#and when formaggio made this joke i was like
crescentmoonrider · 3 months
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Even though you're gone, we still a team Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream
I'll Be Missing You (1997) - Puff Daddy feat. Faith Evans & 112
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soupbabe · 1 year
May I request La squadra x reader? They accidentally make you cry.
La Squadra Accidentally Making Reader Cry
It's so nice to write for La Squadra again ♡ this turned out a lot more comforting than anticipated
- It's very common for Formaggio to joke around, making playful jabs at you and his teammates
- But sometimes they get too personal, y'know?
- He's quick to notice you getting teary eyed and tries to lighten the mood immediately
- Formaggio changes the topic to something he knows you like, making jokes he knows that'll make you laugh
- He doesn't give a big apology, it's just a pat on the back and a "My bad," but he genuinely means it
- I think it's very common for Illuso to put down others in front of the team for a good laugh
- I take him making fun of you as acting petty because of a previous argument
- While he didn't think it was too serious- just an indirect way to get the last word, you definitely took it seriously
- As the whole team saw you covering your burning face as you walked away, it hit him that he "might've" been in the wrong here
- Illuso was definitely forced to apologize, but his tone was a lot less condescending than anticipated and more heartfelt
- This man practices tough love to the highest degree, it's very easy to mistranslate his actions
- Hell, if you start crying because he made you feel stupid, he'd probably add fuel to the fire
- But seeing how his little "shape up and get over it" sentiment made it worse, he ops for a different approach
- He'd hold your face gently, taking a handkerchief out of his front pocket to wipe your stray tears
- Prosciutto is a lot more blunt, explaining his intentions and apologizing for his behavior
- I'm going to be honest he could never make you cry
- like he actively makes sure he doesn't and will never fuck up
- 7/10 times you're cheering him up and reassuring him
- Pesci is perfect sorry 🤷
- Melone definitely has a tendency to get carried away with his work
- It's all that he can talk about in some cases and it can feel a little neglecting
- But all of that gets pushed aside when you start tearing up and avoiding him
- He's very quick in fixing everything- immediately acknowledging his mistakes and making plans for you and him time
- He loves what he does, but you're absolutely more important
- Ghiaccio's intense anger and lack of emotional awareness is a disheartening combo
- He's definitely made you cry before and it frustrates him when it happened again
- It's a negative cycle that short circuits his brain and it makes it hard for him to apologize face to face
- He'll refuse to talk to you for the rest of the day, spending the time writing an apology letter
- It's well worded and long, detailing his emotions and promises to you that he'll be better
- While he's another one to not really make you cry, he tends to fall into the bad habit of isolating himself
- His hard gaze softens when you express your grievances and start crying in the process
- Risotto gets right to the point; apologizing and stopping what he's doing to pay attention to you
- I think he'd offer hug too, letting this moment to be an opportunity for you to open up in private
- He's a gentle giant at heart and he'll always make sure his teammates know how much he cares about them
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May I please for a scenario or headcanons for poly La Squadra including Sorlato with fem darling who knows about their interest towards her and her saying this:
"I know your interest in me, and I'm willing to return those feelings if you let me continue working in my doll shop and you guys work there. Also, I know your original paychecks sucks, so we all get what we want."
Cool, extra hands to help out? Seems like a good bargain, on the surface, there’s no take backs once you say “yes” and being Yandere they will test their dearests mettle to the limits.
Yandere! La Squadra w/ doll shop owner darling
So whether you repair, sell, make dolls, they’re all ready to help. Which depending on the options could be quite chaotic. There will be times they absolutely make you uncomfortable.
Formaggio probably makes comments of how this is rather a bit girly for him and he’d rather just hang around you, Illuso makes a jab at his statement in which these two have a little back and forth. They don’t really end up fighting but there’s a little intensity you can feel.
He then keeps coming up to you for the smallest of tasks or takes forever on certain bits that should be child’s play. It’s absolutely on purpose and almost impossible to get him off your back.
He also mentions you’re so sweet for paying them. That it’s a good thing that he’s there with the others, otherwise you could get taken advantage of. He’s only allowed to do that, and you can feel the irony of his statement thick in the air.
Sewing/clothing repair is interestingly enough right up Pesci’s alley. He’s worked with fishing line and other thin wires so learning isn’t hard when you teach him. Which you likely praise him for how quickly he’s picked things up.
If you compliment him he gets rather shaky, you swear you see some blush to his cheeks, and Prosciutto scolds him to at least try and keep his composure. His heart flys to the moon if you think his nervousness is cute.
Prosciutto is sort of beaming with pride, but at the same time insists having some time with you himself. There might be a lingering amount of jealousy he had for Pesci’s praise coming from you, but he puts that aside and decides he needs to step up his game.
He gets all professional with you and staring at your stitch work, he’ll immediately help you with any snag/mistake you might’ve made. There’s a point he might even guide your own hands if he sees the need.
He absolutely makes sure you can feel him beside you, and is memorizing every type of fabric you use, the measurements, and accessories. Is he much too close to one side of your ear? That’s a yes. He’ll even tell you it’s absolutely necessary, somehow batting off your concerns as if they’re excuses.
Sorbet and Gelato are an interesting pair that love keeping each other company whenever they can dip out. It feels like they’re unproductive in their work, but by the time you’re closing every little thing you asked them to do is done. It seems they’re rather great at keeping your dolls clean honestly. This does come at a personal cost, if no one else is cornering you Sorbet and Gelato will absolutely be there. Gelato seems to recommend certain dolls be rearranged in a certain way. A couple of them are plucked and the money is all in the register. Sorbet on the other hand seems to be great at seeing which ones have massive value if you received a donation or sale. Telling you them to lock them behind glass, the two of them seem to joke about locking you beind a cute glass display. The way they say it seemingly romantically doesn’t feel like a joke however.
Melone does very well with making sure all of your money is accounted for, somehow he knows all your expenses and other things he probably shouldn’t know about you.
If you’re working in the back and he comes into help with a little dusting or cleaning. He will make pretty suggestive comments about you, and suggests some of the outfits the dolls have would be adorable. If you distract him with something such as horoscopes, he immediately explains every little thing about each sign. How you two positively match and were meant to be. Can end up being rather overwhelming.
He does end up having good suggestions on what people seem to gravitate towards. Which of course he tells you this in great detail.
No matter what job he’s put in he almost always manages to be creepy someway, so you’re likely to have him somewhere out of sight out of mind. He doesn’t consider this a punishment in the slightest, and will certainly take advantage with flirting with you behind the scenes. Having him in front of customers is a big no-no however.
Ghiaccio is another handful of his own, he gets sets off pretty easily so you have to figure out a decent way for him to work on something. He does tend to grab your hand occasionally and gently pull you over to him without warning. (Except around risotto).
He does get very agitated if a customer tries to disrespect you. They may not ever come back if he gets their hands on them.
Insists on having you within his eyesight almost constantly, or at least having you around with whatever task you’re having him do.
You do have to coach him out of his jealousy rages or getting aggravated at another member occasionally. Usually you end up making him some type of tea, he indeed relishes this.
Illuso is likely to be the best at being at the front (aside from yourself or prosciutto). He rather enjoys that you don’t mind him “hogging” the position. It gives him an easy way to be almost constantly in your presence.
He’s thorough on whatever you task him with, he wouldn’t be an assassin if he wasn’t capable after all. He’s so thorough he takes advantage and insists to help you himself. Does his best to make you flustered at any given point in the day.
He definitely stalks you and will chillingly mention a show you liked on tv the night before. Unironically engaging in said show’s contents, all while reveling in your conflicting expressions. He’ll fluster you even more if given the chance, up to the point he’s pulled away to do something else.
Risotto is his another enigma with his obsessiveness, he insists on doing everything during closing hours. Taking inventory/stocking, some of your business side paperwork is done even though you didn’t ask him to. He seems normal on the outside but there’s this aura about him that inwardly sets you off. Like he never wants you to leave his sight.
Any troublesome things occurring outside your business (and your home if it’s not right by) cease. He absolutely follows you home every night and early morning when possible. You’ll never see him however, he makes sure of that. He keeps his team in line when need be, but ironically that means you as well.
He wants you comfortable but he’s not afraid of going right to the edge of insanity to keep you around. He’ll certainly coordinate with other members of the team. He considers your “yes” a contract of approval and will do what he sees fit to keep you around. If that means going to the lengths of threatening others so be it. But he and the others already agreed upon this regardless of how you felt about them.
There are dozens of times he just seems to pop out of nowhere on you. He doesn’t seem to have issue with this in the slightest, if you need your hand held from nearly having a heart attack he’s there to oblige.
Just before he goes out on a mission, he always leaves a favorite food of yours (packaged preferably) on your desk.
If you wonder how he got in without giving him with a key, he likely used Metallica to figure out the shape of the keyhole of your locks.
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Hello there!! Idk if I have already sent something in, but if I haven’t, I would love to request! May I please have the LS members’ (separate) reactions to a new member with “soulless” or “dead” eyes (basically like the anime eyes that have no shine in them), who always seems rather closed off, but at some point the members do something nice to them, and the reader blushes and their eyes just light up like the brightest stars? Sorry if this request is a lot! If it is you can ignore! But thank you so much! (I loved the housewife s/o HCs you wrote btw, they were lovely!) ❤️❤️
Ghiaccio pfp twinsies...woag- also i like this idea a lot!! this reader sounds absolutely wonderful <33 fair warning I wrote most of these while incredibly sleepy so if they're ooc that's probably why im so sorry-
La Squadra with a reader who has soulless eyes (that light up when they're happy/flustered)
When he first saw you, he wasn't sure exactly how alive you were.
I mean, those empty eyes and the way you barely talked to anyone definitely had him raising an eyebrow at first.
But he quickly got used to it. Nothing was wrong with responding to a joke with a tiny smile instead of a hearty laugh.
In fact, with enough time, he grows rather comfortable around that blank stare of yours. He gives you your space, but whenever you do talk to him, he's more than happy to get the chance to hear your voice and chat.
One day, before you went out for a mission, Formaggio noticed you nearly forgot to bring something vital. He managed to catch up to you and give you the item before you left, but before he could say anything, he noticed your expression.
The color spread across your cheeks, and your eyes -Oh god, your EYES. It was like someone finally flipped on a light switch in them. They were full of life for once, and the sight had him speechless.
But- shit, right, you had to leave. With an absent-minded nod and pat on the shoulder, he began to walk away.
"No need to thank me," he shouted to you before he was out of sight - and it was true. The look on your face had been thanks enough.
Definitely made fun of your empty eyes often. Like Formaggio he probably compares you to a zombie, but he is willing to say it out loud.
He tries to guess what your thinking and feeling all the time if you tend to not show emotion. Like he'd say things like "I bet you're pissed about that too, you just don't wanna show it."
But like. In an annoying way if that makes sense.
I'll be honest I can't think of what kind of nice thing he would do for you. This dude's section has haunted me for days, y'all.
But in the event of him doing nice for you, he notices your expression right away. boy is he surprised by it. and boy is he LOUD about it.
"Holy SHIT! You're actually alive! I managed to break that moody façade of yours?"
You might wanna walk away or hide your face before he calls the rest of the gang over to look.
Afterwards he's weirdly a bit nicer to you? He obviously wants to see your adorable expression again, but his exact intentions are unknown...
Doesn't care in much of a usual way. If anything I think he would comment on how your hard to read expressions and closed off nature makes you good for the job.
So he never really bothers to think you may be any other way.
The two of you were set to go on a mission together, and he insisted you work on a concrete plan beforehand. It turns out his idea for the plan relies VERY heavily on your abilities/stand.
When you ask about it, he begins to talk about how strong your abilities are, and how perfect you would be for the job, how he has faith that you can pull it all off.
Your heart flutters at his words and with every compliment you feel heat rush to your face.
When he stops talking and notices how your eyes lit up, he's....genuinely unsure what to think.
It was all true, you were strong and the right person for the job, but we all know how he gets when he's working with someone he feels is a bit too vulnerable cough cough pesci
He doesn't worry about it for the time being - it's a one time thing after all - but he keeps an eye out for if it happens again.
I think he is used to people thinking he looks strange/creepy, so even it might creep him out a bit, he tries to be nice about your soulless face.
Gives you your space, but this boy is sweet, it won't take long for him to do something that makes the darkness in your eyes fade away.
idk why my first thought for the moment is him baking something new and asking you to try it. You have a taste and quickly nod in approval, it's delicious.
Relieved, Pesci proceeds to let you know he made it because he remembered you mentioning [insert flavor here] was your favorite flavor. Yep, that'll do it.
He's incredibly caught off guard, seeing your eyes twinkle with appreciation - for a second he thinks you're about to cry! He stands there, unsure what to do, until either the interaction ends or you say something to him.
Is so overwhelmed afterwards no matter what happens - was that really the real you? That sweet face was really yours?
It literally doesn't matter to him - he can see right through your dead look. It's uncanny.
You could be completely stone-faced and he would find some way to be able to tell exactly how you feel about something. He'll tell you his predictions too to see if their right.
I imagine it's one of these moments that actually leads to him seeing that cute expression of yours.
It started with "you found that hilarious, didn't you?"
He was playing his guessing game again, and like every time before, he was right. You didn't even have to answer.
"You know, you're so interesting to read. You have all these little tells for every small thought, and I think you subconsciously change them a bit every time I take notice of them!" He suddenly began explaining to you.
But it didn't stop there, he began to tell you all about how he picked apart your body language, how he noticed changes in your emotions over the entire time he's known you. "You're.... fascinating to watch."
It's not until he finishes talking that you both realize you've been staring at him with a completely uncharacteristically bright look of wonder. Then it's his turn for his face to light up, pointing at the blush on your cheeks.
"So you do like how I watch you! I knew it."
"The hell are you giving me that look for!?"
Of COURSE he takes it personally a lot - especially if you're supposed to be listening to his rambling. He isn't exactly thinking straight, so he just thinks your blank stare is some kind of insult.
But beyond that, it's rare he'll get on your ass about it.
Over time, I think he might even find you a reliable person to spew all his ranting at, if you don't complain at him or cause a fuss.
Maybe even at some point, perhaps if you've been getting picked on especially hard by Illuso, he'll ask if you have any ranting to do.
"What!? That prick has got to be getting on your nerves, doesn't that make you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT FACE FOR!?"
You're gonna have to end up explaining yourself or else he won't stop asking you. When you do, he'll scoff, saying he barely did anything. At least you won't have him blabbing about it to the others, you both know it would get real annoying real quick.
If you specifically ask him to keep it secret, he'll nod, and you swear you see him smile at you.
This man also looks pretty damn unapproachable (love him tho <3). He has the least amount of problems with how you are.
Like Prosciutto, he thinks your closed off nature is good for the job. But he never brings up that sometimes he wishes you were a little more open.
One day you return from a mission. It went smoothly. Enough. Okay, you had managed to get the deed done, but you had gotten injured in the process. In order to not endure lecturing from any of your teammates, you quickly dismissed everyone's questions about the mission and looked for things to treat your wound with, hiding it from everyone else.
In the middle of hastily wrapping up the bloody injury, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and soon after you head Risotto's voice. He warned you that you weren't treating the wound carefully enough.
He didn't scold you- a scolding wasn't going to help the sting and the crimson staining your skin. No, he asked if he could take care of the wound for you.
You felt your face heat up as he helped you, but although you were sure he noticed the look on your face, he made no mention of it. Just tended to your wound, and told you to tell him about any issues with a mission next time.
Afterwards you two agreed you would give him specifics later. You thanked him and that was that.
Walking away from you, Risotto replayed your expression in his mind....how cute.
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nicherayyy · 1 year
Okay, so reading through your La Squadra and Child/teenager reader posts, I just suddenly had the thought. How do you think they’d react if they were dating Trish or Giorno? (Another teen who’s the same age as them) (no idea if there’s a timeline or somethingh
I decided to make it with Giorno bc I think the fact that reader would date the literal La Squadra’s boss is   hilarious, maybe later I’ll do the same thing with Trish, just let me know if you’d like it <3
La Squadra x Teen!Reader who’s dating Giorno
Family fluff, everyone lives nobody dies, dating
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Lately you’ve become too thoughtful, sometimes without even paying attention to anything. 
Sometimes you would sneak out of the house without telling anyone, of course, the whole La Squadra would be mad at you about it. You may consider yourself as “all grown up” but damn, you’ll always be a baby for them. So of course your behaviour made them worried. You never were like that. Is something happening with you? Are you in danger?
“What the hell is wrong with you?”, Ghiaccio snapped at you one morning, just about the moment when you were leaving.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about”, you replied calmly, putting on your jacket.
“No, you are absolutely aware about what Ghiaccio means”, Prosciutto intervened, looking at you sternly. The man had no idea what was your deal. Partly he thought it was his fault. Did he upset you? Why won’t you even talk with him as much as you used to. He may look serious, but damn he cared about you. After all these years you’re like his own flesh and blood. 
You sighed dreamingly “Nothing is wrong with me, I’ll see you at the dinner”, with that you closed the door. 
The whole room was speechless until Melone quietly giggled. 
“What’s so funny?”, Ghiaccio muttered. 
“Well, it looks like I was right”, Melone replies without taking his eyes off his laptop “Di Molto!”
“Melone, specify please”, Risotto joined the conversation, actually intrigued what could you hide from highly skilled assassins. 
“It looks like our dear child are secretly dating someone”, Melone exclaimed excitedly.
“What do you mean dating?”, Illuso’s jaw dropped, he expected anything, anything but that. 
“It’s normal for teenagers to date someone, as long as they use protec-“
“I don’t want to hear this nonsense, Melone” Risotto interrupted “Anyway, if that’s true, we need to ask ourselves”. Risotto’s upset with you now. If you’re really seeing someone, why would you hide it from them? 
The door opened again, interrupting the whole conversation. 
“Forgot the keys”, you said, trying not to look at your family. 
“We know”, Formaggio said, it looked like he was burning a hole in your back “Sit down, tell us about this date of yours”
You shivered, sooner or later they would have found out, but you were hoping that it would happen as much later as possible. You didn’t want to have this conversation with them. 
You sat down between Prosciutto and Illuso, taking as much air in your lungs as possible, after a few seconds you exclaimed “Giorno Giovanna”
“I’m dating Giorno Giovanna”, you exclaimed. Everyone couldn’t believe their ears. What did you just said? You’re dating.. their boss? Maybe they heard something wrong? Maybe it’s just a joke? But you looked too serious for this to be joke. 
The meetings with the boss were awkward after that conversation, especially for Risotto. He has no idea what to do. Of course, he’s happy for you, but damn. On the one hand Giorno’s his boss, but on the other hand he’s your boyfriend. It’s too complicated. But he still respects your decision. As long as the boy won’t hurt your feelings, but if that happen.. well, we already know what would happen.
Pros, oh dear man Pros. He doesn’t care if it’s his boss or not. He’s not even afraid of him. When it comes to you, his instinct for self-preservation disappears instantly. So yeah, he definitely would stand behind Giorno like this.
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Also supportive, but will give you a long lecture about dating stuff. And of course he still will be mad at you for a few day because you were silent about such stuff.
“Does that mean that we would be paid more?”. Formaggio’s pretty chill. And he’s 100% you’ll be fine with Giorno, I mean, the dude has a lot of security and stuff. Sometimes would ask you about your dating life. 
Illuso needs no know EVERYTHING. Sometimes will help you to get ready for dates, but it’s only if he’s in a good mood. “So he bought you this as a gift? Hmph, he could do better”, would review all your gifts. Because you deserve only the best and if Giorno can’t give that for you, well, too bad.
Pesci is just happy for you. He remembers you so small and carefree. And now you’re young adult, now dating. He’s proud of you. But sometimes it would hard for him to realise that you’re growing up. Maybe you’ll want to have your own family. And that means that you would want to move out, oh wait, he’s crying.
Remember that gift stuff? Ghiaccio would want to buy something better for you. He’s pretty competitive. “Oh, that golden bracelet that he got you.. Ha, I got you two golden bracelets”. You continue to tell him that this stupid competition is not necessary, but he just not listens. So yeah, get ready for a lot of gifts from him. 
Melone’s excited to see your bright future. He knew that you’re dating from the beginning after all. If something bothers you, you always could tell him. “Ah, young love. Have you had your first kiss yet?”. Of course he would look through his laptop if you and Giorno are a true match.
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berylcups · 2 months
Yandere Files: Risotto x Reader
CW: creepy behavior , stalking, groping , period, alcohol, injury, blood, masturbation, face sitting
Notes: I decided to try to do things a little differently this time. I wanted to do a more of a creeper/pervert yandere. I hope it’s not too ooc it’s more self indulgent than anything! I hope you all can enjoy it 💜 Beryl
The hitman team had 10 members. They were all hand picked personally by Risotto Nero himself. He cares for them all deeply and would risk his life for them. He doesn’t play favorites… that’s what he tells himself. There’s one he’s particularly soft on, and it’s Y/N. They were AFAB. Normally Risotto would have some reservations about this type of person being a part of his group but they had a very gruesome stand.
It wasn’t well hidden that Risotto treated Y/N differently. He never really raised his voice at them, or scolded them outside of telling them not to overexert themselves. He always made sure they had a seat when there was a meeting, he wouldn't even start the meeting without them present. He always knew when his teammates were missing but with Y/N, he was hyper aware. If he didn’t know where they were he needed to know where they were exactly at that moment. Thankfully for him, Y/N lives on base.
The guys knew how obvious it was that he did more than favor them. He’s falling hard for them. They would never dare tease him about it but they definitely joke about it between each other. When has Risotto ever been attentive to the guy's comfort/needs?
“Formaggio, quit spreading your legs and move over so Y/N can sit down.”
“Hold on, someone is missing… Where is Y/N? In the bathroom? Are they okay? We will distribute the pay from the boss when Y/N is done.”
“Y/N. I told you countless times now - don’t overexert yourself. You kill the target but you also just end up exhausted. That’s not worth it. I can’t rest until you’re well again.”
Risotto is always watching over you like a hawk. You though? You don’t really know that. He watches you while you sleep. You can’t see him because he’s using his stand ability to remain invisible. Also he’s gotten pretty good at syncing his breaths with yours so when you do wake up feeling like you’re being watched you’ll just assume you’re being paranoid again. This place is probably haunted after how many people died in the basement…but we don’t think about that when we are trying to fall back asleep.
When you’re not at the base he sometimes follows you to make sure you’re safe. Napoli isn’t safe at night. He doesn’t really like it when you go out to the bar or the club all alone. Even if some of the guys accompanied you he knows they will be too distracted by the other singles there or watching football to notice you’re getting hit on by a stranger shooting their shot. Unfortunately for that person flirting with you is the last thing they’ll ever do. Their last thoughts were how in the hell a pair of scissors ended up inside their neck.
He makes sure you get home okay. He always seems to be around when you’re ready to leave the bar/club. He drives your heavily drunk ass back to the base and gets you to bed. You pass out cold almost immediately after you hit that pillow. Watching you be that vulnerable is giving him dark thoughts. He just wants to be inside you so badly but… he holds himself back. It’s frustrating him so bad that he’s biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. Maybe he can compromise by getting a view of your bare chest. Regardless of the size of your breast or if you don’t have any his whole hand can nearly cover the entirety of one. Feeling the soft flesh in his hand is causing a wet spot to form in the strained crotch of his pants. His cock is weeping for stimulation. Whether you have them or not, he thinks you’d look amazing with nipple piercings and would want to do them himself for you.
He’s always there when you have a cut. When ever you’re chopping up vegetables or using a box cutter to open a package he manipulates the magnetic pull to get you to accidentally cut yourself. He wants an excuse to be there to touch you and to mend your wounds. He doesn’t look like it but if you’re shaken up about the accident he’ll be there to emotionally support you.
“Just breathe slowly Y/N. It’s just an accident. It’s okay. Everything will be okay. I know it’s a lot of blood but you didn’t cut any of your major veins or arteries. You're safe, I won’t let you bleed out.”
Speaking of blood, he’s very supportive of you during your period when most of the guys would cringe and scurry away. He uses his stand to help make your period flow easier. He uses his big warm hand to rub your lower stomach for you and the cramps ease up quickly. But the minute you pull away to do something the cramps come back immediately. It looks like you’re stuck with him rubbing on your stomach for the remainder of the day but he doesn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest.
When you two have missions they are usually separate due to the nature of your stands but he always insists on driving you to yours since it’s always on the way. He put your music on as long as it’s compatible with his tastes(can you imagine him listening to Brittany Spears? oh my lort) as you drift off to sleep on the long ride he’ll rest his hand on your inner thigh and squeeze it a bit. You're so sleepy that you don’t register it and even if you did, do you really care? It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s a dream when you’re drifting in and out of sleep.
The walls of this shitty building are ridiculously thin. You can hear full conversations 3 rooms over, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its perks. Your room is right next to his office so he can hear everything you’re doing. He can hear all the phone conversations you’re having. You’re unknowingly just letting all your secrets spill out that was just meant for the ears of your closest friends. Now he knows more ways to get closer to you. And his most favorite thing to learn about you is, your sexual appetite. He can hear the type of porn you’re watching on your computer, the low hum of your vibrator, and your sweet moans. He can’t help but feverishly stroke his cock in his office to your voice. He just wants to imagine you making those sounds as he’s buried deep inside you. He wants to see your stomach bulging every time he thrusts in and makes you cry from how full you are.
You’d think they’d be too poor but having their own washer and dryer is a must for assassins. You can’t exactly take bloody clothes to get cleaned at the local laundromat. You take good care of your clothes and not lose them getting mixed in with the other guy’s clothes but your underwear seems to disappear into thin air. You have a feeling one of the perverted teammates may have taken them. You confront the team about it and air your frustration but not one of them has any idea what you’re talking about!
“Don’t play dumb! I know one of you creeps did it! Now fess up and tell which one of you took my panties!” You hissed.
“ steal your underwear are you kidding me?! We wouldn’t dare!” Illuso retorts.
“Yeah! especially since Risotto got the hot-ow!” Formaggio blurted out before getting interrupted with a punch to the side by Prosciutto. “What the hell man? That hurt!”
“Now Y/N, you need to take some responsibility and accept the fact that you just lost your clothes rather than childishly blaming it on us. You’re __ years old now, act like it.” Scolded Prosciutto.
While you were arguing with the rest of the team, Risotto is furiously stroking his cock in the bathroom while deeply inhaling the musky natural scent from your used panties. He’s thinking very intently about you sitting on his face as he eats out and suffocates in your wet cunt.
Things are just escalating and he can’t seem to hold himself back anymore. He needs to come clean to you and make you his whether you want to or not. He’s going to want you to meet him in his office and he silently locks the door behind you.
“Y/N…We have known each other for a long while now. I know I’m supposed to be your leader and keep it professional but… You’re all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you. I need you to be mine. For good.”
Whether you accept his feelings or not you’re like a deer in headlights and let him lean in to kiss you deeply. He was going to take what’s his and that’s you. Get ready to have your back blown out by this behemoth of a man because he likes it slow and hard. But don’t worry he’ll treat you like the monarch that you are!
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jellyluchi · 4 months
No no no please tell us more about the la squadra swim team au. Science purposes of course
This has been sitting in my drafts for literal YEARS and I wanted to post it, originally was supposed to have all the members but I lost my ideas.
La Squadra x Reader; Swim Team AU
A/N: I'm so sorry for taking this long to answer but I wanted to take my time with this ask because I really do love this AU and I was busy. Thank you to my friends for some help (since most I know of swim teams is from fuckin Free! Iwatobi Swim Club LOL) Hehe science purposes huh 😏 Sorry there's no smut in this one but I wanted to rule out the setting for the AU!
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You work at your local Passione Sporting Club, a place where many a professional athletes have trained to become who they are today. And while there are various sporting facilities available, you are in charge of taking care of a specific swim team, La Squadra. The formation of the team, as you learned when you first joined, happened several years ago as seven children banded together as friends to support each other's swimming careers. And you are happy to help them on their journey. As you know, there are 4 main styles of swimming; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Medleys usually take place in that order.
Sorbet & Gelato:
Not swimmers. They're actually coaches for the other swimmers who come to Passione Sporting Club. They've been here for 10 almost 20 years watching the rest of the group who now call themselves "La Squadra" grow athletically and professionally. They were previously in the national Italian swim team as medley racers respectively. They were most fond of relay races as they loved the team work shared between team mates when doing such a race. They only teach adult swimmers but it didn't stop them from noticing younger members of La Squadra practicing in the swimming pools. The passion they saw in some of the members let them know how far they would go. You, as the team's manager, have a good professional relationship with them. However, it doesn't stop Gelato from flirting with you sometimes, surprising you considering you know he has been with Sorbet for a long time. Even more surprising that Sorbet doesn't seem fazed and is receptive to the idea. They sometimes joke about teaching you to swim as well.
Sorbet first met Gelato when he joined the local swimming club of his childhood. They became fast friends and rivals, always trying to outrace each other. Sorbet had goals of reaching the Olympics since he was a child and with Gelato's support he made it together with him. His favorite style is the front crawl which he is most comfortable with. He's proudest win was a front crawl 100m competition where he got gold.
Gelato started swimming as a hobby. He never envisioned himself as an Olympic swimmer. But when he saw Sorbet's resolve to make it, he got inspired and made it his goal to reach the Olympics with his boyfriend. His favorite style is the breaststroke and his proudest win was the a 50m backstroke competition where he got silver since it's his weakest style.
When Risotto was a child living in Sicily, his cousin often went swimming in the sea with him which is where he first learned. Ever since then, he'd known what career he'd like to go to once he grows up. And so, he took a swimming scholarship to college and during his pre-teens he joined Passione Sporting Club to train for his future career. Everyone knows him as a backstroke master and you can see why when you notice his immaculate back muscles during training. While he's good at the other styles, he's much faster using the backstroke. His proudest moment was winning a national competition of 100m men's backstroke where he won gold. You know he was one of the original members of "La Squadra" the other two being Formaggio and Prosciutto when those three decided to start the club. He's the most cooperative with you when it comes to competitions. As the manager, one of your duties is to rule out social and athletic events that the members will attend and he's always receptive to the competitions you tell him will be good for his career. He's not the most communicative so you have to weed out some of thoughts and feelings on the matter. Because of your friendly nature, you two share a close bond as you help him train and often see him swim way past closing. It's a secret between you two that you cherish deeply. There have been some times where he offered you to swim with him.
Risotto favors free style swimming the most but his muscle development on his upper body has made him a good breaststroke user which makes him much faster than the front crawl
Out of all competitions, he loves swimming medley relays the most. He gathers the medley participants (usually other la squadra members) to give a motivating speech and cheers the loudest when he's not swimming with them. He may not show it, but he is highly competitive and likes being challenged in the pool.
As one of the founding members of the original team, Prosciutto regards La Squadra with lots of pride. As a child he had no passion for swimming but after joining the Passione Sporting Club with a mild interest, he was quickly swept away into practice. He realized as a child that swimming allowed him a way to focus his energy and determination. He's not one to half-ass anything and swimming was no different. Eventually, he started feeling a connection to swimming after exercising out all his stress through the activity and finding a love for the activity like no other. Members like Risotto and Formaggio were inspiring to him even if he didn't admit it verbally, he showed up to practice with the two everyday, determined to be like them. He's one of the more difficult members to get along with. At first, it seems he has almost nothing to tell you except talk about his career goals and about helping other team members (namely Pesci). But eventually, your conversations turned more casual and you got to see a side of him that is much more friendly. Sometimes, he would smile towards you from the pool and you noticed that he doesn't ever miss the opportunity to show you his gratitude as their manager. Communicating that it's a difficult job and that he's glad a person like you is able to keep track of all the members and how much he appreciates your organization. You can't lie that his words are some of the only things that makes the job worth it.
Prosciutto is the only member with no preference towards style. While he was developing his swimming skills, he decided to pay hone each style so he would not be lacking in any area. While that doesn't make him a specialist, it gives him more options in competitions.
He rather enjoys individual competitions and loves competing against the other members. Whenever Formaggio dares him for a casual friendly race, he never backs down, treating it as a real race. The other members get a kick out of him taking everything a bit too seriously.
Swimming is as easy to him as breathing. Growing up with a fishing family by the sea, Pesci was accustomed to swimming from an extremely early age. It was sheer passion of swimming among the fish that kept him going but it was largely a hobby. He joined Passione Sporting Club as a teen, to keep up his swimming skills during high school but quickly met Prosciutto who inspired him to no end. Prosciutto once praised his style and speed saying he could make it to the nationals if he tried, maybe even the Olympics and from that moment he decided to join La Squadra and make both himself and the team proud. He's the most amicable out of anyone else in the team and since the moment you two met you'd become easy friends. At first he was a bit shy to talk to you but he caught your eye a couple of times during swim practices and it made his heart soar just a little every time you waved with a smile. Eventually, that got him talking to you and you noticed he started being more specific about his goals and ambitions for his swimming career. You quickly picked up the potential that Prosciutto always talked about regarding Pesci, truly, he was a gifted swimmer but his hard work pays off the most.
Pesci loves the butterfly stroke above all else. It's the first stroke he learned from a family member and honed his skills until it became his strongest. It gave him the biceps that he now shows off sometimes. He's pretty agile with the stroke as well but he doesn't cower from competing in other styles.
Pesci is another member who loves team sports and gets the most excited for medley relays with his team. Prosciutto and Risotto motivate him the most before the races and he's always the first to arrive out of excitement of having the team together. But most of all, he loves to hang out together with the team to celebrate afterwards.
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narancias-headband · 1 year
Secret Santa with La Squadra - you giving them presents
I like to think they all do Secret Santa to cut down on present buying in their busy lives. So... Who did you have to buy for?
Part 2 coming soon :) 💚❤️
He's always the first to open his gift. The team shows a little respect for their Capo.
Semi-gracious gift recipient. He's kinda awkward with it.
Does really appreciate whatever you got him, though, regardless of what it is.
Honestly, he'll just leave it on his desk to look at for a while. It makes him happy. You must have really thought hard about him and that puts a smile on his face every time.
If you got or made him something edible, though, it's probably gone before the others are done opening presents.
He's dead honest. If he likes his present, he's over the moon happy. If he's not a fan, he's not acting any different.
Will not fail to acknowledge the humor of a joke gift. He gets it.
If you've pleased him, he's ranting and raving, showing off his gift and squashing you in a tight hug.
If not... Well. He's not mean but he's not sugarcoating it. Probably makes a joke at your expense. Ouch.
Will probably compliment your wrapping job regardless of it's quality. It's impressive to him that you actually got the wrapping paper on the package. That's a lot of work.
You'd think he'd be critical and hard to please, but not so.
He's a gracious gift recipient always. A smile and a thank you regardless of the gift. And they're probably at least halfway genuine.
If you've really touched him with your gift, he'll go quiet. He'll try to still be polite, but it's a bit hard to speak with tears welling in his eyes.
He'll probably step away for a moment. Don't be too shy to follow for a rare Prosciutto hug.
He's had some real bad Christmases in the past. To receive a gift with any thought at all is nice, but if it required lots of time, effort, and/or money he's touched. And since he's already a bit touchy around the holidays, he's much more likely to let his emotions slip.
The biggest smile on his face the second he sees the present. It only gets bigger when he learns it's from you.
He has so much trust in you to get him something nice. I hope you didn't fail him.
The happiest to see what you got him. Even if he's a little disappointed (he'd never tell you), he acts as gracious as can be. Also he won't be disappointed anyway.
He's so thankful for your gift. You took the time to think about him and buy him this? Amazing. Stars in his eyes.
Will fight whoever gave you a gift if it's not good enough. You've inspired something wild in him.
Ghiaccio is... Well. You know how he is. Don't take it personally.
Even if he loves the gift you've given him, you'll get a dismissive thanks in return. Gratitude is just not one of his favorite emotions.
You'll have to be observant to get your real thanks. The more you notice him using it, the more he truly appreciates your present.
He'll probably, or rather, possibly approach you later and say a more heartfelt thank you after he realizes just how good your gift actually was.
He's a harsh critic. People do not want to be his Secret Santa. It's no easy task to avoid the insult that comes with a present that's not up to his standards.
If you fail your quest, it's a verbal execution. At least most of the others have been through it. They don't blame you.
If you get him something he does like, though, that's something special. He's in awe. You must be real special.
This means you must be in love with him. If you took the time to observe him and think of this... He gets it. Most people are in love with him, right? No, Illuso, you cocky bastard.
Will 'give you a chance' due to that cool present. If that's what you wanted, awesome. If not, he's annoying.
He's very jolly around the holidays. Honestly, he's just happy to be around and to get gifts. It's very fun for him.
Most likely to appreciate a gag gift. Or at least act like he does.
Acts like whatever you got is exactly what he wanted. He will probably actually use and enjoy it.
Will move to come sit by you and rant and rave to you about it and ask about how you came up with this idea. He's gonna get in your personal space bubble, too, real bad. He's just excited.
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La Squadra's reaction at this year Eurovision's finale:
Risotto ✂️:
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He is the type of fan that if his faves aren't even in the top 5, he is not that bothered. He was rooting for Germany, so whoever won wasn't his business. He just hopes in the future there'll be more metal performances, cause he think this genre is VERY underrated
Prosciutto 🍖:
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Prosciutto is annoyed af! He had a completely different top 5 in his mind and seeing the results made him chew his bottom lip in frustration, smoke more cigarettes than usual and tap nervously his foot. Sicilian daddy is not happy at all, in his heart Australia won the game... also his gf was rooting for Norway, so no " celebratory s*x " for him tonight, that makes him even angrier lol
Illuso 🔎:
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The only one happy cause he was team Israel and Team Sweden, so in the end he is the only one saying " winner winner, chicken dinner ". He has a smug expression on his face and is parading around the lair with the swedish flag around his neck, mocking his teammates like " i told you so~" or " awwww, why so mad? Did you lose? Oh wait, yes~"...He is the absolute worst about it.
Melone 🍈:
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He was the only one actually rooting for italy this year lol, you may think is for the song but of course this purple tuscan idiot did it for the meme.
He spent MONTHS since Sanremo joking about stuff like: pesci asking him if he wanted a chip and him answering " SE QUESTA È L'ULTIMAAAAAAAAAAA..." or even making fun of Risotto's sleep habits chanting " TANTO SO CHE TU NON DORMI, DORMI DORMIIII MAIIII!!"
In the end he was kicked out of the lair cause ENOUGH IS ENOUGH MELONE!!
SO yeah, another chill dude who didn't care about the final result, he just wants to annoy people lmao.
Ghiaccio 🧊:
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Ok here we have the real deal everyone, Ghiaccio is a BIG eurovision fan and maybe the only one who truly cared about the winner.
He blasted Finland's song while racing with his red Mazda through Napoli yelling " CHA CHA CHA D*IOCANEEEEEEEE!!"
He was even ready to bet about Finland's victory and when he heard the final results...chaos: broken chairs, smashed bottles, angry phone calls to vent about it!!
He even planned to invade Sweden to avenge his green jacket pal, but in the end he'll just curse blasphemies for a week and change the radio station whenever the winning song is put on.
Formaggio 🧀:
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You see this? This is the level of support Formaggio had for Croatia. Lil cheese man went in every single bar of Napoli to teach their song and even tried to organise a rave party with a " Tractors " theme!! He felt utterly outraged when he saw the level of " disrespect " ( in his mind of course ) shown to his favourite eurovision's group and now is planning to go to a concert while riding an actual tractor. Is he exaggerated? Yes. Do we love him for this? ABSOLUTELY!!
Pesci 🐟:
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This guy drink his " respect women juice " ever since he was a lil kid. His mamma and nonna raised him good, so his goal for eurovision was to support all the women that walked on the stage! He tried to stay neutral and show them all the appreciation they deserved, but 2 of them stole his heart: Lithuania and Portugal. He was so moved bu their songs that tears run down on his face during the performances, in that moment he didn't even cared being the laughing stock and called " una femminuccia ", he just wanted to enjoy those beautiful voices and he did!! He was also really happy about sweden's victory, in the end another great artist was cherished in the difficult music industry.
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blasphemecel · 10 months
Ghiaccio — Deflowered
PAIRING: Ghiaccio/Reader WORD COUNT: 1.3k TYPE: Crack/Humor WARNING(S): This has A Lot of NSFW jokes in it even if nothing actually Happens
“Do you lay pipe?”
It’s an asinine question, one which someone with a deteriorating frontal lobe might ask. You’re rummaging through the fridge still, body folded almost in two, your posture making you vaguely resemble an arthritic alligator.
Ghiaccio’s eye twitches, fingers freezing over the keyboard. He’d been typing a report and you’ve been ‘intruding’ for the last seven minutes (though technically it is a shared space as he’s in the living room), and he knows because he’s been neurotically checking the time ever since you first walked in. He also has no idea what you might be looking for, considering the fridge has been empty for five days now.
“Are you talking to me?” he asks, tone flat. There’s no one else in the hideout.
“‘Cause I was thinking about it and like-” you step back from the fridge empty-handed before you make your way around and topple down right next to him, “-you don’t seem like you do.” After an unnecessarily wide manspread, you throw an arm over the back of the couch. “You don’t go out with us to bars or anything. So I did the calculations in my head and everything and it seemed unlikely.”
“You know, that thing you said.” He snaps the laptop shut before he turns towards you with a snarl on his face. “‘Laying pipe.’ That doesn’t make any fucking sense.”
“Okay, but do you or do you not?”
“Like, it’s not a pipe. It’s a dick. A penis. You know? And you’re not- when you’re pipe laying, I mean the profession-”
You pick your ear. “Oh, there’s a job like that?”
“-that’s delicate work because they need to be… installing the pipes and shit, it’s nothing like, you know. So why the fuck would you word it like that, you fucking ingrate? And who came up with it? I don’t think pipes are even phallic. It just doesn’t make any fucking sense! Who thought of that?!”
“You really need to get laid, man,” you say, before sitting up and inspecting the mysterious area behind the couch for any stray, half-drunken can of beer Formaggio might have forgotten about. The plush sinks in where you press your knee. Ghiaccio considers pushing you off, but the new euphemism catches his attention.
“See, ‘getting laid,’ that’s also illogical because I’m not a fucking egg. Just- stop talking.”
“It’s all about perspective.”
He frowns. “The hell?”
“‘Cause like if you think about it, at some point when you’re fucking, someone will be lying down, probably. So, you know, getting laid,” you say, then once it becomes clear no one happened to forget a bottle of whiskey behind, you abandon the search, settling for a glass of tap water which leads you to your return to the kitchen.
The sink runs. You think the dead insect near the drain might be a glow worm.
Ghiaccio contemplates this and by the time you take your previous position again, he has a verdict. “You know what? That’s really fucking stupid. Laying an egg is something entirely different.”
“Yeah, but it happens after they have chicken sex and stuff.”
He snaps his head towards you. “Were you raised in an isolation tank or something? Be honest. I’m serious.”
You let out a laugh like what he said is funny, inching even closer towards him on the couch, if possible. “Really? I thought they made you in a petri dish.”
“And what fucking sense does that make? Do you know what that is? Actually, think about what you just said for a second. Laying eggs happens after they mate so why the fuck would-”
“It’s just slang, bro.” It occurs to you that the TV exists, though it’d be a surprise if it worked. You reach for the remote and press the button, watching the screen flicker with static for a second until it clears, and apparently the person who last used it was watching TLC.
Ghiaccio immediately wrestles it out of your hold and turns it off, you presume because he thinks this argument you two are having is worthy of your full attention. “Then ‘getting laid’ should be slang for being born, not for having sex! And why are you calling me bro? We’re not related.”
“This is why I think you were born in a petri dish,” you say. “Like you just straight up spawned or some shit. You probably weren’t ever a baby either, just came out like this.”
“I was a baby,” Ghiaccio insists.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“I WAS.”
“I said whatever, why are you still talking?”
“Because you’re saying it like you don’t believe me,” he explains, trying his best not to throw a tantrum. Pain flares on the inner side of his jaw. Ghiaccio remembers reading that a ‘noncancerous bony growth’ can cause this.
Your mouth slants a little to the left like you’re being mean, or like he’s somehow embarrassing you. Ghiaccio finds something about your existence inherently humorless. It’s like you try so hard to be entertaining, it circles back to being unfunny. Then again, he doesn’t really… laugh, or experience joy, so you could be a comedian. In theory.
The original topic of conversation crosses your mind again and you smirk, which is his cue that you’re about to say something obnoxious. “How would you like your cherry to get popped?”
“What did you just say?”
“You know, like how you’d like to-”
“‘Pop the cherry.’ There’s not a single innuendo or whatever that makes any fucking sense. It just pisses me off! What the fuck do you mean you’re jacking off? Was there a Jack somewhere who was so fucking unpalatable as a person they made his name synonymous with ‘dick’? Then why isn’t it banjamining off, or thomasing off? Or something? It could literally be anyone. Even then, when you’re stroking your dick, you’re not… dicking off, so it still wouldn’t be a verb, right? That’s fucking stupid!”
You stare at him, eyes vacant. Yes, you’d been using these figures of speech just to get him to rant, but this is the moment you realize he’s clinically insane. “You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep thinking about this.”
“No genitals look like cherries anyway,” Ghiaccio continues, almost hitting you in the face after he flails his arm in the air with what you consider dramatic flair. “And even if they did, you don’t pop them! It’s an insertion. You can’t pop an opening. What worthless moron came up with that? I’ll fucking- I’ll find them and go spit on their grave.”
With a sense of theatrical melodrama, you drape yourself over the couch and heave a sigh. Ghiaccio is distracted out of his deranged rambling for just a moment, enough for you to land the final blow. Adjusting yourself until your legs are up, you wrap your arms around your knees. “I think I could be the only one who could do it.”
He examines you, unimpressed, and leans against the armrest. “I really don’t think there's anything in the world only you can do.”
“Like,” you say, rubbing your chin, “if you wanted to lose your tragic virginity and anyone had to fuck you, it’d be me. There’s no one else who’d agree.” Then you betray your real intentions by letting out a snicker. “I’d have to be the one to deflower you.”
“Actually, usually that word is used in connotation with women-”
“Yeah, but you could be like, my princess and stuff.”
“-have you thought about how weird that is? Off-putting? How many women do you think consider themselves flowers? It’s fucking creepy! And then, ‘deflowered,’ it makes it sound like, after that first time, she wilts. Besides, people don’t fucking wilt. Even if they did, it’d be because of dehydration. It’d have nothing to do with sex.”
“So you don’t deny you’re a virgin?” you ask.
“I could have a tryst if I wanted to.”
“A tryst.”
Ghiaccio glares at you over the rims of his glasses.
You ask, “What do you think about my offer?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You lay down and try to shove your big toe in his ear.
Ghiaccio shoves your pesky legs away. After some deliberation, “... Were you serious, though?”
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 10 months
What was that about?!
Ghiaccio x f!reader
You were chatting with Formaggio, laughing periodically at his jokes and or course he liked to make the hot chick laugh so he moved closer and started telling you even funnier things. You couldn’t stop laughing. You leaned back with your hand against your chest and while still laughing you let your hand fall onto his thigh, laugh dieing down as you smiled at Formaggio. He was thinking you two were gonna kiss, of course you two didn’t.. because Ghiaccio bursted through the hallway yelling about something, stopping dead in his tracks when he made his way into the living room to see your hand on Formaggio and his hand making is way up your thigh aswell.
“What the hell is going on here??”
You frantically moved your hand and Formaggio’s
“Nothing, Ghiaccio. For someone whos stand is just being cold all the time you really gotta learn to chill out.” The man got up and walked away with his hands in his pockets like nothing bothered him
“My stand isn’t just being cold, you dick!! Is that all I am to you people??? A joke!?” He walked over to you swiftly and grabbed you by the wrist, leaning down so he was face to face with you.
“You’re coming with me. right fucking now” he yanked you and you instinctively followed him.. I mean what choice did you really have.
Ghiaccio walked into his room, you followed after he yanked you harder. He locked the door and pushed you against it.
“What was that all about, Gattina?” His voice was soft but you knew he wasn’t going to play nice about this “do I really have to show everyone here who you really belong to?” He tilted your head
“No.. nothing happened Ghiaccio. I promise..” you two weren’t dating but you weren’t not dating.. it was complicated.
His fist clenched against the door
“Oh really? Well from my perspective it looked like you two were about to make out!?” He hit the door behind you and it rattled you to your core. His member was pushing against your leg.
“G-ghia.. your.. it’s pushing against me.”
“And? What about it? You wanna help me with it, slut?!” You stayed silent
“Yaknow what. That’s an excellent punishment. Get on your knees and suck it, puttana.”
You got on your knees and undid his belt, peeling back his boxers, his cock springing forward. You took it into your hands and kissed the head.. getting a delightful sigh from him.. though it didn’t last long. He smacked your hand away
“Sluts like you don’t need to use your hands” The man’s thumb went across your bottom lip.
You nodded and started taking his cock into your mouth, it pressing against the back of your throat.. making you gag slightly. Your face went red with embarrassment
“What? Too big for my little girl?” His voice was softer now
You slid your mouth off of his cock and swallowed, “yes sir.. it’s too big to fit all the way..” he lifted you up and moved you over to the bed
“Maybe your talented body can do something else, hmm?” Ghiaccio quickly swiped your panties to the side and started rubbing your clit while he stroked his cock; pre cum forming.
“You want it? Huh!? You want me to Fuck You, whore!?”
“Yes sir!”
“Scream it then, Troia. Scream so everyone knows how much of a slut you are!!”
“Ghia! Fuck I want your cock! I’m just a dirty slut and all I ever want is sex!! Please fuck me!! Please!!!”
His face was beet red, a smile plastered across it.
“Oh dear. Well if you say so..” he turned you over and had your ass in the air, then slid his cock into your sopping pussy.
You le out a sigh as you gripped the pillow
Ghiaccio started thrusting hard, not giving any warning before hand. Of course “sluts” are experienced with this so you didn’t need it.
He started moving faster and snapping his hips harder. Your moans filled the room.
Ghiaccio hand gripped the back of your neck and pushed you into the pillow.
“Shut up, Whore! Now you’re being too loud!”
You bit your lip as he continued to pound into you at a vigorous pace, you surely will be bruised in the morning. Your orgasm was close and his was too, his hand smacked you ass as he pounded you.
“Ah Ghia. Im gonna c- oh fuck!” You reached your orgasm and with a few more hard thrusts Ghiaccio did aswell. Pulling out of you, his cum dripping out. He smirked and got something to help clean up.
Ghiaccio left the room to get you your water, Formaggio, Illuso and Prosciutto were sitting in the kitchen. Formaggio and illuso were snickering the whole time he was out there getting he drink.
“What?” Ghiaccio asked
Formaggio looked at illuso “oh nothing” they continued to snicker.
Ghiaccio shrugged and started to walk away until he heard illuso and formaggio start talking again
“oH gHiA! HArDEr!!” Formaggio exclaimed, mimicking your voice
“YoUrE a slUT, y/N! BAd GirL!!” Illuso mimicked Ghiaccio.
Prosciutto chuckled. Needless to say he also had to break up a fight between the men.
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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mink-place · 2 years
Hello hope you are ok! could I ask for headcanons of how the squadra comforts their partner during their period? I usually cry a lot and I'm very sentimental on those days 😭
I identify with this ask lol. Thanks for your ask! :D
La Squadra Di Esecuzione comforting their s/o on their period
AFAB reader (uses they/them pronouns)
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Risotto Nero
He's not used to people getting emotional around him mostly because he spends most of his time on the mafia.
He knows what the period is, even if he didn't had someone on it around him.
He'll comfort them when they are crying, he won't say anything, but his presence is there and he's patting their head or back while hugging them.
He'll bring them food if that makes them feel better.
The first time he may be a little awkward, but he doesn't want to overwhelm them, unless they say to him that is alright, he won't touch them.
He'll try to give them things that make them happy, he wants them to feel better and know that he's with them in anything they need.
He's incredibly soft when his partner is on their period, he knows that it's kinda hard to pass through it, so he won't make it harder.
He'll comfort them when they're crying, but as same as Risotto, he won't say anything.
He can get a little upset if they're crying about stupid things, but even tho he'll comfort them.
Prosciutto wants them to get over their period as soon as possible, he isn't annoyed by it, but prefers when they're not crying all the time, even if he knows that they can't help it.
The first time he's so nervous, he knows what they're passing to, but doesn't know what to do when they're crying.
At first he thinks that he's the problem and that's why they're crying, between tears, they had to reassure them that it wasn't their fault.
He'll comfort them by talking with them and cuddle them while they're crying, even if the reason is a little dumb.
He'll make their favourite food, he cooks pretty well and he thinks that it is going to cheer them up.
Also he'll do activities or things they like more often, to distract them from crying or something, he doesn't like when they cry.
I swear that he really cares about you, but sometimes his easy-going personality can betray him to look like he doesn't care of his partner's problems.
When you're at your period he's there.for you, if you wamt anything, a comfy blanket, more pillows...
They have pain? Don't you worry, Maggio's got their back with some pills! They can't take pills? Alright, he'll search other metods to help them.
When they're crying or being sentimental he'll joke with them to put them in a better mood, he also thinks that maybe watching funny films or videos will cheer them up.
Also he'll maybe little them down when they are feeling low, he made a little box with some blankets where they can roll up like a burrito and be comfy.
Maggio is all for it when it comes to cuddling, if they are feeling like it they can snuggle all they want to him, he loves to have them close!
When they're at their period he knows that it can be hard to control their moods on those days, so he understands when they're sentimental or crying.
He'll lay with them on somewhere comfortable and speak to them while caressing their back to try and let them know that he's there for them.
Maybe he'll tell them random or funny facts of the human body or other things, he has plenty of topics to talk about until they're feeling better.
If they don't want to get up and lay on their bed all day he's okay with it, he'll bring them food and snacks from time to time and also he'll stay with them.
Alright, now, he doesn't even understands his own emotions, so he gets kinda upset because he can't understand why they're crying.
He does know what period is, but really didn't think that on those days they were like that, it took him by surprise.
On the first time he's around while they're on their period, he's nervous and yelling, he doesn't understands them, they don't understand him, all is chaotic.
But when he grows to their moods on those days, he gets really patient and attentive with them.
Usually will try and take them out of bed to make things, maybe that can distract them from crying.
The only thing that would make him upset was if they were crying for something stupid, he really tries to understand them, but why are they crying about something so dumb?
Physical contact gets him kinda nervous, but if that makes his darling feel better, they can use him as a pillow for a while until he gets ovewhelmed.
Will really try not to scream or yell on those days, he doesn't want to make those days more difficult than they already are.
He's kinda oblivious on what period is, like, yeah, he knows that they bleed down there, but why they can't just stop bleeding?
Well, maybe he's asking dumb questions to get on their nerves, or he's really like that? Nobody knows lol
He can act all dummy and tease his partner, but when they're crying he tries to put that side of him apart to comfort them.
He doesn't really like to cuddle, he most likely do things with them to distract them from crying, maybe do their hair or let them do his.
If they need more silence, he'll go with them on the mirror world, it's quiet and perfect for a moment of peace.
Bonus: Sorbet & Gelato
These two also know what period is, but will sometime act all dumb like Illuso, just in a more cruel way.
If they're crying, maybe it's because of Gelato, he's annoying them all the time just because he's bored and wants to get on their nerves.
Don't they bother going to Sorbet to tell thst Gelato is annoying them, he will ignore you, telling you to deal with it or also tease you.
Well, maybe sometimes they'll catch them on a good mood, even if they can't stop dumb comments from Gelato, he won't tease them until they start crying.
On those days they'll have a overbearing Gelato, hugging them all the time and telling them stories to pass the time.
Oh, and also Sorbet making their favourite food. All of them eating it while watching series or films.
Or maybe eating snacks and making a slumber party, something funny.
Hope this is okay!
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soupbabe · 1 year
how would la squadra react to their s/o getting hit on in public?
La Squadra Reacting to Their S/o Getting Hit On
I love jealousy hcs sm I'm such a sucker for those. I loved writing this!
Tagging: @michellenero, @devil-doll13
- Formaggio is absolutely the most confrontational and physical when it comes to this kind of scenerio
- Seeing another man try to sweep you off your feet when his back is turned makes his nostrils flare
- There's 2/3 chance that Formaggio at least gives a warning before throwing hands
- Though it's best to remove him from the situation he escalates pretty quickly
- Illuso scoffs at the sight
- He thinks it's funny to see how pathetic others can be to even think they could score someone like you
- He has full trust in your loyalty to him, it's only if you start getting uncomfortable is when he steps in
- Illuso holds back more than Formaggio, but I'd argue that Illuso's sharp and hurtful words is worse than a punch in the face
- Prosciutto easily intimidates the other person, his display of jealousy is pretty subtle
- He has his arm comfortably around your waist when he returns to you and the stranger
- Urges him to go on with conversation, fill him in on what he missed when he was gone
- All while giving the stranger a glare sharp enough to kill a man ♡
- Witnessing something like that makes his insecurities run rampant
- Epecially if it happens when he's right next to you
- Wants to leave the situation immediately, tugging your hand away and encouraging you two to leave
- He loves you dearly, but imagining you running off with someone else is one of those "what if" kind of fears that keeps him up at night. Seeing you get hit on by someone else scares him
- You just know he likes making the stranger uncomfortable
- It's so funny to him, that kind of unconventional way to deal with jealousy is so up his alley
- He agrees with the statements of how attractive you are and even pushes it a little bit by saying that he is the real man you "need" in life
- As long as your comfortable with it, he might be dirty with it too. Cracks jokes about joining the two of you and how "Y/n doesn't mind watching."
- Ghiaccio finds himself to be insecure and conflicted during times like this
- How you think of him matters, and he even tries to control his anger around you the most
- Because trust me: he'd rip that creep a new one, wants nothing more than to use White Album because he made you uncomfortable
- But ultimately he's left quietly seething, taking your hand and dragging you both away so he can think on his thoughts for the rest of the day
Risotto Nero
- Risotto has full trust in you and doesn't care much about the situation,,,at first
- One strong glance into his red eyes and most don't even bother talking to you like that anymore
- Especially when he's holding hands with you, making it so obvious without getting too into pda that you two are a couple
- But if it comes to a worst case scenario: Risotto truly isn't above using his stand to injure others that are bothering you. He will do anything to protect his loved ones <3
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silvernyxchariot · 1 year
Formaggio is currently my emotional support hitman. So, have a rant.
The synopsis is that no one appreciates this character and it makes me sad. Formaggio, come pick me up; I hate it here./j
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Out of La Squadra, Formaggio's generally not my favorite, but as a La Squadra whore, I'll make an effort to appreciate my boys.
My initial impression of Formaggio and the majority of La Squadra was... non-existent. I paid attention to Giorno, Bucciarati's group, and subsequently Narancia during this fight. But if I had to come up with something for Formaggio, the only thing that stood out to me was Little Feet. After part 3 and 4, finally, someone had to have the ability to shrink. It's such a simple and convenient ability to have, both on the battlefield and on the daily.
Lock yourself out of your house? Shrink and crawl under the door. Have a lot to carry or something incredibly heavy to carry up a flight of stairs, like a car or a 5 ft x 6 ft paining (don't ask)? Shrink it down to size and put it in your pocket. Or maybe carry a couple of grenades and automatic rifles and wear them like a braclet until you're ready to use them... No one's gonna know. They're gonna know. No one's going to know./ref
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The more I made La Squadra a part of my personality, the more I realized, "Fuck yeah, I would appreciate a homie like Formaggio." He may look like an annoying punk (like 99% of my classmates) but he's adaptable and clever. During his first conversation with Narancia, it sounded like Formaggio was just rambling and making jokes, but every sentence was a transition to get information or a reaction from Narancia.
Vol. 2 VA, chp 31:
(To Narancia) "Word is, Polpo died last night. Then, all of a sudden, Bucciarati, Fugo, Abbacchio, and Mista all went into hiding They're not anywhere. I finally found you, though, Narancia. Do you know where they are and why they disappeared?"
"Did you hear about Polpo's body? . . . They can't figure figure out how to cram his fat ass into the furnace. Ha ha ha! They're going to have to cut him into tiny pieces to get him in!"
"Why didn't your crew show up at the capo's funeral?! Answer me, Narancia! If I can't tail you then I'll make you tell me everything!
Baby boy, if you'd stayed quiet and patient, you might have been able to follow Narancia to the vineyard without interruption.
He also has an unnecessary amount of knowledge on mosquitoes and arachnids.
Vol 3 VA, chp 34
"Mosquitoes can sense the carbon dioxide animals exhale. . . That's what's happening here. Aerosmith is seeking out my carbon dioxide!"
The only thing I needed to know was that mosquitoes are little menaces that help transfer diseases and need to be smacked out of existence. I didn't want to know this extra CO² info, but thanks, I guess./s Did I want to read about spiders' digestive fluids killing their prey from the inside out on a random Tuesday night? No, not at all. But here we are. u.u
When the brainrot got worse, the anime and manga yielded superficial results. So, I'm glad the JoJo World Event gave us a bit more. In a Twitter translation of the La Squadra info, Formaggio was described as an insightful opportunist and aware of his comrades' deficits (condensed from image below). Good, because I'm going to need my emotional support hitman now. 🫴/lh
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Not gonna lie, Formaggio gave me "annoying jock" vibes initially when I took everything that I've mentioned into consideration. But seeing that he does pay more attention to others than they believe is somewhat... hmmm, comforting. In all earnesty, I would trust Formaggio to be a good judge of character or a human lie detector.
This part's not important, but I don't like the majority of his design. In the manga, he's given orange hair, and while I understand his name means "cheese," the grey in the anime helps bring contrast from the rest of his outfit that focuses on a red top and brown pants.
Like his Stand, he's very unassuming, but there's this slow burn effect that endeared this character to me. Formaggio still isn't my favorite among La Squadra, but I think about him a lot sometimes. u.u
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⭐️ My work is for entertainment and personal purposes. Do not take, translate, repost, or use it for profit. Don't take it seriously.
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oh-bunny-dearest · 1 year
The tism is strong today
Autistic Risotto HCs
Risotto. Abso-fucking-lutely. Stims with the little bells on his cap. I made this post JUST so I can say that. It’s important that you all know this
He seems scary and edgy with his affinity for darkness but it’s actually just because he gets overstimulated really easily from bright lights.
Overstimulation is also why he rarely joins the team when they go out to eat at restaurants.
Despite being very perceptive, he is atrocious when it comes to picking up jokes and innuendos and honestly, in non-battle situations, he’s not much better with other forms of social interaction
He can’t sit down and eat until he makes sure all his duties are completed. Therefore, he ends up eating at odd hours when his schedule
His favourite sensory thing ever is when Formaggio’s cat purrs on his chests
His special interest is music history particularly rock/metal and like band-related stuff (like everything about how it was formed, the members, the themes in there music, the influences, yanno?)
His unhealthy stims are biting the inside of his cheeks, lips, knuckles, or digging his nails into his skin, if he’s stressed he draws blood a lot
He’ll be hyperfocused when on missions but when he’s done with them the executive dysfunction kicks in and he struggles to switch out of work mode so he often ends up at the computer in his bloody clothes trying to write out a report but gets lost in his thoughts and is out of it for hours. Some days his executive dysfunction combined with his depression makes it so that he can’t get out of bed so he sometimes forces himself out of bed by using the magnetic field in his body caused by his stand to kinda have the magnetic pull between him and any other heavy metallic objects in the vicinity puppet him. I don’t know if the words I wrote made any sense oops
Has that Autism Stare™️
I feel like he would have a certain kinship with Giorno since he also EXUDES tism. I imagine when they meet for the first time they just stare at eachother in silence for a solid minute and just. Understand.
Influenced by my own autism
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ghiautism · 8 months
OK also. la squadrer. 🏳️‍⚧️ any gender hcs that stick out to u :3 and 📓🫂 umm hobbies+friendship !!
as a transgender i have transed most of tjem but here’s the full list.,, + bonus what other type of fruit they are bc why not!!!!!! + then hobbies and friendships
this is a long ass post i have autism about these weird freaks!!! there are so many headcanons crammed into one post you guys are NOT even ready for it.! please ask me more questions give me excuses to be extremely autistic PLEAS EPLEAS EPLASE PLEASe
@dykeghiaccio because idk if ur answered ask notifs are also broken uyhjknkjhkj
gender (+ queer) hcs..
risotto: cis + gay but so astronomically babygirl he’s an honorary transsexual. also i made him cis out of spite to my shitty ex so do with that what you will
ghiaccio: the tguy ever + also GAY but more ambiguous about it which i could explain but i won’t because i’m lazy
illuso: trans guy + bi & poly
melone: genderfluid girlthing + t4t lesbian
prosciutto: nb + bi
pesci: he’s jsut a little guy. I haven’t really decided tbh.
ris: he has SO many!!! he loves to do Stuff all the time and when he's not working he has to occupy himself somehow. he plays bass & guitar and paints mostly, but he also likes cooking (baking too), crochet and just like. Drawing tbh. very creative angled guy he just likes to Do Stuff and Make things. he also really likes reality tv because i think thats funny
ghiaccio: hes not really a "busywork" type person and hobbies very much feel like that to him, so he doesn't do too much. he likes researching stuff and adding facts into his autism repertoire but that's sorta it. unless smoking weed is a hobby then i guess he does that too
illuso: plays guitar & is in a band, and that's his big thing. he's also really into music in general so he spends a lot of time listening to music (like at home and at concerts). also i decided hes a cosmetologist so he does hair as a side gig
melone: similar to ghiaccio but she likes researching stuff, mostly just in her field which is like. relationship and sex stuff. u guys im gonna be so for real with you i haven't pondered Too much what melone would do in their free time. Have a lot of weird sex i guess
prosciutto: very big into reading and fashion, watches fashion shows and reads fashion magazines mostly. likes browsing at stores even if they never buy anything
formaggio: this fucking GUY is so fucking. Guy. he works at a car shop on the side and so he's pretty into cars. he likes classic cars a lot and also drag racing!!!!!!! ive also played around with the idea of him doing tattoos because it just seems so himcore
pesci: hes still just a little guy, u guys. jokes aside he unironically likes to fish and also likes reading. hes pretty reserved usually so he doesn't really tend to do much. likes to sit and listen in on the rest of the team talking sometimes
but also just relationships between them :3 because i think about this a loooot. i organised this in a way that makes sense to Me so its probably really stupid but like. Cope i dunno
risotto: closest to ghiaccio because theyre GAY for each other, decently close with formaggio by way of ghiaccio, + i have decided one of my ocs is his girlbestie so. yass. other than that, he's pretty neutral on the rest of the gang since they sorta all do their own thing,, sometimes i make him kiss illuso
ghiaccio: closest to risotto for above reason & formaggio because they are boybesties,,, he gets on pretty good with illuso and sometimes i make them kiss but only sometimes as well
illuso: longtime friends with melone, other than that he gets on good with ghiaccio and formaggio and risotto!!! i'd say he's probably the most social of the gang, so he really just sorta gets along with all of tjem
melone: again, longtime friends with illuso, also dating prosciutto and uhh/ Yeah. likes to pester ghiaccio a lot and would probably say they're friends if you asked but they just sort of annoy the fuck out of each other. thinks of pesci as their lil bro. feels very weird and neutral about risotto for reasons that would take a long time to unpack
prosciutto: dating mel, tolerates illuso since him n mel are close, obviously is pesci's older sibling, and respects risotto. is deeply and truthfully entirely loathing of ghiaccio's existence and equally as truthfully forgets formaggio exists half the time
pesci: he honestly respects all of them more than he probably should since these people are all crazy but it's whateva. respects risotto the most, is mildly terrified of ghiaccio because how is he so tiny and yet so fucking scary, thinks of melone as his older sisterthing and that's sort of it for specifics tbh.
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