#and various extremely specific methods of punishment for crime
So on the one ask about the yandere marriage. What would happen if the same characters darling escaped and actually tried fighting back? Probably won’t work out but they tried.
You are correct, darling tried. But it didn’t work, and lead to some harsh consequences.
Germany – The sweet and outgoing nature of his kitten made her seem docile. Luther didn’t count on her claws coming out when she was cornered.
Luther’s love for his kitten will cause him to gloss over her rough behavior at first. Every protest would be seen as a concern that could be swept under the rug. Yelling and screaming would be a lover’s quarrel. It wasn’t until her hand hit his face that Luther would realize that harsher methods would be needed.
Luther’s methods would start off simple, leaving Kitten in a sealed room for a day or two. Each time-out session’s length would be based on what the actions of rebellion would be. After trying this for a couple of months, and reaching isolation periods of two weeks, or having a weapon drawn on him, Luther would up the intensity.
Instead of just isolation, it would start to include chains, starvation, and darkness. These restrictions could eventually break Kitten down to the point of submission. If she hadn’t won Luther’s trust through fake affections and obedience first.
She would either escape through an open window or convince Luther to get extremely intoxicated to the point of passing out. At that point, she could walk right out the front door.
Once Luther realizes what happens, Kitten had better pray that she stays ahead. Luther’s methods are reminiscent of a hunting dog. Persistent and willing to use the pack. If Luther couldn’t find her within three days, then he’s calling the other axis members. More than likely, the help of the other members will corner Kitten quickly.
After she is found, Luther doesn’t wait. He swoops in the second she is away from witnesses and knocks her out. All Kitten manages to squeak out is a “Luther!” and then it's dark.
When she awakens, all she can feel is pain. Luther broke her dominant leg, and though it was well wrapped, she noticed a couple of other new things. The chains that once wrapped only around her ankles became a harness. It's not cutting off circulation, but it was tight. The room she’s in is small, stone, and cold. The only light in the room came from the crack in the door.
This would be the punishment for escape. Luther had been worried and at least this way he knows where she is. Maybe on their five-year anniversary, she could come out.
Sweden – Hustru was a ray of sunshine. Beautiful, bright, and also hot. Not just in terms of attractiveness, her warm cherry attitude would easily change to a blistering fury. This was amusing to Bernard, despite being from an area known for chills, this heat was welcoming.
Going the route of a true yandere, Bernard would hide you away, his logic would be that all newlyweds need some time. Though since it was done with approval from both of their bosses, it would not be in one of his unknown places, rather a newer and known spot, one designed just for her. It would be a simple house, out in the foggy Swedish forest. The outside would be reminiscent of a by-gone area, but the inside would be a mix of modern and medieval.
Bernard thought she enjoyed it until she started to fight against his ‘simple’ rules. Things like yelling and screaming would be funny to him. It was showing Bernard a side that he hadn’t yet witnessed, and he enjoyed that. Each action of rebellion would be recorded by him with joy. Until that is, hustru decided to get physical.
Bernard, like Luther, is fine with backtalk. Physical fighting though is a sign of distrust and the breakdown of his bond with his hustru. At this, hustru would be restrained and with his silver tongue, he would talk her out of attacking. His voice would sound joyful, but his eyes would communicate anything but that.
That would be her only warning. If hustru would attempt another attack, Bernard wouldn’t hesitate to break a limb. This should quell her fire for a time, and at that moment Bernard would coo at her. A sweet voice asking how she could be so clumsy, and how she should allow Bernard to take care of it.
Eventually, it would reach the boiling point she would make a break for it. Bernard would have been waiting for this moment. After all, he already takes people to his home, Bernard knows that it's only a matter of time before they run.
He would follow behind slowly, fully understanding what she would be looking for in an escape route. Each turn hustru would make, she could hear Bernard taunting her and making false promises. Whether or not hustru would realize it, Bernard would be herding her like a ewe to the slaughterhouse.
Bernard would end the chase by cornering hustru. It would either be by a cliff or a lake. Her look of panic would thrill Bernard, and he would descend upon her like a wolf. Their struggle would last until Bernard could give either a hard blow to the back of her head, chokehold, or hold her head in the water.
Holding her now unconscious body close, Bernard would take her away. She would not return to the nice home in the Swedish forest but instead would find herself in an unfamiliar place. It was Sweden’s oldest and best-hidden spot.
This one is underground and like a hobbit hole. Though the inside is much bigger and maze-like. Hustru will never find the door, but Bernard will always be there to give her affection.
Russia – Viktor knew marriage was an adjustment for both the husband and the wife. They were living together for the first time, and that meant getting used to each other’s constant presence. Well, at least for родная, since Viktor knew everything about her. Though, he was reaching the end of his patience with her insults.
Viktor would be willing to turn a blind eye to any rebellion for about a week or two. As I said, marriage is an adjustment, and he would be willing to give родная some time. After that period, and if she is still fighting their love, then Viktor sees reason to correct the bad behavior.
As a yandere Viktor is fine with the occasional comment. Should родная do it more often than that, or attempt to lay it on thick Viktor is gonna act. His punishments are always smart and calculating with the purpose of ensuring submission. It starts simple; restricting her time outside the home and the disappearance of specific privileges. Things like entertainment and basic comforts are the first to go. As time goes on, and if she chooses to escalate her acts, then it's only gonna get worse.
Physical attacks lead to periods of isolation, additional housework, and prevention of sleep. These three together would make it easier for Viktor to shape her behaviors and throughout ask her specific questions to see how she is coming along. If родная is smart enough, she will submit quickly to avoid seeing how far he is willing to take this.
If родная should escape, she then there must be an insurance that Viktor is not home. Once out of the home, then she has no choice but to take the alleyways. Viktor’s men are well-rounded and without a doubt one of them is well versed in hacking. Once found, whether it be via a security camera, or through the use of documents, Viktor will bring her home.
It won’t be a pretty moment. One, it would be in public and there would be screaming and begging. Two, no one would help, mainly because Viktor would appear not only her husband but provide papers to make it seem like she had some illness that required guardianship.
In the end, she’s in a basement tied to a chair. From there Viktor would work once again with his previous taming methods, this time though he would make sure it sticks.
England – Oliver was quite pleased on their wedding day. It was beautiful and perfect, but the events since that wonderful day have been troubling to him. His sweet little Dearie appeared to not be adjusting well to married life, but he’s got the tools to help.
Oliver has always had a need for control, and after the American Revolution, it had gotten worse. When Dearie fights, it’s almost like a flashback for him. He doesn’t handle it well, Oliver is willing to give a warning, after all, it is his wife. Though after not only having his warning ignored but receiving back-to-back threats and the claims that he is a monster, Oliver decides that his wife needs lessons on how to be a lady and housewife.
These lessons range from proper posture and basic manners to tea ceremonies and fancy dances. The length and frequency of the lessons depend on the severity of her crimes. Which to Oliver, each is extremely severe and must be taught out of his sweet little dearie.
For each lesson, Oliver has an enchanted device. For posture, a corset with celestial bronze and white silk. Each attempt of slouching or relaxing causes it to tighten like a python with a rabbit in its coils. Dance lessons involve iron shoes, not only do they burn when the dancing stops, but they can only be removed by Oliver. These are just two of many that he has.
Her escape would not be easy. Oliver’s flying bunnies, Chocolate and Strawberry would always be nearby. Waiting and ready to report. Her best chance of escape would be a moment of pure chaos. Whether she caused it or she had been blessed with it, this would be her only chance of escape.
Once he realizes that she had run away, Oliver would open his dreaded spellbook. The magic would flit and fly around him as he reads various spells. Creatures of all kinds would be summoned and with the leadership of his bunnies, they would spread across the land like the shadows that appear with the setting sun.
Eventually, she would be found. Caught and dragged away by the various shadows Dearie thought she had escaped.
Once Oliver had her back in his arms, an enchantment would be placed. Nothing too harmful, just something that would bind their souls together. Forever.
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The Murder of Ana Kriegel: A Girl Who Just Wanted to Make Friends 
Ana’s Story 
In May 2018, years of psychological torment came to a cruel end for Ana Kriegel when she was callously murdered by two teenage boys. After being adopted from Russia at 2 years old, Ana was just 14 years old when she was subjected to horrific physical abuse and succumbed to her injuries in Lucan, Republic of Ireland. Although closely treasured by her adoptive parents, Ana’s subtlety and kind nature was often taken for weakness by others her own age. As a younger child, she endured a complicated surgery to remove a tumour from inside her ear, which caused long-term visual and hearing issues. Rather than receiving support for her impairment, fellow classmates used it as an opportunity to mock Ana and prey on her vulnerability. She would also often receive criticism for ‘not having a real mum and dad’, but despite these setbacks, Ana continued to try and establish friendships. As Ana aged into her teenage years with little companionship, she turned to creating accounts on various social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and Youtube to find people with the same interests. However, instead of making friends, the bullying continued to follow Ana online. She began receiving sexually explicit and threatening messages. One comment on a Youtube video Ana uploaded simply read “I’d have you executed”. The inappropriate behaviour she experienced transcended into real life during October 2017, when Ana was returning home from a Halloween event she had helped to organise. She was approached by four older boys in the street, who told Ana that they were going to have sex with her. She had told them “no”, and as she walked away, one of the boys retaliated by hitting her on the backside. Ana returned home very emotionally distressed, and the culprits were issued with a caution by police. However, this experience proved to be the final straw for Ana’s resilience, and a downward spiral into depression and self-harm ensued. Just as Ana had become more socially withdrawn, she thought her life was changing for the better when she received a sudden knock at her door. It was a local 13 year old boy (Boy B)*, who informed Ana that he was going to take her to meet another boy (Boy A)*, also 13 years old. Ana learned that Boy A was somebody she had liked for some time, so she was more than happy to follow. Sadly, Ana was never to return home, and her body was found in a derelict house after a three-day search. 
( * Boy A and Boy B are named as such due to their age, and their anonymity is protected by the law. ) 
Ana’s Murder 
At first, Ana’s body was mistaken for a discarded mannequin lying amongst used condom packaging and broken glass. However, the blood on her face and bruising on her thighs quickly confirmed that the abandoned building was now a crime scene. Ana had been stripped naked down to only her socks before receiving significant injuries to her head and neck, and she had also been left with industrial tape wound tightly around her throat. Ana’s fingers were underneath the tape, as though she had been trying to prise it away at the time of her death. A more detailed autopsy found that, in total, there were around 60 injuries sustained to her body. This included numerous defensive wounds, leading prosecutors to maintain that Ana had fought extremely hard for her life. CCTV footage was reviewed, which showed Boy B leading Ana away from her home towards the direction of the murder scene, where Boy A was already waiting. After their arrest, traces of Ana’s blood were found on Boy A’s shoes, as well as a ‘murder kit’ hidden in his bedroom which contained a mask, gloves, protective leg wear, a concrete block, and a piece of wood with nails stuck into the end. The ultimate cause of death was recorded as blunt force trauma, but horrifically Ana had also been strangled throughout this ordeal. As well as the beating Ana had sustained, forensic examination also showed that she had been sexually assaulted, as there were signs of attempted penetration and traces of semen from Boy A were found on a torn garment belonging to Ana. Further searches of the young boys’ homes identified that both boys had developed an obsession with violent pornography. Almost 12,000 sexually explicit images were found on numerous electronic devices belonging to Boy A, and past internet searches had included terms such as “child porn” and “teen sweet Russian”, as well as “most gruesome torture methods in history” and “abandoned places in Lucan”. 
Trial and Sentencing 
Despite the overwhelming evidence to indicate their involvement, both boys went on to plead not guilty. Based on what was witnessed during court proceedings, they also received the support of their parents. It was noted that, while details of the case were read out to the jury, Boy A appeared visibly upset and held his father’s hand while his mother also cried. It was also noted that Boy A walked with a limp, which was thought to be a result of his struggle with Ana. Boy B averted his gaze to the ground for most of the hearing and held on to his mother. After a guilty verdict was reached, the father of Boy B flew into an explosive rage before storming out of the courtroom. He then returned shortly afterwards to sarcastically slow clap and angrily say “an innocent child is going to prison” and shouted “you fucking bunch of scumbags!” at the prosecution team. Boy B had previously confided to detectives that he had been approached by Boy A one month before Ana’s murder. He claimed that Boy A had asked him if he wanted to kill someone, and named Ana Kriegel specifically. Boy B claimed he did not consent to participating in her murder, but did acknowledge that he had called at Ana’s home to inform her that Boy A wanted to meet her. He then led her to the location where she would be murdered, but claimed to have run away when Boy A became violent. The trial will recommence on 15th July 2019 for the submission of any mitigating evidence which may reduce the imposed punishment, and the sentencing will follow.
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—   ✕ 『 ★ HEADCANON - Daily Life  ★ 』 ✕
          I’ve alluded to Yumeno’s treatment at the Port Mafia in many of my replies as well as briefly getting into it in their about. But I’ve never actually made a full post about it. This will probably be added onto in the future !
➥ Yumeno is stuck in the CELL for most of the day. Their cell is rather small with absolutely no furnishing at all and only some dim lights from the outside wall. The air is also rancid from lack of ventilation and the stench of  blood and guts from past prisoners. The cell is also extremely hot in the summer and frigid in the winter.
➥ The bars however are large enough to STICK THEIR ARMS OUT OF; which often leads to them picking up stray keys or anything to pick the lock with and wind up getting out. The cell is similar to the one that Kyouka was kept in.
➥ When they sleep, they have no choice but to either lean against the WALL or lay on the cold hard FLOOR.
➥ They have only ONE set of normal clothes that does get replaced from time to time once it gets too bloodied and ruined from torture ( to account for the whole anime logic of characters only having one outfit ). Otherwise, they’re given spare hospital clothes from Mori’s line of work as a doctor. The hospital clothes provide covering more so than anything else; hospital clothes aren’t exactly known for their warmth.
➥ They have the absolute worst sleep schedule BECAUSE there is no schedule in their life. A circadian rhythm is practically nonexistent for them. Their cell lacks any windows or natural light; making it impossible for them to determine if it’s night or day. It’s difficult to fall asleep in the discomfort of the cell. And sometimes when they DO fall asleep, they are awoken by guards or Mori.
➥ They’re only given actual meals about once or twice a week; the term actual meals BARELY qualifying for what they get. What they receive are the garbage scraps of people’s lunches quite literally lifted out of the trash can. Food poisoning is pretty normal for them. 
➥ They are given tap water once a day. Worse, if they’re too weak to eat / drink because of the brutality they face, they’re given IV FLUIDS. From the point of view of someone with a phobia of hospitals and doctors and with the fact it’s from a shady doctor like Mori, it’s about as fun as one would expect.
➥ Their ‘ training ‘ has a lot of different aspects to it. One of them is literally just learning how to use knives and firearms just as well as the rest of the Port Mafia members. What’s difficult about the training is that they are held to the standards of adults but they do not HAVE the strength of adults so it’s difficult for them to be quick.
➥ Sometimes, those who wronged or defied the Port Mafia in some way are taken down to the cells or some other safely contained space within the Port Mafia. Then, they’re forced to use their ability to CURSE THEM to pit those people against each other and have them kill each other or literally EVISCERATE them with Dogra Magra’s claws. They’re punished if something goes wrong or if Dogra Magra decides to be finicky.
➥ Other methods of training are less ‘ training ‘ and more TORTURE than anything else. Often, they are VIOLENTLY punished with hits strong enough to leave bruises and broken bones and slices with knives and scalpels.
➥ Sometimes, punishments are more UNCONVENTIONAL such as the razors and barbed wire driven into their skin. Sometimes, they have to insert those sharp objects into their skin themselves. Sometimes, they are forced to stab or shoot themselves in non - lethal areas.
➥ They’ve also suffered OTHER torture methods like having bones crushed, being strangled / asphyxiated, having limbs bent far back enough to inflict pain, burned, shocked, waterboarded, basically anything you can think of. They’re lucky they’re a child and that sort of pain EVENTUALLY heals. Physically at least.
➥ Mori also takes deep enjoyment in utilizing the FEAR OF HOSPITALS that the child has. Often, they are strapped to a table so tightly that the restraints dig into their skin. They’re left bound to that table under the blinding white lights for hours on end, surrounded by their worst nightmares. When Mori is finally bored, he enjoys testing various DRUGS and POISONS on Yumeno to see their effects. Most of the time, they wind up reeling from illness and there have been many incidents they would have died from poisoning had Mori not had the medical knowledge to undo its effects.
➥ They aren’t medicated for any of their mental health issues. As for their physical issues, they’re only treated if their injuries MIGHT actually kill them since Mori still wants to keep them around as a weapon. Otherwise, they’re told to suck it up. As per a previous post, they’re also treated for their iron deficiency anemia to keep them being from so weak they become useless, but as that involves sitting in a chair with a needle stuck into you for hours, it’s basically ANOTHER form of torture.
➥ There is no schedule to their work or their torture, leaving Yumeno with barely any rest and a CONSTANT lingering fear of what may happen to them at any moment.
➥ Most of the torture is committed by ELISE at Mori’s command as it is shown that Dogra Magra cannot work on abilities. Other times, their abuse is committed by those that are considered ‘ expendable assets ‘ by the Port Mafia; men that Mori couldn’t give a shit about losing.
➥ Despite all this, special care IS taken to not kill them; only to bring them to the brink of death to effectively damage their mental well being. They also avoid trying to leave lasting marks on any place anyone would see ( such as their legs and their face ) to indicate that they are anything but a normal child. Though, they have been injured in those areas many times still.
➥ This is because aside from their numerous escape attempts, they are also sometimes put to responsibility such as doing business or settling disputes ( or rather, being the violent way of settling it ) like other extremely low ranked members of the Port Mafia. Although these activities are given very specific instructions and are highly supervised because of the nature of their ability and also how the hell’s a kid supposed to understand business ? These particular methods are basically the equivalent of criminals forcibly using women, teenage girls, and children to assist in their crimes. Elise is also usually on standby and also part of it.
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two-are-the-trees · 5 years
31 Days of Poe Day 5: “The Pit and the Pendulum”
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While Poe is a master of terror and creates all sorts of frightening, morbid scenarios to shock our senses, none of his stories reach pure, primal, unrelenting levels of fear quite like “The Pit and the Pendulum.” This is one of Poe’s most graphically and physically horrifying stories, haunting readers with tortuous traps that are seemingly straight out of a Saw movie.
The tale follows a man who has just been arrested for an unknown crime by the Spanish Inquisition. He is thrown into a completely pitch-black dungeon and left to await his execution. The narrator is thrown into agonizing suspension as he wanders his cell, wondering what horrible method of torture will be used to carry out his sentence, as he has heard stories of terrible fates at the hands of the Inquisition. As he explores in the darkness, however, the narrator begins to notice strange things about the prison in which he is held and he must keep on his toes in order to avoid the various traps that his captors arrange for him. At each turn, his chance for survival looks bleaker and bleaker, and yet some internal urge pushes him to see how long he can escape his inevitable death.
Poe’s vividly descriptive language in this tale creates an atmosphere of the utmost squalor and desperation. The sensory details told through the narrator are meant to shock readers at whiplash speeds, inspiring feelings of disgust, hopelessness, confusion, and horror. The narrator describes walls that are slimy and cold, the oppressive claustrophobia of complete darkness, hairy rats crawling in his face, the pain of hunger and thirst, ghastly smells of decay, and the heart-stopping chill of terror that comes in intense waves. This imagery evokes an intense sympathetic response, more than most of Poe’s other works. Readers are thrust directly into the action, bonded to the narrative by our shared experiences of bodily sensation. The tale is also steeped in death as the assured presence of doom in one form or another hovers over every scene.
“The Pit and the Pendulum” is primarily a story of fear. It is fear that punishes the prisoners for their crimes and it is fear that inspires the narrator to attempt to escape every execution attempt thrown at him. The narrator experiences many different forms of fear; fear of closed spaces, fear of disease, fear of starvation or dehydration, fear of solitude, fear of bodily harm, and even some unnamed fears that seem to haunt the innermost recesses of his soul. While most of Poe’s tales use fear to some degree, this story is an absolute exploration of its most primal forms. Whether psychological, physical, or spiritual, Poe seeks to understand how fear affects us and what extremes we will go to because of it.
Would I recommend “The Pit and the Pendulum?” Absolutely, BUT only if you think you can handle it. This story DOES contain some graphic descriptions by Poe’s standards and many hard-to-read fears are explored in detail. However, this has become one of Poe’s most iconic works for a reason. It’s a genuinely thrilling story and the language is amazingly effective. Like, “The Fall of the House of Usher,” I would also definitely recommend the animated version of this tale in the Extraordinary Tales anthology (which is narrated by one of the masters of horror himself, Guillermo Del Toro.)
For more analysis (which contains spoilers!!!) please read below the cut!
As I mentioned above, fear is one of the primary themes of the narrative. The narrator shows an array of different responses to fear and describes its many different forms. He exhibits the strongest reactions to the titular pit and pendulum, and it is these two specific moments, as he faces two different, horrible deaths, that seem the most significant. I like to think that these two methods of execution represent a duality that divides all fears; one is a fear of the known, and one is a fear of the unknown.
The pendulum, which represents a fear of the known, inspires fear primarily because the narrator is allowed to see its journey downward, nearer and nearer to his vulnerable body. He is strapped to a table, facing upwards, so he cannot turn away from the fate that is set for him. He is able to track the pendulum’s movements; study how the mechanism lowers the blade inch by inch, maddening him with each swipe. Poe describes the spine-chilling sound of the screeching metal as it swings, reflecting the heightened senses of the panicking narrator. Because the blade is made to descend slowly, the narrator is given ample time to reflect on his death. He imagines how the blade will feel as it cuts away at his clothing, and then the top layer of flesh, and then deeper into his tissue until it reaches his heart. It’s gruesome imagery, and this grisly train of thought leads the narrator through several stages of pure fear, from unbearable desperation to bleak resignation. The terror of the pendulum is that it forces the victim to grapple with the certainty of death. The narrator knows exactly how he will die, how painful and slow it will be, and this knowledge will only add to the agony of his final minutes.
The pit, on the other hand, represents the fear of the unknown as the depths of the pit and the horrors that lie within haunt the narrator throughout the story. The narrator’s first experience with the pit is when he almost falls directly into it in his pitch-black cell. He narrowly avoids walking straight into his doom as he trips and falls just at the edge of the pit, enough for his head to hang over the side. Immediately, he is repulsed. He describes a horrible, musty, decaying smell coming from deep within and when he drops some debris into the hole and listens to see when it lands, he discovers that the pit runs dizzyingly deep. As much as he tries to infer about the pit with the limited sensory information that he has, he cannot truly know what fate may have awaited him. He gets a brief glimpse into the pit before he is subjected to the pendulum, but it is still unclear in what horrible way he would ultimately die if he were to fall into the depths. This type of fear, the fear of the unknown, is especially potent for the narrator as, after he escapes the pendulum, he is forced nearer and nearer to the pit by contracting walls, and his thoughts race in horror as he regards the pit as the most horrible death of all. This reflects our human, primal fear of things unknown; things like the darkness of night or of deep, dense forests. Any number of horrors could be lurking in obscured places.
Poe brilliantly captures the feeling of fear within the story, however, there is another element that complicates the narrative and sets it apart from many of Poe’s other works; the presence of hope. Yes, as bleak and disturbing as “The Pit and the Pendulum” can be sometimes, remember that it is essentially a story of survival. Even in the most despairing of situations, the narrator cannot fight his desire to stay alive and the hope that, somehow, he may live to see another day. He doesn’t simply lie and wait for death. He seeks out the dimensions of his cell and he eats the food that he is given eagerly, even as he is strapped to the table waiting for the pendulum to bisect him. He formulates a plan to break free of his bonds and escape the pendulum, even though he knows another death will await him soon. He even tries to resist the burning hot, contracting walls that push him toward the pit. Something deep inside him retains the spark of hope that allows him to escape doom. Ultimately, it is this hope that pays off in the end as the narrator is actually rescued from his horrible fate at the very last moment. Yes, this is a Poe story with a happy ending! “The Pit and the Pendulum,” bizarrely, is both a story about the human relationship with fear and about the willpower of the human spirit. It connects us with our primal roots and provides a very interesting and, dare I say, universal look into the human experience.
So, what did y’all think? What really makes the pit the most horrible form of death? What do you make of Poe’s “happy” ending? Are the pit and the pendulum representative of something else? If you want to share your thoughts, please comment on this post or send me an ask! You can also use the tag #31daysofpoe to write your own response post!
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bluinary · 6 years
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anyway here’s a sketch of my 15yo brother in his imaginary utopia, where you have to successfully do the Millie Rock as fast as possible in a rapidly burning room in order to jump socio-economic classes and escape death
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On “Crime and Punishment”, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Bungou Stray Dogs
ft. Nikolai Gogol. LONG POST! Also spoilers for the novel/manga if you haven’t read it already/haven’t caught up yet.
Here are some thoughts I have on certain parallels between Crime and Punishment and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in real life and as portrayed in BSD, also some speculations as to how this book and the real Dostoyevsky might have inspired his BSD version.
First, on the real book itself (more like the English translation of the book):
The main character in Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, killed an old woman he deemed as wicked and worthless. He was so shaken by the idea of murder that he spent an entire month tormenting himself over it, lost his gut during the actual murder, and proceeded to make himself fall ill from the mental torture. He thought he did it for money, but the more he looked into the event and into himself, the more he realized he just did it to prove that he could (my own interpretation).
“There is only one thing, one thing needful: one has only to dare! Then for the first time in my life an idea took shape in my mind which no one had ever thought of before me, no one! I saw clear as daylight how strange it is that not a single person living in this mad world has had the daring to go straight for it all and send it flying to the devil! I… I wanted to have the daring… and I killed her.”
Raskolnikov also wrote an article on the psychology and mental state of a criminal, and what leads someone to commit a crime. Raskolnikov and another character, Porfiry, used these concepts to discuss a technique used by Porfiry to trap criminals into confessing, which the two of them referred to as a “cat and mouse” game.
Raskolnikov classified people into “ordinary” and “extraordinary”. According to him, the former follow and obey the law, while the latter transgress it. The former’s role is to follow and maintain the order, while the latter seeks to destroy the status quo and establish a new order. It follows that when a person of “extraordinary” conduct deems it necessary to commit a crime to achieve their objective, they can find the will to do it.
“The crimes of these men are of course relative and varied; for the most part they seek in very varied ways the destruction of the present for the sake of the better. But if such a one is forced for the sake of his idea to step over a corpse or wade through blood, he can, I maintain, find himself, in his conscience, a sanction for wading through blood.”
This does not mean, however, that people of “extraordinary” nature are exempt from feeling guilt. In fact, Raskolnikov recognized that if these individuals do in fact feel guilt from shedding blood, it would be their greatest punishment. The worst punishment for a criminal is not so much the prison as it is by way of their own conscience.
Yet, sometimes such a punishment is essential to make way for change. Raskolnikov compared these “extraordinary” individuals to the likes of Napoleon, who by social standards should be considered the worst criminals ever lived considering the amount of blood they shed, yet are revered as heroes for the change they ushered.
I immediately thought of this:
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BSD Gogol’s character fits perfectly in the scheme of Crime and Punishment. The real Dostoyevsky also mentioned Gogol several times in Crime and Punishment, when discussing the topic of morality.
Whatever the objective of the BSD “Decay of Angels” is, I’m fairly certain it has to do with change - they are willing to commit evil to destroy the status quo and advance change. These “villains” are certainly not the usual kind of “evil cause I like it”, or “evil cause I am proudly anti-heroic figures”.
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Going back to Crime and Punishment, there are a few other characters that I think are of relevance to the portrayal of BSD Fyodor Dostoyevsky:
Porfiry: an investigator, who was convinced Raskolnikov was the murderer in question, and went to almost extreme lengths to psycho him into confessing. He had a pretty sharp mind, and used the sadistic investigative method of trapping his “prey” by letting him roam freely in his natural habitat, which Porfiry believe would make the criminal lower his guard and eventually fall into the trap himself. Raskolnikov realized the trap, of course.
Svidrigailov: an extreme representation of a type of “extraordinary” man, he was portrayed as, to me, a nihilist and hedonist. Svidrigailov doesn’t seem to care about morality, and only wants to satisfy his own pleasures. Whether he harms others in the process is irrelevant to him. He can commit random acts of kindness because the spontaneity of that action gives him pleasure.
While I don’t see these characters as similar to Raskolnikov, they certainly brings out his character in various ways. Raskolnikov understood Porfiry’s investigative methods perfectly (I bet he basically thought “If it was me, that’s what I’d do”). Porfiry also recognized and acknowledged Raskolnikov’s intellectual depth and potential, and was interested in him intellectually. Svidrigailov, on the other hand, mirrors Raskolnikov’s own despair and cynicism, if only more pronounced in the extreme. One can say Svidrigailov is the embodiment of despair. He is totally amoral, and radically indifference to the feelings of others. His radical attitude could have been brought about by his realization and acceptance that evil is inherent in the world, and as such, evil and vice to him is only an “occupation of a sort”. His bleak outlook only serves to worsen his boredom with the world, and prompts him to seek pleasure for its own sake. He views eternity as “a bath house... black and grimy and spiders in every corner”, to which Raskolnikov responds in horror “Can it be you can imagine nothing juster and more comforting than that?”
Next, on the BSD portrayal of Fyodor:
Now there has been very little detail about his personal motivations, but I see BSD Fyodor as a combination of all three characters: Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov, and Porfiry, maybe more of Svidrigailov than the rest. BSD Fyodor is definitely among the “extraordinary” people Raskolnikov described, maybe even to the extreme. Of course, there is also the personality of the real Dostoyevsky.
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Regarding killing people and messing up their families as a petty problem while looking for a happy chit chat about it with one of those he just messed up, that is as Svidrigailov as it gets. (I know Fyo was probably joking, but still)
It has been suggested time and time again that BSD Fyodor might have tired of, been disillusioned or discontent with the world as it is, and sought to correct it (while also having some entertainment along the way). He specifically has issues with special ability users, which still doesn’t stop him from killing normal people if they get entangled in the conflict. This motivation possibly stems from his hatred for his own ability, which seemed as destructive as it gets. Alternatively, BSD Fyodor might also see death as the ultimate freedom special ability users can be granted to be free from their “sins”, which refer to their abilities. As such, he took it upon himself to deliver them.
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The constant mention of “freedom” of the will also strike me as a parallel to real Dostoyevsky’s discussion of freedom in Crime and Punishment. 
“Anyone who is greatly daring is right in their eyes.”
“He who despises most things will be a lawgiver among them and he who dares most of all will be most in the right.”
In other words, if you act of your own free will, you are right. Anyone who wills it can transgress the law.
What really intrigued me is how BSD Fyodor saw himself as a divine figure delivering judgement for those he considers “sinners”. I doubt such a strong motivation came about just because he discovered his super human ability one day, which has been suggested as something to do with instant killing. I see a possibility of him having been alienated, ostracized and possibly imprisoned as a result of his ability and his intelligence, seeing how completely unfazed he was by the treatment he received in his prison cell at the Mafia base. His ability would have been dangerous on its own, but his intelligence makes him an even more dangerous individual. Another characteristic of him that interests me is the complete lack of guilt or remorse over his actions. If we assume this is a reference to Svidrigailov, it might have been a result of his mindset that evil is inherent in the world (which fits BSD Fyodor). If I have to guess, he would have been a child who never played with other kids, had no lessons in social etiquette and no guardian figure to teach him about the outside world, heavily religious, either avoided, feared or beaten up regularly, probably had no concept of remorse, probably had to fend for himself and used his intelligence to get the upper hand by gambling, manipulating or tricking others.
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BSD Fyodor was probably regarded as a “demon” for as long as he lived. He probably also felt the suffocating imprisonment extended from his home life to the rest of society. He probably got tired and bored of interacting with others who just went on their normal lives complaining about their misfortunes, oblivious to everything else that happened around them. He probably never once saw himself as one of them.
It was also suggested in Crime and Punishment that through suffering and torturing himself with his conscience, Raskolnikov was able to still feel human (my own interpretation). Could it be that BSD Fyodor was past that stage of being human, since he doesn’t seem to be suffering from the weight of his crimes? Could that be the reason why he sees himself as the substitute for God?
Regarding BSD Fyodor’s ability
Not much has been mentioned in the manga, and even in Dead Apple all we got is something along the lines of “Fyodor and his ability are two sides of the same coin”. What strikes me is how Fyodor is portrayed to represent Crime, and his ability Punishment. This is all speculation, but I think his ability definitely has to do with delivering punishment for a crime (no shit!). But whose crime, and on what condition? Could it be that his ability only takes effect if the criminal repents and experiences remorse from their own crime?
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Regarding BSD Dazai
Probably the most hotly discussed parallel in the fandom. Sure, Dazai and Fyodor have been described as being made of the same stuff from the start due to their intellect which is unparalleled by anyone else but these two, but they didn’t really strike me as similar until I encountered this line from Crime and Punishment.
“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”
At first glance, this quote describes both Dazai and Fyodor very well. I have no question about Dazai having a “large intelligence and a deep heart”, and so he will continue to have “great sadness” in the form of alienation and loneliness (and self-hatred and guilt to an extent). Fyodor may have an equally great intelligence, but it is still unclear to me what lies in his heart. I think, he at least would have felt loneliness and the boredom of existence at some point, just like Dazai did. Their sharpness would have enabled them to sniff out the most obscure clues to the darkest intentions in people, which might have led them to regard human beings as foolish and utterly selfish creatures. The dangerous and unique nature of their abilities would have rendered them untouchable by others, further worsening their alienation. 
“If God does not exist, then I will become God.”
What kind of experience would prompt someone to deliver such a line as that?
It sounds less like a divine sentence than a cry of disillusionment and cynicism to me, which is really... sad??
Other trivial stuff:
- The real Gogol was apparently a drama queen and a master of satire.
- The real Dostoyevsky was exiled in Siberia for reading banned works. He subsequently wrote “Notes from the House of the Dead” to describe this experience.
- The real Dostoyevsky frequently discussed the idea that man does not think rationally most of the time, and as such, man’s actions are not always predictable.
- In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov passionately loved Sonya, a destitute young woman whom he saw as his figure of salvation, and he once bowed to her because she represented “the sufferings of all humanity”.
- Svidrigailov was hinted to see the world as a dirty, meaningless playground in which he was the actor, and kept up his act until the end. When he decided to shoot himself after being rejected by the one woman he loved, he chose to do it in front of a complete stranger at the American embassy. His last words were “When you are asked, you just say he was going, he said, to America.”
Credits for screenshots go to @dazaiscans​.
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thegrowhouse4-blog · 5 years
The Grow House
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The Grow House
Pot  Is also referred to as pot, grass and marijuana but its proper name is really cannabis. It stems from the leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis sativa.  It's considered an illegal substance in the usa and lots of nations and possession of marijuana is a crime punishable by law.  The FDA classifies marijuana as Schedule I, chemicals that have an extremely large potential for abuse and have no proven medical usage.  Through the years many studies assert that some compounds found in bud have medicinal usage, particularly in terminal diseases like cancer and AIDS. This began a ferocious debate over the advantages and disadvantages of using medical marijuana. To settle this argument, the Institute of Medicine released the famous 1999 IOM report entitled Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.  The report was comprehensive but didn't offer a clear cut yes or no response. The other peaks of the medical marijuana issue frequently cite portion of this report within their advocacy arguments. But, even though the report explained many things, it never depended on the controversy once and for all.
The Grow House
Let us look at the problems that encourage why medical marijuana ought to be legalized.
(1) Pot is a naturally occurring herb also has been used by South America to Asia as an herbal medicine for millennia.  In this day and age after the natural and organic are significant wellbeing buzzwords, a naturally occurring herb such as bud could be more attractive to and safer for users than synthetic medications.
(2) Marijuana has powerful  therapeutic potential. Several studies, as outlined from the IOM report, researchers have discovered that cannabis may be utilized as analgesic, e.g. to deal with pain. A couple of studies demonstrated that THC, a bud element is successful in treating chronic pain experienced by cancer patients. But studies on severe pain like those experienced during operation and injury have inconclusive reports. A couple of studies, also outlined from the IOM report, have shown that some bud elements possess antiemetic properties and are, consequently, effective against nausea and vomiting, which are frequent side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Some investigators are convinced that cannabis has some therapeutic potential against neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis. Particular compounds extracted from bud have powerful therapeutic potential. Cannobidiol (CBD), a significant part of marijuana, was proven to possess anti fungal, anticancer and antioxidant properties. Additional cannabinoids have been shown to stop large intraocular pressure (IOP), a significant risk factor for glaucoma. Medicines which contain active ingredients found in bud but happen to be synthetically produced from the lab have been accepted by the US FDA. 1 instance is Marinol, an antiemetic agent indicated for nausea and vomiting related to cancer chemotherapy.  
(3) Among the largest proponents of medical marijuana would be that the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a US-based business. Lots of medical professional societies and associations have voiced their support. For example, The American College of Physicians, advocated a re-evaluation of this Schedule I classification of marijuana in their 2008 place paper. ACP also expresses its strong support for research into the curative purpose of marijuana in addition to exemption from federal criminal prosecution; civil accountability; or specialist sanctioning for doctors that prescribe or dispense medical marijuana based on state law. In the same way, protection against civil or criminal penalties for individuals using medical marijuana as allowed under state laws.
(4) Medical marijuana is lawfully utilized in several developed nations The debate of if they could do it, why not ?  Some nations, such as Canada, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, the uk, Spain, Israel, and Finland have hailed the curative use of marijuana under rigorous prescription management. Some states in america will also be allowing exemptions.
Here are the arguments against medical marijuana.
(1) Deficiency of information on safety and efficiency. Drug regulation relies on security . The security of marijuana and its elements still must be established. Efficacy only includes second. Even if marijuana has some beneficial health effects, the benefits need to outweigh the risks for this to be considered for clinical usage. Unless marijuana is demonstrated to be better (safer and more efficient ) than drugs currently available on the current market, its acceptance for medical use might be a very long shot. According to the testimony of Robert J. Meyer of the Department of Health and Human Services using a medication or medical therapy, without understanding how to use it even if it's successful, doesn't benefit anybody. Simply having accessibility, without needing safety, efficiency, and sufficient use information doesn't help patients.
(2) Unknown compound  components. Medical marijuana can simply be readily accessible and affordable in herbal kind. As with other herbs, bud falls under the class of botanical products. Unpurified botanical products, but face many issues such as lot-to-lot consistency, dose conclusion, potency, shelf-life, and toxicity. According to the IOM report when there's a potential of marijuana as a medicine, it lies in its isolated components, the cannabinoids and their synthetic derivatives.  To completely characterize the various elements of marijuana could cost as much money and time the expenses of these drugs that will come from it could be too significant. Presently, no pharmaceutical company appears interested in investing cash to isolate more curative components from bud beyond what's currently available on the industry.
(3) Potential for misuse. Pot or cannabis is addictive.  It might not be as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine; nonetheless it cannot be denied that there's a possibility of chemical abuse connected with marijuana. It was shown by some studies as outlined in the IOM report.
(4) Insufficient secure delivery system. The most Common kind of delivery of marijuana is via smoking. Thinking about the recent trends in anti-smoking legislations, this kind of delivery won't ever be accepted by medical authorities. Dependable and secure delivery methods in the shape of vaporizers, nebulizers, or inhalers are still in the testing phase.
(5) Symptom alleviation, not heal.  Even if Bud has therapeutic consequences, it's just addressing the symptoms of specific diseases. It doesn't cure or treat these disorders. Given it is effective against those symptoms, you will find already drugs available that work just as well or better still, minus the side effects and danger of misuse related to marijuana.
The 1999 IOM Report couldn't settle the debate about medical marijuana with scientific evidence available at that moment.  The report certainly discouraged using smoked marijuana but gave a nod to marijuana usage via a health inhaler or vaporizer. Additionally, the report also advocated that the compassionate use of marijuana under strict medical supervision.  What's more, it advocated more funds from the research of their efficacy and safety of cannabinoids.
So what stands in the manner of  Assessing the questions caused from the IOM report? The health authorities don't appear to be interested in getting another review. There's limited information available and anything can be obtained is biased towards security issues on the negative effects of smoked marijuana. Data on effectiveness mainly include research on synthetic cannabinoids (e.g. THC). This disparity in data makes a goal risk-benefit appraisal difficult.
Clinical trials on marijuana are difficult to Behavior as a result of restricted funding and rigorous regulations. Due to this  Complex legalities involved, very few pharmaceutical firms are  Investing in cannabinoid research.  Oftentimes, It's not clear how to Establish medical marijuana as advocated as opposed by many classes. Can  It simply refer to the usage of this botanical item bud or does it Include synthetic cannabinoid elements (e.g. THC and derivatives) as  well? Synthetic cannabinoids (e.g. Marinol) available on the Market are  Extremely costly, forcing people towards the cheaper  Cannabinoid in the shape of marijuana. Obviously, the problem is further Clouded by conspiracy theories between the pharmaceutical sector and Medication regulators.
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criminal protection legal professional common earnings - Does It Pay properly?
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The profession of regulation is an age-old vocation that is taken into consideration to be the various noblest of occupations along side medication and schooling. a variety of people aspire to be lawyers as they may be seen to be upholders of the law, however also because it's also deemed as a totally moneymaking process. that is mainly true specifically in a subspecialty of the career that's crook protection. due to the emotional, mental, and ethical risks that a criminal protection attorney faces, they're believed to receive a better than common earnings.
crook defense
criminal defense is essentially a department of regulation that offers with crimes, and it's miles the process of the criminal protection legal professional to symbolize events who are accused of crimes to save you their conviction and avoid dreaded the dreaded punishments which can be imposed with the aid of regulation on criminal acts. personal injury attorney The job of the crook protection lawyer is a difficult one due to the fact in his hand the obligation of dealing with sensitive matters. protecting against the law is not an smooth factor to do. It is not like protecting a tort, wherein the accused offense is dedicated most effective against an person. With against the law, the incorrect is towards the general public. as a result, defense lawyer faces not most effective a victim, but the complete community. For the average people the venture of criminal defense is probably enough motivation to pursue this kind of career, but, loads also go along with it due to the promise of having a large revenue.
criminal defense technique
The average criminal case through the united states essentially undergoes the identical method. The individual or institution suspected of against the law is arrested through the police. extreme instances are presented to the grand jury which might decide whether or now not there may be sufficient evidence to pursue a tribulation. Even this isn't but the trial itself, the crook lawyer has an important function at this degree due to the fact there may be a danger for the accused to be discharged at this factor, and that is a first-rate improvement. at the same time as the choice of the jury has not yet been surpassed, the lawyer could work for the release of the accused celebration on bail. ought to the jury determine that the evidence is enough to pursue the case, a trial will be known as for. This is part in which criminal protection attorneys definitely work for his or her profits. The trial will both be by means of jury or before a lone judge, if the jury is not truly wished or if consent is given with the aid of the defendant.
The trial might be achieved either by way of jury or before a lone choose if there is no need for a jury or if the defendant consent approves. First the government might gift its case through a district attorney, in any other case called a public prosecutor. The district lawyer could prove that the accusations inside the indication are genuine. The defense lawyer however would show that the defendant is not guilty. that is what most court docket dramas painting other than showing the legal professional's comfy lifestyles because of an implied gargantuan earnings. however the activity of the crook protection attorney isn't always all fame and glory. It takes a higher-than-average crucial mind to realize what to do or what to mention, and to come up with a legitimate approach to uphold his customer's innocence. A remarkable moral burden is placed over the criminal defense legal professional due to the fact there are certainly chances that suspect he is defending is in reality responsible, and no matter what happens, it's far responsibility to show that the suspect is innocent. This isn't always something that the common man or woman can do.
The law is a totally difficult career but for a few human beings, its perks - having a massive earnings and earning super admire, are sufficient to pursue such a profession. but aside from the benefits what's critical is having ardour for it.
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davids69811 · 3 years
Gun Crimes Attorney 32210 - Malcolm Anthony, P.A.
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Offender regulation is amongst the most intricate areas of regulation. It takes an unique kind of person to become a criminal defense lawyer. These kind of lawyers have to deal with customers to verify their virtue of criminal offenses that range from minor to major offenses.  Gun Crimes Attorney 32210
Lawbreaker legislation is the body of legislation commonly referred to as chastening law. This body of regulation prosecutes an individual or entity by the federal or state government for criminal offenses that are categorized as criminal. Criminal justice includes the concepts of punishment, prevention, incapacitation as well as rehab. By enforcing sentences for criminal acts the regulation looks for to serve justice, tranquility and social order Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Criminal law handle a broad range of criminal offenses. Lawbreaker defense lawyer protect clients that have been charged with crimes that range from small to major offenses. Such offenses include murder, wrongful death, arson, attack, DUI/DWI, scams, identification burglary, child porn, sex crimes as well as a host of various other criminal offenses.
Crook defense lawyers, as do all attorneys, should put aside their personal ideas and opinions of a person in order to effectively and totally defend them of criminal costs. This is perhaps among the most tough things to do. These lawyers should not pass personal judgment on a customer billed with grievous criminal activities such as murder, rape or perhaps child molestation Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
They have to also to the best of their capability safeguard a client who they might personally believe to be guilty of the criminal activity in which they are billed. Once again, they must put aside personal ideas and opinions and defend a client that has been charged with dedicating offensive acts Jacksonville FL.
Consequently, ending up being a criminal defense attorney not only takes job but true personality to safeguarding every single person's rights approved under the law. Bad guy defense lawyer attend regulation college just as any kind of various other person who looks for to acquire a legislation degree. They have to likewise pass bench test in order to practice law.
An individual thinking about becoming a criminal legislation attorney will locate it exceptionally beneficial functioning as an intern in this area of legislation while attending legislation institution. Teaching fellowships within the judicial legislation system or for a criminal defense law office will certainly allow prospective criminal defense attorney to get valuable experience that can not be acquired somewhere else Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
One more method to obtain important criminal regulation experience is to work as a clerk for a law practice, district attorney's workplace, or judge after passing bench exam. Places such as these allow you to acquire a wide range of expertise in the area of criminal legislation. Many attorneys that want to practice in criminal regulation commonly begin their careers by working as prosecuting lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Wrongdoer Defense Lawyer - Significance Of Crook Defense Attorney Or Attorney
Normally, individuals wish to stay clear of as well as end up any criminal charges asap - as well as a criminal defense lawyer is the very best individual to turn to for this function. Most of the people find the lawful process tough to understand as well as waging lawsuits seems like an impossible job. Here is where the criminal lawyers come in Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
It becomes their duty to clarify the lawful procedures as well as impacts of every legal action that is to be brought with defending their clients. These attorneys are the very best ways of enhancing oneself to continue via lawsuit. A defense lawyer likewise functions as criminal test legal rep as they take care of exactly how the trial treatments must be carried out. So, in which circumstances would you require to employ a defense attorney?
Functions Of A Bad Guy Defense Lawyer
The primary responsibility of a defense lawyer involves representing his/her customer who is affirmed with devoting any type of crime. The key work is questioning all the considerable witnesses, gathering all possible realities and also evidences besides asking concerns during court test periods. A defense attorney can work out the case out of the court by discussing with the prosecutors too. Through working out with the prosecutors out of the court by the assistance of a criminal defense attorney, the illegal fees may result right into a reduced one with decreased fines as well as a minimal duration of sentence Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Prospects Of Finding An Offender Defense Attorney
A criminal legislation attorney can make you comprehend the prospects of out of the court negotiation as well as deals. By doing this, you can decide whether you intend to choose a bargain offer. Besides, an attorney can assist you when you are accused with a crime in the following circumstances:
If you are arrested by the police, you can ask for your attorney to be phoned call to the police station. A lawyer will determine and clarify to you the rights that you have after you are detained by the police. A lawyer can help the arrangement of a bail for you to obtain you out of prison. Your lawful agent will certainly clarify and take all the essential legal action. Your attorney will certainly provide you the details on what is mosting likely to happen in advance, strategy and also exercise the treatments as necessary. If you can not pay for working with a top-of-the-layer criminal defense attorney that bills exceptionally high costs for their experiences and solutions, do not stress. Simply spend a little time in accomplishing a research on online attorney to find a lawyer as per your budget. There websites provides detailed information on the charges and cases dealt with by them Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Criminal Defense Attorney
A criminal defense lawyer can provide clients with much-needed aid with a prospective instance as well as suggestions on what occurs in the court. They can direct defendants with the pros and cons of dealing with a criminal situation and also it can secure them from extreme effects entailing a criminal offense Jacksonville FL.
Some may really feel that heading to a law practice to get hold of any type of lawyer can be a simple service to their problem, but that might not suffice to assist possible clients in these cases. A defense lawyer is one that will certainly be able to aid safeguard someone in times of prosecution as well as concentrates on criminal situations. One of the most vital reason for it being the criminal defense attorney will certainly be better acquainted with the different elements associated with criminal legislations. Having managed cases in this area, the attorney should have some solid experience, which will certainly help them take care of the instance too. In many cases, there occur to be certain rules as well as regulations which need to be abided by. An attorney that particularly practices criminal legislation will certainly know these policies as well as regulations much better than any kind of general legal representative Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
When going to employ a criminal defense lawyer, there are certain things to keep in mind. The firstly thing for clients is to check into the job background of the attorney. An excellent criminal attorney ought to have a great credibility as well as an overall successful career, gave that he experiment sincerity as well as dedication. Job history plays a vital role in equipping an idea regarding the experience of the attorney, whether they are qualified sufficient of handling the situation. It is best if a customer choose an attorney that handles cases of their kind especially, hence making the lawyer familiar with the positive as well as negative sides of a situation. An experienced criminal defense attorney recognizes precisely just how to proceed with a specific variety of criminal case as well as therefore, they will be able to provide the customer with a clear idea of their function in helping the lawyer. It is important that the sights of the attorney as well as the client equal regarding a particular instance. This enables them to interact easily and also assists the attorney to present it before the court Jacksonville FL.
The Ways You Can Discover a Good Lawbreaker Defense Lawyer
Whenever somebody falls in the hands of authorities, it is believed that the individual remains in certain difficulty. It can really be tough for the individual that has actually been restrained in the wardship to encounter the continuous investigation that also breaks the hard nut to pieces. It is a great time to mobilize your criminal defense lawyer who can create some chances to obtain you out securely without being founded guilty. Things said in the investigation process might be used versus you as solid proof. So rather than speaking with the cops attempting to warrant your innocence, it is better to review the issue with your attorney who can take the needed activity to release you on bail and develop a technique to shed off the blame placed on your shoulders Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
In general, a lawyer is a defense lawyer who means the charged in the court of justice. These lawyers are also hired by the court to safeguard people that can not bear a lawyer to combat their instances. The criminal defense attorney can be fairly well-known possessing to the customers they have actually served and their winning documents.
Where to look a Crook Defense lawyer
To find a great and also efficient attorney you may search in the complying with places like,
- Undergo the regional paper extensively and inspect if there is any ad of an attorney that may be contacted. A good deal of criminal defense lawyer offers their ads on the classifieds section of the paper from where you can select as necessary judging on the location, qualifications if stated and also fees. So this is a nice and also very easy means to obtain related to the criminal defense attorney Jacksonville FL.
- There is an additional fine means, which can obtain you to the city's finest criminal defense lawyer without much of a difficulty. The directory that consists of the names of the legal companies that supplies lawful examination in criminal defense and also can discover you the references and details of the attorneys who are connected with the appropriate functioning of the firm.
- You might discover a checklist of reputed lawyer on the on the internet info financial institution where it is rather a popular search. There are specific sites as well as related search web pages on the net offering details of the criminal defense attorney to you. In order to narrow your searches placed in your zip code which would certainly give you the results of your location Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Various other means to discover Wrongdoer Defense lawyer
Internet sites are locations where you can discover the top lawyer of the country. Good internet sites will certainly provide you search engine result from the directory of defense lawyers committed to provide criminal instances. You need to input your zip code to discover the lawyers of that area respectively. Some websites also gives bigger search engine result including information of the lawyers from various area, city as well as even state. These web sites likewise recommend the means to select a criminal defense lawyer.
The Value of a Lawbreaker Defense Lawyer
The criminal justice system plays an important function in guaranteeing the legal rights of individuals are safeguarded. One area that is essential to preserving the rights of people is criminal defense. A criminal defense attorney stands for an accused private charged with a certain criminal act. They make certain the implicated gets a fair test and also is given with a top quality and also moral protection.
Criminal lawyers adhere to a strict standard procedure and values when standing for an individual accused of a criminal offense. This is crucial because in our system of justice, an individual charged with a criminal offense is taken into consideration innocent up until tried and tested guilty by a court or court. Almost every expert concurs that it is constantly better to get the solutions of a criminal defense lawyer since the legal procedure can be complicated for the beginner. Representing oneself in court can be confusing and frustrating because expertise of criminal law is important to a reasonable and simply test. If one is not able to afford a lawyer, the court will designate one that is called a public protector Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
Bad guy defense attorney work as both advocates and therapists for their customers. They play a crucial role in whether their customer should plead or most likely to test. They do this based on the proof that is supplied as well as the specific circumstance, such as a case of protection. They have established working relationships with district attorneys and are knowledgeable and also skilled in all facets of the criminal justice system. A criminal defense attorney will spend a great deal of time reviewing the situation, witness statement, physical evidence, and also their client's statement to make a decision just how to proceed. He or she will keep their customers filled in of all elements of the case and make suggestions on exactly how to continue. If the charged is going to get the complete benefit of a criminal defense lawyer, he or she will certainly need to be completely straightforward and in-depth with their situation.
After one is billed with a crime, the very first individual they ought to speak to is a criminal defense attorney. They need to especially exist during police examining. Also, the legal representative will schedule the release. The attorney will certainly additionally deal with such jobs as speaking with witnesses, preparing protection witnesses, employing specialists, arranging for discoveries, handling as well as submitting documents, study, as well as presenting the case Criminal Lawyers Jacksonville FL.
When looking for a criminal defense lawyer, it is important to do your study such as speaking with the lawyers to guarantee you have an experienced and qualified legal representative that recognizes your certain case. You can additionally search the net, request personal suggestions from pals or family members, or consult your regional bar association.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
6 ways mail-in ballots are protected from fraud
Election staff are a part of the protections making certain that mail-in ballots aren't fraudulent. Will Cioci/Wisconsin Watch by way of AP
Voter fraud could be very uncommon, whether or not folks vote in particular person or by mail. That a lot is obvious from a big physique of analysis.
One in every of us is a political scientist on the College of Washington, and the opposite is a former elections commissioner who now research voting legal guidelines. We can clarify why voter fraud is so uncommon – particularly for mail-in ballots, which have drawn each the curiosity and concern of many individuals this yr.
The aim, after all, is to make it possible for ballots acquired by mail are official – that they’re forged by registered voters, not by others mendacity about their id, and that every voter casts just one poll in a single election. The mail-in voting course of has a number of built-in safeguards that collectively make it onerous for one particular person to vote fraudulently, and much more tough to commit voter fraud on a scale able to swinging election outcomes.
1. Solely legitimate voters can get a poll within the mail
Individuals don’t get ballots within the mail by chance. Some states mail them to all registered voters robotically – as in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Hawaii, which conduct all elections by mail even when there’s not a pandemic. These states mail ballots to eligible voters on the handle the place their registration type says they dwell.
In different states, voters need to request a poll – and it’s not mailed out till an election official has confirmed that the particular person is an eligible voter.
That is really a better customary than in-person voting: In lots of states, persons are allowed to fill out a registration type and forged their poll on the identical time, with their poll counting solely as soon as their registration is formally accredited.
2. It is extremely onerous to make faux ballots
Ballots characteristic specific design components which might be tough to repeat. They’re printed on particular card inventory, with actual web page dimension, shade and thickness various by state, and even county or city.
Marking a alternative differs, too, with some locations asking voters to “fill within the bubble” whereas different folks should “join the arrow” or “darken the field.”
The textual content on ballots can be completely different from place to position. Presidential candidates could stay fixed throughout the nation, however every state has completely different races for members of Congress, in addition to statewide positions like governor or legal professional basic. And each voting district could have a distinct alternative for state legislatures, courtroom and college positions, native political councils, and even sewer commissioners. Voters could not discover all of the little particulars, however election officers definitely would in the event that they acquired a poll that wasn’t fairly proper.
Ballots are particular to very specific areas, together with counties, municipalities and even sewer districts. AP Photograph/Amy Beth Hanson
3. Voters should affirm their id
Each state has a course of for verifying that absentee voters – the technical time period for individuals who return ballots by mail quite than in particular person – actually are who they are saying they’re.
In most states, voters should signal the surface of their return envelope. This signature normally can’t deviate considerably from the signature on their authentic voter registration card, or the poll will probably be rejected. If something, the method of matching these signatures is commonly too strict, critics say, main election directors to unfairly reject genuine votes from registered voters as a consequence of slight signature discrepancies.
Some states additionally require voters to acquire a signature from a number of notaries or witnesses. A couple of even make voters submit a replica of their official authorities ID, like a driver’s license.
4. It’s very onerous to duplicate mail-ballot envelopes
Usually, voters can’t return their absentee ballots in simply any outdated envelope. Slightly, the ballots have to be returned inside an official authorities envelope, which is often mailed on to voters together with the poll itself.
Many of those poll envelopes characteristic distinctive bar codes to establish every voter – and to permit voters to trace their poll’s progress via the mail and the counting course of.
An outsider who needed to fabricate and distribute faux ballots on a big sufficient scale to have an effect on election outcomes would wish to do greater than duplicate the particular envelope and the bar codes. They might additionally in some way want to stop the unique, genuine envelopes and bar codes from getting used. In any other case, election officers would discover {that a} distinctive bar code was getting used greater than as soon as.
In most states, ballots have to be mailed in official envelopes. AP Photograph/Hans Pennink
5. The Postal Service will discover oddities
Anybody hoping to conduct mail-voting fraud must keep away from detection by not solely common election officers, but additionally the U.S. Postal Service.
The Postal Service coordinates with state and native election departments to flag any ballots that deviate in even minor methods from typical process. As an illustration, a Texas county commissioner was deemed responsible of voter fraud after publish workplace staff discovered him improperly returning 56 mail-in ballots accomplished by different voters.
The company additionally has its personal police drive, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, which investigates potential crimes that relate to the mail.
[The Conversation’s science, health and technology editors pick their favorite stories. Weekly on Wednesdays.]
6. Voter fraud is a critical federal and state crime
For a federal election, every act of voter fraud may be punished by 5 years in jail and a US$10,000 nice, plus any extra state penalties.
Against this, all that work put into making an attempt fraud would web the perpetrator solely a single vote in favor of their most popular candidate. As a report from the Brennan Heart for Justice succinctly put it, “That single further vote is just not well worth the worth.”
Voters who select to vote by mail in November may be assured that their very own poll – and people of their neighbors – will probably be shielded from fraud.
Charlotte Hill is a board member of RepresentUS and FairVote and advises Vote From Residence 2020.
Jake Grumbach is an Assistant Professor of Political Science on the College of Washington.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/6-ways-mail-in-ballots-are-protected-from-fraud/ via https://growthnews.in
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maritimecyprus · 4 years
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Ships are attractive to drug traffickers. Security is usually lighter than the airline industry and they travel the world. Smuggling by sea has been a problem for years, but in recent years there have been some high-profile cases and evidence that the methods used are constantly evolving.
A conservative estimate values the illicit drug trade at over US$400 billion per year. In Colombia it’s cheaper to produce cocaine than coffee per gram. Match this with a huge global dependency on drugs, then it presents a low-cost, high-risk and potentially high-reward business model.
The main players
The potential for high profits attracts major international criminal organisations and terrorists. Those at the top are not the ones transporting the illicit goods. So, who is?
Couriers and mules
If a vessel is being used to smuggle drugs, it is very plausible that the crew have no idea whatsoever that drugs are on board. In such cases, it is possible that port staff may be involved, such as a stevedore who has access to parts of the vessel and can move around without raising suspicion. Or smugglers can board the vessel (or attach drugs to the hull) from the seaside or at anchorage. There are numerous opportunities.
Targeting crew
Crew are vulnerable, however. Professional traffickers have been known to target crew, either by befriending them during shore leave or taking advantage of any money worries they might have or indeed a drug addiction. Blackmail might also be a factor.
Crew are attractive to traffickers. They have specific access to suitable hiding places on board, for example tanks, enclosed spaces and storerooms. Machinery spaces are ideal for secreting illicit material. Even if the crew member is not the actual courier, they can facilitate the passage of drugs on and off the ship.
In some cases, a courier might not be aware of the presence of a ‘minder’, whose purpose is to ensure nothing prevents the courier from doing their job even if it means interrupting the operation of the ship.
Crewmembers need to look after each other to stop an individual falling into a position where they become vulnerable and therefore a target. Companies should have confidential reporting systems that crew can trust.
Ports and passages – new concerns
Over 90% of goods are transported globally by sea and constantly changing trading patterns between emerging and developing countries create new opportunities to shift illicit goods.
Recent incidents have highlighted a notable increase in the finding of cocaine on vessels trading from Colombia to Mexico. One particular route is Barranquilla to Altamira. Another recent spike in incidents concerns the smuggling of cocaine from Ecuadorian ports. Drugs have also been found at discharge in ports in Turkey and Algeria.
Drugs are sometimes transported via indirect routes. As main routes become better policed, traffickers will select countries with weaker enforcement or corruptible officials.
Location of smuggled drugs
There are too many locations on board of vessels where drugs could be smuggled to list them all. But below we list some of the areas where drugs are commonly found:
Concealment in bulk cargo: packages are hidden within the stow of a bulk cargo, which could be a clean grain cargo or a dirty one such as coal or ore. Drugs have been found close to ladders within the hold.
Containers: Common methods include breaking into the container (and replacing the security seal afterwards) and secreting the drugs with the cargo within. Reefer containers are targeted because the technical space that houses the refrigeration equipment can prove to be a handy hiding place.
Ro-Ro: drugs can be hidden in the cargo of cars, freight vehicles, trailers or coaches
Carry-on: Visitors or crew can quick simply walk on board and leave a package behind
External: Drugs can be attached to ship’s hull. Typically, the rudder trunk and in some cases divers stash drugs on to the underwater area of the hull of a stationary vessel.
On the move: Speedboats are sometimes used to attach drugs to moving vessels.
Preventing drugs getting onto your vessel
Trading in certain parts of the world will put a vessel and its crew at risk of being victims of drug trafficking. There is no magic solution in preventing a determined trafficker. However, there are measures that can be taken to keep safe.
The measures employed by a shipowner and the crew depend on the risk. A voyage from certain South American countries to North America or Europe is clearly higher risk. However, there are plenty other drug routes around the globe and this check should be part of a vessel’s voyage risk assessment.
Assessing the risk
Check the level of port security. Secure fences, gates and lighting as well as CCTV and security patrols are just some of the important measures which need to be in place. If a port has poor security measures, the risk to the ship will increase. This requires close co-operation between the ship’s security officer and the port security officer so that an increase in vessel security can be arranged.
A strong security presence on the gangway is paramount. A vessel that looks like it takes security seriously is a less attractive proposition to a smuggler.
Access points should be restricted and kept to a minimum. A single gangway under close watch is preferable where possible. Pilot ladders should always be raised after use.
The ISPS code states that an effective gangway watch is always required with a list of all crew and expected visitors. It’s also very important to check the ID of any personnel embarking your vessel.
Restricting access around the vessel and maintaining good lighting on deck are good effective measures. Locking doors that lead into the accommodation, storerooms and technical spaces removes an easy opportunity to hide packages.
Locks, code-locks and other devices used to restrict entry should be regularly checked to ensure they are still working.
Be aware that stores, spares and repaired or serviced equipment are another easy route for smuggling drugs.
If CCTV is fitted on the vessel then make sure it works and covers the right areas.
Monitor all around the vessel – including the sea side – for any suspicious behaviour or approaches. If a port has a history of smugglers attaching drugs below the waterline, periodically turn the engine.
Searching a vessel for small packages of drugs is a huge undertaking for a small number of crew. But high-risk easily accessible areas can be checked before sailing.
Encourage a strong security culture on board your vessel. Crew should be aware of the risks and know the importance of reporting suspicious activity. The more alert and secure crew appear to be then the more they may prevent drug smuggling happening on your vessel.
It is very likely that where a substantial quantity of drugs is found on board a ship (rather than small quantities found on crew members) the ship will at the very least be detained so that a forensic investigation can take place. The master and the crew are also likely to be detained. In many jurisdictions, the authorities have power to seize the ship and sell it where illegal drugs are found on board.
The level of fines and the extent of the powers of the port and criminal authorities to detain ships on which illegal substances have been found varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, leaving shipowners vulnerable to loss of hire and, in extreme cases, high fines or forfeiture orders that result in the loss of the ship. We consider below the approach of various jurisdictions and the steps shipowners and their lenders can take to mitigate the risk of losses.
Fines and detention of ships in the US
Large fines can be imposed in the United States under the Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act, of up to US$25m. These fines can be imposed against both US and non-US flagged vessels. In addition, the courts can also order the civil or criminal forfeiture of assets that enabled the crime to be committed. The judicial process for civil forfeiture may be brought before or after criminal charges are filed and may also be brought in the absence of criminal charges. The purpose of the civil trial would be to establish the US Government’s title to property that is traceable to the offence and property that facilitated its commission.
Seized assets can be temporarily released prior to initiation of forfeiture proceedings. Under forfeiture laws, a court may issue a restraining order permitting the release of property (including a ship) the subject to forfeiture, prior to the commencement of a judicial forfeiture proceeding. Upon a showing of probable cause, a court is authorized to enter a restraining order or injunction “or take any other action to preserve the availability” of property subject to forfeiture. Accordingly, a ship may, under certain conditions, be able to return to commercial service prior to forfeiture proceedings. These conditions typically include a large bond, consent to the court’s ongoing jurisdiction over the ship, and agreement by the ship’s owners, charterers, and managers to cooperate fully with authorities.
If civil forfeiture proceedings are initiated, the shipowner can try to use the “innocent owner” defence in which case the burden of proof will be on the shipowner. Under the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, an innocent owner can prevent their interest in property from being forfeited if they can prove that: (i) they did not know of the illegal conduct giving rise to the forfeiture or (ii) that upon learning of the criminal conduct (i.e. drug smuggling), they did everything within their reasonable power to stop the illegal conduct.
Criminal forfeiture can only be pursued following a criminal conviction. In these circumstances only the defendant’s asset can be forfeited since this penalty is part of the defendant’s sentence. The purpose of criminal forfeiture under US law is to punish the defendant for his wrongdoing. The state must prove the connection between the property and the defendant’s criminal conduct. There is also an ancillary hearing that determines which portion of the property is forfeitable as to the defendant and what property is not forfeitable if a third party petitioner has an interest in the property (such as where the bank owns the ship and leases it).
A recent example of how US authorities deal with ships found with drugs on board is the MSC Gayane case. The ship was raided on June 17, 2019 by the US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) in Philadelphia. The raid follows the detention of MSC Desiree in March 2019 after 1,200 pounds of cocaine was found on board, again in the port of Philadelphia.
In the case of MSC Gayane, the ship was detained for nearly one month and released from US Custody on bail following the payment of $50m to the US Government. Its operator and the US Department of Justice have agreed that, in the event a judge decides to impose forfeiture on the ship, the ship will have 90 days to return to a US port. A major issue for the owners of ships in these circumstances is that the ship will be seized and held by the government until the legal processes are complete, which could be a matter of weeks, months or years, or until an interested party (such as the ship operator or shipowner) posts bail.
Detention of ships in the UK
Ships will undoubtedly be detained following drug seizure in the UK in order to investigate the crime.
The ship can also be forfeited under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA). POCA provides for a civil forfeiture regime under which the prosecutor may seize the proceeds of crime if the shipowner was found to be complicit in the drug-related offence.
In a situation where the shipowner is a defendant in the drug-related criminal conduct and is subsequently convicted, the prosecutor can apply to Court for a Confiscation Order ordering the owner to pay the amount of his benefit from his crime. Unlike US civil forfeiture proceedings, the Confiscation Order would not be directed towards a particular asset although the ship would be one of the various assets which could potentially be confiscated.
In a 2015 case the tugboat mv Hamal was stopped on the High Seas offshore Scotland and was found to be carrying 3.2 tonnes of cocaine. The master and the second in command were convicted of drug smuggling and the ship was forfeited and sold at auction.
Although there is no maximum fine under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 for shipowners who are found with drugs on board, they would have to be found to be complicit in the crime for a fine to be levied, and the amount of the fine would be likely to be far less than in the US.
Detention of ships in other countries
In 2014 the small tanker Noor 1 was found to be smuggling two tonnes of heroin into Greece. The owner of the ship and the broker received heavy prison sentences and the NOOR 1 was confiscated by the State. Three attempts were made to auction it with a starting price of €60,000, but all repeated auctions were unsuccessful. Noor 1 was then returned to its owners, a decision that surprised the market. An appeal is now pending before the public prosecutor against the decision of the court of appeal.
In the B Atlantic case, 132 kg of cocaine was found strapped to the ship’s hull ten metres below the waterline. It was accepted that unidentified third parties were responsible for the concealment of the drugs. On discovery, the ship was subject to a provision in the Venezuelan Anti-Drug law that the property, including ships employed to commit the investigated offence, will in all cases by seized as a preventative measure and that when there is an final and definitive judgment, an order will be made to confiscate the property.
Mitigating the risk of losses from fines or detained or confiscated ships
Before entering into any mortgage, a bank would be well advised to review the security arrangements of the manager to ensure that proper vetting of the crew takes place and that there are security measures in place to prevent drug smuggling. Some trading routes will be higher risk than others. Furthermore, containerships are particularly vulnerable. It is notable that in the B Atlantic case, before the drugs were discovered, the master was warned to seal an underwater grille behind which a grappling hook, a saw, a rope and other tools had been found by divers. The master declined to do so because he thought it would delay the ship, with calamitous consequences for both him and the owners.
The main method of mitigating the risk of losses is by obtaining insurance that would cover the owners and/or their financing bank if the ship were confiscated.
Mark Smith, North of England P&I Association Limited
Utsav Mathur, Norton, Rose, Fulbright LLP
  Risk Focus: Drug Trafficking on Ships (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Ships are attractive to drug traffickers. Security is usually lighter than the airline industry and they travel the world.
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topfygad · 4 years
Is Germany Safe to Travel in 2020?
Between the charming, timbered villages and the majestic mountains and lakes, Germany is a tantalizing nation stuffed with pure surprise. Though it’s straightforward to be drawn in by the medieval cities and gorgeous landscapes, you continue to could have a couple of issues about Germany security. And also you in all probability wish to know – is Germany protected for vacationers?
Over the previous few a long time, Germany has remodeled into one of the crucial highly effective international locations on the planet. However regardless of it’s financial and political standing, it’s additionally seen it’s fair proportion of crime.
Nevertheless, Germany stays a fascinating and common vacation spot. From its historic landmarks to its magnificent countryside, Germany nonetheless attracts over 120 million guests annually.
To benefit from your journey, you must familiarize your self with potential questions of safety you would possibly run into.
Is It Secure to Journey to Germany?
Many individuals journey or backpack by way of Germany with nothing however optimistic experiences. However similar to in most international locations, accidents and critical incidents can occur in Germany too. 
For that reason, your security in Germany will considerably rely upon the place you go and the way you intend to spend your time. Whether or not you’re snowboarding down the Alps or partying your method by way of Berlin’s membership scene, you must at all times take precaution when visiting the totally different cities in Germany.
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Regardless of Germany’s compact dimension, totally different areas may have numerous levels of security. As an example, strolling by way of an city metropolis is far totally different than enjoyable within the tranquil countryside.
You must assessment the native legal guidelines and customs earlier than touring to Germany. Though Germany is a developed, western nation, there are stark cultural variations you ought to be conscious of. Not solely will these preserve you protected, however they’ll additionally offer you a deeper appreciation for German tradition.
Is Germany Secure to Go to Proper Now?
As a rustic, Germany has been recovering from its tumultuous popularity and historical past throughout World Struggle II. It’s protected to say that in this time, Germany was not a protected place to dwell. However in simply 60 years, the nation has remodeled into one of many strongest and most fascinating locations in Europe. 
These days, Germany is far safer than it has been up to now. In truth, crime in Germany is the bottom it has been within the final 30 years.
Over the previous few a long time, Germany has grown to develop into the biggest financial energy in Europe. A number of the world’s most profitable firms began in Germany, together with Volkswagen, BMW, Allianz SE, and Seimens. This financial progress has led to a 3.1% unemployment charge, one of many lowest on the planet. 
The low unemployment charge immediately equates to decrease homeless and crime charges.
Cobblestone streets in Erfurt, Germany
In Germany, violent crime is extraordinarily uncommon. Alternatively, petty crime continues to be current, particularly in main cities. Vacationers ought to pay attention to their environment when touring by way of Germany by prepare, or by way of busy vacationer websites. 
There’s additionally hypothesis that migrants and refugees have elevated the crime charges in Germany.  This outcry has precipitated important political debates and protests amongst German residents. It’s unclear how migrants have impacted security. Germany continues to be the most secure it has been because it’s reunification in 1990. 
Though it’s unlikely that you simply’ll encounter any critical issues throughout your journey to Germany, it’s nonetheless really helpful to buy journey insurance coverage. That method, you’ll have medical and journey safety in case one thing occurs throughout your trip.
Journey Insurance coverage in Germany
When touring by way of Germany, crucial security tip I can provide you is to guard your self with journey insurance coverage. In truth, you can purchase journey insurance coverage regardless of the place you journey to on the planet. Is journey insurance coverage price it? Completely.
It’s essential to spend money on a complete journey insurance coverage coverage regardless of the place you journey, Germany included. A coverage will shield you in medical and different travel-related eventualities.
Oktoberfest, Germany
For instance, if you happen to have been to get right into a automotive accident on the autobahn, journey insurance coverage would cowl your medical and hospital payments. Or, if a pickpocket steals your digital camera whilst you’re chugging a beer at Oktoberfest, then journey insurance coverage will reimburse these prices too.
In addition to medical and private belonging protection, journey insurance coverage may shield you in opposition to different journey mishaps. If it is advisable to cancel your journey or depart Germany early, you’ll have journey insurance coverage to cowl the non-refundable bills.
For these causes, it’s important to buy a complete journey insurance coverage coverage. Personally, I like to recommend World Nomads, one of many main journey insurance coverage firms for vacationers and backpackers. Learn my full World Nomads journey insurance coverage assessment, or fill out the shape under to immediately get a quote to your Germany journey.
Germany Security Journey Suggestions by Metropolis
Germany is a small nation, and it’s straightforward to achieve most cities by prepare or automotive in only a few hours. Which means you’ll have the possibility to discover many various locations in only a few days or even weeks. Whereas questions of safety will differ from metropolis to metropolis, there are specific issues to bear in mind when contemplating Germany security.
Security in Munich
If you consider conventional German tradition, you in all probability consider photos of jolly oompah music, energetic beer gardens, and festive lederhosen and dirndls. Nevertheless, that is predominately solely present in Bavaria, the southernmost area of Germany. And as Bavaria’s capital, Munich is a must-see metropolis in your German itinerary.
In the case of Germany security, Munich is, by far, the most secure metropolis within the nation. Violent crimes in opposition to locals and vacationers are extraordinarily uncommon. Whereas petty crimes like theft nonetheless happen in busy touristy areas, it’s far much less widespread than different cities in Germany.
However when touring to Germany’s beer-loving capital, you must train excessive warning when ingesting or going out. German beers are refreshing and straightforward to drink, particularly within the heat summer season months. This makes it just a little too straightforward to get drunk and lose observe of your belongings.
If you happen to’re visiting Munich throughout Oktoberfest, keep in mind that the alcohol content material of beer on the pageant is far larger than in eating places. Throughout the pageant, depart your valuables on the lodge. And, ensure you know the right way to get again utilizing the general public transportation system or by taking a taxi.
However usually, you in all probability gained’t encounter any critical issues in Munich. Your greatest concern can be coping with that hangover the following morning!
Security in Berlin
Because the political and historic heart of Germany, Berlin is likely one of the most eclectic cities on the planet. Whether or not you’re visiting the outstanding Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie or hitting up well-known underground nightclubs, Berlin has one thing for each curiosity.
Pickpocketing might be the largest concern you’ll run into in Berlin. Petty crime has elevated through the years, particularly close to Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg and the RAW Gelände in Friedrichshain. For that reason, you ought to be conscious of your environment and depart any costly valuables in your lodge.
You also needs to watch out when ingesting and partying in Berlin. Pickpockets have a tendency to focus on drunk party-goers as they stroll to and from the golf equipment. To remain protected, don’t enterprise down darkish alleys, and check out to stick with a good friend or somebody you belief when strolling alone at night time.
Berlin, Germany
Unlawful medication and substances are additionally outstanding in Berlin membership tradition. It’s essential to keep in mind that taking or possessing medication is a extreme offense in Germany, and will be punishable by hefty fines and imprisonment. 
Not solely are there authorized points with taking medication in Germany, however there are additionally a number of well being issues. There have been reported circumstances of individuals getting sick from medication made or laced with harmful substances.
In addition to the nightclubs, drug sellers are additionally current in lots of Berlin’s public parks. In truth, some parks even have designated vendor zones, to keep away from territory fights with gangs. To remain protected, don’t stroll by way of Berlin’s parks at night time and keep away from speaking to anybody that provides you unlawful substances.
Security in Frankfurt
Frankfurt is a singular metropolis that’s scenically totally different than most locations in Germany. That’s as a result of this monetary hub is likely one of the solely locations with a contemporary, metropolitan skyline. From towering skyscrapers to city excessive rises, Frankfurt’s central location makes it one of many first stops on most vacationers’ journeys.
Frankfurt, Germany
For Germany, Frankfurt has the best degree of crime and violence. Nevertheless, many individuals nonetheless contemplate Frankfurt to be a protected place to go to, particularly in comparison with different international locations just like the US and UK.
Most crime is concentrated in only a few seedy areas, like Elbestrasse and Taunusstrasse. These streets are centered round Frankfurt’s red-light district, which is comprised of intercourse exhibits, strip golf equipment, casinos, and generally a couple of unhealthy characters. 
It’s additionally really helpful to keep away from the jap facet of Frankfurt’s central prepare station, or Hauptbahnhof. This space is likely one of the greatest hangouts for drug sellers and smugglers in Frankfurt. 
And this could go with out saying, however attempt to keep away from buying or shopping for unlawful substances from these sellers. Being in possession of medication is a serious offense in Germany, and if you happen to’re caught, it’s possible you’ll be deported or sentenced as much as 5 years in jail.
Security in Hamburg
Germany’s second hottest metropolis is full of historic structure, stylish neighborhoods, and pleasant locals. It’s additionally one of many nation’s most musical cities and boasts a culturally various music scene. This charming harbor city isn’t just lovely, nevertheless it’s additionally a protected place for vacationers to go to.
Nevertheless, there are specific neighborhoods in Hamburg the place you must take additional precaution. With late-night golf equipment, dwell intercourse exhibits, and dwell leisure—Reeperbahn is Hamburg’s bustling red-light district. Whereas there are many vacationers out and about, Repperbahn additionally tends to draw shifty drug sellers and pickpockets.
Hamburg, Germany
Security in Germany may also be a priority close to Hamburg’s principal station. If you happen to’re arriving or leaving by prepare, preserve a detailed eye in your suitcases and private belongings. Petty theft is extra widespread close to the prepare station however can occur anyplace in one among Hamburg’s main vacationer areas.
Hamburg can be one among Germany’s greatest biking cities. Most streets have designated bike lanes; nevertheless, cyclists should journey on the sidewalks and streets. If you happen to aren’t trying the place you’re going, it’s possible you’ll get into an accident with a rushing bike owner.
Security in Leipzig
Thought-about by many to be the following Berlin, Leipzig is a quaint city that was as soon as the house of each Johann Sebastian Bach and Richard Wagner. Its historic renaissance metropolis heart is lined with colourful homes, sprawling plazas, and conventional eating places and outlets.
Crime degree in Leipzig can be low, and most vacationers ought to really feel protected throughout their go to. 
Leipzig, Germany
As house to one of many oldest Universities in Europe, Leipzig is teeming with college students and worldwide guests. Many college students journey by bike, making Leipzig the third most bicycle-friendly metropolis in Germany.
Sadly, the huge variety of bikes leads to extraordinarily excessive theft charges. Even when the bike is locked, it’s not unusual for superior thieves to take off one wheel or steal different elements of the bike.
If you happen to’re driving in Leipzig, you ought to be additional cautious of cyclists. Though bikes have their very own lane, many cyclists pace by way of lights or don’t take note of others on the street. As well as, pedestrians ought to stick with the sidewalk and keep away from strolling within the bike lanes. 
Security in Cologne
From the ornate Cologne Cathedral to the charming cobblestone allies within the Altstadt, Cologne attracts guests from all over the world. This riverside metropolis was closely bombed throughout the warfare however has since remodeled right into a bustling metropolis in the course of Germany’s Rhineland. 
Cologne has seen a rise in crime over the previous few years, nevertheless it’s not thought-about a harmful metropolis. The primary station is centrally positioned proper subsequent to the Cologne Cathedral, one of many greatest sights not simply in Cologne, however in all of Germany. For that reason, you’ll discover tons of locals and vacationers out in any respect hours of the night time.
Cologne, Germany
Annually, Cologne hosts the biggest Carnival pageant in Germany. Throughout this time, town is flooded with guests wearing unusual, hilarious, and generally downright weird costumes. Sadly, the big teams of vacationers make Carnival a main goal for scammers and pickpockets.
To remain protected throughout Carnival, make certain to not carry any costly private gadgets like jewellery or giant quantities of money. And whereas ingesting is a part of the enjoyable, keep additional cautious as thieves have a tendency to focus on drunk party-goers. 
If you happen to’re renting a motorbike your self, you then also needs to make certain to lock it up in opposition to a publish or tree. Bike theft is widespread in Cologne, and the very last thing you need is to pay the renting workplace for a complete bike!
Security in Dresden
Dresden is one among Germany’s secret gems. This historic metropolis is full of spectacular structure and funky neighborhoods. The federal government invested time and power into making Dresden the gorgeous metropolis that stands at the moment after it was destroyed throughout WW2.
However regardless of Dresden’s quick transformation, many individuals nonetheless have issues when touring to Japanese Germany. 
Dresden, Germany
The reality is, Dresden stays a socially and politically conservative metropolis. Though there have been experiences of racial tensions and anti-immigration protests up to now, this hasn’t been restricted to Japanese Germany. 
Hundreds of thousands of vacationers go to Dresden annually, and it’s quite common to see town flooded with guests of each nationality and race. Dresden is not any totally different than different cities in Germany, or in america for that matter. 
Subsequently, you must really feel snug visiting town heart and vacationer locations in Dresden. You must keep away from any political demonstrations or rallies happening within the metropolis. And if you happen to really feel threatened or focused, notify the native authorities or police station as quickly as doable. 
Is Germany Secure to Journey Alone?
As one of many greatest backpacking locations in Europe, Germany has attracted vacationers from all around the world. However relating to security in Germany, you’ll have issues when touring by way of the nation alone.
Happily, Germany is a comparatively protected nation for solo vacationers. In truth, Germany’s infrastructure and transportation system truly make it straightforward for solo vacationers to get round. Even if you happen to don’t communicate a lick of German, you will get from level A to level B by subway, bus, tram or taxi.
Germany’s infrastructure is ideal for solo vacationers
However like with another nation, there are a number of precautions you must take earlier than venturing round Germany by your self. Initially, you must preserve your loved ones and mates knowledgeable about your whereabouts. Give them your journey itinerary, and check-in with them every so often throughout your journey.
Whereas touring, you’ll have the chance to remain at one of many many clear and classy hostels Germany is understood for. Though staying in a hostel is an effective way to make mates, you also needs to preserve a detailed eye in your private belongings. Carry a padlock, and preserve your backpack and different gadgets locked up throughout the day whenever you’re touring town.
Many hostels in Germany additionally set up free pub crawls and strolling excursions, which is nice for whenever you’re touring alone. You’ll meet new folks and get the possibility to study a factor or two about Germany.
Vacationers shouldn’t fear about touring to Germany on their very own. So long as you train the identical cautions in Germany as you’ll in different international locations, you’ll have a pleasing expertise.
Is It Secure for People in Germany?
Germany’s turbulent relationship with America has drastically modified over the previous few a long time, particularly since World Struggle II and the Chilly Struggle. The US continues to be one among Germany’s greatest allies. Even at the moment, the 2 international locations preserve a robust partnership.
For that reason, it’s completely advantageous for People to journey to Germany. Vacationers ought to pay attention to their environment similar to when going to another a part of the world.
Germany is stuffed with quaint rural cities
The US State Division has given Germany security a degree 2 journey advisory on account of elevated terrorist exercise. Though there have solely been a handful of terrorist assaults in Germany, it’s nonetheless suggested to train warning when in large cities and public locations. 
If one thing does occur throughout your journey, find the closest US embassy or consulate in Germany. The primary embassy is in Berlin whereas the opposite US consulates are positioned in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich. 
It’s additionally essential to notice that People don’t have to receive a visa to enter Germany as a vacationer. Germany is a part of the Schengen settlement, which permits border-free motion between many European international locations. Which means you’ll be able to go to Germany, or another Schengen nation, for as much as 90 days and not using a visa.
Is Germany Secure for Solo Females?
Earlier than I moved to Munich in 2018, I spent a number of weeks venturing by way of Germany by myself. My mates have been involved for my security after I instructed them about my Eurotrip. In spite of everything, it’s arduous to learn about security in Germany until you’ve frolicked within the nation.
As a feminine traveler, I can personally say that I’ve by no means as soon as felt unsafe or in danger in Germany. 
Throughout my journey, I traveled on my own on long-distance trains to large cities and small villages alike. I wandered by way of town facilities at night time and met many new mates in cafes, bars, and even Couchsurfing meetups. 
Nurnberg, Germany
Germany is likely one of the most secure locations for solo females. Nevertheless, the nation nonetheless struggles with social equality, particularly within the office. On common, girls in Germany earn 21% lower than their male colleagues. That is primarily attributed to private variations in profession selections.
Regardless of the excessive wage hole, Germany takes a progressive stance on girls’s rights. Ladies have been allowed to vote sooner than in america, the Netherlands, and most of Asia. And if a lady as a child, her job is protected by legislation for as much as three years. 
However similar to in your house nation or anyplace else on the planet, solo feminine journey requires sure precautions when touring by way of Germany. For instance, watch your environment, don’t depart your drinks unattended, and preserve a detailed eye in your private belongings.
Is the Water Secure to Drink in Germany?
Usually talking, water in Germany is protected for ingesting. In truth, I at all times drink water straight from the kitchen faucet in my Munich condominium. 
Nevertheless, the water in Germany will be arduous and style like chlorine in some locations. It’s additionally a good suggestion to keep away from ingesting from toilet taps. The piping is commonly previous and full of some not-so-tasty particles.
You probably have worries concerning the high quality of water when touring, contemplate buying a Lifestraw Go water bottle. It filters out dangerous micro organism and neutralizes style whereas additionally chopping down on the variety of plastic bottles you utilize.
And when touring by way of Germany, don’t count on faucet water to be served in eating places or cafes. In order for you a glass, you’ll have to pay for bottled water. And whereas nonetheless water is out there, many Germans like to drink glowing water with their meals.
Is the Meals Secure to Eat in Germany?
From juicy sausages and pretzels to crispy pork knuckles and cheese spätzle, Germany is a surprisingly culinary nation. And similar to with most developed, western international locations in Europe, the meals high quality in Germany is comparatively excessive.
Nevertheless, there are a couple of security ideas to bear in mind when consuming your method by way of gastronomic Germany. 
Initially, Germany is a meat-eating nation. In fact, you’ll discover all sorts of delicacies in large cities, together with worldwide, natural, and even vegan dishes. However if you happen to’re not used to a heavy weight loss program, then it’s a good suggestion to ease your method into it, particularly when eating in a conventional German eatery.
As one other rule of thumb, don’t eat in a restaurant that doesn’t look clear. Whereas hygiene isn’t an enormous concern in Germany, use your finest judgment and keep away from eating places that look soiled or dirty.
You also needs to really feel snug consuming avenue meals in Germany. Kebab stands, sausage stalls, and take-away delis are low cost, scrumptious, and protected. And, there’s one thing authentically German about downing a döner kebab or currywurst on the facet of the street after an evening of ingesting!
Lastly, don’t be afraid to attempt one thing new. In addition to basic German eating places, Germany is teeming with a global number of eateries.  So if it seems to be protected and attractive, attempt it!
Are the Taxis in Germany Secure?
So, we all know that the general public transportation system is environment friendly, however is it protected to journey to Germany with a taxi?
Whether or not you’re coming house bar hopping or operating final minute to the airport, you’ll be able to depend on taxis to get you the place you’re going. Taxis are closely regulated in Germany and are thought-about one of many most secure, albeit most costly, methods to journey.
All official taxis in Germany are gentle cream-colored. You will discover them sitting in taxi ranks exterior prepare stations, airports, and lodges. Or, you’ll be able to merely flag one down from the road.
An alternative choice is to order a taxi by way of Uber or FreeNow (formally MyTaxi). You may enter your vacation spot by way of the app (with out having to talk German to the driving force), and pay utilizing money or bank card.
You also needs to really feel protected understanding that in Germany, taxis drivers should legally settle for all passengers and rides. Which means they can not refuse you, regardless of how far you’re going or what number of baggage you’re carrying.
And though it’s extremely unlikely that you simply’ll be scammed throughout your journey, make certain the driving force is utilizing the meter. If one thing doesn’t appear proper, you’ll be able to at all times take down the driving force’s license quantity and file a grievance with the taxi firm.
Is Germany Secure to Dwell?
Now that about Germany security as a vacationer, it’s possible you’ll be questioning is Germany protected to dwell as an expat?
With over 200,000 expats all through the nation, Germany is a fascinating vacation spot for foreigners. Many worldwide firms have arrange workplaces in Germany. And, there are additionally loads of employment alternatives with big-name German companies like BMW, Audi, Bosch, and Siemens. 
Berlin is taken into account one of the crucial habitable cities in Europe
It’s additionally good to know that English is extensively spoken in main cities like Berlin and Frankfurt. However if you happen to’re planning to maneuver to a small village or outskirts of town, it’s possible you’ll have to brush up in your German language expertise.
I moved to Germany just a little over a yr in the past, and I can confidently say that Germany is a really protected place to dwell. Though it was troublesome to maneuver from America, Germany’s fascinating tradition and prime quality of life made the transition lots simpler.
In truth, Germany positioned fourth within the annual 2019 US Information & World Report Finest Nations rankings. That is largely on account of Germany’s financial stability, revolutionary entrepreneurship, and general well-being. 
So if you happen to’re planning on residing in Germany, you’ll be able to relaxation assured understanding you’re shifting to a fairly protected nation. Simply remember the fact that if you wish to transfer to Europe completely, you’ve got a number of choices for doing so!
So, Is It Harmful in Germany?
Everybody may have a distinct expertise when touring by way of Germany. For that reason, it’s arduous to say point-blank if Germany is a harmful nation or not. The reply to “is Germany protected?” will differ enormously relying on the place you go.
Usually, in Germany, security shouldn’t be a problem. However petty theft and scams will be main points in Germany. If you happen to’re touring cross-country by prepare or visiting a well-liked vacationer attraction, make certain to concentrate on your environment.
Happily, extreme and violent crimes in Germany are very uncommon. Whereas terrorism and migrant conflicts stay topical points, you must nonetheless really feel snug touring to Germany.
Nevertheless, accidents can at all times occur, similar to anyplace else on the planet. In consequence, one of the simplest ways to guard your self is by buying journey insurance coverage. You may’t predict if one thing unhealthy will occur, however you’ll be able to ensure you’re ready to sort out no matter is thrown your method.
So go forward and revel in all of the well-known sights Germany has to supply. Hike up the mountains, discover the countryside, and ensure to get your fill of pretzels and sausages. You’re going to like each second in lovely Germany!
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
US Billionaire Financier Lured Underage Ladies For Intercourse Acts: Prosecutors
http://tinyurl.com/y3g4x3zd Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in New Jersey, the place he had returned on his non-public aircraft from Paris. New York:  American financier Jeffrey Epstein was charged with intercourse trafficking on Monday, as prosecutors accused him of luring dozens of women as younger as 14 to his luxurious houses in New York and Florida and paying them for intercourse acts. An indictment unsealed in federal courtroom in Manhattan accused Epstein, 66, of arranging for women to carry out nude “massages” and different intercourse acts, and paying some women to recruit others. The previous hedge fund supervisor “deliberately sought out minors and knew that a lot of his victims had been in actual fact below the age of 18, together with as a result of, in some cases, minor victims expressly instructed him their age,” the indictment mentioned. Epstein was charged with one depend of intercourse trafficking and one depend of intercourse trafficking conspiracy, for alleged misconduct from a minimum of 2002 to 2005. He faces as much as 45 years in jail if convicted. Prosecutors will ask a decide that Epstein be detained pending trial as a result of he’s a “important” flight danger, U.S. Legal professional for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman, mentioned at a press convention. “The alleged conduct shocks the conscience, and whereas the charged conduct is from a variety of years in the past, it’s nonetheless profoundly essential to the various alleged victims, now younger ladies,” Berman mentioned. They deserve their day in courtroom.” Epstein has mentioned in earlier courtroom filings that his encounters with alleged victims had been consensual and that he believed they had been 18 once they occurred. His lawyer, Jack Goldberger, mentioned earlier than the indictment was made public that Epstein will plead not responsible. Epstein is predicted to seem in courtroom on Monday. Epstein ties to Trump, Clinton Epstein was arrested on Saturday night time at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, the place he had returned on his non-public aircraft from Paris. Berman mentioned a search of Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan, performed below a search warrant, uncovered proof together with “nude images of what gave the impression to be underage women.” He inspired different victims to return ahead and phone prosecutors. Identified for socializing with politicians and royalty, Epstein as soon as had associates together with U.S. President Donald Trump and former president Invoice Clinton, and in line with courtroom papers Britain’s Prince Andrew. None of these folks had been talked about within the indictment. The case is being dealt with by the general public corruption unit of Berman’s workplace. Berman mentioned he wouldn’t touch upon Epstein’s associates and added “to not learn into that a method or one other.” Trump praised Epstein in an interview with New York journal in 2002. “I’ve identified Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific man,” Trump mentioned. “He is plenty of enjoyable to be with. It’s even mentioned that he likes stunning ladies as a lot as I do, and plenty of of them are on the youthful aspect. Little question about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Earlier deal Epstein first got here below investigation in 2005 after police in Palm Seaside, Florida, obtained experiences he had sexually abused underage women in his mansion there. By 2007, Epstein was going through a possible federal indictment for sexually abusing dozens of women between 1999 and 2007, directing others to abuse them, and paying staff to convey victims to him, in line with courtroom filings. Nevertheless, Epstein struck a deal to plead responsible in 2008 to a lesser Florida state felony prostitution cost. He served 13 months in a county jail, however was allowed to depart in the course of the day to go to his workplace, and agreed to register as a intercourse offender. Prosecutors concerned in that settlement, which has been criticized by Epstein’s accusers, included Alex Acosta, then the U.S. Legal professional for the Southern District of Florida and now Trump’s Secretary of Labor. A spokeswoman for the Division of Labor on Sunday declined to touch upon Epstein’s arrest. “Massages” Epstein would initially recruit victims to supply “massages,” which they might carry out nude or partially nude, the indictment mentioned. Prosecutors mentioned the encounters would turn out to be more and more sexual in nature, generally together with groping and oblique contact with victims’ genitals, the place Epstein would usually masturbate and ask victims to the touch him whereas he did. Epstein paid women to recruit new women, to make sure a “regular provide of recent victims to take advantage of” prosecutors mentioned. Three unnamed staff, one in Manhattan and two in Palm Seaside, aided Epstein by arranging a few of his sexual encounters, the indictment mentioned. A number of of Epstein’s accusers had challenged his Florida deal in courtroom, saying they had been denied an opportunity to specific their views, violating the federal Crime Victims’ Rights Act. In February of this 12 months, a U.S. district decide in Florida agreed, saying the deal was unlawful. Even so, the U.S. Division of Justice mentioned in a courtroom submitting final month there was no cause to cancel the settlement. Democrats within the U.S. Home of Representatives confronted Acosta about his function in April, throughout a listening to earlier than a Home subcommittee on a routine funds matter. Acosta instructed lawmakers that human trafficking was “an extremely essential challenge,” and that his workplace’s efforts ensured that Epstein could be punished. “I perceive the frustration,” Acosta mentioned. “It is essential to know that he was going to get off with no jail time or restitution. It was the work of our workplace that resulted in him going to jail.” The Justice Division is investigating whether or not authorities legal professionals dedicated skilled misconduct within the Florida case. (Aside from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is printed from a syndicated feed.) Get Breaking news, dwell protection, and Newest News from India and all over the world on NDTV.com. Catch all of the Dwell TV motion on NDTV 24×7 and NDTV India. Like us on Facebook or observe us on Twitter and Instagram for latest news and live news updates. Budget 2019: Discover the most recent information on ndtv.com/funds. Use the income tax calculator to find out about your tax legal responsibility (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=213741912058651";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
Fraud Legal Defense in Utah
Fraud involves wrongful or criminal deception in order to personally gain, financially or otherwise. Fraud cases can be charged as felonies or misdemeanors, with penalties including fines, prison time, and jail time. The attorneys at Ascent Law have experience with both types of cases and are prepared to serve you. We have successfully had felonies reduced to misdemeanors and have even had cases dismissed completely.
Fraud allegations are sometimes a convenient way for people engaged in business with others to try to rescue some value from a business deal that “went bad.” The “wronged party” accuses the other of fraud as a way to use government prosecutors as bill collectors. The complaining witness assumes or expects that restitution will be part of a deal struck by the prosecution and the accused — resulting in recovery of at least some of the value that was allegedly lost through the bad deal.
What Constitutes “Fraud” in Utah?
In charges related to fraud, no matter what method of fraud is used, the same typical elements apply. First, there must be some sort of deception. This can occur in a few ways, any of which could constitute deception for a fraud claim: o Lying about some material fact; o Creating a falsified document; o Destroying or hiding a legitimate document; o Failing to turn over documents or information when required; o Filing an official record that is inaccurate or missing information; o Tampering with records; o Making a financial transaction you know will not work; o Paying money to get someone else to lie or avoid an obligation.
Second, this deception gives you some sort of benefit. This benefit is typically a financial benefit of some sort. For instance, you could gain property, money, or a real estate. Alternatively, the fraud may give you some non-economic benefit, such as a bargaining advantage, access, or some other benefit.
Consequences of a Fraud Conviction in Utah
Consequences for the conviction of fraud may potentially include: • Imprisonment • Probation or parole • Loss of the right to be bonded • Restitution (paid to the victims to compensate for any losses) • Court ordered counseling • Significant fines • Other
Punishment for Fraud Charges in Utah
Likelihood of any of the above consequences depends upon the following factors: • Prior similar convictions • Any other prior convictions • Currently on probation or parole • Attitude of community and court toward this type of crime • Degree of media attention on case • Mitigating/aggravating circumstances • Other
Defenses to Fraud Charges
Defenses to fraud may potentially include: • Insufficient evidence • Factual innocence • True owner • Other
Utah Fraud Defense
In many cases, there are limits on whether the deception is significant enough. An experienced fraud attorney can usually take advantage of these requirements to argue that the conduct you performed was not truly deceptive. Some of the fraud statutes have specific lines drawn as to when the deception is significant enough to be a crime.
First, the deception usually must be material. This means that the lie must somehow affect the victim or the benefit the actor is trying to receive. For instance, if a car salesman says the car has 2,000 miles, but modified the records and changed the odometer to hide the fact that the car had 100,000 miles on it, the lie would very heavily affect the purchaser’s decision. Alternatively, if the car salesman told the truth about the car, but said they once met a celebrity, that lie would not be material to the sale because it is unrelated.
Additionally, there is often room to allow for “puffing.” Sales pitches often involve somewhat exaggerated statements. These are allowed and do not necessarily constitute fraud. For instance, saying, “This car will make you happy,” is merely part of the sales pitch, and is not intended to be accepted as a true statement. Statements like this may not constitute fraud.
Fraud Defense Attorney in Utah
Fraud is a popular target for law enforcement, both at the state and federal levels. Various forms of fraud cost American taxpayers billions per year and Utah is no exception. However, fraud is often a case of big government (or big corporations) against the little man. There’s a lot of pressure on government agencies to cut fraud and also a lot of overlap between the various laws that allow for a single fraud charge to quickly snowball into epic proportions. Common type of frauds:
 Check Fraud In Utah: Probably the most well-known version of fraud, check fraud covers any instance of paying for something via check when you know you don’t (or won’t) have enough money for the check to be honored once it’s deposited. Utah offers a grace period in which you can repay the debt and avoid any criminal charges, but it’s not long.
 Investor Fraud In Utah: Investor fraud covers things like Ponzi schemes or real estate scams. Investor fraud is when someone fakes investment opportunities of any kind in order to tempt people to give them money. It’s important to note that even if you return the funds, you could still face criminal charges.
 Credit Card Fraud In Utah: Most people’s exposure to credit card fraud is usually via identity theft: someone steals someone else’s credit card information and uses it. This is a prime example of how a single action can be counted as multiple crimes, since it counts as both identity theft and credit card fraud. However, credit card fraud also covers crimes such as:
Trying to steal classified card information Falsely billing a credit card for goods or services Unlawfully transferring a credit card to another person Lying on a credit card application form
The Justice Department is cracking down on credit card fraud and has requested state governments to toughen the punishments for the crime. As a result, credit card fraud is often treated as a more serious offense than other forms of fraud.
 Bank Fraud In Utah: Whether you’re lying about your income to secure a loan or using someone else’s identity to steal money, that’s all bank fraud. Basically, any form of fraud that involves a bank can be grounds for bank fraud charges.
 Health Fraud In Utah: Sometimes confused disability fraud due to their occasional overlapping definitions, health fraud covers any attempt to receive money, goods, or services by lying about your health or the health of those in your care.
 Insurance Fraud In Utah: If you lie or cause someone else to lie in order to gain some form of illegal compensation (increase an insurance payout, for example, or get a better policy for less money), then you’ve committed insurance fraud. Given that insurance rarely deals in policies worth less than $1,500, this is nearly always a felony.
 Social Security Fraud In Utah: Social security fraud covers any attempt to mislead the Social Security Administration into granting or increasing benefits when the recipient doesn’t legally deserve them. This generally covers disability fraud as well.
How does one prove fraud in Utah?
Here is a court case which numbers the elements of fraud: “The elements of a fraud claim include the following:  a representation;  concerning a presently existing material fact;  which was false; (4)  which the representor either (a) knew to be false, or (b) made recklessly, knowing that he had insufficient knowledge upon which to base such representation;  for the purpose of inducing the other party to act upon it;  that the other party, acting reasonably and in ignorance of its falsity;  did in fact rely upon it;  and was thereby induced to act;  to his injury and damage.” Dugan v. Jones, 615 P.2d 1239, 1246 (Utah 1980) Fraud is almost always extremely difficult to prove. A couple of these elements require you to show what was going on in the fraudulent person’s head. You need to have enough extrinsic evidence to refute self-serving explanations of mistake and/or intent.
Theft and Fraud Crime Overview
Retail Theft/Shoplifting- §76-6-602 this occurs when a person does any of the following: • Knowingly takes possession of any merchandise displayed for sale with intent to permanently possess said merchandise without paying retail value; • Alters or removes any label or price tag in a retail establishment and attempts to buy said merchandise for less than retail value; • Transfers any merchandise in a retail establishment to another container with the intent of depriving the merchant of the retail value of merchandise; or • Under-rings with the intention of depriving the merchant of the retail value of the merchandise; or • Removes a shopping cart from the premises of a retail mercantile establishment with the intent of depriving the merchant of the possession, use or benefit of such cart.
Forgery-§70A-5-109 a person commits fraud when he or she makes a presentation that appears to comply with terms and conditions of a letter of credit, but a required document is forged, materially fraudulent, or would facilitate the material fraud by the issuer if honored. Identity Fraud- §76-6-1101 an actor is guilty of identify fraud when he or she intentionally uses or attempts to use another person’s personal information, whether alive or deceased, with fraudulent intent. Robbery-§76-6-301 a person is guilty of robbery when he or she illegally and purposefully takes or attempts to take personal property in the possession of another from his person, or immediate presence, against his will, by force, or fear, with intent to deprive the person of the property; or if he or she intentionally or knowingly uses force or fear of immediate force against another in the course of committing a theft or wrongful appropriation
Aggravated Robbery- §76-6-302 a person is guilty of aggravated robbery if during the course of committing a robbery, he or she: • Uses or threatens to use a dangerous weapon; • Causes serious bodily injury upon another; or • Takes or attempts to take an operable motor vehicle Burglary-§76-6-202 a person can be found guilty of burglary if he or she enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building with intent to commit: • A felony; theft; an assault on any person; lewdness; sexual battery; lewdness involving a child; or voyeurism. Utah Penalties for Theft and Fraud Crime For the mentioned offenses, the lightest sentence carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and $2,500 in fines. More serious offenses are punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $10,000 in fines. However, these penalties are not exhaustive. There is a wide range of penalties associated with crimes of theft and property.
Fraud Defense in Salt Lake City
In Salt Lake City and throughout Utah, a criminal fraud charge can mean a number of things. Technically, fraud refers to the intentional misleading of a person with the intent of cheating them out of money or property. In actuality, a fraud charge is often something that prosecutors use when they don’t know what other charge to levy. In other cases, a business deal gone sour might result in fraud charges because the offended party doesn’t know how else to get what they deem to be restitution. If you are facing charges of fraud, embezzlement, or other white collar crimes, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you make sure that your rights and your good name are protected.
Free Consultation with a Fraud Criminal Defense Lawyer
When you need legal help with a fraud charge in Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Fraud Legal Defense in Utah
Fraud involves wrongful or criminal deception in order to personally gain, financially or otherwise. Fraud cases can be charged as felonies or misdemeanors, with penalties including fines, prison time, and jail time. The attorneys at Ascent Law have experience with both types of cases and are prepared to serve you. We have successfully had felonies reduced to misdemeanors and have even had cases dismissed completely.
Fraud allegations are sometimes a convenient way for people engaged in business with others to try to rescue some value from a business deal that “went bad.” The “wronged party” accuses the other of fraud as a way to use government prosecutors as bill collectors. The complaining witness assumes or expects that restitution will be part of a deal struck by the prosecution and the accused — resulting in recovery of at least some of the value that was allegedly lost through the bad deal.
What Constitutes “Fraud” in Utah?
In charges related to fraud, no matter what method of fraud is used, the same typical elements apply. First, there must be some sort of deception. This can occur in a few ways, any of which could constitute deception for a fraud claim: o Lying about some material fact; o Creating a falsified document; o Destroying or hiding a legitimate document; o Failing to turn over documents or information when required; o Filing an official record that is inaccurate or missing information; o Tampering with records; o Making a financial transaction you know will not work; o Paying money to get someone else to lie or avoid an obligation.
Second, this deception gives you some sort of benefit. This benefit is typically a financial benefit of some sort. For instance, you could gain property, money, or a real estate. Alternatively, the fraud may give you some non-economic benefit, such as a bargaining advantage, access, or some other benefit.
Consequences of a Fraud Conviction in Utah
Consequences for the conviction of fraud may potentially include: • Imprisonment • Probation or parole • Loss of the right to be bonded • Restitution (paid to the victims to compensate for any losses) • Court ordered counseling • Significant fines • Other
Punishment for Fraud Charges in Utah
Likelihood of any of the above consequences depends upon the following factors: • Prior similar convictions • Any other prior convictions • Currently on probation or parole • Attitude of community and court toward this type of crime • Degree of media attention on case • Mitigating/aggravating circumstances • Other
Defenses to Fraud Charges
Defenses to fraud may potentially include: • Insufficient evidence • Factual innocence • True owner • Other
Utah Fraud Defense
In many cases, there are limits on whether the deception is significant enough. An experienced fraud attorney can usually take advantage of these requirements to argue that the conduct you performed was not truly deceptive. Some of the fraud statutes have specific lines drawn as to when the deception is significant enough to be a crime.
First, the deception usually must be material. This means that the lie must somehow affect the victim or the benefit the actor is trying to receive. For instance, if a car salesman says the car has 2,000 miles, but modified the records and changed the odometer to hide the fact that the car had 100,000 miles on it, the lie would very heavily affect the purchaser’s decision. Alternatively, if the car salesman told the truth about the car, but said they once met a celebrity, that lie would not be material to the sale because it is unrelated.
Additionally, there is often room to allow for “puffing.” Sales pitches often involve somewhat exaggerated statements. These are allowed and do not necessarily constitute fraud. For instance, saying, “This car will make you happy,” is merely part of the sales pitch, and is not intended to be accepted as a true statement. Statements like this may not constitute fraud.
Fraud Defense Attorney in Utah
Fraud is a popular target for law enforcement, both at the state and federal levels. Various forms of fraud cost American taxpayers billions per year and Utah is no exception. However, fraud is often a case of big government (or big corporations) against the little man. There’s a lot of pressure on government agencies to cut fraud and also a lot of overlap between the various laws that allow for a single fraud charge to quickly snowball into epic proportions. Common type of frauds:
 Check Fraud In Utah: Probably the most well-known version of fraud, check fraud covers any instance of paying for something via check when you know you don’t (or won’t) have enough money for the check to be honored once it’s deposited. Utah offers a grace period in which you can repay the debt and avoid any criminal charges, but it’s not long.
 Investor Fraud In Utah: Investor fraud covers things like Ponzi schemes or real estate scams. Investor fraud is when someone fakes investment opportunities of any kind in order to tempt people to give them money. It’s important to note that even if you return the funds, you could still face criminal charges.
 Credit Card Fraud In Utah: Most people’s exposure to credit card fraud is usually via identity theft: someone steals someone else’s credit card information and uses it. This is a prime example of how a single action can be counted as multiple crimes, since it counts as both identity theft and credit card fraud. However, credit card fraud also covers crimes such as:
Trying to steal classified card information Falsely billing a credit card for goods or services Unlawfully transferring a credit card to another person Lying on a credit card application form
The Justice Department is cracking down on credit card fraud and has requested state governments to toughen the punishments for the crime. As a result, credit card fraud is often treated as a more serious offense than other forms of fraud.
 Bank Fraud In Utah: Whether you’re lying about your income to secure a loan or using someone else’s identity to steal money, that’s all bank fraud. Basically, any form of fraud that involves a bank can be grounds for bank fraud charges.
 Health Fraud In Utah: Sometimes confused disability fraud due to their occasional overlapping definitions, health fraud covers any attempt to receive money, goods, or services by lying about your health or the health of those in your care.
 Insurance Fraud In Utah: If you lie or cause someone else to lie in order to gain some form of illegal compensation (increase an insurance payout, for example, or get a better policy for less money), then you’ve committed insurance fraud. Given that insurance rarely deals in policies worth less than $1,500, this is nearly always a felony.
 Social Security Fraud In Utah: Social security fraud covers any attempt to mislead the Social Security Administration into granting or increasing benefits when the recipient doesn’t legally deserve them. This generally covers disability fraud as well.
How does one prove fraud in Utah?
Here is a court case which numbers the elements of fraud: “The elements of a fraud claim include the following:  a representation;  concerning a presently existing material fact;  which was false; (4)  which the representor either (a) knew to be false, or (b) made recklessly, knowing that he had insufficient knowledge upon which to base such representation;  for the purpose of inducing the other party to act upon it;  that the other party, acting reasonably and in ignorance of its falsity;  did in fact rely upon it;  and was thereby induced to act;  to his injury and damage.” Dugan v. Jones, 615 P.2d 1239, 1246 (Utah 1980) Fraud is almost always extremely difficult to prove. A couple of these elements require you to show what was going on in the fraudulent person’s head. You need to have enough extrinsic evidence to refute self-serving explanations of mistake and/or intent.
Theft and Fraud Crime Overview
Retail Theft/Shoplifting- §76-6-602 this occurs when a person does any of the following: • Knowingly takes possession of any merchandise displayed for sale with intent to permanently possess said merchandise without paying retail value; • Alters or removes any label or price tag in a retail establishment and attempts to buy said merchandise for less than retail value; • Transfers any merchandise in a retail establishment to another container with the intent of depriving the merchant of the retail value of merchandise; or • Under-rings with the intention of depriving the merchant of the retail value of the merchandise; or • Removes a shopping cart from the premises of a retail mercantile establishment with the intent of depriving the merchant of the possession, use or benefit of such cart.
Forgery-§70A-5-109 a person commits fraud when he or she makes a presentation that appears to comply with terms and conditions of a letter of credit, but a required document is forged, materially fraudulent, or would facilitate the material fraud by the issuer if honored. Identity Fraud- §76-6-1101 an actor is guilty of identify fraud when he or she intentionally uses or attempts to use another person’s personal information, whether alive or deceased, with fraudulent intent. Robbery-§76-6-301 a person is guilty of robbery when he or she illegally and purposefully takes or attempts to take personal property in the possession of another from his person, or immediate presence, against his will, by force, or fear, with intent to deprive the person of the property; or if he or she intentionally or knowingly uses force or fear of immediate force against another in the course of committing a theft or wrongful appropriation
Aggravated Robbery- §76-6-302 a person is guilty of aggravated robbery if during the course of committing a robbery, he or she: • Uses or threatens to use a dangerous weapon; • Causes serious bodily injury upon another; or • Takes or attempts to take an operable motor vehicle Burglary-§76-6-202 a person can be found guilty of burglary if he or she enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building with intent to commit: • A felony; theft; an assault on any person; lewdness; sexual battery; lewdness involving a child; or voyeurism. Utah Penalties for Theft and Fraud Crime For the mentioned offenses, the lightest sentence carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and $2,500 in fines. More serious offenses are punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $10,000 in fines. However, these penalties are not exhaustive. There is a wide range of penalties associated with crimes of theft and property.
Fraud Defense in Salt Lake City
In Salt Lake City and throughout Utah, a criminal fraud charge can mean a number of things. Technically, fraud refers to the intentional misleading of a person with the intent of cheating them out of money or property. In actuality, a fraud charge is often something that prosecutors use when they don’t know what other charge to levy. In other cases, a business deal gone sour might result in fraud charges because the offended party doesn’t know how else to get what they deem to be restitution. If you are facing charges of fraud, embezzlement, or other white collar crimes, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you make sure that your rights and your good name are protected.
Free Consultation with a Fraud Criminal Defense Lawyer
When you need legal help with a fraud charge in Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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