#and those yellow guys I know i identified at some point but immediately forgot the name of
hagofbolding · 1 month
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In the fall in the Pacific Northwest, you might find this very tiny dragon jealously guarding its hoard of fungus in the old growth forests
My biggest risograph to date, 11 x 17"! The colors almost hurt to look at irl :') I love this medium
Prints available!
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mikauzoran · 4 years
LuXY/Lukadrien/Lukadrienette: Welcome to La-La Land: Chapter Four
Welcome to La-La Land: Chapter Four: Kwami “Swap”
“Dude. I can’t believe you’ve never had nacho cheese,” XY snorted, sounding personally insulted at this failure on Luka’s part.
Luka winced. “I’m sorry?”
“Don’t worry. I’m coming over there to fix this,” XY assured. “Where are you? The Liberty? Your place?”
“My apartment, but—”
“—No buts,” XY cut him off. “Six-Strings, this is an emergency. I’ll be right there.”
XY rang off, and all Luka could do was wait. He’d learned over the past two months of hanging out with Xavier-Yves Roth that once XY got an idea in his head, he was going to act upon it, and no one could stop him.
Luka got up off of his couch and went to change into something more flattering than the laundry he’d been lounging around the flat in.
 “What kind of cheese is this?” Luka frowned at the golden liquid drowning the tortilla chips.
XY shrugged and replied with a full mouth, “Velveeta, I think.”
Luka blinked, pulled out his phone, and opened up a Google search.
“…Velveeta is not a cheese,” he hissed a minute later once he’d read the Wikipedia article.
XY frowned. “Sure it is. America is known for this stuff. It’s even more popular than American cheese.”
Luka pinched the bridge of his nose, imagining how Plagg would shriek if he found out. “I have a friend who would be personally offended if he heard you call this cheese. Like, he’d go on the rant.”
XY waved away Luka’s protestations. “Try it already. It’s delicious.”
With a sigh, Luka picked up a chip laden with the cheese-adjacent substance and brought it to his lips. It definitely wasn’t as bad as he’d been expecting, but the suspect origin of the product kind of unsettled him. He preferred his food fresh and from an identifiable source. Maybe he’d been spoiled on getting his food from street markets and local cheese mongers and butchers, but this super-processed, plastic-looking not-cheese kind of weirded him out.
“It’s okay,” he allowed, taking another bite and trying to get over himself. “Thank you for sharing.”
“‘Okay’?” XY snorted indignantly. “Dude, this is a delicacy from my homeland. It’s more than just okay. Your taste buds are whack.”
Luka paused with another chip halfway to his mouth, and a glob of the “cheese” dribbled off the side, landing with a splat on the kitchen table. “Wait. Your homeland? But…you’re French.”
XY’s eyebrow shot straight up into his hairline. “Dude. I’m American.”
Luka blinked. “No, you’re not. Xavier-Yves, your name is French. You speak French. You’ve lived here your whole life.”
“Uh, noooo.” He sang the word on an upswing. “Six-Strings, what’s my dad’s name?”
Luka frowned. “…Bob Roth?”
It suddenly occurred to him that that wasn’t a typical French name.
“Right.” XY nodded. “My mom’s French, but my dad is American. He had to take French in high school, and when his class went on a trip to Paris, he fell in love with the place, so he was back and forth a lot after that. That’s how he met my mom.”
“Oh,” Luka remarked, suddenly feeling rather dumb for never having known this about a guy he’d been periodically making out with for two whole months.
“I was born in the Bronx and didn’t move to France until I was ten. Why do you think my French sounds so funky?” XY laughed at himself. “My mom spoke to me in French a little when I was a kid, but my parents divorced when I was really young, and she moved back to France, so I didn’t start learning French for real until I was ten. I know I speak it all the time now because I’ve pretty much lived here the past twenty years, but it’s not my first language. I didn’t learn it at home, so it’s not, you know, natural like it probably was for you.”
“Oh,” Luka repeated, seeing XY’s occasionally odd speech patterns in a new light.
Luka knew from his experiences learning Russian and English that no matter how good you got at a second or third language, it was never quite the same as speaking your mother tongue.
A thought occurred to Luka: “But…wasn’t it hard, transitioning from school in the US to school in France, if you didn’t speak French?”
XY gave a mirthless snort. “Hell yeah, it was. I had to go to special classes the first few years, and by the time I was ready to join the French school system, kids my age were way ahead of me, so I got put with a class of younger kids.”
Luka winced, trying to imagine how ostracizing that must have been to be dumped in a country where he didn’t speak the language, didn’t have any friends his age, didn’t have a supportive parent.
“I’m sorry. I bet that was awful,” he mumbled hollowly, not sure what else to say.
He felt bad for sometimes thinking that XY was kind of dumb. Luka had thought that maybe XY wasn’t inclined to academia and that his father hadn’t helped matters, but from the situation that XY described, it sounded like things had been stacked against him from the start. No wonder XY hadn’t thrived in that situation.
XY nodded, scooping up more yellow gloop onto a chip. “I hated it. I quit school as soon as I could when I was sixteen, and then I started focusing on my music for real—well…that wasn’t really until I was eighteen, after the incident with you, but…sixteen was when I started putting out tracks and made my debut and everything.”
“I don’t blame you for quitting,” Luka hummed, picking up a tortilla chip and tapping it against the plate to get some of the excess goo off. “I probably would have quit as soon as possible too…. Do you ever think about going back to the US?”
XY shrugged. “As much as I miss America, Paris is kind of my home now. I go back to visit every year, and I’ve toured there before for stretches, but I think I’m happy in Paris.”
He gave Luka a look that felt almost soft as he added, “My life is here.”
“Yeah,” Luka agreed. “I could visit other places, but I couldn’t stay away too long. My family is here…and all the people I care about.”
XY nodded. “…Speaking of your fam, they’ve never had nacho cheese either, have they?”
“Prune, I’m sorry to slight your cultural heritage, but you’re not feeding my family this stuff. Juleka will hate you,” Luka warned, trying to cut things off before it got to that point.
“Hate me more,” XY corrected. “Rose and your ma would probably get a kick out of it, though.”
Luka hummed as he picked up another chip and tapped off some of the cheese-impersonator. “Maman is part Scottish on her mother’s side, so she grew up eating gross things like sheep offal wrapped in stomach. She probably wouldn’t have a problem with this…uh…Velveeta…substance. Rose, however, being a Frenchwoman, might be offended that this product is masquerading as cheese.”
XY shrugged. “I’ll make nachos for Anarka to try, and the rest of us can have Taco Tuesday. Rose is a little carnivore. She’ll love it.”
“Taco Tuesday?” Luka repeated, tipping his head to the side.
“Yeah. It’s like a religious holiday in America for people who don’t have a religion. Every Tuesday we have Mexican food,” XY explained.
Luka frowned, mentally questioning the authenticity of the “Mexican” food but afraid to challenge XY again. “Everyone in the US does this?”
XY nodded. “It’s a big deal. They make t-shirts.”
Somehow Luka had missed this aspect of US culture.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” XY exclaimed suddenly. “After we clean up, remind me that I have a surprise for you.”
The surprise turned out to be leather pants.
XY hijacked Luka’s bathroom and came out wearing leather pants with a cyan, teal, and dark green pattern.
It was a pattern Luka knew well, and not only because he was romantically involved with the designer.
“They’re based on Viperion’s suit!” XY informed needlessly, doing a little turn to show off the backside.
XY had a magnificent backside, and the leather pants only flaunted this fact.
“You know. The snake hero?” XY pressed, and Luka realized that he was waiting for a response.
“Yeah. I remember him,” Luka assured, admiring the way the material clung to XY’s thighs.
It was an aesthetically pleasing sight.
“You really rock those, by the way,” Luka added, knowing the praise would be appreciated.
As expected, XY puffed out his chest and strutted with a little more confidence and attitude.
“Yeah, I do look pretty dope, don’t I?” He crowed.
“Very dope,” Luka affirmed, checking out XY’s calves.
In all honesty, Luka found that a person’s butt was the physical feature that most attracted him after he’d fallen for someone emotionally. Marinette did this butt wiggle that made Luka lose his mind, and Adrien in skinny jeans was akin to a religious experience.
XY definitely had a nice butt.
“That dude was always my favourite,” XY remarked, pulling Luka from his thoughts. “I always thought Viperion+ was super cool.”
“Y-You did?” Luka could feel his face starting to color.
“Mmhm.” XY turned again and started on another lap of Luka’s living room. “I was really excited when Jagged mentioned that his niece made these Viperion-inspired pants. I got a pair for you too.”
All the warm fuzzies immediately fled from Luka’s system.
Maybe XY would-n’t make him put them on now.
“I want to see you in them,” XY quickly squashed that hope, going over to his bag and pulling out a pair for Luka. “Go change,” he instructed, tossing the pants so that Luka had no choice but to catch them.
“Thanks,” Luka replied, attempting to sound excited. “That’s really thoughtful of you.”
Luka headed to the bathroom to change, hoping that XY wouldn’t recognize him just from the lower half.
“Niiiiiiice!” XY cheered, giving Luka a wolf whistle as he came back into the front room. “Give us a turn. I want to see that tush.”
“Oh my gosh,” Luka groaned, covering his face with his hands as he turned around as asked.
XY stiffened, staring dumbly at Luka’s butt. He bit out a guttural curse.
Luka dropped his hands and turned to look at XY in concern. “What? What happened?”
It took XY a minute to form coherent sentences. “Just… Could you…? Could you turn around again and walk away?”
Luka slowly turned and strode away from XY.
XY clapped a hand over his mouth and cursed again.
“What’s wrong?” Luka demanded, beginning to panic as he went over to XY on the couch.
XY’s face was so red that he looked like he was going to spring a nosebleed at any second.
He shook his head. “Just…I’ve spent a lot of time looking at pictures of Viperion’s butt.”
Luka’s hand paused en route to XY’s cheek. He blinked slowly.
XY gulped, keeping his hand clamped firmly over his mouth. “You can go ahead and deny it, if you want, but…you were Viperion, weren’t you?”
Luka opened his mouth but then closed it. “…I’m willing to bet that that’s the first time anyone’s ever had their secret identity outted by their behind. Obviously, you can’t tell anyone.”
XY cursed again. Internally, he was jumping up and down because the hero he’d had a massive crush on for the longest time was none other than his boyfriend. He was dating a superhero!!!
“Xavier-Yves,” Luka called, redirecting his attention. “I’m totally serious. You have to promise not to tell.”
XY nodded vehemently.
Luka sighed, sinking down on the couch next to XY and running a hand through his hair.
A thought occurred to XY: “It’s not weird that I’ve stared at pictures of your butt, is it?”
Luka contemplated this briefly but decided that he wasn’t one to judge, considering the amount of time he himself had spent ogling Adrien and Marinette.
He shrugged. “No. I mean, that would be kind of unfair of me, especially since I was just staring at your butt as you paraded around in those pants.”
XY burst out in a fit of giggles. “No way! Seriously?”
“Yep,” Luka came clean, admitting to his attraction. “You have a nice butt.”
XY squealed in delight, making Luka chuckle.
“…Can I…” XY bit his lip. He was feeling deliriously happy, and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin it, but… “Can I stay the night?”
Luka gave a slight start. He opened his mouth to reply, but XY cut him off.
“—Sorry! I know you don’t sleep with people you’re not in love with, and that’s fine. That’s not what I’m asking,” he rushed to explain. “I’m asking…do you maybe want to have movie night and then make out and snuggle?”
Luka took a deep breath and considered for all of five seconds before he nodded. “All right.”
It sounded like exactly the kind of evening that Luka wanted to have.
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fortheloveofkuroo · 5 years
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A/n: This fic is already waiting on my waiting list to get published. I write this story like 3 years ago. With a diffetent character ofc. This fic is inspired by a tumblr post about a Agent!AU.
Todoroki Shoto × F!Reader
!WARNING!: Swearing, Guns, and violence.
• • •
A huge, old yet classy building stands tall infront of you are crowded with a lot of people. From commoners untill the famous one.
Your eyes quickly did a quick scanning about the whole area around you. Making sure that there are no one, not even someone is following you. Trying to act as casual as possible, you grip your clutch to your chest and looking around with an amazed face as if it's your first time being here.
"Invitation?" a big and scary guy suddenly stops you.
You look over to that guy and hands over a small invitation that wrapped in a gold paper. Giving him an innocent smile.
"This way." his big hand welcoming you while opening the glass door. Exposing the hidden world inside. You look around. Scanning the whole Club area carefully through the drunk people that's been dancing on the dance floor and making sure you don't miss a thing because your eyes searching for someone.
Legs stepping in. Your 6in red stilletos heels make a captivating sound everytime your feet touches the floor. Your short spaghetti straps black-velvet dress showing off your curve. All eyes on you.
"Damnit Mina. I told you to not dress me with something eye catching but look what you did." you whispered under your breath, anticipating an answer from a device that's been plugged in your ear.
"Sorry sweetie, but hey look at the bright side, you look gorgeous!" a voice reply with a chuckle and you sighed. You made your way to the bar.
The bar is not so crowded. Only few people sits their ass on there and enjoying their liquor. But the bartender seems busy. There are 2 bartender in that bar. One is mixing the drink while the other one is serving.
You walks closer and take a seat that's closest to the bartender position. Planning to make him spill every information about the target.
Of course you're here with a reason. Your Department, Shiketsu gave you this important mission to capture the big Mafia group that's been troubling this area and doing as they want. Stealing, robbing, killing. You name it all.
And you're the one who will stop it.
Your (E/C) eyes linger around the bar area. Scanning any abnormal things, CCTV, or even a microphone but luckily you found nothing. Your eyes turn to the bartender. He prepare the drink for his customer with such a skill. He's trained and good.
"What can i make for you tonight, Ms?" the other bartender with bright yellow hair greets you.
"One Bloody Mary please." you order simply. Giving him your deadly smile which struck him for a while and made him froze. The bright yellow colored hair bartender order the other bartender to make your order.
Once He's done, he serves the drink to you. "Enjoy your drink." his deep voice creeps to your neck. Lucious black hair with bangs covering his left eye. His face is emotionless but those smug smile.
"[DG], find any information about this club. Find a proof that our target is really here." a voice command you from the device. Easy.
"Say.." you look over to the yellow haired bartender's his uniform. Searching for a nametag.
"Say Kaminari. How is this Club? I would like to know more. This club is very interesting and gorgeous.." you say, leaning close to his ears.
"..Like you." His ears gone red. He's embarassed.
"Um.. Well this club, Golden Rose Club is developed by Mr. Chronos. As you already know, the biggest Mafia in this area. That's why.." you sits back straight, not listening to him anymore. You're in the right place and with the right target. Now you just need to find him.
"Ooh.. And where can i find this Mr. Chronos, Kaminari?" your hand, carresing his cheek and slowly moving down to his neck and chest.
"Um.. He's usually not here but. He's here now. Because there are few important guest that's meeting him here-" he shuts his mouth suddenly. Looks like he spill too much to you. You smirk and drink your bloody mary. Leaving a few dollar to pay but a hand stops you.
"It's on the house." his deep voice makes you feel a little chill again. It's that black haired bartender again. You thank him with a smile and left immediately. You can feel a pair of eyes watching you from far. It's him. He seems suspicious.
But you decided to focus on your target more. You sail the ocean of human in the dance floor, trying to find this "Mr. Chronos".
Untill you found a large couch in the middle of the dance floor with a middle-aged man sitting in the center. Arms extended and young attractive girls around him. Those girls are practically throwing themself to him.
"Remember [DG], Mr. Chronos is a middle-aged man. Often identified as Mr. C in his club. He had a few tatoo on his neck, arm, and face. A claw on his left neck, a demon on both of his arms and a skull on his left cheek."
You match the features one more time and it is. It is him. Your target. Well that's easy and this is gonna end well you tought. You walk confidently and approach him.
"Oh look, what a pretty girl. Who's your name darling? Come sit sit!" he offers you a seat beside him by pushing a girl that's been sticking to him the whole time away.
You smile sweetly and pulls out your gun. Pointing your gun at his forehead while smiling.
"It's over Chronos." you said, feeling win.
But, instead of feeling scared, Chronos laughed. "This is why i like the agents. They're good with surprises. I've been expecting you Agent. Code name [DeadlyGorgeous] am i right?" he smirked playfully while sipping a wine.
You frown. How did he know? Did someone blow your cover? It doesn't matter. The problem is, now you're surrounded with 10 big guy. His subordinate pointing a gun at the same place. Your head. And at that time, you feel dizzy. Your knees feels weak.
The everything is black.
• • •
You woke up in a car. The car is not moving. But for some reason, your body feels heavy and tired.
Wait. You sits immediately. Checking every part of your limbs. They're still there and everything is still in place. Thank goodness. But something fell off. A black vest fell off from your lap.
You picked it up and inspect it closely. Wait.. This vest seems familiar.
"Oh you're up." a voice startled you. The black haired and emotionless face. It's the bartender.
"Y-You! What happened? What did you do to me?!" you point at him. Searching for your gun that you always put in your stocking.
"Looking for this?" In his hand, there's a gold revolver. It's your gun.
"Hey give that back!" you hurrily get out from the car and tried to get your gun back.
"Deadly.. Gorgeous. What a unique code name. But it's definitely suits you." his finger ran over the carving on the barrel. He gave you a smug smile again. What's with him and his smug smile?
Your hand tried to get back the gun but he keeps teasing you and lifting it high on the air. You can't help it he's taller than you. "Give it back!" and your legs slipped. Your body automatically falls into his embrace as he hold you.
With you in his chest, you can feel his warmth and his heartbeat that slowly go faster. "Um.. You okay? Can you get off now?" he asked. "Oh right! Sorry.." you pulls your body away from him. Feeling embarassed and blaming yourself for being so reckless.
He takes off his jacket and put it over your shoulder. "The vest is not warm enough so wear this. With that dress you'll catch a cold."
You're touched with his kindness. But you don't even know who is this person. Can he be trusted?
"Actually.. Who are you?" you hold his hand. He looks at your eyes and sighed.
His hand pulls something out from his pocket and show it to you. "Agent Todoroki Shoto, code name [Twilight] from U.A Agent Department. Nice to meet you, Agent (Y/N)."
You dropped your jaw. 'That' [Twilight]? He's a very famous agent on the secret agent world. He's a very high-class agent.
"Wait but.. The bartender.. How.." You're confused. Somehow your brain cannot process this simple information.
He chuckled. "Have you heard about disguise, Agent (Y/N)?"
Right. How stupid. How can you forgot the basic of undergoing a mission. Disguise is a must.
But, why did such a prestigious agent department send it's finest agent to a club like this? Usually they will handle things a lot more serious than this. Something like the government or even internasional.
"What? Is something wrong?" he asked while cracking open a can of coffee. He offers you some too.
"No it's just.. Why a high-class agent like you is handling a not-so-big mafia in the club? I thought your job is way more dangerous than this." you wondered. Once again you hear him chuckle and he gave you a pat on your head.
"Why are you so cute, agent?" his words immediately make your cheeks heating up. What's this?
"Did you forget that the department can send their agent anywhere, everywhere right? Even to the North Pole if they can." he explained.
"Ah right. I forgot about that. My head is still dizzy." you hold your head and massage it a little.
"Ah the drug is still working."
Drug? Wait what?
"Drug? What drug?"
Todoroki seems dumbfounded, he scratch his neck and smile. "Well, when you order the bloody mary back at the club, i put in a few dose of low anesthetic. Because i know from the first time that you're after that Mafia and we have the same target."
You can't say a word. Speechless. He's just too good.
"I apologized for making you unconscious in the middle of your important moment, but hey i save your life."
"And how about the Mafia" you stare right to his eyes. Demanding an answer. "Calm down. He's already with the police."
You sighed and slump. That means you fail at your mission. Even though you almost had him. You feel a warmth on your shoulder and look up.
"Don't be sad. I sent him to the police with a report that you're the one who capture him. So it's your win."
Shocked. This man always made you speechless.
"Afterall you're the one who attempted to capture that mafia first. So i told them that you fight him and capture him. And you faint because you're too tired. They offer an ambulance but i refuse. Also i told them to report to your Department."
You smiled softly and approach him. Slowly tip toe-ing to reach his cheek an peck his cheek quickly. He surprised and cover his cheek.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"Thank you. You saved my life and my job. I can't thank you enough." you bowed deeply to him. You hear him sighed and his hand slowly brings you to stand up.
"Don't be so polite geez. It's weird, just a moment ago you're flirting with my partner and now you're being so polite." he's averting his gaze and his cheeks are a little flushed.
"Ah it's already 3 in the morning. I have to go home now." you hurrily wear your shoes but Todoroki holds your hand. "I'll drive you home. I can't call myself a man if i let you go home alone in this hours. You're a girl too." he steps in his car and starts the engine. Then he starts driving.
And the whole time, none of you two have spoken a word. It's just silent and awkward. Untill Todoroki breaks it.
"Where do you live?" his eyes focused on the road.
"Oh right. Luxury Apartment beside the station." you answered.
"Oh wow. You live in Luxury? You must be paid well huh? A month in Luxury itself is around ¥700.000 am i right?" he said while admiring you.
"How about you, Todoroki?" you asked him too. He smiles. "I live on a small simple house." his eyes is still attached to the road.
He clear his throat, then out of the blue asked. "Do you have a boyfri-" "No. We broke up 3 months ago." you answer instantly. "Oh..Why?"
"He found out that i'm an agent. He think that my job is too dangerous for him. He doesn't want to be with me again because i'm always dealing with a criminal and i will put him in danger." you explained with a blank expression.
"What a loser. I'm sorry you have to be with that guy."
you laughed softly. "What for? It's not that he treat me nicely too. Not like you.." you said under your breath at the end of sentence. Hoping that he doesn't hear.
"And we're here."
Todoroki's car stops at the lobby of a fancy building. Your hand unbuckle the seatbelt and stare at his eyes for a while. His turquoise and brown eyes are beautiful. You got off, but you decided to tell him a few things first.
You knock on his window, he opens it quickly. "What's wrong?" he asked, brow furrowing. "Listen, once again thank you for saving me and my job. Also-" before you can even finished your word, his lips already crashes to yours.
He kisses you slowly but full with passion. Then he pulls away and smile. And you froze.
"Your welcome, also do you live alone?"
You nod.
"Good. Can i visit you sometimes?"
You nod again.
"Also one more thing. Would you go out with me?"
And you nod again. Causing him to grin.
"Perfect, Have good rest (Y/N)~" then he just leave like that.
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sighingstarbeam · 5 years
Spies and Gods - Chapter 8
Summary: After falling through a peculiar portal, Reader meets an old "acquaintance" of Loki's.
Word Count: 2,476
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait. Here's a quick recap of what's been going on in my life; I just got done with classes and I'm only working a few days a week, allowing me time to work on fics. Now that Endgame is out I've been thinking about how I want to end the fic and how the story will go at this point, which is what I've been planning on doing since the beginning of the story, which is why I've also been putting off writing until the movie came out (mostly my busy life and motivation got in the way, but still). I have a few ideas in mind for the ending, which I might post two or three different endings if I can't decide which one I want to use. Thanks again for kind words! <3
Chapter 7 | Chapter 9
Your body felt as if it was floating, nothing above or below you, only the feeling of weightlessness. A profusion of emotions swept through you. You’ve only been falling for a short moment but confusion, fear, and even a glimmer of peace filled you. Reality returned when you felt hands grabbing your shoulders followed by you slamming into something, hard.
You heard two thuds, the first being something you couldn’t identify, the second was your own body crashing not too long after. You groaned as the air in your chest struggled to return after it was knocked out. Everything was disoriented at first, until your vision adjusted to the room. You were in a foyer with dark walls, a large staircase in front of you, and seats against the walls that look rarely used. You didn’t recognize this place, meaning you could only fear for the worst.
Before you could do anything else, you heard a coarse groan from beneath you. Looking down you realized you landed on top of Loki, still a bit dazed from the free-fall. Loki was on his back while you landed chest first on top of him, your faces merely inches away from each other. His head was leaned back exposing his tense neck and defined jawline, his hands holding on to your shoulders in a protective grip. He didn’t shield you from the fall, did he? “Shit, you okay?” You asked, letting your weight off of him.
Loki’s gaze met yours, “You did crash into me,” he let out a single chuckle,  “however, nothing is broken as far as I am aware of.”
“Good, because I need you in one piece for you to explain yourself.” A mysterious voice emerged from the stairway. A tall man in an unusual blue outfit accompanied with a red cape was leaning against the railing, eyes staring directly at Loki. “Loki Laufeyson, brother of Thor.” He let go of the railing and floated down the stairs. Great, he’s one of those people. You and Loki stood up, watching as the man levitated down. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he didn’t bother acknowledging your presence and instead went directly to Loki, “What the hell are you doing back on Earth?”
Loki placed his hands behind his back, “With all of your mystical powers, it took you this long to realize I have returned?” He asked coyly.
“I assume your magic had something to do with it,” the man said, “perhaps some sort of cloaking spell so I couldn’t see you.”
“What a shame, it was working so well up until now.” Loki slyly grinned, almost tauntingly.
“And why is that?” The man asked, “Your spell was up for this long, what caused it to drop all of a sudden?”
Loki’s glare at the man was fierce, he was ready to attack at any moment. You should probably step in before things got out of hand. “Excuse me,” you chimed in, gaining the attention of the man and Loki, “what is it that you want with Loki? He’s under official Avengers supervision. I have to get him back before they send an army to search for him.”
The man’s look was on you, eyes squinted as he finally recognized your presence. “As a protector of this realm, it is my job to keep out anything that is a threat to this Earth. Loki is one of those threats. I have warned him and his brother before that if he were ever to return I would handle it personally.” The man looked at Loki, adjusting his yellow gloves, “It’s time to take you back to Asgard.”
Loki’s posture shifted, his eyes expressed mourning. You remembered what the team told you about what happened to Asgard, Loki and Thor’s home. Loki stood frozen, his fists clenched and slightly shaking.
You raised a pleading hand to the man, “Listen, Mister…?”
“Strange, Doctor Strange.”
You knitted your eyebrows at the sound of his name, “Okay. Doctor Strange, something happened to Asgard. That’s the reason why he’s here.” You stepped closer to Loki, almost guarding him from Strange, “He’s been here for a while and you have to trust me when I say that he has had no intentions of hurting anyone.” Loki raised a brow at your statement. Here you were, standing up for the man who terrorized New York. “The Avengers have been keeping a really close eye on him. I don’t think they’ll be really happy if you take Loki away. Especially his brother.”
Strange furrowed his eyes as he held the bridge of his nose. He thought for what seemed like forever, “Who did you say you were?”
“Y/N L/N.”
“Y/N, you need to understand that Loki isn’t a man who can simply be put under house arrest. You do know what he’s capable of, correct?”
“The question is, do you know what I am truly capable of?” Loki stepped forward, knives appearing in both hands. You sighed in annoyance. Great, everything you just said was just thrown right out of the window. He took a few steps in front of you while Strange took a defensive position.
Before he could do any more damage, you stepped directly in front of Loki, blocking his path. “Loki, don’t.” You pleaded, if he was going to get in trouble, might as well prevent Loki from killing anyone.
“Unless you wish to get yourself hurt, move aside.” Loki sneered.
“Really? You’re gonna threaten me?” At this point you were starting to get pissed. Your muscles ached from the fall, all you wanted to do was go back to HQ and take a long bath. “If you want to resort to violence, be my guest. But if this guy kicks your ass, I’m not going to be the one to drag you back. Just know that I’m the only one here that tried to sincerely defend for you.”
Loki’s eyes softened, but his lips were still pursed. His jaw visibly clenched, and in defeat, he put away his knives.
You turned to Strange, “Can we leave now? We have this taken care of.”
Strange looked at you, then to Loki, then back to you before speaking, “Fine. I’ll let you take him back, on one condition. I will have to visit in person once a week to make sure he isn’t using anymore spells to fool me.”
This didn’t please Loki at all. His mood dropped lower than before, anger rising within him. You felt a small amount of sympathy for him, having to be watched all the time now a magic man has to babysit him. Either way, there was no other answer that Strange would like, “Deal. But I have to run it by the team first.”
“Sounds fair.” Strange swept his cape behind him before he lifted his hands in front of him, “I’ll return you both to where you were-”
“No!” You and Loki yelled simultaneously, neither of you wanted to go through Strange’s weird portal again.
Strange looked at you two questionably, “Oh, it won’t be a problem-”
“Thank you, Doctor Strange,” you interjected, “but I think I’ll just call a ride. I might puke if you do that… whatever, again.”
“Fair enough. Would you like some coffee or tea, Y/N?”
“I would love some. Let me call Stark first.” Tony was the closest you could think of that wasn’t busy on a mission like the others. You could’ve called Thor, but you doubted that he knew how to drive or even had a cell phone.
“Stark? As in Tony Stark?”
You took your phone out of your pocket and dialed Tony’s number in, “Yeah. I’m his kid.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize that he had children.”
You exhaled, “Neither did he.”
Some time later, Loki settled down (to some degree) while you and Strange had coffee. He showed you around and even introduced his cape to you, which was sentient and somehow not the weirdest thing you’ve encountered after your little portal trip. He explained who the Masters of the Mystic Arts are and what they do, how they protect the Earth for possibly thousands of years. It amazed you that a group of magic users hid in plain sight for this long. You knew groups like Hydra tried to hide in plain sight, but they were never known to be subtle.
You all made your way back to the foyer when you heard knocking at the door. Strange used his magic to open the doors by themselves.
Stark entered followed by Thor, but not in a cheery mood. Stark was wearing one of his finer suits that he usually wore at meetings or press conferences. Shit, you completely forgot that he was in a meeting.
“Loki.” Thor said harshly, eyebrows knit. When Loki saw his brother he immediately looked fearful. He knew the difference when Thor was annoyed or genuinely angered. This was one of those angry times. “What is the meaning of this? You told me you already spoke to Doctor Strange and had everything settled between the two of you.”
“Oh, did I?” Loki taunted, “Might have been a lie, dear brother. Do you really think I would come back to this second rate sorcerer and ask to be among Midgardians? It was much more simple to cast a spell that hid us from his forces.”
“Us? You cloaked me as well?”
“Well, not only you.” Thor raised an eyebrow in confusion, “Think about it, an entire cargo ship with hundreds of Asgardians would not go unnoticed.”
Strange turned to Loki, his temper rising, “I’m sorry, an entire cargo ship filled with what ?!”
Thor went stoic, even with one eye his stare bore deep through Loki, “Brother, what did you do?”
All eyes were on Loki now as he tried to play it cool with a coy smile. Unfortunately for him his trickster charms weren’t working. “Remember on Asgard when Heimdall couldn’t see me arrive or leave when I used the secret passages?” Thor continued his stern gaze, waiting for Loki to continue, “I figured I would do something similar with a simple spell not too long before we arrived… on nearly one hundred Asgardians.”
A sharp inhale went out of Thor’s nostrils. He rubbed his forehead in disbelief, “That’s why you have been different lately. This explains the lack of pranks and your use of magic in front of anyone.”
“You focused all of your magical energy to keep your people hidden.” Strange cut in, “Exactly how long did you expect to hold this spell? Surely not the rest of your life as it would drain you from the inside out.”
Loki rolled his eyes, “Of course I wouldn’t go on for that long. For the last month I’ve slowly been letting about a dozen people at a time go from the spell. To anyone like you who can tell the shift in your world, it would merely look like Midgard’s birthrate was slightly higher, but not abnormal.” He looked at Thor, “Did you ever wonder why nobody else has noticed a large ship coming through the atmosphere other than Stark and his little team? And they only knew because we contacted them before entrance.”
The room filled with silence as everyone was trying to process what Loki had done. It didn’t do any harm to the people of Asgard, but to be hidden away and not noticed by the entire world was too far. The Asgardians probably didn’t know Earth didn’t know about them. Here they were, trying to get by with help from only the Avengers when the world could’ve chipped in if they had any idea what was going on. The thought of innocent people under the watch of Earth’s mightiest heroes were struggling to get a hold of their new life when it could easily be fixed bothered you. There are millions of others in the world who need help as well, but this would be a quick start.
“Break the spell now.” You didn’t ask, you demanded. Loki looked at you as if you were some foreign object in the room, “Strange knows. There’s no need for this trick to go on any longer.”
Loki saw the other men silently agree. He knew he didn’t have any say in this. He wanted to say something more, but decided against it. Loki closed his eyes and with a slight clench of his fist, a tiny ripple of gold flowed around his hand. “There. It is done.” He said with a stiff tone.
“Now that that’s taken care of,” Strange pitched in, turning to Tony, “I do trust that the Avengers will keep an extremely close eye on Loki, but I will be making visits to your headquarters every once in a while to make sure he doesn’t have any more tricks up his sleeve.”
Tony was rather annoyed that Strange would show up on his own terms, but reluctantly agreed. Who else would know more about magical fiascos than an actual wizard? “Cool, now we have wizards guarding the castle with the dragon. See you around, Strange. Y/N, Wiseau, car. Now.” Tony spoke to the two of you as if you were children caught breaking a window.
He didn’t look at you as he led everyone outside, revealing a crowd of about a dozen people forming around the highly expensive car. When a few people noticed Tony and Thor, everyone turned and begged for autographs and photos. Tony smiled politely as you all trudged through the crowd, only saying hello and waving to a few people. Thor, on the other hand, took multiple selfies and hugged every other fan like a proper celebrity.
You noticed Loki visibly rolling his eyes at his brother, “Tough being the younger brother?” You asked him.
“Thor’s fame seems to follow him wherever we are.” Loki responded, “The devotees were mild compared to here, but nonetheless the spotlight is brighter in his direction.”
It took longer than intended to reach the car with all these people around. Before entering the car, you heard murmurs coming from the crowd. You made out a few words, which turned to sentences as more and more people talked.
“Who’s that girl?”
“Isn’t that Loki?”
“You don’t think Tony left his fiance for this chick, do you?”
“Maybe she’s Thor’s new girlfriend.”
“No way, Jane was far cooler.”
“Maybe she’s dating Loki.”
“That’s more believable than her and Thor.”
That was enough gossip for one day. You slipped into the back seat of the car, the door muffling the voices of the groupies. Loki sat in the seat next to you, refusing to look anywhere but out the window. Tony and Thor followed soon after, Thor taking the passenger side. Tony slammed the door harshly, then revved the car, speeding away from Bleecker street.
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