3rd life’s 3 year anniversary TODAY. fjdkjfkdjd I SO PLANNED THIS. TOTALLY!)
ONE MORE QUICK THING!!: did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres something I missed!!
EPISODE ONE: Grian plays Minecraft… With a TWIST
. this is the first series Grian’s officially played using the proximity chat mod.
. mentioned briefly at 2:55, this is Grian’s first hardcore series he’s ever played in.
. the first person grian meets up with is BigB!
. Grian only sees RenDog once in his first episode.
. Grian was originally going to base somewhere in the flower forest (closer to where Scott and Jimmy eventually live) before basing with Scar in the desert. However, once he started building, Grian immediately disliked it, and called it the ugliest thing he’s ever built.
. Grian gives his flint and steel to Scar, which he uses to burn down Etho's dark oak tree.
. Grian hides two villagers, and originally wants to show them to Etho. However, Impulse, and Bdubs, follow, and the word gets out shortly after. *
. Scar and Grian were going to team up BEFORE Scar was killed. Scar first brings up having a monopoly on sand around the 12 minute mark.
. (not really notes but) Scar takes his shirt off for the first time at 15 minutes exactly. (i can’t believe im writing this smh)
. * Grian is invited to go back to the village after venturing to the sand biome with Scar, and trades his villagers. (he trades them for 3 diamonds, a dark oak sapling, a lava bucket, a juke box and disc, a bed, and some other lint)
. Grian explodes Scar at the 21:25 minute mark. There were 6 witnesses to his 'prank'. Impulse, Etho, Cleo, Bdubs, Tango, and Martyn. (my favorite thing about this is that Ren puts in the chat "Enchanting would have helped with that")
. Grian pledges his 1st life to Scar(didn't really forget that part, but i did forget that Grian loses his first life near the end of the series
. Pizza is first seen at the 25 minute mark exactly! (i think Pizza spawned in during a cut in Grian’s video. because i am only watching his pov, i do not know where Pizza originally cane from, this is the best estimate.)
. Grian abandons his first base in the flower forest at 26:15. This hole-in-the wall base didn’t last an episode.
. Grian and Scar originally wanted to have a monopoly over sand AND dark oak, and successfully chopped down the ‘only’ forest they saw. However, there was another not too far away from their base which ultimately ruined that monopoly. That being said, if the second dark oak forest had not been there, they might’ve had a chance at monopolizing dark oak saplings.
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
for now, i hope you’ve enjoyed this little forgotten-info post, and i encourage you to watch the series for yourself!
I remember watching 3rd life for the first time when the episodes were still coming out, and i’ve loved the series ever since. It was, and still is a comfort series i watch when going through tough times. I’ve met lots of people, and made lots of friends through this series, and although i don’t post a lot about it on my blog, i’m grateful to have found a community who feels the same.
thanks for reading!
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cloudwhisper23 · 2 months
The heat went out in my room, so I'm sitting here shivering with goosebumps on my arms (I'll put on a sweater in a minute). But I've got another day of Grumbo Month done! Yay! Yet again, Grumbo Month prompts were written by @grow-bettah
Day 11: Secret Relationship
“I think you should just tell him,” Mumbo said softly one night while he was preening Grian’s wings.
“He won’t stop just because he knows I have a boyfriend, Mumbo.” Grian’s same tired excuse came out almost too easily.
“I still don’t see what the big deal is, you know. If you told your superhero partner that you were already dating someone else, then he wouldn’t-“
“That’s only one part of the problem. Hot Guy knowing isn’t the issue anyway.”
Mumbo sighed, trying not to sound too offended. He’d heard the reasons countless times. If anyone found out about Mumbo’s connection to Cute Guy, he was dead. And that was if he was lucky. He’d be tortured, and no matter how many times he insisted he could handle it, Grian refused to entertain the risk.
Besides, Grian wasn’t exactly subtle with his identity. He was so close to getting caught. And there were only so many avians who could actually do the fancy flying that Cute Guy did on a regular basis.
Grian only came to visit in the odd hours of the night. No one even knew that Grian and Mumbo had ever met before. Not even Mumbo’s closest friend Scar was allowed to be in on it.
There had been a time, Grian told Mumbo, that he’d had a family. That he allowed himself to care about people. Grian had lost everything once already. He’d lost everyone.
It took ages for Mumbo to get Grian out of his shell. The accidental crash landing into the alleyway by Mumbo’s house had given Mumbo his identity, sure, but even after that, Grian had been tightlipped.
The relationship was the longest running project Mumbo ever had, and he’d never give it up for anything. Even if Grian decided to one day distance himself completely again, the bond they’d shared would be worth it.
“I can’t risk losing you,” Grian said softly, thinking Mumbo’s silence was out of anger. “I just can’t do it again.”
“I know, Grian.” Mumbo sighed. “I just wish things could be different.”
“But they aren’t.” A muscle twitched beneath Grian’s feathers, betraying his own frustration. “If it was safe, I would show you off to everyone I’ve ever met. You would hate it.”
“I don’t know about that,” Mumbo replied, smiling faintly. “I feel like the number of people you’ve met is less than the number of fingers you have.”
“Hey! I have friends!”
“Besides me and Hot Guy?” Mumbo asked.
“There’s… Well, there’s Hot Guy’s tech man. What’s his name again?”
“You haven’t met Hot Guy’s tech man,” Mumbo replied gently. “And considering how you don’t even remember his name, I doubt he counts.”
“Well!” Grian pulled his wings away to turn and face Mumbo. “That’s what I get for wanting to brag about you!”
“It’s okay, mate.” Mumbo was still smiling. “I think you’d be more offended to know that there’s only one person I care about meeting you, if we could tell people.”
“Your best friend. Scar, right?” Grian softened. “He’s the reason you want this to stop being a secret?”
“Yeah. He thinks I spend too much time alone.”
Grian smiled. It was gentle, none of the usual mischief gleaming in his eyes. “Well, he’s got you there.”
“Oh, hush, you.” Mumbo shook his head. “I see people.”
“At work.” Grian rolled his eyes, laying back against the carpet. “If you only have work friends and Scar, I think it’s safe to say he’s right when he says you’re constantly alone.”
“I like the solitude.” Mumbo shrugged. “It also helps that it makes it less suspicious when I want to stay up waiting for you to visit me.”
“Yeah?” Grian almost cooed at that. “You like my nighttime visits?”
“Grian, if I didn’t like your nighttime visits, I would lock my window.” Mumbo laughed. “I think I’d be happy if you visited every night.”
“Really?” Grian rolled onto his stomach, peering up at Mumbo from his spot on the floor. “You’d want me around even more than I already come around?”
“If you didn’t think it was so risky to come visit me, I wouldn’t see any issue with it.”
“Aww, Mumbo.” Grian pulled himself up to sit next to Mumbo on the couch, a wing tucking behind his back to pull him close to Grian. “I love you too.”
Mumbo’s face grew warm. “Yeah?”
Grian hummed softly.
For a moment, Mumbo could pretend this was how things always were. He could pretend that Grian lived here with him.
He could pretend that Grian meant it when he said “I love you.”
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enderwoah · 1 year
expanding upon my watcher grian pix and zedaph vs listener jimmy oli and martyn post, id like to say that pix is actually the most obvious out of all of them and here's why.
zedaph is rather experienced with it. he's probably been one for hte longest and he makes it a point to not hide it, which is basically the best way of hiding it. nobody is going to ask how he's everywhere at once, how he crosses over servers without actually connecting to them, or how he can simply Know things that he shouldnt Know because it's zedaph. zedaph is always like that.
grian isn't the most experienced, but he at least knows to duck into a room if hes going to start spying on people with all the eyes lined across his wings. and he has the life series, which is basically a watcher dream, so thats his creative outlet in which he can pull on strings as much as his sadistic (/nsrs) little heart wants to and its all perfectly normal.
pixlriffs? pixlriffs has no idea what the hell is going on.
on any given day someone could walk in on him staring down an ancient ruin, trying to See what it looked like at its prime and being met with giant purple eyes surrounding the structure, unblinking and unmoving until they all shift their gaze to the poor intruder and he turns around, shrieks, and the eyes are gone. he doesn't bother trying to hide the watcher's insignia plastered on the top of his bucket hat because it'll appear on whatever headwear he dons and he needs to wear a hat. pixlriffs runs a series recapping the events of a server that he is not even on. subtlety is absolutely foreign to him. he falls into sickness and workaholic mode and people start seeing his projections of the ancient capital in its former glory, then he sneezes and they see it as it was torn asunder and engulfed in flame, then he clears his throat and the giant purple eyes dotted above his empire turn to you and stare you down until you fly away.
the funniest thing is that people see this and simply elect to ignore it. like, yeah, its empires, everyone has their little quirks. honestly, they would have been more suspicious if pix really was just that awkward archeologist architect that lives alone in an ancient city inhabited by birds and corpses. they see the eyes in the sky and ask him if he's had water in the past few days. they welcome his help when he approaches them to help with something he never should have known about. the only person that's terrified of the guy is oli, since his listener ass literally starts sounding alarm bells in his mind any time he does something out of the ordinary.
before he knew what was up with pix, oli probably went to go find him in the ancient capital once. he crossed through the doors, found where pix's base was, and an eye immediately appeared in front of him, scanning him up and down. oli probably almost pissed his pants and ran away screaming.
pix resurfaced from the catacombs wondering where the hell his visitor went. it dawned on him a few minutes later that crap, right, maybe people would be scared of a purple eye showing up in front of them and staring them down. he just wanted to see who it was!!!!
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ice-cap-k · 7 months
In Their Structure
Just came from Tango's first Secret Life episode and I'm positively vibrating.
Cross-posted on AO3 here: In Their Structure
They won. Against all odds, they had won. The pesky homeworld gems were no longer a major threat. Life was theirs.
It was an amazing feeling. There had been plenty of celebrating. They danced. They
sang under the stars. Hugs had been passed around and special moments of appreciation for each other were shared all around. Even Grian and Scar, who had originally planned on going back to Homeworld, cheered alongside the others long after they had unfused with the rest of the Opal gems.
But now that the danger had passed and things had died down, the deserters were left with a conundrum. They were huddled around a coffee table in the main living space of the Crastle. Nervous glances were spared back and forth between each other and the five bubbles on the tabletop. By now, enough time had passed that if the gems inside left the confines of the bubbles, their bodies would begin to reform. The real question, though, was what should be done with them.
The gems around the table sure didn’t feel like winners anymore. 
“We should shatter them and be done with it,” Bdubs grumbled from behind the couch. 
Grian slapped his hand down on the table, making some of the other gems around him jump. “Agreed. Let’s do the smart thing for once and be done with it”
“Isn’t that being a little hasty?” Jimmy’s voice shook a little. He found himself leaning into Scott, despite being considerably taller than the sapphire. Scott leaned back reassuringly. “I mean, they just came here to do a job like the rest of us.”
Impulse worried his thumb against the back of his knuckles. He stared down at the floor between their feet, anxious and torn. “Skizz is in there. He was our friend before all of this. He’s not a bad gem.”
“The topaz?” Grian blinked at him incredulously. “He had a nickname?!” To think there was such off-color behavior even among loyal homeworld gems.
The mood shifted in the room to something more somber. The bismuth nodded, and beside him a sad smile appeared on Tango’s face. “He was always a little silly. I feel bad. He honestly tried to help me back there. I can’t imagine considering shattering him, but I’m not so sure leaving him in a bubble is much better.”
“Friend or not, need I remind you that even though he knew you, even though he knew Tango, he still chose to attack us?” Cleo looked down at the two gems with a scathing glare. She crossed her arms, shifting her weight from one hip to the other. “You do remember that big Obsidian attack that he willingly chose to be a part of, right?” 
Both of the gems flinched at her words.
Impulse’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, well, what about me?” His voice cracked. He squared his shoulders as he met her glare with his own. There was frustration and a hint of fear bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to boil over. “I helped them too. You knew what was happening when I went along with their hunt for rogue gems, but that doesn’t change the fact that I helped them. Are you going to shatter me too?”
“Of course not,” Tango said instantly. But he was the only one who spoke up. Realization dawned on the carnelian as Impulse shrunk deeper into his seat. “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me. You’re all a bunch of crazy people if you’re thinking of shattering Impulse, of all people.” Heat rolled off the smaller gem in waves. Whisps of hair flickered into fire as he curled his fists in his lap. The smell of burnt fabric started to fill the room. 
“Hey! Off the couch!” Bdubs rushed to a window and threw open the shutters. A cool breeze wafted in, but it wasn’t enough to chase away the smell. ”Jimmy! Do something!”
Tango was already climbing down from the couch, but Jimmy was faster. The lapis pulled moisture from a nearby pond. The water came streaming in through the open window. Jimmy directed it with a wave of his hand, sending it at Tango and the couch.
The water hit with a rough splash that nearly knocked the carnelian off his feet. Tango shouted, only to be cut off as the water went over his face. It left him dripping wet, hair audibly sizzling where it was still hot.
“Sorry Tango,” Jimmy said sheepishly, dropping the water. What was left fell to the floor with a loud splat. There would be a puddle left over, but the smell of burning was gone at least.
Bdubs only smirked.“Don’t say sorry, Jimmy. You did good. I can’t have you burning this place down around us, Tango.” The nephrite pulled away from the window so he could rejoin the others around the table. Still, his one eye kept flicking back to the ruined couch with thinly veiled annoyance.
“You all should be the ones apologizing to Impulse,” Tango snapped. 
“Listen.” Cleo rolled her eyes. She rubbed her temples with her thumbs and forefingers to counteract the headache these fools were giving her. “No, I don’t think we should be shattering Impulse. Far from it. He hasn’t done enough to deserve that, but you are on thin ice.” She jabbed a finger in the bismuth’s direction. “I wouldn’t be opposed to you spending some time in a bubble yourself.”
A small, even voice cut Impulse off before he could respond. “All this arguing is going nowhere.” It was Scott. All eyes went to the sapphire at Jimmy’s side. “Trust me, pursuing that argument is just going to waste time.”
Cleo let out a heavy sigh. She let her hand drop away from her temples. The cool chill coming off Scott felt good and soothed the stinging in her forehead. Finally, someone with something competent to add to the conversation. “Thank you, Scott. What about you? What do you think we should do with them since you’ve got a better idea of the results of our options?”
With a rustle of blue skirts and frost, he approached the coffee table and placed his hands on the ledge. “Well, there are a lot of possible futures branching off from any decision we make. As far as I can tell, if we were to release them, there’s a chance that they’ll be willing to hear us out and things go well. There’s also just as likely a chance that the moment they reform they’ll end up shattering at least one of us.”
“Not great odds,” Grian says.
“What about if we were to leave them in the bubbles,” Scar asks. “If we just leave them in there, nobody gets hurt.” He looks around the room, hoping for some sort of validation. He’s somewhat surprised to see Jimmy nodding vigorously in agreement.
“I’m all for nobody getting hurt. Especially not us. I think we should just leave them in the bubbles.”
Impulse, though, is shaking his head. “Yeah, and when they somehow end up getting out by out by some freak accident, they’re definitely going to hate us for leaving them trapped for so long. We’d just be cementing a future where they want us dead. Am I wrong Scott?” 
The sapphire nodded in agreement. “I’ve definitely seen a possible future where that happens. A few, in fact.”
“Great, so it’s settled. We shatter them and be done with it.” Bdubs crosses his arms over his chest, looking self-assured. He’s already eyeing one of the bubbles on the table. 
“But can we live with that on our conscience?” Scar asks. He didn’t think he could. It was one thing if it happened in self-defense. And technically gems ended up shattered all the time back on homeworld. It was part of life there. But he rather liked it here, and the rest of the deserters in the room had made it clear that just because it was part of life back at homeworld didn’t mean it had to be part of Life. “I don’t think I could do it if that’s what you guys decide to do.”
Impulse closed his eyes. The nervous twiddling of his fingers stopped as he held his own hands in a tight grip. He thought of Skizz and how happy the Topaz had been to see him alive and well. And unlike the other gems in the room, he had spent time in the enemy camp. These gems weren’t just mere objects to him. They weren’t cardboard enemies with faces but no substance, only meant to be knocked down. They were full gems who laughed and joked. They had their own set of oddities that even rivaled a deserter. So much power given to a lone emerald, a singular ruby, a defective amethyst, and two wonderfully warm and welcoming quartzes. Finally, he spoke up. “Me neither. I can’t do it. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself afterward.” Tango shook his head beside him in silent agreement.
“Look, I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think I’ll be much help,” Grian said, fluttering his wings. 
“Count me out too,” Jimmy said stepping back. “Scott, would any of us be able to live with the consequences if they were to actually go through with it?”
“I can’t answer that. That’s entirely up to them.”
Them. Not us. Them. Without actually saying it outright, Scott had made it clear that he wouldn’t be participating. 
All eyes went to the only two remaining people: Cleo and Bdubs. 
“Uh… I don't- I mean, maybe…” Bdubs was stuttering. He tripped over his words, not willing to back out but still scared of taking on the mantle. “We could-”
“I could do it,” Cleo said plainly. “If they’re a threat to the people I care about, you know I won’t hesitate.”
“But they’re not a threat right now,” Jimmy pointed out. “And Scott said that there’s a possibility that they might understand. Can you imagine if they were to join us?”
“They won’t.”
“But how do you know that Cleo?”
“Because people don’t change,” Bdubs huffed beside the jade. 
Cleo smiled and elbowed the nephrite at her side. “Exactly. Bdubs gets it.”
“People don’t change people,” Cleo huffed. She motioned towards the bubbles on the table, as if to emphasize her point. “And they certainly don’t change themselves. You can’t expect a gem to change on their own. It doesn’t work like that. Who we are is set in stone, literally. It’s as set as the pattern in their crystal structure. From the moment we emerge from the kindergarten, who we are and what we are made to do has already been built into us. Maybe time and a bit of weathering can change someone over time, but you can’t just expect anything else to.”
“Hey, that's not fare!” Scar lept up from his seat and stomped one foot down. He looked downright angry and a little wounded by Cleo’s words. “What about me and Grian? Didn’t we change? You didn’t want us around and now here we are sitting in the living room like a bunch of old friends. How’s that for change.”
“Did you change, though,” Cleo said, raising one eyebrow. “Last I checked, you two still wanted to head back to homeworld. You’d be there now if there hadn’t been that incident with the homeworlder’s ship.” 
“Th-that’s true,” Grian admitted, scratching at the back of his head. He felt a little bit bad about them. 
“But we came around on other things,” Scar continued. “Like fusion. And you guys! You guys don’t seem so bad anymore.”
“We did give them a chance,” Scott added, smiling up at Cleo.
To Scar, that was only further validation for the point he was trying to make. “Well, how are they supposed to change if we don’t give them a chance.”
Tango paused from wringing out the water from his clothes. “Just for the record, keeping them in a bubble for forever isn’t giving them the time to change. They can’t change if they’re stuck in there. Just saying.”
Now it was Bdubs turn to jump back in. “Maybe not, but what if it’s not worth the risk?  We could let them out and give them time to process, but what if they choose not to take that time to reflect and instead use it to try shattering us? Again!?”
Looks were exchanged between the gathered gems. Bdubs wasn’t wrong. Scott had already confirmed that the scenario was very possible.
Scar picked up one of the bubbles off the table gingerly. Inside was a banded amethyst. The inclusions were plainly visible, even through the filmy green surface of the bubble. If only they could start with one and prove it could work. “We changed,” he muttered quietly, speaking more to himself than the rest of the room. “Maybe they can to.”
If the other gems in the room heard him, they didn’t respond. They settled into a tense silence. Thoughts whirred through their heads. Should they? Shouldn’t they? To leave bubbled? To release? To shatter? No option felt right, but they had to figure out something.
They’d have to decide on something eventually.
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mcytgirly · 2 months
Non talked about opinion, but ‘Cool About It’ by Boy Genius is so desert duo coded and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it. So please take part in me analyzing the lyrics of ‘Cool About It’ to show you why it’s desert duo.
Met you at the dive bar to go shoot some pool (Found each other always, even if unintentionally. Always there to play the games.)
And make fun of the cowboys (ie. ranchers??) with the neck tattoos (I like to think soulmate marks in double life were on their necks.)
Ask you easy questions about work and school (every single small talk they’ve had in the life series since 3rd life)
I'm trying to be cool about it (the two of them literally haven’t mentioned what happened in 3rd life since like double life. I know as actual people their lives didn’t change obviously, but as characters they did. They were completely changed because of that desert, and yet they’re expected to be ‘cool about it’)
Feelin' like an absolute fool about it (idiots in love?? Need I say more.)
Wishin' you were kind enough to be cruel about it (Scar has never once gotten mad at Grian for all the times he’s hurt him. Outside of double life Scar hasn’t even really confronted Grian about it. Yes, Scar said the “you stab a man in the back” and “it’s for your secret soulmate” but he’s never fully been mad at Grian.)
Tellin' myself I can always do without it (I like to think that yes, both Grian and Scar never left the desert. But Grian tried to and failed, just like him trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need Scar. Well Scar never left the desert out of choice, he always goes back to Grian.)
Knowin' that it probably isn't true (Neither of them can do this without each other. Just Grian still tries to get away and Scar hasn’t. They need each other.)
I came prepared for absolution, if you'd only ask (The entirety of third life was the two of them literally against the world. The two of them would go anywhere with each other if the other asked. Literally all of their deaths in double life was an adventure they went on either separately or together.)
So I take some offense when you say, "No regrets" (They both hurt each other, and made each other lose lives. Though Grian pushes away Scar because he doesn’t want to hurt Scar again. Well no matter what Grian does, Scar still goes back! Scar doesn’t regret any of it.)
I remember it's impossible to pass your test (The entirety of every scam Scar has committed. Grian has never fallen for one, it was always Scar who fell for Grians. For example, Scar giving Grian a life in last life, and the entirety of their cactus trade in secret life.)
Feelin' like I'm breaking a sweat about it (“Scar put your clothes back on!”)
Wishin' you would kindly get out of my head about it (Grian being the one to tell Scar, “She’s dead Scar. You won.” in Secret life. And the entirety of “the voices want a fight” in third life)
Tellin' myself one day I'll forget about it (Once you win all the tiny details come back, but during the games you remember everything. So Scar remembers third life in last life but not on Hermitcraft. So every single season Grian always hopes he’ll come back and he’ll have forgotten what happened, he’s stuck having every single detail swallow him whole. He wishes he could use his hands again without seeing blood on them. But forgetting meant forgetting those lilacs and poppies, and Grian couldn’t live in a universe where he didn’t remember what those flowers smell like. Scar wishes he could remember everything yearns to never have to forget again, until he then wins secret life and realizes winning is to much to carry. Not when the memories haunt him everywhere and everyday for the rest of his life. He yearns to wake up one morning and forget everything, to never feel that loneliness again, but that would mean forgetting the desert, Scar can’t live in a universe where he doesn’t miss the feeling of sand underneath fingernails.)
Knowin' that it probably isn't true (Though contrary to the prior statement, both of their biggest fears is the other forgetting everything)
Once, I took your medication to know what it's like (After Scar won Scar was able to understand why Grian was so avoidant and never spoke about the life series outside of the games)
And now I have to act like I can't read your mind. I ask you how you're doing and I let you lie (Never apologized outside of 3rd life. They just don’t bring it up, they lie. Just like when Grian asked Scar if he wanted to be friends and Scar HAD to say no because he had to LIE)
But we don't have to talk about it (They never actually talked about what happened outside of the games!! They’ve never fully brought up 3rd life since the beginning of last life. They were never going to talk about it. )
I can walk you home and practice method acting (The both of them act like it doesn’t matter, but it does. It does matter. It eats them alive. It’s what brings them back to each other in every life, is every game, in every universe. They’re just ACTING)
I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning (Whenever they’re around each other they just have the memories of everything before this. They would forever be trapped by the memories of every moment they’ve ever been together. They will always go back. They will always feel like they’re drowning.)
Tellin' you it's nice to see how good you're doing. Even though we know it isn't true (They just want life to go back to how it was before. They’re just idiots in love. They just want to be a part of each others lives. They hate each other, they love each other more than anything. They want to be a part of each others days, yet they’re going to betray each other in ever lifetime. They’re going to avoid each other for the rest of their existence, they’re going to find each other again in EVERY SINGLE LIFETIME.)
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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frozenjokes · 19 days
I’m Really Sorry About The Whole ‘Crush On My Alter Ego’ Thing, But We Could Still Totally Make This Work
Grian woke up early to a harsh alarm as he had every day since Scar’s.. confession..
The sun hadn’t even risen yet, but it probably would in an hour or two, so Grian wasted no time getting right on his morning routine. Which is to say. Doom scrolling for at least an hour before actually getting up. Though before choosing one of many social media platforms to waste his time with, he checked his texts, expecting to find a meme or work schedule change from Cub, and instead:
Good morning sunshine👊👊👊👊👊!!! ❤️ Time to get ready for another day of stopping crime and KICKING ASS👉👊👊‼️⚡️⚡️⭐️✨✨💥💥💥💥 I would say I hope you slept well.. but I KNOW you did and that your going to have a certifiably SLAY DAY⭐️💥⭐️💥⚡️⚡️⚡️ I just wanted YOU to know that your killing it (👊👊👊👊👊👊) and you’re awesome and very cute😳 like cUtEgUy you know and everyone loves you❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️Me included!! Can’t wait to see you today🫵🫵👊👊🫡💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 *dhoots arrow* HOTGUY
It went on for quite a bit longer, but Grian had seen enough actually, and consequently was no longer inclined to stay awake. This would be a problem for future Grian.
Future Grian was not very happy with past Grian when he woke up a few hours later, stumbling in his disoriented state to the kitchenette for coffee. Cub was at the kitchen table scrolling through his phone, and once Grian had the presence of mind to interrogate him, he pulled up the text, shoving his phone in Cub’s face.
“What is this. Did you have something to do with this? Did you write this for him? That’s probably something you’d do. What’s your prerogative here?”
Cub took a long moment to read, a small smile creeping across his face before outright laughing, “Oh, this is great.” Cub gently took Grian’s phone to keep reading, adjusting his glasses, “It just keeps going. How long do you think he spent typing this?”
“I don’t know! I don’t care! What the hell am I supposed to do? Why is he even texting me in the first place?”
“I’m failing to see how this is a big deal. He’s probably just sorry about the Micah thing and this is how he’s chosen to express that. Oh- here. ‘You don’t have to worry about seeing Micah again because I killed him. He’s gone.-‘ several explosions emojis ‘-I also tried to kill HotGuy but when I brought it up to one of my buddies who’s in with the higher ups he said No No Definitely Not Do Not Bring This Up To Anyone Else Ever For Your Own Safety so I’m feeling a little bit more insecure about my place in the world but that’s okay! I mean I know my life has always been in the hands of government doctors but I didn’t actually think through those implications until right now. You know me though, I’ll just keep doing my best! HaHa!’ Oh god. That’s a lot more text with very few emojis. Do these things not have character limits? I don’t think he’s okay actually. This just keeps going.”
“The- Okay, how am I supposed to be upset at him after you just read all that out to me? This is not fair. Can we just put that aside for later because how the fuck am I supposed to look at Scar in even remotely the same way after Micah- You can not possibly understand, Cub, I told Micah everything. We like- connected! And it was just fucking HotGuy the whole time! The guy I can’t fucking stand!”
“Out of costume I think he prefers you just call him Scar.”
“Okay. Sure. Fine. Scar fucked my brain! How can he even expect me to look at him the same way! He just let me think for all that time he was a different guy! Do you know how crazy that is? He talked shit ABOUT HIMSELF constantly! He tricked me!” Still, after a whole week to think about it, Grian couldn’t make sense of that. That he had met someone, made a real connection with a real person, but he hadn’t, not actually, because all of it was a facade. It was just Scar. But it didn’t feel like just Scar- it felt like Micah. Micah, who was just an act. Micah who he’d never see again. And maybe that hurt the most. That he’d lost someone like that. That he’d lost a friend. Someone who he thought might be able to be more than a friend.
“If it helps I think he has serious enough issues with his identity that he was not just ‘Scar but playing a character.’ Micah was a different person to him, I think.”
“Yeah.” Grian’s shoulders sagged, the idea not much of a comfort, “That. I got some idea of that. He was asking me a lot of questions about alter egos when-“ Grian cut himself off to groan loudly, “This is so stupid. This is so stupid. He needs to go directly to therapy for weeks at a time so I don’t have to see him for at least another month.”
Cub shrugged, “Maybe it would be good for you to see him. Maybe you should go in today.”
“How would this help me.” Grian glared, but Cub wasn’t looking up, still reading-
“I don’t know,” Cub said, setting Grian’s phone down on the table to return his focus to his own coffee, “I just kinda want you to.”
“I do. You’ve both been a bit of a wreck all week, maybe this’ll clear the air. And unless you plan on never speaking to Scar again, which is not practical for your work or your home life, you’re going to have to tear the bandaid off at some point. If he wants to apologize, you should let him say what he has to say at the very least. You don’t have to forgive him.”
“You- Are you in on this? I think you’re in on this.”
“I didn’t know about the text. Honestly, the majority of that message comes off as very.. in the moment. I don’t think that was planned. But he has a plan. No idea what. He wouldn’t tell me. It’ll probably be funny though.”
“So do you want this to fix me or do you want to laugh at me?”
Cub waved a hand dismissively, not looking up from his coffee. “I want to laugh at Scar.”
“You should go to work though.”
“I know your motives, Cub.”
Cub only shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m also just curious. I want to know what he does. Don’t you? Wouldn’t it be sad if he planned some sort of big I’m Sorry event for you and you never showed?”
“This is extremely appealing to me.”
“But then you’ll never know what it was. Or if it even happened at all.”
“Scar will text you.”
“He might not.”
Grian scoffed. “If you want to see what Scar has done so badly then you can go and see it for yourself.”
“You think security would let me in?” Cub looked a bit too excited by that idea, the kind of expression that crossed his face holding Great Intention. Always a terrifying look on Cub, and definitely not something to be encouraged lest he get himself arrested.
“I don’t know. Probably not.”
Cub deflated (a great relief), but didn’t budge on his prior sentiment. “You should go.” Grian rolled his eyes.
“Well I am going, I want to go, but I'm not trying to see any of Scar. If he wants to talk to me he can chase me down. I’m not playing into anything he has planned.”
“Oh,” Cub blinked, then looked back at his phone, “Great. My job’s done then.”
“You are in on this!”
“I maintain my innocence. Hope it’s a good day though.”
“It won’t be.”
“If you say so.”
Grian rolled his eyes, taking his coffee off the maker and heading back to his room. He dressed in his underclothes, grabbed his bag, then headed out with a passing goodbye. Cub’s focus was elsewhere anyway, getting ready for his own work. One day Cub would be able to quit that damn job. Now that Grian had he means, he was going to make sure of it.
With the ample warning, Grian made sure to steer completely clear of his and Scar’s offices. He intended on lingering here as little as possible, only dropping in to change and collect a radio.
Apparently Scar had anticipated this.
“Well hello there!”
Grian didn’t catch more than a glance of him before slamming the public office door closed, but had to open it again seconds later because what the fuck was Scar wearing.
Scar had laid himself out over the center desk, dressed head to toe in the most garishly abhorrent green crop top, booty shorts, and sparkly jewelry Grian had ever seen all on top of his uniform. ‘IM SORRY’ was written across the chest in neon pink fabric marker chicken scratch, a miserable failure at matching CuteGuy’s colors. The entire outfit clashed so horribly that Grian couldn’t help but stare, for a moment too long apparently because Scar took this as an invitation to continue speaking.
“CuteGuy! I had a rose for you, but you took your sweet ass time getting here and I got bored, so I ate it instead. You know how there’s rose flavored candy and shit? Does not taste like the flower. Would not recommend. Actually!” Scar rolled over onto his stomach, kicking his legs, and Grian choked on a snort when he saw the text across Scar’s ass said ‘WHORE.’ “I was trying to spit it out, you know, and I’m pretty sure my saliva is purple now. It turned my water purple. I might have poisoned myself.”
Grian found himself stuck between bafflement and a laugh, but he refused to show Scar he was any amount amused by this display, his voice stilted in suppression when he finally spoke. “Give me. A radio.”
“Sure thing!” Scar plucked one off the dock, spinning it in his fingers before tossing it across the room. Grian caught it, turning on his heel to leave. “Hey! Where are you going?”
Grian didn’t feel the need to answer, shutting the door behind himself as he went, but it wasn’t long because he heard the tip-taps of Scar’s boots behind him, not running, but certainly trying his best to catch up.
“Did you see my message this morning?”
“I saw it.”
“Did you see the part where I asked to take you to lunch?”
“Do you want to go to lunch then? Later, obviously. You don’t even have to go with me!”
Grian scoffed through a chuckle, rolling his eyes. Ridiculous. “No thanks.”
“I thought so. That’s okay! Maybe another time! I’m going to go now, but it was nice to see you, CuteGuy!”
Grian frowned, not responding or turning around. If Scar wanted to dress like an idiot, that was his prerogative. Grian wasn’t going to be the one to stop him. He had actual work to be doing.
Grian liked how often he got to fly in this line of work. CuteGuy the villain didn’t fly anywhere; he laid low, he scouted the streets from roofs of buildings, he stuck to the shadows. ‘Grian’ didn’t fly much either, not without a reason. Sometimes he’d fly just like anyone would go for a walk, but he liked doing something, he liked having places to go. As much as he loathed superhero culture- and the whole damn city for that matter- he loved this.
It wasn’t unusual for a crowd to gather at the scene of a fight or crime, but maybe Grian should have known that a crowd this large, this dense, was a red flag. It had been a couple hours since he’d set off into the city, so his guard was down, he was in the zone. He had just assumed someone was hurt. That people were trying to help or panicking. Clearing the crowd revealed otherwise.
Scar was laying on the sidewalk, still wearing his clashing clothes, signing a book from a fan before shooing them away while looking distinctly like the two of them were in on some sort of inside joke. He.. didn’t have his legs.
“CuteGuy!” Scar swooned, drawing a gloved hand across his forehead, “I have fallen and I can not get up! I need a handsome and capable superhero to assist me!”
Grian cringed, but despite the majority of people having backed up, no one seemed to actually have left, encircling the both of them in a tight barrier. Scar knew plenty well how their fans felt about the two of them, (Grian had stumbled upon some.. choice pieces of fanart before) and he’d never miss an opportunity to tease under the scrutiny of eager eyes. Though, there was something beautifully normal about that; the teasing, the invitation of banter. The kind of normalcy you long for, even when things aren’t well. (Even when Micah was never real, even after you lost a friend.)
“You’re plenty capable. This is a severe waste of my time.” Grian flapped his wings, not intending on leaving, just needing more space from the onlookers.
Scar watched him carefully, delight dancing across his face when he realized that Grian was going to stay. “Well of course, of course, but going all that distance walking on my hands? No no, I don’t think so! I don’t even want to think about the kinds of calluses I’d get! And it would take hours.”
“Serves you right. Did you make sure that call only wired to me?” Grian huffed, making a grand show of his annoyance since Scar couldn’t see the roll of his eyes. And.. well.. he couldn’t quite help himself with the crowd. Everyone gets a kick out of dramatics sometimes. “Where’d your legs run off to anyway?”
“Oh! Funny story! The Goat took them.”
“You paid him to do that?”
“That would have been a really good idea! But no. He just happened to see me, and after laughing at me for like ten minutes he said ‘iF yOu aRen’t uSinG thEsE tHen I wiLL’ like he does, you know him. It was a little ominous actually. I’m a bit worried. My doctors are going to be pissed when they find out, so personally, I would rather be delivering this news with legs in hand.”
“Oh my god.”
“Yeah. It’s not ideal. If it wasn’t already clear, I’m going to need help getting them back.”
“I hope you know how unbelievably a ‘you problem’ this is because I am not helping. Good luck hunting him down. First I’d recommend calling someone to bring you your chair.”
“No!” Scar jolted upright, proving just how capable he was of not laying pathetically on the concrete, “I want you! Look, look at me. Listen. Close your eyes.”
Grian made a face, scoffing to hide the hint of amusement that was threatening to show in his expression. “Do you want me to look at you or do you want me to close my eyes.”
“Listen. Imagine. HotGuy and CuteGuy: Dynamic Duo-!”
“This sounds awful.”
“-I’m up on your shoulders, we’re infiltrating The Goat’s home base together! You’re punching bad guys and I’m shooting my bow from above-“
“And how do you think you’re going to hang on, huh?” Grian interrupted, tapping his foot.
“Obviously I’d-“ Scar moved, seeming to realize too late he didn’t have the legs he was planning on using. This did not deter him, a sharp smirk splitting his smile, “Velcro!”
Grian snorted despite himself, “Yeah. That’d be perfect, wouldn’t it. I foresee zero issues.” With a great irritation that gripped him out of nowhere, Grian was suddenly aware of other voices, the crowd, speaking loudly amongst themselves. Someone started to chant his name. Another chanted ‘Velcro!’ That caught on much faster. Grian flapped his wings far more aggressively when the crowd began to close in, hitting civilians out of his personal bubble, but this didn’t seem to be very effective, anxiety crawling under his skin as the attention started to be too much. Scar seemed to notice, but despite his efforts to control the onlookers, they were too rowdy, too caught up in their excitement to listen.
“Goodbye.” Grian hissed, straining to be heard, and Scar half-shrugged, a possible attempt at apology.
“So that’s a no, then? You’ll fetch my legs at least, will you?”
“No.” Grian beat his wings hard, forcing civilians out of his way and prepping to take off.
“Oh! Okay! Have a nice day then!”
Grian was gone before he could hear another word, before any other body could brush the backs of his wings. Anger painfully out of proportion boiled in his stomach, spilling out and staining the rest of his insides in its pulsing fire. He wasn’t angry at Scar. Well. He could certainly blame Scar, luring him around and speaking like that, stoking the fire of fans who adored the both of them, but Grian hadn’t minded the show, he hadn’t even cared all too much that he’d been tricked, not when the resulting interaction felt so.. normal. He liked an act. He liked being CuteGuy. So why was he so upset? And maybe that was it. He was just angry for no reason, and that made him angrier, because despite everything, despite trying so damn hard, he was still broken.
He could punch someone about it. He wanted to punch someone about it. Cub wouldn’t want him to.
So he flew instead. Flew like he liked, fast and far and high until the air was too thin, then let himself fall, playing games with his life as he hurtled through the sky before catching himself under spread wings and doing all of it over again. Eventually he got tired. Eventually he had to stop. But the aftermath of a senseless episode still buzzed under his skin, nearly as unpleasant as the burn that caused it. Grian could feel it. He could feel it under his skin. He wanted to tear it out. He wanted to fly, exhaust himself until he couldn’t feel anything at all, but he was too tired, so instead he found himself gliding to Cub’s workplace. He didn’t know where else to go.
“CuteGuy-“ Cub’s manager was frightened by his sudden entrance, stumbling through the front door aggressively enough to rattle the attached bell into senseless noise.
“Hello Diane.”
“How do-“ but Grian cut her off with a frustrated groan, not caring to listen as he dragged himself to the back. Cub looked even more startled to see him than his manager did, though surprise quickly melted into concern when Grian collapsed into a pile of cardboard boxes. He grunted. They were not as soft as they looked.
“Ah CuteGuy, friend of HotGuy who I am friends with and know for this reason- it’s fine Diane, it’s fine, let me just- I can handle it.” Grian heard the soft arguing from the doorway, but didn’t care to say anything. He didn’t care to think. He just wanted to be better.
Eventually the door closed.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Cub’s hand flew to his shoulder and Grian viscerally cringed, lips parting in silent discomfort until the hand was swiftly drawn back, “I’m sorry. Do you need me to call an ambulance? Are you okay? You’re not okay.”
“I’m not hurt,” Grian mumbled, narrowing his eyes against Cub’s panicked expression in his peripherie. “Angry. Stupid.”
Cub jolted in his recognition, gears shifting immediately. “Scar, then. Was it Scar? I mean, I can’t say I haven’t been keeping tabs on the news- social media, the like. I’ve seen more than a few videos- people are going kinda nuts over nothing in my opinion but- It was too much. I’ll tell Scar to stop bugging you, he’ll stop.”
“It’s not Scar. I don’t care about Scar.”
Cub made a bit of a face, enough for Grian to tell he wasn’t so sure about that, but Cub didn’t voice the thought, instead asking, “What happened?”
“Nothing happened. Nothing.”
“Is- I’m struggling a little with the tone, man.”
“I don’t know! I was fine, I was kinda having fun and then I just wasn’t and out of nowhere everything just sucked and I was so mad and that’s not supposed to happen to me! Nothing happened and I wanted to rip out my hair and punch things and I didn’t, but now I just feel stupid! Why is my brain so fucking dumb.”
Grian let his head drop, face down in a pile of cardboard, but Cub didn’t move, intense in his silence. Eventually he sat down, right on the floor. “I need to break these down anyway,” he hummed, almost subconsciously as he leaned to grab something off his desk. The next couple minutes were filled with the sound of a boxcutter against tape and cardboard. It wasn’t awful.
“Do you want to know what I think?” Cub asked, not much more than a whisper. Not like he was sad or anything either, just focused on the task at hand.
“Okay,” Grian mumbled, the word coming out entirely indecipherable as anything but a noise of assent.
“I think you were nervous this morning. I think maybe you had an alright day, but got overwhelmed near the end. You can be having a good time and still get overwhelmed. There were a lot of people around you from what I could tell; it looked kinda claustrophobic.”
“But I didn’t- I didn’t care. It was like a switch in my brain just flipped! No build up!”
“Sometimes that’s how it happens. Sometimes there is build up and you just don’t notice until it’s too late. It’s not always so simply defined. There’s not always a reason. And there doesn’t have to be. You’re not regressing because you had a bad day, Grian. You’re not stupid.”
“I feel awful.”
Out of the corner of Grian’s eye, he saw Cub nod. “Yeah. I get it.” Cub continued with the boxes and Grian didn’t speak, only shuffling a little to grant easier access to the few he was laying on. But Cub stopped almost abruptly after breaking down one box, the room blanketed in a meaningful silence. “Have I told you yet? How damn proud of you I am?”
The question jolted Grian out of his daze. He didn’t know what to say. How to respond. “I haven’t done anything.”
“Of course you have. You’ve been dealt a pretty shitty hand of cards, but you haven’t stopped working with them. You haven’t given up. And you have your moments, you have bad weeks, bad months, but you still pick yourself back up at the end of today. I think you’ve grown. I don’t think Grian from a couple months ago would have walked away from the crowd and taken his anger somewhere better. I don’t think Grian from a couple months ago would have come to me. I respect you, Grian. You’ve come so damn far. I’m proud of you.”
Grian shook his head. “I haven’t done anything. It’s all you. I don’t pick myself up at all, you’re just pushing me back on my feet.”
“I haven’t known a single person that overcomes any of these kinds of challenges without support. That doesn’t make you any less capable, Grian. You’re still standing on your own two feet. I am proud of you.”
Discomfort burned in Grian’s chest. Cub didn’t get it. He didn’t understand. “It’s all for you. I’m only here because of you.”
“Having a strong motivator doesn’t discount all the hard work you’ve put in for yourself. You want to be better, Grian. You give your blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen. I’m not just dragging you along. You go to therapy and work your ass off. You keep track of your meds. You make the decision to walk away when all of you wants to haul off and kick someone’s shit in. You do it. You. And maybe most impressively, every time you fail, get arrested, relapse into old behavior, you peel yourself right off the concrete and try again. And there’s nothing harder than that. So that’s why I’m proud. That’s why I will always be proud. You’re a good man, Grian. You’re good.”
Grian didn’t know what to do with that. A soft chill rippled through his form, shaking him in his entirety despite its gentle nature. All of him felt so heavy. His lungs were full of lead.
“Can I have a hug?” A meek question, but he didn’t care.
“Of course.”
Cub’s touch sent another wave of coolness riding through his veins, contracting his muscles, making him sick and heavy and limp. And then, slowly, a steady march that began in his chest and spread outward; warmth. A soft, perfect warmth. The kind of love that could make anyone believe they were something to be proud of.
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quaranmine · 3 months
Art Symbolism in The Incandescence of a Dying Light
Okay, I want to talk about art symbolism in Firewatch AU tonight, so I can finally add this post to the masterpost. This is something I did accidentally at first, and then on purpose later when I realized how perfectly I set it up. It's a happy accident that I ran with. I wish I'd incorporated it more clearly throughout, but as it stands it's a nice little small detail.
Visual art is used throughout the story as symbol of healing and recovery. I think I can speak for most of my fellow artists/writers/etc that not only is our art an important part of our lives, but it helps us process things. I know it's that way for me. Tracking the mentions of art throughout the story paints a picture (lol) of Grian's journey.
Specifically, the very first moment we're introduced to Grian, he's drawing.
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He's doing this as part of his job, but it's implied in this scene that he's not drafting anything technical and is just coming up with exteriors. He enjoys the drawing. But significantly, this is a scene before Mumbo disappears. It's a snapshot of the before, a snapshot of normal.
The next time art gets brough up is in chapter four, when Grian learns for the first time that Scar is an artist (while having his breakdown about Mumbo.)
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He says, I used to draw. This is an intentional revealing of Grian's mental health in the AU, because depression will literally steal away all your creativity and desire to engage in things you love. I know that from experience, and I'm sure many readers do too. Grian used to draw, but now he doesn't. He used to be an architect--a career he loved--but now he isn't. That's all a mark of his past, which is a person he doesn't feel like he is anymore.
But once we get to chapter eight, after a few weeks of getting closer to Scar and chipping away at finding Mumbo we get:
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Scar asks Grian to draw something for him, and Grian actually does it. He picks up the pencil again. This is also when we start to dip into Scar's backstory, because this leads into Grian asking Scar why he's an artist. Scar picked up the hobby after his accident, as something to help him. He stuck with it. (Scar also offers to mail Grian a painting here, an idea that gets "satisfied" in the last paragraph of the story.)
But really it's just...the act of picking up a pencil here that does it for Grian. It's an indication that he's already in a slightly different mindset than he's been in for the past year. He's not healed yet. But he's tangibly in a different place than he was before he met Scar. He's not only willing to try and draw something again, but also listen to a friend's suggestion (after famously ignoring his other friends for months in an attempt at self-destruction.)
It's not a perfect drawing. He throws the first attempt away. But he actually tried again!
Then in chapter twelve we get more art related things, starting with Grian getting to see more of Scar's paintings. We also get another mention from Scar about how picking up art helped him:
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For Scar, art is a big part of his identity now. It's a passion he's held for years, and it was something that he could fall back on to help process his trauma and grief. He has insecurities about his art (he's not all confidence all the time) but it is something that he finds important. He finds it important enough to recognize that it would benefit Grian, too.
Then, of course, we have Grian giving Scar the picture of his lookout that he drew in chapter eight. I just knew I had to fit it into the last chapter somehow, to bring it full circle. It's sort of a physical thank you.
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It's not just a drawing Grian is giving him. It's the first thing he drew again after months of motivation went down the drain from grief and depression. It's the physical signfier that Scar had a huge impact on his life. It's the proof that maybe Grian can salvage this. He's not going to be his old self. But he doesn't have to abandon everything. He can keep engaging in art. He can get his career back. He can draw a new life for himself.
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Three times' the charm - zit+ranchers
original fic by me on ao3
That's what Grian had told Jimmy would be added in this season of the life games. A person who you would be bound to, your very soul linking with theirs, sharing pain and health quite literally.
When they all met up at spawn to begin the series, Jimmy had seen Tango, of course. Obviously he hadn't missed the flutter in his chest or the way he couldn't quite tear his eyes away from the man. Grian had explained to them that, for as long as you didn't know who your soulmate is, you would physically feel drawn towards them. But Jimmy hadn't connected the dots back then, because everyone was at spawn at the time, so it would be only natural for him to feel the effects of the bond.
Besides, according to Grian, the code he used for the soulmate bond chose another player based on a variety of conditions and not at random. One of the conditions was an already existing attraction towards another player, as well as your own sexuality among other things. Jimmy hadn't actually met Tango before, so there was no way he had any "pre-existing" attraction towards him.
Also Jimmy wasn't gay. He wasn't attracted to men in any way.
That's why, when Jimmy abruptly died and found himself face to face with Tango at spawn some time later, he didn't say a thing. He just stared at Tango as the man apologized profusely and explained that there had been a creeper, but Jimmy could hardly pay attention. He just stared at Tango because he wasn't into men and he wasn't attracted to Tango at all.
Well... Okay, maybe he found Tango hot, but in his defense, he was just a conventionally attractive guy. Objectively speaking.
Nevertheless, Jimmy sighed, pulled Tango into a quick hug to show that he wasn't mad, and then the two set off to build themselves a home.
Once the first day was over, they had the beginning of their little ranch done and Jimmy lay awake in his bed, staring at the wooden ceiling. Tango had left in the early evening to talk with Impulse and hadn't returned yet. Jimmy wasn't particularly worried tho, the season had just started and it was way too early to go and kill people yet.
No, that wasn't the reason Impulse had asked Tango to visit him. Jimmy knew that, and he also knew why Tango went so eagerly.
They were dating. It wasn't really public, but it also wasn't particularly a secret. Jimmy had been told by Tango himself, in a side comment, earlier that day.
Tango had went off to see his boyfriend and Jimmy was left alone laying in his bed in their ranch and for a quick second, he felt something close to jealousy creeping up inside of him.
He shook the feeling rather quickly. There was no reason for him to be Jealous, after all.
Tango was happy with Impulse and their boyfriend, Zedaph. The three of them were happy together, Jimmy knew that and he felt a warm feeling spreading through his body whenever he saw Tango and Impulse together or when they talked about Zedaph and Jimmy could see them relax and smile fondly at just the mention of their boyfriend. They were... cute together, the three of them.
And Jimmy was happy for them, really, he was. So there was absolutely no reason to feel jealous when Tango went to see his boyfriend. It was only natural that they wanted to see each other and Jimmy really couldn't blame Tango for looking forward to it so much.
Yeah, he wasn't jealous at all. Maybe Jimmy felt... Lonely? The ranch was quite big after all and it felt weird to be alone in it.
That must be it. Jimmy felt lonely.
Clinging on to that thought, Jimmy fell into a restless sleep. When he woke up the next morning, the sun had just begun to set outside. The soft morning light fell through the windows of the ranch and Jimmy groaned. He didn't want to be awake yet. Tango and him had nothing to do and his bed was comfortable, soft and he was cuddled up against something amazingly warm and cozy.
He was... cuddled up against-
Jimmy was suddenly wide awake, sitting up abruptly and looking around. There was another person next to him in the bed, messy blonde hair splayed out against his pillows, the morning light making the strands shine almost golden.
Tango. Tango was in Jimmy's bed.
Actually, Jimmy realized after a quick look around the room, Tango had moved his own bed and pushed it against Jimmy's so they would comfortably fit in it.
The realisation made Jimmy blush.
Tango moved on the bed, turning around in Jimmy's direction. Slowly, he blinked his eyes open. The bright red shone like a gem in the sunlight. Jimmy gulped as he took the other man in. Tango was- Tango was beautiful. Pretty, even. Jimmy had never in his life wanted to kiss someone as badly as he did now.
And that scared him, just a little.
Tango reached out to Jimmy with one hand and grumbled, his voice deep and gravelly from sleep. He sighed when his hand found Jimmy's, tugging his hand to get him to lay down again. "You're warm." Tango mumbled out, sleepy eyes staring into Jimmy's. "C'mon, let's sleep a bit longer. It's too early to do anything." Jimmy sighed, but let Tango tug him down and laid back down next to him. Tango hummed happily and immediately pulled Jimmy closer, resting his head against Jimmy's chest and wrapped an arm around Jimmy's waist to hold him close.
Hesitantly, Jimmy moved one hand to gently lay on Tangos head. After another content hum from Tango, Jimmy kept his hand there to play with Tangos hair and brush through it softly.
It felt... weirdly domestic. Jimmy smiled when Tango started to snore lightly, evidently having fallen back to sleep. This was nice, Jimmy found. This was good, he could get used to this. Just for a little while, until the series was over. Even if it felt a little romantic, that didn't mean he was actually in love with Tango and it's not like Jimmy would do anything stupid like kissing a man who already has two boyfriends.
If you'd ask Jimmy's friends if he was stupid, most of them would chuckle and fondly agree. He was known for making dumb decisions and being the first to respawn in any world ever.
But Jimmy didn't think he would ever be making decisions this high on the stupidity scale.
Tango was currently pinned against the wall of the ranch, held firmly in place by a hand on his chest. Jimmy's hand on his chest. He used his other hand to stabilise himself against the building as he leaned in and pressed his lips roughly against Tangos. Tango sighed into the kiss and arched up so he could deepen the kiss better. One of Tangos hands found its way into Jimmy's hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
Jimmy didn't know how they ended up here. He remembered that Tango had explained a few basic rules in his relationship with his boyfriends, specifically in regards to "having fun" with people outside of their throuple. Tango had assured Jimmy with a smile that if he wanted to take the lore of this series into a romantic direction, they absolutely could do that, that Jimmy was allowed to hold his hand and touch and kiss. Jimmy also remembered briefly thinking how lucky of a guy he was to be allowed this, only to blush and remind himself that he was still very much straight.
Now, he was breathing heavily as he grabbed Tangos hand and pulled him inside their home, kissing him again as soon as the door was closed.
They never did anything past heavy make out sessions, but they did go there. Not just once or twice.
Tango was an amazing kisser, his naturally higher body heat made Jimmy sink into it that little bit more, made him feel a little helpless, like he was literally melting against him. Kissing Tango was addictive, at least to him. Whenever they started, Jimmy didn't want to stop.
The whole thing still scared Jimmy, even after Double Life had ended and he was back in the empires smp, sitting alone in his town. He thought maybe the soulbond had drastically enhanced the feelings he had for Tango, but he had to realize very soon that that wasn't the case. He missed Tango much much more than he had ever missed anyone. He longed to be in his arms again, to wake up with him, to kiss him any chance he got.
The weirdest thing about it all was that Jimmy didn't know why he had such a hard time accepting his own feelings. He was almost sure he was in love with Tango. But something in the back of his mind screamed at him that he must be wrong about it.
If he was completely honest, it probably had something to do with the people that raised him. They'd always had a very extreme view on the lgbtq community and Jimmy was beyond glad that he hadn't adopted their worldview. But apparently, it had still affected him enough that he struggled with the thought that he himself could be gay.
Even tho, if he really sat down to think about it, it made sense. He'd never been interested in women, not romantically anyway. Jimmy sighed and stared upwards into the clear skies over Tumble Town. He wanted to talk to someone about this. And there was only one person he could think of that he was comfortable with talking about it.
Jimmy secured his elytra, double checked he had enough rockets to make his trip and set off towards the colorful meadow that housed Chromia.
Chromias King, Scott, was a friend to Tumble Town and its Sheriff, even if they teased each other a lot. Jimmy had known Scott for a long time already, they'd been friends for years and Jimmy trusted him. He was also the only really openly gay man that Jimmy knew.
Jimmy landed in Chromia just past noon and immediately set out to find Scott. He ended up finding him resting by the flower fields near Chromias windmill. Scott looked up at the sound of boots heavy against the soft grass.
He smiled at Jimmy and greeted him with a quick hug. "Sheriff! It's been a while since you've been all the way out here, what can I do for you today?" Jimmy chuckled and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh- I need your help, I think?" Scott raised an eyebrow. "You think?" Jimmy nodded. He looked at Scott and took a deep breath. He wasn't sure if he was ready for this talk, but he needed to get his thoughts out of his head.
"Scott I think I'm gay."
Scott looked at him for a long second before bursting out laughing. "Jimmy we were literally married last season, you only realised that now?" He asked, amusement heavy in his voice. Jimmy sighed and put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "I mean it, Scott. I'm not talking about the Codfather or the Sheriff. I'm- I'm gay. Just me." Scotts smile faltered. "Oh you're being serious." Jimmy nodded. Scott gently took Jimmy's hand. "Alright, you look like you need to talk. How about we go to Chromias tavern, sit down and have a chat?" Jimmy nodded again. "I'd love that, thank you Scott."
The tavern was nice and just as bright and colorful as the rest of Chromia. Scott poured them both a glass of juice and smiled at Jimmy when he had settled into his seat. "So, you're gay." The statement made Jimmy take in a breath. "I am. I think I am. I-" he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "You know how Tango was my soulmate in Double Life?" Scott hummed an affirmative. "I did something stupid. Like, really really dumb." Scott snorted. "What else is knew?" Jimmy chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Scott so he could see his reaction to his next reply. "Tango and I made out. A lot."
Scott choked on his juice.
Once he had his breathing under control again, he stared at Jimmy. "He- oh my stars Jimmy, that man has a boyfriend-" Jimmy smiled. "Two actually. They're beautiful." Scotts gaze turned to genuine disbelief. "Beautiful? You- wait. You said you made out a lot. Define a lot, please?" Jimmy sighed and uncrossed his arms. "Well, I can't give you a definite number of course, but you know... We were making out a lot when we were alone in the ranch. Which we were often, so..." Jimmy trailed off, nervously staring down at his hands. "Oh wow okay. So it was like- genuinely something that happened a lot." Jimmy nodded. "And I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it a lot Scott. Tango is... He's a great kisser. And attractive." Scott whistled slowly.
He leveled Jimmy with a calculating gaze. "You still think about him, don't you?" Jimmy gulped, but nodded. "I miss him a lot. I know we weren't like... actually dating, but Tango talked to his boyfriends and they were okay with us... playing into the romantic aspect of the lore." Jimmy started playing with his fingers. "Which, by the way, we didn't- Tango didn't cheat on his partners or anything, in case you were thinking that. They both knew what we were doing and they were fine with it." Scott nodded. "Well that's good. But you still miss him? How do you feel about his boyfriends?" Jimmy blinked. He hadn't expected that question. "His... His boyfriends?"
Scott nodded seriously. "Yeah. You said they're beautiful. Are you in love with them too?" Jimmy's head was spinning. Was he? He wasn't even entirely sure if he was in love with Tango or if he had just kick-started his gay awakening. "I'm not sure. I... I don't even know if I really love Tango, you know? I miss kissing him, but I don't know if that's because of him or because he's the only man I've ever kissed. Does that even make sense?" Scott smiled softly at him. "It does make sense. I'm very proud of you for telling me, by the way. I know that takes a lot of trust and, well, I get the feeling that you've got quite a lot to talk about." He reached over the table to take Jimmy's hand in his own. "We've got all the time in the world right now. I'm here to listen, if you want to talk."
And talk Jimmy did. They sat together for hours, deep into the night, long enough that Jimmy ended up staying in one of the guestrooms in the tavern.
By the time Jimmy was back in Tumble Town his mind had cleared a little bit. He was sure now that he was gay and that he had romantic feelings for Tango. He had no idea what to do with that information tho. It's not like he'd meet Tango again soon, not to mention that, well, he was in a relationship already and Jimmy wasn't in love with his boyfriends- and even if he was, there's no guarantee that they would reciprocate.
The whole situation seemed rather hopeless, so Jimmy tried not to think about it. To his surprise, that strategy worked exceptionally well for a few months.
But then, something happened that Jimmy wasn't quite prepared for.
He met Zedaph.
Pixlriffs was hosting a small redstone workshop, which wasn't out of the ordinary. He did it quite frequently, sharing new contraptions and uses for old ones he found with the redstone world. Jimmy himself wasn't all that interested in redstone at all, but the trip to the world where the workshop would be held was quite long and Pixl hadn't wanted to travel alone. No one else on the empires server had time to accompany him, so Jimmy had promised him he'd come along. It's not the first time they'd done this and even if Jimmy didn't understand redstone all that much, watching the machines be put together and come to life was impressive.
Zedaph was taking part in the workshop and unlike Jimmy, he was very much interested in whatever Pixlriffs was talking about. The longer Jimmy sat in Pixls lecture, the more Zedaph caught his attention. Something about the way that Zedaph was hunched over his notes, the way his soft hair framed his face so gracefully, the way his eyes held an unyielding focus and he scrunched his nose when he was trying particularly hard to pay attention was... cute.
Jimmy found Zedaph adorable. And that was something new to him.
Sure he'd finally accepted that he loved Tango, but hever thought of him as cute. Tango was attractive, yes, and in a way Zedaph was too, but it was... different somehow. Because Jimmy didn't want to press Zedaph roughly against a wall and passionately make out with him like he wanted with Tango, no, he felt an overwhelming urge to cradle Zedaphs face and kiss him slowly, softly, hold him gently and tell him over and over how pretty, how beautiful he was.
And right now, he would die to do just that and to get out of this lecture. Jimmy sighed softly and turned his gaze away from Zedaph to stare at his own very messy notes.
When lunch break rolled around, Pixl invited Jimmy to sit next to him while they ate. Just as Jimmy was about to take a bite into his sandwich, Pixl spoke up with an amused tone. "Did you know that your eyes actually become heart-shaped when you stare at some you love?" Jimmy stared at Pixl and slowly lowered his sandwich. "What are you talking about?" The other shrugged, still amused. "Maybe it's an avian thing? I don't know to be honest, but when you look at Zedaph like you did earlier, your pupils become heart-shaped, just a little." He suddenly pulled up a few image files and went though them quickly. "Oh I hope I have this still saved..." Pixl stopped at one file and pulled it up. "Aha! There we go. You can kind of see it in this picture, too. It's from Double Life."
The picture showed mainly Tango, standing in front of the ranch, a big straw hat sitting on his head. He was standing by their cow pen, in the brief moment when they had kept their cows outside, one hand stabilizing himself on the fence as he leaned against it casually. In the corner, a little in the background, stood Jimmy. Pixl zoomed in on his expression to show Jimmy what he was talking about and, sure enough-
His pupils were indeed shaped just a little bit heart-shaped. The bottom was slightly pointy and there was a small gap at the top of it. Jimmy sucked in a breath. "Oh wow that's- I didn't know I was THAT easy to read..." Pixl chuckled. "Yeah you're really obvious, actually." Jimmy blushed furiously now and hid his face in his hands. "Do you think Zedaph noticed earlier?" Pixl just shrugged. "Even if he did, I don't think he minds, you know? He was looking at you an awful lot too, in case you hadn't noticed."
And here's the thing: Jimmy hadn't noticed it before, but when the break was over and the workshop continued, he payed even closer attention to Zedaph and suddenly it became so painfully obvious.
Zedaph was looking at him, all the time. He would steal glances at him form time to time and once, he outright stared at Jimmy for a good minute. Not that he minded, of course. There are far worse things in the world than having the attention of a pretty sheep hybrid all on him and him alone.
When the workshop finally came to an end on the first day, Jimmy was quick to snap his notebook closed. He wanted to go over to Zedaph and talk to him, maybe ask him if he wanted to eat dinner with him, but before he could even get out of his chair, the man was already in front of his desk. Zedaph leaned over the desk slightly, hands firmly planted on it to stabilize himself as he leveled Jimmy with a calculating gaze. "You're Tangos rancher, aren't you?" He asked and he looked a little proud of himself, like he had solved a complicated puzzle. "You looked familiar but I didn't know why, couldn't figure it out. But you're- Tango talked about you a lot, you know?- Jimmy, was it?" Jimmy nodded slowly, still a little taken aback by Zedaph standing in front him so suddenly. "Yeah, I'm Jimmy. You're his boyfriend, Zedaph. He- Tango, he loves you a lot." Zedaph smiled brightly at him and straightened up again. "He does. I love him a lot, too."
Jimmy smiled back at him and stood up as well. "Uh I was wondering, Zedaph... I was gonna cook some dinner back at my room, but I think I have enough for two plates? I don't like eating alone all that much, so I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna... Come over for dinner?" Zedaphs smile seemed to grow even wider. "Oh I'd love to! Tango said you're very talented at cooking, there's no way I'm passing up an opportunity to see for myself if he's right."
Jimmy chuckled at his words, then the two of them made their way to Jimmy's room.
Cooking with Zedaph was fun, Jimmy found. The man was a scientist through and through and apparently felt the need to taste, test and analyse just about anything he touched.
Jimmy loved watching Zedaph taste all the different spices he had brought with him to determine which one would be the best fit for their tomato sauce.
In the end, they sat together at Jimmy's small table and ate the noodles they had cooked. Jimmy smiled at the pure delight on Zedaphs face when he got his first mouthful. He wouldn't stop praising the tomato sauce throughout the entire dinner, no matter how often Jimmy insisted that Zedaph helped him cook so he deserved credit as much as Jimmy himself.
After the dinner, they decided to watch a movie together. Zedaph had insisted on watching one of his childhood favorite disney movies, but Jimmy hadn't payed much attention. It was hard for him to, when Zedaph was cuddled up against him, hugging him form the side and resting his head against Jimmy's shoulder. Jimmy wrapped one arm around Zedaphs waist to keep him close, the other absentmindedly played with a loose string of the blanket they were sitting under. About halfway through the movie, Zedaph took Jimmy's hand in his own and gently interlaced their fingers. Not long after, he fell asleep right there on Jimmy's couch. Jimmy sighed contently and pressed a soft kiss to Zedaphs forehead before he fell asleep too.
The rest of the workshop went by in a flash, the only thing that Jimmy really remembered was Zedaph. Zedaph, who kept looking at him with softness and adoration, Zedaph who just loved to hug him, it seemed, Zedaph who's skin was littered in the most adorable freckles Jimmy had ever seen on anyone, ever.
Zedaph who had pressed a quick kiss to Jimmy's cheek when they had to bid goodbyes.
Yeah, Jimmy absolutely had not been prepared to meet Zedaph, at all.
When he got back to the empires server, Pixlriffs immediately went back to his museum for reasons that slipped Jimmy's mind immediately. He couldn't pay attention to him, even if he wanted to. Jimmy's mind was, simply put, a mess.
A mess of blonde hair, cute freckles, deep purple eyes and fleeting kisses on his cheek. He didn't go back to Tumble Town that day, but immediately made his way over to Chromia as quickly as he could.
Scott was sitting at the bar in his tavern, having a nice, calm chat with Owen, the bartender, when the doors to the building were suddenly pushed open with just a little too much force. He jumped a bit at the sudden loud noise, but turned around quickly to find the Sheriff close the doors behind himself, before he made his way over to Scott and plopped down on a barstool next to him with a heavy sigh. Scott chuckled slightly at his tired expression. "Rough workshop, huh?" He asked, a teasing tone to his voice. Jimmy sighed even more deeply and dropped his head onto his arms on the bar. "Scott, Scott he's so- oh deep void- he's so pretty." Scott laughed and gently patted his back. Jimmy turned his head to look at Scott and the king was only a little surprised at the helplessness and confusion he found in Jimmy's eyes. "I'm afraid you'll have to give me a little bit of context here, Sheriff."
Jimmy groaned and closed his eyes. "Zedaph." He simply said, before he sat almost upright again. "I met Zedaph, he's one of Tangos boyfriends and Scott- Scott." He turned fully in his chair, facing Scott and holding him at both shoulders. "He's so fucking pretty, you have no idea."
Scott shook his head in amusement and signaled Owen to make them both a drink. "This feels like Tango all over again, doesn't it? I wanna hear all about Zedaph, c'mon, tell me everything." And Jimmy did. Between the relief of finally talking freely about his feelings and Owens cocktails making his brain a little fuzzy and his tongue a little loose, he told Scott every little thing about Zedaph, about how cute he was and how badly Jimmy wanted to kiss him.
"Loving him is different than loving Tango. I want- I want to be soft with him, you know?" Jimmy said after the forth drink. "I wanna kiss every freckle on his face, wanna hold his hands and cuddle him, I wanna-" Jimmy took a stuttering breath in. "oh fuck I wanna date him." He groaned for the millionth time that evening and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I wanna be his boyfriend so badly, it's ridiculous."
Scott could only chuckle at his friend, patting his shoulder in an attempt to reassure and comfort him. He'd never seen Jimmy so worked up about anything, ever. Not even his little fights with Joel left him this frustrated.
They ended up talking for hours, just like last time, and Jimmy ended up staying the night again too.
Jimmy was still very confused about his feelings and the sheer overwhelming intensity of the love he felt for both Tango and Zedaph, when he returned to Tumble Town the next day. On his way home however, near Pix's bridge, he saw something... Odd.
Part of the mountain was ripped open to reveal a portal. It looked like a nether portal at first, but something about it seemed off, somehow. Maybe it was just his imagination, but Jimmy swore this portal had a more blueish tint to it compared to regular nether portals.
He shook the thought away before taking flight to go back home.
It was probably just a trick of light.
A couple of days later, his mind still wrapped around Zedaph and Tango, Jimmy found himself standing before the mysterious portal again. Someone on the server had tried sending messages over, but so far there hadn't been a reply. Jimmy sighed and was about to return to his empire, when the portal suddenly wooshed loudly. He turned around quickly to find a piece of paper laying on the ground. He picked it up nervously and unfolded it to read the note.
The handwriting was a little messy, but the message was clear nonetheless.
"New portal, who dis?"
Jimmy chuckled at the note and looked at the portal again with growing curiosity. If the portal was stable enough to teleport items, it might even be stable enough to teleport players. After a moment of consideration, Jimmy took if his hat and gently threw it into the portal. After a couple of seconds, a chicken fluttered through in response.
Jimmy stared at the animal in awe as it glucked, tilted its head in confusion and then set out to find some seeds to chew on.
So this portal could transport animals safely. Even if it was just a chicken. And there was definitely another player on the other side and, as chickens don't naturally spawn in the nether, it must be connected to some other place.
Jimmy considered his options for another second, but ultimately, his curiosity got the better of him. He opened the world chat of the server and typed a quick message before he squared his shoulders and stepped into to the purple swirls.
[Solidaritygaming]: We've got a chicken through the rift. There is definite sign of player activity on the other side.
[Solidaritygaming]: I'm going through.
[fWhip]: Jimmy don't go through that rift, we don't know what it is, it could be dangerous!
[Smajor experienced kinetic energy.]
[Smajor]: are you insane?! Jimmy I swear to the void if you die doing this I will never forgive you!
[Smallishbeans]: Jimmy why aren't you responding?
[Solidaritygaming left the server.]
[fWhip]: ...
[fWhip]: well, shit.
When the purple faded from his vision, Jimmy found himself in a cave. Copper pipes ran through the walls and Jimmy could clearly make out a couple of industrial-looking machines as well. There was a huge whole in the top at the end of it where someone could easily fly out.
Whatever world he ended up in apparently supported his hybrid code, Jimmy realized in a daze when he felt the weight of his bright yellow wings settle on his back. He ruffled his feathers, shaking them out after years of living on servers that didn't acknowledge their existence. He sighed.
Before he could take in more of his surrounding or orientate himself, he heared a strangely familiar voice behind him. "oh what in the-" he heard footsteps, then a loud gasp. "JIMMY?!"
He turned towards the sound of the voice, his breath catching in his throat when his eyes fell on small-ish brown wings, similar to those of a brawny owl. He would recognise those pesky feathers anywhere. "Grian?" Jimmy asked carefully, slowly meeting the others eyes.
It was him. He was standing in front of Grian in a cave, on a server he didn't know. For a second Jimmy thought the next life series had started, but it was way too quickly after the last for that and since Grian didn't really have any other projects or servers to be a part of, that must mean that Jimmy was-
"Oh my god! You just came through the rift!!" Grian jumped up and down excitedly, rushing towards Jimmy and pulling him into a tight hug. "Welcome to Hermitcraft, Jimmy!" Jimmy chuckled nervously and returned the hug. "I should've known it was you, with the chicken and all." He mumbled to himself. Grian laughed and punched his shoulder lightly. "I don't know what you're taking about, Tim, I have no connections to chickens whatsoever!" Jimmy laughed and shook his head. "Right, right, if course. Anyone could be under that costume, after all." Grian nodded with a fake serious expression. "Exactly!" They looked at each other, before they both trust out giggling.
Once they caught their breath, Grian smiled at Jimmy. "Man I'm actually kinda glad to see you. But what a surprise that was! Also, the wings- I never thought you were ACTUALLY a canary!" Jimmy smiled back at Grian. "Well curses don't come about to just anyone, do they?" Grian shook his head. "You're right, of course they don't. So, uh- what do we do now?" Jimmy looked back at the rift, then at Grian. "Maybe you should let Xisuma know that there is an interdimensional hole on his server? He might be... you know... concerned about that." Grian hummed. "Yeah, now that you said it out loud it is quite concerning, isn't it?"
Grian had just sent a private message to Xisuma, when they heard the sound of breaking glass. Jimmy's eyes widened, gaze glued to the rift- or rather, what used to be the rift. "Uh Grian?" Grians eyes were shot open just as wide. "If I don't turn around I won't know." Jimmy gulped. "Grian the portal is gone." Grian turned around slowly. "Oh god the portal is gone."
True enough, glaring blackness stared back at them were purple had been glowing before. They stared at each other, Jimmy was about to say something when suddenly, his communicator pinged. He pulled it out and opened the message, it was from fWhip.
[fWhip]: please tell me you're alive.
[fWhip]: I just arrived at the rift and it's broken
[Solidaritygaming]: I'm fine. The portal is linked to Hermitcraft, Grian found me.
[Solidaritygaming]: He just contacted Xisuma, but the rift is broken on this side too.
[fWhip]: oh thank god you're okay!
[fWhip]: calling X is a very good idea too. Make sure to give him my comm ID so we can get in touch and figure this out
[Solidaritygaming]: of course, will do! Take care over there, stay safe
[fWhip]: ...you did not just tell me to "stay safe" after jumping through an interdimensional portal
Jimmy chuckled at his comm and stored it away. Grian looked at him expectantly. "It was fWhip. Asking if I'm alive, since I didn't really give much a warning before going through the portal." He smiled at Grian sheepishly. Grian chuckled. "Well, it was a little stupid if you, I won't lie." Jimmy gasped in pretend offense. "I'm sorry?! It was you who made the thing in the first place!" Grian held his hands up defensively, a grin on his face. "I did no such thing, Grumbot made the rift, not me!" Jimmy stared at him for a long moment. "That- that really doesn't make it better, Grian. What kind of robot have you build that can just- rip interdimensional holes into existence??" Grian just shrugged. "He works in mysterious ways, I can't really understand most of it myself- oh that's X coming in for landing!"
Jimmy heard the sound of elytra wings for just another second before heavy boots crashed into the cave floor. He turned around to wave at Xisuma, who was speedwalking towards them. Before either of them could get a greeting in, X forced himself in between them and glared at Jimmy. The Sheriff took a couple steps back, which seemed to calm Xisuma down a little, as he now turned towards Grian and spoke quickly. "You said there was an interdimensional portal, but you said nothing about a player coming through!" Grian raised his hands apologetically. "I mean he got a message in chat when he came through and everything, I thought you'd seen it." Grian then cleared his throat and stepped out from behind his admin. "Besides, he's not hostile." X scoffed at Grians confidence. "You don't know that, he's been here for less than 15 minutes." Grian rolled his eyes. "So what? I know him, he's a friend of mine. Believe me X, Jimmy won't hurt a fly." Jimmy nodded enthusiastically at that. "He's right, I wouldn't. If it uh... Calms you? I was Tangos soulmate during Double Life and I'm about 99% sure I fell in love with him, so I have no intentions to harm the hermits or your server."
Deafening silence fell over the three men for a couple of painstakingly long seconds. Grian broke the silence with a wheezing laugh. "You- oh my stars you love Tango?!" Jimmy blushed furiously. "Well, yeah, I guess I do. What's so funny about that?" Xisuma chuckled as well, which finally broke the tension in the room. "I think it's cute. I should let you know tho that he's already taken." Jimmy smiled. "Oh I know. Sadly I didn't really get to meet Impulse on Double Life, but I ran into Zedaph by chance a couple weeks ago." He sighed at the memories. "He's really pretty. I love him so much, actually, my heart hurts just thinking about it." Grian let out a slow whistle, drawing Jimmy's attention to him.
"Oh you're down BAD bad, aren't you?"
Jimmy laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I am, I really am. But uh- I think we have more important things to talk about?" Grian looked like he wanted to argue, but Xisuma nodded. "You're right, we do. This portal doesn't look like it works anymore, which means you don't really have a safe way back home." Jimmy nodded. "About that... I don't know how much help I can be, but fWhip, the admin of the world on the other side, asked me to give you his comm ID so you can figure something out together." X visibly relaxed. "Oh that's wonderful! This will be much easier if we can work from both sides." Jimmy smiled and handed X his communicator so he could copy fWhips contact.
"Speaking about safety, let me just quickly whitelist you so the sever doesn't randomly kick you out." Xisuma typed something on his server settings, then handed Jimmy his comm back. "You should be able to see the local chat now."
[Solidaritygaming joined.]
[BdoubleO]: o/
[BdoubleO]: wait you're not supposed to be here
[Docm77]: well. there's something new on this server every day
[Grian]: my bad guys there's some interdimensional portal leakage going on in my base
[Grian]: btw... it might be best for everyone to not come visit me for a while
[Grian]: I don't know how stable the server is with a uh... interdimensional hole
[Docm77]: ...
[BdoubleO]: ...
[Cubfan]: ... How is that not even the most concerning thing I've heard him say?
[TangoTek joined.]
[TangoTek]: hello hello!
[BdoubleO] heya Tango! Don't go to Grians base for a bit, apparently he created a weird "interdimensional" portal
[TangoTek]: .... How concerning is it that I'm not even surprised?
[Grian]: oh come on guys, it's not that bad!
[Grian]: ohhhh Tango you should look at the sever list
[TangoTek]: that's absolutely not ominous at all
[TangoTek]: what- okay Grian what did you do, what kind of glitch is this?
[Grian]: no glitches involved, promise! There's one very real Solidaritygaming standing right in front of me right now!
[TangoTek]: you better not be joking
[TangoTek]: oh my god Jimmy is here
Jimmy smiled fondly at the chaos that erupted after that message. He looked over at Grian and Xisuma, who were talking to each other over a piece of code, sitting by the portal. They seemed to be in a call with fWhip.
[Solidaritygaming]: hello hermits :D
[Solidaritygaming]: @TangoTek I am entirely huggable indeed and very lonely, too :(
[BdoubleO]: hello Jimmy!
[TangoTek]: I've got to show you everything!! You have to come over to the citadel right now!
[TangoTek]: I'm gonna give you the best cuddles of your life
[Solidaritygaming]: :D
[Solidaritygaming]: I'll ask Grian for directions, one moment
He pocketed his comm and walked over to the two men by the empty portal. "Uhm Xisuma?" The admin looked up at him. "Am I allowed to wander a bit? Tango invited me to his citadel and I'd really like to go." Grian gasped. "He invited you to his citadel?! He hasn't allowed me to come there! I'm pretty sure he hasn't even invited Impulse and Zedaph yet!" Xisuma shook his head fondly. "I don't think he has, no. Well, your code seems stable enough, so I don't see why I shouldn't let you go. You'll be stuck here for a while, so you should try to make yourself at home somewhere." Jimmy smiled brightly at him. "Oh thank you X! Thank you so much! Could you maybe tell me how to get to Tango's tho?"
Grian nodded and gave him a brief explanation of the nether hub. Jimmy thanked him and pulled out his comm once again.
[ZedaphPlays]: excuse you mr. tek how come this guy is allowed to see decked out before Impulse and I??
[ImpulseSV]: yeah, how come??
[Docm77]: an I oop-
[TangoTek]: simple, because he's my soulmate :)
[TangoTek]: and because I trust him that he won't look at the redstone and attempt to cheat at the game once it's finished
[BdoubleO]: hahahahahaha
[Docm77]: oof
[ImpulseSV]: :o
[ZedaphPlays]: :o
[Cubfan]: gottem lol
[Solidaritygaming]: omw now
[TangoTek]: awesome! You're coming through Grians portal, right? I'll meet you in the nether
Jimmy smiled fondly as he spread his wings and pushed himself off the ground. It had been years since he got to fly around without an elytra, he had missed the wind brushing through his feathers. He closed his eyes in bliss as he landed safely in Grians nether portal, allowing the purple swirls to pull him into the other realm.
Once he stepped out of the portal, Jimmy walked a couple of steps so he could be seen clearly to anyone flying by and decided to wait for Tango.
An idea suddenly popped into his head and he quickly fished out his communicator again.
{Solidaritygaming created a private group}
[Solidaritygaming added ImpulseSV; ZedaphPlays]
[Solidaritygaming named the group: "a spy at decked out?!"]
[Solidaritygaming]: alright boys tell me what to look out for
[Solidaritygaming]: and dumb it down for me please, I don't know anything about redstone ;-;
[Solidaritygaming]: I'm gonna make sure you guys win this thing
[ImpulseSV]: hahahahahaha
[ImpulseSV]: oh this is gonna be fun
[ZedaphPlays]: :o
[ZedaphPlays]: oh the betrayal! Tango has been keeping everything about the citadel a secret to us!
[ZedaphPlays] I can't wait to get some details!
[Solidaritygaming]: happy to help :D
[ImpulseSV]: be careful tho, Tango might not appreciate it if he finds out lol
[Solidaritygaming]: oh? What's the worst he would do?
[ZedpahPlays]: from experience and given how close you two are, he'd probably give you a proper tour of the dungeons down there
[ZedaphPlays]: and give you some punishment ;)
[Solidaritygaming]: ...
[ImpulseSV]: Zedaph! Not everyone is as open about these things as us hermits!
[ZedpahPlays]: oops sorry
[ZedpahPlays]: I guarantee you Tango wouldn't do anything without asking you first
[Solidaritygaming]: I thought I asked about the worst, not what sounds to be the best night of my entire life?
[ImpulseSV]: ... Zedaph we've gotta keep him.
The sound of elytra wings whooshing above his head made Jimmy pocket his comm quickly.
Only a second after, Tango landed in front of him with a bright smile. "JIMMY!!" He yelled, engulfing Jimmy in a tight hug. Jimmy smiled as well and hugged him back, snaking his arms around Tangos waist to hold him close. Tango lifted his head and almost surged forwards, smashing his lip onto Jimmy's in a rough kiss. Jimmy chuckled into his lips and pulled Tango closer by his hip, closing his eyes as Tango deepened the kiss.
They parted for air after a little while, both panting and out of breath. Jimmy's heart was racing when he properly took Tango in. He looked different now, with his thick black robe and black leather outfit, the heavy combat boots and most importantly-
"You're blue."
Tangos breath caught for a second, before he burst out laughing. "I am! What an observant man you are!" He grinned at Jimmy, sharp teeth glinting in the light of the portal close to them. Jimmy's eyes softened at the sight of that familiar grin. No matter how different Tango looked, he would always be Jimmy's rancher.
Jimmy couldn't resist the urge to steal another kiss from Tango, before he grabbed his hand and smiled at him. "I think you wanted to show me something?" Tango nodded excitedly and beamed up at Jimmy, his bright blue eyes twinkling with happiness. "Yeah! Off to the Deep Frost Citadel we go!"
The flight through the nether was relaxing, even if they didn't talk much. Just being next to Tango again made Jimmy feel safe and gave him a sense of home, a sense of belonging. He couldn't help but giggle when Tango pulled him into the portal to his base by the hands, grinning at him like a fool in love.
That was an accurate description, Jimmy supposed. They truly were fools in love, weren't they?
Impulse and Zedaph smiled softly as they watched Jimmy stumble out of the portal, falling into Tangos arms. Tango laughed as he wrapped his arms around Jimmy and kissed him softly, before he dragged him towards the impressive building of the Deep Frost Citadel.
Zedaph sighed. "He already looks like he belongs, doesn't he?" Impulse nodded next to him, reaching out to throw an arm around Zedaph and pull him close. "Yeah, Jimmy looks... At peace. Like he's coming home." He carefully watched Zedaph as the man laid his head to rest against Impulses shoulder. "Was it like this when I joined too?" He asked suddenly. Zedaph smiled fondly and nodded against Impulses shoulder. "I didn't know that love doesn't have to be monogamous back then and I was super confused. I thought I was supposed to feel jealousy, you know?" He sighed and looked up at his boyfriend. "But I didn't. All I felt was... warmth. Love. It was almost like I could feel how much Tango loved you, just by looking at him." Impulse hummed. "It really does feel that way for me now. Jimmy's quite beautiful. He looks so right there next to Tango, with Tango."
Zedaph nodded. "Yeah he does. And he's a bloody good cook, too and amazing at cuddles, let me tell you!" He chuckled. "It shocked me a little how quickly I fell for him." Impulse chuckled at that. "Maybe it's because he's so easy to love? I mean I haven't actually met him properly yet and even I'm in love with the guy." Zedaph smiled. "Maybe it is that, yeah. In any case, I'm glad he's here. He deserves to know just how much he's loved and this makes telling him a whole lot easier." Impulse hummed in agreement and placed a soft kiss to the top of Zedaphs hair.
"I think we should go back to my base for now, so we can coach Jimmy through his spying mission. It'll be a lot more comfortable than out here in the cold." Zedaph nodded. "Only if we watch Mulan and drink hot coco." Impulse smiled. "Of course."
The Deep Frost Citadel was huge. Jimmy had no doubt he would get lost in it immediately if Tango wasn't by his side. Tango had taken him to his storage first and searched through the chests until he found one of Zedpahs signature brown cardigans and slipped it over Jimmy's shoulders. "It's cold here, deep frost is a description as much as it is a name for this thing." He had explained. Now, they were walking hand in hand through the building. Zedpahs cardigan was big, heavy and it provided an excellent shield against the chilly air. Jimmy felt slightly bad that they had to cut slits in it for his wings, but Tango had assured him that Zedaph won't mind.
As they walked, Jimmy occasionally glanced at his comm to text Zedaph and Impulse, filling them in on whatever details they were curious about. When Tango explained a little bit of the redstone mechanics behind decked out, Jimmy was staring at the machinery in awe. Tango had chuckled and told Jimmy he was allowed to take a picture of he was so fascinated by it. Of course, Jimmy immediately took him up on the offer and send the picture into his spy group chat the second Tango was distracted enough not to notice.
Impulse and Zedaph had been nothing short of ecstatic at the picture, praising Jimmy high and low for being able to sneak such a nice shot.
The whole base tour had Jimmy grinning from ear to ear, partially because of the excitement of the spy mission, partially because he was overwhelmingly happy to be with Tango again after so long. They walked around for hours until they were at their starting point again. "So what now?" Jimmy asked, excited to spend more time with Tango. Tango smiled at him and put an arm around Jimmy's waist, gently guiding him back outside the citadel and towards the nether portal. "Now we go home and cuddle with Impulse and Zedaph to warm up from the ice cold dungeons we just spend several hours in." He looked a little sheepish as he added "It might surprise you, but I don't actually sleep in the citadel. It's mainly just for show and to house Decked Out, it's far too cold for me to sleep comfortably, so I've been sneaking into Impulses and Zedpahs bases to sleep." Jimmy chuckled. "I get why you would. I can't wait to actually meet Impulse, you and Zedaph have been telling me so much about him." Tango smiled and took his hand once they were through the portal. "He's an amazing person. I'm sure you'll love him, Jimmy." Jimmy smiled back at him. "With all that happened in Double Life, how much he trusted you and you trusted him, I'm sure you're right. I couldn't quite place my feelings back then, I thought I was jealous, but I think... I think what I really felt was love." Tango stopped in his tracks and stared at him. "Love?" Jimmy nodded.
"I fell for Impulse just as hard as I fell for you, back then."
The words rushed out of his mouth without him thinking about it. It was only Tango staring at him in disbelief, wonder and awe that made him realize how big of a statement that was. That Jimmy loved Tango was no secret anymore. That he had a thing for Zedaph, well, Jimmy had come to terms with it himself. But Impulse?
He hadn't even really thought about Impulse so far, but now that he did... He had felt an undeniable, deep trust towards Impulse, all the way back in Double Life. Even if that server was supposed to be about the exact opposite: pure survival instincts, betrayal, war, death. Jimmy had trusted Impulse back then, trusted him enough to let Tango waltz right into his base every other night without even a second thought about Tango possibly getting hurt. The idea hadn't even crossed his mind, if he was being honest. He had trusted Impulse with Tangos life, time and time again and, consequently, he had trusted him with his own life too.
And with the way that Tango was talking about Impulse, about their relationship and how good of a boyfriend he is, Jimmy fell for him a little bit more evey day, even if they hadn't actually talked to each other. Every time he'd seen Impulse and Tango together, he felt warm inside and a little sad, too. At first he thought he was feeling jealousy, but now it was obvious to him what he truly felt: he was in love with Impulse. He'd been sad because he wanted to share those soft, intimate moment with them both, not jealous at all.
He took Tangos hand in his own softly. "I love Impulse." Jimmy said, his voice cutting through the silence that had engulfed the nether hub. "I love Impulse, I love you and I love Zedaph. I love all of you deeply." He felt like an entire mountain was lifted off of his heart when he finally said it out loud. Tangos eyes were glistening with happy tears. "Remind me to show my elaborate thanks to Grian for bringin you here." He whispered, before he pulled Jimmy close and kissed him deeply. Jimmy sighed into the kiss, but broke it relatively quickly. "We should get to Impulses now, I'm sure they're waiting for us." Tango nodded quickly and wiped at his eyes before taking Jimmy's hand again. "We really should go, we've got quite a lot to discuss with you."
{Private messages Solidaritygaming - Smajor}
[Solidaritygaming]: Scott I think I girlbossed a bit too close to the sun
[Smajor]: damn. It's been like a month since you finally accepted that you're gay
[Smajor]: that's gotta be a new record
[Solidaritygaming]: so much happened in that month, it's actually insane to think about
[Solidaritygaming]: like, I had two major gay crisis, fell in love not once, not twice, but THREE times
[Solidaritygaming]: and now I have three boyfriends
[Smajor]: you have WHAT?!
[Solidaritygaming]: I'm actually dating team ZIT
[Solidaritygaming]: like, they love me and I get to kiss them and cuddle whenever
[Smajor]: damn. and you had to go and have three boyfriends?
[Smajor]: like jeez, save some for the rest of us Jimmy
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simple-seranade · 2 years
TW: body horror, death (life series, not really descriptive)
Some people love the toy gag, others are tired of it, I just find it a fascinating plot hook whether he is a toy or not. The head canon that Joel calling Jimmy a toy repeatedly actually turns him into one is everywhere and I love the concept. While brainrotting over this, I had an idea.
Imagine with me, for a moment.
Jimmy is a completely normal human, has been for as long as he can remember. He wholeheartedly knows it, and so does everyone around him. It’s just Jimmy, the completely normal human. Sure, he struggles with his self image a bit, but confidence is key! Fake it til you make it!
The life series happen. He dies first once. Twice. He’s not quite sure when or how it started, but people start calling him a canary. The canary in the coal mine, simply an omen of the death to come. A shock of yellow in the dark and grim, extinguished too soon. He thought nothing of it. It was just a phrase, a nickname. Nothing of any real importance, not definitive about him in particular.
Then he met his soulmate.
It only made sense it was through death, an explosion, the first death on the server. Tango being the coal mine to his canary, they said. The parallels grew, the amount of people mentioning it grew, the amount of times he heard the word canary as synonymous for him grew. 
It wasn’t even always bad. Tango called him Songbird as a term of endearment, and it was rarely ever said with truly malicious intent. 
But just because it wasn’t bad didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
It hurt when he bolted upright in the middle of the night, back feeling like it was on fire. It hurt as he barely choked back a scream, the skin on his back ripping open. It hurt when hollow bones and bloody golden feathers tore through the gaps. It hurt when fully grown wings developed in a matter of minutes, while Grian had described the process of his own wings growing as a weekslong process, from the forming to the baby wings bursting out to the wings being large enough to fly. It hurt when he cried, even as Tango held his hands, fretting and confused.
But he pushed through it, because that’s what Jimmy did. When things went wrong, when the universe had determined he was the perfect punching bag, he kept going, to show just how poor of a decision it had been.
So he got used to the wings. Eventually learned to navigate with the new weight on his back, stopped bumping into every door frame and tree and chest. He even started building up his wing strength and resolved to talk to Grian when this mess was over to see about flying lessons.
Then he died, a third and final time, and he was thrown to a new world. When he came to, he was human again, no evidence he had ever been any different besides the dandelion yellow flowers scattered around his spawn point. Not even scars on his back where the wings had pushed through in their golden, scarlet glory.
It was just an effect of the life server, the code had gone wrong, he was back to the way he was supposed to be. All of these explanations he heard when he asked the others, most just waving it off. After all, servers changed how they looked all the time. Nothing was wrong.
Jimmy tried to believe them, he really did. But when nightmares come of blood and hollow splintered bones tearing his back to ribbons, phantom pain still making him wince, it was difficult. None of the other changes had ever been that… painful. Real. 
Still, he kept going. Found a desert, built up a town, established a law. He was a sheriff now, dedicated to his Empire and making sure things were right. So what if a stuck-up god decided to make fun of him? So what if he was called pathetic, a toy? Those things didn’t define him. He was human, through and through, no matter what he had been just a single world ago.
Even if he was shrunk by a potion. Even if the comparisons to a plaything became more and more frequent. Even as all respect for him was lost, nothing but a mockery of a sheriff.
It was after the second time getting splashed with the lore potion that it happened. He was small, they weren’t turning him back, and he was just so, so sick of all of this. The Hermits had been brought in on the joke, and now almost everyone he talked to brought it up in some way. Tango was kind enough, he didn’t, and Scott… well, Scott said other things. 
It was almost like the word was echoing around in his head as he sat in his sheriff’s office, despite the rage it filled Jimmy with. He wasn't a toy! He was a living, breathing human being! He didn’t have plastic skin, or stuffed intestines, or a pullstring, or soulless glass eyes that couldn’t see anything, not really, not truly. 
Every time someone called him a toy seemed to flood his mind, and tears pricked his eyes. Is that really all he was to these people? To his friends?
The air suddenly grew thick and heavy, and a lightning hot pain shot through every nerve in his body. Unprepared, he fell to his knees, barely keeping a pained screech from escaping his lips. He swayed, barely keeping himself from falling over entirely. 
Jimmy didn’t know what it looked like as his insides scrambled and dissolved and hardened and numbed and hurt. All he knew was the feeling of his bones dissipating, of the phantom sensation of something stabbing his arms and legs and torso, of his back aching as something pushed its way through, so similar yet so different to the wings he had once grown to treasure.
He didn’t see the way the tears in his eyes blended in with their growing glassiness, or know how his torso looked as the organs unspooled themselves inside of him to make way for stuffing. He doesn’t realize until later that the thing protruding from his back is a pullstring, one that doesn’t give him the option of silence if used. He had to look in the mirror to notice the stitches that had woven their way into the seams of his toosofttooplushnotrealenough body. 
He avoids reflections after that, because he is not a toy, no matter what his image says. He can’t be.
He doesn’t know why this happens. Why he seems to be forced to bend to the wills of those around him, to their perceptions of him. He knows he’s human. He has a real, beating heart, even if his chest just feels full and still from the stuffing inside of it, a complete and utter lack of organs. He breathes, filling non-existent lungs with air. He thinks, he feels, even though his head is full of cotton and his face seems empty and lifeless. 
He’s- he’s human. He is, always has been, so why does he keep changing?
Maybe one day, someone will see the signs. One day, someone will tell the shapeshifter what he is, about the powers he can’t control, about how he’s not the universe’s punching bag, not on purpose. They’ll teach him to control his powers, so that he was the one who determined his form, not the whims of others.
But today is not that day. 
Today is the day a plush sheriff squares off against a god, hides from his soulmates of past lives, and longs for the ability to cry all the unshed tears in his unbeating paper heart.
look, writing body horror is fun. plus i thought of the concept of jimmy being a shapeshifter without control of his powers was a cool solution because as far as he knows, he is human. and he is, most of the time. his power is just very, very easily influenced by repetition.
also i like the idea of mumbo finding him and being like “your powers are acting weird? mine did that last season, it was the moons fault” and jimmys just “my what now”
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soullessfawn · 11 months
Grian wasn’t a good person.
He helps at the bird shelter, throws dollar bills into hats for street performers, is a shoulder to cry on for his friends, tutors teenagers in the art of sculpture and inner expression at the local high school, but that didn’t make Grian a good person.
A good person would speak up about the things that go bump in the night, wouldn’t let it stand, yet he was too afraid to, knowing that for some reason his quiet mouth was the only reason he hasn’t been one of the taken.
Grian lives in an old house at the edge of town, passed down through his mothers bloodline, but because his parents never had a girl before there… Turns out he was the only relative that could take the house, and so he became its prisoner.
When the sun meets the horizon, all of Grian’s window shutters would pop up, no matter what he did they’d stay open until the sunrise the next morning. Bolting them, gorilla glue, staples, prayers, nothing worked to keep the things closed.
Grian was just thankful that the windows themselves listened to him. Once all the light from the sun is shadowed, the night actually begins.
Grian could always tell when the sun had fully set, even if he was in the bathroom, which had no windows. The feeling of eyes on his back turned its ugly head, the prickling up his neck telling him that he was being watched would crawl up his spine, settling between his shoulder blades and reminding him what he was about to witness.
No matter how hard he tried to keep his eyes away from the dark spots in his house, it only took a passing glance to see them.
They didn’t have a physical form, more like a mental one, Grian if he had to describe them would say they looked like the biblical description of angels, but slightly off. With eyes, wings and body parts twisted and wrong, the darkness would show him the creatures from his nightmares.
Grian started calling them Watchers after a month into owning the house.
The Watchers loved it when he spotted them, seeming to get more rowdy and productive if he caught their eyes. The lights flickered when the night started and so Grian started using candles to light up the place, he kept himself either in his room or in the study, making mad dashes to the bathroom if needed.
The Watchers weren’t the worst part, it was what they did that's disturbing. Grian would glance out his bedroom window, eyes drawn to the darkness of his street, a moth to a burning flame, you could say.
The street had terrible lighting, and maybe that’s why no one else ever saw anything, but the reason never mattered, because soon enough a man would be walking towards the house, luggage behind him in a red suitcase, charms attached to the zippers.
Grian would watch as a Watcher peeks out from behind a tall lamp poll, its eyes strictly on the man who’s walking down the street. Grian would get up, move closer towards the window, because this was his punishment for never speaking up, for never banging on the window, his punishment was watching, witnessing, the man.
The man wore a red jumper, jeers and had light brown borderline blonde hair, like his own. The man would get about halfway before looking up, freezing at the sight of Grian in the window, not noticing the eyes and wings creeping up behind him.
Grian forced himself to stay silent as his eyes met with his own, watched as the other him went through confusion, then fear.
The Watchers struck then, jumping out of the shadows as an ear piercing scream filled the air, cries and pleads for help ringing in his ears. Grian would place a single hand on the window, the other him being dragged blood and screaming into the darkness towards his house.
Grian’s front door would slam open and shut in quick succession, the screaming continuing through his house until his basement door was opened and the screaming descended the stairs.
One time Grian didn’t go upstairs in time, and was forced to sit in the kitchen as the other him was dragged down the hallway by what first seemed to be an invisible force. Grian, the other one, reached out to him, despite the fact they shared the same face. “Help me!” The other one screamed. “Please!”
Grian had only blinked, hand clutching his hot chocolate in fear, as the other him was thrown down the stairs and the door was shut, sealing in his screams.
The silence was more unsettling, because Grian knew the other wasn’t done calling for help, yet he couldn’t hear a thing.
Grian would go to sleep after that, and magically any blood that was left would be gone, leaving him as the only witness to his own murder.
So Grian was a bad person, horrible, to watch himself die over and over again every night, but the fear of being the one to go next always stops him from asking for help. Grian knows he was singled out from the beginning, having walked that same street in the middle of the night when he moved in the first night.
Grian had seen himself in the window that night, all those months ago, banging on the glass, screaming at him to turn and run, Grian watched as the Watchers descended on the other him in the window, all because the other tried to warn him.
Grian wouldn’t make the mistake of being a hero.
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